HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210511Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTV|S|ON OF PACTFICORP '. '!: l1'ri:{')-'.-'-t'i-iiLU j.;=l i:'i i i PH 3: -30 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 May 11,2021 VA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission ll33l W. Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,lD 83714 Re:CASE NO. PAC.E.2I-I3 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION OX'TIIE POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACIFICORP AI\ID DRY CREEK LLC. Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Please find for filing Rocky Mountain Power's Application in the above-referenced matter. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston,Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very truly yours, R. Vice-President of Regulation Enclosures .,1;-ti c.^-D Adam Lowney (IS8#10456) McDowell Rackner Gibson PC 419 SW lltrAvenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 Telephone: (503) 595-3926 Fax: (503) 595-3928 Email: adam@mrg-law.com Emily Wegener (Idaho Bar application pending) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple, Rm 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (80 I ) 220-4526 Email : emily.we gener@pacifi corp. com Attorneysfor Rocky Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OX'THE APPLICATION ) cAsE NO. PAC-B.-21-13 FORAPPROVAL OR REJECTION OF THE ) POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT ) APPLICATION OF BETWEEN PACIFICORPAT\D DRy ) ROCKY MOUNTATN POWERCREEKLLC. ) Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, ("Company") respectfully requests, pursuant to RP 52 and the applicable provisions of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"), that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") issue an order approving or rejecting the Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA") between PacifiCorp and Dry Creek LLC, ("Sellet'') datedApril20, 202l.In support of thisApplication, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: I. INTRODUCTION l. Rocky Mountain Power provides electric service to retail customers in the states of Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction with respect to its prices and terms of electric service to Page I retail customers pursuant to Idaho Code 6l-129. Rocky Mountain Power provides retail electric service to approximately 84,500 customers in the state of ldaho. 2. Seller owns, operates, and maintains a small hydro-electric power plant located in Butte County, Idaho with a nameplate capacity rating of 3.4 megawatts ("MW") (the "Facility"). Seller operates the Facility as a Qualiffing Facility ("QF") under the applicable provisions of PURPA. 3. Sections 201 utd 210 of PURPA, and pertinent regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") require that regulated electric utilities purchase electricity produced by co-generators or small power producers that obtain QF status. The rate a QF receives for the sale of its electricity is generally referred to as the avoided cost and must reflect the incremental cost to an electric utility of electric energy or capacity or both, which, but for the purchase from the QF, such utility would generate itself or purchase from another source. 4. The Commission has authority under PURPA, Sections 201 and 210 and FERC regulations, l8 C.F.R.S292, to set avoided costs, order electric utilities to enter into fixed-term obligations for the purchase of electricity from QFs, and implement FERC rules. 5. On December 18, 2012, the Commission issued Order No. 32697,1 which established parameters for published and negotiated avoided cost rate calculations. The Commission further established and defined numerous contract terms and conditions for standard PPAs entered into between regulated utilities and QFs. 6. On January 2,2013, the Commission issued an Errata to Order No. 32697, which corrected published avoided cost rates to include energy payments not discounted by transmission I In the Matter of the Commissionb Review of PURPA QF Contract Provisions Including the Surrogate Avoided Resource (SAR) and Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Methodologies for Calculating Avoided Cost Rates, Case No. GNR-E-11-03. Page2 and line loss. Subsequently the Commission issued reconsideration Order Nos. 32737 and 32802 on February 5, 2013 and May 5,2013, respectively, which further clarified certain terms and conditions of PPAs. 7. The Facility is an existing QF requesting approval of a replacement PPA. The Seller's original PURPA contract was dated May 2,1986. Since this is a replacement contract the PPA prices include energy and capacity payments for the entire term of the contract renewal. 8. The current contract will expire on April 30,2022, and the Seller has expressed a desire to continue to make sales from the Facility to PacifiCorp consistent with the requirements of PURPA as implemented in the State of Idaho. II. POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT 9. The Seller has demonstrated to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that: (1) the Facility's net energy will equal the energy delivery schedules for the term of the PPA; and (2) the likelihood that the Facility, under average design conditions, will generate at no more than 3.4 average MW in any calendar month. The Facility's estimated net annual output is I 0,21 4.5 megawatt-hours. 10. The PPA submiued herewith, as Attachment 1, complies with the Commission's previous orders, and except as otherwise indicated, the Company will pay the Seller the prices set forth in Exhibit K of the PPA. 1 I . The PPA will not become effective until May I ,2022, subject to the Seller acquiring a generation interconnection agreement, transmission interconnection agreement, and Commission approval and determination that the prices paid for energy and capacity are just and reasonable, in the public interest, and that costs incurred by the Company for purchasing energy and capacity are legitimate expenses for recovery in retail rates. Page 3 III. COMMT]MCATIONS 12. Communications regarding this filing should be addressed to: Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone : (801) 220-29 63 Email: ted. weston@paciflcorp.com I dahoD ockets [D pac i fi c orp. corlr Emily Wegener Senior Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4526 Email: emily.wegener(D.pacifi corp. conl In addition, Rocky Mountain Power requests that all data requests regarding this Application be sent in Microsoft Word to the following: By email (prefened) : datarequest @pac i ficorp. com By regular mail: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 Muluromah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Informal questions may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager at (801) 220-2963. ry. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 13. The Company believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing, pursuant to RP 201. Page 4 V. REOUEST FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission: (1) Issue an order authorizing that this matter be processed by Modified Procedure; (2) Approve or reject the power purchase agreement between Dry Creek LLC. and the Company without change or condition; and (3) Declare that the avoided cost prices set forth in the Amendment are just and reasonable, in the public interest, and that the Company's incurrence of such costs are legitimate expenses for recovery in retail rates. DATED this llm day of May 2021. Respectfu lly submitted, ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Adam Lowney 058#10456) McDowell Rackner Gibson PC 419 SW llftAvenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 Telephone: (503) 595-3926 Fax: (503) 595-3928 Email: adam@rnrg-law.com Emily L. Wegener (Idaho Bar admission pending) 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone No. (801) 220-4526 Mobile No. (385) 227-2476 Email: Ernily.wegener@pacificorp.com Attorneys for Roclgt Mountain Power Page 5 PacifiCorp EXECUTION COPY POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN DRY CREEK L.L.C. ATID PACIFICORP TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I DEFINTTIONS, RULES OF INTERPRETATION 1.1 Defined Terms.I 1.2 Rules of Interpretation.9 SECTION 2 TERM; MILESTONES..........10 2.2 Milestones.10 SECTION 3 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 10 3.1 Mutual Representations and Warranties. ...............10 3.2 Seller's Further Representations, Warranties and Covenants.. ......................11 SECTION 4.....1.4 DELTYERIES OF NET OUTPUT 4.1 Purchese and Sale.t4 4.2 Designation as Network Resource..... ......................14 4.3 No Sales to Third Parties. ...................14 4.4 Title and Risk of Loss of Net Output ....... ...............14 1 14 4.6 PacifiCorp as Merchant .....................15 4.7 Ownership of Environmental Attributes, Tax Credits....... .........15 4.8 Purchase and Sale of Capacity Ri9hts......... ............15 SECTION 5 CONTRACT PRICE; COSTS .......17 5.1 Contract Price; Includes Capacity Rights.....17 5.4 Texes.....18 5.5 Costs of Ownership and Operation. -ll- ....19 5.6 Rates Not Subject to Review 19 SECTION 6 OPERATION AI\D CONTROL..............t9 6,2 Standard of Facility Operation. ..........19 6.3 Interconnection...20 6.4 Coordination with System........ ...........20 6.6 gsfisfluting... 6,7 Forecasting.. ..21 ..22 .26 6.10 Transmission Provider Consent. ........................23 6.11 DedicatedCommunicationCircuit...23 6.13 Financial and Accounting Information.....25 SECTTON 7 QUALIFYTNG FACILTTY STATUS.. ............25 SECTION 8 SECURITY AI\D CREDIT SUPPORT 2S METERING 26 9.1 Installation of Metering Equipment . ......................26 9.2 Metering..26 9.3 Inspection, Testing, Repair and Replacement of Meters................ .................25 9.5 WREGIS Metering. SECTION 10 -111- 26 10.1 Monthly Invoices. .......26 BILLINGS, COMPUTATIONS AND PAYMENTS 26 10.2 Offsets..26 10.3 Interest on Late Payments..27 10.5 Audit Rights..27 SECTION T1 DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES ....,,...27 11.1 Defaults...27 11.2 Remedies for Failure to Deliver/Receive.......... .......................28 11.s 11.6 Terminstisn Damages. Duty/Right to Mitigate. ..31 ...31 11.8 Cumulative Remedies.... .................31 SECTION 12 INDEMNIFICATION AI\D LIABILITY 31 l2.l Indemnities....32 SECTION 13 INSURANCE ................34 13.1 Required Policies and Coverages......34 SECTION 14 34 FORCE MAJEURE t4.t Definifiel of Force Majeure. Suspension of Performance. 14.3 Force Majeure Does Not Affect Other Obligations. 14.4 Strikes. 34 14.2 ...34 ...35 ...35 ...35 14.5 Right to Terminsls. -lv- ...35 SECTION 15 SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS.......35 SECTION 16 CHOICE OF LAW.........,..........,35 SECTION 17 PARTIAL IIYVALIDITY 35 SECTION 18 NON.WAIVER SECTION 19 GOYERNMENTAL JURISDICTION AND AUTHORIZATIONS............... 35 SECTION 20 SUCCESSORS AIID ASSIGNS ...36 20.1 Resfiction on Assignments. ............. ..................36 20.2 Permitted Assignmsnts ....................36 SECTION 21 ENTIRE AGREEMENT.......... .....36 SECTTON 22 NOTICES............. ..........37 22.1 Addresses and Delivery Methods...... ..................37 SECTTON 23 PUBLICITY ..................37 23.1 News Releases and Publicity..... ......37 SECTION 24 DISAGREEMENTS 24.1 Negodations....37 Choice of Form....38 WAIVER OF JT]RY TRIAL....38 36 37 24.2 243 24.4 -v- Exhibit A Exftibit B Ekhibit c Exhibit D Exhibit E ExhibitF Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibitl Exhibit J Exhibit K Exhibit L EMIBTTS Estimated Monthly Net Output Description of Seller's Facility Seller's Interconnection Facilities Required Facility Docrunents Leases Reserved Qualified Reporting Entity Servioes Agreement Seller Authorization to Release Gene,ration Data to PacifiCorp Rquired Insurance NERC Event Types Rocky Mountain Power Schedule No. 38 Party Notice Information -vr- POWER PURCIIASE AGREEMENT THIS POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), is entered into between Dry Creek, L.L.C., an Idaho Limited Liability Company (the "Seller") and PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation ("PacifiCorp"). Seller and PacifiCorp are sometimes referred to in this Agreement collectively as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party." A. Seller owns, operates and maintains an existing hydro-powered generating facility for the generation of elecfic energy known as the Dry Creek Project located in Butte County, Idaho, with a nameplate capacity rating of 3.4 MW (the "Facility"); and B. Seller will operate the Facility as a Qualifoing Facility ("QF"); and C. Seller desires to sell, and PacifiCorp agrees to purchase, the Net Output delivered by the Facility in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreemenq and D. The rates, terms and conditions in this Agreement are in accordance with the rates, terms, and conditions approved by the Commission for purchases from QFs; and E. PacifiCorp intends to designate the Facility as a Network Resource for the purposes of serving network load. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises below and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffrciency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties mutually agree as follows: SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS, RULES OF INTERPRETATION 1.1 Defined Terms. Unless otherwise required by the context in which any term appears, initially capitalizedterms used in this Agreernent have the following meanings: "Abandonment" means the relinquishment of all possession and control of the Facility by Seller, but only if such relinquishment is not caused by or attributable to an Event of Default by PacifiCorp, o request by PacifiCorp, or an event of Force Majeure. "Adjusted Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.10 "Affiliate" means, with respect to any entity, each entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such designated entity, with "control" meaning the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct managernent and policies, whether through the ownership of voting securities or by contract or otherwise. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to PacifiCorp, "Affiliate" only includes Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company and its direct, wholly owned subsidiaries. "Agreement" is defined in the Recitals. I "AC" means altemating current. "Business Day" means any day on which banks in Portland, Oregon, are not authorized or required by Requiranents of Law to be closed. "Capacity Rights" means any current or future defined characteristic, certificate, tag, credit, ancillary service or attribute thereof (including reactive power), or accounting construct, including any of the same counted towards any current or future resource adequacy or reserve requirements, associated with the elecftic generation capability and capacity of the Facility or the Facility's capability and ability to produce energy. Capacity Rights are measured in MW and do not include any Tax Credits or other tax incentives existing now or in the future associated with the construction, ownership or operation of the Facility. "Commission" means the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. "Conditional DNR Notice" is defined in Section 4.2. "Conforming Energy" means all Net Energy except Non-Conforming Enerry subject to any adjustments to the Energy Delivery Schedule in Section 4.9. "Conforming Energy Purchase Price" means the applicable price for Conforming Energy and capacity (if any), specified in Exhibit K. "Contract Interest Rate" means the lesser of (a) the highest rate permitted under Requirements of Law or O) 200 basis points per annum plus the rate per annum equal to the publicly announced prime rate or reference rate for commercial loans to large businesses in effect from time to time quoted by Citibank, N.A. as its "prime rate." If a Citibank, N.A. prime rate is not available, the applicable prime rate will be the announced prime rate or reference rate for commercial loans in effect from time to time quoted by a bank with $10 billion or more in assets in New York City, N.Y., selected by the Party to whom interest is being paid. "Contract Price" means the Conforming Energy Purchase Price orNon- Conforming Enerry Purchase Price as applicable, expressed in $/TvlWh, for Net Output and Capacity Rights stated in Section 5.1. "Contract Year" means any consecutive twelve (12) month period during the Term, commencing at 00:00 hours on May 1,2022 or any of its anniversaries and ending at 24:00 hours on the last day of such twelve (12) month period. "Credit Requirements" means a senior, unsecured long term debt rating (or corporate rating if such debt rating is unavailable) of (a) 'BBB+' or greater from S&P, or (b) 'Bazl' or greater form Moody's; provided that if such ratings are split, the lower of the two ratings must be at least 'BBB+' or oBaal' from S&P or Moody's, and provided further that if (a) or (b) is not available, an equivalent rating as determined by PacifiCorp through an internal process review and utilizing a proprietary credit scoring model developed in conjunction with a third party. "Effective Date" is defined in Section 2.1. 2 "Elecfric System Authority" means each ofNERC, WECC, WREGIS, an RTO, a regional or sub-regional reliability council or authority, and any other similar council, corporation, organization or body of recognized standing with respect to the operations of the electric system in the WECC region, as such are applicable to the Seller or PacifiCorp. "Energy Delivery Schedule" is defined in Section 4.9 of this Agreement. "Energy Imbalance Market" means generation facilities electrically located within PacifiCorp's balancing authority areas that are, from time to time, bid in to or otherwise subject to dispatch instructions issued or originating from the Market Operator. "Environmental Attributes" means any and all claims, credits, benefits, emissions reductions, offsets, and allowances associated with the avoidance of the emission of any gas, chemical, or other substance to the air, soil or water. Environmental Attributes include: (a) any avoided emissions of pollutants to the air, soil, or water such as sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and other pollutants; and O) any avoided emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases that have been determined by any Governmental Authority to conffibute to the actual or potential threat of altering the Earth's climate by trapping heat in the atmosphere. Environmental Attributes do not include (i) Tax Credits or other tax incentives existing now or in the future associated with the construction, ownership or operation of the Facility, (ii) matters designated by PacifiCorp as sources of liability, or (iii) adverse wildlife or environmental impacts. "Environmental Contamination" means the introduction or presence of Hazardous Materials at such levels, quantities or location, or of such form or character, as to constitute a violation of federal, state or local laws or regulations, and present a material risk under federal, state or local laws and regulations that the Prernises will not be available or usable for the purposes contemplated by this Agreernent. "Event of Default" is defined in Section 11.1. "Expected Monthly Net Output" means the estimated monthly Net Output as determined in Exhibit A. "Expected Net Output" means 10,215 MWh of Net Output in the first full Confract Year reduced, as applicable, by an annual degradation factor of 0 per Contract Year, measured at the Point of Delivery. Seller estimates that the Net Output will be delivered during each Contract Year according to the Expected Monthly Net Output provided in Exhibit A, as reduced each Contract Year, as applicable, by the annual degradation factor. "Facility" is defined in the Recitals and is more fully described in attached Exhibit B and includes all equipment, devices, associated appurtenances owned, controlled, operated and managed by Seller in connection with, or to facilitate, the production, generation, transmission, delivery, or furnishing of electric energy by Seller to PacifiCorp and required to interconnect with the System. "FERC" means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 3 "Firm Market Price Index'o means the hourly value calculated based on the average prices reported by the Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. ("ICE") Day-Ahead PV On-Peak Index and the ICE Day-Ahead PV Off-Peak Index (each an "ICE Index") for a given day, weighted by the count of hours for each ICE Index on such day, multiplied by the hourly CAISO day-ahead market locational marginal price for the "PACE.DGAP_PACE-APND" location, and divided by the averuEe of the same CAISO index over all hours in such day. If applicable, the resulting value will be reduced by the integration costs specified in the most recent Commission order as applicable to the Facility. If any index is not available for a given period, the Firm Market Price Index will be the average price derived from days in which all published data is available, for the same number of days immediately preceding and immediately succeeding the period in which an index was not available, regardless of which days of the week are used for this purpose. If the Firm Market Price Index or its replacement or any component of that index or its replacement ceases to be published or available, or useful for its intended purpose under this Agreernent, during the Term, the Parties must agree upon a replacement Firm Market Price Index or component that, after any necessary adjustnents, provides the most reasonable substitute quotation of the hourly price of electricity for the applicable periods. "Force Majeure" is defined in Section 14.1. "Forced Outage" means NERC Event Types Ul,Uz and U3, as provided in attached Exhibit J, and specifically excludes any Maintenance Outage or Planned Outage. "Generation Interconnection Agreement" means the generator interconnection agreement entered into separately between Seller and Interconnection Provider concerning the lnterconnection Facilities. "Governmental Authority" means any supranational, federal, state or other political subdivision thereof, having jurisdiction over Seller, PacifiCorp or this Agreement, including any municipality, township or count5r, and any entity or body exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or adminishative functions of or pertaining to government, including any corporation or other entity owned or contolled by any of the foregoing. "Hazardous Materials" means any waste or other substance that is listed, defined, designated or classified as or determined to be hazardous under or pursuant to any environmental law or regulation. "Inadvertent Energy" means: (1) energy delivered in excess of the Maximum Monthly Purchase Obligation; and (2) energy delivered to the Point of Delivery at a rate exceeding the Maximum Delivery Rate. Inadvertent Energy is not included in Net Output. "Indemnified Party" is defined in Section 6.2.3b). "Initial Delivery Date" is defined in Section 2.2(a) "Initial Energy Delivery Schedule" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.9. "Interconnection Facilities" means all the facilities installed, or to be installed, for the purpose of interconnecting the Facility to the Systern, including electrical transmission lines, 4 upgrades, transformers and associated equipment, substations, relay and switching equipment, and safety equipment. "Interconnection Provider" means Pacifi Corp Transmission. (6KWr" means kilowatt. "Lender" means an entity lending money or extending credit (including any financing lease, monetization of tax benefits, transaction with a tax equity investor, back leverage financing or credit derivative arrangement) to Seller or Seller's Affiliates (a) for the construction, term or permanent financing or refinancing of the Facility, O) for working capital or other ordinary business requirements for the Facility (including for the maintenance, repair, replacement or improvement of the Facility), (c) for any development financing, bridge financing, credit support, and related credit enhancement or interest rate, currency, weather, or Environmental Attributes in connection with the development, construction or operation of the Facility, or (d) for the purchase of the Facility and related rights from Seller. "Liabilities" is defined in Section l2.l.l. "Maintenance Outage" means NERC Event Type MO, as provided in attached Exhibit J, and includes any outage involving ten percent (10%) of the Facility's Net Output that is not a Forced Outage or a Planned Outage. "Market Operator" means the California Independent System Operator or any other entity performing the market operator function for the Energy Imbalance Market or any organized day-ahead or intra-hour market. o'Maximum Delivery Rate" means the maximum hourly rate of delivery of Net Output in MWh from the Facility to the Point of Delivery, calculated on the basis of the Net Output delivered in an hour accruing at an average rate equivalent to the actual Nameplate Capacity Rating, as stated in Exhibit A. o'Maximum Monthly Purchase Obligation" means the maximum amount of energy PacifiCorp is obligated to purchase under this Agreement in a calendar month. In accordance with Commission orders, the Maximum Monthly Purchase Obligation for a given month, in kWh, shall not exceed 10,000 kW multiplied by the total number of hours in that month and prorated for any partial month. "Moody' s" means Moody' s Investor Services, Inc. "Mountain Prevailing Time" or "MPT" means Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight Time, as applicable in Utah on the day in question. (6MWr" means megawatt. 6(MWh" means megawatt-hour. 5 "Nameplate Capacity Rating" means the maximum installed instantaneous generation capaaty of the completed Facility, expressed in MW (AC), when operated in compliance with the Generation lntsrconnection Agreernent and consistent with the recoflrmended power factor and operating parameters provided by the manufacturer of the generator. The Nameplate Capacity Rating of the Facility is 3.4 MW. 'Net Energy" means the energy component, in kWh, ofNet Output. Net Energy does not include Inadvertent Energy. "NERC" means the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. 'Net Output" means all energy and capacity produced by the Facility, less station use and less transformation and transmission losses and other adjustments (e.g., Seller's load other than station use), if any. For purposes of calculating payment under this Agreement, Net Output of energy will be the amount of energy flowing through the Point of Delivery. "Network Resource" is defined in the Tariff. "Non-Conforming Energy" means for any Billing Period subject to any adjustnents to the Energy Delivery Schedule in Section 4.9 and Section 4.10, as may be adjusted pursuant to Section 4.10: (l) that portion, if any, of Net Energy delivered subsequently to the initial ll0% of the Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery for that Billing Period; or (2) all Net Energy delivered when Net Energy delivered is less than 90% of the Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery for that Billing Period; and (3) all Net Output produced by the Facility prior to the Commercial Operation Date. 'Non-Conforming Energy Purchase Price" means the applicable price for Non- Conforming Energy and capacity, specified in Section 5.1. "Off-Peak Hours" means all hours ending 0l:00:00 through 06:00:00 and hours ending 23:00:00 through 24:00:00, MPT, Monday through Saturday and hours ending 01:00:00 through 24:00:00, MPT, on Sundays and NERC designated holidays. "On-Peak Hours" means all hours ending 07:00:00 through 22:00:00 MMPT, Monday through Saturday, excluding NERC designated holidays. "Output" means all energy produced by the Facility. "PacifiCorp" is defined in the Recitals, and explicitly excludes PacifiCorp Transmission. "PacifiCorp Indemnitees" is defined in Section l2.l.l. "PacifiCorp Representatives" is defined in Section 6.14. "PacifiCorp Transmission" means PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, acting in its interconnection or fransmission function capacity. 6 "PacifiCorp's Cost to Cover" means the positive difference, if any, between (a) the time weighted average of the Firm Market Price Index for each day for which the determination is being made, and (b) the Contract Price in effect on such days, stated as an amount per MWh. "Pafi" and "Parties" are defined in the Recitals. "Permits" means the permits, licenses, approvals, certificates, entitlements and other authorizations issued by Governmental Authorities required for the construction, ownership or operation of the Facility or occupancy of the Prernises. "Planned Outage" means NERC Event Type PO, as provided in attached Exhibit J, and specifically excludes any Maintenance Outage or Forced Outage. "Point of Delivery" means the point of interconnection betwee,n the Facility and the System, as specified in the Generation Interconnection Agreement and as further described in Exhibit C. ooPremises" means the real property on which the Facility is or will be located, as more fully described on Exhibit B. "Prudent Electrical Practices" means any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the independent electric power generation industry for facilities of similar size and characteristics or any of the practices, methods or acts, which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in the light of the facts known at the time a decision is made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at the lowest reasonable cost consistent with reliability, safety and expedition. "PLJRPA" means the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. "QF" means "Qualiffing Facility," as that term is defined in the FERC regulations (codified at l8 CFR Part292) in effect on the Effective Date. "Qualiffing Curtaiknent" means, to the extent not caused by Seller's negligent, reckless, or willful actions, a period in a given calendar month during which delivery of Net Output is curtailed or intemrpted pursuant to Section 4.5, and only applicable to adjustnent of the Energy Delivery Schedule as described in Section 4.9 and Section 4.10. "Qualiffing Institution" means a United States commercial bank or trust company organized under the laws of the United States of America or a political subdivision thereof having assets of at least S10,000,000,000 (net of reserves) and a credit rating on its long-term senior unsecured debt of at least 'A' from S&P and'A2' from Moody's. "Required Facility Documents" means the Permits and other authorizations, rights and agreanents necessary for construction, ownership, operation, and maintenance of the Facility, and to deliver the Net Output to PacifiCorp in accordance with this Agreement and Requirements of Law, including those listed in Exhibit D. 7 "Requirements of Law'o means any applicable federal, state and local law, statute, regulation, rule, action, order, code or ordinance enacted, adopted, issued or promulgated by any Governmental Authority (including those pertaining to electrical, building, zoning, environmental and wildlife protection, and occupational safety and health). "RTO" means any entity (including an independent system operator) that becomes responsible as system operator for, or directs the operation of the System. "S&P" means Standard & Poor's Rating Group (a division of S&P Global, Inc.) "Schedule 38" means Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Schedule No. 38 as attached in Exhibit K, and as approved by the Commission on the Effective Date. "Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery" means the Net Energy scheduled to be delivered during a given calendar month, as specified by Seller in the Energy Delivery Schedule. Agreement. "Subsequent Energy Delivery Schedule" is defined in Section 4.9.2 of this "Seller" is defined in the Recitals. "Seller Indemnitees" is defined in Section 12.1.2. "Seller's Cost to Cover" means the positive difference, if any, between (a) the Contract Price per MWh, and O) the net proceeds per MWh actually realizedby Seller from the sale to a third party of Net Output not purchased by PacifiCorp as required under this Agreement. o'System" means the electric transmission substation and transmission or distribution facilities owned, operated or maintained by Transmission Provider, which includes the circuit reinforcements, extensions, and associated terminal facility reinforcements or additions required to interconnect the Facility, all as provided in the Generation Interconnection Agreernent. o'Tariff'means PacifiCorp's Open Access Transmission Tariff on file with FERC, as such tariffis revised from time to time. "Tax Credits" means any state, local and federal production and investment tax credits, tax deductions, or other tax benefits specific to the production of renewable energy or investments in renewable energy facilities. "Term" is defined in Section 2.1. "Termination Damages" is defined in Section 11.5. o'Transmission Provider" means PacifiCorp Transmission, including PacifiCorp's business unit responsible for the safe and reliable operation of PacifiCorp's balancing authority areas. 8 "WECC'' means the Western Electricity Coordinating Council. 1.2 Rules of Interpretation. 1.2.1 General. Unless otherwise required by the context in which any term appears, (a) the singular includes the plural and vice versa; (b) references to "Articles," "Sections," "Schedules," "Appendices" or "Exhibits" are to articles, sections, schedules, appendices or exhibits of this Agreement; (c) all references to a particular entity or an electicity market price index include a reference to such entity's or index's successors; (d) "herein," "hereof'and "hereunder" refer to this Agreement as a whole; (e) all accounting terms not specifically defined in this Agreement must be construed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, consistently applied; (f) the masculine includes the feminine and neuter and vice versa; (g) "including" means "including, without limitation" or "including, but not limited to"; (h) all references to a particular law or statute mean that law or statute as amended from time to time; (i) all references to energy or capacity are to be interpreted as utilizing alternating current, unless expressly stated otherwise; and (i) the word "or" is not necessarily exclusive. Reference to "days" means calendar days, unless expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement. 1.2.2 Terms Nof to be Constnred For or Aoainst F.ither Partv.Each term in this Agreement must be construed according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against either Party. 1.2.3 Headings. The headings used for the sections and articles of this Agreement are for convenience and reference purposes only and in no way affect the meaning or interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement. 1.2.4 Interpretation with FERC Orders. Each Party conducts its operations in a manner intended to comply with FERC Order No. 717, Standards of Conduct for Transmission Providers, and its companion orders, requiring the separation of its transmission and merchant functions. Moreover, the Parties acknowledge that Interconnection Provider's transmission function offers transmission service on its system in a manner intended to comply with FERC policies and requirements relating to the provision of open-access transmission service. (a) The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Generation Interconnection Agreement is a separate and free standing contract and that the terms of this Agreanent are not binding upon the Interconnection Provider. O) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, nothing in the Generation Interconnection Agreement, nor any other agreement between Seller on the one hand and Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider on the other hand, nor any alleged event of default under the Generation Interconnection Agreement, will alter or modiff the Parties' rights, duties, and obligations in this Agreement. This Agreement will not be construed to create any rights between Seller and the Interconnection Provider or between Seller and the Transmission Provider. 9 (c) Seller acknowledges that, for purposes of this Agreement, the Interconnection Provider and Transmission Provider are deerned separate entities and separate contracting parties from PacifiCorp. Seller acknowledges that PacifiCorp, acting in its merchant capacity function as purchaser in this Agreernent, has no responsibility for or control over Interconnection Provider or Transmission Provider, and is not liable for any breach of agreement or duty by Interconnection Provider or Transmission Provider. SECTION 2 TERM; MILESTONES 2.1 Term. This Agreement will become effective after the occurrence of all of the following events (such date of occurrence, the "Effective Date"): (l) execution by both Parties; (2) approval by the Commission; (3) Seller has executed and is performing in accordance with a new Generation Interconnection Agreement with the Interconnection Provider; provided, however, this Agreement shall not become effective until the Commission has determined, pursuant to a final and non-appealable order, that the prices to be paid for energy and capacity are just and reasonable, in the public interest, and that the costs incurred by PacifiCorp for purchases of capacity and energy from Seller are legitimate expenses, all of which the Commission will allow PacifiCorp to recover in rates in Idaho in the event other jurisdictions deny recovay of their proportionate share of said expenses. Unless terminated earlier as provided herein, once effective, this Agreement remains in ef[ect until April 30,2042 (the "Term'o). For the sake of clarity, Seller is obligated to sell and make available to PacifiCorp its Net Output from the Initial Delivery Date through the last date of the Term. 2.2 Milestones. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement and Seller's delivery of Net Output is critically important. Therefore, Seller must achieve the milestones provided in (a) through (c) below at the times so indicated. (a) Seller must begin selling and making available to PacifiCorp Net Output under this Agreement on May 1, 2022 (*Inttial Delivery Date"). (b) Seller must provide a fully executed and effective Generation Interconnection Agreement to PacifiCorp before May 1, 2022. (c) Seller must provide PacifiCorp with documentation showing that Seller has obtained retail electric service for the Facility before May l, 2022. SECTION 3 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES 3.1 Mutual Representations and Warranties. Each Party represents and warants to the other that: 3.1.1 Oreanization. It is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of its organization. 3.1.2 Authority. It has the requisite power and authority to enter this Agreement and to perform according to its terms. l0 3.1.3 Corporate Actions. It has taken all corporate actions required to be taken by it to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated. 3.1.4 No Contravention. The execution and delivery of this Agreernent does not contravene any provision of, or constitute a default under, any indenture, mortgage, security instrument or undertaking, or other material agreement to which it is a party or by which it is bound, or any valid order of any court, or any regulatory agency or other Governmental Authority having authority to which it is subject. 3.1.5 Valid and Enforceable Aereement. This Agreement is a valid and legally binding obligation of it, enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as enforceability may be limited by general principles of equity or bankruptcy, insolvency, bank moratorium or similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally and laws restricting the availability of equitable remedies. 3.2 Seller's Further Representations. Warranties and Covenants. Seller further represents, warrants, and covenants to PacifiCorp that: 3.2.1 Authoritv. Seller (a) has all required regulatory authority to make wholesale sales from the Facility; (b) has the power and authority to own and operate the Facility and be present upon the Premises for the Term; and (c) is duly qualified and in good standing under the laws of each jurisdiction where its ownership, lease or operation of property, or the conduct of its business requires such qualification. 3.2.2 No Confravention. The execution, delivery, performance and observance by Seller of its obligations in this Agreernent do not and will not: (a) contravene, conflict with or violate any provision of any material Requirements of Law presently in effect having applicability to either Seller or any owner of Seller; O) require the consent or approval of or material filing or registration with any Governmental Authority or other person other than consents and approvals which are (i) provided in Exhibit D or (ii) required in connection with the construction or operation of the Facility and expected to be obtained in due course; or (c) result in a breach of or constitute a default under any provision of (i) any security issued by Seller or any owner of Seller, the effect of which would materially and adversely affect Seller's performance of, or ability to perform, its obligations in this Agreement, or (ii) any material agreonent, instrument or undertaking to which either Seller or any owner or other Affiliate of Seller is a party or by which the property of either Seller or any owner or other Affiliate of Seller is bound, the effect of which would materially and adversely affect Seller's performance of, or ability to perform, its obligations in this Agreement. 3.2.3 Required Facilitv Documents. All Required Facility Documents are listed 11 on Exhibit D. Pursuant to the Required Facility Documents, Seller holds as of the Effective Date (or such other later date as may be specified under Requirements of Law), and will maintain for the Term all Required Facility Documents. The anticipated use of the Facility complies with all applicable restrictive covenants affecting the Premises. Following the Effective Date, Seller must promptly notiff PacifiCorp of any additional Required Facility Documents. If reasonably requested by PacifiCorp, Seller must provide copies of any or all Required Facility Documents. 3.2.4 Delivery of Enerpy. Before May 1, 2022, Seller must hold all rights sufficient to enable Seller to deliver Net Output at the Nameplate Capacity Rating from the Facility to the Point of Delivery pursuant to this Agreernent throughout the Term. 3.2.5 Control of Prernises. Seller has all legal rights necessary for the Seller to enter upon and occupy the Prernises for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining the Facility for the Term. A1l leases of real property required for the operation of the Facility or the performance of any obligations of Seller in this Agreement are identified in Exhibit E. Seller must maintain all leases or other land grants necessary for the construction, operation and maintenance of the Facility. Upon request by PacifiCorp, Seller must provide copies of the memoranda of lease recorded in connection with the development of the Facility. 3.2.6 Litieation. No litigation, arbitration, investigation or other proceeding is pending or, to the best of Seller's knowledge, threatened against Seller or any Affiliate of Seller, with respect to this Agreement, the Facility, or the hansactions contemplated in this Agreernent. No other investigation or proceeding is pending or threatened against Seller or any AfEliate of Seller, the effect of which would materially and adversely affect Seller's performance of its obligations in this Agreement. 3.2.7 Elisible Contract Participant. Seller, and any guarantor of its obligations under this Agreement, is an "eligible contract participant" as that term is defined in the United States Commodity Exchange Act. 3.2.8 Undertakine of Aqreement Professionals and Experts. Seller has engaged those professional or other experts it believes necessary to understand its rights and obligations pursuant to this Agreernent. In entering into this Agreement and agreeing to undertake the obligations within, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of performing and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise of PacifiCorp in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 3.2.9 Verification. All information relating to the Facility, its operation and output provided to PacifiCorp and contained in this Agreement has been verified by Seller and is true and accurate. 3.3 No Other Representations or Warranties. Each Party acknowledges that it has entered into this Agreernent in reliance upon only the representations and warranties provided in this Agreement, and that no other representations or warranties have been made by the other Party with respect to the subject matter. t2 3.4 Continuine Nature of Representations and Warranties: Notice. The representations and warranties provided in this Section 3 are made as of the Effective Date and are deemed repeated as of May 1,2022. If at any time during the Term, either Party obtains actual knowledge of any event or information that would have caused any of the representations and warranties in this Agreerrent to be materially untrue or misleading at the time given, such Party must provide the other Party with written notice of the event or information, the representations and warranties affected, and the action, if any, which such Party intends to take to make the representations and warranties fue and correct. The notice required by this section must be gtven as soon as practicable after the occurrence of each such event. l3 SECTION 4 DELIVERIES OF NET OUTPUT 4.1 Purchase and Sale. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, Seller must sell and make available to PacifiCo{p, and PacifiCorp must purchase and receive the entire Net Output from the Facility at the Point of Deliver),. PacifiCorp is under no obligation to make any purchase other than Net Output and is not obligated to purchase, receive or pay for Net Output that is not delivered to the Point of Delivery. 4.2 Desisnation as Network Resource. Within five (5) Business Days following the Effective Date, PacifiCorp will submit an application to the Transmission Provider requesting designation of the Facility as a Network Resource, thereby authorizing transmission service under PacifiCorp's Network Integration Transmission Service Agreement with the Transmission Provider. If PacifiCorp is notified in writing by the Transmission Provider that designation of the Facility as a Network Resource requires the construction of transmission syston network upgrades or otherwise requires potential redispatch of other Network Resources of PacifiCorp (the "Conditional DNR Notice"), the Parties will promptly meet to determine how such conditions to the Facility's Network Resource designation may impact the Contract Price or other terms and conditions of this PPA. If, within thirty (30) days following the date of PacifiCorp's receipt of the Conditional DNR Notice, the Parties are unable to reach agreement on any necessary adjustments to ensure the Contract Price reflects an'oavoided cost" price as determined by the Commission and PURPA, PacifiCorp will submit the matter to the Commission for a determination on what adjustments, if any, are appropriate as a result of the Conditional DNR Notice. PacifiCorp will submit such filing with the Commission within sixty (60) days following the date of PacifiCorp's receipt of the Conditional DNR Notice. In the event of a Conditional DNR Notice, Seller will have the right to terminate the Agreement upon written notice to PacifiCorp and such termination by Seller will not be an Event of Default and no damages or other liabilities under this Agreement will be owed by one Party to the other Party; !, however, that Seller's right to terminate the Agreement under this Section 4.2 will cease following (a) any amendment of this Agreement associated with addressing matters covered under this Section 4.2 or (b) PacifiCorp incurring costs at Seller's request in furtherance of addressing matters covered under this Section 4.2. 4.3 No Sales to Third Parties. During the Term, Seller will not sell any Net Output, energy, or Capacity Rights from the Facility to any party other than PacifiCo.p; provided, however, that this restriction does not apply during periods when PacifiCorp is in default under this Agreement because it has failed to accept or purchase Net Output as required under this Agreonent. 4.4 Title and Risk of Loss of Net Output. Seller must deliver Net Output to the Point of Delivery and Capacity Rights free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances. Title to and risk of loss of all Net Output transfers from Seller to PacifiCorp upon its delivery to PacifiCorp at the Point of Delivery. Seller is in exclusive control of, and responsible for, any damage or injury caused by, all Output up to and at the Point of Delivery. PacifiCorp is in exclusive control of, and responsible for, any damages or injury caused by, Net Output after the Point of Delivery. t4 4.5 Curtailment. PacifiCorp is not obligated to purchase, receive, pay for, or pay any damages associated with, Net Output not delivered to the System or Point of Delivery due to any of the following: (a) the interconnection between the Facility and the Systun is disconnected, suspended or intemrpted, in whole or in part, consistent with the terms of the Generation Interconnection Agreement; (b) the Market Operator or Transmission Provider directs a general curtailment, reduction, or redispatch of generation in the area (which would include the Net Output) for any reason (excluding curtailment of purchases for general economic reasons unilaterally directed by the Market Operator or PacifiCorp acting solely in its merchant function capacity), even if and no matter how such curtailment or redispatch directive is carried out by PacifiCorp, which may fuIfiIl such directive by acting in its sole discretion; or if PacifiCorp curtails or otherwise reduces the Net Output in any way in order to meet its obligations to the Market Operator or Transmission Provider to operate within syston limitations; (c) the Facility's Output is not received because the Facility is not fully integrated or synchronized with the Systern; (d) an icing event within the immediate water source used as the Facility's primary motive force; or (e) an event of Force Majeure prevents either Party from delivering or receiving Net Output. Seller will reasonably determine the MWh amount of Net Output curtailed under this Section 4.5 based on the amount of energy that could have been generated at the Facility and delivered to PacifiCorp as Net Output but that was not generated and delivered because of the curtailment. Seller must promptly provide PacifiCorp with access to such information and data as PacifiCo{p may reasonably require to confirm to its reasonable satisfaction the amount of energy that was not generated or delivered because of a curtailment described in this Section 4.5. 4.6 PacifiCorp as Merchant. Seller acknowledges that PacifiCorp, acting in its merchant capacity function as purchaser under this Agreement, has no responsibility for or control over PacifiCorp Transmission, in either its capacity as Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider. 4.7 Ownership of Environmental Attributes. Tax Credits. Seller maintains ownership of any Environmental Attributes associated with the Output and any Tax Credits associated with the Output or the Facility. 4.8 Purchase and Sale of Capacitv Riehts. Seller transfers to PacifiCo{p, and PacifiCorp accepts from Seller, any right, title, and interest that Seller may have in and to Capacity Rights, if any, existing during the Term. Seller represents that it has not sold, and covenants that during the Term it will not sell or attempt to sell to any other person or entity the Capacity Rights, if any. During the Term, Seller must not report to any person or entity that the Capacity Rights, if any, belong to anyone other than PacifiCorp. At PacifiCorp's request, Seller must execute such documents and instruments as may be reasonably required to effect recognition and transfer of the Net Output or any Capacity Rights to PacifiCorp. 4.9 Enerey Deliverv Schedule. Seller shall prepare and provide to PacifiCo{p, on an ongoing basis, a written schedule ofNet Energy expected to be delivered by the Facility ("Energy Delivery Schedule"), in accordance with the following: From the Effective Date through the first twelve full calendar months following the Eflective Date, Seller predicts that the Facility will produce and deliver the following monthly amounts ("Initial l5 Energy Delivery Schedule") Month January February March April May June July August Septernber October November Decernber Enerw Deliverv (kWh) 476,200 378,100 394,100 487,400 1,123,600 1,890,400 1,575,600 1,039,000 808,500 771,100 677,500 593,000 4.9.1 the Effective Date. 4.9.2 On an after May l, 2022, the Seller may revise any future monthly Energy Delivery Schedule with additional forward estimates (which shall be the "Subsequent Energy Delivery Schedule") by providing written notice no later than 5 PM Mountain Standard time on the 20th day of the month that is prior to the month to be revised. If the 20th day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, then written notice must be received on the last business day prior to the 20th day of the month. For example, if the Seller would like to revise the Energy Delivery Schedule for October, Seller must submit a revised schedule no later than September 20th or the last business day prior to September 20th. PacifiCorp agrees that such dates above shall be revised to the 25th day of the month that is prior to the month to be revised (or the last business day prior to the 25th of the month if the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday) to the extent that PacifiCorp develops a web-based or other electronic noticing or scheduling system for Seller to provide such estimates. a) This written notice must be provided to PacifiCorp in accordance with Section 22.1, including the electronic notice provisions therein, or by other means of electronic notice as agreed to by both parties. b) Failure to provide timely written notice of changes to the Initial Energy Delivery Schedule or, if applicable, the most recent Subsequent Energy Delivery Schedule will be deemed to be an election of no change from the most recently provided Energy Delivery Seller may revise the Initial Energy Delivery Schedule any time prior to 16 Schedule 4.10 Adjustment of EnerBy Delivery Schedule. In the event of either (i) a Qualiffing Curtailment, or (ii) a Forced Outage lasting at least 48 hours and for which Seller provides notice to PacifiCorp pursuant to Section 6.5.3 ("Qualifuing Outage"), the Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery will be adjusted,pro rata, ("Adjusted Scheduled Monthly Enerry Delivery') for that month to determine Conforming Energy and Non-Conforming Enerry. The Adjusted Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery shall be calculated as follows: SMED(adj): SMED*1 _*( ttt, * DRn - DRc, )l- L,=r\ Ht DR* )) ( Where: SMED Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery for the month in which the Qualifring Curtailment(s) and/or Qualifying Outage(s) occur Adjusted Scheduled Monthly Energy Delivery for the month in which the Qualifuing Curtailment(s) and/or Qualifoing Outage(s) occur the duration in hours of the Qualifuing Curtailment(s) anilor Qualifuing Outage(s) occur total hours in the month in which Qualifuing Curtailment(s) and/or Qualiffing Outage(s) occur the Maximum Curtailed Facility Delivery Rate during the Qualiffing Curtailment(s) and/or Qualiffing Outage(s) occur the Maximum Facility Delivery Rate a Qualiffing Curtailment and/or Qualifring Outage the number of Qualifuing Curtailment(s) and/or Qualifuing Outage(s) in the month SMED(adj) Where Qualifoing Curtailments and/or Qualifuing Outages overlap, each distinct period of overlap shall be calculated as a separate Qualiffing Curtailment and/or Qualifuing Outage such that no hour within a calendar month may figure into more than one Qualifuing Curtailment or Qualifring Outage. SECTION 5 CONTRACT PRICE; COSTS 5.1 Conhact Price: Includes Capacit), Rights. PacifiCorp will pay Seller Conforming Energy or Non-Conforming Energy Purchase Prices as applicable stated in Exhibit K and as described in this Section 5.1 for all deliveries of Net Output adjusted for the month and On-Peak Hours or Off-Peak Hours and Capacity Rights, up to the Maximum Delivery Rate. Hci Ht DRct DRm I n t7 5.2 Costs and Charees. Seller is responsible for paylng or satisffing when due all costs or charges imposed in connection with the scheduling and delivery ofNet Output up to and at the Point of Delivery, including transmission costs, transmission line losses, and any operation and maintenance charges imposed by Interconnection Provider for the Interconnection Facilities. Except as provided in Section 4.2,PacifiCorp is responsible for all costs or charges, if any, imposed in connection with the delivery of Net Output at and from the Point of Delivery. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Seller, in accordance with the Generation Interconnection Agreement, is responsible for all costs associated with the modifications to Interconnection Facilities or the System (including System upgrades) caused by or related to the Facility. 5.3 Station Service. Seller is responsible for and obtaining, at its sole risk and expense, station service required for the Facility that is not provided by the Facility itself. 5.4 Taxes. Seller must pay, or reimburse PacifiCorp for, all existing and any new sales, use, excise, severance, ad valorem, and any other similar taxes, imposed or levied by any Governmental Authority on the Net Output or Capacity Rights up to and including the Point of Delivery, regardless of whether such taxes are imposed on PacifiCorp or Seller under Requirements of Law. PacifiCorp must pay, or reimburse Seller for, all such taxes imposed or levied by any Governmental Authority on the Net Output or Capacity fughts beyond the Point of Delivery, regardless of whether such taxes are imposed on PacifiCorp or Seller under Requirements of Law. The Contract Price will not be adjusted on the basis of any action of any Governmental Authority with respect to changes to or revocations of sales and use tor benefits, rebates, exception or give back. In the event any taxes are imposed on a Party for which the other Party is responsible in this Agreement, the Party on which the taxes are imposed must promptly provide the other Party notice and such other information as such Party reasonably requests with respect to any such taxes. l8 5.5 Costs of Ownership and Operation. Without limiting the generality of any other provision of this Agreonent and subject to Section 5.4, Seller is solely responsible for paying when due (a) all costs of owning and operating the Facility in compliance with existing and future Requirements of Law and the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and (b) all taxes and charges (however characterized) now existing or later imposed on or with respect to the Facility and its operation, including any tax or charge (however characterized) payable by a generator of Environmental Attributes. 5.6 Rates Not Subject to Review. The rates for service specified in this Agreement will remain in effect until expiration of the Term, and are not subject to change for any reason, including regulatory review, absent agreonent of the Parties. Neither Party will petition FERC to amend such prices or terms, or support a petition by any other person seeking to amend such prices or terms, absent the agreernent in writing of the other Party. Further, absent the agreonent in writing by both Parties, the standard of review for changes to this Agreanent proposed by a Party, a non-party or the FERC acting sua sponte will be the "public interest" application of the 'Just and reasonable" standard of review as described in United Gas Pipe Line Co. v. Mobile Gas Service Corp., 350 U.S. 332 (1956), and Federal Power Commission v. Sierra Pacific Power Co., 350 U.S. 348 (1956), and clarified by Morsan Stanley Capital Group. Inc. v. Public Util. Dist. No. 1 of Snohomish, 554 U.S. 527,128 S. Ct. 2733 (2008). SECTION 6 OPERATION AND CONTROL 6.1 6.2 Reserved. Standard of Facilitv Operation. 6.2.1 General. Seller will operate all interconnected equipment associated with the Facility within its control in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations to ensure system safety and reliability of interconnected operations. At Seller's sole cost and expense, Seller must operate, maintain and repair the Facility in accordance with (a) the applicable and mandatory standards, criteria and formal guidelines of FERC, NERC, any RTO, and any other Electric System Authority and any successors to the functions thereof; (b) the Permits and Required Facility Documents; (c) the Generation Interconnection Agreernent; (d) all Requirements of Law; (e) the requirements of this Agreement; and (D Prudent Electrical Practice. Seller acknowledges that it has no claim under this Agreement against PacifiCorp with respect to any requirements imposed by or damages caused by (or allegedly caused by) the Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider or with respect to the provision of station service. 6.2.2 Oualified Operator. Seller or an Affiliate of Seller must operate and maintain the Facility or cause the Facility to be operated and maintained by an entity that has at least two years of experience in the operation and maintenance of similar facilities of comparable size to the Facility. Seller must provide PacifiCorp thirty (30) days prior written notice of any change in operator of the Facility. 6.2.3 Fines and Penalties. t9 (a) Without limiting a Party's rights under Section 6.23b), each Party must pay all fines and penalties incurred by such Party on account of noncompliance by such Party with Requirements of Law as such fines and penalties relate to the subject matter of this Agreement, except where such fines and penalties are being contested in good faith through appropriate proceedings. O) If fines, penalties, or legal costs are assessed against or incurred by either Party (the "Indemnified Party") on account of any action by any Governmental Authority due to noncompliance by the other Party (the "Indemnifring Party") with any Requirernents of Law or the provisions of this Agreernent, or if the performance of the Indemnifying Party is delayed or stopped by order of any Governmental Authority due to the Indemnifuing Party's noncompliance with any Requirements of Law, the Indemnifuing Party must indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Party against any and all Liabilities suffered or incurred by the Indernnified Party as a result thereof. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Indemnifuing Party must reimburse the Indemnified Party for all fees, damages, or penalties imposed on the Indemnified Party by any Governmental Authority, other person or to other utilities for violations to the extent caused by a default by the Indernnifring Party or a failure of performance by the Indemnifring Party under this Agreanent. 6.3 Interconnection. Seller is responsible for the costs and expenses associated with obtaining from the Interconnection Provider network resource interconnection service (or interconnection service of a comparable nature) for the Facility at its Nameplate Capacity Rating. Seller has no claims under this Agreernent against PacifiCorp, acting in its merchant function capacity, with respect to any requirements imposed by or damages caused by (or allegedly caused by) acts or omissions of the Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider, acting in such capacities, in connection with the Generation Interconnection Agreement or otherwise. 6.4 Coordination with System. Seller's delivery of electricity to PacifiCorp under this Agreement must be at a voltage, phase, power factor, and frequency as reasonably specified by PacifiCorp. Seller will furnish, install, operate, and maintain in good order and repair, and without cost to PacifiCorp, such switching equipment, relays, locks and seals, breakers, automatic synchronizers, and other conhol and protective apparatus determined by PacifiCorp to be reasonably necessary for the safe and reliable operation of the Facility in parallel with the System, or Seller may contract with PacifiCorp to do so at the Seller's expense. PacifiCorp must at all times have access to all switching equipment capable of isolating the Facility from the System. 6.5 Outases. 6.5.1 Planned Outases. Seller must provide PacifiCorp with an annual forecast of Planned Outages for each Contract Year at least one month, but no more than three months, before the first day of that Contract Year, and may update such Planned Outage schedule as necessary to comply with Prudent Electrical Practices. Any such update to the Planned Outage schedule must be promptly submitted to PacifiCorp. Except as may be required in the Generation Interconnection Agreement, Seller may not schedule a Planned Outage during any portion of the months of December and July, except to the extent reasonably required to enable a 20 vendor to satisfr a guarantee requirement. 6.5.2 Maintenance Outaqes. If Seller reasonably determines that it is necessary to schedule a Maintenance Outage, Seller must notiff PacifiCorp of the proposed Maintenance Outage as soon as practicable but in any event at least five (5) days before the outage begins. Seller must take all reasonable measures consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices to not schedule any Maintenance Outage during the months of December and July. Notice of a proposed Maintenance Outage by Sellermust include the expected start date and time of the outage, the amount of generation capacity of the Facility that will not be available, and the expected completion date and time of the outage. PacifiCorp will promptly respond to such notice and may request reasonable modifications in the schedule for the outage. Seller must use all reasonable efforts to comply with any request to modifu the schedule for a Maintenance Outage provided that such change has no substantial impact on Seller. Once the Maintenance Outage has commenced, Seller must keep PacifiCorp apprised of any changes in the generation capacity available from the Facility during the Maintenance Outage and any changes in the expected Maintenance Outage completion date and time. As soon as practicable, any notifications given orally must be confirmed in writing. Seller must take all reasonable measures consistent with Prudent Elecfical Practices to minimize the frequency and duration of Maintenance Outages. 6.5.3 Forced Outages. Seller must promptly provide to PacifiCorp an oral report, via telephone to a number specified by PacifiCorp (or other method approved by PacifiCorp), of any Forced Outage resulting in more than ten percent (l0o/o) of the Nameplate Capacity Rating of the Facility being unavailable. This report from Seller must include the amount of the generation capacity of the Facility that will not be available because of the Forced Outage and the expected return date of such generation capacity. Seller must promptly update the report as necessary to advise PacifiCorp of changed circumstances. As soon as practicable, the oral report must be confirmed in writing to PacifiCorp. Seller must take all reasonable measures consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices to avoid Forced Outages and to minimize their duration. 6.5.4 Notice of Deratines and Outaees. Without limiting the foregoing, Seller will inform PacifiCorp, via telephone to a number specified by PacifiCorp (or other method approved by PacifiCorp), of any limitations, restrictions, deratings or outages reasonably predicted by Seller to affect more than five percent (5%) of the Nameplate Capacity rating of the Facility for the following day and will promptly update such notice to the extent of any material changes in this information. 6.5.5 Effect of Outases on Estimated Output. Seller represents and warrants that the Expected Monthly Net Output provided in Exhibit A takes into account the Planned Outages, Maintenance Outages, and Forced Outages that Seller reasonably expects to encounter in the ordinary course of operating the Facility. 6.6 Schedulins. 6.6.1 Cooperation and Standards. With respect to any and all scheduling requirements, (a) Seller must cooperate with PacifiCorp with respect to scheduling Net Output, 2t and (b) each Party will designate authorized representatives to communicate with regard to scheduling and related matters arising under this Agreernent. Each Party must comply with the applicable variable resource standards and criteria of any applicable Electric System Authority, as applicable. 6.6.2 Schedule Coordination. If, as a result of this Agreement, PacifiCorp is deemed by an RTO to be financially responsible for Seller's performance under the Generation Interconnection Agreement due to Seller's lack of standing as a "scheduling coordinator" or other RTO-recognized designation, qualification or otherwise, and PacifiCorp declines to absorb the cost of such financial responsibility then Seller must promptly take all actions necessary to acquire such RTO-recognized standing (or must contract with a third party who has such RTO- recognized standing) so that PacifiCorp is no longer responsible for Seller's performance under the Generation Interconnection Agreernent or RTO requirement, this Agreernent shall terminate without penalty. 6.7 Forecasting. 6.7.1 Lonq-Ranse Forecasts. Seller must, by Dece,nrber I't of each year during the Term (except for the last year of the Term), provide an annual update to the expected long- term monthly/diurnal mean net energy and net capacity factor estimates (l2X^ 24 profile). Seller must prepare such forecasts utilizing a renewable energy resource prediction model or service that is satisfactory to PacifiCorp in the exercise of its reasonable discretion and comparable in accuracy to models or services commonly used in the industry. The forecasts provided by Seller must comply with all applicable Electric System Authority tariffprocedures, protocols, rules and testing as necessary and as may be modified from time to time. 6.8 Increase in Nameplate Capacity Rating: New Project Expansion or Development. If Seller elects to increase the ability of the Facility to deliver Net Output in quantities in excess of the Maximum Delivery Rate through any means, including replaconent or modification of Facility equipment or related infrastructure, PacifiCorp is not required to purchase any Net Output above the Maximum Delivery Rate. If Seller elects to build an expansion or additional project within one mile of the Facility (measured from the nearest generation equipment at both locations), Seller may not require PacifiCorp to purchase (and PacifiCorp will have no obligation to purchase pursuant to this Agreement) the output of any such expansion or additional facility. Seller agrees that it will not seek to avoid the obligations in this Section 6.8 through use or establishment of a special purpose entity or other Affiliate. Any such expansion or additional facility may not materially and adversely impact the ability of either Party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. 6.9 Telemeterine. Seller must provide telemetering or other cellular or web-based equipment and facilities capable of transmitting the following information concerning the Facility pursuant to the Generation Interconnection Agreement and to PacifiCorp on a real-time basis, and will operate such equipment when requested by PacifiCorp to indicate: (a) o) instantaneous MW output at the Point of Delivery; Net Output; and 22 (c) the Facility's total instantaneous generation capacity Commencing on the date of initial deliveries under this Agreement, Seller must also transmit or otherwise make accessible to PacifiCorp any other data from the Facility that Seller receives on a real time basis, including Net Output data. Such real time data must be made available to PacifiCorp on the same basis as Seller receives the data (e.g., if Seller receives the data in four second intervals, PacifiCorp must also receive the data in four second intervals). If Seller uses a web-based performance monitoring system for the Facility, Seller must provide PacifiCorp access to Seller's web-based performance monitoring system. 6.10 Transmission Provider Consent. Within ten (10) days of the Effective Date, Seller must execute and submit to PacifiCorp, o consent in the form provided in Exhibit H or as otherwise required by Transmission Provider, that allows PacifiCorp to read the meter and receive any and all data from the Transmission Provider relating to transmission of Output or other matters relating to the Facility without the need for further consent from Seller. 6.1 I Dedicated Communication Circuit. Seller must install a dedicated direct communication circuit (which may be by common carrier telephone), or cellular or web-based equipment, between PacifiCorp and the control center in the Facility's control room or such other communication equipment as the Parties may agree, if requested to by PacifiCorp. 6.12 Reports and Records. 6.12.1 Electronic Fault Log. Seller must maintain an electronic fault log of operations of the Facility during each hour of the Tern commencing on May 1,2022. Seller must provide PacifiCorp with a copy of the electronic fault log within thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar month to which the fault log applies. 6.12.2 Information to Governmental Authorities. Seller must, promptly upon written request from PacifiCorp, provide PacifiCorp with data collected by Seller related to the construction, operation or maintenance of the Facility reasonably required for reports to any Governmental Authority or Electric System Authority, along with a statement from an officer of Seller certifring that the contents of the submittals are true and accurate to the best of Seller's knowledge. Seller must use best efforts to provide this information to PacifiCorp sufEciently in advance to enable PacifiCorp to review such information and meet any submission deadlines. PacifiCorp will reimburse Seller for all of Seller's reasonable actual costs and expenses in excess of $5,000 per year, if any, incurred in connection with PacifiCorp's requests for information under this subsection. 6.12.3 Other Information to be Provided to PacifiCorp. At any time from the Effective Date, one year's advance notice of the termination or expiration of any material agreement, including Leases, pursuant to which the Facility or any material equipment relating thereto is upon the Premises; provided that the foregoing does not authorize any early termination of any land lease. In the event Seller has less than one year's advance notice of such termination or expiration, Seller shall provide the notice contemplated by this Section to PacifiCorp within fifteen (15) Business Days of Seller obtaining knowledge of the termination or expiration. 23 6.12.4 Data Request. Sellermust, promptly upon written request from PacifiCorp, provide PacifiCorp with data collected by Seller related to the construction, operation or maintenance of the Facility reasonably required for information requests from any Governmental Authorities, state or federal agency intervener or any other party achieving intervenor status in any PacifiCorp rate proceeding or other proceeding before any Governmental Authority. Seller must use best efforts to provide this information to PacifiCorp sufficiently in advance to enable PacifiCorp to review such date and meet any submission deadlines. PacifiCorp will reimburse Seller for all of Seller's reasonable actual costs and expenses in excess of $5,000 per year, if any, incurred in connection with PacifiCorp's requests for information under this subsection. 6.12.5 Documents to Governmental Authorities. After sending or filing any statement, application, and report or any document with any Governmental Authority or Electric System Authority relating to operation and maintenance of the Facility, Seller must promptly provide to PacifiCorp a copy of the same. 6.12.6 Notice of Material Adverse Events. Seller must promptly notifu PacifiCorp of receipt of written notice or actual knowledge by Seller or its Affiliates of the occurrence of any event of default under any material agreement to which Seller is a party and of any other development, financial or otherwise, which would have a material adverse effect on Seller, the Facility, or Seller's ability to develop, construct, operate, maintain or own the Facility, including any material violation of any environmental laws or regulations arising out of the construction or operation of the Facility, or the presence of Environmental Contamination at the Facility or on the Premises. 6.12.7 Notice of Litieation. Following its receipt of written notice or knowledge of the cofllmencement of any action, suit, or proceeding before any court or Governmental Authority against Seller, its members, or any Affiliate relating to the Facility or this Agreement, or that could materially and adversely affect Seller's performance of its obligations in this Agreement, Seller must promptly noti$ PacifiCorp. 6.12.8 Additional lnformation. Seller must provide to PacifiCorp such other information as relevant to Seller's performance of its obligations under this Agreement or the Facility as PacifiCo{p mey, from time to time, reasonably request. 6.12.9 Confidential Treafrnent. The reports and other information provided to PacifiCorp under this Section 6.12 will be treated as confidential if such heatment is requested in writing by Seller at the time the information is provided to PacifiCorp, subject to PacifiCorp's rights to disclose such information pursuant to Sections 6.12.3 arrd 6.12.4, and pursuant to any applicable Requirernents of Law. Seller will have the right to seek confidential treatment of any such information from any Governmental Authority entitled to receive such information. 24 6.13 Financial and Accountine Information. If PacifiCorp or one of its Affiliates determines that, under (a) the Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 810, Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities, and (b) Requirements of Law that it may hold a variable interest in Seller, but it lacks the information necessary to make a definitive conclusion, Seller agrees to provide, upon PacifiCorp's written request, sufficient financial and ownership information so that PacifiCorp or its Affiliate may confirm whether a variable interest does exist under ASC 810 and Requirements of Law. If PacifiCorp or its Affiliate determines that, under ASC 810, it holds a variable interest in Seller, Seller agrees to provide, upon PacifiCorp's written request, sufficient financial and other information to PacifiCorp or its Affiliate so that PacifiCorp may properly consolidate the entity in which it holds the variable interest or present the disclosures required by ASC 810 and Requirements of Law. PacifiCorp will reimburse Seller for Seller's reasonable costs and expenses, if any, incurred in connection with PacifiCorp's requests for information under this Section 6.13. Seller will have the right to seek confidential treatment of any such information from any Governmental Authority entitled to receive such information. 6.14 Access Rights. Upon reasonable prior notice and subject to the prudent safety requirements of Seller, and Requirements of Law relating to workplace health and safety, Seller must provide PacifiCorp and its authorized agents, employees and inspectors ("PacifiCorp Representatives") with reasonable access to the Facility: (a) for the purpose of reading or testing metering equipment, O) as necessary to witness any acceptance tests, and (c) for other reasonable purposes at the reasonable request of PacifiCorp. PacifiCorp will release Seller from any and all Liabilities resulting from actions or omissions by any of the PacifiCorp Representatives in connection with their access to the Facility, except to the extent such Liabilities are caused by the intentional or negligent act or omission of Seller or its agents or Affiliates. SECTION 7 QUALIFYING FACILITY STATUS 7.I Seller's OF Status. Seller must maintain throughout the Term the Facility's status as a QF. Seller must provide PacifiCorp with copies of any QF certification or recertification documentation within ten (10) days of its filing with any Governmental Authority. At any time during the Term, PacifiCorp may require Seller to provide PacifiCorp with evidence satisfactory to PacifiCorp in its reasonable discretion that the Facility continues to qualifu as a QF under all applicable requirements. SECTION 8 SECURITY AND CREDIT SUPPORT Reserved. 25 SECTION 9 METERING 9.1 Installation of Meterine Equipment. At Seller's expense, metering equipment must be designed, furnished, installed, owned, inspected, tested, maintained and replaced as provided in the Generation Interconnection Agreement. Seller must reasonably cooperate with PacifiCorp in developing any metering protocols necessary for PacifiCorp to comply with the requirements of the Market Operator. 9.2 Meterins. Metering must be performed at the location and in the manner specified in Exhibit C, the Generation Interconnection Agreernent, and as necessary to perform Seller's obligations under this Agreement. All quantities ofNet Output purchased must reflect the net amount of enerry flowing onto the System at the Point of Delivery. 9.3 Insoection. Testing. Repair and Replacement of Meters. PacifiCorp has the right to periodically inspect test, repair and replace the metering equipment that is provided for in the Generation Interconnection Agreement, without PacifiCorp assuming any obligations of Seller under the Generation Interconnection Agreement. If any of the inspections or tests disclose an error exceeding 0.5 percent (0.5%), either fast or slow, the necessary corrections will be made of previous readings for the actual period during which the metering equipment rendered inaccurate measurements if that period can be ascertained. If the actual period of error cannot be ascertained, the corrections will be made for the entire time period since the metering equipment was last inspected and verified accurate, not to exceed three (3) months. Any corrections under this Section 9.3 will be reflected as an adjustrnent in the next monthly invoice. 9.4 Metering Costs. To the extent not otherwise provided in the Generation Interconnection Agreement, Seller is responsible for all costs relating to all metering equipment installed to accommodate Seller's Facility. 9.5 WREGIS Meterine. Seller must cause the Facility to implement all necessary generation information communications in WREGIS, and report generation information to WREGIS, which may be accomplished by executing a QRE agree,ment with PacifiCorp the current form of which is attached as Exhibit G, pursuant to a WREGIS-approved meter dedicated to the Facility and only the Facility. SECTION 10 BTLLTNGS, COMPUTATTONS At[D PAYMENTS l0.l Monthlv Invoices. On orbefore the thirtieth (30th) day following the end of each Billing Period, PacifiCorp shall send to Seller payment for Seller's deliveries ofNet Output to PacifiCorp, together with computations supporting such payment. 10.2 Offsets. Either Party may offset any payment due under this Agreement against amounts owed by the other Party pursuant under this Agreement. Either Party's exercise of recoupment and set off rights will not limit the other remedies available to such Party under this Agreonent. 26 10.3 Interest on Late Payments. Any amounts not paid when due under this Agreement will bear interest at the Contact Interest Rate from the date due until paid. 10.4 Disputed Amounts. If either Party, in good faith, disputes any amount due under an invoice provided under this Agreement, such Party must notifr the other Party of the specific basis for the dispute and, if the invoice shows an amount due, must pay that portion of the invoice that is undisputed on or before the due date. Any such notice of dispute must be provided within two (2) years of the date of the invoice in which the error first occurred. If any amount disputed by such Party is determined to be due the other ParW, or if the Parties resolve the payment dispute, the amount due must be paid within five (5) Business Days after such determination or resolution, along with interest at the Contract Interest Rate from the date due until the date paid. 10.5 Audit Riehts. Each Party, through its authorized representatives, has the right, at its expense upon reasonable notice and during normal business hours, to examine and copy the records of the other Party to the extent reasonably necessary to verifu the accuracy of any statement, charge or computation made under this Agreement or to veriff the other Party's performance of its obligations under this Agreement. Upon request, each Party must provide to the other Party statements evidencing the quantities of Net Output delivered at the Point of Delivery. If any statement is found to be inaccurate, a corrected statement will be issued and, subject to Section 10.4, any amount due one Party to the other Party as a result of the corrected statement will be promptly paid including the payment of interest at the Contract Interest Rate from the date of the overpayment or underpayment to the date of receipt of the reconciling payment. SECTION 11 DEFAULTS AI\D REMEDIES I 1.1 Defaults. The following events are defaults under this Agreernent, and are "Events of Defaults" aftet the passing of notice and cure periods, as applicable: I I .l .l Defaults bv Either Party. (a) A Party fails to make a payment when due under this Agreement if the failure is not cured within ten (10) Business Days after the non-defaulting Party gives the defaulting Party a notice of the default. O) A Party (i) makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; (ii) files a petition or otherwise commences, authorizes or acquiesces in the corlmencement of a proceeding or cause of action under any bankruptcy or similar law for the protection of creditors, or has such a petition filed against it and such petition is not withdrawn or dismissed within sixty (60) days after such filing; (iii) becomes insolvent; or (iv) is unable to pay its debts when due. (c) A Party breaches a representation or warranty in this Agreement if the breach is not cured within thirty (30) days after the non-defaulting Party gives the defaulting Party a notice of the default; ry[g!g!, however, that if such default is not reasonably capable of being cured within the thirty (30) day cure period but is reasonably capable ofbeing cured within 27 ninety (90) days, the defaulting Party will have an additional reasonable time to cure the default, not to exceed ninety (90) days following the date of notice of the default by the non-defaulting Party, if the defaulting Party provides to the non'defaulting Party a remediation plan within fifteen (15) days following the date of notice of the default by the non-defaulting Party, the non- defaulting Party approves such remediation plan, and the defaulting Party promptly commences and diligently pursues the remediation plan. (d) A Party fails to perform any material obligation in this Agreement for which an exclusive remedy is not provided in the Agreement and which is not otherwise an identified Event of Default in this Agreement, if the failure is not cured within thirty (30) days after the non-defaulting Party gives the defaulting Party notice of the default; provided, however, that if such default is not reasonably capable of being cured within the thirty (30) day cure period but is reasonably capable ofbeing cured within ninety (90) days, the defaulting Party will have an additional reasonable time to cure the default, not to exceed ninety (90) days following the date of notice of the default by the non-defaulting Party, if the defaulting Party provides to the non-defaulting Party a remediation plan within fifteen (15) days following the date of notice of the default by the non-defaulting Party, the non-defaulting Party approves such remediation plan, and the defaulting Party promptly commences and diligently pursues the remediation plan. 11.1.2 Defaults by Seller. (a) Seller sells Output or Capacity Rights from the Facility to a party other than PacifiCorp in breach of Section 4.3, if Seller does not permanently cease such sale and compensate PacifiCorp for the damages arising from the breach within ten (10) days after PacifiCorp gives Seller a notice of default. (b) PacifiCorp receives notice of foreclosure of the Facility or any part thereof by a Lender, mechanic or materialman, or any other holder, of an unpaid lien or other charge or encumbrance, if the same has not been stayed, paid, or bonded around within ten (10) days of the date of the notice received by PacifiCorp. (c) Seller fails to maintain any Required Facility Documents or Permits necessary to own or operate the Facility and is not able to obtain the necessary Required Facility Documents or Permits within ninety (90) days after the loss of the applicable Required Facility Documents or Permits. (d) Seller's Abandonment of construction or operation of the Facility and such failure continues for thirty (30) days after Seller's receipt of written notice from PacifiCorp. (e) Seller fails to maintain insurance as required by the Agreement and such failure continues for fifteen (15) days after Seller's receipt of written notice from PacifiCorp. ll.2 Rernedies for Failure to Deliver/Receive. ll.2.l Remedy for Seller's Failure to Deliver. Upon the occurrence and during 28 the continuation of a default of Seller under Section 11.1.2(a), Seller must pay PacifiCorp within five (5) Business Days after receipt of invoice, an amount equal to the sum of (a) PacifiCorp's Cost to Cover multiplied by the Net Output delivered to a party other than PacifiCorp, (b) additional transmission charges, if any, reasonably incurred by PacifiCorp in moving replacement energy to the Point of Delivery or if not there, to such points in PacifiCorp's control area as determined by PacifiCorp, and (c) any additional cost or expense incurred as a result of Seller's default, as determined by PacifiCorp in a commercially reasonable manner. The invoice for such amount must include a written statement explaining in reasonable detail the calculation of such amount. 11.2.2 Remedy for PacifiCorp's Failure to Purchase. If PacifiCorp fails to receive or purchase all or part of the Net Output required to be purchased under this Agreement and such failure is not excused by Seller's failure to perform under or comply with this Agreement, then PacifiCorp must pay Seller, on the earlier of the date payment would otherwise be due in respect of the month in which the failure occurred or within five (5) Business Days after receipt of invoice, an amount equal to Seller's Cost to Cover multiplied by the amount of Net Output not purchased. The invoice for such amount must include a written statement explaining in reasonable detail the calculation of such amount. 11.2.3 Remedy for Seller's Failure to Provide Capacitv Rights. Seller is liable for PacifiCorp's actual damages in the event Seller fails to sell or deliver all or any portion of the Capacity Rights to PacifiCorp. I1.3 Termination and Remedies. From and during the continuance of an Event of Default, the non-defaulting Party will be entitled to all remedies available at law or in equity, and may terminate this Agreement by notice to the other Party designating the date of termination and delivered to the defaulting Party no less than fifteen (15) days before such termination date. The notice required under this Section 11.3 may be provided in the notice of default (and does not have to be a separate notice) provided it complies with the terms of this Section I 1.3. Seller must provide copies of such termination notice to the notice addresses of the then-current President and General Counsel of PacifiCorp by registered overnight delivery service or by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. Seller's termination notice must state prominently in type font no smaller than l4-point capital letters that "THIS IS A TERMINATION NOTICE UNDER A PPA. YOU MUST CURE A DEFAULT, OR THE PPA WILL BE TERMINATED," must state any amount alleged to be owed, and must include wiring instructions for payment. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, Seller will not have any right to terminate this Agreernent if the default that gave rise to the termination right is cured within fifteen (15) days of PacifiCorp's receipt of such notice. Further, from and after the date upon which Seller fails to remedy a default within the time periods provided in this Agreement, and until PacifiCorp has recovered all damages incurred on account of such default by Seller, PacifiCorp may offset its damages against any payment due Seller. Except in circumstances in which a remedy provided for in this Agreement is described as a Party's sole or exclusive rernedy, the non-defaulting Party may pursue any and all legal or equitable remedies provided by law, equity or this Agreernent. The rights contemplated by this Section I I are cumulative such that the exercise of one or more rights does not constitute a waiver of any other rights. In the event of a termination of this Agreernent: 29 (a) Each Party must pay to the other all amounts due the other under this Agreement for all periods prior to termination, subject to offset by the non-defaulting Party against damages incurred by such Party. O) The amounts due under this Section 11.3 must be paid within thirty (30) days after the billing date for such charges and will bear interest at the Contract Interest Rate from the date of termination until the date paid. The foregoing does not extend the due date of, or provide an interest holiday for any payments otherwise due under this Agreement. (c) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the provisions of Sections 1,4.6,5.4,5.5, 5.6,6.2.3,6.3,6.12.1through 6.12.5,6.12.9,6.13,6.14,10.2 through 10.5, and 11 through 24 survive the termination of this Agreement. 30 ll.4 Termination of Dutv to Buy. If this Agreement is terminated because of a default by Seller, neither Seller nor any Affiliate or successor to Seller with respect to the ownership of the Facility or Premises, may thereafter require or seek to require PacifiCorp to make any purchases from the Facility or any electric generation facility constructed on the Premises under PURPA, or any other Requirements of Law, for any periods that would have been within the Term had this Agreement remained in effect for its maximum term. Seller agrees that it will not seek to avoid the restrictions in this Section 11.4 through use or establishment of a special pu{pose entity or other Affiliate. 11.5 Termination Damages. If this Agreernent is terrninated by PacifiCorp as a result of an Event of Default by Seller, termination damages owed by Seller to PacifiCorp will be the positive difference, if any, between (a) PacifiCorp's estimated costs to secure replacement power for a period of twenty four (2a) months following the date of termination, including any associated transmission necessary to deliver such replacement power; and (b) the Contract Price for such twenty four (24) month period ("Termination Damages"). PacifiCorp must calculate the Termination Damages in a commercially reasonable manner and provide to Seller a written statement explaining in reasonable detail the calculation of Termination Damages. Amounts owed pursuant to this Section 11.5 are due by Seller within ten (10) Business Days after receipt of the written statement of Termination Damages from PacifiCorp. Each Party agrees and acknowledges that the damages that PacifiCorp would incur due to Seller's Event of Default would be difficult or impossible to predict with certainty, it is impractical and difficult to assess actual damages in the circumstances stated, and therefore the Termination Damages as agreed to in this Section 11.5 are a fair and reasonable calculation of such damages I1.6 Dutv/Risht to Mitisate. Each Party agrees that it has a duty to mitigate damages and covenants that it will use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize any damages it may incur as a result of the other Party's performance or non-performance. With respect to Seller, Seller must use commercially reasonable efforts to maximize the price for Net Output received by Seller from third parties, including entering into an enabling agreement with, orbeing affiliated with, one or more power marketers of nationally recognized standing to market such Net Output not purchased or accepted by PacifiCorp (only during a period PacifiCorp is in default), to the extent permitted by Requirements of Law and the Generation Interconnection Agreement. With respect to PacifiCorp, PacifiCorp must use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize the price paid to third parties for energy purchased to replace Net Output not delivered by Seller as required under this Agreement. ll.7 Securitv. If this Agreement is terminated because of Seller's default, PacifiCorp may, in addition to pursuing any and all other remedies available at law or in equity, proceed against any security held by PacifiCorp in whatever form to reduce the amounts that Seller owes PacifiCorp arising from such default. 11.8 Cumulative Remedies. Except in circumstances in which a ronedy provided for in this Agreernent is described as a sole or exclusive remedy, the rights and remedies provided to PacifiCorp in this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies of PacifiCorp. SECTION 12 3l INDEMNIFICATION AIID LIABILITY l2.l Indemnities. l2.l.l Indemnilv by Seller. To the extent permitted by Requirements of Law and subject to Section 12.1.5, Seller releases, indemnifies and holds harmless PacifiCorp, its divisions, Affiliates, and each of its and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives (collectively, the "PacifiCorp Indemnitees") against and from any and all losses, fines, penalties, claims, demands, damages, liabilities, actions or suits of any nature whatsoever (including legal costs and attomeys' fees, both at trial and on appeal, whether or not suit is brought) (collectively, "Liabilities") actually or allegedly resulting from, arising out of, or in any way connected with, the performance by Seller of its obligations under this Agreernent, or relating to the Facility or Premises, for or on account of injury, bodily or otherwise, to, or death of, or damage to, or destruction or economic loss of property of, any person or entity, except for Liabilities caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of any person or entity within the PacifiCorp Indemnitees. Seller is solely responsible for (and will defend and hold PacifiCorp harmless against) any damage that may occur as a direct result of Seller's breach of the Generation Interconnection Agreement. 12.1.2 Indemnilv by PacifiCom. To the extent permitted by Requirunents of Law and subject to Section 12.1.5, PacifiCorp releases, indemnifies and holds harmless Seller, its Affiliates, and each of its and their respective directors, officetrs, ernployees, agents, and representatives (collectively, the "Seller Indemnitees") against and from any and all Liabilities actually or allegedly resulting from, arising out of, or in any way connected with, the performance by PacifiCorp of its obligations under this Agreement for or on account of injury, bodily or otherwise, to, or death of, or damage to, or destruction or economic loss of property o[ any person or entity within the Seller Indemnitees, except for Liabilities caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of any person or entity within the Seller Indemnitees. 12.1.3 Additional Cross Indemnitv. Without limiting Sections 12.1.1 andl2.l.2, Seller releases, indemnifies and holds harmless the PacifiCorp Indemnitees from and against all Liabilities related to Net Output prior to its delivery by Seller at the Point of Delivery, and PacifiCorp releases, indemnifies and holds harmless the Seller Indernnitees from and against all Liabilities related to Net Output once delivered to PacifiCorp at the Point of Delivery as provided in this Agreement, excqrt in each case to the extent such Liabilities are attributable to the gross negligence, willful misconduct, or a breach of this Agreement by any member of the PacifiCorp Indemnitees or the Seller Indemnitees, respectively, seeking indemnification under this Agreement. 12.1.4 No Dedication. Nothing in this Agreement will be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party. No undertaking by one Party to the other under any provision of this Agreement will constitute the dedication of PacifiCorp's facilities or any portion thereof to Seller or to the public, nor affect the status of PacifiCorp as an independent public utility corporation or Seller as an independent individual or entity. 12.1.5 Consequential Damaqes. NEITHER PARTY WILL BE LIABLE TO 32 TIIE OTHER PARTY FOR SPECIAL, PT]NITTVE,INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES ARE ALLOWED OR PROVIDED BY CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, STATUTE OR OTHERWISE. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT AIIY LIQUIDATED DAMAGES, TERMINATION DAMAGES, PACfFICORP AI\D SELLER cosT To covER DAMAGES, OR OTHER SPECIFIED MEASURE OF DAMAGES EXPRESSLY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS AGREEMENT DO NOT REPRESENT SPECIAL, PI]NITIVE, IIYDIRECT, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQTIENTIAL DAMAGES AS CONTEMPLATED IN TIIIS PARAGRAPH. 33 SECTION 13 INSURANCE 13.1 Required Policies and Coveraees. Without limiting any Liabilities or any other obligations of Seller, Seller must secure and continuously carry the insurance coverage specified on Exhibit I. SECTION 14 FORCE MAJEURE l4.l Definition of Force Majeure. "Force Majeure" or "an event of Force Majeure" means an event that prevents a Party from performing an obligation under this Agreement and that (a) is not reasonably anticipated as of the Effective Date, (b) is not within the reasonable control of the Party affected by the event, (c) is not the result of such Party's negligence or failure to act, and (d) could not be overcome by the affected Party's use of due diligence in the circumstances. Force Majeure includes events of the following types (but only to the extent that such an event, in consideration of the circumstances, satisfies the requirements in the preceding sentence): environmental disasters,; civil disturbance; sabotage; strikes; lock-outs;work stoppages; and action or restraint by court order or public or Governmental Authority (as long as the affected Party has not applied for or assisted in the application for, and has opposed to the extent reasonable, such court or government action). Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of the following constitute Force Majeure: (i) Seller's ability to sell, or PacifiCorp's ability to purchase energy or capacity at a more advantageous price than is provided under this Agreement; (ii) the cost or availability of fuel or motive force to operate the Facility; (iii) economic hardship, including lack of money or the increased cost of electricity, steel, labor, or transportation; (iv) any breakdown or malfunction of the Facility's equipment (including any serial equipment defect) that is not caused by an independent event of Force Majeure; (v) the imposition upon a Party of costs or taxes; (vi) delay or failure of Seller to obtain or perform any Required Facility Document unless due to a Force Majeure event; (vii) any delay, alleged breach of contract, or failure by the Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider unless due to a Force Majeure event; (viii) maintenance upgrade or repair of any facilities or right of way corridors constituting part of or involving the Interconnection Facilities, whether performed by or for Seller, or other third parties (except for repairs made necessary as a result of an event of Force Majeure); (ix) Seller's failure to obtain, or perform under, the Generation Interconnection Agreement, or its other contracts and obligations to tansmission owner, Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider, unless due to a Force Majeure event; or (x) any event atfributable to the use of Interconnection Facilities for deliveries of Net Output to any party other than PacifiCorp. 34 14.2 Suspension of Performance. Neither Party will be liable for any delay or failure in its performance under this Agreernent, nor will any delay, failure, or other occrurence or event become an Event of Default, to the extent such delay, failure, oceurrence or event is substantially caused by conditions or events of Force Majeure during the continuation of the event of Force Majeure, provided that: (a) the Party affected by the Force Majeure, within five (5) days after the occurrence of the event of Force Majeure, gives the other Party written notice describing the particulars of the event of Force Majeure and how the event has impacted the affected Party's obligations under this Agreement; (b) the suspension of perfonnance of the affected Party's obligations is of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required to remedy the effect of the Force Majeure; and (c) the affected Party uses diligent efforts to remedy its inability to perform. t4.3 Force Majeure Does Not Affect Other Obligations. No obligations of either Party that arose before the event of Force Majeure causing the suspension of performance or that arise after the cessation of such event of Force Majeure is excused by such event of Force Majeure. 14.4 Strikes. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, neither Party will be required to settle any strike, walkout, lockout or other labor dispute on terms which, in the sole judgment of the Party involved in the dispute, are contrary to the Party's best interests. 14.5 Rieht to Terminate. If a Force Majeure event prevents a Party from substantially performing its obligations under this Agreanent for a period exceeding 180 consecutive days, then the Party not affected by the Force Majeure event may terminate this Agreernent by giving ten (10) days prior notice to the other Party. Upon such termination, neither Party will have any liability to the other with respect to the period following the effective date of such termination; ry[1!g[, however, that this Agreement will remain in effect to the extent necessary to facilitate the settlement of all liabilities and obligations arising under this Agreernent before the effective date of such termination. SECTION 15 SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS Nothing in this Agreement will be construed to create an association, trust, partnership or joint venture or to impose a trust, partnership or fiduciary duty, obligation or Liability on or between the Parties. SECTION 16 CHOICE OF LAW This Agreement will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, applying any choice of law rules that may direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. SECTION 17 PARTIAL INVALIDITY If any of the terms of this Agreement are finally held or determined to be invalid, illegal or void as being contrary to any applicable law or public policy, all other terms of this Agreonent will remain in effect. The Parties agree to use best efforts to amend this Agreernent to reform or replace any terms determined to be invalid, illegal or void, such that the amended 35 terms (a) comply with and are enforceable under applicable law, (b) give effect to the intent of the Parties in entering into this Agreement, and (c) preserve the balance of the economics and equities conternplated by this Agreement in all material respects. SECTION 18 NON.WAIVER No waiver of any provision of this Agreement will be effective unless the waiver is provided in writing that (a) expressly identifies the provision being waived, and O) is executed by the Party waiving the provision. A Party's waiver of one or more failures by the other Party in the performance of any of the provisions of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any other failure or failures, whether of a like kind or different nature. SECTION 19 GOVERNMENTAL JURISDICTION AI\D AUTIIORIZATIONS This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of those Govemmental Authorities having jurisdiction over either Party or this Agreonent. SECTION 20 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 20.1 Restriction on Assignments. Except as provided in this Section 20, neither Party may assign this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations without the prior written consent of the other Party. 20.2 Permitted Assisnments. Notwithstanding Section 20.1, either Party may, without the need for consent from the other Party (but with notice to the other Party, including the names of the assignees): (a) transfer, sell, pledge, encumber or assign this Agreement or the related accounts, revenues or proceeds in connection with project financing for the Facility; or (b) transfer or assign this Agreement to an Affiliate meeting the requirernents of this Agreement, provided. however, that Seller will not transfer, sell, encumber or assign this Agreement or any interest in this Agreement to any Affiliate of PacifiCorp without the prior written consent of PacifiCorp. For any assignment under (b) above, the assignee must agree in writing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and must possess the same or similar experience, and possess the same or better creditworthiness, as the assignor. PacifiCorp may assign this Agreement in whole or in part without the consent of Seller to any person or entity in the event that PacifiCorp ceases to be a load-serving entity, in which event PacifiCorp will be released from liability under this Agreement. The Party seeking to assign or transfer this Agreement is solely responsible for paying all costs of assignment. SECTION 21 ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, proposals, representations, negotiations, discussions or letters, whether oral or in writing, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. No modification of this Agreement is effective unless it is in writing and executed by both Parties. 36 SECTION 22 NOTICES 22.1 Addresses and Delivery Methods. All notices, re,quests, statements or payments must be made to the addresses set out in Exhibit L. In addition, copies of a notice of termination of this Agreement under Section 1 1.3 must contain the information required by Section I 1.3 and must be sent to the then-current President and General Counsel of PacifiCorp. Notices required to be in writing must be delivered by letter or other tangible documentary form. Notice by overnight mail or courier will be deemed to have been given on the date and time evidenced by the delivery receipt. Notice by hand delivery will be deemed to have been given when received or hand delivered. Notice by electronic transmission is effective as of transmission, but must be followed up by notice by registered mail or overnight carrier to be effective. Notice by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, will be deemed to have been given upon receipt. The Parties may change any of the persons to whom notices are addressed, or their addresses, by providing written notice in accordance with this section. SECTION 23 PUBLICITY 23.1 News Releases and Publicitv. Before Seller issues any news release or publicly distributed promotional material regarding this Agreement, Seller must first provide a copy thereof to PacifiCorp for its review. Any use of the name "Berkshire Hathaway," in any form, requires the prior written consent of PacifiCorp. SECTION 24 DISAGREEMENTS 24.1 Neeotiations. Prior to proceeding with formal dispute resolution, the Parties must first attanpt in good faith to resolve informally all disputes arising out ol related to or in connection with this Agreonent. Any Party may give the other Party written notice of any dispute not resolved in the normal course of business. Executives of both Parties at levels one level above those employees who have previously been involved in the dispute must meet at a mutually acceptable time and place within ten (10) days after delivery of such notice, and thereafter as often as they reasonably deern necessary, to exchange relevant information and to attempt to resolve the dispute. If the matter has not been resolved within thirty (30) days after the referral of the dispute to such executives, or if no meeting of such executives has taken place within fifteen (15) days after such referral, either Party may initiate any legal remedies available to the Party. No statements of position or offers of settlement made in the course of the dispute process described in this section will be offered into evidence for any purpose in any litigation between the Parties, nor will any such statements or offers of settlement be used in any manner against either Party in any such litigation. Further, no such statements or of[ers of settlement will constitute an admission or waiver of rights by either Party in connection with any such litigation. At the request of either Purty, any such statements and offers of settlement, and all copies thereof will be promptly returned to the Party providing the same. 37 24.2 Mediation. If the dispute is not resolved under the procedures provided in Section 24.t, either Party may request that the matter be submitted to non-binding mediation. The costs of the mediation, including fees and expenses, will be borne equally by the Parties. All verbal and written communications between the Parties and issued or prepared in connection with the mediation will be deemed prepared and communicated in furtherance, and in the context, of dispute sefflement, and will be exempt from discovery and production, and will not be admissible in evidence (whether as admission or otherwise) in any litigation or other proceedings for the resolution of the dispute. 24.3 Choice of Forum. Each Party irrevocably consents and agrees that any legal action or proceeding arising out of this Agreement or the actions of the Parties leading up to the Agreement will be brought exclusively in the state and federal courts in Salt Lake City, Utah. By execution and delivery of this Agreernent, each Party (a) accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of such court and waives any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the exercise of personal jurisdiction by such court over each Party for the purpose of any proceeding related to this Agreement; O) irrevocably agrees to be bound by any final judgment (after any and all appeals) of any such court arising out of such documents or actions; (c) irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permifted by law, any objection that it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any suit, action or proceedings arising out of such documents brought in such court (including any claim that any such suit, action or proceeding has been brought in an inconvenient forum) in connection herewith; (d) agpees that service of process in any such action may be effected by mailing a copy thereof by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to such Party at its address stated in this Agreement; and (e) agrees that nothing in this Agreernent affects the right to effect service of process in any other manner permitted by law. 24.4 WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL. EACH PARTY WAIVES THE RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY ruRY IN RESPECT OF ANY LITIGATION BASED ON THIS AGREEMENT, OR ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. EACH PARTY FURTHER WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE ANY ACTION, PROCEEDING OR COUNTERCLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT WITH ANY PROCEEDING IN WHICH A ruRY TRIAL HAS NOT OR CANNOT BE WAIVED. THIS PARAGRAPH WILL SURVIVE THE EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 38 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agrcement to be executed in their respective names as ofthe date last written below. PACIFICORP Bruce G riswold Hlfilffi,?,ffi.ffi'By: Name:s By: Title: President Sorenson Engineering Inc, Manager Dry Creek LLC Date: Name: Bruse Griswold Title: Short-term Origination, Dircctor Date: April20,202l 39 E)CIIBIT A EXPECTED MONTHLY NET OUTPUT MAXIMT]M DELIYERY RATE 3400 Kw Month On-Peak Enerry ftwh) Off-Peak Enerry ftwh) Total Enerry GWh) January 289.100 187.100 476.200 Februarv 233"500 144.600 378.100 March 239.300 154.800 394.100 April 295,900 r91.500 487.400 May 682.200 441.400 1.123.600 June r.147.700 742.700 1.890.400 July 956"600 619.000 1.575.600 Auzust 630,800 408.200 1.039.000 Septernber 490,900 317.600 808.s00 October 468,200 302"900 77t.100 Novernber 411,300 266.200 677.500 December 360,000 233,000 s93.000 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF SELLER'S FACILITY [Provide a detailed description of the Facility, including thefollowing, as applicable:J Type (synchronous or inductive): synchronous Facility Nameplate Capacity Rating: 3400 kw Model: Ideal Number of Phases: three phase Power factor requirements: Rated Power Factor (PF) or reactive load (kVAR): 0.9 Power factor Rated Output (kW): 3400 Rated Output (kVA): 4000 Rated Voltage (line to line):4160 volt Rated Current (A): Stator: ; Rotor: Maximum kW Output: 3400 Maximum kVA Output: 3800 Minimum kW Output: 50 Station service requirements, and other loads served by the Facility, if any Location of the Facility: [Please include city and county, and legal description of parcel] The Facility is a hydroelectric generation facility and appurtenant facility, owned, operated and maintained by Seller, described as follows: An existing dam on Dry Creek located in the Northwest % of Section 31, Township 10 North, Range 26East, Boise Meridian. A single steel penstock exist and the water from the diversion dam enters the penstocks and travels approximately 65,000 feet horizontally and drops approximately 1,135 feet vertically to the powerhouse. The powerhouse is located in the Northwest % Section 36, Township 10 North, Range 26East, Boise Meridian approximately l5 miles north of Howe, Butte County, Idaho. Address: Pass Creek Road Howe, Butte County, Idaho 83244 Latitude and Longitude: 44.1577 degrees North 113.3188 degrees East EXHIBIT C SELLER'S INTERCOIU\TECTION FACILITIES The interconnection fasilities for the Project are located [please describefacility and provide legal description of locationJ See attached map below lSeller to insert one line diagram.l See attached one line diagrm below DRY CNEEK HYDNOELECTR'C PNANECT of,Y cnEE $ LLC. PRO.ECT ATDRESS: PASS CREE( ROAT) HOUE, DA!{O E32a+ FAmOt*ttaFillr*nrtffiffirH PRO.'ECT LOCANON Frltf tq]trnjr2fr ailfic]raffiiH,l*tujun ,n mftt w VIONITY MAP !g IS ffi L -Dlul ,) - --rli - '-.ififffiI?HiiI TAI,H.D rnD f,1Er!Q G:D ! t I i i I i ! I I I I I I i I Ii i I Cx! I l I .1 ! I L.,{- + i TEEITE"C-L t-. * tEa-3#'!'E EXHIBIT I) REQUTRED FACTLTTY DOCUMENTS IREQUIRED OF ALL FACIUTIES: QF Certification InterconnectionAgreement (or list of studies ard sn@ agreements completed as ofthe Effective Date) Depending upon the type of Facility atd i* specific characteristlcs, additioml Required Facility Documents may be requestedJ FERC Lioense ExemptiouNo. 9134 IDWR Water Right No. 33-7089,33-7154, 33-7181 QF Certification No. 0541 -000 DRY CREEIq IJ*C 52mSoilh ttilEut Idrhofhlls, I&ho 8l0l Phuq 20&522{069 Fm: 20&5fi1-BZlil E-Mait ud@rcmm"not flFas'qr-N0 DoocmDrtr200{ MrgChn" Sdr,Scomlry Fctud Er5rRc;rkyGhbdoo tttFlfltStEGtl{B Wt$rltUEl; W, MB RE: AIrUII&B u rsclfClrtiffir u r$nrlPumrPm&rcin hdnry&rDryes* HrdndoCtic @" FBf,CNG 9134 DfiorcrguI # B]E'<t FT He, EE G ;r # hi,:, !D?II8-FillEBtEtrittrdqf' C,:'Fla= EE fr<G'* ftlacddnfidUp I{oQPdo*Gtmmbaanurdy plasdondhdhtctocrll. orth.l rd E cofa,Gr oflhL Ftling er gdfOcrlifido. crirlr b mylmwb&a lfpu hm ny4rtoa Vcrytrulylmn,frlL TcdS"$orcrm!,P.E Emr. Tsst{i mmtrr*t**r IE CFRPART I3I.8O FERCFORI$ 556 O[,!BNO, 1902{075 CERTTFICATTON OF QUALIFYING rACrUTy STATUS FOR A PROPOSED SMALL PO\['ER PRODI,'CTION FACIUTY DRY CREEK HYDROEI^ECTRIC PROJECT #9134 PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION l.& Full nama of Applicar*: Dry Creck, LI,C Purpoec of imtant liling is relGcertilication b. Fult addreer of applicanr 5203 Soulh I lo Eest, H$o Falls,Idrho, 83404 s. lndicrtc thc awno(c) of thc fmility Thc ploiec.t b lfi!?6 owned by Dry Crc k, Ltr,C. O6 ir orrnod dircctly or indircctly by my detrio utility or clcctic utility holding oorpory. Dry &oek, LLC is 1007r ovncd by Ted anrl @e Sorunm. lho opcreto'r of tlrc frcility is Dry Crcck, LLC. Ndtlrr Dry Crcalq LL.C nor Tcd alrd Grylc Sorcnson rrc cngrged in thc gemerrtion ofgalo of electrio powcr, or hrvc ary owncrdrlp or opcrrting intera* in ony clcclric facililie other thrn qudifying f*ilitios. d. I ccrtify to tlrc accumcy rml rrdhcnticity of DryCrcot,IJ.C 2. Pcrson to rvhorn conrmunicrthns rcgmding thc lllcd infomnlion m*ybc uldrcssctl:Nanc: Tcd S. Sorcnson, P.E.Titlq Prcjcct Engincer Tclcphonenumbcr: 208-52?-8069-phonc 208-522{223 - for Maiting addrcss: 5203 Sourh I lrr East, Idnho Fells. lD 8340{E-moil: tcd@!$rglmgn.ttet 3 a. Slotc: Corntp Location of fncility to bc cct'lified: klabo lJullc and Cttscr 4. CityorTown: Stret rddrcss: Cl$c,Idoho Apptoximecly2 milca c,!d of CIydc b.PowcrSelc* PffifiGorp tlcrooruroaion: PacitiCorp Wtrccling: l.Ione Utifitior provirliq alpplancnt ry powcr, bactup pouer, maintcnancs powcr, rnd/or intcnupiblc powor sorvico: P*ifiCorp Dcscribo lln principal componants of tto lk:illty ftryo ltnDul*Turbinc 75 CFS at 670-footlryd 3.5 M\ll CrenenUor 8 MVA Trrrformet ftanmisdon Unc I mih Mrxintum grose ud msximum rct &trio power prodrrctiou 3.5 Mc$wltls mrximum 1.2 Mcgr$aus avcragc Ictallalion.d opcralion dstc of thc facility: Iffitslhd: 1987 Online: l9tE toprcccn d. Primary cner$/ inpul: Folling Wdcr i.c. Hydm 5. Avctagc annual hourly cncrgtrr inpul in lenns of Btu for tho following fossil lid cncryy inputs, und the relmcd pcrccnu3e of thc toul ryragc rnnrnl hourly orcqy irryut to lhe fecility Natunlgm: 0 BrfU,0%Oil: 0 8trU,096Ooal: 0 BTU, U,6 6, Dimuss any parlicular charactcrigic of the hcility which thc co-gcncratoror anrll porvrr produccr bcli€ves nright beur on ia quollfying strlus: Nonc PART B: DESCR|TflON OF THE SMALL POWER PRODUCTTON FACIUTY 7. Dsscribc lrow foscil fucl uge rvill not cxoeod 25 pcrucnt of the total rnoual arqgt input linrit: Projoct is hydroclcdric, rvrtm supply fronr Dry Crcck. Focsil fucl will bs linriled to the folloving puryores to conhrm to Fcdctol Powcr Act Soclion 3(l?XB): $.rrt-up, tc*ling and minimal atnounls of fuct rcquircd to allcvialc orprcvcrt unaniicipotcd cquiprrutl oulogcs and cmcrgcacics directly nlIccrirrg the Jnrblic. e. b. c, f lbDmpordfid&ytrnotmdl&lrrhqi,ln4wretrlpilffif ffi$r,d m oGrm.ftDh E&hold r&o ulls oftc Hu CfffL frtr il by ry ofU cm*r (or ecfo rfifinr) ropaEd h lld A rr lcn la toya tmEqCrffi*c H(HIBIT E LEASES The powerhouse for the project is located on deeded, owned grouud. Parts of the penstock and intake are located on fede,ral and State of Idaho lands, of which Seller is authorized to use federal pursuant to its BLM special use permit IDI -23A2 and State of Idaho Lands Pursuant to easenrents 5300 and 5488. See attached BLM p€rmit and state easeme,nts. rore tit^r{DffiDrcinnmntE,llErE toqlaqrEr n drtr$hle$rPruc/lnot Fm r&ug{roFf^IlEil ltotmlnYSxttusAtD rrlc&mE3 Orl FEDENAL IIIG Ih6ffrg rrlth hTFh. lI .,Er iu#!0.#rffi ltr..Le. nd rdrl,b.F?rlacrril*rr-r+Hardtu rg.a rF $bhrlrE-tgi. Affiil gar.frr.f aEhrra rHIofi Edsr rqemrlr 5 nr.r, h 9r.Frlt rr9r.aai!fu rffirfl $ny!!r, fltlb llrt d Oa rillq rF.en ll,!' C. $FEiotl alr !. ofteu.d d l! er9/cOm .r.tt| t. flIta!fficrffirdf$c!4, Dry Creekr L.L.C.5203 South llth BaEtIdaho Faller ID 83404 ra. f.Frr.Frt {i*l.nd a S.Sfil ^g I*.9ts&rlhc t r.der,rrffiitrO F() TAPPfiOVEoilsllo. lml{m4r.cDEnErU,mt toRAcllttt 3EotrY loFdurltrDu htu t TEEPToCFE(, ,r*d 208-322- Arls.Irttem uee(oo hArE(bEEE.lura{r}fl-affiE OctErrrlraerf,tdOrxilsr b, O iErlrC3ttltEtsdorrS.eOAT rDr-23042aO+OI O Frrdfiilq t O fir.f .ICf,*('r.l.e4ffi0[trf,r!tr, efrl lt .,].Udrd*d I Iilo 7. hlrctdonltGiehra+ ffl tlprdrFurrtct t,i[CIf p!.r1ant Of r*lanr.dt.llG H E?.En f.rU,rrfltFClt[-,t O Erllflllnd 0) rhCftroar-r$..rEl OtdrraltrilCtrdllbD.IlrFilC 0D f-nrrat{Cdr*t d G! t F 5*.r.- lr.ad trs!5rc..r (rEr tffi hr,, M w a r#l Appltcant rcqucats epptovol of rtr e..l,Bno Dt of e hydroelcctrte dlverslon, plpcllo!, slit 25 hY powcrlinc rlght-of+ay. ttc rlght-of*ay waa ortglnally leeucd to nydrorlcetrlcDevelopcnt, Inc. on 9130185 and subeequertly aselgncd ulttplc tlnes. rlrc cxplratlondetc of thc graot La 912912036. Thta rppllcrtl.oa le flled pureusat to rctulettona found rt 43 CPI 28fi1. I/lIe, the uudrrtl.gocd epplleaut(a), egrcc to corplrr rrlth end be bound by the terns andcondltlous of, thr orlttosl rlght-of-ray grant. A $50 ftllng fre 1r e[closcd. a, lHr a moc!.lh rEdaHldo.rd lald lEill 2 lE,r,drlHtrclEEi.elnl IffiErlnt&GrCr*ri, e, elrrldrpl5rlt.*rlEt o llExl o aeFrdtr tr lfrtiEi;l o NorrEl&a, lto ff f aa raarr{ rar{ tt. Oeas r# s ba.n{era tf,dryr ddhlr$.ll nDEp? Oft. qib ,E 'l4 'tA, U. O. IIDurd tqtrErur{ trEbt r.tffi! t Eiltrt og.rn'rdrilr.n tLilh! ry$r,rrl$ rfiaaEof !-reiliEco lCrafrlil dr ,ara.tal ltt lcn a a&tlsEsd ht lc.d n 0nd'r r rDI-23t)42 FII{DING OF NO SIGNIHCANT IMPACT ANDDBCISION Roconurndrthn: I rcoommend that ROW grant IDI-23042 be arrndcd. Spocifically, onc stipulstion ({tl8) would bc modifred as dcscribcd as thc Prpoeod Action in thc accompanying Environnrnul Analysis. Thc modiftcation wotrld replace non-furrctioning habitat mitiguion with an altcrrratc dcsign. No othcr portions of the grant would be dterEd. Thc proposcd rnodification is locetcd in T. l0 N., R. 25 E., scca l5 and 24, md T. l0 N., R26 E., srcs. t E, 21 22. and 30 , Boisc Mcridian, Bunc County, Idaho. Thc right-of-way is o bc issnod un&r thc authority of Public [.tw 94-579 (Fcdcrel farrd Policy and Managffrcnt Act) and thc rcgulationa fomd at 43 CFR 2t00. Rightof-wayratal wurldcontinrp to bc colloctcd as rtguircd in a3 CFR 2803.1.2 The Prcpocrd Action hu becn defermincd to be in confotmrncc with the tcrms and conditions of thc Littlc laei/Birch Crock Murqgsrmnt harncwork Plrn. Xrfionrh: nrc proposed sction would climinatc thc nccd fo ninc one-half acrc cxcloeurcs in thc immcdiatc vicinity of thc buried Dry Crcck pcnstock, by consmcting up to 5 pond/riparian rystcms. Thc p'rolrrs con*itutc partial mitigation for loss of riparian vcgctasion and wildlifc habitat rssairtcd with the developmcnt of thc Dry CEck Hydro faeility. The proirt would not producc undue, unncccEsry, tr aipilicurt cnvironmcnul degradation. lc / l^,/. r/ e f JocW. [awc Wilrllifc Biologiu Carol McCoy Brown Ficld Manager, Idaho Fallg Field Offrce Datc Ihclslon/Envlronnrental Cornolianoe Thc rccomrncrdation gnd its rarionalc arc adopbd as my decision. Based on the andysis of potcntial environmcntal impncts containcd in thc attachcd cnvimnmental lsEcssrncnt, I have detcrmincd that irpects arc not cxpcctcd to bc significant and an enviro,nmental impmt sraenrnt is not roguircd bp Dste lotlt-i'co 0e?l?8c ASSIGIIIVIENT OF STAIE OF IDAI{O EASEMENTNO. ssOO For rod in considcntion of thc nrm of Ooc Dollrr (l.m) aod othcr velusblc mnsidcretioas o ts ir hmd poi4 rcceipt wtrrcof is hcaby rclaowtedgd rc bcrcby sctl, assign, aad tnasfo uato all of or.u right, titlc rad intcrctt in rad o Scaa of ldato P5cnrcni llo" 53(lo. WTTMSS orr hrnd this 2 f d day of Scptcurber, 2000. 1 )2tz k,,Vircon lnc. Pr.t Prcidcat rad Treasurcr coMMolrwEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ) ) co[niTY oF ALIEGTTENY ) Ou ti..,lllra"y of Scprcobcr 2([0, bcforc me, a Notry hrblic in ud for &e said Coononutal&. pcrsooally rypctd ROBERT G. FREEDIINE kDown or idcatificd to E io bc 6c Vicc Prcsidcat and Trcasnrcr of VLACOM tNC., aod excqned thc iostrumcot os bchalf of said corporuion cxcculed thc samc. dcr*\^ *,r,J.t'""- Noar.v Public for: tvty Cornrnission Expires : ss ,rbraJ ^frrfrtdtt!- L [.,&r lo71l'b-Lo *,o*H3[rJSToF rDAHo For end in considcfiltion of thc aum of Ooc Dolhr (1.00) ard odrer nlrublc considcc*iom to rs ia lund poi( rcccipt rvhcreof is hcrcby rknowlodgc{ nrc hcrcby tell, rssign, rnd unrsfer vnto Drf erAA, ttC . alt of our right, titlc and intcrt$ in and to Sutc of lddro Erscmcnt No. 54E6. wtrNEssourhandmi, }(L dayof&pember,2000. *-'003e3'2 Visn Inc SS: (,1; I { mm950era-Uo*- G. Frpcdlinc, Prcri&nt and Trcasrrcr COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANI,A ) ) COTJNTY OF ALLEGHENY ) On lhb d/ky of Scptcmbcr 2fiD, befott mc, a Notary Public in md for ftc stid Csnrmnurealtlu pcrsomlly lppcard ROBERT O. FREEDLINE, knonn or klcnrificd to mG ttl be &e Vie Presidcot gnd Trgealrs of VIACOM lNC., urd cxecutcd 0rc instnuncnt on behalf of said coryoruion cxocurcd tlte satm, e/n,a^, A lxr^- Notary Public for: My- Commission Expiresl f{orritrltdt(Itla L IfEr.lB! ltrucmrlt. elrr OonYHroc.Ill&tCr*rJrnr tllzmr a.t't t J. '.1'-_....9.t,: -..j..'-$' '* :uri9-' t t '"ii!1r,,i EXHIBIT G QUALIFIED REPORTING ENTITY SERVICES AGREEMENT Energy Supply Management Master v4.la;' 03122019 This Qualified Reporting Entity Services Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into by and between PacifiCorp ("PacifiCorp") and (" Counterp afi " ; Pac ifiC orp and Counterparty may be referred to individually herein as "Party" and collectively as "Parties") as of the date signed by both Parties with reference to the following: WHEREAS, Counterparty represents to PacifiCorp that it owns or otherwise has the rights to all or part of the non-energy atfributes of the generation from that certain electric generation facility as more particularly described in Exhibit A (the "Facility") as such rights are defined in that power purchase agreement between PacifiCorp and Counterparty (the "PPA"), or other rights respecting the Facility itself enabling it to lawfully enter hereinto; and WHEREAS, the Western Renewable Electricity Generation Information System ("WREGIS") is a system tracking quantities of renewable energy generation generated by electric generating facilities in the nature of the Facility, as a Facility pursuant to WREGIS Terms of Use ("TOU"); and WHEREAS, WREGIS requires that each Facility have a designated Qualified Reporting Entity; and WHEREAS, Counterparty is an Account Holder in WREGIS and wishes to register the Facility with WREGIS; and WHEREAS, Counterparty wishes to retain PacifiCorp to act as its WREGIS-defined Qualified Reporting Entity ("QRE") for the Facility; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the Parties agree as follows: I. Definitions; Rules of Construction. l.l Initially capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein are defined in the in the WREGIS Operating Rules or in Attachmefi I Definitions of the WREGIS TOU. 1.2 "Affiliate" means, with respect to any entity, each entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under corlmon control with, such designated entity, wittr "control" meaning the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct management and policies, whether through the ownership of voting securities or by contract or otherwise. Notwithstandins the for Le Hathawav Bnerqv Companv and it 1.3 "Business Day" means a day of the week other than Saturday, Sunday, or a federal holiday. 1.4 "Electric System Authority" means each of NERC, WECC, WREGIS, a regional transmission organization, a regional or sub-regional reliability council or authority, and any other similar council, corporation, orgatization or body of recognized standing with respect to the operations of the electric system in the WECC region. 1.5 "FERC" means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 1.6 "Generation Interconnection Agreement" means the agreement entered into separately between Counterparty and Interconnection Provider conceming the Interconnection Facilities. 1.7 "Facility" is defined in the Preamble. 1.8 "Interconnection Facilities" means all the facilities installed, or to be installed, for the purpose of interconnecting the Facility to the Systern, including electrical transmission lines, upgrades, transformers and associated equipment, substations, relay and switching equipment, and safety equipment. 1.9 "Interconnection Provider" means the FERC-regulated or United States Department of Energy entity with whom the Facility has contracted for interconnection to the electric transmission gnd; in the event Interconnection Provider is PacifiCorp, PacifiCorp would be the Interconnection Provider operating in its regulated transmission function, and not as the party hereto. 1.10 "Metering External Webpage" means a website owned and operated by PacifiCorp that PacifiCorp may at its option, but without being obligated to do so, make available and operate for the display of all data that will be included in the Monthly Generation Extact File. 1.1I "Monthly Generation Extract File" means a data file that contains generation data from Counterparty's Points of Metering and conforms to the characteristics and requirements set forth in the WREGIS Interface Contol Document. t.t2 1.13 t.t4 "NERC" means the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. "Points of Metering" means the points at which electric generation is measured. "PPA" is defined in the Preamble. 1.15 "Prudent Electrical Practices" means any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the elecfical utility industry or any of the practices, methods or acts, which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in the light of the facts known at the time a decision is made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at the lowest reasonable cost consistent with reliability, safety and expedition. Prudent Electrical Practices is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be a spectrum of possible practices, methods or acts. l.16 "QRE" means a WREGIS-defined Qualified Reporting Entity l.l7 "Renewable" is defined in section 2 of the WREGIS Operating Rules. 1.18 "Requirements of Lad'means any applicable federal, state and local law, statute, regulation, rule, code or ordinance enacted, adopted, issued or promulgated by any federal, state, local or other Governmental Authority or regulatory body (including those pertaining to electrical, building, zoning, environmental and occupational safety and health requirements). l.19 "Settlement Estimation Procedures" means a calculation based on standard utility estimation rules using algorithms developed and approved by PacifiCorp's billing deparfrnent. 1.20 "System" means the electric transmission substation and transmission or distribution facilities owned, operated or maintained by Transmission Provider, which shall include, after construction and installation of the Facility, the circuit reinforcements, extensions, and associated terminal facility reinforcements or additions required to interconnect the Facility, all as set forth in the Generation Interconnection Agreement. l.2l "Tariff'means the PacifiCorp FERC Electric Tariff Fifth Revised Volume No. l1 Open Access Transmission Tarifi or such updated volume as posted on PacifiCorp's Open Access Same-Time Information Systern on the effective date of this Agreement. 1.22 "Transmission Provider" means the FERC-regulated or United States Department of Energy entity with whom the Facility has conhacted for elechic transmission at and away from the Facility to any point on, or interconnection with, the electric transmission gnd; in the event Transmission Provider is PacifiCorp, PacifiCorp would be the Interconnection Provider operating in its regulated transmission function, and not as the party hereto. 1.23 "Wholesale Generation Also Serving On-Site Loads" is defined in section 2 of the WREGIS Operating Rules. 1.24 "WECC" means the Western Electricity Coordinating Council. t.25 System. "WREGIS" means the Westem Renewable Energy Generation Information 1.26 "WREGIS Certificate" or o'Certificate" means "Certificate" as defined by the WREGIS Operating Rules. 1.27 "WREGIS Operating Rules" means the operating rules and requirements adopted by WREGIS, including the TOU. 1.28 General Rules of Intergetation. Unless otherwise required by the context in which any term appears, (a) the singular includes the plural and vice versa; (b) references to "Articles," "Sections," "Schedules," "Annexes," "Appendices" or "Exhibits" are to articles, sections, schedules, annexes, appendices or exhibits hereof; (c) all references to a particular entity or an electricity market price index include a reference to such entity's or index's successors; (d) "herein," "hereof' and "hereunder" refer to this Agreement as a whole; (e) all accounting terms not specifically defined herein shall be construed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied; (0 the masculine includes the feminine and neuter and vice versa; (g) "including" means "including, without limitation" or "including, but not limited to"; (h) all references to a particular law or statute mean that law or statute as amended from time to time; and (i) the word "or" is not necessarily exclusive. 1.29 Interpretation with FERC Orders. Counterparty acknowledges and agrees that PacifiCorp must conduct its operations in a manner intended to comply with FERC Order No. 717, Standards of Conduct for Transmission Providers, which requires the functional separation of a utility's transmission and merchant functions. Moreover, the Parties acknowledge that each of Transmission Provider's and Interconnection Provider's transmission function offers transmission service on its system in a manner intended to comply with FERC policies and requirements relating to the provision of open-access transmission serice. Counterparty agrees to conduct itself and operate the Facility in accordance with all Requirements of Law, all requirements of all applicable Electric System Authorities, and all requirements of the Interconnection Agreement. I.29.1 Counterparty agrees to enter into the Generation Interconnection Agreernent with the lnterconnection Provider. The Generation Interconnection Agreement shall be a separate and free standing conftact and the terms hereof are not binding upon the Interconnection Provider or Transmission Provider, although both are express third party beneficiaries hereof. 1.29.2 Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, nothing in the Generation Interconnection Agreement, nor any other agreement between Counterparty on the one hand and Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider on the other hand, nor any alleged event of default thereunder, shall alter or modifu the Parties' rights, duties, and obligation hereunder. Likewise, nothing herein or connected with the performance by PacifiCorp hereof shall affect or impair the rights of Interconnection Provider or Transmission Provider, under the Interconnection Agreonent or otherwise. This Agreement shall not be construed to create any rights between Counterparty and the Interconnection Provider or between Counterparty and the Transmission Provider. 1.29.3 Counterparty expressly recognizes that, for purposes hereof, the Interconnection Provider and Transmission Provider each shall be deemed to be a separate entity and separate contracting party from PacifiCorp whether or not the Generation Interconnection Agreernent is entered into with Interconnection Provider or an affiliate thereof. Counterparty acknowledges that PacifiCorp, acting in its merchant capacity function as purchaser hereunder, has no responsibility for or control over Interconnection Provider or Transmission Provider, and is not liable for any breach of agreement or duty by Interconnection Provider or Transmission Provider. Nothing in this Agreement shall operate to diminish, nor shall this Agreement extend to, Interconnection Provider or Transmission Provider's use, retention, or disclosure of Counterparty or Facility information (including information within the scope of this Agreernent) in connection with PacifiCorp operating in its transmission function, including its carrying out of its obligations and business practices as a Balancing Authority or activities undertaken pursuant to the Taritr II. Term and Termination. 2.1 This Agreement shall be effective upon execution by the Parties and shall continue in effect until such time as either Party, upon providing 60 days written notice to the other Party, chooses to terminate. PacifiCofp may initiate any regulatory proceedings it deems appropriate to terminate this Agreement prior to the effectiveness of such termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (a) Counterparty may terminate this Agreement upon an event of default by PacifiCorp if PacifiCorp does not cure such event of default within 10 days of written notice, (b) PacifiCorp may terminate this Agreement upon an event of default by Counterparty if Counterparty does not cure such event of default within 10 days of written notice, (c) PacifiCorp may terminate this Agreement if the Facility fails to meet the requirements of Section 3.1 hereof and such failure is not cured within 30 days, and (d) either Party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon notice to the other if Counterparty or the Facility fail to comply with Section 1.29. This Agreement may also be terminated as otherwise set forth herein. ilI. ORE Services. 3.1 ORE Services. PacifiCorp will, on the terms set forth herein, serve as a QRE for the Facility so long as (a) the Facility meets the definition of Renewable, (b) is within the metered boundaries of both PacifiCorp's Balancing Authority, (c) is equipped with either: (l) Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider (as applicable) owned and operated meters; or (2) meters that meet the Interconnection Provider's requirements and (d) meet all applicable WREGIS requironents. 3.2 Compensation to PacifiCorp. In exchange for the services performed by PacifiCorp hereunder, Counterparty shall pay PacifiCorp as follows: Counterparty shall pay PacifiCorp a one-time initial setup fee of $280, which PacifiCorp may atits option deduct from payments due to Counterparty under the PPA and otherwise shall be payable within ten days of demand by invoice following execution of this Agreement. PacifiCorp shall charge Counterparty a monthly reporting fee of $50 per generating unit for which PacifiCorp reports output to WREGIS, provided that PacifiCorp may, in its discretion, assess and bill for all fees due hereunder on an annual, rather than monthly, basis. PacifiCorp may at its option deduct from payments due to Counterparty under the PPA all other fees due hereunder, which shall otherwise be due within ten days of PacifiCorp's issuance of an invoice for such fees. PacifiCorp will review costs associated with this service on an annual basis, and may make necessary adjustments to the monthly reporting fee charged herein. Any change in the monthly reporting fee will become effective only after a minimum thirty (30) days prior written notice to Counterparty. In the event WREGIS, WECC, or any other entity with the ability or jurisdiction to modiS the QRE reporting process requires a change that materially increases the costs to PacifiCorp of providing QRE services, PacifiCorp may pass those costs to the Counterparty by increasing the monthly reporting fee. PacifiCorp will use best efiflorts to provide Counterparty with prior notice before billing Counterparty for such increased costs. The fees set forth herein relate to PacifiCorp serving as a QRE for Counterparty pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. The necessary metering is a prerequisite for this service and is not covered in the fees described above. 3.3 Points of Metering. The Points of Metering that PacifiCorp will use are set forth in Exhibit A. Counterparty certifies that all Points of Metering listed in Exhibit A measure data only from Facility that meet the definition of Renewable. Counterparty shall notiff PacifiCorp at least thirty (30) Business Days prior to making any proposed material changes to the Points of Metering. Following such notification, the Parties will decide whether such changes are mutually acceptable. If such changes are not acceptable to PacifiCorp, PacifiCotp may terminate this Agreement. 3.4 Expenses. Except as otherwise provided in the Interconnection Agreement (and in such case, only vis-t-vis Interconnection Provider), Counterpaty shall bear all costs and expenses, including those incurred by PacifiCorp, relating to all metering or other equipment installed to accommodate Counterparty's Facility. 3.5 Reporting. Counterparty hereby grants to PacifiCorp sole and exclusive permission and authority to report Data and Output to WREGIS and warrants and represents that neither Counterparty nor any other person or entity acting on behalf of Counterparty has granted, or will hereafter grant during the term hereof any similar data reporting authority or permission to any other QRE or WREGIS Account Holder or to any other party or Agent for use in WREGIS, or any other energy fracking systan, for the Facility. As a precondition for PacifiCorp to be able to perform hereunder, Counterparty shall submit Counterparty's Output data to PacifiCorp by allowing PacifiCorp to collect such dat4 at the Points of Metering, and report such data in the manner set forth herein. 3.5.1 Monthly Generation Extract File. PacifiCorp shall submit a Monthly Generation Extract File to WREGIS on Counterparty's behalf, which will conform to the characteristics and data requirements set forth in the WREGIS Interface Control Document. 3.5.2 Reportins Cycle. PacifiCorp shall submit the Monthly Generation Extract File to WREGIS no later than sixty days following the end date of the output being reported. 3.5.3 Verification. Should PacifiCorp choose at its option to operate and make available a Metering Extemal Webpage, PacifiCorp may in its reasonably exercised discretion grant Counterparty access for Counterparty to veriff such information as prescribed by PacifiCorp from time to time, and to timely notifr PacifiCorp in writing of any effors Counterparty detects. 3.5.4 Adjustments. After PacifiCorp submits the Monthly Generation Exfact File to WREGIS, any information contained in the Monthly Generation Extract File shall be final for purposes of WREGIS reporting, subject only to the adjustment procedures set forth in the WREGIS Operating Rules, which shall be Counterparty's responsibility to implement if necessary. 3.6 Obligations of Countemarty. Counterparty shall report and provide to PacifiCorp accurate and complete generation Data and Output information for the Facility. Counterparty shall send the Data and other Output Information in a format and in compliance with any protocols which PacifiCorp may speciff to Counterparty. Counterparty has a continuing duty to immediately notiff PacifiCorp, if and when any generation Data or Output information has been sent in error or ceases to be futhful, accurate, or complete and to supply the corrected data as soon as practical, but not later than five (5) Business Days from the date Counterparty discovers that discrepancy in the Data or Output information. 3.7 WREGIS Fees. Counterparty is solely responsible for the payment directly to WREGIS of any and all WREGIS fees and costs that are required to register Counterparty's Facility and, to the extent the Generator Owner is a WREGIS Account Holder, Counterparty is responsible for the payment directly to WREGIS of all other WREGIS fees incident to the reporting of Generator Data and Output to WREGIS. Counterparty acknowledges and agrees that PacifiCorp shall have no obligation to advance or make payment of WREGIS fees or costs on Counterparty's behalf. Upon request by PacifiCorp made if PacifiCorp has received such a request from WREGIS or any regulator or third pafi, Counterparty shall provide PacifiCorp with evidence of payment of WREGIS fees and costs; failure to provide such information to PacifiCorp, upon request, shall constitute an event of default under this Agreernent. 3.8 WREGIS Accounts. Counterparty will be solely responsible to make arrangements and registrations and for entering into any such agreements that are necessary to establish transfer of Certificates directly to proper Accounts or Subaccounts of Counterparty. Counterparty agrees that such arrangements shall preclude the need for PacifiCorp to act as custodian of such Certificates or to be responsible in any way to hold such Certificates in any Account or Subaccount of PacifiCorp or bear any responsibility, possession, obligation, or risk of loss with respect to Certificates created, held, or owned, with respect to the Facility. Counterparty acknowledges that, pursuant to section 1l of the WREGIS TOU, any generation data that PacifiCorp, acting as a QRE, provides to WREGIS shall reside in WREGIS and Counterparty will have no control over such data's use other than that provided for under the WREGIS TOU. 3.9 Obligations of PacifiCorp. PacifiCorp shall specifu for Counterparty the protocols, reporting frequency, data file formats, and communication protocols for reporting generating Data, or Output, as necessary. PacifiCorp shall timely report to WREGIS Counterparty Data and/or Output information as specified in the most current WREGIS Interface Control Document (ICD). PacifiCorp shall not use or disclose Counterparty generation Data for any other purpose than reporting the Data to WREGIS, except as may be required by law, the Public Utility Commission of Oregoo, ffiy other state, federal, municipal or other regulator or govemmental authority with jurisdiction over PacifiCorp or any of its assets, or a court of competent jurisdiction or as required under the terms of an existing agreement between the Parties. PacifiCorp shall not use Generator Owner generation Data for any other purpose. Notwithstanding the foregoing, PacifiCorp shall not be responsible for handling, account administation, transfer, evidence of, or any determination of Counterparty Certificate ownership or any other obligations for Certificates of Counterparty with regard to Certificates; and Counterparty shall bear all responsibility for such handling, account administration, evidence of or any determination of Counterparty Certificate ownership and all other obligations pertaining to creation and ownership of such Certificates. 3.10 Measurement. 3.10.1 Meter Data. Counterparty authorizes PacifiCorp's metering services organization to provide Counterparty's meter data directly to WREGIS in the form of the Monthly Generation Extract File. Counterparty authorizes PacifiCorp to gather data from the Points of Metering listed in Exhibit A. All such data is considered data which Counterparty has created and submitted to PacifiCo.p, notwithstanding that PacifiCorp, rather than Counterparty will gather it. 3.10.2 Wholesale Generation Also Servine On-Site Loads. If Counterparty has any Wholesale Generation Also Serving On-Site Loads (as defined in Article One above), such Facility will need to have the on-site load generation metered (and registered) separately from the generation that is supplied to the grid, in accordance with the WREGIS Operating Rules. Otherwise, PacifiCorp will not report any data from such Facility. If such Facility exist, they must be soecified in Exhibit A. 3.10.3 Estimates. When meter readings are not available due to meter hardware failure or data that is determined to be invalid due to meter malfunction or calibration or configuration enor, to the extent deemed by PacifiCorp to be appropriate and permitted pursuant to WREGIS TOU, PacifiCorp will, ifpossible, rely on readings from redundant meters whether such meters are PacifiCorp owned or not. If readings from redundant meters are not possible, PacifiCorp will estimate and report meter data according to PacifiCorp's Settlement Estimation Procedures. 3.10.4 Responsibilitv. Counterparty is solely responsible for the data created and submitted to PacifiCorp, acting as a QRE, to forward to WREGIS. 3.11 Rezulatorv Requirements. PacifiCorp may release information provided by Counterparty hereunder, or gathered by PacifiCorp in connection herewith, to comply with any regulatory requirements applicable to PacifiCorp or if requested by a PacifiCorp regulator or if required by any other fbderal law or court order. Counterparty waives all applicable provisions of the Tariff which require PacifiCorp to hold confidential information with respect to the Generator Owner and the Facility, to the extent necessary for PacifiCorp to report, as a QRE, generation Data and Output regarding the Generation Unit(s) and to carry out PacifiCorp's obligations under this Agreement. This provision shall survive any termination of this Agreernent. 3.12 Grant by Counterparty. Counterparty hereby grants to, permits, and authorizes Pacifi Corp the following: 3.12.1 PacifiCorp is hereby authorized to communicate and transact with WREGIS as Counterparty's sole and exclusive reporting source of generation data for the Facility, and WREGIS is hereby authorized to communicate and transact directly with PacifiCorp regarding any generation data issues for the Facility. PacifiCorp is hereby authorized to act on behalf of Counterparty, but only to the extent that PacifiCorp has lawful, contractual access to WREGIS. 3.12.2 PacifiCorp is hereby authorized to provide WREGIS with all generation data for the Facility that WREGIS requires, including, but not limited to, data required for preparation of required reports and billing. 3.12.3 PacifiCorp is authorized to undertake all actions which are reasonable and necessary to carry out the obligations set forth in the subsections above. 3.12.4 Counterparty retains all other rights and responsibilities and all other obligations to WREGIS. IV. INDEMNITY. 4.1 INDEMNITY. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY REQUIREMENTS OF LAW, COUNTERPARTY HEREBY INDEMNIFIES AI\D AGREES TO IIOLD PACIFICORP,ITS AFFILIATES, A}[D EACH OF ITS AI\D TIIEIR RESPECTTVE DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AI\D REPRESENTATIVES (COLLECTIVELY, THE "PACIFICORP INDEMNITEES") HARMLESS AGAINST ANY AI\D ALL LOSSES, FINES, PENALTIES, CLAIMS (INCLUDING THIRD PARTY CLAIMS), DEMANDS, DAMAGES, LIABILITIES, ACTIONS OR SUITS OF AI\Y NATURE WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING LEGAL COSTS AflD ATTORNEY'S FEES, BOTH AT TRIAL AND ON APPEAL, WHETHER OR NOT SUIT IS BROUGHT) (C0LLECTMLY, "LIABILITIES") TIrAT ARE IN ANy WAY ASSOCTATED WrTH PACIFICORP'S PERFORMAI\CE OR FAILURE TO PERFORM IIEREUNDER. THIS INCLUDES LIABILITY ARISING FROM: THE DATA CONTAINED IN THE MONTHLY GENERATION EXTRACT FILE, OR ATI-Y OTHER FINANCIAL INJURY, OR DAMAGE TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY. WITHOUT LIMITING TIIE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING: 4.2 WAIVER OF CAUSES OF ACTION AI\D CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF SECTION 4.1 ABOVE, COTJNTERPARTY IIEREBY WAIVES AI\Y AI\D ALL CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING IINDER OR IN RESPECT TO THIS AGREEMENT, WHETIIER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR AIYY OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE THEORY (INCLUDING STRICT LIABILITY) AGAINST PACIFICORP OR ANY PACIFICORP INDEMNITEE. IN NO EVENT SHALL PACIFICORP OR AI\'Y PACIFICORP INDEMNITEE BE LIABLE TO COT'NTERPARTY ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, OR REPRESENTATTYES FOR ANY DEMANDS, DIRECT COSTS, LOST OR PROSPECTIVE PROFITS OR AIIY OTIIER LIABILITIES OR EXPENSES, WIIETHER SPECIAL, PIINITIVE, EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT IN NATURE, THAT ARE IN AI\'Y WAY ASSOCIATED WITH PACIFICORP'S PERFORMANCE OF THE QRE FUNCTION OR OTIIERWISE T]NDER OR IN RESPECT OF THIS AGREEMENT. 4.3 INDEMNITY FOR COUNTERPARTY ACTIONS. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF SECTION 4.1 ABOVE, COUNTERPARTY SHALL RELEASE, INDEMNIFY AI\D HOLD PACIFICORP AND ALL PACIFICORP INDEMNITEES HARMLESS AGAINST AND FROM AIYY AND ALL LIABILITIES RESULTING FROM, OR ARISING OUT OF, OR rN AllY WAY CONNECTED WITH, THE PERFORMANCE BY COT NTERPARTY OF rTS OBLTGATTONS HEREUNDE& OR RELATING TO THE FACTLITY, FOR OR ON ACCOUNT OF (t) INJURY, BODTLY oR oTHERWISE, TO, OR DEATH OF, OR (II) FOR DAMAGE TO, OR DESTRUCTION OR ECONOMIC LOSS OF PROPERTY OF, ANY PERSON OR ENTITY, EXCEPTING ONLY TO THE EXTENT SUCH LIABILITIES AS MAY BE CAUSED BY THE GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFTIL MISCONDUCT OF AI\[Y PACIFICORP INDEMNITEE. 4.4 NOTWITHSTANDING AI\"Y OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT, COTINTERPARTY ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK OF LOSS RESULTING FROM (1) THE FAILURE TO SEND DATA IN A FORMAT SPECIFIED BY PACIFICORP, (2) THE FAILURE TO USE PROTOCOLS SPECIFIED BY PACIFICORP OR (3) THE SENDTNG OF ERRONEOUS, UNTRUTITFIIL, INACCURATE, AIiD/OR INCOMPLETE GENERATING DATA TO PACIFICORP OR TIIE SENDING OF ERRONEOUS, T]NTRUTHFUL, INACCURATE, ATID/OR INCOMPLETE DATA BY PACIFICORP TO WREGIS. IN NO EVENT SHALL PACIFICORP BE LIABLE FOR AI\"Y CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR OTIIER INDIRECT LOSS OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM AIYY BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT, WIIETIIER CAUSED BY TIIE NEGLIGENCE oR INTENTTONAL ACTIONS OF PACIFICORP (AND/OR ITS CONTRACTORS, AGENTS, A}[D EMPLOYEES), REGARDLESS OF WHETIIER SUCH CLAIM FOR DAMAGES IS BASED IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. IN NO EVENT SHALL PACIFICORP BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR HARM SUFFERED BY COT]NTERPARTY OR AI\IY THIRD PARTY DUE TO ANY ACTION OR INACTION BY PACIFICORP TAKEN HERET]NDER THAT CAUSES A FACILITY TO LOSE AIIY CREDENTIALS, REGISTRATION OR QUALIFICATION UNDER THE RENEWABLE PORTFOLIO STAIYDARD OR SIMILAR LAW OF AIIY STATE OR OTHER JURISDICTION. 4.5 PACIFICORP WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AI{Y DAMAGES RESULTTNG FROM ECONOMTC LOSS, LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF PRODUCTION TAX CREDITS, LOSS OF sAvrNGs oR REVENUE, LOSS OF GOODWTLL, TrrE CLAIMS OF THrRD PARTIES (TNCLUDING CUSTOMERS AND SHAREHOLDERS OR OTHER EQUTTY OWIIERS), PERSONAL INJURIES OR PROPERTY DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY TIIE COUNTERPARTY OR AI{Y THIRD PARTIES, EVEN IF PACIFICORP HAS BEEN NOTIFIED BY COUNTERPARTY (OR BY ANY THIRD PARTY) OF SUCH DAMAGES. 4.6 PACIFICORP DISCLAIMS AI\Y LIABILITY FOR AND COIINTERPARTY WAIVES AI\Y CLAIM FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR OTHER INACCURACIES IN A}[Y PART OF WREGIS OR THE REPORTS, CERTIFICATES OR OTHER INFORMATION COMPILED OR PRODUCED BY AND FROM OR INPUT INTO WREGIS USING COI]NTERPARTY-SUPPLIED GENERATION DATA, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR INACCURACIES ARE DUE TO ERRONEOUS, T]NTRUTHFUL, INCOMPLETE, OR INACCURATE INFORMATION INPUT BY PACIFICORP INTO WREGIS. 4.7 COIINTERPARTY HEREBY RELEASES PACIFICORP AND PACIFICORP INDEMNITEES FROM A}[Y Ai\D ALL LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO DAMAGES OR INJI]RIES INCI]RRED BY GENERATOR OWNER AS RELATES TO THE FOREGOING, EXCLUDING AI{Y ARISING AS A RESULT OF TORTIOUS AND INTENTIONALLY KNOWING OR RECKLESS CONDUCT BY PACIFICORP. 4.8 COITNTERPARTY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT,IN THE EVENT OF BREACII OF THIS CONTRACT OR AITY OTHER ACTION RESULTING IN LOSS OR POTENTTAL LOSS OR DAMAGE TO COUNTERPARTY, COUNTERPARTY'S SOLE RECOURSE IS TERMINATION OF TIIIS AGREEMENT. 4.9 WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF SECTION 4.1 ABO\TE, COUNTERPARTY AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIET, AND HOLD PACIFICORP AND PACIFICORP INDEMNITEES IIARMLESS FROM AI\D AGAINST ANY AI\D ALL CLAIMS (INCLUDING TIIIRD-PARTY CLAIMS); CAUSES OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY (INCLUDING STRICT LIABILITY); COSTS AI\D EXPENSES A}[D OTIIER LIABILITIES OF A}[Y NATURE WHATSOEVE& WHENEVER ARTSTNG, ARISING OUT OF, RESIILTTNG FROM, ATTRIBUTABLE TO, OR RELATED TO COIINTERPARTY GENERATION DATA OR OUTPUT,INCLUDING: AI\TY INACCURACY, ERRO& OR DELAY IN OR OMISSION OF (I) ANY DATA, INFORMATION, OR SERVICE, OR (ID THE TRANSMISSION OR DELTVERY OF AT{Y DATA, INFORMATION, OR SERVICE; AIYY INTERRUPTION OF AI\Y SUCH DATA, OUTPUT,INFORMATION, OR SERVICE (WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED BY PACIFICORP); OR ANY FINAI\CIAL, BUSINESS, COMMERCIAL, OR OTIIER JUDGMENT, DECISION, ACT, OR OMISSION MADE BY ANY PERSON OR ENTITY BASED UPON OR RELATED TO THE DATA, OUTPUT,INFORMATION OR SERVICE. 4.10 Interconnection. Counterparty shall have no claims hereunder against PacifiCorp, acting in its merchant function capacity, with respect to any requirements imposed by or damages caused by (or allegedly caused by) acts or omissions of the Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider, in connection with the Generation Interconnection Agreernent or otherwise. Counterparty shall defend, indemnifu and hold PacifiCorp harmless against any liability arising due to Counterparty's performance or failure to perform under the Generation Interconnection Agreement. Counterparty's failure to obtain, or perform under, the Generation Interconnection Agreement, or its other contracts and obligations to, Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider is not a Force Majeure. 4.ll This Article IV shall survive any termination of this Agreement, whether such termination is by PacifiCorp or Counterparty, and whether or not such termination is on account of a default. V. Further Counterpartv Oblieations. 5.1 No Sale. Nothing herein constitutes a sale or purchase of energy or renewable energy certificates to or by PacifiCorp. 5.2 Tax Benefits. Counterparty shall bear all risks, financial and otherwise throughout the Term, associated with Counterparly's or the Facility's eligibility to receive any tax benefits, including production or investment tax credits or accelerated depreciation. 5.3 Further Assurances. At PacifiCorp's request, the Parties shall execute such documents and instruments as may be reasonably required to effect the essential intent and purposes hereof. 5.4 Station Service. Counterparty shall be responsible for arranglng and obtaining, at its sole risk and expense, any station service required by the Facility. 5.5 Costs of Ownership and Operation. Without limiting the generality of any other provision hereof, Counterparty shall be solely responsible for paying when due (a) all costs of owning and operating the Facility in compliance with existing and future Requirements of Law and the terms and conditions hereof, and O) all taxes and charges (however characteized) now existing or hereinafter imposed on or with respect to the Facility, its operation, or on or with respect to emissions or other environmental impacts of the Facility, including any such tax or charge (however characteized) to the extent payable by a generator of such energy or renewable energy certificates. 5.6 Coordination with System. Counterparty shall be responsible for the coordination and synchronization of the Facility and the Interconnection Facilities with the Syston, and shall be solely responsible for (and shall defend and hold PacifiCorp harmless against) any damage that may occur as a direct result of Counterparty's breach of the Generation Interconnection Agreement. 5.7 Data Request. Counterparty shall, promptly upon written request from PacifiCorp, provide PacifiCorp with data reasonably required for information requests from any Govemmental Authorities, state or federal agency intervener or any other party achieving intervenor status in any PacifiCorp rate proceeding or other proceeding before any governmental authority. Counterparty shall use best efforts to provide this information to PacifiCorp sufficiently in advance to enable PacifiCorp to review it and meet any submission deadlines. 5.8 Additional Information. Counterparty shall provide to PacifiCorp such other information respecting Counterparty or the Facility as PacifiCo{p may, from time to time, reasonably request. 5.9 No Dedication. Nothing herein shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability to any person not a Party hereto. No undemaking by one Party to the other under any provision hereof shall constitute the dedication of PacifiCorp's facilities or any portion thereof to Counterparly or to the public, nor affect the status of PacifiCorp as an independent public utility corporation or Counterparty as an independent individual or entity. 5.10 Required Policies and Coveraees. Without limiting any liabilities or any other obligations of Counterparty hereunder, Counterparty shall secure and continuously carry with an insurance company or companies the insurance coverage specified in the Generation Interconnection Agreement. VI. RepresentationsandWarranties. 6.1 Mutual Representations and Warranties. Each Party represents and warrants to the other that (i) it is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation or organizatron; (ii) it has the corporate, governmental and other legal capacity and authority to enter hereinto and to perform its obligations hereunder; (iii) such execution and performance do not violate or conflict with any law, order or agreement applicable to it; (iv) it has all governmental and other authorizations that are required to have been obtained or submitted by it with respect hereto, and they are in full force and effect; (v) its obligations hereunder are valid, binding and enforceable in accordance with their terms (subject to bankruptcy or similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally); and (vi) no Event of Default, or event which with notice and/or lapse of time would constitute such an Event of Default, has occurred and is continuing or would occur as a result of its entering into or performing its obligations hereunder. 6.2 Representations and Warranties of Counterpartv. Counterparty hereby represents and warrants to PacifiCorp: (i) it is not relyrng upon any representations of PacifiCorp other than those expressly set forth herein; (ii) it has entered hereinto with a full understanding of the material terms and risks of the same, and it is capable of assuming those risks; (iii) it has made its trading and investment decisions based upon its own judgment and any advice from such advisors as it has deemed necessary and not in reliance upon any view expressed by PacifiCorp; (iv) it has not received from PacifiCorp any assurances or promises regarding any financial results or benefits hereunder; (v) service hereunder is not a utility service within the meaning of Section 466 of the United States Bankruptcy Code; and (vi) Counterparty holds legal title to the Facility or otherwise holds the legal right to cause the Facility to enter into this Agreement. VII. Financial Responsibility. 7.1 Adequate Assurances. Without limiting PacifiCorp's righr under Article VIII hereof, if Counterparty has failed to make a timely payment hereunder, and PacifiCorp has reasonable grounds for insecurity regarding the performance of any obligation of Counterparty hereunder (whether or not then due), PacifiCorp may demand Adequate Assurances of Performance. "Adequate Assurances of Performance" means sufficient security in the form, amount, by an issuer or guarantor, and for the term reasonably acceptable to PacifiCotp, including, but not limited to, cash, a standby irrevocable letter of credit, a prepayment, a security interest in government securities, an asset or a performance bond or guaranty. Such Adequate Assurances of Performance shall be provided within three business days after a written demand is made by PacifiCorp. VIII. Events of Default: Remedies. 8.1 Event of Default. "Event of Default" means, with respect to a Party (the "Defaulting Party"): 8.1.1 the failtre to render when due any payment or performance hereunder, if such failure is not remedied within five days after written notice; 8.1.2 the failure to timely provide adequate assurances required pursuant to Article VII hereof; 8.1.3 any such Party's representation or waranty proves to have been incorrect or misleading in any material respect when made; 8.1.4 the failure to perform any other covenant set forth herein if such failure is not remedied within five days after written notice; 8.1.5 its bankruptcy, if adequate assurances acceptable to PacifiCorp and approved by the Bankruptcy Court are not provided; 8.1.6 the expiration or termination of any credit support of Counterparty's obligations hereunder (other than in accordance with its terms) prior to the satisfaction of all obligations of Counterparty without the written consent of PacifiCorp; or 8.1.7 In the case of Counterparty: fails to report generation Data or Output information to PacifiCorp for the Facility or Counterparty fails to send the data in a format and use the protocols specified by PacifiCorp as determined by PacifiCorp to be required to meet the requirements of the WREGIS Operating Rules; Counterparty is delinquent in payment to WREGIS of any WREGIS fees for registration or maintenance of Accounts or Subaccounts, which payment impairs the ability of PacifiCorp to report Generator Data, Output, or other information to WREGIS regarding the Facility, which delinquency continues for a period of thirty (30) days; Counterparty fails to comply with a request by PacifiCorp to provide evidence of payment of WREGIS fees pertaining to the Facility; or Counterparty knowingly or intentionally falsifies or misrepresents any Data, Output information, or other information required by WREGIS. 8.2 Remedies Uoon Event of Default. In the Event of Default by a Party and for so long as the Event of Default is continuing, the non-defaulting Party (the "Performing Party.) shall have the right to do any or all of the following: (1) upon two business days' written notice to the Defaulting Pat'cy, terminate this Agreernent; (2) withhold any payments or performance due in respect of this Agreernent; and (3) exercise such other remedies as may be available at law or in equity or as otherwise provided for herein, to the extent such remedies have not been otherwise waived or limited pursuant to the terms hereof. 8.3 Setoff. If an Event of Default occurs, the Performing Party may, at its election, set off any or all amounts which the Defaulting Party owes to it or any Affiliate of the Performing Party (whether under this Agreement or otherwise and whether or not then due) against any or all amounts which it or any Affiliate of the Performing Party owes to the Defaulting Party (whether under this Agreernent or otherwise and whether or not then due). 8.4 PaJ,rment of Damases. Any amounts due on account of default shall be paid by the close of business on the next business day following the Defaulting Party's receipt of the Performing Party's written termination notice setting forth the termination payment due. 8.5 Limitation of Liabilitv. TIIE EXPRESS REMEDIES AND MEASURES OF DAMAGES PROVIDED IIEREIN SATISF"T THE ESSENTIAL PURPOSES IIEREOF. FOR BRE,ACH OF AI{Y PROVISION FOR WHICH AI\ EXPRESS REMEDY OR MEASURE OF DAMAGE IS PROVIDED, SUCH REMEDY OR MEASURE SIIALL BE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY THEREFOR. LIABILITY THAT HAS NOT BEEN OTHERWISE EXCLUDED PURSUANT TO THE TERMS HEREOF SHALL BE LIMITED TO DIRECT ACTUAL DAMAGES ONLY AS THE SOLE AI\D EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. EXCEPT AS OTIIERWISE SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH HEREIN, NO PARTY SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY OR BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITTVE, EXEMPLARY, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, LOST PROFIT OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION DAMAGES, BY STATUTE, IN TORT, CONTRACT OR OTIIERWISE. 8.6 Survival. This Article survives the expiration or termination hereof. IX. Force Maieure. 9.1 Except with regard to a Party's obligation to make payments hereunder, in the event either Party hereto is rendered unable, wholly or in part, by Force Majeure to carry out its obligations with respect hereto, then upon such Party's (the "Claiming Party') giving notice and full particulars of such Force Majeure as soon as reasonably possible after the occrurence of the cause relied upon, such notice to be confirmed in writing or by facsimile to the other Party, then the obligations of the Claiming Party shall, to the extent they are aflected by such Force Majeure, be suspended during the continuance of said inability, but for no longer period, and the Claiming Party shall not be liable to the other Party for, or on account oq any loss, damage, injury or expense resulting from, or arising out of such event of Force Majeure. The Party receiving such notice of Force Majeure shall have until the end of the Business Day following such receipt to notiff the Claiming Party that it objects to or disputes the existence of an event of Force Majeure. "Force Majeure" means an event or circumstance which prevents one Party from performing its obligations hereunder, which event or circumstance was not anticipated, which is not within the reasonable control oe or the result of the negligence of, the Claiming Party, and which, by the exercise of due diligence, the Claiming Party is unable to overcome or avoid or cause to be avoided. Counterparty's failure to obtain, or perform under, the Generation Interconnection Agreement, or its other contacts and obligations to, Transmission Provider or Interconnection Provider is not a Force Majeure. 9.2 Force Majeure Does Not Affect Other Obligations. No obligations of either Party that arose before the Force Majeure causing the suspension of performance or that arise after the cessation of the Force Majeure shall be excused by the Force Majeure. 9.3 Stikes. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, neither Party shall be required to settle any sfrike, walkout,lockout or other labor dispute on terms which, in the sole judgment of the Party involved in the dispute, are contrary to the Party's best interests. X. Miscellaneous. l0.l Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state of Oregon, excluding any choice of law rules that may direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. 10.2 Restriction on Assisrments. Neither Party may assign this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any purported assignme,nt in violation hereof shall be void ab initio. This Agreement inures to the benefit of and is binding upon the Parties and their respective successors and permiued assigns. 10.3 Notices. Al1 notices, requests, statements or payments shall be made to the addresses set out on the Notices Exhibit. Notices required to be in writing shall be delivered by letter, facsimile or other documentary form. Notice by facsimile or hand delivery shall be deerned to have been given when received or hand delivered. Notice by overnight mail or couri- er shall be deemed to have been given on the date and time evidenced by the delivery receipt. The Parties may change any of the persons to whom notices are addressed, or their addresses, by providing written notice in accordance with this Section. 10.4 Entire Aereerrrent Countergarts. This Agreernent constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to its subject matter. This Agreement may not be amended, changed, modified, or altered unless such amendment, change, modification, or alteration is in writing and signed by both Parties. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, including by telefacsimile transmission, each of which is an original and all of which taken together constitute one and the same original instrument. This Agreement completely and fully supersedes all other prior understandings or agreements, both written and oral, between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, void or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not invalidate, void, or make unenforceable any other provision, agreement or covenant of this Agreement, provided the basic purposes of this Agreement and the benefits to the Parties are not substantially impaired. 10.5 No Waiver. Waiver by aParty of any default by the other Party shall not be construed as a waiver of any other default, nor shall any delay by a Party in the exercise of any right under this Agreement be considered as a waiver or relinquishment thereof. 10.6 Jurisdiction. Any judicial action arising out of, resulting from or in any way relating to this Agreement shall be brought only in a state or federal court of Multnomah County, Oregon. In the event such judicial proceedings are instituted by either Party, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to award of its costs and attorneys' fees incurred in connection with such proceedings. 10.7 Jurv Trial Waiver. THE PARTIES EACII HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVE ALL RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN AI\"Y ACTION, PROCEEDING OR COI]NTERCLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING IIERETO, OR THE TRANSAC. TIONS CONTEMPLATED IIEREBY. EACH PARTY FT'RTHER WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE AI\Y ACTION IN WIIICH A JURY TRIAL HAS BEEN WATVED WITH AI\"Y OTHER ACTION IN WIIICH A JURY TRIAL CAIYNOT BE OR IIAS NOT BEEN WAryED. 10.8 No Third Partv Beneficiaries. With ttre exception of Transmission Provider and Interconnection Provider, who are express third party beneficiaries hereof, this Agreement confers no rights whatsoever upon any person other than the Parties and shall not create, or be interpreted as creating, any standard ofcare, duty or liability to any person not a Party hereto. 10.9 Relationship of the Parties. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to create an association, joint venture, trust, or partnership, or impose a trust or partnership covenant, obligation, or liability on or with regard to any one or more of the Parties. Each Party shall be individually responsible for its own covenants, obligations, and liabilities under this Agreement. 10.10 Survival. This Article survives the expiration or termination hereof. fsignature page fo llowsJ IN WTINESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized representatives as of the date lastbelow written. PacifiCorp By: Name: Title: Date: <COUNTERPARTY> By: Name: Title: Date: Exhibit A F'acility and Generadon Datr For Facility enter the following infomation: FacilityName and Address or Location Dry Creek, 35 miles NW of Howe, Butte Cormty Idaho Meter Number @evice ID) 00078047 FaciW's WREGIS Generator ID W2011 EIA or QF ID# QF05-41-000 One-line diagram that includes description of meter locations at the facility - voltage and location: The one-line diagram is attachd. thorlrfr-'swltHG€H iI -4 I !E{W alr I (a atsl ]'I .\-\ I t'- ""'i-'-_t L L 1 -----l-+-r-+ --l--sl--* .+.r I I $A!!i cohrt(L ,A!{IL r*o sE*rc*muJ *-.*.o-J,ledmrr-.i ,9 -l I'Xe.Er-as)a'rx-rsEFla{q''t r.sr tN4rffiiEEDHiT.- )r.F'gi3*' )iFi I:{Fr ii .r &'r{mcnffi J:/-Ift c r* -L',(sd.EdrMlf !a, roB s ajg(rl*(!us FJ**i{**" eyt*ro.Rt!.1 ei.r'xsaar*.w..i t '"tif,l$ ECi -t :l il mIsu I S t! IJ lt EXHIBIT H SELLER AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE GENERATION DATA TO PACIFICORP IDATEI A g",l 'zl tzozl Director, Transmission Services PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1600 Portland, OR 97232 To Whom it May Concern: Dry Creek, L.L.C. ('Seller') hereby voluntarily authorizes PacifiCorp's Transmission business unit to share Seller's interconnection information with marketing function employees of PacifiCorp, including but not limited to those in Energy Supply Management. Seller acknowledges that PacifiCorp did not provide it any prcferences, either operational or rate- related, in exchange for this voluntary consent. Name: Ted S Sorcnson Title: President, Sorenson Engineering Inc, Manager, Dry Crcek LLC EXHIBIT I REQUIRED INSURANCE 1.1 Required Policies and Coverages. Without limiting any liabilities or any other obligations of Seller under this Agreement, Seller must secure and continuously carry with an insurance company or companies rated not lower than "A-MI" by the A.M. Best Company the insurance coverage specified below: 1.1.1 Workers' Compensation. Seller shall comply with any applicable laws or statutes, state or federal jurisdiction, where Seller performs work. 1.1.2 Employers' Liability. Seller shall maintain employers' liability insurance with minimum limits covering bodily injury for: $1,000,000 - each accident, $1,000,000 by disease - each employee, and $1,000,000 by disease - policy limit. 1.1.3 Commercial General Liability. Seller shall maintain insurance to include premises and operations, contractual liability, with a minimum single limit of $1,000,000 each occurrence to protect against and from loss by reason of injury to persons or damage to property based upon and arising out of the activity under this Agreement. 1.1.4 Business Automobile Liability. Seller shall secure and continuously carry business automobile liability insurance with a minimum single limit of $1,000,000 each accident covering bodily injury and property damage with respect to Seller's vehicles whether owned, hired or non-owned. 1.1.5 Umbrella/excess Liability. Seller shall maintain umbrella or excess liability insurance on an occurrence and following form basis with a minimum limits as follows: (a) Facility Capacity Rating at or above 200 KW - $5,000,000 1.1.6 Property Insurance. Seller shall maintain property insurance covering equipment and structures in an amount at least equal to the full replacement value for "all risk" of physical loss and damage, including coverage for earth movernent, flood, boiler and machinery, and business intemrption. The policy may contain separate sub-limits and deductibles subject to insurance company underwriting guidelines. Property insurance will be maintained in accordance with terms available in the insurance market for similar facilities. 1.2 Additional Provisions or Endorsements. 1.2.1 Except for workers' compensation and property insurance, the policies required must include provisions or endorsements as follows: (a) naming PacifiCorp, parent, divisions, officers, directors and ernployees as additional insureds; O) include provisions that such insurance is primary insurance with respect to the interests of PacifiCorp and that any other insurance maintained by PacifiCorp is excess and not contributory insurance with the insurance required under this schedule; and (c) cross liability coverage or severability of interest. 1.2.2 Unless prohibited by applicable law, all required insurance policies must contain provisions that the insurer will have no right of recovery or subrogation against PacifiCorp. 1.3 Certificates of Insurance. Seller must provide PacifiCorp with certificates of insurance within ten (10) days after the date by which such policies are required to be obtained, in ACORD or similar industry form. The certificates must indicate that the insurer will provide thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation. If any coverage is wriffen on a "claims-made" basis, the certification accompanying the policy must conspicuously state that the policy is "claims made." 1.4 Term of Commercial General Liability Coveraee. Commercial general liability coverage must be maintained by Seller for a minimum period of five (5) years after the completion of this Agreement and for such other length of time necessary to cover liabilities arising out of the activities under this Agreement. 1.5 Periodic Review. PacifiCorp may review this schedule of insurance as often as once every two (2) years. PacifiCorp may in its discretion require Seller to make reasonable changes to the policies and coverages described in this Exhibit to the extent reasonably necessary to cause such policies and coverages to conform to the insurance policies and coverages typically obtained or required for power generation facilities comparable to the Facility at the time PacifiCorp's review takes place. EXIIIBIT J NERC EVENT TYPES Event Tvpe Description of Outages UI Unplanned (Forced) Outaqe-Immediate - An outage that requires immediate removal of a unit from service, another outage state or a Reserve Shutdown state. This type of outage results from immediate mechanical/electrical/hydraulic control systems frips and operator-initiated trips in response to unit alarms. U2 Unplanned (Forced) OutaerDelayed - An outage that does not require immediate removal of a unit from the in-service state but requires removal within six (6) hours. This type of outaqe can only occur while the unit is in service. U3 Unplanned (Forced) OutagrPostponed - An outage that can be postponed beyond six hours but requires that a unit be removed from the in-service state before the end of the next weekend. This type of outage can only occur while the unit is in service. SF Startup Failure- An outage that results from the inability to synchronize avrit within a specified startup time period following an outage or Reserve Shutdown. A startup period begins with the command to start and ends when the unit is synchronized. An SF begins when the problem preventing the unit from synchronizing occurs. The SF ends when the unit is synchronized or another SF occurs. MO Maintenance Outaee - An outage that can be deferred beyond the end of the next weekend, but requires that the unit be removed from service before the next planned outage. (Characteristically, a MO can occur any time during the year, has a flexible start date, may or may not have a predetermined duration and is usually much shorter than a PO.) ME Maintenance Outaee Extension - An extension of a maintenance outage (MO) beyond its estimated completion date. This is typically used where the original scope of work requires more time to complete than originally scheduled. Do not use this where unexpected problems or delays render the unit out of service beyond the estimated end date of the MO. PO Planned Outaee - An outage that is scheduled well in advance and is of a predetermined duration, lasts for several weeks and occurs only once or twice a Year. PE Planned Outaee Extension - An extension of a planned outage (PO) beyond its estimated completion date. This is typically used where the original scope of work requires more time to complete than originally scheduled. Do not use this where unexpected problems or delays render the unit out of service beyond the estimated end date of the PO. Where EXIIIBIT K SCHEDT]LE 38 AIID PRICING SUMMARY TABLE Conforming Enerry Purchase Price : AR . * MPM Non-Conforming Enerry Purchase Price: Minimum of [Afu" * MPM; or PV- 8sl : Conforming Energy annual rate from Table l, below, for the year of the Net Output.: monthly On-Peak or Off-Peak multiplier from Table 2, below, that corresponds to the month of the Net Output and whether the Net Output occurred during On-Peak Hours or OflPeak Hours.: 85% of weighted average of the average Firm Market Price Index for the month, or portion of month, of Net Output, multiplied by 82.4% to account for the non-firm nature of the power. Table 1: Conforming Enerry Annual Rates Year Conforming Energy Annual Rrte (AR*) $/MWh 2022 51.58 2023 53.01 2024 55.52 2025 59.21 2026 62.84 2027 65.66 2028 67.85 2029 69.29 2030 70.08 203t 7t.21 2032 72.97 2033 75.06 2034 77.04 2035 78.78 2036 80.57 2037 83.22 2038 8s.46 2039 87.27 2040 89.t2 2041 90.92 2042 92.92 AR"" MPM PV-85 Table 2: Monthly On-Peak/OftPeak Mulfipltens Month On-Peeh Hours Off-Pesk Eours January 103%94% Feb,ruarv t0s%97o/o March 95o/o 80o/o ADril 95%760/o Mav 92o/o 63% Jrme 940/o 650/o Julv l2lo/o 92% Ausust l2lo/o l060/o September l09o/o 99% October tt5%rc5% November lto%960/o December l29o/o LZOo/o [Schedule 38 as it exists on the Effeetive Datewill be tnserted as Exhibit K] EXHIBIT L PARTY NOTICE INFORMATION To Counterparty: Dry Creek Hydro LLC 1600 John Adams Parkway, Suite 101 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Attn: Ted S. Sorenson, President Telephone: (208) 589- 6908 Email: ted @tsorenson.net with a copy to: Miriah R. Elliott 498 West 140 South Ivins, UT 84738 Telephone: (801) 891- 4147 Email: miriah@tsorenson.net To PacifiCorp: with a copy to: With a copy to: PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97232- 2315 Attn: Director, Origination Telefacsimile (503) 813 -6291 PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomatr, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97232- 2315 Attr: Contact Administration Telefacsimile (503) 813 -6291 E-mail : cntadmin@Facificom.com Pacifi Corp Legal Departnent 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1800 Portland, Oregon 97232- 2315 Atfir: Assistant General Counsel Telefacsimile (503) 8 I 3-6438 EXIIIBIT 4.9.2 [Subsequent Energy Schedules - as appended]