HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230427Comments (2)_2.pdf1 -----Original Message----- From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 5:00 PM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Logan Haglund Submission Time: Apr 26 2023 4:19PM Email: lmh@hasatorneys.com Telephone: 208-821-0431 Address: 5252 Lindee Lane Ammon, ID 83401 Name of U�lity Company: Rocky Mountain Power Case ID: PAC-E-22-15 Comment: "I would like to thank Rocky Mountain Power for providing their most recent response. What has been clear throughout RMP's efforts is that there has been a veiled atempt to recoup revenue lost when individuals make energy saving decisions. In par�cular, it appears as though this rate change is a concerted effort to recoup costs against those individuals who have have a net nega�ve energy consump�on/produc�on. Thankfully, RMP's April 25, 2023, Reply removes that guise and allows the public to see RMP's true inten�ons. As homeowners con�nue to find ways to go "green" in an effort to lower their energy consump�on and bills, it is of course en�rely logical that an energy company needs to find an alterna�ve pay structure to maintain revenue. RMP has essen�ally skirted responding to this in all of its filings un�l its most recent Reply, at which point it unabashedly stated that "[e]lectric prices are subject to change and gradually increasing the fixed monthly charge fairly assigns solar customers for the cost of the grid upon which they depend." However, the issue here is not simply the increase in fixed monthly charges, but the coinciding reduc�on in kWh rates. RMP has strategically chosen to combine a flat rate increase with a reduc�on on kWh rates under the guise of "revenue neutral." The issue here is that RMP is not simply sugges�ng solar users pay their fair share, they are coupling a flat rate increase with a devalua�on of electricity that solar users return to the grid. Perhaps the most concerning statement made by RMP comes when it compares the struggles of residen�al users to implement green energy with RMP's own costs to maintain the power grid. Such a comparison is nonsensical as RMP is a mul�million dollar company with annual earnings in excess of $100mil. Rather then encourage investment into green energy, such as solar, RMP appears to be more concerned with protec�ng those annual earnings and disincen�ving residen�al customers from going green. I encourage the Commission to see RMP's Applica�on for what it is, a blatant atempt to claw back funds from customers who have invested in green renewable energy." ------ htps://puc.intranet.idaho.gov/apps/intranet/Comment [Opens the PUC Intranet applica�on] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 -----Original Message----- From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <Do.Not.Reply@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2023 11:00 AM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Russell Daines Submission Time: Apr 27 2023 10:44AM Email: dainesru@gmail.com Telephone: 208-206-2271 Address: 270 Baldwin Dr Rexburg, ID 83440 Name of U�lity Company: Rocky Mountain Power Case ID: PAC-E-22-15 Comment: "I am opposed to the proposal to “modernize residen�al rates”, Case No. PAC-E-22-15. Rocky Mountain Power’s conten�on is that the new rate structure more fairly distribute fixed costs among customers. I feel this ignores two issues. First, there has not been a major shi� in costs to Rocky Mountain Power. Electricity genera�on costs have not suddenly dropped by a factor of 2 or 3, making fixed costs a greater frac�on of the total cost. From what I understand, na�onwide energy costs per kWh have been increasing. This means that for many years, Rocky Mountain Power has been sa�sfied with the current rate structure in spite of the level of fixed costs built into it. I don’t see a pressing need to make a change now. Second, Idaho has one of the lowest per kWh electricity costs in the na�on. Although that is partly because of the rela�vely lower cost of genera�on for this region, it also means that the current rate structure is likely shared by most u�li�es across the country. (If Rocky Mountain Power charged significantly more than other u�li�es on a per kWh basis, that might indicate their rate structure was different from other u�li�es.) I don’t feel like Idaho should treat electricity costs differently from the na�onwide public u�lity standard. I feel the new rate structure will hurt the most economically vulnerable in the state. The poorest residents of the state live in some of the smallest housing units and use the least electricity. Two online sites that I looked at indicated that someone in Idaho living in a 1000 �.² townhouse apartment would probably use about 500 kWh per month. With the new rate structure, by the �me it is completely phased in, they will be paying an extra $150 a year. For people in this financial situa�on, $150 per year could be somewhat significant. On the other hand, a family living in a 4000 �.² house would typically use about 1800 kWh per month. With the new rate structure, they would save $250 per year. For people in their economic situa�on, the extra $250 per year is probably far less significant than the extra $150 per year that someone ren�ng an apartment would experience. 3 Finally, one addi�onal point. This new rate structure significantly discourages adop�on of solar. I own solar panels, and when I bought them, I calculated a payoff �me of a litle over 12 years. Recalcula�ng with the new rate structure, the payback �me is over 18 years. This is significant. If we want to encourage residents to get solar, the pay back �me needs to be kept as short as possible. When it starts approaching 20 years, that is a major detriment to adop�ng solar. Thank you for considering my comments." ------ htps://puc.intranet.idaho.gov/apps/intranet/Comment [Opens the PUC Intranet applica�on] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------