HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100616Response to Rocky Mountain Power.pdfBenjamin J. Otto ISB No. 8292 710 N 6th Street POBox 844 Boise,ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto~idahoconservation.org -REC:El (l lOIU JUH l 6 PH 12= 31 IDAHO PU2L;",; UTILITIES COMMISSION Attorney for Idaho Conservation League BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNAIN POWER FOR AN INCREASE TO TH CUSTOMER EFFICIENCY SERVICES RATE ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. PAC -E-I0-03 IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE'S RESPONSE TO ROCKY MOUNTAI POWER COMES NOW Idaho Conservation League with the following REPONCE to Rocky Mountain Power's Reply fied June 14, 2010. While outside of the normal order of events, ICL is compelled to correct Rocky Mountain's misrepresentations of our comments. 1. Rocky Mountain asserts that, because ICL is concerned about the accumulated back balance, we believe the Company "should not be allowed to recover, the costs associated with the programs." Rocky Mountain Reply at 2. This is simply not tre. ICL repeatedly supported the tariff rider concept as critical to providing timely cost recovery, commended the Company for its DSM efforts, and acknowledged that program paricipation exceeding forecasts was drving much of the increase. In regards to the accumulated back balance, we argued the Commission should review whether the growing balance and associated caring charge is a prudent use of ratepayer fuds. ICL argued the RESPONSE OF ICL 1 June 16, 2010 Company had failed to justify recovering the back balance because their Application did not explain why it had accumuiàted so quickly nor why carg a back balance was a prudent use of fuds. Nor did their Application explain why the previous rate increase, intended in part to reduce the back balance, did not do so. See Order No. 30543 at 1. Instead of imputing a false contradiction onto ICL, if Rocky Mountain requires more money to captue all cost effective energy efficiency opportities they should ask for, and justify, a larger increase. 2. Rocky Mountain claims ICL "erroneously argues that the costs associated with the irrgation energy services progr are not 'legitimate'." Rocky Mountain Reply at 3. The Company then refers to the Utilty Cost Test as proof the progr is cost effective. ¡d. However, the Company's reply omits that the progr fails the Total Resource Cost test. See 2009 DSM Report at 24. ICL pointed to the results of the TRC test because it, unlike the UTC, includes both the costs incured by the company and those incurred by progrm participants. See California Stadard Practice Manual at 23. ICL believes the TRC results are importt because the Company explained some of the rider fuds paid for "customer specific costs associated with equipment investments that delivered operational effciencies in addition to energy effciency benefits." Application at 1 0-11. As we explained in our Comments, the only costs ICL believes may not be a proper use ofDSM rider fuds are those that deliver operational effciencies to specific customers beyond energy effciency benefits. It is not erroneous to argue that energy effciency fuds should only pay for energy effciency benefits. 3. ICL is bafted that Rocky Mountain "is unable to find any statement that would lead it to RESPONSE OF ICL 2 June 16,2010 believe that 'the Commission has previously explained that before granting any adjustment to the DSM tariff,' they will determine the prudence of progrm spending." Rocky Mountain Reply at 3. Contrar to the Company's claim, ICL did not "misrepresent the intent of the Commission Order" No. 29976. ¡d. In fact, ICL directly quoted this Order, which states The Commission wil examine the distrbution ofDSM program dollars both within and among customer classes, the cost effectiveness of the programs and the reasonableness and prudence of the Company's program management and administrtive costs durng general rate cases and in all proceedings proposing an adjustment to the DSM taff rider. Order No 29976, at 7 (emphasis added). In closing, ICL wholehearedly supports the DSM taff rider as an importt tool to provide timely cost recovery of program expenses. ICL merely urges the Commission to utilze the review procedure it anounced when originally approving the DSM rider. In our prior comments we highlighted some of the issues we believe the Commission should consider when conducting this review. While unortodox, ICL submits these reply comments because we feel compelled to correct Rocky Mountains distortions of our position. Respetfuly submittd t1s 16'" day ofJune 2010. ~. ~S6-Benjailo Idaho Conservation League RESPONSE OF ICL 3 June 16,2010 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 16th day of June, 2010, tre and correct copies of the foregoing IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE'S RESPONCE were delivered to the following persons via the method of service noted: Hand delivery: Jean Jewell Commission Secreta (Orginal and seven copies provided) Idaho Public Utilties Commission 427 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 ELECTRONIC MAL ONLY: Daniel Solander Senior Counsel 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220-4014 Facsimile: (801) 220-3299 E-mail: Daniei.Solander~PacifiCorp.com Ted Weston Idao Regulatory Affairs Manager 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (801) 220~2963 Facsimile: (801) 220-2798 E-mail: ted.weston~PacifiCorp.com Eric L Olsen Racine Olson Nye Budge & BailyP.O. Box 13691 . Pocatello, il 83204-1391 elo~racinelaw .net Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, OH 44140 tony~yankei.net !Aáb Benjamin J. Oto -- RESPONSE OF ICL 4 June 16, 2010