HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210115Hemstreet Exhibit 2.pdf'*n"8ilffiffi*,* JAN I + ZuZt Boise,ldaho Exhibit 2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 1 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet KLAMATH HYDROELECTRIC SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT February 18, 2010 as amended April6r2016 & November 30, 2016 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 2 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet TABLE OF CONTENTS Recitals Purpose of Settlement .......... Parties Bound by Settlement Definitions. Compliance with Legal Responsibilities .......... Reservations 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 t.4 1.5 1.6 r.7 1.8 t.9 2.4 3. 3.1 3.2 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 2.t.2 2.1.3 2.r.4 2.1.5 2.t.6 Generally.. Reservations Regarding Federal Appropriations .,.......... Availability of Public Funds Reservations Regarding Legislative Proposals .. 2 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 1.6.5 Reservations Regarding Regulations 1.6.6 No Pre-Decisional Commitrnent.... 1.6.7 No Waiver of Sovereign Immunity 1.6.8 No Argument, Admission, or Precedent L6.9 Protection of Interests .... Trinity River......... Tribal WaterRights Klamath Basin Agteement 2. 2.1 Implementation of S.al*laman} General Duty to Support Implementation 2.1.1 Legislation. Regulatory Approvals .... Defense of Sefflement.... Obligation to Implement Timeliness Force Majeure 2.2 Ratemaking Legislation and Proceedings ..............., 2.3 Project Water Rights; Klamath Basin Adjudication .......12 ,,.,,,, 12 10 10 10 l0 r0 11 l1 11 13 t4 t4 t4 t4 2.3.1 Project WaterRights 2.3.2 Klamath Basin Adjudication.... Lease of State-Owned Beds and Banks 4. 4.1 Secretarial Designation and Statement of Support .................. 14 Statement of Support. ......... 14 Secretarial Designation ......14 Costs 15 Funds for the Purpose of Facilities Removal... ........ 15 4.1.1 The Customer Contribution........... .............. 15 4.1.2 The California Bond Funding ...................... 16 4.1.3 State Cost Cap............ ............... 17 I 4.2 4.3 4.4 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 3 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-2'l-0'l Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Establishment and Management of Trust Accounts and California Bond Funding ..........17 4.2.1 The Oregon Klamath Trust Accounts................. .............17 4.2.2 The California Klamath Trust Accounts................. .........17 4.2.3 The California Bond Funding .......................18 4.2.4 Management of the Trust Accounts................. ................18 Adjustrnent to Surcharges ...19 Disposition of Unnecessary or Unused Funds from the Oregon and/or California Klamath Trust Accounts ......................... Recovery of Net lnvestrnent in Facilities Recovery of Costs of Ongoing Operations and ReplacementPower Treatment of Costs Related to Future Portfolio Standards and Climate Change Legislation Acknowledgement of Independence of Oregon PUC and California PUC......... Consultation................ t9 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.tL 4.12 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 6. 6.1 6.2 ..............20 ...,,...,...,.2| ...,...,.,,,,21 ...,.........,21 ..',....,,.,..22 .22 .22 United States Not Responsible for Costs of Facilities Removal.... Parties' Costs Related to Facilities Removal ............... Funding and Grant Agreements ................ Local Community Power....... Power Development [Section deleted] Transmittal and Distribution of Energy ........... Irigator Rates Interim Operations General...... 6. I . 1 PacifiCorp Performance................ 6.1.2 Duty to Support...... 6.1.3 Permitting. 6.1.4 lnterim Power Operations 6.1.5 Adjushnent for Inflation.. Interim Conservation Plan 6.2.1 Application by PacifiCorp 6.2.2 Applicable Actions by the Services under the ESA........... 6.2.3 Potential Modifications of Measures... TMDIs...... 6.3.1 PacifiCorp Implementation.................. 6.3.2 TMDL Implementation Plans 6.3.3 Keno Load Allocation. 6.3.4 TMDL Reservations. Other Project Works 6.4.L East SideAVest Side Facilities .... 6.4.2 Fall Creek Hydroelectric Facility Abeyance of Relicensing Proceeding ..... 1l .23 .23 .24 .26 ).6 6.3 6.4 .28 .29 ,29 .29 .29 6.5 30 30 3l 31 31 32 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 4 o'f 221 Case No. PAC-E-2I-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 7. DRE, Transfer, Surrender, and Facilities Removal................ ...................327.1 DRE...........32 7 .l .I Execution of Settlement............... 7.1.2 Capabilities 7.1.3 LiabilityProtection 7.1.4 License Transfer Conditions and Timing 7.1.5 FERC Application for Transfer 7.1.6 Operation and Maintenance Agreement 7.1.7 FERC Application for Surrender 32 33 34 35 .........35 .........36 7.1.8 Performance of Facilities Removal 7.1.9 Other Regulatory Approvals for Facilities Removal 7.1.10 Assignment Definite Plan and Detailed Plan . ,.,,,.,.37 ,..,...,37 37't .2 7.3 7.4 7.2.r 7.2.2 7.2.3 Development and Use of oefinite P1an. .. 37 Detailed Plan for Facilities Removal ............38 Assessment and Mitigation of Potential Impacts to the City ofYreka..................39 Schedule for Facilities Removal ..... Transfer, Decommissioning, and Facilities Removal 7.4.1 DRE Notice 7.4.2 Decommissioning and Transfer....... Keno Facility 7.5J Study 7.5.2 Keno Facility Determination 7.5.3 PacifiCorp Operations Prior to Transfer.... 7.5.4 Operations After Transfer 7.5.5 Landowner Agreements... Dispositions of PacifiCorp Interests in Lands and Other Rights........ 7 .6.1 Lands Owned by PacifiCorp............... 7.6.2 Potential Non-Project Land Exchanges 7.6.3 BLM Easements and Rights of Way...... 7.6.4 PacifiCorp Klamath Hydroelectric Project Lands 7.6.5 PacifiCorp Water Riehts 7.6.6 PacifiCorp Hatchery Facilities... General Provisions....... 7.5 7.6 .40 .43 .43 .43 .44 .44 .44 .4s .45 .45 45 46 46 48 49 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Term of Settlement Effectiveness ......... Successors and Assigns............... Amendment .50 Notices ..50 ..50 ..5 1 ..51Dispute Resolution. 8.6.1 Cooperation................ 8.6.2 Costs......... 8.6.3 Non-Exclusive Remedy 8.6.4 Dispute Resolution Procedures ....51 ....51 3 ..51 ..52 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 5 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 8.7 Meet and Confer..... 8.7.1 Applicability 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 55 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 8.7.2 Meet and Confer Procedures. 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 Remedies.. Entire Agreement Severability Termination................ 8.1 1.1 Potential Termination Events 8.11.2 Definitions for Section 8.11 .. 8.1 1.3 Cure for Potential Termination Event 8. I I .4 Obligations Surviving Termination ................ 8.r2 8.13 8.14 8.1s No Third-Party Beneficiaries ........ Elected Officials Not to Benefit....... No Partnership ........... Governing Law 8. I 5. I Contractual Obligation......... 8. 15.2 Regulatory Obligation. 8.15.3 Reference to Applicable Law....... 8.16 8. t7 Federal Appropriations Confidentiality 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Execution of Settlement.............. Signatory Authority Sigrung in Counterparts New Parties .................. DRE and Liability Transfer Corp. as Parties ........ 4 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 6 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet APPENDICES A. Coordination Process for the Studies Supporting the Secretarial Determination B. Interim Measures Implementation Commiuee (Interim Measure 1) C. Interim Conservation Plan (ICP) Interim Measures D. Non-ICP Interim Measures E. Elements for the Proposed Federal Legislation F. Oregon Surcharge Act (as codified) G-1. California Legislation, Water Bond Language G-2. California Legislation, CEQA Legislation Language H. Calculation of Initial Customer Surcharge Target I. Study Process Guidelines J. Science Process K. List of Authorized Representatives L,DRE and Contractor Qualifications, Insurance, Bonding, and RiskMitigation Requirements F\TI{IRITS 1. Water Rights Agreement between PacifiCorp and the State of Oregon 2. Sequence of Performance Chart-KHSA 3. Maps 4. Estimated Timelines-KHSA as Amended 5 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page7 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet The KLAMATH HYDROELECTRIC SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT was made and entered into by and among the following entities: Ady District Improvement C ompany; AmericanRivers; Bradley S. Luscombe; Califomia Deparhnent of Fish and Game ("CDFG"); California Natural Resources Agency ("CNRA"); California Trout; Collins Products, LLC; Don Johnston & Son; Enterprise lrrigation District; Humboldt County, California; Institute for Fisheries Resources; Inter-County Properties Co., which acquired title as Inter-County TitleCo.; Karuk Tribe; Klamath Basin Improvement District; Klamath County, Oregon; Klamath Drainage District; Klamath krigation Distict; KlamathTribes; Klamath Water and Power Agency("KWAPA"); Klamath Water Users Association ("KWUA"); Malin Lri gation District; Midland Dishict Improvement Company; Northern California Council, Federation of Fly Fishers; Oregon Department of Environmental Quality ("ODEQ"); Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife ("ODFW"); Oregon Water Resources Deparbnent ("OWRD"); Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations; PacifiCorp; Pioneer District Improvement Company; Plevna District Improvement Company; Randolph Walthall and Jane Walthall as trustees under declaration of trustdated November 28,1995 (the "Randolph and Jane Walthall 1995 trust"); Reames Golf and CountryClub; Salmon River Restoration Council; Shasta View krigation District; Sunnyside krigation District; Trout Unlimited; Tulelake Irrigation District; United States Department of Commerce's National Marine Fisheries Service ("IrlMFS"); United States Department of the lnterior("Interior"); Upper Klamath Water Users Association ("UKWUA"); Van Brimmer Ditch Company; Westside Improvement District #4; 1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page I ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Winema Hunting Lodge, Inc.;and Yurok Tribe; This Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, as amended, is entered into by and among the entities who sign the Settlement. 1. Introduction 1.1 Recitals WHEREAS, the States, the United States and PacifiCorp entered into the 2008 Agreementin Principle that addressed issues pertaining to the resolution of certain litigation and other controversies in the Klamath Basin, including a path forward for possible Facilities Removal; and WHEREAS, the 2008 AIP provided that the parties to the 2008 AIP would continuegood-faith negotiations to reach a final sefflement agreement in order to minimize adverse impacts ofdam removal on affected communities, local property values and businesses and to specify substantive rights, obligations, procedures, timetables, agency and legislative actions, and other steps for Facilities Removal; and WHEREAS, the other Parties to this Settlement desired to participate in the negotiations ofa final settlement agteement in order to ensure that the interests of Indian tribes, environmental orgatizations, fishermen, water users, and local communities were addressed; and WHEREAS, the Parties view this Settlement as an important part of the resolution oflong- standing, complex, and intractable conflicts over resources in the Klamath Basin; and WHEREAS, the 2008 AIP established a "commitment to negotiate" a settlement "based on existing information and the preliminary view of the governmental Parties (the United States, Oregon, and California) that the potential benefits for fisheries, water and other resources of removing the Facilities outweigh the potential costs, risks, liabilities or other adverse consequences of such removal"; and WHEREAS, certain Parties believe that decommissioning and removal of the Facilities willhelp restore Basin natural resources, including anadromous fish, fisheries and water quality; and WHEREAS, the Parties understand that the Project dams are currently the propertyof PacifiCorp, and that they are currently operated subject to applicable state and federal law and regulations. The other Parties understand that the decision before PacifiCorp is whetherthe decommissioning and removal of certain Facilities is appropriate and in the best interests of PacifiCorp and its customers. PacifiCorp asserts that prudent and reasonable long-termutility rates and protection from any liability for damages caused by Facilities Removal are central to its willingness to voluntarily transfer the dams and the low-carbon renewable energy theyproduce and to concur in the removal of the dams by the DRE; and 2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page I ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet WHEREAS, the United States has devoted considerable funds and resources toresource enhancements, management actions, and compensation in the Klamath Basin, and variousParties believe that a broader and integrated approach is appropriate to realize Basin-wide objectives; and WIIEREAS, this Settlernent contemplates a substantial non-federal contribution in supportof said approach; and WHEREAS, the Tribes and the Federal Parties agree that this Settlement advances thetrust obligation of the United States to protect Basin Tribes' federally reserved fishing and water rights in the Klamath and Trinity River Basins; and WHEREAS, in 2016, PacifiCorp, the United States, and the States signed the 20l6Agreement in Principle to signify their intent to negotiate an amended KHSA that would facilitateFacilities Removal through the existing authority of FERC under the Federal Power Act; and WHEREAS, all of the Parties agree that this Settlement is in the publicinterest. NOW, TIIEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: 1.2 Pumose of Settlement The Parties have entered into this Settlement for the purpose of resolving among themthe pending FERC relicensing proceeding by establishing a process for potential Facilities Removal and operation of the Project until that time. 1.3 Parties Bound by Settlement The Parties shall be bound by this Settlement for the term stated in Section 8.1 herein, unless terminated pursuant to Section 8.11. 1.4 Definitions "2008 Agreement in Principle" or "2008 AIP" refers to the Agreement inPrinciple executed on November 13, 2008, by the states of Oregon and California, Interior, and PacifiCorp setting forth a framework for potential Facilities Removal. "2016 Agreement in Principle" or "2016 AIP" refers to the Agreement inPrinciple executed on February 2,2016, by the states of Oregon and California, Interior, theU.S. Deparfinent of Commerce, and PacifiCorp signifying their intent to negotiate anamended KHSA that would achieve Facilities Removal through the existing authority ofFERC under the Federal Power Act. "Amendment Effective Date" is defined in Section 8.2. J Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 10 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet "Applicable Law" means general law that (1) exists outside of this Settlement, including, but not limited to a Constitution, statute, regulation, court decision, orcorlmon law, and (2) applies to obligations or activities of Parties contemplated by this Settlement. The use of this term is not intended to create a contractual obligation to comply with any law that would not otherwise apply. "Authorizing Legislation" refers to the statutes enacted by the Oregon andCalifornia Legislatures, respectively, to authorize and implement certain aspects of this Settlement, ifnecessary. "CEQA" refers to the Califomia Environmental Quality Act, Cal. Pub. Res. Code $ 21000 et seq. "C'\ryA" refers to the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. $ l25l et seq "Coordination Process" for the Studies Supporting the Secretarial Determinationmeans the process contained in Appendix A by which the United States will obtain input and assistance from the Parties to this Settlement, as governed by Applicable Law, regarding the studies and environmental compliance actions needed to inform and support the Secretarial Determination. "Counties" refers to the counties that sign this Settlement "Dam Removal Entity" or "DRE" is the Klamath River Renewal Corporation,which will be the entity responsible for Facilities Removal under thisSettlement. "Decommissioning" means PacifiCorp's physical removal from a facility of any equipment and personal property that PacifiCorp determines has salvage value, and physical disconnection of the facility from PacifiCorp's transmissiongnd. "Definite Plan" means a plan and timetable for Facilities Removal submitted by theDRE or any of its contractors or assigns under Section 7.2.1. "Detailed Plan" means the plan dated July 2012 that includes elements described in Section 7.2.2. "Dispute Resolution Procedures" means the procedures established by Section 8.6. "Due Diligence" means a Party's taking all reasonable steps to implement itsobligations under this Settlement. "Effective Date" is defined in Section 8.2. "EPAct" refers to the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Section 241, codified at 16 U.S.C. $ 823d and amendments to l6 U.S.C. $$ 797(e) and 8l l. 66ESA" refers to the federal Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. $$ 1531 et seq 4 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 11 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet "Facilities" or "Facility" means the following specific hydropower facilities withinthe jurisdictional boundary of FERC ProjectNo. 2082: kon Gate Dam, Copco No. I Dam, Copco No. 2 Dam, J.C. Boyle Dam, and appurtenant works currently licensedto PacifiCorp. "Facilities Removal" means physical removal of all or part of each of the Facilities to achieve at a minimum a free-flowing condition and volitional fish passage, site remediation and restoration, including previously inundated lands, measures to avoid or minimize adverse downstream impacts, and all associated permitting for such actions. "Federal Parties" refers to Interior, including the component agencies and bureaus of lnterior, and the NMFS. "FERC" refers to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. "Interim Conservation Plan" or "ICP" refers to the plan developed byPacifiCorp through technical discussions with NMFS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ("USFWS") regarding voluntary interim measures for the enhancement of coho salmon and suckers listed under the ESA, filed with FERC on November 25,2008, or suchplan as subsequently modified. "Interim Measures" refers to those measures described in Appendices C and D to this Settlement. "Interim Period" refers to the period between the Effective Date and Decommissioning. "Keno facility" means Keno Dam, lands underlying Keno Dam, appurtenant works and PacifiCorp-owned property described as Klamath County Map Tax Lot R-3907-03600- 00200-000 located in Klamath County, Oregon. "Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement" or "KIISA" means theKlamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement executed February 1 8, 20 I 0. "Meet and Confer" procedures mean the procedures established by Section 8.7 ofthis Settlement. "NEPA" refers to the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. $$ 4321 et seq "Nominal dollars" means dollars that are not adjusted for inflation at the time they are collected. "Non-bypassable surcharge" means a monetary surcharge authorized by the appropriate state utility commission through a tariff schedule that applies to all retail customers who rely on PacifiCorp's transmission and distribution system for the delivery ofelectricity. "Notice" means wriffen notice pursuant to the requirements and procedures of Section 8.5. 5 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 12 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet "Oregon Surcharge Act" is defined in Section 2.2. "PacifiCorp's Economic Analysis" means the primary economic analysis preparedby PacifiCorp and relied upon by PacifiCorp to compare the present value revenue requirement impact of the KHSA against the present value revenue requirement of relicensing of the Facilities under defined prescriptions generally based on theFERC Final Environmental Impact Statement dated November 2007, which analysis PacifrCorp filed with the Public Utility Commission of Oregon ("Oregon PUC") pursuantto Section 4(1) of the Oregon Surcharge Act and with the California Public Utilities Commission ("California PUC") in accordance with Section 4 of the KHSA. This analysis was used to compare the relative cost of relicensing with the relative cost ofthe KHSA. "Parties" or "Part5r" means the signatories to this Amended KHSA collectively ora signatory individually. "Project" refers to the Klamath Hydroelectric Project as licensed by FERC underProject No.2082. "Public Agency Party" means each Tribe, the Federal Parties, the agencies of eachof the States, the Counties, and each other Party that is a public agency establishedunder Applicable Law. "Regulatory Approval" means each permit or other approval under a statute or regulation necessary or appropriate to implement any of the obligations or activities of Parties contemplated under this Settlement. "Regulatory Obligation" means each of those obligations or activities ofParties contemplated by this Settlement that are subject to Regulatory Approval and, uponsuch approval, are enforceable under regulatory authority. "secretarial Determination" means the determination contemplated in Section 3.3 of the KHSA. "Secretary" refers to the Secretary of the Interior "services" means the National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S. Fish andWildlife Service. "Setflement" means the entirety of the KHSA and Appendices A through L, as amended and applicable. "settlement" does not include Exhibits 1 through 4, which are related documents attached for informational purposes. "States" refers to the State of Oregon by and through the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, and Oregon WaterResources 6 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 13 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Department, and the State of California by and through the California Deiparbnent ofFish and Wildlife ("CDFW") and the California Natural ResourcesAgency. "State Cost Cap" means the collective maximum monetary contribution from thestates of California and Oregon as described in Section4.l.3 of this Settlement. "Timely" or "Timeliness" means performance of an obligation by the deadline established in the applicable provision of this Settlement or otherwise in amanner reasonably calculated to achieve the bargained-for benefits of this Settlement. 'oTribes" means the Yurok Tribe, the Karuk Tribe, the Hoopa Valley Tribe, andthe Klamath Tribes, so long as such tribe is a signatory to the Settlement. "Value to Customers" means potential cost reductions described in Section7.3.8. These cost reductions would (1) decrease the Customer Contribution defined in Section 4.L.I.C, (2) decrease the costs of ongoing operations, or (3) decrease the costs of replacement power, as compared against the assumptions contained in PacifiCorp's Economic Analysis. 1.5 Comoliance with Lesal Responsibilities In the implementation of this Settlement, Public Agency Parties shall complywith Applicable Law, including but not limited to the Authorizing Legislation, NEPA, ESA, CWA, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, andCEQA. 1.6 Reservations 1.6.1 Generally Nothing in this Settlement is intended or shall be construed to affect or limitthe authority or obligation of any Party to fulfill its constitutional, statutory, and regulatory responsibilities or comply with any judicial decision. Nothing inthis Settlement shall be interpreted to require the Federal Parties, the States, or any other Party to implement any action which is not authoizedby Applicable Law or where sufficient funds have not been appropriated for that purpose by Congress or the States. The Parties expressly reserve all rights not granted, recognized, or relinquished in this Settlement. 1.6.2 Reservations Reeardins Federal Appropriations All actions required of the Federal Parties in implementing this Settlement are subject to appropriations for that purpose by Congress. Nothing in this Sefflement shall be interpreted as or constitute a commitment or requirement that anyFederal agency obligate or pay funds in violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act, 3l U.S.C. $ 1341, or other Applicable Law. Nothing in this Settlement is intended orshall be construed to commit a federal official to expend federal funds not appropriated 7 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 14 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet for that purpose by Congress. Nothing in this Settlement is intended to or shallbe construed to require any official of the executive branch to seek or request appropriations from Congress to implement any provision of this Settlement. 1.6.3 AvailabiliW of Public Funds Funding by any Public Agency Party under this Settlement is subject to the requirements of Applicable Law. Nothing in this Settlement is intended orshall be construed to require the obligation, appropriation, or expenditure of any funds by the States or a Public Agency Party except as otherwise permittedby Applicable Law. 1.6.4 Reservations Regardine Lesislative Proposals Nothing in this Settlement shall be deemed to limit the authority of the executive branch of the United States govemment to make recommendations to Congress on any particular proposed legislation. 1.6.5 Reservations Reeardine Regulations Nothing in this Settlement is intended or shall be construed to deprive anypublic official of the authority to revise, amend, or promulgate regulations. 1.6.6 No Pre-Decisional Commitment Nothing in this Settlement is intended or shall be construed to be apre-decisional commitment of funds or resources by a Public Agency Party. Nothing inthis Settlement is intended or shall be construed to predetermine the outcome of any Regulatory Approval or other action by a Public Agency Party necessaryunder Applicable Law in order to implement this Settlement. 1.6.7 No Waiver of Sovereien Immunitu Nothing in this Settlement is intended or shall be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity by the United States, the State of Oregon, the Stateof California, any other Public Agency Purty, or the Tribes. This Sefflement does not obligate the United States or any Federal Party to affirmatively supportthis Settlement regarding any state or local legislative, administrative, orjudicial action before a state administrative agency or court. 1.6.8 No Argument. Admission. orPrecedent This Settlement shall not be offered for or against a Party as argument, admission, or precedent regarding any issue of fact or law in any mediation, arbitration, litigation, or other administrative or legal proceeding, except that this Settlement may be used in any future proceeding to interpret or enforce the terms ofthis 8 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 15 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Settlement, consistent with Applicable Law. This Settlement may also be usedby any Party in litigation by or against non-Parties to implement or defendthis Settlement. This section shall survive any termination of this Settlement. 1.6.9 Protection of Interests Each Party may, in a manner consistent with this Settlement, protect, defend, and discharge its interests and duties in any administrative, regulatory, legislative or judicial proceeding, including but not limited to the Secretarial Determination, FERC relicensing process, CWA 401 proceedings, or other proceedings related to potential Project relicensing, surrender, or Facilities Removal. 1.7 Trinitv River The Parties intend that this Settlement shall not adversely affect the TrinityRiver Restoration Program. To reach that conclusion, the Tribes reaffirm and rely upon their view of the existing fishery restoration goals and principles for the Trinity River Fishery RestorationProgram, as follows: A. Restoration of the Trinity River fish populations to pre-TrinityDam construction levels; B. Fishery restoration shall be measured not only by returning anadromous fish spawners but also by the ability of dependent tribal and non-tribal fishersto participate fully in the benefits of restoration through meaningful subsistence and commercial harvest opportunities; C. An appropriate balance between stocks of natural and hatchery origins shall be maintained to minimize negative interactions upon naturally produced fish by hatchery mitigation releases; D. A collaborative working relationship between federal agencies and the above mentioned Tribes; E. Portions of federal activities that are associated with fisheryrestoration programs are Indian Programs for the purposes of the Indian Self- Determination Act; and F. The Tribes support full funding implementation of the Trinity River Recordof Decision from funding sources outside of this Settlement. Nothing in this section binds any Party to any particular interpretation of the law or requires any Party to take particular actions, including performance of InterimMeasures, or excuses any action othenvise required by Applicable Law or this Settlement. I Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 16 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 1.8 Tribal Water Riehts This Settlement does not waive or in any way limit any treaty right, federallyreserved right, or other right of the Tribes, or any federally recognized tribe, including anywater or fishing right. 1.9 Klamath Basin Aereement The States, the Federal Parties, and other entities are concrurently entering into the20l6 Klamath Power and Facilities Agreement. Each Party, other than PacifiCorp, shall support and defend the2016 Klamath Power and Facilities Agreement, in its current form as of April 6,2016, and its objectives in each applicable venue or forum in which it participates, including any adminisfrative or judicial action. For purposes of this Section 1.9 only, the terms "support and defend" mean that the Party will advocate for the 2016 Klamath Power and FacilitiesAgreement or refrain from taking any action or making any statement in opposition to the20l6 Klamath Power and Facilities Agreement. More broadly, the Parties are committedto engage in good faith efforts to develop and enter into a subsequent agreement or agreements pertaining to other water, fisheries, land, agriculture, refuge and economic sustainability issues in the Klamath Basin with the goal to complete such agreementor agreements within the next year. 2. Implementation of Settlement 2.1 General Duty to Support Implementation The Parties shall fully support this Settlement and its implementation. The form, manner, and timing of each Party's support are reserved to the discretion of each Party. Each Party agrees to refrain from any action that does not support or further cooperative efforts in support of the goals of this Settlement and its effectiveimplementation. 2.1.1 Leqislation A. The Parties understand and agree that federal legislation is not necessary to carry out this Settlement. B. Within 60 days of the Amendment Effective Date, the CDFWwill provide draft California legislation to the Parties regarding a limited authorization for incidental take of Lost River Suckers, Shortnose Sucker, Golden Eagles, southem Bald Eagles, Greater Sandhill Cranes, or American Peregrine Falcon contingent upon the fulfillment of certain conditions, ifsuch authorization is necessary for implementation of this Settlement. After reasonable opportunity for Parties to provide comments on the draft legislation, the State of California shall Timely recommend the legislation. 10 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 17 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 2.1.2 RezulatoryAoprovals Subject to Sections 1.6.1,2.I, and,7.1.5, each Party shall support the application for and granting of Regulatory Approvals consistent with this Settlement. The preceding sentence shall not apply to the Public Agency Party exercisingthe regulatory approval or to a Public Agency Party not participating inthe proceeding. 2.1.3 Defense of Settlement If an administrative or judicial action is brought against any Party to challengethe validity of this Settlement or its implementation consistent with the Settlement, each other Party shall endeavor to intervene or otherwise participate in such action, subject to its discretion, necessary funding, and Section 1.6. Any such participating Party will defend the Settlement. The form of suchdefense, including what litigation positions to support or recommend in such action, shall be left to the discretion of each participating Party in the action. Each Party may comment on the consistency of any plan, other document, ordata arising during the implementation of this Settlement and not otherwise set forthin an Appendix or Exhibit to this Settlement. The Parties acknowledge that their comments may conflict due to differing good-faith interpretations ofthe applicable obli gations under this S ettlement. 2.1.4 Obliqation to Implement A. General Each Party shall implement each of its obligations under this Settlement in good faith and with Due Diligence. Any obligation identified as an obligation of all of the Parties does not obligate any individual Partyto take any action itself or itself make any specific commitment other thanto participate in the applicable procedures. B. Cooperation Amone the Parties Each Party shall cooperate in the implementation of this Settlement. A Party shall not act in a manner that results in an action or requirementthat is inconsistent with the Sefflement unless necessary to complywith statutory regulatory, or other legal responsibility. C. Covenant Not to Sue with Respect to Permittine and Performance of Definite Plan (1) No Party shall directly or indirectly through other entities oppose the DRE's securing all permits and entering all contracts necessary ll Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 18 oI 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreel for Facilities Removal consistent with the Definite Plan or any Regulatory Approval, provided this clause does not apply to a Public Agency Party exercising a RegulatoryApproval; (2) After transfer of the Facilities to the DRE, each Partycovenants not to sue any other Party for monetary or non-monetary relief for harm arising from removal of any of the Facilities, provided this covenant does not apply to claims against the DRE arising from the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of the DRE or any ofits contractors, subcontractors, or assigns, or fromthe actions or omissions of the DRE or any of its contractors, subcontractors, or assigns inconsistent with the Definite Plan or in violation of a Regulatory Approval. This provision does not apply to rights under the indemnifications established in Section 7.1.3 ot the States' agreements with the DRE required in Section 4.12. 2.1.5 Timeliness Exhibit 4 describes the sequence of performance of specific obligations necessary to achieve the bargained-for benefits of this Settlement. Exhibit 4 is subject to change and modification as needed and is provided for guidance only. The Parties shall undertake to implement this Settlement in a manner consistent with this sequence. If any Party requires more time than permitted by this Settlement to perform an obligation, that Party shall provide Notice to other Parties 30 days before the applicable deadline, unless the applicable provision in this Settlement establishes a different period. The Notice shall explain: (1) the obligation thatthe Party is attempting to perform; (2) the reason that performance is or maybe delayed; and (3) the steps the Party has taken or proposes to take to Timely complete performance. 2.1.6 Force Majeure A. Definition of Force Majeure The term "Force Majeure" means any event reasonably beyond aParty's control that prevents or materially interferes with the performance of an obligation of that Party, that could not be avoided with the exercise ofdue care, and that occurs without the fault or negligence of that Party. Force Majeure events may be unforeseen, foreseen, foreseeable, or unforeseeable, including without limitation: natural events; labor orcivil disruption; breakdown or failure of Project works not caused by failureto properly design, construct, operate, or maintain; or new regulations or laws that are applicable to the Project (other than the Authorizing Legislation). Force Majeure is presumed not to include normal inclement weather, which presumption can be overcome by a preponderance ofthe evidence provided by the non-performing Party. 12 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 19 o'f 221 Case No. PAC-E-2l-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet B. Suspension of Oblisation During a Force Majeure event, and except as otherwise provided in this Settlement, a Party shall be relieved of any specific obligationdirectly precluded by the event, as well as those other obligations performance of which is materially impaired, but only for the duration of such event. The non-performing Party bears the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence the existence of Force Majeure, including the absence of negligence and fault. C. Remedies If a Force Majeure event occurs, and except as otherwise provided inthis Settlement: (l) A Party that believes it is excused from performance pursuantto Section 2.1 .6.8 shall provide Notice within 10 days of the onset of the event. Such Notice shall describe the occrurence, nafure, and expected duration ofsuch event and describe the steps the Party has taken or proposes to be taken to prevent or minimize the interference with the performance of any affected obligationunder this Settlement; (2) A Party shall thereafter provide periodic Notice to the otherParties of the efforts to address and resolve a Force Majeure event; and (3) If any other Party disputes the Party's claim of a Force Majeure event, or the adequacy ofthe efforts to address and resolve such event, such Party shall initiate the Dispute Resolution Procedures stated in Section 8.6. 2.2 Ratanaking Legislation and Proceedines Each Party shall support implementation of the Oregon Surcharge Act enacted as Senate Bill 76, 2009 Or. Session Laws Chapter 690 in 2009 and authorizing the collection of a customer surcharge for the costs of Facilities Removal, whichwas codified as ORS 757.732 through 757.744. The Oregon Surcharge Act as codified is attached to this Settlement as Appendix F. The Parties understand and agree that the costs of Facilities Removal shall be funded as specified in Section 4 of this Settlement. The Parties further understand and agreethat funds allocated for Facilities Removal shall be managed and disbursed as specified in Section 4 of this Settlement. In the event that (l) the California Legislature does not adopt legislation by the time of the Secretarial Determination to place a ballotmeasure before California voters that contains a provision to fund up to $250,000,000 (innominal dollars) of the costs of Facilities Removal, or (2) the California voters do not adopt such T3 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 20 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet ballot measure by the time of the Secretarial Determination, or (3) the CaliforniaPUC does not adopt a California Klamath Surcharge, as defined herein and specified in Section 4, or (4) the Oregon PUC does not adopt an Oregon Klamath Surcharge, as defined in the Oregon Surcharge Act and specified herein, the Parties shall Meet and Confer to attempt, in good faith, to identiff substitute funding and/or other alternatives to cover the costs of Facilities Removal. 2.3 Project Water Rights: Klamath Basin Adjudication 2.3.1 Project Water Riehts PacifiCorp's Oregon water rights will be processed and adjusted in accordance with the principles of Oregon law and the W'ater Rights Agreement between PacifiCorp and the State of Oregon attached to this Settlement as Exhibit l. 2.3.2 Klamath Basin Adjudication The Parties support the efforts by PacifiCorp, the Klamath Tribes, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and OWRD to develop a Klamath Basin Adjudication ("KBA") Settlement Agreement of cases 282 and286 inthe KBA. 2.4 Lease of State-Owned Beds and Banks Within 60 days of the Effective Date, PacifiCorp shall apply to the Oregon Departmentof State Lands in accordance with state law for leases authorizing occupancy ofsubmerged and submersible lands by the J.C. Boyle Dam, J.C. Boyle Powerhouse, and Keno Dam. No Party shall be deemed to have admitted, adjudicated, or otherwise agreed to the State of Oregon's claim to ownership of submerged and submersible lands by virtue ofthis Settlement. 3. Secretarial Designation and Statement of Support 3.1 Statement of Support In cooperation with the Secretary of Commerce and other federal agencies as appropriate, the Secretary may make an affirmative statement of support for Facilities Removal if, in the Secretary's judgment, Facilities Removal (1) will advance restoration of the salmonid fisheries of the Klamath Basin, and (2) is in the public interest, which includes but is not limited to consideration of potential impacts on affected local communities and Tribes. 3.2 SecretarialDesiernation The Secretary, through execution of Amendment No. l, agrees that the DRE will act as the entity with authority under ORS 757.738(3) to request transfer of funds held in the appropriate trust account established under ORS 757.738. The DRE, its assigns, or successors, shall expend funds in the amounts necessary and as consistent with the Settlement to pay "the costs of removing the Klamath River dams" as that phrase is used in oRS 7s7.736(tt). t4 4. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 21 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet successor, in accordance with a funding agleement as specified in Section 4.1.L2, hthe amounts necessary to pay o'the costs of removing the Klamath River dams" as thatphrase is used in ORS 757.736(ll). Costs 4.1 Funds for the Purpose of Facilities Removal The Parties agtee to pursue arangements for the creation of the funding sources described below for the purpose of Facilities Removal. 4.1.1 The Customer Contribution A. Within 30 days of the Effective Date, PacifiCorp shall request thatthe Oregon PUC, pursuant to the Oregon Surcharge Act, establish trvo non-bypassable customer surcharges, the Oregon J.C. Boyle Dam Surcharge and the Oregon Copco I and IVhon Gate Dams Surcharge (together, the "Oregon Klamath Surcharges"), for PacifiCorp's Oregon customers to generate funds for the purpose of Facilities Removal. PacifiCorp shall request that the Oregon PUC set the Oregon Klamath Surcharges so that to the extent practicable the total annual collections of the surcharges remain approximately the same during the collection period. B. Within 30 days of the Effective Date, PacifiCorp shall request thatthe Califomia PUC establish a non-bypassable customer surcharge (the "California Klamath Surcharge") for Pacifi Corp' s California customers to generate funds for the purpose of Facilities Removal. PacifiCorp shall request that the California PUC establish the California Klamath Surcharge so that it will collect an approximately equal amount each year that it is to be collected. PacifiCorp shall request that such surcharge assigns responsibility among the customer classes in an equitable manner. PacifiCorp shall also request that the Califomia PUC set the California Klamath Surcharge so that it atno time exceeds two percent of the rovenue requirements set by the Califomia PUC for PacifiCorp as of January 1,2010. C. The Parties agree that the total amount of funds to becollected pursuant to the Oregon Klamath Surcharges and the California Klamath Surcharge shall not exceed $200,000,000 (in nominal dollars); these funds shall be referred to as the "Customer Contribution." D. PacifiCorp shall request that the Oregon PUC establish a surcharge so that the amount collected under the Oregon Klamath Surcharges is 92% (amaximum of approximately $184,000,000) of thetotal 15 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 22 o't 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Customer Contribution, and with75% of the total OregonKlamath Surcharges amount collected through the Oregon Copco I and IVkon Gate Dams Surcharge and25o/o collected through the Oregon J.C. Boyle Dam Surcharge. E. PacifiCorp shall request that the California PUC establish a surcharge so that the amount collected under the California Klamath Surcharge is 8% (amaximum of approximately $16,000,000) of the Total Customer Contribution. The trustee of the Califomia Klamath Surcharge shall apply 75o/o of the total California Klamath Surcharge amount collected to the California Copco I and IVkon Gate Dams Trust Account and 25%o of the total California Klamath Surcharge amount collected to the California J.C. Boyle Dam Trust Account. F. PacifiCorp shall collect and remit the surcharges collected pursuantto this section to the trustee(s) described in Section 4.2, below, to be deposited into the appropriate California Klamath Trust Accounts and Oregon Klamath Trust Accounts. G. Consistent with Section 2.1 of this Settlement, each non-Federal Party shall support the California Klamath Surcharge and the Oregon Klamath Surcharges in the proceedings conducted by the California PUC and the Oregon PUC, respectively, to the extent the proposed Surcharges are consistent with this Settlement. 4.1.2 The California Bond Fundins A. The California Legislature has approved a general obligationbond ("Bond Measure") containing a provision authorizing the issuance of bonds for the amount necessary to fund the difference betweenthe Customer Contribution and the actual cost to complete Facilities Removal, which bond funding in any event shall not exceed $250,000,000 (in nominal dollars). The bond language is set forth in Appendix G-I. At its sole discretion, the State of California mayalso consider other appropriate financing mechanisms to assist in funding the difference between the Customer Contribution and the actual cost of complete Facilities Removal, not to exceed $250,000,000 (in nominal dollars). B. Consistent with Applicable Law and Section 2.1, eachnon-federal Party shall support the Klamath bond language in Appendix G-1; provided that nothing in this Settlement is intended or shall be construed to require aParty to support a Bond Measure that includes authorizations unrelated to the implementation of this Settlement. 16 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 23 o't 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 4.1.3 State Cost Cao The Customer Contribution and the Califomia Bond Funding shall be thetotal state contribution and shall be referred to together as the "State Cost Cap." 4.2 Establishment and Manaeement of Trust Accounts and California Bond Fundine 4.2.1 The Oreson Klamath Trust Accounts A. In accordance with the Oregon Surcharge Act, the Oregon PUC will establish two interest-bearing accounts where funds collectedby PacifiCorp pursuant to the Oregon Klamath Surcharges shall be deposited until needed for Facilities Removal purposes. The Oregon J.C. Boyle Dam Account shall be established to hold funds collected pursuant to the Oregon J.C. Boyle Dam Surcharge. The Oregon Copco I and IVIron Gate Dams Account shall be established to hold funds collected pursuant to the Oregon Copco I and IVkon Gate Dams Surcharge. The Oregon J.C. Boyle Dam Account and the Oregon Copco I and IVIron Gate Dams Account may be referred to together as the "Oregon Klamath Trust Accounts." B. In accordance with the Oregon Surcharge Act, the Oregon PUC will select a trustee to manage the Oregon Klamath Trust Accounts. The Parties may recommend a trustee for consideration by the Oregon PUC. 4.2.2 The California Klamath Trust Accounts A. Upon execution of this Settlement, Califomia shall request, and each non-Federal Party shall support the request, that the CaliforniaPUC establish two interest-bearing trust accounts where funds collectedby PacifiCorp pursuant to the California Klamath Surcharge forthe purpose of Facilities Removal shall be deposited until needed for Facilities Removal purposes. The non-Federal Parties shall also request that California and the California PUC establish the trust accounts in a manner that ensures that the surcharge funds will notbe taxable revenues to PacifiCorp. The California J.C. Boyle DamTrust Account shall be established to hold 25o/o of the funds collected pursuant to the California Klamath Surcharge. The Califomia Copco I and IVkon Gate Dams Trust Account shall be established to hold 75% of the funds collected pursuant to the California Klamath Surcharge. The California J.C. Boyle Dam Trust Account and the Califomia Copco I and IVIron Gate Dams Trust Account may be referredto together as the "Califomia Klamath Trust Accounts." B. California shall request, and each non-Federal Party shall supportthe request, that the California PUC select a trustee to accept surcharge t7 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 24 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet funds from PacifiCorp and manage the California KlamathTrust Accounts. The Parties may recommend a trustee for considerationby the Califomia PUC. 4.2.3 The California Bond Fundine In the event that the Bond Measure is placed on the ballot and approved byvoters, bond funds available from the Bond Measure shall be managed pursuant to California bond law; however, the State of California agrees that, to the extent permitted by law, the California Bond Funding shall be managed and disbursed in a manner consistent with and complementary to the management and disbursement of the Customer Contribution. 4.2.4 Manasement of the Trust Accounts A. Within six months of the Effective Date, the States in consultation with the Federal Parties shall prepare draft trustee instructions for submission to the respective PUCs. The States shall then requestthat the California PUC or another designated agency of the State of California, and the Oregon PUC work cooperatively to prepare joint instructions to the trustee(s) of the Oregon Klamath TrustAccounts and Califomia Klamath Trust Accounts, consistent with the draft instructions, as to the following: (l) Whether and when to disburse funds from the OregonKlamath Trust Accounts and Califomia Klamath Trust Accounts to the DRE; (2) The methodology to be used by the trustee(s) to determinewhich account or accounts to draw funds from for the purpose of disbursing funds to the DRE; (3) A protocol for the trustee(s) to use to ensure that the management of the Customer Contribution is consistent with and complementary to the management of the CaliforniaBond Funding; (4) Disbursement of funds under the circumstances described in Section 4.4 below; (5) A protocol for reallocating between Trust Accounts monies that have already been deposited into the Trust Accounts, to be used by the trustees, at the request of the States, for removal of specific facilities; and 18 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 25 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet (6) If the trustee is a federal agency, provisions ensuring that Trust Account monies are not used for any other purpose than Facilities Removal consistent with the trustee instructions and do not become part ofany federal agency's or bureau's budget. B. As necessary, the States, in consultation with PacifiCorp and the DRE, will prepare draft trustee instructions revised as appropriate and request that the California PUC or another designated agency ofthe state of California, and the Oregon PUC work cooperatively toprepare revised joint instructions to the trustee(s) of the Oregon KlamathTrust Accounts and California Klamath Trust Accounts consistent withthe draft revised instructions. The States and PacifiCorp will take such other actions as may be reasonably necessary to facilitate the distribution of the Customer Contribution. 4.3 Adjustrnent to Surcharees As appropriate, the States shall consult with each other, PacifiCorp, and the Federal Parties regarding adjustments to the California Klamath Surcharge or OregonKlamath Surcharges necessitated by or appropriate considering the circumstances. Followingsuch consultation, PacifiCorp will request that the California PUC and Oregon PUC adjustthe Klamath Surcharges to be consistent with the recommendations developed throughthe consultation. Any adjustment shall not alter the maximum level of the Customer Contribution or State Cost Cap. 4.4 Disposition of Unnecessary or Unused Funds from the Oreeon and/orCalifornia Klamath Trust Accounts 4.4.1 If, as described in Section 4(5) of the Oregon Surcharge Act, theOregon Klamath Surcharges are finally determined to result in rates that are not fair, just, and reasonable, the surcharges shall be refunded to customers in accordance with the Oregon Surcharge Act and the trustee instructions. 4.4.2 In the event that the Oregon PUC finds that the Oregon KlamathTrust Accounts contain funds in excess of actual costs necessary forFacilities Removal, those excess amounts shall be refunded to customers or otherwise used for the benefit of customers as set forth in Section a(9) of the Oregon Surcharge Act and the trustee instructions. 4.4.3 In the event that, following Facilities Removal, the trustee of the California Klamath Trust Account determines that the CaliforniaKlamath Trust Account contains funds in excess of actual costs necessary for Facilities Removal, the non-Federal Parties shall request that the California PUC order those excess amounts to be refunded to customers or otherwise used for the benefit of customers. t9 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 26 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-2'|-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 4.4.4 If, as a result of the termination of this Settlement, or other cause, one or more Project dams will not be removed: A. All or part of the Oregon Klamath Surcharges shall be terminated and the Oregon Klamath Trust Accounts disposed as set forth in Section 4(10) of the Oregon Surcharge Act and the trustee instructions; and B. PacifiCorp shall request that the California PUC direct PacifiCorp to terminate all or part of the surcharge, that the California PUC direct the trustee to apply any excess balances in the CaliforniaKlamath Trust Account to California's allocated share of prudently incurred costs to implement FERC relicensing requirements, and that, if any excess amount remains in the trust accounts after that application, that the California PUC order that the excess amounts be refunded to customers or otherwise be used for the benefit of customers. 4.5 Recovery of Net Investment in Facilities 4.5.1 Consistent with Section 3 of the Oregon Surcharge Act, PacifiCorp shall request, and each non-Federal Party shall support the request, that the Oregon PUC allow recovery of PacifiCorp's net investment in the Facilities. 4.5.2 PacifiCorp shall request, and each non-Federal Party shall support the request, that the California PUC conduct one or more proceedings to implement the following: A. That the California PUC determine a depreciation schedule for each Facility based on the assumption that the Facility will be removed in 2020, and change that depreciation schedule at any time if removal of the Facility will occur in a year other than 2020; and' B. That the California PUC use the depreciation schedules adopted consistent with Section4.S.Z.Aabove to establish rates and tariffs for the recovery of California's allocated share of undepreciated amounts prudently invested by PacifiCorp in the Facilities, with amounts recoverable including but not limited to: (l) Return on investment and return of investrnent; (2) Capital improvements required by the Federal Parties or any agency of the United States or any agency of the States forthe continued operation of the Facility until Facilityremoval; 20 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 27 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet (3) Amounts spent by PacifiCorp in seeking relicensing of theProject before the Effective Date of this Settlement; (4) Amounts spent by PacifiCorp for settlement of issues relating to relicensing or removal of the Facilities; and (5) Amounts spent by PacifiCorp for the Decommissioning ofthe Facilities in anticipation of Facilities Removal. C. If any amount has not been recovered by PacifiCorp before a Facility is removed, PacifiCorp shall request, and each non-Federal Party shall support the request, that the Califomia PUC allow recovery ofthat amount by PacifiCorp in PacifiCorp's rates and tariffs. 4.5.3 Rates and tariffs proposed pursuant to this Section 4.5 shall be separate from, and shall not diminish the funds collected by, the Oregon and California Klamath Surcharges. 4.6 Recovery of Costs of Onsoine Operations and ReplacementPower 4.6.1 Consistent with Section 6 of the Oregon Surcharge Act, PacifiCorp shall request, and each non-Federal Party shall support the request, that the Oregon PUC allow recovery of other costs incurred by PacifiCorp. 4.6.2 Subject to Section 2.1.2, each non-Federal Party shall supportPacifiCorp's request to the California PUC for PacifiCorp to include in rates andtariffs California's allocated share of any costs that are prudently incurred by PacifiCorp from changes in operation of Facilities, including reductionsto generation from the Facilities before removal of the Facilities and for replacement power after the dams are removed. 4.6.3 Rates and tariffs proposed pursuant to this Section 4.6 shall be separate from, and shall not diminish the funds collected by, the Oregon and C alifornia Klamath Surcharges. 4.7 Treatrnent of Costs Related to Future Portfolio Standards and ClimateChanse Leeislation The Parties agree to Meet and Confer at PacifiCorp's request regarding provisions to address potential customer impacts from renewable portfolio standards and climate change emissions requirements. 4.8 Acknowledenrent of Independence of Oreeon PUC and California PUC The Parties acknowledge that the Oregon PUC and California PUC each is aseparate state agency that is not bound by this Settlement. Nothing in this Settlement expands, 2l Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 28 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet limits, or otherwise affects any authority of the respective commissions regardingthe customer surcharges and trust accounts, recovery of net investment, or recovery ofcosts of ongoing operations or replacement power. Because the Parties cannotprovide assurance that either commission will decide to or be allowed to implement any ofthe provisions for funding Facilities Removal, failure of a commission to do so is not a breach of this Settlement by any Party. 4.9 Consultation Before frling the requests to the California PUC and Oregon PUC described inSections 4.5 and 4.6, above, PacifiCorp shall undertake to consult with the Parties, pursuant to a confidentiality agreement among the Parties or a protective order issued by therelevant PUC, so that the requested rates can be explained and the basis for such rates can be provided. Further, before any request to the California PUC or the Oregon PUC to reduce or increase a surcharge in the event the amount needed for CustomerContribution is determined to be less or more than the level of Customer Contribution specified in Section 7.3.2.A, the States and PacifiCorp shall undertake to consult with allParties. 4.10 United States Not Resoonsible for Costs of Facilities Removal The United States shall not be liable or responsible for costs of FacilitiesRemoval. 4.tt Parties' Costs Related to Facil ities Removal Subject to Section 4.4,the funds accumulated pursuant to Section 4 are solely for use in accomplishing Facilities Removal, including but not limited to development ofthe Definite Plan, all necessary permitting and environmental compliance actions, and construction/project management for Facilities Removal. Nothing in this section shallbe interpreted as a limitation on ttre State of California's use of California Bond Funding, or funds collected pursuant to the California Klamath Surcharge and deposited into the California Copco I and2 and Iron Gate Dams Trust Account, for environmental review; provided the use of any funds from California Copco I and2 and Iron Gate Dams Trust Account may be offset by California Bond Funds to achieve the target dates set forth in Section 7.3. 4.12 Funding and Grant Aereements 4.12.1 On or around June 15, 2016, CNRA will enter into an agreement withthe DRE pertaining to the use of funds from the Customer Contribution and California Bond Funding. 4.12.2 On or around June 15, 2016, and as is necessary at any time thereafter, the DRE will enter into an agreement withthe Oregon PUC pertaining to the use of funds from the Customer Contribution in a manner not inconsistentwith the Settlement and ORS 757.738(3). 22 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 29 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemsheet 4.12.3 On or around June 15,2016, CNRA will enter into a funding agreement with the DRE and any other entity as appropriate. The funding agreement will include conditions not inconsistent with the Settlement pertainingto the use of the Califomia Klamath Trust Accounts. 4.12.4 Following appropriation by the California legislature and consistentwith the agreement in Section 4.12.I, CNRA will enter into a grant agreement(s) with the DRE. The grant agreement(s) shall include conditions not inconsistent with the Settlement pertaining to the use ofthe California Bond Funding. 5. Local Community Power 5.1 Power Development 5.1.1 PacifiCorp and the irrigation-related Parties will in good faith cooperatein the investigation or consideration ofjoint development and ownership of renewable generation resources and the purchase by PacifiCorp ofpower from renewable energy projects developed by KWAPA or otherparties related to the Klamath Reclamation Project or off-project irrigators. PacifiCorp and interested Public Agency Parties will in good faith cooperate in the investigation or consideration ofjoint development and ownership of potential renewable generation resources and the purchase by PacifiCorp of power from renewable energy projects developedby interested Public Agency Parties. Nothing in this Settlement requires any Party to enter into a specific transaction related to such development, ownership or purchase, but PacifiCorp, interested Public AgencyParties and the irrigation-related Parties desire to take actions in their mutual beneficial interest where opportunities arise. 5.I.2 Pursuant to that certain Memorandum of Understanding dated October 15, 2001 among the Western Governors Association and various federal agencies, the Secretary and the State of Califomia shall seek to designate Siskiyou County as a Westem Renewable Energy Zone and the Secretary and the State of Oregon shall seek to designate Klamath County as a Western Renewable Energy Zone. The Federal Parties will work withthe Counties and other Parties to explore and identiff potential ways to expand transmission capacity for renewable resources within the Counties. 5.2 [Section deleted] 23 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 30 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 5.3 Transmission and Distribution of Energy lnterior, KWAPA, KWUA and UKWUA agree that federal power can contributeto meeting power cost targets for irrigation in the Upper Klamath Basin. To that end, and consistent with applicable standards of service and the Pacific Northwest PowerPlanning and Conservation Act, 16 U.S.C. $ 839 e/ seq.,Intaior will acquire power from the Bonneville Power Administration ("Bonneville") to serve all "eligible loads" located within Bonneville's authorized geographic area. Interior and Bonneville will engage in an open and transparent process that will provide for public review and comment on any proposed agreement. For purposes of the acquisition of federal power, Interiordefines Klamath eligible loads to include both on and off-project loads. Such acquisitions are subject to Bonneville's then effective marketing policies, contracts, and applicable priority firm power rate. For an additional, standard transmission charge, Bonneville will deliver powerto PacifiCorp at the Captain Jack or Malin substations or other points as may bemutually agreed to by Bonneville and PacifiCorp ("Points of Delivery") and PacifiCorpwill deliver the energy to eligible loads under applicable tariffs. Interior, KWAPA, KWUA, UKWUA and PacifiCorp agree to continue to work ingood faith to identify and implement a mutually agreeable approach for delivering acquired federal power to eligible loads. PacifiCorp agrees to receive any federal power atthe Points of Delivery and to deliver such power to the eligible loads pursuant and subjectto the following terms and conditions: 5.3.1 The terms and conditions related to accessing PacifiCorp's transmission system, to the extent that it is necessary, will be consistent with PacifiCorp's Open Access Transmission Tariff ("OATT"). 5.3.2 The terms and conditions related to accessing PacifiCorp's distribution system will remain subject to the jurisdiction of the Califomia Public Utilities Commission for distribution facilities located in California and the Oregon Public Utility Commission for distribution facilities locatedin Oregon. In California and Oregon, the respective PUCs have approved unbundled delivery service tariffs for PacifiCorp to implement direct access legislation. The Parties agree that these unbundled deliveryservice tariffs can enable the delivery of federal power. For power acquired by Interior from Bonneville, PacifiCorp will charge an unbundleddistribution rate that is based on the Oregon Commission-approved tariff applicableto the delivery of Bonneville power to eligible loads in Oregon. To the extent that PacifiCorp's existing tariffs require revision in orderto allow PacifiCorp to implement the mutually agreeable approach, PacifiCorp shall request such revision by the Commission having jurisdiction. 24 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 31 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \A/itness: Timothy J. Hemstreet The Parties understand and agree that PacifiCorp shall recover its costs incurred in providing the delivery services required under the mutually agreeable approach and that such services will not be subsidized by PacifiCorp's other retail customers. PacifiCorp, Interior, KWUA, KWAPA, and UKWUA agree to work cooperatively to identifyand analyze, as necessary, PacifiCorp's costs for delivery services as part of identification of any such mutually agreeable approach. The Parties further agree that the costs of providing delivery services will be recovered pursuant to a tariff or tariffs established by the respective PUC based on cost-of-service principles and a finding by the PUC that therates charged under the tariffls] are fair, just, reasonable and sufficient. 5.3.3 PacifiCorp agrees to work in good faith to develop mutuallyagreeable revisions to existing provisions of state or federal law, if necessary to implement the mutually agreeable approach. 5.3.4 PacifiCorp agrees to work in good faith with Bonneville, Interior, KWAPA, KWUA and UKWUA and other Parties as the case may be, to resolve, on a mutually agreeable basis, any technical and administrative issues (such as billing and metering) that may arise with respectto PacifiCorp's delivery of power to the eligible loads. 5.3.5 It is the Parties' intent that this Agreement will not require PacifiCorp to modify its existing transmission or distribution facilities. PacifiCorp may elect to do so at the sole cost and expense of the Party or entity requesting such modification. 5.3.6 At such time as the eligible loads are prepared to and technically ableto receive federal power, PacifiCorp, Interior, KWAPA, KWUA and UKWUA agree to work cooperatively with each other to transitionthe eligible loads from fuIl retail service on a mutually agreeable basis. The Parties acknowledge that for any eligible load that has received federal power pursuant to this section, PacifiCorp will no longer have the obligation to plan for or meet the generation requirernents for these loads in the future, provided, however, that PacifiCorp agrees to work cooperatively to provide generation services to eligible loads in a manner that is cost-neutral to other PacifiCorp customers in the event that a contract for federal power is no longer available. Interior, KWAPA, KWUA and UKWUA agree to provide notice to PacifiCorp as soon as practicable after becoming aware that federal power will no longerbe available to serve any eligible loads. 5.3.7 lnterior, in consultation with KWAPA, KWUA and UKWUA, shall Timely develop a preliminary identification of the eligible loads for purposes of Section 5.3. Interior, in consultation with KWAPA, KWUA and UKWUA, shall provide notification to PacifiCorp identifying the final 25 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 32 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet eligible loads for purposes of Section 5.3, not later than 120 days before delivery of federal power to any such eligible loads is to begin. The mutually agreeable approach will address the manner by which lnterior provides notification to PacifiCorp of any changes to eligible loads. s.3.8 lnterior agrees to work cooperatively to assign or delegate ortransition functions of lnterior to KWAPA or another appropriate entity subjectto the terms of this Section. 5.3.9 If lnterior or KWAPA or UKWUA are able to acquire power from any entity other than Bonneville for eligible loads in either Oregon or California, PacifiCorp, KWAPA, UKWUA, lnterior, and KWUA, as applicable, will work cooperatively to agree on a method fortransmission and delivery. 5.3.10 Upon termination of this Settlement, PacifiCorp agrees to provide service under the terms of its approved delivery tariff until or unless the respective PUC determines that the applicable tariff should no longer be in place. It is the intention of PacifiCorp, Interior, KWUA, KWAPA, andUKWUA that the general principles of cooperation expressed in Section 5 continue beyond the term of this Settlement. 5.4 Irieator Rates In consultation with Klamath Basin irrigators, PacifiCorp will continue to explore alternative rate structures and programs, such as time-of-use rates or demand control programs. 6. Interim Operations 6.1 General Interim Measures under this Settlement consist of: (l) Interim Measures included aspart of PacifiCorp's Interim Conservation Plan ("ICP Interim Measures") (Appendix C); and (2) Interim Measures not included in the Interim Conservation Plan ('Non-ICP Measures") (Appendix D). In addition, PacifiCorp's Interim Conservation Plan includes certain measures for protection of listed sucker species not included as part of this Settlement. 6.1.1 PacifiCorp Performance PacifiCorp shall perform the Interim Measures in accordance with the terms and schedule set forth in Appendices C and D as long as this Settlement is in effect during the Interim Period. However, if this Settlement terminates, PacifiCorp shall continue performance of the Iron Gate Turbine Venting until the time FERC issues an order in the relicensing proceeding. PacifiCorp shall have no obligation 26 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 33 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet under this Settlement to perform any other of the Interim Measures ifthis Settlement terminates, but may implement certain ICP and Non-ICP Interim Measures for ESA or CWA purposes or for any other reason. PacifiCorp reserves its right to initiate termination pursuant to Section 8.1 1.1.C, if the Services fail to provide incidental take authorizatiorlin a Timelyway. 6.L2 Duty to Support Subject to the reservations in Sections I.6,6.2, and6.3.4, each Party shall support the Interim Measures set forth in Appendices C and D, and will not advocate additional or alternative measures for the protection of environmental resources affected by the Project during the InterimPeriod. 6.1.3 Permittine A. PacifiCorp or the DRE (as applicable) shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and obtain all federal, state, and local permits related to Interim Measures, to the extent such laws and permits are applicable. B. FERC Enforcement and Jurisdiction (l) The Parties agree that enforcement of the terms of the current license, as extended through annual licenses, shall be exclusively through FERC. If the annual license is amended to incorporate any of the lnterim Measures, a Party may seek compliance pursuant to any remedies it may have under Applicable Law. (2) Subject to the reservations in Section 6.3.4,PacifrCorp will implement lnterim Measures and the Klamath RiverTMDLs, subject to any necessary FERC or other RegulatoryApprovals 6.1.4 Interim Power Ooerations Consistent with the operation and maintenance agreement contemplated in Section 7.I.6,PacifiCorp shall continue to operate the Facilities for the benefit of customers and retain all rights to the power from the Facilities until each Facility is transferred and Decommissioned, including all rights to any power generated during the time between transfer of the Facility to the DRE andDecommissioning of the Facility byPacifiCorp. 6.1.5 Adjustment for Inflation For any funding obligation under a Non-ICP Interim Measure in Appendix D expressly made subject to adjustment for inflation, the following formula shallbe applied at the time ofpayment: 27 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 34 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvltness: Timothy J. Hemstreet AD: D x (CPI-U t) /(CPI-U") WHERE: AD : Adjusted dollar amount payable. D : Dollar amount prescribed in the InterimMeasure. CPI-UI: the value of the published version of the Consumer Price lndex-Urban for the month of September in the year prior to the date a dollar amount is payable. (The CPI-U is published monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the federal Department of Labor. If that index ceases to be published, any reasonably equivalent index published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis may be substituted by written agreement of the Parties.) CPI-U.: the value of the Consumer Price lndex-Urban for the month and year corresponding to the Effective Date of this Settlement. 6.2 Interim Conservation Plan 6.2.1 Application byPacifiCorp PacifiCorp shall apply to the Services pursuant to ESA Section l0 andapplicable implementing regulations to incorporate the Interim Conservation Planmeasures, including both Appendix C (ICP Interim Measures) and the InterimConservation Plan measures for protection of listed sucker species not included in Appendix C, into an incidental take permit. PacifiCorp also may apply in the future to FERC to incorporate some or all of the Interim Conservation Plan measures as an amendment to the current annual license for the Project. 6.2.2 Applicable Actions by the Services under the ESA The Services shall review PacifiCorp's application to incorporate the Interim Conservation Plan measures into an incidental take permit pursuant to ESA Section 10 and applicable implementing regulations. Subject to Section 2. 1 .2, each Party shall support PacifiCorp's request for a license amendment or incidental take permit to incorporate the lnterim Conservation Planmeasures. Provided, however, the Services roserve their right to reassess these interim measures, as applicable, in: (1) developing a biological opinion pursuant to ESA Section 7 or reviewing an application for an incidental take permit pursuant to ESA Section 10 and applicable implementing regulations; (2) reinitiating consultation on any final biological opinion pursuant to-applicable implementing regulations; or (3) revoking any final incidental take permit pursuant to the ESA, applicable implementing regulations, or the terms of the permit. Providedfurther, other Parties reserve any applicable right to oppose any such actions bythe Services. 28 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 35 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 6.2.3 Potential Modifications of Measures The Services shall provide the Parties Notice upon issuance of any finalbiological opinion or incidental take permit issued by the Services pursuant to the ESA regarding the ICP lnterim Measures (Appendix C). If the terms of any suchfinal biological opinion or incidental take permit include revisions to the ICP Interim Measures, those measures in the Settlement shall be deemed modified to conform to the provisions of the biological opinion or incidental take permit ifPacifiCorp agrees to such modifications. If PacifiCorp does not agree to suchmodifications, PacifiCorp reserves the right to withdraw its application for license amendment or refuse to accept an incidental take permit regarding the ICP InterimMeasures. 6.3 TMDLs 6.3.1 PacifiCorp Implementation Subject to the provisions of this Section 6.3.1, PacifiCorp agrees to implement load allocations and targets assigned the Project under the States' respective Klamath River TMDLs, in accordance with OAR chapter 340, Division 42,and California Water Code Division 7, Chapter 4, Article 3. It is the expectation of the Parties that the implementation of the commitments in this Settlement, coupled with Facilities Removal by the DRE, will meet each State's applicable TMDL requirements. PacifiCorp's commitment to develop and carry out TMDL implementation plans in accordance with this Settlement is not an endorsementby any Party of the TMDLs or load allocations therein. 6.3.2 TMDL Implementation Plans A. No later than 60 days after ODEQ's and the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's (NCRWQCB's) approval, respectively, of a TMDL for the Klamath River, PacifiCorp shall submit to ODEQ andNCRWQCB, as applicable, proposed TMDL implementation plans for agency approval. The TMDL implementation plans shall be developed in consultation with ODEQ and NCRWQCB. B. To the extent consistent with this Settlement, PacifiCorp shallprepare the TMDL implementation plans in accordance with OAR340-042- 0080(3) and California Water Code section 13242, respectively. The plans shall include a timeline for implementing management strategies and shall incorporate water quality-related measures in theNon-ICP Interim Measures set forth in Appendix D. Facilities Removal bythe DRE shall be the final measure in the timeline. At PacifiCorp's discretion, the proposed plans may further include otherplanned activities and management strategies developed individually or cooperatively with other sources or designated management agencies. ODEQ and NCRWQCB may authorize PacifiCorp's use of offsite 29 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page36 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet pollutant reduction measures, subject to an iterative evaluation and approval process; provided, any ODEQ authorization of such offsite measures conducted in Oregon solely to facilitate attainment of load allocations in California waters shall not create an ODEQ obligationto administer or enforce the measures. 6.3.3 Keno Load Allocation Subject to Section 6.3.4, tn addition to other Project facilities and affected waters, PacifiCorp's TMDL implementation plan under Section 6.3.2 shall include water quality-related measures in the Non-ICP Interim Measures set forth in Appendix D that are relevant to the Keno facility and affected waters for which the Project is assigned a load allocation. PacifiCorp shall implement Keno load allocations in accordance with the approved TMDL implementation plan under Section 6.3 up until the time of transfer of title to the Keno facility to Interior. Upon transferof title to the Keno facility as set forth in Section 7.5 of this Settlement, the load allocations shall no longer be PacifiCorp's responsibility. Funding, ifnecessary, for post-transfer Keno load allocation implementation requirements will be provided by other non-PacifiCorp sources. 6.3.4 TMDL Reservations A. PacifiCorp's TMDL implementation obligations under this Settlement are limited to the water quality-related measures in the Interim Measures set forth in Appendices C and D and any additional or different measures agreed to by PacifiCorp and incorporated into an approved TMDL implementation plan. If a TMDL implementation plan for PacifiCorp as finally approved, or a final discharge permitor other regulatory decision intended to implement a TMDL orwater quality standard or regulation, requires measures that have not been agreed to by PacifiCorp and that are materially inconsistent withthe Interim Measures, PacifiCorp may initiate termination under Section 8.1l.l.c. B. PacifiCorp reserves the right to seek modification of a TMDL implementation plan in the event this Settlement terminates. The States reserve their authorities under the CWA and state law to revise or require submission of new TMDL implementation plans in the event this Settlement terminates or an implementation plan measure or Facilities Removal does not occur in accordance with the timeline in the approved implementation plans. Other Parties reserve whatever rights they may have under existing law to challenge the TMDLs or TMDL implementation plans in the event this Settlement terminates. C. To the extent it possesses rights outside of this Settlement, no Party waives any right to contest: a Klamath River TMDL; specificTMDL 30 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 37 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet load allocation; decision on a PacifiCorp TMDL implementationplan; or final discharge permit or other regulatory decision intended to implement a TMDL or water quality standard or regulation, if materially inconsistent with this Sefflement. 6.4 Other Project Works 6.4.1 East SideAM Side Facilities A. PacifiCorp will apply to FERC for an order approving partial surrender of the Project license for the purpose of decommissioning the East Side/IVest Side generating facilities unless PacifiCorp, in consultation with the state of Oregon, the Federal Parties, and the Tribes, agrees to an alternative disposition of these facilities. PacifiCorp will filethe application consistent with applicable FERC regulations, and after consultation with the Parties. Notwithstanding Section 2.l.2,the Parties reserve their rights to submit comments and otherwise participate in the FERC proceeding regarding the conditions under which decommissioning should occur. PacifiCorp reserves the rightto withdraw its surrender application for these facilities if any FERC order or other Regulatory Approval in connection with the surrender application would impose unreasonable conditions on that surrender. B. Upon FERC approval, and in coordination with Reclamation and pursuant to Section 7.5.2,PacifiCorp shall decommission the East Side/IVest Side facilities in accordance with the FERC order approving the decommissioning, with the costs of such decommissioning to be recovered by PacifiCorp through standard ratemaking proceedings. C. Upon completion of decommissioning and subject to FERC's and state requirements, PacifiCorp and Interior shall discuss possible transfer of the following lands to Interior: Klamath County Map Tax Lots R- 3809-00000-05800-000, R-3809-00000-05900-000, and R-3809- 00000-05700-000, or any other mutually-agreeable lands associated with the East Side and West Side Facilities on terms and conditions acceptable to PacifiCorp and Interior. 6.4.2 Fall Creek Hydroelectric Facility PacifiCorp will continue to operate the Fall Creek hydroelectric facilityunder FERC's jurisdiction unless and until such time as it transfers the facilityto another entity or the facility is otherwise disposed of in compliancewith Applicable Law. 31 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page38 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 6.5 Abeyance of Relicensine Proceedine 6.5.1 Within 30 days of the Amendment Effective Date, PacifiCorp will filethe Settlement with FERC and an expedited motion asking FERC to hold PacifiCorp's Project relicensing proceeding in abeyance. Each Party agrees to refrain from any action that does not support PacifiCorp's request to abate the FERC relicensing docket for the Project. Themotion will specify that the abeyance should remain in effect while the DRE's surrender application is pending and until after FERC takes action on the DRE's surrender application as provided in Section 7 .1.7 .A. 6.5.2 Within 15 days after FERC issues an abeyance order for the Project relicensing proceeding, PacifiCorp will withdraw its CWA Section40l certification applications currently pending before the California State Water Resources Control Board and ODEQ. 6.5.3 If FERC denies PacifiCorp's motion to abate or fails to rule on the motion before July 1, 2016,PacifiCorp will ask the California State Water Resources Control Board and the ODEQ to abate permitting and environmental review for PacifiCorp's FERC Project No. 2082 licensing activities, including but not limited to water quality certifications under Section 401 of the CWA and review under CEQA, during the Interim Period. If FERC does not hold the Project relicensing proceeding in abeyance, PacifiCorp will withdraw and re-file its relicensing applications for Section 401 certifications as necessary to avoid the certiflrcations being deemed waived under the CWA during the Interim Period. 6.5.4 If no abeyance of relicensing proceedings is approved by FERC or, as applicable, the California State Water Resources Control Board or the ODEQ, or an abeyance is ordered then later lifted, then the Parties are excused from their duty to support this Settlement to the extent necessary to maintain their rights and arguments in the Project relicensing proceedings, and any Party may initiate the Meet and Conferprocedures described in Section 8.7. 7. DRE, Transfer, Surrender, and Facilities Removal This section describes the measures, schedule, and regulatory compliance duringtransfer, surrender, and removal of Facilities under this Settlement. 7.1 DRE 7.1.I Execution of Settlement The Parties expect that the DRE will become aParty by executing the Settlement on or around July I,2016, as provided in Section 9.4. 32 Rocky Mountain Po,ver Exhibit No. 2Page39 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemsheet 7.1.2 Capabilities A. The Parties agree that the DRE must possess the legal, technical, and financial capacity to: (l) Accept and expend non-federal funds consistent with Section 4.2.4; (2) Accept transfer of the FERC license and title for the Facilities from PacifiCorp; (3) Seek and obtain necessary permits and other authorizations to implement Facilities Removal; (4) Enter into appropriate contracts and grant agreements for effectuating Facilities Removal ; (5) Perform, directly or by oversight, Facilities Removal; (6) Prevent, mitigate, and respond to damages the DRE or any of its contractors, subcontractors, or assigns cause during the course of Facilities Removal, and, consistent with Applicable Law, respond to and defend associated liability claims against the DRE or anyof its contractors, subcontractors, or assigns, including costs thereof and any judgments or awards resulting therefrom; (7) Carcy the required insurance and bonding set forth in Appendix L to respond to liability and damages claims associatedwith Facilities Removal against the DRE or any of its contactors, subcontractors, or assigns; (8) Meet the deadlines set forth in Exhibit 4; and (9) Perform such other tasks as are reasonable and necessary for Facilities Removal. B. Before the DRE and PacifiCorp file the joint application to transferthe license for the Facilities, the DRE will Timely demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the States and PacifiCorp that it possesses the legal, technical, and financial capacity to accomplish the tasks in Sections 7.1.2.A(I) through (5), (8), and (9). PacifiCorp and the States will consult if the DRE fails to make the demonstration required inthis subsection. C. Within six months of the DRE's execution of the Settlement, theDRE will include in an informational filing in the FERC license transfer 33 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 40 ot 22'l Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet proceeding proofthat it possesses the legal, technical, and financial capacity to accomplish the tasks in Sections 7.1.2.A(6) and (7). This filing will include documentation that the DRE meets therequirements of Parts II, III, and IV of Appendix L and is capable of fulfilling its obligations under Section 7.1.3. The DRE will not provide the filing if either of the States or PacifiCorp objects to the filing after areasonable opportunity to review before submission to FERC. The six-month deadline may be changed by agreement of the DRE, the States, and PacifiCorp. The Parties will Meet and Confer if the DRE failsto provide the informational filing to FERC. 7.1.3 LiabilitvProtection A. By executing this Settlement, the DRE agrees, on its behalf and on behalf of the DRE's employees, contractors, subcontractors, and authorized agents or assigns to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend PacifiCorp, the state of Califomia, and the state of Oregon for, from, and against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, damages, liabilities, monetary or non-monetary harms or expense arising from, relating to, or triggered by Facilities Removal, including but not limited to: (l) Harm, injury, or damage to persons, real property, tangible property, natural resources, biota, or the environment; (2) Harm, uuury, or damage caused by the release, migration, movement, or exacerbation of any material, object, or substance, including without limitation hazardous substances; and (3) Breaches or violations of any Applicable Law, Regulatory Approval, authorization, agreement, license, permit, or other legal requirement of any kind. B. If the DRE partially assigns its responsibilities under this Settlement, the DRE and its assign will be jointly and severally obligatedunder this section. 7.I.4 License Transfer Conditions and Timins Before the FERC license transfer to the DRE will become effective, the DRE must demonstrate to PacifiCorp's and the States' reasonable satisfaction thatthe DRE has met the obligations in Appendix L and the following conditions: A. The DRE has provided Notices required under Section; B. The DRE has met the requirements of Section 7.1.3 and Appendix L; 34 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 4'l ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet C. PacifiCorp and the States agree that the DRE has made sufficient and Timely progress in obtaining necessary permits and approvals to effectuate Facilities Rernoval; D. The DRE, the States, and PacifiCorp are assured that suffrcient funding is available to carry out Facilities Rernoval; E. The DRE, the States, and PacifiCorp are each assured thattheir respective risks associated with Facilities Rernoval havebeen sufficiently mitigated consistent with Appendix L; F. The DRE, the States, and PacifiCorp agree that no order of a court or FERC is in effect that would prevent Facilities Removal; G. The DRE and PacifiCorp have executed documents conveyingthe property and rights necessary to carry out Facilities Removal; and H. The DRE accepts license transfer under the conditions specifiedby FERC in its order approving transfer. 7.I.5 FERC Application for Transfer A. On or around July 1, 20l6,PacifrCorp and the DRE will jointly filean application to remove the Facilities from the Project license, redesignate the Facilities with a new project number, and transferthe redesignated FERC license for the Facilities to the DRE. B. The application for transfer may include proposals to decommission the East Side and West Side facilities, subject to Section 6.4.1 ofthis Settlement; remove the Keno facilities from the Project license under Section 7.5 of this Settlement; and transfer the Fall Creekdevelopment to a third party for purposes of relicensing. C. PacifiCorp and the DRE will file the joint application for ftansferat FERC concurrent with the DRE's application for surrender and removal of the Facilities, retaining the2020 target date forFacilities Removal. D. The joint application for transfer will request that FERC incorporate the conditions in SectionT .I.4 into the transfer order and require that transfer will not become effective until the DRE, or PacifiCorp andthe DRE jointly (as appropriate), file notice with FERC whenthose conditions have been satisfied. 35 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 42 ot 22'l Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 7.1.6 Operation and Maintenance Aereement On or around July 1, 2016, the DRE and PacifiCorp will enter into an operation and maintenance agreement allowing PacifiCorp to continue operating the Facilities for the benefit of its customers following transfer of the FERC Facilities license to the DRE. The conditions of operation under this agreement will be consistent with interim operations described in Section 6 and Appendices B, C, and D, and will include requirements that PacifiCorp pay all costs associatedwith operating the Facilities and indemniff, defend, and hold harmless the DREwith respect to those operations. The DRE and PacifiCorp will obtain the concurrence of the States for any such agreement. 7.1.7 FERC Application for Surrender A. Concurrently with the joint application for license transfer, the DRE will file an application with FERC to surrender the FERC license for the Facilities for the purpose of Facilities Removal, which will include a copy of this Settlement and the Detailed Plan. The DRE willrequest that FERC defer acting on the application until the conditions in Section 7.1.4 are satisfied. The DRE will take any action necessaryto obtain necessary FERC authorization to carry out Facilities Removal in accordance with this Settlement. PacifiCorp will providetechnical support to the DRE and to FERC in processing the surrender application, but will not be a co-applicant or co-licensee on the surrender application unless otherwise mutually agreed upon withthe DRE. B. Concurrently with the joint application for license transfer and the DRE's application to FERC for surrender, the DRE will file applications seeking state water qualrty 401 certifications forFacilities Removal with the California State Water Resources Control Board and the ODEQ. 7.1.8 Performance of Facilities Removal The DRE will perform Facilities Removal in accordance with the DefinitePlan, as approved and as may be modified by the FERC surrender order and other applicable Regulatory Approvals. The DRE will complete final design andcost estimates before initiating Facilities Removal. 7.1.9 Other Rezulatory Approvals for Facilities Removal The DRE will take any action necessary to obtain other RegulatoryApprovals necessary to effectuate Facilities Removal in accordance with this Settlement, except that PacifiCorp will file and support applications to obtain thenecessary 36 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 43 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet state commission approvals for the transfer of assets to the DRE in accordance with this Settlement. 7.I.10 Assienment The DRE may assign to another entity any of its responsibilities underthis Settlement, including the DRE responsibilities described in this section. This assignment is subject to any necessary Regulatory Approvals. The DRE maynot assign its responsibilities under this Settlement without the prior writtenconsent of the States and PacifiCorp. 7.2 Definite Plan and Detailed Plan 7.2.1 Development and Use of Definite Plan The DRE will develop a Definite Plan for Facilities Removal that, once completed, may be included as a part of any applications for permits orother authorizations. The Definite Plan must be consistent with this Settlement. A. Elements of Definite Plan The Definite Plan may be based on all elements of the Detailed Plan described in Section 7.2.2 and will be consistent with FERC requirements for surrender. Such elements shall be in the form required forphysical performance, such as engineering specifications for a construction activity, and shall also include consideration of prudent cost ovemrn management tools such as performance bonds. The Definite Plan shall also include: (1) A detailed estimate of the actual or foreseeable costs associated with: the physical performance of Facilities Removal consistent with the Detailed Plan; each of the tasks associated withthe performance of the DRE's obligations as stated in Section 7.1; seeking and securing permits and other authorizations; and insurance, performance bond, or similar measures, as set forth in Appendix L to this Settlement; (2) The DRE's analysis demonstrating that the total cost of Facilities Removal is likely to be less than the State Cost Cap, which is the total of Customer Contribution and California Bond Funding as specified in Section 4; (3) Appropriate procedures consistent with state law to provide for cost-effective expenditures within the cost estimates stated in (l); (4) Accounting procedures that will result in the earliest practicable disclosure of any actual or foreseeable ovemrn of cost of anytask relative to the detailed estimate stated in (1); and 37 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 44 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet (5) Appropriate mechanisms to modit/ or suspend perfbnnance of any task subject to such ovelrun. Upon receipt of Notice from the DRE of any actual or foreseeable cost oveffun pursuant to (2), the Parties shall use the Meet and Confer procedures to modify the task (to the extent permitted by the FERC sunender order, an applicable permit, or other authorization) or to modifythis Settlement as appropriate to permit Facilities Removal to proceed. B. Notice of Completion The DRE shall provide Notice to the Parties upon completion of the Definite Plan. C. Use of Definite Plan The DRE must incorporate the Definite Plan, once completed, into any FERC application to surrender the Facilities license. After FERC issues an order on the FERC Facilities license surrender application, the Parties will review the consistency of the Definite Plan, FERC's surrenderorder, and this Settlement. If either of the States or the DRE frnds that theFERC surrender order is materially inconsistent (as defined in Section 8.1 1.2) with the Definite Plan or this Settlement, either the DRE or the Statesmay initiate Meet and Confer proceedings. 7.2.2 Detailed Plan for Facilities Removal The Secretary developed the Detailed Plan, which may serve as a basis forthe Definite Plan described in Section7.2.1.A. The Detailed Plan includes Athrough F below; G is addressed in Appendix L and will be fully developed in theDefinite Plan; H will be addressed dwing solicitation and selection of engineering and construction contract(s) for development of a Definite Plan and for Facilities Removal. A. The physical methods to be undertaken to effect Facilities Removal, including but not limited to a timetable for Facilities Removal, which is removal of all or part of each Facility as necessary to effect a free- flowing condition and volitional fish passage as defined in Section 1.4; B. As necessary and appropriate, plans for management, removal, and/or disposal of sediment, debris, and other materials; C. A plan for site remediation and restoration; D. A plan for measures to avoid or minimize adverse downstream impacts; 38 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 45 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet E. A plan for compliance with all Applicable Laws, includinganticipated permits and permit conditions; F. A detailed statement of the estimated costs of Facilities Removal; G. A statement of measures to reduce risks of cost ovemrnso delays, or other impediments to Facilities Removal; and H. The qualifications, management, and oversight of a non-federal DRE. 7.2.3 Assessment and Mitiqation of Potential Impacts to the Citv ofYreka The Parties understand that actions related to this Settlement may affect the City of Yreka. In recognition of this potential, the Parties agree to the following provisions, which shall remain in effect so long as this Settlement remains in effect. A. The Parties collectively and each Party individually shall agree notto oppose the City of Yreka's continued use of California StateWater Right Permit 15379, which provides for the diversion of up to 15 cfs for municipal uses by the City ofYreka. B. As part of implementation of this Settlement, an engineering assessment to study the potential risks to the City of Yreka's water supply facilities as a result of implementation of Facilities Removal shall be funded and conducted by the Secretary. Actions identified in the engineering assessment necessary to assure continued use of the existing, or equivalent replacement, water supply facilities by the City of Yreka shall be funded from the California Bond Measure and implemented. Actions that may be required as a result of the engineering assessment and in consultation with the City ofYreka include, but are not limited to: (l) Relocation, replacement, and/or burial of the existing 24-inch diameter water line and transmission facilities from the Cityof Yreka's Fall Creek diversion; (2) Assessment, mitigation, and/or funding to address potential damage to the City of Yreka's facilities located along the Klamath River, including mitigation of potential impacts that may occur as a result of a dam breach. Such assessment, mitigation, and/or funding shall include consideration of the cathodic protection field located near the north bank of the Iron Gate crossing and the facilities that house the City's diversion and pump station; and 39 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 46 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet (3) Assessment, mitigation, and/or funding to address any impacts resulting from implementation of the Settlement, on the abilityof the City to divert water consistent with its Water Right Permit 1s379. C. As part of implementation of this Settlement, an assessment ofthe potential need for fish screens on the City of Yreka's Fall Creek diversion facilities was completed in the Detailed Plan and itidentified the need for fish screens on Dam A and Dam B. As a result of implementation of this Settlement, in order to meet regulatory requirements and screening criteria, construction of the required fish screens, including, but not limited to, necessary costs to preserve City facilities with additional species protection, shall be funded through the California Bond Measure pursuant to Section 4.2.3, orthrough other appropriate sources. 7.3 Schedule for Facilities Removal 7.3.1 The Parties agree that the target date to begin Facilities Removal is January 1,2020. The Parties agree that preparatory work forFacilities Removal may be undertaken by the DRE before January 1,2020, consistent with the Definite Plan, applicable permits, and Section 6 ofthis Settlement; provided such preparatory work shall not have any negative impact on PacifiCorp's generation operations at the Facilities. The Parties further agree to a target date of December 31,2020 for completion of Facilities Removal at least to a degree sufficient to enable a free-flowing Klamath River allowing volitional fish passage. 7.3.2 The Parties acknowledge and agree that the schedule to accomplish Facilities Removal will be determined by the DRE in accordance with Section 7 .3.4.The Parties intend to implement this Settlement based on the following approach to achieve the target dates forDecommissioning and Facilities Removal set forth in Section 7.3.1: A. Collect $172 million of the total Customer Contribution by December 31,2019, consistent with Section 4; B. Earn approximately $28 million in interest on the KlamathTrust Accounts to provide Value to Customers, which results in a total of $200 million in the accounts available for Facilities Removal costs as illustrated in Appendix H to this Settlement; C. Implement Decommissioning and Facilities Removal in a mannerthat permits PacifiCorp to generate sufficient electricity at the Facilities to achieve the economic results included in PacifiCorp's Economic Analysis; and 40 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 47 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemsheet D. Implement the ICP and Non-ICP Interim Measures set forthin Appendices C and D to this Settlement. 7 .3.3 The Parties agree that PacifiCorp may continuously operate the Facilities subject to the ICP and Non-ICP lnterim Measures identified in Appendices C and D to this Settlement and generate electricity at the Facilities through December 31,2019. Based upon PacifiCorp's representation of its Economic Analysis, the Parties agree that the following additional Value to Customers, in addition to the $28 million in interest described in Section, is necessary to achieve the corresponding date for commencement of Facility Decommissioning: Date of Facilities Decommissionine Required Additional Value to Customers January L,2020 $27 million July 1,2020 $13 million December 31,2020 $0 If Decommissioning begins on December 31,2020, no additional funding is required. The Parties acknowledge that, in order to complete Facilities Removal to the degree described in the last sentence of Section 7.3.lby December 31,2020, Decommissioning will need to begin prior to that date. As described in the table above, Decommissioning may begin on July 1, 2020 if $13 million in additional Value to Customers is identified, or on January 1,2020,it927 million in additional Value to Customers is identified. 7.3.4 Within 90 days of the DRE's execution of the Settlement, or at such additional time as may be necessary, the Parties shall Meet and Conferto: (1) review progress in implementing the Settlement based upon the approach described in Section 7.3.2; (2) review the DRE's schedule to procure contractor(s) to prepare a Definite Plan based on the DetailedPlan and to provide required liability protection and risk mitigation in accordance with Appendix L; and (3) identify the Value to Customers necessary to implement the schedule, the mechanisms as described in Section 7.3.8 that will be used, and the estimated cost reduction from each mechanism through December 2019. The Parties will subsequentlyMeet and Confer if the estimated additional Value to Customers has notbeen timely secured, a Regulatory Approval is inconsistent with that schedule, or the Definite Plan or final designs are inconsistent with the schedule. If the Parties determine that the identified Value to Customers is lessthan the amount required to achieve the schedule, then the Parties at that time will consider additional actions to address the funding deficiency, including but not limited to extending the schedule and securing additional funding to protect PacifiCorp customers. The Parties may thereafterMeet 4I Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 48 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemsheet and Confer if additional Value to Customers is secured in excess ofwhat was previously estimated. 7.3.5 PacifiCorp, in its sole and absolute discretion, may determine that Facilities Removal may begin earlier than January 1,2020. 7 .3.6 If the Parties determine that the schedule for Facilities Removal must extend beyond December 31,2020, then the Parties shall also consider whether (1) modification of Interim Measures is necessaryto appropriately balance costs to customers and protection of natural resources, and (2) continuation of the collection of the customer surcharges up to the maximum Customer Contribution is waranted. 7.3.7 The Parties agree that if Decommissioning and Facilities Removaloccurs in a staged manner, J.C. Boyle is intended to be the last Facility decommissioned. If, however, the Definite Plan or FERC's surrender order directs a different sequence for Decommissioning and Facilities Removal, then the Parties shall Meet and Confer to identiffadjustrnents necessary to implement Facilities Removal in a manner that is consistent with PacifiCorp's Economic Analysis. 7.3.8 The Parties have identified the following potential mechanisms for creating Value to Customers: A. Interest on the Klamath Trust Accounts The Parties acknowledge above that the surcharges from the Customer Contributions will be placed in interest-bearing accounts and that the interest that accrues in the accounts may be used to reduce the amount collected through the surcharges so that the total Customer Contribution, including accrued interest through December 31, 2019, totals $200,000,000. The Parties further acknowledge that it is not possible to precisely estimate the amount of interest that will accrue in the Klamath Trust Accounts. To the extent the interest in the accounts exceeds $28,000,000, the additional earnings may be used as a Value to Customers unless the funds are required for Facilities Removal. Nothing in this paragraph will limit the Customer Contribution to less than$200,000,000. B. Third-Partv Fundinq The Parties agree to work jointly to identify potential partnerships to supplement funds generated pursuant to this Settlement. Suchthird-party funds may be employed to acquire generation facilities that can be usedto replace the output of the Facilities, to fund aspects of Facilities Removal, or for other purposes to achieve the benefits of this Settlement. 42 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 49 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet C. Other The Parties acknowledge that other mechanisms for Value to Customers may be identified, provided that they create sufficientlyquantifiable benefits for customers. 7 .3.9 PacifiCorp's Economic Analysis that will be used to implement this section was filed by PacifiCorp with the Oregon PUC pursuant to Section 4(1) of the Oregon Surcharge Act and with the California PUC in accordance with Section 4 of this Settlement. The Parties may seekto intervene in these state proceedings before the Commissions, and may request to view PacifiCorp's Economic Analysis consistent with the limitations imposed by Section 4(6) of the Oregon Surcharge Act, applicable PUC protective orders, and general PUC discoverypractices and legal requirements. PacifiCorp shall not oppose either request. PacifiCorp reserves the right to request that the PUCs restrict Parties' access to commercially sensitive material, other than PacifiCorp's Economic Analysis, consistent with Section a(6) of the Oregon Surcharge Act, applicable PUC protective orders, and general PUC discovery practices and legal requirements. 7.4 Transfer. Decommissionins. and Facilities Removal 7.4.I DRE Notice The DRE will notify the Parties and FERC when the necessary permits and approvals have been obtained for removal of a Facility or Facilities, all contracts necessary for removal have been frnalized, and Facility Removal is readyto commence. 7.4.2 Decommissioning and Transfer PacifiCorp will transfer ownership of each Facility, including the underlyingland for each Facility in accordance with Section 7.6.4 (except for the Keno Development, which shall be disposed in accordance with Section 7.5). Oncethe DRE fulfills all of the conditions and obligations in Section 7.1.4, Appendix L, and the FERC license transfer order, and PacifiCorp concurs, PacifiCorp will transfer ownership of the Facilities to the DRE. PacifiCorp will continueto operate and maintain the Facilities in accordance with Section 7.1.6 until theDRE is ready to begin removal of a Facility and requests that PacifiCorp discontinue operation of that Facility. 43 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 50 oI 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 7.5 Keno Facilitv 7.5.1 Study Resolution of issues surrounding Keno facility arc an important part ofachieving the overall goals of this Settlement. Accordingly, the Secretary, inconsultation with affected Parties, shall study issues specific to the Keno facility, withspecific focus on addressing water quality, fish passage, transfer of title to the Keno facility from PacifiCorp to Interior, future operations and maintenance, and landowner agreements. The study of the Keno facility will be designed withthe goals of addressing these issues and maintaining the benefits the dam currently provides. 7.5.2 Keno Facilitv Determination In20l2, the Bureau of Reclamation and PacifiCorp entered into an agteement in principle for transfer of title to the Keno facility from PacifiCorp to Interior. Within 60 days of the Amendment Effective Date, Interior and PacifiCorp shall commence negotiations on Keno transfer informed by the analyses described in Section 7.5.1. Every six months or as necessary after the AmendmentEffective Date, and subject to Section 8.17, Interior and PacifiCorp shall report to the Parties on the status of Keno negotiations, including as appropriate, drafts of a proposed Keno transfer agreement, a suulmary of negotiations and issues in dispute, and supporting documents. Interior and PacifiCorp shall use theirbest efforts to complete a final Keno ffansfer agreement within 180 days ofthe Amendment Effective Date. The Secretary will accept transfer of title to the Keno facility when the DRE notifies the Parties and FERC pursuant to Section 7 .4.1 that J.C. Boyle Facility Removal is ready to commence. The transfer of title to the Keno facility shall be subject to completion ofany necessary improvements to the Keno facility to meet Department of the Interior Directives and Standards criteria for dam safety identified by Interior through its Safety of Dams inspection of the Keno facility. To facilitate this inspection, PacifiCorp agrees to grant access to the federal government and its contractors for study and assessment of the Keno facility. The terms and conditions ofthe transfer of title to the Keno facility, including coordination of operationsbetween Link River dam, Keno dam, and any remaining facilities operated byPacifiCorp, ingress and egress agreements and easements required for operation and maintenance of the Klamath Reclamation Project, including but notnecessarily limited to Lake Ewauna, Link River Dam, and Keno Dam will benegotiated between Interior and PacifiCorp prior to transfer. Costs associated with any improvements necessary to meet Department of Interior's Directives and Standards criteria for dam safety shall be funded by other non-PacifiCorp sources. 44 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 51 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-2l-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 7.5.3 PacifiCorp Operations Prior to Transfer Prior to and until transfer of title to the Keno Facility, PacifiCorp shall operate Keno in compliance with Contract#I4-06-200-3579A, subject to anyApplicable Law including the CWA and the provisions of Section 6.3 ofthis Settlement. 7.5.4 Operations After Transfer Following transfer of title to the Keno facility from PacifiCorp to Interior,lnterior shall operate Keno in compliance with Applicable Law and to provide water levels upstream of Keno Dam for diversion and canal maintenance consistentwith Contract #14-06-200-3579A executed on January 4,1968, between Reclamation and PacifiCorp (then COPCO) and historic practice. 7.5.5 LandownerAereements Based on the analysis under Section 7.5.1, the Secretary, upon acquisition of the Keno facility, will execute new agreements with landowners who currentlyhave agreements in the Lake Ewauna to Keno reach, as the Secretary determines are necessary to avoid adverse impacts to the landowners resulting from the transfer, consistent with Applicable Law, operational requirements, and hydrologic conditions. 7.6 Dispositions of PacifiCom lrterests in Lands and other Rights 7.6.t Lands Owned bv PacifiCom PacifiCorp is the fee owner of approximately 11,000 acres of real propertylocated in Klamath County, Oregon and Siskiyou County, Califomia that are not directly associated with the Klamath Hydroelectric Project, and generally not included within the existing FERC project boundary. This property is more particularly described on Page 3 of the PacifiCorp Land Maps, attached as Exhibit 3, and referenced as Parcel A, This Settlement shall have no effect as to dispositionof Parcel A lands, which shall continue to be subject to applicable taxes unless and until disposed of by PacifiCorp subject to applicable PUC approval requirements. PacifiCorp is the fee owner of approximately 8,000 acres of real propertylocated in Klamath County, Oregon and Siskiyou County, California that is associated with the Klamath Hydroelectric Project and/or included within the FERCproject boundary. This property is more particularly described on Page 3 ofthe PacifiCorp Land Maps, Exhibit 3, and referenced as Parcel B. It is the intent of the Parties that Parcel B property be disposed in accordance with Section 7.6.4, except for the Keno Development which shall be disposed in accordance with Section 7.5. In addition to Exhibit 3, PacifiCorp owns significant electric transmission and distribution facilities which will remain under its ownership and subject to applicable taxes. 45 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 52 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 7.6.2 Potential Non-Project Land Exchanees Interior and PacifiCorp have identified in Parcel A the potential for the exchange of certain non-Project PacifiCorp-owned lands in the Klamath Basin. Should an exchange of these lands to a state or Federal entity take place, the terms of the exchange agreement shall be revenue-neutral to County governments. 7.6.3 BLM Easements and Rishts of Way The Parties agree that before Facilities Removal, the FERC license forthe Facilities shall control the ingress and egress to the Facilities within the FERC project boundary. Access by PacifiCorp outside of the project boundary to BLM- administered lands may require a separate Right Of Wayagreement. The Parties agree that the DRE's obligations for operation, maintenance, remediation and restoration costs of BlM-administered, transportation-related structures affected by Facilities Removal will be addressed as part of theDefinite Plan. A proposed disposition of PacifiCorp's easements and right-of-ways across BLM- administered lands within the FERC Project boundary will be included as a part of the DRE's Definite Plan for Facility Removal. To the extentnecessary, reciprocal Right Of Way agreements may be executed across PacifiCorp-owned lands and BlM-administered lands to provide continued access for public and BLM administration needs. During the implementation of the Definite Plan, the DRE will be required to obtain authorization for any access across PacifiCorp and BlM-administered lands necessary for every phase of action. 7.6.4 PacifiCorp Klamath Hydroelectric Project Lands A. It is the intent of the Parties that ownership of PacifiCorp lands associated with the Klamath Hydroelectric Project and/or included within the FERC Project boundary, identified as Parcel B in Exhibit 3, shall be transferred to the DRE before Facilities Removal begins. It is the intent of the Parties that, once the DRE has completed Facilities Removal and all surrender conditions have been satisfied, ownership of these lands will be transferred to the respective States, as applicable, or to a designated third-party transferee, upon Notice by the relevant State that it has completed to its satisfaction a final property (land and facilities) inspection in accordance with Applicable Law and in accordance with the indemnification(s) provided in Section 7.1.3 and Appendix L. It is also the intent of the Parties that transferred lands shall thereafter be managed for public interest purposes such as fish and wildlife habitat restoration and enhancement, public education, and public recreational access. 46 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 53 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet B. Each State shall undertake inspection and preliminary due diligence regarding the nature and condition of Parcel B lands located within its state boundaries, in anticipation of transfer of those lands from the DRE to the relevant State. PacifiCorp and the DRE shall provide each State all cooperation and access to the lands and pertinent records necessary to the inspection and due diligence. The DRE, each State, and PacifiCorp shall identify and provide to the Parties, for each specific property in Parcel B: (1) the proposed transferee for the property; and (2) the proposed terms of transfer for the property. The States, the DRE, and PacifiCorp shall consult with the Parties and other stakeholders before identifying the proposed transfer ofa specific Parcel B property. Following such evaluation, the State of Oregon and the State of California may, each in its sole and absolute discretion, elect not to accept the transfer ofall or anyportionof Parcel B lands; provided, if a State, the DRE, or PacifiCorp believes that the proposed transfer for a property (or lack thereof) will not achieve the intent set forth in Section 7 .6.4.A, those Parties shall Meet and Confer in accordance with Section 8.7. C. Without predetermining the final terms of transfer for a specific property, proposed terms of transfer may include but are not limited to (1) final property inspection; (2) specification of structures and improvements to remain on the property after Decommissioning and Facilities Removal; (3) liability protection for the State, ordesignated third party transferee, and the DRE, for any harm arising frompost- transfer Decommissioning or power operations at the property; (a) hability protection for the State, or designated third party transferee, for any harm arising from post-transfer Facilities Removal by the DRE at the property; (5) easements or other propertyinterests necessary for access to and continued operation ofPacifiCorp transmission and distribution system assets that will remain on the property; and (6) notice or acknowledgement of the State's claim of ownership to beds and banks of the Klamath River. The DRE shallbe aparty to the transfer document as necessary and appropriate. The consideration required for transfer of a property to a State or third party transferee under this section shall be limited to the liability protections and other benefits conferred upon PacifiCorp and the DRE under this Settlement. Transfer of Parcel B lands shall be subject to applicable regulatory approvals and the reservations set forth in Section 1.6. D. PacifiCorp shall convey Parcel B lands to the DRE, after the DRE provides Notice to the Parties and FERC that all necessary permits and approvals have been obtained for Facility Removal, and all contracts necessary for Facility Removal have been finalized. PacifiCorp shall convey all right, title, and interest in a subset of the Parcel B lands 47 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 54 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet designated on Exhibit 3 as lands associated with each Facility to the State or third party transferee subject to the DRE's possessory interest, consistent with the terms of this Settlement, including the Facilities, underlying lands, and appurtenances as further described through surveys and land descriptions. The DRE shall hold the underlying land for each Facility in trust for the benefit of the State or third party transferee. This public trust possessory interest in the DRE shall be controlled by the terms of the Settlement, the Definite Plan, andthe transfer document. At the conclusion of Facilities Removal, the DRE will release the underlying land to the State or third partytransferee. Upon transfer of ownership of all Facilities, PacifiCorp shall conveyto the State or third party transferee all right, title, and interest inall Parcel B lands not already transferred to the DRE in trust, as fuither described through surveys and land descriptions, without restriction of possessory interest for the DRE. If transfer of a specific propertyfor any reason is not consummated in a manner achieving the intent set forth in Section 7.6.4.A, PacifiCorp, the applicable State, and the DRE shall Meet and Confer in accordance with Section 8.7. E. Notwithstanding any provision hereof, in the event either State accepts title to any portion of Parcel B lands, the State of Oregon and the State of California retain the right to transfer their ownership to anythird party for any purpose. 7.6.5 PacifiCorp Water Riehts A. PacifiCorp shall assign its revised hydroelectric water rights to the OWRD for conversion to an instream water right pursuant to ORS 543A.305, and OWRD shall take actions to effect such conversion, in accordance with the process and conditions set forth in Water Right Agreement between PacifiCorp and Oregon (Exhibit l). Nothing in this Section 7.6.5 or Exhibit 1 is intended in any way to affect, diminish, impair, or determine any federally-reserved or state law- based water right that the United States or any other person or entity may have in the Klamath River. B. Except as provided in this paragraph, within 90 days of completion of Facilities Removal at the Copco No. 1, Copco No. 2 and Iron Gate Facilities, respectively, PacifiCorp shall submit a Revocation Request to the California State Water Resources Control Board for LicenseNo. 9457 (Application No. 17527), and shall notify the State Water Resources Control Board of its intent to abandon its hydroelectric appropriative water rights at the Copco No. 1 and Copco No. 2 Facilities, as applicable, as identified in Statement of WaterDiversion and Use Nos. 15374, 15375, and 15376. Should ongoing operations of the Iron Gate Hatchery or other hatchery facilities necessitate 48 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 55 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet continued use of water under License No. 9457 (Application No. 17527) beyond 90 days after completion of Facilities Removal, PacifiCorp shall consult with the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the State Water Resources Control Board and shall take actions directed by such Department and Board as are necessary to ensure a sufficient water supply to the Iron Gate Hatchery or otherhatchery facilities under License No. 9457. 7.6.6 PacifiCom Hatchery Facilities The PacifiCorp Hatchery Facilities within the State of California shall be transferred to the State of California at the time of tansfer to the DRE of thekon Gate Hydro Development or such other time agreed by the Parties, andthereafter operated by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife with funding from PacifiCorp as follows: A. Hatchery Fundins PacifiCorp will fund 100 percent of hatchery operations andmaintenance necessary to fulfill annual mitigation objectives developed bythe Califomia Deparhnent of Fish and Wildlife in consultation withthe National Marine Fisheries Service. This includes funding the IronGate Hatchery facility as well as funding of other hatcheries necessary tomeet ongoing mitigation obj ectives following Facilities Removal. Hatchery operations include development and implementation of a Hatchery Genetics Management Plan as well as a25o/o constant fractional marking program. Funding will be provided for hatchery operations to meet mitigation requirements and will continue for eight years followingthe Decommissioning of lron Gate Dam. PacifiCorp's eight-year funding obligation assumes that dam removal will occur within one year of cessation of power generation at hon Gate Dam. If Facilities Removal occurs after one year of cessation of power generation at hon Gate Dam, then the Parties will Meet and Confer to determine appropriate hatchery funding beyond the eight years. B. Hatchery Production Continuity PacifiCorp will fund a study to evaluate hatchery production options that do not rely on the current hon Gate Hatchery water supply. The study will assess groundwater and surface water supply options and waterreuse technologies that could support hatchery production in the absence of Iron Gate Dam. The study may include examination of local well records and increasing production potential at existing or new facilities in theKlamath Basin as well as development of a test well or groundwater supplywell. Based on the study results and with the approval of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the National Marine Fisheries 49 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 56 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Service, PacifiCorp will provide one-time funding to construct and implement the measures identified as necessary to continue to meet current mitigation production objectives for a period of eight years following the Decommissioning of Iron Gate Dam. PacifiCorp's eight- year funding obligation assumes that Facilities Removal will occurwithin one year of cessation of power generation at hon Gate Dam. If dam removal occurs after one year of cessation of power generation at Iron Gate Dam, then the Parties will Meet and Confer to determine appropriate hatchery funding beyond the eight years. Production facilities capable of meeting current hatchery mitigation goals must be in place andoperational upon removal of kon Gate Dam. PacifiCorp shall not be responsible for funding hatchery programs, if any, necessary to reintroduce anadromous fish in the Klamathbasin. 8. General Provisions 8.1 Term of Settlement The term of this Settlement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue until Facilities Removal has been fully achieved and all conditions of this Sefflement have been satisfied, unless terminated earlier pursuant to Section 8.1 1. 8.2 Effectiveness The KHSA was effective upon execution on February 18, 2010 ("Effective Date"). The KHSA as amended will take effect when it is executed by the signatories to the 20l6AIP ("Amendment Effective Date"). 8.3 Successors and Assisns This Settlement shall apply to, be binding on, and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their successors and assigns, unless otherwise specified in this Settlement. Except as provided by Section 7.1.10, no assignment may take effect without the expresswritten approval of the other Parties, which approval will not be unreasonablywithheld. 8.4 Amendment Except as otherwise expressly provided in Section 8.1 1.3, this Settlement may onlybe amended in writing by all Parties still in existence, including any successors orassigns. The Public Agency Parties may also obtain public input on any such modifications as required by Applicable Law. A Party may provide Notice of a proposed amendment at any time. The Parties agree to meet in person or by teleconference within 20 days of receipt of Notice to discuss the proposed amendment. 50 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 57 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 8.5 Notices Any Notice requfued by this Sefflement shall be written. Notice shall be providedby electronic mail, unless the sending Party determines that first-class mail or analternative form of delivery is more appropriate in a given circumstance. A Notice shall be effective upon receipt, but if provided by U.S. Mail, seven days after the date on which it is mailed. For the purpose of Notice, the list of authorized representatives of the Parties as of the Effective Date is affached as Appendix K. The Parties shall provide Notice ofany change in the authorized representatives designated in Appendix K, and PacifiCorp shall maintain the current distribution list of such representatives. The Parties agree that failure to provide PacifiCorp with current contact information will result in a waiverof that Party's right to Notice under this Settlement. The Party who has waived Noticemay prospectively reinstate its right to Notice by providing current contact informationto PacifiCorp. 8.6 Dispute Resolution All disputes between Parties arising under this Settlement shall be subject to theDispute Resolution Procedures stated herein. The Parties agree that each such dispute shall be brought and resolved in a Timelymanner. 8.6.1 Cooperation Disputing Parties shall devote such resources as are needed and as can be reasonably provided to resolve the dispute expeditiously. Disputing Parties shall cooperate in good faith to promptly schedule, attend, and participate in the dispute resolution. 8.6.2 Costs Unless otherwise agreed among the Disputing Parties, each Disputing Partyshall bear its own costs for its participation in these Dispute Resolution Procedures. 8.6.3 Non-Exclusive Remedy These Dispute Resolution Procedures do not preclude any Party fromTimely filing and pursuing an action to enforce an obligation under this Settlement, orto appeal a Regulatory Approval inconsistent with the Settlement, or to enforce a Regulatory Approval or Applicable Law; provided that such Party shall provide a Dispute Initiation Notice and, to the extent practicable, undertake and conclude these procedures, before such action. 5l Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 58 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 8.6.4 Dispute Resolution Procedures A. Dispute lritiation Notice A Party claiming a dispute shall give Notice of the dispute withrn seven days of becoming aware of the dispute. Such Notice shall describe: (1) the matter(s) in dispute; (2) the identity of any other Party alleged to havenot performed an obligation arising under this Settlement or Regulatory Obligation; and (3) the specific relief sought. Collectively, the Party initiating the procedure, the Party complained against, and any otherParty which provides Notice of its intent to participate in these procedures, are "Disputing Parties." B. Informal Meetines Disputing Parties shall hold at least two informal meetings to resolve the dispute, commencing within 20 days after the Dispute InitiationNotice, and concluding within 45 days of the Dispute Initiation Notice unless extended upon mutual agreement of the Disputing Parties. If the Disputing Parties are unable to resolve the dispute, at least one meeting will be held within the 45 days at the management level to seek resolution. C. Mediation If the dispute is not resolved in the informal meetings, the Disputing Parties shall decide whether to use a neutal mediator. The decision whether to pursue mediation, and if affirmative the identity and allocation of costs for the mediator, shall be made within 75 days after the Dispute Initiation Notice. Mediation shall not occur if the Disputing Parties donot unanimously agree on use of a mediator, choice of mediator, and allocation of costs. The mediation process shall be concluded not later than 135 days after the Dispute lnitiation Notice. The above timeperiods may be shortened or lengthened upon mutual agreement of the Disputing Parties. D. Dispute ResolutionNotice The Disputing Parties shall provide Notice of the results of the Dispute Resolution Procedures. The Notice shall: (1) restate the disputed matter, as initially described in the Dispute Initiation Notice; (2) describe the alternatives which the Disputing Parties considered for resolution; and (3) state whether resolution was achieved, in whole or part, and state the specific relief, including timeline, agreed to as part of the resolution. Each Disputing Party shall promptly implement any agreed resolution ofthe dispute. 52 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 59 oI 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 8.7 Meet and Confer 8.7.1 Applicability The Meet and Confer procedures in this Section 8.7 shall apply upon the occrurence of certain events or failure to occur of certain events as specifically required in this Sefflement. 8.7.2 Meet and Confer Procedures A. Any Party may initiate the Meet and Confer procedures by sending Notice: (l) describing the event that requires the Parties to confer, and (2) scheduling a meeting or conference call. B. The Parties will meet to discuss the problem and identiff alternative solutions. The Parties agree to dedicate a reasonable amount oftime sufficient to resolve the problem. C. The Meet and Confer procedures will result in: (l) amendment pursuant to Section 8.a; Q) termination or other resolution pursuant to the procedures ofSection 8.1 l; or (3) such other resolution as is appropriate under the applicable section. 8.8 Remedies This Settlement does not create a cause of action in contract for monetary damages tbr any alleged breach by any Party of this Settlement. Neither does this Settlement createa cause of action in contract for monetary damages or other remedies for failure to perform a Regulatory Obligation. The Parties reserve all other existing remedies formaterial breach of the Settlement; provided that Section 8.11 shall constitute the exclusive procedures and means by which this Settlement can beterminated. 8.9 Entire Asreement This Settlement contains the complete and exclusive agreement among all of theParties with respect to the subject matter thereof and supersedes all discussions, negotiations, representations, wa:ranties, commitments, offers, agreements in principle, and other writings among the Parties, including the 2008 AIP and 2016 AIP, before the Amendment Effective Date of this Settlement, with respect to its subjectmatter. Appendices B, C, D, F, H, K, and L are hereby incorporated by reference into this Settlement as if fully restated herein. Exhibits 1 through 4 are attached to this Settlement for informational purposes only and are not incorporated by reference except as otherwise noted herein. 53 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 60 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 8.10 Severability This Settlement is made on the understanding that each provision is a necessary part of the entire Settlement. However, if any provision of this Settlement is held by a Regulatory Agency or a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable: (1) the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisionsof this Settlement are not affected or impaired in any way; and (2) the Parties shallnegotiate in good faith in an attempt to agree to another provision (instead of the provision held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable) that is valid, legal, and enforceable and carries out the Parties' intention to the greatest lawful extent under this Settlement. 8.11 Termination 8.1 1.1 Potential Termination Events This Settlement shall be terminable if one of the following events occurs and a cure for that event is not achieved pursuant to Section 8.11.3: A. A condition precedent to license transfer set forth in Section 7.l.4is not met; B. The Oregon PUC or California PUC do not implement the funding provisions set forth in Sections 4.1 through 4.6; C. Conditions of any Regulatory Approval of lnterim Measures, denial of Regulatory Approval of lnterim Measures including the failureTimely to approve ESA incidental take authorization, or results of any litigation related to this Settlement are materially inconsistent withthe provisions of Section 6.1 through 6.3 and Appendices C and D; D. Conditions or denial of any Regulatory Approval ofFacilities Removal or the results of any litigation about such removal, are materially inconsistent with the Settlement; E. The DRE notifies the Parties that it cannot proceed withFacilities Removal because it cannot obtain all permits and contracts necessary for Facilities Removal despite its good faith efforts; or F. California, Oregon, the Federal Parties, or PacifiCorp is materially adversely affected by another Party's breach of this Settlement. 8.11.2 Definitions for Section 8.11 For purposes of this section and Section 7.2.I.C, "materially inconsistent" means diverging from the Settlement or part thereof in a manner that (1) fundamentally changes the economics or A. 54 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 61 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-2l-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet liability protection such that aParty no longer receives the benefit of the bargain provided by this Settlement; or (2) frustrates the fundamental purpose of this Settlement such that Facilities Removal or the underlyrng purposes of Interim Measures cannot be accomplished. Events occurring independent of this Settlement, other than those identified in Section 8. I I . 1, shall not be construed to create a material inconsistency or materially adverse effect. B.For purposes of this section, "materially adversely affected" means that a Party no longer receives the benefit of the bargain due to: (1) fundamental changes in the economics or liabilityprotection; or (2) frustration of the fundamental purpose of this Settlement such that Facilities Removal or the underlying purposes of Interim Measures cannot be accomplished. C.For purposes of this section, a "result of any litigation" is materially inconsistent with this Settlement or a part thereof ifa Party is materially adversely affected by: (1) costs to defendthe litigation; or (2) a final order or judgment. 8.11.3 Cure for Potential Termination Event A. A Party that believes that a potential termination event specifiedin Section 8.1 1.1 has occurred shall provide Notice. (1) The Parties shall use the Meet and Confer Procedures specified in Section 8.7 to consider whether to deem the event to conform to the Settlement, or adopt a mutually agreeable amendment to this Settlement. These procedures shall conclude within 90 days of Notice. (2) If these procedures do not resolve the potential termination event, the Federal Parties, the States, the DRE if a Party, andPacifiCorp may, within 90 days thereafter, agree to an amendment, ordeem the event to conform to the Settlement; otherwise, this Sefflement shall terminate. ln no event shall any amendment under this subsection provide for Facilities Removal with respect to fewer than four Facilities. B. If the Federal Parties, the States, the DRE if a Party, andPacifiCorp disagree whether a potential termination event specified in Section 8.11.1 has occurred, these Parties shall follow the Dispute Resolution Procedures in Section 8.6 to attempt to resolve that dispute. If sucha Notice of Dispute is filed while the Meet and Confer Procedures referenced in 8.11.3.A are ongoing, those Meet and ConferProcedures are deemed concluded, subject to being recofirmenced in accordance 55 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 62 oI 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet with the remainder of this subsection. Upon conclusion of the Dispute Resolution Procedures in Section 8.6, the Federal Parties, the States, the DRE if a Party, and PacifiCorp shall issue a Notice of Dispute Resolution. (1) E in the Notice of Dispute Resolution, the Federal Parties, the States, and PacifiCorp agree that a potential termination event has occurred, or agree to consider whether a cure could be achieved, the further procedures stated in Section 8.11.3.A(1) and (2) above shall apply. (2) lf, in the Notice of Dispute Resolution, the Federal Parties, the States, the DRE if aParty, and PacifiCorp disagree whether a potential termination event has occurred, this Settlement shall terminate unless a Party seeks and obtains a remedy preserving the Settlement under Applicable Law. C. A Party may reasonably suspend performance of its otherwise applicable obligations under this Settlement, upon receipt ofNotice and pending a resolution of the potential termination event asprovided in Section 8.11.3.A or B. D. If the Federal Parties, the States, the DRE if a Party, andPacifiCorp, pursuant to the procedures in Section 8.11.3.A, agree to an amendment or other cure to resolve a potential termination event absent agreement by all other Parties pursuant to Section 8.4, any other Party mayaccept the amendment byNotice. If it objects, such other Party: (1) mayseek a remedy regarding the potential termination event that resulted inthe disputed amendment, to the extent provided by Section 8.8; (2) may continue to suspend performance of its obligations under this Settlement; and (3) in either event shall not be liable in any manneras a result of its objection or the suspension of its performance of its obligations under this Settlement. E. The Parties shall undertake to complete the applicable procedures under this section within six months of a potential termination event. 8.1 1.4 Oblieations Survivine Termination A. Upon termination, all documents and communications related to the development, execution, or submittal of this Settlement to anyagency, court, or other entity, shall not be used as evidence, admission, or argument in any forum or proceeding for any purpose to the fullest extent allowed by Applicable Law, including 18 C.F.R' $ 385.606. This provision does not apply to the results of studies or other technical information developed for use by a Public AgencyParty. 56 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 63 ol 22'l Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet This provision does not apply to any information that was in the public domain prior to the development of this Settlement or that became part of the public domain at some later time through no unauthoized actor omission by any Party. Notwithstanding the termination ofthis Settlement, all Parties shall continue to maintain the confidentialityof all settlement communications. This provision does not prohibit the disclosure of: (l) anyinformation held by a federal agency that is not protected from disclosurepursuant to the Freedom of Information Act or other applicable law; (2) any information held by a state or local agency that is not protected from disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act, the Oregon Public Records Law, or other applicable state or federal law; or (3) disclosure pursuant to Section 1.6.8. B. The prohibitions in Section 1.6.8 survive termination ofthis Settlement. 8.12 No Third-Partv Beneficiaries This Settlement is not intended to and shall not confer any right or interest in thepublic, or any member thereof or on any persons or entities that are not Parties hereto, as intended or expected third-party beneficiaries hereof, and shall not authorize anynon- Party to maintain a suit at law or equity based on a cause of action deriving fromthis Settlement. The duties, obligations, and responsibilities of the Parties with respectto third parties shall remain as imposed under Applicable Law. 8.13 Elected Officials Not to Benefit No Member of or Delegate to Congress, Resident Commissioner, or elected official shall personally benefit from this Settlement or from any benefit that may arise from it. 8.14 No Partnership Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, nothing contained in this Settlernent is intended or shall be construed to create an association, tust, partnership, or jointventure, or impose any trust or partnership duty, obligation, or liability on any Party, or create an agency relationship between or among the Parties or between any Party and any employee of any other Party. 57 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 64 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 8.15 Govemins Law 8.15.1 Contractual Oblieation A Party's performance of an obligation arising under this Settlement shall be governed bV (l) applicable provisions of this Settlement, and (2) Applicable Law for obligations of that type. 8. I 5.2 Rezulatory Oblieation A Party's performance of a Regulatory Obligation, once approved as proposedby this Settlement, shall be govemed by Applicable Law for obligations of thattype. 8.15.3 Reference to Applicable Law Any reference in this Settlement to an Applicable Law shall be deemed to be a reference to such law in existence as of the date of the action inquestion. 8.16 Federal Appropriations To the extent that the expenditure or advance of any money or the performance ofany obligation of the Federal Parties under this Settlement is to be funded byappropriations of funds by Congress, the expenditure, advance, or performance shall be contingent upon the appropriation of funds by Congress that are available for this purpose and the apportionment of such funds by the Offrce of Management and Budget. No breach of this Settlement shall result and no liability shall accrue to the United States in the event such funds are not appropriated or apportioned. 8.17 Confidentialitv The confidentiality provisions of the Agreementfor Confidentiality of Settlement Communications and Negotiations Protocol Related to the Klamath Hydroelectric Project, as it may be amended, shall continue as long as this Settlement is ineffect. 9. Execution of Settlement 9.1 SignatoryAuthority Each signatory to this Settlement certifies that he or she is authorized to execute this Settlement and to legally bind the entity he or she represents, and that such entity shallbe fully bound by the terms hereof upon such signature without any further act, approval, or authorization by such entity. 58 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 65 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 9.2 Sienine in Countemarts This Settlement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and eachexecuted counterpart shall have the same force and effect as if all signatory Parties had signedthe same instrument. The signature pages of counterparts of this Settlement maybe compiled without impairing the legal effect of any signaturesthereon. 9.3 New Parties Except as provided in Section 9.4 any entity listed on pages 1 through 2 of this Settlement that signs this Settlement on or before December 31,2016, will become a Party to this Settlement. After December 31,2016, any entity listed on pages I through 2 of this Settlement may become a Party through an amendment of this Settlement in accordance with Section 8.4. After 90 days from the Amendment Effective Date, an entity not listed on pages I through 2 of this Settlement may become a Party through an amendment of this Settlement in accordance with Section 8.4. 9.4 DRE and Liabilitv Transfer Corp. as Parties The Parties expect that the DRE will become aParty by executing this Settlementwithin 90 days of the Amendment Effective Date. No action by any other Party is necessaryfor the DRE to become a Party. If the DRE assigns any of its responsibilities to aLiability Transfer Corp. as described in Section 7.1.10 and Appendix L, the Liability Transfer Corp. shall become a Party by executing this Settlement. No action by any other Partyis necessary for the Liability Transfer Corp. to become aParty. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK-SIGNATURES BEGIN ON FOLLOWTNG PAGEI 59 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page66 ot221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Parties, through their duly authorized representatives, have caused this Settlement to be executed as of the date set lbrth in this Settlernent. United States Department of the Interior Date L 'LL) By: Sally United States l,of the Interior t of Commerce's National Marine Fisheries Sen'ice a Date:,l't7T lb Dr.D. Sullivan Under Secretary of Commerce lirr Oceans and Atmosphere PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power ,"L Date: By: Stelan A. B and CEO State of California WL L /zal4Date: By: Edmund G Jr., State of Oregon ,1 t^.,/' ti lL r*"Ltr Date:I v. By Brown, Governor California Department of Fish and Wildlifc fftt 4 I Ir /). v1 By: Chuck Bonham. Director Amended Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement Signature Pages Date: Rocky Mountain Porver Exhiblt No. 2Page67 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-2'|-01 \Mhegs: Timottry J. Hemstreet California Natu ral Resoures Agency Date: t{tt, By:Laird, Secretary Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Date: By: Peter Shepherd, Director Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Date: By: Curt Melcher, Director Oregon Water Resources Department Date: By: Thomas Byler, Director 6t Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page68 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Callfornlr Natural Resources Agency Da,te By: John Laird, Secretary Oregon of Date:/-za -2o16 By: Peter Oregon Department of X'ish and lVildlife Date: By: Curt Melcher, Director Oregon Water Resources DoParfu ent Date: By: Thomas Byler, Direotor 61 Rocky Mountain Porver Exhibit No. 2Pageag 01221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet California Natural Resources Agency Date:By: John Laird, Secretary Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Date: By: Peter Shepherd, Director Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife 6^-h-Z firfrL Date:77 lu By: Curt Meloher, Director Oregon Water Resources Department Date: By: Thomas Byler, Director 6l Rocky Mountain Porver Exhibit No. 2PageTO ot2i21 Case No. PAGE-21-01 lMness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Callfornh Nrtural Rerourcec Agency Date: By: Jobn Lair( Secretary Oregon Dcprrtment of Environmentel Qudlty Date: By: Peter Shephad, Dircctor Oregon llcpertment of tr'leh and Wldltfc Date: By: Curt Molcher, Director Orcgon Wrter Rceources Deportment Date:q/oila By: Thomas Byler, 6t Rocky Mountain Porer Exhibit No. 2 Pege 7 1 ot n1 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Whess: Timo0ry J. Hemstreet Khmath River Renewal Corporafion Date: Augu*30,2016 By:Lester Snow Title: Mce Prcsldent Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement February 18,2010 as amended Auril6.2016 Rocky Mountain Pover E(|ribit No. 2Pqe72ot221 Case No. PAGE-21{1 Vlrtness: Tlmottry J. Hemstlset Yurok Tribe P Dare: il- 6-/6 By: Thomas P.O'Rourke, Sr., Chairperson Amended Klamath Hydroelectrjc Settlement Agreement Signature Pages Rocky Mountain Power Exhhit No. 2 Page 73 ot 221 Case No. PAGE-21{1 Whess: Tlmothy J. Hemstreet I(aruk Tribe ru$ tM*,Date: 4- 6 '/t By: RusseliAttebery, C$6irman Amended Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement Signature Pages Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page74 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Klamath Tribes Date: By: Chairman 63 Rocky Mountain Povuer Exhibit No. 2Page75 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Humboldt County, California ,-at./{Date: By: Mark Lovelace Chairman, Board of Supervisors 65 Rod(y Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page76 01221 Case No. PAC-E-21{1 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Ady Iliskict Improvement Company Date: By: Jason Flowers 66 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page77 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Collins Products, LLC Date By: Eric Schooler President and Chief Executive Officer 67 Roclry Mountain Powtsr Exhibit No. 2Page78 ot221 Caee No. PAC-E-21-0'! Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Enterprise Irrigation District Date: By: Michael Beeson" President 68 Roclry Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page79 ot221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtne$: Timothy J. Hemstreet Don Johnston & Son Date: By: Donald Scott Johnston, Owner 69 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 80 ol 22'l Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Inter-County Properties Co., which acquired title as Inter-County TifleCo. Date: By: Darrel E. Pierce 70 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 81 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Klamath Irrigation District Date: By: Brent Cheyne, President 7t Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 82 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Klamath Drainage District Date: By: Tim O'Connor, President 72 Rocky Mountain Poler Exhiblt No. 2Page 83 ol n1 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstre€t Klamath Basin Improvement District Date: By: GeorgeRajnus, Chairman 73 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page U ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Klamath Water Users Association By: Brad Kirby, President Date: 74 Rocky Mountain Pouer Exhibit No. 2Page 8$ ot 221 Caee No. PAC-E-2'!-01 \Mtne$: Timothy J. Hemsheet Bradley S. Luscombe Date: By: Bradley S. Luscombe 75 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 86 ol ?21 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 lMtness: Timottry J. Hemstreet Malin lrrigation District Date: By: Ed Stastry, President 76 Rocky Mounlain Pourcr Exhibit No. 2Page87 ot?21 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Midland District Improvement Company Date: By: Frank Andersorl President 77 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 88 ol22'l Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Pioneer District Improvement Company Date: By: Lyle Logan, President 78 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 89 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Plevna District Improvement Company Date: By: Steve Metz, President 79 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 90 oI 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Reames Golf and Country Club Date By: L.H. Woodward, President 80 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 91 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-2I-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Shasta View Irrigation District Date: By: Claude Hagerty, President 81 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 92 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Sunnyside Irrigation District Date:By Pat Pattersor5 Presidelrt 82 Rocky Mountain PowEr Exhibit No. 2 Page 93 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Tulelake Irrigation District Date: By: Brad Kirby, President 83 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page94 ot221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Upper Klamath Water Users Association Date By: Matthew Walter, President 84 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page95 ot221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Van Brimmer Ditch Company Date: By: Gary Orem, President 85 Rocky Mountain Power Exhlbit No. 2Page9lt o1221 Case No. PAC-E-2141 lMness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Randolph Walthall and Jane lYalthall as trustees under declaration of trustdated November 28,1995 Date: By: Jane Walthall 86 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 97 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Westside Improvement District #14 Date: By: Steven L. Kandra, President 87 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 98 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-2l-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Winema llunting Lodge, Inc. Date By: R. David Bolls, III 88 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page99 ot221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemslreet American Rivers I ":*- ii,*/:/-:'/Date: By: W. Robert Irvin, President 90 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 100 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Callfomle q ls 4nlL Date: By:Director 9l Rodry Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 101 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Itrsdttrtc Rerourcet Date:rlr-sf r o By Spain Northwest Regional Director 9l Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 102 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Northcrn Callfomle Coun@ Fodsradon of Flyl[rherc flatc:EA /zu/ 6 By (-/ Vicc-Presideng Conservation y2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 103 ol 221 Case No. PAGE-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Pacffic Coast Fedendon of Firhemen's Associefionr Date:t L tg Regional Director 93 Roclry Mountain Poiver Exhibit No. 2Page 1A4 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-0'| lMtness: Timothy J. Hemslreet Salmon River Retoradon Council Date By: PeteyBrucker 94 RodcyMomtrln Portr E fibfi t!b. 2 Ptgc 1G of 221 C't.No.PAC€-21{i lrfttcu: 11m00ry J. llcmfi;c[ Trout Unlimlted t ':=>_-*---.-) 't lr* (tuDate: By: Chris Wood Ctrief Executive Officer b,r--,4*l1" 1gw -\ L".1, tu r ',.. ? iqrtu, Amended Klamath Hydroeletric Settlernent Agreoment Signatur€ Pages Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page lOO ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Klamath Riverkeeper Date: By: Konrad Fisher, Exective Offrcer 96 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 107 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Sustalnable Date:r/r'y'" 98 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 1OB o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Arthur G. Baggetf Jr.r Date:By: Arthur G. Baggett, Jr. 1Mr. Baggett is signing this Agreement as a recommendation to the California State Water ResourcesControl Board, and not as aParty. 98 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 109 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet APPENDICES =,n, o'tl"":? Y.iTi1 e :'"1'r"l Case No. PAC-E-21-01 ACTIONS IN APPENDIX A HAVE BEEN COMPLEITSS: TiMOthV J. HEMSITEEt OR ARE NO LONGERAPPLICABLE APPENDIX A Coordination Process for the Studies Supporting the SecretarialDetermination l. Introduction While the proposed Secretarial Determination is an inherently governmental function that may not be delegated to others, the Federal Parties understand and recognizethe unique nature ofthis task and are committed to participating in the development of the basis for the Secretarial Determination in a Timely, open, transparent manner and employing the highest standards of scientific integrity. As part of that process and as appropriate and governed by Applicablelaw, the Secretary will: A. seek the input from the other Parties and the public, on: identification of data and analysis necessary to make the Secretarial Determination; identification of existing data and analysis and the protocols neededto assess its suffrciency; work plans to obtain and study new information necessary to fillmaterial data gaps that may exist, which may include sediment contamination studies (including but not limited to dioxin); and any other process to gather, develop, and assess any additionaLdata, existing data, or analysis determined necessary by the United Statesto support the Secretarial Determination, B C create the means by which the Parties can ensure Timely performance ofthe studies. utilize the expertise each of the Parties may have with regard to data andanalysis that is necessary to support the Secretarial Determination; and Further, the Federal Parties have expressed their commitment to ensuring that thestudies, rq)orts, and analyses utilized to inform the Secretarial Determination are supported bya complete and scientifically-sound record. 2. Pumose of the Coordination Process The purpose of the Coordination Process is to seek, discuss, and consider the views of theParties regarding the basis of the Secretarial Determination in a Timely manner in support ofthe Secretary's decision-making process. As described in Section 3 below, the Secretary willfoster communication between the Federal agencies engaged in the Determination and the Partiesto A-1 11. iii. iv. E,h i b *t::g Y"iTil I :'"1',"i Case No. PAC-E-21-01 ACTIONS IN APPENDIX A HAVE BEEN COMPLEfETS: TiMOthY J' HEMSITCEI OR ARE NO LONGER APPLICABLE this Settlement. This includes providing Timely notice to allow the Parties and the publicto provide meaningful input to the items identified in Section 1 above. 3. The Process A.To provide an opportunity for the non-federal Parties to provide input to the Secretary on the categories of data outlined in Section 1 above, there is established under the terms of this Settlement a Technical Coordination Committee (TCC) consisting of membership from all of the non-Federal Partiesto this Settlement. The TCC will meet or hold conference calls on a monthlybasis, at a minimum, and more often as deemed necessary. The TCC will also form sub-teams and hold separate workshops/meetings as necessary to address specific technical and scientific issues. The principal objective of the TCC will be to exchange information and data, as appropriate, among the non-federal Parties on technical aspects of the Secretarial Determination that may affect the resourcesof the non-federal Parties and provide input to the Federal Parties. The Federal Parties will hold public workshops or otherwise provide Timely information tothe TCC and the public concerning the status of the Determination, the studies in support of the Determination and the environmental compliance actions. To the extent practicable and in accordance with Applicable Law, the Federal Partieswill provide the information necessary for the non-federal Parties to have Timelyand meaningful input consistent with the schedule for completing the Secretarial Determination. The TCC will provide its input in writing to the Federal Parties for their consideration, consistent with the CoordinationProcess. The Parties may participate in the NEPA process as cooperating agencies, if eligible under the applicable Federal regulations and guidance, or as members of the public. C Nothing in this Settlement shall restrict the Department of the Interior orother Federal agency from providing funding through other agreements ormemoranda ofunderstanding. 4. Meet and Confer This Coordination Process is intended to provide the Parties with the opporhrnity toprovide Timely and meaningful input to the Federal Parties' actions in carrying out the terms ofthis Settlement. If the Parties flrnd that their needs are not being met by this CoordinationProcess, then the Parties may engage in Meet and Confer Procedures to try to address theParties' concerns. 5. Limitations This Process is not intended to, nor does it, create any right, benefit, or trustresponsibility, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity by any person or party against theUnited A-2 B. on,ont"":?y"iTni'"tr;; Case No. PAC-E-21-01 ACTIONS IN APPENDIX A IIAYE BEEN COMPLETIED'' TiMOthY J. HCMSITEEI OR ARE NO LONGER APPLICABLE States, its agencies, its officers, or any other person. The provisions of this Process arenot intended to direct or bind anyperson. 6. Govemment-to-Government Relationship In accordance with Applicable Law, nothing in this Coordination Process is intended to waiveor supersede any obligation of the United States to fuIfilI its govemment-to-government relationship with any Indian Tribe, state, county, or local government concerning the Secretarial Determination or this Settlernent. A-3 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 113 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet APPENDIX B Interim Measures Implementation Committee (Interim Measure 1) 1. Pumose and Goal of Committee The purpose of the lnterim Measures Implementation Committee (IMIC orCommittee) is to collaborate with PacifiCorp on ecological and other issues related to the implementation of the Interim Measures set forth in Appendix D of theSettlement. The primary goals of the IMIC are: (a) to achieve consensus where possible; and (b) timely implementation of the matters within the scope of the IMlC'sresponsibilities under the Settlement. 2. Committee Functions and Responsibilities 2.1 The IMIC shall meet, discuss, and seek to reach consensus on implementationof the following Non-ICP Interim Measures as detailed in each InterimMeasure: 2.1.1 Interim Measure 7. The IMIC will consult with PacifiCorp to approve gravel placement projects and approve third parties to implement the projects. 2.1,.2 Interim Measure 8. The IMIC will consult with PacifiCorp on a planto remove the sidecast rock barrier located upstream of the J.C. Boyle Powerhouse, and approve a schedule for the removal. 2.1.3 Interim Measure I l. The IMIC will consult with PacifiCorp to identify studies or pilot projects and to develop a priority list of projects to be carried out following the DRE's acceptance of the FERC surrenderorder, as approved by the agencies specified in lnterim Measure I l. 2.1.4 Interim Measure 13. The IMIC will identify species specific habitatneeds on which to base J.C. Boyle Dam instream flow releases in the event dam removal occurs in a staged manner and anadromous fish are naturallyand volitionally present in the J.C. Boyle Bypass Reach. 2.1.5 Interim Measure 15. The IMIC will resolve significant disputes thatmay arise regarding the water quality monitoring plan content orfunding. 2.2 The IMIC shall advise the Settlement Parties conceming anyproposed amendments to the Interim Measures based on monitoring conducted underthe lnterim Measures and any other adaptive management considerations. PacifiCorp will prepare and provide to the IMIC periodic reports, no less frequently than annually, on the status of implementation of the lnterim Conservation Plan mea$ues set forth in Appendix C of the Settlement. 2.3 B-1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 114 ot 22'l Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 3. Committee Membership and Meetine Participation 3.1 The IMIC shall be comprised of PacifiCorp and the following members, subject to their signing the Settlement: A.State and Federal Members: One representative each from: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Marine Fisheries Service, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Oregon Department of Fishand Wildlife, Oregon Water Resources Department, and the Califomia Departrnent of Fish and Wildlife. Tribal Members: One representative each from the Tribes. Other Members: One representative each from: conservation group Parties, fishing group Parties, signatory counties, and irrigationgroup Parties. The california state water Resources control Board and the North coast Regional Board may also be members of the IMIC even though they havenot signed the Settlement. 3.3 Each member or category of members may designate a primary representativeto the IMIC within 30 days after the Effective Date of the Settlement, or at anytime thereafter with five days' notice. Designation shall be by Notice to the Parties in accordance with Section 8.5 of the Sefflement. Each member or categoryof members may name alternative representatives to the IMIC. Failure to designate a representative shall not prevent the IMIC from convening or conducting its functions in accordance with the time schedules established in the Settlement. 3.4 The IMIC, by unanimous agreement not subject to Dispute Resolution, maygrant any other Party to the Settlement membership status on the IMIC, providedthat the entity seeking membership submits a proposal to the IMIC thatrequests membership and demonstrates: (l) reasons why its interests are not adequately represented by present IMIC membership; and (2) appropriate qualifications of the entity to participate in the IMIC. 3.5 Each member should select a representative who has relevant trainingor experience with natural resource management. 3.6 Participation by identified state and federal resource agencies complementstheir statutory responsibility and does not otherwise affect their authority. Issues involving the exercise of specific agency authority can be discussed, butdecisions are not delegated to the Committee. 3.7 The IMIC may establish technical working groups to facilitate implementationof individual Interim Measures or categories of Interim Measures, such as a B-2 B C 3.2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 115 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Fisheries Technical Working Group and a Water Quality TechnicalWorking Group. The role of the technical working groups would be to make recommendations to the IMIC. 4. Meetine Provisions 4.1 PacifiCorp shall convene the IMIC not later than three months after theEffective Date of the Sefflement. PacifiCorp will arrange, administer, and chair all meetings. A meetingfacilitator may be used if necessary. PacifiCorp will provide no fewer than l0 days'prior notice of any meeting to the IMIC members, other Settlement Parties and agencies with jurisdictional authority, unless otherwise agreed to by the IMICoT required in order to meet a Settlement deadline or other emergencycircumstance. PacifiCorp, or the facilitator, will provide draft meeting summaries for conclurence by the IMIC prior to final dishibution. Meeting summaries willnote member concerns. The IMIC will establish protocols for meetings such as agenda development, location and scheduling. Meetings will be fairly distributed between Portland,the Medford area, and Sacramento with teleconferencing provided between sites. The meeting agenda will list specific Interim Measures and all other topics for action or discussion. Meetings will be scheduled as required by the actions contained withinspecific Interim Measure provisions, but no less frequently than annually. PacifiCorp will bear all costs associated with conducting meetings. Eachmember will bear its own cost of attendance. PacifiCorp will circulate final meeting summaries and any otherwritten comments. The role of the IMIC will be evaluated at the end of five years after theEffective Date of the Settlement. The members will review the IMIC and determine ifit should remain the same, be modified or discontinued. 5. Committee Deliberations 5.1 During meetings, prior to Committee deliberations, other Settlement Partiesand agencies with jurisdictional authority may address the Committee andprovide comments on each agenda topic being discussed. B-3 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.6 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Rocky Mounlain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 116 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hem$treet Following Committee deliberation, the Committee shall seek to reachconsensus of all members present. Committee decisions shall be based on atwo-thirds majority vote of those participating. 5.2.1 PacifiCorp or the facilitator will provide the results of the vote to allIMIC members within three working days. 5.2.2 Decisions of the Committee will stand unless a Party provides Notice within seven working days that it will seek Dispute Resolution pursuantto Section 8.6 of the Settlement on the ground of inconsistency with the Settlement. 5.2.3 In the event that PacifiCorp believes a proposed action or failure Timelyto propose an action: (1) is inconsistent with this Settlement or anyother contract to which it is a party; (2) violates the terms of the FERC license or other regulatory requirement; (3) interferes with operations; or (4) subjects PacifiCorp to undue risk of litigation, cost overuns, or liability, PacifiCorp will consult with the IMIC to identify a modifiedor alternative action. ln the event the IMIC does not approve PacifiCorp's modified or alternative action, PacifiCorp may implement its proposed action after obtaining approval by any agency specifically assignedthat decision under the particular Interim Measure, and after obtaining any necessary regulatory approvals. An IMIC member who disagrees withthe elements of PacifiCorp's proposed actions that are not specified inthe Interim Measures may dispute those elements in applicableregulatory processes. The Parties agree that such disputes are beyond the scope of Settlement Section 2. 1. Any requirements for PacifiCorp to consult with a resource agency orother member under an Interim Measure that specifically references that agency or other member shall be deemed satisfied by consultation with that agency orother member through the IMIC, provided that the IMIC is in existence and thatagency or other member has participated through the IMIC in consultation on the requisite items. To the extent agency consultation is not provided through Committee participation, PacifiCorp shall comply with all applicableregulatory consultation requirements including plan submission to appropriate agencies, including agencies specified in the Interim Measure. However, consultationwith an agency representative participating in the Committee shall not be deemedto satisfy or predetermine any Regulatory Approval required under Applicablelaw. PacifiCorp will seek to resolve concems expressed by the federal and statefish and wildlife agencies and the state water quality agencies on matters inwhich they have expertise prior to seeking consensus of the IMIC. These provisions for Committee deliberations do not supersede a decision byan agency specifically assigned that responsibility under an lnterimMeasure. B-4 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 117 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 6. Support for Committee Decisions 6.1 Committee members shall first use the Dispute Resolution process ofSettlement Section 8.6 to resolve disputes arising from Committee deliberations. 6.2 If Dispute Resolution is unsuccessful and time allows, the IMIC may convene an independent science advisory panel. The IMIC may considerthe recommendations of the independent science advisory panel to resolve the dispute. 6.3 All Committee members participating in a consensus decision will support PacifiCorp's defense of such decision in any forum where the decision is challenged and the member is participating, to the extent permitted byApplicable Law and consistent with Section2.l.3 of the Settlement. For this purpose, participating means non-opposition and does not include absence. B-5 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 118 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet AEPINDILq Interim Conservation Plan (ICP) Interim Measures2 Interim Measure 2: California Klamath Restoration Eund / Coho tr'nhancementtr'und PacifiCorp shall establish a fund to be administered in consultation with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (after providing notice and opportunity for comment to the State Water Resources Control Board and North Coast Regional Water Quality ControlBoard) and NMFS to fund actions within the Klamath Basin designed to enhance the survival and recovery of coho salmon, including, but not limited to, habitat restoration andacquisition. PacifiCorp has provided $510,000 to this fund in 2009 and shall continue to provide thisamount of funding annually by January 31 of each subsequent year in which this funding obligation remains in effect. Subject to Section 6.1.1, this funding obligation shall remain in effect untilthe time of decommissioning of all of the Facilities inCalifornia. Interim Measure 3: Iron Gate TurbineVentins PacifiCorp shall implement turbine venting on an ongoing basis beginning in 2009 to improve dissolved oxygen concentrations downstream of kon Gate dam. PacifiCorp shall monitor dissolved oxygen levels downstream of Iron Gate dam in 2009 and develop a standardoperating procedure in consultation with NMFS for turbine venting operations and monitoring following turbine venting operations in 2009. Interim Measure 4: Hatcherv and Genetics ManasementPlan Beginning in 2009, PacifiCorp shall fund the development and implementation of a Hatcheryand Genetics Management Plan (HGMP) for the Iron Gate Hatchery. PacifiCorp, in consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service and the California Department of Fish andWildlife, will develop an HGMP for approval byNMFS in accordance with the applicable criteriaand requirements of 50 C.F.R. g 223.203(bX5). To implement the HGMP, PacifiCorp, in consultation withNMFS and CDFW, will develop and agree to fund an adequate budget. When completed, CDFW shall implement the terms of the HGMP at Iron Gate Hatchery inconsultation with PacifiCorp andNMFS. Funding of this measure is in addition to the 100 percentfunding described in Non-ICP Interim Measure 18. Interim Measure 5: Iron Gate tr'low Variahilitv In coordination withNMFS, USFWS, States and Tribes, PacifiCorp and Reclamationshall annually evaluate the feasibility of enhancing fall and early winter flow variability tobenefit 2 The complete ICP was filed at FERC on November 25, 2008 and includes some additional measures notreflected in this Appendix that are not part of this Settlement. c-1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page '119 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet salmonids downstream of Iron Gate Dam, subject to both PacifiCorp's and Reclamation'slegal and contractual obligations. In the event that fall and early winter flow variability canfeasibly be accomplished, PacifiCorp, in coordination with NMFS, USFWS, and Reclamation will,upon a final lncidental Take Permit issued to PacifiCorp by NMFS becoming effective, annually develop fall and early winter flow variability plans and implernent those plans. Any suchplans shall have no adverse effect on the volume of water that would otherwise be available forthe Klamath Reclamation Proj ect or wildlife refuges. iel PacifiCorp has established a fund in the amount of $500,000 in total funding to study fishdisease relationships downstream of hon Gate Dam. Research proposals will be solicited andagreed upon by PacifiCorp and NMFS for the purpose of determining that the projects areconsistent with the criteria and requirements developed by PacifiCorp and NMFS in the ESA review process applicable under Settlement Section 6.2.PacifrCorp will consult with the KlamathRiver Fish Health Workgroup regarding selection, prioritization, and implementation of such studies, and such studies shall be consistent with the standards and guidelines contained in theKlamath River Fish Disease Research Plan and any applicable recoveryplans. c-2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 120 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet AEPINDIILD Non-ICP Interim Measures3 Interim Measure 7: J.C. Boyle Gravel Placement and/or HabitatEnhancement Beginning on the Effective Date and continuing through decommissioning of the J.C.Boyle Facility, PacifiCorp shall provide funding of $150,000 per year, subject to adjustnent for inflation as set forth in Section 6.1.5 of the Settlement, for the planning, permitting, and implementation of gravel placement or habitat enhancement projects, including related monitoring, in the Klamath River above CopcoReservoir. Within 90 days of the Effective Date, PacifiCorp, in consultation with the IMIC, shallestablish and initiate a process for identiffing such projects to the Committee, and, upon approval of a project by the Committee, issuing a contract or providing funding to a third party approvedby the Committee for implementation of theproject. The objective of this Interim Measure is to place suitable gravels in the J.C. Boyle bl,pass and peaking reach using a passive approach before high flow periods, or to provide for otherhabitat enhancement providing equivalent fishery benefits in the Klamath River above CopcoReservoir Interim Measure 8: J.C. Rovle Rypass RarrierRemoval Within 90 days of the Effective Date, PacifiCorp, in consultation with the Committee, shall commence scoping and planning for the removal of the sidecast rock barrier located approximately three miles upstream of the J.C. Boyle Powerhouse in the J.C. Boylebypass reach. In accordance with a schedule approved by the Committee, PacifiCorp shall obtain any permits required for the project under Applicable Law and implement removal of the barrier. If blasting will be used, PacifiCorp shall coordinate with ODFW to ensure the work occursduring the appropriate in-water work period. The objective of this hrterim Measure is to provide forthe safe, timely, and effective upstream passage of Chinook and coho salmon, steelhead trout, Pacif,rc lamprey, and redband trout. Jnterim Measure Q: J.C. Rovle Powerhouse Gase Upon the Effective Date, PacifiCorp shall provide the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) with continued funding for the operation of the existing gage below the J.C. Boyle Powerhouse (USGS Gage No. 1 15 10700). Funding will provide for continued real-time reporting capability for half-hour interval readings of flow and gage height, accessible via the USGSwebsite. 3 The Parties agree that PacifiCorp will implement the interim measures as provided in this Appendix. Pursuantto Section 7.3.6 ofthe Settlement, ifthe Parties determine that the schedule for Facilities Removal must extend beyond December 31,2020, then the Parties shall consider whether modification of Interim Measures is necessaryto appropriately balance costs to customers and protection ofnatural resources based on circumstances at that time. D-1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 121 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet PacifiCorp shall continue to provide funding for this gage until the time of decommissioningof the J.C. Boyle Facility. Interim Measure 10: Water Oualitv Conference PacifiCorp shall provide one-time funding of $100,000 to convene a basin-wide technical conference on water quality within one year from the Effective Date of this Settlement. The conference will inform participants on water quality conditions in the Klamath River basinand will inform decision-making for lnterim Measure No. I l, with a focus on nutrient reductionin the basin including constructed wetlands and other treatment technologies and waterquality accounting. PacifiCorp, the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, and theOregon Department of Environmental Quality, will convene a steering committee to develop theagenda and panels. Interim Measure 11: Interim Water Oualitvlmnrovements The purpose of this measLre is to improve water quality in the Klamath River during thelnterim Period leading up to dam removal. The emphasis of this measure shall be nutrientreduction projects in the watershed to provide water quality improvements in the mainstem KlamathRiver, while also addressing water quality, algal and public health issues in Project reservoirs and dissolved oxygen in J.C. Boyle Reservoir. Upon the Effective Date of the Settlement untilthe date of the DRE's acceptance of the FERC surrender order, PacifiCorp shall spend upto $250,000 per year to be used for studies or pilot projects developed in consultation withthe Implementation Committee regarding the following: Development of a Water Quality Accounting Framework Consffucted Treatment Wetlands Pilot Evaluation Assessment of ln-Reservoir Water Quality Control Techniques Improvement of J.C. Boyle Reservoir Dissolved Oxygen Within 60 days of the DRE's acceptance of the FERC surrender order, PacifiCorp shall develop a priority list of projects in consultation with the Implementation Committee. The prioritylist will be informed by, among other things, the information gained from the specific studies conducted before the DRE's acceptance of the FERC surrender order and the information generated at the water quality conference specified in Interim Measure 10. Following theDRE's acceptance of the FERC surrender order, PacifiCorp shall provide funding of up to $5.4million for implementation of projects approved by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and the State and Regional Water Boards, and up to $560,000 per year to coverproject operation and maintenance expenses related to those projects, these amounts subject to adjustment for inflation as set forth in Section 6.1.5 of this Settlement. Recognizing the emphasis on nutrient reduction projects in the watershed while also seeking to improvewater D-2 a a a Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 122 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet quality conditions in and downstream of the Project during the Interim Period, the Parties agree that up to 25 percent of the funding in this measure for pre-surrender-order-acceptance studies and post-surrender-order-acceptance implementation may be directed towards in-reservoirwater quality improvement measures, including but not limited to J.C. Boyle. Interim Measure 12: J.C. Bovle Bvoass Reach and Spencer CreekGasins PacifiCorp shall install and operate stream gages at the J.C. Boyle Bypass Reach and atSpencer Creek. The J.C. Boyle Bypass Reach gaging station will be located below the dam and fish ladder and fish bypass outflow, but above the springs in order to record flow releases fromJ.C. Boyle Dam. The Spencer Creek gage will utilize an existing Oregon Water Resources Department gaging location. It is assumed that the required measurement accuracy willbe provided using stage gaging at existing channel cross-sections with no need for constructed weirs. The installed stream gages shall provide for real-time reporting capability forhalf-hour interval readings of flow and gage height, accessible via an agreed-upon website, until suchtime as it is accessible on the USGS website. The Spencer Creek gage shall be installed in timeto provide flow indication for hon Gate Flow Variability (ICP Interim Measure 5). Both gages shall be installed and functional prior to September 1, 2010. Installation of the bypass gage, and measurement and maintenance shall conform to USGS standards. The Spencer Creek gagewill be maintained according to USGS standards, as applicable. Interim Measure 13: Flow Releases and Ramo Rates PacifiCorp will maintain current operations including instream flow releases of 100 cubic feet per second (cfs) from J.C. Boyle Dam to the J.C. Boyle bl,pass reach and a 9-inch per hourramp rate below the J.C. Boyle powerhouse prior to transfer of the J.C. Boylefacility. Provided that if anadromous fish have volitional passageato the J.C. Boyle blpass reachafter removal or partial removal of the lower dams and before J.C. Boyle is transferred, PacifiCorp will operate J.C. Boyle as a run of river facility with a targeted ramp rate not to exceedtwo inches per hour, and flows will be provided in the J.C. Boyle bypass reach to provide forthe appropriate habitat needs of the anadromous fish species. The operation will also avoid and minimize take of any listed species present. Daily flows through the J.C. Boyle powerhousewill be informed by reservoir inflow gages below Keno Dam and at Spencer Creek. Providedfurther that if anadromous fish have volitional passage upstream of Iron Gate Dam before the Copco Facilities are transferred, PacifiCorp will operate the remaining Copco Facility that isfurthest downstream as a run of the river facility with a targeted ramp rate not to exceed two inchesper hour and coordinate with NMFS and FWS to determine if any other flow measures are necessary a Volitional passage shall not be deemed to have occurred if presence of anadromous fish is the result of anthropogenic placement of such fish above, within or below the J.C, Boyle Bypass Reach, including as a result of scientific studies, experiments or investigations, prior to removal of Facilities downstream of the J.C. Boyle Bypass Reach to the extent sufficient to provide fish passage past those Facilities. D-3 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 123 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet to avoid or minimize take of any listed species present. [n either event, flows in therespective bypass reaches will be based on species-specific habitat needs identified by theIMIC. The Parties agree that if dam removal occurs in a staged manner, J.C. Boyle is intended to bethe last dam decommissioned. If, however, the FERC surrender order or Definite Plan directs a different sequence for Decommissioning and Facilities Removal, then the Parties shall Meetand Confer to identify adjustments necessary to implement Facilities Removal in a manner that is consistent with PacifiCorp's Economic Analysis. Interim Measure 14: 3.000 cfs Power Generation Upon approval by OWRD in accordance with Exhibit 1, PacifiCorp may divert a maximumof 3,000 cfs from the Klamath River at J.C. Boyle dam for purposes of power generation at theJ.C Boyle Facility prior to decommissioning of the facility. Such diversions shall not reducethe minimum flow releases from J.C. Boyle dam required of PacifiCorp under lnterim Measure 13. The implementation of this interim measure shall not: reduce or adversely affect the rightsor claims of the Klamath Tribes or the Bureau of Indian Affairs for instream flows; affectthe operation of Link River dam or Keno Dam or any facility of the Klamath ReclamationProject; or otherwise adversely affect lake levels at Upper Klamath Lake, flows in Link River, orKeno reservoir elevations. Interim Measure l5: Water OualitvMonitorinq PacifiCorp shall fund long-term baseline water quality monitoring to support damremoval, nutrient removal, and permitting studies, and also will fund blue-green algae (BGA) andBGA toxin monitoring as necessary to protect public health. Funding of $500,000 shall beprovided per year. The funding shall be made available beginning on April 1, 2010 and annuallyon April 1 until the time the dams are removed. Annual coordination and planning of the monitoring program with stakeholders will be performed through the Klamath BasinWater Quality Group or an entity or entities agreed upon by the Parties and in coordination withthe appropriate water quality agencies. The Regional Board and ODEQ will take responsibilityfor ensuring that the planning documents will be completed by April I of each year. Monitoring will be performed by the Parties within their areas of regulatory compliance orTribal responsibility or, alternatively, by an entity or entities agreed upon by the Parties. Monitoring activities will be coordinated with appropriate water quality agencies and shall be conductedin an open and transparent manner, allowing for participation, as desired, among the Parties and water quality agencies. Significant disputes that may arise between the Parties, or with the Regional Board, regardingthe monitoring plan content or funding will be resolved by the Implementation Committee, actingon input and advice, as necessary, from the water quality agencies. Notwithstanding theforgoing, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and the California State Water Resources Control Board shall make final decisions regarding spending of up to $50,000 dedicated to BGA and BGA toxin monitoring as necessary to protect publichealth. D-4 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 124 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Interim Measure 1.6: Water Diversions PacifiCorp shall seek to eliminate three screened diversions (the Lower Shovel Creek Diversion - 7.5 cfs, Claim # S015379; Upper Shovel Creek Diversion - 2.5 cfs, Claim # 5015381; and Negro Creek Diversion - 5 cfs, Claim # S015380) from Shovel and Negro Creeks and shall seek to modify its water rights as listed above to move the points of diversion from Shovel andNegro Creeks to the mainstem Klamath River. Should modification of the water rights be feasible, and then successful, PacifiCorp shall remove the screened diversions from Shovel and Negro creeks associated with PacifiCorp's water rights prior to the time that anadromous fish are likely tobe present upstream of Copco reservoir following the breach of Iron Gate and Copco dams. To continue use of the modified water rights, PacifiCorp will install screened irrigationpump intakes, as necessary, in the Klamath River. The intent of this measure is to provideadditional water to Shovel and Negro creeks while not significantly diminishing the water rights orthe value of ranch property owned by PacifiCorp. Should costs for elimination of the screened diversions and installation of a pumping system to provide continued use of the waterrights exceed $75,000 then the Parties will Meet and Confer to resolve theinconsistency. Interim Measure 17: Fall Creek FlowReleases Within 90 days of the Effective Date and during the lnterim Period for the duration of its ownership while this Settlement is in effect, PacifiCorp shall provide a continuous flowrelease to the Fall Creek bypass reach targeted at 5 cfs. Flow releases shall be provided bystoplog adjustment at the diversion dam and shall not require new facility construction or theinstallation of monitoring equipment for automated flow adjustrnent or flowtelemetry. Additionally, if anadromous fish have passage to the Fall Creek following removal ofthe California dams, flows will be provided in the Fall Creek bypass reach to provide for the appropriate habitat needs of the anadromous fish species of any kind that are naturally and volitionally present in the Fall Creek bypass reach. Flows will be based on species specific habitat needs identified by the IMIC. The operation will also avoid and minimizetake ofany listed species present. Jnterim Measure 18: Hatcherv Eundinq Beginning in 2010, PacifiCorp shall fund 100 percent of Iron Gate Hatchery operations and maintenance necessary to fulfill annual mitigation objectives developed by theCalifornia Department of Fish and Wildlife in consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Serviceand consistent with existing FERC license requirements. PacifiCorp shall provide funding of upto $ 1.25 million dollars per year for operations and maintenance costs, subject to adjustment for inflation as set forth in Section 6.1.5 of the Settlement. These operations and maintenancecosts shall include a program for 25 percent fractional marking of chinook at the kon Gate Hatchery facilities as well as the current 100 percent marking progftlm for coho and steelhead. Laborand materials costs associated with the 25 percent fractional marking program (fish marking, tags, tag recovery, processing, and data entry) shall be included within these operationsand D-5 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 125 oI 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet maintenance costs. This operations and maintenance funding will continue until the removalof Iron Gate Dam. PacifiCorp will provide one-time capital funding of $1.35 million for the 25 percentfractional marking program. This funding will include the purchase of necessary equipment (e.g. electrical upgrades, automatic fish marking trailer, tags and a wet lab modular building for processingfish heads). PacifiCorp will ensure the automatic fish marking trailer is available for use byApril 2011. PacifiCorp is not responsible for funding the possible transition to a 100 percentChinook marking program in the future. Interim Measure la: Hatchery Production Continuitv Within six months of the Effective Date of the Settlement, PacifiCorp will begin a studyto evaluate hatchery production options that do not rely on the current hon Gate Hatcherywater supply. The study will assess groundwater and surface water supply options, waterreuse technologies or operational changes that could support hatchery production in the absenceof Iron Gate Dam. The study may include examination of local well records and the feasibilityof increasing the production potential at existing or new hatchery facilities in thebasin. Based on the study results, and within six months following the DRE's acceptance of theFERC surrender order, PacifiCorp will propose a post-Iron Gate Dam Mitigation Hatchery Plan(Plan) to provide continued hatchery production for eight years after the removal of Iron GateDam. PacifiCorp's eight- year funding obligation assumes that dam removal will occur within oneyear of cessation of power generation at hon Gate Dam. If dam removal occurs after one yearof cessation of power generation at Iron Gate Dam, then the Parties will Meet and Confer to determine appropriate hatchery funding beyond the eight years. PacifiCorp's Plan shallpropose the most cost effective means of meeting hatchery mitigation objectives for eight yearsfollowing removal of Iron Gate Dam. Upon approval of the Plan by the California Departrnent of Fishand Wildlife or Oregon Departrnent of Fish and Wildlife (as appropriate) and the NationalMarine Fisheries Service, PacifiCorp will begin implementation of the Plan. Plan implementationmay include PacifiCorp contracting with the owners or administrators of other identified hatchery facilities and/or funding the planning, design, permitting, and construction of measuresidentified in the Plan as necessary to continue to meet mitigation production objectives. Five years after the start of Plan implementation, or as otherwise agreed by PacifiCorp, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife or Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (as appropriate)and the National Marine Fisheries Service, the CDFW or ODFW (as appropriate) and the NMFS shall meet to review the progress of Plan implementation. The five-year status review willalso provide for consideration of any new information relevant to Plan implementation. Plan implementation shall ultimately result in production capacity sufficient to meethatchery mitigation goals for the eighryear period being in place and operational upon removal oflron Gate Dam. D-6 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 126 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Interim Measure 20: Hatcherv Fundinq After Removal of Iron GateDam After removal of kon Gate Dam and for a period of eight years, PacifiCorp shall fund 100 percent of hatchery operations and maintenance costs necessary to fulfill annualmitigation objectives developed by the Califomia Department of Fish and Wildlife in consultation withthe National Marine Fisheries Service. The hatchery mitigation goals will focus on chinook production, with consideration for steelhead and coho, and may be adjusted downward from current mitigation requirements by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife andNational Marine Fisheries Service, in consultation with the other Klamath fuver fish managers, in response to monitoring trends. Interim Measure 21: BLM Land ManasementProvisions Beginning in 2010 and continuing until Decommissioning of the J.C. Boyle facility,PacifiCorp shall fund land management activities by the Bureau of Land Management as specified inthis interim measure. BLM will provide PacifiCorp an annual Work Plan for the management measures described below for road maintenance, invasive weed management, culturalresource management, and recreation. The Work Plan will include the status of Work Plan tasks fromthe prior year, a description of the prioritized tasks for the upcoming year, and their estimatedcosts. PacifiCorp or BLM will mutually establish the annual delivery date of the Work Plan takinginto consideration fiscal and maintenance calendars and may request a meeting to coordinatethe content of the plan. PacifiCorp will provide funding within 60 days of concurring with theWork Plan. Adminisfative services, environmental review or permitting efforts, if necessary, to implement actions under the funds shall not require additional PacifiCorp funding beyond the amounts specified below. A.PacifiCorp shall provide up to $15,000 per year to BLM towards projects identified through the coordination process described above for the purpose of road maintenance in the Klamath Canyon. This funding will be used to annually maintain the access road from State Highway 66 to the J.C. Boyle Powerhouse and terminate at the BLM Spring Island Boat Launch. Remaining funds willbe used to do non-recurring road maintenance work on roads within the Canyon as mutually agreed upon in writing by BLM andPacifiCorp. B.PacifiCorp shall provide up to $10,000 per year to BLM for use by the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) towards projects identified through the coordination process described above for the pu{pose of integrated weed management of invasive weed species along the road system and rivercorridor within the Klamath Canyon. Noxious weed control projects will becoordinated with Siskiyou County to ensure that weeds are controlled along the rivercorridor from the Oregon-California boundary to the top of Copco Reservoir. C.PacifiCorp shall provide up to $10,000 per year to BLM towards projects identified through the coordination process described above for the management of the following 5 BLM cultural sites which are within, or partially within, theTl D-7 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 127 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet terrace of the J.C. Boyle fulIflow reach: 35KL211786,35Y\L22,35KL24, 35KL558, and 35KL577.Managertent of additional sites with these funds can occur with mutual written agreement between PacifiCorp andBLM. D PacifiCorp shall provide up to, but no more than, $130,000 in funding for the development and implementation of a Road Management Plan to beimplemented during the Interim Period. The Road Management Plan shall be developedby BLM and PacifiCorp and will determine priorities for operation andmaintenance, including remediation or restoration of redundant or umecessary facilities, ofthe shared BLIWPacifiCorp road system within the Klamath River Canyon fromJ.C. Boyle Dam to the slack water of Copco Reservoir. D-8 B A. D G E,hibitt'":Ey,iTf)i'"iy;; Case No. PAC-E-2'|-01 ACTIONS IN APPENDIX E HAVE BEENCOMPLEIffPS:T|MOIhYJ. HEMShEEI OR ARE NO LONGER APPLICABLE APPENUX E Elements for the Proposed Federal Legislation f,'lements Related to the Klamath Rasin Restoration Asreement Confirm, ratiff or approve as necessary to ensure the effectiveness of theKlamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA), including any amendments approvedby the Parties prior to enactment. Authorize and direct the Secretary of the lnterior, Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary of Agriculture or their designees to execute and implement the KBRA. Confirm that execution of the KBRA by the Secretary of the lnterior, Secretaryof Commerce, and the Secretary of Agriculture or their designees is not amajor federal action for purposes of the National Environmental Policy Act,42U.S.C. 5 432I, and direct all Federal Agency Parties to comply with all applicable environmental laws in consideration and approval of actions in implementationof the KBRA following its execution. Authorize Federal Agency Parties to enter into contracts, cooperative agreements, and other agreements in implementation of the KBRA; and authorize the acceptance and expenditure of non-federal funds or in-kind services forKBRA implementation. Notwithstanding any otherprovision of law, enactment of the KBRA title ofthis legislation and implementation of KBRA will not restrict the Tribes' or other Parties' eligibility for or receipt of funds, or be construed as an offset against any obligations or existing funds, under any federal or state laws. Establish in the Treasury the type and number of funds necessary for thedeposit of appropriations and other monies, including donated funds, forimplementation of the KBRA. Management of funds shall be in accordance with the KBRA. Monies donated by non-federal entities for specific purposes to implementthe KBRA shall be expended for those purposes only and shall not be subjectto appropriation. Authorize appropriation of such sums as are necessary to carry out theprograms, projects, and plans of the KBRA. Costs associated with any actions taken pursuant to this Agreement shall be non-reimbursable to Reclamation Project contractors. Provide that the purposes of the Klamath Reclamation Project include irrigation, reclamation, domestic, flood control, municipal, industrial, power (as necessaryto implement the KBRA), National Wildlife Refuge, and fish and wildlife. Nothing in the project purposes section of the legislation shall be deemed to create awater right or affect existing water rights or water right claims. The fish and wildlife and National Wildlife Refuge purposes of the Klamath Reclamation Project shall E-l C E F H. E,h i bitlTY Y"iT'43'.'"H Case No. PAC-E-21-01 ACTIONS IN APPENDIX E IIAVE BEENCOTT,PLTTfftrS:TiMOthYJ' HEMSITCEI OR ARE NO LONGERAPPLICABLE not adversely affect the irrigation purpose of the Project, provided thatthe provisions regarding water allocations and delivery to the National Wildlife Refuges agreed upon in Section 15.I.2, including any additional watermade available under Sections 15.1.2.E.ii and 18.3.2.B.v, of the Klamath RiverBasin Restoration Agteement are hereby deemed not to constitute an adverse effect upon the Klamath Reclamation Project's irrigation purpose. For purposes ofthe determination of water rights in the KBA, the purpose or pu{poses of theKlamath Reclamation Project shall be as existed prior to the enactment of this legislation; this provision shall be inapplicable upon the frling of Appendix E-l to theKBRA. Provide that: notwithstanding any other provision of law, the disposition ofnet revenues from the leasing of refuge lands within the Tule Lake NationalWildlife Refuge and Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, under section 4 ofPublic Law 88-567, 78 Stat. 850 (Sept. 2,1964) (Kuchel Act) shall hereafter be: Ten percent of said net revenues to Tule Lake Irrigation District, as provided in article 4 of Contract No. 14-06 -200-5954 and section 2(a) of the Act of August 1,1956; Payment to Counties in lieu of taxes as provided in section 3 ofPublic Law 88-567; Twenty percent of said net revenues directly, without further authorization, to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, KlamathBasin Refuges, for wildlife management purposes on the Tule LakeNational Wildlife Refuge and Lower KlamathNational Wildlife Refuge; Ten percent of said net revenues directly, without further authorizationto Klamath Drainage District for operation and maintenance responsibility for the Reclamation water delivery and drainage facilities withinthe boundaries of both Klamath Drainage District and Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge exclusive of the Klamath Straits Drain, subject to Klamath Drainage District's assuming the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Operation and Maintenance duties for Klamath Drainage District (Area K) lease lands; and 5 The remainder shall be covered to the Reclamation fund to be applied as follows: (a) to operation and maintenance costs of Link River and Keno Dams;and (b) in any year where the remainder exceeds the actual costs in (a), forthe Renewable Power Program in Section 17.7 of the KBRA or future capital costs of the Klamath Reclamation Project, pursuant to an expenditure plan submitted to and approved by the Secretary. E-2 I 2. J 4 E,h i bir tTg Y.iTile :,"Yr"{ Case No. PAC-E-21-01 ACTIONS IN APPEI\DIX E IIAVE BEENCOMPLETTtrS:TiMOthYJ. HCMSITEEI OR ARE NO LONGERAPPLICABLE L As applicable for the United States and the signatoryTribes Confirm the commitments made in the KBRA, including the Assurances in Section 15.3 of the KBRA, and that such commitments are effective and binding according to their terms. Authorize the Tribes to issue the voluntary relinquishment and release of claims against the United States as provided in Section 15.3 of theKBRA. Establish terms limiting the effect of the commitrnents of the United States and Tribes to only those provided in the KBRA. Authorize and direct the Secretary to publish the notice identifiedin KBRA Sections or 15.3.4.C as applicable. Provide forjudicial review ofa decision by the Secretary affecting rights or obligations created in Sections 15.3.5.C, 15.3.6.B.iii, 15.3.7.B.iii,,and 15.3.9 under the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. $g 701-706. Authorize the United States and the Klamath Tribes to enter into agreements consistent with Section16.2 of the KBRA. Provide that nothing in the KBRA title of the legislation shall: determineexisting water rights, affect existing water rights beyond what is stated in the KBRA, create any private cause ofaction, expand thejurisdiction ofstate courts toreview federal agency actions or determine federal rights, provide any benefit to a federal official or member of Congress, amend or affect application or implementationof the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, Federal Land ManagementPolicy Act, Kuchel Act (Public Law 88-567), National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 (Public Law 105-57), or supersede otherwise applicable federal law, except as expressly provided in the federal legislation. The KBRA title of the legislation shall provide that the provisions of theKBRA are deemed consistent with 43 U.S.C. $ 666. Require that if the KBRA terminates, any federal funds provided to Partiesthat are unexpended must be returned to the United States, and any federal funds expended for the benefit of a Party shall be treated as an offset against anyclaim for damages by such Party arising from the Agreement. 2 J 4 J K. L. M. N. E-3 A. E-hib*t""5Y"'sTill:r'lr"l Case No. PAC-E-21-01 ACTIONS IN APPENDIX E HAYE BEENCOMPLEfEffS:TiMOthYJ' HEMSITEEI OR ARE NO LONGERAPPLICABLE Elements Related to the Klamath Hvdroelectric SettlementAqreement Authorize and direct the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary), Secretary of Commerce, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to implement the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA). Authorize and direct the Secretary to make the determination by March 31,2012 as set forth in Section 3 of the KHSA: whether facilities removal will advance restoration of the salmonid fisheries of the Klamath Basin and is in thepublic interest, which includes but is not limited to consideration of potential impactson affected local communities and Tribes. Prohibit the Secretary from making the determination set forth in Section 3 ofthe KHSA if the conditions specified in Section3.3.4 of the KHSA have notbeen satisfied. Authorize and direct the Secretary if the Secretarial determination provides for facilities removal, to designate as part of that determination a dam removal entity (DRE) with the capabilities and responsibilities set forth in Section 7 ofthe KHSA; the Secretary may designate either the Department of the Interior or a non-federal entity as the DRE, consistent with the requirements of Section3.3.4.E of theKHSA. Direct the Secretary to publish notification of the Secretarial Determination inthe Federal Register. Provide jurisdiction for judicial review of the Secretarial determination in theU.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit or the D.C. Circuit. Authorize the DRE: to accept, expend and manage non-federal funds forfacilities removal; to enter into appropriate agreements with the States of California and Oregon, Tribes, other public agencies, or others to assist in implementation ofthe KHSA; to develop a definite plan for facilities removal; to accept fromPacifiCorp all rights, title, and other interests in the facilities upon providing notice that it is ready to commence with facilities removal; and to perform such removal, all as provided in Sections 4 andT of the KHSA. Authorize and direct the DRE to seek and obtain necessary permits, certifications, and other authorizations to implement facilities removal, including but not limited to a permit under 33 U.S.C. $ 1344. Provide that Facilities Removal shall be subject to applicable requirements of State and local laws respecting permits, certifications and other authorizations, to the extent such requirements are consistent with the Secretarial determinationand the Definite Plan, including the schedules for Facilities Removal. E-4 B. E F G C. D. H. I. J Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Pat;;:7:;itr1 ACTIONS IN APPENDIX E HAYE BEEN COMPLEryEffS:TiMOthY J' HEMSITEEI OR ARE NO LONGER APPLICABLE Direct the Department of the Interior or the Non-Federal DRE to enter into a contract with PacifiCorp that provides that: upon transfer of title to thefacilities, and until notified by the DRE to cease generation of electric power, PacifiCorp shall continue such generation, retain title to any and all power so generatedby the facilities, and continue to use the ou@ut for the benefit of its retail customers under the jurisdiction of relevant state public utility commissions. Authorize and direct the Secretary of the lnterior, upon notice that the DRE is ready to perform removal of the J.C. Boyle development, to accept transfer ofthe Keno Dam from PacifiCorp, to be managed as a part of the KlamathReclamation Project, as provided in Section 3.3.4.B and Section 7.5 of the KHSA. Provide PacifiCorp with protection from liability as follows:'Notwithstanding any other federal, state, local law or common law, PacifiCorp shall not be liable for any harm to persons, property, or the environment, or damages resultingfrom either Facilities Removal or Facility operation arising from, relating to, or triggered by actions associated with Facilities removal, including but notlimited to any damage caused by the release of any material or substance, includingbut not limited to hazardous substances." Further provide: "Notwithstanding any other federal, state, local law orcommon law, no person or entity contributing funds for facilities removal pursuant tothe KHSA shall be held liable, solely by virtue of that funding, for any harmto persons, property, or the environment, or damages arising from either facilities removal or facility operation arising from, relating to, or triggered byactions associated with facilities removal, including any damage caused by the releaseof any material or substance, including hazardous substances." Further provide that: 'Notwithstanding Section 10(c) of the Federal PowerAct, this protection from liability preempts the laws of any State to the extent such laws are inconsistent with this Act, except that this Act shall not be construedto limit any otherwise available immunity, privilege, or defense under anyother provision of law." Fur*rer provide that the liability protections in Paragraphs L through N, above, shall take effect as they relate to any particular facility only upon transfer oftitle to that facility from PacifiCorp to the DRE. Direct FERC to issue annual licenses authorizing PacifiCorp to continue to operate Project No. 2082 until PacifiCorp hansfers title to the DRE, andprovide that FERC's jurisdiction under the Federal Power Act shall terminate withrespect to a given facility upon PacifiCorp's transfer of title for such facility to theDRE; if the facilities are removed in a staged manner, annual FERC licenseconditions applyng to the facility being removed shall no longer be in effect, andPacifiCorp shall continue to comply with license conditions pertaining to any facility stillin E-5 K. L. M. N o P on,oot"":?Y.iTill'"itrI Case No. PAC-E-21-01 ACTIONS IN APPENDX E IIAYE BEENCOMPLETTDS:TiMOthYJ' HCMSITEEI OR ARE NO LONGERAPPLICABLE place to the extent such compliance is not prevented by the removal of anyother facility. a Direct FERC to stay its proceeding on PacifiCorp's pending licenseapplication for Project No. 2082 as long as the KHSA remains in effect, and resume such proceeding, and take final action on the license application, only if theI(HSA terminates; except that FERC will resume timely consideration of thepending FERC license application for the Fall Creek development within 60 days ofthe transfer of the Iron Gate Facility to the DRE. R.Provide that if the KHSA terminates, the Secretarial Determination andfindings of fact shall not be admissible or otherwise relied upon in FERC's proceedingson the license application. S Provide that on PacifiCorp's filing of an application for surrender of theEastside and Westside developments of Project No. 2082 pursuant to Section 6.4.1 ofthe KHSA, FERC shall issue an appropriate order regarding partial surrender ofthe license specific to the Eastside and Westside developments, includirrg any reasonable and appropriate conditions. T Provide that nothing in the KHSA title of the legislation shall: modiffexisting water rights; affect the rights of any Tribe; or supersede otherwise applicable federal law, except as expressly provided in the legislation. E-6 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 134 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet APPENDIX F Oregon Surcharge Act (as codified) 757.732 Definitions for ORS 757.732 to757.744. As used in ORS 7 57 .732 to 7 57.7 44: (1) "Agreement in principle" means the agreement signed November 13, 2008, by the states of Oregon and California, by the United States Deparhnent of the lnterior and byPacifiCorp. (2) "Allocated share" means the portion of PacifiCorp's costs assigned to this state underthe interjurisdictional cost allocation methodology used by the Public Utility Commission forthe purpose of establishing rates for PacifiCorp. (3) "Customers" means the Oregon retail electricity customers of PacifiCorp. (4) "Final agreement" means a successor agreement to the agteement inprinciple. (5) "Klamath River dam" means the J.C. Boyle Dam located in Oregon, the Copco I Dam located in California, the Copco 2 Dam located in Califomia or the Iron Gate Dam locatedin California. 12009 c.690 $21 757.734 Recovery of investment in Klamath Riverdams. (l) Not more than six months after the execution of a final agreement, the Public Utility Commission shall determine a depreciation schedule under ORS 757.140 for each KlamathRiver dam based on the assumption that the dam will be removed in2020. The commission may change a depreciation schedule determined under this section at any time if removal of a dam will occur during ayear other than 2020. (2) The commission shall use the depreciation schedules prepared under this section to establish rates and tariffs for the recovery of Oregon's allocated share of undepreciated amountsprudently invested by PacifiCorp in a Klamath River dam. Amounts recoverable under this sectioninclude, but are not limited to: (a) Retum of investment and return on investment; (b) Capital improvements required by the United States or any state for continuedoperation of the dam until dam removal; (c) Amounts spent by PacifiCorp in seeking relicensing of the dam before July 14, 2009; (d) Amounts spent by PacifiCorp for settlement of the issues of relicensing or removal ofthe dam; and (e) Amounts spent by PacifiCorp for the decommissioning of the dam in anticipation ofthe dam's removal. (3) If any amount specified under subsection (2) of this section has not been recovered by PacifiCorp before a dam is removed, the Public Utility Commission shall allow recovery ofthat amount by PacifiCorp in PacifiCorp's rates and tariffs. The commission shall allow therecovery without anamortization schedule if the impact of the recovery does not exceed one-half ofone percent of PacifiCorp's annual revenue requirement. If the impact exceeds one-half ofone percent of PacifiCorp's annual revenue requirement, the commission may establish an amortization schedule that limits the annual impact to one-half of one percent ofPacifiCorp's annual revenue requirement.12009 c.690 $3] F-1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 135 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 757J36 Surcharges for funding costs of removing Klamath River dams; judicial review. (1) Not more than 30 days after the execution of a final agreement, PacifiCorp must file a copy of the final agreement with the Public Utility Commission along with fuIl and complete copiesof all analyses or studies that relate to the rate-related costs, benefits and risks for customers of removing or relicensing Klamath River dams and that were reviewed by PacifiCorp duringthe decision-making process that led to PacifiCorp's entering into the final agreement. (2) PacifiCorp must include with the filing made under subsection (1) of this section tariffsfor the collection of two nonblpassable surcharges from its customers for the purpose of payingthe costs of removing Klamath River dams as described in subsection (11) of this section. Notwithstanding the commission's findings and conclusions under subsection (4) of thissection, the commission shall require PacifiCorp to begin collecting the surcharges on the date thatthe filing is made under subsection (l) of this section, or on January 1,2010, whichever is later, and PacifiCorp shall continue to collect the surcharges pending a final decision on thecommission's order under subsection (4) of this section. The surcharges imposed under this section shallbe: (a) A surcharge for the costs of removing the J.C. Boyle Dam; and (b) A surcharge for the costs of removing the Copco 1 Dam, the Copco 2Dam and thelron Gate Dam. (3) The surcharges imposed under this section may not exceed the amounts necessary to fund Oregon's share of the customer contribution of $200 million identified in the agreement in principle. ln addition, the total amount collected in a calendar year under both surcharges may not exceed more than two percent of PacifiCorp's annual revenue requirement as determined in PacifiCorp's last case under ORS 757.210 decided by the commission before January 1,2010. (4) Not more than six months after a filing is made under subsection (l) of this section, the commission shall conduct a hearing under ORS 757.210 on the surcharges imposed underthis section, and shall enter an order setting forth findings and conclusions as to whether the imposition of surcharges under the terms of the final agreement results in rates that are fair,just and reasonable. (5) Notwithstanding ORS 183.482 (1), jurisdiction for judicial review of any appeal of anorder entered under subsection (4) of this section is conferred on the Supreme Court, and aperson seeking judicial review of the order must file a petition for review with the Supreme Court inthe manner provided by ORS 183 .482. ORS 1 83.482 (3) does not apply to an order entered under subsection (4) of this section. If a petition for review is filed, the surcharges imposed underthe terms of the final agreement shall remain in effect pending a final decision on the petition, but shall be refunded if the rates resulting from the surcharges are finally determined not to befair, just and reasonable. A petition filed under this subsection must indicate on its face that the petition is filed pursuant to this subsection. (6) The commission may not use any commercially sensitive information provided to the commission in a filing made under subsection (1) of this section for any purpose otherthan determining whether the imposition of surcharges under the terms of the final agreementresults in rates that are fair, just and reasonable. Notwithstanding ORS 192.410 to 192.505, the commission may not release commercially sensitive information provided to thecommission under this section, and shall require any person participating in a proceeding relating to the F-2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 136 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-2t-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet surcharge to sign a protective order prepared by the commission before allowing theparticipant to obtain and use the information. (7) The surcharges imposed under this section must be of a specified amount per kilowatthour billed to retail customers, as determined by the commission. The amount of each surchargeshall be calculated based on a collection schedule that will fund, by December 3l,2llg,Oregon's share of the customer contribution of $200 million identified in the agteement in principle. To the extent practicable, the commission shall set the surcharges so that total annual collections of the surcharges remain approximately the same during the collection period, and, when settingthe rate for the surcharges, the commission shall account for the actual and expected changes in energy usage over the collection period and account for the actual and expected changes in interest rates on the collected funds over the collection period. The commission may changethe collection schedule if a Klamath River dam will be removed during ayear other than2020. (8) Except as provided in ORS 757.738 (2), all amounts collected under the surchargesimposed under this section shall be paid into the appropriate trust account established under ORS 757.738. (9) If the commission determines at any time that amounts have been collected under thissection in excess of those needed, or in excess of those allowed, the commission must: (a) Direct the trustee of the appropriate trust account under ORS 757.738 to refundthese excess amounts to customers or to otherwise use these amounts for the benefit ofcustomers; or (b) Adjust future surcharge amounts as necessary to offset the excess amounts. (10) If one or more Klamath River dams will not be removed, the commission shall direct PacifiCorp to terminate collection of all or part of the surcharges imposed under this section.ln addition, the commission shall direct the trustee of the appropriate trust account under ORS 757.738 to apply any excess balances in the accounts to Oregon's allocated share ofprudently incurred costs to implement Federal Energy Regulatory Commission relicensing requirements.If any excess amounts remain in the trust accounts after that application, the Public Utility Commission shall order that the excess amounts be refunded to customers or otherwise beused for the benefit of customers in accordance with Public Utility Commission rules andpolicies. (1 1) For the purposes of subsection (2) of this section, "the costs of removing Klamath River dams" includes costs of: (a) Physical removal of the dams; (b) Site remediation and restoration; (c) Avoiding downstream impacts of dam removal; (d) Downstream impacts of dam removal; (e) Permits that are required for the removal; (f) Removal and disposal of sediment, debris and other materials, if necessary; and (g) Compliance with environmental laws. 12009 c.690 $4; 2011 c.394 $11 757.738 Surcharge trust accounts related to removal of Klamath River dams. (lXa) The Public Utility Commission shall establish a separate trust account foramounts generated by each of the two surcharges imposed under ORS 757.736. The commissionshall establish the trust accounts as interest-bearing accounts: (A) With an agency of the United States identified in the final agreement; F-3 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 137 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet (B) ln a depository that is qualified under ORS 295.001 to 295.108 to receivepublic funds;or (C) With the State Treasurer, to be invested as provided in ORS 293.701 to293.857. (b) The commission may establish each of the two trust accounts with a differenttrustee among those listed in paragraph (a) of this subsection. (c) The commission may authorize transfer of funds from one tust account to anotheras necessary to fund removal of the Klamath River dams. (2) If an agreement is entered into under ORS 757.742 (2),the parties to the agreementmay agree that a portion of the amounts collected under one surcharge may be deposited in thetrust account established for amounts collected under the other surcharge. (3) Upon request of an agency of the United States, or upon request of the designee of an agency of the United States, the commission shall require the trustee of the appropriate trust account established under this section to transfer to the agency or designee the amounts that arenecessary to pay the costs of removing the Klamath River dams as described in ORS 757.136 (ll). (4) If any amounts remain in a trust account established under this section after the trusteemakes all payments necessary for the costs of removing the Klamath River dams as described inORS 757.736 (11), the commission shall direct the trustee of the account to refund those amountsto customers or to otherwise use the excess amounts for the benefit of customers. [2009 c.690 $5; 20rt c.394 $21 757,740 Recovery of other costs incurred as result of changes in operation to or removal of Klamath River dams. Pursuant to ORS 757.210, the Public Utility Commission shall allow PacifiCorp to include inits rates and tariffs this state's allocated share of any costs that are prudently incurred byPacifiCorp from changes in operation of Klamath River dams before removal of the dams, or that are prudently incurred for replacement power after the dams are removed, that are not otherwise recovered under ORS 757.734 ard757.736.12009 c.690 $61 757.742 Public Utility Commission authorization to enter agreement with California related to cost apportionment and trust fund. (1) The State of Oregon may enter into an agreement with representatives of the Stateof California, either as part of a final agreement or by separate agreement, that establisheseach state's share of the customer contribution of $200 million identified in the agreement in principle. (2) The Public Utility Commission may enter into an agreement with representatives of theState of California to establish and administer the trust accounts authorized under ORS 757.738 andto ensure that trust account moneys are disbursed for dam removal costs that are necessary and appropriate. [2009 c.690 $7] 757.744 Disclaimers. ( 1) ORS 7 57 .732 to 7 57 .7 44 do not authorize the expenditure of any public moneys for removal of Klamath River dams. F-4 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 138 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet (2) ORS 757.732to757.744donotcreateacauseof actionagainsttheStateof Oregonor against any of the officers, employees or agents of the state and may not be used as the basisfor an assertion of liability on the part of the State of Oregon or of any officers, employees oragents of the state. [2009 c.690 $8] F-5 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 139 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet APPENDIX G.l Water Bond Language (California) CALIFORNIA BOND FI.INDING APPROVED THROUGH VOTER APPROVAL OFTHE WATER QUALITY, SUPPLY, AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF2OI4 (PROPOSTTTON 1) rN NOVEMBER2014. G-1 E,hibittTgy"iTniiw Case No. PAC-E-2'|-01 ACTIONS IN APPENDIX G-2 HAYE BEEN COMPL#TT'fD TiMOthY J. HEMSITEEI OR ARE NO LONGERAPPLICABLE AEENDI!@ CEQA Legislation Language (California) Uncodified Statute Application of Division 13 of the Public Resources Code to activities and approvals relatedto the Klamath Basin, as more particularly described in two agreements between the United States, the State of California, the State of Oregon and other Klamath Basin Stakeholders, shall be limited as follows: (a) The following activities related to restoration of the Klamath Basin are not a "project"as defined in Public Resources Code section 21065: (1) Execution of the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement; (2) Execution of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement; (3) A request to the California Public Utilities Commission to establish a surcharge to fund dam removal activities pursuant to the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, orthe Califomia Public Utilities Commission's action on such request. (b) Division 13 of the Public Resources Code shall apply to the decision of whether toconcur with the determination by the United States to remove any or all of the dams described inthe Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, whether to approve any projects that areproposed for approval pursuant to such determination and whether to approve any projects that are proposed pursuant to the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement after its execution. Environmental review prepared pursuant to this subdivision shall focus on the issues that areripe for decision at the time of the concurrence and/or proposal, and from which laterenvironmental review may tier. The Department of Fish and Game may be the lead agency for the environmental review of the decision of whether to concur in the determination by theUnited States described in this subdivision. G-l Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 14'l ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet APPENDIXII Calculation of Initial Customer Surcharge Target H-1 APPENDD( H ffi AnnudSp.rdffi AmdSmhrlp ln6ll SudEgD Coil.ctcd Jdl2 - Orc2O lnlmstRa. Ionthly lnt r.rtEdlmrlor Aftarrttdna umptlom, MonhlySpad 0.00% o.42fi 0.83% Anrud AnruC Cch OutiwlG12Clh Orriil11l6 Csh Outiil17-19 AnnuCcdlrdiil colhcLdJ.nlo-Jm12 $ 17200$ 17,4'0ffi8ffi ArsDr{9oriOrm 3hrdad c.[a ddrr.bL amPdm tcrAmurl lntapt r.L rnd CdLciidclrel( lril{attohcl(Bdhninq Balan€clholrdldv lntr.rtEmd EndinsBd.mY.r cshldlw 1,4331,18 1,433 l,/fi!3 't,a!)3 1,433 1,,1U3 l,43Il 1,43:] 1,433 1,433 1,433 1,433 l,,lll3 1,,t3tl 1,,t33 1,rki3 1,433 1,433 1,/t3:r 1,433 r,433 1,433 1,43:t l,/t!13 1,,r3i) 'l,.llxi 1,.133 '1,/t3il 1,43!) 1,433 1,433 l,/t3:1 t,,(!:t 1,,t33 1,433 1,i133 t,4tl3 1,4:]:t 1,a33 r,433 1,,(l3 1,4rX! 1,43it t,4ix! 1,43s 1,433 t,lt33 1,/l:xt l,/t3lt 1,433 1./133 1,433 1,43Ii 1,433 t,4IXt t,a3it 1.433 1,433 1,433 1,433 1,433 1,433 l,/(l3 1,.l3ii 1,.13I| 1,433 1,.133 1,433 1,,(]3 1,433 147 193 1to XA 210 216u27 23tl 2C024 22$ 261 2t7 273 27824 2CO 295 301 306 c12 318 38 329 33t 3/O 345 351 356w, 368 373 379 384 390 395 4014(r 112 J-10F-to M-10 A-10 M-to ,t'r0 J-l0 A-10 $10ot0 t+to D,ro ,.Ll'l F-11 M-tl4"fi i/L'tl J-11 J-i1 A-tl $11G'tlt+fiDll.t12 F-12 tf.12 ,v12 M-12 n12 .r12 ,G12 $12or2 tc12 c;.12 J-13 F-'r3 M-13 A-13 i/L13 J-13 J-13 A"'t3913 o13 it-13 D13 J-11 F-14 itr14 t*11 M-l.l ..1-14 J-'14 4".t4 $'14 Gt4 tt1/t D'14 J-15 F-'t5 M-15 A"15 M-l5 J-i5 .J-15 A-15 $15o'r5 1+.15 1,435 2,475 ,1,3'19 5,767 7,21E 8,6?6 10,136 11,60r t3,07t11,* 1G,W)17,s r8,991 20,41 21,971 23,176 24,94O 26,48E 2E,ml 29,51831,ilo 32,568 3rt,096 35,Gr1 ?7,'170 36,714 10,262 41,815 43,373A,g 46,313 47,@1,10,G8 50,{40 51,812 54,s5r 55,918 s7,283 58,647 60,008 61,36E 62,727 6/t,(Blt 05,/tsE6,74 68,1.13 69,.t93 70,41 72,147 73,532 71,C75 76,2177t,ffi 78,E94 80,231 E1,565 62,t98u,2n E5,559 86,887 88,213 89,538 90,861 92,142 93,502 94,E20 96,136 97,151 9A,7U 53,182 2 6tot5 t9 23 27 32 36 10 45 {9 53 57gz 66 71 75 7Su 8a 93 97 102. 105 fi1fi5 120 1241n 'r33 137 111 Ill5 115 t5s 157 161 165 t@ 173 171 t8'l tE5 189 1S 106 200 2U 2@ 212 216zm21 2A 23,,2# 239 213 217 251 255 259 263 267 270 271 278 2U2 286 290 lllustratw Enmpl6 27 May2009 Rod<y Mountaln Porer Exhibit No. 2 Page 142 ot ?21 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 lMtne'ss: Timothy J. Hemstreet r,435 2,A75 /t,319 5,767 7,219 6,678 10,138 '11,601 't3,071 11,94 B,q2i2 17,W 16,991N,81 21,577 23,q4 2/r,e80 2G.,& 28,001 29,518 31,040 32,566 34,@6 36,C0r 37,170 u,7114,ftz .l'1,t15 13,N73 4/t,S4 46,313 17,691 a9,G6 50,{/t0 51,C',12 53,13'l 54,551 55,91til,24 5t,0a7 60,000 81,t68 62,727 6{,6s 65,l(r8 66,712 6E,143 e0,$3 70 t'11 72,1E? 73,532 u,475 76.217 2,356 78,t94 E0,231 81,585 82,8e8 8/f,230 t9,659 66,887 88,213 89,538 90,861 92,1U 93,502 9,t,820 96,136 s7,151 98,764 100,075 $ 17,200 $304 $ 17,200 $427 $ 17,200 $ 1,561 $ 17,200 $ 2,19i2 $ 17,200 $ 2,710 I,-15 .J-16 F-16 $ $ $ 1{ro,o75 101,385 102,693 'tu,o00 1(E,30/t 1G,608 107,909 109,209 110,507 11t,to,t 113,090 I l/t,392 I 15,66.t fi6,974 117,7f1 ttE,570 119,352 r20,150 120,933 121,71212.,M 123,257 121,O23 121,7A5 125,5/t3 12s,207 127,U7 127,7e3 128,5U 129,272 130,005 130,735 131,461 132,183 t32,9oO 13i!,614 13,,921 135,031 135,733 136,431 137,18 137,417 138,50.1 139,188 139,t68140,9 111,216 141,6E5 l/12,550 1,43i! 1,433 't,4t!3 1,43!r 1,rt33 1,/t3 1,433 1,43t| 1,433 1,433 1,433 t,433 1,433 't,4gl 'r,433 1,433 1,/t33 1,43:t 1,433 'l,4ti3 l,/83 1,433 I,tll]3 l,t*13 1,433 1,4ti3 1,43:l l,/*13 1,/t3ii l,/t3i] 1,433 I,t133 1,43:l l,/t33 1,433 t,a:!3 l,/83 1,43:l l,/t3il t,43it 1,433 1,433 1,433 1,43t l,a3<t t,a3!! t,4it3 1,433 t,a:xi ..1712, 124/t3 43914 450 455 .160 486 171 177&. 975 981 088 905 r,001 1,004 1,01/t 1,@1 1,O27 1,034 t,oao I,0.16 1,052 1,059 I,065 1,O71 1,O77 t,@3 1,089 1,098 1,1@. 1,108 1,fi3 1,119 1,125 1,13'1 1,1E7 l,'1.13 1,1lBl,l5't 1,160 1,166 1,171 1,1Tt 1,1Q. 1,188 293 297 301 305 309 312 316 320 3it4 32E 331 335 339y2 311 346 3.€ 351 453 356 35E 360w 365 87 369 371 373 375 37E 380w 344 386 38E 390an 39/t 336 398 ttoo 1q2 /404 4G 408 410 112 111/fi6 t tor,tES 'r@,593 104,(xl0 't05,3(x 105,606 r07,909 to0,2o0 fi0,507 ,11,804 113,099 1l/t 392 1t5,6E4 110,97.t 117,771 118,570 11q362 't20,150 120,9&r 121,712 12.,&' 123257 124,@3 121,785 125,543 1?i2A7 127,U7 127,793 128,5&t 129272 130,005 't30,7!t5 131,461 13e183 132,t00 r33,ot4 l3.,,41t8q@t 135,73:t 136,431 137,126 137,A17 't38,5o/l 13e,18E 130,8681$,* 't1'1,216 1r11,885 1.t2,550 1,B.212 $ r7,2OO $ 3,267 M-16 $ A-18 $ M-16 $ J-16 ,!16 A"r6st6 Gt6 1$16Dl5 .h17 F-17 iit-l7 r",17 tlF17 J-17 J-17 A-17 s-17 Gl7 t$'r7 E;.17 J.IE F.IE irl-18 4.16 t/L18 J-1E J-18 A"1E 918 $ t7.2oo $ 3.816 $ t7,2OO $ 4,253 o18 $ Itl-18 $rlE J-19 F-10 irL19 4.19 iI-19 J-19 J-19 4.19 919ot9 t919r19 $ r7,2OO $ 4,568 $ l7,zn $ 4,E04 ItrY..rTot.lr EIE@IE]T@UtrlEil APPENDX H Rocfty Mountain Poruer Exhiblt No. zPage 113 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-2l-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet lllustEtiw Eremple 27 May 2009 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Pa t; ;#:NZi ACTIONS IN APPENDX I HAVE BEEN COMPLEfff]ffS: TiMOthY J' HEMSITCCI OR ARE NO LONGERAPPLICABLE APPENDIX I Study Process Guidelines In providing the information to support the Secretarial Determination as set forth fullyin Section 3 of the Settlement, the federal team will address three decisions to be made bythe Secretary: Whether Facilities Removal can be completed within the State Cost Cap or anamount otherwise agreed to by the Parties, The "Secretarial Determination" of whether Facilities Removal will benefit thefisheries and will otherwise be in the public interest, and Whether lnterior will be the Dam Removal Entity in the event of anAffrmative Determination. Overall, the supporting analyses will, at a minimum, address thefollowing: o A cost estimate of Facilities Removal; o Identification and management of risks and of foreseeable liabilities associatedwith Facilities Removal; o The environmental effects of Facilities Removal; o The impacts on local and Tribal communities; and o An economic analysis. This Appendix outlines the approach to complete the analyses needed to supportthe Secretarial Determination. The key discipline areas that need study and analysis forthe Secretarial Determination fall into six categories, including: Engineering Sediment Composition, Fate and Transport Water Quality Fisheries Economics . Liability and Risk Management The study efforts will concentrate on these areas. However, if other key disciplinesare identified in the process, they will be included. The Parties recognize that other studies and analyses are established in the existing record. The non-federal Parties agree to collaborateand provide recommendations for prioritized activities related to the Secretarial Determinationfor each of the six categories and shall communicate through the Technical CoordinationCommittee (TCC). See Appendix A. Such recommendations will include developing key questionsor I-l a a a a a Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Pa t; ;:i:;ia1 ACTIONS IN APPENDIX I HAVE BEEN COMPLETED OR Adff!TM[T'NE{ff't'.""1 APPLICABLE objectives for the Secretarial Determination in order to provide context for the near-termpriority studies and analyses. However, final decisions on studies and analyses remain at theSecretary's discretion. t-2 E,h i b *lTY y.iTile :ilfl Case No. PAC-E-21-01 ACTIONS IN APPENDX J HAVE BEEN COMPLEtffffS: TiMOthY J. HEMSITEEI OR ARE NO LONGER APPLICABLE APPENDIX J Science Process 1. Introduction The federal team agrees to an open and transparent science process for the 2012 Secretarial Determination and continuing through the subsequent phases, if there are any, leading upto Facilities Removal in the event of an Affirmative Determination. The goal of this science process is to provide for transparency and integrity in the preparation, identification, and use of scientiflc and technological information that supports the actions and decisions arising from the Settlement. 2. Description of Science in Settlement For purposes of the Settlement, Science Process means the essential technical studies undertaken that will supportthe Secretarial Determination and that will continue through subsequent phases up to Facilities Removal. Consistent with well-established scientific standards, the process shall seek tomake reasonable, objective, accurate, technically appropriate use ofdata and analyses, including existing work, and not advocate or otherwise limit the analyses and conclusions of the studiesto fit a predetermined outcome. The studies developed or used or the process used to review existing studies will be conducted in accordance with Memorandum on Scientific Integrity affached herein. Sufficiency of Science means that all new studies and analyses undertaken, or any existing data sets or studies relied upon in whole or in part, shall be of high technicalquality, scientifically defensible, and of sufficient depth and scope to support fully informeddecision- making by the Secretary. 3. Application The Secretary of the Interior will determine whether Facilities Removal should proceed. Elements ofthe science process to be established to support the Secretarial Determination are described in the Coordination Process for the Studies Supporting the Secretarial Determination (Appendk A) and the peer review process outlined below. The Secretary and the federal team will also seek public input during the Secretarial Determination process. For the Secretarial Determination there may be opportunities to include findings and raw data from previous studies conducted in the Klamath Basin that could reduce, minimize, or even eliminate the need for new data collection and studies. The federal team will coordinate with the Parties, through the TCC, to identify those important previous studies, current data gaps, and work plans as outlined in Section 1.A of AppendixA. J-l Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Pa t; ;::r:N31 ACTIONS IN APPENDIX J IIAYE BEEN COTWT,TTffffS:TiMOthYJ' HEMSITCEI OR ARE NO LONGERAPPLICABLE 4. Peer Review Process The federal parties will consider input from the Parties, through the TCC, and from the public regarding which studies should be peer reviewed. At the discretion of the Secretary, reports and data sets with the potential of having a major effect on the Secretarial Determination will be peer reviewed by subject-matter experts. J-2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 148 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet APPENDIX K List of Authorized Representatives For PacifiCorp: Sarah E. Kamman Vice President & General Counsel PacifiCorp dlb I a P acifrc Power 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Tel: 503-813-5865 sarah. kamm an@p acifrcorp. com For United States Department of the Interior: Sally Jewell Secretary of the Interior Deparbnent of the Interior 1849 C Street, NW Washington,Dc 20240 For United States Department of Commerce's National Marine Fisheries Service: William W. Stelle, Jr. Regional Administrator NOAA Fisheries West CoastRegion U. S. Deparhnent of Commerce 7600 Sand Point WayNE, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel: 206-526-6150 Will.Stelle@noaa.gov For Oregon Department of Environmental Quality: Chris Stine Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 165 E. 7ft Avenue, Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 Tel: 541-686-7810 chris. stine@state. or.us K-1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. zPage 149 ot 22'l Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemsheet For Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Ken Homolka Oregon Department of Fish andWildlife 4034 Fairview lndustrial Drive SE Salem, Or,97302 Tel: 503-947-6090 Ken. Homolka@state. or.us For Oregon Water Resources Department: Dwight French Oregon Water Resources Department 725 Summer St NE, Suite A Salem, OR 97301 Tel: 503-986-0819 Dwight.W.French@wrd. state.or.us For California Department of Fish and Witdlife: ChuckBonham Director CA Departrnent of Fish & Game 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Director@dfg.ca.gov For California Natural Resources Agency: TomGibson Deputy Secretary and General Counsel Natural Resources Agency l4l6 Ninth Street, Ste. 1311 Sacramento, CA 95814 Tel: 916-653-0569 Thomas. gibson@resources. ca. gov For Karuk Tribe: Russell Attebery Chairman Karuk Tribe PO Box 1016 Happy Camp, CA 96039 Tel: 530-493-1600 jsaxon@karuk.us K-2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 150 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet For Klamath Tribes: Chairman The KlamathTribes Box 436 501 Chiloquin Blvd. Chiloquin, OR 97624 Tel: 541-783-2219 For Yurok Tribe: Chairman YurokTribe 190 Klamath Boulevard Klamath, CA 95548 Tel: 707-482-1374 For llumboldt County, California: Mark Lovelace Humboldt County Board of Supervisors 825 5th Street, Room 111 Eureka, CA 95501 Mark. Lovelace@co.humboldt.ca.us For Trout Unlimited: Chris Wood CEO 1808B 5th Street Berkeley, CA947l0 Tel: 510-528-4164 For California Trout: Curtis Knight Executive Director California Trout 701 S. Mt. Shasta Blvd. Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 Tel: 530-926-3755 cknight@caltrout.org K-3 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 151 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet For American Rivers: Steve Rothert Director, California Regional Office AmericanRivers 120 Union St. Nevada City, CA 95959 Tel: 530-478-0206 Fax: 530-478-5849 srothert@amrivers. org For Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen'sAssociations: Glen H. Spain Northwest Regional Director Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations P.O. Box 11170 Eugene, OR 97740-3370 Tel: 541-689-2000 Email: frshl ifr@aol.com For Northern California Council, Federation of FlyFishers: LowellAshbaugh Vice President, Conservation 677 Equador Place Davis, CA 95616 (s30)758-6722 ashbaugh. lowell@gmail. com Salmon River Restoration Council: PeteyBrucker Salmon River Restoration Council Salmon River Watershed Center, PO Box 1089, Sawyers Bar, CA 96027 s30-462-466s peteybrucker@ gmail. com K-4 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 152 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet For Instifute for Fisheries Resources: Glen H. Spain Northwest Regional Director Institute for Fisheries Resources P.O. Box 11170 Eugene, OR 97740-3370 Tel: 541-689-2000 Email: fishlifr@aol.com For Sustainable Northwest Mike Gerel Director of Programs/TVater Program Director 812 SW Washington, Suite 700 Portland, OR 97205 503-221-6911 ext. 106 mgerel @ sustainabl enorthwest. org For Upper Klamath Water Users Association: Matthew Waltet President Upper Klamath Water Users Association 1 8 1 50 Sprague River Road Chiloquin, OR97624 541-28r-6827 webew3@aol.com For Tulelake Irrigation District: Brad Kirby, Manager P.O. Box 699 Tulelake, CA96l34 Tel: 530-667-2249 tid@cot.net For Klamath Irrigation District: Brent Cheyne, President 6640 K.LD. Lane Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Tel: 541-882-6661 kid@cvcwireless.net K-5 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 153 ot 22'l Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet For Klamath Drainage District: Mary Cheyne, Secretary 270H Main Street/P.O. Box 1090 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Tel: 541-884-1739 Kdd28O@yahoo.com For Klamath Basin Improvement District: Cindy Cherry, Secretary 6640 K.I.D. Lane Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Tel: 541-882-6661 kid@cvcwireless.net For Ady District Improvement Company: Jason Flowers P.O. Box 224 Midland, OR 97634 Tel: 541-883-2069 Jayrat24@msn.com SodmanTT @hotnnail. com For Enterprise Irrigation District: Shane McDonald, Manager 3939 South 6ft Street,#325 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Tel: 541-884-4986 eidistrict@clearwire.net For Malin Irrigation District: Luke Robinson P.O. Box 355 Malin, OR97632 Tel: 541-723-2049 shastaviewirri gation@hotrnail. com K-6 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 154 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 lAtltness: Timothy J. Hemstreet For Midland District Improvement Company: Joe Frost, Manager P.O. Box 64 Midland, OR 97634 Tel: 541-332-3294 dccar@eartblink.net For Pioneer District Improvement Company: Lynette Ward 11821 Hwy66 Klamath Falls, OR 97601-9082 Tel: 541-882-2993 pdic-1916@yahoo.com For Shasta View Irrigation District: Luke Robinson, Manager Shasta View Irrigation Distict P.O. Box 46 Malin, OR 97632 Tel: 541-723-4951 chagerty @centurytel. net K-7 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 155 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet For Sunnyside Irrigation District: Dean Hill, Secretary P.O. Box 544 Merrill, OR 97633 Tel: 541-798-5511 For Don Johnston & Son: Donald Scott Johnston 13619 Hwy 66 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Tel: 541-884-8937 For Bradley S. Luscombe: Brad Luscombe 16622 Lower Klamath Lake Road Tulelake, CA96l34 Tel: 530-667-3237 For Randolph Walthall and Jane Walthall as trustees under declaration of trustdated November 28,1995: Darel E. Pierce P.O. Box 534 Placerville, C495667 (s30) 622-3142 icpc@d-web.com For Inter-County Properties Co., which acquired title as Inter-County TitleCo.: Darrel E. Pierce P.O. Box 534 Placerville, CA95667 (s30) 622-3t42 icpc@d-web.com For Reames Golf and Country Club: Laine Wortrnan, General Manager 4201 Highway 97 South Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Tel: 541-884-7205 Laine.golf@yahoo.com K-8 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 156 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet For Winema Hunting Lodge,Inc.: R. David Bolls,III 43445 Business Park Drive, Suite 103 Temecula, CA92590 Tel: 951-699-6991 ext. 450 dbolls@outdoorchannel. com For Van Brimmer Ditch Company: Gary Orem, Manager 620 Main Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Tel: 541-882-6331 kayheath@parksandratliff.com For Collins Products, LLC: Steve Metz P.O. Box 16 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Tel: 541-885-4850 jschad@collinsco.com For Plevna District Improvement Company: Steve Metz P.O. Box 16 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Tel: 541-885-4850 jschad@collinsco.com For Klamath Water Users Association: Brad Kirby, President 2455 Patterson Street, Suite 3 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Tel: 541-883-6100 scot@kwua.org K-9 Rocky Mountain Pofler Exhiblt No. 2Page 157 ot 221 Caee No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Tlmothy J. Hemsfeet For Klamath Water and PowerAgencY: Hollie Cannon, Executive Director 2455 Patterson Street, Suite 3 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Tel: 541-850-2503 hcannon54 I @charter.net \ilestside Improvement Disftict #4: Steve Kandra, President c/o Tulelake Lrigation Distict P.O. Box 699 Tulelake, CA96l34 Tel: 541-798-5640 snkaadra@fi reserve.net K,l0 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 158 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet APPENDIX L DRE and Contractor Qualifications, Insurance, Bonding, and RiskMitigation Requirements Part I: Contractor 0ualilications The DRE agrees to conduct a competitive procurement process, including price and qualifications, to select a contractor(s) to perform Facilities Removal and to providerisk mitigation as described below. The DRE further agrees that a contractor(s) must meetthe following minimum qualifications: 1. Past performance in performing similar projects in scope, magnitude (complexityand size, such as but not limited to performance of work at multiple locations at the same time), and tlpe (water way work; environmentally regulated); 2. Sufficient financial strength, including basic financial metrics such as corporate networth and profitability; 3. Experience with federally-regulated permitting processes; and 4. Longevity in industry Eartlilnssrirca The DRE agrees to follow, or to contract with a contractor(s) that will follow, theconsolidated insurance program ("CIP") approach so the DRE, or the contractor(s) that it contracts with, will purchase the General Liability insurance and Worker's Compensation insurance for all the contractors involved in Facilities Removal. The DRE further agrees that it will obtainthe support of a nationally established insurance advisor to assist with the design and implementation of the insurance program, and that as part of its best value evaluation and procurement of a contracto(s) that will perform Facilities Removal or provide liability protection or both, it will consider savings and other benefits obtained by selecting a contractor(s) that already has CIP infrastructure inplace. Unless the States and PacifiCorp agree otherwise, the DRE will obtain the followingprojecc specific types of insurance policies, if applicable. The policy tlpes and coverage limits ultimately obtained by the DRE to provide risk mitigation to the States and PacifiCorpare subject to the approval of the States and PacifiCorp in consultation with the FederalParties: 1. Commercial General Liability ("CGL") policy to cover third-party property damageand third-party bodily injury that occurs from activity performed at the damdeconstruction site; 2. Workers Compensation / Employer's Liability / USL&H policy to provide coverage for injuries that occur on the dam deconstruction site to individual workers; L-1 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 159 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 3. Builder's Risk / Inland Marine or Commercial Property policy to provide property coverage for damage to any equipment or components of the dam that will be restored or salvaged; 4. Automobile Liability policy to provide coverage for third-party property damage and third-party bodily injo.y for the auto fleet used related to the constuction activities; 5. Umbrella Liability policy to provide excess coverage for General Liabilityand Automobile Liability; 6. Professional Liability policy to provide coverage to protect an insured if their clientis financially harmed from the rendering of their professional services or advice (including lack thereof) and for which the insured is held legally liable; 7. Contractors Pollution Liability ("CPL") policy to provide third-party coverage forclean- up and remediation costs, bodily injury, property damage (including natural resource damages, loss of use and diminution in value) and legal defense expenses, as a result of pollution conditions arising from operations performed by or on behalf of thecontractor; and 8. Fixed Site Pollution Liability ("PLL") policy to provide coverage for on-site &off-site clean-up/remediation costs, third-party claims for bodily injury and propertydamage (including natural resource damages, loss of use and diminution in value) and defense expenses and legal costs not otherwise addressed by the CPL (i.e. Pollution Conditions not caused or exacerbated by the contractors) and arising from Pollution Conditions on, at, under, migrating to and migrating from property owned or leased by the Insured. The DRE further agrees that the insurance required above will include PacifiCorp, the State of Oregon, the State of California, and their respective officers, agents, employees, and members as additional insureds. As evidence of this required insurance coverage, theDRE will furnish a certificate or certificates of insurance including all of the foregoingcoverage(s) to PacifiCorp and the States before any contract for Facilities Removal is effective andbefore Facilities Removal work begins. The following language shall be used for namingadditional insureds: ADDITIONAL INSURED: PacifiCorp, the State of Oregon, the State of California, and their respective officers, employees and agents are Additional Insureds for theCONTRACTOR's activities to be performed under this Contract. Coverage is primary and non-contributory with any other insurance and self-insurance. EartllliEgldiry The DRE agrees to provide, or to contract with entities that will provide, conventional performance and payment bonding, unless otherwise agreed to by the States, DRE, and L-2 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 160 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet PacifiCorp, from a financially sound surety company to assure that Facilities Removal willbe performed as required: 1. Bid Bond; 2. Performance Bond (in an amount equivalent to original contract value); and 3. Payment Bond (in an amount equivalent to original contract value). The DRE agrees to include PacifiCorp and the States as Third Party Beneficiaries in anycontract with a contractor(s) that will perform Facilities Removal or any activities associatedwith Facilities Removal. Part IV: Risk Mitiqation A. Contractual lndemnification The DRE agrees to contract with a specialty corporate indemnitor ("Liability Transfer Corp.")to protect ttre States and PacifiCorp against any harm to persons, property, or the environment, or damages resulting from either Facilities Removal or Facility operation arising from, relatingto, or triggered by actions associated with Facilities Removal, including but not limited to any damage caused by the release of any material or substance, including but not limitedto hazardous substances that is not covered contractually or by insurance. Without limitingthe generality of the foregoing, this liability protection must include protection fromthird-party diminution in value land or property claims to the extent not already covered bycontractor(s) insurance or mitigation funding. The Parties agree that the approval of a Liability Transfer Corp. is not subject to theprovisions of Section 8.3 of this Settlement; provided, however, that the Parties further agree thatthe selection of a Liability Transfer Corp. will be subject to the approval of the States and PacifiCorp, in consultation with the Federal Parties, whose approval may not beunreasonably withheld. PacifiCorp and the States agree that, in the selection of a Liability Transfer Cotp., thefollowing parameters constitute the minimum indicia ofsufficiency: 1. Appropriate corporate capitalization as agreed to by the States andPacifiCorp; 2. Past performance in performing similar projects in scope, magnitude (complexityand size, such as but not limited to performance of work at multiple locations at the same time), and type (water way work; environmentally regulated); 3- Experience with federally regulated permitting processes; and 4. Longevity in industry. L-3 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 161 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet The Parties agree that the DRE may contract with a Liability Transfer Corp. toprovide contractual indemnifrcation for the above-described risks, and further agree that the DRE may also transfer its ownership of the Facilities and Parcel B Lands, in whole or in part, to thatentity The Parties further agree that the Liability Transfer Corp. will become a party to this Sefflement before ownership of the Facilities, in whole or in part, is fransfered to the LiabilityTransfer Corp. L-4 Rod<y Mountain Pouer Exhlbit No. 2Page 1a2ot221 Case No. PAGE-2'141 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet EXHIBITS Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 163 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet UEIEIL1 Water Rights Agreement between PacifiCorp and the State of Oregon The purpose of this Water Rights Agreement (Agreement) is to establish a process forthe reauthorization and resolution of water rights and claims related to the Klamath Hydroelectric Project and for participation of state agencies in such process, in a manner consistent with the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement dated February 18, 2010 (Settlement). Parties to this Agreement are PacifiCorp (the Company), and the State of Oregon by and throughthe following agencies: Oregon Water Resources Department (WRD), Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), andthe Hydroelectric Application Review Team (HART). This Agreement between PacifiCorp and the State of Oregon will be included as an exhibit to the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement; however, this Agreement has force and effect independent of the viability of the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement. L Reauthorization and Expansion of Use under HE 180 The Company has filed an application with WRD to reauthorize its right to use 2500 cfs ofwater under HE No. 180 at J.C. Boyle powerhouse. Pursuant to Section 6.1.1 of the Sefflement, the Company will perform certain interim measures and may, subject to the terms describedbelow, divert a maximum of 3,000 cubic feet per second ("cfs") of water, for purposes ofpower generation at J.C. Boyle hydroelectric plant prior to the decommissioning and removal of theJ.C. Boyle facility. This section addresses agreements between the Company and WRD related to this request. A.Reauthorization of HE No. 180: The Company seeks to enlarge its water rightby an amount up to 500 cfs more than the 2,500 cfs currently authorized under HE No. 180, pursuant to ORS 543A.145. The Company will provide written notice to WRD expressing its intent to enlarge its water right. If a reauthorized waterright is issued by WRD, the priority date for the additional 500 cfs, if approved, shall be the date the Company filed the notice of intent to reauthorizeEB No. 180, as provided in ORS 5434.145(3). Any reauthorized water right shall provide that use of any amount additional to the currently authorized 2,500 cfs may not occur following termination of the Settlement as provided in Section 8 ofthe Settlement, unless extended by mutual agreement of the Company and WRD. WRD will extend the expiration date of HE No. 180 as necessary to allow for completion of the reauthorization process, pursuant to ORS 5434.150(2). The Parties agree that any reauthorized water right issued by WRD shall have an expiration date of December 3l , 2020. The expiration date may be extended in accordance with applicable law. The Parties agree that any reauthorized water right issued by WRD shall incorporate and require compliance with protocols developed pursuant tothe Water Rights Agreement 1 B Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 164 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Settlement for: quantit/ing any additional flows in the Klamath Rivermade available through implementation of the Klamath River BasinRestoration Agreement dated February 18, 2010; and for coordinating with the Company on the timing and manner of release of such flows. Limited License: The Company may apply for a limited license for use of 500 cfs for hydroelectric purposes in addition to uses currently permitted by HE No. 180. The purpose of the application for a limited license is to obtain permission foruse of water that the Company intends to request as part of its reauthoization application while the reauthorization application is pending before WRD. The Company's application for a limited license, WRD's review of anddetermination on the Company's application, and the terms of use of any limited license issued are subject to ORS 537.143 and applicable administrative rules. In addition, any limited license issued as a result of the Company's application is subject to the limitations described herein. The Parties agree that use of water under this limited license will not havepriority over any other water right exercised according to a permit, certificate, or adjudicated right subject to regulation by the watermaster, and shall be subordinate to all other authorized uses that rely upon the same source. The Parties agree that any limited license issued by WRD shall incorporate protocols developed pursuant to the Settlement for: quantifying any additional flows inthe Klamath River made available through implementation of the Klamath River Basin Restoration Agreement dated February 18, 2010; and for coordinating with the Company on the timing and manner of release of such flows. IfOWRD determines to issue a limited license pursuant to the Agreement, and theprotocols developed pursuant to the Settlement have not been completed, OWRD will include in the limited license a condition that the protocols will be incorporated by reference upon their completion. Any limited license subsequently issued pursuant to the Agreement shall incorporate the protocols. In addition, anylimited license issued by OWRD shall provide that use under the limited license maynot occur following termination of the Settlement as provided in Section 8 ofthe Settlement, unless such use is mutually agreed to by the Company andWRD. The Parties further agree that WRD may reconsider or revoke the limited license if the use is determined by WRD in a legal or administrative proceeding to be inconsistent with applicable law or policy. WRD will revoke the limited license upon issuance of a final order on the application for reauthorization ifthe reauthorization order contains an enlargement of HE No. 180 in the amount of 500 cfs, or if the reauthorization order contains an enlargement of HE No. 180 by an amount less than 500 cfs, WRD will revoke the limited license to the extentof the enlargement. The limited license will have a duration of not more than one year. Prior to the expiration of any limited license term, the Company may request the issuance of a new license for the same use, but the total duration of licenses issued for this use may not exceed five years. The Company agrees to Water Rights Agreement -2- Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 165 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet I Water Rights Agreement pay fees and expenses provided for in Oregon law and associated with arequest for a limited license, pursuant to ORS 537.143 and OAR690-340-0030. Assignment of the Company's Water Rights and Claimsl Conversion to Instream Water Rights A.Backeround: The Company holds rights for the use of water forhydroelectric purposes as provided by HE 180 and Certificate 24508.In addition, theCompany maintains Claim Nos. 167, 168 and 218 for use for hydroelectric purposes in the ongoing Klamath Basin Water Rights Adjudication. ORS 5434.305 provides for the "conversion" of a hydroelectric water right to an instream water right when use of the water ceases for the hydroelectric project. B.HE 180: Within 365 days of December 31,2020, or, if the J.C. Boyle power plant is still operating on that date, within 365 days after use of water under HE No. 180 ceases, or as otherwise provided by ORS 543A.305, the Company shall assign HE 180, or any right resulting from reauthorization of HE 180, to WRDfor conversion to an instream water right pursuant to ORS 543A.305. WRD shall accept HE 180 "AS IS"; the Company expressly disclaims any representation or warranty concerning HE 180 or its convertibility to an instream water right. Prior to the assignment, the Company shall use reasonable efforts to avoid allowingHE 180 to become subject to forfeiture for non-use, and shall not otherwise intentionally jeopardize the validity of HE 180, and in times of water shortage the Company and WRD may agree with other existing water users to proratewater shortages notwithstanding relative priority dates. If the Company's historic use of water under HE 180 becomes a matter of dispute in a legal proceeding the Company shall cooperate with WRD in defending the validity of HE 180by making reasonable efforts to provide documentation regarding the history of the use of water pursuant to HE 180. Certificate 24508: Within 120 days after use of water under Certificate 24508 ceases, or as otherwise provided by ORS 543A.305, the Company shall assign Certificate 24508 to WRD for conversion to an instream water right pursuant to ORS 5434.305. WRD shall accept Certificate 24508 "AS IS";the Company expressly disclaims any representation or wa:ranty concerning Certificate24508 or its convertibility to an instream water right. Prior to the assignment, the Company shall use reasonable efforts to avoid allowing Certificate 24508 to be forfeited for non-use, and shall not otherwise intentionally jeopardize thevalidity of Certificate}45}8, and in times of water shortage the Company and WRDmay agree with other existing water users to prorate water shortages notwithstanding relative priority dates. If the Company's historic use of water under Certificate 24508 becomes a matter of dispute in a legal proceeding the Company shall cooperate with WRD in defending the validity of Certificate245}& bymaking reasonable efforts to provide documentation regarding the history of the use of water pursuant to Certificate 24508. C J D. E. Water Rights Agreement Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 166 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Klamath Basin Water Right Adjudication Claims 167 and 168: Within 120 days after use of water under Claims 167 and 168 ceases, pursuant to a final FERC order amending the license for Project No. 2082 to remove the Eastside and Westside power plants and appurtenant facilities on the Link River from the license, or a final FERC order accepting surrender of the license for Project No. 2082 as it pertains to the Eastside and Westside power plants, or asotherwise provided by ORS 5434.305, the Company shall assign Claims 167 and 168 as described herein. If rights based on either Claim 167 or 168 are determined to exist, and all appeals pertaining to either claim have been exhausted, the company shall assign such right(s) to wRD. If the Findings of Fact and orderof Determination ("FFOD") for Claims 167 and 168 has not yet been issued in the Adjudication pursuant to ORS 539.130, or if the portion of the FFOD pertaining to either of these claims is still subject to appeal, the company shall assign such claim(s) to ODFW. If assignment is made to ODFW, WRD will proceed with conversion as appropriate pursuant to ORS 543A.305, but ODFW will be responsible for further prosecution of Claims 167 and I 68 in the Adjudication, unless WRD and ODFW agree to another course of action. Prior to the assignment of Claims 167 or 168, or any rights recognizedunder Claims 167 or 168, the Company shall use reasonable efforts to avoidallowing Claims 167 or 168 to be deemed abandoned for non-use prior to adjudication; or for any rights recognized under Claims 167 and 168 in the FFOD, to avoid becoming subject to forfeiture for non-use, and shall not otherwise intentionally jeopardize the validity of Claims 167 or 168, except to the extent that theFERC annual license or Settlement requires flow regimes inconsistent with Claims 167 or 168, and in times of water shortage the Company and ODFW may agree with other existing water users to prorate water shortages notwithstanding relative priority dates. If the Company's historic use of water under Claims 167 or 168 becomes a maffer of dispute in a legal proceeding, the Company shall cooperate with ODFW in defending the validity of Claims 167 or 168 by makingreasonable efforts to provide documentation regarding the history of the use of water pursuant to Claims 167 or 168 prior to assignment. If conversion occurs, at the time of conversion the right(s) will be held by WRD as provided by ORS 543A.305. The Company shall cooperate with WRD by making reasonable efforts to provide historic documentation in aid of the conversion. Klamath Basin Water Rieht Adiudication Claim 218: In the event the Company decides to permanently cease power generation at Fall Creek hydroelectricpower plant in California, or decides not to exercise Claim 21 8 for power generation, within 365 days of permanent cessation of power generation or water diversion, or as otherwise provided by ORS 543A.305, the Company shall assign Claim218 as described herein. If rights based on Claim 21.8 are determined to exist, and all appeals pertaining to the claim have been exhausted, the Company shall assign such right(s) to WRD. If the Findings of Fact and Order of Determination ("FFOD") for Claim 218 has 4 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 167 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet not yet been issued in the Adjudication pursuant to ORS 539.130, or if the portion of the FFOD pertaining to Claim 218 is still subject to appeal, the Companyshall assign Claim 218 to ODFW. If assignment is made to ODFW, WRD willproceed with conversion as appropriate pursuant to ORS 543A.305, but ODFW will be responsible for further prosecution of Claim 218 in the Adjudication, unless WRD and ODFW agree to another course of action. For the purposes of this Agreement, transfer of the Fall Creek hydroelectric power plant, along with Claim 2t8,to another entity shall not constitute permanent cessation of power generation; provided, that any transfer of the Fall Creek hydroelectric power plant will be governed by applicable law. Prior to the assignment of Claim 21 8, or any rights recognized under Claim 21 8, the Company shall use reasonable efforts to avoid allowing Claim 218 to be deemed abandoned for non-use prior to adjudication; or for any rights recognized under Claim 218 in the FFOD, to avoid becoming subject to forfeiture fornon- use, and shall not otherwise intentionally jeopardize the validity of Claim 218, except to the extent that the FERC annual license or Settlement requires flow regimes inconsistent with Claim 218, and in times of water shortage the Company and ODFW may agree with other existing water users to prorate water shortages notwithstanding relative priority dates. If the Company's historic use of water under Claim 218 becomes a matter of dispute in a legal proceeding, the Company shall cooperate with ODFW in defending the validity of Claim 218 bymaking reasonable efforts to provide documentation regarding the history of the use of water pursuant to Claim 21 8 prior to assignment. If conversion occurs, at the time of conversion the rieht(s) will be held by WRD as provided by ORS 543A.305. The Company shall cooperate with WRD by making reasonable efforts to provide historic documentation in aid of the conversion. WRD shall accept Claim 218 "AS IS"; the Company expressly disclaims any representation or warranty conceming Claim 218 or its convertibility to an instream water right. Nothing in this Section E is intended in any way to limit the Company's use of water under Claim 218. III. The Company's Protests to State Instream Water Right Applications Within 90 days of the sooner of; (1) assignment of the water rights or claims pursuant to Sections II.B through II.D of this Agreement; or (2) issuance of a final order in the KlamathBasin Adjudication pursuant to ORS 539.140 and 539.150 and completion of all appeals pertaining to the Company's Claims 167 and 168, and the Company's contests in Cases 282 and 286 ofthe Klamath Basin Adjudication, the Company agrees to withdraw with prejudice its protests to Instream Water Right Application Numbers 7 0094, 7 0812 and 708 I 3 . The withdrawal must be in writing in a form subject to the approval, not to be unreasonably withheld, ofOWRD. Water Rights Agreement -5- Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 168 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet IV. Agency Reauthorization Costs Under ORS 543A.405, the Company, as applicant for reauthorizationof a hydroelectric project, must pay all expenses related to the review and decision of the HART incurred by anystate agency participating in the HART that are not otherwise covered by the reauthorization fee paid under ORS 543A.415. The Company's application is for water rights reauthorization for the Klamath Project (HE 180, J.C. Boyle), located near Klamath Falls, Oregon. WRD, ODFW and DEQ will incur costs in connection with review of the Company's reauthorization application and during participation in federal studies under the Settlement, which studies may also form a basis for the FIART's decision whether reauthorization and enlargement of the Company's water rights are in the public interest. Pursuant to ORS 543A.405, the Company has requested an estimate of the anticipated costs tobe incurred in processing and reviewing these applications. The costs to be paid by theCompany under this Agreement and their estimate are attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as Appendix 1. For the period of September r,2009, through September r,2012, the HART estimates the costs for these activities to be : Estimated costs from September 1,2009 through September l, 2012: (See Appendix 1) $ 216.371.00 25Yopayment due upon signing:$ s4.093.00 Under terms of this Agreement, the Company will make four payments of 25%o each of the estimated costs of review according to the following schedule: The initial payment of 25o/o isto be made within 45 days of the signing of this Agreement, with the remaining three payments of 25%o eachto be made on or before October 1,2010, July l, 2011, and January 30,2012. Payment shall be made to: Oregon Water Resources Department, 725 Summer Street NE, Suite A, Salem, OR 97301. During the course of this Agreement, the Company will receive from HART, coordinated bythe WRD, a quarterly report indicating cost reimbursement funds received under this Agreement and expenses charged against the project. The reports will be provided to the Company accordingto the regular report generation schedule of the HART. The report will display the revenue and expenses for each agency receiving funds under the Agreement. [n addition, participating agencies will provide a quarterly status report to the Company that includes a sunmary ofwork performed. The Company may, at its discretion, request additional revenue and expense information from any agency receiving funds under this Agreement. If requested bythe Company, agency parties to this Agreement will work with the Company to provide additional information concerning revenues and activities associated with charged expenses. WRD will only provide additional information for project revenues and expenditures incurred by it and is not responsible, nor is it within its scope, to audit the expenditures of other agencies. If the HART quarterly reporting becomes more that six (6) months delinquent, the Company may withhold payments specified above until quarterly reporting is made current. Water Rights Agreement -6- Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 169 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet If the costs of evaluating the applications exceeds the estimate provided herein, the HART members receiving funds under this Agreement shall comply with the provisions of ORS 543A.405(5). Additionally, if the total amount paid by the Company exceeds costs actually incurred by the agencies, the excess payment shall be refunded to the Company accordingto oRS s43A.40s(5). Costs paid by the Company under this Agreement are in addition to any other fee required by applicable law, including but not limited to the annual fee established under ORS 543.088. The Company's payment of costs under this Agreement does not create an obligation to pay the project-specific fee required under ORS 543.080 for agency oversight of measures included in ihe reauthorized water right, which fee shall be established in and payable under the reauthorized water right. V. Other Terms Reservations: Nothing in this Agreement is intended or shall be construedto affect or limit the authority or obligation of any Party to fulfill its constitutional, statutory, and regulatory responsibilities or comply with any judicial decision. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to require any Party to implement any action which is not authorized by applicable law or where sufficientfunds have not been appropriated for that purpose. The Parties expressly reserve all rights not granted, recognized, or relinquished in this Agreement. No Arzument. Admission. or Precedent: This Agreement shall not be offered for or against a Party as argument, admission, or precedent regarding any issue of fact or law in any mediation, arbitration, litigation, or other administrative or legal proceeding, except that this Agreement may be used in any future proceeding to interpret or enforce the terms of this Agreement, consistent with applicable law. This Agreement may also be used by any Party in litigation by or against non- Parties to implement or defend this Agreement. This section shall survive any termination of this Agreement. A. B. C Successors and Assiqns: This Agreement shall apply to, be binding on, and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their successors and assigns, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement. No assignment may take effect without the express written approval of the other Parties, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Amendment: This Agreement may be amended in writing by all Parties stillin existence, including any successors or assigns. Disoute Resolution: The Parties agree to devote such resources as are needed and as can be reasonably provided to resolve any disputes arising under this Agreement expeditiously. Each Party shall bear its own costs for itsparticipation in dispute resolution. If a dispute cannot be timely resolved informally, the Parties may elect to use a neutral mediator. Mediation shall not occur ifthe D E Water Rights Agreement -7 - Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 170 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Parties do not unanimously agree on use of a mediator, choice of mediator, and allocation of costs. F Remedies: This Agreement does not create a cause of action in contract for monetary damages for any alleged breach by any Party of this Agreement. The Parties reserve all other existing remedies. G Entire Aereement: This Agreement contains the complete and exclusive agreement among the Parties with respect to the subject matter thereof, and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, representations, warranties, commitments, offers, agreements in principle, and other writings among the Parties, with respect to its subject matter. H Severabilitv: This Agreement is made on the understanding that each provision is a necessary part of the entire Agreement. However, if any provision ofthis Agreement is held by a regulatory agency or a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable: (i) the validity, legality, and dnforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement are not affected or impaired in any way; and (ii) the Parties shall negotiate in good faith in an attempt to agree to another provision (instead of the provision held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable) that is valid, legal, and enforceable and ca:ries out the Parties' intention to the gleatest lawful extent under this Agreement. I.Confidentiality: Disclosure of settlement communications pertaining to this Agreement shall be governed by the "Agreement for Confidentiality of Settlement Communications and Negotiations Protocol Related to the Klamath Hydroelectric Project" dated December 3,2008. J Termination: This Agreement may be terminated at the sole discretion eitherof: (i) PacifiCorp, or (ii) WRD, DEQ, ODFW, and the HART collectively, inthe event of termination of the Settlement. K.No Third Party Beneficiaries: This Agreement is not intended to and shall not confer any right or interest in the public, or any member thereof or on any persons or entities that are not Parties hereto, as intended or expected third party beneficiaries hereof, and shall not authorize any non-Party to maintain a suit at law or equity based on a cause of action deriving from this Agreement. The duties, obligations, and responsibilities of the Parties with respect to thirdparties shall remain as imposed under applicable law. L. M. Elected Officials Not to Benefit: No Member of or Delegate to Congress, Resident Commissioner, or elected official shall personally benefit from this Agreement or from anybenefit that may arise from it. No Partnership: Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, nothing contained in this Agreement is intended or shall be construed to create an association, trust, Water Rights Agreement -8- Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 171 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet partnership, or joint venfure, or impose any trust or parhership duty, obligation, or liability on any Party, or create an agency relationship between or among the Parties or between any Party and any employee of any other Party. N Governins Law: This Agreement shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Oregon. Any reference in this Agreement to any applicable law shall be deemed to be a reference to a statute or regulation, or successor, in existence as ofthedate of the action in question. VI. Signatures PacifiCorp Date: by: Oregon Water Resources Departrnent Date: by: Oregon Deparfinent of Environmental Quality Date: by: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Date: by: Approved As To Legal Sufficiency in Accordance With ORS 291.047 By:Date: Jesse D. Ratcliffe Assistant Attomey General Oregon Deparhnent of Justice Water Rights Agreement -9- coo)-EE9EOBe F# 2EO)-tEoo_6b =!29E-flF-'r cEE 9l- &E s9(D (U<6(L $*Eg ESUE E g,{;, =d-9€PT6EE9 8treact aEEEEx=1r.r = Eo)'6 Lo-: BE E8'= cL.t 6;J:^.4YEU)orv O) =o-z-o :gOEto'6c o(E U)oB8; =EEEEq -Loo =o-ofzoo$ EE.>6 (E.=EE'E!o-< Ei6oF:o EE -oEEE'6< 6booo'5 -:6IJJ Oz>,z.aOoaatp, HA,o-Iicil.e -0)ci'>tr6(LOoat =o Ncoo(\t:+h otrutIL !6NE5=NI\-(o(obP-oE|r)o(f)EPu) ---t-o, (9 f ,\H(Lc oo)@oqH oo-ocE(Eovo8frdl fz o UIaotrIL E=o'o(LE.ehooooou,oo)TP>=-o_ot&LL6.sVG;=L-xo}lo):r o)86(L oo E_o'1llx-E86(J&:<6 U'.v,U'oF (aIfrltr i.oo a0Eri IGtr aq ooNF-- ooc.l44 Nv? 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Lr€ (noE)o L GI Loa(J L(l) GI B Nooc.l s1 F-.s4 6(..l\o@ c.lra) rns+ rnrr-)N inr-F\oG Lo0)tr bo E] o(6 trr (B(ff .l) Iotr ,.1 k€xtr(E (da (noE () o U)or cOIrIlfrr lr€ u) rEo C)p ao =o o0 goo€ 00 La a o o.'=a!io HA.HAti=9AR o.r:oe!Esio =Ecd0)L o ,.8 00 (BL 0o)o U)o-o cd (.)tr C)o o) (g oot)dc) C)o c) o d .E g 0 dC) tr 0) o v) C)€)o 6) dLrFE (B U)C) gg)a .n0)o'F L0)U) a o otrxl< a+ro tr a E (! ba tbooinol<(n(I) '9; H6AE!r0,)9b0Frr (BoC;id50EEe (dad(D =>.r) ,-c)t0&sgQ =Eo.^crE,a t)U'FEEfre, trFEal(Bx q).o,o ooLE ata (B op a o u)oa cOIt+tt\ L<€ rn o op (n C)€ o b0I goC)d botr La v)tro do..EE 5.-HA H=o-. orE *Ei:trtrd0)kh o b0 (dL u)oE o (Aoe d trC)lroo o E (o (.) b0(g C) C)o C) C) d 'tra 0(tot 0.) o ooE)o (.) (dLiF 6t v)C) ag =CA (t)oo tro)(, a 0) om l<(E dU)qro )a EIEIdt^t00 I IHo int()l-. Idot^>l5aEEb9hCkG)H.S.r EolJ3pHEcnE (d ii €.9=>al -c),a oi c, =E0.^--avo).=o!'a(d l, .Es glF'oad(q@go€ 9 oc)lr€ ?a a (n o3 v) HRI cta -L(6 cOU) C)adp +rosq o\aO d .l) rr=o ota (t) 0) &g =a € .A C)o Lo)o 0) (BLrF oI =a d s a(}io 5\<-\Nc.t (B oc)L€ o (.)b0 cl o3(nIrifr ILoq) a0 H Icl trr Lcl (Eoo.t)cds(tos$oq $ (B v) o o cq (ao aaaa€ (n 0)o l'r(l)a (.) adlrF (B a -o,o (0 op =a+io\o^\\t\NN d oq.)lr o c)60 c! F ILro cl L oU ao a0 &L(D cl B Eoo,-EE9EOEs F#(,,o) .9o EEoo-EbE99E-8N4 cEE 9lo &E s9(l, (U<m(L a:g.oo EAogt''ro- EE =O)gooto-ob 9EtsoFS S*I R;E i BE €'=E a Bfi*ta'Sff ^E H=-I8 U;3.ilp.a EE*-EEPor €8px.8 H ge;] - (re " LJ.C-,t'(D d =;E€ullz o (,,;i EEEEE5 P P.Ed'7 -P.= a,. = L€ dtl-F O o tr!,Ot c;ili H E EBfrg$3q Es bEE Aoo (Jo'E d d3 H =<'ozu)o ffs,o-EF5oqulk ci t- trg E€odto LU]L =oJ =oz I r.te.Fr.L < r.r- Eotrt-A2uIIJ F=atroto (Lulozo(9 uJt.o oo E aF IIJx#'4. axoboo--o-=<6 thrzoGF $Trg EEUEEg'{l =d-9s?16 EB9 8trd?o a'=o =ofEuJ= 5o)-EE9EOEe F#U,o !!.9otEoo-6b =a9E-8F-E cEH Or sEs9(l) (E<td)(L -i EoEtr oo0)c = Exs FE*co[JE:q!st =8-dE!Es=o E x roo\o^ rne rf)€\o ({)G r-ooF- 4 o\ oo ta) @ rao\\n cOs+ (a =o\ a O e o ro 94 laNa \o c.)q oog1 ra<.l'- cOg4 o$dI e ontr oo:B6 -ir,96=> a--!Hooat 690bo ct 3Gt.oE t(6o.^)a(,c)sOL'Foa BH7s 9€ E[iaj c)a.t.EE'Ee E=cEoo?.9exe EEgid ooLE U', (B o .o O U) v)C)&xE)o 'q) (I)L o 00 rt)troQo 3rA oo, .2< o trt :<0t* =dE-^ = tro& d^a.EE!_deb0 co.E\ Lvo) Cd iAHzdc)p .A -sooEEE E E.!.E boPv trEh€HEhexbo.Y9 lio b b0oo FA oEan n ao4c&o>'tc? Hg 0d-tr ad db =.FvaEH v? L€ Lcd o (h C)€ o o ooIL.€ .A Eq) (I)p v)C)E)otr € 00I L(g o rdo.E[i E0,ts,io6o-.9EolEe (jj i;trE(da^Hbo>rtr => ,.9 U bo L .nc)€ao a0)e cd (.)lr C)o C) EtrCd () o0(do tr C)o c) o (d .E o. a cdo oo oC)E)o o 6LF€ d U)o aa)o (Aoo L0)a v) rEq) o€*E CE Cda+ro tU) 6l E 0 an OoU a0E rt2 cU o ,r) Q BO t) U (6 op a+io\o5\rt\c.lN oC)l'{ o obo c! oFo aD U al o U OoU c) (Jq)oO IEIot 6l o3 in(ao\(n\oC 0 o0 o tr a,fr IL o a xlr(! (oo l<(E 6aorn(0F+i \oo\q $ c! an q) c) ca rt)o a =0 €o0)()'= lrG)a C) (dLrli (d o -o') v) (B o .o U)+ios<'\c\l(\l (B oC)L{E >to C)00 a! otr ar) a0oo tr an tu I L t) I =€)5a)aJ r!:i3&,nN z .j @ nN OxEtrO g Ax€ oEO. mco .X c.i b.9o-NqU<a \a \o ,rr') c-l ct) c? aa o GIn q) a0L elltr o bI) U)E (€ o(At)(0A o\ N cAtro-o o0()a N oo L(d)tis0)fri N oo xk tr,o0)frr C) Cdno o.o+iE] a) ho b0 ob0 o (co G) o.0)+irrl aD +io (.) no o.()!H(ti rq(rro (n>'(6 Otrc.r O) '=o >3 o o,o rI]o (rro U)x CB co tr -d ar+j i3to +ioo do C) o , (.) q.j rI]qio U)x oc\o 0) '= 0) Bg 0) (B 0) o-0)!r rI]qr v) otrEO!icaE U9 -d c).24Bts Lo CJ o Ep(€ .=A B'Er.l I 5.Hoov9€ LJ(€ oo L.(gp< c/)o L(€A o/, BoE (d F U o 630r !oU(ti o 63 PoU Ho cSPi xtrob0o (6o lioxE(, =6)E.F -E(U'oo (!(!r!6 o.(.)oxo (no a t^lAt! =o<o o,troU(ti o CBA !o ko € 6 o.lroU o A o t) \or- caa o (B o b0oJ obool-{o(rio C) o(o E] €Cdlro Bo (,)&o -o5A+{o (,) rn(t(.) o tr() o oa+ro o )oC)Xrq o0) o)s 0) c)ocLA T' B' -qv00 (H -6)dj)(g(0r' trgoo = L./ 6 'riXEIJ] A \o I(\t c/)0)li a CSo tr Lro tr U i0) C)qtr o.LoUq! o(tA rrt) C)L a cOot= o.taA=Uieo Z.'a''c)trEo5Eu)0)v p oboUtrq-.i E G .iJ O z L o (B (,)o C)lrA. C)!o CBtroo (no U)o L((€A .E SEc .='trtira(DAE-!qc0)H .\ b0.i Xv tr [,,E9'E -g oor'= 6.E: EE€la *o o.lT.E f; g [5p sgH r!o o'i .= - o !)'dYdH< Y'J-vQ- (€,.q 9HEs'^m H E UP gEE EE BEE }Eq/a d 33 B8_3voo€EE >'tr'S9.s'ar2 dSEEE- Yd ot-E I9',6 7,E qd -Ho).oE > E€dEEqQE F-(E6)a OOH5 eAPS; o@a(E(! eo.6m oI o(BLr oo o ,U)ot xo,tr t< ()\J !^- tE(,) ou)doA *dXo87. l.<dxo otr6()Aq INrq a )4 JLG x?i{trdcli{tr i{ frX€r.I bnr o 0)I 6) o)o XNEEdEqt 9corul EE:qfE qr*;5Pa> =dos?1; EB 9 8trt a<s 'aEBECx=ru= I :! q) EE, Ex trC)qOr*<+ ox oaq q cat- 1 + q('lr- q - +tn \o {a c.i cl + q ...: c.i no!$ Ax oaa O.+X-€-Ectr3C)'i rn*0 EaE > () G oboL G,F C) (da C) O - (.)EH(to (n tr I ca tr ts (.) d o o.c)(i-J E]+i t)xcd.d o\ tr ts q) oo o&+iHqHoa c.t B c) o C) C)_()!r Hqr 4)x(B c.t B oH oo C).o!+tHE]+roo>.(6td ao tr B€oo?HEnv6)a.:()x-o ,6OE: IJ]X(ri 2a c, (Bboeqo F.] O\ I c..l 9Ro\-QcoNt liLo(B€>E!,>x zE Eoo€39cgooi> XoHo +iO-boo 26=(),ab0()o> ar (Bii -bOa4 O o cc o C),o+i rr.1qro c/) o E \o ts (l) (B o o.oqi E]+r an o E \o B o€ Ao o&+iHq-io (n o H o\ B Lo c) o-troU o(Bpi a.troU(tr odA B O o A PoO o(BA OrqA o.0)oXo u) C) L(tr Fi rnt)oLbo oL) U) C) U)Eo 0)tr) CB v) bo C)J':a(gL'=o!odl> (. (c ()tr cg U) ooC)r.l .l (Jtrd€b5>(!o O.n.i 6)(g +j9k 'a- X<ti OaD .HUol\()- !q .:a> o-!oUrE o CBni (J €tr6 Po() H o(npr o I U C)cq) o 3roU Ho COA t-- (hok)cn oa EL(.) ErU Itroz xo0o.ia.ctr(d'- Q. $oo RE o V) (n9ersLdE€ CBHu, cn 7jH <3ooEf tr-oOc!dEA^ tEO O,JbF.UE oo85 o (ntsq>0)boE.H9tEIlu)co ri,a9 r,H>,o ;:5:, c) Ou) tr-oo(g5E,$i o (, r\ HBoo'EOE gF Oi (J t{ (gUtsgqTEa a- .s .! .9ea!tiEo)-o oo-E: cr\ (g L; gE o.iHCErngE Fo&€El a o.rn: o (J-q d ia!?()I cvt6F s .86 r =:r>o:Hg o CB cn oo(.) (BL()EC)trr+ro tr(.) o6 E] otr)rt) ()=a tro ca CS tr€ (ot)qio (.) tr o(g rI] tro€(c (h booI q rqU (€ tr€ (g(J+io () F o(strE] aU Ao v)go oaLa o C) a)L ,trdH tr -o)a c/)0) (B a o\ oH)an oz L0) tr 0rU I oz o E() a. P ()c o5j- ca botr L6boq)tr oooolrg* (.) 0) (J z E\o^, OEl)t 6F.lO. N4 NINr! gN!E dbq' IcotlJ Fg=qr E or*;6PA> =d-9s?1; EE9 RI=tao u'=a =ox=uJ= 0 =().J5^o ,,t bri& o) o X (.)oa. oln\o Ax ooq Ax ooa o XE C)aq ox oao n\o q -q9r- rrlnr"l c.t nct) cn (B{<rn ra "i dco cn 6lnc.l {,r1 c"l cA o Q)o0L6l Er (! ot< (B n& Bo oo, E oLrao F.la F(Hor,x(6.o \o B N bo b0 C) FA N !o.()aok€ C) ca C) (Boo o.olFi rq+io l-l(B()>' B N 0) tJr bo o00) ca +r c C) H o(! !)+roc67\ tr(gvatrb0,^ 0) riL =o,a 6) N N cO >,k(d Cdh (,)lr€om CB L6()L(.)ou) .-,r9d.EN OEa)Eo'vaoa€F ots€€HEr<xbo uxoOru€ o CU trq) o CgL CB 0)LrC)oa o l.io LFr N N c.t o! z c.l 6t co o!(Ba (.)tr€op tro o d(!o6E dt iil=Gl )ro,: -o: o.tr(HEoPl.caooe'o.EE0)b{^>qEEtrtrtrCB Eriij tskfl lro I B (JEo Cg F U o(B 0r o,!oOrE 9A g o(-) l.E o Pr o.L U C) 63A o,Lro() o(BA o,!oUEo CBA U)o!(ga€ 63 o,L'oU o(n Fr q) -c(l<oxlr.co !i 0).Fb6 AE oo0ol-r (B F€ (0(J C) qro >)li-(BX G) .Fhddtsat o qro Lr- €U0) 'Flb60)EAE trobo0)l-ro +<oo CBa o I $ C)L =a(noz E L C) tr Pr() I oz tr() Ho a. H g oU H o(E 0r (n tro P otr C) a.tr Jo=aF P -o)t)o,!oUrE o CBA oo (.)L =U)(go Lo tr 0i() I oz o C)g tr o,!oUrE (_) A c\ oLr)cndC)z tr L C) AO Itr z otr()o: LoU(= o CB ot<)o 0.)z H Lo FiU I oz oH 0) tr tr U o(gA rn o! u)(Boz F Lo AU I oz (.) 0)otr BoU o(nA +r Hq) !-< o) 3aAeU) =c)'FF CB a-i0i€\a -tA!d.9 rrltBtrOO 2.fr<EOEooE8 OrYcaU o.9,tAP o 6)'::A=+: o Jo ool-.(! qiolr-0) cn HCtrlr o cnoO.okae tro o -o(B() O,a6(rr ET&a cdL0) ,g I otrqio tro CB C) H () I o Boo 0) E5>()EddO(* aOodbotr9b! vc)EYHE]*d'io €E'-l 6) EE o CB bo U)0)Er!da€ (c o (n tr Lr C)oa (B L(s oLoC)a H6l A (.) (t oA+r 0)t)do c)& C) 6 trIE+i B c)o C)L L< ().i !.i UE Yobg6OA caIc.lH PNEgdEc! I--U -.E.=- r Oa:orc -.<f EF:A11; E5 9 3trtacs u'=a =ofErrr = I 5EJ= .ogp " ,..) c1 cn qncj sl- n X=tr(.)og o XE c)ao.nnF- ("] r- troP(d (A b0o F.l c.l t-- qq -+6t:iH I-- (B t\ o sle €)o0L6tr CN(-(l)OEEeq) .rEro.= .o=gtr+rtro9r.zrO(Dha.E'do)bI^>c) trc(6 E r-i -YB!fl c) ()ts(!tra.u Z< E-!!P3Etrc(o-otrtrHE;or- 50()FUO o (6tr tr! C)oAo (0tr! E Ioa o 6 H!k (rr U) tstr EH\o .= td 5()5A (.) (B A lrE +ioa>rtrdo o,.=trEEts 5()FA Ee x(B..1= EI crE'E.=< 7 gE :d 7) +iv o).=Ll B e€'E 8€ i6qr 9.E EE sEts#8E 14&o (g +io o Cdtrbo U)(.) L(.)€ (B EN(gd uDL.P- oH0) FPC)-!o.'5L{(o-O tri'tror).o 'f(, o.o (oCO ^N9L OE'F=dH E +iotr P Ef;AEc-l()A trtj o t,iib€EESq> DYP>..Y <r(0!oFE ao? o:EE.=FEEatrEE8 Lo () Lr€ (0 Q(rioo 6a OcD.i 0) 6ij (h- X(BYLv 0) _-c'o tI].-.9& 0) -HS.F Ev)5d o,!o(J I C)(oA P UEoCBA t)o L(6 rI] o BoU 9A (g E]&o rI]& U)o t< Pi o c) O (B Eti (j-j ()o (.)l<tr)o t-,, ..d .=tr =o(tQ)OO v)Ho oatr v) oo a,at< oo o!E(BH Hs)rnc/) a0) r\ (BFr ail 00 (.)l<)rn(s 0) A tr tro AO Itroz dC)Hoq A g oU o Pq+ o\ olr cn60)z tr ko AO I oz C)troa E Po()Eocg EogEt' c)o(€-- u)HE 8nH9(.)lHae.^-oii6P=.-r CB H (B;- E 8.1o6:PA.}JLH&o9e >=5ES*r: E,>'€trri= Ici q-.i E *ix( E Bn) 9'9 €E C'r Cz oE q EFEE 'l---E o. li od tr j tr H!iH.l tr0) E C) (.)ao h l-.(€A u)o ooos H o trC)a 6 o(glr tr oo trC) () o.tr U o(g tr> 96Ets tr(B Pi(,) tr oo(ho(t) 6dC) (DL rrl Fi(.) O o B0) C)tr u)(.) li $INrI] HNEEdEqr Icnrtu F.g:Qr EF}EPl; EE93i=Eao uEEEEx=rrJ = (f =o)Eq;3& "nF- Rn9r- (B v) b0 C)r.l o (B V) bo(,)J cln(-- .j rr)t- .j rn t-dl F. tn tr- (a)qr- q rnq t'r n X C) g 99r- q) GIA oa0L CBF aoo'-l () =ootrffE CEO (.) -.=E ze, EI .9 6Sb8,tr6<& ol-r +roHe.n cBL !El.)& >r Er(Ba v(dtroEo> 50 Po9U!ri 'Eo9(gl-0iEcEFtsEEr'oo)(,*h.Y(B(gEF :iH E s r)BEs rrl&FB €li!Yo. (B ':;eEosEb;b9P o; -(sid>\ij-.=PU) ,H8ts L:o.EZ B c.t N eO o3r(Bz N o =f- o o ca U-;(*o l<eU) ! qioo c.) c-l N l-.CB) (€h N 6t aaLo-otr C)o(.)o 3 XrI]!()pi +i -Jizoo.r=OC)() Q.E E'c-l v Y(so (ti (i -o >.oraOExtr c$ -:l 0) 6ti& ;d eZ e.E.= O -=iri o;r f ,\ H ,\ >rEdrE o (6o trotr (to tr C)k t<(.),tr (') o oH q-r ooS ua 'JO HHal(gOd()C)E>rO (sooAA Lo I H&a o.LoO o cS O&rI]tr U rI]tu o.L OE o(o troQ o A tr(6 tro li0) PoUH C)63 Or !oU o A rq&o o,koOqn o Cd0i *oUqn oG o.!oU o COFi o,ti' U o(nA o I CB ?sE]Etr. oEtr E? (B>FrE^(B!? 0) 8.p AGzzoQ-9b;e,^aEo9.'E O ti; cn CBj E ootr(dA U)hc) otro(J C)(€pr trol-r o (!O\Jli Er PO(do13eoog *RE.F. ,aatitrEOL.Ho: ch,o() 99'r clq;-tr F4Et! cor!(J oo =E*.-ooo E rrr !lro.oEei Ahtro o(€>..9oortro. -- bo Ead 8.5 F(JU#&& Yr! r! -9Ei fri Ll IJ.]&a C) oo C)dfri o i C) otiao (tr*r o-tr'oUq C)(s Fr (,) M(.) (.) a. H oo L.q) t) dlr otr() M .sl () E=o<9arS C) trE&da!tr96 c) C) o o Ego a) 0)o oH(,) Vk&U) (BL o-Lo(J)-A =atua octr o (A rn Hoo0) +<o otro C) C) U (B otr C)& (no c) trr+ro o 0) troU o ca&EO0 00r.'FLH0)LPo(EH}Btr.eE.=.!O6oc6 'i-rotrt^hiJ 6 i,a a(h,cob0> 6=oY(6e F€OOtE&'EB d:o o !o'ot ()!i5qidoo-e6 EE (dH oo>trQa caeato cEou)c0'E.'H f) ri .Egx)5 >L2e L)!O 'EdIEo= (sf;d€ Notr)(h(0(.)z L{o) AO I oz C) C) a. o,ti'oO o6 oo E ,E L C) o (B v)C).n (.)oPoO o(gA rn INr! PN!EdEc! Icarttt HEPqfE -.<- EF:E11; EE9 8trtao u EEurB \o INrI] ei{b 9l F: il;.sr+ Eg:Q- EF}Btr6EE9 3trtlo u'=a=o)-ECx=ur3 I t!(l) 'E -c)9=^rd& a ol rr) n.jra n c..!(.) 9.lrn n\n o GIA c)00L GItr >.o tr E0)k rhC)E 6)PlrE_o 0:)oti-oC)'-9 hb!ts NO -o) (rro ()trootr C) Ee!=oH;Th_o bo oi .=s.E EEa5 O\ .O tnoEbctd .= cs(l)rD OLa()0)ti (!E+iA9(E ,^aHb d.b! o-lEo5'-'-'98 =6.EBEB. >.o EF Lo I <A v< ^-,J9Lo7.OME>o€fiE s Bv tsv v A tsv o.LroOrE o CB0i Fi ee 3r r\ 'rq6'E o o o tr'x c) 6^<.9-) -,>sVbD!);EbE<cg€ ^6)<,y,?o>8v.9 5()oa(J ootEtro=(El .rF.M bI) p oc)tro oo o oL cno.O (H o.LroUE C) A\r, oE)z5 0) tioa Lr(l) o 'd 6!a(a Q)c)EE56Pda to "r 6)B= P'5o(r-(J (") rl() 9tr P.r 6)(tEtr>x9qY .oH L(B +io cB Lgr xlioP(g'l bobotr()'Elr .:rhUdiiavado=o-o9oo ruoKE€Uoa dl-ro.Oe c,)lr o (troE o o oHa t) o C)(.) 9<bI)adL !:()E} rx& Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 185 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet EXEIEIL:I Maps Effir iiiiii Itlii!* l.$i$i\ 3 g u Ei E 6 i I EI E k ,bI 6 EI6!ut IE I PiiIi ,,{iltriiiif:lltsii Eot-'= o^ I E.tr i E!#EE e I EiEEEE EE:6:V i E .. E t >. t-,16f E t i E iI!! tE g!iloi IlrIEt3lrEfrtln Eo Uoc ,!!EII iiitll o 6* UIC'ur oo2 1 ,\', ! b_ i 9sq.e e'adr a - g:-.::- :1 o I o o<2 d1 rE liir ffri I ) I ! (, t j'1 l { z t o : a ') , d 'Ir) .tD'^ 'o i i g oc I'-t',. Z ''. UJto i _-t'1r 4..t. ,'r.,-\)i 1;J'l- - t- o IrIclc n soIF (u , ))J i i iI nI i lt* iiiiff l[i IiHl'r 7 It 8 ;-5 lrlsrEEsiilI e O $ I I !I TI F llil g s P6 i EII ol,i t !98F m l I I u :! I !I E!?b "i[!lil$ j II l a 0) QtE0. CJ()EL'= o l.t *HEA Et.e E eSz o l.(E' I G E I U Eo Uo I UUEI 3 : E?t|I iii tEi U it tt E!a te 9ofl di iEI U o 7 t'9) UF I a d trel:s tr U *dd u uUU 1dn1>\,d)&l (lz -l 3 Ut I: iz.i!t!:! !"r$l tiI}(\11 ! il.J \J U i I ! = U oonotrirOE 3EzoE ia go!< ?IBtogA t6F 6 I i! \- i UU lj c1)6' gr rF lL. = =z Bz i dIiliiii Ii$liii,i!!E 3trigli;tlot e 6 Ii3I tj !9ft p E iI i Itgl! Eitltt E I IOE tto.9e-',.2 ttE. 5i.9 Ec!>. i-l q)o.>#izEE{Li 6t Lc ET( I.j d c o'z o A z I d 8i U uo uo uUu Uts 3I !tiE !F ao-JFou dPoaa*E9uIooq U a) I 0 c U 3 -""".- A U u f (o/ & d, els (9)5 U ! i I {U '-\\-*<" B zts E, (F lL!r 0 I z (F u! U , l z .2dr *l iI .Ot< c ap E o lL J o o U u U o (r. trl tr o U = \3 z B I[$ ,- .! iillg! i" Ei .}"d!7 \ ! t &' E i a lz:: : ;z i :i ei!;tE d o3 zlli L iEii i !oi B !l Y Gll :j I N i*EEgg-g$ ooo6o- ooa6c g @ oo6c ,! .!* o t oooL z to lJ- J rSq 4 d F uJ u.o o oo6A ) ) II 5t I I!i I a,!l! iIir fi l3!!r! iirt!l iii !ii3t; lil IstE iFES siiEE=o tEBdl BIF E :E;, IlgiiiiiiiiI 6 , i t!far;j i }Er .;I! I;SEtEiEiN; tll t Eioil q oo Go_aoosoGo- EOEr.'? o ;*#ii !'3 s H geH: EE ss E:6:V t E r e 3 >:lJf;E E NoEDo(L G 11._ ! E IE IT E! t3:r IC 5€:r!! ! :ig i5a 6b9aI iri:Iliii! 886 Eis: i$E i!d i:i:!B tE:i Iii! Its a! fii Ht iEI 9 7 =- \ !I xil 6 I ,t IIl Ei EE E !oi Itit ,ilrIEFit i N ,.E =^ I E'E > Xir#iii 3 r* $ 3IEEEE sc $&:JIV.E Q c d 4 a t-.-EI E U 5 (a oo,.E(L \s- \H-h (N qHh j rgI$iiiiiii \ !I 8 I 3 i;:JI Eilii3E==aEE!r I I t ,tI { i, I tl. E s; i#!i:ir 6 o)eGa_s otEo(B E iiEEBE,s \t(, cDG.L q U Iiliilistr$7 R \ II III e P6 3 a tflLI I II{ I I dI E Il#lr,rIt*t{ i! It N iffiE gg ,g g rJ) o(nGo-a u it 3il! 5:E3 !E;8lrIii8. ; !1! :E Ea::!ia:!iii EIE' ;l;! = 5;:;X:B€i;E;rea !ei:Et:iii:i = Irg *d fllr Hi r 7 \ I ! 3 a 8 ZE l{ ilr ;3friEi!ti i ltloi : ! N ,-.iE^ 9 E5 r * Er#ei i =* & EFEE EE $* *E:r;vEE { d =94>-E; E ORKL-0502 and 0503 -Lst ooc {fl mil th rguurcrrl quctrr d tlr nort}0rrt eurrtar 0focstrm onr.lll rn tormilr^p fgrrt (rol rouqi.r",u. i,r (rii E-rif"lo:j-"ij-i.ril rrrlel, thrc. l3l urd_rou.r It) or mottotr rr* lol ldtgtiirriD'iorrt lr0l eoutii'mrisitcyGtt ['l cotl or iilllaacttG ]hrlalanl.orecDttrE rnd ftrgi.vtrt itrrt_s-trtoln-raffioltrrfhD of -rry lryrc-rofora ror0 to thr Eod$cur|eutrla Bathry !qp-ri, -d"{ iurl-1 ritout trDil dcrcrllcd 1a t\al c.rt.ln deod dl'r. lrptolbor s?, if,oe r-r"riirico on oitobar{, 1f'00. tt Jtl3r {61 oi toluE !g of thr doc6 ricor{r of illllotn Gorrrrtrr 0r;gont llro. oll of tho rt6ht, tltt! urd taLrrrt of Utt,irtt of, tbc flrrtPolt-_ln tn{_Eo li:!t crttotn lntlrJl-nl datt0 llrrelr tlr 10e0, gron loon:f. tndarlollrod llcltlc t. tndnrranl huetanO anrt rtfr. o!,Ifonrtl Coutlr 6totc of O*eon, io- - l'ctlarttll; ?rtrst Co:{rcnt, of 3m Frmoltcor Crltlornla. rbiih arl,d aotucnit ilrFcccrdod oa iDrll l]r l9?0. lq-rlr df ter of thr corsrti Clort of antd tilrsarh Gounttl:r lblu.an 32 ef hrBi. p*d 3t?. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page '196 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS OF PACIFICORP PARCEL BPROPERTIES OREGON PARCELS oRKL-0501 t tr fl'. (5!, rtr (5) rnd ctghr, lE) f Sootloa 81r (61 llr To''rrrdp fctr {{olSorthr rrnrr trici-(Z) ri"t or th-illU.trrttc Eatlrlglr, ooni*tatng rl,ghiy-ftvi rut-96r{go(8.961 .orlr, ORKL-0504 Lotr 0m (Il. Tno (Pl oird ltror l3l ol Eootlol ftrtrtt'llr (16)r to,ft'rhtD ?Ilrtrnlnc (5f I Southr llangr Sortn (?l lrtt. illtG.ttt ]lrlit!tl oRKL-0s05 Govenmeut Lot { in Sestion 36 Towmhtp 39 south, Range ? Errt of the wllhme& Merldlu, Iflamafr Courty, Oregor. oRKL-0s07 TLr $El/4 SWl/{ rnd the SWU{ SEl/4 rnd Gsvornmmt Loh 3,4 rnd 5 in Socfion 3$ Townrhlp 39 Sonrh, trnge 7 Erct of &c Wllt*mth hleridir* trOrmrth &unty, Omgoni EXCEPTING TIIERDFROM that portion thereof dcserlbed m Prmel S h &rtc+rtrh Wrrrr*y Deed ftom tle Cdlfionle Oregou Pcwor Compaly, a coqnrafioe, to Wcyertrurer Tlmbcr ComprnS l conlorsfiorr rosldd Jdy 15, 1959 in Deed Volume 31{, prye 179,I}srd Rocord* of Xlamrtr County, Ortgom. oRKL-0508 Govcrumcnt Lot 7 ln Sccfion 36 Town*ip 39 $ouft, R.rngt ? Errt of tte Wlllemette Meridirn, Klemah Comty, Orcgon. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 197 oI 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet (road easement granted to Klamath County, l-26-68) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page 198 o1221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet oRKL-0509 The foflowing dcscribed lfitd b€ing ia Sastion 31, Toumship 39 Soudf Raugo S Esst, Willamettc Mcridiq lUmrath County, Oregon. Bcgiming at a point on the oestiou 1im rrti& beae South t I I .4 fe€t from tho quartcr corni( on tre Wcst boundaryof Soction 31, Town*rlp 39 Boufi, RttrgE I Bast, Wilhmfie Mcridia& Klaruslh Corety, Oregpn; thsrcc South 44e01 ' East I 316.7 fffi to a point on the Northerly boundry line of Riverside Additim to the Town ofKcuo" Orcgou; thcnce South 53"30lVest ?8.5 fect more or less, dong the Northrly bomdary of ssid RivEtuide Addition to the low nratcr linc on thc Norlh bank of thc Klmath Rive'r, thcncc Northwest€rly along the low wster line of lb Nordr bank of the Klauratlr Rivcr down cheam to apoint ou ilrc Wc6t bowdary linc of said Section 3l; thcmce 82"0 fm, more or lees" North along said Section linc to the point ofbogiming. Togdher udft a ship of lsnd 40 fcst widc cxtending along the Waeterly line of Riverride Addition to Kao, Oregou from lhe Northerly linc of Broylce Avrnue to thc Northerly line of the abovs dcscribd pranises. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 199 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet oRKL-0510-A lot EtgLt {0l,uni Bouthreat quertcr fglttl of seotloa.frcoty-alne (89l,Tornrhlp tthlrty-nlue (s0l gorth,Rengo Sevsn (?l East cf iltllonctte lltrlillao, lote flvr (61 auit $1= (61 of sectlor thtrty ($0) forrohtp thlrty-rtte [$9I South,Runge Bevtn Saat of Ul.]Iu,etto Herl0lsr.. [ot Blr {61 of, srotlo! Ihlrty-oro (31}, [ornahf,p Thtrty-nluc (991 Bouth,Sarga Scrsn {?l E,.et of llltlanotte lJrrldlra' I.otr One lt) snd lihro (8l.cnd, Xorthtsst quarttr of llorthrtlt quutu {ffifitr*l.stri Dolth hr1f of trorthlast quurtar (S}mtl teatlou Ehtrtg.tro [48] ln formehlp Ehtrty-tlnr 159) gotth.franElt scrsr (?] Eagt of illlleu€tta ltrsrl0luu.ello thc folloalug flcuorlbcil parot},t of lBuA,to-ultl {}l Couocnclrrg at o poltt lrcnty {E0l obalnn Soutb of ths cornrr of atctlons E8,89tgB arit SE nartcil by a atale mrkoil l*; theroc 'ilstt {B llnlta; thenoe $outh 5{ ilagreee 6B nfnutcr llcrt 18.19 chuluE;thcooc $onth E6 [tgrms fft $lu[tra EEg't 8.?S. ohalns Lntcrsecttog tho f,ortb and Botth aeatlou llnc tattror acotloDi ggr rn0 5Sl thrnoc Bortb 1+,?8 clralla to polnt of teglurln8,contetrntng E.{{ aores [ors ot lttt, lel BegrlnaLtg at r Dotnt trcutt (a0l otatlB soutt tEil Folty- trvs l*51 ltuka iteet of tho so'rnrr of asotloaa 08reg,s8 ruil Bs. thonoc 'lcst 19.55 oballr to thc Xorthrrst oorosr of tlto Southcrst querter of lortheast quartsr of acattotr 88; theuoc Sontb lGvtn l7l obatrueI tbsuoc Ecgt par&l,Iel to thr [ortb ltuc ol aal0 Southoutt Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 200 ot 22'l Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet quertrr of Uorthatst qtarttr af s€otlor glrl{.BI ahatnpl thrnoo Dorth 3{rlegrras S,nlnntel ,EaBt E'{6 ohalaa.-to.the ploce 'ofScotlon 0?. beglnnlng; ell of Bali t*o ptrocla of lanl }qttf tnAirmghtp Ihtrty nlnr (591 South,deugn Etvu (?l Bart of ?ttllamatt6 ltrerlillan, uortlrregt qulrter of tlorth*est qu'Brter (ffitmrtl rno $outh half of l{ortbrcst gualtor (s$r,ill $l{ Aorttr hall of Eout'ht€st qnelter (ffftilt) of ncotlor Ehtrty-thrte (Sgl iln fomrhLp fhlrtf-uta+ tggl BouthrBonga Sevcn {r, SEst .of lllllenctta lltrldlar. Southroat gusrt.r 0f llottLtsst rgrtBr ($utfE+I,',test he1f of Ecnthsrst qugrter {Irl8Btl, Eact half 0f Eonthnelt qusrttr (E+glr}l, unat Southureet qu*rter ol SouthreAt gntrter {8?t+g',t+} of tectlor .6,lu SonnohLp Sorty l*0) $outn,fiengr Srvm (f l lost"iiltllunstte l{erldllan, Lote three (01 ani! irour l4lrSoutheust quartor pf Eouthrcst Busrtsr {SU1}3fllran{l Eoutbrrost guart* of Sonthseet girerter {Stttgigl of rcctlqn Sevcn (tl Sornahl} forty Boutb,.lflrgc 8rr*n {t) E&{t illl].sttl tte llerl iI ru. less property sold to the lnternational Paper Company (all or a portion of Lot 2, Section 32, T39S, R7E, W.M. less property sold to Ernest and Judy Smith 914187 (a portion located in the N1/2 of Section 32, T39S, R7E, W.M. lying south of State Highway 66 ) less property sold in Section 33 T39S, R7E, W.M. oRKL-0513 Goverument InE llr 12 end l3 in Sectlor 3( Tomrhtp 39 souflL Ruge 7 Errt of the Wilhmdtt ffnolOf"", Xlamatil County, Oregou EXCIrTING thcrefrom troro pordons corvtyed to the Urited Stetcs of Amerlcu oRKL-0516 isir:{i.ii1r';gi*H{*#i*il$rhill{ jffi tdii}li,i,$f ii{:ti#,ft it:,, o "" nY"-'-' "-fi:iltii,l ;:f; li liih';di;i,i:il'iil'#iii'*ii f riiH:hli ikXoE3h lla'frrlr tirrnIi'l.tt l'i.IH'i i:.:TliilHi.lil;liiii ilIro'ii"i""ETi't*; i'-iioiiH'icf 'ro'nrrrp Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 201 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet oRKL-0518 of besin+rngr.9ontaperty"Eelng-situate less that part conveyed to Leo J. Brennan et al by deed dated February 7,1967 oRKL-O519 t m i&trgE less that part conveyed to Leo J. Brennan et al by deed dated February 7,1967 . oRKL-0520 Beginning at a pqint 1282.2 fset north of a point 786.1 ,eet ur83t rl tire cornor tD TorffiehlP3 39 and .*0 Sotrttt nlnecl Srvrn (7l srd Etght (81 Errt of tho Wlllemene lvlerldioo, Orofpa; THEHCE lbrth 208.7 ipat; THENCE Wglt 208.? foat; TI.FNCE South tr0S.7 ferti THENCE East 2OE.7 ,E€t to the placa of boglanlng, excBtlng trrt port ol ths hroln dsa;lbed lend corvryrd to Leo J. Brennrn st sl by doBd d6rsd Fehrurry, 7. lgc? and rsco(dqd ln Book irlB7 st Paer 0a2 dmd ruoodt of Klamsth Coumy, Orrgon. oRKL-Os21 (A:Lots 9 and l0 B, C, D: Lot 8) i*t of lorr rrsht (g), nine {g) aucr ren (10) of $ectlon Thirty-slx {SO}, Tor+nship ?htr{r-nlno (gS) South, E*ngc seven (r) uaet slr"laiaette l{ertdtan, EmfiFf, ttre porttonr thereof alreedy conveyod by rhomaB lfccomrlck a.nd wlfe, aB follorer- 1l- fs the United States of l*I[erioa, b$ desd dated,troverber 14, 1906, and recorded'ln-yofune-gi oADeoda, 1.age d66, record; of tfla"mf,tf Couniy, 0renon, 2t- To the Uniled Btates of .6rerlcB, bJ d.eed datedAuguat 5, 1999, c,nti rccorded in'Voimi-if-oiDeeda, page 29{, recordr of, eeid Couniy.- -- Er- iiu[:!l iqqil'{i$-!;"3}q3!"i,ufiJil,"-ffirtlJ:, 1'.' :, 1 Fega 68, recorde of eeld County. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 202 oI 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet -..1t, :i'4t- 5;- 6J- ?g- To George,Croggsnr-W A99d dat€d *uguat 10, I9Ag,e.nd recorded ln yslume g9 of Deeas,-14g, SiA, ---' Recorde of, galri County. fo Ererett llotchkiaa, b-y_deed-dgtad Docembe,r 6,19&8, end rceorded ia Volune g6 of peeail'-;rg;'&6, records of aaid Oountyr fo 8an ]Iiarrlt and Ray-Ilarrla, by deEd dateil July16, 1928, e.nd reoorded in Vol.rmi g6 of Ueeda,--'page 50S, roeords of satd County. !o A..Et Xeea$_,C. by deed deted Uay IS, l9p6 a$dDesorileat ln Voluns ?B of Deeda, pirge 93. ruooratof t*1d Oounty.f'stL oRKL-0522 3eglnnlng at a point ry th. Rengc llno between Secfi,on Thlrty.One (31), Townrhlp Thlrty-!{tne(39), sou& Renge Etghr (s) Eastof thr rililrms*tc MrrHirn and secdon Thrrty-sk {roTownship Thirty'Ntne !39), south Range seven (7) Ersr of the wllpmstte Meridien, rhict isElgtt Hundrclfutrty-ol5 rnd sh-Tcntfis (&3t.6i feet soutt ortnu qurrrsr coraer betwom sridsectlou 3t rrd 36; th*nce soulL on Rrnge ui* s"*rty-eighr ilit*o-rrnrhr (7t.1) foe,[ rhcnce$outh 5{P{15' Errt rhrse Hu1lroo twen-ty-one rad ono-Tenthr (l3l.l) frrq &emce North rg55'Erst to &c ccnltr line of the Iilrerfr mvir; thence aown s*riLo* tLe ceutor lirc of cr6rtrcam rlong t&e oBntor llne of mld strerm to srld Rrnge li"e; thil-tu $outh rlong rald Rrnge llnetn tte polnt of begiunlng. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 203 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet oRKL-0523-B Ipta Seven (?1, El8}tt (8), and Xrne (9) oI S€ctlon Ehlrt5r-one tlx) ana Iot three (3) or Eectton ftrlrty-troo (521, lbmEhtp flnfnty- nt.ne (19) Southl BarrSo Beven (7) BEBI of U. E. oRKL-0524 Also, bsginning at a point or tho Range linc bstwcca $ection 31, Touruhip 39 Souttr" Rage I Esst, Willamettc Meiidian end Sostion 36, Township 39 Sor*h, Range 7 EaBL \ryilhmcfiG Mcridim, 40.6 fCIct Soutr of thc quffier corncr bctwsa Sactiom 3l md 36 on gaid rmgn line; thcncc South etong said range line 7 I .6 f€Et to e poitrl which is tho moet Norlh€rly point of the Uact of lmd cmvqrcd by thc grfl*ors to the grmtco by dcod dated May 29, 1930 md rocordcd in Volumo 90, prg6 340, of the dscd rgoords of Klaath f*unty, Oregm; thorco $outh 44"00' East aloag the Northcrly bormdary of srid bact 5?2.6 foct to a poiut; theucc North 59o59' Easl 51.5 feet to a poinq theirce North 44o00' Wcst 636.4 fcet, motr or lesa, to thi point of begiming. oRKL-0529 Begimiry et the Northnrest corncr of eaid Scctiom 29; themrc Soutb ff08' Wcst along thc Wcct line of add Srction for a di,strncc of 1 812.E2 foct to a point markcd by a ooppcr nickcl pipc" 5/8 iroh in dimstff ard 40 inches h lengft, cat in a rcck mound; thmoo North 86o17' East for a distanco of 697.69 frat to a point mdced by m irorr pipe, 3/4 iuch in diumeter, driven f,r6h $rith tbe pound and deoig[Etcd es LB lQ naid irun pipc, aa arc all othcr irou pipce mcntionod in tri* dcrahtioq bcfutg rcfcrcncGd by a copper-nickel pipe, 5/8 instr in dimetrr and 40 inches in l€ogtlt driven sdjacerrt theleto uttil iE top is l0 inshes abovo the gount ttrmpe Norttr ?o03' EaEt on a linc ufrich passee thrcugh apoint 693.53 faet disail, marted by an imn pipe, 3/4 inc,h in diarncta, driven fltutr with ttre gl,ound urd designntod LB I l, to its inter*ction with the South linp of said NWU4 Mtrl/4, said point of ht€rscction bcing the true point ofbeginring of thie desctiption; theurce continuing North ?o03' EaEt 250 f€et mot? tr leco, to said poiu doaisnatcd LB t 1; thape South 80p43' Eaet for a distmce of 382.2? fea m a point marteil by an irurpipc, 3/4 irch ir diamc,tcr, deignatud LB 12; thcmcc Sonft 11"24' Eest oa a lirc whichpa*cs tkough a point ?42.04 fcct distanL martcd by an iron pipo, 3/4 inch itr dimetet, driven lfush with the gnound and dtsiglrtsd LB 13, for a dietance of 193 foct, mora or lc;s, to its inlcrscctioD with lhe South line of eaid HWI/4 NWI/4; thence Wcctaly along said Sou*r linc to thc tnrc point of bceinniry of this d*cription, Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 204 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Also parts of Government Lots 2 and l,theEl/2 SWI/4, Government Lots 3 and 4 of Section 30 and the NWI/4NEl/4 of Section 3 I ,Townsmp 39 South, Range 7 East.Willamette Meridian, Klamath County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: Beginning attheNorlheast comer of said Section 30; thurce South 0oO8' West alurg the East line of said Section for a distance of 18 D.82 fed to a point marked by a copper-nickel pipe, 5/8 inch in diameter and 40 inches in length set in a rock mound, said point being the truepoint of beginning of tms description; ttrcnce South 86" I 7' West for a distance of 0 .92 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe 3/4 inch in diameter, driven flush with the ground and designated WT 8, said ircn pipe, as are all other iron pipes mentioned in tms description, being referenced by a copper<rickel pipe, 5/8 inch in diameter and 40 inches in langth, driven adjacent thereto until its top is l0 inches above the ground; thence North 75o46' West for a distance of 460.81 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe,3/4 inch in diameter, driven flustr with the ground ard designated as WT 7; thence South72o24' West for a distance of 118371 feet toa pointmarked byan ironpipe, 3/4inchin diameter, driven flushwiththeground and designated WT 6;thenceNorth 75"06' West for a distance of 516.19 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe, 3/4 inch in diameter, driven flush with the ground and designated as WT 5 ; thence South 36"06' West for a distance of 1396.82 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe, 3/4inch in diameter, and driven flush with the ground and designatedWT4;thence South2"46'Westforadistance of 103 1.45 feetto apointmarked by an ironpipe,3/4 inch in diameter,driven flush with the ground and designated as WT 3;thence South 41"00' East (at a distance of 1540.84 feet crossing the South line of said Section 30 at a poiot which is 7 67 .05 feet distant South 88"34'East from the South 1/4 comerthereof) fora distance of 1542.89 feet to apoint marked by an iron pipe,3l4 inch in diameter,drivenflush with the ground and designated WT 2; thence South 39"59' East for a distance of 660.00 feet to a point marked by a copper-nickel pipe, 5/8 inch in diameter and 40 inches in length,driven in the ground until its top is l0inches abovethe ground; thence continuing South 39"59'Eastfora distance of 195 feet, more orJess,to apoint on the Eastline of the NW I/4 NE U4 of said Section 31 ;thence North along said East line fcr a distance of 640 feet" rnoreorless,totheNortheast correrofsaidNWl/4NEl/4;thenceEastalongtheSouthlineofsaid Section 3O to the Southeast comer of said Lot 4; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot 4, the Easterly line of said Lot 3 and the Southeasterly line of said Lot2 to the Southwest comer of said Lot I ; thorce Easterly along the South line of said Lot 1 to the Southeast comerthereof; therce North along the East line of said Section 30 to the true point of beginning. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 205 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet ORKL-0530 Parcel tat I -a Int!;c (r! of Bectlon ,91 South, Han6e SevenountI. OreEoilr conlBqcrqsnor{}Ia s5. J'nlng il.rs0 ecrqs, Eqre gr 1ep5, of,:nhtgn 21.90r more or less. trre ln saLd Ipt l, 7.60 ocres,or less, ln sald lot 2, and 5.oo screar morc orIn sald l,ot ,. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 206 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Farcel ii: ?arts of lots Sfx {6} antl Seven t?} of Sectlon Trenty:"nlne (29) . Tounshlpr?hlrty-nlne (19, Southl ltange Seven (?, East,Ulllinette Plerldlan, Klarnth County, Qtegon, nore pattlcularly deserlbed as follorsr Beg lnntng at the sectlsn corner connon to $cctlonsshlp 19 Souttr,7 East, lane*,te i.lerld ncri Eouth ,r8o ile sts dlstance of 2 ,eet to a olnt rnarked by 8nlron pln anrJ de s as tlrB:l4 a,I n theace South 0o 24r 58 tl Iast, a of 868.9 feet to e FIo 1ntan i.ro -!ot 6 sald P 1 olnt bc nE the OT BEGTIINING of h1s d escr ption a, 1 thence Ifsrth g2o 0 5k lslance of s76.0 feet toa polnt ru{r OIr! llest to ed by an lron pln aIt thenco South '5Bo 291 the onr th the South llne oI Eald lrot ?a IlC15 feetf rrore or iees; theneo I{ec along the South tr1ne of satd Int 7rarth alot:gd lstanae 0f 700 f t I r.ore or less;e ltotlest Llne of 3a Ltl Lot ? *o the erscction ult!: the I{eander Ltnc a!sa 1d tot ?I 1 a Gstance of 110 more or less nce Easter on6 the l.leantierllnesof satd lpts ction ulththe IIh e bcarlng South 0o 24! 58il East tueen.saldpolnt rr trB-I4tt an d the true polnt of beglruitng t henc e Sr:uth 0c 24t 58 lr Eaet alo n6 .sald llne r'a dtstance of L88.91 fee t, moreorl-es8 , 7 to the true po lnt of conta acr€g i Erore or less of aereS t nore olr e38 ln sald Lot 6? anC 5 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 207 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemsheet Pareel III - falls of Lots PgpT (41 and Eluq (5) ot Seetlon Thlrty*one -t?1], f'ounshlp-Tlirty-n1ne lrg) SAuth, Eange Seven l?t Easr.tllllanette l,lerldtan, more partlcularty desdrlbed as-fo11orsi Be6lwrtng at the L/4 seetlon cornsr comrron to sectlons30 alO 31, lounshlp 39 Bouth, Range ? East. 'rltllsrtettr Merldlgn; thence South BBo 59t ?9tr East a15ng theiforth rlne of secticn Jr to the latersectton-rlih thel{est l1ne of sald.I/ct li3-llstance of Ir}48.p? feet,nore or less, tc the IRUE ?0rli1 tlP BEcilIfrinc of this'descrlptlqT; thence,Bouth alon6 the tieat rLne of gatdIot,5, B-dlstaree of 640.48 feCt to a polntr thenceSouth {1o Il, _Ig,' East, a dlstBnce of aCO,Zi fuei tsa_polnt.marked 9y an lfgn plni thence South-4Zo 5Or _07" East, a dlstance dlrlg4.4? feet to a polnt iarkedby an lron_pln; thence Briuth go lll Zgd Eait. a d1s-tance cf 585.02 feet to__e polnt rirked FJ an'licn pin;thencr south 4lo 451 4ltr ilast to thb.rnt-eriec[ion urththe lto:th Bor:ndary.9f ilre Ferr! of-l{ay ;i-sGi;-iirsi,ray Ig.,-?1!_thence Noitheasterly-along th-e aald hlsh,ayrlght of ray to the rntersectlcn Irttr the l,leanEei- Ltnealong tho East etde of sslg^Fl i; ,tt_]ence ilorlherly alongths l{eander r,lne of ss,1d {ttl 4 airt--s-f; tlre lntersectionulth the liorth llne oi sald Suetti-i jf;-thancc lrriilr-Cu.1?r 29ri i{est along the llcrth rtne or-ilro sentron {} . iiii:iitdillsiilJrl:il. i*o .n" ri"u polii*;l"i;eiffi im;"", :rcre or rrssn are 1n *;rc'ljt";,':;;'rllo, .rcycs, niorE orlecg, tn sald Iot 5. Rocky Mounlain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 208 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet tstrce lry of In lie ;nrh !ne t9 Sout:r !?an1;edescribc$ Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 209 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet ORKL-0539I and II Prrcel lj Thc Nor& 550 fuet of the wsst l& of the Southeast u4 of Sostim 36, Tormship 39 soutl,, Rmge ZEast lilillmatc Mcridian, Kt&rflth Couutg Orogffi. EXCEPTING thcretrom that-portion oonvcyed to the unitcd Statcs of Amcrica by Deed rccordedAu$st 9, 1909 in volume 27, page 294, M Rcoorils offi i -cormty, orrfr - -- Parccl 2r A sftip of ltd for road purposer 60 ftet iE widtb lyins 30 fct on €arh sido of thc foltowing dcscntodcentar line: 9:gryye at a point onLto ll$rgar right orway linc of omgon state Highway 66 ar station180?+71; thnoccNorth 29"2E'5/' wcrt, 400 feet t*o*Nontl-iiJi3,n u/est,4gg fect to apointwhich is 3o fe€t East and lo feet North of ftc soutl qusrter "**i"its"rd; i6, i".rfip gs soutl,RaruE 7 Bffit ltrill8afite nflcddiaq Klanrath co*rv, or"pr; ur# No(hcrly aloqg a line wbich isparallcl to and 30 fect Ea*erly of tho $/est linc of the soufie"lt ili or..id s;rim3E, aTilrncc or1700 foeq thcnca Notth 4oo48'41" w€st J0 fee*, morc or hrs, b " point on said lveet liuo of thcSouttrsost U4. oRKL-0540 lfl thrt porfion of Lor s, sectlon 16 Townslip lg south, Rrnge 7 Ert of tbc wfltrmettrMorldlrnr EXCEPT thc North 319 fset ttercoi*l l.ti rn*I porm*r""rv dercrlbed ls follorr: It^$ning { a polnt ou fte wc* llne of r"ot 5, secfion 34 Touchlp lg sortl, Rrngr ? Erat o,f thcwlfirmue Mcrldlm finur whlc,t tls Northwcst sDrler of cald l.ot 5 btr|:l Hortt gol]g'22" Erst319'il1 foct d&tul; flrmct rlong tte *rld lYcct ltre of rdd i* is*t oq0e'tao lve:t d25.El ferto thc North brn& of Klrrn*th R vcr; tlcuoe rtang Xlrmrtt ruvcr UorO ?lc0grlfr E{ rt?l[l.g6feet; thercc surtt 76o39'45t nr$ 380.77 foet; tnmoe North 7755'55" nt't s{-ss-foeq fr*..Souah 82q01'05'Eert ?03.00 frcE therce Nortt ?rq!:I'ls!'Errt Z2t.6sfsB thcuoc south6'013'45'Prst 19&60 fecq thcuco south saofll'4Sp ILrt ci.zl r*ut, morc or leer to thr Erst linc offid Lot 5, Soctlon 36i S-ence{mg the rrid Eart line of midl,m i, North 0{3'0?,r E13a 4glJI {qT to a point hom wllch tte Nor[h qurrtr mmer of rrld sscltor 36 bcrrs Nortt 0q03'07', E."t319.00 foct dhruu ttc,noc Norrh 99043'16r lycrt ll4r.lt fu.t;; r, hB to ttc polnt ofhdnulng. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2Page210 ot221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtn$s: Timothy J. Hemstreet ORKL-0541 Int 6 ereept ttret portlon thereof vhleh lles norther\yof the fol.lortng descrfted ll,ne r Cmenctrg at a llolnt Located on the tlne betreen Gort. Iots t ond 6, aatd pofut betrg locateil Sqrth 0n 03t Crfil tf,Egt, .3.19.0 festfrm ths nortlr quarter corner of, Sectlm 36t theuce.gouth 89' b3t L6" East, 640,0 feet to a pfrt; thenccln a eoutheaeter\y d.Lrectlon to tttq Dorthrcst correrof GoYt. Idt ? of saJ.0 Eegtton 36. subject to road easement granted to Klamath County l-26-68 oRKL-0542 A trrct of land tr Lot l, ($Wl/{) of Socdor 3l' Townrllp 39 South' Rrrye 8 Ertt of thc \Vllhmcttc Merldlu, dpcdbod rr folbwr: BcglnniEg rt thc lrtGnccdon of ttc ccntcrlinc of Rtvsr $truot md ttc lilatcrly bomdrry lhc of Brlg[ton-lvcnrc (Hgwry 6Q to thr torvr oflDolcu, (nw lfuro) Orqol vhlct poLt b mrr]ed rrttt rE lrol pipc; thae Nortt SFl[t Wcrl rtory ltc catcrllnc of reld Rlvcr Stncct' profcctdr r dhtruce of trt94.5 fcr$ Ocrcc Nortl t252' Errt 372.1 fcct to &c truc pdtt of bcgbnlngS t[cmcc cortlnulng Nortl t}95o, Errt t59.t fcct, morc or lcer to tle ncan wrtcr [ne of t[e Klrnrtt Rtvtn ttone Nortt 4lfrtA) lYert 179.7 fcet rloug reH meln wdcr llnc b tte Errtcrly boundrry of ttc tmct of hd dercrlbcd lr Book }{ rt page 36, DGd Rccordr of IOrmdL County, Orcaor; tLocc rlorry thc Eratcrly rnd Soutterty boundrrlcr of nld percct rr followl: Sonft 41047' Wcct 5t.9 fcct rnd North glqfi Wctt 321.1 fcct to thc Ertcrly boundrry of tf,c tnct of lrnd dcrcribed h Volnmc 130 of prge4f4 DGed Rccordt of lflrnrtt Comty, Ortgon; ttcucc Sortl 01)5t Eact elorg rdd Uounarry e dlrtrnce of 4il.0 feeg ttcnce Sonth 71016' Eltt27!.3 fcct to tle truc polnt of bcgirnlng Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No.2Page211 o'f 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Vvitness: Timothy J. Hemstreet CALIFORNIA PARCELS CASI-OOO9 ""fr{" 6-au*tt#-rt r,8g+ Arr*ti*f-f.- .fr.a2:.lrl: of Bcction.,fr,cttt t.J.t ,..-. itl - .+A.Lt*Ihrlh, frmtc Ncridian, conlaining ,r%i" ',4lrrr.4.r.l .trr./ 1r.,.r./,, r ,f2o., ,.**.@,';ffi trtr::#;ii::"#";:,#:1f"fffi flJ;iorthe present reservoir. CASI-0011 Lot lour l4l c.r0 the uouth :iuet qui:.rter of the Soufi: .Test qui:rtor (SAt of Slh) e.ni the Souili hi:lI ol.the $outli $Lst querrtor (s{' of '$ea} of Loeti or, fhirt;.r (lio) , .:otrnslrip r,ort;.-e i,ght (*e)'itorth :le,n6e i'our (4) l7ost, t.tount )ietlo i,ieriilt{:n; CASI-OO2O Soutn trrrf (tl) ol llctlon thlrt?-6tr. lltll **, rnEHF*-&ri&tlGL!-JlFrIXnntL- nun ?ar.r I r I Jount-DtaLlo*---lrrt r*i llqiitrm, mrtontrg-.J[h.erlJt&dlc{.r1flarn-,ane .r !/100- (.il6-17}- ; rcccth|:to-itrillnlt.+€tri., foblh&rwr;- CASI-OO2I tha narthrost ouBrtor of the aouth-rBBt quarter (Hfit of 8lt+) of Sscttonthlrtrelx (se), fgnBshtp, forty-elght (48)ilprth, Bange ftga (5) f,eet, llorrnt Dlablo Baee and lferldl*u, Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 212 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet CASI-0024 Eeclnnlng at' a pdfnt oo th-ii qu,aftor eftDasffi Ilue ruintng iorth gnil gouth ln Ssotlon 56 [. 48 il;B"ng; E .feet. ilr{gb -le. eeveqlsel F-u+f,foil trs ena asven-.Ieuthg (t?0e.?l feet aouth of tho-quarter Isotlon oorntr qn thc aorth ].lne'of aalfl aeottor 56. thrnce norti-tii-ty-tio iegr-ees, clgb'tceu anil oni uart nlnutes ( 6qr- lgt' I caet tr-cnty frlE Brro ilrac-teathg (e5.S)- feet to thc begllrnlqg of e oulY,.. rihose total diflestlon augle 1s thlrty oggroee ano tbtrty four uliutog (gO" 5{r I to t}e r16ht^. !oF:1tcnttl la ono hunflred- trgnty 14d. three-tP1*t]: Itr^:9tseI, raillue la four hunilrrd fort! ruit elEPIy TouTnunaiailtm l4t6.04 I feot aud icqih 1E trq hundlrro thtrty flva ma ona'tenth (gs6:ll faat' thsnce Porlt Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 213 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet 0r legg. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 214 ol 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Witness: Timothy J. Hemstreet CASI.OO25 (,1,* d**r,l'-t*# fiu *7t /-"'dill:('df^$l'D ths foat Ealf, of thc l{orthrset qnartor lf}ffil^or Seotlon Ihlrty onc {Ul} la Sornehlp Forty elBbt (4O) uoirtb of Esnge tour ({l feat, ltount DXatlo l[ortrtlanl also all of tbat portlon of Eeotlon lbtrty 3,r ($61 Iorushtp lorty Elght ({8) }Iorth o!RargoFlvs16)t{est,ltountDlablo}Ierldlaa'lglu8gontb of, the Etamtb BlYer, aavlug anil alocBt lng the xorthveet qusrter of tha Boutbrost quarter tilIt$nt) d c810 Sootlou lblrty gl8 (561. CAISI-0026 and Saottoa P"6 of tlre Barr€ 'llovnahtp Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 215 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 VMtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet Snd ranga to a Folnt On tha Qent.er llno pf fal',I Croski thenoq,'Soutbraete.qly dlolg lhe C6nterl{aq of FaIl' Creekp to th6 irolutof lntemeo.tlon of' the CcntarIIne of FaII Crsek and ths narathBlyer; thenoe IIorthEEBt€rIy alotrgthe Center ltne of the f,lauath ,Bfve! to the Eagt' Ilne .of tne EalASeotIoI $6; theuoe northe.{Ifl etongsstd East ltue pf saLd Seetlou $6i 1190.0, fast to the Bolnt of begloilog' LESS THE FOLLOWING: Afractlonalportlomofthe$outheaetquarteroftfiBsouthaast <lunter of Seetino-af , m*tnrp [S farih' ]*su ] Iftat' I'bunt Dt"5lo tdertittan, betng *r* p"itlcularly descrlbeil ap follsrel I and subject to a telephone line easement to PT&T 9l28l8l and subject to a 30'pipeline easement to the City of Yreka&l30l68. CASI-0027 fhe Eaat ha1f, of the $outlurert guartot (eb of Sttl') s,nd tho Bouth- ouet quarter {Sf}) of Seotion Nine (9); the t{ort}wsct guarter of tho tlorttnrest querter (ffi of $T-]') of Soction Sixtcon (16), sd the East tralf of the ttortfroast qiarter (Elr; of Nd+).of Sootlon Savenbeen (12) fr, Tonrrahlp Forty-s6ry6n (l+7) Uorth (N) of Rengc ftvc (5) Tleat, Xount Dlablo Baas and llcrlillun; aatrlng rnil eroaptlng that portion thcreof hsrotoforE Eonlreyed to the Klesrath Laka Hntl.roatl Cotryany; and subject to a telephone line easement to PT&T 10/13/80 and a 20' road easement to James Liskey. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 216 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet CASI-0028 Tbe Seat HaIf of the Eaat EaIf, of the l{ortbroat Quartsr (f,* Bt llfifl aril tbo ltegt Hst! of tL€ f,eatffEtf (ll+ f,ill, au0 aleo thEt portlo+ gf-thg Eaet Halrot nait-Esii'of trorthvest Quirter tEt El Uftl of Saotlou trluc (gl ln f,rnahtB Borty-siTon (*?l Northof Batrgs Elve (5) ?art, l[outrt Dlablo uerliltsn, -nh.loh1les o[ tne reste=l*y slde of the oenter l;lm of ths Elapath Blvsr, rhere eal{ rlrer flora tbroqh sald'sub-allrlsloa; subJeot, hcre?er, to rlgbt of ray one hundrs0 (IO0l taat ul4er aouoit ga1d, geotlonr hersto-fore conveyeil to Klamsth Iake Ballmaf, Cmltany by Central Paoltto Ball;ay Coryary and Unttefl Btatesftrrgt Conpary of Ncr Torlr, Dy ilosil ntrnbereil *IS-C '0ateil tugust 16, I90S. CASI-OO3O the Eaet half of the }lorthwest Euart€r, the South- roet quartor of thg ilorthrest quarter and , ths llorthiaet quar[er of tho Southreet guarter of Sectlon 54. Tonnshlp l8 llorth. rango 5 l'Iest, M-D'[I. Callfornlaq loss lhe Eiauth Iake Hallroafl Companyrleht of way. subject to a20 road easement to H.J. Rhodes 6112164 CASI-0031 rll .t trctlm lhragr-lrltl lt?li lrttum.t qlr t l lftllr l!3tl tr lll rt lmtlr.|l qI.r3.r ltl rf !I1, rla t'trtL'.rt quttrt sf lfltlllrl ltsrr}lr l]lt rt ll+l rr t..tlrt t[lrt -tLro l!tl, lornruD tllty-jg11 (all ltrtl. trt ,ltt ltl ftrtr lrut llrlb Il.tt rla l.rlltur 'lloetrldl. !l!. llllr.l lqrlur .!a oorrco tlE.ool &r..r rort .r ulll t.3ot[r! rtt! rtr^:l rt&tr, ;rlrllrgr. ..a rrD$t !r!ot. ttat r!t, ).frall| ll lr rg rtm.?rtrtrfrf*t .t]lJect !.rfirrf tc uTrl6btrr ltur.F r!.EDtteaaa alaful rt D.t. rlttrl, )y u7 rtbs trrr.r. t5.! tb rrtl tlm3 tnttr, llott rrrl l3r Lltll d.r mftr] tc tb. malltl'. tbt lltrt Flt, ridu ot tr trll llrllr fu t; rnF.rllratr m rrll prrlrtr l; rrbtfla attrl ..a lrlr;Lln llrrr tlctltt!0 Srcr tbr t'lllrlaai .cc?rrrn. r rl6bl rl nt ri Drto rlltl lrt rr0 ral frfl rrrrlr* .lrr brttllt .rtrULL.l Grilt, h.f, less the following sold to Rhodes and Roberts 4113164: theN % and the SW % of Section 27, Township 48N, Range 5W, MDM. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 217 of 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet CASI-0032 It lortb hll d lbr Soutf brlt ct lhr lorti frrt Qrrrtrr rf lmtlrl lrralrrrt& ral lLr itrt arlt tt lrcttro t!trtr-t[r,ar. lo|lrltt tcttr-ai3lt, lortlr lrran tlft lrtll rta tL. fcrt! tmt qtrrtlr cl ttra fcltl ttat guultr It lrollrj lrnrr trrgtfft tffr- rfirl torlDr lr&Gt ,l?. flrt, Itu.ot Dtrulo lrrtlulr t0&.t lt t!. rEtf. .C lta torm{ tliotl tlrttlll. lorrlhrr rltt rll llttr rlgitlt rttar cttcE.t r..a illar lrlrll.a.r tr.r.r$o ralar{. tnl .' 1l rayrltl rrDrrtrluoar CASI-0033 Ihc $ourhoasr quurrer j [h] f,auu hslr ur tr]' Southrresl quartcr und uha $ourh hai.f or thg l{or.thne$t,,luortcr oI Sgctrort F'our'r :ionnshlp Forr.y-e averr l{Orth, Itange Tlye lifestr r llouRt UlurU o Lle.rrdtax' Eerrng uno exoepilrrg rhat porrl.oa of lEB Ssrrtneaet {luarLer oI ths Uo}thnecl ituar.tcr or sslo $ecrlon'trorE lyrng lorrn€rlI 6no rresrerl.y or the centEr ilne oi tne Klamlh i(lyBt gonl,Etnlng 010 acreer ffiorE or LeE$ CASI-0034 All thdt lrortloo of thc Eeet hBIf {x*) of th6 EBBI halt, (E*l . of tha f,orthtJest quartcr (ffi| of Sootlon lLn (9), I{rlng on tbe itaat sillo ot tlrc l0anth 8lvsr rfrcre lt ftorE throngh sal.al land; : . Se Uorth Eaat quartsr lilEll of Esotlon tltruo (g)t tlre [orth half (f*l of, thc Xortb Hest guarts (ffi*l ana thc f,oet L81f, (EL) of tho ' North Daot quertet (Et) of Esstlo-n {en {1O} i BII Lu Sorra}rlp . lorty-asvgn (4?1, [orth of BBug€ Elve (61 [ogt, Ift. Dta]Io l[er{.ttaa, , oontElnlng ln a,Il 540, aolos, Eore or l.eee3 togetLsr rlth aLI rater rlghtr, rater il.tobs sni rator prtlvlloBes resd, or ortoyeit on! the ebove itgeorlteil BroBorty , otr ln oounrotLon tbsrenlth. 1art1ou3.a,r- l1r tuoluetug all rlglrts of satil. tlrtt Barty la. thc vators of Sogus ' Greetsr Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 218 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 \Mtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet CASI-0035 ttha Soutb Bast (hrarEer ot tha South Eaat quirtsr of gootlon r fhlrty-ttor llo;oahtp Forty-slgbt Northr Bange Flve tlsatr llouat Dlablo i llcrtiltan. Iogether rlth all ratsr rlghta, rater dltobEa and uatcr prlvllsgea thoreunto bslolrglng or tn aa5nleo appertalulng. CASI-0036 AIf that portlon of the sqrth East Quarter of tbe llorth flleet Slartar' (SEt of Nfill of gectlon X'our (4) TownaLtg Forty' 36v€tr {4?) Horth of Rqnge flve t$) 'rlestr }tount Dlablo l{erl(tlrn, lylng on ths l{orth and iloat nld,c of the oenter of tbc, trl,anath nlvor, cAsr-0038 The East half; the South',IBBI qusrt€r, th Eest half c.rf, ths North :'Iost Qprarter ard the $outh ilest Quarter of ttn Horth ilest quarter of Seotlon dlxteen ln Bonnehlp Forty-Eoven Northr llange Flve '.I€st, llount Dlauto ltrerldlant CASI-0039 Tte l{orthoast quartcr (}IEi[} of tho southreet quartor (stv*! of $eotlon fblrty-frur (o*1 , Tormebtp Forty-elEht (*B] North of Eango $lvo (51 'r{ert, },lolmt Dlablo uort0lanr oontalulng forty asr6a of la.lrd. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 2 Page 219 ot 221 Case No. PAC-E-21-01 Wtness: Timothy J. Hemstreet CASI-OO4O Those portions of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 29 and the Southwestll4 of Section 28, Township 48 North Range 4 West, M.D.M., known as Siskiyou County, California Tax Lot 004050390; Those portions of the Northeast 1/4 of Section29 andthe Northwest ll4 of Section 28, Township 48 North Range 4 West, M.D.M., known as Siskiyou County, California Tax Lot 004050380; That portion of Section 28, Township 48 North Range 4 West, M.D.M., known asSiskiyou County, Califomia Tax Lot 004050060; That portion of the Northwest l/4 of Section 33, Township 48 North Range 4 West, M.D.M., known as Siskiyou County, California Tax Lot 004040010; That portion of the Southeast ll4 of Section 21, Township 48 North Range 4 West, M.D.M., known as Siskiyou County, California Tax Lot 004360040; That portion of the South 1/2 of Section2T, Township 48 North Range 4 West, M.D.M., known as Siskiyou County, Califomia Tax Iot 004300020; That portion of the North 1/2 of Section34, Township 48 North Range 4 West, M.D.M., known as Siskiyou County, Califomia Tax Lot 004040060; Those portions of Section 35 and Section 36, Township 48 North Range 4 West, M.D.M., known as Siskiyou County, Califomia Tax Iot 004030070; CASI-0042 Illra routheaat qua.rtar af ths aoutheect qu8!rt6t of Scctlon 33r f.ownshlp [8 lonthr Range 5 llest end tht nontheert quart#r of Bebtlon-h, Ioraahlp h?-f,ortJor Ren8c $ tleat, lf.Il.!I.r .Ed no thrcrt qurrtcr of sout"htraat quartorr tfirtb brlf of louthhelf rnd aortbqett quEirt r of eouthtart quarttr of S,eatlon,5, $otrmhJ.p hB ilorth, no"tge $ Ucrt, Il.D.t{. CASI-0043 flre Scrrth Half (S fle) excel,t the south ha.If of the Ecuthhelf o,f the sqrihwelt-quarter (s t/e s r/a su 1/t+) or Soctlon 26, Tomship lr8 Uortn, nange I West, l,tout PIabIoMerld.lan, Sisklyou Cornty, CellfunLe, corrtalnlrg 28O acr€g, more or lsss, ilot'(U (t)o !o (6 bI)aA \o N o.tr' U O(gA o,t<oUEo(!A PoO H C) A H&A H&o a(l) (s a HdA HdA tioU o A rq&o P-oU o(BA E]&H&a z FU C) E c) a*{vEoE C) o ao()xo v)l-r0) oE t)o t< qi Fog.-(Ea/\ P.l o.>?E.aOY -0) - rrl oo .\icDC€N -@6o.n C{ tz oo.: .oE9'AOrXo= AH-9 oorr'! c r) ()E8Eloi-L €oo ?a<EaoF=ile a() x(Bxxxc)tr-o<(o0.=o;i= P,.e5o IEU E E.]A fri ci F .o (0UE (€ obooL (, o (6o og(d s bo 0)aa B(Btr Bg oO Lin o 0i E-csof^u)EssE an'9dEy;6!I ()Ho)_c o C'd EgEH#nEeE sbts.0g? B6Yr<Q{5-66^JE\.tI-a-dc) E'Etr Y>j,3 E F'E b: os!,/(ux 'E.oE.E ^-\wP4^rl-X E.l.9':.EE tlvrv€F3 s,,\ J'-.!llh E s,H98Er:-d*.Y., oo?i=-o+ tr bo ,Eqi CBLEia v o otr{qr ; ot,obo EE() r\ Y,& 8r l+r oJ:€€ 6HPG9)v)EEx0)Otr '-r OFloXoolJ 63 o) aooXo rh () (.)oLbr)(! bo .o E rI]&oI CS F,oH CBOrc CC rI]& I ooc)Lo a V oE C) rAc))ooXo H&o Lr&U) (6l-r o(, oo lr€ (\,o ao(E Q&rI]trr 0) fri 0)trq) 0)lrbod 0)otr(d 0) (g .d (d tro L C)oo C6 trC) () BP O orSFrE C6 H&o () bI)!(6 N N bo (0 oL bo o V)q) tr oC)o *<o oLL{ ah lr H o (oo a.so-i1a6: \J 0)E:I! +Y()!):; (gI&E -cP+r>9 hotrtr0) inx.g b'EO oooo0ooE! 56 \J cE*boxo(BLo PLCdE,98E c-l!.^c)Y<o5 -H^J-'Y 8.9! q=,,YE i,a H,o EF F A.F trcoE.=o= > r!(.)I! E]3 e Fr EI(Jil F \o 6l\ot \o N\o ra) >,m o0!.EviichC,>,ai o(s ()E .a9X 'tht) .r L,/ (€ BH€ \o c-l >' =F- m \o N\o I,!\.) N $ \o 6l \a) \o \o 6.1 tr- aolr CB lro o \o N c- 3oL(B lro \o N tr- aoL CB lro \o c.l tr- )olr Lo \o N r- oL L o I+E] 6)E q) acl =(2Lt HYE9x.=Irl 6) F q) aEi XNSEdEcttPcouJ FENOiE or*+SFIeir; E69 3t=Elo u €Eur3 t\IstrI] gNEE dEcttgC-IIJ HENat EP}BsriE898trEao'a'=a =o*F_uJ= il :r1,U'4 Ek-o8E=trH E oii(,o90) r!VAt o,x tr E H;EgiiiSE ^)'i , a)o Hdd: U&Htrr O&E]la E]&a E-.9tsoots =oE.votri.i r, €*a,l U) rva.Eg bb 58" #Ea(/:+i= atr oH Ho P li!Hod(Bo:9d'ian E Fea ?H € $E Ei - ! o Z" E.9.9 H to HF>}i>P0)U)E E,B: E 6 H Fp 9<.8 B. E sx nffjE b ] reu .Y: a E .= ofr *.EB x E E+ .F.B E. E 8. P E Efig E E FGi(io'l# EEE E E F: E salo 3 E .EH eE= E- E A; EE c E ; IB E'fr€ 5 $ b; +9E N 6 -ix ? H3 s 5 6 [iJaaaa&o k&v)tr fr o(, oo v,o oLrg ()&Htrr tro ()Lt-.itv) Cd b0 tro ahv) d Fooo u)o okaa(g U&rI]trr Ei(g 0i(.) oo Footrcd tio C)o(o cS o E6)& v)o o(B trr rn b0os E]dA rdF<n I'lHI* <., F-' t-- (\.l d N c- o\ cO c-l xm o\ N cO N o (\l a