HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221221Notice_of_Extension_of_Comment_Deadlines_Order_No_35637.pdfNOTICE OF EXTENSION OF COMMENT DEADLINES ORDER NO. 35637 1 Office of the Secretary Service Date December 21, 2022 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION On October 4, 2022, PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power (“Company”) applied to the Commission for an order approving “the capacity deficiency period determination to be used in avoided cost calculations using the Surrogate Avoided Resource (“SAR”) methodology.” Application at 2. In addition to specifying that the case would be processed by modified procedure, Order No. 35588 set public comment and Company reply deadlines for December 20, 2022, and January 3, 2023, respectively. Commission Staff (“Staff”) sent an initial production request to the Company on October 25, 2022. On November 15, 2022, the Company supplied partial responses. Staff filed its latest Production Request on December 7, 2022. In this request, Staff asked the Company for an expedited response. On December 12, 2022, the Company provided a partial response and requested until December 19, 2022, to respond to the remaining questions. At the Commission’s December 13, 2022, decision meeting, Staff recommended the Commission extend the respective public comment and Company reply deadlines by 14 days. With this Order, the Commission provides a Notice of Extension of Comment Deadlines setting new public comment and Company reply comment deadlines. COMMISSION DECISION Having reviewed the matters related to this request, we find good cause to grant Staff’s and the Company’s joint request for extension of time to the public comment and reply comment deadlines pursuant to Commission’s Rule of Procedure, IDAPA Based on the Company’s representation that it needed until December 19, 2022, to respond to Staff’s most recent production request, it is reasonable to grant the parties request to extend their respective comment deadlines. Staff noted that the Company’s complete response to its second set of production requests will be necessary for Staff to fully analyze the issues involved and formulate comments that, but for this Order, would be due on December 20, 2022. No one opposed the IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF A CAPACITY DEFICIENCY PERIOD TO BE USED FOR AVOIDED COST CALCUATIONS ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. PAC-E-22-14 NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF COMMENT DEADLINES ORDER NO. 35637 NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF COMMENT DEADLINES ORDER NO. 35637 2 request to extend both the public comment deadline and the Company’s reply deadline by 14 days as described in Staff’s decision memorandum. O R D E R IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that public comment deadline is extended to January 6, 2023, and the Company reply deadline is extended to January 20, 2023. THIS IS AN INTERLOCUTORY ORDER, not a final and appealable Order of the Commission. The period of reconsideration will not begin until the final Order is issued. DONE by order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 20th day of December 2022. ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT JOHN CHATBURN, COMMISSIONER JOHN R. HAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary I:\Legal\ELECTRIC\PAC-E-22-14_CD\orders\PACE2214_Ntc_Ext_md.docx