HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210602Reply Comments.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Jvne2,202l r.,._r.j:tlE,i.; .1.:...-,i-:tEL :Xii Jii;i -? Pi{ 2' 28 .-rr I ^- 'r- :'.. - 'r :L'l$tlOi'l, I .. .i''flI'i, 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah &4116 VIA ELECTRONIC DELIWRY Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission ll33l W. Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 20LA Boise,lD 83714 Re:CASE NO. PAC-E,-zI.II IN TIIE MATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF THE AMENDED POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACIFICORP AIID GEORGETOWN IRRIGATION Dear Ms. Noriyrki: Please find for filing Rocky Mountain Power's reply comments in the above-referenced matter. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston,Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very truly yours, Joelle R. Steward Vice-President of Regulation Enclosures "^..D Emily Wegener (ISB #l 1614) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4526 FAX: (801)220-3299 Email: emilv.weeener@pacifi corp.com Attorneyfor Roclcy Mountain Power BEFORE TIM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TIrE APPLTCATTON OF ) CASE NO. PAC-E-2l-U PACIFICORP FORAPPROVAL OR REJECTION ) OF THE AMENDED PT]RCHASE POWER ) REPLY COMMENTS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACII'ICORPAI\D ) ROCKYMOUNINN POWER GEORGETOWI\I IRRIGATION Pursuant to Rule 202.01(d) of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), Rocky Mountain Power a division of PacifiCorp (the "Company") hereby submits reply comments in the above-referenced case. On April 8,2021, the Company submitted an Application for approval or rejection of the purchase power agreement with Georgetown Irrigation ("Georgetown"). The Agreement at issue is a power purchase agreement ("PPA") executed March 30,2021 ("Agreement"), under which Georgetown agreed to use its existing facility, a qualifuing facility under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, to provide power to the Company. The PPA filed with the Application was signed by Georgetown on March 25ft and executed by the Company on March 30,2021. Commission Stafffiled comments on May 26,2021(*Staff Comments"). Staffs Comments noted that the opening paragraph of the Amended PPAwas dated March 25ft rather than March 30d', the date the PPA was executed. Statr recommended the Commission approve the amended PPA contingent on the parties frling an updated PPA that included the March 30m execution date. Page I Provided herewith is the updated PPAwith the March 30,2021, execution date. With the modification noted above, the Company respectfully requests that the Commission approve or reject the Agreement as requested in the Application. Dated this 2od day of June,202l Respectfully submitted by, ROCKYMOI.JNTAIN POWER A,4 UJehp" , Emily Wegder a Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4526 Email: emilv.weeener@pacificorp.com Attorneyfor Rocky Mountain Power Page2 AI}IENDIffiNT b POWER P URCEASE AGREEMENT bctwcen GEORGETOWN IRRIGATION COMPAII"Y and PecitiCorp March 30,2021 This AMENDMEITIT (the'Amcndmcnf), dued POWER PLTRCHASE AGREEMENT between PacifiCorp, an Orqon .corpmuion fPacifiCorp), and Creorgetoum Inigcion Conpnrry (Sdlef), dated July 2, 1984 (as amendd zupplemenrted and modified frrom time b timg the *PPA"). Caprtalired mms used but nc defined in this Amendment shall have the meaning set ftrth in th PPA RECITALS A. The PPA was entered into pior to PacifiCorp's sepudion of its energry supply and transmissim funaions as required by federal law and rqulaions. For this reason, &e PPA includes prorrisions thataddress bodr energy sales ud interconnection requirements. B. The PPA is scnduled to orpire by its terms on It[rch 3l,z0zl,and Sdler has orpressed a desire to cmtinue to make sales ftom the Facility b P8cifiCory consi*ent with the requirements ofthe Heral h$licUtility Reguloory Policies Act('PtlRPA'), as implemented in the Sure of Idaho. C. Seller has demmstrded to PacifiCorp thet the facility remains a "Qrnlifying Facilityr as defined by PURPA and as implernented in the State of ldaho. D. Seller and PacifiCorp are in the process of securing I new stand-alone interconnection agreernentthat, once er(ecuted and all distibution system upgrades are constnrcted aud in-service, will replace the interconnection provisions in the PPA E. Dudng the puiod that the neoessaf,y distibution sy$cm upgndes are being complete( PacifiConp and Seller have agreod to a limited exmsim to theterm of the PPA witr updaed pncing for energy sales duing the ortended term of the PPA as described bdon, AGREEMENT PacifiCorp and Seller agree as follows. Article I of the PPA is amended and restated to read as follows "Unless terminatedearlier pursuantt to the tetms of this Agreemenl this Agreement slall expire upt tlu earlier of (t) the effective fute of a new polver pnchose agreement between PacifiCorp ud Seller pertaining to the Facility; or (ii) March 31, 2022.', ,ffir".* certain I 2. 3 4. 5 6. 7 Ncwidr*anding any provisiur in the PFA to &e conrary, fr the perid beginning Apnl l,2O2l0rorgh the end dilre tcrm of th PPA' PacifiCup shall pay Seller as prwided in Bhibit A to flris Ammdmeffi forthe ffiSr orput ofthe Facility delivered b the Poiff of Delivery as a{u*ed fs Losses. Notlviftstanding arry provisior in the PPA to the confrary, PacifiCorp $all nd be respmsible to purclnse &e o4prt dthe Fadlity etriry pcdods tha the Facility is curtailed due to construdion and cmpleim of the disEibutim sysfiem upgnades calldfc in the final, new stand-alone interconnection agrwmcnt between Seller and Pacifi Corp' s transurissiqr fiurctiqr. Ihis Amendment slull be ed[ective moe signed and ddivered by both PacifiCorp and Seller and apprwed by the ldaho Public tftilities Cmmission. All odrer temls and prwisims ofthe PPA shall rsnain undunged. Each psrty hereby ratifies and confirms ilrat orcept as orpressly amended hereby, all of the tenns, conditions, covuanfiq represenmiog warranties and all drer provisims of fie PPA reurain in full force and effect and are binding om such party, including Seller as successtr in interest undertre PPA. '! firis Amendment shall be gwerned by and cmsfrud in acoordance with the laws of the State of Idaho (without rderence to its choice of law docuine). lhis Amendmeut may be executod in multiple counterpartsr each ofwhich when so oreorrcd and delivered shall be deemed to be an original and all of which trken togefter shall constitrte but one andthe same insrument Ddivery of an oreorted cornterpart of this Amendmert by electnonic tnansmission (n .pdf forrr) shall be equatly as effective as delivery of a manually oreorted comt€rprt. fsigt@oe pgefoilNs] t IN Wffi{ESS W}IEREOF, the parties bdm hivc canod this Amcndmetr to be crm&d in &eir reopoctivt ntfliG8. PeeffiCorp By:Bruce66srffid,H#u*--.7 ftrc -lruunqrr Name: BnrcGrlnrrddfrde: IUrrEh n,flUlt Cw$ffilnlrriSrdotr fiflo: It ,' By: l t.I Ilr t EXEIBIT A Enerq'Rate Encrgr hrrchare Price = Enorgy Annual Ratc + Monthly Peak Muldplio Tablc l: Energr Annuel Rrtca Yeer EnogrAnnuelRete S[r{Wh 202t $23.83 20?2 $23.90 TaHe 2: Monthly On-Peak/Ofr-Peek Muttidicrg Monlh On-Pcak ,Hours Otr-Pcnk IIonrs Imuar l03%o 94o/" Febnran,l05o/o YlY" Itdarch 95o/.o $ff/" Aoril 95o/"76Y" Mn,92o/o 630/" June 94s/"650/" Iulv l2lo/o 92Yo Ausust l2lo/o 1060/" SeDmbcr l09/o 99/" October ll1o/"l05o/o Norrcmber ll(Jf/o 960/0 Decomber 129/"12tr/" Where: "Off-Peak Hcurs" means all hours that are nd On-Peak Hours. ..On-Pcak Hours' means all hours ending fr/:00:00 throrgh 22:@:00 MPf, Mmday tkough S&rrday, excluding NERC designared holidays. t