HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220708Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN PO\AIER A DnflStO{ OF mOECOiP tl ti_ i-l:. i:'t- t i ,,- -:jr -; Ili .t: 30 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake city, utah 841l6 July 8,2022 VIA ELECTROMC DELIWRY Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise, lD 83714 Attn: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary RE:CASE NO. PAC.E.22-IO IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ELECTRIC SERYICE SCIIEDULE 191 - CUSTOMER EFFICIENCY SERYICES RATE. Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Application requesting authority to increase Electric Service Schedule l9l - Customer Efficiency Services Rate. Informal questions related to this matter may be directed to Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 or me at (801) 220-4214. Sincerely, S Michael S. Snow Manager, Regulatory Affairs Enclosures Emily Wegener, (lSB# I l6l4) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 Telephone: (801) 220-4526 Email : emi ly.wegener@pacifi corp.com Attorneyfor Roclcy Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE 191 . CUSTOMER EFFICIENCY SERVICES RATE CASE NO. PAC.E.22-10 APPLICATION COMES NOW, Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp (the ooCompany"), and in accordance with RP 052, hereby petitions the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") for authority to increase Electric Service Schedule No. l9l - Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment, ("Schedule l9l") from 2.25 percent to 2.50 percent to better align revenue collections with demand-side management ("DSM") expenditures while gradually balancing the deferred account associated with acquiring and administering DSM programs in Idaho over the next three years. The Company requests that this application be processed under modified procedures pursuant to RP 201-204. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states: l. Rocky Mountain Power is authorized to do business in the state of Idaho as a public utility providing retail electric service to approximately 86,500 customers. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission pursuant to Idaho Code $ 6l-129. ) ) ) ) ) APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page I 2. This Application is filed pursuant to ldaho Code $$ 6l-301, 6l-307,61-622, and 6l-623. In particular, Idaho Code $ 6l-623 empowers the Commission to determine the propriety of proposed rate schedules, $$ 6l-307 and 6l-622 require Commission approval prior to any change in rates, and $ 6l-301 requires Idaho retail electric rates to be just and reasonable. BACKGROUNI) 3. The Company has offered a variety of demand side management programs to its customers since the 1970s. DSM programs offered by Rocky Mountain Power are designed with the goal to be cost-effective. On March 2,2006, the Commission approved cost recovery of DSM programs through Schedule l9l applied to customers' bills effective May l, 2006. Schedule l9l was approved so Idaho customers can participate in cost-effective DSM programs while providing the Company the ability to recover the costs of providing these programs. 4. To monitor Schedule l9l collections and DSM program expenses the Commission implemented an annual reporting process to review balances and cost-effectiveness. As of April 30, 2022, the balance for Schedule l9l is over-collected by $255,450. However, due to increased DSM program expenses, absent an increase to current rates the Company expects future DSM expenditures to exceed revenue collections. ADJUSTMENT TO SCHEDULE 191 5. The Company is committed to delivering cost effective energy efficiency measures at the lowest cost possible. To continue to deliver cost-effective programs and to better align Schedule l9l revenues with projected expenditures, the Company proposes to increase the collection rate from 2.25 percent to 2.50 percent, effective October 1,2022. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Page2 6. On behalf of its customers, the Company invested $4.6 million in energy efficiency resource acquisitions during the202l calendar year, which yielded 18.7 megawatt hours at generator in first-year savings. The net benefits over the life of the individual energy efficiency measures from202l is estimated at $l million. The 2021 energy efficiency portfolio was cost effective overall from a Utility Cost Test perspective with a result of 1.68. Additional details on the Company's 2021 energy efficiency portfolio can be found in the 2021 Annual DSM Report submitted April28, 2022,in Case No. PAC-E-O5-10. 7 . Attachment A to the Company's Application summarizes the projected monthly DSM expenditures and Schedule l9l revenues collected through December 3l,2024,using the current authorized collection rate of 2.25 percent. Based on these projections for expenditures and revenues, by the end of 2024 the DSM balancing account will be $1. I 6 million under-collected. 8. Attachment B to the Company's Application summarizes the same data as Attachment A, but uses the proposed Schedule l9l rate of 2.50 percent effective October l, 2022. Assuming a 2.50 percent collection rate for Schedule l9l effective July 8, 2022,the balance in the deferred account is projected to be over-collected by $4,036 as of December 31,2024, assuming the same level of DSM expenditures each year. 9. The proposed gradual alignment of the DSM balancing account over a3-year period through 2024 mimics the Company's previous Schedule l9l rate adjustment approved in PAC-E-18-12, which gradually balanced the DSM account over the 2018-2021 3-year period. Attachment C shows the rate impact by customer class for the proposed rate from 2.25 percent to 2.50 percent in this Application. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER Page 3 10. At2.50 percent annual revenue collection will be approximately $5.25 million. This rate adjustment will result in an approximate $2.76 per year increase to the average residential customer using 783 kWh per month. Attachment D contains a clean and legislative copy of the Company's revised tariffsheets for Schedule l9l. I l. The Company's previously submiued Application to adjust Schedule l9l on January 24,2022, in PAC-E-22-03 requested an increase from2.25 percent to 2.75 percent. The Commission rejected this Application due to the Company's inclusion of two programs that had not yet been approved by the Commission, namely the Wattsmart Battery Demand Response and Wattsmart Business Demand Response programs. The Wattsmart Battery Demand Response program was approved in PAC-E-21-16 via Order 35370. Accordingly, the Wattsmart Battery Demand Response program budget has been included in the Company's DSM expenditure forecast for purposes of this rate adjustment. The Company has yet to file for approval of the Wattsmart Business Demand Response program, and has not included this program's budget as part of the DSM expenditure forecast. If the Company files and receives approval for the Wattsmart Business Demand Response program, or other programs over the 3-year recovery period, another Application to adjust the Schedule l9l rate may be forthcoming to manage the balancing account prior to December 31,2024. COMMUNICATIONS 12. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Ted Weston Michael Snow 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 Telephone : (801) 220 -29 63 Email : ted.weston@pac ifi corrr.com m ichael.snow@pac i fi corp.com APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER Page 4 Emily Wegener 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 320 salt Lake ciry, utah 841l6 Telephone : (801) 220-4526 Email: emi ly.wegener@pacifi com.com In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By e-mail (preferred)datareq uest@pac ifi corp.com By regular mail Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 13. Pursuantto Idaho Code $ 6l-307 and the Commission's Rule of Procedure 123, regarding the Company's statutory requirement to provide a customer notice prior to any rate change, Attachments E and F to the Application include copies of the press release and customer bill insert, respectively. The Company anticipates these bill inserts will be included in the July/August2022 billing cycles. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 14. The Company believes that consideration of the proposals contained in this Application do not require an evidentiary proceeding, and accordingly requests that this Application be processed under modified procedure pursuant to RP 201-204, which allows for consideration of these issues by written submissions rather than by an evidentiary hearing. If, however, the Commission determines that an evidentiary proceeding is required the Company stands ready to provide supporting testimony. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER Page 5 CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order: (l) authorizing that this proceeding be processed under modified procedure, and (2) approving this Application to increase the Elecric Service Schedule l9l - Customer Efficiency Services Rate, to 2.50 percent as described herein with an October 1,2022, effective date. DATED this 8n day of July 2022. Respectfully submitted, By ,r-b lr L^^,^^,-.t)---0 Emily Wegener Attorney for Rocky Mountain Power APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER Page 6 AtuhmilA ldrho t emndsid. I.n.g.mil BdtM Ac@,il Amlyala Iodhly Progr.m Cd. Fh.d 4.6 AcoMd coat! .......@ Caah Baala A@rual Eala Cdoml Cairylng Charg. Accumulftd Bahno. Acoumulftd BrLn6 Oopolt RalaRate RacMry 201 I totrla 2012 tot.lt 2Ol3 tdrl3 20l,a roblg 2015 tot.L 20l0rot.b ml7 tot L 2OtE rohb 20te rot.b 2020 lo{.1! JenEry Fobury MaEh Apdl May Jum July Aug6t Scpt6mb€r Ocbb6r Nov6mb€r De€mb6r 2021 td.L 2mgB 3.371.757 (0r.50€)(5.2115.005)t't21\ 3Atsm 3.'t80.a23 2i9.529 (2.400,3r5)(4981 4 3S 370 4Smam 3.060.555 02.68s) (5.210.303) (8,756) 5.750.656 (5,1,655)(4.59,r.645)07,712\ 1,18ts,202 (600,1 67) (908,882) (151,871) 406,S3r (76,8,{5) (r,326,350) (1,858,2r3) 1,56,{,182 (370,753) (625,566) 3217.975 7U,047 I 04.0{2 (1,',t27,251' (1,5,r1,061) (117,118) 124,06 1 82,684 't38,314 249,341 4,050 (4S3,000) (803,€88) (000,0s2) (660,s36) (704.s75) (ao,7211 (159,028) (2s8,5rS) (229,753] (255,,150) (s07,r09) 1521,213) (s26,568) (1,'r21.081) (r,006,6oe) 1971,9211(758,6'r8) (29i,9e4) (120,361) (35,854) 28,7&3 130,529 I 1,1,,(00 (76,154) (45r.93,{) (d20,1521 (5s8,70r) (,rl 7.43,{) (177,1871 315,839 &6,124 5G2.,452 858,933 801,551 808,310 649,49 1 305,862 10s,322 243,O17 136,375 708,4m 1.233.lfi (255,,150) 14,378,711 -_-19€9t 14.308.820 (2,e52,7le) 197,124 620,138 253,0e,1 390,755 38,r,04S 3m.062 297,435 235.5E8 u7,110 382,176 217,@1 7.063 (86,623) 51,92 l't73.7221 33,83'l o7,7a71 ea,s12l (11,619) 8,810 (26,9r7) ('r0,51,r) (328,0'r8) (201,601) 1270,0231 (211,222) (307,32r) (5.{7,489) (788,178) (502.858) (45r.397) (33s,288) (279,8r0) (608,8,12) (280,736) (297,005) (147.E58) (7O,4211 {237,e70l o09,r 14) (1 ,067,1 il4) (872,2081 (8,r5,735) (879.259) (521,6251 1.00% r.00% t.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.@t6 'L00% 1.@% 1.00% 1.00% 't.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% t.00% 1.0096 1.00% 1.00% 1.00* r.0096 1.00% 1.00% '!.00% 1.00% L00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 't.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 't.00% r.@% 1.00% r.00% i.m% (1521 (37r) (21'tl ('r 85) (9't )(r28) (3S4) 010) (m8) (716) (7r8) 655.370 t60.220 (300,t51) (5851 Jsn@ry FebMry Merch April Mey July Augct S6d€mber Ocbb6r OMb€r m22 td.lt 327,e21 336,012 300,308 2U,067 340,4't5 u1,221 2e1 316 366,0t7 43E,6r6 ,100,180 ,aee,37r JanEry F.bMry i,larch April M6y June July AugBt Sodomb€r O6b6r Docmbor 2023 Ud. Jan@ry Fcb@ry March Apol May Jun6 July Aug6t S6dmber Odb€r Novmb€r D@mbar 2024 td.L 1t3,W /r13,200 388,855 421,537 ir03,008 '101,805348,000 41,1,5(x, ,{06,ts0 157,7U 556.955 (134) (125) 1424) (13,r) (,r00) (572)- (E30) (r,070) (r,r37) (r,075) (e16)ax,.€or (333.310| (0631 412,2* (3,13,376) (12613Er.670 ee7,O17l (352)357,521 (202.5e6) (280)3e3,204 (2A2,212t (2r0)372,665 (307,814) (r81)370,171 (560,7s,r) (2711317,560 (692,841) (506) 383,167 (550,95r) Os3)ii0,a,865 (3E2I00) O00)126,14 (304.418) (686)525,@1 (285,1m1 (534)826.851 (3ir3.3161 (220) 5.262.537 - (4.722,050) (5.'193) 14,044 (e3,314) 20,670 (r4,5,(0) (3r9,840) (32r,765) (3r 1,828) 1271,75o1 (397,614) (560,754) (002,841) (550,061) (382,106) (3&,ill8) (2E5.120) (3,13,376) (297,0171 (202,505) (282,2121 (397,614) (580,754) (602,84r) (550,051) (382,40O) (3Ot,4r8) (285,r20) (5'r0,070) (503,r53) (5'r5,008) (52O,215). (577,8741 (70.1,078) (1,107,333) 11,3s2,46\ (1,337,374) /.1,212,@, (1,020,381) (562,75e) (464,265) (379,758) (315,121) (204,375) (229,5(N) (420,050) (705,839) (964,356) (882,€65) (76r,338) (521,371) (28.066) 102,221 218,548 315,029 157,U7 le{,415 305,787 (38,042) (174,5821 (60,887) t2,171 36,{,,190 889,886 3l lsil 22. 32. 3Aa 321 112 (80) (e8) 't3 tgl 5.638.537 - (,1.722.650) 2.064 lel lccur!|. OSM behrcir€ ec@unt as ofApr 30, 2022 FoEe6t DSM dpens* th@ugh D@mbor 202,1 For*ast @rryirE che€6lhough D@ombor 2024 Tohl exp€ns6 thrcugh D@mb€r 2024 Total DSM surcharge @ll€ctions lhEugh Desmbor 2024 FoEast DSM behncar€ a@uil $ ot Oesmb€r3l.2024 343,904 ]{ota!: Firu6 povidod thEugh AFil 2022 oto aculs. 1.160,651 Attachment B Alt&hmnt B lddro lr.mn4sid. Iamg.mfr Bala6 Aoodil Analyala U.lng prcpd.d fr EdHlos of 2,6Of ,.ft dhn &ob.r l, 20Zl loithly Prcgr.m Co.t . AocMd C6tr Cah B..1.Accrull BEla Cuatoml Fh.d 2011 ld.l3 20{2 lot.lr 2013 ttub 2014 td.L mt5 tot.b ml8 bt.L 20t7 tot.l. 20 l I tot.lg 2010 td.l3 2020 u.l. Jan@ry FebMry March Apdl lray JUre July AW6t Sofrmbor Ocbbd Novomb€r D*omb6r 2021 tdrl3 2.669.9a4 38o.98o (5,356,075) 2,1,350 3.371.757 (6i.566) (5.245.005) fi211 3.815.666 (36.097) (,{.024.339) (10.042) ttmars )195uo a24m3t5l (tgal ,1.306,370 ('195.0001 (3.&35.750) 2.182 02w\ t 6ra o12 tTsg 221 454 &55! 1143,202 (690,167) (008,882) (r54,87J) 404,931 (76,8,15) (1.326.3s0) (1,858,2r3) 1,58.,1A2 (370,753) (ms,566) u7,975 711,87 t94,e42 11,127,251t (r,5,r1,0o4) 665.370 '169.220 (300.1511 (585) 4.671.716 (1,10.,157) (,{.713.,t16) (5.420) 197,124 620,130 253,S04 300,755 384,0,r9 380,062 ?97,135 235,508 u7.140 3t2,170 211,@1 321,924 338,0'r2 300,308 2U,067 3,46,i115 31/.221 201,310 350,0r7 ,138,015 ,lo0,r80 ,[90,371 7,0€3 (86,623) 51,@2 l't?3,7221 33,83r o7,7A7l Q0,e12l ('r 1,619) 8,8r0 (20,s171 (r0.5r1) (328,018) (201,661) l27O,O23l 1241,2221 (307,321) (517,189) (708,178) (s02,858) (45r,397) (335288) (270,810) (31S,840) (321,786) (31r,828) (274,750) (397,014) (560,75,r) (092,84r) (550,05r) (382J06) 13382121(316,8[D) (38r,520) (330,010) (325.106) (313,602) (441,703) (623,0€O) (700,8:13) (012,168) (i124,805) (338212t Glo,a)O) (381,520) (330,0re) (325,106) (3r3,602) (,t11,703) (023,060) (?60,823) (61 2,1 08) (42,1,895) (338212' (31 6,800) (,r52) (371) (211 ) ('r 85) (el) (128) (3s4) (710) (8o8) (710) (7'r8) (51 1) (,138) (377) (305) (275) (383) (651) (s00) (e62) (884) (735) (008,842) (280,736) (207,0o5) (r,{7,658) (7O,1211 1237,s7A) (700.r r4) (1 .067,1 ,14) 1872208) (8,+5,735) (879,2s0) 1521 d251 (516,076) (503,153) (515,0S8) (528,215) 1577,8741 (794,978) (1,r97,333) 11,3g2,{/,A! (1.337,374) (1,270,525) (1,094,94r) (665,425) (605,1 84) (553,8'r0) (521,843) 1412,6/.3] (512,160) (76528e) 11,218,3721(r.448,484) (r,40s,704) 11,322,611 (1,1 14,848) (850,087) (567,496) (,r8,r,743) 1121,3711 (310,741) (3,(8,8'r 1) (570,449) lss2,023l (1,1 90,600) (1j20,2se) (r,001,622) 1762,2O2\ 1274,8011 (1 17,4r8) 124,005 r62,688 138,314 219,341 4,050 (493,e00) (863,€38) (000,0s2) (660,536) (70,r,575) (ao,721t (r59.028) (238,5r9) (229,?53) (255,450) (s07,109) (5242131 (028,568) (1,121,E81) (1,066,8Oe) ('r,005,760) l@.4,1781 (394.6m) (261280) (20s,so6) (177,030) (98,739) (108,285) (421,385) (874,468) (1,'104,58O) (1,065,800) (078,750) (77 0,044) (31 5.1 8:i) (223,5s21 (140,8:r9) (77,4071 33,163 (4,007) {22A,5451 (648,1 1S) (846,6S€) (776,355) (857,7 t8) (418,298) @,103 (255,450) 't1,378,71'l 1.00% 1.00% '1.00% 1.00% 1.00* 1.00% 1.0096 1.009i 't.0096 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% L00% 1.00% r.009( 1.0091 L00% 't.009( 1.00% r.o0% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% r.00% r.o0* 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% Jen@ry F6bury March Apdl May June July Ar4ct Soptembd Oeber Nov6mboa O*embar ArZl tot!|. JenEry F€bury Merch Apdl May Juno July August Soptembar Oc'tobd Nov€mb6r Deomb€r m23reb 412,zfi 381,876 367,621 393,2U 372,005 370,171 3't 7,504 383,167 ,a6,1,865 126,19 525,@1 (,{31) (425) (1211 (434) (460) (572' (E3o) (1,070) (r,r37) (r,08e) (088) (520) (483) ((48) (402' (398) (532) (828) (r.1'r 1 )(r,r€0) (r,r38) (1,01s)820.85'r G70,351) O30)5.282.537 - (5.247.380) (8.81 1 ) 14,041 (93,314) 20,470 (r1,510) &x).001 (370.35',1| 033)4.705.9,18 O3.139) (4.838.1,13) (8.@51 Jahury F€bury MeEh Apdl Mey June July August Soptomb€r O&bor D@mb6r 2024 lohb 173,@2 113,20e 388,855 121,537 403,098 ,t01.805 348,000 ,41,(,500 496,1S0$7,74 550,055mlg 5 arA 537 Till Accu.lb DSM bahrcirB a@unt as of ApI 30, 2022 For@3t DSM €xpgN6 thDugh O4ombor 2024 Foreast @rrying chaE6 thrcugh Deember2024 ToEl sxp€nsG threugh Deembor 202,1 Total DSM surcharge @lleliore lhrcugh D@mbor 2024 For@st DSM belancing e@ud es of Osomb€r 31, 2024 1{oL.: Figu6 p@vided thDugh April 2022 ar€ achE|s. 343,004 Q2,5811 -11,99!J.99- ( 1 4,1 0,r,736) -J19!9r Line No. ATTACHMENTC ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ESTIMATED IMPACT OF PROPOSED SCHEDTJLE 19I ADJUSTMENT FROM ELECTRIC SALES TO TJLTIMATE CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTED BY RATE SCHEDULES IN IDAHO ADJUSTED IIISTORICAL T2 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2O2() Present Sch 19I RevenueAverage Rev Present Proposed Sch. Customers MWH 6000)- ($000) ($000)(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)(e) % (8) Net Change($o0o) % (10)(l) Residential Sales I Residential Service 2 Residential Optional TOD 3 AGA Revenue4 Total Residential I 36 6 64 55,659 l l,7l I 523,107 196,337 $61,998 $20,r43 $4 $82,14s $1,395 $453 $1,550 $504 2.50o/" 250vo $155 $50 0.20/o 0.2o/o 67,370 719,444 $1,848 $2,054 2.50% $205 0.20/o 5 6 7 8 9 l0ll t2 l3 t4 t5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 Commercial & lndustrial General Service - Large Power General Svc. - Lg. Power (R&F) Subtotal-Schedule 6 General Service - High Voltage Special Contract 2 Subtotal-Schedule 9 Irrigation Comm. & Ind. Space Heating General Service General Service (R&F) Subtotal-Schedule 23 General Service Optional TOD General Service Optional TOD (R&F) Subtotal-Schedule 35 Special Contract I AGA Revenue Total Commercial & Indusfial I,158 345,854207 26,8051,365 372,659 16 I 18,913l 103,786t7 222,699 5,971 615,88688 5,0897,645 t77,927 2,576 39,710t0,3t0 222,7262 278 002 278I 1,369,716 17,666 2,503,964 188 132 57 256 274 r06 154 2,417 $2,798 $3,109 1.49o/o $31I 0.1% 9 401t9 t0 t9/23 23 234 ,| 7A ll t2 $28,306 s2,420 830,726 $7,897 $6,069 13,966 $57,543 $460 $t7,562 $4,063 22,085 s24 $0 24 $84,024 $637 $54 $691 $178 $137 3t4 $1,295 $10 $395 $91 497 sl $0 I $0 $708 $61 $768 $197 $152 349 $r,439 $12 $439 $102 552 $l $0 I $0 2.s0% 2.50o/o 2.50% 2.50Yo 2.50o/o 2.50% 2.50o/" 2.50Yo 2.50o/o 2.50o/o 2.50% 2.50o/" $71 $6 $77 $20 $ls 35 $144 $l $'14 $10 55 $0 $0 0 $0 0.2o/o 0.2% 0.2% 0.2o/o 0.2o/o 0.2% 0.2o/" 0.2Yo 0.2o/o 0.2o/o 0.2% 0.2o/o35 35A 400 2.50% 0.00o/o 0.2% 0.0o/o $602 $208,970 23 Public Street Lishtine24 Security Area Lighting25 Security Area Lighting (R&F) 26 Street Lighting - Company27 Street Lighting - Customer28 AGA Revenue29 Total Public Street Liehting 30 Total Sales to Ultimate Customers $50 $25 $62 s377 $0 $l $l $l s8 $l 2.50o/o $0 $1 2.50o/o $0 $2 2.50"/o $0 $9 2.50o/o $l 0.2Yo 0.2o/" 0.2o/o 0.2% 633 2,950 0.20/o 85,669 3,526,359 $291,628 $4,657 $5,175 l.77yo $517 0.2yo -------- $5r4 $r2 $13 2.s0% $l *Including 2021 GRC base revenue and estimated ECAM nevenue Sch 191 Rate Present hoposed 2.25o/o 2.50o/o ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP I.P.U.C. No. 1 Nftl[Eighth Revision of Sheet No. 191 Canceling Eiehthseve*th Revision of Sheet No. 191 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 191 STATE OF IDAHO Customer Efriciency Services Rate Adjustment PURPOSE: The Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with Commission-approved demand-side management expenditures. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariffCustomers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have the following percentage increases applied prior to the application of electric service Schedule 34. Schedule I Schedule 6 Schedule 6.4 Schedule 7 Schedule 7A Schedule 9 Schedule l0 Schedule I I Schedule 12 Schedule 23 Schedule 23A Schedule 24 Schedule 35 Schedule 35A Schedule 36 2.5ps% 2.1@5o/o 2.5gzs% 2.5ps% 2.59?s% 2.1925o/o 2.59x% 2.592s% 2.598% 2.59)s% 2.5ps% 2.592s% 2.59)s% 2.592s% 2.59)s% Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-22-1024+ ISSUED: July 8,EFFECTM: October l. 2022Jansary+-4023 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP I.P.U.C. No. 1 Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 191 Canceling Eighth Revision of Sheet No. 191 ROCKY MOT]NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO. 191 STATE OX'IDAHO Customer Efiiciency Services Rate Adjustment PURPOSE: The Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with Commission-approved demand-side management expenditures. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariffCustomers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have the following percentage increases applied prior to the application of electric senrice Schedule 34. Schedule 1 Schedule 6 Schedule 6A Schedule 7 Schedule 7A Schedule 9 Schedule l0 Schedule ll Schedule 12 Schedule 23 Schedule 23A Schedule 24 Schedule 35 Schedule 35A Schedule 36 2.50% 2.50% 2.50o/o 2.50o/o 2.50Yo 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50o/o 2.50o/o 250% 2.50o/o 2.50% 2.50o/o Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-22-10 ISSUED: July 8,2022 EFFECTM: October 1,2022 Attachment E Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN Po\TI'ER POWERING YOUR GREATNESS For release: luly 8, 2022 FOR MORE INFORMATION Media Hotline: 801-220-5018 Rocky Mountain Power proposes increase to energy efficiency charge BOISE, ldaho-tn planning to meet the electricity needs of customers, Rocky Mountain Power works with customers to help them use electricity more efficiently. The utility promotes energy efficiency and programs that coordinate when electricity is used, as well as reduce overall electrical use to help customers save money. This also helps the company manage electric grid operations. These programs are funded by the Customer Efficiency Services charge, which appears as a line item on the customer bill. The company filed a proposalJuly 8, 20221o increase the charge for all customer classes (except tariff contractslfrom 2.25 percent to 2.50 percent of each custome/s bill. lf approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, the 0.25 percent increase would raise a typical residential custome/s bill by about 52.75 per year. These revenues do not affect company profits; they allow the company to recover the investment it has already made on behalf of customers to provide energy efficiency programs. The company request includes a proposed effective date of October t,2022. "Customers benefit two ways from these programs," said Tim Solomon, regional business manager in Rexburg. "First, participating customers benefit from lower bills as they take advantage of these programs and use electricity more efficiently. Second, all customers benefit whether they participate in the programs or not because the cost of electricity saved through these programs is about half the cost of electricity generated by a new power plant. lt's part of our balanced approach to use a variety of cost- effective methods to provide electricity to our customers." Programs currently provided for residential customers include cash incentives for energy efficient appliances, improved insulation, energy efficient windows and weatherization for lower-income customers. For business customers, the Wattsmart Business program provides services and incentives to customers who complete energy efficiency projects. Specific details of these programs are available on the company's Web site, https://www.rockvmountainpower.net/savinss-energv-choices.html. The public can comment on the proposed rate change as the commission reviews the application. The commission must approve the proposed change before it can take effect. A copy of the company's application is available for public review on the commission's homepage at www.puc.idaho.gov under Case No. PAC-E-22-10. Customers may also subscribe to the commission's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email. lt also is available at the company's offices in Rexburg, Preston, Shelley and Montpelier as noted below: Rockv Mountdin Power offices Rexburg - 127 East Main Preston - 509 S. 2nd East Shelley - 852 E. 1400 North Montpelier -24852 U.S. Hwy 89 About Rocky Mountain Power Rocky Mountain Power provides safe and reliable electric service to 2 million customers in Utah, Wyoming and ldaho. The company works to meet customers'growing electricity needs while protecting and enhancing the environment. Rocky Mountain Power is part of PacifiCorp, one of the lowest-cost electricity providers in the United States. More information is available at: www. rockvmou nta inoower. net ### Attachment F Energy Efficiency Charge Increase Bo.lV Mountain Power requests price increase tor customers On Iulv 8.2022. Roclor Mountain Power asked the ldaho PubliclJtilitiedCommission t6 increase.the energy efficiency charge for all customer classes (except tariff contradS) from 2.25 percent to 2.50 percent of each customers bill. lf the 0.25 percent increase is approved by the ldaho Public Lltilities Commission, a typical residential customer using 783 kilowatt-hours of electricity would see a bill increase of about $2.76 per year. These revenues do not afeqt company profits; they allow the company to recover the investment it has already made on behalf of customers to provide energy efficiency programs. The company request includes a proposed effective date of October 1,2022. The public can comment on the proposed rate change as the commission reviews the application. The commission must approve the proposed change before it can take efect. A copy of the company's application is available for public review on the commission's homepage at www,puc.idaho.gov, under Case No. PAC-E-22-10. Customers may also subscribe to the commission's RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email. lt also is available at the compan/s offices in Rexburg Preston, Shelley and Montpelier as noted below: Rocky Mounain Power offices . Rexburg - 127 East Main . Preston - 509 S. 2nd E. . Shelley - 852 E. 1400 N. . Montpelier - 24852 U.S. Hwy 89 For more information about your rates and rate schedule, go to rockymountainpower.net/rates. Y ROCKY MOUNTAINPol'I'ER o 2021 Rocky Mountair Pomr