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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211027Application.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER .riiJa!-.rrr-n r-.*! -llri.+ttlLi-Lr t L? tii:l 0iT 27 Pi{ 3: 5l ii.:;,-i ,) ,.,uit-i*.a'r:;:i,ar^l./1{l'.:i--: :- ,L'fti.f", 1\i\Jl!'ll 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah &4116 October 27,2021 VA ELECTRONIC DELIWRY Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 WChindenBlvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,Idaho, 83714 Re CASE NO. PAC.E-}IAO IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO UPDATE CONTRACTS, LOAD AI\ID GAS FORECASTS USED IN THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAI\I AVOIDED COST MODEL Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Please find for filing Rocky Mountain Power's application in the above referenced matter to update current contracts, load forecasts, and natural gas forecasts used as inputs to the IRP avoided cost model. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very truly yours, Vice J Emily Wegener (ISB# 11614) 1407 WestNorth Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake city, utah 84116 Telephone No. (801) 220-44526 E-mail: Attorneyfor Roclcy Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TIIE MATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. PAC-E-21-20 oF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER To )UPDATECONTRACTS,LOADANDGAS ) APPLICATIONOF FORECASTS USED IN TITE INTEGRATED )RESOURCE PLAI\IAVOIDED COST ) ROCI(Y MOUNTAIN POWERMODEL ) Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, ("Compotry"), hereby respectfully submits thisApplication to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, ("Commission"), in compliance with OrderNos.32697 and32802 to update the load forecast, natural gas forecast, and long-term contract components of the Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") avoided cost model. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: l. Rocky Mountain Power provides electric service to retail customers in the states of Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction with respect to its prices and terms of electric service to retail customers pursuant to ldaho Code 6l-129. Rocky Mountain Power provides retail electric service to approximately 85,700 customers in the state of Idaho. I. BACKGROUND 2. Order No. 32697 specified that the inputs to the IRP methodology calculation, utilized to determine the avoided cost for all new Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (*PURPA") qualiffing facility ("QF") projects that exceed the published rate eligibility cap, will Page I be updated every two years upon acknowledgement of the utility's IRP filing with the exception of the load and the natural gas forecasts which are to be updated annually by June I't of each year. The Commission ruled: "We find that, in order to maintain the most accurate and up to date reJlection of a utility's true ovoided cost, utilities must update fuel price forecasts ond load forecasts annually between IRP filings. For the sake of consistency, these annuql updates should occur simultaneously with SAR updates - on June I of each year In addition, it is appropriate to consider long-term controct commitments because of the potential ffict that such commitments have on a utility's load and resource balance. We find it reasonable to include long-term contract considerations in an IkP Methodologt calculation at such time as the QF and utility have entered into a signed contract for the sale and purchase of QF power We further find il appropriate to consider PURPA contracts that have terminated or expired in each utility's load and resource bqlance. We find it reasonable that all other variables and assumptions utilized within the IkP Methodologt remain fixed between IRP filings (every two years)."1 3. Order No. 32802 changed the due date of the annual update from June I't to October 156 of each year. If approved, the load forecast, natural gas forecast, and contract information presented below will be incorporated into Rocky Mountain Power's IRP avoided cost model Consistent with the Commission's prior orders, this methodology will be utilized by the Company as the starting point for negotiation of contractual avoided cost rates as of October 15,2021. II. LOAD FORECAST 4. The Company's August 2021 and June 2020 long-term load forecasts are summarized in Thble I by annual gigawatt-hours ("GWh"). The August 2021 load forecast shows a slight increase in load compared to the June2020load forecast provided in Case No. PAC-E-20- 16, which was subsequently approved by Commission Order No. 3491l. I In the malter of the Commissionb review of PURPA QF contract provisions including the Surrogate Avoided Resources (SAR) and Integraled Resource Planning (IRP) methodologiesfor calculating avoided cost rates. Case No. GNR-E-I l-03, Order No.32697,p.22. Page 2 Table 1 PacifiConr's Annual GWh Load Forecast - Arurst 2021 Year Caffomia Idatro Oregon Utah WashirEton WyomirE FERC Total 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 203t 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 3,953 3,931 3,924 3,908 3,901 3,901 3902 3,910 3,910 3,909 3,913 3,925 3,929 3,941 3,954 3,974 3,984 4,001 4,021 4,044 15,075 15,162 15,310 15,706 15,866 15,798 16,051 16,385 16,640 16,907 17,056 17,273 17,078 17,297 17,525 17,804 18,01I 18,269 18,528 18,830 26,316 26,824 27,521 28,103 28,408 28,766 29,147 29,632 29,924 30,294 30,603 30,984 31,267 31,673 32,082 32,580 32,968 33,414 33,844 34,327 4,505 4,526 4,506 4,489 4,447 4,424 4,412 4,420 4,411 4,417 4,426 4,451 4,451 4,474 4,501 4,547 4,570 4,609 4,648 4.699 8,962 9,206 9,427 9,470 9,665 9,674 9,665 9,698 9,694 9,686 9,690 9,720 9,701 9,708 9,718 9,759 9,759 9,783 9,807 9.855 299 297 29s 294 291 289 l5l 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 59,982 60,810 61,846 62,833 63,438 63,712 64,187 64,927 65,447 66,089 66,562 67,228 67,296 67,963 68,649 69,536 70,157 70,936 71,704 72.606 872 864 863 864 860 859 859 860 8s6 854 851 8s2 848 847 847 848 842 836 830 825 Load Forecast - June 2020 Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 203s 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 Calibmia 862 863 861 860 854 849 843 839 832 828 823 821 815 812 808 808 802 799 796 796 Idaho 3,931 3,949 3,944 3,935 3,930 3,927 3,923 3,922 3,909 3,906 3,901 3,907 3,899 3,899 3,900 3,909 3,905 3,91I 3,922 3,939 Oregon 15,076 15,295 15,530 15,756 15,781 15,581 15,691 15,879 15,995 16,105 16,235 16,428 16,558 16,726 16,893 I 7,103 17,246 17,522 17,802 18,123 Utah 25,943 26,478 26,999 27,329 27,630 27,840 28,092 28,492 28,713 29,077 29,399 29,833 30, I 59 30,601 31,066 31,630 32,069 32,573 33,091 33,675 Wyomirg 9,072 9,342 9,580 9,728 9,662 9,723 9,725 9,757 9,752 9,815 g,g3g 9,884 9,881 9,915 9,948 10,01I 10,028 10,066 10,103 10,167 Total 59,617 60,697 61,695 62,390 62,603 62,645 62,846 63,340 63,632 64,179 64,646 65,350 65,791 66,453 67,134 68,016 68,618 69,469 70,343 71,373 Washirgton 4,434 4,474 4,497 4,489 4,456 4,435 4,422 4,430 4,420 4,425 4,427 4,454 4,457 4,477 4,496 4,532 4,545 4,574 4,605 4,649 FERC 299 297 295 294 291 289 lsl 1a 22)) 22 ZJ 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 Loads are net of DSM Page 3 TII. NATURAL GAS PRICE FORECAST 5. The Company's most recent Official Forward Price Curve ("OFPC") was prepared on September 30, 2021 ("2109 OFPC"). The offrcial forward price curve used in Case No. PAC- E-20-16 was prepared on September 30, 2020 (*2009 OFPC"). Table 2 provides the 2109 OFPC natural gas prices summarized annually by market hub. The 2009 OFPC is provided for reference only. Generally, gas prices in the 2109 OFPC are up slightly over the next five years, but down slightly thereafter compared to the 2009 OFPC. Table 2 - Natural Gas Price Forecast - 2109 OFPC Ofical Foruad Price Cune - (2109) - 0980n021 Year 2A\a) 2V22 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2U29 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2W Opal Cas Index Surms Index Stanfield Index San Juan Index $7.11 $6.49 $s.72 $6.17 94.64 $4.03 $4.rr $4.35 $3.51 $3.23 $3.37 fi.27 $3.24 $:.Or $3.0E $2.9 $3.09 $3.00 $2.9r $2.87 $2.89 $2.87 i2.76 $2.75 $2.93 s2.n $2.T $2.85 $3.01 $3.01 $2.82 $2.% $3.08 $3.13 $2.n $.05 $3.2s $3.25 $3.06 $3.2r $3.39 $3.35 $3.18 $3.36 $3.45 $.A $.24 $3.42 $3.46 $3.45 $3.24 $3.40 $3.6r $3.s7 $3.3s $3.s4 $3.72 $3.63 $3.42 $3.6s $3.79 $3.68 $3.47 $3.71 $3.9r $3.8r $3.57 $3.Er $4.09 $3.93 $3.68 $3.99 v.29 $4.11 $3.88 $4.19 $4.45 y.n $.99 $4.34 Henry Hub Index $s.93 $4.41 $3.47 $3.21 $3.2s $3.28 $3.33 $3.46 $3.60 $3.74 $3.E3 $3.89 $3.90 $4.04 $4.10 $4.17 $4.30 $4.s3 M.76 $4.99 AECOlndex $4.09 $3.19 92.6 $2.43 $2.46 92.47 $2.4s $2.s0 $2.60 $2.69 92.77 $2.E2 $2.84 92.% $2.95 $3.01 $3.12 $3.23 $3.44 $3.s4 SOCALBOR Index $8.91 $5.92 94.& $4.20 $3.78 $3.16 $3.24 $3.31 $3.3s $3.s3 $3.70 $.n $3.74 $3.88 $4.01 $4.07 $4.19 $4.39 $4.61 $4.7E Page 4 Ofrcal Forward Price Curue (2009) - 0913012020 Year Opal Cas lndex Sunras Index Stanfield Index San Juan lndex 2021(a) $3.07 $3.78 $2.87 $2.70 2022 $2.49 $2.63 $2.43 52.32 2()2.3 $2.42 $2.48 52.37 $2.29 2024 52.94 W.77 $2.80 $2.9r 2025 $3.40 $3.09 $3.16 $3.46 2026 $3.s4 $3.24 $3.30 $3.60 2027 $3.62 $3.40 $3.37 $3.67 2028 $3.82 53.59 $3.54 $3.84 2029 $4.09 $3.88 $3.83 $4.09 2030 $4.39 $4.19 $4.r3 $4.38 2031 $4.57 $4.33 $4.2s S4.s8 2032 $4.61 $4.40 54.32 $4.60 2033 $4.72 $4.s4 54.44 $4.70 2034 $4.87 V.64 $4.53 M.86 2035 M.99 $4.75 $4.6 $4.95 2036 $5.14 94.94 $4.82 $5.1r 2037 $5.r5 $4.99 $4.86 $s.r r 2038 $5.52 $s.27 $5.15 $5.50 2039 $6.03 $5.76 $5.6r $6.01 2W $6.38 $6.12 $6.01 $6.35 (a)2021 Forecast gas prices are forNovemberand Decemberonly Henry Hub Index s2.96 s2.62 $2.58 $3. ls $3.65 $3.80 s3.88 $4.10 M.39 $4.76 M.89 s4.!)6 $5.10 $5.26 i5.42 $5.65 $5.68 $5.98 $6.63 $7.0s AECO Index $2.28 s1.95 $1.90 $2.31 s2.68 s2.78 $2.85 $3.02 $3.30 $3.60 $3.70 $3.78 $3.92 $4.00 $4.1 I $4.30 $4.31 $4.58 $5.02 $5.35 SOCALBOR Index $3.26 $2.80 $2.73 $3.20 $3.64 $3.80 $3.86 $4.01 s4.27 $4.57 s4;t'l $4.78 $4.89 $5.04 $5. ls $5.31 $5.32 $5.70 M.23 $6.59 Table 2 - Natural Gas Price Forecast -2009 OFPC IV. CONTRACT TERMINATIONS. EXPIRATIONS. AI\[D ADDITIONS 6. Since filing Case No. PAC--20- 16, the Company has signed 26 long-term contracts, including 2l long-term contracts with qualifying facilities, for a total nameplate capacity of 460.2 megawatts. Three long-term contracts have expired without renewal and eleven long-term qualifring facility contracts expired or terminated, for a total nameplate capacity of 706.9 megawatts. Table 3 provides a list of signed and expired or terminated contracts since October 8, 2020. 7. Rocky Mountain Power currently has 34 non-PU[tPA, long-term power purchase agreements with a nameplate capacity of 2,348 megawatts, and 153 PURPA QF project contracts with a nameplate capacity of 2,248 megawatts. New contracts, terminated or expired contracts, as well as new contract pricing are all updated in the IRP model on a continuous basis. Page 5 Table 3 Lonq Term Contracts sisned since the October 2020 Filine No.Contrect Nameplate (MW)Strrt Dste End Date I 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 l0 ll 12 l3 t4 l5 16 17 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 2(\ J Bar 9 Ranch Tesoro Refinmg & Marketing Corpany Kennecott Utah Copper (Snnlter) Kennecott Utah Copper (Refmery) E>oonMobil Power and Gas Services Amy Family Holdings, L[-C Sunny Bar Ranch. LLLP Central Oregon Irigation District (Sbhon) Siskiou Power Authority Yakirm-Tieton Irrigation Districl Yalorna-Tieton Irr8ation District Middle Fork Irrigation District US Magnesium Fall River Rural Eectnc Co-op Connrrrc ial Energy ManagerEnt Georgetown Inigation Conpany Sunny Bar Ranch, LIIP Dry Crcelq LL Stahlbush Island Fam Castle Solar, LIC Mink Creek Hydro, LJf Loyd Fery Soloriz Rogue LLC Public Service Corpany of#2 of Gant County Public Service Conpany of#2 of Gant County Public Service Conoanv of #2 of Gant County 0.1 25.0 31.8 7.54 107.4 0.5 o.4 6.0 5.0 1.5 1.4 0.9 36.0 2.0 0.9 0.3 0.4 3.4 t.6 20.0 3.0 0.04 0.1 18.6 150.0 36.4 l/ll202c ln/2021 vlt2at l^t2021 lnt202l vl/2022 5/v2021 vl12023 1^t2021 t/y2021 vt/2021 t/1/2022 lfit202l 4ntzo21 vvzal 4lv202l 5lv2021 5n/2022 6/y2021 6t30t2022 4ll/2022 7nt202t 8lt6/2021 vlt2022 t/1t2022 t/v2022 l0l3t/2025 t2t3y202l la3v202l la3v202l la3v2ul l2/3v2022 4/30/2m2 lu3u2023 tv3t/2021 t2/3lt2BA 12,3v2030 \U3t/2036 t2t3l/2023 3l3lt2ut It30/2036 3l3t/2022 4t30/2Mt 4t30/204.2 5t3V2A2 6t29t2M2 3l3v2U2 6/30t2024 8/tst2Mt ta3v2a2 ta3v2a2 t2/3t/2022 Total SimedMW 460.2 Long Term Contracts Expired or Terminated since the October 2020 Filine No.Contract (M!v)Date I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll l2 l3 l4 Deschutes Valley Water Distbt Public Service Company of #2 of Grant Courty Publb Service Company of #2 of Grant County Paul Luckey Yakima-Tieton In[ation Distrbt Yakima-Tieton Irrigation D istrbt Arunna Public Servbe Kettle Butte Digester Commercial Enerry Management Inc Shiloh Warm Spring Ranch Fall River Rural Electric Cooperation Sunny Bar Ranch US Magnesium Fall River Rural Electric Cooperation 5.93 18.60 150.00 0.1 1.5 1.4 480.00 1.70 0.90 0.95 7.s0 0.4 36.00 2.00 2020 D3t 2020 n3t 20201231 20201231 20201231 2020 2 3t 2021 02 t5 202t 0228 2At B 0t 2021 03 3t 2021Mot 2021M30 202t 07 t6 20210923 Total Terminated MW 706.9 Page 6 V. COMMUNICATIONS Communications regarding this filing should be addressed to: Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake city, utah 84116 Telephone : (80 l) 220 -29 63 Email : ted.weston@f acifi Emily Wegener SeniorAttomey Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4526 Email: emi ly.weqener@pacifi In addition, Rocky Mountain Power requests that all data requests regarding this Application be sent in Microsoft Word to the following: By email (preferred) : datareque st@nac ifi By regular mail Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Informal questions may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager at (801) 220-2963. VI. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 9. The Company believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 et seq. 8. PageT VII. REOTIEST FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power hereby respectfully submits its updated load forecast, natural gas forecast, and QF contract information in compliance with the Commission's directives in Order Nos. 32697 and 32802 and requests that the Commission issue an order approving this updated information for inclusion in the Company's IRP avoided cost calculations effective October 15, 2021. DATED this 27ft day of October202l. Respectfu lly submitted, ROCKY MOI.'NIAIN POWER a Emily Wegener 1407 West Norttr Temple, Suite 320 salt Lake city, utah 84116 Telephone No. (801) 2204526 E-mail: Attorneyfor Rocky Mountain Power Page 8