HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220830Quarterly Report.pdfAugust 30, 2022 VIA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8 Suite 201A Boise, ID 83714 Re: Rocky Mountain Power’s Quarterly Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM) Report Q2 2022 (January 2022 through June 2022) Ms. Noriyuki: Please find enclosed for review Rocky Mountain Power’s (RMP) Q2 2022 (January 2022 through June 2022) energy cost adjustment mechanism (ECAM) report and a confidential zip folder containing the ECAM work papers. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) authorized implementation of an ECAM in Order 30904 to track and defer the difference between base net power costs (NPC), established in a general rate case (GRC), and actual NPC incurred by RMP to serve its Idaho customers. This report contains confidential information and is being provided to those that have executed the confidentiality agreement to receive this quarterly ECAM report. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Sincerely, Joelle Steward Senior Vice President, Regulation and Customer & Community Solutions Enclosures cc: Terri Carlock Mike Louis (C) Randy Budge (C) Brian Collings (C) Maurice Brubaker (C) Eric Olsen (C) Jim Smith RECEIVED Tuesday, August 30, 2022 3:25:40 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Idaho Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM) Q2 2021 (January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022) Summary Summary Table of Deferred ECAM Balance NPC Differential for Deferral 8,371,767$ EITF 04-6 Adjustment (122,860) LCAR (103,485) Total Deferral Before Sharing 8,145,422 Sharing Band 90% Customer Responsibility 7,330,880 Production Tax Credits (764,930) REP QF Adjustment 243,092 REC Deferral (176,334) Interest on Deferral 147,737 Annual Deferral (Jan - Dec 2022) 6,780,444 Unamortized Previous Balance 29,940,189 ECAM Rider Revenues (6,116,450) Total Company Recover 30,604,182$ - Idaho Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM) Q2 2022 (January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022) Exhibit 1 Idaho Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism Deferra January 1, 2022 - December 31, 202 LinNo.CY 20211 ID Base NPC Embedded in Rates ($PAC-E-21-07 86,534,565$ 2 nnual Idaho Base Load @ meter (MWh PAC-E-21-07 3,526,3593 NPC Rate Embedded in Base Rates ($/MWh Line 1 / Line 24.54$ Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Total4 NPC Rate Embedded in Base Rates ($/MWh Line 24.54$ 24.54$ 24.54$ 24.54$ 24.54$ 24.54$ 5 ID Actual Sales @ Meter (MWh 298,043 243,523 271,234 259,804 311,132 391,286 6 ID NPC Collected in Rates ($Line 4 x Line 7,313,771$ 5,975,885$ 6,655,896$ 6,375,417$ 7,634,967$ 9,601,916$ 43,557,852$ 7 Total Company Adjusted Actual NPC ($djusted Actual NP 150,018,191$ 128,015,620$ 123,687,80$ 136,861,972$ 141,264,863$ 136,190,181$ 816,038,637$ 8 Total Company Load @ Input (MWh 5,148,724 4,630,504 4,814,895 4,399,032 4,706,006 5,585,869 29,285,031 9 ctual NPC ($/MWh) Line 7 / Line 29.14$ 27.65$ 25.69$ 31.11$ 30.02$ 24.38$ 27.87$ 10 ID Actual Load @ Input (MWh)297,819 247,289 264,104 252,792 350,720 460,94111ctual ID NPC Line 9 x Line 1 8,677,547$ 6,836,587$ 6,784,462$ 7,864,821$ 10,527,899$ 11,238,302$ 51,929,619$ 12 NPC Differentia Line 11 - Line 1,363,776$ 860,702$ 128,567$ 1,489,40$ 2,892,932$ 1,636,385$ 8,371,767$ EITF 04-6 Adjustmen13 Idaho Allocated EITF 04-6 Deferral Adjustment ($(35,206)$ 12$ 23,090$ 43,918$ (65,172)$ (89,614)$ (122,860$ LCA14ctual Idaho Jurisdictional ECPC minus NPC (Assume Actual = PAC-E-16-12 2,568,242$ 2,568,242$ 2,568,242$ 2,568,242$ 2,568,242$ 2,568,242$ 15,409,454$ 15 LCAR Rate @ Meter ($/MWh PAC-E-16-12 8.74$ 8.74$ 8.74$ 8.74$ 8.74$ 8.74$ 16 ID Actual Sales @ Meter (MWh Line 298,043 243,523 271,234 259,804 311,132 391,286 17 LCAR Revenue Collected through Base Rates (Line 15 x Line 1 2,604,768$ 2,128,285$ 2,370,468$ 2,270,577$ 2,719,160$ 3,419,681$ 15,512,939$ 18 LCAR Adjustmen Line 14 - Line 1 (36,525)$ 439,957$ 197,77$ 297,66$ (150,918$ (851,438$ (103,485$ ECAM Deferra19 Total ECAM Deferral (NPC Deferral, EITF 04-6 Adjustment, LC Sum of Lines: 12, 13, 18 1,292,045 1,300,784 349,431 1,830,988 2,676,842 695,333 8,145,422 20 Total ECAM Deferral after 90% Sharin Line 19 x 90 1,162,840$ 1,170,705$ 314,488$ 1,647,889$ 2,409,158$ 625,799$ 7,330,880$ Production Tax Credits (PTCs21 ID Allocated PTCs in Rates ($/MWh PAC-E-16-12 (4.16)$ (4.16)$ (4.16)$ (4.16)$ (4.16)$ (4.16)$ 22 ID Actual Sales @ Meter (MWh Line 298,043 243,523 271,234 259,804 311,132 391,286 23 ID PTCs in Rates ($Line 21 x Line 2 (1,241,025$ (1,014,008$ (1,129,395$ (1,081,802$ (1,295,527$ (1,629,285$ 24 ID Allocated Actual PTCs ($(1,643,681 (1,590,954 (1,394,353 (1,439,211 (1,211,430 (876,345 25 ID PTCs Deferral ($Line 24 - Line 2 (402,656$ (576,945$ (264,958$ (357,409$ 84,096$ 752,941$ (764,930$ Situs Assigned REP QF Adjustmen26 ID REP QF Adjustment ($)2,335$ 2,640$ (632)$ 56,140$ 68,140$ 114,470$ 243,092$ Renewable Energy Credits (REC) Revenu27 ID REC Revenue in Rates ($/MWh PAC-E-16-12 (0.07)$ (0.07)$ (0.07)$ (0.07)$ (0.07)$ (0.07)$ 28 ID Actual Sales @ Meter (MWh Line 298,043 243,523 271,234 259,804 311,132 391,286 29 ID REC Revenue in Rates ($Line 27 x Line 2 (20,401$ (16,669$ (18,566$ (17,784$ (21,297$ (26,784$ 30 ID Allocated Actual REC Revenue ($(33,363 (15,420 (103,577 (98,901 (16,738 (29,836 31 REC Revenue Adjustment ($Line 30 - Line 2 (12,962)$ 1,249$ (85,011)$ (81,117)$ 4,560$ (3,053)$ (176,334$ 32 Total Deferra Sum of Lines 20, 25, 26, 31 749,557$ 597,649$ (36,113)$ 1,265,503$ 2,565,95$ 1,490,157$ 6,632,707$ 33 Interest Rat Order No. 3486 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% ECAM Balancing Account ($34 Beginning Balanc 29,940,189$ 29,819,284$ 29,096,793$ 28,562,303$ 28,972,482$ 30,635,536$ 35 ECAM Deferral After Sharin Line 2 1,162,840 1,170,705 314,488 1,647,889 2,409,158 625,799 36 PTCs Deferra Line 2 (402,656 (576,945 (264,958 (357,409 84,096 752,941 37 Situs Adjustment Line 2 2,335 2,640 (632 56,140 68,140 114,470 38 REC Revenue Adjustmen Line 31 (12,962 1,249 (85,011 (81,117 4,560 (3,053 39 Less: Monthly ECAM Rider Revenues allocated to ECA (895,351 (1,344,678 (522,392 (879,287 (927,727 (1,547,017 40 Interes 24,889 24,538 24,015 23,963 24,826 25,506 41 Total ECAM Deferral Balance ($) 29,819,284$ 29,096,793$ 28,562,303$ 28,972,482$ 30,635,536$ 30,604,182$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 30,604,182$