HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210528McDougal Exhibit 39.pdfCase No. PAC-E-21-07 ExhibitNo.39 Witress: Steven R. McDougal BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC LruILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of Steven R. McDougal Revenue Requirement Summary May 2021 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 39 Page 1 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Steven R. McDougal Page 1.0Rocky Mountain Powel IDAHO Results of Operations - 2020 PROTOCOL 12 Months Ended DECEMBER 2020 (1) Total Results (3) Results with Price Change1 Operating Revenu6: 2 General Businss Revenus 3 lnterdepartnental 4 Special Sales 5 Other Oparating Revenues0 Total Oporating Revenues 7 I Operating Expenses:I Sleam Produc{ion 10 Nudear Produclim 1'l Hydro Produdion 12 Other Power Supply 13 Transmiseion '14 Distribution 'I 5 Customer A@unting 10 Customer Seruie & lnfo 17 Sal6 18 Adminisfativ6 & GeneBl 't9 20 Total O&M Expen6es 21 22 Depmiation 23 Amortiztion 24 Taxe3 Other Than ln@m 25 lncomo Taxes - FedeEl 26 lncome Taxes - State 27 ln@me Taxes - Def Net 28 lnvestrrent Tax Credit A-dj. 29 Mi$ Revenue & Expen$ 303l Tolal Operating Expens: 3233 Operating Rev For Retum:u35 Rete Base: 36 Electic Plant ln serui@ 37 Pl|nt Held ftr Future Us 38 Mis Oefened Debits 39 Elec Plant Acq Adj 40 Pensions 4'l Prepayments 42 Fuel Stock 43 MaterialE Supplies zl4 Working Capital 45 Weatharizalion Loans 46 Misc Rate Base 4748 Total Elactric Plant: 49 50 Rate Base Huctore: 51 AHm Prw For Deprs 52 A@m Prov For Amoi 53 Asum Def lnffie Tax 54 Unamrtized ITC 55 Customer Adv Ftr Const 50 Customer Seruie Deposits 57 Misc Rate Ba* Deductions 5859 Total Rate Bas Deductions 0061 Total Rate Base: 62 63 Retum on Rate Basu 65 Retum on Equity 66 67 TAX CALCUHTION: 68 Ope€fing Rdenue 69 Other Deductions 70 lnterGt (AFUDC) 71 lnterGt 72 Sch6dule'M" Additions 73 Scfiedule'M' Deductions 74 ln6me Before Td 75 76 State lnome Taxes 77 Tdabl€ lnmme 7A 79 Federal lnm Taes + O&let 271,491,123 26.532.670 l2l Price Changa 19,031,069 290,522,193 8,925,427 306,949,220 59,893,123 2,570,259 74,efz,740 13,023,401 9,853,900 4,657,873 352,925 32,165 4,690,038 8,875.081 173,889,302 55,431,1 33 10,741,114 10,396,520 (4,686,047) 't,447,140 (1,671,807) (142,935) (94.333) 49,290 3,798,753 860,312 10,2145,810 (887.?94) 2,307,452 245,310,086 4a a?o ra, 4,740,521 1n )9n snR 250,050,607 75 020 683 1,741,250,962 (0) 28,490,61 1 160,45S 466.341 3,149,944 13,561,325 1 3,921,070 865,781 '1,687,321 1,803,553,813 1,803,553,813 (523,167,385) (s8,033,409) (146,398,485) (36,448) (5A26,4281 (95.886.199) (808,S48,354) - (808,948,354) 994.605.459 - 994.60 6.197% 7.6U 7.480% 10.200% 56,585,485 1 8,949,614 75,535,099 (s,5r9,102) 22,321,273 90,852.961 98,754,956 (5,5r9.102) 22,327,273 90,852,961 98,754,S56 31,875,320 18,949,614 50,824,033 (4.686.047t 3.798_753 Ref. Page 2.2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 39 Page 2 of 5 Case No. PAGE-21-07 Witness: Sleven R. McDougal Rocky Hountain Power !DAHO Results of Operations - 2020 PROTOCOL 12 Months Ended DECEMBER 2020 Pege l.l Net Rate Base Relum on Rate Base Reguested Revenues Required to Eam Requested Refum Less Cunent Operating Revenues lncrease to Cunent Revenugs Net to Gross Bumpup Price Change Required for Requestad Retum Requested Price Change Uncollectible Percent I ncreased Uncollectible Expense Requested Price Change Franchise Tax Revenue Tax Resource Supplier Tax Gross Receipts lncrease Taxes Other Than lncome Requested Price Change Uncollectible Expense Taxes Other Than lncome lncome Before Taxes Statg Effec'tive Tax Rate State lncome Taxes Taxable lncome Federal lncome Tax Raie Federal lncome Taxes Operating lncome Net Operating lncome Nel to Gross BumpUp $994,605,459 7.63r'.qn 75,929,683 (61,639,134) 14,290,548 133.17% $ 19,031,069 - 19,03't,069 0.169% $32,165 19,031,069 0.000% 0.000% 0.00096 o.259%$ 49,290 19,031,069 (s2,165) t49,290)$ 18,949,614 $ $ 18,089,301 $3,798,753 100.000% 75.091% 133.17% Ref. Page 1.0 Ref. Page 2.1 Ref. Page 1.2 Ref. Page 1.2 $ $ $ 4.U%Ref. Page 2.1 860,312 21.OOqn Ref. Page 2.1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 39 Page 3 of 5 Case No. PAGE-21-07 Wilness: Steven R. McDougalRoclyilount in Power IDAHO Reaults of Operations - 2020 PROTOCOL 12 ltlonths Ended DECEIIBER 2020 P'{'.12 Operating Revenue Operating Deductions Uncollectible Accounk Taxes O{her - Francfiise Tax Taxes Other - Revenue Tax Taxes Other - Resouroe Supplier PUC Fees Based on General Business Revenues SuFTotal State lncome Tax @4.il% Sub-Total Federal lncome T ax @ 21.00o/o Net Operating lncome (1) Uncollectibh Accounts = 100.0007o 0.169% See Note (1) below 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.259% 99.572% 4.521% 95.051% 19.961% 75.O91% 458,857 P92.11, Situs tom Accounl904 271,491,'123 Pg 2.2, General Business Reyenues (rt Urldiu3tod ROCKY ilIOUNTAIN POWER St to ot Hlho Unrdiu3r.d, Adiusted I ilom.ll&d R.rulb ot Op.ration! .2020 ProtocolGs.rtl Ril! C@ Ilc@mbcr 2021 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 39 Page 4 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Steven R. McDougal t6)Typ. 3 Adiu3t r.rE (21 Typ. I Adiu3tm.nR (3) Tohl AdiGtod Adud R!9ulE {4}Typ6 2 Ad.i6tm.nt3 '16.,161.,(}3 P.gc 1,3 271,191,123 26,532,870 (4 Tobl t{omrlip.l R63ulB Oparaling Rawnuls: Rrtults 29t,t71,030 14,0712fl (5) Tohl Annu.li.6d Acturl Rltult3 271,151,123 10.011267 (r9,2,19,793)211.521,217 10,071267 (/430.123) lntcrdaprnmillal Sp.clrl Srl6s O(h.r Op6Eting Rcvon6Toul Op!6ting Rcvmu6 OprEtlng Exp.nG: ll Hydro Produdioo 12 Othc. Powor Supply 13 Ton.miirion 14 Oirriburld I 5 Cu3tomcr AMuntinC 16 Cu.tomcr Sgtui@l7 5.16 il,alll ,06i4 Gr,26t,003 t2,160,756 9,56,t,266 4,iAl,SO4 352,056 2,5r3,691' 62,058,778 12,2@,511 s.564,245 4,,181,875 347,,r50 61,639,722 t5,360.r5t 505,771 03,,4,44 62,23s,493 15,i153,596 62,235,,193 e342p7s1 56,569 11,703,06t 813,89r' 280,634 r75,gg8 5,465 59,803,r23 2,570,259 0,853,900 4,657.873 352,025 (r ,888.2?,rl (303,r24) ,.a,755 2,513,600 62,958,778 12,209,51t 0,56,1,266 ,t,,t01,875 3,17,,t59 11,662,110 13,023/0r (2e) (1,5s1 r5.453.596 (6.578.5151 8.875.08r Dcp..chti6 Amoniz.liff Tqaa Odrfi Thln lnco@ (89,0S3) eo,1m n r9u 20 21 z2 23 24 25 2A 27 I 2E 2g 30 3t 32 fobl Otil ExpoB.t 17t24J22 40,,4it8,9S3 2,682,363 8,794,t&t 6,259,38S 2,576,412(i4,027870) (250,976) ,r69,764,668 173,E8S,302 {086,il0}73,633 (3,657,4261 (8283061 't4,896,359 39,,t621E3 2,755,S96 9,79it,1E4 2,80t,963 l.7/tE,r06(3r,6rrl l2soiil6l ,42,280,760 2.783,,@S 0,79,4,184 2,512.870 |,f27,r:N 1,124,631 13,150,373 7,557,1O5 602.336 (7,198,91o (280,7911 (1 ,458,05,1)169,764,668 2,E,lt,an 27,112 (699,560) 55,,|:11,133 10,711,111 r 0,306,520 {i0.686,1r,47)1,11f,110 ({,6?r,807) (r42,035) (940,636) i08,0,t21731,11.t1(2s0878) r94313)lil.3Bl ln@mi TrE - 31!tr ln6ma T.G . Drf Nctlflotftont Tu C.cdft Adl.ili$ R{cnF & Eroans Tobl OprEing Erp.n.6: Op.Eting RlY Fo. R.tum: 2,1,676111 92 572 AO7 8,07't.408 Dt 340 0121 225,750,879 55 ta3 7!5 2,036.,159 42.,165.1 E8l n7,tEt,339 62,714,517 71,522,t11 (1.079.,1131 2i45,3t0,0E6 8t.etg.t 34 R&3!$: 35 tli* O.f..Dd t .bib 3E EIG Plrnt Acq Adi 37 P.n3ion! 38 Prcprymonts 39 Frl SGk 40 lhbri.l t Supplir.{l Working Clpiul 1,097.919263 60G,72t 41,/tl}3,179 521,56iE 1,598,232 3,149.s,t4 la,t99,7.tt t,t,26l,l9t 8t7.265 I,6E7,3:tt 1.703,473.,t62 1,703,175,442 17,877,0E5 521.54,r 446341 3,1/t9,0,1t 14,t99.7tt 1a,281,19' 8E5,922 1,6E7,32t I ,7,a1 ,250,g€il5,560.200 31,171,lN (6{'0,72t} 123,525,7U1 (r,r3r"891| flr,t3E) t7,677.985 52{,56,0 ,166,3,11 3,'1,*9,94a l,l,'109,7{l 11,261,191 8E6,{26 1,@7,321 't0,612,627 {36r,,r05) 163E,366)(3,0,121) 120,1111 2E,'190,611 160,,t50 ,lE6,3,al 3,14S,944 13,56r,325 1 3,02t,070 8G5,781 1,687,32J (20s) 43 Mi& Rrtr 8!s IIil4 ?oul El.*ic PI.nl: ,45 ,{6 RlL BB. Dodqction!: ,47 Accum Prcv Fd O.pre 49 Aeufr Dcf ln@mr Tu 1,774,41,e85 (5i2,9'0,61r) 1,756,529,6,(5 (s12,9,10,617) ({9,7153,!s)(205)1,756,529.,&10 699,560 (512,0r!{},614 (38,1)63,37ia) (,1 40,448,786) {41,878) (s,42Gl28) fi 02.683.5561 17,021,373 6.797,'158 1,E03,553,813 t05.888. r S9I 5t Curtomr Adv For Conrt 52 CBlomr S.ili6 D.poriE 53 i i$ Rd. Be Dcducli@r 3,5i12,563 (,10s,5091 ,u,r*.rrt (3E,063,37,1) {l'll,l,l8,3il6}(,11,878) (5,426,428) fi02.G8:!.6561 (r0,226,76E) 29,965 (5,e49,699) 5,'t30 (523,167,385) (38,033,4091 (1,16,308,,185) (36,atE) (5,426,428, (36,063,37,1) (l'1.1,690,910) (i01,878) (5,020,9t9) fi18.9r,t.62n 54 55 5a 18'10,872,3115) t0,3E8,025 (800,30/t,3001 69s,560 (790,61r,1,7'10) {9,3,13,8{{) (808,9,1t,35,1) 956-s72.664 r3.7.3t9l o 9.67E% 6.817% 6.554% 6.t97rL l4.lr6E% -5.415% 8.653% 4.497y. 8.i56% .0.675y. 7.$0% 86,22s,664 (16,978,it45)69.251,217 (3,27i1,018)65.S77,tS9 (9,391,71,1)56,5E5,i.85 57 Totrl R.r! B!$: 58 u 6{, Rrtum on Equig 6t 62 TAX CALCULATIOil; 63 Opcruting Rovdu. 6{ Oth.. t}.dudim3 65 h.r.3r (AFUDCI 06 lnbffi 67 Sch.dul.'t' Addition3 (5,5r9.r02) - (s,s19,r02)2ll8/.,an 280,83i4 21,{65,710 6t,312,912 O38,1l7|. 66,63,t,52S81,1E7,065 216'925 81,,1311,590 (5,510,102) 2t,€1,{t0 69,470,8t/t Et,43it590 E45,E64 21,373,1$ r7.320,366 (5,sr0,r02) 2t,327,273 00,E52,06r 98.75,1.956 r 5,890 2.E 15,280 56,7,t9.t6it (tE,244,E21)38,50i1,5,|:}1411,1281 38,060,116 (6,164,796) 3t.875,320 70 71 36. lncom Tu6 7? lebl.l@m 73 7{ Fcd66l ln6m Trx6 + Cnhrr 6,259,389 (3,697,,126)2,60t,963 (60,0931 2,512,4tO (7,r98,917)(i|.686,0'l7l (2) Typ. I .diu.tm.nB involw norm.liz.lion for ilt of pcrlod hi.bdcll and unusual it6m. thlt o@ur during th. B!s. Prriod. (il) Typ. 2 !di6m.nE unu.liat ch.ngp3 thd @umd duting lhc B!3. P.tiod. (6) Yypa 3 adiGtmnlt .rc known and matsut bl6 itm! thti will ecur in r fuoro poriod. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 39 Page 5 of 5 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Witness: Steven R. McDougal Total Adjustrnents IDAHO SUMMARY OF ADJUSTMENTS TOTAL Revenue Adjustments O&M Adjustments Net Power Cost (Tab 3) (Tab 4) Adiustmsb (tab 5) Oepreciation & Amortization ffab 6) Tax Adjuslments (Teb 7) Page 1.4 Misc Rate Base Adiustmenb Oab 8) I OpeEling Re@u6: 2 Gs@l Bugin$3 Revcnu4 3 lnt€dcpadrnental 4 Sp@i.l Sd€s 5 OthsOpcrating Rc6q 6 TotalOpc.dingRcvffi 7 8 Opading Expartlr: I Sbam Prcduclo 10 Nudae Aoduction 11 HydE Prcdudim 12 Othcr PoW Supply 13 TEhsml$ioo 14 Diqtributio 15 C6to6.rAc@ntin! tG Ccb.nrr SBio. & lnio 17 S.b. (r,831.705) 1 1,400.837 862,645 28S,634 't75.S69 869 (1,847,499) (227.633) 1't0,2s3 256,067 '164.480 236 (19.679,916) 10.461,403 tal v5t 1?a7M o1n)4\ - - - - (3,300,0581 o9,ss'r.21s) (210,245) ,6,461,403 - - - (1.746,599)846,609 (2,071,418)59.573 {58 r,4s3) (t9,679,9t6) 18.461.403 10,757,*7 744.280 1 5,794 s,890 8,&'7 33,568 1'1,489 634 860.607 t2-a50 r735i341 19 TolrlO&MExp6n9r. 20 DcpEi.tim 21 Amoni?.tim 22 T&rOlhlrTholl1co@ 23 lnco@Tu*: Fldml 24 St i! 25 Dcfrrcd lnm! Taar 26 lnv6ttHt Tu Crldit Adi. 27 Ms R.HG & Erp.nlo 2,666.580 14.982,139 8.058,751 602,336 (10,945,436) \'t,129,2731 r3,256,163 108.042 3.t,312 1,393,015 3't5.479 17,912 (140.3s9) (31.787) (3,375,027) 802,338 (6,193,87€) (53,176) 14,41,U0 108,82 (1,857,502) {420,673) 364.7G) (6,459,853) (2273@l (51,491) 1,806,929 c4.312 9,430,835 't,u2 6,989 't51,878 11,727,229 2,948,140 (456,28r) 3,253,066 5,503,622 (3,e19,354) (887.625) Tdd OpeEling Erp6s:27 6* Ais /a am 979t /4 A97 am\'11.106.072 10.880.074 8.004.966 6.386.9i{4 Opc6tinq Rev For R.bm:rs 933 673!t1174r%\A AA7 '11 5.295.330 (10.880.0741 t8.904.986){8_384.944} 2t 29 30 31 33 Rrta B&: 34 Plail Held lor Fdun Us. 35 Mi$ Ocfered Detits 3E Ele Phnt Acq Adj 37 PcBions 38 Pr.p.yfr.nb 39 FGI Siock 40 M.tlrial & Supplica 41 Wdking C.fil,al 42 Weth.dzation Lens 43 Mi* Raie B@,t4 Tol.lElcclricPlant: 45 46 Drdudims: 47 A@m P@ For O?p@ 43,3:,1.690 (606,721) (12,913.167) (361,105) o.r31,891) 2fi,377 43,005,32 (606,721) (s,1n,974\ (361,,l05) (1,131,891| (638,38r (340,121) (31.484) 2,214,M (638,386) (340,r21) (31,484) n 309826 266.377 2.214.806 21.427.UO {10.226,768} 29,065 (1,707.575) 5,430 (4os,500) 23,A2a,429 (1.842) (6.98S) 66€ (8,s86.782) o6,460) 2,E48,379 (1,638, r44) 1 13.4r4 e49.729(2,898,r71) 5,430 (2,406,r78) 7,900.403 (1.108,945)r r.278,309 (,105,509) 4.952.662 10 a)a 9D {8-185}/7.123.8071 8.385-568 3.972.152 38.032_7S6 5 194 225 259,212 (4.908.m1)8.385,568 28,19€.792 49 Asuh O.f lnc8r Tu 50 Un modiad ITC 5t Cusioms Adv Fs ConC 52 Cuttomer Sflie Dlpcils 53 Miell.ne6 Dedrctim 54 55 Totrl Dgductim!: 56 57 Tot.l Rale Be: 58 59 60 E3limled ROE impacl a'l a2 63 64 TAX CALCULATION: 65 60 OpsBting Revrn@ 67 Oths Dqducti@ 68 lnLr4l (AFUDC) 60 lnlcrsl 70 Schcdulc "M' AdditiG 72 Schaduh'lttr Oeductions 73 lnma BcfoE Ta 74 ?6 Statc llr€me Tae3 7? Tanbl. ln@me 78 -6.588% lzs,u4.t77t -2.918% (19,551,215) 0.818% 6,215,295 21',| (113,5,14) 7 235 ASA 1,(x3q6 7,021,737 -2.O70% (14A27,24?) 13,727,083 -1.906% (002.336) "1.782% (8,300.410) 1.142.397 23.480.020 17.567 291 8,831 81,082 I,142.184 s73,2fl)9.284,399 10.249.91'l (u.873,8/st (19.551,215)( t. I 34,158)6.948.886 (700.164)(1,171,272)(s,265,92r) 11,129273I 123,744,5721 (887.625) (18.663,5s0) (51.4S11 (r,082,667) 315.479 6,033,406 (31,787) (668,37) (s3,176) (1,1 r8,096) (420,673) (8,845.248) (10,945,436)(3.919,354)(227.360)1.393,015 (140,350){6.183.876)(1.E57.501