HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230919Comments of the Commission Staff.pdfADAM TRIPLETT DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 10221 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 201-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF AN EXTENSION OF THE 2020 INTER­ JURISDICITONAL ALLOCAITON PROTOCOL ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-23-13 ) ) ) COMMENTS OF THE ) COMMISSION STAFF __________________ ) COMMISSION STAFF ("STAFF") OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Adam Triplett, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On April 12, 2023, PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power ("Company"), petitioned the Commission for an order modifying Order No. 34640, adopting a temporary cost allocation methodology that is set to expire on December 31, 2023, ("Interim Period") and approving the First Amendment to the 2020 Protocol ("Petition"). The First Amendment proposes an extension of the Interim Period through December 31 , 2025, clarification of the Oregon exit dates, and STAFF COMMENTS 1 September 19, 2023 RECEIVED 2023 September 19 11:54AM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION changes to Appendix C of the 2020 Protocol. Most Idaho jurisdictional stakeholders executed the First Amendment. 1 On May 5, 2023, the Commission issued a Notice of Petition and Notice of Intervention Deadline, setting an intervention deadline of May 26, 2023. Order No. 35770. No intervenors applied. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff recommends the Commission approve the Application to extend the 2020 Protocol to December 31, 2025. History The 2020 Protocol was approved by the Commission in Order No. 34640, Case No. PAC-E-19-20, on April 22, 2020. The 2020 Protocol was to expire on December 31, 2023. Since approval of the protocol, the Framework Issues Workgroup ("FIW") has met over 22 times to resolve the framework issues established in the 2020 Protocol. Progress on the framework issues is discussed in greater detail below. Framework Issues Progress New Resource Assignments Initially the plan for new resource assignments was to establish a fixed allocation at the implementation of the new resources. A fixed allocation could expose Idaho ratepayers to additional risks as the electric landscape changes. Additionally, this could lead to overbuilding the system which could reduce the benefits of a combined east and west system that ratepayers currently enjoy. The FIW has begun developing a partially dynamic, partially fixed allocation methodology for both new and existing resources. While still in its early stages, it is showing promise for mitigating the risks of a changing environment as well and maintaining the benefits of a combined system. 1 Staff, Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, and P4 Production L.L.C. signed. The Company reached out to Pacificorp Idaho Industrial Customers but had not heard back from the organization at time of filing. STAFF COMMENTS 2 September 19, 2023 Net Power Cost Allocation The Nodal Pricing Model ("NPM") is currently being used for dispatch of the Company's resource fleet. It is not yet being used for allocation of Net Power Costs. The FIW is reviewing the output from the NPM to evaluate the impacts on allocation. Several inputs in the NPM affect the allocation amounts, requiring significant analysis. The Company has stated its intent to join the Extended Day Ahead Market ("EDAM") with CAISO. EDAM is in practice nearly identical to the NPM only that it will also include all other participants in EDAM versus only including the Company's system. Special Contracts There has been little progress on the allocation of special contracts. A two-year extension to the Interim Period will allow additional time to focus on the allocation of special contracts. Interim Capital Additions Although interim capital additions have been discussed in the Multi-State Process meetings, there is not a consensus at this time. The two-year extension to the Interim Period will allow additional time for FIW to reach a consensus. Content of the Extension The primary effect of the Application is to extend the 2020 Protocol for an additional two years. However, the Application also clarifies the exit dates established by the Oregon Commission for coal plants. If a coal plant is converted to natural gas, the exit date will no longer apply. There is also a minor change in Appendix C of the 2020 Protocol. The Division Generation Utah Factor will be determined by the four most recent years. Overall, this will give the FIW two more years to create a more durable allocation methodology. Benefits of Approving the Extension Should the 2020 Protocol lapse, there will no longer be a common allocation methodology between all the states, leaving each state to determine its own allocation. Varying jurisdictional allocation methodologies could create a scenario where the Company recovers STAFF COMMENTS 3 September 19, 2023 more or less than all its prudently incurred costs to serve customers. It could also incentivize the Company to favor one state or another based on their allocation methodologies and not the health of the system. Staff believes that a more durable allocation methodology is necessary, and the extension of the Interim Period provides additional time for FIW to reach consensus on a new protocol. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission approve the Application to extend the 2020 Protocol until December 31, 2025. Respectfully submitted this 19th day of September 2023. Adam Triplett Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Joseph Terry i:umisc/comments/ PAC-E-23-13 Comments STAFF COMMENTS 4 September 19, 2023 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 19TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2023, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER, IN CASE NO. PAC-E-23-13, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: MARK ALDER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 E-MAIL: mark.alder@pacificorp.com DAT A REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E-MAIL ONLY: datarequest@pacificorp.com ADAM LOWNEY McDOWELL RACKNER GIBSON 419 SW 11TH AVE STE 400 PORTLAND OR 97205 E-MAIL: adam@mrg-law.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE