HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220825Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN Hgly,Hn.., S Michael S. Snow Manager, Regulatory Affairs Enclosures 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 August 25,2022 YIA OVERNIGIIT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,ID 83714 Attn: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary RE CASE NO. PAC.E.22-13 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEMAND RESPONSE PROGRAM Please find enclosed for filing Rocky Mountain Power's Application in the above referenced matter. lnformal questions related to this matter may be directed to Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 or me at (801) 220-4214. Sincerely, Emily Wegener, (lSB# I l6l4) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 Telephone : (801) 220-4526 Email: emily.wesener@pacifi corp.com Attorneyfor Roclqt Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT A COMMERCIAL AI\D INDUSTRIAL DEMAI\D RESPONSE PROGRAM CASE NO. PAC.E-22.I3 APPLICATION Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the "Company"), hereby petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") for authority to implement a Class I commercial and industrial demand response program ("Wattsmart Business Demand Response" or "Program") under the existing Schedule I 14 load management flexible tariff within the demand side management ("DSM") portfolio. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states: l. Rocky Mountain Power is authorized to do business in the state of Idaho as a public utility providing retail electric service to approximately 86,500 customers. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission pursuant to Idaho Code $ 6l-129. 2. This Application is filed pursuant to Idaho Code $$ 6l-301, 6l-307,61-622, and 6l-623. In particular, Idaho Code $ 6l-623 empowers the Commission to determine the propriety of proposed rate schedules, $$ 6l-307 and 6l-622 require Commission approval prior to any change in rates, and $ 6l-301 requires Idaho retail electric rates to be just and reasonable. ) ) ) ) ) APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page I I. BACKGROUNI) 3. In Case No. PAC-E-21-16, Electric Service Schedule 114 - Load Management, a flexible tariff was approved for the implementation of load management programs. The only demand response program currently approved under Schedule I 14 is the Wattsmart Battery program. The Company seeks to add the Wattsmart Business Demand Response Program to the Schedule I l4 flexible tariff. II. DISCUSSION Proeram Overview 4. The Wattsmart Business Demand Response Program is designed to provide financial incentives to customers who curtail load during Company initiated events. The Program may be utilized to provide peak load reduction, contingency reserves, frequency response, and other grid services to assist with effectively managing the overall electric grid. The initial Program design will work with large commercial and industrial customers who are served by the Company in the state of Idaho taking service under the Company's electric service schedules listed on Schedule l9l - Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment, with curtailable loads greater than 500 kW that can be curtailed with no advance notice or limited advance notice (7-minutes). An automated dispatch without advanced notice and a total response time within 50 seconds is considered a real-time event, and a dispatch event with an advanced notice and response within 7 minutes is considered an advanced notice event. Company representatives and its consultants will meet with large commercial and industrial customers to identify opportunities forparticipation. The Company and consultantwill develop a site-specific demand response strategy for each participating customer and their facility. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page2 Proeram Desien and Customer Participation 5. Advance notice curtailment events will elicit participation from a broad range of large commercial and industrial customers through manual and automated curtailment. Manual curtailment requires onsite staff to take manual action at the time an event is called. For customers participating through manual curtailment, additional onsite event notification equipment such as strobe lights and/or sirens could be employed to alert staff of demand response events in addition to traditional notification methods such as email, text messages and automated phone calls. For customers that participate with some level of automation, remotely controlled relays may be installed on equipment with custom scripts for building management and/or automation systems, and remotely controlled automatic transfer switches may be installed for back-up generators or battery storage systems. Table I provides a list of typical participating industries, examples of participating equipment, and curtailment actions. Table I - Advanced Notice APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOLINTAIN POWER Industry Response Tvne Example Energy Reduction Action Colleges and Universities Manual Curtailment Increase the set point on central plant chiller thermostat and related air handlers Conuete, Glass, and Building Materials Manual Curtailment Shut down asphalt plants. Data Center/Server Farm Automated Switch on uninterruptible power supply system Farming and Ranching Manual Curtailment Manually shut down the following equipment by starting time of dispatch: Extruder, HIP shut off, Oscillator, Negative Air Fan, Airlock, 150 HP Compressor, MUA units, Primary erindins Food and Beverage Product Manufacturing and Packaging Manual Curtailment Manually shut down the following equipment by starting time of dispatch: Keg Line, Keg Storage Cooling Unit, Bottle Line, HVAC systems, Brewing Cellars, NH3 Compressors and Condenser Fan Units, Packaging Lighting, Fermenting Centrifuges, DE Filter switched to recirculation mode, Chip Washing, Grain Handling System, DCW System, Glycol Svstem to Fermenters- and CC)l Collection Svstem. Grocery and Food Wholesalers Automated Shut down milling operation through building automation system Hospitals Automated Automatic transfer of load to back-up generators Waste Water and Water Treatment Automated Automatic transfer of load to back-up generators Metal Manufacturing Manual Shut down electric arc furnace Mining and Quarrying Manual Shut down crushers, lime plant, and additional processing equipment (conveyors) Page 3 Industry Response Tvne Exemple Energy Reduction Action Refrigerated Storage Automated Automatically curtail the following compressors and freezers: Comp 5 - 200hp, Comp 6 - 200hp, Comp 7 - 200hp, Comp 8 - 300hp, Comp 9 - 350hp, Compl 0 - 7 5hp, Compl I - I 50hp, I 30 ton blast freezers Wholesale and Distributors Other Automated Remotely toggle CIMCO Refrigeration System to shut down Advance notice curtailment events are not typically used to manage low system frequency situations and may be dispatched as needed without advanced notice to customers. Customer participation in the frequency program will occur through automated signals from PacifiCorp's Energy Management System to load control devices installed on customer equipment. Other technology options may include installing Under Frequency Relays ("UFR") that trip facility machinery and equipment off when the relay senses deviation in frequency below a preset level. In some cases, UFR can be connected to uninterruptible power supply systems to accommodate site-level load during low frequency events. Table 2 is a list of typical participating industries, examples of participating equipment, and curtailment actions. Table 2 - Real-Time Pa Exam APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Response Type Example Energr Reduction ActionIndustry Chemicals and Petrochemicals Automated UFR Air Separation Plant Liquefier breakers Automated UFR Feeder and crusher breakersConcrete, Glass, and Building Materials Main breaker for mushroom processing operationFarming and Ranching Automated UFR Automated UFR Main distillery breakerFood and Beverage Product Manufacturine and Packaging Main terminal pump station (oil) breakerMining and Quarrying Automated UFR Automated UFR Breakers for refrigeration systems, evaporator fan motors, evaporator condensers, high side compressors, booster compressors, glycol pumps, and ultra-low temD DumDs. Refrigerated Storage Page 4 Incentives 6. Participating customers will be compensated annually based on the verifiable load that is available for dispatch throughout the year. Participation will be voluntary, and customers may also choose to opt-out of events. Customers who end their participation early or opt-out of specific events will receive a pro-rated incentive. Table 3 includes the maximum "up to" incentive levels for participating in real-time and advanced notice events. Table 3 - Wattsmart Business Demand Incentives The initially offered amounts for real time and advance notice individual incentives will be set at $100/kW, and $175lkw if customer equipment is able to participate in both options. Customer incentives are calculated based on available load (kW) during a program year and adjusted by capacity factor (percentage of year load was available) and event performance percentage. For example, if a customer had I MW of load on eligible equipment enrolled with a 50 percent capacity factor for the advance notice program and the customer participated in 75 percent of the called events the customer would receive a $37,500 incentive. ((1,000 kW x $100) x 50 percent x 75 percent: $37,500) Program participants may have the opportunity to participate in the real-time, advance notice, or both options. Proiected Participation and Costs 7. The Program is forecast to achieve approximately 15 MW of curtailable demand response by 2027 and to maintain that level of participation thereafter. Table 4 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER Load Management Program Participating Equipment Maximum incentive ttup to' Real Time Option Advance Notice Option Commercial and Industrial Custom $l2slkw Real Time & Advance Notice Option Commercial and Industrial Custom $190/kw Page 5 provides a breakdown of estimated Program costs by category for 2023 through 2027, and Table 5 provides a 5-year outlook of projected participation. Table 4 - Estimated Costs Table 5 - Estimated S-Year Pa Dispatch Parameters 8. The Company shall have the right to dispatch the Program based on the criteria in Table 6: Table 6 - Wattsmart Business Demand Parameters APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Cost Category 2023 2024 202s 2026 2027 Program Administration $ 82,500 $ 80,250 $ 84,750 $ 87,750 $ 92,250 Customer Incentives $ 150,000 $ 375,000 $ 525,000 $ 750,000 $ 1,125,000 Utility Administration $ 10,000 $ 15,000 $ 20,000 $ 25,000 $ 30,000 Marketing $5 000 $ 10,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Total Program Costs $ 247,500 $ 480,250 $649,750 $ 882,750 $ 1,267,250 End of Year Estimated Customer Participation (Cumulative) Estimated MW (Cumulative) 2023 4 2 2024 7 5 202s l0 7 2026 t2 l0 2027 l5 l5 Dispatch Period Real-Time Prosram Advance Notice Prosram Dispatch Period January I through December 3l Januaxy I through December 31 l2:00am to I l:59pm Mountain Time l2:00am to I l:59pm Mountain TimeAvailable Dispatch Hours Maximum Dispatch Hours 5 hours 60 hours Maximum Events per year 50 events per year 25 events Der year Disoatch Days Monday - Sunday Mondav - Sunday 3 minutes to 7 minutes 5 minutes to 4 hours per dayDispatch Duration Page 6 Schedule 114 Tariff and Flexible Tariff Tables 9. Attached hereto as Exhibit A are Electric Service Schedule I 14 tariff sheets with proposed changes to enable the Wattsmart Business Demand Response Program while still accommodating parameters set forth for the Wattsmart Battery Program approved in PAC-E-21-16. Additionally, attached hereto as Exhibit B are proposed changes to the load management flexible tariff to incorporate the Wattsmart Business Demand Response Program incentives and other parameters. No changes have been made to the Wattsmart Batteries Program details within Exhibits A and B other than formatting adjustments to maintain clarity between load management programs. Pending approval of the Wattsmart Business Demand Response Program in this case, the Program going forward will be managed pursuant to the fl exible tariff process. I III. COST EFFECTIVENESS 10. The cost-effectiveness analysis for the Program is attached hereto as Confidential Exhibit C, and was based on the maximum "up to" incentive levels. As avoided costs are considered proprietary on load control programs, the cost effectiveness results are provided below with a "pass" designation, which equates to a benefit to cost ratio of 1.0 or better. Due to the nature of demand response, and consistent with the cost effectiveness methodology for other demand response programs, the Participant Cost Test is not applicable. The Program is expected to be cost effective under the other benefit/cost tests. I In the Matter of Paci/iCorp DBA RoclE Mountain Power's Application to Revise Electric Service Schedule I t 5 Finanswer Express, Case No. PAC-E-12- 10, Order No.32594 at 5 (July 13,2012). The Company's flexible tariff process is described in detail in the testimony accompanying the Company's application in Case No. PAC-E-l2-10, Direct Testimony of Nancy M. Goddard at l6-18 and Attachment C thereto. APPLICATION OF Page7 ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER BeneliUCost Test BenelilCost Rntio PassPacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder PassTotal Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder PassUtility Cost Test (UCT) PassRate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT)N/A Table 7 - Wattsmart Business Demand Level Cost Effectiveness COMMUNICATIONS I 1. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Ted Weston Michael Snow 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 Telephone : (80 l) 220 -29 63 Email : ted.weston@pac ifi corp.com m ichael.snow@pacifi corp.com Emily Wegener 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake ciry, utah 841l6 Telephone: (801) 220-4526 Email: emi ly.weeener@pacifi corp.com In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By e-mail (preferred)datareq uest@pac ifi corp.com By regular mail Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 12. The Company believes that consideration of the proposals contained in this Application do not require an evidentiary proceeding, and accordingly requests that this Application be processed under modified procedure pursuant to RP 201-204, which allows for consideration of these issues by written submissions rather than by an evidentiary hearing. If, APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER Page 8 however, the Commission determines that an evidentiary proceeding is required the Company stands ready to provide supporting testimony. V. CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order: (l) authorizing that this proceeding be processed under modified procedure, and (2) approving the implementation of a commercial and industrial demand response program under Electric Service Schedule I 14 - Load Management Program within the demand side management portfolio as described herein, with a January 1,2023 effective date. DATED this 25th day of August2022. Respectfully submitted, By Emily Wegener Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 9 ROCKY MOUNTAIN HP,:[yF.n",, Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit A Page 1 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-22-13 First Revison of Sheet 114.1 Cancelins Original Sheet No. 114.1I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 114 STATE OF IDAHO Load Management 5-+ear+ifo+Program APPLICABLE: This tariff is applicable to eligible Customers who have premises located in designated areas. Customers served by the Company in the state of Idaho taking service under the Company's electric service schedules listed on Schedule 191 - Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment located within the designated areas are eligible to participate in a Load Management Program (Program). PTIRPOSE: To manage electric loads through a Company-dispatched Direct Load Control System (System). PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: A.dDetailed descriptiong of theProgram(s) iscan be found on the Company website. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION: Participating premises are considered Program participants for the duration of the Program(s). Customers may cancel their participation in the Program(s) at any time. The Company or its Program contractors shall have the right to qualiff program participants, at their sole discretion based on criteria the Company or Program contractors consider necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program(s) and utility System. Program details can be viewed on the Company's website. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE FOR ALL LOAD MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS: Qualiffing Equipment or Services, incentive amounts, and participation procedures will be listed on the program website. Incentive delivery may vary by technology and may include cash payments and/or bill credits. Incentive payouts for the Wattsmart Battery S-Year Pilot Program will be available through 203 l. Incentives may be offered year-round or for selected time periods. lncentive offer availability, incentive levels, and Qualifring Equipment or Services may be changed to reflect changing codes and standards, sales volumes, quality assurance data, or to enhance program cost effectiveness. All changes will occur with a minimum of 45 days notice and be prominently displayed as a change on the Company's website. I 1 3. 4. 5 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-22-132W FILED: August25.2022@+w EFFECTIYE: January l. 2023Af+il Y Rocky Mountain Poiver Exhibit A Page 2 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-22-13ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER A DIVISON OF ilCIFIOORP I.P.U.C. No. I First Revison of Sheet 114.1 Cancelins Original Sheet No. 114.1 iee ing futur€ appli€able amendme (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-22-132+4 FILED: Aueust 25. 2022Jepgeq*{r40B? ZOX*prld-l+W EFFECTIYE: January l. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit A Page 3 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-22-13YROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION OF NOFEORP I.P.U.C. No. I Orieinal Sheet No. 114.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 114 - Continued ELECTRIC SERYICE REGIILATIONS: Service underthis Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Elecffic Service Agreement between ttre Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. including future applicable amendments. will be considered as formine a part of and incomorated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-22-13 2023 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION OF PACIrEORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit A Page 4 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-22-13 First Revison of Sheet 114.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 114.1I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 114 STATE OF IDAHO Load Management Program APPLICABLE: This tariff is applicable to eligible Customers who have premises located in designated areas. Customers served by the Company in the state of Idaho taking service under the Company's electric service schedules listed on Schedule l9l - Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment located within the designated areas are eligible to participate in a Load Management Program (Program). PURPOSE: To manage electric loads through a Company-dispatched Direct Load Control System (System). PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Detailed descriptions of Programs can be found on the Company website. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION: Participating premises are considered Program participants for the duration of the Program(s). Customers may cancel their participation in the Program(s) at any time. The Company or its Program contractors shall have the right to qualifu program participants, at their sole discretion based on criteria the Company or Program contractors consider necessary to ensure the effbctive operation of the Program(s) and utility System. Program details can be viewed on the Company's website. PROVISIONS OF SERVICE FOR ALL LOAD MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS: l. Qualifring Equipment or Services, incentive amounts, and participation procedures will be listed on the program website.2. Incentive delivery may vary by technology and may include cash payments and/or bill credits. Incentive payouts for the Wattsmart Battery S-Year Pilot Program will be available through 203 l.3. Incentives may be offered year-round or for selected time periods.4. Incentive offer availability, incentive levels, and Qualifuing Equipment or Services may be changed to reflect changing codes and standards, sales volumes, quality assurance data, or to enhance program cost effectiveness.5. All changes will occur with a minimum of 45 days notice and be prominently displayed as a change on the Company's website. FILED: August 25,2022 (continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2023 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-22-13 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit A Page 5 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-22-13 Original Sheet No. 114.2I.P.U.C. No. 1 ELECTRIC SERYICE SCIIEDULE NO. ll4- Continued ELECTRIC SERYICE REGIILATIONS: Service underthis Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submiued Under Case No. PAC-E-22-13 FILED: August 25,2022 EFFECTM: January 1,2023 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit B Page 1 of 6 Case No. PAC-E-22-13 Idaho Load Management s-Y€er+il€eProgramg This document includes the following sections:o Definitions of terms used in Schedule I 14 and other program documentso lncentives - General Informationo Dispatch Parameterso lncentive Tables DEFIIYITIONS Annual Participation Incentive: Incentives participating customers may receive for ongoing active participation in a Load Management program. Available Dispatch Hours: Daily timeframe within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Continuous Output: Inverter is capable of discharging at this rate of power (kW) without intemrption or reduction, continuously, when connected to the utility grid and under normal conditions, as long as the battery's state of charge allows. Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted, and receives service at the real property, or is the electicity user at the real properly. Dispatch Days: The days upon which the Company may or may not dispatch its load control system. Dispatch Duration: The duration of time that load control events may be dispatched for. Dispatch Parameters: The criteria within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Dispatch Period: The calendar year timeframe within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Enrollment Incentive: Upfront incentives participating customers may receive upon their enrollment in a Load Management program. Incentive: Payments of money or bill credits made by Company to Owner or Customer for participation in a Load Management offer. Incentive Application: An application submitted by Owner or Customer to Company for Incentives. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit B Page 2 of 6 Case No. PAC-E-22-13 Incentive Offer Letter: An offer made by Company and acknowledged by Owner or Customer providing for Company to furnish Incentives for a Load Management Project. Maximum Dispatch Hours: The maximum amount of time the Company may dispatch its load control system annually. Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real property, and is the mortgager under a duly recorded mortgage of real property, the trustor under a duly recorded deed of trust. INCENTIVES - GENERAL INFORMA'TION Incentives for Measures Listed in the Incentive Tables Dollar values listed in the incentive tables are the maximum amounts approved for programs. Incentive amounts that customers may actually receive are managed and available on the Company's website, which may be less than the approved maximum amounts. Incentives are subject to change through notices posted on the Company's website. lncentive payouts for the Wattsnrart Battery 5-Year Pilot Program will be available through 2031. Program Contractors Program contractors may provide additional consideration, at no additional cost to the Company or its customers, to encourage enrollment in a Load Management Program. Such consideration may include, but is not limited to, gift cards or other efforts used to increase Customer interest in a program. DISPATCH PARAMETERS The Company shall have the right to dispatch System(s) according to the following criteria: In the event of a system emergency, Rocky Mountain Power may, at its discretion, expand the dispatch criteria beyond the parameters listed. Emergency events may be used to satisfy requirements of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standard BAL-002- \IfuttsmmfBat{eries Disp*etsPeried ffi ime ffi N/A Disoateh-Davs Mendav threueh Sundav Dispateh$rrratio"Frients mat/ be held m dutrcve+es Load Control Program Disnatch Period Available Disnatch [Iours l\taximum Disoatch Hours Disnatch Davs Disoatch Duration \\'attsmart Batteries 5-Year Pilot Januan I throush December 3l l2:00am to I l:59pnr Mountain Time N/A IlIondav throueh Sunday Events ma)' be held rnuhiple tinres oer dar un to trvo Iull batlen dutr cycles \\'attsmart Business Demand Resnonse Januarl l through December 3l I2:00am to I l:59om Mounlain Time 65 hours per Progranr Year I\4ondav through Sundav lir,cnts r,',ill be limited to lbur hours per dar, Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit B Page 3 of 6 Case No. PAC-E-22-13 WECC-2 for Contingency Reserve Obligation (CRO) and may be deployed when the utility is experiencing a qualifying event as defined by the Northwest Power Pool. INCENTIYE TABLES Table 1 - Wattsmart Batteries S-Year Pilot Prosram lncentives L Enrollment Incentives are capped at7UYo of battery equipment costs and available to new battery purchases only. 2. Participation Incentives are eligible to be applied towards monthly energy charges. Customers will still be responsible for fixed customer charges 3. Applicable to new batteries after the commitment term or existing bafferies where the enrollment incentive and commitment term is not applicable. Participation lncentives are eligible to be applied towards monthly energy charges. Customers will still be responsible for fixed customer charges. Table 2 - Wattsmart Business Demand Response Proqram Incentives Load Management Program Participating Equipment Maximum Incentive "uD to' Enrollment Incentivet Annuel Participation Incentive During Commitment Term2 Annual Perticipation Incentive3 Wattsmart Batteries Residential Batteries $150/kW x Annual Commihnent Term $lslkw $so/kw Commercial Batteries $150/kW x Annual Commitment Term $15/kw $s0/kw Load Management Program Pa rticipatine Equipment Functionalitv Maximum Incentive ,.up to, Wattsnrart Business Demand Response Real Time Dispatch $ r25lkwAdvanced Noticed Dispatch Real Tinc and Advanced Notice Dispatch $ r 90/kw Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit B Page 4 of 6 Case No. PAC-E-22-13 Idaho Load Management Programs This document includes the following sections: o Definitions of terms used in Schedule I 14 and other program documentso Incentives - General Informationo Dispatch Parameterso Incentive Tables DEFINITIONS Annual Participation Incentive: Incentives participating customers may receive for ongoing active participation in a Load Management program. Available Dispatch Hours: Daily timeframe within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Continuous Output: Inverter is capable of discharging at this rate of power (kW) without intemrption or reduction, continuously, when connected to the utility grid and under normal conditions, as long as the battery's state of charge allows. Customer: Any party who has applied for, been accepted, and receives service at the real property, or is the electricity user at the real property. Dispatch Days: The days upon which the Company may or may not dispatch its load control system. Dispatch Duration: The duration of time that load control events may be dispatched for. Dispatch Parameters: The criteria within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Dispatch Period: The calendar year timeframe within which the Company may dispatch its load control system(s). Enrollment Incentive: Upfront incentives participating customers may receive upon their enrollment in a Load Management program. Incentive: Payments of money or bill credits made by Company to Owner or Customer for participation in a Load Management offer. Incentive Application: An application submitted by Owner or Customer to Company for Incentives. Rocky Mountain Po^rer Exhibit B Page 5 of 6 Case No. PAC-E-22-13 Incentive Offer Letter: An offer made by Company and acknowledged by Owner or Customer providing for Company to furnish lncentives for a Load Management Project. Maximum Dispatch llours: The maximum amount of time the Company may dispatch its load control system annually. Owner: The person who has both legal and beneficial title to the real property, and is the mortgager under a duly recorded mortgage of real property, the trustor under a duly recorded deed of trust. INCENTIYES - GENERAL INFORMATION Incentives for Measures Listed in the Incentive Tables Dollar values listed in the incentive tables are the maximum amounts approved for programs. Incentive amounts that customers may actually receive are managed and available on the Company's website, which may be less than the approved maximum amounts. Incentives are subject to change through notices posted on the Company's website. Incentive payouts for the Wattsmart Battery S-Year Pilot Program will be available through 2031. Program Contractors Program contractors may provide additional consideration, at no additional cost to the Company or its customers, to encourage enrollment in a Load Management Program. Such consideration may include, but is not limited to, gift cards or other efforts used to increase Customer interest in a program. DISPATCH PARAMETERS The Company shall have the right to dispatch System(s) according to the following criteria: In the event of a system emergency, Rocky Mountain Power may, at its discretion, expand the dispatch criteria beyond the parameters listed. Emergency events may be used to satisff requirements of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standard BAL-002- WECC-2 for Contingency Reserve Obligation (CRO) and may be deployed when the utility is experiencing a qualiffing event as defined by the Northwest Power Pool. Load Control Program Dispatch Period Aveilable Dispatch Hours Maximum Dispatch Hours Dispatch Days Dispatch Duration Wattsmart Batteries S-Year Pilot January I through December 3l l2:00am to I l:59pm Mountain Time N/A Monday through Sunday Events may be held multiple times per day up to two full batterv dutv cvcles Wattsmart Business Demand Resoonse January I through December 3l l2:00am to I l:59pm Mountain Time 65 hours per Program Year Monday through Sunday Events will be limited to four hours per day Rocky Mounlain Power Exhibit B Page 6 of 6 Case No. PAC-E-22-13 INCENTIVE TABLES Table 1 - Wattsmart Batteries s-Year Pilot Program Incentives l. Enrollment Incentives are capped at70%o of battery equipment costs and available to new battery purchases only. 2. Participation Incentives are eligible to be applied towards monthly energy charges. Customers will still be responsible for fixed customer charges 3. Applicable to new batteries after the commitment term or existing batteries where the enrollment incentive and commitment term is not applicable. Participation lncentives are eligible to be applied towards monthly energy charges. Customers will still be responsible for fixed customer charges. Table 2 - Wattsmart Business Demand Response Program Incentives Load Management Program Participating Equipment Maximum Incentive 6'uD to' Enrollment Incentivel Annual Participation Incentive During Commitment Term2 Annual Participation Incentivd Wattsmart Batteries Residential Batteries Sl50/kW x Annual Commitment Term $rs/kw $5o/kw Commercial Batteries $150/kW x Annual Commitment Term $15/kw $s0/kw Load Management Program Participating Equipment Functionality Maximum Incentive "up tott Wattsmart Business Demand Response Real Time Dispatch $125lkwAdvanced Noticed Dispatch Real Time urd Advanced Notice Dispatch $190/kw Confidential Exhibit C THIS ATTACHMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL IN ITS ENTIRETYANID IS PROVIDED UNDER SEPAIU{TE COVER