HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220330Meredith Direct.pdfBEFORE TEE IDAEO PIIBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION rN Tm TUATTER OF TIIE APPLICATTON ) CASE NO. PAC-E-22-05 or RocKY MoIINTATN POWER ) REQTIESTING APPROVAL OF $2t.4 ) DTRECT TESTTMONY OF MTLLON NET POWER COST DEFERRAL ) ROBERT Iltr MEREDTTH ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC.EA2.Os lvlareh20Di2 lQ. 2 3A. 4 5 6 7Q. 8A. 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 16 a. t7 A. l8 te a. 20 A. 2t 22 Please state your name, business address and present position with PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power ("the Company"). My name is Robert M. Meredith.My business address is 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000, Portland, Oregon 97232.My presentposition is Director, Pricing and Tariff Policy. Qualifications Briefly describe your educational and professional background. I graduated from Oregon State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and a minor in Economics. [n addition to my formal education, I have attended various industry-related seminars. I have worked for the Company for 17 years in various roles of increasing responsibility in the Customer Service, Regulation, and Integrated Resource Planning departments. I have over I I years ofexperience preparing cost ofservice and pricing related analyses for all of the six states that PacifiCorp serves. [n March 2016,I became Manager, Pricing and Cost of Service. In February 2022,1assumed my current position. Have you testified in previous regulatory proceedings? Yes. I have previously filed testimony on behalf of the Company in regulatory proceedings in Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington, and Califomia. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? My testimony presents and supports the Company's proposed rates to recover the 2021Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism ("ECAM") deferral balances through Electric Service Schedule No. 94, Energy Cost Adjustment ("Schedule 94"). Meredith, Di-l PacifiCorp I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A. a. A. Background What level of revenue is Schedule 94 currently designed to collect? Schedule 94 is currently designed to collect approximately $12.0 million-$4.8 million for the Electric Service Schedule No. 400 ("Schedule 400") customer and$,7.2 million for standard tariffcustomers-based on Idaho loads from Case No. PAC-E-I5-09. Proposed Rate Change for Schedule 94 Please describe the Company's proposed rate change in this case. The 2021 ECAM application proposes to increase Schedule 94 rates to recover approximately $25.3 million from June 1,2022 to May 31,2023. The $25.3 million includes $28.4 million for the 2021ECANI Deferral, plus approximately $1.5 million remaining from the 2020 ECAM balance, for a total balance of $29.9 million as of December 31,2021. This is offset by $4.7 million Schedule 94 forecasted revenue collection from January 1,2022 through May 31,2022, as shown in Table 2 of Mr. Jack Painter's testimony. Mr. Painter explains in his testimony the components of the 202 1 EC AM defened balance. What is the impact of the proposed ECAM rates? As summarized in my Exhibit No. 2, these rate change proposals result in an increase of 6.0 percent for Schedule 400. Standard tariff customers will see an average increase of 3.9 percent. Meredith, Di-2 PacifiCorp l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 a. 17A l8 l9 I Renewable Energy Credit (REC) Revenue Treatment for Schedule 400 2 Q. Like previous ECAM filings, did the Company set prices for Schedule 400 to be 3 the same as other transmission voltage standard tariffcustomers? 4 A. No. It was necessary to create a different ECAM rate for Schedule 400 to exclude the 5 REC revenues in the ECAM from Schedule 400's rates. 6 Q. Why are REC revenues excluded from Schedule 400's rates? 7 A. On March 29,2021, PacifiCorp filed an application requesting Commission approval 8 of an agreement entered into with the sole Schedule 400 customer under which the 9 Company will retire, rather than sell, this customer's allocated share of RECs l0 generated post-2020 from system resources.l The Company discontinued sale of I I ldaho-allocated system RECs associated with the Schedule 400 load in202l, so that 12 the Schedule 400 customer's allocated share of system RECs could be retired on its 13 behalf. The REC revenue that Schedule 400 would otherwise have been allocated 14 from the sale of post-2020 system RECs will be removed from Schedule 400's rates. 15 Schedule 400 will continue to receive REC revenue from the sale of any RECs 16 generated prior to 2021. 17 On August ll, 2021 , Commission Order No. 35 I 3 I approved this agreement. l8 Based on the terms of the agreement, the Company withheld the Schedule 400 19 customer's share of 2021 RECs from any auctions or sales. Beginning on January l, 20 202l,the Schedule 400 customer will no longer receive a REC revenue credit for 2l RECs generated after December 31,2020. If the Company was able to sell RECs I In the Muter of the Joint Application Between RoclE Mountain Power and P4 Production, L.L.C. Requesting Approval of an Agreement to Retire RECS, Case No. PAC-E-21-08, OrderNo. 35131. Meredith, Di-3 PacifiCorp 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 a. A. generated prior to 2021, Schedule 400 will receive credit for its share of those REC revenues. How did you calculate the Schedule 400 ECAM rate? Prior to this change there were three rates developed to collect the ECAM deferred balance: one rate for all customers taking service at secondary voltage levels; another rate for those taking service from primary voltage; and a third rate for customers taking service at transmission voltages. To calculate the Schedule 400 rate, REC revenue credits allocated to Schedule 400 were removed from the transmission voltage rate. Are you able to remove all of the REC revenue credits in Schedule 400 rates through the ECAM? No. The ECAM only tracks the incremental difference between actual REC revenues received during the deferral period and the REC revenue credit in base rates. The base rates were established in Case No. PAC-E-16-12 with a REC revenue credit of 9 cents per megawaff hour. That credit was calculated by taking Idaho's allocated REC revenue credit divided by ldaho's load at meter for that test period. Did Schedule 400 continue to receive a REC revenue credit through its retail rate during calendar year 2021? Yes. As described above, the Schedule 400 retail rate was reduced by 9 cents per megawatt hour due to the REC revenue credit in the test period. Since this REC revenue credit is in base rates and not in the ECAM a separate payment from the Schedule 400 customer will be necessary to reimburse the Company for REC revenues in Schedule 400 rates. Meredith, Di-4 PacifiCorp a. A a. A lQ. A o. A. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 a. A. How did the Company calculate the REC revenue credit Schedule 400 received during 2021, through base rates, for the sale of post-2020 RECs? The Company calculated the REC revenue credit Schedule 400 received through retail rates by multiplying Schedule 400's2021retail energy used at meter by the REC credit in base rates. During202l, Schedule 400's retail rates were reduced by $112,804 for REC revenues. This balance needs to be adjusted for any pre-2021 vintage REC sales revenues. Does the Company know the Schedule 400 share of pre-2021 vintage RECs sold during calendar year 2021? Not at this time. While the total pre-2021 vintage REC revenues are known, the Company hasn't finalized the jurisdictional allocation factors necessary to allocate those to Idaho and then to Schedule 400. Once the allocation factors are finalized the Company can calculate Schedule 400's share of pre-2021vintage REC revenues that would reduce the $112,804 REC payment the Schedule 400 customer owes the Company. Is the calculation to determine the Schedule 400 customer's reimbursement for 2021vintage RECs sold during calendar year 202lnecessarT before finalizing the ECAM? No. The Company has calculated a separate ECAM rate for Schedule 400 that removed the REC revenues that were deferred in the ECAM. The second adjusfirent doesn't impact the ECAM and can be addressed separately. Once the Company has finalized the allocation factors it can finalize the calculation of the net REC credit that the Schedule 400 customer should reimburse to the Company. The Company intends to Meredith, Di-5 PacifiCorp I include the reimbursement as a one-time charge in one of the Schedule 400 customer's 2 bills during 2022. 3 Calculation of Proposed Rates for Schedule 94 4 Q. How were the proposed Schedule 94 rates developed for all customers? 5 A. The proposed rates for all customers were developed in five steps. First, kilowatt-hour 6 ("kwh") consumption at the generation level was developed by multiplying their retail 7 loads at the delivery service voltage level with the corresponding line loss factors. 8 Second, an overall average rate at the generation level was developed by dividing the 9 total collection target identified above with their kWh consumption at the generation l0 level. Third, rates by delivery voltage level were developed by multiplying the above I I overall average rate at the generation level with the corresponding line loss factors. 12 Fourth, the rate for Schedule 400 was increased by 0.003 cents per kWh to account for 13 the $0.1 million adjustment to REC revenue included in the 2021 ECAM, which 14 Contract Tariff 400 had elected to forego per the terms of the REC agreement. This 15 results in a proposed $9.6 million ECAM recovery from the Schedule 400 customer. l6 Finally, the overall proposed collection of $25.3 million was reduced by the $9.6 million 17 share for Schedule 400, and rates for standard tariff customers were developed to collect l8 the remaining $15.7 million using similar logic to that described in the third step. As a l9 result, the Company proposes Schedule 94 rates for standard tariff customers of 0.733, 20 0.720 and 0.696 cents per kWh for secondary, primary and transmission delivery service 2l voltages, respectively. The rate for Schedule 400 is 0.700 cents per kWh. 22 a. Please describe Exhibit No.2. 23 A. Exhibit No. 2 shows the 2020 loads used to develop rates, the line loss adjusted loads, Meredith, Di-6 PacifiCorp I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. A. a. A. the allocation of,the ECAM price change, and the percentage chango by rate schedule. Pleaso describe Exhibit No. 3. Exhibit No. 3 contains clean and legislative copies of the proposed Elecfiic Service Schedule No. 94, Energy Cost Adjustnent. The Company requests that the proposed Schedule 94 rates become effective on June 1,2022. Does this conclude your direct testimony? Yes. Meredith, Di-7 PacifiCorp Case No. PAC-E-22-05 Exhibit No. 2 Witness: Robert M. Meredith BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOI.JNTATN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of Robert M. Meredith March2022 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 1 of 1 Case No. PAC-E-22-05 Wtness: Robert M. Meredithn: Il oPn ;t €Yaql o?o Elscs :"1 oqo plrep 1l o 9 o NQr o?o dtSvi E=>>6S** ;E$s;i*Esed4d:;; id=:o EEET:€EEE=?igEES SE EE oYOE E,: $I$l ;lll {ul II il II $lil $l$l *lR! $l$l 11 ,l*l $l*l *l*l 6i:ci6i$B0qa.qF6 e6n n6ni s9.lE 6666 oooo \\i\ ooooFToo Bs-I OF NFo6 66r O6A 6Nd o3F S+sr l* l; I I I li l* l.l, 14, 4' |a|, El' ri iE l_l' =lS8lc EI' ?l(JtEI t, t' EiE E cicr: 66€o oor:i E IJ z dd FT rF ET d E BE 8= -O-6 -O-6 ON^. ot sO\ - O \O-OJ O6 66i 6 6h-; oo 9-d oie_- 6d'66 _ ri6666 6h* NO OO& - O \- -6i ia tnd 6 6 -6 NGd F- 9-Ri J 6.i 66 +66G6 60* -F 6ts= -"dq o:t:6".ii i h rNs_ ls l* I I I p89 9 6\o o <so r:t:Noo6 \F{ood 66 6699 99oo oo FF Ftsoo oo ir: iioo oo oo s*a 5*S \r: 1c 9o '46 F 6 6 j+ -"c:- 6o-1 N. a ts o o F6 sB€. d--!. FOh Og d€- o O &8-E-€ B-E"S"R h N66a' 6 d6\'Odd - ood6de-d 'ls rOh ho 6de€dJ NO FN*o-dI!; d-q 6"q.i NAA -h -6dG si Gc O "lB 33* 83 99R F o F96.o.U 4,6" o.r:h: d "it:60tu'd6 00a' 6$dN- NF 66d I6 h Na - ^i 6" l.'= l{. El' gl' sl' tEAg ot EE;EEoxXszaY<HZ6fEEsaaoi,lahdt=zaEaEiHeEBSEgz<o=(Jht?A^02 =ZoEr.1oEEiEiiH-O<>JCLa,A1 E!EEE =qEEF9HT =EEB FE =o\HA oq o F6q Os-: 5$$ $ 9F o 2 a sI oq E "nHTE3EEAE9 () ;Il 5'r ; Jgs$e€ olx>f a AFEEE a{&- -I5 g EE E.si; ; ;; EE$a*e 9rEcr :d ' {< { v v { .tdEiI E EET E S IS.E EE;$8""85$eE$EsEe==! ?.Y??-q ? ? -c=d9 EreS e.Ee$S e e S;aqi ts*E.=9 .!.qAC EE;;EEHEEggg9p<z cl&&<14 R *<-oi '--og .gn6 3_o t 9Z 3P c.!,t 'aq =u -sEa9?=oo a & -do+ 6aFe 6= =SI: ! I!=9 RFNFXRS ro r 88 oc; 60:d!rl Case No. PAC-E-22-05 Exhibit No. 3 Witness: Robert M. Meredith BEFORE THE IDAHO PI.'BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of Robert M. Meredith March2022 LP.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OtVtStON OF PACTFTCORP Roclry Mountain Po$rer Exhibit No.3 Page 1 of 2 Case No. PAC-E-22-05 Wtness: Robert M. Meredith ThirteenthTurelfth Revision of Sheet No. 94.1 Canceling TwelfthElerrcnth Revision of Sheet No. 94.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.94 STATE OF IDAHO Energy Cost Adjustment AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariffCustomers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT: The Energy Cost Adjusnnent is calculated to collect the accumulated difference between total Company Base Net Power Cost and total Company Actual Net Power Cost calculated on a cents per kWh basis. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate by delivery voltage. Delivery Voltase Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule I 6 6A 7 7A 9 l0ll t2 23 23A 24 35 35A 36 400 Secondary0.W( perkWhg.g@( per kWh 0.W)31perkWh 0.3547331per kWh 0.354?331per kWh Primary O.ru( per kWhO.ru( per kwh 0.34#,7200 per kWh 0.W120( perkWh 0.34?2,9.i per kWh 0.W120( perkWh0.rui per kWh Transmission 0.3+?696( per kWh 0.+?Wi perkWh 0.W133i perkWh 03s4133t per kWh 0.3s4733( per kWh0.*ru9 per kWhg.gSW( perkWh 0.35W( perkWh 0.354133! per kWhyW( per kWhg.Wt perkWh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-22L05+ ISSUED: Ne+emge{aarch 430. 2022+EFFECTM: luneJanuary l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rodry Mountain Po\ rer Exhibit No. 3 Page 2 ol 2 Case No. PAC-E-22-05 l^/ihess: Robert M. Meredith Thirteenth Revision of Sheet No. 94.1 Canceling Twelfth Revision of Sheet No.94.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.94 STATE OT'IDAIIO Energy Cost Adjustment AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariffCustomers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT: The Energy Cost Adjustnent is calculated to collect the accumulated difference between total Company Base Net Power Cost and total Company Actual Net Power Cost calculated on a cents per kWh basis. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate by delivery voltage. Delivery Voltage Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule I 6 6A 7 7A 9 l0ll t2 17, 234 24 35 35A 36 400 Secondary 0.733( per kWh 0.7330 per kWh 0.733( per kWh 0.733(, per kWh 0.7331, per kWh 0.7339 per kWh 0.733( per kWh 0.733( per kWh 0.7330 per kWh 0.733i per kWh 0.733i per kWh 0.733( per kWh 0.733(, per kWh 0.733i per kWh Primary 0.720( per kWh 0.720( per kWh 0.720( per kWh 0.720( per kWh 0.720( per kWh 0.720( per kWh 0.720i per kWh Transmission 0.6961 per kWh 0.7001 per kWh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-22-05 ISSUED: March 30,2022 EF'X'ECTM: June l,2022