HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211108Steward Direct-Redacted.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER A OMSTON OF ACmCt RP "^-D Vice President, Regulation Enclosures -scilvF$ Ii:lf i F{fiY -B PH 5: 0 [ .rl-r.i i. i k{ d; il..r 'r . ''_,' {- ;r,:$i '.,. f , :: i I :i.,'l;^i....i-;"i'li3$0N Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 November 8,2021 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission ll33l W Chinden Blvd. Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,ID 83714 Re:CASE NO. PAC.EAIo7 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CEARGES IN IDAIIO AI\TD APPROVAL OF PROPOSED ELECTRIC SERVICE SCITT'DULES AI\[D REGULATIONS Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Rocky Mountain Power hereby submits for filing with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission the testimony of Ms. Joelle R. Steward in support of the settlement stipulation filed on October 25, 2021 in the above-referenced maffer. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. truly CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiff that on this 8th ofNovember,202l,l caused to be served, via e-mail a true and correct copy of Rocky Mountain Power's Settlement Stipulation and Testimony to the following: Case No. PAC-E-21-07 COMNflSSION STAX'F Dayn Hardie (C) John Hammond, Jr. (C) Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 dayn.hardie@puc. idaho.eov iohn.hammond@puc. idaho.eov IDAIIO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION. INC. Eric L. Olsen (C) Echo Hawk & Olsen PLLC 505 Pershing Ave., Suite 100 PO Box 6l 19 Pocatello, ID 83205 elo@echohawk.conr Anthony Yankel (C) 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, OH44107 tony@.vankel.net BAYER CORPORATION Randall C. Budge (C) Thomas J. Budge (C) Racine Olson, PLLP 201 E. Center PO Box l39l Pocatello, ID 83204-l 39 I randv@rac i neolson.conr tj@racineolson.com Brian C. Collins (C) Maurice Brubaker (C) Brubaker & Associates 16690 Swingley Ridge Rd., #140 Chesterfield, MO 63017 bcollins@consultbai.com m brubaker@consultbai. corn lrm.r cloud.com (c) rnike.veile@bayer.corn (C) lance@aegisinsieht.com (C) khisgins@enereystrat.com (C) chi ggins@enereystrat.com (C) rnpichardo@energystrat.corn (C) ntownsend@energystrat.conr (C) Page I of2 PACIFICORP IDAHO INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS Ronald L. Williams (C) Williams Bradbury, P.C. PO Box 388 Boise, ID 83701 ron@williamsbradbury.com brmullins@mwanalytics.com (C) agardner@idahoan.com williamsk@byui.edu val. steiner@itafos. com COMMUNITY ACTION PARTI\IERSEIP ASSOCHTION OF IDAHO Brad M. Purdy (C) Attomey at Law 2019 N. lTth Steet Boise, lD 83702 bmpurdy@hotmail.com Dated this 8tr day ofNovember,202l Mary Penfield Adviser, Regulatory Operations Page2 of2 BEFORE TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMNIISSION IN TI{E MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AI\[D CHARGES IN IDAHO AI\[D APPROVAL OF PROPOSED ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES AI\[D REGIILATIONS CASE NO. PAC-E.2I.07 Settlement Testimony of Joelle R Steward REDACTED ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ROCKY MOTINTAIN POWER CASE NO. PAC-E-2147 November 2021 I. tr. m. ru. v. IABLE Of,'COI{TE,NTS INTRODUCTION A}ID QUALIFICAfl ONS PI.]RPOSE OF TESTIMONY BACKGROI.JND SETTLEMENT STIPULATION .......... RECOMMENDATION............. ATTACHMENTS Confidential Exhibit No. 57 - Electric Service Agreernent bern ecn Rocky Mountain Power and P4 Production Exhibit No. 58 - Compliance ThriffSheets Steward, STIP- i Rocky Mountain Power I I 2 3 9 I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A. a. A. I. INTRODUCTIONAI\TDQUALIFICATIONS Please state your name, business address, and present position with PacifiCorp, d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power ("Rocky Mountain Power" or the "Company"). My name is Joelle R. Steward. My business address is 1407 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116. My present position is Vice President, Regulation for Rocky Mountain Power. Please summarize your education and business experience. I have a B.A. degree in Political Science from the University of Oregon and an M.A. in Public Affairs from the Hubert Humphrey lnstitute of Public Policy at the University of Minnesota. Between 1999 and March 2007,I was employed as a Regulatory Analyst with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. I joined the Company in March 2007 as a Regulatory Manager, responsible for all regulatory filings and proceedings in Oregon. On February 14, 2012,1 assumed responsibilities overseeing cost of service and pricing for PacifiCorp. In May 2015,1assumed broader oversight over Rocky Mountain Power's regulatory affairs in addition to the cost of service and pricing responsibilities; and in 2017 I assumed my current role as Vice President, Regulation for Rocky Mountain Power. Have you appeared as a witness in previous regulatory proceedings? Yes. I have testified on various matters in the states of ldaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. II. PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY What is the purpose of your testimony? The purpose of my testimony is to present and support the Stipulation reached in Steward, STIP - I Rocky Mountain Power l0 tl t2 l3 t4 15 t6 t7 l8 a. a. 19 A. 20 2t 22 23 A I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 CaseNo. PAC-E-21-07 PacifiCorp's General Rate Case,("2021 GRC"), entered into by Rocky Mountain Power ("Company"); staff for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff'); the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. ("IIPA"); P4 Production, L.L.C an affiliate of Bayer Corporation ("Bayer"); and PacifiCorp Idaho lndustrial Customers ("PIIC"); collectively referred to in my testimony as the Parties. My testimony provides background on the Company's 2021 GRC and explains the terms and conditions of the Stipulation reached between the Parties. I presentthe Stipulation and describe how it represents a fair, just, and reasonable compromise of the issues in this proceeding that are in the public interest. My testimony supports the Parties'recommendation that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approve the Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions. III. BACKGROUND Please summarize the procedural background of the 2021 GRC. On May 27,2021, the Company filed its202l GRC with the Commission requesting authorization to increase rates by $19.0 million, or approximately 7.0 percent. On September 13,2021, the Parties began negotiations with the Company. After the initial meeting the Parties met several more times continuing to negotiate the terms of the settlement. On October 14,202l,the Parties agreed to draft terms of a Stipulated Settlement Agreement, ("Stipulation") and Staff filed a Motion to Vacate Staff and intervening parties'testimony deadline. On October 25,2021, the Company filed a Stipulation, signed by all the Parties to the 2021 GRC, with the Commission with the intent of resolving all the issues of the case. Steward, STIP - 2 Rocky Mountain Power l0 lt t2 13 a. t4 A. l5 t6 t7 t8 l9 20 2l 22 23 I 2Q. 3A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 lt t2 r3 t4 t5 l6 t7 18 a. t9 20 A. 2t 22 23 IV. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Please summarize the terms of the Stipulation. The Parties agree to an overall base rate increase of $8.0 million or 2.9 percent effective January 1,2022, as set forth inAttachment 2 and 3 to the Stipulation. The Parties agree that the Stipulation represents a compromise of the disputed claims and positions of the Parties on all issues in this proceeding, with the exception of the items specifically discussed in the Stipulation there was no agreement to or acceptance by the Parties of any specific revenue requirement adjustment and no stated return on equity or cost of capital. Except for the specific changes noted in the Stipulation, the Parties agree to the Company's design of rates by rate schedule and tariff changes as set forth in the Application. This includes increasing the customer service charge for Electric Service Schedule No. I - Residential Service from $5 to $8 per month, which is the first change to this charge since 201l. The Stipulation is afair,just, and reasonable compromise of the issues in this proceeding and is the culmination of extensive work by all Parties to review the Application, submit discovery evaluate positions, and intensive settlement discussions. Please summarize the regulatory assets addressed in the Stipulation and how they will be treated. The Stipulation outlines the treatment for four of the regulatory assets that the Company proposed to amortize in its Application: l. 2021 incremental depreciation expense deferral of $13,940,303; 2. Deer Creek Mine regulatory asset; Steward, STIP - 3 Rocky Mountain Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3. The Resource Tracker Mechanism ("RTM") regulatory asset; 4. The Tax Cut and Jobs Act regulatory liability. The Parties agree that the regulatory assets included in the Application but not addressed in the Stipulation will be amortized as presented in Mr. Steven R. McDougal's Exhibit No. 40 and described in his testimony supporting the Application. Please describe the incremental depreciation expense and how it was addressed in the Stipulation. On August 18,2020, in Order No. 34754, the Commission approved an increase to the Company's depreciation expense based on its 2018 Depreciation Study.As part of an agreement between the Parties in Case PAC-E-20-03, the Commission authorized the Company to defer Idaho's incremental depreciation expense for one yeaq anticipating that the Company would incorporate the deferral as part of the 2021 GRC. The total authorized deferral amount was $13,940,303 with the amortization period to be determined in the next general rate case. In the Application the Company proposed a three-year amortization; as part of the Stipulation the Parties agree that this regulatory asset will be amortized over four years beginning with the rate effective date of January 1,2022, ofthis case. How is the regulatory asset associated with the closure of the Deer Creek Mine treated in the Stipulation? Commission Order No. 33304 in Case No. PAC-E-14-10 established a regulatory asset for all costs related to the Deer Creek Mine closure. The mine closure costs included supplemental unemployment and medical benefits, severance costs, royalties, unrecovered reclamation costs, and labor costs to close the mine. These closure costs Steward, STIP - 4 Rocky Mountain Power l0 a A. ll t2 l3 t4 15 l6 t7 18 a. l9 20A 2l 22 23 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 ll t2 13 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 a. A. are partially offset by deferred savings associated with the United Mine Workers Association sefflement, interest on the Bowie note receivable and a reduction in fuel inventory. As of this filing, the unrecovered plant balances have been fully amortized. All other mine closure costs and savings were deferred to regulatory asset or liability accounts to be addressed in this general rate case. As part of the Stipulation the Parties agree that the Deer Creek Mine regulatory assets/liabilities will be amortized over three years consistent with the Company's Application, including amortization of $14,347 ,296 in unpaid royalties and $6,52 I ,059 of unpaid future remediation expenses on a total-Company basis. Please describe how the Resource Tracker Mechanism (*RTM') is addressed as part of this Stipulation. Commission Order Nos. 33954 and 34104 authorized use of the RTM to calculate and defer to a regulatory asset any costs related to the Repowering and Energy Vision 2020 projects that exceeded the project benefits retumed to customers through the energy cost adjustment mechanism, ("ECAM"). In the Application the Company estimated a total regulatory asset balance of approximately $1.6 million, Idaho-allocated, as of the end of 2021 and proposed to amortize that balance over three years and to true-up any differences between the actual deferred balance and estimated deferred balance in the next general rate case. The Parties agree that the Company will continue to calculate these incremental costs in the RTM through December 31,2021and defer them into a regulatory asset. There will be no carrying charge on the regulatory asset starting on the rate effective date of this case and treatment of this regulatory asset will be determined in the next general rate case. Steward, STIP - 5 Rocky Mountain Power a. A. How are the tax savings associated with the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act treated? On December 22,2017, Congress passed and the president signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ("TCJA") setting a new corporate income tax rate of 2l percent compared to the previous rate of 35 percent. On June 1,2018, the Company began refunding to Idaho customers an annual credit of $6.2 million through Electric Service Schedule 197 - Federal Tax Act Adjustment. Beginning June I ,2019, the credit was increased to an annual amount of $7.6 million, or 100 percent of the calculated current tax savings. The current tax savings associated with the lower corporate tax rate are included in the Company's Application. Did the TCJA impact Excess Deferred Income Thxes (*EDIT") balances also? Yes. There are three different classifications of EDIT: protected property, non-protected property, and non-protected non-property. The TCJA reduced the Company's future tax obligation creating a regulatory liability owed to customers. In total, Idaho's TCJA regulatory liability balance available for refund was comprised of $14.7 million of deferred protected property and $13.5 million of non-protected property EDIT. After the tax gross-up Idaho's TCJA regulatory liability balance was $37.3 million. The Phase II Settlement Stipulation in Case No. GNR-U-18-01 authorized the Company to use approximately $9.1 million of this EDIT balance to offset ECAM and other regulatory asset balances. Additionally, Order No. 34384, Case No. PAC-E-20-03, authorized the Company to use a portion of the available EDIT balance to buy-down the remaining unrecovered Cholla Unit 4 plant balances. After updating for actual plant balances upon closure, the Company bought-down approximately $16.4 million, Idaho-allocated, of the unrecovered plant balances. Steward, STIP - 6 Rocky Mountain Power 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A. l0 ll l2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 a. t9 20A 2t How are customers receiving the benefit of the remaining EDIT balance for the TCJA in this case? The Company's Application included the following additional rate mitigation efforts: . Approximately $2.8 million of Idaho-allocated closure costs, net of savings, and decommissioning costs related to Cholla Unit 4; . Approximately $2 thousand to offset the remaining balance for Powerdale decommissioning costs; . Approximately $88 thousand to buy-down the remaining balance of the electric plant acquisition adjustment for the Craig and Hayden plants that would have otherwise amortized through April 2022; . $300 thousand for the deferred balance due to the 2017 Protocol equalization adjustment; and . Approximately $103 thousand of deferred intervenor funding costs. After netting these regulatory assets against the TCJA regulatory liability, which is summarized in Company Exhibit 43, the remaining TCJA deferred tax balance is approximately $8.5 million. The Parties agree to amortize the remaining EDIT balance of $8.5 million over two years through Electric Service Schedule No. 197. Did the Stipulation address the possibility of a tax increase being discussed in the U.S. Congress? Yes. If the federal tax rate is increased before the $8.5 million balance is completely retumed to customers the amortization will stop as of the effective date of the tax increase. Additionally, if there is a change to federal taxes before the Company's next Steward, STIP - 7 Rocky Mountain Power 10 22 I ,| J 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A. REDACTED general rate case, the Parties will support the Company's filing of an application seeking to defer the incremental tax impacts as of the effective date of the new tax rate. Does the Stipulation specify the base amounts for the ECAM? Yes. The Parties recommend as part of the overall Stipulation that the Commission approve the following base ECAM amounts: o Net Power Costs - $1.368 billion or $24.54lIvIWh o Production Tax Credits - $256,612,477 or $4.16/Ir{Wh o Renewable Energy Credits - $4,327,004 or $0.07lVIWh o LCAR - $8.74/I\,1Wh Was the value of Bayer's curtailment products part of the overall Stipulation? Yes. As part of an overall stipulation the Parties agree to a value for Bayer's curtailment products ofI effective January 1,2022. Has the Company and Bayer negotiated a new Electric Service Agreement? Yes. On September 16,2021, the Company filed Eller Supplemental Exhibit 36 that included the terms and conditions of the new electric service agreement ("ESA"). However, at that time the Company and Bayer were still negotiating the value of the curtailment products that Bayer was offering the Company. With the value of the curtailment products settled as part of the overall Stipulation the Company has updated the ESA and is providing a final copy as Exhibit No. 57 for Commission approval. Did the Stipulation address any other rate design issues? Yes. The Stipulation called out three changes to rate schedules from the Company's Application: Steward, STIP - 8 Rocky Mountain Power l0 a. A.ll t2 t3 t4 a. A. l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 a. 2t A. 22 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l t2 13 t4 l5 16 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 a. A. o Parties agree that Electric Service Schedule No. 401 ("Schedule 401"), will be migrated into Electric Service Schedule No. 9 ("Schedule 9"). Rates for Schedule 9 were designed for current Schedule 9 customers prior to the migration of the Schedule 401 customer, based on the system average rate increase, with the difference applied to the off-peak energy charges. Additionally, Parties agree that Schedule 9's maximum power requirement is increased from 15,000 kW to 30,000 kW. o Electric Service Schedule Nos. 7, ll, and 12 - Security, Street, and Area Lighting Service customers will receive a decrease in rates that moves them 50 percent closer to their cost ofservice. . Rates for Electric Service Schedule No. 23 - General Service are designed with use of a seasonal difference ratio of I .20 and a primary customer charge of $48 per month. Additionally, Electric Service Schedule No. l9 - Commercial and Industrial Space Heating customers, which is closed to new service, will migrate to Schedule No. 23. V. RECOMMENDATION Please summarize the Company's recommendation. The Stipulation is a compromise of the disputed claims and positions of the Parties on all issues in this proceeding and represents a fair, just, and reasonable compromise of these issues. Based on this representation I respectfully request that the Commission issue an order approving an increase to base rates of $8.0 million effective January l, 2022, adopting all other terms and conditions of the Stipulation as filed, approving the ESA between the Company and Bayer provided as Exhibit No. 57, and approve the Steward, STIP - 9 Rocky Mountain Power I 2 J a. A. compliance tariffsheets provided as Exhibit No. 58 to my testimony. Does this conclude your stipulation testimony? Yes. Steward, STIP - l0 Rocky Mountain Power REDACTED Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ExhibitNo.5T Witness: Joelle R. Steward BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOI.'NTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Settlement Testimony of Joelle R. Steward Electric Service Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and P4 Production November 2021 THIS ATTACHMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL IN ITS ENTIRETY ANID IS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE COVER Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Exhibit No. 58 Witness: Joelle R. Steward BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Settlement Testimony of Joelle R. Steward Compliance Tariff Sheets November 2021 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OUlsloN OF 'ACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Powtr Exhibit No. 58 Page 1 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Stamrd f:&urdh Revision of Sheet No. B.1 Cenceling Fourth+hird Revision of Sheet No. 8.1 ROCICT MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES STATE OX'IDAEO Schedule ShectNo. Class of Service No. 1 Residential Service l.l & 1.2 6 General Service - Large Power 6.1 - 6.3 6A General Service - Large Power (Residential and Farm) 6A.l - 6A.4 7 Security Area Lighting 7.1 - 7.24 7A Security Area Lighting @esidential and Farm) 7A.l - 7A.f5 9 General Service - High Voltage 9.1 *9.!2 l0 Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service l0.l - 10.4 l1 StreetlightingService-Company-OwnedSystem ll.l - 11.3 12 Street and Securitv Area Lighting Service- Consumer-Owned System l2.l - 12.5 14 Temporary Service Connection Facilities - No New Service* 14 19 eemmereial and Industrial Spaee Heating Ne New Sen'iee* l9J [9,4 2l Low Income Weatherization Services 2l.l - 2l .6 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-071111 ISSUED:EFFECTM: January l, 20U++ Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 2ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21{7 Wtness: Joelle R. StewardYROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OtVtStON OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No.1 Six$ifth Revision of Sheet No. 8.3 Canceling Flfo{rth Revision of Sheet No.8.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES - ContinuedSchedule SheetNo. Cless of Senice No. 135 Net Metering Service 135.1 ;- 135.3 136 Net Billing Service 136.1 - 136.4 140 Non-Residential Energr Efficiency 140.1 - 140.3 191 Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustnent 191 197 Federal Tax Act Adjustment 197 300 Regulation Charges 300.1 - 300.4 400 Special Contract 400.1 l0l Speeial €enhaet l0l,l Schedule numbers not listed are not currently used.t These schedules are not available to new customers or premises. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{4421-07 ISSIIED:EX'FtsCTIVE: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Porver Exhibit No. 58 Page 3 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Witness: Joelle R. Steward ElevenTenth Revision of Sheet No. 1.1 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Canceling @Nif,th Revision of Sheet No. 1.1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 1 STATE OF IDAHO Residential Service AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current electric service supplied at approximately 120 or 240 volts through one kilowatt-hour meter at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises for Residential purposes. When conditions are such that service is supplied through one meter to more than one dwelling or apartment unit, the charge for such service will be computed by multiplying the minimum charges by the maximum number of dwelling or aparfnent units that may be served. When a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for business, professional or other gainful purposes, the premises will be classified as nonresidential and the appropriate schedule applied. However, if the wiring is so arranged that the service for Residential purposes can be metered separately, this Schedule will be applied to such service. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: $$30&00 per Customer Energr Charge:(l) Billing months l*afJune__ throueh October inclusive I I .196ffi I per kWh first 700 kWh 13.0999+4=9382 0 per kWh all additional kWh (Continued) EFFECTM: January l, 202211 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-1#21-07 ISSUED: November 8. 2021+++014 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A UVIEION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Porver Exhibit No. 58 Page 4ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Sleward ElevenTenth Revision of Sheet No. 1.2 Canceling ENirlth Revision of Sheet No. 1.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDT LE NO. 1-Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) Billing months November throueh A,EdlMay inclusive 9.3305858061 per kWh first 1,000 kWh 10.91651149431per kWh all additional kWh MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. SEASONAL SERVICE: When seasonal service is supplied under this Schedule, the minimum seasonal charge will be $96.0060Se. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer ELECTRIC SERVICE REGUII\TIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. P AC-E-1.{-*?;21 -07 ISSUED: November +lql4dF8. 2021 (2) EFFECTM: January l, 20221+ I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICOBP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 5 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward NinDighth Revision of Sheet No.6.1 Canceling ggbs€ve"th Revision of Sheet No. 6.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.6 STATE OF IDAHO General Service - Large Power AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Customer Senice Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Billing Months Moy&lg through October. Inclusive $ 0e per Customer 38.003+ $ I14.00+ per Customer Billing Months November throush A,prilMay. Inclusive $ 0e per Customer 38.003+ $ 114.00+ per Customer ts .ls Power Rate:per kW for all kW $ 1zA++ 8+ per kW for all kW 13.6214 Energy Rate 4.250& per kWh for all kWh 4.2506* per kWh for all kWh $ 34 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-81#21-07 ISSUED: November-lg+68 202f EFFECTM: January 1,20ryl7 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Po^rer Efiibit No. 58 Page 6 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2'147 lAlitness: Joelle R. S:teward NinEighth Revision of Sheet No. 6.1 Cancelinq EishScvof,th Revision of Sheet No. 6.2I.P.U.C. No.1 988e1 988ep (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. P AC-E-1.{-]B21 -07 ISSUED: November llq.l0] E 202L EX'FECTM: January l,20_7+ LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICOFP Rocky Mountain Pover E)(hibit No. 58 Page 7 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-2'I-07 lAtltness: Joelle R. Steward f'!&ou+t+ Revision of Sheet No. 6.2 Cancelins Fourth+hird Revision of Sheet No. 6.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.6 - Continued Power X'actor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of lo/o for every lo/o that the power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all fansformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on measured Power will be: $0.65 per kW for all kW of Power Minimum Bill: The Customer Service Charge. POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the l5-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b)Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 456.00444a0e plus Power and Energr Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts and $ 1.368.00@ plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. (Continued) Submitted Under Adrri€€+I€E+24}Case No. PAC-E-2 1 -07 ISSUED:EX'['ECTM: January l, 20221+ LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rodq Mountain Po,ver Exhibit No. 58 Page 8 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2'!-07 Witness: Joelle R. Sterrard NlgDighth Revision of Sheet No.6A.1 Canceling E!&Seventh Revision of Sheet No.6A.1 ROCI(T MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.5A STATE OF IDAHO General Senice - Large Power (Residential and f,'arm) AVAILI\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load" or "Farm Load" under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating curent, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Cherge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) himary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Power Rate: Billing Months l@June throueh October. Inclusive per Customer 38.003+ $ I14.00+tlg per Customer $ 13.62++% per kW for all kW Billing Months November throueh A,ErilMav. Inclusive $ 0e per Customer 38.003+ $ 114.00++s0 per Customer $ perkWforallkW J2.n++ 8+ $ 0e Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-i+1321-07 ISSUED: November +#4+68. 2021 EFFECTIYE: January l, 20D7+ Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF AAC|RCOBP Rocky Mountaln Pourer Exhibit No. 58 Page 9 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Witnees: Joelle R. Stervard Ninf,,ighth Revision of Sheet No. 5.dl Csnceling EuhSe+elth Revision of Sheet No.6A.2LP.U.C. No.1 Energy Rate:4.2s0& e88el per kWh for all kWh (Continued) 4.250& perkWh for all kWh 988e1 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-]6#2I-07 ISSUED: November ]-]ryl0148. 2021 EI'FECTM: January l, 20227ll I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF RACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 10 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steurard X'ifou+th Revision of Sheet No.6A.3 Canceling FourthThird Revision of Sheet No. 6A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 6A - Continued SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 456.00444d0e plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts and $1.368.00*332se plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, apartment, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and irrigation pumping. Contiguous parcels land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: -- slze -- use -- ownership -- control -- operating practices -- distance between parcels -- custom in the trade .. billing treatment by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certiff to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. (Continued) Submitted Under Advi€eN€"{+-BCase No. PAC-E-2 1 -07 ISSUED:EFFECTM: January l, 20_1Jl Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Porver Exhibit No. 58 Page 11 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward NinEighth Revision of Sheet No. 7.1 Canceling E!&Seve"th Revision of Sheet No. 7.1I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOIINTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 STATE OF IDAHO Security Area Lighting Cl€s€d+o+l€{rr$€*i€c AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. Ne nerv Mereury Vaper Liehts installed on a structure other than an existing distribution pole are closed to new service. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for ($electric service required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Lighting service where service is supplied from a Company-owned everleadrree&pole ing. MONTHLY BILL: Rate @ Iteminal+amp+atingr lr+ereury\fup€rkffitr7;000 175 $27,2? perlamp Lisht Level LED Equivalent Lumen Ranse Total Level I <=5.500 $r2.96 Level2 5.501-12,000 $14.72 Level 3 >12.000 $17.48 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-]64221-07 ISSUED: November +Wg-202L EFFECTM: January l, 20_13 Y ROCKY MOUNTAINPqi,ER AD|YISOI{OFilgflq)RP Rodry Montain Pontr Ed{blt No. 58 Pagc 12 d 129 CasoNo.PAW-2147 Wlnogs: Joollc R. Stsward NhEighth Revbion of Sheet No. 7.1 Crnccllng Eis[Soiof,th Rsvisim of Shet No 72LP.U.C. No 1 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E@!;1QZ ISSIIED: Nwember {*$}6[202 [EFFECTIYE: January l, 20211 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 13ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Wftness: Joelle R. Ste\ rard Sevenixth Revision of Sheet No. 7.2 Canceling Si$fif+h Revision of Sheet No. 7.2I.P.U.C. No.1 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 7 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) €entinueg) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-+*21-07 ISSUED: November +{.l4/tr8. 2021 EFFECTM: January l, 20_11 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAqFICORP Rocky Mountain Porcr Exhibit No. 58 Page 14 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Witness: Joelle R. Ste'ward Swenixth Revision of Sheet No. 7.2 Canceling S!$Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 7.2I.P.U.C. No. 1 SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE FOR SECURITY AREA LIGHTING: SCCuTiW flood lights may be mounted on Company-owned poles or on Customer-owned supports acceptable to the Company. The tvpe and kind of fixtures and supports will be in accord- ance with the Company's specifications. Service includes energ.v supplied from the Company's overhead circuits. maintenance and lamp and glassware renewals. Lamps will be controlled by the Company to burn each nisht from dusk to dawn. COhIVERSIONS: The Company. upon written request of customer. will convert existine street lightins facilities to other tvpes of lamps (i.e.. convert mercury vapor fixtures and lamps to sodium vapor fixtures and lamps. etc.). In such an event. customer shall pay to Comoany an amount equal to the depreciated value of all Company-owned facilities removed from service and replaced with new equipment plus the cost of removal less an), salvaee value. Prioritv in making conversions shall be determined by the order in which requests are received by the Companv. CONTRACT PERIOD: Five vears or loneer. PROVISIONSl. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonably possible. during resular business hours or as allowed by comoany's operatins schedule and requirements. provided the Comoany receives notification of inoperable liehts form Customer or a member of the public by either noti&ing RocKv Mountain Power's customer service (1-888-221-7070) or www.rockymountainpower.net/streetlights Rocky Mountain Power's oblieation to repair lishts is limited to this tariff. 2. The Company reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided hereunder. 3. Temporary disconnection and subseouent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporary suspension of power for liehtine by written notice. During such periods. the monthly rate will be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and enere), costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and may be removed after l2 months of inactivity. 4. Pole re-painting. when requested bv the Customer and not required for safetv reasons. shall be done at the Customer's expense. using the orisinal pole color.5. Glare or vandalism shieldine. when requested by the Customer. and subject to availabiliw. shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism. the Company may notift the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense. or otherwise have the liehtine removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. includine future apolicable amendments. will be considered as formine a nart of and incorporated in said Asreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-1{-4221-07 ISSIIED: November +W8 202!EFFECTM: January 1, 20_)1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 15ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Original Sheet No.7.3I.P.U.C. No. I ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 7 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) The unit charge includes installation, maintenance and energy costs for unit on existing or one new wood pole without guys. Where more than one wood pole and more than 200 feet of extension are required, an additional charge of l.SYo of the estimated additional cost will be made. Should Customer desire a steel pole instead of a wood pole, an additional charge will be made according to the following schedule: All steel poles installed prior to June 1,1973 I I gauge $1.00 per pole per month 3 gauge $1.50 per pole per month Steel poles installed after June 1,1973. 30 ft., I I gauge, direct buried $2.35 per pole per month 30 ft., 3 gauge, direct buried $3.95 per pole per month 35 ft., 1 I gauge, direct buried $2.85 per pole per month 35 ft., 3 gauge, direct buried $4.65 per pole per month For anchor base poles, add20i, per pole per month to all poles installed after June 1,1973- SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE FOR SECURITY AREA LIGHTING: Security flood lights may be mounted on Company-owned poles or on Customer-owned supports acceptable to the Company. The type and kind of fixtures and supports will be in accord- ance with the Company's specifications. Service includes energy supplied from the Company's overhead circuits, maintenance and lamp and glassware renewals. Lamps will be controlled by the Company to burn each night from dusk to dawn. COI\wERSIONS; The Company, upon written request of customer, will convert existing street lighting facilities to other types of lamps (i.e., convert mercury vapor fixtures and lamps to sodium vapor fixtures and lamps, etc.). In such an event, customer shall pay to Company an amount equal to the depreciated value of all Company-owned facilities removed from service and replaced with new equipment plus the cost of removal less any salvage value. Priority in making conversions shall be determined by the order in which requests are received by the Company. CONTRACT PERIOD: Five years or longer (Continued) 'I 2. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTM: September 15, 2006 LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 16 of 129 Case No. PAc-E-2'l-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Eighth Revision of Sheet No. 7.4 Canceling Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 7.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 7 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) (2) Customer-Owned/Customer-Maintained Area Lighting Energy Only (No New Service): Initial Lumens Watts 16,000 Sodium Vapor Flood 150 Per Lamp $ls. l3 CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. PROVISIONSl. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights form Customer or a member of the public by either notifring Rocky Mountain Power's customer service (l-888-221-7070) or www.rockymountainporver.net/streetlishts Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to this tariff.2. The Company reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided hereunder.3. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporary suspension of power for lighting by written notice. During such periods, the monthly rate will be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and energy costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity.4. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety reasons, shall be done at the Customer's expense, using the original pole color.5. Glare or vandalism shielding, when requested by the Customer, and subject to availability, shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism, the Company may notify the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or otherwise have the lighting removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-I6-12 ISSUED: November ll,2016 EFFECTM: January l,2017 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Porrcr Exhibit No. 58 Page 17 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wrtness: Joelle R. Steward Serert+plg!1tU Revision of Sheet No. 7A.1 Canceling Sevenixth Revision of Sheet No.7A.l ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7A STATE OF IDAHO Security Area Lighting (Residential and Farm) Cl€s€d-to+l€*LS€r$i€e AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load" or "Farm Load" under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. service. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for electric service required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Lighting service where service is supplied from a Company-owned €v€rh€sdrire€d-pole syst€m. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Lisht Level LED Eouivalent Lumen Ranse Total Level I <=5,500 $12.96 Level2 5.501-12.000 sL4.72 Level 3 >12.000 $17.48 MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this Schedule shall be reduced bv the monthlv kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE FOR SECURITY AREA LIGHTING: Securitv flood lights may be mounted on Company-owned poles or on Customer-owned supports acceptable to the Company. The type and kind of fixtures and supports will be in accordance with the Company's specifications. Service includes energ), supplied from the Company's overhead circuits. maintenance and Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-1#21-07 ISSUED: November +*-?4 L202l EFFECTM: January l, 20-)1 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A ON'l6loN OF NAclFloORP Rocky Mountain Porer Exhibit No. 58 Page 18 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Wftness: Joelle R. Steward Seven*\p!g!!L Revision of Sheet No. 7A.1 Canceling Sgi$h Revision of Sheet No. 7A.2I.P.U.C. No.1 lamp and glassware renewals. Lamps will be controlled by the Company to burn each nieht from dusk to dawn. @ N€minaHf,mp+€+ingr Initial tumens Wffi l,{eralqll]lapor{,sm €entinuea) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-l6l+2 I -07 ISSIIED: November +{;i4d6,8. 2021 EFFECTM: January 1,20_1F; Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF NACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 19 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21{7 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward Sevenixth Revision of Sheet No.7A.2 Cenceling SixFifth Revision of Sheet No. 7A.2[P.U.C. No. I ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7A- Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) CONTRACT PERIOD: One vear or loneer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential. apartment. seasonal dwelling. and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raisine of crops. livestock or pasturage and includes primary processins necessarl for safe and efficient storage or shipment and irrieation pumpins. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of Iand under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm. unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous narcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include. but are not limited to: stze lls.e ownership control ooeratins practices -- distance between parcels custom in the trade billine treatment bv the utiliff Operators of Farms may be required to certifu to the utilitv all irrigation accounts. including horsepower rating. ne*c+ @ 16;000 high intensig di'ehsrge 150 $26,07 per lamp en nerv pel€ Submitted Under Case No. PAC-81*21-07 ISSUED: November WE 202L EFFECTM: January l, X)+1-M Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 20 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Vvrtness: Joelle R. Steward Sgvenixth Revision of Sheet No. 7A.2 Canceling E$ifth Revision of Sheet No. 7A.2I.P.U.C. No.1 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-l+l+21-07 ISSUED: November {j#44E-202L EEFECTM: January l, N+4-M Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Pourer Exhibit No. 58 Page 21 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No.7A.3 Canceling Original Sheet No. 7A.3LP.U.C. No. I ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDITLE NO. 7A - Continued Rs*e: ing€r rvill be made aeeerding te the fellewing sehedule: L rlll steel peles installed prier te June I ; I 9?3, 30 ft,; I I gauge; direet btried $2,35 per pele per menth 30 ft,; 3 gauge; Cireet buried $3,95 per pele permenth 35 ft,; I I gauge; direet buried $2,85 per pele per menth 35 ft,; 3 gauge; direet buried $4,65 per pele per menth Fer aneher base peles; edd 20d per pele per menth te ell peles in be eentrelled by the €empsny te bum eeeh night frem du'k te denn, €ea*inuea) SPECIAL CONDITION: (continued) Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm will have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company. the Customer may appeal the decision to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Submitted Under AdvieeCase Letter No. 0646PAC-E -2 I -07 I rssunD: EFFECTTvE: Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAC|FICORP Rocky Mountain Pouer Exhibit No. 58 Page 22 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Witness: Joelle R. Starad First Revision of Sheet No. 7A.3 Canceling Original Sheet No. 7A.3I.P.U.C. No.1 PROVISIONSl. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonably possible. during reeular business hours or as allowed by comoany's operatins schedule and requirements. provided the Company receives notification of inoperable liehts from Customer or a member of the public by either notifrins Rocky Mountain Power's customer service (l-888-221-7070) or www.rockymountainpower.net/streetlights Rocky Mountain Power's oblisation to repair lishts is limited to this tariff. 2. The Compan), reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided hereunder.3. Temnorar.v disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporary suspension of oower for liehting by written notice. During such oeriods. the monthly rate will be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and energy costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and mav be removed after l2 months of inactivitv.4. Pole re-paintine. when requested by the Customer and not required for safetv reasons. shall be done at the Customer's expense. using the orisinal pole color.5. Glare or vandalism shielding. when requested b), the Customer. and subject to availabilitv. shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism. the Company may notiff the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense. or otherwise have the liehtine removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Reeulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. includine future applicable amendments. will be considered as formine a part of and incorporated in said Aereement. Submitted Under ,l\d*lie+easefe*er No. 0646EAC-Ei2 !:l0Z ISSUED: EFFECTIVE: I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 23 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward Third Revision of Sheet No. 7A.4 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 7A.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 7A - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, apartment, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and inigation pumping. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: slze use ownership control operating practices distance between parcels custom in the trade billing treafinent by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certi$ to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. (Continued) EFFECTM: April24,2012 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-12-04 ISSUED: January 18,2012 I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAc|FICORP Rocky Mountain Po\ rer Exhibit No. 58 Page 24 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Second Revision of Sheet No. 7A.5 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 7A.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7A - Continued SPECIAL CONDITION: (continued) Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm will have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company, the Customer may appeal the decision to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. PROVISIONS l. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights from Customer or a member of the public by either notiSing Rocky Mountain Power's customer service (l-888-221-7070) or www.rockymountainpower.net/streetlishts Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to this tariff.2. The Company reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided hereunder.3. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporary suspension of power for lighting by written notice. During such periods, the monthly rate will be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and energa costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity.4. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety reasons, shall be done at the Customer's expense, using the original pole color.5. Glare or vandalism shielding, when requested by the Customer, and subject to availability, shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism, the Company may notiff the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or otherwise have the lighting removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Advice No. l6-03 ISSUED: February 10,2016 EFFECTM: March 15,2016 I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTV|S|ON OF PACTFTCORP Rocky Mountain Po\ rer Exhibit No. 58 Page 25 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 9.1 Cancelins Original Sheet No. 9.1 ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.9 STATE O['IDAHO General Service .- High Voltage AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for altemating current, three phase electric service supplied at approximately 44,000 volts or 69,000 volts or greater, through a single point of delivery, for all service required on the Customer's premises by customers contracting for not less than 80 kW nor more than 30{5,000 kW. Seasonal service will be available only under other appropriate schedules. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 3Q-15,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 1O15,000 ktil, continued service will require special contract arrangements; provided, however, that special contract arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 30{5,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of l_0{5,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirement, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 3015,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30t5,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30{5,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. (Continued) Submitted Under,q.aviee-l,e*er{aSq No. 06-06PAC-E-2!02 ISSUED: EFFECTM: September 15;2006lanuary 1.2022 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN HP,YY,E-N.* Rocky Mountain Pol,ver Exhibit No. 58 Page 26 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward NlsBighth Revision of Sheet No.9.2 Canceling Ei&S€ve*th Revision of Sheet No.9.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.9 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Billing Months },4ay&!e throueh October. Inclusive Customer Seruice Charge: Power Rate: Energy Rate: On-Peak Off-Peak S372.00 per Customer 370S0 $l_8.3.!+ per kW for all kWw Billing Months November throueh,A.prilMay. Inclusive S372.00 per Customer 3+O{e s 4 per kW for all kW 9.29# 5.1 I 154 J&721 3.9086d per kWh per kWh4arallldllh per kWh per kWh{or-all*:tVh 4.63654#74 3.5213d, TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: November throush May inclusive 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 to ll June throush October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m.. all davs. Off-Peak: All other times. Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of l% for every lYo that the power factor is less than 85%. Minimum: The Customer Service Charge plus the minimum Power Charge and appropriate Energy Charges. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-+6421-0'7 ISSUED: November +WE-202L EFFECTM: January 1,20-11 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Porer Exhiblt No. 58 Page 27 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steuaard NiEEiglth Revision of Sheet No. 9.2 Canceling ElglSeventh Revision of Shcct No. 9.2LP.U.C. No.1 15 minute peried ef Custemer's greetest trse dtring the menth; edjusted fer perver faster os speeified; ELE€TIU€ SERYI€E DEGU' tTIeNS: Serviee unde- tlds Sehedule will be in eeeerdree rvith iee ing Submitted Under Case No. PAC-EJ'{4?,?[-07 ISSIIED: November {J'-4e{68. 2021 EFFECTM: January l, 20A+7 [P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 28 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 lMtness: Joelle R. Steward ElevenTenth Revision of Sheet No. 10.2 Cancelinq TeENi*th Revision of Sheet No. 10.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE No. 10 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (Continued) Power Rate: $5.968 per kW for all kW Energy Rate: 8.8597a1p per kWh for first 25,000 kWh 6.6054J96,d per kWh for the next 225,000 kWh 4.9435646i per kWh for all additional kWh Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85Yo lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of l% for every lYo that the power factor is less than 85%. Minimum: The Customer Service Charge. Post-Season Rate Customer Senice Charge: Energy Rate: $23.00 per Customer 7.511044++ per kWh for all kWh Minimum: The Customer Service Charge. ADJUSTMENTS: All monthly bills shall be adjusted in accordance with Schedules 34 and94. PAYMENT: All monthly service billings will be due and payable when rendered and will be considered delinquent if not paid within fifteen (15) days. An advance payment may be required of the Customer by the Company in accordance with Electric Service Regulation No. 9. An advance may be required under any of the following conditions: (l) the Customer failed to pay all amounts owed to the Company when due and payable; (2)the Customer paid an advance the previous season that did not adequately cover bills for the entire season and the Customer failed to pay any balance owing by the due date ofthe final billing issued for the season. ISSUED: November +j l446E-202L (Continued) EX'FECTM: January l, 20_11 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-+#21-07 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 29 oI'129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Sleward TenNhth Revision of Sheet No. 11.1 Canceling NinDiglth Revision of Sheet No. l1.lI.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 11 STATE OF IDAIIO Street Lighting Service Company-Owned System AVAILABILITY: In all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICATION: To unmetered lighting service provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, county, state or federal governments for dusk to dawn illumination of public streets, highways and thoroughfares by means of Company owned, operated and maintained street lighting systems controlled by a photoelectric control or time switch. MONTHLY BILL: The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the rate tables below. Functional Lishtins LED Equivalent Lumen Ranse Total Level I <=3,500 sl6.24 Level 2 3.501-5.500 $17.32 Level 3 5.501-8.000 $ 17.84 Level 4 8.00r-l2.000 $ r 8.44 Level 5 12.001- I 5"500 $ 19.48 Level 6 >15.500 s23.21 M ffi 4+00 ffi B$09 .1G800 \Yatts (Maximum)50 15 85 ]{5 Fun*ioratli*htins s+#4 $16'83 $zz*4 $28+4 M tumen-Ratinr 5-800t gJee ff+00 27+4p 5es00 ryafis 14 +0e 150 x0 40e M€n+h{Y+Wh 28 39 59 96 148 EFFECTM: January l, 202)J Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{6-}321-07 ISSUED: November +WE 202L Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Polver Exhibit No. 58 Page 30 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steuard Tenl{hth Revision of Sheet No. 11.1 Cenceling NinDighth Rcvision of Sheet No. 11.2I.P.U.C. No.1 Deeer*iv+€edes-f AIIA $+1.68 w N/^h#A Deeeralive-€€ries.2 }'IIA w7 $e9+7 N/A NIA * E*sting f:xture+enly, Serviee is net available under this sehedule te nerv 5;800 ltrnen High@ (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16142_L07 ISSIIED: November ]-!J4]Kl&?!2!EX'FECTM: January l, 202271 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 31 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-2l-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Stevvard Ssu+tb$LRevision of Sheet No. ll.2 Canceling FourthThird Revision of Sheet No. 11.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO. 11- Continued DEFIMTIONS: Functional Lighting: Common, less expensive luminaires that may be mounted either on wood, fiberglass or non-decorative metal poles. will rnaintain a listing ef standard deeerative street light fixtures that are availeble unCer this Eleetrie Serviee PROVISIONS: l. Installation, daily operation, repair and maintenance of lights on this rate schedule to be performed by the Company, providing that the facilities furnished remain readily accessible for maintenance purposes. 2. Company will install only Company approved street lighting equipment at locations acceptable to Company. 3. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by Company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights from the Customer or a member of the public by either notiffing Rocky Mountain Power's customer service at (l-888-221-7070) or www.rockvmountainpower.net/streetlights. Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair street lights is limited to this tariff. 4. Existing fixtures and facilities that are deemed irreparable will be replaced with comparable fixtures and facilities from the Company's Construction Standards. 5. The Company will, upon written request of Customer, convert existing street lighting facilities to other types of Company approved facilities. In such event, should the revenue increase, the streetlighting extension allowance defined in Rule 12, section 3.f is applicable only to the increase in annual revenue due to the replacement. Ifthere is no increase in revenue, there is no allowance. The Customer shall advance the estimated cost of all materials and labor associated with installation and removal, less the estimated salvage on all the removed facilities, in excess of the applicable allowance. 6. The entire system, including initial lamp requirements and wiring suitable for connection to Company's system, will be furnished and installed by the Company. The Customer is responsible for all associated costs that exceed the Street Lighting Extension Allowance as described in the General Rules of this tariff. Customer shall not perform the electrical connection of meters or service conductor to the point of delivery. (Continued) Submitted Under A.dyie,+Case No. l-6-e3PA C-E-21 -07 ISSTJED:EFFECTIVE:@ I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN HP,}Y.E,^N"., Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 32 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-O7 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward EighthNinth Revision of Sheet No. 12.1 Canceling Eishs€yenth Revision of Sheet No. 12.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 STATE OF IDAIIO Street and Securitv Area Lighting Service Customer-Owned System AVAILABILITY: In all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICATION: To lighting service provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, count5i, state or federal governments for dusk to dawn illumination of public streets, highways and thoroughfares by means of Customer owned street lighting systems controlled by a photoelectric control or time switch. Security Area Lighting service on this Schedule is closed to new service. MONTHLY BILL: 1. Energy Only Service - Rate per Luminaire Energy Only Service includes energy supplied from Company's overhead or underground circuits and does not include any maintenance to Customer's facilities. The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the rate tables below. High Pressure Sodium Vapor- No Maintenance Lumen Rating 5.800 9.500 r6.000 27.500 s0.000 Watts 70 100 150 250 400 Monthlv kWh 28 39 59 96 148 Energy Only Service $2.s02Je $3.s04$6 $5.216+4 $8.90]H $ 13.6715-85 I rssuno' (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-+221-07 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mounlain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 33 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Sta^rard NinEiglth Revision of Sheet No. 12.2 Canceling E!&S€Hth Revision of Sheet No. 12.2I.P.U.C. No. I Metal Halide - No Maintenanee Lumen Rating 9.000 12.000 19.500 32.000 107.800 Watts 100 175 250 400 1000 Monthlv kWh 39 69 93 145 3s2 Energy Only Service $3.s44#$6.21H $8.50q86 $r3.3P+9 $3r.99# ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) Sodium Vanor Securitv Area Flood Lisht - No Maintenance Lumen Ratins 16.000 Watts 150 Monthlv kWh 39 Enersy Only Service $r4.20 For non-listed luminaires, the cost will be calculated for 4167 annual hours of operation including applicable loss factors for ballasts and starting aids at the cost per kWh given below. Non-Listed Luminaire $/kwh Enersv Onlv Service $0.09068r+oss Menthty mainte in @ Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{-GE2l-07 ISSUED: November ++r?s+6E 202L Low Pressure Sodium Vapor - No Maintenence Lumen Ratine 33.000 Watts 180 Monthly kWh 74 Energy Only Service s8.07H EFFECTM: January l,20DE Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWEIT A DrVtStOt OF mdHOORP Rodty Momtaln Ponor E$lbfr No. 58 Page &4 of 129 Cue tl,o. PAGE-2147 W[tues Joclh R. S[etmrd NtnEiglth Rcvblon of Shcct No. 12.2 CencellngEiqhSscrth Revirior of ShcctNo 12.2LP.U.C. No. 1 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-ru ISSIIED: November l!2e16!202 [EmtsCTM: January l,20Q$l Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 35 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 12.3 Canceling Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 12.3I.P.U.C. No. I ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO. 12 - Continued MONTIILY BILL: (continued) 2. Maintenance Service (No New Service) Monthly maintenance is only applicable for existine monthly maintenance service agreements in effect prior to June 29. 2007. A. Street Lightins. "Partial Maintenance" Mercurv Vaoor- Partial Maintenance Lumen Ratine 10.000 20.000 Watts 250 400 Monthlv kWh 93 145 Partial Maintenance Service $ 14.s5 $ 19.47 B. Sheet Liehtins. "Full Maintenance" High Pressure Sodium - Partial Maintenance Lumen Ratine 5.800 9.500 27.500 50.000 Watts 70 100 250 400 Monthlv kWh 28 39 96 148 Partial Maintenance Service ss.22#e s6.727,75 sl0.75]4-4e s14.48ff+L Iligh Pressure Sodium - Full Meintenence Lumen Rating 5.800 9.500 r6.000 27.500 50.000 Watts 70 100 150 250 400 Monthlv kWh 28 39 59 96 148 Full Maintenance Service $s.846++$7.45856 $E.9}143 + $u.70r+#$]5=oq+* (Continued) EF'FECTM: January l, 2e+1422 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{+B2I-07 ISSUED : November-11,4016-E-202 I Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN HP,:[yHn",. Rocky Mountain Porver Exhibit No. 58 Page 36 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 12.3 Canceling Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 12.3I.P.U.C. No. 1 PUTL M+INTENANEE ff €empany is Hnable the €empany; are net ineluded in this Eleetrie Serviee Sehedule, Sueh extra eests shall be paid -*+inuea) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-+++221-07 ISSUED : November-I1,4016_E-2021 EFFECTryE: January l, 4+1-M ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAqFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 37 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Fourthl}ird Revision of Sheet No. 12.4 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Canceling ThirdSec€{d Revision of Sheet No. 12.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) SPECIFICATIONS ATID SERVICE FOR STREET LIGHTING WITH PARTIAL ANI) FULL MAINTENANCE (NO NEW SERVICE): Installations must have met Company construction standards in place at the time of installation in order to receive "full maintenance." If Company is unable to obtain materials to perform maintenance. the street lisht facilities will be deemed obsolete and must be upsraded at customer expense in order to qualit for maintenance under the Electric Service Schedule. Street Lightinq Service under "partial nraintenance" includes enerqy. lamp and glassware renewals and cleaning of qlassware. Street Lighting Service under "full maintenance" includes energy. lamp and elassware replacements and cleaning of glassware. and replacement of damaged or inoperative photocells. ballasts. starting aids. poles. mast arms and luminaires: provided. however. that any costs for materials which are over and above costs for Comoany's standard materials. as determined by the Comoany. are not included in this Electric Service Schedule. Such extra costs shall be paid bv Customer. Burning-hours of lamps will be controlled bv the Comoanv The Company shall not be liable under the maintenance provided under "Full Maintenance" for damages caused by (a) war; (b) earthquakes; and (c) acts of God, excepting lightning strikes; or (d) sabotage. The costs associated with replacements and repairs to Customer-owned facilities associated with these acts will be billed to the Customer on an as if and when basis. PROVISIONS: The Company will not maintain new Customer owned street lights. Such maintenance will be the responsibility of the Customer; however the Company may install pole identification tags for the purposes of tracking unmetered Customer owned lights. (continued) Subm itted Under Case No. PAC-E-2 1 -0 7A.drieelleJ643 ISSUED: EFFECTIVE:@ LP.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVIsION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mounlain Pourcr Exhibit No. 58 Page 38 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward *irslsecon{Revision of Sheet No. 12.5 Cancelins MSheet No. 12.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 - Continued PROVISIONS : (continued) 2. Customer owned liehts. mounted to Comoany owned distribution poles. shall be installed. maintained. transferred or removed only by qualified personnel. Appurtenances or other alterations to the Company's standard will not be supported by. or become the responsibilitv of. the Company. Followine notification by the Customer. inoperable liehts under this provision will be reoaired as soon as oossible. during reeular business hours or as allowed by Company's operatins schedule and requirements. Costs described in this nrovision will be invoiced to the Customer upon completion of the work. 3. The entire system. including the desien of facilities. installation of fixtures on Customer poles. and wirine suitable for connection to Company's system. will be fumished by the Customer. 4. Customer must notit the Company in writins of any chanses to the street liehtine svstem which would affect billing. includine new installations. removals or wattaee chanses. Standard notification procedure will be throush online forms at www.rockymtnpower.net/streetlishts. 5. All new underground-fed lights on this schedule will require a Customer installed means of disconnect acceptable to both the Comoany and the local electrical inspecting authority. 6. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Consumer shall be at the Consumer's expense. 7. Where approved by the Company, all new pole mounted outlets used for holiday or other decorations, as well as traffic or other signal systems, will be supplied with service on a metered General Service rate schedule via a Consumer-installed meter base. CONTRACT PERIOD: Not less than one (l) year for both new and replacement fixtures. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this schedule is part and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under Adriee{aselette+No. e?-06PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED:@ EFFECTTVE:JW Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 39 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 VMtness: Joelle R. SlewardROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICOBP I.P.U.C. No. I Original Sheet No. 19.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 19 STATE OF IDAHO Commercial and Industrial Space Heating (No New Service) AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current single or three-phase electric service to Commercial and Industrial Customers at Company's available voltage for all service required on the Customer's premises subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Service for electric resistance heaters and year round heat pumps will be supplied through a special circuit and metered through one kilowatt-hour meter. All other lighting and power requirements will be supplied through a separate circuit and will be separately metered, except that electric motor-drived compressors installed to provide comfort cooling and electric water heating equipment may be connected to the special space heating circuit. No other equipment shall be connected to the wiring serving the space heating equipment. This Schedule is available for space heating only when the Customer regularly uses electric energy for all other service requirements including but not limited to lighting, cooking, water heating, air conditioning, and the operation of machines and other equipment. ISSUED: August 14,2006 (Continued) EFFECTM: September 15, 2006 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 40 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-O7 Witness: Joelle R. Steward Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 19.2 Canceling Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 19.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 19 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rate for space heating: Billing Months May through October. Inclusive Customer Service Charge: 523.00 per Customer Billing Months November throush April. Inclusive $23.00 per Customer 7.2175(, per kWh for all kWhEnergy Rate: 9.65021, per kWh for all kWh Rate for all other service: All other service requirements will be supplied under Electric Service Schedule No. 6, or Electric Service Schedule No. 64., or Electric Service Schedule No. 23, or Electric Service Schedule No. 23A, or Electric Service Schedule No.35, or Electric Service Schedule No. 35A. SPACE HEATING: All space heating equipment shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole means of heating the building space occupied by the Customer. All space heating equipment and installation thereof and all supply wiring shall conform with the Company's specifications. AIR CONDITIONING: All air conditioning equipment shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole means of providing comfort cooling for the building space occupied by the Customer. All air conditioning equipment and installation thereof and all supply wiring shall conform with the Company's specifications. Electric service for comfort cooling will be metered and billed at the above rate only when Customer also uses electric service for his total space heating requirements. WATER HEATING: Water heaters served hereunder shall be insulated storage, single or multiple- unit type of construction approved by the Company, the heating units of which shall be noninductive and controlled by separate thermostats. Electric service of storage water heating will be metered and billed at the above rate only when Customer also uses electric service for his total space heating requirements. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-I6-12 ISSUED: November ll,2016 EFFECTM: January l,2017 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 41 ol'129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. SlewardROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP I.P.U.C. No. 1 Original Sheet No. 19.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 19 - Continued WATER HEATING: (continued) Water heaters shall have a minimum capacity of 30 gallons each and the total capacity of heating elements in each heater shall not exceed 50 kilowatts except that, when heaters are operated for swimming pool heating, more than 50 kilowatts capacity in a heater may be permiued upon written authorization of the Company. All equipment shall be so designed and controlled that not more than l0 kilowatts will be switched on or off at one time unless otherwise permitted by written authorization of the Company. INSULATION STANDARDS: Commercial and industrial buildings constructed after September I , 1984, and such buildings constructed prior to September 1 , I 984, but which previously did not otherwise qualiff for service under this electric service schedule must now also meet the following minimum insulation standards in order to qualiff for service under this electric service schedule. The maximum heat loss of the building to be heated while maintaining a reasonable and appropriate indoor air temperature during periods of winter design outdoor weather conditions as defined in the latest ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals including in{iltration and excluding ventilation losses for electrically heated buildings shall not exceed 21 btu/trour/square foot in new buildings or 24 btu/hour/square foot in converted buildings. Electrically heated buildings shall have double glass except where it may be impractical such as at entrance doors or display windows etc. Electrically heated buildings can be considered to meet the requirements if the following criteria are met: Minimum Insulation Factors New Buildings Converted Buildines Ceilings Opaque Walls Floors Over Vented Crawl Spaces or Over Unheated Basements Walls of Heated Basement "fJ" Factor 0.032 0.096 0.0s3 0.077 3.Rtt Factor 31 10.4 l9 13 ..lJrr Factor 0.032 0.1 56 0.053 0.125 ..Rrt Factor 3l 6.4 19 8 ISSUED: August 14,2006 (Continued) EFFECTM: September 15, 2006 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 42 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. StewardROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICOBP I.P.U.C. No.1 Orisinal Sheet No. 19.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 19 - Continued INSULATION STAITDARDS: (continued) Concrete slabs on grade shall have insulation24" wide by 2" thick around the perimeter of the slab. This requirement may be waived for converted buildings at the discretion of the Company. Glazing shall be double glass except where it may be impractical such as at enffance doors or display windows, etc. Weather stripping shall be installed on all exterior doors and windows. Ducts and Plenums, both supply and retum, not enclosed within the heated space, shall have a minimum of 2" insulation (U = 0.13). CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agteement. Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTM: September 15, 2006 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A D|VISION OF RACIFICORP Rodry Mountain Potter Exhibit No. 58 Page 43 of '129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Sleward NinEigbth Revision of Sheet No.23.l Canceling Eis[Seruth Revision of Sheet No.23.1 ROCKY MOI]NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDT'LE NO.23 STATE OX'IDAHO Generel Service AVAIII\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for altemating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Billing Months l@June throueh October. Inclusive Billing Months November through Ar+ilMur. ln.lutin. Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Energy Rate $18.00+ per Customer 6+e s4E9.00 $18 00+ per Customer 6Se $4Ee.0oper Customer per kWh for all kWh per Customer per kWh for all kWh9.51369 #+0i, 7.9280&mi (Continued) EFFECTM: January l,20221J Submitted Under Case No. P AC-E.-]6]321 -07 ISSIIED: November {-L40+6& 202! I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Porcr Exhibit No. 58 Page 44 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Afilness: Joelle R. Steward Fifou+th Revision of Sheet No. 23.2 Canceling FourthThird Revision of Sheet No. 23.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.23 - Continued Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging Customer will be billed for 314 of l% of the Power recorded by the Company's meter for every lYo that the power factor is less than 85%. This Power will be billed at the Power Rate stated in Electic Service Schedule No. 6. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment the voltage discount based on measured Enerry will be: 0.43971per kWh for all kWh. Mnimum Bill: The Customer Service Charge PtO\ilER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of the Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a)Customer may contract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including tansformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operations. (b)Customer may conhact for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $21-6{92.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2,300 volts and $57688.00 plus Enerry Charges for Customer taking service at2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. (Continued) Submitted Under Ard+ie,+Case No. 903PA C-21 -07 ISSIIED:EFFECTM: January l, 202244 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION OF RAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Porcr Exhibit No. 58 Page 45 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 \Mtness: Joelle R. Sleward NinEighth Revision of Sheet No.23A.1 Cenceling plglS€re+th Revision of Sheet No. 23A.1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO.23A STATE OF'IDAHO General Service @esidential and Farm) AVHII\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacrty for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load' or "Farm Load" under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Electic Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for altemating curent, single or three-phase elecric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Energy Rate Billing Months lr4ayJgaq throueh October. Inclusive $18-80+ per Customerg $4E-804 per Customer 9Se 9.51369 per kWh for all kWhwt, Billing Months November hroueh AorilMay. Inclusive $18 Q8+ per Customer 64e $48 0q4 per Customer qoo 7.92808 per kWh for all kWh#21 (Continued) EFFECTM: January l, 2022+7 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-1#21-07 ISSUED: November WE 202L LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PABFICORP Rocky Mountain Pou,Er Exhibit No. 58 Page 46 of 129 Case No. PA\C-E-21-07 Vfitness: Joelle R. Stelt ard Thir+FourlL Revision of Sheet No.23A.3 Canceling I'hirdS€€ord Revision of Sheet No. 23A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDITLE NO.23A- Continued SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $2L6{93.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2,300 volts and $5?6588.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, aparfnent, seasonal dwelling and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and irrigation pumping. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: ownership control operating practices distance between parcels custom in the trade billing treatment by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certify to the utility all irrigation Erccounts, including horsepower rating. Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm will have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company, the Customer may appeal the decision to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. (Continued) stze use Submitted Under Ad{i€€-Case No. l4-e3PA C-E-21 -07 ISSUED:EFFECTM: January l, 20ryl3 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Po\ €r Exhibit No. 58 Page 47 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Ster /ard Fi+s'fsecon{Revision of Sheet No. 31.1 Canceling @heet No. 31.1 ROCICT MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31 STATE OF IDAHO Partial Requirements Service - Large General Senice - 1,000 kW and Over AVAIII\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there arc facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, three phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through a single point of delivery for Supplementary, Back-up, Maintenance Power or Excess Service (partial requirements service) in addition to regular electric requirements obtained from any service other than the Company, including on-site generation. This Schedule is applicable to customers with on-site generation of more than 1,000 kW butt that does not exceed 3015,000 kW. Customers not contacting for Back-up Power shall not be subject to this Schedule and shall receive electric service under the applicable general service schedule. This Schedule is not applicable to service for resale, intermittent or highly fluctuating loads, or seasonal use. This Schedule is not required where on-site generation is used only for emergency supply during times of utility outage. This Schedule is not available to loads in excess of l_O15,000 kW, a maximum power requirement in excess of L0{5,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 3015,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. MONTHLY BILL: Rste: Billing Months MayJUlg through October. Inclusive Billing Months November throueh,qorilMay. Inclusive Customer Service Charge: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Back-up Facilities Rate: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage per Customer per Customer per Customer per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW $3&QQ3 7Se $r r4.00 H+ee $372.00 3+ese su4a 94 $ru+ 58 $38.003 7{e s114.00 ]{+ee s372.00 3+0{e $6-656I $6.286 .l+ per Customer per Customer per Customer per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-19-154_-02 ISSUED: (continued) EFT'ECTTVE: Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIVTS|ON OF nAOF|CORP Rocky Mounlain Pover Exhibit No. 58 Page 48 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steunrd Firc+Second Revision of Sheet No. 31.1 Canceling @Sheet No. 31.2LP.U.C. No.1 $5.73r $4.32+?4 3e The Facilities Rate applies to the kW of Back-up Contract Power Submitted Under Case No. PAC-ru ISSTIED: (continued) EX'X'ECTIVE: LP.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 49 of '129 Case No. PAC-E-21-O7 Wtness: Joelle R. Slelvard Thir+FogEL Revision of Sheet No.31.2 Cancelin g Sccen+Illglnevision of Sheet No. 3 1.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31- Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Billing Months I'4ayJulg throueh October. Inclusive Back-up Power Rate: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Billing Months November throueh A.prilMay. Inclusive $q27e all kW Day $0.2fe all kW DayX all kW Day 4 all kW Day S82_6+ all kW Day $Q22e all kW Day#*ts0.19 $0.14 Back-up Power is billed on a per day basis and is based on the fifteen (15) minute period of the Customer's greatest use of Back-up Power during the day Scheduled Maintenance Power rate is one half (l/2) ofthe Back-up Power Excess Power Rate: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Supplementary Power Rate: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Supplementary and Back-up Energy Rate: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage On-Peak Off-Peak per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kWh per kWh per kWh per kWh per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kWh per kWh per kWh per kWh $22442 L72 $28-p2 '7r42 $20.6s2 $13.62+ 436 $12-gZ+ 3+t $10.313 6 4.250e 988e1 4.250e 988e1 5.r l 154 Je?z( $2!2tz 35? $22.E82 L32 $1s.554I $t2.27+*t $l r.62+ 6 $g-29+ 7+ 4.25061 JSssl 4.25063 J88el Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E--14-+52-I--07 ISSUED: (continued) EFFECTryE: Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIVISION OF PACIFICORP Roclry Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 50 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 lMtness: Joelle R. Steward +hir+FourttL Revision of Sheet No.3l.2 Canceling Sccea+MfSlnevision of Sheet No. 312LP.U.C. No. I 3.9086d 4.63654 J*14 3.5213C, TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: November through May inclusive 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m.. all days. June throuqh October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m.. all days Off-Peak: All other times. POWER F €TeR: This ffi tha*8594 YOLT,{GE LEVEr S: SeeerCary Velta€e applies rvherr a distributien Ctrstemer takes serviee frem €empany's available lines ef less than 2;300 velts' I'rinrry Velta8e applies where a Cistributien eustemer takes sen'iee frem eemparU''s avaitaU Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{+1521:07 ISSUED: (continued) ET'T'ECTIVE: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Roclcy Mountain Porer Exhibit No. 58 Page 51 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No.3l.3 I.P.U.C. No. 1 Canceline Original Sheet No. 31.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31- Continued POWER FACTOR: This rate is based on the Customer maintainins at all times a power factor of 85olo laeging. or hisher. as determined b), measurement. If the averase oower factor is found to be less than 850/0 lageing. the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by % of l% for every l0lo that the power factor is less than 8502. VOLTAGE LEVELS: Secondarv Voltaee applies where a distribution Customer takes service from Company's available lines of less than 2.300 volts. Primary Voltase apolies where a distribution Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2.300 to less than 46.000 volts and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary related equipment. Transmission Voltase applies where service is supplied at apnroximately 46.000 volts or ereater through a sinqle ooint of delivery. POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the l5-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month or day, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. TYPE OF SERVICE: Whether Power is considered scheduled maintenance, supplementary, back- up, or excess is determined as follows. When the Customer has pre-scheduled Maintenance Service, the power measurements from 0 kW up to the level equal to the pre-scheduled Back-up Power shall be considered Scheduled Maintenance Power. Power measurements above the Scheduled Maintenance Power up to the level equal to the Supplementary Contract Power shall be considered supplementary power. Power measured above the sum of the Scheduled Maintenance Power and Supplementary Contract Power level up to the Total Contract Power (the sum of the Supplementary Contract Power and the Back-up Contract Power) shall be considered Back-up Power. Power measurements in excess of Total Confact Power shall be considered Excess Power. When the Customer has not pre-scheduled Maintenance Service, power measurements from 0 kW up to the level equal to the Supplementary Contract Power shall be considered Supplementary Power. Power measurements above the Supplementary Contract Power level but less than Total Contract Power (the sum of the Supplementary Contract Power and the Back-up Contract Power) shall be considered back-up power. Power measurements in excess of Total Contact Power shall be considered Excess Power. DEFINITIONS: BACK-UP CONTRACT POWER: The specified Power in kilowatts of Back-up Power that the Customer contracts with the Company to supply and which the Company agrees to have available for delivery to the Customer in excess of which the Company is under no obligation to supply. The Back-up Contract Power shall be established by agreement between the Customer and the Company. The level of Back-up Contract Power shall not exceed the total output capacity ofthe Customer's generation facilities. irg Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-I+122-LQZ ISSUED:EFFECTM: January l, 4++2022 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DtVtStON OF nOHOORP Rocky Mountain Pcn rer Exhibit No. 58 Page 52 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Wltnes8: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No.31.3 Cancelins Originel Sheet No. 31.3LP.U.C. No.1 DII€IFUP SERVICB: Baekup sen'iee is eleetrie serviee used by the €ustenrer te replaee eleeffie (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-1*2147 ISSIIED:EFFECTM: January \W I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 53 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 31.4 Canceline Original Sheet No. 31.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31- Continued I nnrnnrloNS (continued): BACK-UP POWER - DAILY: The kW of Back-up Contract Power supplied bv the Companv to the Customer. Back-up Power shall be determined for each day of the Billing Period. The kW of Back-up Power each day shall be the kW for the fifteen (15) minute period of the Customer's greatest use of Back-up Power thal day. adjusted for power factor as specified. determined to the nearest kW. The Back-up Power for the Billine Period shall be the sum of the Back-up Power for each day of the Billine Period. For each fifteen minute period. Back-up Power shall equal the Measured Power minus the Supnlementary Contract Power but shall not be less than zero nor greater than the Back-up Contract Power. BACK-UP SERVICE: Back-up service is electric service used bv the Customer to replace electric service ordinarily generated by the Customer's own generation equipment during outages of the facilify. BILLING PERIOD: The period of approximately 30 days intervening betrveen regular successive meter reading dates. There shall be 12 billing periods per year. POWER: The rate in kilowatts at which elecfic enerry is generated, transferred or used. Power measurements are calculated based on the average (integrated) usage over consecutive 15 minute periods of time. Power measurements may be based on any one such fifteen minute period in a Billing Period, on the period ofgreatest use during the Billing Perio{ or on the period ofgreatest use during each day, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. EXCESS POWER: Excess Power is the power supplied by the Company to the Customer in excess of the Total Contract Power. The kW of Excess Power for the Billing Period shall be the kW for the 15 minute period of the Customer's greatest use of Excess Power during the Billing Period, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. For each 15 minute period, Excess Power shall equal the Measured Power minus the Total Contract Power but shall not be less than zero. EXCESS SERVICE: Excess service is service used by the Customer over and above the contracted arnount for both Supplementary Service and Back-up Service or Maintenance Service. MAINTENA|ICE SERVICE: Maintenance service is electric service used by the Customer to replace elecfic service ordinarily generated by the Customer's own generation equipment during scheduled outages of the facility. MEASURED POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readingB of the Power meter located at the Company's point of delivery, for the 15 minute period of the Customer's greatest use during the Billing Period or that day. MEASURED EI\IERGY: The electric enerry in kWh as shown by or computed from the readings of the kilowatt-hour meter located at the Company's point of delivery. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-111121-07 ISSUED:EFFECTM: January 1,20_13 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTVTS|ON OF PAqHCORP Rocky Mountain Porer Exhibit No. 58 Page 3{ of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 l/Vitness: Joelle R. Steuard First Revision of Sheet No. 31.4 Canceline Original Sheet No. 31.4I.P.U.C. No.1 (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-1421-07 ISSIIED:EX'F'ECTM: January l, 2021& LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Roclq Mountain Po^rer Exhibit No. 58 Page 55 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Sta^rard First Revision of ea?inrllSheet No.31.5 Canceline Orieinal Sheet No. 31.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31- Continued DEFINITIONS (continued): SCHEDULED MAINTENAIICE POWER: Electric Power and enersv made available bv the Company to a Customer durine the scheduled maintenance periods established in accordance with the provisions of this schedule to replace Back-up Power. Scheduled Maintenance Power shall not exceed the Back-up Contract Iqwer. ST PPLEMENTARY CONTRACT PTOWER: The specified Power in kW of Supplementary Power that the Customer confacts with the Company to supply and which the Company agrees to have available for delivery to the Customer. The Supplementary Contract Power shall be established by agreement between the Customer and the Company. Measured Power in excess of the Supplementary Contract Power shall not establish new Supplementary Contract Power. SIIPPLEMENTARY FO\ilER: The kW of Supplementary Contract Power supplied by the Company to the Customer. The kW of Supplementary Power for the Billing Period shall be the kW for the 15 minute period of the Customer's greatest use of Supplementary Power during the Billing Period, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. For each 15 minute period during the Billing Period, Supplementary Power shall equal the Measured Power but shall not be less than zero nor greater than the Supplementary Contact Power. STiPPLEMENTARY SERVICE: Supplementary service is electric service regularly used by a Customer in addition to that which the Customer generates itself. TOTAL CONTRACT POWER: The sum of the Supplementary Contract Power and the Back-up Contract Power. SCHEDITLED MAINTENAITICE: Customer shall submit to the Company, in writing, Customer's proposed maintenance schedule and nominated Scheduled Maintenance Power for each month of an l8 month period beglnning with the date of the Customer's initial receipt of service underthis schedule. Customer shall, prior to September lst of each subsequent year, submit to the Company, in writing Customer's proposed maintenance schedule for each month of an l8 month period beginning with January lsof the following year. The proposed schedules will not be deemed a request for Maintenance Service unless so designated by the Customer and accepted by the Company in writing. Maintenance shall be scheduled for a maximum of 30 days per year. These 30 days may be taken in either one continuous period, or two continuous 15 day periods. Solely at the discretion of the Company and for good cause, the maintenance ma:rimum may be extended. The Customer may present a request for a maintenance outage in writing to the Company no less than 30 days in advance of the date of the scheduled maintenance with the nominated Scheduled Maintenance Power. The Company reserves the right to modiff Customer's I Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-121121-07 ISSUED:EX'['ECTM: January l,W Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF ilTOFICORP Rocky Mountain Porer Exhibit No. 58 Page 56 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Ste\rard First Revision of e+r?inallSheet No.3l.5 Cancelins Orisinal Sheet No. 31.5 I.P.U.C. No.1 requested maintenance schedule. Any modifications by the Company must be made with reason within seven days after that schedule has been received by the Company. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-BWZI-07 ISSIIED:EFFtsCTM: January l,*W Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN Po\A'ER A DMSIOiI OF PAC|FICORP Rocky Mountain Porver Exhibit No. 58 Page 57 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 lMtness: Joelle R. Steurard Scvent+-Eieblt Revision of Sheet No.34.1 Cancelins Sevenixth Revision of Sheet No.34.1I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDI'LE NO.34 STATE OF IDAEO Pacific Northwest Electric Power Phnning and Consenation Act Residentiel and X'arm Kilowett-Hour Credit APPLICATION AND AVAIII\BILITY: This Schedule is applicable and available to qualifring Residential and/or Farm Customers of the Company under the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. MONTELY RATES: The monthly charges for service under each of the Electric Service Schedules shown below shall be reduced by the appropriate kilowatt-hour credit for all qualifring kilowatt-hours of residential and/or farm use. Kilowatt-Hour Credit Adjustments: Irrieation Customers: ScheduleNo. l0 $0.010133 perkWh Non-Irrigation Customers: $0.010133 per kWh Schedule Nos. l, 6l., 7 A, 23A 35A, 3ft-19+ith=6* (continued) EFFECTM:@ Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2 l -lA0Z ISSIIED: I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIVTSTON OF PACTFICOBP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 58 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 35.1 CanrelurOriqinal Sheet No. 35.1 ROCKY MOIINTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35 STATE OF IDAIIO Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage AVAILI\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity to a limited number of customers each year on a priority basis, and is dependent upon the ability of the Company to obtain adequate metering equipment. The priority is based on the time the application is filed with the Company. Those customers applying first would have the highest priortty. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage, but less than 46,000 volts through a single point of delivery for non-residential, non-irrigation, non-street lighting and non-area lighting customers, for all service required on the Customer's premises by Customers contracting for not more than 30t5,000 kW. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 30{5,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of l_O15,000 kW, continued service will require special contract arrangements; provided, however, that special contract arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 3015,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 1Q15,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirements, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30{5,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30+5,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's ma:<imum power requirement exceeds 3q{5,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. (Continued) Submitted Under egpAdvi€€{,e+ter No. 06-06PA1C-E4I:!02 ISSUED: EFFECTTVE: I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Povrer Exhibit No. 58 Page 59 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steuaard El{if,th Revision of Sheet No. 35.2 Cenceling NinEigbth Revision of Sheet No. 35.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: Customer Seruice Cherge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts)$ 69+.00 per Customer Primary volt4ge delivery (2300 volts or higher) Power Charge: On-Peak kW $17065.00 per Customer $ 16.945 per kW Energy Charge: Per kWh for all kWh 5.3792?']97i TIME PERIODS:On-Peak 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, except holidays.Off-Peak All other times. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section I l0 of the U.S. Enerry Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. Holidays include only New Year's Day, Presidenfs Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday) will be considered a holiday and consequently Off-Peak. Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average Power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of lYo for every l% that the Power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all tansformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 per kW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Demand and Energy charges. (Continued) EFFECTM: January l, 20ntr4 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-EW2I-D7 ISSUED: November 1Jry?046E 202L [P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF MqFlcORP Rocky Mountain Porer Exhibit No. 58 Page 60 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward Flfourth Revision of Shect No. 35.3 Canceling FourthThird Revision of Sheet No. 35.3 ELECTRIC SER\ICE SCHEDULE NO.35 - Continued POWER: The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the l5-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak periods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kw. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is norrrally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be conhacted for under this schedule under either of the following conditions: (a)Customer may contract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b)Customer may contract for seasonal service under this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 82804.00 plus Power and Enerry Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $204Q+98e.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a paxt of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Ard+is+Case No. {4-e}PA C-E -21 -07 ISSUED:EX'FECTM: January l, 20D1+ I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DN4S|oIT OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Porver Exhibit No. 58 Page 61 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 W'rtness: Joelle R, Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 354.1 Cancelins Original Sheet No.35A.1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35A STATE OF IDAHO Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage (Farm) AVAILABILITY: This Electric Service Schedule is available at any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity to a limited number of customers each year on a priority basis. Such availability is dependent upon the ability of the Company to obtain adequate metering equipment. The priority is based on the time the application is filed with the Company. Those customers applying first would have the highest priority. This schedule is for service to any customer who qualifies as "Farm Load" under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage, but less than 46,000 volts through a single point of delivery for non-residential, non-irrigation, non-street lighting, and non-area lighting customers, for all service required on the Customer's premises by Customers contracting for not more than 3015,000 kW. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of jQ{5,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 1Q15,000 kW, continued service will require special contract arrangements; provided, however, that special contract arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 38+5,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 10J5,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirements, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30-15,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 3015,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's ma:<imum power requirement exceeds 30+5,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. (Continued) Submitted Under,qd+iee{aSq Letter No. 06.06P4e J2l:0? ISSUED: EFFECTM: September{*4e06January 1.2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 62 of 129 Ca8e No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Sta^rard ElSinth Revision of Sheet No.35A.2 Canceling NinDichth Revision of Sheet No.35A.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35A - Continued MONTIILY BILL: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts)S 697.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher)$17065.00 per Customer Power Charge: On-Peak kW $ 16.945 per kW Energy Charge: Per kWh for all kWh 5.37922+97+ TIME PERIODS: On-Peak 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, except holidays.Off-Peak All other times. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section ll0 of the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. Holidays include only New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday) will be considered a holiday and consequently Off-Peak. Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average Power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of l%o for every l% that the Power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 per kW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Demand and Energy charges. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E{6-I-221-07 ISSUED: November ++;4+68 202L EFX'ECTM: January l, 20-11 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION OF PACIFICORP Rod<y Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 63 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wlness: Joelle R. Steward X'!!bu+th Revision of Sheet No.35A.3 Canceling FourthThird Revision of Sheet No.35A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDITLE NO. 35A - Continued MONTIILY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. PO\ilER: The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak periods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kw. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 82E04.00 plus Power and Enerry Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $a040++8e.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL COI\DITION: Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels ofland under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. (Continued) Submitted Under PAC-E-21-07 I TSSIIED: ee$eberlg*el3November8.202l EFX'ECTM: January l, 20n1+ I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMSION OF PAONCORP Rocky Mounlain Porver Exhibit No. 58 Page 64 ot'l2g Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steuard Twelfth Eleve*th Revision of Sheet No.35.2 Canceling ElevenTc*th Revision of Sheet No.36.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.36 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rete: Customer Senice Charge: On Peak Energy Charge: Off Peak Energy Charge: Billing Months May throueh October. Inclusive $!5-q014 per Customer 0e 15.220A4 perkWh#3$ 5.3672* perkWh +x( Billing Months November throueh April. Inclusive $l5.00{4.00 per Customer 13.03951*5 perkWh &4( 4.93464J92 perkWh 6i Minimum Bill: Customer Service Charge. On Peak, Summer months-All kWh used from 8:00 A.M. to ll:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Winter months-All kWh used from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Holidays include only: New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Off Peak: All other kWh usage. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section I l0 of the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the fnst Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. SEASONAL SERYICE: When seasonable service is supplied under this Schedule, the minimum seasonal charge will be $180.00{68+e plus energy charges. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. (Continued) EFFECTM: January l, 20_13 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-l+l+21-07 ISSUED: November +];?€/KIL202L [P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMSION OF PACIRCORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 65 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward ElevenTe*th Revision of Sheet No. 94.1 CancelingbNif,th Revision of Sheet No.94.1 ROCKY MOIINTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDIILE NO.94 STATE OF IDAHO Energy Cost Adjustment AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariffCustomers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT: The Energy Cost Adjustnent is calculated to collect the accumulated difference between total Company Base Net Power Cost and total Company Actual Net Power Cost calculated on a cents per kWh basis. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate by delivery voltage. Delivery Voltage Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Sehedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Sehedule I 6 6A 7 7A 9 l0ll t2 t9 23 234 24 35 35A 36 400 ,le+ Seconda{v 0.57U, per kWh 0.5710 per kWh 0.57|i, per kWh 0.571( per kWh 0.571( per kWh Primary 0.5491, per kWh 0.549(, per kWh 0.549i, per kWh 0549A per kWh 0.549(, per kWh 0.549i, per kWh 0.5491, per kWh Transmission 0.532(, per kWh 0.5321 per kWh 0532#f€r+ryh 0.5710 per kWh 0.571( per kWh 0.571( per kWh OS++#+er++q 0.571i, per kWh 0.571/ per kWh 0.571i per kWh 0.571i, per kWh 0.571i, per kWh 0.571i, per kWh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-8W21-07 ISSUED:@ EX'FECTM:@ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Potrer Exhibit No. 58 Page 66 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steuaard First Revision of Sheet No. 140.1 Cancelins OriginalLP.U.C. No.1 Sheet No. 140.1 ROCKY MOTINTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 140 STATE OF IDAHO Non-Residential Energy Eltrciency PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the effrcient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in Non-residential Facilities through the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures and energy management protocols. Service under this Schedule is subject to funding availability. APPLICABLE: To service underthe Company's General Service Schedules 6,6A,7,7A,9, 10, 12, +23,23A, 24, 35 and 35A in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. This Schedule is applicable to new and existing Non-residential Facilities and dairy barns seryed under the Company's residential rate schedules. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION: Customer participation is voluntary and is initiated by following the participation procedures on the Idaho energy effrciency program section of the Company website, and available to customers without online access upon request. The Company shall have the right to qualiff participants, at its discretion, based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the measures and utility system. Criteria may include, but will not be limited to cost effectiveness. DESCRIPTION: Ongoing program to provide incentives for a variety of equipment and operational improvements intended for and located in Non-residential Facilities. Periodic program changes will be made to encourage customer participation in the program and to insure or enhance program cost-effectiveness as defined by the Company. QUALIFIING MEASURE: Measures which when installed in an eligible facility result in verifiable electric energy efliciency improvement compared to existing equipment or baseline equipment as defined by the Company. The baseline will be determined with reference to existing equipment, applicable state or federal energy codes, industry standard practice and other relevant factors. QUALIFYING ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Operational improvements which when implemented in an eligible facility result in verifiable electric energy savings compared to standard operations as determined by the Company. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E+44821-07 ISSUED: November +Wg-202L EFFECTIVE: I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Porer Exhibit No. 58 Page 67 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wilness: Joelle R. Sts,t ard g$S€+e"th Revision of Sheet No. 191 Canceling Sgvenixth Revision of Sheet No. 191 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 19I STATE OX'IDAEO Customer Efliciency Services Rate Adjustment PURPOSE: The Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with Commission-approved demand-side management expenditures. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail taxiff Customers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have the following percentage increases applied prior to the application of electric service Schedule 34. Schedule I Schedule 6 Schedule 6A Schedule 7 Schedule 7A Schedule 9 Schedule l0 Schedule I I Schedule I 2-+tree+tigh+in€ @ Sehed+*e-f9 Schedule 23 Schedule 23A Schedule 24 Schedule 35 Schedule 35A Schedule 36 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.2s% 2.25% 2.25o/o 2.25% 2.25% 2.25%ww 225% 2.2s% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-+8-B2l-07 ISSUED:@ EFFECTIVE:@ I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No, 58 Page 68 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steurard Pirsf!9cong!-Revision of Sheet No. 197.1 Canceling First Revision oferigi**l-Sheet No. 197.1 ROCKY MOTINTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 197 STATE OF IDAHO X'ederal Tax Act Adjustment APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate. Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Sehed+*e Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule S'ehed+tle I 6 6A 7 7A 9 l0ll t2 14 23 234 24 35 35A 36 400 4+t -0.1823e94 per kWh -0.11t2l6l per kWh -0.1_lt2+61per kWh -0.22415( per kWh -0.2451per kWh -0.QE6+581 per kWh -0.155%++ per kWh -0.ru4451per kWh -0.1009+p per kWh +'aee#per*Wn -0.!5144t, per kWh -0.l5tiXJA per kWh -0.Ut2l6l per kWh -0.122X1per kWh -0.12218i per kWh -0.J54336t, per kWh -0.913+94 per kWh 4J5+#aerk$rh Submitted Under Case No. G}IF{J-#-0+PAC-E-2 I -0 7 ISSUED:@ EFFECTTVE:J@ I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DUISION OF PAOFICORP Rod<y Mountain Porver Exhibit No. 58 Page 69 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelb R. Steulad @gtlRevision of Sheet No. 300.1 Cenceling @heet No. 3fi).1 ROCKY MOT]NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDI'LE NO.3OO STATE OF IDAEO Regulation Charges AVAILABILITY: ln all service tenitory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICATION: For all customers utilizing the services of the Company as defined and described in the Electric Service Regulations. SERVICE CHARGES: Sheet No. Descrintion3R.l Service Connection Charge: Normal Office Hours Charee No Charge $s0.00 $s0.00 No charge Actual Cost $1.15 per month per occupied space l% of delinquent balance per month $123e.00 *Charge assessed if connection is requested and completed on the following holidays: New Year's Day Labor Day Idaho Human Rights Day Thanksgiving Memorial Day Friday after Thanksgiving Independence Day Christmas Day Pioneer Day (July 24) Monday through Friday except holidays 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Weekends and holidays* 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Meter Test for Accuracy Once in twelve months Two or more times in twelve months Fee paid to mobile home operators who sub-meter tenants Late Payment Charge: Returned Payment€he€k Charge: (continued) I zn.z+ I zn.3z 8R.l 8R.2 Submitted Under ISSUED:@ EFI'ECTM:@ I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICOBP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 70 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-O7 Witnese: Joelle R. Steward SixtF$gygalL Revision of Sheet No.300.2 Canceling Six$ifth Revision of Sheet No.300.2 Sheet No. 9R.43 10R.8 10R.8 10R.8 1lR.l ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.300 - Continued Descriotion Charee Security Deposit for New Service: Residential and Small Commercial Up to one sixth of estimated annual billings. Up to two months peak billings.Industrial and Large Commercial Reconnection Charges: Remote Reconnection $7.00 Non-Remote Reconnection Monday through Friday except holidays. 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Weekends and holidays* 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. $2s.00 $s0.00 $s0.00 *Charge assessed if reconnection is requested and completed on the following holidays New Year's Day Labor Day Idaho Human Rights Day Thanksgiving Memorial Day Friday after Thanksgiving Independence Day Christmas Day Pioneer Day (July 24) Tampering Unauthorized Reconnection Charge: Field Visit Charge: Taxes s7s.00 $20.00 Municipality City of Arco City of Ammon City of Bloomington City of Dubois City of Firth City of Franklin City of Iona City of Lewisville City of McCammon City of Mud Lake City of Paris City of Preston Type of Tax or Fee Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Ordinance No. No.2007-B No.50l No.20l2-01 No.268 No. 159 No. 2004-81I No.40 No. 201l-2 No.462 No.60904 No.338 No.2005-4 Amount of Ta,r or Fee 3.OYo 3.0o/o 10.0% 10.00/o 1.0% 3.0o/o 3.0% 2.0% 3.0o/o 2.00/o 3.0% 3.0o/o Date Ordinance Adooted July 23,2007 May 19,201I May 10,2012 March 7,2012 March 14,2000 September 23,2004 June 22,1989 September 14,20ll September 7,2011 June 9,2004 November 2,1998 August 8,2005 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-+sQZ ISSUED:@ EFFECTIVE: Y ROCKY MOUNI]AIN POT'YER ADNEIO0I OF iliClEOOi? Rodry lilotntaln Power E)trdblt No. 58 Pqc 7l of 129 Ces€ No. PAGE 2I-07 WBrors: Jodle R. Sbtrad Si*{ryeElLRcvbion of Shoct No.3fi}2 Cenccllng SirFHt Rcvlaion of Shect No.3002 LP.U,C. No.1 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-{502 ISSTIED:@ EFTDCIIVE: Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 72 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 lMtness: Joelle R. Steward Thir+EqgEL Revision of Sheet No.300.3 Canceling Sceen+I'Uin!_nevision of Sheet No. 300.3I.P.U.C. No.1 Municipality City of Rexburg City of Rigby City of Ririe City of St. Anthony City of Shelley City of Spencer City of Sugar City Sheet No. 12R.1 Description Minimum Engineering Costs ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.300 - Continued Type of Amount of Date Ordinance Tax or Fee Ordinance No. Tax or Fee AdoptedFranchise No.929 6.0% December 8,2004Franchise No. 453 3.0% May 21,1996Franchise No. 104 3i% December3l, 1990 Franchise No. 2001l-10 1.0% September 22,2011 Franchise No.375 3.0o/o October l, 1995 Franchise No. 2008-1 2.0% June 20,2008Franchise No.204 3.0% June 13, 1996 12R.3 l2R.-13 Temporary Service Charge: Service Drop and Meter only (Charge is for connection and disconnection) r2R.l5 25R.1 Contract Administration Allowance Customer Guarantee Credit l: Restoring Supply After an Outage For each additional 12 hours 25R.2 Customer Guarantee Credit 2: Appointments 25R.2 Customer Guarantee Credit 3: Switching on Power 25R'.2 Customer Guarantee Credit 4: Estimates for New Supply Facilities Charges on Facilities less than 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense 0.35% per month Facilities Installed at Company's Expense l.l5% per month Facilities Charges on Facilities at and above 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense 0.15% per month Facilities Installed at Company's Expense 0.80o/o per month Charge $200 $ng@as,ei-$200{5.00 r+reeahas'*$rl5s0 $2s0 $s0.00 $25.00 $50.00 $s0.00 (continued) $s0.00 EFFE Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{4#21-07 ISSTIED: Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTV|S|ON OF FTORCORP Rocky Mountain Porer Exhibit No. 58 Page 73 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Witness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 300.4 Canceline Original Sheet No.300.4LP.U.C. No.l ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 300 - Continued Sheet No. 25R.33 25R.3 25R.3 Description Customer Guarantee Credit 5 Responding to Bill Inquiries Customer Guarantee Credit 6: Resolving Meter Problems Customer Guarantee Credit 7: Notifying of Planned Intemrptions Charee $50.00 $s0.00 $s0.00 Submitted Under 4dvied65s \6.06#PAC-E-2r-07 I rssuED:EX'FECTIVE: LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mounlain Porrcr Exhibit No. 58 Page 74 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Wtness: Joelle R. Sleward @ision of Sheet No. 400.1 Canceling ElevenTenth Revision of Sheet No. 400.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.4OO STATE OF IDAHO Special Contract PIIRPOSE: The purpose of this Schedule is to describe generally the terms and conditions provided by the Company pursuant to a Special Contract approved by the Idaho Public Utility Commission. Availabilitv This schedule is available for firm and intemrptible retail service of electric power and enerry delivered for all service required on the Customer's premises by customers contracting for not less than 150,000 kW as of May 18, 2006 and as provided in the Electric Service Agreement between the two parties. Monthly Charee Firm Power and Energy: Firm Enerry Charge: 33H-3.260 mills per kilowatt hour Customer Charge: $+SSffi1.556.00 per Billing Period Firm Demand Charge: $15+tl5=O! per kW Intemrptible Power and Energy: Intemrptible Energy Charge: -3.260 mills per kilowatt hour Intemrptible Demand Charge: Firm Demand charge minus Intemrptible Credit Excess KVAR: $0.96/KVAR Reolacement Enersy: Adjusted Index Price multiplied by Replacement EnergJ. TariffRates:The Commission approved rates applicable to the Special Contract Customer, including, but not limited to, customer charges, demand charges, energy charges, surcharges, and credits, as specified in Idaho Electric Service Schedule No. 400 or its successor. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-EJ6-I+21-07 I ISSUED: NovemberH;40{61!Q!1 EFX'ECTM: January l, 4+1M LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN FIOWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 75 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Eleventh Revision of Sheet No. 401.1 Canceling Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 401.1 ROCKY MOI.'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.4O1 STATE OF IDAHO Special Contract PURPOSE: The purpose of this Schedule is to describe generally the terms and conditions provided by the Company pursuant to a Special Contract approved by the Idaho Public Utility Commission. Availabilitv This schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energy delivered for the operations of Itafos Conda LLC's facilities located at Soda Springs, Idaho, as provided in the Power Supply Agreement between the two parties. Monthly Charse Customer Charge - $ per Month Demand Charge - $ per kW-month Energy Charge - $ per MWh HLH Monday through Friday HE0800 to HE2300 MPT LLH All other hours and Holidays May - October $ 442.00 $ 17.60 November - April $ 442.00 $ 14.19 $ 39.460 s 33.2s4 s 30.240 $ 30.240 Tariff Rates: The Commission approved rates applicable to Itafos Conda LLC, including, but not limited to, customer charges, demand charges, energy charges, surcharges, and credits, as specified in Idaho Electric Service Schedule No. 401 or its successor. Submitted Under Advice No. l8-01 ISSUED: January 12,2018 EFFECTM: February l,2018 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAqFTORP Rodry Mountain Poucr Exhibit No. 58 Page 76 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steulad First Revision of Sheet No. C Cancelins Original Sheet No. CLP.U.C. No. I ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER Salt Lake City, Utah ELECTRIC SERVICE In The STATE OF IDAHO Under IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TARItr'X'NO. 1 Issuing OIIicer Vice President, Regulation Salt Lake City, UT Submitted Under Wase No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8.202lA,ugus+-l@e6 EFFECTM: of for I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Porrer Exhibit No. 58 Page 77 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 lMtness: Joelle R. Steward Firs+Second Revision of Sheet No. tR2 Canceling @Sheet No. 8R2 6.N)JUSTMENT FOR BILLING ERROR Corrected billings may be made to adjust for billing errors including but not limited to reasons such as a meter malfunctioned or failed, bills were estimated, metering equipment was incorrectly installed or programmed, or bills were inaccurately prepared as follows: If the time when the malfunction or eror began cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billing period, the corrected billings shall not exceed the most recent six months before the discovery of the malfunction or error. (b)If the time when the malfunction or error began can be reasonably determined and the Customer was undercharged, the corrected billing may not exceed the most recent six (6) months. If a reasonable person should have known of the incorrect billing, the adjustment may be extended for a period not to exceed three (3) years. (c)If the time when the malfunction or error began can be reasonably determined and the Customer was overcharged, the conected billing may go back to that time but not to exceed three (3) years from the time the malfunction or error occurred. Under no circumstances shall the adjustment exceed three (3) years. 7 BILLING T]NDER INAPPROPRIATE TARIX'F SCHEI'IILE Corrected billings shall be made to adjust for billing under inappropriate tariffSchedules as follows: If the time when the error began cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billing period, the corrected bill shall not exceed the most recent six (6) months. (b)If the time when the error began can be reasonably determined and the Customer was undercharged, the corrected billing shall not exceed the most recent six (6) months. If a reasonable person should have known of the incorrect billing, the adjustment may be extended for a period not to exceed three (3) years. (c)If the time when the error can be reasonably determined and the Company determined the Customer was overcharged the corrected billing shall go back to that time, but not to exceed three (3) years from the time the error occurred. The Company shall not be required to adjust billings when it has acted in good faith based on the best available information or when the Customer was given written notice of options under the tariff schedules and did not make timely election to choose available options. RETURNED@HARGE A charge as specified in Schedule 300 may be made and collected by Company for each e'heek payment retumed by a bank to the Company. 9. PAPERLESS BILL CREDIT The Company will provide a Paperless Bill Credit as shown in Schedule 300 to Customers on a metered service schedule who enroll in paperless billing. Submitted Under ru+iee+,e*ereaSe No. 0944P4GE2LQZ ISSUED: ET.FECTTVE: (a) (a) 8. Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 78 ol1'29 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Fifth Revision of Sheet No. B.1 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No.8.1I.P.U.C. No. I Schedule No. 7A 9 l0 ll t2 l4 2t 6 6A 7 ROCKY MOTTNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES STATE OF IDAIIO Class of Service Residential Service General Service - Large Power General Service - Large Power (Residential and Farm) Security Area Lighting Security Area Lighting (Residential and Farm) General Service - High Voltage Inigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service Street Lighting Service- Company-Owned System Street and Security Area Lighting Service- Consumer-Owned System Temporary Service Connection Facilities - No New Service* Low Income Weatherization Services (Continued) Sheet No. 1.1 & 1.2 6.1 - 6.3 6A.t - 64.4 7.1-7.2 7A.t -7/..3 9.r - 9.3 l0.l - 10.4 ll.l - 11.3 tz.t - 12.5 t4 2t.r - 2t .6 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSIIED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l,2022 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 79 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward Sixth Revision of Sheet No. B.3 Canceling X'ifth Revision of Sheet No. B.3 I.P.U.C. No.1 Schedule No. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDIILES - Continued Class of Service Net Metering Service Net Billing Service Non-Residential Energr Effrciency Customer Effrciency Services Rate Adjustment Federal Tax Act Adjustment Regulation Charges Special Contract Sheet No. 135.1 - 135.3 136.1 - 136.4 140.1 - 140.3 l9l r97 300.1 - 300.4 400.1 135 136 140 l9l 197 300 400 Schedule numbers not listed are not currently used.t These schedules are not available to new customers or premises. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTIYE: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 80 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward Eleventh Revision of Sheet No. 1.1 Canceling Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 1.1 ROCKY MOTINTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. I STATE OT'IDAHO Residential Service AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current electric service supplied at approximately 120 or 240 volts through one kilowatt-hour meter at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises for Residential purposes. When conditions are such that service is supplied through one meter to more than one dwelling or apartment unit, the charge for such service will be computed by multiplying the minimum charges by the maximum number of dwelling or apartment units that may be served. When a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for business, professional or other gainful purposes, the premises will be classified as nonresidential and the appropriate schedule applied. However, if the wiring is so arranged that the service for Residential purposes can be metered separately, this Schedule will be applied to such service. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: $8.00 per Customer Energy Charge:(1) Billing months June throush October inclusive 11.1966 I per kWh first 700 kWh 13.0999 I per kWh all additional kwh ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Roclq Mountain Pou,er Exhibit No.58 Page 81 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 VMtness: Joelle R. Steward Eleventh Revision of Sheet No. 1.2 Canceling Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 1.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. I - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) Billing months November through May inclusive 9.3305(, per kWh first 1,000 kWh 10.9165t, per kWh all additional kWh MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. SEASONAL SERVICE seasonal charge will be $96.00. When seasonal service is supplied under this Schedule, the minimum CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agteement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agteement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2l-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (2) EFFECTryE: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 82oI 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Sleward Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 6.1 Canceling Eighth Revision of Sheet No. 6.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.6 STATE OF IDAHO General Service - Large Power AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Billing Months June through October. Inclusive $ 38.00 per Customer $ I14.00 per Customer Billing Months November through May. Inclusive $ 38.00 per Customer $ I 14.00 per Customer Power Rate: Energy Rate: $ 13.62 4.2s061, per kW for all kW per kWh for all kWh (Continued) per kW for all kW per kWh for all kWh $ 12.27 4.2s06(, Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l,2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OtVtStON OF PACTFTCORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 83 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 6.2 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 6.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.6 - Continued Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85%o lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of lo/o for every l%o that the power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on measured Power will be: $0.65 per kW for all kW of Power Minimum Bill: The Customer Service Charge POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a)Customer may contract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b)Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 456.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts and $ 1,368.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 84 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward Ninth Revision of Sheet No.6A.1 Canceling Eighth Revision of Sheet No.6A.1 ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.6A STATE O['IDAHO General Service - Large Power (Residential and Farm) AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load" or "Farm Load" under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for altemating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Power Rate: Energy Rate: Billing Months June through October. Inclusive $ 38.00 per Customer Billing Months November throueh May. Inclusive $ 38.00 per Customer s l14.00 $ 13.62 4.2s06( per Customer per kW for all kW per kWh for all kWh (Continued) per Customer per kW for all kW per kWh for all kWh $ r 14.00 $ 12.27 4.2s061, Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSIIED: November 8, 2021 EI'F'ECTIYE: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 85 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wrtness: Joelle R. Steward Fifth Revision of Sheet No.5A.3 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No.6A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.6A- Continued SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 456.00 plus Power and Enerry Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts and $1,368.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, apartment, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and inigation pumping. Contiguous parcels land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: -- size -- use -- ownership -- control - operating practices -- distance between parcels -- custom in the trade - billing treatrnent by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certiff to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. ISSUED: November 8,2021 (Continued) EFFECTM: January l,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN nPJly.En., Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 86 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Ste\ rard Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 7.1 Canceling Eighth Revision of Sheet No. 7.1I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 STATE OF IDAHO Security Area Lighting AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. Lights installed on a structure other than an existing distribution pole are closed to new service. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for electric service required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Lighting service where service is supplied from a Company-owned pole. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: (Continued) Lisht Level LED Eouivalent Lumen Ranse Total Level 1 <=5,500 $12.96 Level2 5.501-12.000 $r4.72 Level 3 >12.000 $17.48 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Porer Exhibit No. 58 Page 87 ot 129 Case No. ?AC-E-2147 Witness: Joelle R. Steward Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 7.2 Canceling Sixth Revision of Sheet No.7.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 7 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) SPECIFICATIONS AI{D SERVICE FOR SECURITY ARBA LIGIITING: Security flood lights may be mounted on Company-owned poles or on Customer-owned supports acceptable to the Company. The type and kind of fixtures and supports will be in accord- ance with the Company's specifications. Service includes enerry supplied from the Company's overhead circuits, maintenance and lamp and glassware renewals. Lamps will be controlled by the Company to bum each night from dusk to dawn. COI\IVERSIONS: The Company, upon written request of customer, will convert existing street lighting facilities to other types of lamps (i.e., convert mercury vapor fixtures and lamps to sodium vapor fixtures and lamps, etc.). In such an event, customer shall pay to Company an arnount equal to the depreciated value of all Company-owned facilities removed from service and replaced with new equipment plus the cost of removal less any salvage value. Priority in making conversions shall be determined by the order in which requests are received by the Company. CONTRACT PERIOD: Five years or longer. PROVISIONS l. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights form Customer or a member of the public by either notiffing Rocky Mountain Power's customer service (l-888-221-7070) or www.rockymountainpower.net/streetlights Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to this tariff. 2. The Company reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided hereunder.3. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporary suspension of power for lighting by written notice. During such periods, the monthly rate will be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and energy costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity. 4. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety reasons, shall be done at the Customer's expense, using the original pole color. 5. Glare or vandalism shielding, when requested by the Customer, and subject to availability, shall be installed at the Customerns expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism, the Company may notiff the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or otherwise have the lighting removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service underthis Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agteement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN HP:[y,E^n.-, Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 88 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Eighth Revision of Sheet No. 7A.1 Canceling Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 7A.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO.7A STATE OF IDAHO Security Area Lighting (Residential and Farm) AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load" or "Farm Load" under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. Lights installed on a structure other than an existing distribution pole are closed to new service. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for electric service required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Lighting service where service is supplied from a Company-owned pole. MONTHLY BILL: Rate Lisht Level LED Equivalent Lumen Ranse Total Level I <:5,500 $12.96 Level2 5.501-12.000 $14.72 Level 3 >12.000 $17.48 MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this Schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE FOR SECITRITY AREA LIGHTING: Security flood lights may be mounted on Company-owned poles or on Customer-owned supports acceptable to the Company. The type and kind of fixtures and supports will be in accordance with the Company's specifications. Service includes energy supplied from the Company's overhead circuits, maintenance and lamp and glassware renewals. Lamps will be controlled by the Company to bum each night from dusk to dawn. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EX'FECTM: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF RACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 89 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 7A.2 Canceling Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 7A.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO. 7A - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL COIIDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, apartment, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and inigation pumping. Contiguous parcels ofland under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels ofland under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: ownership control operating practices distance between parcels custom in the trade billing treatment by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certiff to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. (Continued) size use Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 90 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2'|-07 Wltness: Joelle R. Steuard First Revision of Sheet No.7A.3 Cenceling Original Sheet No. 7A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDIILE NO. 7A - Continued SPECIAL CONDITION: (continued) Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm will have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company, the Customer may appeal the decision to the Idatro Public Utilities Commission. PROVISIONSl. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights from Customer or a member of the public by either notiffing Rocky Mountain Power's customer service (1-888-221-7070) or www.rockymountainpower.net/streetlishts Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to this tariff.2. The Company reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided hereunder. 3. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporary suspension of power for lighting by written notice. During such periods, the monthly rate will be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and energy costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity.4. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety reasons, shall be done at the Customer's expense, using the original pole color.5. Glare or vandalism shielding, when requested by the Customer, and subject to availability, shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism, the Company may notiff the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or otherwise have the lighting removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service underthis Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EX'FECTM: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 91 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Vvitness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 9.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 9.1 ROCKY MOI.INTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.9 STATE OF IDAHO General Service - High Voltage AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, three phase electric service supplied at approximately 44,000 volts or 69,000 volts or greater, through a single point of delivery, for all service required on the Customer's premises by customers contracting for not less than 80 kW nor more than 30,000 kW. Seasonal service will be available only under other appropriate schedules. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 30,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 30,000 kW, continued service will require special contract arrangements; provided, however, that special contract arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 30,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 30,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirement, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 92 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 9.2 Canceling Eighth Revision of Sheet No.9.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.9 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Customer Service Charge: Billing Months June throush October. Inclusive $372.00 per Customer $10.31 per kW for all kW Billing Months November throueh May. Inclusive $372.00 per Customer S 9.29 per kW for all kWPower Rate: Energy Rate: On-Peak Off-Peak TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: Off-Peak: s.l r rsl 3.9086rt per kWh per kWh 4.636s( 3.s213( per kWh per kWh November through May inclusive 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m., all days June through October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m., all days. All other times. Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of lYo for every l%6 that the power factor is less than 85%. Minimum: The Customer Service Charge plus the minimum Power Charge and appropriate Energy Charges. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2l-07 ISSIIED: November 8,2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DtVtStON OF nACtFtCOBP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 93 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Stalard Original Sheet No.9.3I.P.U.C. No. I ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO.9 - Continued MONTHLY BILL (continued): POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW, but not less than 80 kW. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTIYE: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN P(OWER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 94 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Vvitness: Joelle R. Steward Eleventh Revision of Sheet No. 10.2 Cancelinq Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 10.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE No. 10 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (Continued) Power Rate: $5.96 per kW for all kW Energy Rate: 8.8388f per kWh for first 25,000 kwh 6.60541, per kWh for the next 225,000 kWh 4.94351, per kWh for all additional kWh Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 3/4 of lo/o for every l%o that the power factor is less than 85%. Minimum: The Customer Service Charge. Post-Season Rate Customer Senice Charge: Energy Rate: $23.00 per Customer 7.5110( per kWh for all kWh Minimum: The Customer Service Charge. ADJUSTMENTS: All monthly bills shall be adjusted in accordance with Schedules 34 and94. PAYMENT: All monthly service billings will be due and payable when rendered and will be considered delinquent if not paid within fifteen (15) days. An advance payment may be required of the Customer by the Company in accordance with Electric Service Regulation No. 9. An advance may be required under any of the following conditions: (l) the Customer failed to pay all amounts owed to the Company when due and payable; (2)the Customer paid an advance the previous season that did not adequately cover bills for the entire season and the Customer failed to pay any balance owing by the due date ofthe final billing issued for the season. ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (Continued) EFFECTM: January l, 2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTV|STON OF PACTFTCORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 95 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 11.1 Canceling Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 11.1I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOITNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 11 STATE OF IDAHO Street Lighting Service Company-0wned System AVAILABILITY: In all tenitory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICATION: To unmetered lighting service provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, county, state or federal governments for dusk to dawn illumination of public streets, highways and thoroughfares by means of Company owned, operated and maintained street lighting systems controlled by a photoelectric control or time switch. MONTHLY BILL: The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the rate tables below. Functional Lishtins LED Equivalent Lumen Ranqe Total Level I <:3,500 $16.24 Level2 3.501-5.500 $17.32 Level 3 5.501-8.000 $17.84 Level 4 8.001-12.000 $18.44 Level 5 12,001-r5,500 $19.48 Level 6 >15.500 s23.21 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EX'I'ECTM: January l,2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER A OIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Porer Exhibit No. 58 Page 96 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 11.2 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 11.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.11- Continued DEFINITIONS: f,'unctional Lighting: Common, less expensive luminaires that may be mounted either on wood, fiberglass or non-decorative metal poles. PROYISIONS: l. Installation, daily operation, repair and maintenance of lights on this rate schedule to be performed by the Company, providing that the facilities furnished remain readily accessible for maintenance purposes. 2. Company will install only Company approved street lighting equipment at locations acceptable to Company. 3. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by Company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights from the Customer or a member of the public by either notifring Rocky Mountain Power's customer service at (l-888-221-7070) or www.rockymountainpower.net/streetlights. Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair street lights is limited to this tariff. 4. Existing fixtures and facilities that are deemed ineparable will be replaced with comparable fixtures and facilities from the Company's Construction Standards. 5. The Company will, upon written request of Customer, convert existing street lighting facilities to other types of Company approved facilities. In such event, should the revenue increase, the streetlighting extension allowance defined in Rule 12, section 3.f is applicable only to the increase in annual revenue due to the replacement. Ifthere is no increase in revenue, there is no allowance. The Customer shall advance the estimated cost of all materials and labor associated with installation and removal, less the estimated salvage on dl the removed facilities, in excess of the applicable allowance. 6. The entire system, including initial lamp requirements and wiring suitable for connection to Company's system, will be furnished and installed by the Company. The Customer is responsible for all associated costs that exceed the Street Lighting Extension Allowance as described in the General Rules of this tariff. Customer shall not perform the electrical connection of meters or service conductor to the point of delivery. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 EFFECTM: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTV|S|ON OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 97 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mlness: Joelle R. Steward Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 12.1 Canceling Eighth Revision of Sheet No. 12.1 ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 STATE OF IDAHO Street and Security Area Lighting Seruice Customer-Owned System AVAILABILITY: In all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICATION: To lighting service provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, county, state or federal governments for dusk to dawn illumination of public streets, highways and thoroughfares by means of Customer owned street lighting systems controlled by a photoelectric control or time switch. Security Area Lighting service on this Schedule is closed to new service. MONTHLY BILL: 1. Energy Only Service - Rate per Luminaire Energy Only Service includes energy supplied from Company's overhead or underground circuits and does not include any maintenance to Customer's facilities. The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the rate tables below. Iligh Pressure Sodium Vapor-No Maintenance Lumen Ratine 5,800 9,500 16,000 27,500 50,000 Watts 70 100 150 250 400 Monthly kWh 28 39 59 96 148 Energy Only Service $2.s0 $3.s0 $s.21 s8.90 $r3.67 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (Continued) EFFECTM: January l,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 98 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Ste\rard Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 12.2 Cancelins Eishth Revision of Sheet No. 12.2I.P.U.C. No. I Metal Halide - No Maintenance Lumen Rating 9,000 12,000 19,500 32,000 107,800 Watts 100 175 250 400 1000 Monthlv kWh 39 69 93 145 352 Enerw Onlv Service $3.s4 $6.2r $8.50 $r 3.36 $3 r.99 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) Sodium Vapor Security Area Flood Licht - No Maintenance Lumen Ratine 16.000 Watts 150 Monthlv kWh 39 Enersv Onlv Service $r4.20 For nonJisted luminaires, the cost will be calculated for 4167 annual hours of operation including applicable loss factors for ballasts and starting aids at the cost per kWh given below. Non-Listed Luminaire $/kwh Enersy Only Service s0.090681 Low Pressure Sodium Vapor - No Maintenance Lumen Rating 33,000 Watts 180 Monthlv kWh 74 Enersy Only Service $8.07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (Continued) EFFECTM: January l,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 99 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 12.3 Canceling Sixth Revision of Sheet No. 12.3I.P.U.C. No. I ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) 2. Maintenance Service (No New Service) Monthly maintenance is only applicable for existing monthly maintenance service agreements in effect priorto June 29,2007. A. Street Lishtins. "Partial Maintenance" MercuryVapor- Partial Maintenance Lumen Ratine t0.000 20.000 Watts 250 400 Monthlv kWh 93 145 Partial Maintenance Service $r4.s5 s19.47 B. Street Lighting. "Full Maintenance" Iligh Pressure Sodium - Partiel Maintenence Lumen Ratins 5.800 9.500 27.500 50.000 Watts 70 100 250 400 Monthlv kWh 28 39 96 148 Partial Maintenance Service $s.22 s6.72 $10.75 $14.48 High Pressure Sodium - X'uIl Maintenance Lumen Ratins 5.800 9.500 r6.000 27.s00 50.000 Watts 70 100 150 250 400 Monthly kWh 28 39 59 96 148 Full Maintenance Service $s.84 $7.4s $8.93 $ r 1.70 $1s.60 (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 100 of '129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 VMtness: Joelle R. Steward Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 12.4 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 12.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.12 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) SPECIFICATIONS AIYD SERVICE FOR STREET LIGHTING WITH PARTIAL AI\D FULL MAINTENANCE (NO NEW SERVICE): Installations must have met Company construction standards in place at the time of installation in order to receive "full maintenance." If Company is unable to obtain materials to perform maintenance, the street light facilities will be deemed obsolete and must be upgraded at customer expense in order to qualiff for maintenance under the Electric Service Schedule. Street Lighting Service under "partial maintenance" includes energJ, lamp and glassware renewals and cleaning of glassware. Street Lighting Service under "full maintenance" includes energy, lamp and glassware replacements and cleaning of glassware, and replacement of damaged or inoperative photocells, ballasts, starting aids, poles, mast arms and luminaires: provided, however, that any costs for materials which are over and above costs for Company's standard materials, as determined by the Company, are not included in this Electric Service Schedule. Such extra costs shall be paid by Customer. Buming-hours of lamps will be controlled by the Company. The Company shall not be liable under the maintenance provided under "Full Maintenance" for damages caused by (a) war; (b) earthquakes; and (c) acts of God, excepting lightning strikes; or (d) sabotage. The costs associated with replacements and repairs to Customer-owned facilities associated with these acts will be billed to the Customer on an as if and when basis. PROVISIONS: The Company will not maintain new Customer owned street lights. Such maintenance will be the responsibility of the Customer; however the Company may install pole identification tags for the purposes of tracking unmetered Customer owned lights. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l,2022 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A I)|VISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 101 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 VMtness: Joelle R. Steward Second Revision of Sheet No. 12.5 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 12.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO. 12 - Continued PROVISIONS: (continued) 2. Customer owned lights, mounted to Company owned distribution poles, shall be installed, maintained, transferred or removed only by qualified personnel. Appurtenances or other alterations to the Company's standard will not be supported by, or become the responsibility of, the Company. Following notification by the Customer, inoperable lights under this provision will be repaired as soon as possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by Company's operating schedule and requirements. Costs described in this provision will be invoiced to the Customer upon completion of the work. 3. The entire system, including the design of facilities, installation of fixtures on Customer poles, and wiring suitable for connection to Company's system, will be furnished by the Customer. 4. Customer must notiff the Company in writing of any changes to the street lighting system which would affect billing, including new installations, removals or wattage changes. Standard notification procedure will be through online forms at www.rockymtnpower.net/streetlights. 5. All new underground-fed lights on this schedule will require a Customer installed means of disconnect acceptable to both the Company and the local electrical inspecting authority. 6. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Consumer shall be at the Consumer's expense. 7. Where approved by the Company, all new pole mounted outlets used for holiday or other decorations, as well as traffic or other signal systems, will be supplied with service on a metered General Service rate schedule via a Consumer-installed meter base. CONTRACT PERIOD: Not less than one (1) year for both new and replacement fixtures. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this schedule is part and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EX'FECTM: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 1O2ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \A/itness: Joelle R. Steward Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 23.1 Canceling Eighth Revision of Sheet No. 23.1 ROCKY MOTTNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDTJLE NO.23 STATE O['IDAHO General Service AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for altemating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Energy Rate Billing Months June throush October. Inclusive $18.00 per Customer $48.00 per Customer 95136i per kWh for all kWh Billing Months November throuetr May. Inclusive S18.00 per Customer s48.00 7s280( per Customer per kWh for all kWh ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mounlain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 103 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward X'ifth Revision of Sheet No. 23.2 Cancelinq X'ourth Revision of Sheet No. 23.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.23 - Continued Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, Customer will be billed for 314 of l%o of the Power recorded by the Company's meter for every l%o that the power factor is less than 85%. This Power will be billed at the Power Rate stated in Electic Service Schedule No. 6. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all hansformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on measured Energy will be: 0.43971, per kWh for all kWh. Minimum Bill: The Customer Service Charge POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of the Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operations. (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $216.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2,300 volts and S576.00 plus Enerry Charges for Customer taking service at2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OtVtStON OF PACTFTCORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 1M oI 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Stelvard Ninth Revision of Sheet No.23A.1 Canceling Eighth Revision of Sheet No.23A.1 ROCKY MOI]NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.23A STATE OF IDAHO General Service @esidential and Farm) AVAIII\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load" or "Farm Load" under both(l) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Energy Rate: Billing Months June throueh October. Inclusive $18.00 per Customer $48.00 per Customer 9.51361, per kWh for all kWh (Continued) Billing Months November throush May. Inclusive $18.00 per Customer $48.00 7.9280A per Customer per kWh for all kWh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 EFFECTM: January l,2022 LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 105 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R, Steward Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 23A.3 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No.23A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDT LE NO.23A- Continued SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $216.00 plus Enerry Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2,300 volts and $576.00 plus Enerry Charges for Customer taking service at2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, aparfrnent, seasonal dwelling and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and inigation pumping. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered .!s one Farm unit when operated as a single Fann, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: ownership control operating practices distance between parcels custom in the trade billing treatment by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certiff to the utility all inigation accounts, including horsepower rating. Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm will have to make applicafion with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company, the Customer may appeal the decision to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. slze use (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 106 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 V\rrtness: Joelle R. Steward Second Revision of Sheet No. 31.1 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 31.1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31 STATE OT'IDAHO Partial Requirements Seruice -- Large General Senice- 1,000 kW and Over AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, three phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through a single point of delivery for Supplementary, Back-up, Maintenance Power or Excess Service (partial requirements service) in addition to regular electric requirements obtained from any service other than the Company, including on-site generation. This Schedule is applicable to customen with on-site generation of more than 1,000 kW but that does not exceed 30,000 kW. Customers not contracting for Back-up Power shall not be subject to this Schedule and shall receive electric service under the applicable general service schedule. This Schedule is not applicable to service for resale, intermittent or highly fluctuating loads, or seasonal use. This Schedule is not required where on-site generation is used only for emergency supply during times of utility orxage. This Schedule is not available to loads in excess of 30,000 kW, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Billing Months June through October. Inclusive Billing Months November through May. Inclusive Customer Service Charge: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Back-up Facilities Rate: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage per Customer per Customer per Customer $38.00 sr 14.00 $372.00 s38.00 sr 14.00 s372.00 per Customer per Customer per Customer $8.r4 s7.77 $s.73 $6.6s $6.28 $4.32 per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW The Facilities Rate applies to the kW of Back-up Contract Power Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OtVtStON OF PACTFTCORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 107 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 31.2 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 31.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31- Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Billing Months June throueh October. Inclusive Back-up Power Rate: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage $0.27 $0.26 $0.19 $0.23 s0.22 s0.14 all kW Day all kW Day all kW Day per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kWh per kWh per kWh per kWh Billing Months November through May. Inclusive all kW Day all kW Day all kW Day Back-up Power is billed on a per day basis and is based on the fifteen (15) minute period of the Customer's greatest use of Back-up Power during the day Scheduled Maintenance Power rate is one tnlt(ll2) of the Back-up Power Excess Power Rate: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Supplementary Power Rate: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Supplementary and Back-up Energy Rate: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage On-Peak Off-Peak $29.44 $28.10 s20.62 $24.21 $22.88 $ls.ss $12.27 $l1.62 $9.29 4.2s06( 4.25061 per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kWh per kWh per kWh per kWh $13.62 $r2.97 $ 10.31 4.2s061, 4.2s06i 5.r l l5l 3.9086(, 4.636s(, 3.52131, TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: Off-Peak: November through May inclusive 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m., all days. June through October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m., all days. All other times. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (continued) EX'['ECTM: January l,2022 LP.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTVISTON OF PACTFTCORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 108 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wlness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 31.3 Canceling Original Sheet No. 31.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31- Continued POWER FACTOR: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by % of lYofor every l%i that the power factor is less than 85%. VOLTAGE LEYELS: Secondary Voltage applies where a distribution Customer takes service from Company's available lines of less than 2,300 volts. himary Voltage applies where a distribution Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 to less than 46,000 volts and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary related equipment. Transmission Voltage applies where service is supplied at approximately 46,000 volts or greater through a single point of delivery. POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the 1S-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month or day, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. TYPE OF SERVICE: Whether Power is considered scheduled maintenance, supplementary, back- up, or excess is determined as follows. When the Customer has pre-scheduled Maintenance Service, the power measurements from 0 kW up to the level equal to the pre-scheduled Back-up Power shall be considered Scheduled Maintenance Power. Power measurements above the Scheduled Maintenance Power up to the level equal to the Supplementary Contract Power shall be considered supplementary power. Power measured above the sum of the Scheduled Maintenance Power and Supplementary Contract Power level up to the Total Contract Power (the sum of the Supplementary Contract Power and the Back-up Contract Power) shall be considered Back-up Power. Power measurements in excess of Total Contract Power shall be considered Excess Power. When the Customer has not pre-scheduled Maintenance Service, power measurements from 0 kW up to the level equal to the Supplementary Contract Power shall be considered Supplementary Power. Power measurements above the Supplementary Contract Power level but less than Total Contract Power (the sum of the Supplementary Contract Power and the Back-up Contract Power) shall be considered back-up power. Power measurements in excess of Total Contract Power shall be considered Excess Power. DEX'IMTIONS: BACK-LrP CONTRACT POWER: The specified Power in kilowatts of Back-up Power that the Customer contracts with the Company to supply and which the Company agrees to have available for delivery to the Customer in excess of which the Company is under no obligation to supply. The Back-up Contract Power shall be established by agreement between the Customer and the Company. The level of Back-up Contract Power shall not exceed the total output capacity of the Customer's generation facilities. (continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICOFP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 109 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 31.4 Canceling Original Sheet No.31.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31- Continued DEFINITIONS (continued): BACK-IIP FOWER - DAILY: The kW of Back-up Contract Power supplied by the Company to the Customer. Back-up Power shall be determined for each day of the Billing Period. The kW of Back-up Power each day shall be the kW for the fifteen (15) minute period of the CustomeCs greatest use of Back-up Power that day, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. The Back-up Power for the Billing Period shall be the sum of the Back-up Power for each day of the Billing Period. For each fifteen minute period, Back-up Power shall equal the Measured Power minus the Supplementary Contract Power but shall not be less than zero nor greater than the Back-up Contract Power. BACK-IIP SERVICE: Back-up service is electric service used by the Customer to replace electric service ordinarily generated by the Customer's own generation equipment during outages of the facility. BILLING PERIOD: The period of approximately 30 days intervening between regular successive meter reading dates. There shall be 12 billing periods per year. POWER: The rate in kilowatts at which electric enerSi is generated, transfened or used. Power measurements are calculated based on the average (integrated) usage over consecutive 15 minute periods of time. Power measurements may be based on any one such fifteen minute period in a Billing Period on the period ofgreatest use during the Billing Period, or on the period ofgreatest use during each day, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. EXCESS POWER: Excess Power is the power supplied by the Company to the Customer in excess of the Total Contract Power. The kW of Excess Power for the Billing Period shall be the kW for the 15 minute period of the Customer's greatest use of Excess Power during the Billing Period, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. For each 15 minute period, Excess Power shall equal the Measured Power minus the Total Contract Power but shall not be less than zero. EXCESS SERVICE: Excess service is service used by the Customer over and above the contracted amount for both Supplementary Service and Back-up Service or Maintenance Service. MAINTENAI\CE SERVICE: Maintenance service is electric service used by the Customer to replace electric service ordinarily generated by the Customer's own generation equipment dwing scheduled outages of the facility. MEASITRED POWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of the Power meter located at the Company's point of delivery, for the 15 minute period of the Customer's greatest use during the Billing Period or that day. MEAST RED ENERGY: The electic enerry in kWh as shown by or computed from the readings of the kilowatt-hour meter located at the Company's point of delivery. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 EFI'ECTM: January 1,2022 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 110 ol'129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Vvitness: Joelle R. Steward I.P.U.C. No. 1 First Revision of Sheet No. 31.5 Canceling Original Sheet No.31.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.31- Continued DEFINITIONS (continued): SCHEDULED MAINTENAIICE POWER: Elechic Power and energy made available by the Company to a Customer during the scheduled maintenance periods established in accordance with the provisions of this schedule to replace Back-up Power. Scheduled Maintenance Power shall not exceed the Back-up Contract Power. SUPPLEMENTARY CONTRACT POWER: The specified Power in kW of Supplementary Power that the Customer contracts with the Company to supply and which the Company agrees to have available for delivery to the Customer. The Supplementary Confiact Power shall be established by agreement between the Customer and the Company. Measured Power in excess of the Supplementary Contract Power shall not establish new Supplementary Contract Power. SUPPLEMENTARY POWER: The kW of Supplementary Contract Power supplied by the Company to the Customer. The kW of Supplementary Power for the Billing Period shall be the kW for the 15 minute period of the Customer's greatest use of Supplementary Power during the Billing Period, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. For each 15 minute period dwing the Billing Period, Supplementary Power shall equal the Measured Power but shall not be less than zero nor greater than the Supplementary Contract Power. SITPPLEMEI{TARY SERVICE: Supplementary service is electric service regularly used by a Customer in addition to that which the Customer generates itself. TOTAL CONTRACT POWER: The sum of the Supplementary Contract Power and the Back-up Contract Power. SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE: Customer shall submit to the Company, in writing, Customer's proposed maintenance schedule and nominated Scheduled Maintenance Power for each month of an 18 month period beginning with the date of the Customer's initial receipt of service under this schedule. Customer shall, prior to September lst of each subsequent year, submit to the Company, in writing Customer's proposed maintenance schedule for each month of an I 8 month period begrnning with January I $ of the following year. The proposed schedules will not be deemed a request for Maintenance Service unless so designated by the Customer and accepted by the Company in writing. Maintenance shall be scheduled for a maximum of 30 days per year. These 30 days may be taken in either one continuous period, or two continuous 15 day periods. Solely at the discretion of the Company and for good cause, the maintenance maximum may be extended. The Customer may present a request for a maintenance outage in writing to the Company no less than 30 days in advance of the date of the scheduled maintenance with the nominated Scheduled Maintenance Power. The Company reserves the right to modify Customer's requested maintenance schedule. Any modifications by the Company must be made with reason within seven days a"fter that schedule has been received by the Company. (continued) I Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIRCORP Rocky Mountain Porver Exhibit No. 58 Page 11'l ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 VMtness: Joelle R. Steward Eighth Revision of Sheet No. 34.1 Canceling Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 34.1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.34 STATE OF IDAHO Pacilic Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act Residential and X'arm Kilowatt-Hour Credit APPLICATION AI\ID AVAILABILITY: This Schedule is applicable and available to qualiffing Residential and/or Farm Customers of the Company under the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. MONTHLY RATES: The monthly charges for service under each of the Electric Service Schedules shown below shall be reduced by the appropriate kilowatt-hour credit for all qualiffing kilowatt-hours of residential and/or farm use. Kilowatt-Hour Credit Adiustrnents: Irrigation Customers: Schedule No. l0 $0.010133 per kWh Non-Irrieation Customers : Schedule Nos. 1, 6A,7A,23A 35A,36 $0.010133 per kWh ISSIIED: November 8, 2021 (continued) EFI'ECTM: January l, 2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 112ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 35.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 35.1 ROCKY MOI]NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35 STATE OF IDAHO Optional Time-of-Day General Service - Distribution Voltage AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity to a limited number of customers each year on a priority basis, and is dependent upon the ability of the Company to obtain adequate metering equipment. The priority is based on the time the application is filed with the Company. Those customers applying first would have the highest priority. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage, but less than 46,000 volts through a single point of delivery for non-residential, non-irrigation, non-street lighting, and non-area lighting customers, for all service required on the Customer's premises by Customers contracting for not more than 30,000 kW. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 30,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 30,000 kW, continued service will require special contract arrangements; provided, however, that special contract arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 30,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 30,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirements, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (Continued) EFX'ECTM: January l, 2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 113 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 35.2 Canceling Ninth Revision of Sheet No.35.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO.35 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Power Charge: On-Peak kW Energy Charge: Per kWh for all kWh TIME PERIODS On-Peak Off-Peak $ 69.00 per Customer $170.00 per Customer $ 16.95 per kW s.37921, 7:00 a.m. to l0:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, except holidays. All other times. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section 1 10 of the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. Holidays include only New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday) will be considered a holiday and consequently Off-Peak. Power f,'actor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average Power factor is found to be less than 85%o lagging the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of l%o for every l% that the Power factor is less than 85%. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 per kW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Demand and Energy charges. (Continued) EFFECTM: January l,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTVTSTON OF PACTFTCORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 114 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Fifth Revision of Sheet No. 35.3 Canceling Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 35.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35 - Continued POWER: The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak periods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kw. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this schedule under either of the following conditions: (a) Customer may contract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b) Customer may contract for seasonal service under this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 828.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $2,040.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l,2022 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFCORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 115o1 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 35A.1 Canceling Original Sheet No.35A.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35A STATE OT'IDAHO Optional Time-of-Day General Seryice - Distribution Voltage (Farm) AVAILABILITY: This Electric Service Schedule is available at any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity to a limited number of customers each year on a priority basis. Such availability is dependent upon the ability of the Company to obtain adequate metering equipment. The priority is based on the time the application is filed with the Company. Those customers applying first would have the highest priority. This schedule is for service to any customer who qualifies as "Farm Load" under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage, but less than 46,000 volts through a single point of delivery for non-residential, non-irrigation, non-street lighting, and non-area lighting customers, for all service required on the Customer's premises by Customers contracting for not more than 30,000 kW. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 30,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 30,000 kW, continued service will require special contract arrangements; provided, however, that special contract arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 30,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 30,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirements, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case Letter No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN HPH,E^"N"- Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 116 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Tenth Revision of Sheet No.35A.2 Cancelinq Ninth Revision of Sheet No.35A.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35A - Continued MONTIILY BILL: Customer Seruice Charge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts)$ 69.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher)S170.00 per Customer Power Charge: On-Peak kW $ 16.95 per kW Energy Charge: Per kWh for all kWh s.3792( TIME PERIODS:On-Peak 7:00 a.m. to l0:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, except holidays.Off-Peak All other times. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section 110 of the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. Holidays include only New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday) will be considered a holiday and consequently Off-Peak. Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average Power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of lYo for every 1% that the Power factor is less than 85olo. Voltage Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 per kW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Demand and Energy charges. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 117 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wlness: Joelle R. Steward Fifth Revision of Sheet No.35A.3 Canceling X'ourth Revision of Sheet No.35A.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35A- Continued MONTIILY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently eflective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. POWER: The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the l5-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak periods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kw. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this schedule under either of the following conditions: (a)Customer may contract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b)Customer may contract for seasonal service under this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 828.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $2,040.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer SPECIAL CONDITION: Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and effrcient storage or shipment. Contiguous parcels ofland under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels ofland under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the omer or lessee of the parcels. ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BP,Iy,E^.n",, Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 118 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelh R. Steward Twelfth Revision of Sheet No.36.2 Canceling Eleventh Revision of Sheet No.36.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.36 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Customer Semice Charge: On Peak Energy Charge Off Peak Energy Charge: Billing Months May through October. Inclusive $15.00 per Customer 15.2201t, per kWh 5.3672i, per kWh Billing Months November through April. Inclusive $15.00 per Customer 13.03951, per kWh 4.93461, per kWh Minimum Bill: Customer Service Charge. On Peak: Summer months-All kWh used from 8:00 A.M. to 1l:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Winter months--All kWh used from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Holidays include only: New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Off Peak: All other kWh usage. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section ll0 of the U.S. Enerry Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. SEASONAL SERVICE: When seasonable service is supplied under this Schedule, the minimum seasonal charge will be $180.00 plus energy charges. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjusfinent set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (Continued) EFFECTM: January l,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 119 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Sleward Eleventh Revision of Sheet No. 94.1 Cancelinq Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 94.1 ROCKY MOIINTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO.94 STATE OF II}AHO Energy Cost Adjustment AVAILABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariffCustomers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. ENERGY COST N)JUSTMENT: The Energy Cost Adjustment is calculated to collect the accumulated difference between total Company Base Net Power Cost and total Company Actual Net Power Cost calculated on a cents per kWh basis. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate by delivery voltage. Delivery Voltaee Secondarv 0.571( per kWh 0.571( per kWh 0.57W per kWh 0.571i per kWh 0S7U per kWh Primar.v Transmission 0.532i, per kWh 0.571i per kWh 0.5711per kWh 0.5711per kWh 0.571i per kWh 0.571( per kWh 0.571( per kWh 0.571( per kWh 0.571( per kWh 0.57li per kWh 0.532(, per kWh Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule I 6 6A 7 7A 9 l0ll t2 23 234 24 35 35A 36 400 0.5491 per kWh 0.5491, per kWh 0.549( per kWh 0.5490 per kWh 0.549C per kWh 0.549( per kWh 0.549( per kWh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAqFEORP Roclqy Mounlain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 120 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 140.1 Canceling Original Sheet No. 140.1 ROCKY MOI.'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 140 STATE OT IDAHO Non-Residential Energy Elliciency PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in Non-residential Facilities through the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures and energy management protocols. Service under this Schedule is subject to funding availability. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company's General Service Schedules 6,6A,'7,7A,9, 10, 12,23,23A,24,35 and 35A in all territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. This Schedule is applicable to new and existing Non-residential Facilities and dairy barns served under the Company's residential rate schedules. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION: Customer participation is voluntary and is initiated by following the participation procedures on the Idaho energy efficiency program section of the Company website, and available to customers without online access upon request. The Company shall have the right to qualiff participants, at its discretion, based on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the measures and utility system. Criteria may include, but will not be limited to cost effectiveness. DESCRIPTION: Ongoing program to provide incentives for a variety of equipment and operational improvements intended for and located in Non-residential Facilities. Periodic program changes will be made to encourage customer participation in the program and to insure or enhance program cost-effectiveness as defined by the Company. QUALIFYING MEASURE: Measures which when installed in an eligible facility result in verifiable electric energy efficiency improvement compared to existing equipment or baseline equipment as defined by the Company. The baseline will be determined with reference to existing equipment, applicable state or federal energy codes, industry standard practice and other relevant factors. QUALIT"TING ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Operational improvements which when implemented in an eligible facility result in verifiable electric energy savings compared to standard operations as determined by the Company. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 121 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward Eighth Revision of Sheet No. 191 Canceling Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 191 ROCKY MOI.]NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 191 STATE OF IDAHO Customer Efliciency Seryices Rate Adjustment PURPOSE: The Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with Commission-approved demand-side management expenditures. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTIILY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have the following percentage increases applied prior to the application of electric service Schedule 34. Schedule I Schedule 6 Schedule 6A Schedule 7 Schedule 7A Schedule 9 Schedule l0 Schedule ll Schedule 12 Schedule 23 Schedule 23A Schedule 24 Schedule 35 Schedule 35A Schedule 36 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25o/o 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25o/o 2.25% 2.25o/o 2.25% 2.25% 2.2s% Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFX'ECTM: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF BACIFICOBP Rocky Mountain Polver Exhibit No. 58 Page 122 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steurard Second Revision of Sheet No. 197.1 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 197.1 ROCI(Y MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDIILE NO. 197 STATE OF IDAHO X'ederal Tax Act Adjustment APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariffCustomers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate. Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule -0.1821, per kWh -0.1l8l per kWh -0.1l8l per kWh -0.2241, per kWh -0.2240 per kWh -0.0861 per kWh -0.1551per kWh -0.268i per kWh -0.1001per kWh -0.l5ll perkWh -0.l5lp per kWh -0.1l8l per kWh -0.1221per kWh -0.1221. per kWh -0.1541, per kWh -0.078p per kWh I 6 6A 7 7A 9 l0ll t2 23 234 24 35 35A 36 400 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 EX'FECTM: January 1,2022 I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP Rocky Mountain Pol,ver Exhibit No. 58 Page 123 ot '129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Second Revision of Sheet No. 300.1 Canceling X'irst Revision of Sheet No. 3ffi.1 ROCICT MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERYICE SCHEDULE NO.3OO STATE OX'IDAIIO Regulation Charges AVAILABILITY: In all service territory served by the Company in the State of Idaho. APPLICATION: For all customers utilizing the services of the Company as defined and described in the Electric Service Regulations. SERVICE CHARGES: Sheet No. Description 3R.l Service Connection Charge: Normal Offrce Hours Charee No Charge $s0.00 $s0.00 No charge Actual Cost $ I .l 5 per month per occupied space l% of delinquent balance per month $12.00 *Charge assessed if connection is requested and completed on the following holidays: New Year's Day Labor Day Idaho Human Rights Day Thanksgiving Memorial Day Friday after Thanksgiving Independence Day Christmas Day Pioneer Day (July 24) Monday through Friday except holidays 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Weekends and holidays* 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Meter Test for Accuracy Once in twelve months Two or more times in twelve months Fee paid to mobile home operators who sub-meter tenants Late Payment Charge Returned Payment Charge: 7R.2 7R.3 8R.l 8R.2 (continued) E['['ECTM: January l,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 124 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Vvitness: Joelle R. Steward Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 300.2 Cancelins Sixth Revision of Sheet No.300.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.300 - Continued Sheet No. 8R.2 9R.4 10R.8 10R.8 10R.8 I lR.t Description Paperless Bill Credit Security Deposit for New Service: Residential and Small Commercial Industrial and Large Commercial Reconnection Charges: Remote Reconnection Non-Remote Reconnection Monday through Friday except holidays 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Tampering Unauthorized Reconnection Charge Field Visit Charge: Taxes Charge -$0.50 Up to one sixth of estimated annual billings. Up to two months peak billings. $7.00 s2s.00 $s0.00 $75.00 $20.00 Weekends and holidays* 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.s50.00 *Charge assessed if reconnection is requested and completed on the following holidays: New Year's Day Labor Day Idaho Human Rights Day Thanksgiving Memorial Day Friday after Thanksgiving Independence Day Christmas Day Pioneer Day (July 24) Municipality City of Arco City of Ammon City of Bloomington City of Dubois City of Firth City of Franklin City of lona City of Lewisville City of McCammon City of Mud Lake City of Paris City of Preston Type of Tax or Fee Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Ordinance No. No.2007-8 No.50l No.2012-01 No.268 No. 159 No. 2004-811 No.40 No.20l l-2 No.462 No.60904 No.338 No.2005-4 (Continued) Amount of Tax or Fee 3.0% 3.0% 10.0o/o 10.0% 1.0% 3.0o/o 3.0% 2.0% 3.0o/o 2.0% 3.00/o 3.0Yo Date Ordinance Adooted July 23,2007 May l9,20ll May 10,2012 March 7,2012 March 14,2000 September 23,2004 June22,1989 September 14,20ll September 7,2011 June 9,2004 November 2,1998 August 8,2005 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l,2022 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OtVtStON OF PACTF|CORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 125 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wtness: Joelle R. Steward Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 300.3 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 300.3I.P.U.C. No. I Municipalitv City of Rexburg City of Rigby City of Ririe City of St. Anthony City of Shelley City of Spencer City of Sugar City Sheet No. 12R.1 12R.3 l2R.l3 r2R.l5 25R.1 25F-2 25F-.2 25R.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 300 - Continued Type of Amount of Date Ordinance Ta,r or Fee Ordinance No. Tax or Fee Adopted Franchise No.929 6.0% December 8,2004 Franchise No. 453 3.0% May 21,1996 Franchise No. 104 3.0% December 31,1990 Franchise No. 2001l-10 1.0% September 22,2011 Franchise No. 375 3.0% October l, 1995 Franchise No. 2008-1 2.0o/o June 20,2008 Franchise No.204 3.0% June 13, 1996 Facilities Charges on Facilities at and above 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense 0.15% per month Facilities Installed at Company's Expense 0.80% per month Description Minimum Engineering Costs Facilities Charges on Facilities less than 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense Facilities Installed at Company's Expense Temporary Service Charge: Service Drop and Meter only (Charge is for connection and disconnection) Contract Administration Allowance Customer Guarantee Credit l: Restoring Supply After an Outage For each additional l2 hours Customer Guarantee Credit 2: Appointments Customer Guarantee Credit 3 Switching on Power Customer Guarantee Credit 4: Estimates for New Supply Charse $200 0.35% per month l.l5% per month $200.00 $250 $s0.00 $2s.00 $s0.00 $50.00 $s0.00 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (continued) EFFECTM: January l,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF NAOFICORP Rocky Mountain Pourer Exhibit No. 58 Page 126 ot 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wrtness: Joelle R. Steward First Revision of Sheet No. 300.4 Cenceling Original Sheet No.300.4I.P.U.C. No.1 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.300 - Continued SheetNo. 25R.3 25R.3 25R.3 Description Customer Guarantee Credit 5: Responding to Bill Inquiries Customer Guarantee Credit 6: Resolving Meter Problems Customer Guarantee Credit 7: Notiffing of Planned Intemrptions Charge $s0.00 $50.00 $s0.00 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EX'FECTM: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER A O|VTSTON OF EACTFICORP Rocky Mountain Porver Exhibit No.58 Page 127 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 \Mtness: Joelle R. Steward Twelfth Revision of Sheet No. 400.1 Canceling Eleventh Revision of Sheet No. 400.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.4OO STATE OF IDAIIO Special Contract PIIRPOSE: The purpose of this Schedule is to describe generally the terms and conditions provided by the Company pursuant to a Special Contract approved by the Idaho Public Utility Commission. Availabilitv This schedule is available for firm and intemrptible retail service of elecffic power and enerry delivered for all service required on the Customer's premises by customers contracting for not less than 150,000 kW as of May 18, 2006 and as provided in the Electric Service Agreement between the two parties. Monthly Charse Firm Power and Energu: Firm Energy Charge: 33.260 mills per kilowatt hour Customer Charge: S1,556.00 per Billing Period Firm Demand Charge: $15.61 per kW Intemrptible Power and Energy: Intemrptible Energy Charge: 33.260 mills per kilowatt hour Intemrptible Demand Charge: Firm Demand charge minus Interruptible Credit Excess KVAR: $0.96/KVAR Renlacement Energv: Adjusted Index Price multiplied by Replacement Energy. TariffRates:The Commission approved rates applicable to the Special Contract Customer, including, but not limited to, customer charges, demand charges, energy charges, surcharges, and credits, as specified in ldaho Electric Service Schedule No. 400 or its successor. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACiFICORP Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 128o1 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 lMtness: Joelle R. Steurard First Revision of Sheet No. C Canceling Original Sheet No. CI.P.U.C. No. I ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS ROCKY MOI]NTAIN POWER Salt Lake City, Utah ELECTRIC SERVICE In The STATE OF IDAHO Under IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TARIFf,'NO. 1 of for Issuing Ollicer Joelle R Steward Vice President, Regulation Salt Lake City, UT Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l,2022 I.P.U.C. No. 1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN HPH,E,^N"*, Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 129 ol 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Joelle R. Steward Second Revision of Sheet No. tR.2 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 8R2 6.ADJUSTMENT T'OR BILLING ERROR Corrected billings may be made to adjust for billing errors including but not limited to reasons such as a meter malfunctioned or failed, bills were estimated, metering equipment was incorrectly installed or programmed, or bills were inaccurately prepared as follows: If the time when the malfunction or error began cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billing period, the corrected billings shall not exceed the most recent six months before the discovery of the malfunction or error. (b)If the time when the malfunction or error began can be reasonably determined and the Customer was undercharged, the corrected billing may not exceed the most recent six (6) months. If a reasonable person should have known of the incorrect billing, the adjustment may be extended for a period not to exceed three (3) years. (c)If the time when the malfunction or error began can be reasonably determined and the Customer was overcharged, the corrected billing may go back to that time but not to exceed three (3) years from the time the malfunction or error occurred. Under no circumstances shall the adjustment exceed three (3) years. 7 BILLING UNDER INAPPROPRIATE TARIFF SCHEDULE Corrected billings shall be made to adjust for billing under inappropriate tariff Schedules as follows: (a) If the time when the error began cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billing period, the corrected bill shall not exceed the most recent six (6) months. (b)If the time when the error began can be reasonably determined and the Customer was undercharged, the corrected billing shall not exceed the most recent six (6) months. If a reasonable person should have known of the incorrect billing, the adjustment may be extended for a period not to exceed three (3) years. (c)If the time when the error can be reasonably determined and the Company determined the Customer was overcharged the corrected billing shall go back to that time, but not to exceed three (3) years from the time the error occurred. The Company shall not be required to adjust billings when it has acted in good faith based on the best available information or when the Customer was given written notice of options under the tariff schedules and did not make timely election to choose available options. RETURNED PAYMENT CHARGE A charge as specified in Schedule 300 may be made and collected by Company for each payment returned by a bank to the Company. PAPERLESS BILL CREDIT The Company will provide a Paperless Bill Credit as shown in Schedule 300 to Customers on a metered service schedule who enroll in paperless billing. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2l-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (a) 8. 9. EFFECTM: January l,2022