HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101014Corrected Brief in Support.pdfRandall C. Budge, ISB No. 1949 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 rcb§racinelaw.net RECElV i) t¡fll.r; orr I' ~.ß o. '2Lucir v . :\.+ fJ1v+ i-' Attorneys for Intervenor Monsanto Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL) OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE ) SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF ) $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY )13.7 PERCENT ) ) Case No. PAC-E-IO-07 BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS OR STRIKE TESTIMONY COMES NOW Intervenor, Monsanto Company ("Monsanto"), though counsel, and hereby submits this Brief in support of its Motion to Dismiss or Strike Testimony of Paul J. Clements. STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS Monsanto is the largest single-point customer on the PacifiCorp system in its six-state service area with an electrical load of just under 200 MW. On average, Monsanto consumes approximately 1.4 milion MWH of electricity, roughly 42 percent of Rocky Mountain Power's ("Company's") Idaho jurisdictional load, contributing annual revenues exceeding $42.4 milion. Monsanto mines phosphate ore in eastern Idaho utilized at the Soda Springs plant to produce elemental phosphorus. Electricity is the largest single cost of producing phosphorus at Monsanto's Soda Springs plant. With three electric fuaces and approximately 20 MW of auxiliar load, of which 9 MW is firm, Monsanto's total load is approximately 182 MW. BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - i Monsanto is a unique customer because it supplies 1,050 hours in three interrption options to provide operating reserves, system integrty, as well as economic curtilment to Rocky Mountain Power. Monsanto has been a special contract customer of Rocky Mountain Power (PacifiCorp) and its predecessor, Utah Power and Light Company, since 1951. Except for 9 MW of firm load, Monsanto has always been an interruptible customer. The current electric service agreement, effective Januar 1,2008, ("2008 Agreement"), was approved by the Commission's Order No. 30482, entered December 28, 2007, which approved a Stipulation offered as a proposed settlement of the rate issues in Case No. PAC-E-07-05. The Stipulation paragraph 33 and Order No. 30482, at page 8, stated: "The curailment valuation for Monsanto is based on a "black box" determination with no pary accepting a specific methodology for setting this valuation." The terms and conditions of the 2008 Agreement approved by the Commission, including the monthly charge for firm power and energy and interrptible power and energy are set fort in Electric Service Schedule No. 400. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER On May 28, 2010, Rocky Mountain Power fied the Application of Rocky Mountain Power For Approval of Changes to Its Electric Service Schedules and a price increase of $27.7 milion, or approximately 13.7 percent ("Application"). The proposed increase to Monsanto's contract Schedule 400 was 19.6 percent, the largest of any customer. In recognizing the value of Monsanto's interruptible products, this Commission has recognized their importance in establishing the net rate to Monsanto in the future and directed the parties to address interrptible product valuation in a general rate case. In Order No. 30197 entered December 18,2006, in Case No. PAC-E-0609, the Commission stated: "The Commission also recognizes that the value of interrptible products furnished by Monsanto, as well as Monsanto's cost of service, wil be important considerations in establishing the net rate to Monsanto in the future. Consequently, we expect the paries to address interrptible product valuation in BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - 2 the context of a general rate case when Monsanto's cost of service is determined." Notwithstanding this clear directive from the Commission, Rocky Mountain Power inexplicably failed to address in its direct testimony any discussion regarding any decrease to the value ofthe interrptible products. The Application included the existing value for interrptible products provided to the Company as a component of the total net power costs. The Application presented no testimony, exhibits, or work papers presenting or proposing any decrease to the interrptible credit value established by the paries as a "black box" settlement in the last case. Case No. PAC-E-07-05. Nor did Rocky Mountain Power present any exhibit showing any proposed change in Schedule 400 as would have been required by Rule 121 if a change was sought. As such, Monsanto had every reason to believe that no decrease in the interrptible value was being sought. From the outset, Monsanto has dilgently pursued discovery and is now finalizing its direct testimony to meet the October 14 filing deadline in reliance upon the Company's initial filings. Much to the surrise of Monsanto, on September 30, 2010, more than four months after the Application was filed and just two weeks before intervenor testimony is due, Rocky Mountain Power fied supplemental testimony of Paul H. Clements ("Clements testimony") proposing for the first time new methodologies, analyses, and recommendation regarding the economic valuation of the interruptible products offered by Monsanto, proposing a new reduced value, which is 62 percent lower than the value in the existing contract and the May 28, 2010 Application. This results in a 54 percent net increase in Monsanto's overall rate, more than double what was proposed in the Application. ARGUMENT 1. The Company's Application to Change Rates Fails to Comply With the Rules of Procedure and Order No. 30197 and Should Be Dismissed in its Entirety. In Case No. PAC-E-06-09, Order No. 30197 ("The Order") moved Monsanto from a contract to a tariff-based rate for the first time, stating: ~~The transition of Monsanto from contract to tariff standard customer, we find, wil faciltate future rate adjustments and should serve to keep Monsanto's rates better aligned with its costs of service. We appreciate that in moving to a tariff- based rate, Monsanto's has given up some of the certainty provided in a contract- BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - 3 based rate structure." In the Order, the Commission also recognized that the value of interrptible products fuished by Monsanto, as well as Monsanto's cost of service, will be important considerations in establishing the net rate to Monsanto in the future. For that reason, the Commission ordered: "Consequently, we expect the paries to address interrptible product valuation in the context of a general rate case when Monsanto's cost of service is determined." Order, p. 9. The Company knew that valuing Monsanto interruptibility was not only important, but necessar to establish the net rate for Monsanto in this case, as admitted by the Clements testimony. Clements testimony page 3, lines 8-13. The Company not only had every opportunity, but an absolute obligation under the Order, to address interrptible product valuation and in particular any decrease that would negatively impact Monsanto. Instead, the Company chose to ignore it and remained silent on this critically important issue until the eleventh hour. The Order specifically provided that Monsanto's interrptible product valuation must be addressed "when Monsanto's cost of service is determined." Accordingly, the time to file for a decrease in the credit, which the company now seeks, was at the same time the Application was fied for an increase in firm rates. The Clements testimony is a thinly veiled attempt to correct the Company's defect and omission in the original Application and amounts to an improper amendment to the pleadings because amendment is only allowed by leave of the Commission. Rule 66. Furhermore, by failing to set forth the reduction to the Monsanto interrptible product valuation and the resulting proposed changes of the existing rates and tariffs of Monsanto in the Application, the Company has failed to comply with Rule 121 which governs the form and contents of an application to change rates. Rule 121 provides in pertinent par: "121. FORM AND CONTENTS OF APPLICATION TO CHANGE RATES (Rule 121). 01. Utilty Applications to Change Rates. Applications by any public utility to increase, decrease or change any rate, fare, toll, rental or charge or any classification, contract, practice, rule or regulation resulting in any such increase, decrease or change must include the following data: BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - 4 a. An exhibit showing in full each proposed change in rates, tolls, rentals, charges, rules or regulation by striking over proposed deletions to existing tariffs and underlining proposed additions or amendments to existing tariffs, except applications to increase or decrease all or almost all rates and charges by a uniform percentage or by a uniform amount may be made by filing a tariff listing the proposed change and all unchanged rates and charges or rates and charges not changed by a uniform percentage or a uniform amount, or by use of another designation previously approved by the Commission that clearly calls attention to all proposed changes in numbers or wording. . . . 02. Proposals Based Upon Computer Modeling. In addition, in any application in which a computer model is used to represent or simulate processes from which the revenue requirement is derived or upon which allocations of the revenue requirement to different customer classes are based, complete documentation of all those computer models must be supplied to the Staff, upon request, and be available in the utility's office or other depository." Neither the Application nor the Clements testimony included any exhibit showing a decrease in the value of Monsanto interrptible products as required by Rule 121.01a. Quoting the testimony of Clements, the Company now proposes to value the Monsanto interrptible products based upon the "Front Office model" and "the GRID modeL." See Clements testimony page 14, lines 4-18. These models have never been previously approved by the Commission for valuing Monsanto's interruptible products and are presented for the first time in this case by the Clements testimony. In fact, Monsanto asked the Company to provide such a GRID model in order to evaluate the value of its interrptible products in Monsanto Data Request 3.41. The Company responded as follows: Monsanto Data Request 3.41 Please provide a GRID model populated with the latest forecast information for 2011,2012 and 2013 so that Monsanto can evaluate the system value of Monsanto curtailments and non-spin reserves. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3.41 The Company objects to the request on the basis that the Company has not prepared such an analysis. The Company has provided the GRID model to Monsanto so they can perform their own analysis. The net power cost study in the BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - 5 current proceeding includes the contract that was entered into in 2007 and is curently in effect for Monsanto curailment and non-spin reserves. Without explanation, the Company now proposes to use the very same GRID model analysis to establish a reduction in the value which they previously indicated to Monsanto did not exist. Furhermore, the Company stated in the response that the curent proceeding includes the curailment value currently in effect, and thus gave no indication that a decrease was waranted. It is obvious now the Company was not being forthright in responding to Monsanto's data request and has been "hiding the ball" for months. The Clements testimony suggests that beyond December 31, 2010, "there wil be no contract in place governing curtailment or obligating the paries to any contract terms." Clements supp, page 26, lines 19-23. This statement, like many others in his testimony which wil not be addressed at this time, is clearly erroneous. Monsanto's 2008 Electric Service Agreement with PacifiCorp provides in paragraph 2.1 for a term commencing on Januar 1,2008 and ending on December 31, 2010. It then goes on to provide that "after the termination date, PacifiCorp shall continue to provide any electric service to Monsanto as specified in Idaho Electric Service Schedule No. 400 or its successor then in effect until such time as the Commission establishes or approves other terms and conditions and prices." As such, the terms of the electric service agreement and Schedule 400 wil remain controllng and operable until changed by the Commission. While the delay arguably may result in some prejudice to the Company, it is the Company alone that should bear this burden and responsibilty by reason of the untimely fied Clements testimony. The Company's Application should be dismissed by reason of its failure to comply with the Order and Rule 121. 2. The New Clements Testimony Is Untimely, Prejudicial, and Should Be Dismissed. If the Commission chooses not to dismiss the Application, the Clements testimony should be dismissed as a late-fied pleading that is untimely, filed without the requisite BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - 6 order from the Commission, prejudicial and adversely affecting the substantial rights of Monsanto and other parties. Without first obtaining Commission approval, the Clements testimony amounts to an improper amendment of the Application by attempting to reduce the interruptible credit value in the existing contract and the May 28th Application to a new much smaller amount. The effect is to lower Monsanto's curtailment product value by 62 percent and increase by 54 percent Monsanto's overall rate, more than double what was proposed when the Application was fied. This is clearly prejudicial to Monsanto, which has conducted extensive discovery and prepared its direct testimony in reliance upon the Company's representation in the Application that there would be no decrease e in the curilment value. Rule 65 provides that "late pleadings may be retured or dismissed." Furhermore, Rule 66 provides that only "the Commission may allow any pleading to be amended or corrected, or any omission to be supplied." The time to fie for a decrease in the interrptible credit was when the Application was fied to increase rates, not more than four months later and a mere two weeks before staff and intervenor testimony is due. The dismissal of the Clements testimony wil not prejudice the Company which wil have a full and fair opportnity to address in its rebuttal testimony the change in value Monsanto and or others may recommend. However, Rocky Mountain Power only could properly rebut Monsanto's recommended value, without advocating for any value less than the existing amount. As the Interrptible Credit of Schedule 400 is a critical component of the overall rate which Monsanto pays Rocky Mountain Power, the opportunity to seek authority to decrease that credit was squarely the responsibility of the Company in their original Application. To stall for four months before fiing for a decrease in the credit is an unfair and self-serving tactic that now prejudices Monsanto. The May 28th Application sought an increase of$II.7 milion to Monsanto. The Clements testimony effectively raises that increase now to $22.7 millon. Furhermore, the Clements testimony substantially alters the direct testimony the Company fied on May 28 with respect to the rate design for Schedule 400: Q Please describe the Company's proposed rate design changes for BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - 7 Schedule 19, 23, 23A, 400 and 401. A For customers served on these schedules, the Company proposes a uniform percentage increase to all biling elements. (Direct Testimony of Wiliam R. Griffth, page 8, lines 15-18) Schedule 400 contains several biling elements, of which the Interrptible Demand Charge is one. This single billng element accounts for over $8 millon of Monsanto's curent total payment of $42.4 milion under Schedule 400. Accordingly, the Company proposal filed May 28 was that this biling element was scheduled to increase by the 19.6% uniform percentage increase the Company is seeking for Monsanto. However, the Clements testimony ignores the Company's earlier Application and fails to address the corresponding rate impact. Monsanto estimates that with the new reduced interrptible valuation proposed in the Clements testimony, the Interrptible Demand Charge in Schedule 400 wil increase from the present level of$3.94 per kW to $11.54, an increase of 192 percent. i That is, some four months since its Application the Company now proposes to increase the curent Interrptible Demand Charge almost three times. The late-fied Clements testimony also claims that "The Company is filing its recommendation as a backstop in the event that a settlement is not reached with Monsanto and the Commission is required to evaluate the evidence and ascribe a value to the interrptible products from Monsanto in order to determine a net rate for Monsanto staring Januar 1,2011." Clements testimony, page 3, lines 13-17. The "backstop" to which Mr. Clements refers is the Company's desire for a substatially reduced interrptible credit. If the Commission is required to evaluate any evidence on changing the current net rate of Monsanto, then the Company's evidence should have been presented with its May 28 Application. It is clear now that the Company intentionally misled Monsanto and the Commission when the Application was filed with respect to the value. Unless the Clements testimony is stricken, the Company wil be allowed to benefit from its own misconduct at the i The proposed firm demand charge of $14.68 less $1 i .54, times 162 MW of curtailable product equals $6. i milion as proposed in the Clements testimony. BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - 8 expense of Monsanto. CONCLUSION Based on the forgoing, Monsanto respectfully submits that the Company's Application should be dismissed entirety by reason of its failure to comply with the Commission's Order No. 30197 and the IPUC Rules of Procedure. Alternatively, the new Testimony of Company witness Paul J. Clements late fied on September 30, 2010 should be stricken from the record. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 1st day of October, 2010. RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED By~~~.4 RANDALL C. BUDGE BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - 9 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING ! 3- fl I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thisy- day of October, 2010, I served a true, correct and complete copy of the foregoing document, to each of the following, via the method so indicated: Jean D. Jewell, Secretar (original and 7) Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 E-mail: jjewell(fpuc.state.id.us U.S. Mail Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 E-mail: ted.westonCipacificorp.com E-Mail Paul J. Hickey Hickey & Evans, LLP 1800 CareyAve., Ste 700 PO Box 467 Cheyenne, WY 82003 E-mail: phickey§hickeyvans.com E-Mail Mark C. Moench Daniel Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 E-mail: mark.moench(ßacificorp.com daniel.so landerCipacificorp. com E-Mail Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 E-mail: datarequestCipacificorp.com E-Mail Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - 10 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 E-mail: scott.woodbury§puc.idaho.gov Katie Iverson Brubaker & Associates 17244 W. Cordova Court Surprise, Arizona 85387 E-mail: kiverson(fconsultbai.com James R. Smith Monsanto Company P. O. Box 816 Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 E-mail: jim.r.smithCfmonsanto.com Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 E-mail: elo(fracinelaw.net Anthony Yanel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, Ohio 44140 E-mail: tony(fyankel.net Tim Buller Jason Haris Agrium, Inc. 3010 Conda Road Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 E-mail: tbuller(fagrium.com jaharis§agriuni.com Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League P. O. Box 844 Boise, Idaho 83702 E-mail: botto§idahoconservation.org Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hil Road Boise, ID 83703 BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - ii E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-mail E-Mail E-mail: dreading(imindspring.com Melinda J. Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 333 SW Taylor, Suite 400 Portland, Oregon 97204 E-mail: mjd(idvclaw.com Ronald L. Wiliams Willams Bradbur, P.C. 1015 W. Hays Street Boise, Idaho 83702 E-mail: ron(iwiliamsbradbury.com Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 1 ih Street Boise, Idaho 83702 E-mail: bmpurdy§hotmaiLcom E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail E-Mail _~t-~ RANDALL C. BUDGE BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS, STRIKE TESTIMONY OR RE-SET SCHEDULE - 12