HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210527Owen Direct.pdfBEI'ORE THE IDAIIO PIIBLIC UTILMIES COMMISSION IN THE IUATTEROF THE APPLICATION OT'ROCI(Y MOIINTAIN POWERI'OR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AI\ID CHARGES IN IDAEO AI\ID APPROVAL OT PROPOSEI) ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDIII,ES AI\[D REGT]LATIONS )) cAsE NO. PAC-EA,4,7 ) ) Direct Testimony of James C. Orven ) ) ) ) ROCI(Y MOI'NTAIN PO}VER CASE NO. PAC.E-2I47 May 2021 TABLE OX'CONTEIYTS r. TNTRODUCTTON A]\rD QUALIFrCATrONS.................... tr. PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY M. SELECTTVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION RETROFTT PROJECTS Craig Unit 2 SCR............. Hayden Unit 2 SCR.......... Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 SCRS ry. CONCLUSIONA}.ID RECOMMENDATION I I 2 2 8 1l .... l6 Owen, Di - i Rocky MormtainPower 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 l3 t4 15 t6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 a. A. a. A. I. INTRODUCTIONAI\DQUALIFICATIONS Please state your name, business address, and present position with PacifiCorp d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power ("Rocky Mountain Power'o or the "Company"). My name is James C. Owen and my business address is 1407 West North Temple, Suite 210, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116. I am currently employed as Director of Environmental. I am testifuing for Rocky Mountain Power. Please describe your education and professional experience. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mining Engineering, a Masters of Business Adminishation Degree, and a Juris Doctorate of Law Degree, all from the University of Utah. I joined the Utah Department of Natural Resources - Division of Oil Gas and Mining in November 2008, and held positions of increasing responsibility within the agency, including responsibilities for environmental permitting, enforcement of environmental compliance, engineering design, oversight of mine reclamation bonding, environmental program management, and legislative and policy management. I joined PacifiCorp in February 2018. My current responsibilities encompass strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, regulatory support, support of major generation resource additions, and direct oversight of major environmental compliance projects. II. PT]RPOSE OF TESTIMONY What is the purpose of your direct testimony in this case? My testimony supports the prudence of certain selective catalytic reduction ("SCR") retrofit projects installed since the Company's last general rate case. Specifically, I discuss the SCR projects at Craig UnitZ, Hayden UnitZ, and Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4, which have been in service since December 2017 ,August 2016, and December 2015 Owen, Di - I Rocky Mountain Power a. A. I and20l6, respectively. The SCRs at these facilities were installed in accordance with 2 state and federal environmental compliance requirements for the individual units, as 3 well as for continued safe, reliable, and cost-effective operation of the facilities. 4 a. Please summarize your direct testimony. 5 A. My testimony demonstrates that the installation of the SCRs on Craig Unit 2, Hayden 6 Unit 2, and Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 were prudent and in the public interest. The 7 projects were required to comply with both state and federal environmental laws, 8 namely the RegionalHaze Rule, established pursuant to the Clean Air Act by the U.S. 9 Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") and administered through state 10 implementation plans ("SIPs") by the respective state agencies in which the units are 11 located. 12 III. SELECTIYE CATALYTIC REDUCTION RETROFIT PROJECTS 13 a. What was the Company's cost to complete the SCR retrolit projects included in 14 this proceeding? 15 A. The cost of the Craig Unit 2 SCR system included in this proceeding is $37.8 million 16 on a total-company basis. The cost of the Hayden Unit 2 SCR system included in this 17 proceeding is $9.7 million on a total-company basis. The combined cost of Jim Bridger 18 Unit 3 and 4 SCR systems included in this proceeding is $218.6 million on a total- 19 company basis. These capital additions are reflected in the revenue requirement and 20 incorporated in the exhibits of Mr. Steven R. McDougal in this rate case. 2l Craig Unit 2 SCR 22 a. Please describe the Craig facility. 23 A. The Craig facility is a three-unit coal-fired electrical generating facility located in Owen, Di-2 Rocky Mountain Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a. A. Moffat County, Colorado. Units I and 2, which can generate a combined 837 megawaffs ("MW"), are jointly owned by Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. ("Tri-State"), Salt River Project, Platte River PowerAuthoriry Public Service Company of Colorado ("PSCo"), and the Company. The Company owns 19.28 percent of Units I and2. Unit 3 is solely owned by Tri-State. Tri-State operates all units at the facility. Please provide a general description of the Craig Unit 2 SCR system. The Craig lJnit2 SCR system is primarily comprised of a reactor with multiple catalyst levels; inlet and outlet ductwork; an ammonia reagent system; certain boiler structure and ancillary infrastructure retrofis; electrical and control system installation and integration with the existing plant. Was the emissions control retrofit project included in this proceeding intended to extend the operational life of Craig Unit 2? No. The Craig Unit 2 emissions control retrofit was required to continue operations in Colorado to meet state environmental compliance requirements. What was the required timeline for Tri-State to install the SCR system at Craig Unit 2? Installation of the Craig Unit 2 SCR was required by the Regional Haze Rule and Colorado's associated Regional Haze SIP These rules required the SCR to be installed by January 30, 2018. Colorado's Regional Haze SIP was first approved by the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission in January 2011 and was submitted to EPA for review and approval on May 25,2011. Owen, Di - 3 Rocky Mountain Power 10 11 12 a. 13 t4 A. 15 16 a. t7 18 A. 19 2l 20 22 lQ. 2 3.q'. 4 5 64. 74. 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 16 t7 l8 l9 Did EPA approve the State of Colorado's Regional Haze SIP compliance requirements for Craig Unit2? Yes. EPA published its approval of the Colorado Regional Haze SIP compliance requirements for Craig Unit 2 in the Federal Register on December 31, 2012.r EPAs final rule became effective January 30,2013. Please generally describe the joint ownership governance of Craig Unit 2. The terms and conditions of joint ownership in Craig Unit 2 are governed by a participation agreement (the "Craig ParticipationAgreement"). The Craig Participation Agreement mandates the installation of capital improvements that are required by applicable law. The Craig Participation Agreement also places an independent obligation on Tri-State, as the operating agent for the unit, to operate Craig Unit 2 in accordance with applicable laws. As operating agent, Tri-State is also responsible for development of operating budgets and capital investrnent recommendations to be provided forjoint owner review and approvals. The Craig Participation Agreement's provisions for approval of capital expenditures require that the proposed expenditures be included in the annual capital expenditure budget prepared by the operating agent and that the annual capital expenditure budget is approved by a majority vote (i.e., greater than 50 percent ownership share) of the joint owners. Owen, Di - 4 Rocky Mountain Power I See codified regulation at 40 C.F.R 52.320. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q. A. a l0 A. ll t2 13 t4 15 t6 t7 a. l8 19 A. 20 2T )) 23 Did Tri-State request approval of the Craig Unit 2 SCR capital investment in accordance with the terms of the Craig Participation Agreement and was it approved by greater than 50 percent ownership share of the joint owners? Yes. Tri-State initially included costs associated with the Craig Unit 2 SCR in the 2013 capital expenditures budget for review and approval pursuant to the Craig Participation Agreement. The project was approved by a greater than 50 percent ownership share of the joint owners. Did the Company independently assess the benefits associated with the Craig Unit 2 SCR project? Yes. [n July 2013, the Company independently assessed the benefits associated with the Craig Unit 2 SCR project using a hypothetical scenario that assumed the Company could unilaterally effectuate an accelerated shutdown of the unit. This hypothetical scenario was not a realistic option because the Company cannot unilaterally effectuate an accelerated shutdown of the Craig units based on the language of the Craig Participation Agreement. The Company's hypothetical assessment did not support the installation of SCRs. What position did the Company take with respect to the Craig Unit 2 SCR project capital budget approval? The Company voted 'no' with respect to the Craig Unit 2 SCR project. As a minority owner, the Company recognized that under the terms of the Craig Participation Agreement, its vote alone would not change the outcome with the other joint-owners voting 'yes,'and the Company remained obligated to pay its share of the Craig Unit 2 SCR. Owen, Di - 5 Rocky Mountain Power 1Q. A. a. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 Did the Company also independently assess its legal options with respect to the capital expenditures approval process incorporated into the Craig Participation Agreement? Yes. In June 2013, the Company engaged external counsel to independently assess the Company's rights under the Craig Participation Agreement with respect to payment options and dispute resolution that may occur with a majority decision on capital expenditures that was not supported by the Company. The ultimate determination of the legal review of the Craig ParticipationAgreement was that while the Company had the right to challenge the majority's decision through arbitration or litigation, there was little to no likelihood such a challenge would be successful. This was primarily because the project approval process met the requirements under the Craig Participation Agreement, specifically: (i) the project was required by applicable law (the Colorado Regional Haze SIP); (ii) Craig Unil 2 was required to be operated in accordance with applicable law under the Craig Participation Agreement, and (iii) the majority of the Craig Unit 2 joint-owners (in fact all joint-owners other than the Company) voted in support ofthe project. Considering the terms and conditions of the Craig Participation Agreement, did the Company pursue arbitration or litigation of the Craig Unit 2 SCR project decision? No, for the reasons explained above. What was the Company's cost to complete the Craig Unit 2 SCR system? The cost of the Craig UnitZ SCR system included in this proceeding is $37.8 million on a total-company basis with an in-service date of December 2017. Owen, Di - 6 Rocky Mountain Power A. a. A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 t2 l3 t4 15 l6 l7 18 a. A. What is the current status of the Craig Unit 2 SCR system? Completion of the Craig Untt 2 SCR system satisfied the compliance deadlines established for the unit, as well as the prescribed emissions reductions. Installation of this major emissions conffol retrofit project was aligned with scheduled major maintenance outages for the affected unit to mitigate replacement power cost impacts while benefiting from overlapping major maintenance outage time frames. These environmenal compliance projects allow the retrofitted facilities to continue to operate as low-cost generation resources for the benefit of customers. To date, has PacifiCorp received approvals to reflect its Craig Unit 2 SCR investment in rates from state commissions in the jurisdictions that it has requested recovery? Yes. PacifiCorp has received approval from the state commissions in Califomia, Oregon, and Utah to reflect this investment in rates.2 In particular, the Public Service Commission of Utah found that the Company should be allowed full recovery of the Craig Unit2 SCR costs. In doing so, the Commission specifically rejected a proposed disallowance on a portion of the costs. Regarding the Company's Craig Unit 2 SCR investment, the Commission stated that: [Rocky Mountain Power] took every reasonable action to prevent the a. A. 2 See In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp (U90lE), and Oregon Company, for an Order Authorizing a General Rate Increase Effective January l, 2019, D.20-02-O25 at 34-35 (Feb. 18, 2O2O); In the Matter of PacifiCorp, dba Pacific Power Request for a General Rate Revision, Docket No. UE 37 4, Order No. 20-473 at 55 (Dec. I 8, 2020); Application of Roclcy Mountain Power for Authority to Increase its Retail Electric Utility Serrice Rates in Utah and for Apprcval of its Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Electric Sertice Regulations, Docket No. 20-035-04, Order at 43 (Dec. 30, 2020). In Wyoming, during public deliberations on May 18, 202l,the Public Service Commission verbally approved the inclusion of all Craig Unit 2 SCR costs in rates, the final written order is pending. See In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Powerfor Authority to Increase ils Retail Eleclric Service Rates by Approximately $7. I Million per Year or I . I Percent, to Revise the Energy Cosl Adjustment Mechanism, and to Discontinue Operations at Cholla Unil 4, Docket No. 20000-578-ER-20. Owen, Di -7 Rocky Mountain Power I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 T4 15 l6 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 majority partners in the Craig Participation Agreement from undertaking the SCR project, including conducting an economic assessment of the SCR project compared to an early closure of Craig, and exploring the possibility of legal action to stop or withdraw from participation in the SCR project. Additionally, we may only evaluate RMP's negotiation of the Craig Participation Agreement based on what was known or knowable at the time the agreement was negotiated.3 Hayden Unit 2 SCR O. Please describe the Hayden Facility. A. The Hayden plant is a 441 MW, two-unit coal-fired electrical generating facility located in Routt County, Colorado. Unit I is jointly owned by PSCo and the Company. The Company owns 24.5 percent of Unit 1. Unit 2 is jointly owned by PSCo, Salt River Project, and the Company. The Company owns 12.6 percent of Unit 2. PSCo operates the plant. a. Please provide a general description of the Hayden Unit 2 SCR system. A. The Hayden Unit 2 SCR system is primarily comprised of: reactors with multiple catalyst levels; inlet and outlet ductwork; ammonia reagent systems; certain boiler structures and ancillary infrastructure retrofits; electrical and control systems installation; and integration with the existing plant. a. What was the required timeline for the Company to install the SCR system at Hayden Unit 2? A. Installation ofthe Hayden Unit 2 SCR was required by the State of Colorado's Regional Haze SIP no later than December 31, 2016. Owen, Di - 8 Rocky Mountain Power 3 Docket No. 20-035-04, Order at 43. lQ. A. Did EPA approve the state of Colorado's Regional Haze SIP compliance requirements for Hayden Unit 2? Yes. The EPA published its approval of the Colorado Regional Haze SIP in the Federal Register on December 31, 2012.4 EPA s final approval made these emissions reduction compliance requirements at Hayden Unit 2 federally enforceable, in addition to being enforceable under state law. What regulations required the Hayden Unit 2 SCR project to be installed? In December 2010, the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission promulgated new Best Available Retrofit Technology ("BART") determinations and emissions control requirements for the Hayden unis in the Colorado Regional Haze SIP These BART determinations set an emissions limit of 0.07 pounds of nitrogen oxide per million British thermal units ("NO/IVIMBtu") for Hayden Unit 2. Although the BART determinations did not speciry how the limit was to be achieved, installation of SCR was the only technically feasible method available. Was a CPCN acquired for the Hayden Unit 2 SCR system in the state of Colorado where the project was constructed? Yes. On January 26,2011, the Colorado Public Utilities Commission approved the installation of the SCR system on Hayden Unit 2, finding that PSCo had demonstrated that the installation of the project was in the best interest of customers, but still required the filing of a modified CPCN application primarily to elicit more cost information.s a https://wwwepa. eov/sips-com. s In re Public Service Co. of Coloradob Plan in Compliance with House Bill 10-I365, "Clean Air-Clean Jobs Act", Docket No. l0M-245E, Decision No. Cl0-1328 atpp.4445,51, 86 (Jan. 26,2011) (available at: http://www.dora.state.co.us/PUC/DocketsDecisions/decisions/20 l0iC l0- 1328- l0M-245E.doc). Owen, Di - 9 Rocky Mountain Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 18 19 20 a. A. o. A. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 13 t4 l5 16 t7 18 t9 20 2l The Colorado Public Utilities Commission approved the CPCN application on July 18, 2012.6 a. Please generally describe the joint ownership governance of Hayden Unit 2. A. Joint ownership in Hayden Unit 2 is governed by a Participation Agreement (the "Hayden Participation Agreement"). The Hayden Participation Agteement mandates the installation of capital improvements that are required by applicable law. The Hayden Participation Agreement also places an independent obligation on PSCo, as operating agent, to operate Hayden Unit 2 in accordance with applicable laws. 0. What is the current status of the Hayden Unit 2 SCR system? A. The Hayden Unit 2 SCR system was placed in service in August 2016, following the planned major maintenance overhaul for the unis. Completion of the Hayden Unit 2 SCR system satisfied the compliance deadline established for the unit, as well as the prescribed emission reduction. The installation of the SCR was aligned with a scheduled major maintenance outage for Hayden Unit2 to mitigate replacement power cost impacts while benefiting from overlapping major maintenance outage time frames. This project also allows the retrofitted facility to continue to operate as a low-cost generation resource for the benefit of customers. a. Was the emissions control retrofit project included in this proceeding intended to extend the operational life of Hayden Unit 2? A. No. The Hayden Unit 2 emissions control retrofit project was required to continue 6 In re Public Service Co. of Colorado's Applicationfor a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessityfor the Hayden Emissions Control Projecl, Docket No. I lA-917E, Decision No. C l2-0843 at pp. l, 6 (July 18, 2012) (available publicly at https://www.dora.state.co.usipls/efi/EFI-Search_UI.search). Owen, Di - l0 Rocky Mountain Power I operations in Colorado to meet state environmental compliance requirements. In 2 addition, the Hayden Unit 2 SCR was a key component of the NOx reduction plan 3 submission by PSCo (the operator of Hayden Unit 2) to the Colorado Public Utilities 4 Commission under the Colorado Clean Air Clean Jobs Act. The Colorado Public 5 Utilities Commission approved NOx reduction plan, including the Hayden Unit 2 SCR 6 on December 9,2010.7 7 Q. To date, has PacifiCorp received approvals to reflect its Hayden Unit 2 SCR 8 investment in rates from state commissions in the jurisdictions that it has 9 requested recovery? l0 A. Yes. PacifiCorp has received approval from the state commissions in California, 11 Oregon, and Utah to reflect this investment in rates.8 The Hayden Unit 2 SCR 12 investment was an uncontested issue in both the California and Utah rate case 13 proceedings. Although the matter is still pending in Wyoming, it was also an 14 uncontested issue.e 15 Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 SCRs 16 a. Please describe the Jim Bridger plant and the operating features of Units 3 and 4. 17 A. The Jim Bridger plant consists of four coal-fueled units which are two-thirds co-owned l8 by PacifiCorp and one-third co-owned by Idaho Power Company. The plant is 19 maintained and operated by PacifiCorp. Unit 3 began commercial operation n 1976 T http://www.dora.state.co.usiPUCl/DocketsDecisions/decisions/2010/Cl0-1328_l0M-245E.pdt. 8 See D.20-02-025 at 34-35; Docket No. UE 374, Order No.20-473 at 55; Docket No. 20-035-04, Order (Dec. 30,2020). e See In the Matter of lhe Application of RoclE Mountain Power for Authority to Increase it.s Retail Electric Service Rales by Approximately $7.1 Million per Year or l.l Percent, to Revise the Energt Cost Adjustment Mechanism, and to Discontinue Operations al Cholla Unit 4, Docket No. 20000-578-ER-20. Owen, Di - ll Rocky Mountain Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t a. and Unit 4 followed n 1979. Unit 3 and Unit 4 have nominal net (or "net reliable") generation capacities of 52310 and 530 MW respectively, of which the corresponding PacifiCorp two-thirds share is 349 and353 MW. Both units are configured withAlstom (formerly Combustion Engineering) controlled circulation, tangentially fired, pulverized coal boilers and General Electric steam turbine-generators. Nominal steam conditions are2,400 pounds per square inch gauge pressure at 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit at the turbine-generator throttle valve. Both units are configured with closed loop circulating water cooling systems that include mechanical draft cooling towers and electrostatic precipitators. Unit 4 was originally equipped with a sodium-based wet flue gas desulfurization ("FGD") system, and Unit 3 was retrofitted in 1985 with a sodium- based wet FGD system. The plant has been, and remains, integral to the Company meeting its charge of providing electrical service to its customers, in all states served by the Company. The Jim Bridger substation is contiguous to the plant and connects six transmission lines. The plant is dispatched on a system-wide basis to serve the Company's customers. Please provide a general description of the emissions control investments included in the Company's long-term emissions control plan and the benefits gained from the investments. The emissions control equipment investments included in the Company's long-term emissions control plan primarily result in the reduction of SOz, NOx and particulate matter ("PM") emissions from generation facilities subject to federal and state A. r0 On February 22,2012, a Unit 3 re-rating from 530 to 523 MW was executed. The economic evaluation represented herein was based on an assumed Unit 3 total net reliable capacity of 530 MW and accounting for the incremental increase in auxiliary power consumption by the addition of the SCR system on each unit. Owen, Di- 12 Rocky Mountain Power I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 emissions requirements. The Company's emissions control plan focuses on maintaining a reasonable balance between protecting the interests of customers, meeting the obligation to serve the current and reasonably projected demands of customers, and complying with environmental requirements, all in the face of an uncertain regulatory environment. The Company's environmental control equipment projects are required to comply with the existing Regional Haze Rule, Regional SOz Milestone and Backstop Trading Programs, and other applicable environmental requirements. The projects are also required to comply with requirements in state SIPs, BARI permits, construction permits, and approval orders enforceable by the laws of the respective states. Please describe the specific emissions control investments at Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 for which the Company is seeking approval. The Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 emissions control investments in this filing are SCR systems and associated ancillary equipment for each unit. Each SCR system is comprised of two separate universal reactors, with multiple catalyst levels; inlet and outlet ductwork; a shared ammonia reagent system, an economizer upgrade; stuctural reinforcement of the boiler and flue gas path ductwork and equipment; and extension of the existing plant distributed control system. An induced draft fan upgrade and an associated auxiliary power system variable frequency drive insertion is required on Unit 4 only. Why were the emissions control equipment projects at Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 installed? The EPAs Regional Haze Rule, the Jim Bridger facility BART permit issued by the Owen, Di - 13 Rocky Mountain Power 10 11 a. t2 13 A. t4 l5 l6 t7 18 l9 2t a. 20 22 23 A. I 2 3 44. 5 6A. 7 8 9 l0 11 a. t2 13 A. t4 l5 l6 t7 state of Wyoming, a BART appeal settlement agreement with the state of Wyoming, and the Wyoming Regional Haze SIP all required the installation of the SCR on Unit 3 by the end of 2015 and on Unit 4 by the end of 2016. Did the EPA approve the state of Wyoming's Regional Haze compliance requirements for Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4? Yes. The EPA proposed approval of the SIP requirements for Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 in the Federal Register onJune 4, 2012.T"he EPA subsequently finalized its approval ofthese requirementsinthe Federal Register on January 30,2014. EPA s final approval made these reffofit and emissions reduction compliance requirements at Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 federally enforceable, in addition to being enforceable under state law. Did the Company file a CPCN for the Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 SCR systems in Idaho? No. However the Company did file a CPCN in Wyomingin2}l2, where the Wyoming Public Service Commission found the installation of the SCRs for Jim Bridger 3 and 4 to be a public necessity.ll Subsequently, the Company was found to have prudently managed the costs and implementation of the Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 SCR projects in accordance with the CPCN in the Company's 2015 Wyoming rate case.12 tt In the Malter of the Applicalion of PacifiCorp for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessily to Construct Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4, Docket No. 20000-418-EA-12 (Record I 33 I 4), Memorandum Opinion, Findings and Order Granting Application tbr a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity at l7 (May 29,2013). t2 In the Matter of the Applicalion of Roclry Mountain Powerfor Apprcval of a General Rate Increase In lts Retail Electic Utility Service Rates in WJtoming of $32.4 Million Per Year or 4.5o%. Docket No. 20000-469-EA- l5 (Record 14076), Memorandum Opinion, Findings of Fact, Decision at 36 (Dec. 30,2015). Owen, Di - 14 Rocky Mountain Power lQ. A. Did Idaho Power frle a CPCN for the Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 SCR systems in Idaho? Yes, and on December2,2013, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approved Idaho Power's application for a CPCN in the investment of SCRs on Jim Bridger units 3 and 4.13 The Commission found that the SCRs were in the public interest. Rocky Mountain Power did not file for a CPCN in Idaho but is requesting that the Commission find that the decision to install SCRS on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 was prudent and in the public interest. Should the Commission find the SCRs for Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 prudent? Yes. The SCRs were necessary to satisfu federal and state mandated environmental requirements. The costs and implementation of the Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 SCR projects included in this case have been prudently incurred and managed and the project met the established compliance deadlines. As such, the Company requests that the Commission grant the requested recovery of these prudently incurred costs. Did the Company file a Voluntary Request for Approval of Resource Decision to Construct the Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 SCR systems in the state of Utah? Yes. On August 24, 2012, the Company filed its application requesting the Public Service Commission of Utah to review and approve in advance construction of the Jim Bridger SCR projects.ra On May 10, 2013, the Public Service Commission of Utah t3 In the Matter of the ldaho Power Companyb Applicationfor a Cerlificate of Public Convenience and Necessityfor the Investmenl in Selective Catalytic Reduction Conlrols on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4. CaseNo. IPC-E-13-16, Report and Order at 12 (Dec.2,2013). ta In the Matter of the Voluntary Requesl of Roclqt Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision lo Construct Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems on Jim Bridger Unils 3 and 4,Docket No. l2-035-92. Order (May 10, 20 I 3 ), Order of Clarification (May 30, 20 l3). Owen, Di - 15 Rocky Mountain Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 l3 L4 15 t6 t7 l8 l9 a. A. a. A. I ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tl t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 approved the Company's request for a Resource Decision to add the SCR systems on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4.15 The costs of the Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 SCR system investment were incorporated into the Company's Utah rates in its recently concluded Utah general rate case.16 a. To date, has PacifiCorp received apprcvals to reflect its Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 SCR system investment in rates from state commissions in the jurisdictions that it has requested recovery? A. Yes. In Wyoming and California, PacifiCorp has received approval from the state commissions for full recovery of the Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 SCR system investment.lT tn Oregon, PacifiCorp was allowed recovery of the investment with a retum on invesffnent limited to its cost of long-term debt.l8 Finally, in Washingtoq PacifiCorp was allowed recovery of its investrnent.le IV. CONCLUSIONAI\DRECOMMEIYDATION a. Please summarize your testimony. A. The Company prudently managed the analysis and appropriately exercised its rights under the Craig Participation Agreement with respect to the Craig Unit 2 SCR project. The project was completed on time to meet applicable federal and state environmental 15 Docket No. 12-035-92, Order at 34. 16 Docket No. 20-035-04, Order (Dec. 30, 2020). t7 D.20-02-O25 at 34-35; In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of a General Rate Increase in its Retail Electric Utility Service Rates in Wyoming of $32.4 Million Per Year or 4,5 Percent; Docket No. 20000-469-ER-15 (Record No. 14076), Memorandum Opinion, Findings of Fact, Decision and Order (Dec. 30,2015), fl73.r8 Docket No. UE 374, Order No. 20-473 at 80-81. The Oregon Commission questioned whether sufticient reevaluation of the investment was completed and whether PacifiCorp sufficiently explored alternatives. te WUTC v. Pacific Power & Light Company, Docket No. UE-152253, Order 12 at40 (Sept. l, 2016). The Washington Commission stated that there was a lack of contemporaneous documentation of the decision- making. Owen, Di - 16 Rocky Mountain Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 compliance deadlines and performance requirements, and was administered by the plant operating agent, and approved by a majority vote of the unit's joint owners, in accordance with the Craig ParticipationAgreement terms and conditions. The Company's support of the Hayden Unit 2 SCR installations included in this case is in accordance with applicable law and the Hayden Participation Agreement governing that unit. The Hayden Unit 2 SCR project was also completed on time to meet applicable federal and state environmental compliance deadlines andperformance requirements. The Company prudently managed the costs and implementation of the Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 SCR projects to comply with state and federal law. The projects met federal and state environmental compliance deadlines and performance requirements. These environmental compliance projects have allowed the retrofitted facilities to continue to operate as low-cost generation resources for the benefit ofthe Company's customers. Based on these conclusions, I recommend that the Commission approve each of the projects described in my testimony for inclusion in rates. Does this conclude your direct testimony? Yes. Owen, Di - 17 Rocky Mountain Power 10 1l t2 13 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 a. 19 A-