HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231130Reply Comments.pdf 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 November 30, 2023 VIA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, ID 83714 RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-23-18 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A DEFFERRED ACCOUNTING ORDER RELATED TO INSURANCE COSTS Attention: Jan Noriyuki Pursuant to Commission Order No. 35913 providing public notice of the Company’s Application, authorizing the processing of the Application by Modified Procedure, and establishing the procedural schedule please find Rocky Mountain Power’s Reply Comments in the above referenced matter. Informal inquiries may be directed to Mark Alder, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220-2313. Very truly yours, Joelle Steward Senior Vice President, Regulation and Customer & Community Solutions RECEIVED Thursday, November 30, 2023 2:58:49 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Reply Comments of Rocky Mountain Power Page 1 Joe Dallas (ISB# 10330) PacifiCorp, Senior Attorney 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Email: joseph.dallas@pacificorp.com Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A DEFFERRED ACCOUNTING ORDER RELATED TO INSURANCE COSTS ) CASE NO. PAC-E-23-18 ) ) REPLY COMMENTS OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Pursuant to Rule 202.01(d) of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) and the Commission’s September 7, 2023, Notice of Application and of Modified Procedure, Rocky Mountain Power a division of PacifiCorp (the “Company”) hereby submits reply comments in the above-referenced case. I. BACKGROUND 1. On August 21, 2023, the Company applied for Commission authorization for an accounting order to record a regulatory asset associated with the costs associated with increased insurance premiums (“Application”). PacifiCorp estimates that the commercial insurance costs are approximately $125 million (total company) for the policy period beginning August 15, 2023 or later. Current rates reflect $32.7 million (total company), which would result in a deferral for Idaho’s allocated share of approximately $92.3 million (total company) for the difference between the new costs and the amount in rates. 2. On September 7, 2023, Commission Order No. 35913 provided public notice of the Company’s Application, authorized processing of the Application by Modified Procedure, and Reply Comments of Rocky Mountain Power Page 2 established the procedural schedule allowing persons who would like to file written comments to have until November 9, 2023, and the Company having until November 30, 2023, to file reply comments. 3. In addition to the Commission Staff (“Staff”), Idaho Conservation League filed a petition to intervene and was granted intervener status in the case. 4. On November 9, 2023, Commission Staff filed comments. II. REPLY COMMENTS 5. Staff conducted a thorough review of the Company’s Application, which included responses to production requests, and is recommending that the Commission approve the Application. However, Staff also makes several recommendations that should be either rejected or clarified. 6. First, Staff recommends that the Commission not allow a carrying charge on the regulatory asset without explanation.1 The Commission should allow a carrying charge on the regulatory asset as the amounts deferred reflect costs of doing business that the Company is incurring. The cost of premiums for available insurance coverage is increasing greatly as a result of wildfire liability risk. Staff even states that it “believes the Company’s request is reasonable based on the extraordinary circumstances of the insurance markets.” The Company recommends a carry charge of 2.0 percent, which is the interest rate approved by the Commission for customer deposits for 20232 and below the 5.0 percent interest rate approved by the Commission for customer deposits for 2024.3 1 Staff Comments at 6. 2 In the matter of the Interest Rate on Deposits Collected from Customers of Gas, Electric, Telephone, and Water Public Utilities for Calendar Year 2023, Case No. GNR-U-22-05, Order No. 35621 (Dec. 13, 2022). 3 In the matter of the Interest Rate on Deposits Collected from Customers of Gas, Electric, Telephone, and Water Public Utilities for Calendar Year 2024, Case No. GNR-U-23-01, Order No. 36000 (Nov. 15, 2023). Reply Comments of Rocky Mountain Power Page 3 7. Second, Staff recommends that the Commission deny the Company’s request to include the insurance costs for third-party claims on the Company under both State and Federal emergencies in this deferral. Such a finding by the Commission is not necessary as the Company has not requested recovery of any third-party claims as part of its Application. Staff relies on language in paragraph 6 of the Application to conclude that the Company is seeking recovery of third-party claims.4 Specifically, paragraph 6 of the Application provides in part, Additionally, this deferral covers insurance costs for the third-party claims on PacifiCorp for events that may occur under both Federal and State emergency declarations. The potential magnitude of the insurance costs exceeds normal costs anticipated by PacifiCorp and included in its retail rates and could also far exceed the reasonable business risk associated with these claims. With this language, the Company was only explaining that the premiums would allow for insurance coverage for third party claims associated with Federal or State emergency declarations, for example. The Company’s request in the Application is limited to recording a regulatory asset for the incremental increase in insurance premiums as compared to what is currently reflected in rates.5 8. Finally, Staff claims that insurance premium invoices for the policy periods commencing August 15, 2023, or later, total $113,585,367 (system), which results in an amount of $11,414,663 less than the Company’s estimate of approximately $125.2 million.6 As a result, Staff recommends that only insurance premiums be considered to be deferred as a regulatory asset, arguing that additional liability insurance costs, other than premiums, are not appropriate to book as a regulatory asset at this point in time.7 The Company disagrees with Staff’s recommendation and underlying assumption that the Company is seeking to defer costs other than the incremental insurance premiums. The Company is only seeking to defer incremental insurance premiums in 4 Staff Comments at 3. 5 See, for example, Application at 1, 2 (Paragraph 5), 3 (Paragraph 8), and 4. 6 Staff Comments at 5. 7 Id. Reply Comments of Rocky Mountain Power Page 4 this filing. In its Application, the Company estimated the insurance premiums related to excess liability insurance was approximately $125.2. However, as insurance is finalized, invoices are received, and amounts settled, the actual amounts become known. At the time the Company prepared the responses to Production Request Nos. 1 and 2 in September 2023, the actual amount paid was $113,585,367 (system). Since that time, that number has been further refined to approximately $122.4 million. The Company recommends that the Commission not impose a cap on the amount deferred. As the Company states in its application, the Commission’s approval of deferred accounting treatment for these increased insurance costs will not, in itself, constitute approval of ultimate recovery of those costs. Recovery of the costs would be subject to a prudence review and a final decision on rate recovery in a future regulatory filing. Thus, in a future filing, the Company will have to demonstrate the prudence of the costs recorded to the regulatory asset, making a cap unnecessary. III. CONCLUSION 9. PacifiCorp recommends that the Commission approve its Application and adopt Staff’s recommendations as modified herein. DATED this 30th day of November 2023. Respectfully submitted, ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER __________________________ Joe Dallas (ISB# 10330) PacifiCorp, Senior Attorney 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Email: joseph.dallas@pacificorp.com Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power Page 1 of 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 30th of November 2023, I caused to be served, via e-mail a true and correct copy of Rocky Mountain Power’s Reply Comments to the following: Case No. PAC-E-23-18 Matthew Nykiel Attorney for ICL 710 N. 6th St. Boise, ID 83702 matthew.nykiel@gmail.com Energy Associate, ICL 710 N. 6th St. Boise, ID 83702 bheusinkveld@idahoconservation.org Dated this 30th day of November, 2023. __________________________________ Carrie Meyer Adviser, Regulatory Operations