HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101221Application for Intervenor Funding.pdfBrad M. Pudy Attorney at Law BarNo. 3472 2019 N. 17th St. Boise,ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 (Land) (208) 384-8511 (Fax) RECE!\1 20m nEe 21 PH 2:22 Attorney for Petitioner ÐOmmunty Action Parership Association of Idao BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER FOR APPROVAL OF CHAGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-I0-07 ) ) COMMUTY ACTION ) PARTNRSHIP ASSOCIA- ) TION'S PETITION FOR ) INTERVENOR FUNDING ) ) COMES NOW, Applicant Communty Action Parership Association ofIdao (CAP AI) and, puruat to Idaho Code § 61-617 A and Rules 161-165 of the Commssion's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01, petitions ths Commssion for an award of interenor fuding in the above-captioned proceeding. Rule 161 Requirements: Rocky Mountain Power (Rocky Mounta) is a reguated electrc public utility with gross Idaho intrastate anua revenues exceeding three millon, five hundrd thousad dollars ($3,500,000.00). Rule 162 Requirements: (01) Itemized list of Expenses CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 1 Consistent with Rule 162(01) of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, an itemized list of all expenses incurd by CAP AI in ths proceedig is atthed hereto as Exhbit "A." CAP AI seeks tota fuding of$16,975.75. (02) Statement of Proposed Findings The proposed findings and recommendations of CAP AI are set fort in the dirct, prefied testimony ofTeri Ottens fied in this matter. CAPAI proposes that Rocky Mounta's LIWA fuding be increased to an amount more at party with A VISTA and that said increase not be deferred pending the outcome of an evaluation of LIW A; a program tht the Company already concedes is prudent and cost-effective. CAP AI fuer proposes that Rocky Mounta's LIWA progr design to elimte the existing requiement that fuding for each LIW A project consist of at least 25% federal fuding. CAPAI opposes Rocky Mountain's proposa to increase its basic monthy charge to $12.00. CAP AI proposes an increas in the fist consumption block of the Company's proposed tiered residential rate design to 875 kWh. (03) Statement Showing Costs CAPAI fuly paricipated in every aspect of this case from its review of the Company's original fiing to a post-hearg brief fied contemporaneously herewith. CAP AI addressed issues of concern to the general body of ratepayers, took a position materially different from the Commssion Sta, and was the only par who addressed the interests of the Company's sizeable population of low-income customers. Based on ths as well as other reasons stated herein, CAP AI submits, therefore, that the costs and fees incured in ths case, and set fort in Exhbit "A," are reasonable in amount. CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 2 (04) Explanation of Cost Statement CAP AI is a non-profit corporation overseeing a number of agencies who fight the causes and conditions of povert thoughout Idaho. CAPAI's fuding for any given effort might come from a different varety of sources, including governenta. CAP AI does not have "memberships" and, therefore, does not receive member contrbutions of any kid. Many of CAP AI's fudig sources are unpredictable and impose conditions or limtations on the scope and natue of work eligible for fuding. CAPAI, therefore, has relatively little "discretionar" fuds available for all projects. Some matters before ths Commssion, fuermore, do not qualify for intervenor fuding by virte of their natue. Thus, were it not for the availabilty of intervenor fuds and past awards by ths Commssion, CAP AI would not be able to paricipate in cases before this Commssion. Even with intervenor fuding, paricipation in Commssion cases constitutes a signficant finacial hadship because CAP AI must pay its expenses as they are incured, not if and when intervenor fuding becomes available. Because CAP AI's petitions for fuding are for monies already expended, and given the lengt of tie between the filing of Rocky Mounta's genera rate case, and the conclusion of this proceeding next year and what hopefuly will be an award of intervenor fuding, CAP AI must car these expenses for a considerable period of time. This presents signficant cash flow challenges. Out of necessity, CAP AI must resourcefuly maximize every opportty at its disposal and make an earest effort to mize costs while stil competently and meanngfully contrbuting materially to the Commssion's decision in proceedings such as ths. Because CAP AI tyically canot aford to retai expert witnesses in all areas that are of concern to low- income customers, it must be resourceful in utilzing the experience of its attorney and low- CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 3 income expert and rely on resources and tools readily available to the public. CAP AI and its representatives certnly make their best effort to provide the Commssion with information and perspectives that are inormed, accurate and, therefore, of use to the Commssion in reachig its decisions. It is safe to say tht CAPAI's attorney and low-income expert do not simply price their services at otherwse applicable market rates, but tae into consideration the financial means of their client as a major factor. CAPAI respectfly submits that ths results in intervenor fuding petitions that are relatively modest under the circumstaces. Were it not for the availabilty of intervenor fuding, it is unikely tht CAP AI would be fincially able to continue representing an importt and otherwse unepresented segment of public utility customers. (05) Statement of Diference Although Sta provided valuable input regarding most every issue to ths mattr, CAP AI is the only par who proposed an increas to low-income weatherization fudig and program design changes, rased issues regarding the Company's tiered residential rate design and proposed that Rocky Mounta's proposed basic monthy charge be rejected. 06) Statement of Recommendation CAP AI addressed issues tht are not exclusively related to low-income customers, for example, tiered residential rates, basic monthy chare, etc. Furermore, it was undisputed that LIWA is a prudent, cost-effective demand side resource for which demand exceeds supply. It is in the best interests of all ratepayers to exploit any such resource options. Furermore, CAP AI has long submitt that providing assistace to a utilty's low-income cusomers provides system-wide benefits in numerous respects including, but not limited to, the fact that low-income weatherization programs constitute cost-effective energy resources and that program designed to assist low-income customers though education and by other mean reuces the percentage of CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 4 those customers who might be lost to the Company's system due to inbilty to pay their bils. Therefore, the proposals and recommendations made by CAP AI are "of concern to the general body of utilty users or consumers." (07) Statement Showin Class of Customer To the extent that CAPAI represents a specific Rocky Mounta customer class, it is the residential class. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ths 21st day of December, 2010. ~ c: ,/ ./.-- .." '~7'\1-'"/ ..-.\ c_.e,l; ") .-,(...._~~.~#/.:- ;_....~~\--..; Bra M. Pudy os '__.......... CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned, hereby certify that on the 21 st day of December, 2010, served a copy of the foregoing document on the following by email and U.S. mail, firs class postge. Ted Weston Rocky Mountai Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Paul J. Hickey Hickey & Evans, LLP 1800 Carey Ave., Suite 700 Box 467 Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82003 Mark Moench Danel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Mai, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 8411 1 Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Tim Buller Agrum, Inc. 3010 Conda Rd. Soda Springs, ID 83276 Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. Boise,ID 83702 Don Reading 6070 Hil Rd. Boise, ID 83703 dreading~indspring.com CAPAI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 6 Melinda J. Davison Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 333 S.W. Taylor, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97204 Ronald L. Wiliams Willams Bradbur, P.C. 1015 Hays St. Boise, ID 83702 Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, et al 201 E. Center Pocatello,ID 83201 Anthony Yanel 29814 Lake Rd. Bay Vilage, OH 44140 Randall C. Budge Racine, Olson, et al 201 E. Center Pocatello,ID 83201 James R. Smith Monsanto Company P.O. Box 816 Soda Sprigs, ID 83276 DATED, this 21st day of December, 2010 ,A~') ~~~"~./~Brad M. Pu y '-'-.('~" C.............,......._~..-/ CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING 7 EXIBIT "A" ITEMIZED EXPENSES Costs: Photocopies/postae $145.75 Total Costs $145.75 Fees: Legal (Brad M. Pudy - 116.00 hour ~ $130.00/h.) $15,080.0 Expert Witness (Teri Ottens - 35.0 hours ~ $50.00/h.) $1,750.00 Tota Fees $16,830.00 Total Expenses $16,975.75 CAP AI APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING 8