HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050223Petition to Intervene.pdfTim thy J. Shurtz f~ECEJVEO EJ ~~"x~a~236 F! LED ~~~~~~~ me.com zaO5FES 23 AI'!': ~1 Fax 0.(208)346-4104 '::, "' ,, c , """ ' iU riU (-UdLlL: BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLiC UTILI~N~ t!~S Sf ON' IN 'fHE MA TIER OF THE APPLICATION OF P ACIFICORP DBA liT AH POWER & LIGHT CO~ ANY FOR AUTHORJ'!fY TO INCREASE ITS RATES FOR F.I .F.CTRIC SERVICE T~ ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. Docket No. PAC.E..O5- Tj" othy J. Shurtz to jntervene I~ Tjm(')thy J. Shurtz Pflition this commission for leave to intervene in the ab~ve entitled pro eeding. In support oftbis rtion, I Slate the following: 1. Any rate increase will affect me personally as a customer of Utah Power. 2. As an e1eCted official. I pd,sonal1Y voled to grant Utah Power a franchise to sell power withjn Idaho. 3. As a community leader, I feel a responsibility to those I represent aJ'Id depend on me to 1()~k after theirinterest. I4. Because no other private ~d....ocacy groups or private individuals have come forward to represent the residential consumers or ill business consumers, that my participation in this case is warran1ed. Whcrcfore~ I respccttU11y request that the Commissjon grant this Petibon to Intervene and aut) orize me to participatc in ~e above-entitled proceedings with full rights as a 'formal party. Dated this 22" day o~ February 2005. Sinl erely, Tjrhothy J. Shurtz zoo~t01t9tCSOZ XVd 1Z: 60 a3M SO/CZ/ZO I HEREBY CERTIFY dmt on this 22ncl day of February 2005 1 caused to be served a ~e and correct opy of the foregoing docrent by the method indicated below and addressed to the foll 1wing: Jean Je en Idaho bUe ~tilities Commission 011\ \ -e \7 lJJ)t:t.i€C(472 W. Washington StreetO. B x 83720 Bois~, 'D 83720-0074 C,' VeV'\5 t.l R Ll~Facstm Ie b 01 Lu, 13 tJ.N N o:cI, 5+r~ Po BoX c27201 Bo!s-e, 1:0 83i7D1-lJro u,5 1V\ "-a ( CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE lolm S 'wart Pacifi orp 20 I So th Main, Ste. 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84140..0023 J ohn stbwart2 acificor:p com U.5. M James F. Fen James M. Van Nostrand Stoel Rlives LLP 900 S . fifth A VCIlue, Ste. 2600 Portia d. OR 97204 Jflcll stoel,com JmvanJflostrand~ stoel.com S. Mail Rand C. Budge Racin~ Olson, Nye, Budge & Beney, Chtd. 210 East Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocate 10, ID 83204-1391 ~ acineiaw.netS. ail Katie verson Brubater& Associates I 7244 i W. Cordova Court Surprise, AZ 85387 Kiver~on con~mltbai.comS. ail James R. Smith Monsanto Company O. Etox 816 Soda ~prings, ID 83276 Jim.smith monsanto.comS. ail Eric t. Olsen Racin Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey, Chtd. 210 E t Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocat 110, ID 83204-1391 ~racinelaw.nc( S. rail Anth nY Yankel 2981 lake Road Bay iIIage, OH 44140 Y an kJ(!E.~ubi.com rilcoo Ii)tO1t9tCS06 XVd 66: 60 G3M SO/C6/60