HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220808Application.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERY r.1 ; ii !J'lC 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 i; , , ,l August 8,2022 VIA ELECTRONIC DELIYERY Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,lD 83714 Re: CASE NO. PAC-E-zz-ll IN TI{E MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE ASSET TRANSFER AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A}ID TIIE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS _ REED'S DAIRY Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for electronic filing in the above-mentioned matter is Rocky Mountain Power's and the city of ldaho Fall's Joint Application for approval of the asset purchase agreement and transfer of electric service for Reed's Dairy as described in this Application. truly yours, SVP, Regulation and Customer / Community Solutions Enclosures "^-D Emily L. Wegener (ISB# 11614) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 Telephone: (801) 220-4526 Email : Em i ly. Wegener@pacifi corp.com Attorneyfor RoclE Mountain Power BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TITE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF TI{E ASSET TRANSFER AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND THE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS FOR REED'S DAIRY CASE NO. PAC.E.22-II APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ) ) ) ) ) ) Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the "Company"), pursuant to provisions of the Electric Stabilization Act, I.C. $ 6l-332, et. seq., and I.C. $ 6l-328, hereby files application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for approval of the Asset Transfer Agreement ("Agreement") between Rocky Mountain Power and the City of Idaho Falls ("City"). This Agreement provides for the City to purchase certain electric facilities currently owned and used by the Company to supply electric service to Reed's Dairy as more particularly described in the Agreement. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: l. Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, &n Oregon corporation, located at 1407 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, is authorized to do and is doing business in the State of Idaho. The Company provides retail electric service to approximately 86,500 customers in the state and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Company's retail certificated service territory encompasses portions of APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page I Fremont, Madison, Teton, Clark, Jefferson, Lemhi, Oneida, Bannock, Franklin, Caribou, Buffe, Bingham, Bear Lake and Bonneville counties. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state pursuant to Idaho Code $ 6l-129. 2. The city of Idaho Falls, which is located in Bonneville County, owns and operates an electric power system within the municipal boundaries of the city for the convenience of its citizens. The Company is transferring service and facilities to the City and the City has a bona-fide intent and financial ability to provide service to the customer being transferred. The City's municipal service territory is surrounded by Rocky Mountain Power's service territory. The City has annexed additional area and would like to extend service to Reed's Dairy within the City's boundaries. I. BACKGROUND 3. On October 9,2017, Rocky Mountain Power and the City entered into a Service Allocation Agreement to reduce duplication of service and promote stability in their respective service areas. The Service Allocation Agreement was approved by the Commission on December 5,2017.1 4. The Service Allocation Agreement specifies that existing customers as of the date of the agreement would continue to be served by their current electric supplier irrespective of service territory boundaries.2 5. The Service Allocation Agreement provides for the transfer of customers' electric service from one utility to the other as long as the acquiring utility agrees to pay the utility currently providing service just compensation for lost revenues and the distribution I In the Matter of the Join Application of the City of ldaho Falls and Rocly Mountain Powerfor Approval of a Service Allocotion Agreement,Case No. PAC-E-17-12, Order No.33943 (December 5,2017). 2 Service Allocation Agreement. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page2 facilities used to serve that customer. The Company and the City agreed that just compensation for lost revenues would be an amount equal to 167 percent of the total of the respective customer's electric bills from the prior twelve-month period of service. In addition, the acquiring utility would purchase the poles, wires, cross arrns, insulators, guys, and other facilities no longer needed or required by the other utility to serve that customer. 6. Reed's Dairy has requested that their electric service be transferred to the City and has been notified by the Company that it has entered into the Agreement to transfer service. The Company and the City have agreed to transfer electric service and the City has agreed to purchase the facilities described in Exhibit A of the Agreement, provided as Attachment No. I to the Application. 7. The transaction complies with Idaho Code $ 6l-328. Specifically, it is in the public interest because it reduces duplication of services by the City purchasing the Company's distribution facilities used to serve Reed's Dairy. The Company will transfer service to the City and will be adequately compensated for the assets used to serve Reed's Dairy preventing any increase in costs or rates for service to remaining customers. The City has the intent and ability to provide service to Reed's Dairy. II. REQUEST FOR SERVTCE AREA EXEMPTION 8. Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls hereby jointly petition the Commission for approval of the Asset Transfer Agreement, provided as Attachment No. l, and transfer of electric service, wherein Idaho Falls agrees to serve the load of the customer and pay the Company for the assets transferred, as well as the revenue reimbursement, legal and transaction costs. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page 3 III. COMMUNICATION 9. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: If to Rocky Mountain Power: Ted Weston Emily Wegener 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 Telephone: (801) 220 -29 63 Fax: (801) 220-2798 Email : Ted. Weston@nac ifi corp.com Em i ly. Weeener@nacifi com.com If to the City of Idaho Falls: Idaho Falls City Power Bear Prairie 140 South Capital Avenue Box 50220 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405 In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more ofthe following: By e-mail (prefened): By regular mail: APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOTJNTAIN POWER datarequest@naci fi com.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 IV. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 10. Rocky Mountain Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing, in accordance with Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure 201-204. Page 4 V. CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power and the city of ldaho Falls respectfully request that the Commission: l) issue an order authorizing this Application to be processed under Modified Procedure; 2) issue a final order approving the Asset Transfer Agreement; and 3) authorize the transfer of electric service for Reed's Dairy from Rocky Mountain Power to the city of tdaho Falls. DATED this 8n day of August,2022. Respectfu lly submitted, By A^4 UJe^r" ,/0 Emily L. Wegener 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 Telephone No. (801) 220-4526 Mobile No. (385) 227-2476 Email: Em ily.wegener@Aacifi com.com Attorneyfor Roclqt Mountain Power APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOI.JNTAIN POWER Page 5 Attachment No. 1 Asset Transfer Agreement Between Rocky Mountain Power And Idaho F'alls Power Aftachment No. 1 ASSETTRA!{STEN, AGREDMXITT BETW.EE!{ ROCIilMOt I'ITAINnOwER AT{I) IDAEO TAIJS FOIT'ER Ilis A$ct Tnogftr Ag3temcot (ftG aa ddcd 6is z ey "tfuotrr*r.?.M2.isb6,areraldahoFallsPwtr,ft€-and PaoiffCosp, m Orcgm aorpordioo, OUa in Idaho rs Ro*y Momin Powtr RMP md IFP rrc romcilimcs rEfcrcd to colhctivoly ar ?gticr' and indivt&nlly er ?rty.' WIIEREAS, RMP orrtdy prcvide rcrvioc b Red'r Ddry C*lod) in Idrho Ftll* klaho; WEBBAS, IFP dcdrcs to ptoyidc dcctic sonricc b RGd d nMP ryrc b Eulftr scrviccb IP; ud WHEREAS,IFP hrs egcodoFlrriacc doctric frcilftfup wodbynMP inondcrfrrtrP b pswidc clcaGic scrvioc b Rcds Ed RMP has lSrocdb rcll fuco fuilitics. NOW TISREFORB ftr Ed in ooriladion of tu rutul prooisc d cov€omb EDd ooditionE sct ftrft in ltfu lgfm, fro nrtrciooy of wtish is h!n*y mrEd9 afuosldgd md arccpto4 ttcMErhcoGb rgrccas ftlhms: 1. Ilcfirdtims, Fc pr4necs of lhis Agrmcd, ttc frllovitrg ffis uscd hcrGil hrt not ofihcrwir d.finod hcrcin +hall havo thc follmrlng ncanlng crtca usd wih initial cqintizadm, wMher dngulr or phrat: 1.01 'ArccB" mcanr tlrccc ftcililioe crudy osnd by RMP to bc eoquin l by IEP, as dmibed inE &ibit A" l.g2 '€onmission' mms tho Idaho h$lic Scvioc Cmmiroion l.(B "franrfptrcd Ct$mcrtr mems thc Curtmcrs that will bG tlnt'crrcd b IFP ec a rcsult of&is uanerction 1.04 "Tran& Dde'mms drc drc upm rvhich dl ofthc Transfmcd Ctetomcr shall bccomo ftc cltrhmcm of IIP. Thc Tlms&c De lhrll bo qgrpd' b in wddog by to Pdica aftlr PEymd is rccdyod ty RMP md 60 cxmtoal bill of salo is rtcdw.l by Im. 2. Salc aodhn*aroofAssctB. 2.0L Agrd to Bc Sold. Tho ABcEb 6d will bc t]asfccd b IFP ac a rsslt of tho ThmerodCtmmcaibeingrorvodbyRoc&y }vlorrtrinPowcrrsdcscriHiaB;thibitA- lboF.lbhtrArcMAf@ hSr I of l0 Attachment No. 1 2,V2 plqchrsc Prbc. Thc Pun,haso Price br tbo Asscts rhrll f,3 cighy.fiy! lbmrsed fivc hrndrpd ninsty-foru dolhrs ($t5,5%). Tho bmddoum offtc hrnchase Prioo is ircludod in E:&ibit A. 2.03 Pqmd. The PurchreePricc rtrall be paid b RMP by IEP within fift0a(15) days of the dste ftis Agrecment is cxosubd by both Putios; such pEmmt shall bc by chcc;k ad ddivmdo: Rocky }vlouotain Pos,er Shcllcy Office 2.U Instntmcf,fis pf Cosvcyucc md ltosfcr. Subjcct b 6c disfrcti@ oftho oonditios prccodent set fofih in Sostim 8 bolow, aad prnurant to dl offte t€rms aod ditioos offtie Apemcot, iEclrding rrceipt of Palrmcnt by RMP, RMP shEll txqrtr od dclivcr to trP a bilt of sale to r6t in IfP good d madrctablc titlo to fte Asset$ subjoct m no ranrity inlcrctte,Iieos mmmbranccs, od subotmtiatly inthe fom ofthc rmexeartcdbill ofsalo atbohd hcrcto as Exhib,it B. 2.05 hmation of Personal Prrooe(v Tares. PcrsoNral propecty tuce, if applicSlc, BbaU be ploratcd bctwea RMP and tr? as ofttc Transfer Dae basod rpon days of oumcrship in tbe tax ;rcor in which ftc Thmsf,a Dde occNno. 2.M Salo+ Tnqsfcrad Othc(Tare& Any sdeq excise, trandcr, purnasc, ute, or eimilr tax which Eay b payable by reasm of 6c rale of all or a portion of 6c Ass€ts shall bc bonre mdpaid by IfP. 3. Owncrship Soparation apd Tratrdc&.,lppgation ad Liairimancer-Rigk of t.osg 3.01 Tbuder of C\rstomere. RMP ehall Elinquish deotical sprt ico to tbo Transf€rred Cusbmcrs at 11:59 a m. Momtain Standad IImG m the Trmsftr Datc. RMP shall bc obligated to oontinretoprwide electic scrvico md cntidedto rwivepa5rmmt Aom thcsalcmddclive,ry of elccnric scrrricc rry to I l:59 a.m. on ftp Tnndcn Date. IFP shall have fu nlhsity and ths obligdim to pmvide electic scrvice to fto Trmsfedtd C\rstomero and rhall be €ilifld to reccive paymcot from aoy cloctric s€rvicc from ed aft€r 12:00 p.m- Ifisrmain Staodad finc local timc oa tbe Tranefer Dds, udecs o'thcrs,iee agroed O by tho Paniee in miting. Frm and aftcrr ftc Tlmsf€r Date, s€rvioc to tte Tlansf€rcd C\rstom€ro nhrll Ss ppvi{g[ by IFP, md IFP ehall bo rcsponsiblc for all opcrmim. aod ndnteoEace costs aod bcar all risk of loss. 4. Reprrscntatims adliYrrmties ofRMP. RMPrcprescnte rnd rvffi as follows: 4.01 Oreaoization md Powas of Rockv Momtain Powcr. RMP is En Orogpn oorpuation, duly orgmizod md validly cristing uadcr the bwe of thc Strate of Oregon, md iB duly q,'alifiu6 to do blrsinesE iD fte State of ldaho. 4.OZ Ardbority.Relrive to A.secmrm: Govcrnmeatal AUtorization RMP hss lhe pow€r ard authority to Grcsute and delfircrthie Agraemcot md to csnsuomatcthetransactions IdaoFr&Por.ri{rotHrroAgmrck5l2of t0 Attachment No. 1 cffimplatod hen6y. This Agrcerncnt hae boen duly and validly afiorizd and oonstitrtos thc valid and bindiag obligtion ofRMP eoforceable in rccordancc with its terns, exoept as enforccment may be limited by aplicablc banlrup,tcy, insolvency, reoryeization, monalorium or similar laws atresting the enforcement of qpditors' rigtfs gcneraly ard ar@ that the availability of the equiuble runedies of spccific sd injtwtir/B rclicf arc subject b &e discnetim of thc court bofrre which any procceding may be brought. No doclaration, filiqg or registration with, or uotioc to, or ailhodzation, cmeent or approvd o[, any govccnmemal or rcgulam,ry body or authotity is neceeeary for the oxecetrim and dclivery of ftie Agrcement by RMP or the cffisummdi@ by RMP ofthc trmsactions contemdmA by this fulrocnt prcvidedtbatRMPmakes no rqlrescntatimorwarrantywithrcsp@tto appm\nts wbic,hmaybc taquird ft,omthe Idaho PublicUtilitics Commission orthe Federal Energy Rrylatory Commission" 4.03 Non4ontravention: Approvals. Tho cxecutiotr and delivery of ttis Agt'e€m.mt and the conguffirutiou of the transactions oonf,qlatd heneby vill not violate, cmflict with or rcsult in a brcach of aoy prorrisim of or oomtitutc a dchult undcr, or rectrlt iD the tcrmination of my notc, bmd, mortgagp, indentru,c, deed of tugt, contact, leaso q oilher instumerng obligation of agrc€m€ot of aoy lo"d to which RMP is rcw a Pa*y or by which any of it, assets may be bomdorafroctd. 5. Represeilations aodWaranties ofIEP. IFP rcprescnts and warraote ae follows: 5.01 Ortauization and Pourer of IEP. IEP is duly galified to do b,usinese in tho State of Idaho. 5.02 ArXboritv Rsl8tivo to As6e@clrt: Gov€rm€,EtalAu$odzarim" If" hasthc pow€r and authorityto €xecute md deliver this Agrccmdsnd to consmrnatc thetransactims conterylnted hoeby. This furecm€ot has becn duly md validly arilhorized aod constihse tht valid md binding obligation of IEP cnforceable in accordancc with its tcrmg acept as coforcementmay be limitodby ryplioablo baolauptcy, insolvency, ruorganizdion, mmaturium or similar laws atrocting thc cnforcement of qeditors' rights generally and cxccpt that fte availability of thc oquitable rmedies of qpcoific pcrformaoce and iqiunstive relief ue n$joct to fte discretion of tte court before which ary proceeding may be brought. No doclaration, filing or registrtioo witr, or notice to, or arrthorization, oonseot or approval of, aoy gonerrrrental or rryrhtory body or arthority is nweesary forthe execution and delivery of this furecment by IFP. 5.03 NopComtrsv€otion: Anprovalg, the execttion aud delivery ofthis Agement and the consummatim of the transactioas contemplaled hcreby will not violefii conflict with or rcsult in a breach of anyprovision of, or omstitlte a defarlt undtr, or rczuft in &e terminatiou of aoy noto, bon{ nortgpge, inde,nturc, doed of tnrst, oontrac[ Iease or other inetruD€nt, obligatim or agroement of any kind to which IFP is now a Party orby which any of ite assets maybeboud or affected. 5. CovcnmbofRMP IilrhoFdbPtoraArcahrtlrrcAfrm Plge3 of t0 Attachment No. 'l RMP covcoas and agrccs as follows: 6.01 Omfuot of Bqshcss. RMP shall providc eorrioe to the Traodcctod CuBhDcm for tto time paiods sc( forlh in Sstim 3 of this Agrccnt in accordmcc wi& its past prrctices md shall €ogagc inno matcrialhmsactionrrrclatingtotheTraosfffi€d C\rstsm€rsdofftc ordinrycouocofbusincgs, inchdiog cot€ring iffi mycontact66 finmcing araagomcotthat limits RMP's ability to traosftr the Transffi C\rstomcrs to IFP. 6.02 .Bcasonablg Effortq Subj*t to tho Ems ofthis ASTEGEmI d fidrrcirry oblig4ionsundcrapplicablelaw, RMP shall usc commcrciallyrcason$lcctroftB toeffestrste thc tansactions contcuplabd by this Agroancnt md to fulfitl dt of ffrc conditiom of fre Parties' obligations udcr 6ie Asfcmcot anil rhnll do all such acts and +hingr ae rcaemably may h requircd to carry out RIVIP'g obligtrions hcneundcr and to conrplctc thc tansaction contcmplatod bythisAgcem€ot 6.03 Notification. RMP will give IFP prompt writcnnoticc of any svcog conditionor fact uising prim to tho Transfer Date ltat world causo my of its rrprceaatioos aod warrdics in this Agrocrncnt to bc uffiue in any macrial rcspoct 7. CorreomteofIFP. IFP covcnante and agrees as follows: 7.01 Bcasmabte Etrortr. Subject to thc ums of rhis Agrcemcrt End fiduciary obligtions under rylimble law, IEP shall usc coomerciallyrtasonable offorta to oftctratefte transastions conteurplated by this Agrccment and to fulfill all of thc conditions of thc Parties' obligations rmder &is Ago€mcnt snd nhell do all such acts and fhi'gs as reasonahly may be roquircd to carry oS IFP obligationshernmder and to complm 6c ffiosaction confirylatetlby this Agrcement. 7.trz Notificatioa IFP wil give RMP psompt wdtt€n notice ofany ovcnq condition or fact arising priorto thc Trmsfcr Datcthatwould cqrse 8ny of its rc,preecotations mdwumtios itr this Agroemeirtto be unttrein anymaErialrEspcct 7.U3 Edgqgg IFP Bhall d€f€oq indmiry, mdhold trannless RMP, its offccn, dircctors, oryloyees, t"d agcofis, from and against any and all liability, loss, dmags' clatns' suit or cause of rction arising out of onrclating to IFP's scrvice to tre Transf€rEd CustomGrc. This obligntion shall survivs tba tcrmination of this Agrc€m€Nil and completion ofthe tansastims cont€oplated by this Agrocm€ot. 8. ConditioosMcrutiBiu of Sale. AIl oftho obligations of RMP rrnder ftis {gfeclrent are srbjtrct to thc fulfillmeot, ptiot to mdrpon&e ltmtrrDate, of cac.hof the fo[owing mnditions: 8.01 . All rtprcseatatims and warrantics madc ia this Agrecmeart by IFP shalt bo Eus ad corn ct in all naterial rcspectu as of Se Traosf€rDate as firlly as thoug[ suchrcpresentretions andwaranties hadbsenmadeon and 6rD0FdbDorrAsaMAgaaP4c{ of l0 Attachment No. 1 as of fte Transfer Datc, and as of fre Ttansfer Datc, IF nhnll fusys coryliod in all material rcspeots wifr all coveoants made by it in &is .lq\gneEm6t 8.02 Uticatioa At Sc Trmsfrr Datc, the,re ehall rct bc in eftct any orrder, deorog or injunction of a cornt of oompetortjuriedictimrefainiq& €qioining, orpobibitingtrc consurmation of fto traruactiono contemplaed by this Agrcem€Bt (oaoh Prty hereby agrseing to usc its rcasmrble effort\ inchding reasonable appeals to higlcr conrts, to hsvc any such odo, decree or iq'unction set agide or fifrod), md no action shall have boen takcn, and ro ststrte, nrlg or regulation shall have bccn €Dacte{ R any state or lidcral gov€rnmcot or govemmental ag€acy in the United States which would prwent thc consmnation of such bansactions. 9. $urvival of Represatations ad Warrantips. All reprcsentations aod warrmties of the Parties, md all liabilityfrerefor, nlrnll eurvive for a period of me year past ttrc Transfer Datc, at which timc the obtigationr undcr this sgr€cm.at sh.ll ccase and expire. Notwithstmding fre forgoing; obligafions undcr Segtion 7.04 ofthis Agreemcnt shall continue indefinitely. 10. Temnination 10.01 Tcrmination This Agrec,meut rDay be Erminsted and abaodonod at any time priorto the Traosf€r Date if (a) Thc Parties agree in writing to termiaab this Agreement by nntual com€nf; or O) EP delivers a unitten notice to RMP to the offoct that RI\4P has defrulted in a material racpeot uader one or more of its ooveiranB and agrccmeots contained hcrein (which shall be specified h detail in stch aotice), and such condition or oonditims have not bceu sEtisficd or such defrult or defaults have not bem rcmodied (or waived by IF?) within thirty (30) days aftm the date srrch notice is deliverod by IEP to RMP; or (c) RMP dslivers a writta uotice to trP to the effoot ttat mp has defaultcd in a mdcrial reryect under onc or moro of its covcnants md agrecmffi contaiued brcin (which sball be specifiod in detail in such notioo), and urch condition u coditions have mt boeo satisfied or sush default or defaults hsve not beea remediod (or waived by RMP) withintbirty (30) days after the daE such aotise is delivered by RMP b IFP; or (d) The Transfcr Date bas not occurred ou or before D*cmber I ,2W2 or ruoh latcr&te to whichtheterm of this AgrcemeotInaybe extendedpursuant to mutual agrementof the Parties, prrovided ftat oae of the Partics gives notice to the othcr so tconin*ing ftis Agreemmt md tbat the Parly secking suc,ht€rminationhas notdpfaultedinamamsrrcsponsible for delaying the Trmsfer Date past Decambcr 1,2V22. 10.02 Effect of Termination. Bxcept where specifio terms and conditions of this Agreement povide tfoat such terms and comditions sundvc tcrmination of &is Agrccme,fi, my termin8tion prsumt 1s tl'is section l0 shall relieve bo& Partics hcrsto of their obligations s* forth hcrcin, and any such t€rminatiotr ootrstihrtes a ftilure of the cmditions to tho obligations of IddoFdb PowcrAraMrofura PrBc t ofl0 Attachment No. 't tte Prtios to irylcmcnt this Agfoem.cat, erccptthEt mtring hrrcin will rcliore any Puty ftom liabilig for ary brcach of tlis Ageemeot ll. AsdornmCUt NeilhcrPrty msy aengnitsrights nrdffthis furccmcdto ary&ftd party withos&c snitco cmrcot of the otrEr Pafiy. 12. hrisdictim of Remilsfiorv Adhodtieg In tte orcnt&rt thc Cmmission o my otbrr state fadcm[ or mrmicipal arlhority dctcminos 6at aoyprcvieioaofftie Agreemmt oonf,ictswiftoris in violdionof ryplicablc law, orissuco mymlcs, rcgulationt, or ordcrs wtichrcquircRocky ldormtainPowcrb alterc ecod ayof$oprovisions ofthis AgrceorcotortoterminsbihisAgrlcmd, or 6a o&crrvisc tr€cludc ornterially intrfere with orrcscindtho tansfcr of aseeils comqlmd bcrein, thiB Agrematartomatically Bhaltbeucndodb comptywith nrchdecnuinatioo, ameodmeot, nrle, rqulrtioa or order; or, if eo ordesoE this AgrGcDd shall trmioatc witLottr ctrocnbg nmsfcr of the Trmsfcn€d Cbrtorers to IFP; and in any of ths forqoing cr/cot$ RMP Sall notbe liablc b IFP br damagos or locses of aay tind wtmoarcr, including conro$rcatial dmagec, whic,h IEP oay sudain as arcNIt of srn dctEmindion, amemdmcnt, rulg rEgulation, c ordcr, or nodifioation mtemination of this tmsEction. 13. Miscollanoous. 13.01 Amendment. This Agrccmcm BBy be meided ody by an inrtnrm.cd in writitrg executedby thc Prties wbic,h crprceelyrtfers to this Agrcemed and statEs that it is ao amcodmdhff€fio. 13.02 Sectim mC Puaq+hHcadines. fbc Sction and Suboectionhcodirgs containcd itr this Agrc€orcot are forrefereoccpurposesonly md shalt notinanyway affeotthomcaning or inrcryrctatim of &is Agrccmeot 13.03 Waiv€r. Any ofthe terms or conditims of i* Agrocmeot nay bo waived at ary time md ftom time b time in wdting; by the Party cffilld to tlre bcnofit of such t€f,Es or conditions. 13.(N JITRY WAXSER. TO THE TTILLEST EXTENT PERMITTEI' BY I,Aw' EACE OF TIIE PARIIES WATVES ANYRIGET II MAY HAVE TO ATRIALBY JT'RY IN RESPECT OT LMGATION DIRECILY ORINDINECTLYARISINGOTIT oF, UITDER OR,IN CONNDCIION WrrE THIS AGREEIITENT. EACE PARTY FT'RTIIIR,WAI\IES AI{Y RIGET TO CONSOLIDATE AhTY ACrION INWEICE A JI'RY TRIAL EAS BEEN WAil/ED WTTE AI{Y OTHM.ACTION IN WHICE AJT'RY TRIAL CAI{NOTBE OREAS NOT BffiIV WATVEI'. r3.O4 LIMITAT,ION OT NEI}TEDIES. TINDER.NO CIRCI'IIfSTANCES SEALL ETTEET. pARTy BE LTABLE FOR Ar{Y CONSEQTTEI{TTAL, EXEtrtrPt/lRY, PrINImm+ SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR TNCTDENTAL ITAMAGES OR EOONOMTC IdrhoFdbPowcraahr&rA3raa hro6of l0 Aftachment No. 1 LOSSES ARIIIING OI,T Or AIYY CLAnfi, DEMAIID, OnACTION BROITGtrr WIIE RE$TECT TO THIS AGNEEMEtrIIT. 13.05 Noti6. All ndicce, roqucstq dcmrndq ald o6cr oounniodioar gvu by IFP c Ro*y ltilqfrain Powcr sh.tl bc in wdting md shdl bo dmod b haw bcGo fuly giwn wtm Uoopio4 stca deliwrod pcnonatry in writing or whon dcpaibrl im 6E lldbd $1g[g meil, bfufo[oviogad&rcoces: Ifb Rodry ltlor@in Powc:Rocky}ImnthPoryer TiEotryL Sobmm Rryiual Buaim IvImlgE 510 RutAvurc Idabo Fdb,ID t3{01 Wi& aoopyo:RoclrylfiouorinPow Offimof GocmlCouud t4ry, N. \[Gil Tqlo Suilo 320 Salt l.akc IFP, Utrh 84t16 c b such ofrsr d&Bs as IFP orRodry Itfiorutain Pwor may dcrignme h vdtinS; 13.06 Ieurdod Aurocmcnt This Agmmt, uttco c*osUod, offiilss fu dirc qgrmcstbstwcco 6c Prticr hcrcto wilh rcryoct b thc Asootr d!fild in ltis Agra6d, ad flryGrEodB edrcg[tos allptriu linc cfitcodm ogrc!@Eotl od undsrmliagA Gd adudfrco, bctscco6cPrticehcosb wihrcspcst to tbc A$ctr 13.0/ C@rout. This ASrccmcd mty bc crmrbd in ooutaprtsr cach ofrvldch shall fu all prpm bo doemod to bc m originil d rvhich chdl cmgttttc ms od thp eru instnmo. IN WIII{ESS WIIBREOF, frc Partics hr/c dSEGd 6ir ASFocmGd u ofthc dato frgtlborrc wriltco. IDAEO FAITS FOWER FOWER B],: -#fr4-:) By. Nms Trrvle Prairic Itfle Gcocnll{eegcr bhLlour:A*bAfpa htD 7 of l0 Mtt.f*,6F- *rrrlNre:cL Titlo:Q6. Attachment No. 1 EXEIEIT A DESCTIPTION AITI' VAI,I'E Otr ASSETS 8rbhritrH?lffi**n . Fon ldrho Frlh, ldrho . RmdrDrlry AntVrltnfonRrqrtd by: Xrtlrn BallcyXibfil lJd FBCAptDrEltldm ACDOIIIT $naer Cf,r l{lfV Srlrr Pdcr 4)'pole #2-AS *+AS 4'rlscr fr5mo( S0kvaxfmr T5lcvaxfmr 199{ 1SE 158 1996 1gg7 1958 r95:l REEDS D'UR'II . CUSiTO}IER REYEI{UEOMPOTIET{T [ionft Amount July August September october November Decernber January February March Aprll May Juna Total l67t6rrool 1 170 3/m 30 90 2 1 3Ar :155 :165 366 !1517 368 358 1,169ln 565 8g 170 l,33il 7il Total a,1tt $s,3s2.32 $+,zgg.ga $c,zl+.0q $3,6f,7,74 s3382.e6 $r,zgs.05 s3r12.s6 $,8p't,u S3,518.25 $3,533.(E 54,076.82 S4,zg2,7s $f7,536.86 979,386.56 lfioFrbDoltrArrtPudrrfum PBs8off0 Attacfiment No. 1 Rocky huntaln Power Prcposed Sele ln Place,ldaho Falb, Heho - Recd'e Dalry Valuc of lnventory SalrrPdcaDcrrlo0m Pbnt ln Sonlco 364 :165 368 367 36E Phnt h scnnce Pde, Tounn etd Fbrturs OsimdCondrctop& Daacct Undcrgmmd Cordit tmeryDund Cotduc*sr grd llaiccl lJne TXsngbmd! $r,180 1003 $8e sl70 02,096 s4,187 hcorne Taxcs Srlc Prlcr.&HngAE!3 Etpcnrc S+srtlon Ertlmetor Costs l2ltfonthc Rasuc A$TVo Legdflhrlractim Oogte Tota! Expcn$ Tolal Srb Prico $1,241 sa128 $280 $79,387 s500 $80,16, $E5,594 IdrtoFdb Eor.r AaaothEhla^sF @.[a lhg; 9 ofl0 a Attachment No. 1 Sdlor: Buycr: ExhlbftB BIII OT SAI,E RoclryIlfounh Porrr IdrhoFdlrPwcr For rnhublc cmsidcrrtim, of whic& &o uodcdg!'rd aclnonlodgo roodpt, toalfog $t5,59+, RocJV lvlomin Powcr (Scllcd), hatby gruE, btgains, sclh, md &livcm b Idabo Falls Porpcr (Buy€!t), prumtto an ArctfffiAgrcocot d&d u of dl of i6 dtttB, tifls od inhot in d b dl of thc Assob ligril on &hibit A, ectcd o said Arsct Trusfcr Agr@fit, md pacntly in &c Pocecrsi@ of Cmpaoy. THE ASSETS ARE SOLD AND DELTVERBD TO BT'YER. ..AS IS, STHERE IS." ROCI(Y MOUNTAIN POWER.HBREBY DISCLAIIvIS AI{D E((I,UDES HBREEROIvf, (A) ANf EX(PRESS OR IMruED RBRESENTAIION OR\IARRANTY AS TO TIIB VAI,tIq CCIIIDmON, DESIGT{, OPERATION, OR QUAtXly OF IIIE MATBRIAIS OR WORXMANSIIIP IN, OR AIIY DEIIECTII IN THB ASSETS; (B) AI.IY E'IPRESS OR IMruED WARRANTY OT MERCHANTIBILTTY ORFIIIiIESS FORI'SB oR FOR A PARTTCT,JLAR Pt RgOSq OR (C) ANy EX(PRESS OR TMpUBD REPRBSENTATIOI{, GUARAI{]E, OBTIOATION LIABIUTT OR WARRANTY OF SFLtER, E'(PRBSS OR IMPLIED, OF ANT KIIIID, ARSING BY I.AW OR @['RSE OF PERTORIVIANCE' DEALING, ORUSAGB OF TRADE. rhrodfris 3 uyot At?qf zo* Ro*y Power Iddofdbh?cAghcAfro hsef0of l0