HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230309Reply Comments.pdf 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 March 9, 2023 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, ID 83714 Attn: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-22-13 – REPLY COMMENTS IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEMAND RESPONSE PROGRAM Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power’s Reply Comments in the above referenced matter. Informal questions related to this matter may be directed to Mark Alder at (801) 220-2313 or me at (801) 220-4214. Sincerely, Michael S. Snow Manager, Regulatory Affairs Enclosures RECEIVED 2023 March, 9 2:56PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION REPLY COMMENTS OF Page 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Joseph M. Dallas, (ISB# 10330) Senior Attorney PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Telephone No.: (503) 813-5701 Email: joseph.dallas@pacificorp.com Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL ) CASE NO. PAC-E-22-13 ) ) REPLY COMMENTS COMES NOW, Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the “Company”), in accordance with RP 052 and RP 201, et. seq., hereby respectfully submits reply comments to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the “Commission”) in the above-referenced matter. BACKGROUND 1. On December 8, 2022, the Commission issued a Notice of Modified Procedure in Order No. 35616 for the above referenced matter, allowing parties to file comments by January 12, 2023, and reply comments by January 26, 2023. On January 11, 2023, the Commission issued a Noticed of Amended Comment Deadlines in Order No. 35662 for the above referenced matter, setting new deadlines for comments and reply comments to be due February 23, 2023, and March 9, 2023, respectively. Comments were filed by Commission Staff (“Staff”), P4 Production, L.L.C., an affiliate of Bayer Corporation (“Bayer”), and Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. (“IIPA”) (collectively, the “Parties”), on February 23, 2023. The Parties do not oppose, generally support, and/or recommend the Commission authorize the implementation of the Company’s proposed Commercial and Industrial Demand Response program (the “Program”), with conditions. The Company provides these reply comments in response to comments filed by the Parties. REPLY COMMENTS OF Page 2 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER REPLY COMMENTS BAYER 2. Bayer did not oppose the Company’s proposed Program, but requested additional information regarding how load aggregation would be effective considering the coordinated response time needed for different load locations. For real-time events, the system is automatically dispatched without advance notice to shut off customer equipment to curtail load. For advance notice events, the system automatically sends out notices to the appropriate on-site personnel, who are responsible for shutting off equipment within 7 minutes of the automated notice to participate in the called event. Thus, whether a customer is participating in a real-time or advance notice event from a single site or multiple sites in aggregate, the Company’s coordination is the same with the utilization of the automated dispatch and notices. No additional coordinated effort is required by the Company for customers who participate in aggregate from multiple sites for called events. Given that customer incentives are based on actual curtailed load, a customer participating in aggregate from multiple sites that fails to shut off equipment at one or more of their sites within 7 minutes of an advance notice event, will accordingly receive a reduced incentive. Likewise, customers participating from single sites will receive incentives commensurate with the realized curtailed load. IIPA 3. IIPA is generally supportive of the Company’s proposed Program, but expressed concerns regarding tariff updates, cost effectiveness, and equipment installation and maintenance costs. To clarify, the Company does not have sole discretion to change maximum incentive amounts, dispatch parameters, or any information contained within Schedule 114 or the Load Management Flexible Tariff (“Flexible Tariff”), provided as Exhibit B to the Company’s Application. Any changes to Schedule 114 would require a new Application and approval from the Commission. Any changes to the Flexible Tariff would require approval REPLY COMMENTS OF Page 3 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER from Commission Staff through the established flexible tariff process1 for Demand Side Management (“DSM”) programs. Program details not contained within Schedule 114 or the Flexible Tariff will be posted and managed on the Program website as part of the Company’s day-to-day Program management, consistent with the Company’s other DSM programs. Additionally, consistent with the maximum up-to incentive process,2 maximum cost effective amounts are approved and contained within flexible tariffs, while currently offered incentives at or below the maximum amounts are explicitly provided on the Company website for customers. This enables the Company to adjust offered incentive levels via 45-day notice within their pre-approved maximum amounts to timely address market conditions, changes in material cost, product availability, price-competition, participation levels, and cost effectiveness. The Company has adjusted the offered incentive levels of its DSM programs through this process historically between 2018-2022, each instance of which was made known to Commission Staff via email in addition to being posted on the Company’s website for customers. 4. IIPA suggests that to address their cost effectiveness concerns, the Company could include ongoing cost effectiveness tests as part of the Program’s annual reporting. The Company already includes cost effectiveness test results for all programs as part of its Annual Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Reports (“Annual Reports”). Consistent with historical practice, the Company will continue to provide annual cost effectiveness test results within its Annual Reports for all DSM programs, including the proposed Commercial and Industrial Demand Response program, if approved by the Commission. 1 In the Matter of PacifiCorp DBA Rocky Mountain Power’s Application to Revise Electric Service Schedule 115 Finanswer Express, Case No. PAC-E-12-10, Order No. 32594 at 5 (July 13, 2012). The Company’s flexible tariff process is described in detail in the testimony accompanying the Company’s application in Case No. PAC-E-12-10, Direct Testimony of Nancy M. Goddard at 16-18 and Attachment C thereto. 2 The maximum up-to incentive process for making changes to pre-approved incentive levels was first established in a flexible tariff update to the then-called Home Energy Savings program approved by Commission Staff and posted on the Company’s website in December 2015. REPLY COMMENTS OF Page 4 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 5. IIPA’s comments noted that it is unclear whether participating customers or the Company would be responsible for equipment installations and maintenance, and should be clearly specified. To clarify, equipment installation and maintenance costs were embedded within the estimated Program costs in Table 4 of the Company’s Application. Participating customers will not be responsible for covering equipment and installation costs. COMMISSION STAFF 6. Staff recommended the Commission authorize the Program with several conditions, namely the following: a) Limit the maximum incentive at the levelized 5-year avoided cost. b) Regularly update the levelized 5-year avoided cost for determining the maximum incentive. c) Adjust the maximum incentive within the Flexible Tariff on an annual basis. d) Set the offered incentive levels at amounts that will retain participation over time, encourage new participants, and maintain cost effectiveness. e) Update the Flexible Tariff with the dispatch parameters of the Program separated by real-time and advance notice options. f) Include various Program metrics and details in DSM annual reporting and prudency filings. 7. In response to condition (a), the Company is agreeable to limiting the maximum incentive at or below the levelized 5-year avoided cost. Accordingly, the Company proposes to set the maximum incentive at $135/kW for customers who participate in both the real-time and advance notice options in lieu of the previously proposed $190/kW, and actual offered incentive amounts paid or credited to customers will not exceed the approved maximum amounts. The Company’s previously proposed maximum incentive of $125/kW for customers who participate in either the real-time or advance notice options remains unchanged. Table 1 – Wattsmart Business Demand Response Program Incentives Participating Equipment Real Time Option Commercial and Industrial Custom $125/kW Commercial and Industrial Custom $135/kW REPLY COMMENTS OF Page 5 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 8. In response to conditions (b) and (c), the Company agrees to regularly update the levelized 5-year avoided cost in tandem with new Integrated Resource Plan publications, and make annual adjustments to the maximum incentive levels, if necessary. 9. In response to condition (d), the Company believes the incentive levels that were proposed in the Application were set appropriately to retain participation, encourage new participation, and maintain cost effectiveness of the Program, when accounting for customers’ capacity factors and other variables that would affect the actual adjusted incentive amounts customers would receive. Notwithstanding, the Company will work with customers to ramp up participation for the Program within the reduced maximum incentive level recommended by Staff. Given the Program will be new in the marketplace, it is difficult to know with certainty if the initially offered incentive levels will retain and encourage participation over multiple years. Therefore, consistent with its other DSM programs, the Company will monitor participation levels and other market factors, and adjust offered incentives within the pre- approved maximum amounts through the established 45-day notice process as necessary to maintain participation targets and cost effectiveness. If incentive adjustments are necessary in the early stages of the Program, it is anticipated that offered incentive levels will stabilize as the Program matures. 10. In response to condition (e), the Company has updated the Flexible Tariff in Exhibit A, attached hereto, which includes the updated maximum incentive levels consistent with Table 1 above, and separates dispatch parameters by real-time and advance notice options. 11. In response to condition (f), the Company has historically included all DSM programs in its annual reporting and prudency filings, and will continue to do so with this Program, if approved by the Commission. With respect to the voluminous and specific reporting metrics Staff recommended for the Program, the Company is uncertain at this time if every metric is available or possible to track and report on. The Company will work REPLY COMMENTS OF Page 6 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER internally to determine which metrics are practicable and will plan to incorporate them in future Annual Reports. For any metrics that are unfeasible to provide, due to limitations of the Company’s systems or undue burden, the Company will discuss with Staff during regularly scheduled meetings. REQUEST FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission approve the Company’s Application to implement a Commercial and Industrial Demand Response program as discussed and updated herein and supported by the Parties. DATED this 9th Day of March 2023. Respectfully submitted, By _______________________________ Joseph M. Dallas Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit A Idaho Load Management 5-Year Pilot Programs This document includes the following sections: • Definitions of terms used in Schedule 114 and other program documents • Incentives – General Information • Dispatch Parameters • Incentive Tables DEFINITIONS Annual Participation Incentive: Incentives participating customers may receive for ongoing active participation in a Load Management program. Available Dispatch Hours: Daily timeframe within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Continuous Output: Inverter is capable of discharging at this rate of power (kW) without interruption or reduction, continuously, when connected to the utility grid and under normal conditions, as long as the battery’s state of charge allows. Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted, and receives service at the real property, or is the electricity user at the real property. Dispatch Days: The days upon which the Company may or may not dispatch its load control system. Dispatch Duration: The duration of time that load control events may be dispatched for. Dispatch Parameters: The criteria within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Dispatch Period: The calendar year timeframe within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Enrollment Incentive: Upfront incentives participating customers may receive upon their enrollment in a Load Management program. Incentive: Payments of money or bill credits made by Company to Owner or Customer for participation in a Load Management offer. Incentive Application: An application submitted by Owner or Customer to Company for Incentives. Incentive Offer Letter: An offer made by Company and acknowledged by Owner or Customer providing for Company to furnish Incentives for a Load Management Project. Maximum Dispatch Hours: The maximum amount of time the Company may dispatch its load control system annually. Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real property, and is the mortgager under a duly recorded mortgage of real property, the trustor under a duly recorded deed of trust. INCENTIVES – GENERAL INFORMATION Incentives for Measures Listed in the Incentive Tables Dollar values listed in the incentive tables are the maximum amounts approved for programs. Incentive amounts that customers may actually receive are managed and available on the Company’s website, which may be less than the approved maximum amounts. Incentives are subject to change through notices posted on the Company’s website. Incentive payouts for the Wattsmart Battery 5-Year Pilot Program will be available through 2031. Program Contractors Program contractors may provide additional consideration, at no additional cost to the Company or its customers, to encourage enrollment in a Load Management Program. Such consideration may include, but is not limited to, gift cards or other efforts used to increase Customer interest in a program. DISPATCH PARAMETERS The Company shall have the right to dispatch System(s) according to the following criteria: Wattsmart Batteries Dispatch Period Available Dispatch Hours Maximum Dispatch Hours Dispatch Days Dispatch Duration Events may be held multiple times per day up to two full battery duty cycles Load Control Program Dispatch Period Available Dispatch Hours Hours / Events Dispatch Days Dispatch Duration Wattsmart Batteries 5-Year Pilot January 1 – December 31 12:00am – 11:59pm Mountain Time N/A Monday – Sunday multiple times per day up to two full Wattsmart Business Demand January 1 – December 31 12:00am – 11:59pm Mountain Time 5 hours / 50 events Monday – Sunday 3 - 7 minutes Advance Notice 60 hours / 25 events 5 minutes – 4 hours In the event of a system emergency, Rocky Mountain Power may, at its discretion, expand the dispatch criteria beyond the parameters listed. Emergency events may be used to satisfy requirements of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standard BAL-002- WECC-2 for Contingency Reserve Obligation (CRO) and may be deployed when the utility is experiencing a qualifying event as defined by the Northwest Power Pool. INCENTIVE TABLES Table 1 – Wattsmart Batteries 5-Year Pilot Program Incentives Load Management Program Participating Equipment Enrollment Incentive1 Incentive During 2 Annual Participation Incentive3 Wattsmart Batteries Residential Batteries $15/kW $50/kW $15/kW $50/kW 1. Enrollment Incentives are capped at 70% of battery equipment costs and available to new battery purchases only. 2. Participation Incentives are eligible to be applied towards monthly energy charges. Customers will still be responsible for fixed customer charges 3. Applicable to new batteries after the commitment term or existing batteries where the enrollment incentive and commitment term is not applicable. Participation Incentives are eligible to be applied towards monthly energy charges. Customers will still be responsible for fixed customer charges. Table 2 – Wattsmart Business Demand Response Program Incentives Participating Equipment Functionality Wattsmart Business Demand Response $125/kW Advanced Noticed Dispatch Idaho Load Management Programs This document includes the following sections: • Definitions of terms used in Schedule 114 and other program documents • Incentives – General Information • Dispatch Parameters • Incentive Tables DEFINITIONS Annual Participation Incentive: Incentives participating customers may receive for ongoing active participation in a Load Management program. Available Dispatch Hours: Daily timeframe within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Continuous Output: Inverter is capable of discharging at this rate of power (kW) without interruption or reduction, continuously, when connected to the utility grid and under normal conditions, as long as the battery’s state of charge allows. Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted, and receives service at the real property, or is the electricity user at the real property. Dispatch Days: The days upon which the Company may or may not dispatch its load control system. Dispatch Duration: The duration of time that load control events may be dispatched for. Dispatch Parameters: The criteria within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Dispatch Period: The calendar year timeframe within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Enrollment Incentive: Upfront incentives participating customers may receive upon their enrollment in a Load Management program. Incentive: Payments of money or bill credits made by Company to Owner or Customer for participation in a Load Management offer. Incentive Application: An application submitted by Owner or Customer to Company for Incentives. Incentive Offer Letter: An offer made by Company and acknowledged by Owner or Customer providing for Company to furnish Incentives for a Load Management Project. Maximum Dispatch Hours: The maximum amount of time the Company may dispatch its load control system annually. Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real property, and is the mortgager under a duly recorded mortgage of real property, the trustor under a duly recorded deed of trust. INCENTIVES – GENERAL INFORMATION Incentives for Measures Listed in the Incentive Tables Dollar values listed in the incentive tables are the maximum amounts approved for programs. Incentive amounts that customers may actually receive are managed and available on the Company’s website, which may be less than the approved maximum amounts. Incentives are subject to change through notices posted on the Company’s website. Incentive payouts for the Wattsmart Battery 5-Year Pilot Program will be available through 2031. Program Contractors Program contractors may provide additional consideration, at no additional cost to the Company or its customers, to encourage enrollment in a Load Management Program. Such consideration may include, but is not limited to, gift cards or other efforts used to increase Customer interest in a program. DISPATCH PARAMETERS The Company shall have the right to dispatch System(s) according to the following criteria: Load Control Program Dispatch Period Available Dispatch Hours Hours / Events Dispatch Days Dispatch Duration Wattsmart Batteries 5-Year Pilot January 1 – December 31 12:00am – 11:59pm Mountain Time N/A Monday – Sunday multiple times per day up to two full Wattsmart Business Demand January 1 – December 31 12:00am – 11:59pm Mountain Time 5 hours / 50 events Monday – Sunday 3 - 7 minutes Advance Notice 60 hours / 25 events 5 minutes – 4 hours In the event of a system emergency, Rocky Mountain Power may, at its discretion, expand the dispatch criteria beyond the parameters listed. Emergency events may be used to satisfy requirements of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standard BAL-002-WECC-2 for Contingency Reserve Obligation (CRO) and may be deployed when the utility is experiencing a qualifying event as defined by the Northwest Power Pool. INCENTIVE TABLES Table 1 – Wattsmart Batteries 5-Year Pilot Program Incentives Load Management Program Participating Equipment Enrollment Incentive1 Incentive During 2 Annual Participation Incentive3 Wattsmart Batteries Residential Batteries $15/kW $50/kW $15/kW $50/kW 1. Enrollment Incentives are capped at 70% of battery equipment costs and available to new battery purchases only. 2. Participation Incentives are eligible to be applied towards monthly energy charges. Customers will still be responsible for fixed customer charges 3. Applicable to new batteries after the commitment term or existing batteries where the enrollment incentive and commitment term is not applicable. Participation Incentives are eligible to be applied towards monthly energy charges. Customers will still be responsible for fixed customer charges. Table 2 – Wattsmart Business Demand Response Program Incentives Participating Equipment Functionality Wattsmart Business Demand Response $125/kW Advanced Noticed Dispatch