HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071120Intervenor Funding Petition.pdfLAW'OFFICES OF W. MARCUS W. NYE RANDALL C. BUDGE JOHN A. BAILEY, JR. JOHN R. GOODELL JOHN B. INGELSTROM DANIEL C. GREEN BRENT O. ROCHE KIRK B. HADLEY FRED J. LEWIS MITCHELL W. BROWN ERIC L. OLSEN CONRAD J. AIKEN RICHARD A. HEARN, M.D. DAVID E. ALEXANDER LANE V. ERICKSON PATRICK N. GEORGE SCOTT J. SMITH STEPHEN J. MUHONEN BRENT L. WHITING JUSTIN R. ELLIS JOSHUA D. JOHNSON JONATHON S. BYINGTON DAVE BAGLEY CAROL TIPPI VOLYN THOMAS J. BUDGE CANDICE M. MCHUGH RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE Be BAILEY CHARTERED 201 EAST CENTER STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1391 POCATELLO, IDAHO 83204-1391 BOISE OFFCE 101 SOUTH CAPITOL BOULEVARD, SUITE 208 BOISE, IDAHO 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 395-0011 FACSIMILE: (208) 433-0167 ww.racinelaw.net IDAHO FALLS O_ICE 477 SHOUP AVENUESUITE203A IDAHO FALLS, ID83402 TELEPHONE: (208) 528-6101 FACSIMILE: (208) 528-6109 TELEPHONE (208) 232-6101 FACSIMILE (208) 232-6109 COEUR D'ALENE OFFICE 250 NORTHWEST BOULEVARD, SUITE t06A COEUR D'ALENE, ID 83814 TELEPHONE: (208) 765-6888 SENDER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS:elo(§racinelaw.net ALL OFFICES TOLL FREE (877) 232-8101 LOUIS F. RACINE (1917-2005)WIL.LIAM D. OLSON, OF COUNSEL November 19,2007 f'==-i. Re: PAC-E-07-05 Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Dear Mrs. Jewel: Enclosed for filing please find the original and seven copies of Idaho Irrgation Pumper's Association's Application for Intervenor Funding.. .. Than you for your assistance. ELO:kb Enclosures cc: Serice List (via e-mail &U.S.mail) ~ Eric L. Olsen, ISB No. 4811 RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208)232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 IO=ll Attorneys for Interenor Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL) OF CHANCES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE )SCHEDULES ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-07-05 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. COMES NOW the Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc. ("Irgators"), by and through counsel of record, Eric L. Olsen, and hereby respectfully makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion ("Commission") for intervenor fuding, pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-617A and IDAPA through .165, in Rocky Mountain Power's ("RMP") general rate case, as follows: . (A) A sumar of the expenses that the Irrgators request to recover broken down into legal fees, consultant fees and other costs and expenses is set forth in Exhbit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Itemized statements are also included as Attachments 1 and 2 to Exhbit "A" in support of said sumar and are incorporated by reference. (B) The Irrgators' President, Mark Mickelsen, board member, Stan Searle, legal counsel, Eric L. Olsen, and consultant, Anthony J. Yanel, P.E., fully paricipated in these proceedings. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 1 Procedurally, ths case went forward like a full blown rate case with direct and rebuttal testiony being filed. Ths case also had greater signficance to the Irrgators given the devastating loss of the BPA Credit in May of this year. The Irrgators' President, Mark Mickelsen, urged the Commssion that the loss of the BP A credit and RMP'sproposed rate increase wil cause serous rate shock to the irgation class going forward. Mr. Mickelsen furter urged that one tool that the Irrgators have to help mitigate the loss of the BPA Credit and RMP's pending rate increase is to paricipate in RMP's load control programs. Mr. Mickelsen urged that the Commission mustincrease the credit paid to the Irrgators who paricipate in the load control programs. Irrgators board member, Stan Searle, testified that he did not paricipate in RMP's load control programs in 2007 due to his determination that the credit RM gave to paricipants of the programs did not outweigh the risks of coverng his sun planting costs and the possibilty oflosing yields and crop quality if sufficient water was not applied to his crops. Mr. Searle testified that he would paricipate in the load control programs in the futue if the credit for paricipation in these programs is large enough to outweigh the risks of paricipation. The Irrgators' consultant, Anthony Yanel, urged Commission that because of the situs treatment of the load control credit given to Irrgators, the revenue requirement for Residential and all other Idaho customers was unjustifiably increased, the more Irrgators join in the load control programs. He recommended that the Commission treat the irrgation load control programs as system benefit resources, and not as its present situs cost allocation. Mr. Yanel urged the Commission that RM's load research data does not fully reflect the level of Irrgation load curilment, and thus, RMP' s cost of service study attbutes too much demand to the Irrgators and APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 2 thus, increases the costs allocated to the irrgation class. Mr. Yanel recommended that the Commission adjust the Company's coincident peak data for the Irgators in order to reflect the actual level of load curailment that is takng place and thereby increase the rate of retu for the Irrgators and therefore further recommending that the Irrgators get no more than 2/3 of the average jursdictional percentage rate increase. Mr. Yanel fuher urged the Commission that the present load control credit for Irrgation customers is considerably below the benefit provided to the system. He recommended to the Commssion that the load control credit be increased by $40/kW-year, in order to bring more Irrgators into the program, benefit the entire system at a cost less than avoided cost, and to provide an overall benefit to the system that is greater than what is presently being realized. Mr. Yanel fuher urged the Commission to establish time-of-day rates for the Irrgators as an additional option that could both benefit the system and the customers that choose that rate. After continuing to prepare for the techncal hearings, RM and the Irrgators reached an agreement for the settlement ofthis case late in the evenig of November 4,2007. Ths was the result of active paricipation of Mr. Mickelsen, Mr. Searle and other Irrgators board members, Mr. Olsen, and Mr. YaneL. Key elements of the Irgators' positions that were put fort before the Commission were included in the stipulation, principally the equal percentage rate increase for the irrgation class and the paricipation based increase in the dispatchable load control credit. The Irrgators were present at the techncal hearing before the commission on November 6,2007, and urged the Commission to adopted the settlement that had been reached between all pares. (C) The expenses and costs incured by the Irrgators set fort in Exhbit A and accompanying attachments are reasonable in amount and were necessarly incured. The expenses and costs were incured in reviewing the Company's filing and intervenor testimony, preparng and APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 3 reviewing approximately 84 Irrgators' data requests and responses, draftng and fiing direct testimony, drafting sur rebuttl testimony, preparng sumar testimony and attending public hearigs, drafting cross-examination questions for the Company and interenor witnesses, and parcipating in the settlement discussions that resulted in the settlement stipulation that was presented to the Commission. (D) The costs descrbed in Paragraph (A) above constitute a financial hardship for the Irgators. The Irrgators curently have approximately $16,000.00in the ban. Accounts payable for legal and consultant fees and costs in this case total $66,027.12 as set out in Exhbit "A" and accompanying attachments, none of which have been paid. The Irrgators are an Idaho nonprofit corporation qualified under I.R. C. § 501 ( c)( 5) representing far interests in electrc utilty rate matters affecting farers in southern and central Idaho. The Irrgators rely solely upon dues and contrbutions voluntarly paid by members, together with intervenor fuding to support activities and paricipate in rate cases. Each year mailings are sent to approximately 7500 Idaho Irgators (approxiately two-thirds in the Idaho Power Company serice area and one-thid in the RMP serce area), soliciting anual dues. The Irrgators recommend members make voluntar contrbutions based on acres irgated or horsepower per pump. Member contrbutions have been falling which are believed to be attbutable to the depressed agrcultual economy and increased operating costs and theats, paricularly those relatig to water right protection issues. From member contrbutions the Irrgators must pay all expenses, which generally include mailing expenses, meeting expenses and shared office space in Boise, Idaho, in addition to the expenses relating to paricipation in rate cases. The Executive Director, Lyn Tominaga, is the only APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUDING OF IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 4 par-time paid employee, receiving a retaier plus expenses for office space, offce equipment, and secretaral services. Offcers and directors are elected anually and serve without compensation. It has been and continues to be a financial hardship for the Irrgators to fully participate in all rate matters affecting its members. As a result of financial constraints, paricipation in past rate cases and in this case has been selective and, priarly, on a limited basis. The Irrgators also have been concurrently paricipating in the Idaho Power Company general rate case, which is adding additional financial strain on the organization. (E) The Irgators' positions urged to be adopted by the Commission materally differed from those addressed by the Commission Staff and other pares on several importt points. First, the principal tool the Irrgators have to help control their energy costs is volunta paricipation in RMP's load control programs. The Irgators provided direct testimony that the load control credit amounts must be increased to encourage greater paricipation, to help the Irrgators have a viable option to use in mitigating the loss of the BP A Credit, and to bring the credit in line with the benefit received by RM and the whole Pacifcorp system. In the Stipulation, RM has promised to provide the Irrgators and Commission Staff with the methodology to value the credit in the futue. The Commission Staff did not address these load control issues that the Irrgators had raised. Secondly, the Irrgators urged the adoption of an irrgation time-of-use rate. The Irrgators believe that ths tye of volunta program could also help reduce Idaho's peak electrcity use like the load control programs curently in place. The Commission Staff did not address this issue. (F) The Irrgators' paricipation addressed issues of concer to the general body of users or consumers on RMP' s and Pacificorp' s system. The irrgation load control programs have enabled RMP to shave approximately 50 to 75 mwh of load during the sumer system peak in 2006 and APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 5 2007. This reduction in peak load benefits all Idaho customer classes by reducing the overall system costs allocated to Idaho. This translates into lower rate increases when rate cases are fied. Continuation and expansion of the irrgation load control programs may also defer the building of additional generation plant as indicated in Pacificorp' s 2007 Integrated Resource Plan. Avoiding these tye of costs is also a benefit to all ofRM's Idaho tarff customers. (G) The Irrgators represent the irrgation class of customers under Schedule 10. Based on the foregoing, it is respectfully submitted that the Irrgators are a qualifyng intervenor and should be entitled to an award of costs of intervention in the maximum amount allowable pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-617 A and ID AP A through .165. DATED ths 19th day of November, 2007. RACINE, OLSON, NYE, BUDGE &BAILE ERED By APPLICATION FOR INERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 19th day of November, 2007, I sered a tre, correct and complete copy of the Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc.'s Application for Intervenor Funding to each of the following, via U.S. Mail or private courer, e-mail or hand deliver, as indicated below: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 E-mail: jean.jewellCfuc.idaho.gov UPS Next Day Letter James R. Smith Monsanto Company P.O. Box 816 Soda Springs, ID 83276 E-mail: jim.r.smith(lmonsanto.com E-Mail Maurce Brubaker Katie Iverson Brubaker & Associates 1215 Fer Ridge Parkway, Suite 208 St. Louis, MO 63141 E-mail: mbrubaker(lconsultbai.com E-mail: kiversonaYsconsultbai.com U.S. Mail & E-Mail Anthony Yanel 29814 Lake Road Bay Vilage, OH 44140 E-mail: tonYWNane1.net U.S. Mail & E-Mail Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc. c/o Lyn Tominaga P.O. Box 2624 Boise,ID 83701-2624 E-mail: lyntominaga(lhotmai1.com U.S. Mail & E-Mail Randall C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Chtd. P.O. Box 1391 Hand Delivery & E-Mail APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 7 Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Email: rcb(ßracinelaw.net Brian Dickman Justin Brown Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 E-mail: brian.dickman(ßpacificorp.com E-mail: justin.brown(ßacificorp.com U.P.S. Overght delivery & E-Mail Katherne A. McDowell McDowell & Rackner 520 Southwest Sixth Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 E-mail: katherne(ßmcd-law.com U.S. Mail & E-Mail Tim Buller Agrum, Inc. 3010 Conda Road Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 E-mail: tbuller~agrum.com U.S. Mail & E-Mail Conley E. Ward Michael C. Creamer Givens Pursley LLP 608 W. Banock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise,ID 83701-2720 E-mail: cew(ßgivenspursley.com U.S. Mail & E-Mail Denns Peseau, Ph.D. Utility Resources, Inc. 1500 Libert Street S.B., Ste. 250 Salem, OR 97302 E-mail: dpeseaußYexcite.com U.S. Mail & E-Mail Scott Woodbur Neil Price Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washigton (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 U.S. Mail & E-Mail APPLICATION FOR INERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 8 E-mail: scott. woodburØ2uc.idaho. gov E-mail: neiLpriceØ4uc.idaho.gov Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th Street Boise,ID 83702 E-mail: bmpurdy(fhotmail.com U.S. Mail & E-Mail Kevin B. Homer, Esq. Attorney at Law 1565 South Boulevard Idaho Falls, ID 83404 kbh(fkhomerlaw.com U.S. Mail & E-Mail Timothy Shur 411 S. Main Firth, Idaho 83263 E-mail: tim(fidahosupreme.com U.S. Mail & E-Mail APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 9 EXHIBIT A SUMMARY OF EXPENSES INCURRD BY IRRGATORS IN CASE NO. PAC-E-07-05 1. Legal Fees: Eric L. Olsen (Parer): Dave Bagley (Associate): Sally Beitia (Paralegal): 120.5 hrs ~ $175.00 1.6 hours ~ $145.00 6.8 hours ~ $75.00 Costs: Tele. Conf.Long distance: Postage: Travel/ileage Total Work and Costs: 2. Consultant Anthony J. Yanel: 349 hrs ~ $125 per hour Expenses: Travel, room and meals Total Work and Costs: TOTAL FEES AND EXPENSES: $21,087.50 $ 232.00 $ 510.00 $ 218.84 $ 71.02 $ 282.76 $22.402.12 $43,625.00 $0.00 $43,625.00 $66,027.12 Attachment 1 Date Atty 6/1/2007 ELO 6/11/2007 ELO 6/12/2007 ELO 6/13/2007 ELO 6/18/2007 ELO 6/19/2007 ELO 6/21/2007 ELO 6/22/2007 ELO 6/25/2007 ELO 7/1/2007 ELO 7/2/2007 DB 7/12/2007 ELO 7/19/2007 DB 7/23/2007 ELO 7/27/2007 ELO 7/30/2007 ELO 7/30/2007 ELO 7/30/2007 ELO 7/31/2007 ELO 8/2/2007 ELO 8/3/2007 ELO 8/6/2007 ELO RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION Rate Hours Amount Description 175 0.3 52.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSON RE: AFFECT OF BPA CREDIT LOSS AND ISSUES IN R RATE CASE 175 0.4 70 CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: RMP RATE CASE 175 0.1 17.5 CALL AND LEAVE MESSAGE WITH TONY YANKEL 175 0.5 87.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: RMP CASE FILING AND STRATEGY RE: SAME; CALL BRIAN DICKMAN RE: GETTING ELECTRONIC COPY OF FILING 175 0.2 35 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: ISSUES IN RMP RATE CASE 175 0.7 122.5 REVIEW EMAIL FROM TONYYANKEL; EMAIL BRIAN DICKMAN RE: GETING E-COPY OF FILING; TELEPHO CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: GETTING RMP'S FILLING IN SUPPORT OF 2006 STIPULATION; REVIE FILES AND DICTATE LETER RE: SAME; EMAIL TONY YANKEL 2005 DATA REQUEST FILES 175 0.5 87.5 CONFERENCE WITH RANDY LOBB RE: RMP RATE CASE ISSUES 175 0.6 105 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SUBMISSION OF DATA REQUESTS AND REVIEW THE SAME; REVIEW MONSANTO LETTER RE: ANALYSIS OF INTERRUPTIBILITY 175 0.3 52.5 PREPARE PETITION FOR INTERVENTION 175 0.2 35 SEE THAT PETITION TO INTERVENE IS PREPARED 145 0.4 58 REVIEW AND REVISE PETTION TO INTERVENE (IDAH POWER); SEE THAT PETTION IS FILED 175 0.3 52.5 REVIEW MESSAGE FROM SCOTT WOODBURY RE: SCHEDULING; EMAIL HIM RE: SAME 145 1.2 174 REVISE FIRST DATA REQUEST AND SEE THAT SAME I FILED AND SERVED TO APPROPRIATE PARTIES 175 0.6 105 REVIEW RMP DISCOVERY RESPONSES TO MONSANTO'S DATA REQUESTS; CONTINUED REVIEW OF RMP FILING 175 0.1 17.5 EMAIL FIRST DATA REQUESTS TO PACIFICORP DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER 175 0.2 35 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TIM SCHURTZ TACT TO TAKE IN RMP RATE CASE 175 0.1 17.5 CONFERENCE WITH SB RE: STATUS OF DATA REQUESTS; ORGANIZING FILE RE: SAME 175 0.5 87.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONYYANKEL RE: ADDITIONAL INTERROGATORIES; SEE THAT THIRD SE OF DATA REQUESTS ARE SENT OUT 175 0.4 70 REVIEW RMP PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT; EXECUTE EXHIBIT A; EMAIL SAME TO RMP 175 0.8 140 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSON RE: RMP RATE CASE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: RMP RATE CASE ISSUES 175 1.6 280 REVIEW PACIFICORP DSM REPORT 175 0.4 70 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL Page 1 Irrigation Pumpers Fees PACIFICORP DSM REPORT AND FINDINGS RE: IRRIGATION INTERRUPTIBILITY PROGRAM 8/8/2007 ELO 175 0.5 87.5 REVIEW DATA REQUESTS AND SEE THAT SAME ARE SENT OUT 8/8/2007 SAB 75 0.5 37.5 DRAFT FOURTH DATA REQUEST 8/10/2007 ELO 175 0.1 17.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: WITNESS FOR LAY TESTIMONY IN RMP CASE 8/10/2007 ELO 175 0.4 70 REVIEW RMP SCHEDULING ORDER AND CALENDAR SAME 8/13/2007 SAB 75 0.5 37.5 FINALIZE AND TRANSMIT FOURTH DATA REQUEST 8/14/2007 ELO 175 1.2 210 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: RMP DISCOVERY OBJECTION AND OTHER ISSUES IN CASE; REVIEW COMMISSION RULES AND IRCP RE: SCOPE OF DISCOVERY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: RATE CASE ISSUES; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: 4TH DATA REQUESTS AND PRICING OF CREDIT; REVIEW VOICE MAIL OF BRIAN DICKMAN; CALL AND LEAVE MESSAGE; EMAIL TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 8/15/2007 ELO 175 0.3 52.5 REVIEW YANKEL'S COMMENTS RE: DSM REPORT AND CREDIT PRICING AND FORWARD ON TO MARK MICKELSEN; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: SAME 8/16/2007 ELO 175 0.3 52.5 REVIEW FIFTH DATA REQUEST AND SEE THAT SAME I FILED AND SERVED 8/17/2007 ELO 175 0.5 87.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: MEETING WITH RMP AND STRATEGY ON RATE CASE 8/17/2007 ELO 175 0.3 52.5 FINALIZE FIFTH DATA REQUESTS AND SEE THAT SAM ARE SERVED 8/22/2007 ELO 175 0.4 70 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: ISSUES IN RMP RATE CASE 8/23/2007 ELO 175 0.3 52.5 ANALYZE ISSUES WITH RMPDATA REQUEST 8/24/2007 ELO 175 0.4 70 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: ISSUES ON RUNNING GRID MODEL; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH BRIAN DICKMAN RE: GETING COMPUTER TO RUN GRID MODEL AND RUNNING RAM MODEL; EMAIL TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 8/28/2007 ELO 175 0.1 17.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: FINAL DISCOVERY FOR RMP RATE CASE 8/30/2007 . ELO 175 0.5 87.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONYYANKEL RE: STATUS OF RMP DATA REQUESTS; CONFERENCE WITH RCB RE: MONSANTO'S POSITION IN INTERUPTABILIT PRICING; REVIEW DATA REQUESTS AND SEE THAT SA ARE ARE SERVED 9/5/2007 ELO 175 0.9 157.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: ISSUES WITH RMP DATA RESPONSES; CALL AND LEAV MESSAGE WITH JEFF LARSEN RE: SAME; SEE THAT CONFERENCE CALL IS SET UP TO DISCUSS RATE CASE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MESSRS. BELL AND BROWN AND TONY YANKEL RE: QUESTIONS ON DATAPROVIDED FOR IIPA DATA REQUESTS 9/6/2007 ELO 175 0.1 17.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH BART KLINE RE: QUESTIONS ON THIRD DATA REQUEST Page 2 Irrigation Pumpers Fees 9/10/2007 ELO 175 0.3 52.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: RMP RATE CASE TESTIMONY 9/11/2007 ELO 175 0.5 87.5 CONFERENCE WITH RCB RE: MONSANTO'S POSITION ON PRICING OF INTERRUPTIBILlTY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 9/17/2007 ELO 175 1 175 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH STAN SEARLE RE: IIPAMEETNG AND PROVIDING TESTIMONY; CONFERENCE WITH SB RE: FINDING CONTACT INFORMATION FOR MATI LOGOMARSINO; REVIEW; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH ANN LOGOMARSINO RE: RMP RATE CASE AND GIVING TESTIMONY RE: SA 9/17/2007 ELO 175 2 350 CONTINUED REVIEW OF RMP RATE CASE FILING 9/17/2007 SAB 75 0.4 30 SEARCH FOR CONTACT INFORMATION FOR HOWE, AREA FARMER LOGOMARSINO OR SIMILAR NAME 9/18/2007 ELO 175 1 175 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH STAFF RE: ISSUES WITH RMP CASE FILING; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 9/19/2007 ELO 175 1.6 280 REVIEW FILE IN PREPARATION FOR PREPARING HEARING TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MATI LOGOMARSINO RE: AFFECT OF LOSS OF BPA CREDIT ON OPERATIONS AND PROVIDING TESTIMONY 9/20/2007 ELO 175 3.8 665 PREPARE FOR IIPA MEETING ON RATE CASES; CONFERENCE WITH STAN SEARLE RE: TESTIMONY FOR RMP RATE CASE; ATIEND IIPA CONFERENCE CAL ON RATE CASE 9/21/2007 ELO 175 2.2 385 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: RMP TESTIMONY; DRAFT TESTIMONY OF MARK MICKELSEN; REVIEW YANKEL DRAFT TESTIMONY 9/24/2007 ELO 175 0.2 35 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL DIRECT TESTIMONY 9/25/2007 ELO 175 504 945 CONTINUED DRAFTING AND REVISING OF TESTIMONY FOR STAN SEARLE AND MATI LOGOMARSINO; FINISH DRAFTNG SEARLE DIRECT AND EMAIL SAME; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH STAN SEARLE RE: SAME; EMAIL TOMINAGA AND MICKELSEN RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS AND STRATEGY RE: SAME 9/25/2007 ELO 175 2.1 367.5 REVIEW DRAFTYANKEL'S DIRECT TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 9/26/2007 ELO 175 0.2 35 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MS. LAGOMARSINO RE: REVIEW OF TESTIMONY 9/26/2007 ELO 175 3 525 DRAFT DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MICKELSEN; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MS. MICKELSEN RE: SAME 9/26/2007 ELO 175 2.1 367.5 PREPARE TESTIMONY EXHIBITS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 9/26/2007 ELO 175 0.5 87.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH STAN SEARLE RE: FINALIZING TESTIMONY 9/27/2007 ELO 175 3.1 542.5 REVIEW YANKEL FINAL DIRECT TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY RE: EXHIBITS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MRS. LARGOMARSINO RE: DECLINING TO PROVIDE TESTIMONY; FINALIZE SEARLE AND MICKELSEN Page 3 Irrigation Pumpers Fees TESTIMONY; FINALIZE YANKEL TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS; CONFERENCE WITH SAB RE: SERVING SAM 9/28/2007 SAB 75 1.1 82.5 ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION OF DIRECT TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH JEAN JEWELL; AMENDED NOTICE OF SERVICE 10/1/2007 ELO 175 1.2 210 REVIEW TESTIMONY OF SHURTZ AND AGRIUM'S EXPERT; CONTINUED REVIEW OF RMP'S INITIAL FIL TESTIMONY 10/1/2007 ELO 175 0.1 17.5 CONFERENCEWITH SB RE: GETIING ELECTRONIC DISK OF TESTIMONY TO COMMISSION 10/5/2007 no 175 1.5 262.5 REVIEW APPLICATION OF PRO HAC VICE FOR RMP LEGAL COUNSEL; REVIEW PACIFICORP'S 2007 IRP I PREPARATION FOR HEARINGS 10/8/2007 ELO 175 0.3 52.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN AND BRENDA TOMINAGA RE: UPCOMING PUBLIC HEARINGS AND GETIING MEMBERS TO SAME 10/8/2007 ELO 175 1.2 210 CONTINUED REVIEW OF PACIFICORP 2007 IRP 10/9/2007 ELO 175 0.5 87.5 REVIEW RMP DISCOVERY REQUESTS AND EMAIL YANKEL RE: SAME 10/16/2007 ELO 175 0.3 52.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: UPCOMING MEETING WITH ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 10/17/2007 ELO 175 1.8 315 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH RANDY LOBB RE: RMP RATE CASE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME; REVIEW STAFFTESTIMONY 10/18/2007 ELO 175 3 525 PREPARE FOR RMP MEETING; CONFERENCE WITH RMP REPRESENTATIVES AND IIPA BOARD MEMBERS RE: SETILEMENT OPTIONS 10/18/2007 ELO 175 3,9 682.5 CONTINUED REVIEW OF STAFF TESTIMONY; CONTINUED REVIEW OF RMP TESTIMONY IN PREPARATION FOR HEARING 10/19/2007 ELO 175 2.7 472.5 CONTINUED REVIEW OF STAFF AND AGRIUM TESTIMONY; REVIEW RMP TESTIMONY IN PREPARATION FOR HEARING; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE MARK MICKELSEN RE: RMP SETILEMENT DISCUSSIONS; REVEIW LETIERS TO EDITOR AND READER LETIERS 10/22/2007 SAB 75 1.9 142.5 RESEARCH REGIONAL NEWSPAPERS AND MEMORANDUM TO ELO WITH INFORMATION ON DEADLINES, ETC FOR OP-ED PIECES; LISTING OF NEWSPAPERS OF GENERAL CIRCULATION 10/22/2007 ELO 175 2.9 507.5 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: DISCOVERY RESPONSES AND REBUTIAL TESTIMONY; CONTINUED REVIEW OF AGRIUM'S TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH SCOTI WOODBURY RE: PROCEDURE FOR HEARINGS; FINALIZE DISCOVER RESPONSES; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE:POSSIBLE REBUTIAL TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH STAN SEARLE RE: TESTIMONY; FINALIZE IIPA'S DISCOVERY RESPONSE TORMP 10/23/2007 SAB 75 1.4 105 GATHER INFORMATION RE: PUBLICATION OF OP-ED PIECES/REQUIREMENTS/DEADLINES 10/24/2007 SAB 75 1 75 MEMORANDUM TO ELO WITH COMPREHENSIVE Page 4 Irrigation Pumpers Fees INFORMATION RE: NEWSPAPERS OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN SNAKE RIVER BASIN; SOUTHEAST IDAHO AND REQUIREMENTS AND DEADLINES FOR OPINION PIECES 10/25/2007 ELO 175 2.6 455 REVIEW MONSANTO'S DISCOVERY RESPONSES; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH STEPHANIE MICKELSEN RE: LETTERS TO EDITOR AS SEE THAT SAME ARE FAXED FOR REVIEW; REVIEW RMP'S REBUTTAL TESTIMONY 10/26/2007 ELO 175 1.2 210 CONTINUED REVIEW OF RMP REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: GETTING PR OPINION LETERS PUBLISHED 10/26/2007 ELO 175 0.2 35 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: LETERS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: SAME; CALLAND LEAVE MESSAGE WIT JOE DANIELS ABOUT RMP HEARINGS IN GRACE 10/29/2007 ELO 175 4.4 770 RESPOND TO PROCEDURAL MEETNG E-MAIL FOR STATUS CONFERENCE; CONTINUE REVIEW OF COMPANY REBUTTAL TESTIMONY IN PREPARATION FOR HEARING; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: PREPARING SUR REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; CONTINUED REVIEW OF COMPANY REBUTTAL AND DIRECfTESTIMONY IN PREPARATION FOR HEARING 10/30/2007 ELO 175 4.5 787.5 PREPARE FOR RATE CASE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH STAN SEARLE RE: SCHEDULING TESTIMONY AND ATTENDANCE AT PUBLIC HEARINGS; PREPARE IIPA TESTIMONY SUMMARY FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: RMP SETTLEMENT NEGOTIATIONS POSITIONS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: RIGBY HEARING; CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY AND ATTENDING RIGBY HEARING 10/31/2007 ELO 175 1 175 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSON RE: RESULTS OF PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RMP GETTIN METHODOLOGY FOR CREDIT AMOUNT; REVIEW RMP SETTLEMENT OFFER; REVIEW SUR REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF TONY YANKEL 11/1/2007 ELO 175 4.7 822.5 REVIEW RMP SETTLEMENT WORKSHEET; REVIEW LOAD CONTROL TARIFFS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH YANKEL RE: SAME; DRAFT COUNTER-PROPOSAL; ARRANGE AND PARTICIPATE IN CONFERENCE CALL WITH IIPA EXEèunVE COMMITTEE RE: RMP SETTLEMENT OFFER; REVISE COUNTER-PROPOSAL; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MOENCH AND JEFF LARSEN RE: SAME; CONFERENCE CALL WITH MARK MICKELSEN AND RMP RE: COUNTEROFFER; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: SAME 11/1/2007 ELO 175 2.5 437.5 TRAVEL ONE WAY TO GRACE FOR HEARING; ATTEND RMP RATE CASE PUBLIC HEARINGS IN GRACE 11/2/2007 ELO 175 5.4 945 REVIEW RMP AND STAFF WITNESSES FOR CROSS EXAMINATION; MULTIPLE TELEPHONE CONFERENCES PageS Irrigation Pumpers Fees 11/3/2007 ELO 11/4/2007 ELO 11/5/2007 ELO 11/6/2007 ELO 11/6/2007 ELO 11/19/2007 ELO Bilable 175 WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME; PARTICIPATE IN STA SCHEDULING CONFERENCE FOR RATE CASE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: RMP COUNTEROFFER; MULTPLE CONFERENCE CALLS WITH TONY YANKEL AND MARK MICKELSEN RE: COUNTEROFFER; PARTICIPATE IN MULTIPLE CONFERENCE CALLS WITH MARK MOENCH AND JEFF LARSEN 8.7 1,522.50 CONTINUED REVIEW OF RMP DIRECT AND REBUTIAL TESTIMONY; EMAIL AND TELEPHONE CONFERENCES WITH JUSTIN BROWN RE: WITNESSES FOR CROSS EXAMINATION AND PRESENTATION OF LIVE SUR REBUTIAL TESTIMONY OF MICKELSEN AND YANKEL; MULTIPLE TELEPHONE CONFERENCES WITH TONY YANKEL RE: WITNESSES AND ISSUES TO RAISE CROS EXAMINATION; REVIEW 2007 IRP AND 2007 DSM REPORT; DRAFT CROSS EXAMINATION; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: POSSIBLE COUNTEROFFERS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH RANDY LOBB RE: STAFF POSITION ON LOAD CONTROL CREDIT 9.5 1,662.50 CONTINUED DRAFTING OF CROSS EXAMINATION RMP WITNESSES; CONFERENCE CALL WITH TONY YANKEL AND MARK MICKELSEN RE: TESTIFYING AT HEARING AND SETILEMENT COUNTEROFFER; DRAFT COUNTEROFFER FOR SETILEMENT; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH JUSTIN BROWN AND EMAIL SAME; REVIEW AND COMMENT ON YANKEL SUR REBUTIAL TESTIMONY; MULTIPLE TELEPHONE CONFERENCES WITH YANKEL RE: CROSS AND REBUTIAL QUESTIONS; MULTIPLE TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN AND JEFF LARSEN RE: SETILEMENT NEGOTIATIONS AND SETILE CASE; REVIEW REVISED SETLEMENT TERMS SHEET AND EMAIL JEFF LARSEN RE: SAME 2.1 367.5 REVIEW AND REVISE STIPULATION; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH JUSTIN BROWN RE: SAME; REVIEW SUBSEQUENT DRAFTS OF SETILEMENT STIPULATION AND SIGN AND EMAIL SIGNATURE PAGE; PREPARE FO HEARING 3 525 TRAVEL TO BOISE (ONE WAY) FOR RATE CASE HEARING 1.8 315 ATIEND PUC HEARING AND SUPPORT APPLICATION OF STIPULATION FOR SETILEMENT OF RATE CASE 5.4 945 PREPARE APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 175 175 175 175 175 128.9 21,829.50 IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. PACIFICORP/RMP 2007 GENERAL RATE CASE Page 6 Irrigation Pumpers Fees TransDate Atty 6/29/2007 ELO 6/29/2007 ELO 6/29/2007 ELO 10/17/2007 ELO 10/17/2007 ELO 11/1/2007 ELO 11/19/2007 ELO 11/15/2007 ELO 11/15/2007 ELO TOTAL Cost Transaction File List RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION Amount 19.72 POSTAGE 2.5 POSTAGE 24.4 POSTAGE 84.88 TELECONFERENCE CHARGES 33.63 TELECONFERENCE CHARGES 95.33 TELECONFERENCE CHARGES 24.4 POSTAGE 226.98 RT MILEAGE POCATELLO-BOISE 55.78 RT MILEAGE POCATELLO-GRACE 567.62 IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. PACIFICORP/RMP 2007 GENERAL RATE CASE Attachment 2 Date Hours Descrption June 1 1 Review varous materal filed by UP &L regarding commitments; request copies of the 2007 IRP. 12 4 Review historical FERC Form 1 data in order to develop relationships between historic usages of varous customer classes and a maner similar to that presented in IPCo. 15 5 Review cost of serce study results, allocators, and changes in allocation factors and biling determinants from previous case. 18 4 Read portons of the filing and testimony ofWalje; review how Walje testimony fits with where the irrgation load is and how the Idaho load has developed. 19 4 Review testimony of McDougal and begin to develop interrogatories. 21 3 Review testimony ofWidmer:;review his listing of costs and cost changes; compare changes in costs with historical records from other data 22 6 Review testimony of Tucker and Grffith as well as associated exhbits; do calculations in order to check exhibits; develop and finalize fial set of interrogatories. July 2 7 Review testimony ofWalje and develop interrogatories regarding distrbution plant in Idaho; Review McDougal testimony and develop interrogatories regarding system wide new plant, the BP A credit and 3 4 Review McDougal testimony and develop interrogatories regarding Irrgation Load Control, and DSM; review testimony of Widmer and develop questions regarding net power costs. 16 7 Break out June and July data for Irgation load research for 2003 so as to develop an individual profile of usage for Irrgators for the whole sumer; use these profiles to review the abilty to develop time-of-use rates for the irrgation class. 18 8 Break out August and September data for Irrgation load research for 2003 so as to develop an individual profile of usage for Irrgators for the whole summer; use these profies to review the ability to develop time-of- use rates for the irgation class. 19 7 Aggregate load research data for 2003 and substitute Monday loads for Sundays and visa versa; determine impact of change of usage when incorporating time of day rates. 20 8 Aggregate load research data for 2003 and substitute Thursday and Friday loads for Satuday and Sundays and visa versa; determine impact of change of usage when incorporating time of day rates. Date Hours Description 23 7 Aggregate load research data for 2003 and substitute largest use loads for Satuday and Sundays and visa versa; determne impact of change of usage when incorporating time of day rates. 24 8 Review data responses to for Monsanto; review impact ofload growth on Residential, Commercial, and Irrgation customers; develop interogatories dealing with time of use. 26 3 Review data responseses to Staff Request 1 and data responses to Monsanto Request 2. 27 3 Review responses to Staff data requests as well as responses to requests made by Monsanto. 30 8 Develop interogatories related to Net Power Cost; the basis of the load that goes into the Net Power Cost model; and the establishment of a number of scenaros regarding shifting in time of use and the resulting impact upon system costs and Idaho jursdictional costs; develop 4th set 31 4 Review the Company's responses to Monsanto's 2nd set of interrogatories and review the varous attachments that support these responses. Aug 2 4 Review different impacts of rates under existing Schedules 1 and 36 with Schedule 10 and 72 in order to determine relative impacts of time of day rates on the varous irrgation rate schedules. 6 7 Read the Company's recent report wrtten by Quantec regarding an assessment oflong-term system-wide potential for demand side and other supplemental resources. Review appendices as well. 7 7 Read the Company's recent report wrtten by Quantec regarding an assessment oflong-term system-wide potential for demand side and other supplemental resources. Review appendices as well. Develop interogatories. 15 7 Review load research data from 2003 to develop patterns of usage for different sided (strata) irgators in order to review the possibility of time of day rates being an effective way to shift load. 20 3 Review load research data from 2003 to develop patters of usage for different sided (strata) irrgators in order to review the possibility of time of day rates being an effective way to shift load. 22 2 Review responses to Irgator's first data set; look for problems with the responses and develop additional data requests as needed. .'Date Hours 23 8 24 27 28 29 30 Description Review data responses to Irrgator's first data request; develop a means of extracting compressed files that were in Text and get them into Access format; work unsuccessfully to extrat data from some file that were sent that could not be extracted; request the data fies that were too large to be broken down by year, instead of thee years together. 8 Review data responses to Agrum and Monsanto; review data responses to Irgators; look into Revised Protocol and the basis for treating Monsanto differently on a jursdictional basis than the Irrgators that are curailed. 8 Review background regarding the Revised Protocol method including the testimony of Taylor and other witnesses for the Company in Case No. P AC- E-02-3; review exhibits filed on Februar 28, 2005 regarding how the Revised Protocol worked; review differences between the treatment of special contract customers and DSM. 6 Review data responses to Irrgator requests and those of others: review data given regarding maximum prices paid for purchase power between data given to Irrgators response 1.11 and Monsanto response 2.50 and tr to discer why the data for the same hours should be different. 8 Put together computer and components for GRID: review 300 pages of manuals regarding the operation of the GRID program; conversations with PacifiCorp employee regarding the rung of the GRID modeL. 8 Review Irrgation load research data in order to see how different sized customers used energy differently from each other durg 2006; observe and ask questions regarding why some Irgation samples were missing, and what was done with the missing data; begin to sumarize data into categories like average usage by hour and average usage by day of the 31 Review Irrgation load research data in order to see how different sized customers used energy differently from each other durng 2006; begin to summarze data into categories like average usage by hour and average usage by day of the week; work with Laren Hale ofPacifiCorp in order to lear how to run the GRID modeL. Sept 4 5 6 7 Work with Laren Hale ofPacifiCorp in order to run GRID model; analize varous rus and continue to work with Hale in order to correct problem. 7 Analize proposed modeling of 25 MW of irrgation curailment in GRID in order to assess what was wrong with the results; review individual load research data for irrgators in order to determine impact on results of the customers that are under Schedule 72; review the impact of individual residential load research data and attempt to follow how these number flow though to the cost of service study. 1 Work with Scott Thornton ofPacifiCorp regarding load research data problems. . .Date Hours 7 2 8 4 10 6 11 7 12 4 13 8 14 7 15 . 4 17 8 18 8 Description Review emails from PacifiCorp regarding data problems in the load research data; change data and review impacts; conversations with load research personel; conversations with company regarding additional discover responses thatwere not able to be opened; conversation with Hale regarding GRID problem. Review GRID output for possible flaws in the model; review data responses to the Staff regarding weather normalization and compare how weather normalization occurs between Sch. 1, Sch. 36, and Sch. 23. Work with PacifiCorp Hale in order to ru GRID in order to understand the underlying reasons for the counterintuitive results of shifting on-peak load; review varous outputs of the GRID model including hourly sales and purchases under the original model run and under the assumption of shifting some on-peak load to off-peak. Review data responses; review hourly data from GRID model to assess the appropriateness of the model to reflect what is transpirng on the system and how the GRID model reacts to changes in load such as result for the irgation load management program. Review data regarding hourly usage of the most expensive purchases on the system in order to develop a means of assessing this data on an hourly basis as well as the same day of the week basis in order to understand the patterns involved in the costs. Outline testimony issues regarding the overall revenue requirement give the GRID model; inaquities in the Revised Protocol; lack of representation of the irgation load management program in the cost of serce study; and the need to better price irrgation load management and to develop a time of use rate for irrgators. Writing testimony regarding the impact of the BP A credit loss and the off- setting impacts of possible DSM options. Writing testimony regarding the impact of the BP A credit loss and the off- setting impacts of possible DSM options. Develop load and cost data for Irrgation Load Curailment program recommedation; calculate a balance between the level of the credit and the amount of benefit to be provided to the system. Write testimony regarding pssoble time-of day rates for Irrgators; develop Irrgation load research data so as to be combined to reflect the average hour usage of the average Irgation customer on any given day of the week for puroses of pricing. Date Hi 19 7 20 21 Description Write testimony regarding pssoble time-of day rates for Irrgators; develop Irrgation load research data so as to be combined to reflect the average hour usage of the average Irgation customer on any given day of the week for puroses of pricing' wrte summar for Irrgators review for upcoming conference call with the Board in order to go over proposals. 8 Review data regarding Irrgation curailment program and time-of-day rates; continue to develop numbers that reflect possible senaros for rates for TOD; conference call with Irrgators regarding direction for rate 7 Review new data responses to Irgators and Monsanto; review impact of Rivised Protocol on Idaho and develop testimony regarding same; look into problems with GRID model; coordinate with Iverson regarding GRID and other issues. 24 8 Review and continue to develop testimony regarding the load research data and its impacts upon the Company's cost of serice study; develop exhbits that show the lack of representation in the irrgation demand data of the load curailment customers; develop allocation recommendation, given the Company's position and the changed data provided by the 25 8 Develop alternative approach to calculating the credit for the irgation load curilment program; review historic cost and paricipation information regarding the irrgation load curtailment program. 26 8 Reread testimony; develop testimony that reflected the recent DSM Report put out by the Company; make changes to insure that testimony was interally consistent. 27 6 Review final testimony; correct wording erors; compile exhibit 305; conversations with Olsen. 18 3 Settlement conference call with PacifiCorp; follow-up conversation with Olsen; review of testimony of the Staff in the case. 19 3 Review testimony of Staff; review of testimony of other witnesses in case; review Company's proposed settlement offer regarding credit to the Irrgators and ways to price it. 22 5 Review Iverson testimony for Monsanto; review data regarding number and times of Monsanto interrptions and compare with time of year, day of week and time of day; develop list of hours of highest usage on the system and compare with times of Monsanto interrptions. 23 4 Review testimony ofPeseau; develop position regarding how the credits to Monsanto can be translated into the irgation credit; conversations with Olsen regarding both issues. 26 4 Review rebuttl testimony of Company .. Date Hours 29 4 30 31 Nov 1 2 3 4 Total 349 (q $125/hour $43,625 Description Review rebuttal testimony of Company; talk to Iverson regarding similar positions regarding interrptibility credits. 1 Conversations with Olsen regarding settlement talks as well as direction of our rebuttal to the Company. 4 Review Company rebuttal; develop data to support the $51 based upon new information; draft rebuttaL. 4 Multiple conversations with Irrgators, Olsen, and PacifiCorp regarding settlement; develop data and memo to support our positions. 3 Multiple conversations with Irgators, Olsen, and PacifiCorp regarding settlement. 6 Develop cross examination positions for varous witnesses; develop crossexamination questions for specific witnesses; do extensive review of the Company's 2007 IRP as well as the DSM study that was published. 6 Finalize rebuttal testimony; converations with Irrgators; review settlement offers; organize materals to take to Boise.