HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220330Farr Direct.pdfBEFORE TEE IDAHO PI]BLIC UTILNIES COMITflSSION IN TIIE IT{ATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION OT' ROCI(Y MOT]NTAIN POWER REQITESTING APPROVAL OF $28.4 MILLON NET POWER COST DEFERRAL ) cAsE NO. PAC-F,-2245 )) DTRECT TESTTMOnY OF ) JUSTIN B. X'ARR ROCKY MOTINTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC.EA245 lvlg,fgh20XL lQ. 2 3A. 4 5 6 7Q. sA. 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 a. ls A. t6 l7 l8 a. le A. 20 2t a. 22 A. 23 Please state your name, business address, and present position with PaciliCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power ("the Company"). My name is Justin B. Farr. My business address is 1407 West North Temple Street, Suite 330, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116. I am currently employed as Assistant Revenue Requirement Manager. Qualifications Briefly describe your education and business experience. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Utah. I began employment at PacifiCorp in October 2013 and have held various positions within finance and regulation. Prior to employment at PacifiCorp, I was employed for eight years at Energy Strategies, LLC and between 2017 and2019l led financial planning and analysis at Magnum Development. Please explain your responsibilities as Assistant Revenue Requirement Manager. My responsibilities include the calculation of the Company's revenue requirement, the preparation of business plan regulatory results and the preparation of the Company's Renewable Energy Credit ("REC") filings in various states. Have you testified in previous proceedings? Yes. I have provided testimony in regulatory proceedings in Utah. PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY What is the purpose of your testimony? I explain and support the Company's request, through this Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (*ECAM"), for recovery of collectively $17.7 million before carrying Farr, Di-l PacifiCorp 2 J charge, for projects authorized to be included and deferred through the approved Resource Tracking Mechanism (*RTM").These amounts are included in the ECAM as shown in Mr. Jack Painter's Testimony, Exhibit l, line 33. RESOURCE TRACKING MECHANISM Please briefly describe the background and purpose of the resource tracking mechanism (*RTM'). In Case No. PAC-E-17-06, this Commission approved a stipulation allowing the Company to use the RTM as a component of the ECAM to recover the repowering costs of certain Company-owned wind generation assets ("Repowered") and incremental energy production.l Per the stipulation, the RTM and ECAM capture the costs and benefits of the Repowered wind facilities until they are recovered in base rates through a general rate case. On July 20,2018, the Commission approved a stipulation in Case No. PAC-E- 17-07 allowing the Company to use the RTM and ECAM to track new investment, energy production, and Production Tax Credits ("PTCs") associated with the Aeolus- to-Bridger/Anticline transmission line and the Ekola Flats, TB Flats I and II, and Cedar Springs wind projects, and related network upgrades (collectively "Energy Vision 2020 projects"), subject to a cap on the total annual costs set to the amount ofannual project benefits.2 4 5Q. 6 7 8 9 A I In the Matter of the Application of Rocly Mountain Powerfor Binding Rotemaking Treotmentfor llind Repowering, Case No. PAC-E-17-06, Stipulation (November 24,2017); OrderNo. 33954 (December28,2017). 2 In the Matter of the Application of Roclcy Mounlain Power for a Certi/icate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Binding Ratemaking treatmentfor New Wind and Transmission Facilities, Case No. PAC-E- 1707, Stipulation at 3, fl 9 (May 9,2018); Order No. 34104 (July 20,2018) (approving May 9 stipulation).j In the Matter of Rocly Mountain Power's Application to Increase lts Rates and Charges in ldaho andfor Approval of Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Regulations, Case No. PAC-E-20-03, Order No. 34884 at 8 (December 31,2020) ("We further find it reasonable to include Foote Creek I and Pryor Mountain wind projects in the RTM.") Farr, Di-2 PacifiCorp l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 2 3 4 ln Case PAC-E-20-03 the Commission approved similar treatment for the Pryor Mountain and Foote Creek I wind resources, matching costs and benefits with costs capped at the benefit level.3 Which projects are included in the RTM and this ECAM? The RTM is split into three parts, shown as Exhibit 4a,4b, and 4c to account for the differences between the sefflement for Repowered wind assets approved as part of Case No. PAC-E-17-06, the settlement for the Energy Vision 2020 projects approved as part of Case No. PAC-E-17-07, and the inclusion of Pryor Mountain and Foote Creek I as approved in Case No. PAC-E-20-3. Below is a description of the assets included in the exhibits. o Exhibit 4a includes the Repowered wind projects. The Repowered projects produced an Idaho-allocated net benefit of $2.57 million. o Exhibit 4b includes the Energy Vision 2020 projects. Together these projects produced an Idaho-allocated net benefit of $2.43 million. o Exhibit 4c includes the Pryor Mountain and Foote Creek I wind projects. These combined wind projects produced an Idaho-allocated net benefit of $1.24 million. The combination of these projects produced an ldaho-allocated net benefit of $6.24 million for customers. 3 In the Matter of Roclcy Mountain Power's Application to Increase hs Rates and Charges in ldaho andfor Approval of Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Regulatiors, Case No. PAC-E-20-03, Order No. 34884 at 8 (December 31,2020) ("We further find it reasonable to include Foote Creek I and Pryor Mountain wind projects in the RTM.") Farr, Di-3 PacifiCorp 5 a. A. 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 l4 l5 t6 t7 18 t9 2 rQ. A a. l0 ll t2A l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 19 Has the Company calculated the deferral for these projects under the RTM guidelines that were agreed to in the stipulations and approved by the Commission? Yes. The deferral calculations follow the design and operation of the RTM as approved in final Order Nos. 33954,4 34l\4,s and 34884.6 The RTM, along with the ECAM, will capture and match all the costs and benefits of the included projects through December 31,2021, at which time the RTM will no longer be necessary because the capital costs will be recovered in base rates. What are the costs and benefits associated with Repowered wind, Energy Vision 2020, Pryor Mountain and Foote Creek I that the Company has included in the RTM deferral? The Company has included the following items in the RTM on a monthly basis beginning when a project is placed into service: . The pre-tax return on investment; . Operation and maintenance expense; . Depreciationexpense; . Property taxes; . Wind taxes, if assessed; . Net Power Cost ('NPC") benefits; J 4 5 6 7 8 9 a In the Matter of the Application Roclry Mountain Powerfor Binding Ratemaking Treatmentfor lYind Repowering, Case No. PAC-E-I7-06, Testimony of Jeffrey K. Larsen (July 5, 2017); Stipulation (November 24, 201 7); Order No 33954 (December 28, 2017). s In the Matter of the Application RoclE Mountain Power for Binding Ratemaking Treatmentfor Wind Repowering, Case No. PAC-E-I7-06, Testimony of Jeffrey K. Larsen (July 5, 2017); Stipulation (November 24, 2017); Order No 33954 (December 28,2017). 6 In the Matter of RoclE Mountain Power's Application to Increase ils Rates and Charges in ldaho andfor Approval of Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Regulatiors, Case No. PAC-E-20-03, Order No. 34884. Farr, Di-4 PacifiCorp 2 J 4 5 a. A. a. l0 ll t2 A. l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t )) 23 . Wheeling Revenue; and . PTC benefits. Has the Company prepared an exhibit showing the calculated amount of the deferral under the approved RTM guidelines? Yes. Exhibit No. 4a, 4b and 4c show the calculation of the December 31, 2021 RTM deferral balance which results in a $17.7 million charge to be collected from customers through the ECAM. Line 18 of Exhibit No.4a and Line 17 of Exhibit No.4b and Exhibit No.4c show that the projects included in the RTM produced a net revenue requirement of $3.1 million. Why is the Company seeking recovery of $17.7 million through the ECAM? The RTM was approved to match all the costs and benefits associated with the approved projects and pass those onto customers. Absent the RTM, the ECAM only captures some of the benefits and does not include any of the costs incurred to produce those benefits. The ECAM will retum to customers 100 percent ofthe PTCs of $13.1 million, and 90 percent ofNPC benefit of $10.9 million, shown on lines 2l and24fromExhibit 4a and lines 20 and 23 from Exhibit 4b and Exhibit 4c, respectively. Combined, the ECAM would return to customers $24.0 million of benefits, absent the RTM. Due to the sharing band in the ECAM, l0 percent of the NPC benefits would not have been passed onto customers absent the KIM. Further, the ECAM does not capture any of the costs incurred by the Company to Repower the wind facilities and build the Energy Vision 2020, Pryor Mountain, and Foote Creek I wind projects. The purpose of the RTM is to capture those costs and match them with the benefits. The $6.25 million, Farr, Di-5 PacifiCorp 6 7 8 9 2 J 4 5 6 7 shown on line 27 of Exhibit 4, represents Idaho's share of the net benefit produced by these projects. The $17.7 million RTM deferral allows the Company to match and recover the net costs associated with these projects that generate the $24.0 million energy and PTC benefits included in the ECAM. a. Has the Company included a carrying charge on the RTM deferral balance in Exhibit No.4? A. No. Since the RTM deferral balance is subject to the same carrying charge as the other ECAM components, the monthly RTM deferral balance is summed with those other ECAM components and the carrying charge is calculated on the total deferred balance. a. What is the revenue requirement that is deferred for consideration in the next rate case? A. The settlement in Case No. PAC-E-17-07 states that "Any costs above this cap will be deferred as a regulatory asset for recovery to be set in the next general rate case."7 The settlement in Case No. PAC-E-20-03 has similar language, subject to a prudency review.8 Based on the language in these settlements, the Company is deferring for recovery in the next general rate case $2.7 million in202l on line 24.5 of Exhibit 4b, plus the $1.6 million beginning balance as shown on line 33 of Exhibit 4b from Case No. PAC-E-21-07, for a combined $4.3 million on line 35 of Exhibit 4b. In addition, the Company is deferring and will seek recovery in the next general rate case 7 In the Matter of the Application of RoclE Mountain Power for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Binding Ratemaking treatmentfor New Wind and Transmission Facilities, Case No. PAC-E- 1707, Stipulation at 5, !f 14 (May 9,2018); OrderNo. 34104 (July 20,2018) (approving May 9 stipulation). 8 In the Matter of Rocly Mountatn Power's Application lo Increase its Rates and Charges in ldaho andfor Approval of Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Regulations, Case No. PAC-E-20-03, Order No. 34884 at 8. Farr, Di-6 PacifiCorp 8 9 l0 l3 ll 12 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 A. 2 J 4 a. approximately $0.1 million from line 24.5 on Exhibit 4c related to Pryor Mountain and Foote Creek l. Does this conclude your direct testimony? Yes. Farr, Di-7 PacifiCorp Case No. PAC-E-22-05 Exhibit No. 4 Witness: Justin B. Farr BEFORE THE IDAHO PI.]BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOIJNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of Justin B. Farr March2022 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 4 Page 1 of 3 Case No. PAC-E-22-05 \Mtness: Justin B. Farr Line No. PacifiCorp ldaho - Exhibit t+a Wnd Reporirering - Monlhly RTM Deienal Cal@lation Rovenue Requirement For the Month Endlng Docomber 31, 2021 $.Dollars Plrnt Revenue Roquit€m3nl Capilal lnveslrnent Depreciation Reserve Accumulated DIT Balance Net Rate Base (previous month) Reference ,| 2 3 4 Footnote 'l Foolnote 1 Footnote 1 sum of lines 1-3 SG SG SG SG SG SG GPS SG SG SG SG 5 6 Pre-Tax Rate of Retum Pre-Tax Retum on Rate Base line 36 line 4 'line 5 7I 9 10 1'l '12 13 17 Depreciation Eeense Adrus-fnent 18 Rev, Roquiromont Adju3tment for ECAM Pr$-through19 PTC Revenue Requirement20 Percenlage included in ECAM (100%) 21 ECAM Pasethrough NPC lncremental Savings Percentage included in ECAM (90%) ECAM Pasethrough Wtolesale Wtleeling Revenue Operation & Maintenance Depreciation Property Taxes Wnd Tax Total Plant Revonuo Requircmenl Net Powar Cost NPC lncremental Savings PTC Bonefit PTC Benefit Gross up for taxes PTC Revenue Requirement R3v. Reqt aft.r ECAM Pr3s-through Author'rzed Capped Dotorral Totll Dcro]ral .lD Share Net Customer (Benefltl Foolnote 3 Footnote 3 line 14 '(line 34 - 1) sum of lines 14 and l5 Fmtnote 6 & 7 sum of lines 12, 13, 16, 17 line'16 lD ECAM Sharing 0,6 line 19'line 20 line 13 lD ECAM Sharing % line 22 'line 23 line 18 - line 21 - line 24 line 26 - line 25 Foolnote 5 sum of lines 21, 24, 26 line 32 of previous year Foolnote 5 Footnote 3 Footnote 2 sum of lines 28-31 (1(1-tax rate)) Foohote 2 Case No. PAC-E-ltug Rate as percent of net plant in PAC-E-lilg Case No. PAC-E-It09 Case No. PAC-E-IS09 Foolnote 4 Footnote 3 Footnote 3 & 6 Footnote 3 Footnote 3sm of lines &i1 5_ 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 25.5 26 27 Doferral Balance - lO Shars 28 Beginning Defenal Balance29 Monthly Defenal30 Defenal Collection3l Carrying Charge32 Ending Deferral B.lance 33u 35 36 37 38 39 FederaYstate Combined Tax Rate Net to Gross Bump up Fador = (1('l{ax rate)) Deien€d Balance Carrying Charge Pretax Retum Pmperty Tax Rate 24.5866% 1.3260 0.00% 9.003% 0.78% ldsho SG Factor ldsho GPS Faclor 6.0136% 5.7974% Footnotes: 1) Ending monthly capital balance oflhe previous rnonth. 2) Th6 RTM deferral balance is induded in the ECAM carrying charge calculation and is lherefore zero here. 3) Equals the monthly sum of all projects 4) Not Applicable for Repowering 5) The RTM is capped until the next general rate c€se so that, afier taking into account the wind repow€ring benefits that will flow through the Companys ECAM, it will not operate to surcharge @stomers. 6) Adual depreciation epense will be ad,iusted by the impacl of the retired assets until the next depreciation study 7) Deprcciation Epense for the replaced equipmeil otnenlly in rates is removed as an incrernental revenue requirement savings. toEt Company Factor Factor%ldaho Allcrte. 1,041,407,917 (60,570,060) 1i08 530 894) 62,626,1 07 (3,U2,441" a6 526 614' (1 54,310,298 7 ,797,255 (1 3,266,004 452,072 (27 (1,671 (41 (1,671 5,682,583 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 4 Page 2 ot 3 Case No. PAC-E-22-05 Wtness: Justin B. Farr PrcifiCoip ldrho - Exhlbit,lS EV 202G Mmthly RTM Detsnl Calolalin Rov€nG RoquiEmant Forthe l{onth Endlng D@mb.r 31, 2021 '.Doll.E Lin6 No. Pllnt RewnB Rcqulment Capital lnvestnent Total Cspital lnvostrnsnt abovo C8p'l Capitalin RTM2 Deprcietion Resile3 A@mulatod DIT Balane4 Net Rate Bes6 (previas month) Refsm@ Foohoto 1 Fo&rc[e 1 Fod|d6'l sm of lines 1-3 SG SG SG SG SG SG GPS SG SG SG 7I 9 10 't1 12 Fofiot€ 4 Foohote 3 Fooinot€ 3 & 6 F@hote 3 F@U|ote 3 sum of lines All 5 6 Pr&Td Rat6 of Roturn PrsTu R6tum ff Rete Base lino 36lin64'lin65 Cas No. PAGE-21{7 Line 24.5 \ ,holesl6 Whosling Revtrue Opo€tion & Mainbnare D€precistion PEperty Tuos \Mnd Ta ild Pomr C6t NPC SevinOs PTC Benrtit PTC Benefit Gose up ior taxa3 PTC R€venuo RoquiBmenl 13 F@hote 3 FootnoiB 3 lin€ 14'(line 37 - l) sum of lires 14 and 15 sum of lims 12, 13, 16 lin6'16 lD ECAM Shanng % lins 18'liElg lim 13 lD ECAM Sharing % lins 2'l' liB22 line 17 - line 20 - line 23 lin6 25 - line 24 Footnote 5 Final Order No. 34104 sum of lires 20, 23, 25, 26 lim 32 ol pEviow y6ar F@hote 5 F@tsloto 3 Footnote 2 sum of lires 2&3'l 14 15 16 18 19 20 17 Rov. RcqulEmont Adjultmont tor ECAil Pr$-thtough PTC Revenu€ RequiBment P€rentage includod in ECAM (10O%) ECAM Paslthrcugh NPC Ssvings Pe@ntags includ.d in ECAM (90%) ECAM Pasgthrcugh Rov. Roqt. rflcr ECAM P$s-thrcugh Authqiad C.pp.d mml Totll D.fsml - lD Sh.B Annual $300,000 Boneft p@idsd by Company N.t C$toms (Bmcfit) I)aiaml Brlrno - lO Sh.c28 Boginning D€teml BdaM29 Monthly Dsierel30 Defaml Colloclion31 Carrying Charga32 Endlng D.6!ml Brlrn6 D.{bml to bc colle-t d in Nrxt GRC33 Beginning Authqized Capped Def€ralU AulhorizedoappodD€ErEl35 NotAlnhorlt.d C:ppod D.f.ml FedeEustato Cmbimd Tu Rato N6t to GrGs Bump up Fector= (1(1-t8x Et€)) Debrsd Balan6 Canying ClE g€ ftatax Retm ftoperty Til Rate ldsho SG Fsctor ldaho GPS Fectq Cappod Capital lnvostnst Amount 21 22 23 24 24.5 25 26 27 36 37 38 39 40 4',l 42 /t3 (l(1-tax 6te)) F@trtoE 2 C8s No. PAGE-1Sg Rate as pq6t of mt plEnt in PACE-IS9 Cas6 No. PACE-1$09 CaEe No. PAGE-1'09 Fots|oto 7 24.5864% 1.3260 0.00% 9.234% 0.78% 6.0'136% 5.7974% 1.946.400.m0 Foohotes: 1) Ending monthly €pital balam d th€ pnvio6 month. 2) Th€ RTM defml balance is included in th8 ECAM €nying charg€ elculalitr and is th€BbB zerc he€. 3) Equals lhe mothly sum ot all prcjels 4) Vrtsling Revtrue is based m the 2021 IRP 5) Tho RTM E €pp€d stil th€ next gffeEl 6ts €se so that, afrs teking into 8@unt th€m wind gseElim bn€fits thet will nil thrcugh tho Cmpany6 ECAM, it will not opoEte to surchatge dstqn€G. 0) Annul $300,000 Bemfit proid€d by Compeny stipulaled in Finel or&r No. 34104 7) Cepped C8pital Final Ord6r No. 341(N Tot l ComDanv F.ctor F.ctor ta ldrho All@rtGd 1,837,844,681 (25,378,S68) aR1 t70 SAAI fi0,508,60r (1,526,190) 13 216 o.AI 162,4(]5,2W (ie,909,,1s8) 11,1{4,@8 9,415,7U 12,540,939 (1 670,158 3,031,8ry3 727,@9 219-sala-479 (129,785,831) (59,883,422) Itg 5r3lml (7 (3,601 gs,/r06,672)(4,17s,212" tu,3tJ.//6 5W.r6 $,n5,212) 1009( (7 12,392,491 --(2.?U@ 9.664.095 (3O0,00o) (7,483) 9,368,095 (7,483) 9.353.124 n,627,78s) t2.721.60'3\ Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 4 Page 3 of 3 Case No. PAC-E-22-05 VMtness: Justin B. Farr PecifiCorp ldaho - Exhlblt.lc Pryor Mountain & Foote Creek l- Monthly RTM Defenal Calculation Revenue Requirement For the Month Ending Decembot 31, 2021 $-Dollars Line No.Referonce 1 2 3 4 5 6 Plsnt Revenue RgqulrEment Capital lnvesitment Depreciation Reserve Accumulated DIT Balance Net Rate Base (previous month) Foohote'l Footnote 1 Footnote 'l sum of lines l-3 SG SG SG SG SG SG GPS SG SG SG Pre-Tax Rale of Retum Pre-Tax Relum on Rate Base line 36 line4'line5 7I 9 10 11 12 Foohote 4 Footnote 3 Footnote 3 & 6 Footnote 3 Footnote 3 sum of lines &i l Vvholesale \/vheeling Revenue Operation & Maintenance Depreciation Property Taxes Wnd Tax Total Plant Rev6nue Requiromcnt Not PowEr Co3t'13 NPC Savings PTC Benelit14 PTC Beneft15 Gross- up for taxes16 PTC Revenue Requirement 17 Rev, Requlrement Adju3tment for ECAM Pass-through18 PTC Revenue Requirement19 Percentage induded in ECAM (10O%)20 ECAM Pass-through Footnote 3 Footnote 3 line 14'(line 33 - 1) sum of lines l4 and 15 sum of lines 12,'13, 16 line 16 lD ECAM Sharing % line 18 ' line 19 line 13 lD ECAM Sharing o/o line 21 'line 2?. line 17 - line 20 - line 23 line 25 - line 24 Footnote 5 sum of lines 20, 23, 25 Iine 31 of previous year 6 5. 6 21 22 ?3 NPC Savings Percentage induded in ECAM (90%) ECAM Pass-through ReY. Reqt aftor ECAM Pas3-through Authorized Capped Detenal Total Deferral - lD Shar€ Net Cuotomer (Benelit) Deferral Balance - lD Share Beginning Deferral Balance Monthly Deferral Defenal Colledion Carrying Charge Ending Deferral Balance Federal/State Combined Tax Rate Net to Gross Bump up Fador = (1(1-tax rate)) Defened Balance Carrying Charge Pretax Retum Property Tax Rate ldaho SG Fador ldaho GPS Fador (1/(1-tax rate)) Foolnole 2 Case No. PAC-E-1S09 Rate as percent of net plant in PAC-E-'l $09 Case No. PAC-E-1 5-09 Case No. PAC-E-1t09 24 24.5 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Footnole 5 Footnote 3 Footnote 2 sum of lines 27-30 24.5866% 1.3260 0.00% 9.2y% O.78o/o 6.0136% 5.7978Yo Footnotes: 1) Ending monlhly capital balance of the previous monlh. 2) The RTM deferral balance is induded in the ECAM carrying ciarge calculation and is therefore zero here. 3) Equals the monlhly sum of all projects. 4) Not Applicable for Pryor Mountain & Foote Creek I projeds. 5) The Amount of Recovery for Pryor Mountain and Foote Creek I to be induded in the next general rate case so that, afler taking into account the wind generation benefits that willflolr through the Company's ECAM, it wall nol operate to surdrarge @$omers. Jan - Dec 202t Totirl Company Fector Factor96 ldaho Allocatod 388,870,851 (s,ss1,849) (9.618.3051 23,385,1 38 (333,866) (578.406) 373,700,697 9.231o/a 22,472,885 9.234o/o 34,507,2AA 1,908,457 14,143,607 560,808 2,075,130 't14,767 850,540 32,515 3,Olz,tt z (43,647,488) (19,626,250) r6.398.6341 (2,624,785) (1,180,244) (384.788) (26,024,EE4)(1,565,O32) 16,55:l,2't2 (1,1 1n,6oo) (1,565,032) 10006 (1,565,032) (2,624,785\ 900/6 (2.362.3071 2,81O,473 (127,162 2,6u3,311 t'l.244.u2}J 2,683,311