HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210318Comments.pdfEDWARD JEWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO. 10446 ,t:.i..ll*iVSft ::i; iliil i s PH 2r S? *, ,- . -:",t ::t,*rljll s{S'li Street Address for ExPress Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BVLD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE,ID 837I4 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S 2021 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN CASE NO. PAC-E.21-03 ) ) ) ) ) ) COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF STAFF OF the Idaho Pubtic Utilities Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Edward Jewell, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On February 12,202l,Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp ("Rocky Mountain power,, or.oCompany,,) petitioned the Commission to extend the filing date for its202l Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") from March 31,2021, to no later than September 1, 2021' The Company stated it has held 12 public-input meetings on its 2021 IRP in which it has discussed topics such as resource cost-and-performance assumptions, model function and overview, load forecast, price-policy assumptions, market price assumptions, and transmission options considered as part of the 2021 IRP. The Company has been working since the summer of 2020 to implement new modeling software for the 2021 IRp but as of the time of filing its Petition, it has not successfully completed any model runs to establish resource portfolios and evaluate costs and risks' STAFF COMMENTS MARCH I8,2O2I1 The Company also stated it is currently conducting its 2020 All Source Request for Proposals ("2020AS RFP") and will have a final shortlist by June 1, 2021. The proposed IRP extension would allow the results of the 2020AS RFP to be incorporated in the 2021 IRP. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff evaluated aspects of the Company's filing and determined that permitting an extension to the IRP deadline would allow the Company time to resolve issues with new power system modeling software and include the 2020AS RFP. Staff believes there will be limited impact to upcoming filings that utilize results of the IRP, but Staff recommends that if the Load and Gas Forecast Update will be delayed past its October t5,2021filing deadline or if the IRP will be further delayed, that the Company notiff the Commission as soon as it is known. Staff recommends that the Commission grant the Company's requested 5-month extension for filing the 2021 rRP. Forecast Modeling Staff supports the thorough development and analysis of a least-cost, least-risk integrated resource plan which further extends analysis to support the Multi-State Protocol ("MSP"). In the February IO,202l IRp public-input meeting, the Company disclosed it was continuing to'oaddress modeling functionality and performance issues associated with implementation of new and advanced modeling software," and that they were behind in performing model runs that would establish resource portfolios needed for cost and risk analysis. Staff believes it is appropriate to permit the IRP extension to allow the Company time to resolve issues with the new software' Request for Proposals During the IRP delay, Staff finds it reasonable for the Company to include results from the 2020AS RFp while also making necessary adjustments to optimize modeling functionality and for updating input parameters used by the model. Related IRP Cases Considering the proposed five-month IRP filing delay, Staff believes there would be minimal impact to the load and gas forecast update case that is used to develop the IRP avoided cost STAFF COMMENTS MARCH I8,2O2I2 model. In the Company's prior case, PAC-E-19-01 which was submitted to extend the 2019 IRP filing,l the Company was able to file the Load and Gas Forecast Update within 23 days of the regular October 15th filing date.2 Staff recognizes that the IRP delay will lead to a delayed update of the First Capacity Deficiency Date usedfor avoided cost pricing under both the Surrogate Avoided Resource Method and the IRP Method because the First Capacity Deficiency Date case is filed after the acknowledgement of each IRP. See Order Nos. 33917 and34649. This will result in using the currently approved First Capacity Deficiency Date for a longer period. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends the Commission grant a 5-month extension for filing the 2021IRP from March 3l,2}2l to September 1,2021and that the Company inform the Commission, if the Load and Gas Forecast (lpdate will be delayed past its October t5,202I filing deadline or if the IRP frling will be further delayed as soon as it is known. Respectfully submitted this 'Fo& day of Mar ch202l. Deputy General Technical Staff: Rachelle Farnsworth Richard Keller i:umisc/comments/pace2 l.3ejrkrf comments I In the case to extend the 2019 IRP filing, the Company filed the IRP on October 18, 2019. Case No. PAC-E-19-01 2 Case No. PAC-E-19-18, STAFF COMMENTS MARCH I8,2O2I JEd J CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS ISTH DAY OF MARCH 2021, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. PAC-E-21-03, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: TED WESTON ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I 16 E-MAIL : ted.weston@pacifi corp.com idahodockets@pacifi corp. com EMILY WEGENER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1407 WN TEMPLE STE 320 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 E-MAIL: emily.wegener@nacificorp.com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E.MAIL ONLY: datareq uest@paci fi corp.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE