HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210830Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP "^-DSteward Vice President, Regulation Enclosures 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 August 30,2021 VA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission ll33l WChindenBlvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,ID 83714 Re:CASE NO. PAC.E-21-18 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO INCREASE TITE BPA REP CREDIT EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 2021 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2023 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for electronic filing in the above-mentioned maffer is Rocky Mountain Power's Application for approval to increase the BPA REP credit in Electric Service Schedule No. 34 from $0.008403 per kWh to $0.010133 per kWh for qualiffing customers as described in this Application. truly Emily L. Wegener (ISB#I 1614) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 V/. North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4526 Email : Emily.Wegener@.pacifi corp.com Attorneyfor RoclE Mountain Power BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PI'BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER TO INCREASE THE BPAREP CREDIT EFFECTIYE OCTOBER 2021 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2023 ) cAsE NO. PAC-E-21-I8 )) APPLTCATTON OF ) ROCKYMOIINTATN POWER ) Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp ("Company" or "Rocky Mountain Power"), in accordance with Idaho Code $61-502, $61-503, and RP 052, hereby respectfully submits this application ("Application") to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to increase the Bonneville Power Administration's residential and small farm credit. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: 1. Rocky Mountain Power provides electric service to retail customers in the states of Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction with respect to terms of electric service and prices to retail customers pursuant to Idaho Code $ 6l-129. Rocky Mountain Power is authorized to do business in the state of Idaho and provides retail electric service to approximately 85,600 customers in the state. Page I BACKGROUND 2. The Northwest Power Act of 1980 created the Residential Exchange Program ("REP"), which is administered by Bonneville PowerAdministration ("BPA"). The REP provides some of the benefits of the low-cost Columbia River Power System to participating utilities to pass onto eligible residential, small farm and irrigation customers as credits on their electric bills. 3. Rocky Mountain Power, BPA, other investor-owned utilities, public utility districts, and municipalities in the northwest are parties to the REP Settlement Implementation Agreement that determined the level of REP benefits the Company receives. Through this agreement, BPA provides REP benefits to utilities, which pass those benefits onto qualifuing residential, small farm and irrigation customers in ldaho, Oregon, and Washington. 4. Under the terms of the agreement, BPA has the right to review the Company's proposed eligible load and make determinations regarding the benefit eligibility of Rocky Mountain Power's customers. BPA has developed Customer Load Eligibility Guidelines ("CLEG") to provide guidance to participating utilities to help determine whether residential, small farm, and irrigation customers are eligible to receive REP benefits. 5. To qualiff to participate in the REP, BPA has provided the following CLEG definitions: (l) A residence is a structure used by one or more persons for daily living and associated activities; (2) A residence is eligible for REP benefits as long as its purpose is to provide shelter on a non-transient basis (greater than 30 days); (3) A farm consists of one or more parcels of land owned or leased by one or more persons or entities (including partnerships, corporations, and any legal entity capable of owning farm land except the government as defined in the CLEG) that is used primarily for agriculture; (4) Irrigation/pumping load used for farming and agricultural purposes may receive REP benefits for up to a maximumof 222,000 kilowatt-hours per month per Page2 farm owner; and (5) Two or more parcels of farm land under the same ownership within the utility's service area, whether contiguous or non-contiguous, are treated as a single farm. 6. In 2001, parties in a BPA REP case negotiated a settlement for the allocation of REP benefits covering the period from 2002 through 2008. This settlement was later appealed by a group of northwest public utility districts, ("PUD"), claiming the settlement did not follow BPA s prescribed procedures for calculating the REP credits and that the settlement provided to large a share of the REP benefits to investor-owned utilities ("IOUs"). The court ruled in favor of the PUDs and ordered the parties to recalculate the REP benefits based on BPA's prescribed methodology. 7. During these negotiations, the Company continued to provide a REP credit to customers, ultimately allocating more REP benefits than the Company had received from BPA, which created a liability balance owed to the Company from customers. From 2007 until December l,20ll, the BPA REP was cancelled for Rocky Mountain Power's customers in Idaho. 8. Pursuant to the court order, the allocation of the BPA s REP credit was recalculated, and the participating IOUs were ordered to pay back the excess benefits they had received. The agreement allowed the IOUs to refund the excess REP credits ("look back payment") by netting the look back payment against future REP benefits through BPA fiscal year 2021which allowed the IOUs to begin providing a small credit to qualiffing customers. BPA REP RATE 9. Cunently the rate in Electric Service Schedule No. 34 - Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit, ("Schedule 34"), is $0.008403 per kWh. This uedit was established in 2017 based on an annual BPA REP credit of $8.5 million. In20I9, the Company requested authorization to keep Schedule No. 34 rate Page 3 at $0.008403 per kWh, effective October l,2}Ig,through September 30,202l,based on an annual BPA REP credit of $8.2 million. 10. BPA issued the final Average System Cost, ("ASC"), report for the REP for fiscal year 2022 through 2023 (October 2021 through September 2023). While PacifiCorp's ASC decreased, the reduction was less than the other investor-owned utilities ("[OUs"). A comparison of the ASC for the six northwest IOUs is provided in Table L Table I 11. PacifiCorp's fiscal year 2022 through 2023 allocation of the BPA REP credit increased approximately $18.7 million, from $67.9 million in2019 to $86.6 million. In addition, 2021was the last year of the $4.3 million look back payment. These changes combined result in a net increase to PacifiCorp's REP credit of $23.0 million. Idaho's share of PacifiCorp's REP allocation also increased slightly from ll.4l percent to 12.34 percent. The BPA REP credit available to qualifuing Idaho customers from October 1,2021, through September 30,2023,is $20.3 million, plus an undistributed balance of $0.2 million in Idaho's REP balancing account for a total of $20.5 million to amortize over the next two years for an annual credit of $10.3 million per year. The $10.3 million REP credit was divided by calendar year 2019 usage level of the qualifuing customers of approximately l.l GWh, to produce the Schedule No. 34 rate of $0.010133 per kWh. 8Y2022-23 FY2020-21U PacifiCorp Portland General Electric $ $ $ $ $ $ 62.e3 $ 58.17 $ 68.34 $ 77.61 $ 70.09 $ 67.28 $ 67.60 $ 64.4t $ 82.91 $ 79.43 $ 77.s3 $ 7s.72 $ (6.24') (14.s7) (r.82) (7.44) orthWestem Energy Sound (4. 8. Avista Idaho Power Page 4 REIAIL RATE DESIGN 12. Provided with this Application are three exhibits for informational purposes: Exhibit I summarizes the incremental decrease to retail revenues associated with the BPA REP credit of approximately $1,752,000 by rate schedule; Exhibit 2 summarizes the calculation of Schedule No. 34 rate; and Exhibit 3 is a summary of the allocation between PacifiCorp states of the BPA REP benefits. COMMTJNICATIONS 13. Communications regarding this filing should be addressed to: Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (80 I ) 220-2963 Email: ted.weston@pacifi com.com Emily Wegener, SeniorAttorney Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone : (80 l) 220 -4526 Email : emily. we gener@pacifi corp. com In addition, Rocky Mountain Power requests that all data requests regarding this Application be sent in Microsoft Word to the following: By email (preferred) : datareq ue st@pacificorp. com By regular mail: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Page 5 Informal questions may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager at (80t)220-2963. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 14. Rocky Mountain Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing, RP 201. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to prepare and present testimony in such hearing. REOUEST X'OR RELIEF 15. The Company respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order approving Schedule 34 credit of $0.010133 per kWh for rate schedules 1, 6A,7A,23A, 35A,36, and 19 effective October 1,202I, through September 30,2023. WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order authorizing that this matter be processed under Modified Procedure and approve the change to Electric Service Schedule No. 34, Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit, with an October 1,2021, rate effective date. Page 6 DATED this 30& day ofAugust 2021. Respectfrrlly submitte( ROCKYMOI'NTAIN POS/ER A^^4UJr4t* Emilyly'"guor, (/ 1407 WestNorthTemple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephons No. (801) 2204526 Email: emilv.wegener@Facificorp.com Attomeyfor Rocky Mowtain Pot+,er Page 7 EXHIBIT I ROCKY MOTJNTAIN POWER ESTIMATED IMPACT OF PROPOSED REVEI\ruES ON FORECAST PRESENT REVEI\TUES FROM ELECTRIC SALES TO ULTIMATE CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTED BY RATE SCIIEDULES IN IDAHO HISTORIC 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 2OI9 Sch 34 Revenue ($0fi)) Present scription (l) c! ,ice ional TOD ial Industrial - Large Power ,g. Power (R&F) le6 - High Voltage ipace Heating (R&F) ile 2i Optional TODrl t2 cial & Industrial iehtine ighting ighting (R&F) . Company . Customer reet Lighting lltimate Customers Average CustomersSch.T 9 l0 l9 23 23/. 35 400 401 7 7A ll t2 (3) 54,47s 1t,462 ]WWH Present(4\ (5) Proposed Net Change($000) ($000) o/o($ooo) (6)(e)(8)(7\ I 36 6 6A 65.937 719,763 $75,261 ($4"3e8) ($5,303) ($eo5)($r,651) ($l,ego) ($3+01 $0 -G6-;048) -@5t reAst 523,338 t96,424 $57,r33 $18,124 $4 -1.7o/o -2.1o/o 0.0%R 1,t34 203 t,3i6 t6 s,844 87 7,483 2,521 10,004 2 I I 346,008 26,8t7 372,824 l 18,965 616,158 5,091 178,005 39,728 2 t 7.73i 278 1,370,322 r03,832 $25,7r1 52,215 $27,926 $7,288 ss3,962 $413 $16,75e $3,864 20,623 s22 $78,860 $s,821 $602 ($22s1 ($22s) ($3:+1 (334) ($2t21 ($272) $o ($+01 ($46) $o ($3e2) $o $o ($or1 (6e) $o $o $0 $o 0.0o/o -2.3%o -0.2% 0.0o/o -0.8Yo 0.0o/o 0.00/o -l.gYo -0.3% ($l,eo3) ($2,2e5) 17,291 2,805,205 $195,516 ($403) (403) 0.0o/o 0.0o/o 0.0o/o 0.0% ($2,462) ($2,e6e) ($so7)-0.3o/o 185 129 56 250 274 t06 154 2,419 $43 $72 $419 $o $o ($0.21 $0 $o $o $105 ($0.r1 ($ l. r I 0.0%o -0.4Yo 0.UYo 0.0o/" 6o.9) -(5ilt 6'dZt uo% ($8,5t l) ($10,263) ($l,zsz) -0.7o/o 620 83,848 2,952 3,527,919 $639 $271,416 E'CIIBIT 2 ROCKY MOUI{TAIN POWER CALCULATION OFPROPOSED BPA CR"EDIT SCHEDULE 34IN IDAHO HISTORIC 12 MONTHS EIYDED DECEMBER2OI9 Sch. Total MWH BPA MWH Present Sch 34 Credit Proposed Sch 34 Credit Rev ($000)G/kwh)Rev ($0(X))Gftwh) (2)(3) 523,338 196,424 26,817 616,158 39,728 106 (4) 523,338 196,424 26,817 226,439 39,728 106 ($4,398) ($1,651) ($225) ($1,903) ($334) (6) (0.8403) (0.8403) ($5,303) ($1,990) ($272) ($2,295) ($4Or; 36 6A l0 23A 7A (1.0133) (1.0133) (1.0133) (1.0133) (1.0133) (5)(7)(8) F)(0.8403) (0.8403) (0.8403) ($t1 (0.8403)($t1 (r.0133) 1,402,572 1,012,852 ($8,51l)(0.8403)($10,263)(1.0133) EXHIBIT 3 Allocauon ofTota! PacifiCorp REP Benelits For FY-2O22 and FY-2023 BY State F.lod.Eqc 0) Tot aREP B.ndtt noh BP-2oT.bh 2.+U ACTUAT BISE YEAR + I2TIOS.TOIAL Avaraop Stt tEoil flDhlngton Id.ho 6,18&380,012 1,889,171,082 1,051393,82,r Tdlh&E q 13?_q4.qrn 6,254,375,N r,8r0,950,814 1,095,O$,013 9,161,375,27s 5,n13n,730 r,850,050,9,18 \07s,n1,4$ 9,147,160,097 58.0ro,( 20,230A tt.760t 100,mor Qualifylng6p6(r) InlUal lmarrnt i(2) REP GrudItr/kwh IOU Allocatcdlmuntll REP Crrdlt drkwh Gurtrrt Balance 7-31-21 FY-2022 lmount IStatE Drcllon Washlngton Idaho fobl Padtraffo 6,22t,377,730 r,850,060,948 t,075,72r4l8 9-147-160-O97 $58,916,715 117,520,Ls7 $10,187.128 $85.6?4 000 o.9470 0.9470 0.9470 0.q470 $s8,916,71s |t7,520,t57 1r0,187,128 t85.624,fi)O 0.9470 0.9470 0.9470 n.s/70 $rsz,seo l_jl!g;;!ry $395,340 ftrEffflIf'I -frEEEI Quallfylng616(r) Arnourt lmrrt Il(r) REP Grtdlt arkwh Arnountlmntt REP Grtdlt rrkwh Currttrt Balane 7-31-22 FY-2023 lmount 3S-tatc Oregon lvashanlton Idaho fotal PadfiCilD 6,22t,377,730 1,850,050.948 t,075,72t,4t5 $58,9r6,715 $7,s20,157 $10,187,128 486_524.000 0.9470 0.9470 0.9{70 o-s470 1s8,916,7rs J17,520,157 $10,187,128 t86_624_ffn 0.9470 0.9470 0.9470 o.9470 $OE@E $0 $0 a0 rffimr rIUEilEI rIMM il.t REP Bmtrtr QuallfylngLwh(1, z-YR ReE Pcrlod Tot l Erlrffi 7-tl -rl lmrnt a Arnount lmntS(2) REP Cr!.llt r/kwh Amount Amount 3 REP CI€dft arkwh REP B€n€f,ts DGr YetSeh t2,442,755,460 3,700,121,896 2,t57,442,937 tA 2q4 ?70 1 q? $117,833,430 $3s,0403r4 i20,374,2s6 (1 7? 74n nnn 0.9470 0.9470 0.9470 n q470 $1r7,833,430 $35,040,314 *20,374,2s6 tl 7? '4t Onn 0.9470 0.9470 0,9470 o q470 (t7,s14,s1e)@@ $39s;40@ $152,seoE=E@ /(6 066 (m\l tt66 rnt .!tn $5s,159,45s 117,7r7,827 Ito,263,423 ac? 140 70s Proposed Tariffs ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No. I Skseventh Revision of Sheet No.34.1 Canceling SElLSifth Revision of Sheet No. 34.1 ROCKY MOTINTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDIILE NO.34 STATE OF IDAIIO Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Consenation Act Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit APPLICATION AND AVAILABILITY: This Schedule is applicable and available to qualiffing Residential and/or Farm Customers of the Company under the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. MONTil,Y RATES: The monthly charges for service under each of the Electric Service Schedules shown below shall be reduced by the appropriate kilowatt-hour credit for all qualiffing kilowatt-hours of residential and/or farm use. Kilowatt-Hour Credit Adjustnents: Irrigation Customers: Schedule No. l0 $0.0-! !_l 330s403 per kWh Non-Irrigation Customers: $0.0101330848 per kWh Schedule Nos. l, 6A, 7 A, 23A 35A,36,19 with 6,4. 19 with 23A,19 with 35A (continued) EFFECTM: October l,20zl1 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-217-IE0 ISSUED: August 3gls, 20214 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTVTSTON OF PACTFICORP I.P.U.C. No. I Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 34.1 Canceling Sixth Revision of Sheet No.34.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERYICE SCHEDT]LE NO.34 STATE OF IDAIIO Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conseruation Act Residential and Farm Kilowatt-Hour Credit APPLICATION AI\D AVAILABILITY: This Schedule is applicable and available to qualifuing Residential and/or Farm Customers of the Company under the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. MONTHLY RATES: The monthly charges for service under each of the Electric Service Schedules shown below shall be reduced by the appropriate kilowatt-hour credit for all qualiffing kilowatt-hours of residential and/or farm use. Kilowatt-Hour Credit Adjustments: lrrigation Customers: Schedule No. l0 $0.010133 per kWh Non-Irrigation Customers: $0.010133 per kWh Schedule Nos. l, 6A, 7 A, 23A 354,36,19 with 6,4' 19 with 23A,19 with 35A ISSUED: August 30,2021 (continued) EFFECTM: October 1,2021 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-18