HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230526Comments_1.pdf1 -----Original Message----- From: Michael Larkin (mlarkinaowsiak@gmail.com) Sent You a Personal Message <kwautomail@phone2ac�on.com> Sent: Friday, May 26, 2023 5:53 AM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: PAC-E-22-15 Rocky Mountain Power Rates CAUTION: This email originated outside the State of Idaho network. Verify links and atachments BEFORE you click or open, even if you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your agency service desk with any concerns. Dear Idaho Public U�li�es Commission, Climate change is hur�ng farmers and ranchers due to extreme weather events. Rocky Mtn Power needs to close their coal burning power plants within the next ten years or sooner. The Idaho Public U�li�es Commission should reject Rocky Mountain Power?s proposal to nearly quadruple customers? fixed charge. A $30 fixed charge is far out of line with comparable u�li�es in the state and creates a rate structure that incen�vizes energy waste, harms low-income and low-usage customers, and increases the overall cost of our u�lity grid. By reducing the value of a kilowat?hour saved or self?generated, a higher fixed charge directly reduces the incen�ve that customers have to invest in energy efficiency or distributed genera�on. Customers who have already invested in energy efficiency or distributed genera�on will be harmed by the reduced value of their investments. With litle incen�ve to save, customers may actually increase their energy consump�on and states will have to spend more to achieve the same levels of energy efficiency savings and distributed genera�on. Where electricity demand rises, u�li�es will need to invest in new power plants, power lines, and substa�ons, thereby raising electricity costs for all customers. Data from the Energy Informa�on Administra�on show that in nearly every state, low?income customers consume less electricity than other residen�al customers, on average. Because fixed charges tend to increase bills for low?usage customers while decreasing them for high?use customers, fixed charges raise bills most for those who can least afford the increase. High fixed charges, such as the one Rocky Mountain Power is proposing, create an unfair, inefficient rate structure. Please reject Rocky Mountain Power?s proposal to increase rates to $29.25 per month per customer. Sincerely, Michael Larkin 7505 W Portneuf Rd Pocatello, ID 83204 mlarkinaowsiak@gmail.com (208) 705-8912 2 This message was sent by KnowWho, as a service provider, on behalf of an individual associated with Sierra Club. If you need more informa�on, please contact Lillian Miller at Sierra Club at core.help@sierraclub.org or (415) 977-5500.