HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100616Motion to Strike.pdfBenjamin J. Otto ISB No. 8292 710 N 6th Street POBox 844 Boise,ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto~idahoconservation.org RE....('. P..)I v iOln JUN '6 PM 12: 3 t iDAHO F~j~:"~\I~¿,-..r".-, UTlLlTIES CliMp.\!:;~!Vli Attorney for Idaho Conseration League BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNAIN POWER FOR AN INCREASE TO THE CUSTOMER EFFICIENCY SERVICES RATE ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-1O-03 MOTION TO STRIKE THE REPLY COMMNTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION TO FILE OUT OF TIME IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE'S REPONCE COMES NOW Idaho Conservation League, pursuant to IDAPA Rule and .256, with the following alternative motions. As provided in Rule 256, the Commission may approve these motions with or without a hearig as it finds appropriate. Likewise, ICL is not seeking expeditious relief and thus the Commission has foureen days to rule on these motions. 1. MOTION TO STRKE THE REPLY COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER Facts: Rocky Mountain Filed Their Reply Outside the Deadline Established by the Commission On May 7, 2010, the Commission issued the Notice of Modified Procedure in this matter. Order No. 31076. This Order notified all "that any person desiring to state a position on this Application may fie a wrtten comment in support or opposition with the Commission no later than 28 days from the date of this Order." ¡d., at 2 (emphasis retained). Rule 202 explains the ICL'S ALTERNATIVE MOTIONS 1 June 16, 2010 Notice of Modified Procedure wil, "establish the deadline for filing wrtten protests or comments, and a reply by the moving par." IDAPA Despite the authority to do so conferred by this Rule, Order No. 31076 did not establish a deadline for a reply. Therefore, the plain languge of the Order establishes June 4, 2010 as the deadline for all wrtten submissions. The PUC Staff, members of the public, Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, and the Idaho Conservation League all managed to fie their comments within this deadline. Rocky Mountain did not. They could have asked for, and the Commission could have granted, an additional deadline to fie a reply. They did not. Despite the unequivocal deadline established in Order NO.3 1076 Rocky Mountain Power fied their reply on June 14,2010 -- ten days late. The Rules: Modified Procedure is Premised Upon Adequate and Reliable Public Notice The rules governing Modified Procedure are premised on the notion that the public interest is adequately served by deciding matters on wrtten submissions alone. To ensure the public interest is adequately served, the Rules require the Notice of Modified Procedure to, among other things, "establish a deadline for filing wrtten protests or comments, and a reply by the moving par." IDAPA 3 Rule 204 explains that "(i)fprotests, supports, comments or a reply are filed within the deadlines, the Commission wil consider them and . . . may decide the matter and issue its order on the basis of the wrtten positions before it." IDAPA The Commission's Rules do not appear to allow consideration of wrtten submissions fied outside the established deadline. Rule 13 explains the Commission's Rules of Procedure "wil be liberally constred to secure just, speedy, and economical determination of all issues presented to the Commission." IDAPA Allowing one par some undefined timeline to file a wrtten submission ICL'S ALTERNATIV MOTIONS 2 June 16,2010 is not just, speedy, or economicaL. In fact, adhering to established deadlines is critical to securng just, speedy and economical determinations. When wrtten submissions provide the entire basis for the Commission's decision, adherence to the established deadlines is even more important. Rule 13 does allow the Commission to "deviate from these rules when it finds compliance with them is impracticable, unecessar or not in the public interest." ¡d. Requiring all paries to comply with the deadlines for wrtten submission is eminently practicable and necessar. Moreover, deviating from the established deadline in this matter is not in the public interest. The only way to adequately protect the public interest when utilzing Modified Procedure is to ensure the Notice explains the rights and obligations for all interested persons. The Notice in the case established a single deadline for all wrtten submission, which according to Rule 204 would provide the basis for the Commission's decision. If the members of the public and other paries cannot rely on the contents of the Notice and the plain languge of the Rules of Procedure, their interest in fully paricipating in this matter is not served. Prayer for Relief: The Commission Should Not Consider Rocky Mountain's Reply Brief Rocky Mountain could have requested, and the Commission could have approved, an additional deadline for a reply. They did not. The rules governing Modified Procedure state the Commission wil consider only on those wrtten submissions fied within the deadlines. Because Rocky Mountain did not fie their reply brief within the deadline, the Commission has no authority to consider it and should strike it from the record in this case. 2. MOTION TO FILE OUT OF TIME IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE'S RESPONCE ICL'S ALTERNATIVE MOTIONS 3 June 16, 2010 If the Commission denies the above Motion to Strke, ICL, in the alternative, respectfully requests the Commission also accept Idao Conservation League's Response. Facts: ICL's Response is Timely, Succinct. and Clarfies the Issues Before the Commission On May 7, 2010, the Commission issued the Notice of Modified Procedure in this matter. Order No. 31076. This Order notified all ''tat any person desirig to state a position on this Application may fie a wrtten comment in support or opposition with the Commission no later than 28 days from the date of this Order." ¡d., at 2 (emphasis retained). Rule 202.01(d) explains the Notice of Modified Procedure wil "establish the deadline for filing wrtten protests or comments, and a reply by the moving par." IDAPA Despite the authority to do so conferred by this Rule, the Order did not establish a deadline for a reply. Therefore, the plain language of the Order establishes as deadline for all wrtten submissions June 4, 2010. Rocky Mountain Power fied their reply on June 14, 2010 -- ten days after the deadline for established in Order No. 31076. ICL's response is attached to this motion and is submitted to the Commission just two days after Rocky Mountain's late filing. This response quickly address three key issues that Rocky Mountain misrepresents in their reply. ICL feels compelled to take this unortodox step because of our concern the mischaracterization of both our comments and the prior Orders of the Commission cannot go unanswered. The Rules: Deviation for the Rules of Procedure Must Serve the Public Interest. The rules governing Modified Procedure are premised on the notion that the public interest wil be adequately served by deciding matters on wrtten submissions alone. To ensure the public interest is adequately served, the Rules require the Notice ofModified Procedure to "establish a deadline for filing wrtten protests or comments, and a reply by the moving pary." ICL 's ALTERNATI MOTIONS 4 June 16, 2010 IDAPA Rule 204 explains that "(i)fprotests, supports, comments or a reply are fied within the deadlines, the Commission wil consider them and . . . may decide the matter and issue its order on the basis of the written positions before it." IDAPA The Commission's rules do not appear to allow consideration of wrtten submissions fied outside the established deadline. Rule 13 does allow the Commission to "deviate from these rules when it finds compliance with them is impracticable, unecessar or not in the public interest." IDAP A It canot be that compliance with the Modified Procedure rules is impracticable because those rules authorize the Commission to establish a separate deadline for a reply, an authority not exercised here. Likewise, it canot be that compliance with deadlines is unecessar, otherwse matters could go unesolved while paries file wrtten submissions within some unspecified timeline. Therefore, if the Commission accepts Rocky Mountain's late reply then this deviance must be in the public interest. If the public interest is served by allowig one part to fie mischaracterizations outside of the established deadline, then the public interest requires allowing other paries to correct the record. Rule 13 explains the Commission's Rules of Procedure "wil be liberally constred to secure just, speedy, and economical determination of all issues presented to the Commission." IDAPA If the Commission believes that accepting one late fiing wil secur a just, speedy, and economical determination, then it stads to reason so will an additional filing that is timely, succinct, and corrects the record. Prayer for Relief: If You Accept Rocky Mountain's Reply, Then Please Accept ICL's The Notice of Modified Procedure issued in this case established a single deadline for all wrtten submissions. If the Commission intends to accept the late fiing of Rocky Mountain, ICL'S ALTERNATIVE MOTIONS 5 June 16,2010 thereby deviating from the Rules of Procedure, then the public interest requires allowing others to do the same. This is paricularly tre when the public interest is being served solely though wrtten submissions. Accepting ICL's response is just because it corrects the mischarcterizations made by Rocky Mountain. It is speedy because this response comes just two days after Rocky Mountain's late filing. It is economical, because the response is brief, timely, and clarfies the issues. In short, if you accept Rocky Mountain's late filing, then ICL respectfully requests the Commission consider ours. WHREFORE, for the reasons stated above, ICL respectfully requests the Commission grant this Motion to Stre the Reply of Rocky Mountain as fied outside the deadline established by Order No. 31076. In the alternative, ICL respectfully requests the Commission grant this Motion to File Out of Time Idao Conservation League's Response in order to serve the public interest in this matter. Submitted this 16th day of June, 2010 âv~Benjamin J. Oto Idao Conservation League --. ICL'S ALTERNATIVE MOTIONS 6 June 16,2010 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 16th day of June, 2010, tre and correct copies of the foregoing MOTIONS IN THE AL TERNA TIVE OF IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE were delivered to the following persons via the method of service noted: Hand delivery: Jean Jewell Commission Secreta (Original and seven copies provided) Idaho Public Utilities Commission 427 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 ELECTRONIC MAL ONLY: Daniel Solander Senior Counsel 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Facsimile: (801) 220-3299 E-mail: DanieI.Solander~acifiCorp.com Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-2963 Facsimile: (801) 220-2798 E-mail: ted.weston~PacifiCorp.com Eric L Olsen Racine Olson Nye Budge & Baily P.O. Box 13691 Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 elo~racinelaw.net Anthony Yanel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, OH 44140 tony~yanel.net Ä.~Benlatto CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE . June 16,2010