HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220601Comments.pdfDAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO. 9917 IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF THE POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACIFICORP AND GEORGETOWN IRRIGATION CASE NO. PAC.E-22.06 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF -_ C,Li r.. 1..]i i ti ';' i tJ -iL'1r-ll Street Address for Express Mail: I 1331 W CHINDEN BVLD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On April 13,2022, PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") applied to the Commission for an order approving or rejecting a Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA") between the Company and Georgetown Irrigation Company ("Seller") for energy generated by a 480- kilowatt ("kW") hydroelectric facility ("Facility")-a qualifuing facility ("QF") under the applicable provisions of the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). The Seller has been delivering energy from the Facility to the Company in accordance with a one-year extension to a contract dated July 2,1984. The one-year extension was approved by the Commission on August 2, 2021, in Case No. PAC-E-zL-ll, which allowed the Seller to continue to deliver energy to the Company through March 31,2022. See Order No. 35123. 1STAFF COMMENTS JUNE T,2022 The Seller secured I a new stand-alone transmission interconnection agreement on September l, 2021, and provided the necessary information and proof of insurance to support the execution of the renewal PPA by March 24,2022. On March 28,2022, the Company and Seller entered into a 2}-year renewal PPA that will remain in effect until March 31,2042. STAFF ANALYSIS Staffs review focused on: the nameplate capacity rating; capacity payment eligibility; avoided cost rates; the 90/l l0 Rule; the Lapse (contract) Period; the definition of Contract Year; Section 6.8; Section ll .1.2 (g); and Section 21 of the PPA. Staff recommends that the Commission approve the PPA if the Company and Seller enter into, and file, an amended PPA containing the modifications below: 1. Use one set of avoided cost rates, which include capacity payments starting in2029; 2. Update the provisions associated with the 90/l 10 Rule to reflect the use of one set of rates; 3. Apply energy payments to the energy generated within the Lapse Period; 4. Update the definition of Contract Year; 5. Improve Section 6.8 to reflect other potential modifications to the Facility, besides project expansions or additions; 6. Improve Section ll.l.2 (g) to reflect other potential modifications to the Facility, besides project expansions or additions; and 7. Update Section 21 of the PPA to ensure that any modification does not become valid without Commission authorization. Nameplate Capacity Ratine The original 1984 contract listed the nameplate capacity rating of the Facility at 330 kW. However, the proposed PPA states that the nameplate capacity rating of the Facility is 480 kW, which is the nameplate that was actually installed when the Facility was first constructed. Response to Staff s Production Request No. l. I The Company further explained to Staff that "secured" means "received" in an email on June 1,2022 2STAFF COMMENTS JUNE 1,2022 Capacitv Payment Eligibilitv Staff believes that the Facility is not eligible for capacity payments until 2029, the Company's first deficit year, because the project did not continuously generate energy between April 1, 2022, and May 12,2022. A QF only receives compensation for capacity when the utility is capacity deficient, unless it is a renewal or extension project that was paid for capacity at the end of the original contract (see Order No. 32697) or has contributed to meeting the utility's capacity needs during the original contract term (see e.g., Case Nos. IPC-E-19-04,IPC-E-I9-30, and IPC-E-I9-35). In addition, capacity payments depend on a facility's continuous operation. Order No. 34692 ("payment of capacity relies on continuous operation under a valid power purchase agreement."); Order No. 34887 ("capacity payments for renewal/extension of energy sales agreements are conditioned upon consistent and continuous operation of the facility at the time of the renewal/extension."); Order No. 35303 ("payment of capacity relies on continuous operation under a valid power purchase agreement."). This Facility was not paid for capacity at the end of the original extended contract because it was only paid for energy during the extended period in order to incentivize the Seller to finalize the transmission interconnection agreement between the parties. Order No. 3 5 I 23 . However, the project has contributed to meeting the Company's need for capacity during the term of the original 1984 contract, and should have been eligible for capacity payments in the proposed PPA for any hourly generation up to 330 kWh from the Facility, had it continuously generated energy. Between April l, 2022, and May 12,2022, the Facility did not generate any energy due to lack of Designated Network Resource ("DNR") status. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") requires DNR status of a facility before the Company is able to accept power from the facility. Response to Staffls Production Request No. 3. After a PPA is executed, a DNR can be requested, and it can take up to 90 days to obtain the status. Response to Staffs Production Request No. 4. The Seller did not provide the necessary documents, such as proof of insurance, required for the execution of the PPA until March 24,2022, despite multiple reminders by the Company. Response to Staff s Production Request No. 2. The PPA was executed on March 28, 2022. The DNR status request was submitted after the execution of the PPA. On May 12,2022, the status was obtained, and the Seller could resume generation from that point moving forward. Response to Staff s Production RequestNo. 3. Due to lack of continuous generation, Staff believes JSTAFF COMMENTS JUNE 7,2022 that the Facility should be treated as a new project and should not receive capacity payments until 2029. Avoided Cost Rates The proposed avoided cost rates are bifurcated rates reflecting the 330 kW stated in the original 1984 contract. Staff recommends that the avoided cost rates be modified to one set of rates, which includes capacity payments starting in 2029 due to the interruption to facility operation as discussed above. However, if the Commission determines that the Facility is eligible for immediate capacity payments, Staff recommends the bifi.rcated rates as originally proposed. 90111 0 Rule The 90/110 Rule proposed in the PPA is also based on bifurcated rates. Staff recommends that the provisions associated with the 90/110 Rule be modified to reflect one set of rates, which includes capacity payments starting in 2029 due to the interruption to facility operation as discussed above. If the Commission determines that the Facility is eligible for immediate capacity payments, Staff recommends the provisions associated with the 90/110 Rule based on the bifurcated rates as originally proposed. Lapse Period According to Section 4.1 of the PPA, the period between the expiration of the original contract and the Initial Delivery Date is a Lapse Period. Because the energy was not initially generated until May 12,2022, and the energy could not be relied upon by the Company, Staff recommends that the energy generated within the Lapse Period receives proposed energy payments only. Capacity payment should only be made to compensate when the energy generated can be counted on to avoid capacity cost of resources added in the future. Definition of Contract Year Staff recommends that the definition of Contract Year be modified to reflect the Initial Delivery Date. Contract Year in the PPA is defined as "any consecutive twelve (12) month period during the Term, commencing at 00:00 hours on April 1,2022, or any of its anniversaries and ending at24:00 hours on the last day of such twelve (12) month period." The concept is used in 4STAFF COMMENTS JLTNE 1,2022 the annual forecast of Planned Outages in Section 6.5.1, which states: "Seller must provide PacifiCorp with an annual forecast of Planned Outages for each Contract Year at least one month, but no more than three months, before the first day of that Contract Year..." Because April l, 2022, was the Scheduled Initial Delivery Date, on which the Seller was not able to make delivery of energy, Staff recommends changing "April 1,2022" to "Initial Delivery Date" for the definition of Contract Year. Section 6.8 Staff recommends that Section 6.8 of the PPA be improved to reflect other potential modifications to the Facility besides project expansions or additions. Potential modifications for the parties to consider include but are not limited to changes to the QF categories2 (Small Power Production Facilities vs. Cogeneration Facilities), changes to the primary energy sources (non- seasonal hydro, seasonal-hydro, wind, solar, and others), and changes to the generator fuel3 (which could lead to the options of Fueled Rates vs Non-Fueled Rates). Currently, Section 6.8 is only focused on project expansions or additions and states that: PacifiCorp is not required to purchase any Net Output above the Maximum Delivery Rate. If Seller builds an expansion or additional project such that the Facility combined with the expansion or additional project would be deemed a single QF or the same site under FERC regulations, Seller may not require PacifiCorp to purchase (and PacifiCorp will have no obligation to purchase pursuant to this Agreement) the output of any such expansion or additional facility under the terms, conditions, and prices in this Agreement. Instead, Seller may exercise any rights to enter into a new agreement for the sale of such incremental energy from such additional facility that is a QF under then-applicable laws and regulations. Generally, there are two types of modifications to a facility. The first type happens when a project is first built, and the completely built project deviates from what was approved earlier. The second type happens during the contract term after the project is built where modifications are made to the originally built project. In order to address the first type of modifications, the Commission issued Order No. 35239 requiring new QFs to submit an "as-built" description of their facilities by the first operation date. If the "as-built" description does not match the description in the original, approved contract, the contract should be amended to reflect the "as- 2 A QF can switch from a small power production facility to a cogeneration facility. See example of Case No. IPC-E- l9-39. ' A QF can also switch from non-fueled rates to fueled rates. See example of Case No. IPC-E-19-39. 5STAFF COMMENTS JUNE 1,2022 built" description. For the second type of modifications, Staff believes there are two solutions that can be explored. The first solution is to include an "as-built" description and a provision that any major modifications causing the project to deviate from the "as-built" description will trigger an amendment to the contract and require an approval from the Commission. The second solution does not require an "as-built" description, but instead lists in the contract all the items that can trigger an amendment to the contract and subsequently require an approval from the Commission, including but not limited to changes to nameplate capacity ratings. For example, if the QF in this case chooses to switch from a non-seasonal hydro project to a seasonal hydro project, Staff believes that rates and terms in the contract will need to be updated, an amendment will need to be filed to reflect the changes, and the Commission needs to approve these changes. Therefore, Staff recommends that Section 6.8 of the PPA be improved to reflect other potential modifications to the Facility besides project expansions or additions. Section 11.1.2 (g) Staff recommends that Section 11.1.2.(g be improved to reflect other modifications besides project expansions and additions, as discussed above. The section currently states that: Any modification of the Facility that (i) results in the Facility increasing its Nameplate Capacity Rating beyond that stated in Exhibit B, or (ii) is reasonably likely to result in the expected annual Net Output, as calculated in Exhibit A, to increase. Staff believes this section should be improved to reflect the changes to Section 6.8 discussed above. Section 2l Section 2l of the PPA contains the statement: "No modification of this Agreement is effective unless it is in writing and executed by both Parties." Staff believes that this statement neglects the significance of Commission approval and recommends that the statement be updated to reflect the need for the Commission approval before any modification becomes valid. For example, the statement can be updated as follows: No modification of this Agreement is effective unless it is in writing and executed by both Parties and subsequently approved by the Commission. 6STAFF COMMENTS JUNE 1,2022 STAFF RECOMMEIIDATION Staff recommends Commission approval of the PPA if it is amended to include the following changes: 1. Use one set of avoided cost rates, which include capacity payments starting in2029; 2. Update the provisions associated with the 90/110 Rule to reflect the use of one set of rates; 3. Apply energy payments to the energy generated within the Lapse Period; 4. Update the definition of Contract Year; 5. Improve Section 6.8 to reflect other potential modifications to the Facility, besides project expansions or additions; 6. Improve Section ll.l.2 (g) to reflect other potential modifications to the Facility, besides project expansions or additions; and 7. Update Section 21 of the PPA to ensure that any modification does not become valid without Commission authorization. If the Commission approves these changes, Staff recommends that the parties file an updated PPA as a compliance filing to reflect Staff s recommended changes. !9Respectfully submitted this day ofJune 2022. Dayn Deputy Attomey General Technical Staff: Yao Yin i :umisc/comments/ pacfl2.6dtryy comments 7STAFF COMMENTS JUNE I,2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS IST DAY OF JUNE 2022, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS Of,' TIIE COMMTSSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. PAC-E-22-06, BY E.MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: TED WESTON ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I16 E-MAIL: ted.weston@facifi corp.com idahodockets@pac ifi com. com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E.MAIL OITLY: datarequest@Jracifi corp.com EMILY WEGENER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1407 WN TEMPLE STE 320 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I16 E-MAIL : emily.wegener@.pacificorp.com Jo,4Z,,-, SECRETAR / CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE