HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210520Reply Comments.pdfAdam Lowney (ISB#I 0456) McDowell Rackner Gibson PC 419 SW I lft Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 Telephone: (503) 595-3926 Fax: (503) 595-3928 Email: adarn@urrg-law.conr IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER REQUESTTNG APPROVAL OF $16.r MILLON NET POWER COST DEFERRAL ) CASE NO. PAC-E-21-09 )) REPLY COMMENTS OF ) ROCKY MOUNTATN POWER Emily Wegener (Idaho bar application pending) 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone No. (801) 220-4526 Mobile No. (385) 227-2476 Email : Emily.wegener@pacificom.com Attorneysfor RoclE Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Pursuant to Rule 202.01(d) of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") and the Commission's April 2020 Notice of Modified Procedure, Rocky Mountain Power a division of PacifiCorp ("RMP" or the "Company") hereby submits its reply comments in the above-referenced case. BACKGROUND On March 31,2021the Company filed an application ("Application") with the Commission pursuant to the approved energy cost adjustment mechanism ("ECAM") for approval of approximately $16.1 million of deferred costs from the deferral period beginning January 1,2020 through December 31,2020 ("Deferral Period") with a 0.9 percent decrease to Electric Service Schedule No. 94, Energy Cost Adjustment ("Schedule 94") for standard tariff customers. Tariff Page I Contract 400 and 401 customers will see a 1.3 percent decrease. Commission Stafffiled comments on May 13,2021, stating that the methodology used in the Company'sApplication "complies with previous Commission orders," but requested a reduction to the Company's requested deferral after correcting for a partial meter failure identified during their review. REPLY COMMENTS The Company appreciates Commission Staff's review of the 2021 ECAM and supports their recommendation to approve the adjusted ECAM deferral amount of $12.0 million and the revised Tariffs. The Company provides the following information concerning the revised deferral request consistent with Commission Staff's recommendation. Faulty Meter Adj ustment On April 28, 2021, Commission Staff contacted the Company requesting a meeting to discuss line losses. Staffalso provided a copy of their 5-year historical load comparison. As part of analyzing the load data, the Company was able to identiff a partial meter failure at the Treasureton substation that occurred between July 2019 and March 2020. This partial failure under-stated the load leaving the state of Idaho which resulted in overstating Idaho's load at input. Correcting the load data was simple and reliable because the meter failure was only for one of three phases. Using the load from the other two phases allowed the Company to correct the error accurately. Many factors influence the amount of line losses experienced in any geographic location, and therefore it was not immediately apparent to the Company that the anomaly in the line loss numbers was an error in comparison to the historical average. Specifically, between 2010-2020, Idaho's line losses fluctuated between 9 percent in 2010 to 6 percentin2016. Between 2010 and Page2 2018 Idaho's line loss averaged approximately 7.8 percent. The correction of the meter failure reduced the 2020line loss percentage from 9.8% to 8.3Yo. Commission Staff is concerned that even with this correction that the allocation methodology may be faulty resulting in an unfair allocation to Idaho. The Company's system average losses are not representative of the actual power flow in any specific geographic location in the Company's control areas and so do not bear on Idaho's allocation. From year to year, average losses will change as well as the losses specific to each jurisdiction. Changes in the source of generation and Western Electricity Coordinating Council loop flow will impact the general flow of power. Changes between the loads delivered at transmission and distribution voltages will also impact the overall loss factor. Each jurisdiction has a unique generation, topology, and customer mix that fluctuate annually. It is reasonable to expect each jurisdiction to compensate the Company for the losses unique to that jurisdiction. As a beneficiary of the interconnected grid with basically no generation in-state, it is fair for Idaho customers to compensate the Company for the reliability and economic benefit that comes from the system. 2020 DeferualAmount Table 1 summarizes the corrected 2020 Deferral Amount for calendar year 2020. Table I -Annual ECAM Calculation Calendar Year 2020 ECAM Deferral NPC Differential EITF 04-6 Adjwtrrcnt LCAR Total Deferral Before Sharing $4,330,859 (127,464) (1.076,170) $ 3.t27,72s Sharirg Band Custonrer Reporsfo ility Lake Sile 2 Resouce Adder Production Tax Credits RTM Adjusfircnt REC Defenal Interest on Deferral Annual Deferral (Jan - Dec 2020) 90o/o $ $ 2,814,502 5.431,705 ( 100,83 l ) 4,43 1,895 8,557 482,919 $ 13,068,738 Page 3 Based on the revised deferral amounts for 2019 and 2020 and estimated Schedule 94 revenue collection from January ltt through May 31, 2021, the expected balance for rate design is approximately $12.0 million as noted in Staff's recommendation and shown in Thble 2. Table 2 -Account CONCLUSION The Company prepared the adjustments to the ECAM proposed by Staff and supports Staff's recommendations to approve the revised tariffsheets for Electric Service Schedule No. 94 - Energy Cost Adjustment rates designed to collect $12.0 million with a rate effective date of June 1,2021. REOUEST FOR RELIEF Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order approving approximately $13.1 million ECAM deferral for the Deferral Period and approve an overall 2.5 percent decrease to Idaho customer rates. ECAM Defenal Balance DeftnalBahnce - Dec 3l,2019 Anrual Deftnal (Jan - Dec 2020) Interest ECAM Revenue Collection- Schedule 94 Activity Throqh December 3l, 2020 Deprcciation Re gulatory fu set Balence BegfufingBalarce Anual Deftnal (Jan - Dec 2020) ECAM Reverure Collection - Sctpduh 94 Activity Thrcugh December 3l, 2020 December 31, 2020 Balance For Collection Sctredule 94 Colhction - Jan - May 2021 Interest ExpectedBalance as ofJune 1,2021 $ $ $ 19,050,233 $ (150,512) $ 18,899,721 $ 11,968,935 $ 24,397,925 12,585,818 482,919 (18,416,430) (76,878) 2,039,800 Q,l13,434) (6,994,766) 63,979 Page 4 DATED this 20m day of May 2021. Respectfrrlly zubmitte4 ROCKYMOIJMAIN POWER a Emily Wegener (Idsho Bw Applicatlan Pendtng) 1407 WestNorth Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake Citf Utah 84116 Telephone No. (80 l) 2204526 Mobile No. (385) 227 A47 6 Email: Emily.wegener@[,eeificorp.com Attorneysfor Rocky Mountaln Power Page 5