HomeMy WebLinkAboutDirect Testimony of Kathryn Iverson.pdfBefore the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Idaho In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp, ) dba Utah Power & Light Company for ) CASE NO. PAC-E-01-16 Approval of Interim Provisions for the Supply ) of Electric Service to Monsanto Company ) Direct Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson On Behalf of Monsanto Company July 2002 Project 7402 PACIFICORP Before the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Idaho CASE NO. PAC-E-01-16 Table of Contents to the Direct Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson I. INTRODUCTION AND QUALIFICATIONS....................................................................1 II. PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY AND SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS............................2 III. BACKGROUND ON THE TREATMENT OF MONSANTO IN COST OF SERVICE STUDIES.............................................................................5 IV. MODIFICATIONS TO PACIFICORP’S SITUS COST STUDY ......................................9 V. COST ALLOCATION STUDY TREATING MONSANTO AS AN INTERRUPTIBLE CUSTOMER..................................................................21 Appendix A Exhibits: Exhibit 216 (KEI-1) – Impact on Idaho Return with Additional Monsanto Revenues Exhibit 217 (KEI-2) – Results of Alternative Cost Studies -- Firm Exhibit 218 (KEI-3) – Administrative and General Expenses Exhibit 219 (KEI-4) – Results of Alternative Cost Studies – Interruptible Exhibit 220 (KEI-5) – Hold Harmless Analysis PACIFICORP Before the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Idaho CASE NO. PAC-E-01-16 Direct Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson I. INTRODUCTION AND QUALIFICATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Q PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS. A My name is Kathryn E. Iverson; 5555 DTC Parkway, Suite B-2000; Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111. Q WHAT IS YOUR OCCUPATION AND BY WHOM ARE YOU EMPLOYED? A I am a consultant in the field of public utility regulation and employed by the firm of Brubaker & Associates, Inc. (BAI), regulatory and economic consultants with corporate headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. Q WOULD YOU PLEASE STATE YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE? A I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Sciences and a Master of Science Degree in Economics from Colorado State University. I have been a consultant in this field since 1984, with experience in utility resource matters, cost allocation and rate design. More details are provided in Appendix A to this testimony. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 1 Q ON WHOSE BEHALF ARE YOU TESTIFYING IN THIS PROCEEDING? 1 2 3 A I am testifying on behalf of Monsanto Company, along with my colleague, Dr. Rosenberg. II. PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY AND SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q WHAT SUBJECTS DO YOU AND DR. ROSENBERG ADDRESS? A Dr. Rosenberg and I have been asked to review PacifiCorp’s rationale and support for the offered special contract price, terms and conditions for service to Monsanto’s Soda Springs facility. We will make recommendations to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) on a reasonable contract price for serving Monsanto. Q WHAT SPECIFIC AREAS DOES YOUR TESTIMONY COVER? A My testimony provides the analysis to quantify the cost of service studies used in the development of the special contract rate. Specifically, I provide testimony on the quantification of the allocation of jurisdictional costs and class cost of service studies used as one input to the design of the Monsanto rate. Dr. Rosenberg’s testimony provides a policy framework for the Commission to evaluate the proposed rates, terms and conditions for service to Monsanto. Q ARE YOU SPONSORING ANY EXHIBITS IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR TESTIMONY? A Yes. I am sponsoring Exhibits 216 (KEI-1) through 220 (KEI-5). These exhibits were prepared either by me or under my supervision and direction. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 2 Q WHAT PRICE DOES PACIFICORP PROPOSE TO CHARGE MONSANTO FOR SERVICE? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A The Company has separated its proposal into two contractual arrangements. The first contract is for PacifiCorp to sell firm energy to Monsanto at an overall average price of $31.4 per MWH. PacifiCorp’s proposed rate design includes seasonal and hourly price differentials, with both capacity and energy prices. The second contract is for PacifiCorp to buy interruptible energy from Monsanto as needed. Despite PacifiCorp’s testimony that the net effect of these two separate contracts is a cost of $27 to $28 per MWH, the actual net cost is indeterminate since the second contract’s quantity, price and timing are all unknown. Q WOULD YOU PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS? A My testimony examines the allocated costs for Monsanto under three different types of analysis, or treatments. The first treatment follows the proposal of the Company whereby the firm price is derived for Monsanto, and then a separate valuation of interruptibility is determined and netted with the firm price to come up with the overall interruptible cost of service. With my revisions to the cost study as filed by the Company, the cost of firm power to Monsanto is determined to be in the range of $26.1 to $28.1 per MWH. The second treatment explicitly recognizes that Monsanto is taking a lower quality service in the allocation and assignment of costs. Under this alternative, the overall price for providing interruptible service is derived as ranging from $19.6 to $20.9 per MWH based on cost allocation studies recognizing 50% of Monsanto’s non- firm demands in the allocation factors. The third treatment provides a “hold harmless” analysis that maintains the other Idaho ratepayers at status quo levels. This approach yields an interruptible rate Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 for service to Monsanto of $21.7 per MWH under the Company’s cost study, and even less under alternative cost studies. Dr. Rosenberg incorporates these results together with a valuation of interruptibility and arrives at an overall price of $19.4 per MWH for service to Monsanto, an increase of almost $1 per MWH above the current rate, or roughly a 5% increase. Q WHY DO YOU BELIEVE IT IS NECESSARY TO ANALYZE MONSANTO’S COSTS UNDER THESE THREE DIFFERENT TYPES OF TREATMENTS? A There is considerable dispute about how to best model and recognize interruptible loads on PacifiCorp’s system. While PacifiCorp chose to only provide a single view of the allocation of costs to interruptible customers (i.e., treat Monsanto as a firm customer), we offer a more complete picture before this Commission by providing alternative treatments. To the extent these treatments all point to a relatively narrow range of pricing provisions, the Commission is provided increased confidence in its determination of a reasonably accurate overall view of the Company’s cost of serving the Monsanto Soda Springs load. Q IS A COST OF SERVICE APPROACH THE ONLY WAY TO ASCERTAIN THE COST TO SERVE AN INTERRUPTIBLE CUSTOMER SUCH AS MONSANTO? A No. We are presenting these alternative cost of service studies only in response to the new proposal of PacifiCorp to allocate embedded costs to Monsanto. If the Commission agrees with PacifiCorp’s approach for deriving a firm price for Monsanto, then our testimony will provide additional perspectives on cost allocation. Dr. Rosenberg will suggest further pricing methods ranging from examination of other interruptible contracts to an average variable cost plus an adder. The cost studies I employ in my testimony are but one way of reviewing the costs to serve Monsanto. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 4 Q HOW IS YOUR TESTIMONY ORGANIZED? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A My testimony will first discuss the allocation of costs to Monsanto as a firm customer with revisions to the Company cost study for five items. Second, my testimony will provide the allocation of costs continuing the treatment as Monsanto as an interruptible customer. Third, I will present the “hold harmless” analysis which seeks to keep the revenue requirement allocated to the non-Monsanto Idaho customers at their present revenue levels, thus holding all other Idaho customers indifferent to the change in status of Monsanto from “system” to “situs”. III. BACKGROUND ON THE TREATMENT OF MONSANTO IN COST STUDIES Q DOES PACIFICORP PROVIDE FIRM SERVICE TO MONSANTO? 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A No. Monsanto’s load is interruptible1, and PacifiCorp has treated the load as such in its resource planning. Even though Monsanto is primarily an interruptible customer, PacifiCorp proposes that Monsanto be served at a so-called firm rate of $31.4 per MWH.2 My testimony rebuts the Company’s figures. Q HAS PACIFICORP FILED A COST OF SERVICE STUDY TO SUPPORT ITS FIRM PRICE TO MONSANTO? A Yes. PacifiCorp filed three studies in support of its firm price: 1 With the exception of 9 MW firm for safety concerns. 2 Actually the contract terms offered by PacifiCorp are not entirely firm as the contract provides for PacifiCorp to temporarily interrupt or curtail service of power for emergency purposes. See the testimony of Alan Rosenberg for further details. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1. Jurisdictional Allocation Model (JAM) with “System” Treatment of Monsanto 2. Jurisdictional Allocation Model (JAM) with “Situs” Treatment of Monsanto 3. Idaho Class Cost of Service (COS) Study All three of these cost studies employ the same general cost of service methodology whereby the demand allocator for generation and transmission costs is a combination of 75% demand-related and 25% energy-related. The demand portion is allocated on a 12 coincident peak (12 CP) method, while the energy portion is allocated on the basis of energy at generation level. Consequently, all three Company studies are based solely upon the “12 CP; 75/25” allocation methodology, and are but one perspective for use in designing rates for Monsanto. Q WHY ARE THERE TWO JAM COST STUDIES? A PacifiCorp provided two different JAM cost studies based on two different treatments for handling special contracts. The first JAM study with “system” treatment of Monsanto’s special contract employs the historical method for dealing with special contracts by excluding special contract usage in the jurisdictional allocation study. Special contracts are not allocated costs; rather, their revenues are spread to all jurisdictions as an offset to costs for all the other non-contract customers. PacifiCorp proposes to depart from this “system” practice and instead directly allocate the costs of serving Monsanto to the Idaho jurisdiction for ratemaking purposes. The second JAM study employs the proposed new practice for “situs” treatment. The Idaho jurisdictional results from the “situs” JAM study are then incorporated in the Idaho COS for determining the allocated costs to Monsanto. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 6 Q DOES THE USE OF “SITUS” COST STUDIES IN THIS PROCEEDING MEAN THAT YOU ACCEPT THE CHANGE IN ALLOCATION TREATMENT FROM “SYSTEM” TO “SITUS”? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A No. The use of any “situs” cost studies in this proceeding is only meant to provide one type of analytical tool for pricing the cost to serve Monsanto. The broader policy question of how to treat special contracts by the various Commissions which regulate PacifiCorp is currently under investigation in the Multi-State Process (MSP) and has been addressed by Monsanto witness Richard Anderson. Q WHAT ARE THE RESULTS OF PACIFICORP’S IDAHO COS PRESENTED IN THEIR EXHIBIT 1? A The COS by rate schedule presented by the Company shows that Monsanto’s present revenues provide a return on rate base of negative 5.55%.3 A negative rate of return for Monsanto is not surprising however. The present revenues for Monsanto are for interruptible service, while the Company’s COS is designed to determine the total cost of 14 firm service. Comparing present interruptible revenues to a proposed firm revenue requirement is an apples and oranges comparison. Thus, it is not surprising that Monsanto’s return under the COS is negative. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Second, the Company’s COS seems to imply an increase of 70% is necessary for Monsanto. While a cost study does provide a guiding light for setting rates, the Company has taken its own particular cost study results as gospel for proposed rates. PacifiCorp makes no allowances for any other input such as gradualism or rate shock. Dr. Rosenberg will discuss the need for these additional considerations. 3 Exhibit No. 1, D. Taylor, PacifiCorp, Page 1, column E, line 11. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Third, the Company’s COS provides a basis for the variable costs associated with serving Monsanto. In other words, we can review the allocated costs to Monsanto that vary on the basis of usage without any contribution to fixed costs. Q WHAT ARE THE VARIABLE COSTS TO SERVE MONSANTO? A Based on the Company’s COS, the variable cost to serve Monsanto is $14 per MWH. This variable cost is based on the generation expenses plus transmission wheeling by others, net of the sales for resale allocated to Monsanto, as shown below: TABLE 1 Monsanto Average Variable Cost Amount Total Production Expense $45,929,191 Transmission by Others $1,778,074 Total Variable Costs $47,707,265 Sales for Resale ($28,127,522) Net Variable Costs $19,579,743 Monsanto Energy Usage (MWH) 1,400,846 Average Variable Cost ($ per MWH) $14.00 At the current contract price of $18.50 per MWH, the contribution to fixed costs is $4.50 per MWH, or $6.3 million. Dr. Rosenberg discusses how the above variable cost with an appropriate fixed cost adder can lead to a reasonable rate for the new contract. 8 9 10 11 Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 8 IV. MODIFICATIONS TO PACIFICORP’S SITUS COST STUDY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Q WHAT MODIFICATIONS HAVE YOU MADE TO THE JURISDICTIONAL AND IDAHO COST STUDIES PROVIDED BY PACIFICORP? A I have made five modifications to the Company’s studies: Correction of the rate of return applied to Monsanto; Modification of the 75% demand/25% energy combination for the allocation of production and transmission demand-related expenses and rate base, to a 100% demand/0% energy; Use of an 8 CP demand allocator, rather than 12 CP; Adjustment for administrative and general (A&G) expenses allocated to Monsanto; Incorporation of fuel shaping in the overall allocation of fuel and purchased power costs. I will explain why each of these modifications are appropriate and necessary. Furthermore, I should note that I have not made any explicit disallowances or exclusions to the full costs and investment contained in the Company’s cost studies. Rate of Return 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Q WHAT RATE OF RETURN DOES PACIFICORP USE AS THE BASIS OF THE PROPOSED FIRM MONSANTO RATE? A PacifiCorp proposes a rate of return of 8.418% to be applied to Monsanto. According to the Company’s testimony, the 8.418% rate of return was selected to match the 1999 normalized rate of return for the state of Idaho, prior to the inclusion of Monsanto as a “situs” customer. In other words, the Company uses the JAM “system” study to determine the rate of return to apply to Monsanto. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 9 Q PACIFICORP CLAIMS THAT PRICING THE MONSANTO CONTRACT AT THE 8.418% RATE OF RETURN (9.8% RETURN ON EQUITY) WILL LEAVE THE RETURN FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO UNCHANGED. DO YOU AGREE? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A No. If PacifiCorp’s proposed increase to Monsanto is granted, then the Idaho jurisdiction rate of return will increase to 8.867%. This is shown in Exhibit 216 (KEI- 1), page 1, line 10. Contrary to the Company’s claims, an increase of $18 million to Monsanto, combined with the present revenues of all other Idaho customer classes, will afford PacifiCorp an increase in its Idaho return. Q WHY IS THE IDAHO JURISDICTIONAL RATE OF RETURN HIGHER WITH PACIFICORP’S PROPOSED $18 MILLION INCREASE TO MONSANTO? A As summarized in Table 2 below, an overall total increase of $15 million for Idaho is necessary to return the state of Idaho rate of return back to 8.418% under the Company’s proposed cost study. TABLE 2 PacifiCorp Cost of Service by Rate Schedule Present Revenue Increase (Decrease) to Equal ROR Percentage Change Residential $ 43,205,288 $ (8,484,280) -19.6% General Service 27,006,334 (3,161,812) -11.7% Irrigation 25,800,073 8,704,210 33.7% Other 5,989,999 (8,738) -0.1% Monsanto 25,891,534 18,079,556 69.8% Total $ 127,893,229 $ 15,128,936 11.8% Source: Exhibit No. 1, D. Taylor, Page 1 of 4. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Even though PacifiCorp’s own cost study shows that it requires $15 million to bring its rate of return back to 8.418% for the state of Idaho, PacifiCorp proposes to increase Monsanto’s rates by over $18 million. The difference – close to $3 million – is pocketed by PacifiCorp since the Company has no intention of revising any other classes’ rates in this proceeding. Consequently, as a result of increasing Monsanto’s rates the overall rate of return generated for PacifiCorp will actually be higher than 8.418%. Q WHAT RATE OF RETURN SHOULD BE USED IN DETERMINING THE INCREASE TO MONSANTO? A The increase to Monsanto should be limited to the overall increase necessary to bring the Idaho jurisdiction rate of return back to the level prior to including Monsanto as a “situs” customer. For example, with PacifiCorp’s as filed study (which I have referred to as Study “A” in my exhibit), the increase to Monsanto is limited to the overall $15,128,936 jurisdictional increase, which returns the overall Idaho jurisdictional return back to 8.418%. This is shown on page 2 of Exhibit 216. Under this return methodology, neither PacifiCorp or the other Idaho ratepayers are impacted as a result of moving toward “situs” treatment for Monsanto. Limiting Monsanto’s increase to the $15.1 million amount results in a firm cost of $29.3 per MWH, and a rate of return of 6.88% for Monsanto, a significant increase from the present return of negative 5.55% return shown by PacifiCorp. Furthermore, the return for the state of Idaho is maintained at its 8.418% level, as the Company mistakenly believed its own method was doing. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 11 Classification of Generation and Transmission Costs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Q HOW ARE GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION COSTS CLASSIFIED IN THE COMPANY’S JURISIDCTIONAL AND IDAHO COST STUDIES? A PacifiCorp classifies generation and transmission costs as 75% demand related and 25% energy related.4 Q HAS THE IDAHO COMMISSION PROVIDED ANY GUIDANCE ON THIS ISSUE IN THE PAST? A Yes. In the last Utah Power & Light (UPL) cost of service case, Case No. UPL-E-90- 1, the Commission provided guidance on the use of cost studies, in particular the issue of the classification and allocation of generation and transmission costs. Order No. 23508 details the Commission’s review of eight different cost-of-service methodologies presented by UPL in the 1990 proceeding. One study used the combination of 25% energy and 75% 12 CP, similar to the study as proposed by the Company in this docket. The Commission in Order No. 23508, though, dismissed the 25% energy/75% demand methodology, and instead opted for studies with 100% demand classification. Q DO YOU AGREE THAT THE COST STUDY SHOULD USE THE 100% DEMAND CLASSIFICATION? A Yes. By allocating 100% of the generation and transmission demand-related rate base and expenses on the basis of coincident peak demands, all firm customers will receive equal shares of the cost of constructing the investment on a per kW basis. All customers then will share proportionately in the cost of the generation and transmission investments based on their contribution to the monthly coincident peak 4 See Direct Testimony, David L. Taylor, page 12. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 demands. Clearly the investments for generation and transmission are fixed costs, and so should be allocated on the basis of demand. Q HAVE YOU RERUN THE COMPANY’S COST STUDIES WITH THE DEMAND ALLOCATOR SET AT 100/0 RATHER THAN PACIFICORP’S 75/25? A Yes. I have rerun both JAM studies (“system” and “situs”) at 100% demand, as well as the Idaho COS, continuing to use the 12 CP as proposed by PacifiCorp. The resulting price is shown in Exhibit 217 (KEI-2), labeled as Study “B”. Running the JAM “system” study shows that the Idaho jurisdiction has a rate of return of 8.49%, and when the “situs” study is run the rate of return drops to 6.31%. In order to bring the Idaho jurisdiction back up to the 8.49% return requires an overall increase of $14.1 million. If Monsanto’s revenues are increased by $14.1 million, their overall firm rate is $28.50 per MWH. Monsanto’s return increases from negative 5.02% to positive 6.99%. Q DID THE COMMISSION FIND THE 12 CP METHOD THE ONLY DEMAND METHOD IN ITS 1990 ORDER? A No. The Commission found the use of an 8 CP method equally compelling for use in guidance of establishing rates: We further find that both the 8 CP and 12 CP methods of allocating generation and transmission costs possess advantages as well as shortcomings. As an effort to capture the advantages of both methods we will use, an average of the Company’s 8 CP and 12 CP methods for guidance in this case. (Order No. 23508, page 9) Q WHY DO REGULATORS CONSIDER MULTIPLE COINCIDENT PEAKS (SUCH AS 12 CP OR 8 CP) WHEN EVALUATING COST OF SERVICE STUDIES? Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A A system that is built to accommodate the single highest peak during the year can also satisfy the other subordinate monthly peaks. Nevertheless, it is fairly common to use multiple peaks (usually anywhere from two months (e.g., winter and summer) to 12 months) in a cost analysis to account for the fact that the annual peak does not always occur in the same month every year. The use of a single CP can also produce erratic results, as the Commission noted in its 1990 order. Consequently, using several coincident peaks is generally considered a fairer way to allocate costs. Q WHAT FACTORS GO INTO THE CHOICE OF THE NUMBER OF PEAKS? A While there are no hard and fast rules that garner universal acceptance, in general the flatter the monthly peaks, the more one can justify the 12 CP method. Conversely, the more pronounced the monthly peaks become, the more a cost analyst would opt for fewer peaks. Using more coincident peaks than is warranted, dilutes the message that an electric system must be designed to meet the peak load. Using more coincident peaks than can be justified also penalizes high load factor customers, the most efficient users of the system. Thus, the cost analyst seeks to strike a balance – use enough peaks to accurately capture the responsibility of all usage that may contribute to an annual peak, but not enough to distort the influence that peak usage has on cost causation. Q WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON THE RELATIVE MERITS OF USING 12 COINCIDENT PEAKS VERSUS USING 8 COINCIDENT PEAKS? A Before I can properly answer that question, we must first distinguish between the JAM model and the Idaho COS model. The reason we must distinguish between the two is that: (1) the PacifiCorp system load shape is quite different from the Idaho jurisdiction load shape, and (2) the two models serve different purposes. The JAM Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 study is used to allocate costs among broad jurisdictions (California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Wyoming and Idaho), while the Idaho COS model concerns itself strictly with allocation among the Idaho retail classes. Q WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON THE RELATIVE MERITS OF USING 12 COINCIDENT PEAKS VERSUS USING 8 COINCIDENT PEAKS IN THE JAM STUDY? A In my opinion, the 8 CP method is preferable to the 12 CP method. I say that because in the test year (1999), the four lowest peaks were all between 80% and 84% of the annual peak, while the 8 highest peaks average 93% of the annual peak, as shown in the following figure (PacifiCorp’s monthly peaks shown in the lighter shade of gray): FIGURE 1 Monthly Peak Demands as a Percent of the Annual System Peaks for PacifiCorp and Idaho 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec PacifiCorp Idaho Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 15 Q WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON THE RELATIVE MERITS OF USING 12 COINCIDENT PEAKS VERUS USING 8 COINCIDENT PEAKS IN THE IDAHO COS STUDY? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 A In the Idaho COS study, the 8 CP method is even more justified than in the JAM study. As shown in Figure 1 above for Idaho (the darker shaded bars), only two months out of twelve exhibited peak demands that were within 87% of the annual Idaho peak. The lowest four monthly peaks average only 58% of the annual peak. Not only is the 8 CP method even more justified in the Idaho COS study, it is also more critical. To the extent that the load factor of Idaho, let us say, is similar to that of Wyoming, it will not make too much difference to the outcome whether you use 8 CP or 12 CP in the JAM study. However, retail customer classes almost always exhibit much sharper differences in load shape among each other, than do the load shapes from one state to another. Thus it is much more important to limit the number of coincident peaks used in the Idaho COS study. I recommend that the Commission focus on the 8 CP method for both the JAM as well as the Idaho COS studies. Q HAVE YOU RERUN THE COMPANY’S COST STUDIES USING AN 8 CP ALLOCATOR? A Yes, I have. The results are labeled as Study “C” and presented on Exhibit 217. Running the JAM “system” study shows that the Idaho jurisdiction has a rate of return of 7.73%, and when the “situs” study is run the rate of return drops to 6.03%. In order to bring the Idaho jurisdiction back up to the 7.73% return requires an increase of $11.3 million. If Monsanto’s revenues are increased by $11.3 million, their overall firm rate is $26.50 per MWH. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 16 Q WHAT IS THE RESULT OF AVERAGING THE RESULTS OF THE 12 CP STUDY AND THE 8 CP STUDY? 1 2 3 4 5 A The results of averaging Study “B” and Study “C” are shown on Exhibit 217. The firm price to Monsanto would be $27.50 per MWH, which equates to an increase of 49% or $12.7 million. Administrative & General Expenses 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Q WHAT ARE THE ALLOCATED COSTS TO MONSANTO FOR A&G EXPENSES IN THE COMPANY’S COST STUDY? A Under the Idaho COS proposed by PacifiCorp, the total A&G expenses allocated to Monsanto are $4.1 million, or $2.95 per MWH, as shown in Exhibit 218 (KEI-3). It makes up over 9% of the total proposed cost of firm power. For example, under PacifiCorp’s cost study, $914,889 of “Office Supplies and Expenses” are allocated to Monsanto alone. A&G salaries allocated to Monsanto are over $1.8 million. Q DOES PACIFICORP CONSIDER $4 MILLION TO BE HIGH FOR A SINGLE CUSTOMER’S SHARE OF A&G? A While the Company has not commented directly on Monsanto’s share of A&G expenses, PacifiCorp has recently commented on another large industrial customer’s share. In a recent case in Utah (Docket No. 01-035-38), Magcorp noted that its share of these costs totaled over $1 million or $1.73 per MWH. This is 40% lower than Monsanto’s A&G expenses. While PacifiCorp agreed that $1 million “is a very large number” for a single customer, the Company dismissed Magcorp’s concern with the insistence that its A&G allocation was “consistent with the allocation methodology the Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 17 (Utah) Commission has adopted for A&G expenses”.5 Obviously, Monsanto’s share of A&G expenses is even higher than the amount PacifiCorp allocated to Magcorp. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Q WHY IS THE ALLOCATION TO MONSANTO SO HIGH FOR THESE OVERHEAD TYPE OF EXPENSES? A As explained by the Company, most A&G costs are functionalized and allocated to classes based on generation, transmission and distribution plant. Thus, a customer such as Monsanto which uses a large amount of energy and is allocated significant amounts of generation plant in the Company’s cost study will likewise be allocated a large amount of A&G expenses. Q DO YOU HAVE AN ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF ALLOCATING A&G EXPENSES? A Yes. Instead of relying on functionalization based on plant, the following accounts of the A&G expenses should be functionalized on the basis of labor costs: Account 920 A&G Salaries Account 921 Office Supplies Account 923 Outside Services Account 926 Employee Pensions I have rerun the Studies A, B and C using the labor allocations. As a result of the previous changes, the firm price for Monsanto should be reduced another $0.32 per MWH. 5 Before the Public Service Commission of Utah, Docket No. 01-35-38, Direct Testimony of David Taylor, page 9. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 18 Shaping Fuel Costs for Recognition of High Load and Low Load Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q DOES PACIFICORP PROVIDE ANY RECOGNITION OF HIGH LOAD AND LOW LOAD HOURS IN ITS COST STUDY ALLOCATION OF FUEL AND ENERGY- RELATED PURCHASED POWER EXPENSES? A No. The costs of fuel and energy-related purchases are spread to all 8,760 hours of the year equally. Q IS THAT ALLOCATION CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPANY’S PROPOSED RATE DESIGN, OR PLANNING ASSUMPTIONS? A No, it is not. The Company proposes a rate design to Monsanto which differentiates between high load and low load energy in the summer and winter seasons as follows: TABLE 3 Seasonal Price Differentiation High Load Hours Low Load Hours Summer: May – October 20% premium 10% discount Winter: November – April 0% premium 10% discount Definition: On Peak Hours: 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except holidays Off-Peak Hours: All other times The Company’s planning assumptions include similar types of premiums and discounts for high load and low load hours. 11 12 6 6 PacifiCorp Resource and Market Planning Program, RAMPP-6, Appendix: Model Output, Tab 3, June 2001 Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 19 Q WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF RECOGNIZING THE TIME DIFFERENTIATION OF FUEL AND PURCHASED ENERGY COSTS? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A I have analyzed the load shapes of the Idaho jurisdiction for the test period 1999 for Monsanto’s loads, and all other Idaho load. When the premiums and discounts suggested by PacifiCorp are incorporated into the energy allocation process, Monsanto’s average price declines by $0.12 per MWH. This adjustment thus recognizes the load shape of Monsanto and incorporates an allocation of energy- related costs reflective of the premiums and discounts preferred by the Company. Summary of Cost Allocation Studies 10 11 12 13 14 Q PLEASE SUMMARIZE THE RESULTS OF YOUR COST STUDIES AND MODIFICATIONS. A Table 4 summarizes the results of the cost studies with the treatment of Monsanto as a firm customer: TABLE 4 Summary of Cost Study and Adjustments With Monsanto As A Firm Customer ($ per MWH) Cost Study Results A&G Adjustment Shaping Fuel Cost Adjustment Firm Monsanto Rate Study “A”: 12 CP; 75/25 $29.3 (0.32) (0.12) $28.9 Study “B”: 12 CP; 100/0 $28.5 (0.32) (0.12) $28.1 Study “C”: 8 CP; 100/0 $26.5 (0.32) (0.12) $26.1 Average of “B” and “C” $27.5 (0.32) (0.12) $27.1 Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 20 1 2 3 While PacifiCorp’s singular cost study indicates a firm price of $31.4 per MWH, the other various cost studies point toward a firm price in the range of $26 to $28 per MWH. V. COST ALLOCATION STUDY TREATING MONSANTO AS AN INTERRUPTIBLE CUSTOMER Q IN THE PREVIOUS SECTION BOTH YOU AND THE COMPANY TREATED MONSANTO AS A FIRM CUSTOMER FOR PURPOSES OF ALLOCATING COSTS AMONG CUSTOMER CLASSES. IS THERE ANOTHER APPROACH THAT COULD BE USED TO ASCERTAIN THE COST TO SERVE MONSANTO AS AN INTERRUPTIBLE CUSTOMER? 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A Yes. Rather than include all of Monsanto’s non-firm coincident peak demands in the cost allocation study, a percentage of its non-firm demands could be used instead. Placing 100% of Monsanto’s coincident peaks assumes that the class is to be served as a firm customer. Alternatively, placing 0% of Monsanto’s loads in the cost studies assumes that Monsanto would have no responsibility for payment of demand-related expenses. Neither of these extremes truly captures the reality of the service to Monsanto, however. The answer lies somewhere between 0% and 100%. Q WHAT PERCENTAGE DO YOU PROPOSE TO USE? A As explained by Dr. Rosenberg in his direct testimony, the use of a 50% factor for interruptible loads has precedent in both Idaho and other jurisdictions. Q HAVE YOU RERUN THE COMPANY’S COST STUDIES INCORPORATING ONLY 50% OF MONSANTO’S NON-FIRM LOAD IN THE DEMAND ALLOCATOR? Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A Yes. When PacifiCorp’s 12 CP 75/25 methodology is modified to include 50% of Monsanto’s loads, the increase to Monsanto is limited to roughly $7.2 million, or an increase of around 28%. Exhibit 219 (KEI-4) provides the price resulting from revising Study “A” (the Company’s as filed studies) with 50% of Monsanto’s non-firm loads, as well as the results for Study “B” and Study “C”. These studies suggest that the interruptible price for Monsanto should be in the neighborhood of $19.6 to $20.9 per MWH. Consequently, another perspective for the Commission’s consideration is that the Monsanto’s interruptible price could be derived with a modified cost allocation study which incorporates 50% of the non-firm load. Q DID YOU MODIFY ANY OF THE OTHER SPECIAL CONTRACTS IN OTHER JURISDICTIONS BY 50% AS WELL? A No. Since we are focusing on developing rates for Monsanto alone, the 50% demand percentage factor is applied only to Monsanto’s peak demands. It would be presumptuous to make changes to loads in other jurisdictions. Q DR. ROSENBERG SUGGESTS ANOTHER WAY OF RUNNING THE COST STUDY INCORPORATING A PERCENTAGE DIFFERENT THAN 50%. COULD YOU PLEASE ELABORATE ON THIS ALTERNATIVE “HOLD HARMELSS” APPROACH? A Yes. As Dr. Rosenberg explains, the objective we sought to achieve was to hold the remaining Idaho customers of PacifiCorp indifferent to the change in status of Monsanto going from “system” to “situs”. The present revenue of all customers excluding Monsanto is $102 million. Thus, we kept this $102 million revenue requirement allocated to non-Monsanto Idaho customer the same in the COS by solving for a percentage to be applied in both the “situs” JAM method as well as the Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 COS study. The target rate of return in the COS was kept at the return on rate base derived under the “system” JAM cost study. Q WHAT IS THE RESULT OF THIS ALTERNATIVE “HOLD HARMLESS” APPROACH? A We found that a percentage of 34% when applied to Monsanto’s non-firm loads in both the JAM and COS studies would keep the non-Monsanto cost of service at $102 million when using the Company’s cost study (Study “A”). Application of 34% results in a cost of service to Monsanto for interruptible service of $30.5 million, or $21.7 per MWH. Under this approach, the total non-Monsanto cost of service is maintained at $102 million, while Monsanto receives an increase of 17.6% in its rates. Results for the alternative “hold harmless” approach for Study “A” are shown on page 1 of Exhibit 220 (KEI-5), and are summarized for Studies “B” and “C” on page 2. Q PLEASE SUMMARIZE THE RESULTS OF YOUR COST STUDIES RECOGNIZING MONSANTO AS AN INTERRUPTIBLE CUSTOMER. A Table 5 summarizes the results of the cost studies with the treatment of Monsanto as an interruptible customer: Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 23 TABLE 5 Summary of Cost Studies With Monsanto As An Interruptible Customer ($ per MWH) Cost Study Results Using 50% of Monsanto Non-Firm Demand Study “A”: 12 CP; 75/25 $23.6 Study “B”: 12 CP; 100/0 $20.9 Study “C”: 8 CP; 100/0 $19.6 Average of Study “B” and Study “C” $20.2 Hold Harmless Study “A”: 12 CP; 75/25 $21.7 Study “B”: 12 CP; 100/0 $18.6 Study “C”: 8 CP; 100/0 $18.5 Average of Study “B” and Study “C” $18.6 Q DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR TESTIMONY IN THIS CASE? 1 2 A Yes. Testimony of Kathryn E. Iverson – Page 24 Appendix A Kathryn E. Iverson Page 1 Qualifications of Kathryn E. Iverson Q PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A Kathryn E. Iverson; 5555 DTC Parkway, Suite B-2000; Englewood, Colorado 80111. Q PLEASE STATE YOUR OCCUPATION. A I am a consultant in the field of public utility regulation with Brubaker & Associates, Inc., energy, economic and regulatory consultants. Q PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND AND WORK EXPERIENCE. A In 1980 I received a Bachelors of Science Degree in Agricultural Sciences from Colorado State University, and in 1983, I received a Masters of Science Degree in Economics from Colorado State University. In March of 1984, I accepted a position as Rate Analyst with the consulting firm Browne, Bortz and Coddington in Denver, Colorado. My duties included evaluation of proposed utility projects, benefit-cost analysis of resource decisions, cost of service studies and rate design, and analyses of transmission and substation equipment purchases. In February 1986, I accepted a position with Applied Economics Group, where I was responsible for utility economic analysis including cogeneration projects, computer modeling of power requirements for an industrial pumping facility, and revenue impacts associated with various proposed utility tariffs. In January of 1989, I was promoted to the position of Vice President. In this position, I assumed the additional responsibilities of project leader on projects, including the analysis of alternative cost recovery methods, pricing, rate design and DSM adjustment clauses, BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Appendix A Kathryn E. Iverson Page 2 BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and representation of a group of industrial customers on the Conservation and Least Cost Planning Advisory Committee to Montana Power Company. In March 1992, I accepted a position with ERG International Consultants, Inc., of Golden, Colorado as Senior Utility Economist. While at ERG, I was responsible for the cost-effectiveness analysis of demand-side programs for Western Area Power Administration customers. I also assisted in the development of a reference manual on the process of Integrated Resource Planning including integration of supply and demand resource, public participation, implementation of the resource plan and elements of writing a plan. I lectured and provided instructional materials on the key concept of life-cycle costing seminars held to provide resource planners and utility decision-makers with a background and basic understanding of the fundamental techniques of economic analysis. My work also included the evaluation of a marginal cost of service study, assessment of avoided cost rates, and computer modeling relating engineering simulation models to weather-normalized loads of schools in California. In November of 1994, I accepted a position with Drazen-Brubaker & Associates, Inc. In April, 1995 the firm of Brubaker & Associates, Inc. was formed. It includes most of the former DBA principals and Staff. Since joining this firm, I have performed various analyses of integrated resource plans, examination of cost of service studies and rate design, fuel cost recovery proceedings, as well as estimates of transition costs and restructuring plans. Q HAVE YOU EVER TESTIFIED BEFORE A REGULATORY BODY? A Yes. I have testified before the regulatory commissions in Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, Montana, Texas and Wyoming.