HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091030Comment, Protest.pdfPETER J. RICHARDSON ISB #3195 RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC P.O. BOX 7218,83707 515 N 27th Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 938-7900 peterca richa rdsona ndolea ry. com RECEI 0 inOq OCT 30 PM 4: 39 GREGORY M. ADAMS ISB #7454 RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC P.O. BOX 7218,83707 515 N 27th Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 938-7900 9 regca richardsonandoleary. com Attorneys for Renewable Northwest Project BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AN ) ORDER REVISING THE WIND ) INTEGRATION RATE FOR WIND- ) POWERED SMALL POWER GENERATION)QUALIFYING FACILITIES ) ) ) ) No. PAC-E-09-07 COMMENTS AND PROTEST OF THE RENEWABLE NORTHWEST PROJECT COMES NOW, the Renewable Northwest Project (RNP) by and through its attorney of record and pursuant to that Notice of Petition and Modified Procedure issued dated September 23,2009 and hereby lodges its Comments and Protest. In support thereofRNP says as follows: SUMMARY RNP requests the Commission deny Rocky Mountain Power's Petition for the reasons stated below. In the alternative, RNP urges the Commission not to proceed pursuant to modified RNP Comments and Protest 1 procedure and schedule an appropriate proceeding to resolve the issues associated with Rocky Mountain Power's Petition. Rocky Mountain Power's wind integration analysis results in a rate that is likely twice the actual cost. This has both ratemaking implications for Idaho customers as well as regional implications for wind development. The following technical comments are based upon RNP's Staffs detailed review ofPacifiCorp's 2008 IRP, more specifically Appendix F thereto entitled "Wind Integration Costs and Capacity Planing Contributions." RNP has extensive experience with the derivation of and flaws in that document which forms the basis for its curent fiing. ROCKY MOUNTAIN'S WIND INTEGRATION ANALYSIS IS FLAWED Overview The source of Rocky Mountain Energy's wind integration recommendation is its 2008 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") which can be found in docket No. P AC-09-06. The IRP analysis had the explicitly stated purpose of developing". .. a methodology to support the costs associated with resource portfolio analysis for the IRP1..." The analytical techniques used in the study represent a radical deparure from earlier Rocky Mountain Energy studies, those of other Northwest utilties, and studies across the US and internationally. The new methodology was developed without involving outside experts or stakeholders. Flaws in the methodology are relatively basic and easily addressed, but are so fundamental that Rocky Mountain Energy's stated results canot be accepted as a serious approximation of their wind integration costs. The present study doubles Rocky Mountain Energy's earlier projections of wind integration costs, and probably overstates the costs by a factor of two or more. 1 Rocky Mountain Energy 2008 IRP Appendix F page 269. RNP Comments and Protest 2 Specific Concerns 1. The most fudamental shortcoming in Rocky Mountain Energy's methodology is that the variability and uncertinty introduced by wind is considered separately from the variabilty and uncertainty already on the power system due to load. The reason this is importt is that the forecast errors and short-term (less than one hour) variability of wind and load are not normally correlated with one another. This is a crucially important issue, but not a new one. Every wind integration study of which RNP is aware has netted wind against load in deriving the reserve requirement, including Rocky Mountain Energy's previous analyses dating back to 2003, as well as the analyses ofIdaho Power Company, Avista and Portland General Electric. The point is well documented in wind integration literatue: "The requirement of extra reserves is quantified by looking at the variations of wind power production, hourly and intrahour, together with load variations and prediction errors." Ackerman, "Wind Power in Power Systems", p. 158, Wiley, 2005. Exhibit 1. Similarly from another source, "The increase in short term reserve requirement is mostly estimated by statistical methods combining the variability or forecast errors of wind power to that of load and investigating the increase in the largest variations seen by the system." IEA Task 25 Final Report, page 13,2009. Exhibit 2. In cases where the wind variability is small in absolute (MW) terms compared with load, the incremental need for reserves is not significant. On the other hand, if the load and wind variability (or uncertainty) are comparable, the incremental need for reserves is not double, but approximately 40% higher. This is due to the fact that the reserve requirement is proportional to the standard deviation of the variability. Rocky Mountain Energy's implicit assumption that the reserve requirement is RNP Comments and Protest 3 independent of the load would only hold if the load variability and uncertinty are small fractions of the wind variability and uncertainty. Rocky Mountain Energy offers no information suggesting this is the case. Rocky Mountain Energy offers no basis at all for failing to net load and wind to determine reserve requirements. 2. Rocky Mountain Energy's representation of wind generation from new wind projects- especially on the east side significantly overstates the reserve requirement. In past wind studies, Rocky Mountain Energy represented new wind projects as time-shifted time series from existing projects. The time shift preserved some correlation between existing and new projects, without assuming 100% correlation between the fleet additions and the existing fleet. Representing the new wind projects using a multiplicative constat establishes a higher correlation between the new wind projects and the existing ones than is reasonable. This effect may not be significant for the west side projects, because the capacity ofthe incremental projects is a relatively small fraction of the existing projects. On the east side however, the nameplate additions are on the same order as the existing projects and the effect is very significant--specially on the shorter timescale (ten minutes) where correlations among even relatively nearby projects tend to be relatively smalL. RNP understands that new projects wil be sited close enough to existing projects that the correlations among existing projects can be used to help specify correlations between existing and new projects. RNP agrees that the existing correlations are useful, but Rocky Mountain Energy did not use them to help specify correlations between the new projects and existing ones; instead, they implicitly assumed 100% correlation between matched pairs of existing and new projects. The company apparently believes that the uncertainty in the locations of new projects renders their assumption reasonable. RNP believes the opposite is RN Comments and Protest 4 tre. No two existing projects exhibit 100% correlation, and only an extraordinar and almost unmaginable set of circumstances would cause the correlations to be any higher than Rocky Mountain Energy has assumed. The reason this is important is that diversity in wind project output (the extent to which output levels are not correlated) tends to reduce both the variability and uncertainty in wind generation. Persistence forecasts are more accurate for uncorrelated projects than for correlated projects. In underestimating wind generation diversity, Rocky Mountain Energy's methodology essentially ensures the resulting reserve requirements are overestimated by a significant amount. At a minimum, Rocky Mountain Energy should represent new project output by time-shifted levels at existing projects, adjusting the time shift until the correlation with a selected nearby project reaches a level similar to that seen between existing adjacent projects. 3. Rocky Mountain Energy's assumption that all balancing purchases entail market transactions and market transaction costs is not supported by, and is not consistent with, previous Rocky Mountain Energy studies, or other utility studies. Earlier studies by Rocky Mountain Energy assumed a constant $0.50IMWh cost to all market transactions. The present study deviates significantly from the previous assumptions, substatially increasing the resulting estimated inter-hour balancing costs. Rocky Mountain Energy's assumption about higher hour-ahead trading costs is not well documented. However, even given the new higher costs, it is not correct to assume that all imbalances are settled in the markets. For example, if the wind generation is unexpectedly high during a heavy load hour, Rocky Mountain Energy wil likely have the abilty to reduce generation somewhere on its system (e.g., on a hydro or fossil unit) without incurng a RNP Comments and Protest 5 market transaction cost.2 Similarly, if a shortfall of wind from the expected amount occurs on a light load hour it would be unusual for Rocky Mountain Energy to need to rely on markets to make up such a difference. The net effect of Rocky Mountan Energy's assumption is an overall overestimate of the inter-hour costs by a significant amount. Rocky Mountain Energy apparently believes that adjusting resources for the realities of load, generation, and market prices for the next hour is never economic because it results in an uneconomic dispatch. This suggests that the Company can never save more by changing operations at its own projects than incurng a transaction cost to operate resources on another system. The fallacy of this argument is easily ilustrated with an example: Assume that the prevailing market price is $501MWh and Rocky Mountain Energy has optimized its resources such that the most expensive resource operating has a marginal cost of $50IMWh. If the wind generation exceeds the plan for that hour and Rocky Mountain Energy finds itself with an additional 150 MWh for that hour, Rocky Mountain Energy may choose to back down its $501MWh resource to save $5,000 on that hour, or sell the 100 MWh into the market for $42.50IMWh ($50IMWh less 15% transaction cost) and ear $4,250. In this case it is clear that the economic choice is to back down the owned resource and not transact in the market. There may be times when the conditions of the example do not hold (Rocky Mountain Energy has no resource operating at the marginal rate, or is at minimum generation levels), but operating on the assumption that it is always more economic to transact in the market is simply not credible, nor supported by Rocky Mountain Energy's study. 2 It is possible that there might be some cost (or benefit) associated with operating a thermal or hydro unit at a different point in its power efficiency curve. However, this would not be the same order of magnitude as the 10- 25% market transaction costs assumed in Rocky Mountain Energy's analysis. RNP Comments and Protest 6 4. Rocky Mountain Energy's insistence that day-ahead balancing needs should always be rounded up is difficult to understand and is not supported. If Rocky Mountain Energy seeks to balance the system as closely as possible, it should round off the day-ahead purchase and sales requirements. Rounding up would make Rocky Mountain Energy routinely surlus when purchasing, and routinely deficit when sellng (assuming that's what they mean3). For reliability puroses, it would be reasonable to round up purchase requirements over heavy load hours to minimize the chance of being short over critical hours. Conversely, it might be reasonable to set the balance slightly short on light load hours to reduce the risk of ruing into minimum generating requirements. However, making the system over-long and over- short randomly serves only to unecessarily add to the need for, and cost of, hour-ahead balancing services. 5. All other wind integration studies RNP is aware of, including Rocky Mountain Energy's earlier analysis show an increasing cost (on a per megawatt-hour basis) of wind integration as wind generation is added to the system. Rocky Mountain Energy only examined the most extreme level of wind penetration, reached in 2021, and uses it to justify the wind integration cost ascribed throughout the study horizon. Rocky Mountain Energy should either derive a levelized cost reflecting the increasing cost through time or pick a cost level based on an average level of wind development through the study horizon. Using a level determined for 2021 throughout the study is in itself a considerable overstatement of the wind integration 3 In conversations with RNP Staff, Rocky Mountain Energy could not explain precisely what rounding up their market transactions meant. As stated in the IRP document, it appears that Rocky Mountain Energy rounded up purchases (making them more surlus) and rounded up sales (which would make them more deficit). However in conversation, Rocky Mountain Energy staff suggested that the operation was necessar to ensure the company is not short. This implies rounding up purchases and rounding down sales. In either case, the assumption improves neither the economics nor reliabilty. For example, systematic over-purchasing risks CPS 2 violations in light load hours. For reliabilty puroses, Rocky Mountain Energy should err on the over-purchase side during heavy load hours and under-purchase on light load hours. This does not seem to be what they meant and would not be RNP Comments and Protest 7 costs actually incurred. 6. The wind forecast assumption for the analysis was apparently based on the average wind generation level between one and two hours prior to the beginning of each operating hour. The IRP Appendix F states that the curent state of forecast accuracy is a 40-45 minute persistence forecast. The difference between Rocky Mountain Energy's stated forecast capability and that relied upon in its analysis leads to a significant overestimate of the hour- ahead forecast error, and the corresponding intra-hour reserve requirement. Furher, it is clear from experience in the BP A rate case that the state of the art for wind forecasting of Northwest wind projects is closer to the 30-minute persistence levels achieved by employing meteorologists to forecast wind in real time. Given the expense Rocky Mountain Energy associates with the forecast error, it seems only prudent to employ more sophisticated forecasting techniques to minimize costs to ratepayers. In any event, if Rocky Mountain Energy is setting schedules on 40-45 minute persistence forecasts, the wind integration cost analysis should reflect that. Conclusion For the technical reasons noted above the Commission should deny Rocky Mountain Energy's petition for an order increasing its wind integration rate. RNP stands ready to fully participate in any investigation into the continued reasonableness of the existing wind integration rate should the Commission initiate such a docket. DATED this 29th day of October 09. economic in any case. RNP Comments and Protest 8 RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLCpi-d~P er J. Richardson ISB #3195 Attorney for Intervenor, Renewable Northwest Project RNP Comments and Protest 9 RNP Exhbit 1 Editor Ackermann ~_.:i Q." ~ to~_Il:i~ ~ (D., U\ 1 to 3'" 158 Power System Requirements for freau1mcy control (load following), if the penetration of wind power is large enough to increse the total variations in the system. Prediction tools for wind pOWer production play an important role in integration. The system operator has to increase the amount of reserves in the system because, in addition to load swil1gs, it has to be prepared to compensate un predicted variations in production. The accuracy of the wiiid forecasts can co'Gtributeto risk reduction. An açurate forecst allows the system operator to count on wind capacity, thus reducing costs without jeopardising system reliability. The requirement of extra reserves is quantified by looking at the variations of wind pøwer pro¡iuction, hourly and intrahour, together with load variations and prediction errors. The ei-tra reserve requirement of wind power, and the costs associated with it, Øf!. be estiinated either by system models or by analytical methods using time series of wind power production together with system vaiiables. Wind power production is not sti-ai~'tforwatd to model in the existing dispatch models, because of the uncer- tainty of forecast errors involved on several time scles, for instance (Dragoon and Miligan, 20(3). Below, we wil briefly describe analytical methods with statistical mesures. TIie effect of the variations can be statistically estimated using standard deviation. What the system sees is net ioad (load minus wind power production). If load and wind PQwer pro¡uction are uncorrelated, the net load variation is a simple root mean square (RMS) COmbination of the load and wind power variation:2 2 2( (fiotiil) = (O'load) + (O',,'¡iid) ,(8. I) wliel'e O'IOI"1i O'loud and O',,'¡nd are the standard deviations of the load, net load and wind power production time series, respectively. The Larger the area in question and the larger the inherent load fluctuation in the systeni the larger the amount of wind power that can be incorporated into the system withoii.t Ìli-creasing variations. The reserve requirement can be expressed as three times the standard dèviation (30' covers 99 % of the variations of a Gaussian distríbution). The incremental increase from combining load vaiiations with wind variations is 3 tIines (alOUd - O'load). More elaborate methods allocating extra reserve requirements for wind power can be used, especially with nonzero correlations and any nuinber of individual loads and/or resources (Huds.on, Kirby and Wan, 2001; Kirby and Hirst, 2000). . On the time s.cale of seconds and ininutes (primary control) the estimates for increased reserve requirements have resulted in a very small impact (Ernst, 1999; Smith et al., iO(). Ths is beause of the smoothing effect of very short variations of wind power productiQn; as they are not correlated, they cancel out each another, when the area is large enough. For the time scale of 15min to I h (secondary control) it should be taken into account that load variations are rl10re predictable tban wind power vaiiations. For this, data for load and wind predictions are needed. Instead of using time series of load and wind power variations, the time series of prediction errors one hour ahead are used and standard deviations are calculated from these. The estimates for reserve requirements as a result of use of wind power have resulted in an increasing impact if penetration RNP Exhibit 2 Final report, Phase one 2006-08 I ind Task 25 Hannele ~Qlttin, Peter Meiom, An1je Or, Fran van Hulle, Bernd Lange, Mark O'Maley, Jan Pierik, Bar Urnmel, John Olav Tande, Ana Estanqu,ero. Manuel Matos, Emilo Gqmei, Lennar Seder, Gora Strac, Anr Shakor, JoãQ Rio, J. Chares SirtJ, Michael Milg~ & Eri EIa Design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power VI tbatany storae should be operated according to the needs of aggrgated system balacing. It is not cost effective to provide dedicated back-up for wind power in lare power systems where the variabilty of al loads and generators are effectvely reduced by aggegating, in the same way as it is rtt effective to have cliCáed storage for outages in a ceriinthèrmal power plant, or having specific Plâìts forlowing the variation of a certain load. Integtion cost of wind power: Many studies address integraton costs. Intøgi()ncost is the extra cost of the design and operation of the non-wind par of me. p()wer system when wind power is integrated. Integraton cost ca be dividèdinto different components arising from the increase in the operatiQJal balançing)G:ost and grid reinforcement cos. It is inportt to note whether a maret. cost ha been estated or the results refer to technical costs for the power system. A "market cost" include trsfer of money from one iict(). to another actor, while "technical costs" inplies a cost for the whole systeii Nl(lt studies so far håye concentrated on the costs of integrating wind inrothe Pøwer system whieal.s cost-benefit analysis work is emerging. There is alo bøefit when adding wind power to power systems: it reduces the totalopratingcQs and emissions aswi4 replaces fossil fuels. Integration costs of wind power nee to be compard to something, like the production costs or market .valueöf wind, power, or integriÇ)ncöst of other production forrs. To enable.fai cOmPàin between power systms with differing amounts of windpO\er,th~systenis should in pnnciple have same CO2 emissions, reliabilty, etc. The value of the capacit crdit ofwindpøwer~an also be stated. Increase in short termr_rve requirements duetò wind power: Wind generåtion may requir sYstem operaors to car addionaoperatig/ reserves. From both the experience aid results from studies peormed, . a .. significat challenge is the varibilty of wind power within 1-6 hrs. Frequency control (timescale of second) and inertial response are not crcial probleinswhen integttñ Wid. power into large systems at the present time, but can be a challenge for small systemS.ánd vvll beome more of a challenge for systems With high penettion in the futue. The increase in short terr reserve requirment is mostly estinated by statistical methods combining the varabilty or forecast errors of wind power to that of load and investigatig the incrse in the larges vaations seen by the syste. The impact of windpower is.mosly seen in the 10 minutes to some hours tie scale, and only little in the seond to second autoinaticrrquencycontrl time scale. The estIated Ílcrasein short term reserve requirements in the studies summarised in this report has a lare 13 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 29th day of October, 2009, a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing COMMENTS AND PROTEST OF THE RENEWABLE NORTHWEST PROJECT was served in the manner shown to: Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretay Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington (83702) PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 lL Hand Delivery _U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail datarequest~pacificorp.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Via electronic mail only _ Hand Delivery _U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile X Electronic Mail =eß).~Peter Richardson