HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240208Appendix 7.1 - PacifiCorp-Idaho 2018 Electric System Loss Study.pdf        PACIFICORP Idaho 2018 Electric System Loss Study April 2020     PacifiCorp 2018 Electric System Loss Study Executive Summary The PacifiCorp’s 2018 Electric System Loss Study (“Study”) for Idaho presents power loss information on Idaho’s power systems. This Study only considers technical losses, or losses affiliated with transmitting electricity over Company equipment and does not consider non- technical losses, such as losses attributable to erroneous metering or theft. The Study developed estimated losses for each level of the system including; transmission, distribution substations, the primary system, service transformers, the secondary system, services and the retail meter. The Study developed separate demand (kW) and energy (kWh) loss factors for each level of service in the power system. Since it is impractical to perform detailed line loss calculations for each level of the system for every hour of the year, PacifiCorp selected four hours that broadly represent different conditions on its electric system and conducted power flow analyses at these four hours. The four base cases used in the study were as follows: Table 1: Power Flow Base Cases PacifiCorp Load Percent of Peak Base Case 10,551 MW 100.0% July 16,@ 17:00 PPT 2018 (Summer Peak) 8,436 MW 80.0% February 23, 2018 @ 08:00 PPT (Winter Peak) 6,638 MW 62.9% October 8, 2018 @ 10;00 PPT (Median) 4,757 MW 45.1% May 4, 2018, @ 03:00 PPT (Minimum) To extrapolate the losses from the four base cases to hourly (demand) and annual (energy) losses, two separate second-degree polynomial loss functions for each level of the system were developed – one for winter and one for summer. The total hourly losses for each state and loss category are calculated across the entire year and then, once summed, are divided by the appropriate total load to determine the annual loss percentage for each category. Demand losses are calculated based on the sum of the losses at time of the twelve monthly coincident peaks divided by the sum of load at those same times. The demand loss factors and energy loss factors are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2: Idaho 2018 Demand and Energy Loss Summary Voltage Class Demand Loss Factor Energy Loss Factor Transmission 3.816% 3.503% Primary 8.121% 7.082% Secondary 9.834% 9.061%     Table 3: Distribution System Losses Functional Category Demand Loss Factor Energy Loss Factor Dist. Substation Transformers 0.355% 0.715% Primary Lines 3.950% 2.863% Service Transformers 1.535% 1.827% Secondary Lines 0.120% 0.094% Meters 0.058% 0.058%     PacifiCorp 2018 Electric System Loss Study INTRODUCTION PacifiCorp’s 2018 Electric System Loss Study (“Study”) for Idaho presents power loss information on Idaho’s power systems. This Study only considers technical losses, or losses affiliated with transmitting electricity over PacifiCorp (“Company”) equipment and does not consider non-technical losses, such as losses attributable to erroneous metering or theft. Information included in the Study includes an overview of the systems analyzed along with a discussion of the methodology employed. The Appendices provide additional supporting data. METHODOLOGY PacifiCorp performed a system loss study on its electric system to determine the amount of demand and energy losses occurring by voltage class level. The Study developed estimated losses for each level of the system including; transmission, distribution substations, the primary system, service transformers, the secondary system, services and the retail meter. The Study developed separate demand (kW) and energy (kWh) loss factors for each level of service in the power system. Since it is impractical to perform detailed line loss calculations for each level of the system for every hour of the year, PacifiCorp selected four hours that broadly represent different conditions on its electric system and conducted power flow analyses at these four hours. The four base cases used in the study were as follows: Table 1: Power Flow Base Cases PacifiCorp Load Percent of Peak Base Case 10,551 MW 100.0% July 16,@ 17:00 PPT 2018 (Summer Peak) 8,436 MW 80.0% February 23, 2018 @ 08:00 PPT (Winter Peak) 6,638 MW 62.9% October 8, 2018 @ 10;00 PPT (Median) 4,757 MW 45.1% May 4, 2018, @ 03:00 PPT (Minimum) Subsequent sections provide additional detail regarding the technical analysis necessary to determine the losses for each level of the system for the base case. High Voltage System Transmission: To calculate losses on the transmission system, PacifiCorp developed detailed power flow models for the base cases for both the PacifiCorp West (PACW) and PacifiCorp East (PACE) balancing authority areas. PacifiCorp utilized the Siemens PTI     PSS/E power flow software program for power flow studies. Transmission planning relied on Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) approved base cases to conduct the system Study, which represents the Bulk Electric System (BES). Detailed system models for the PacifiCorp local area non-BES systems were added to the starting base cases. System loads within each of the PacifiCorp balancing authority areas were scaled to represent the four 2018 snapshot load profiles and generation dispatch was adjusted within each of the four cases to approximate the dispatch observed in those four historic hours. Supporting data and calculations are found in Appendix A. Distribution System Distribution Substations: The substation detailed network data was added to the starting WECC approved bases cases in both of the PacifiCorp balancing authority areas. The cases were then tuned and solved. After addition of the detailed network data in the four different base cases, transmission and substation losses were extracted from the base cases. Additionally substation losses were grouped by state jurisdiction. Supporting data and calculations are found in Appendix A. Primary System: A high level loss ranking of primary distribution system networks was performed in order to develop a sample of primary networks by using their electrical characteristics. Specifically, in order to estimate relative range of losses across many circuits in each state, the customer energy usage (summer peak kWh/day), E, and locational positive sequence resistance (primary R1) for each customer location were used. From the sample set for each state, several networks near the average E2R1 were evaluated to determine whether the distribution model was reasonably accurate, and whether detailed load information (typically SCADA at the breaker) was available. Then three to five of these networks were studied in the CYME power flow application, under base case loading conditions. The kW and kVAR loss results from each state’s sample of power flows were reduced to an average value for each base case, and that average value was then multiplied by the total number of distribution networks within the state to estimate the state’s total primary system losses. Supporting data and calculations are found in Appendix B. Secondary System - Service Transformers, Secondary and Service Conductors: An extract from the Company’s GIS database was used to evaluate and classify line transformers and to develop impedance models for the associated secondary and service conductors. A summary of parameters extracted from the Company’s GIS database is provided in Table C.1. Manufacturer test records for line transformers procured between CY2012 and CY2015 were used to determine no-load and load loss values for typical transformer sizes based on class, voltage and kVA rating. Current Company standards for the sizing of secondary     and service conductors were used to develop an impedance model and an associated load loss value for the secondary of each line transformer. Hourly load profile data for the delivery of residential and non-residential load at secondary voltage was used distribute load and calculate losses for each base case. Retail Meter: PacifiCorp contacted meter manufacturers to determine the losses for those meter models used extensively by PacifiCorp throughout its service territory. PacifiCorp then determined the currently-installed population of each meter model and multiplied the population by the losses, as obtained from the manufacturer. This system-wide total was then allocated to each individual state based on the number of customers located in each state. Supporting data and calculations are found in Appendix D. APPLICATION OF BASE CASE RESULTS TO HOURLY LOSSES To extrapolate the losses from the four base cases to hourly (demand) and annual (energy) losses, two loss functions for each level of the system were developed; one for winter and one for summer. Generally, the winter line loss function relies on 2018 loads and losses for three points - winter peak, median and minimum power flow results. The summer line loss function relies on 2018 loads and losses for three points - summer peak, median, and minimum power flow results. In some cases the loss functions rely on two points – peak and minimum power flow results. Once the loss functions were determined, those loss functions were applied to 2018 actual hourly loads to derive hourly losses. Transmission system losses were derived from PacifiCorp West and PacifiCorp East balancing area hourly loads. Primary losses rely on hourly primary and secondary energy volumes by state as determined by load research studies. Transformer losses and secondary losses rely on hourly secondary energy volumes by state as determined by load research studies. Supporting data and calculations are found in the Appendix E.     Appendix A Table A.1: PacifiCorp West Power Flow Results PACW Total Load (MW) Transmission Losses (kW) Transmission Losses (%) Summer Peak 3,659.7 84,865.1 2.32% Winter Peak 3,645.3 76,849.0 2.11% Median Load 2,339.5 54,540.9 2.33% Minimum Load 1,533.6 46,730.4 3.05% Table A.2: PacifiCorp East Power Flow Results PACE Total Load (MW) Total Losses (kW) Total Losses (%) Transmission Losses (kW) Distribution Losses ID (kW) Summer Peak 9,063.0 377,254.0 4.16% 352,903.6 2,159.50 Winter Peak 6,661.4 237,239.9 3.56% 220,050.2 1,435.59 Median Load 6,125.3 185,384.3 3.03% 169,658.7 1,329.32 Minimum Load 5,016.8 141,821.2 2.83% 129,131.1 978.10     Table A.3: Base Case Transmission Loss Results Location Condition Total Load (MW) Transmission Losses (MW) Transmission Losses (%) PACW Summer Peak 3,659.7 84.9 2.32% Winter Peak 3,645.3 76.8 2.11% Median 2,339.5 54.5 2.33% Minimum 1,533.6 46.7 3.05% PACE Summer Peak 9,063.0 352.9 3.89% Winter Peak 6,661.4 220.1 3.30% Median 6,125.3 169.7 2.77% Minimum 5,016.8 129.1 2.57% Table A.4: Base Case Distribution Substation Power Flow Results Location Condition Total Load (MW) Substation Losses (MW) ID Summer Peak 857.6 2.2 Winter Peak 570.1 1.4 Median 527.9 1.3 Minimum 388.4 1.0     Appendix B Table B.1: Primary Distribution Screened Network Detail State Total Networks Sampled E2R1 Networks (% of Total) E2R1 Average of Sample Set Detailed Load Flow Networks ID 168 131 (78%) 493,279,060 3 Table B.2: Base Case Primary Loss Results State Condition Average Network kW Loss Average Network kVAR Loss State Total State Total State Total kW Loss kVAR Loss kVA Loss ID Summer Peak 112.5 125.7 18,897 21,125 28,344 Winter Peak 51.3 103.6 8,616 17,401 19,417 Median 8.6 9.2 1,446 1,545 4,472 Minimum 8.0 8.2 1,336 1,385 4,066     Appendix C Table C.1: Line Transformer GIS Database Extract Line Transformer (Parameter) Parameters Value (ex.) State UT, WY, ID, OR, WA, CA Facility Point Number Ex: 11302001.0069804 Class Overhead, Padmount,…. Phase(s) Energized 1,2,3 KVA 25,50,...,2500 Primary Voltage (kV) 7.2,12.47,...14.4,19.9 Secondary Voltage 120/240, 120/208, 277/480,… No. of Connected Customers 1,2,…10,.. Connected Customer Rate Sch. Residential, Non-Residential Table C.2: Secondary Voltage Loads (MW) State MWH Load Factor Loss Factor Peak Load July 16, 2018 at 17:00 PPT February 23, 2018 at 8:00 PPT May 14, 2018 at 3:00 PPT October 8, 2018 at 10:00 PPT ID 1,812,581 37% 16% 566 497 219 114 157     Table C.3: Non-Residential Secondary Voltage Loads (MW) State MWH Load Factor Loss Factor Peak Load July 16, 2018 at 17:00 PPT February 23, 2018 at 8:00 PPT May 14, 2018 at 3:00 PPT October 8, 2018 at 10:00 PPT ID 1,112,073 --- --- --- 376 97 67 94 Table C.4: Residential Secondary Voltage Loads (MW) State MWH Load Factor Loss Factor Peak Load July 16, 2018 at 17:00 PPT February 23, 2018 at 8:00 PPT May 14, 2018 at 3:00 PPT October 8, 2018 at 10:00 PPT ID 700,508 48% 25% 165 121 123 46 63     Table C.5: Base Case Service Transformer, Secondary and Service Loss Parameters Class/State Sum of Transformer Capacity MVA Sum of Transformer NLL Sum of Transformer LL at Full Load Sum of Secondary Losses LL at Full Load Sum of Service Losses at Full Load Non-Residential 14,706.6 24.9 135.3 0.0 70.1 ID 1,110.0 2.0 10.7 0.0 5.6 Residential 11,984.5 23.9 130 64.9 70.7 ID 716.3 1.5 8.3 2.3 2.9 Total 26,691.1 48.7 265.3 64.9 140.8 Table C.6: Base Case Service Transformer, Secondary and Service Loss Results State Condition Transformer Input (MVA) Transformer NLL (MW) Transformer LL (MW) Secondary LL (MW) Service LL (MW) Retail Load (MVA) ID Summer Pea 528.9 3.4 1.7 0.1 0.8 522.9 Winter Pea 235.0 3.4 0.4 0.1 0.1 230.9 Median 169.0 3.4 0.2 0.0 0.1 165.3 Minimu 123.3 3.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 119.7     Appendix D Table D.1: Meter Populations and Results Model Voltage Losses (W) Population Total Losses (Wh) / Day Final Losses (MWh) / Day CENTRON Single Phase 120-240 1.08 1,242,427 32,205,241 32.2 CENTRON Pol phase 120-480 1.35 40,253 1,308,110 1.3 KV2C 120-480 1.15 33,717 930,589 0.9 KV2C 120-480 1.17 5,691 159,803 0.2 KV2C 120-480 2.029 47,342 2,305,366 2.3 I-210+c 240 2.184 605,839 31,755,657 31.8 Total 1,975,269 68,664,767 68.7 Table D2: Meter Loss Results Location Customers Annual Losses (MWh) Losses (aMW) Loss Percentage ID 82,994 1,053 0.1 0.06% Total 1,975,269 25,063 2.9 0.07%     Appendix E Table E.1: Loss Functions Level Summer Winter PACE Transmission 0.000008 -0.019110 107.107548 0.000044 -0.300927 647.3062433 PACW Transmission 0.000008 -0.018491 57.680383 0.000004 -0.003855 45.28459738 ID Substation -0.000016 0.013210 -0.390300 -0.000067 0.027641 -1.394837 Primary 0.000140 -0.033208 2.259246 0.000000 0.136937 -16.384230 Transforme 0.000007 -0.000106 3.449119 0.000015 -0.002289 3.593100 Secondary 0.000004 0.000058 -0.002362 0.000010 -0.001678 0.112087   𝑿𝟐 𝑿𝒃 𝑿𝟐 𝑿𝒃