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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050729Application for intervenor funding.pdfr" (; r~ I \I - ,"- .. 1 "if "." !x! ~._, Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law Bar No. 3472 2019 N. 17th St. Boise, ID. 83702 (208) 384-1299 FAX: (208) 384-8511 ~y(fYhotmail. com Attorney for Petitioner Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho it. 100S JUt 29 Pr1 t: iD 110 F'UBLiC !Jf IL If IE S COt"1r1 f5S IO~i BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ACIFICORP DBA UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMP ANY FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO ITS ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES CASE NO. PAC-05- COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIA- TION OF IDAHO' PETITION FOR INTER- VENOR FUNDING COMES NOW, petitioner Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAP AI) and, pursuant to Idaho Code ~ 61-617A and Rules 161-165 of the Commission s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA 31.01.01 , petitions this Commission for an award of intervenor funding. Rule 162 Requirements (01) Itemized list of Expenses Consistent with Rule 162(01) of the Commission s Rules of Procedure, an itemized list of all expenses incurred by CAP AI in this proceeding is attached hereto as Exhibit " CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING (02) Statement of Proposed Findings CAP AI's proposed fmdings are set forth in the settlement agreement executed by all parties to this proceeding and which this Commission ultimately approved. Though the settlement was executed prior to filing direct testimony, CAP AI , through extensive negotiations with PacifiCorp, addressed issues of importance to the general body of PacifiCorp s ratepayers, including the Company s overall proposed rate increase and the impact it would have on its low-income customers. As the settlement agreement reflects, CAP AI proposed an increase in the total annual funding level ofPacifiCorp s low-income weatherization program by 300%. addition, PacifiCorp agreed to adopt u.s. Department of Energy standards for energy efficiency rather than insisting upon its own standards. This change brings the Company into line with Idaho Power and A vista and facilitates the work of the community action agencies. PacifiCorp also agreed to reimburse low-income customers for 50% of refrigerators and compact fluorescent light bulbs. CAP AI's proposed fmdings are that the Commission adopt these changes. It is fair to say that CAP AI's efforts and proposed fmdings in this case were quite similar to those in the Idaho Power and A vista general rate cases, both for which this Commission awarded intervenor funding. As in the A vista case, CAP AI was able to settle all issues prior to hearing. PacifiCorp did not propose changes to its low-income weatherization program in its direct case. Because of its involvement in this case and negotiations with PacifiCorp, the company agreed to implement CAPAI's proposed changes to the low-income weatherization program as set forth in the settlement. Were it not for the involvement of CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING and negotiations by CAP AI, therefore, these changes would not have been agreed to for consideration by this Commission. (03) Statement Showing Costs Attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is a statement showing the costs incurred by CAP AI in this proceeding. CAP AI submits that the costs and fees incurred are reasonable. Because of the speed at which this case was settled, CAP AI's costs are considerably less in this proceeding than in Idaho Power, Avista s and United Water general rate cases. For example, they are rougWy one-half of the costs incurred in the A vista general rate case, though both resulted in a similar settlement agreement. CAP AI did not retain an expert witness in this case, but relied upon the expertise it has acquired in recent cases and, primarily, on its legal counsel for negotiation and consultation purposes. CAP AI is on an extremely limited budget and, by necessity, must minimize its costs to the greatest extent possible. (04) Explanation of Cost Statement CAP AI is a non-profit corporation overseeing a number of agencies who fight the causes and conditions of poverty throughout Idaho. CAP AI's funding for any given effort might come from a different variety of sources, including governmental. Many of those funding sources, however, are unpredictable. Some contain conditions or limitations on the scope and nature of work eligible for funding. The cost to CAP AI participating in this proceeding constitutes a significant fmancial hardship. This Commission has been extremely accommodating to CAP AI's regular involvement in significant proceedings such as this, and the Commission has awarded CAP AI its reasonable costs in past rate cases. If it were not for this fact, CAP AI would CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING simply not be able to afford to participate and advance the interests of not only low- income ratepayers, but all ratepayers. In spite of the Commission s honorable decisions there is never a guarantee that CAP AI will recover the costs it incurs in these proceedings. Furthermore, even if the Commission does ultimately award full recovery through intervenor funding, CAP AI must pay its costs as it goes. This is a tremendous struggle, in terms of cash- flow, for non-profits organizations, such as CAP AI, who operate on unpredictable and limited budgets. No other intervenor in this proceeding represented, exclusively, the interests of the residential class, particularly the low-income sector of that class. CAP AI raised issues, and represented the interests of, the general body ofPacifiCorp s ratepayers. For example, the low-income weatherization program for which CAP AI seeks increased funding reduces the consumption of electricity during PacifiCorp s summer peak season helping to defer the acquisition of marginally-priced resources and provides other system-wide benefits including the reduction of bad debt and arrearages. (05) Statement of Difference Unlike the Idaho Power, Avista and United Water general rate cases, Staff was not involved at all in the negotiations between CAPAI and PacifiCorp. There was no deliberate design accounting for this, other than the fact that Staff has demonstrated a preference to allow CAP AI to make specific proposals and fight for them on its own without intervention other than to opine, after the fact, whether CAP AI's position, falls within a range of reasonableness. Thus, it is fair to say that where CAP AI takes specific positions on issues that Staff does not address in detail, there are significant differences between CAP AI and Staff for purposes of intervenor funding requests. CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING (06) Statement of Recommendation CAP AI's participation in this case addressed issues of concern to the general body of ratepayers. The problems facing PacifiCorp s low-income customers are societal problems that affect us all. Those problems, if not addressed, adversely affect all utility ratepayers in the form of increased collection and associated costs as well as the write-off of uncollectible accounts. These are costs that are passed on to all ratepayers. Iflow- income customers are enabled to lower their electric bills through a Company-funded weatherization program, this decreases the likelihood that they will be unable to pay their bills and, consequently, the Company avoids incurring the aforementioned costs. Furthermore, because the low-income weatherization program is a DSM program, it represents a resource to the Company. It is in the best interests ofPacifiCorp ratepayers for the Company to have a healthy diversity of resources. By promoting the conservation of electricity consumption, the Company is able to defer the acquisition of new, marginally higher cost, resources. This case is quite unique in comparison to past general rate cases. In both the Avista and United Water cases, CAP AI was able to reach a settlement with the utilities that was put before and approved by the Commission at hearing. In this case, CAP AI was aware that settlement negotiations were pending between PacifiCorp and certain other parties months ago. Because the substance of those negotiations did not appear relevant to CAP AI's issues, and because CAP AI was independently negotiating with the Company, joinder in those other negotiations would have resulted in unnecessary costs for CAPAI. CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING Once CAP AI learned that PacifiCorp intended to reach settlement on all issues in the case, CAP AI accelerated the pace of its negotiations with the Company and reached an agreement in time to become a signatory to the global settlement. CAPAI was informed that the Commission would reschedule the original pre file and hearing dates and, ultimately, schedule the hearing for the purpose of addressing the settlement. order to minimize costs, and because it intended at participate in the hearing and testify in support of the settlement, CAP AI did not prefile any testimony regarding the settlement which it obviously supported as evidenced by its execution of the document and which it would justify at hearing. It was only after the prefile deadline for direct testimony was cancelled, did CAP AI learn that the Commission would not conduct a hearing after all. CAP AI points this out simply to establish that it did everYthing in its power to minimize costs, while leveraging its position in the interests of all ratepayers. Consequently, though a hearing was never conducted, CAP AI's participation in this case contributed materially toward shaping the scope, and focus of the issues and evidence presented to the Commission and, thus, the ultimate outcome of this proceeding, by offering a perspective not offered by any other party. (07) Statement Showing Class of Customer To the extent that CAP AI represented a specific PacifiCorp customer class, it is the residential class. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, this 29th day of July, 2005. Brad M. Purdy - CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING CERTIFICA TE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 21 day of July, 2005 , I caused to be served the foregoing PETITION TO INTERVENE OF COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO on the following, by fIrst class mail, postage prepaid, in Case No. P AC-05- James M. VanNostrand Stoel Rives, LLP 900 SW Fifth Ave, Suite 2600 Portland, Oregon 97204 John Stewart PacifiCorp 201 S. Main St., Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84140 Scott Woodbury Kira Pfisterer Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 Randall C. Budge O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, ID. 83204-1391 James R. Smith Monsanto Co. Highway 34 North O. Box 816 Soda Springs, ID 83276 Eric L. Olsen 201 E. Center O. Box 1391 Pocatello, ID 1391 Anthony Yanke 29814 Lake Road Bay Village, OH 44140 Conley E. Ward 601 W. Bannock St. CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83720 Dennis E. Peseau 1500 Liberty St., SE, Suite 250 Salem, OR 97302 R. Scott Pasley 999 Main St. O. Box 27 Boise, ID 83707 David Hawk 999 Main St. O. Box 27 Boise, ID 83707 Timothy Shurtz 411 S. Main Firth, ID 83236 CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING EXHmIT " ITEMIZED EXPENSES Costs: Photocopies Telephone conferencing costs Postage Total Costs $36. $21.63 $15. $73. Fees: Legal (Brad M. Purdy 50.70 hours ~ $120.00/hr) $6 084. Total Fees $6,084. Total Expenses $6,157. CAP AI PETITION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING