HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220615Summons to PacifiCorp.pdfldaho Public Utilities Gommission P.O. Bor 83720, Bolse,lD 83720{X174 john Chatburn, Commissioner lohn R Hammond,|r., C-ommiesioner lune 15,2022 Via Certified Mail PacifiCorp d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power Company 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 84tL6 IPUC Case No. PAC-E-22-09 Tami Thatcher vs. PacifCorp, d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power Co To Whom It May Concern, Enclosed please find a Summons and Formal Complaint issued against PacifiCorp d,/b/a Rocky Mountain Power Company in the above-mentioned case. As directed in the Summons, you are to file a written answer or motion in defense of said Complaint with this Commission within twenty-one (2L) days of the service date of the Summons. Sincerely, @ )an Noriyuki Commission Secretary Enclosure(s) I:\Legal\ELECTRIC\PAC-E-22-09 Thatcher\rcmplaint\Sumons Cover Ltr-s.doq 11331W. Chinden Blvd. Ste 201-A Boiee ID 83714 Telephone (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (2W) 33+3762 Re: BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSfOT.{' .,; .' : ;i Ii; ii: 1 fi TAMI THATCHER, COMPLAINAIIT,SUMMONS CASE NO. PAC-E-22-09 PACIFICORP, d/b/a ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER COMPANY, RESPONDENT PacifiCorp dlbla Rocky Mountain Power Company 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 THE STATE Of,'IDAHO SENDS GREETINGS TO TI{E ABOVE.NAMED RESPONDENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Complaint has been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by the above-named Complainant; and YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to file a written answer or written motion in defense of the Complaint within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Summons; and YOU ARE IIEREBY NOTIFIED that unless you do so within the time herein specified, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission may take such action against you as is prayed for in the Complaint or as it deems appropriate under Title 6l of the ldaho Code. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission this 6b day of Jwre2022 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I .:" i vs. f *-t-l"!* Janko/riyuki l-/ Commission Secretary(sEAL) SUMMONS I I :[egalELECTRIC\PAC-E-22-09 Thatcher\complaint\PACE2209_Summons. docx RECtr lVEtl 2(t?2 MA\ -'.? t'M'/'?"'.1 ti)At-l0 tlt,Bt l{l tJ I il l"r tES cr)h4h4rslitor.lTami Thatcher t0217 s. sth w. Idatro Falls, ID 83404 Phone: (208)522-2341 May2,2022 Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd, Ste. 201-A Boise, ID 83714 Email : secretary@puc.idaho. gov ?*e.- r- e,a-09 Dear Jan Noriyuki, Idaho Public Utilities Secretary: As my initial compliant to the Idatro Public Utilities Commission on April 15,2022I wish to submit a formal complaint to the Idatro Public Utilities Commission because my initial complaint was to be not publicly disclosed, and it resulted only in my being told that few people complain about Smart Meters, the complaint process is onerous, that Idatro does not provide an opt-out of a Smart Meter and also that Rocky Mountain Power is not required to take any responsibility for delivering misinformation by multiple people and in multiple ways from their Smart Meter Hotline and that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission does not take an interest in the disinformation provided by Rocky Mountain Power. My complaint is the about the re,peated misinformation provided by the Rocky Mountain Power Smart Meter Hotline and by mail that asserts that the Smart Meters are safe and like a cell phone or a lap top computer using wireless communications, despite the absence of evidence that they are safe; about the Rocky Mountain Power mailing to me infomration that stated I could opt out of having a Smart Meter installed; about the refusal of Rocky Mountain Power to document their multiple incorrect statements by phone and in writing that were given to me; about the problems of my individual health situation with radio frequency emissions, and about the about the need for the ability to opt-out of having a Smart Meter installed at my home in the state of ldaho as other states allow. Chris Hecht of the ldaho PUC did inform me over the phone that I could submit in writing a formal complaint and that due to the procedural complexity of how these are handled, the Idaho PUC would assist in submittal of this formal complaint. First, an overview of a trvo-sided handout mailed to me by Rocky Mountain Power. This handout states that is it a "Myth: Smart meters are a health threat because they use radio frequency waves." The handout uses the terminology "radio frequency (RF) waves" but I will use "radio frequency emissions" herein although many other terms apply to the same phenomenon. The 1 handout cites a report by the California Council on Science and Technology from 201I titled "Health lmpacts of Radio Frequency Exposure from Smart Meters." The link for the Califomia Council on Science and Technology (CCST) report is http : //ccst. uslpubl ications/20 I I 120 I I smart-final.pdf. The CCST report states that the contents of its publication "are subject to changes, omissions, and errors, and CCST does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies that may occur." The CCST report arrives at its statements about Smart Meters based on current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) skndards that only address known thermallv induced health impacts and not the potential forgg@g! impacts of radio frequency emissions. The CCST report cited by Rocky Mountain Power states: "To date, scientific studies have not identified or confirmed negative health effects from potential non-thermal impacts of RF emissions such as those produced by existing common household electronic devices and smart meters." And it states: "Not enough is curently known about potential non-thermal impacts of radio frequency emissions to identi$ or recommcnd additional standards for such impacts." The lack of confirmed negative health effects, despite the abssnce of study, is taken to imply that Smart Meters are safe. tn the CCST report, Smart Meters that operate with brief pulses every hour, basically continuously are compared with electronic devices such as cell phones, cordless phones, standing close to microwave ovens, wireless routers and wireless-enabled laptop computers. There are differences in how many hours a day people are exposed to their cell phones or laptop computers. Importantly, the wireless communications to these devices can be stopped by the person who chooses to use them. ln contrast, the pulses of brief but frequent, virtually non-stop, transmission of Smart Meter signals on a person's home creates the potential for@e!impactsthathavenotbeenstudiedbytheveryagenciesbeingcitedas providing the basis for setting the standards for radiofrequency emissions. The lack of appropriate standards setting regarding the non-thermal human health effects is explained in detail in the 2021 court decision. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit court found that the Federal Communications Commission and other U.S. agencies had all failed to provide a reasoned explanation for the determination that current guidelines adequately protect against the harmful effects of exposure to radiofrequency radiation. See the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit court, August 13,2021. No. 20-1025. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH TRUST, ET AL., PETTTIONERS v. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION AND I.JNITED. Radio frequency, as two words, is used somewhat interchangeably with radiofrequency, as one word. For the same phenomenon, there is a wide variety of terms used in or cited in the CCST report and by others: radio frequency exposure, radiofrequency and electnomagnetic fields, radiofrequency emissions, RF emissions, radiofrequency fields, radiofrequency energy, radio frequency radiation, radiofrequency radiation, electromagnetic radiation and probably others. The Rocky Mountain Power handout uses a different term: "radio frequency (RF) waves" and also assured me over the phone that their Smart Meters did not emit "radiation." 2 The wide variety of terms being used for the same phenomenon is confusing to many people. Studies that are associated with the cancer-causing potential of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) might not be obviously associated with "RF waves" but in fact both are referring to the same thing. I suppose it is natural for entities seeking to persuade the public that Smart Meters are benign avoid using terms like electromagnetic radiation. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Iimits on human exposure issued in 1996 are in a document titled "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields," Federal Communications Commission, August 1997 at (http://www.fcc.govlBurgauslEng:ileering-TechnologyiDocuments/bullptins/oe165/oet65.pdfl TheCCSTreportandothersrecognizethattheFCClimitsaddressonlythe@of absorbed radiofrequency emissions. These limits address only the heating of human tissue. From this, it may be fair to conclude that we will not be able to heat and cook a microwave dinner by placing it near a Smart Meter. Some people may conclude that the cancer-causing impact is suffrciently constrained by the FCC limits on thermal effects - cancer was the only impact studied and was studied with regard to cell phone usage. The gg:lbj@d-gtrects, of radiofrequency emissions have long been noted by various researchers even if ignored in setting standards for radio frequency electromagnetic radiation. The CCST report lists very few of the non-thermal adverse health effects encountered by people. But the non-thermal adverse health effects idsntified by people noting the adverse impacts (and not being biased to ignore these impacts) include insomnia, fatigue, neurological problems, reproductive problems including DNA damage, increased blood-brain barrier permeability and others. For several years, I have had to limit my exposure to radio frequency emissions from cell phones, computer wireless connections and medical devices. I had to get rid of my cordless phone. I have had to limit my exposure to computer WI-FI and despite wanting to download re,ports at night, I leamed that I could not sleep if the computer modem was not shutdown at night. I also have had to specifically request medical equipment, (a sleep apnea machine) that allows me to turn offits radio frequency ernissions while I sleep. And after trying out hearing aids that quite promptly increased my tinnitus, I then learned that the hearing aids transmitted signals through the cranium from ear to ear not just to a computer for adjusunent. I had to choose hearing aids without these advanced features that did not have radio frequency emissions. And I have personally experienced heart palpitations due to increased radio frequency levels. Eqpecially after my brother died of brain canceE I also limit my use of cellular phones. The medical professionals seeking to assist people have explained that the body needs greater protection from radio frequency emissions during the sleeping hours as the body's cells need to rest and repair. When I contacted the Rocky Mountain Power Smart Meter Hotline, because of my special health problems from radio frequency emissions, I requested infomration concerning their Smart Meters several times and from several different people. I asked how often signals were transmitted. 3 First, I was told it was once per day and also that many people are comforted to know that it is only one signal per day. Then, I was told it was more than once per day but Rocky Mountain Power Smart Meter Hotline operators would not say how often. Then I was told, with confidence, that it was onceper hour. 24 hours a day. Finally, I was told by Rocky Mountain Power that Smart Meter signals are expected to be transmitted between 40,000 to 200,000 signals throughout the day and night, every 24 hours. This is several thousand signal transmissions per hour of basically non-stop transmittal of signals all day and all night. The Idaho PUC has stated to me that Rocky Mountain Power is not required to document its statements to me and that I cannot prove what Rocky Mountain Power actually said to me. Rocky Mountain Power steadfastly refused to document my complaint to them. They refused to document what my complaint was and what various responses various RMP people had given me during on various phone calls to their Smart Meter Hotline and their complaint department. The degree of disinformation and misinformation from Rocky Mountain Power concerning their Smart Meters appears to be deliberate. Rocky Mountain Power people want to persuade people that there is no problem and they were repeatedly offering seriously incorrect information in order to persuade people. The information was incorrect in two ways: (l) it was not consistent with their own stated information sources, and (2) the information from the stated sources, if reviewed, certainly does not allow the sound conclusion that Smart Meter radio frequency emissions do not create adverse health impacts. When Rocky Mountain Power mailed to me written information stating I could opt out of having a Smart Meter installed, Rocky Mountain Power did later acknowledge that they made an error and that the opt-out applied to another state but not to ldaho. However, the multiple times I was given incorrect information over the phone regarding their Smart Meters was something I requested Rocky Mountain Power to address as I made a compliant to them. Rocky Mountain Power readily initiated a complaint for my concems over the phone but then refused to document my stated compliant to them or their multiple instances ofproviding me with incorrect information. Rocky Mountain Power also refuses to acknowledge the high amount of incorrect information they are giving to anyone who calls their Smart Meter Hotline. The fact is that the Smart Meter signal transmissions, although brief, are basically many times per hour and basically the intermittent signals continue all day and all night. Rocky Mountain Power finally stated the number of transmissions was 40,000 to 200,000 signals very 24 hours, throughout the day and night. You could say that the drummer of a Rock and Roll band did not beat his drums continuously because there was a pause between the drum beats, yet somehow this noise would actually keep most of us awake if it were next to our bedroom. Would someone making loud music all night long be able to send the police away by giving to the officers the stated duration of time that the drum heads were contacted during the night? Radiofrequency 4 cannot be heard by most of us, yet our bodies and our cells can still be disturbed by the intermittent signals. The actual damage and health impact to the human body will depend on specific characteristics of the radio frequency emissions, the duration of exposure during the day and night, the years of exposure, and also the specific characteristics of the human beings being exposed. Human studies take a long time to conduct and there are many confounding influences. The study of cells in a petri dish and of animals have long provided evidence of the highly disrupting influence of radio frequency emissions on tissue. The 201I CCST report that provides a comparison of the radio frequency power density of a cell phone, microwave oven, Wi-Fi Router and Smart Meter fails to acknowledge the difference in the number of hours a day a person uses their cell phone or lap top computer. If the conceptual mistakes they make in the CCST report are honest, they have certainly displayed their lack of understanding of human biology and the impact of radio frequency ernissions on human tissue. I don't know anyone who uses a microwave oven, a cell phone or works on their computer while they are sleeping. The distinction that a Smart Meter is transmitting signals all day and all night was not made in the 201I CCST report. The 201I report by the California Council provides non-scientific and biased contortions to arrive at a desired presentation no matter the lack of evidence regarding adverse health impacts either in a general case or in extremes of a particular installation. Did the ldaho Public Utilities Commission understand that the safety standards set for the United States transmission of radiofrequency for Smart Meters and other devices such as WI-FI and cell phones are based only on how much they heat up your tissue? Did the Idaho PUC understand the distinction that with many such devices such as cell phones or computer Wi-Fi, the user can turn them offwhile they sleep but the user has no control over the Smart Meters transmit signals intermittently, thousands of signal transmission every hour, all day and all night? And why would the Idaho PUC have such utter disregard for the health and safety of people in the state, particularly those people like me who know that they are adversely affected by radio frequancy ernissions? When the FCC standards were set in 1996 and when the 201I CCST by was issued, the non- thermal effects of radiofrequency had not been studied and these effects have still not been studied. The Idaho PUC is making Idahoans guinea pigs all while refusing to provide a reasonable and widely accepted opt-out. The existing studies of adverse health effects from radiofrequency waves have considered the extent to which radiofrequency waves cause cancer. The studies of the cancer-causing potency have not studied potential adverse effects on children or the reproductive system. Nor have these studies for cancer risk addressed the implications of long-term exposure to "RF radiation, exposure to RF pulsation or modulation (two methods of imbuing radio waves with information), and the implications of technological developments that have occurred since 1996, including the ubiquity of wireless devices and Wi-Fi..." 5 The Food and Drug Administration has reviewed only the potential cancer effects and no other health effects from radio frequency ernission, mainly for the use of very limited minutes per day, ofcell phone use. There remains inadequate scientific basis upon which to conclude that the increased exposure to radio frequency emissions are safe for the general population or the environment. I have been forced to and able to take measures to limit my exposure to radio frequency emissions, especially while sleeping. Days and weeks of insomnia are a serious health problem for me and for anyone. And I have a medical metal implant in my body near my hean. The metal picks up radio frequency emissions and has put my heart into inegular beating rhythms. To listen to an uninformed person at Rocky Mountain Power or at the ldaho PUC tell me that radio frequency ernissions are safe and like a cell phone only tells me that (l) they do not understand how unsafe the standards really are, and (2) they don't give a fig about my specific health circumstances (metal implant near my heart) that make me more vulnerable. The radio frequency emissions from a Smart Meter on my house would be a few feet from my bed and it puts me at greater risk of death by a heart attack as I sleep. There is no federal law requiring the ldaho PUC to forbid allowing customers the option to opt- out of having a Smart Meter. The ldatro PUC can allow an opt-out for customers, and many states have provided this option to their electricity customers. The cost of relocating the electricity meter base from my house's bedroom wall would cost many thousands of dollars and would require me to incur liability for underground line failures as well as installation damages. The installation of a Smart Meter at my home may make my home unsafe and uninhabitable for me. Rocky Mountain Power and the Idaho PUC do little more than tell me ldaho has no opt-out option for Smart Meters. This is a completely unacceptable and unjust situation and it relies on grossly inadequate study of human safety which completely ignores all non-cancer adverse health effecs. (I have little confidence that the existing study of cancer effects is adequate, either.) The rules of procedure for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission are burdensome and appear to be intended to dissuade many people from iszuing a formal complaint or obtaining a suitable resolution. I wish this complaint to be publicly documented. I want the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to be aware of how unscientifically sound the current safety studies are for the Smart Meters that they are trying to force upon ldaho customers. 6 The absence of studies addressing the continuous non-stop exposure to Smart Meters and the ceaseless exposrtre that people caonot escape from we,n during needed hours of sleep alone is sufficient evidence that there is no basis for concluding that Smart Meters on a pennn's housg particularly a few feet from theirbed is safe. I request the Idalro PUC to allow me to opt out of having a Smart Meter on my house. It is the Idaho PUC that should be taking the lead in facilitating the ability for customer's to opt-out. See the attachments to this email that I sent with my original complaint statem€,rt to Idaho PUC which included scans of various brochures Rocky Mountain Power mailed to me which atternpt to say that Smart Meters are safe and are similar in health impact to other devices, devices which a user may shut offduring the sleeping hours. Sincerely, Tami Thatcher 7 Tami Thatcher's Written Complaint Submittal to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, April 15,2022, regarding Rocky Mountain Power Smart Meters My contact information: Tami Thatcher t0217 s. 5m w. Idatro Falls, Idaho 83404 (208) s22-2341 Email:net As soon as I read about it this winter, I called Rocky Mountain for information. I am informed on the phone that the ldaho Public Utilities Commission did not require Rocky Mountain Power to allow an "opt out" option as other states have allowed. I ask about how many times a day a signal is tansmitted and I am told that it is only one timeper gfuy. Furthermore, I am also told that "many customers are relieved to know that it is only once per day that the signals are transmitted." I ask how strong the signal is. The Smart Meter Hotline operator can't answer questions about the signal intensity and does not have units for a number she gives me, but she says she can mail me information, detailed information, that will answer all of my questions. I receive the packet of information from Rocky Mountain Power; it is post-marked March 10, 2022.|t does not seem to answer any of my questions but I have been busy as unrelated ernail problerns have been taking weeks to resolve and tax season adds to my list of desk work. I receive a phone message from Rocky Mountain Power that a Smart Meter is to be installed in a few days. I think this was on April 5,2022.I take a closer look at the package of information Rocky Mountain sent to me and I call Rocky Mountain Power. The detailed packet of information that Rocky Mountain Power sent to me says in writins that I can opt out of havine a Smart Meter. It also says that the Smart Meters only communicate via RF for only a few minutes per day. I am curious about when this few minutes is. The envelop from Rocky Mountain Power to me at my only address, in ldaho, and its post mark of March 10,2022 is scanned. The enclosed information is one l-sided page and four 2-sided pages. I have scanned the 2-sided handout that says "smart meters communicate via RF [Radiofrequency] for only a few minutes a day." And the other side of that handout that states: "if you do not wish to upgrade to a smart meter, you may opt out for a one-time replacernent fee plus a monthly fee...'l have scanned another handout on general radiofrequency information about "Typical RF Values * from April 2011." It says that holding a cell phone to your head would be 3.3 to 1,100 X more. I know that cell phone studies found higher risk of brain cancers for cell phones held to the head for more than 30 minutes per day. The Rocky Mountain literature is actually very vague about the actual levels of RF exposure that could occur. So, I call Rocky Mountain Power and I ask again, how many times a day are signals hansmitted. Now I am not given an answer to this question. I state that because I am particularly sensitive to RF because of metal in my body near my heart and how high RF can put me into heart palpitations I want to opt out. I do not want a Smart Meter on the wall of my bedroom. I am told I cannot opt out. I ask why the information that Rocky Mountain Power mailed to me, specifically at my request states that I can opt out. They say that it is because other states do allow an opt out and I was sent very general information which did not apply to me or my state. I see that the information mailed to me by Rocky Mountain Power does not say how many times a day a signal is broadcast, but it looks like it may be far larger than one time per day. I ask Rocky Mountain Power on the phone how many times a day the signal is broadcast each time I call them. [Prior to April I l], They acknowledge that it is more than once per day but they will not say how many times per day. Rocky Mountain Power does agree to cancel the currently scheduled Smart Meter installation and they describe that I may have one of their people come and advise whether it is feasible to move the smart meter. They tell me that I will have to hire my own electrician to move the equipment which can be placed on a post, with wiring about 24 inches below ground. I can see this is going to be expensive. Also on the phone, I request that Rocky Mountain Power document a Formal Complaint for me. I state that first of all, I was given completely untrue and incorrect information when I was told on their hot line that there was only one signal broadcast per day. Then I wanted it documented that I was mailed incorrectly information in writing by Rocky Mountain Power that stated I could opt out of having a Smart Meter. But over the phone, the answer has consistently been that in ldatro, I could not opt out. But they say I may be able to relocate the Smart Meter, but only if they decided I could and only at my expense. I also explain that I have a health condition that makes me more susceptible to heart fibrillation due to metal in my body near my heart. I hy to explain to the folks at Rocky Mountain Power that this is a very serious concern for me but at no time does anyone at Rocky Mountain Power appear to care. I had to make several calls to Rocky Mountain Power the week of April 5e. I would be told someone would call, but I basically had to call again a couple times. I finally do get a call from *R" at Rocky Mountain Power, I believe on Thursday April 7m. I ask again how many signals the Smart Meter will be transmitting per day and that I had been told that it was only one per day. The person at Rocky Mountain Power acknowledges that it is more than one per day, but he will not say how many times per day (and ni8*rt) the siErrals are transmitted. ) Repeatedly Rock Mountain Power tries hard to explain that gee, don't I have a cell phone and computer, so don't I already have Radio Frequency in my house. I explain that I minimize the use of Radio Frequancy (RF) in the house and I power down all such equipment during the sleeping hours, say l0 pm and 8 am. I know that these signals can and do send my heart into fib and do awaken me. I know that the standards for RF are based on only minimally heating up your body's tissues and are not based on the most prevalent symptoms, namely, insomnia and heart fib. The Rocky Mountain person on the phone agrees that it could cost me a lot of money to try have the smart meter moved. He will not answer to any estimate of how many signals per day or night the Smart Meter signal is transmitted. I say all I need is that no signals are transrnitted between l0 pm and 8 am. He says he will ask the exoerts if this is psrssible. and that he will call me back on Friday April 8. between l0 am and noon. I have some false hope that Rocky Mountain Power will try to be reasonable. I receive no call back on Friday April 8 and no call on Monday April I l. Around 3 pm, on Monday April I l, I call Rocky Mountain Power to ask about the status. At that phone call, the Rocky Mountain Power person (a woman) is aware of my complaint to thern and states to me confidently that the RF sienals are broadcast once an hour. 24 hours per day. She ffies to say that because the signals are brief, that they don't matter. I explain that this will likely mean I never get another decent night's rest and that it may likely kill me. She tries to say, that likely I have a phone and a TV using RF. I say that I do not use RF devices during the sleeping hours. She tries to say that it will be very beneficial for me to know my hourly electrical use, every hour of every day. I tell her that I do not think it will be beneficial for me to know this. She of course emphasizes that Idaho has no opt-out option. She says that the person who was to call me Friday had been out of the office on Friday. I say that if no one could call on Friday, they could have called on Monday, to say when they could call. Of course, that didn't happen. She says she will request the team for coming to look at whether an alternate location for the Smart Meter can be found. She says she cannot say any estimate of when they will call me to schedule this. Later she says that they may call me after 2 days or so. I request a copy of my Formal Complaint. She says that everyone I have talked to in the last week will have to meet and discuss it. I request again, that I would like written documentation of my Formal Complaint and she says that won't happen and that sometime perhaps late this week they will discuss how to respond to my questions. I state that with the very high rate of misinformation from Rocky Mountain Power, I wish to confirm that Rocky Mountain Power has documented the statements I have made to thern, especially how the Rocky Mountain Power hot line specifically gave me (and others) completely wrong information when they said only one signal per day was transmitted. I wanted it documented that I was mailed totally inadequate and also factually incorrect information stating that I could opt out of having a Smart Meter. And that even though t had asked several times how many times a day a signal would be broadcast but no 3 one would answer that question. Prior to April I l, I asked Rocky Mountain Power this question multiple times, and I was never given an answer. The answer I was given on April 1l confirmed my fears as it was stated that it is 24 times a time, every hour, of the day and night. This would be enough to wake me up every hour all night long. It appears that several Rocky Mountain Power hotline operators knew this information but withheld this information deliberately. Rocky Mountain Power, gave incorrect information to me on the phone and in writing. Rocky Mountain Power appears to have deliberately withheld information pertaining to how often signals would be ransmitted. Rocky Mountain Power at no time acted with accountability for documenting the questions and concerns I had. Furthermore, Rocky Mountain Power refused to send written documentation of my Formal Complaint saying only that they would be discussins it, probably by the end of the week. But no written documentation of my compliant to them would be provided, at least not any specified time and certainly not any time soon. I wanted to confirm that Rocky Mountain Power had actually documented my concenn over my heart health and how many times I had been given incorrect information. But Rocky Mountain Power adamantly refused to provide to me documentation of my Formal Complaint - not the resolution but documentation that they had in fact documented my complaints. On Monday April 11, I was told by Rocky Mountain Power, with conlidence, that the number of signals transmitted per day was one per hour, effectively 24 signals per day, all day and all nlght. On Tuesday April 12, I met with a Rocky Mountain Power estimator (NicD for feasibility of meter base relocation. He was helpful and based on the power pole and the wire to my house, he suggested a possible location. He also said that the underground power line from the pole to my house is now Rocky Mountain Power's but that they could let me have the line. A relocation to a site betwee'n the power pole and my house could be in the orchard. A licensed electrician could dig to this line and install the meter base there on a post. The Smart Meter can only be located on the meter base. [t would likely cost at least $3000 if all went well. Any damage to the wire or the meter base would be my responsibility. He said that the Smart Meter could be installed at the house and then later relocated. This way I could tell for sure if it was a problem. On Wednesday April 13, the Rocky Mountain person who had not called back last Friday did call me. He told me that Rocky Mountain power did not allow opt outs and could not withhold transmission of signals during the night time. On this Aprtl 13 callr l esk agaln how many times a dey slgnals are transmitted and I am now told that between 401000 and 2001000 signals a day were transmitted. First I was told I time per day, then I was told 24 times per day (once per hour) and now I am told between 40,000 and 200,000 times per day (and nigh|. He also confirmed that Rocky Mountain Power would not provide to me in writing any documentation to confirm that they had documented my complaint to them. 4 For additional background on my health. Due to stomach reflux problerns, a metal ring was put in my body, around 2006. Several years ago, I started having problems that I found were related to RF and I purchased an RF meter. I had to get rid of a cordless phone and make adjustments to my computer area. When my sleep apnea machine wore out, I was given a loanerbut no instructions or information about the machine. I found that I could not sleep well and could not get rested when using it. The machine had a dc converter and I wondered if it was electrical interference somehow. I got out my RF meter which also measures electrical intsrference and discovered to my surprise that the sleep machine put out a large RF field. When I later got a replacement machine,I knew that I had to get one that had "airplane mode." This makes a huge difference in my ability to sleep dee,ply. This allows the user to tum offthe RF transmittal. During the daytime, one time per month, I fum "airplane mode" offand let the machine transmit the data to the medical supply office which lets thern know if I am using the machine and it also have data about how many times I apnea. Many people are unaware of the RF influence on their health. They simply don't know why their insomnia is worse. My brother died of brain glioblastoma at age 63. He was a frequent cell phone user and he would never have thought there was any harm from it. Most people don't know that over 30 minutes per day on a cell phone has been shown to increase the risk of glioblastoma. But many people do know that they should not hold a cell phone close to their head. When the Rocky Mountain Power literature compares their Smart Meters which operate 2417 and near the bedroom as it is for my house, to using a cell phone close to your head, this is very little comfort. I don't expect Rocky Mountain Power Smart Meter Hotline operators to be cellular biologists. But the way that I was given such a wide variety of answers and the way that they avoided answering my questions tells me that the incorrect information was intentional. Rocky Mountain Power was trying to act like they had experts to answer questions about their Smart Meters when in reality Rocky Mountain Power deliberately avoided answering even very basic questions that I had and that other callers typically had. The strength of an RF field will depard on how much interference is between the Smart Meter and where it is transmiuing to. The actual RF Values can be extremely variable whether for your cell phone or a Smart Meter. The experts for medical help for people with RF sensitivity ernphasize that the body necds more protection from RF during sleep. Using the cell phone or computer and limiting that time is something I actively do and I retain a land-line phone for the bulk of my phone calls. Protecting the sleeping area and the hours during sleep are the most important times to reduce RF and I know this from very personal experience. I should not have to have my health adversely impacted and my risk of death increased by being forced to have a Smart Meter installed, which would be on my bedroom wall. Most other states allow people to opt out of having a Smart Meter. I should not have to move to a state that allows 5 a Smart Meter opt out. I should not have to pay for very expe,nsive (likely over $3000 to relocate the meter base that connests to a Smart Meter AND accept firture liability for the electrical underground line). I should not be forced by the State of Idaho's public utilities commission to not have the ability to opt out of having a Smart Meter. The standards setting for the safety of RF does not apply to people with metal in their bodies or other health conditions. The standards are based on simply not overheating tiszue rather than the cellular dysfirnc-tion caused. In studies not funded by the entities promoting the use of these electronics, it is found that RF does cause cellular disnrption to the body's cells and that insomnia and heart palpitations are commonly increased by high RF values. 6 ,il ]l: tii; rr,ii t'!: : i, * . ,: 'li -i |art Itrt$l6 3€ t)t, fiM .t! li,:.i!. lrF- !s i Have questions about smart metersl We have answers for you. Smart metem are drgital meters ttrat cornmunicate with Rocky Mountain Por,rrer through a secure wireless network, fu of 201? nearly 95 million adranced metering infrastructure, also knomr as smart meters, have been installed across the United States.r About 88% of those installations v'rcre residential customers. Now. we're joining the movement and upgrading our existing electric meters to smart meters. Ihe technology is safe and secure and will provide you with insights irrto your ener1y usage. Our upgraded metering technology will also help us deliver cleaner, more reliable energy and fasten morc nesponsrve ser^vice' a a 6. HERE ARE ANSWERS TO SOME OF THE QUESTTONS YOU MAY HAVE ABOUT THIS NEW TECHNOLOGY No, srnart nleters transnrit data uslng low-watt radio frequency (RF) waves that are prcrven to tre safe and are vrell vrithin the limits set lry the Fe.deral Commrrnicalions Comrnisriorr. Radio {r equency wavc-, a form of elec tr <.rnragrretic etrergl' t}rat nrows t}rr orr;'ilr spac(f ar'e somethirrg \1/e en(ourtet e,'ery day. They le used for evuyttrrrrg trxu r adro and televirion txuadcasting to 1he c or dless phones, rell phunes, Wi I r rorrler s. p,,rtage .l(,(\r oper)cr. atrd mictowave .r'"1,!ls we hate itr rrtrr lr,:itrres. Ihe Wr.,,r ld I lcalth (.)rgarrization tras rorrcluded ttrat no advelse healtlr ef{r.c-ts luvt [:een {ound to tesuh frorn exposure tr,r krw-level RF \A/hat! rxr q 5!Ig!1 meterr<ormnur*a{en'ia Tlrey rlsually outside. farlher from peoph than that use RF. Plus, )or.rr home's or buildings walls fudher reduce RF exposure. Altogetlre6 tlris mcans thal lMng in a house with a smart metet'provides ver.y litth e<1;o:urn to R[.] T Our smart meters are trcry secule. No per sorral rnfotmation, iuch as narne or address, is wer tuxnritted {rrm smar t nrcters. Wo use advanced cecuri.ty ahd encryption technology to protect what is transmitted,, ln a&fiiion, our securily meisurcs undergo third-party audits to ensure your data is secure. only a few We take our customers' prilacy rerT seriously. Our sniaft meters only gather and transmit whole-house electrical usage informalion - the same information collected by ;our old meter - throqSh our secure wircless network. For o<ampb, if your home used 3 k\A/h of electrichy in a giwn houn the smart meter would trarsmit "3 k\ /h." Srnart meters cannot track or record individual appliance usage. While srnart meters trare been tested to nreet or exced AIrlSl standar ds and cer tifled by UL tesling labs. we go e\€n furlher to protect our customers, Our metering team and a third party provide additional rigorous testing. For additional prolc<tion, we ensure ourtalm of installerg are trairtsd to ficllorv precise, step-by-step installation procechrres. This indudes checking your meter base beforc installing the ncw meter to make sure it is vr.orking safely and making needed repairs. We also inspect both the install process and final,installatir:n. For most customerE, having a smart meter lvjll not impact your bill. ln fact. the hour ly delails smarl n'reter s pr r>r';<ie r.rn helpr you identi!, opportunhies to reduce your usage and lower your bill. Older analog meters (the kind with dials ratherthan digital nunrbers), carr slow as tl'rey agg, causingthem t<l underrrcport electricity usage. Custorners who have these old meters could see an increase dtie to accurate srmrt meter readings. Vy'ete irrstalling smar t meter s at no cost to our custr:rncrr as part ol r:ur str ategy tcr modenrize the powergrid. ['{ower,ec if you do not wish to upgrade to a srnafi mete}; pu may opt out fot a one-tinre rephcenrent fee plus a monthly fee that corers th$ cost of manually reading r.he meter. Less than one pctcerlt n[ <.rur r ustr.,:r1ers <,1:t oltt c,f installng a smi{'t nreter: t he fees we charge covertlre art'J.rl c()sl to prwide irrdivrdual serir-e and meler readirrg to thqse who opt out. FOR MORE INF()FIMATION t-oc 1,. y n r c -r |l Ll r t'l povr'tI r l-r a r' nI i' ic t' ii p"r I c c r-856-869-852C) How safe are smart meters? We sort out the myths and the facts. Smart meters are already urcrking safuty in rrarly 95 million homes and businesses across the United States. We waited to irstall smart meters until ure werc confident the technolqgy had fully matured and the meters raould o<ceed all of our safety nnd securty standads. HERE ARE SOME COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS YOU MAY HAVE HEARD ABOUT SMART METER SAFETY AND THE FACTS THAT CORRECT THE I.,IYTHS. We all Fve with radio frequency (RF) warrcs 6/ery ddy. R[ is a form of electrom;agrretic energy that mo\cs through space, and it's used for arerythrng from radio and telwision broadcasfirg to lhe cell phones, condless ptnnes, W-Fi routers, baby monhors, garage door openers and micromrrc arcru in our homes. Smart meterl which also use RF, ae aheady safely tracking energy use in more than lulf the homes in the LJnked StAes. They're aho been used safely for yean in parts of Eurogre and otirer countries. These digital meters transmit data using lorar-watt RF wares that are pro\en to be safe and comply wtth hmits set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). What do the experts say? The World Heahh Organizaticn has concluded that rro adwrse health effects tuve been demonstrated to resuh from exposure to low-leiel RF energy such as that produced by smart nteters. ln addition, a report by tlre California Council on Science and Techrrobgy concluded: "Exposute hr,els fom smart meters arc well below the [FCC s standards] for such [heahh] efks," and 'There is no evidence that addrtional standar"ds are needed to prolect the publk from snur t nreter:."| It\ gcrxl to understand a few other key facts about smart meters. First, they tr an..mh RF enerSy only for slrort periods eadr day at very low wattage. ln fact, an Electric Power Research lnstilute analpis of 42000 srnart nret€rs installed in Czlifonria found tlrat 99.5% of the rne.ters wer e trarrsn*ttirg for appr <r>inrately tlrree minutes or less daily.' I he Amer ican (.ancer Society also notes that because the smad rre-ter is k>ratctl rxrtside the honre, peo;rle aremudrfartlrer awa; fronrtlretrrur(eof [l[ wavestharrsomr:othernroretypical sflrrce!of e>1xrsure, like a \A4 Fi touler or cell phone. Altopther: thil means that h'"itrg in a house with a sm;rll nrctei provides rer y little exposure to R[. Typical RF Values'a .4.? $^lOr\E?l\OtEItron^$t^ir r,trln(a^stlrta, Slllf\6 NA CArtwllHmtrl.l .rrx lrort Snr0lElWo atll N lio.\ttof l lttoruilt orr!1.ttoxtffi l{IIDllEAN'CIUICtlIt+lol{FDrqtt$ADlt. t.lofrrorc HOtDnaoAualrt-anxrlorortillD.It.{$o(}oat .Scxr Hr.th h}*ti ol Fr6o Fnq.u.y lim yrrrt l'lctrft ili ( eL&r|. r @dm$(Fr,:e sdTf,tn,la&, A+{d.'01l. Accordingto ttre American Cancer Society, the amount of RF wares you could be ogosed to from a srnart meter is much hss than uM you could be exposed to from a cel phone.rii.c -( Fire corrcems were related to early-model smart meters fronr a difierent manufacturer, notthe model or manufacturer ure are using We studied srnart meters and waited to adopt the technology until h was mature enough ficr us to confidertly say ttut h exceeds all of our safcry and seorrhy reguirements. Today's smart meters are sa& and are already being used h more than half the homes h the United States. Our snrart rneters are put lhrough extensive testing to enzure theh saft{y. Not only do they meet or o<ceed ANSI standards, they are certified by UL tening labs, they are tested by a third party, and our metering team has made sure they are accurate and safe. We also require tie nreter manufadurerto test each mehr prior to shipment. and we review all test results. Our qualilied installersfolloru prccise, step-by-step instalhtion procedures when switchrng out meters. This indudes carefully inryeaing the meter base arrd makjng needed repairs befoe imtal[ng the ]]ew meter We also use a socket jaur testen a specialty desfirrcd tool that measures tension associated with irutalling a meter inlo a socket I he tester prwides immediate Mback on whether the socket jaw tension is adequateJ i j^r._ i'i FOR HORE INFORI"IATION on srnart rneters, vrsit rodaprour*:irponcr.natlmctarupgredc or call 1.866-869-8510. W V\ROCI( Y rUOUr{ rn lr{POWER We sort the myths from the facts regarding p rivacy, data and smart meters. New wireless smal t meter5 lrack electric usage just like the old electric meters. i hey are alr e,rdy irrstalled in nealy 95 nrillion homes and businesses in the Unhed Sta'tes. Vy'e"'e studied smarl meters for years, and ,a,e waiterJ to install them until rve v' ef e i.Jnfider: the 'ie:h:'::,lc'gr had fr.rliy mai'rr eo ancj the meters .;roulC ex:eed all of grrr- safety a:'rcl security st;rrr<Jards. i:'t-i-,..,t.1 , tr'i-l;llr:-ri.),..)r lr,.: '.,.'1 ,. ,'' V\ROCI(Y MOUI'JTAIT,J POWER Have questions about snrart, rnetersl We have answer's fot'you. Srnartntetetsaredigital nreie,,: iii/.::",r,:.1.:!.tlrRlri..yl4c;urttatrrPo'*'elt!'rough.rse(ule'witr:lessrletw(nk. As of 2019, rrearly95 rrrilliolr;c;aIle: rl)'r.i,er:t:g::l'- arttultute, alsr, rnowrr as $nart rnelers. l,ave [,eetr ilrstallc'd arross the United States.r Abcut 88t. <lf tirlse i',!ia' .di1)ni .'.ele ' e:;rdeniial customer s. IrJo'*, r,",e'r-e lcr:lirrg ttre movcrnerrt and lrpgr'adirrg our existing electr ,c rr.e'iet:j tc !n),.: '! r'r.c':er s. I lre 'rellrrrclogT is s,rfe a:rd secut e arrd vlll pr r;vide you wrtlt insights into your ener gy usage. Oul upgr aded mete, rng te<.hnulogy will also irelp us deliver clearret; more reliable erlergy and fasten more responsive setvice. lhr..