HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221117Errata to Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN PIO^/ER. iiLiC E IV ED ?r?? H0Y l7 Pt{ hr 19 ','' ;li''dd,?*h18 r' o * t4O7 W. North Temple salt Lake city, uT 84116 November 17,2022 VIA OWRNIGHT DELIWRY Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, lD 83714 Attn: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary RE CASE NO. PAC.E-22-I6 IN TIIE MATTER OF TI{E APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO UPDATE LOAD AI\[D GAS FORECASTS USED IN THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAI\ AVOIDED COST MODEL Errata Filing Dear Ms. Noriyuki: On October 20,2022, Rocky Mountain Power (the "Company") filed an Application in the above-referenced matter. Since that submission, the Company was made aware of an error in Table I on page 3 of the Application. The years listed in the left-hand column of the Load Forecast - May 2021 section of the table were offby one year. The Company hereby submits the corrected Table I and a clean copy of the entire application. Informal questions related to this matter may be directed to Mark Alder, ldaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220-2313. Sincerely, SVP, Regulation and Customer/Community Solutions Enclosures Commission Order No. 35317. The change in the forecast is primarily due to growth expectations for industrial and commercial customers. Table I Mountain Power Load Forecast Annual GWhRo Load For.ecast -May 2022 Year TotalCalifomia Idaho Oreson Utah Washinston Wvomine FERC 3.952 4,024 4,0M 4,009 4.019 4,025 4.036 4.033 4,035 4,038 4.047 4,044 4,M7 4,048 4"059 4,W 4,071 4.084 4.101 4.tM 15,524 16,729 t8,770 19,905 202s2 21,471 23,r58 23,676 23,872 24,723 25,167 24,021 24230 24,464 24,768 25,007 25,290 25,571 25,898 26.149 26,9N 27,7t7 28,501 29,160 29,760 30,146 30,61I 31,01l 31268 3t,574 31,979 32,332 32,823 33,365 34,041 34,612 3s274 35,932 36,62 37.310 4ss0 4,574 4,577 4.537 4.513 4,50r 4.507 4.4N 4486 4487 4.506 4,504 4,521 4,542 4,584 4.ffi 4,il1 4.688 4,736 4.746 9499 9,570 9,gs 9,912 9,N6 9,863 9,928 9,892 9,938 9,921 9,985 9,96s 9,966 9,966 10,000 9,994 10,012 10,034 10,079 10.073 61,673 63,760 66,@0 68,656 69,577 71,005 73,122 73,980 74476 75,621 76,563 75,743 76463 77,262 78,330 79,152 80,162 81,173 82,336 83230 277 275 274 272 270 l4l 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 882 870 868 862 858 858 859 855 854 854 855 852 853 853 854 848 843 838 834 823 2022 2023 2024 202s 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2Mt Load Forecast - May 2021 Year 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2M0 2041 FERCCaliforniaIdaho 3.93 r 3.924 3,908 3.90r 3.901 3902 3.9t0 3,910 3.909 3,913 3,925 3,929 3.941 3,9s4 3,974 3.9M 4,001 4,021 4,044 4.054 Oregon 15,162 ls,3 l0 15,706 r5,866 15,798 16,051 16385 r6,640 16,907 17,056 17273 17,078 17297 17,525 17,804 18,01I t8269 18,528 18,830 r9.034 Utah 26,824 27,521 28,103 28,408 28,766 29,147 29.632 29,924 30294 30,603 30,984 31267 31,673 32,082 32,580 32,968 33,414 33,U4 34,327 34.675 Washington 4.526 4"506 4489 4,447 4424 4Atz 4420 4,411 4Ar7 4.426 4A5t 4,4st 4,474 4,501 4,547 4,570 4,6W 4,648 4,69 4.717 Wyoming 9,206 9427 9,470 9,665 9,674 9,66s 9,698 9,684 9,686 9,690 9,720 9,70r 9,708 9,718 9,759 9Jse 9,783 9,807 9,855 9.852 Total 60,810 61,846 a,$3 63,438 63,712 64,t87 &,927 65,447 66,089 66,562 67228 67296 67,963 68,@9 69,536 70,157 70,936 71,704 72,606 73,t73 297 295 294 29t 289 l5l 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 8il 863 864 860 859 859 860 856 854 85r 852 848 847 847 848 u2 836 830 825 816 Loads ue net of Dematd Side Managem€nt Page 3 CLEAN COPY OF COMPLETE FILING Joe Dallas (lSB# 10330) 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Telephone: (360) 560-l 937 Email : i oseph.dal las(@pac i fi corp.com Attorneyfor Rocly Mountain Power BEFORE TIIE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO UPDATE LOAD ATID GAS FORECASTS USED IN THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAI\ AVOIDED COST MODEL ) CASE NO. PAC-E-22-16 ) ) APPLICATION OF ) ) ROCIff MOUNTATN POWER Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, ("Compatry"), hereby respectfully submits this Application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, ("Commission"), in compliance with Order Nos. 32697 and 32802 to update the load forecast, natural gas forecast, and long-term contract components of the Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") avoided cost model. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: l. Rocky Mountain Power provides electric service to retail customers in the states of Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction with respect to its prices and terms of electric service to retail customers pursuant to ldaho Code 6l-129. Rocky Mountain Power provides retail electric service to approximately 86,500 customers in the state of Idaho. I. BACKGROUND 2. Order No. 32697 specified that the inputs to the IRP methodology calculation, utilized to determine the avoided cost for all new Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of Page I 1978 ("PURPA") qualifying facility ("QF") projects that exceed the published rate eligibility cap, will be updated every two years upon acknowledgement of the utility's IR.P filing with the exception of the load and the natural gas forecasts which are to be updated annually by June I't of each year. The Commission ruled: "We find that, in order to maintain the most accurate and up to date reJlection of o utility's true avoided cost, utilities must update fuel price forecasts and load forecasts annually between IRP filings. For the sake of consistency, these annual updates should occur simultaneously with SAR updates - on June I of each year. In addition, it is appropriate to consider long-term controct commitments because of the potential effect thot such commitments have on a utility's load and resource balonce. We find it reasonable to include long-term contract considerotions in an IW Methodologt calculation at such time os the QF and utility have entered into a signed contract for the sole and purchase of 8F power We further find it appropriate to consider PURPA controcts thot have terminated or expired in each utility's load and resource balonce. We find it reasonable thot all other variables and assumptions utilized within the IRP Methodologt remain fixed between IkP filings (every two years)."1 3. Order No. 32802 changed the due date of the annual update from June I't to October 15ft of each year. If approved, the load forecast, natural gas forecast, and contract information presented below will be incorporated into Rocky Mountain Power's IRP avoided cost model. Consistent with the Commission's prior orders, this methodology will be utilized by the Company as the starting point for negotiation of contractual avoided cost rates as of October 15,2022. II. LOAD FORECAST 4. The Company's May 2022 andMay 2021long-term load forecasts are summarized in Table l. The May 2022 load forecast shows overall an increase in load compared to the May 2021 load forecast provided in Case No. PAC-E-21-20, which was subsequently approved by I In the matter of lhe Commissionb review of PURPA QF contract provisions including the Surrogate Avoided Resources (SAR) and Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) methodologiesfor calculating avoided cost rates, Case No. GNR-E-l l-03, Order No. 32697, p. 22. Page2 Commission OrderNo. 35317. The change in the forecast is primarily due to growth expectations for industrial and commercial customers. Thble I Mountain Power Load Forecast Annual GWh Load Forccas t - ]0.[ay 2022 Year TotalCalifomia Idaho Oreson Utah Washinston Wyoming FERC 2022 2023 2024 202s 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 203t 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 3.952 4,024 4,004 4.009 4.019 4,025 4.036 4,033 4,03s 4.038 4,047 4,044 4.047 4.048 4.059 4,060 4.071 4.0M 4.10t 4,104 15,524 16,729 18,770 19,905 20,252 2tAtt 23,1s8 23,676 23,872 24,723 25,167 24,021 24230 24Aaq 24,768 25,007 2s290 25,571 25,898 26.149 26,9n 27,717 28,501 29,160 29,760 30,146 30,6r I 3t,01I 3r268 31,574 31,979 32,332 32,823 33,365 34,041 34,612 35,274 35,932 36,662 37,310 4,550 4,574 4,577 4.s37 d513 d50l 4,507 4490 4,486 4,487 4.506 4,544 4,521 4,542 4,s84 d606 4.&7 4.688 4.736 4.746 9199 9,570 9,@s 9,912 9,9M 9,863 9,928 9,892 9,938 9,921 9,985 9,965 9,966 9,966 10,000 9,994 10,012 10,034 10,079 10,073 61,673 63,760 66,@0 68,656 69,577 71,005 73,122 73980 74,476 7s521 76,563 75,743 76,463 '17262 78,330 79,152 80,162 8r,173 82336 83230 277 275 274 272 270 l4l 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 882 870 868 862 858 858 859 855 854 854 855 852 853 853 854 848 843 838 834 823 Load Forecast - Mav 2021 Year 2022 2023 2024 202s 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 203r 2032 2033 2034 203s 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 204t Idaho 3,931 3,924 3.908 3.901 3.901 3,902 3,910 3,910 3,9@ 3.913 3,92s 3,929 3.941 3,954 3,974 3.984 4,001 4,02r 4,044 4.054 Oregon 15,162 15,3 l0 15,706 r5,866 15,798 16,051 16,385 16,640 16,907 17,056 t7 273 t7,078 t7297 t7,525 17,804 18,01I 18269 18,528 18,830 19.034 Utah 26,824 27,521 28,t03 28408 28,766 29,t47 29,632 29,924 30,294 30,603 30,984 3t267 31,673 32,082 32,580 32,968 33,4r4 33,844 34,327 34.675 Wyoming 9206 9,427 9,470 9,65 9,674 9,665 9,698 9,684 9,686 9,690 9,720 9,701 9,708 9,718 9,759 9,759 9,783 9,807 9,855 9.852 Total 60,8r0 61,846 62,833 63,438 63,712 @,t87 @,927 65447 66,089 66,562 67228 67294 67,963 68,649 69,s36 70,t5't 70,936 71,704 72,ffi 73.r73 FERCCaliforniaWashington 4,526 4,506 4189 4,447 4424 4At2 4.420 4,411 4.417 4.426 4,45t 4,451 4.474 4,501 4,s47 4,570 4,ffi 4,@8 4,699 4.717 297 295 294 291 289 15l 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 864 863 8@ 860 859 859 860 856 854 85r 852 848 847 847 848 842 836 830 825 816 Loads tre net ofDemand Side M anagement Page 3 III. NATURAL GAS PRICE FORECAST 5. The Company's most recent Ofiicial Forward Price Curve ("OFPC") was prepared on September 30, 2022 (*2209 OFPC"). The price forecast used in Case No. PAC-E-21-20 was prepared on September 30, 2021 (*2109 OFPC"). Table 2 provides the 2209 OFPC natural gas prices summarized annually by market hub. The 2109 OFPC is also provided for reference only. Generally gas prices in the 2209 OFPC are up over all forecast years compared to the 2 109 OFPC. Table 2 Natural Gas Price - $lNIMBtu Offical Forward Price Cune - (2209) - 0980/2022 Year 2022(a) 2023 2024 20?s 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2@,0 zml Opal Gas Index Sunras Index M.s2 $6.09 $5.39 $4.50 $4.64 $3.99 $4.s4 $3.98 $4.69 94.47 $4.78 M.85 $4.78 54.84 $4.85 $4.89 $4.99 $5.@ $s.il $5.17 $5.48 $s.s8 $5.75 $5.83 $s.83 $s.90 $5.92 $5.99 $s.86 $5.93 $6.10 $6.12 $6.37 $6.37 $6.65 $6.64 $6.78 $6.78 $7.14 $7.11 Stanfield Index San Juan Index $5.46 $6.28 s4.34 $5.19 $3.64 V.49 $3.62 $4.43 $4.35 $4.69 $4.94 $4.88 $4.97 54.92 $5.08 $s.03 $5.25 $5.20 $5.38 $s.33 $5.66 S5.62 $5.95 35.90 $6.05 $6.01 $6.14 $6.10 $6.12 $6.08 $6.40 $6.36 $6.69 $6.66 $7.0r $6.97 $7.17 $7.15 $7.53 $7.50 Henry Hub Index $6.83 $5.,t4 $4.74 $4.65 $4.86 $4.9 $5.05 $5.15 $5.37 $5.49 $5.74 $6.03 $6.12 $6.23 $6.r9 $6.4't $6.81 $7.15 $7.32 s'l.71 AECO Index $3.76 $3.61 $3.31 $3.54 $4.15 $4.60 $4.60 $4.68 $4.80 $4.95 $5.29 $s.56 $s.63 $5.73 $5.68 $5.92 $6.18 $6.46 $6.60 $6.95 SOCALBOR lndex $7.0s $6.10 $s.38 $5.46 $5.37 s5.23 $5.26 $s.38 $5.55 $5.68 $5.97 s6.27 $6.38 $6.46 $6.43 $6.72 $7.03 $7.34 $7.51 $7.87 Page 4 Offcal Fomard Price Curve I - 09i30202r Year 2W(a) 2U3 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2429 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2W z@.t OpalCas Index Sunras Index $4.30 $4.0s $3.5r $3.23 s3.24 $3.01 $3.09 $3.00 $2.89 $2.87 $2.93 $2.97 $3.01 $3.01 $3.08 $3.r3 $3.25 $3.25 $3.39 $3.35 $3.46 $3.42 $3.46 $3.45 $3.6r $3.57 $3.72 $3.63 $3.79 $3.68 $3.91 $3.81 $4.09 $3.93 s4.29 M.ll M.45 S4.n M.6l $4.31 Henry Hub Index $4.02 $3.47 $3.21 s3.2s $3.28 $3.33 $3.46 $3.60 $3.74 $3.83 $3.89 $3.90 $4.04 $4.10 $4.17 $4.30 $4.53 s4.76 $4.99 $s.14 Stanfield Index San Juan Index $3.90 $3.8s $3.37 53.27 $3.08 $2.99 $2.91 $2.87s2.76 52.7s $2.77 $2.85 $2.82 $2.94 s2.92 $3.05 $3.06 $3.2r $3.18 $3.36 $3.24 $3.42 s3.24 $3.40 $3.3s $3.54 $3.42 $3.6s $3.47 $3.7r $3.57 $3.81 $3.68 $3.99 $3.88 $4.19 $3.99 $4.34 $4.08 $4.48 AECO Index $3.10 $2.6 $2.43 s2.46 $2.47 $2.45 $2.50 $2.60 $2.69 $2.77 $2.U $2.84 p.94 $2.95 $3.01 $3.12 $3.23 $3.44 $3.s4 $3.63 SOCALBOR Index $5.23 $4.U s4.20 $3.78 $3.16 s3.24 $3.31 $3.3s $3.s3 $3.70 $3.77 $3.74 $3.88 $4.01 M.07 $4.19 $4.39 M.6l $4.78 M.93 Thble 2 Continued Natural Gas Price - $/MMBTU (a)2D22Forecast gas prices are forNovember and Decemberonly IV. CONTRACT TERMINATIONS. EXPIRATIONS. AND ADDITIONS 6. Since filing Case No. PAC-E-21-20, the Company has signed 19 long-term contracts, including l2 long-term contracts with qualiffing facilities, for a total nameplate capacity of l,0l 8.4 megawatts. Two long-term contracts have expired without renewal and nine long-term contracts expired and were renewed, for a total nameplate capacity of 359.1 megawatts. Table 3 provides a list of signed and expired or terminated contracts since October 1,2021. 7. Rocky Mountain Power currently has 38 non-PURPA, long-term power purchase agreements with a nameplate capacity of 3,108 megawatts, and 156 PURPA QF contracts with a nameplate capacity of 2,265 megawatts. New contracts, terminated or expired contracts, as well as new contract pricing are all updated in the IRP model on a continuous basis. Page 5 Table 3 lnng Term Contracts signed since the October 2021 trilinq No.Contmct Qualifying Facilitv (QF) Nameplate MW)Start Date End Date Hayward PaulLrrckey SunrysiCe Solar, LCL Tata Chmicah (Soda Ash)Pamers Amy Famtly Holdinp Creorgetown Inigation C orparry Tlree Sbters Inftation Disfict Cedu Sprigs Wind IV, LLC Atricltue Win( LLC Connrcrchl Enerry Managenrnl Inc. Stahlbush Ishnd Farms, Inc. United States ofAnrrica Departrrrf oflnterbr Bueau ofland Mgn Doughs Coury (Galewilh Dam) ChopinWin4 LLC BoswellWinrd, LI-C City ofHurbme Oregon State Uniwnity Pubh Utility Dbtict No. 2 ofGrant Cowrty Pubh Utilfy Dbtict No. 2 ofGrant Cowrty Public Util4v Dbtict No. 2 ofGrant Courty I 2 .) 4 5 6 1 8 9 l0 ll 12 l3 t4 15 t6 t7 l8 t9 QF QF QF QF QF QF QF QF QF QF QF QF 0.1 5.0 30.0 0.7 0.5 0.3 350.4 100.5 0.9 1.6 0.1 1.9 10.0 320.0 0.002 6.s 21.4 18.4 150.2 tzll202t 980n023 ytn023 1w023 4ltD022 6l$n022 t2l3tD024 ta3tD024 3ltD02t 6ltD022 9ltD022 \ilsD022 lrl$n022 1U2025 9lrD022 t0ltD022 UtD023 11n023 ltD023 nBtn035 9D912035 nBtnu3 t2l3tD042 313il2042 nl30l204t nB0nqs4 DBun0s4 lL13012036 513ff2023 8812023 nBtn$4 sD9n$6 nBtn054 v3v2023 9130D027 12131D023 t2l3tD023 t2l3tD023 Total Siged MW 1,018.4 Long Tem Contracts Exrrirtd or Terminated since the October 2021 trlling No.Contract Qualiffing Facilih'(QF) Nameplate (Mrv)Date I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll Dry Creek BirchPowerCorpury, Inc Doughs Coufy (Galewille Dam) Pubh Utflily Dbtict No. 2 ofGrant Cormty P'$lic Utfl{v Dbtbt No. 2 ofGant CouS Georgetown Inigation Conpany Cft1'ofHurbane Mitdle Foft Inigtbn Distict Mfuk Creek Hydro LLC Oregon Envfuonrrntal Indrsfbs, LLC Seattle City Lig[t QF QF QF QF QF QF QF 3.4 2.6 1.9 18.4 r 50.2 0.5 0.002 0.9 3.0 3.2 175.0 4R0D022 3Btn022 4ltsD022 t2l3tD02t n\tn02t 3Btn022 \Btn022 lz\ll202t 381n022 9130D022 2128n022 Total Terminated MW 359.1 Page 6 V. COMMUNICATIONS Communications regarding this filing should be addressed to: Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple, Suite 330 salt Lake city, utah 84116 Telephone : (801) 220-2963 Email: ted.weston@oacifi com.com Joe Dallas 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Telephone: (360) 560-1937 Email : joseph.dal las@nacifi corp.com In addition, Rocky Mountain Power requests that all data requests regarding this Application be sent in Microsoft Word to the following: By email (preferred) : datarequest@nac i fi corp.com By regular mail Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Informal questions may be directed to Ted Weston, tdaho Regulatory Affairs Manager at (801)220-2963. VI. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 9. The Company believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 et seq. 8. PageT VII. REOUEST FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power hereby respectfully submits its updated load forecast, natural gas forecast and QF contract information in compliance with the Commission's directives in Order Nos. 32697 and 32802 and requests that the Commission issue an order approving this updated information for inclusion in the Company's IRP avoided cost calculations. DATED this l7m day of November 2022. Respectfully submitted, ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ,q \ Joe Dallas 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Telephone: (360) 560-1937 Email: ioseoh.dallas@nacificorp.com Attorneyfor Roclcy Mountain Power Page 8