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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101216Application for Intervenor Funding.pdfW. MARCUS W. NYE RANDALL C. BUDGE JOHN A. BAILEY, JR. JOHN R. GOODELL JOHN B. INGELSTROM DANIEL C. GREEN BRENT O. ROCHE KIRK B. HADLEY FRED J. LEWIS ERIC L. OLSEN CONRAD J. AIKEN RICHARD A. HEARN, M.D. LANE V. ERICKSON DAVID E. ALEXANDER PATRICK N. GEORGE SCOTT J. SMITH JOSHUA D. JOHNSON STEPHEN J. MUHONEN BRENT L. WHITING JONATHON S. BYINGTON DAVE BAGLEY CAROL TIPPI VOLYN THOMAS J. BUDGE CANDICE M. MCHUGH JONATHAN M. VOLYN MARK A. SHAFFER LAW OFFICES OF RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE Be BAILEY CHARTERED BOISE OFFICE t01 SOUTH CAPITOL BOULEVARD, SUITE 208 BOISE, IDAHO 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 395-00 t 1 FACSIMILE: (208) 433.0167 201 EAST CENTER STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1391 POCATELLO, IDAHO 83204-1391 TELEPHONE (208) 232-6101 FACSIMILE (208) 232-6109 IDAHO FALLS OFFICE 477 SHOUP AVENUE SUITE 203A IDAHO FALLS, 10 83402 TELEPHONE: (208) 528-8101FACSIMILE: (208) COEUR D'ALENE OFFICE 250 NORTHWEST BOULEVARD, SUITE tOBA COEUR D'ALENE, 1083814 TELEPHONE: (208)765-6888 SENDER'S E-MAIL ADDREss:elo!§ ALL OFFICES TOLL FREE (877) 232-6101 LOUIS F. RACINE (1917-2005) WILLIAM.D. OLSON. OF COUNSEL December 16, 2010 Jean D. Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. PAC-E-IO-07 Dear Ms. Jewell: t?~ Enclosed for fiing in the captioned matter, please find the original and seven (7) copies of the Application for Intervenor Funding of the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. ELO:rg Enclosures cc: Service List Sincerely, ) 99- FOA ~CL.~EN I= Q Eric L. Olsen, ISB No. 4811 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 20W DEC f 6 Pr1 3: 27 Attorneys for Intervenor Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICA nON OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL) OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE ) SCHEDULES AND A PRICE INCREASE OF ) $27.7 MILLION, OR APPROXIMATELY 13.7 )PERCENT ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-IO-07 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. COMES NOW the Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc. ("Irrgators"), by and though counsel of record, Eric L. Olsen, and hereby respectfully makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for interenor funding, pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-617 A and IDAPA through .165, regarding the fees and costs associated with the Irgators paricipation in the above referenced matter, as follows: (A) A sumar of the expenses that the Irrgators request to recover broken down into legal fees, consultant fees and other costs and expenses is set fort in Exhbit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Itemized statements are also included as Attachments 1 and 2 to Exhibit "A" in support of said summar and are incorporated by reference. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC.-1 (B) Rocky Mountain Power ("RMP" or "Company"), a division ofPacifiCorp, provides power to thousands of individuals and entities thoughout Idaho and is now in the middle of a large expansion program. This building program is planed to signficantly increase the amount of Generation, Transmission, and Distrbution plants that PacifiCorp has in its servce terrtory. Notwithstanding the great recession, the constrction of these new facilties is considered justified based on anticipated need in the futue and the Company's and PacifiCorp's obligation to sere and not the inability to meet current demand in these depressed economic times. RMP fied its application ("Application") seeking authority to put into rate base Idaho's share of the $4 bilion of the new investments and $87 milion of increased net power costs. This amounted to a requested increase in revenue requirement of approximately $24.9 milion or a 12.3% average increase over RMP's curent rates. The Irrgators have paricipated in all facets of this case and filed the direct testimony of its expert Anthony Yane1 and sur rebuttal testimony of its President, Mark Mickelsen. The positions that the Irrgators have asked the Commission to adopt are as follows: 1. Although RMP recognzes that the 2009 Irgation sales were quite low because of "an unusually wet spring", its weather normalization process does not address precipitation. Using RMP' s weather normalized Irgation sales for the 11 years prior to 2009, it can be projected that in 2010 that the weather normalized Irgation sales should have been 545,000 MWH (17.7%) higher than used in the Company's filing. The test year Irgation revenue as well as the Idaho Jurisdictional revenue would be increased $7 milion if a realistic weather normalized Irrgation sales figue would have been used. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 2 2. RMP has assigned too much cost responsibilty to the Idaho jurisdiction based upon the energy allocation factor used for Idaho. This energy factor is based upon the same forecast sales data as used to develop the Idaho revenue, but a different (greater) set oflosses is applied to these sales than is calculated in the RMP's loss study for Idaho. PacifiCorp uses somethng referred to as "Border Load" to calculate Idaho's losses for jurisdictional allocation puroses. This Border Load method effectively measures all losses that occur in Idaho. However, only 23 % of all of the electrcity that enters the Idaho jursdiction is consumed in Idaho, with the rest of it simply passing through to non-Idaho customers. Idaho customers should not be charged for losses associated with energy that is simply passing through Idaho to sere others. 3 The IIP A concludes that although the Irgation Load Control Program is a major benefit to the system (provides a great savings for all system customers), the Idaho customers are paying signficantly more than the benefit that they are receiving. The LIP A recommends that in the long ter (by the next rate case) that this program be treated more as a system benefit where the curilments are "sold" to the system at their tre value. For puroses of this case, a more realistic reduction/credit should be given to Idaho in the Company's jurisdictional allocation model that reflects the actual curtailment that was available durng the test year as opposed to the limited (lower) amount that was used in the RM's filing. Use of actual 2010 curailment levels as opposed to levels lower than what were even available in 2009 results in a reduction of the revenue requirement by 2.5 milion. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 3 4. The IIP A has concerns about the Load Growth Adjustment Rate ("LGAR") that is a part of the Company's ECAM proceeding, but the rate is set in ths, a general rate case. The LGAR was originally established to keep the RMP from double recovery of growth related power supply costs. An unforeseen problem has arisen with respect to the fact that it was never conceived that load would be decreasing as opposed to increasing between rate cases. Under such circumstances, the LGAR acts as a decoupling mechanism and actually increases rates when load is lost. IIP A recommends that the Commission specify that the LGAR is not a symetrcal adjustment and that it only is used when there is growth between rate cases. 5. The lIP A believes that in light of the adjustments for irrgation sales and the problems with PacifiCorp's loss study, the Irgators believe that RMP's cost of serice study (as was the jursdictional model) does not have an adequate level of test year sales to the Irgators. The Irgators also point out that the class cost of servce study does not reflect the peak load reduction capabilty that is available, or even as used in the jurisdictional study. The Irgators do not present specific adjustments to this study, but simply recommend adoption of the RMP's proposed increase to the Irgators that is set at 70% of the jurisdictional average increase. 6. The Irrgators want the Commission to bifurcate the consideration of changes to the Irrgation Load Control Program to allow the Staff, Irrgators and other interested paries proper time to review the same. In the event the Commission wil address RMp's proposed changes in its pending order, then the Irrgators ask that the Commission (l) limit paricipation to pumps having 30 HP or less, (2) allow the APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 4 inclusion of additional language in the tarff similar to Idaho Power's paricipation selection language, but with the understanding to use it prudently, (3) allow a fixed opt out penalty of$0.005 per kWh of monthly biling like Idaho Power, and (4) make RMP live up to the terms of its letter agreement to keep the pricing of the Load Control Program at $30 per kW for the 2011 and 2012 irrgation seasons. (C) The expenses and costs incurred by the Irrgators set forth in Exhibit A and accompanying attachments are reasonable in amount and were necessarly incurred. The expenses and costs were incured in reviewing the RMP's filing, developing data requests, reviewing data requests, preparng direct and surrebuttal testimony, preparng for cross examination ofRMP's and interenor witnesses and paricipating in the techncal hearngs. (D) The costs descrbed in Paragraph (A) above constitute a financial hardship for the Irrgators. The Irrgators currently have approximately $33,005 in the ban with outstanding accounts payable from paricipation in other cases and this case totaling approximately $51,350. The Irrgators are an Idaho nonprofit corporation that was organized in 1968 to represent agrcultual interests in electrc utilty rate matters affecting farers in souther and central Idaho. The Irrgators rely solely upon dues and contrbutions voluntarily paid by members, together with interenor fuding, to support activities. Each year mailings are sent to approximately 7,500 Idaho Irrgators (approximately two-thirds in the Idaho Power Company serce area and one-third in the RMP service area), soliciting anual dues. The Irrgators recommend members make voluntar contrbutions based on acres irrgated or horsepower per pump. Member contrbutions have been fallng presumably due to the curent depressed economy, increased operating costs and threats relating to water right protection issues. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 5 From member contrbutions the Irrgators must pay all expenses, which generally include mailng expenses, meeting expenses and shared offce space in Boise, Idaho, in addition to the expenses relating to paricipation in rate cases. The Executive Director, Lyn Tominaga, is the only par-time paid employee, receiving a retainer plus expenses for office space, office equipment, and secretaral services. Offcers and directors are elected annually and sere without compensation. It has been and continues to be a financial hardship for the Irrgators to fully paricipate in this review and settlement. As a result of financial constraints, paricipation in this review and settlement has been selective and, primarly, on a limited basis. (E) The Irrgators' positions urged to be adopted by the Commission materally differed from those addressed by the Commission Staff and other paries on several important points. First, the Irrgators addressed the differential of Jurisdictional Sales and Jursdictional Allocations. PacifiCorp's case had 2.66% more energy/kWh responsibilty attbuted to Idaho in the jurisdictional allocation model than what was attrbuted to Idaho for the calculation of jursdictional revenues. The reason for this differential was traced to the fact that Pacificorp assigned too much line losses to the Idaho jursdiction. When the proper amount of energy was run through the JAM and RAM models, RM proposed rate increase should be reduced by $5,394,641. Ths issue was not addressed by Staff or other intervenors. The Irrgators also pointed out that the test year sales/revenue for the numbers for the residential class were suspect due to the same reasons that Irrgation sales revenue were too low. This issue was not addressed by Staff, but was mentioned by other intervenors. Since this case wil set base net power supply costs, the Irrgators asked to Commission to find that the application ofthe LGAR in RMP's ECAM should not be applied symetrcally so that in APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 6 periods of declining load it does not act like a decoupling mechansm and impute revenue to recover RMP's fixed costs. This issue was not addressed by Staff or other intervenors. Finally, the Irrgators supported a system allocation of the costs of the Irrgation Load Control Program. In the interim, the Irrgators put forth the proposition to increase the credit flowing to Idaho in the JAM model for actual curtailment available in 2010 rather than the 2009 amounts. This change would result in a reduction in revenue requirement of approximately $2.5 milion. This issue was not addressed by Staff or the other interenors. (F) The Irrgator's proposed adjustments resulting from the appropriate amount of transmission losses attrbutable to Idaho and getting a more appropriate interption credit in the JAM model for the Load Control Program result in the reduction ofRMP's proposed rate increase of approximately $7.8 milion. These reductions directly affect the whole body of customer classes on RMP's Idaho system by benefitting all with a lower average rate increase. (G) The Irrgators represent the irrgation class of customers under Schedule 24. Based on the foregoing, it is respectfully submitted that the Irrgators are a qualifyng interenor and should be entitled to an award of costs of intervention in the maximum amount allowable pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-617A and IDAPA though .165. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC.. 7 DATED ths the J L14dayofDeCember, 2010. RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED By APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF IDAHO IRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 16th day of December, 2010, I sered a true, correct and complete copy of the Idaho Irgation Pumpers Association, Inc. 's Applicationfor Interenor Funding to each of the following, via U.S. Mail or private courier, e-mail or hand delivery, as indicated below: Jean D. Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 472 WI Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 j us U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid _~_E-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail x Hand Delivered Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 ted. U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid x E-Mail Facsimile Overight Mail Hand Delivered Electronic Copies Only: Mark C. Moench Daniel E. Solander PacifiCorp/dba Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 mark.moench( daniel.solander( U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid x E-Mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered Data Request Response Center Pacificorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 dataequest( U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-Mail Facsimile Overight Mail Hand Delivered Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington (83702) PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 scott. woodbur(ipuc.idaho. gov U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid x E-Mail Facsimile Overight Mail Hand Delivered APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 9 Randall C. Budge Racine Olson Nye Budge & Bailey Chtd. P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Street Pocatello, Idaho 83204 U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid E-Mail Facsimile Overght Mail ~_ Hand Delivered Katie Iverson Brubaker & Associates 17244 W. Cordova Court Surprise, AZ 85387 U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid x E-Mail Facsimile Overght Mail Hand Delivered Electronic Copies Only: James R. Smith Monsanto Company P.O. Box 816 Soda Springs, il 83276 U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid x E-Mail Facsimile Overight Mail Hand Delivered Tim Buller Jason Hars Agrum Inc. 3010 Conda Road Soda Springs, ID 83276 U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid x E-Mail Facsimile Overight Mail Hand Delivered Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conseration League 710 N. 6th Street POBox 844 Boise, Idaho 83702 U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid~_E-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered Melinda J. Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 333 SW Taylor, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97204 U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid x E-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. -10 Ronald L. Wiliams Wiliams Bradbury, P.e. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, Idaho 83702 ron0) U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid --_ E-Mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 bmpurdy0) U.S. Maillostage Prepaid --_ E-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered Fó, LSEN APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC.-11 EXHIBIT A SUMMARY OF EXPENSES INCURRD BY IRRGATORS IN CASE NO. PAC-E-IO-07 1. Legal Fees: Eric L. Olsen (Parner): 122.4 hrs t§ $185.00 per hour $ 22,644.00 Costs: Postage/travel/hotel/meals $ 1.655.98 Total Legal Fees & Costs:$ 24,299.98 2. Consultant Fees: Anthony J. Yanel: 100 hrs t§ $125 per hour $ 60,625.00 Costs: Travel & Meals $ 1,930.34 Total Consultant Fees & Cost $62.555.34 TOTAL FEES AND EXPENSES:$86,855.32 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 12 Attachment 1 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. -13 Detail Fee Transaction File List RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY CHARTERED Trans Hours Date Att Rate to Bil Amount Description 6/1/2010 ELO 185 0.40 74.00 REVIEW AND REVISE PETITION TO INTERVENE AND SEE THAT SAME IS FILED 6/11/2010 ELO 185 0.10 18.50 EMAIL TED WESTON YANKElS CONTACT INFORMATION FOR ACCESS TO THE GRID MODEL 6/12/2010 ELO 185 1.0 222.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: HIS OBSERVATIONS ON REVIEW OF RATE CASE; DRAFT EMAIL TO EXECUTIVE BOARD RE; ISSUES RAISED BY RATE CAE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: SAME 6/15/2010 ElO 185 1.60 296.00 EXECUTE PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT AND EMAIL SIGNATURE PAGE TO RMP'S COUNSEL; PREPARE DATA REQUESTS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH JUDY ERWIN RE: CONFERENCE CALL; EMAIL EXECUTIVE COMMITIEE RE: CONFERENCE CALL; REVISE DATA REQUESTS AND SEE THAT SAME ARE SERVED ON PARTIS 6/17/2010 ELO 185 1.0 203.50 PREPARE FOR AND PARTIOPATE IN IIPA CONFERENCE CALL WITH EXECUTIVE BOARD CONFERENCE CALL; REVEIW EMAIL FROM RMP COUNSEL RE: DATA REQUESTS 7/7/2010 ELO 185 0.30 55.50 SEE THAT DATA REQUESTS ARE PREPARED 7/12/2010 ELO 185 0.20 37.00 REVIEW NOTICE OF PARTIES AND ORDERS FOR INTERVENTION 7/19/2010 ELO 185 0.30 S5.s0 REVIEW 3RD DATA REQUESTS AND SEE THAT SAME ARE SENT OUT 8/9/2010 ELO 185 0.20 37.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: STATUS OF REVIEW AND ISSUES TO RAISE IN DIRECT TESTIMONY AND NEED FOR FURTHER DISCOVERY 8/13/2010 ELO 185 1.60 296.00 REVIEW PACIFICORP DIRECT TESTIMONY IN PREPARATION FOR HEARINGS 8/16/2010 ELO 185 0.90 166.50 CONTINUED REVIEW OF RMP DIRECT TESTIMONY 8/17/2010 ELO 185 1.20 222.00 CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: ISSUES WITH INTERRUPT1BILlTY PROGRAM AND RMP RATE CASE 8/19/2010 ELO 185 0.70 129.50 CONTINUED REVIEW TESTIMONY OF WITNESS MCDOUGAL 8/20/2010 ELO 185 1.10 203.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: INFORMATION ABOUTM$P ALLOCATION IN RMP RATE CASE; CONTINUED REVIEW OF RMP DIRECT TESTIMONY 8/23/2010 ELO 185 0.20 37.00 EMAIL TONY YANKEL RE: ISSUES WITH RMP RATE CASE REVIEW 8/24/2010 ELO 185 0.20 37.00 SEE THAT DATA REQUESTS ARE SENT OUT; REVIEW DATA REQUESTS AND SEE THAT SAME ARE PREPARED AND SENT; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEl RE: REVIEW OF LGAR FOR NEW POWER COSTS 8/25/2010 ELO 185 0.50 92.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: OTHER ISSUES TO EXPLORE IN DATA REQUESTS; EMAL TONY YANKEL RE: ECAM CAE; REVIEW EMAIL ABOUT CLARIFICATIONS OF DATA REQUESTS 8/31/2010 ELO 185 0.20 37.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY RE: RMP RATE CASE ISSUES 9/72010 ELO 185 0.10 18.50 CALL AND LEAVE MESSAGE WITH TONY YANKEL 9/8/2010 ELO 185 1.40 2S9.OO CONFERENCE CALL WITH TONY YANKEL AND WITH STAFF REGARDING ISSUE OF ALLOCATION OF COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH LOAD CONTROL PROGRAM 9/9/2010 ELO 185 0.50 92.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL REGARDING ISSUES WITH RMP RATE CAE AND UPCOMING CONFERENCE CALL WITH RMP ANALYST; GET AND EMAIL DATA REQUEST INFORMATION FOR TONY FOR REVIEW 9/17/2010 ELO 185 0.40 74.00 REVIEW DATA RESPONSES IN RMP CASE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: STATUS OF REVIEW 9/22/2010 ELO 185 0.20 37.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: STATUS OR ROCKY MOUNTAIN RATE CASE 9/24/2010 ElO 185 0.30 55.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: ISSUES TO ADDRESS IN DIRECT TESTIMONY 9/29/2010 ELO 185 0.70 129.50 CONFERENCE RE: ISSUES WITH RMP RATE CAE 10/1/2010 ELO 185 1.70 314.50 CONTINUED REVIEW OF COMPANY TESTIMONY; SEE THAT MISSING DATA REQUESTS ARE SENT TO TONY YANKEL FOR REVIEW 10/4/2010 ElO 185 0,60 111.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CONFERENCE CALL; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH SID ERWIN RE: SAME; CALLAND lEAVE MESSAGE WITH YANKELAND MARK MICKELSEN; EMAil CONFERENCE CAll INFORMATION 10/5/2010 ElO 185 0.70 129.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: ISSUES TO BE RAISED IN DIRECT TESTIMONY 10/6/2010 ELO 185 0.20 37.00 EMAil EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RE: DRAFT TESTIMONY ADVANCE OF CONFERENCE CALL 10/11/2010 ElO 185 3.60 666.00 REVIEW AND REVISE YANKEL DIRECT TESTIMONY 10/13/2010 ELO 185 5.00 925.00 REVIEW AND REVISE YANKEl'S DIRECT TESTIMONY; CONFERENCE WITH YANKEL RE: DIRECT TESTIMONY; PREPARE EXHIBITS FOR FILING 10/14/2010 ELO 185 2.10 388.50 FINALIZE DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TONY YANKEL AND THAT SAME IS FILED AND SERVED ON THE PARTIES 10/19/2010 ELO 185 0.60 111.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: POSITIONS OF OTHER PARTIES IN RATE CASE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH DANIEL SOLANDER RE: GmlNG COPIES OF WORK PAPERS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE IWHT TONY YANKEl RE: GETTING COPIE OF WORK PAPERS FOR OTHER PARTIES 10/20/2010 ELO 185 0.30 55.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEl RE: REVIEW OF OTHER PARTY'S TESTIMONY 10/21/2010 ElO 185 1.00 185.00 REVIEW OTHER INTERVENOR DIRECT TESTIMONY 10/22/2010 ELO 185 1.20 222.00 CONTINUED REVIEW DIRECT INTERVENOR TESTIMONY 10/25/2010 ELO 185 0.20 37.00 REVIEW COMMISSION ORDER RE: MONSANTO INTERRUPTI81l1TY HEARINGS; EMAIL TONY YANKEL SAME 10/25/2010 ELO 185 0.80 148.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF INTERVENOR DIRECT TESTIMONY 10/27/2010 ELO 185 2,50 462.50 CONTINUED REVIEW OF INTERVENOR DIRECT TESTIMONY 11/1/2010 ELO 185 0.90 166.50 PREPARE FOR AND PARTICIPATE IN EXECUTIVE BOARD CONFERENCE CALL REGARDING ISSUES AND STATUS OF RMP RATE CAE 11/2/2010 ELO 185 0.20 37.00 REVIEW REVISIONS TODIRECTTESTIMONY 11/5/2010 ELO 185 2.60 481.00 REVIEW STAFF AND OTHER INTERVENOR DIRECT TESTIMONY 11/8/2010 ELO 185 0.20 37.00 REVIEW ORDER ON PUBLIC HEARINGS; EMAIL NOTICE EXECUTIVE BOARD 11/18/2010 ELO 185 2.00 370.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF INTERVENOR DIRECT TESTIMONY AND RMP REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; SEE THAT ADDITIONAL DATA REQUESTS ARE SERVED; CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL REGARDING SAME 11/19/2010 ELO 185 3.20 592.00 PARTICIPATE IN EXECUTIVE BOARD CONFERENCE CALL REGARDING ISSUES IN RMP RATE CASE; DRAFT MOTION TO PROVIDE SUR REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MARK MICKELSEN; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH SCOTT WOODBURY REGARDING SAME; EMAIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE; DRAFT SUR REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MARK MICKELSEN 11/22/2010 ELO 185 1.60 296.00 CONTINUED DRAFTING OF SUR REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MARK MICKELSEN 11/22/2010 ELO 185 3.30 610.50 CONTINUED REVIEW OF RMP REBUTIAL TESTIMONY IN PREPARATION FOR CROSS EXAMINATION 11/23/2010 ELO 185 3.80 703.00 REVIEW DIRECT TESTIMONY OF GARY GRAYSON; REVIEW REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF CAROL HUNTER; CONTINUED DRAFTING OF TESTIMONY OF MARK MICKELSEN 11/23/2010 ElO 185 3.60 666.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF RMP BEBUTTAL TESTIMONY IN PREPARATION FOR TECHNICAL HEARING 11/24/2010 ElO 185 2.20 407.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF RMP REBUTTAL TESTIMONY IN PREPARATION FOR TECHNICAL HEARING 11/26/2010 ELO 185 2.00 370.00 FINALIZE DRAFT OF SUR REBUTTAL TESTIMONY AND EMAIL FOR REVIEW 11/26/2010 ELO 185 2.00 370.00 PREPARE CROSS EXAMINATION QUESTIONS FOR COMPANY WITNESSES 11/27/2010 ELO 185 2.50 462.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH YANKEL AND MICKELSEN; REVISE SUR REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; CONTINUED PREPARATION OF CROSS EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 11/28/2010 ELO 185 2.40 444.00 CONTINUED PREPARATION OF CROSS EXAMINATION QUESTIONS FOR COMPANY WITNESSES 11/29/2010 ElO 185 10.70 1,979.50 FINALIZE TESTIMONY OF MARK MICKELSEN; SEE THAT MOTION AND SUR REBUTAL TESTIMONY ARE FILED AND SERVED; CONTINUED PREPARATION FOR HEARING AND CROSS EXAMINATION OF COMPANY WITNESSES 11/29/2010 ELO 185 3.50 647.50 TRAVEL TO BOISE 11/30/2010 ELO 185 9.50 1,757.50 PREPARE CROSS EXAMINATION QUESTIONS; ATTEND TECHNICAL HEARINGS AND CROSS EXAMINE COMPANY WITNESSES 11/30/2010 ELO 185 4.00 740.00 PREPARE FOR TECHNICAL HEARINGS AND CROSS EXAMINATION OF COMPANY WITNESSES 12/1/2010 ELO 185 9.70 1,794.50 PREPARE FOR HEARINGS; PARTICIPATE IN HEARINGS AND CROSS EXAMINE COMPANY WITNESSES 12/1/2010 ELO 185 3.00 555.00 PREPARE CROSS EXAMINATION FOR COMPANY WITNESSES 12/2/2010 ELO 185 8.90 1,646.50 PARTICIPATE IN TECHNICAL HEARINGS AND CROSS EXAMINE COMPANY WITNESSES; PRESENT IIPA CASE AND WITNESSES 12/16/2010 ELO 185 4.50 832.50 PREPARE APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 122.40 22,644.00 Trans Date Atty 7/26/2010 no 8/19/2010 ELO 9/23/2010 no 9/23/2010 no 9/30/2010 ELO 9/30/2010 ELO 10/13/2010 no 11/17/2010 flO 12/3/2010 ELO 12/3/2010 ElO Detail Canst Transaction File List RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILY CHARTERED Amount Description 152.52 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL - 6/17 73.96 POSTAGE 8/10 - ANTHONY YANKEL 24.61 POSTAGE 9/14 - ANTHONY YANKEL 23.59 POSTAGE 9/17 - ANTHONY YANKEl 2.68 POSTAGE 14.20 POSTAGE 55.91 UPS POSTAGE ADJUSTMENT FROM 9/8/2010 325.67 ElO CONFERENCE CALL - 10/7/2010 234.00 RT MILEAGE POCATELLO-BOISE -11/29 748.84 lODGING AND MEALS -11/29-12/3 1,655.98 Attachment 2 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. -14 e-o(.i.... Date ~ii June 10 3 11 6 14 6 Description Review cost of service study fied in case; review testimony of Company witness Walje. Reviewtestimony and exhibits of other company witnesses. Develop first set of interrogatories for the Company~ discuss with Olsen the general problems I see with the Company's filing. 15 5 Continue to develop interrogatories by review the Company's filing in this case and comparng it to some of the changes that have occUlTed since the last case. 16 2 Review filing for details regarding sales and sales adjustments; conversation with Olsen and others regarding direction of case and issues .reviewed thus far. 18 2 Review initial data responses provide by PacifCorp to Monsanto. 21 2 Furher review initial data responses provide by PacifCorp to Monsanto and the vaiious attchments. 23 3 Review result of cost of servce study and the variables that are contained in it. 25 4 Review data responses provided to Monsanto. 28 4 Review data responses provided to Monsanto; develop issues with respect to the relationship between cost of service and bil/sales: review different aspects of the treatment of the interrptible load on a system basis. 29 5 Review all of the confidential material that was finally provided by the Company. 30 3 Review data responses provided to Monsanto. July 3 Review data responses to Irrigator's requests; review spreadsheet information 2 4 Review data responses to Irrgator's requests; review spreadsheet information 14 8 Review data responses to lnigator's requests; review spreadsheet information provided; develop follow-up questions. 15 7 Review data responses to Irrigator's requests; review spreadsheet information provided; develop follow-up questions. 16 7 Review data responses to Irigator's requests; review spreadsheet infoimation provided; develop more follow-up questions. Date 17 Aug. 3 19 2l 23 27 29 30 5 6 9 10 11 ~i..~ ii 5 Description Continue to develop additional data requests that are follow-up to what was provided; send to Olsen. 4 Continue to review data responses in a manner to coordinate the data in the responses that should be similar; determine what responses are missing and request the same. 6 Review the various reports filed by the Company regarding losses by jurisdictions; review company reports regarding demand side management projects and their cost/benefit. 4 Review the differences in the data used in the Net Power Cost model with the historic data regarding system load; review impact, or lack there of associated with the Irrigation load management program on the costs calculated by the Company. 4 Review the missing data responses that had arrved; develop follow-up questions, 5 Develop follow-up interrogatories regarding the Company's cool keepter program in Utah and what the numbers mean that were provided in response to IIPA request 12; review the historic sales levels and the projections used in this case. 3 Review development of Irrigation historic biling and compare weather noimalized and actual. 5 Review data response regarding weather normalization of Irigation load and other loads; compare historical IiTigation loads with normalized loads. 6 Review weather normalization adjustments of Irrigation customers in the Idaho Power service are and compare with that proposed by PacifiCorp; develop 6 Review data responses and formulate data from various sources for consistency in the establishment of the level of hTigation curtailment for the test year; develop inteiTogatories. 8 Review data responses and review usage and load research data in order to understand forecasting and weather normalization; develop additional 8 Review data responses and review usage and load research data in order to understand forecasting and weather normalization; develop additional 2 Review hourly distribution data that was provided and how it varied and how it was nonnalized for 2010. Date l2 Sept 2 13 l6 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 31 §ti... gii 8 Description Work with data provided by the Company to establish what may be going on with the manner in which the irrigation load is normalized; investivate the difference between hourly data between various years. 8 Review data responses to Monsanto and the Commission staff; develop additional interrogatories. 6 Review hourly border data and compare to load survey data in order to review losses and discrepancies. 7 Review hourly border data and compare to load survey data in order to review the differences between the two; attempt to define the reason for the differences in the two data sets and why the June and August data are so different than the rest ofthe year. 6 Review material supplied by Olsen; address the direction of the credit paid to Irrigators and the payment of that credit by the Idaho jurisdiction; conversation with Irrigators; review discovery responses to see if more interrogatories are needed. 8 Review the responses to all of the responses to Monsanto data requests sets i -7; where appropriate, review associated data on CD that was provided, 7 Review hourly border data for 2009 and compare it to load research data; develop relationships between the percentage difference in the two data sets with respect to day of the week and time of day 7 Develop additional inten'ogatories and send them to Olsen; review ECAM and past material to see what needs to be done about a negative LGAG. 8 Review data responses to the Commission Staff; develop and submit addition data requests. 6 Review weatherization adjustments and load research data; write additional interrogatories. 7 Work on load research data and border load data to coordinate the two; develop and submit interrogatories. 5 Review some of the data responses that recently came to the Staf and Monsanto. 3 Prepare for and attend (via phone) a conference with the Irrigators and PacifCorp regarding the treatment of the interrptibilty program in the present rate case. Date 3 7 8 9 13 15 16 l7 20 21 22 23 8-o(,t+... ~i: 6 Description Review alternative ways to address the treatment of the irrgation interruptibilty that would reflect some sort of jurisdictional allocation and yet satisfy the concerns raised by the Company that it could not continue the program without collecting all 8 Review recent data responses that came in; work on jurisdictional progras in order to determine how to get them to work; discuss the same and other topics with Commission Staff; get the jurisdictional models to work. 7 Continue to work on the sales level forecasts in order to determine how data is put together and the validity of the data used in the jurisdictional model for Idaho as well as all of the other jurisdictions such that Idaho's allocation seems to be increasing or at least quite en-atic; prepare for an4 have conference call with the Staff regarding the concerns regarding situs tratment that were raised by the Company. 2 Prepare for and attend telephone conference with PacifiCorp and paries to the case in order to get a better explanation of how the company forecasts sale and load. 5 Review sales forecast for irrigators and compare forecast to historic normalized hTigation loads as well as variations between model predictions (based upon actual weather) and actual usage. 7 Review the calculation of the level of sales associated with Idaho revenues and those attributed to Idaho via the jurisdictional projection; work to develop the relationship between border loads and those predicted by load research. 5 Develop the relationship between border loads and those predicted by load research for 2009. 6 Review load research data for the irrigators in order to piece together how inigation customers impact the system load for those that are on-peak as well as those that are not. 7 Develop relationships using responses to Î1Tigation requests 5, 22, and 26 in order to get a better, long-teim perspective of irrigation sales for use as a forecast 5 Review multiple data responses that were provided by Eric; work with irrgation load research data to get a better understanding of what the company is refering to regarding what it calls "free-riders". 6 Work with in-igation load research data to get a better understanding of what the company is refering to regarding what it calls tlfree-riders". 5 Work with the Company's COS model in order to make it run; converatIons with Staff regarding same; test the workings of the modeL. e-o0i.... Date ~Descriptiont: 24 7 Work with JAM and RAM models in order to figure out how they work; conversations with the Staff and the Company regarding the same; work with model to develop test data to insure that changes can be made. 27 6 Review additional data responses that have been proviced, with emphasis on responses to Monsanto set l3; outlne testimony to be written regarding the low level of irrigation sales; develop possible exhibits. 28 7 Begin to draft testimony regarding the inappropriate level of nornialized sales. for the in-igators; demonstrate how off the values are using graphs of historic data. 29 7 Develop graphs for testimony; write testimony regarding irrigation sales levels; review impact of changing sales on irrigation demand levels. 30 7 Develop testimony regarding the problems with the residential usage data and how it is similar to the nornialization of the iriigation data; prepare for and attend conference call with the Company regarding the status of the Î1Tigation load management program. Oct 1 6 Finalize dr of normalized irrigation sales testimony. 4 9 Develop testimony and data that demonstrates the fact that Idaho is being charged too much in the way of losses compared to what is appropriate. 5 10 Write testimony regarding the level of extra sales being assigned to Idaho and coordinate that with the testimony regarding irrgation sales being too low. 6 9 Write testimony regarding the load management program and how it should be treated in the case; review exhibits and possible data to incorporate. 7 8 Finalize draft of testimony; review of 3-year agreement with PacifiCorp; discussion with Olsen and then with the Board regarding positions; discussion with Pacificorp regarding in-igation program; rap-up with board, 11 7 Review testimony as a unit; revise wording to clarify; insure that calculations were correct. 12 8 Go over numbers and tables; develop tables in a different format so that they go into the text with more clarity; revise numberns appropriate. 13 7 Develop exhibits as needed; make changes to text to cOITected wording problems to the draft per conversation with Olsen. l4 4 Do fina review and make con-ections as needed. l8 2 Read testimony of the Staf. e-o0li... Date ~i: 19 2 20 4 Description Read testimony of the industrial intervenors. Read testimony of Reading; converations with Olsen; develop workpapers requested by the Company. 21 6 Find and/or develop workpapers for submittal to Company; rerun RAM and JAM in order to give to the Company. 25 5 Read testimony of Monsanto witness Collns as it impacts the Monsanto interruptions ánd as it impacts the credit to the Irrigators; read testimonies of Iverson, Peseau, Smith, and Widmer for Monsanto. 27 1 Discussion with Staff regarding testimony fied last week; calculate impact of changes to page 24 of my testimony. Nov 3 3 Prepare for meeting regarding my testimony and workpapers in the PacifiCorp case with the staff; meet with members of the Commission staff to discuss case and the PacifiCorp load management program. 5 4 Meeting with the Commission staff to discuss meeting that took place with the Company; phone conference with the Company and the Irrigators regarding the load management program and situs treatment. lO 1 Conversation with staff regarding workpapers and calculations as well as meetings with the company. 18 i Develop additional interrogatories based upon Hunter's rebuttal testimony. 19 5 Develop policy type cross for Walje, develop cross for Tallman regarding used and useful, develop some cross for Hunter regarding her proposed changes to the load management program. 22 3 Develop additional cross for Hunter regarding the proposed changes to the load management prograni. 23 3 Develop additional.cross for Gerrard regarding new transmission plant and for Hui Shoo 24 7 Develop cross for Eelkema regarding his position regarding sales level for the irrigators. 26 3 Develop cross for McDougal regarding losses assigned to Idaho. 27 4 Work with Olsen and Mickelsen to develop Mickelsen's testimony. 29 6 Review testimony and prepare for hearing; review all material needed for hearing regarding my testimony and the crossexamination that we wil do; response to questions bv Olsen. e-o0t..-0 Date roi: 30 8 Dec 8 2 6 3 6 Tota 485 Description Travel to Boise, review testimony, perpare for hearng, attend hearing. Attend healing and assist Olsen with crossexamination. Attend hearing and assist Olsen with crossexamInation. Follow-up review on the hearing; review of intenuptibily credit, travel home. (q $125 per hour = $60,625 Date 3-Nov 4-Nov 5-Nov 30-Nov I-Dec 2-Dec 3-Dec Subtotals Lodging $0.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE Meals $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $315.00 Total Travel Expense Transportation $897.80 Air Line $99.23 car $5l1.80 Air Line $106.5l car $1~6l5.34 $1,930.34