HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071025Howat rebuttal.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law Bar No. 3472 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 FAX: (208) 384-8511 bmpurdy~hotmail.com Attorney for Petitioner Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho HECE 1\/' 0'1n-LUUI , _11 ,-!' 4 iLJA1-IO ;;UEJLIC UTILrrlES COtAt'iISS!C! BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROV AL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES. CASE NO. PAC-07- REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF JON HOWAT PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME, OCCUPATION, AND BUSINESS ADDRESS. My name is John Howat, and I am a Senior Policy Analyst at the National Consumer Law Center, 77 Summer Street, 10th Floor, Boston, MA 02110. FOR WHOM ARE YOU TESTIFYING IN THIS PROCEEDING? I am providing comments and testimony on behalf of Community Action Partnership ofldaho ("CAP AI" HAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TESTIMONY ON BEHALF OF CAPAI IN THIS PROCEEDING? Yes. HAVE YOU HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW THE REBUTTAL TESTIMONY IN THIS PROCEEDING OF ALL OTHER PARTIES? Yes, the only other party that I am aware of who filed testimony regarding the issues I addressed in my direct testimony is that of Daniel Klein on behalf of the Commission Staff and I have reviewed that testimony. PLEASE SUMMARIZE THE PURPOSE OF YOUR REBUTTAL TESTIMONY. The purpose of my rebuttal testimony is comment on Staff's recommendations regarding the Company s proposed reconnection charges, after normal office hours for reconnection, and collection agency fees or collection costs that the Company proposes to pass along to individual customers. DO YOU SUPPORT COMMISSION STAFF'S RECOMMENDATIONS AS OUTLINED ON PAGE 2 OF MR. KLEIN'S TESTIMONY? Yes. DO YOU HAVE ADDITIONAL COMMENTS REGARDING THESE RECOMMENDATIONS? Yes, The Company s proposals to increase reconnection charges, to reduce the hours offered for after hours reconnection of service, and to pass along collection agency fees and related collection costs to individual customers would all disproportionately burden low-income customers. As demonstrated in previous testimony in this proceeding, low-income utility customers are more likely than their higher-income counterparts to experience disconnection of service for non- payment. Because reconnect ion charges, reconnection service quality and proposed collection agency fees only apply, or are intended by the Company to apply, to customers who have experienced loss of service, the Company proposed changes would disproportionately impact low-income customers, Put another way, low-income customers would be more likely than higher-income customers to suffer adverse consequences of the Company s customer service proposals. Low-income customers are least able to absorb these adverse financial consequences while paying for necessities of life. For this reason, and for those delineated in Mr, Klein's testimony, CAP AI supports the recommendations as outlined on Page 2 ofMr, Klein's testimony, DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR TESTIMONY? Yes.