HomeMy WebLinkAbout19980408_2.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING April 8, 1998 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Dennis Hansen, Ralph Nelson and Marsha H. Smith and staff members Don Howell, Birdelle Brown, Rick Sterling, Ron Law, Stephanie Miller, Keith Hessing, George Fink, David Scott, Bob Smith, Bev Barker, Randy Lobb, Tonya Clark, Dave Schunke, Bill Eastlake and Myrna Walters. Also in attendance were Theresa Drake of Idaho Power, Sharon Ullman, United Water Intervenor and Charles McDevitt, Attorney at Law. Commission President Dennis Hansen called the meeting to order. Items from the April 8, 1998 Published Agenda were considered as follows. First matters to be considered were those listed on the CONSENT AGENDA. - Items 1 thru 11. Commissioner Hansen asked if there were questions or comments regarding any of these items. Commissioner Nelson had a question on No. 3 - Birdelle Brown’s April 6, 1998 Decision Memorandum re: U S West Tariff Advice 98-04-N to Revise its 800 Serviceline Product in Northern Idaho, effective April 25, 1998. Commissioner Nelson asked if there isn’t usually discussion about price covering cost of service on these offerings? Birdelle responded that she did have that information on this filing and it does cover cost. Commissioner Nelson said he would then made a motion to approve items 1 thru 11. Commissioners Hansen and Smith voted in favor of the motion; carried unanimously. 12. Rick Sterling’s April 3, 1998 Decision Memorandum re: Idaho Power Company Tariff Advice 98-04, Modifications to Rule H, the tariff which addresses service attachments and distribution line installation for alterations. Rick reviewed the matter. Gave an example of how it would work now with the change requested by the company. Said staff supports the change. Commissioner Smith asked if this would change the time period? Rick responded it would not affect the timing. Commissioner Smith said she would then support the filing.  Think it is consistent with Commission’s intent and would approve it as a tariff advice and not require any further notice, comment or hearing and would so move that. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Scott Woodbury’s April 6, 1998 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. UWI-W-97-6 UWI-Motion to Strike; Sharon Ullman-Answer; Idaho Citizens Coalition-Answer. Don Howell reviewed the matter, in Scott Woodbury’s absence.   Commissioner Hansen called for comments or questions from the Commissioners, regarding this matter. Commissioner Nelson said he looks to the staff for recommendation on matters like this. Asked if there had been any analysis done by staff/attorney? Don Howell replied that he had not and Scott had not. Commissioner Smith asked if the other Commissioners wanted the Commissioner/Attorney to give her analysis? She made a motion that the Motion to Strike be denied. Didn’t think it was necessary at this point in time; would let the testimony come forward at the hearing and the issue can be raised then. Commission will decide then when it is appropriate. Commissioner Nelson said he was so inclined and hasn’t heard anything to the contrary so he would support the motion.   Commissioner Hansen also voted for the motion; passed unanimously. 14. Scott Woodbury’s April 6, 1998 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. WWP-E-98-4 Petition for Order Terminating Power Cost Adjustment (PCA). Don Howell reviewed the decision memorandum. Company has accrued 4.8 million  in the rebate account. Company is proposing to continue the two existing rebates until they expire on May 31 and August 31 respectively. No true-up would be made for any over-rebated or under-rebated amounts.  Company has requested modified procedure. Staff is unable to support the application. Would recommend notice of application and prehearing conference. If the Commissioners were inclined to go modified, would recommend the time period be extended out. Staff may want some discovery. Commissioner Nelson said he would suggest a prehearing conference. Commissioner Smith also supported that saying this was a big change. PCA has worked very well and to just eliminate it on modified procedure was not an option. Commissioner Hansen agreed. Vote was taken on the recommendation to have prehearing conference; motion carried unanimously. Meeting was then adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 13th day of April, 1998. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary