HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201123Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER : rtilft!1r.flr-\t 1--!'*i Y t-LJ ,i,?* i;'I't' t3 PH 3: 5l 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Saft Lake City, Utah 84116 November 23,2020 YA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,lD 83714 Re:CASE NO. PAC-EAO.fi IN THE MATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF THE AMENDED POWBR PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACIFICORP AI\[D SUNNY BAR RANCH Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Please find for filing Rocky Mountain Power's amended Application in the above-referenced matter. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. truly yours, "^-D Joelle R. Steward Vice-President of Regulation Enclosures Emily L. Wegener, (pro hac vice) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Rm 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone : (801) 220 -4526 Email: emily.wegener@pacificorp.com Attorneyfor Roclgt Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLTCATION ) cAsE NO. PAC_E-20_17 FORAPPROVAL OR REJECTION OF THE )AMENDED POWER PURCHASE ) APPLICATION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACIFICORP ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AND SUNNYBARRANCH ) Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, ("Company") respectfully requests, pursuant to RP 52 and the applicable provisions of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"), that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") issue an order approving or rejecting the amendment to extend for one year the Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA") between PacifiCorp and the Sunny Bar Ranch, ("Seller") dated October 23,2020.|n support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: I. INTRODUCTION l. Rocky Mountain Power provides electric service to retail customers in the states of Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction with respect to its prices and terms of electric service to retail customers pursuant to Idaho Code 61-129. Rocky Mountain Power provides retail electric service to approximately 84,000 customers in the state of ldaho. 2. Seller owns, operates, and maintains a small hydro-electric power plant located in Butte County, Idaho with a nameplate capacity rating of 350 kilowatts ("kW") (the "Facility"). Page I Seller operates the Facility as a QualiSing Facility ("QF") under the applicable provisions of PURPA. 3. Sections 201 and 210 of PURPA, and pertinent regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") require that regulated electric utilities purchase electricity produced by co-generators or small power producers that obtain QF status. The rate a QF receives for the sale of its electricity is generally referred to as the avoided cost and must reflect the incremental cost to an electric utility of electric energy or capacity or both, which, but for the purchase from the QR such utility would generate itself or purchase from another source. 4. The Commission has authority under PURPA, Sections 201 and 210 and FERC regulations, 18 C.F.R.S 292, to set avoided costs, order electric utilities to enter into fixed-term obligations for the purchase of electricity from QFs, and implement FERC rules. 5. On December 18, 2012, the Commission issued Order No. 32697,1 which established parameters for published and negotiated avoided cost rate calculations. The Commission further established and defined numerous contract terms and conditions for standard PPAs entered into between regulated utilities and QFs. 6. On January 2,2013, the Commission issued anBrrata to Order No. 32697, which corrected published avoided cost rates to include energy payments not discounted by transmission and line loss. Subsequently the Commission issued reconsideration Orders Nos. 32737 and32802 on February 5, 2013 and May 5, 2013, respectively, which further clarified certain terms and conditions of PPAs. I In the Matter of the Commissionb Review of PURPA QF Contract Provisions Including lhe Surrogate Avoided Resource (SAR) ond Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Methodologies for Calculating Avoided Cost Rates, Case No. GNR-E-Il-03. Page2 7. The energy service agreement ("ESA") contains published rates for projects of 10 average megawatts ("aMW") or less pursuant to Commission Order No. 34350. The Facility is an existing QF that is seeking a one-year extension to the agreement ("Amendment"). The ESA contains capacity payments for the entire term of the Amendment, therefore no sufficiency period determination is necessary see Order No. 32697 at 2l-22, Order No. 32737 at 5, and Order No. 32871. Pursuant to the Commission's direction in its Reconsideration Order No.32737, the rates were calculated by Commission Stafffor a QF in the "non-seasonal hydro" category based on the surrogate avoided resource ("SAR") avoided cost methodology. II. AMENDED POWER PURCIIASE AGREEMENT 8. The Seller's current PURPA contract is dated Jlur:re 27,1985. That PURPA contract was entered into prior to PacifiCorp's separation of its energy supply and transmission functions as required by federal law and regulations. 9. Therefore, the contract includes provisions that address both energy sales and interconnection requirements. The current contract was scheduled to expire on April 30,2021, and the Seller expressed a desire to continue to make sales from the Facility to PacifiCorp consistent with the requirements of PURPA as implemented in the State of ldaho. 10. The Seller has demonstrated to PacifiCorp that the Facility remains a QF as defined by PURPA and as implemented in the State of Idaho. The Seller and PacifiCorp are in the process of securing a new stand-alone interconnection agreement that, after all distribution system upgrades are constructed and in-service, will replace the interconnection provisions in the current PURPA contract. I l. During the period that the necessary distribution system upgrades are being completed, PacifiCorp and the Seller have agreed to a limited one-year extension to the term of Page 3 the current PURPA contract, with updated pricing for energy sales during the extended term. The extension of the term is from May 1,2021, through April 30, 2022, and total nameplate capacity of the facility remains unchanged at 350 kW. 12. The Seller has demonstrated to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that: (l) the Facility's net energy will equal the energy delivery schedules for the extended term of this Amendment; and (2) the likelihood that the Facility, under average design conditions, will generate at no more than 2.5 aMW in any calendar month. The Facility's estimated net output over the extended term is 219 megawatt-hours. 13. The Amendment submitted herewith, as Attachment 1, complies with the Commission's previous orders, and except as otherwise indicated, the Company will pay the Seller the price set forth in ExhibitAto theAmendment. 14. Paragraph 4 of the Amendment provides that the contract will not become effective until the Commission has approved it and determined that the prices paid for energy and capacity are just and reasonable, in the public interest, and that costs incurred by the Company for purchasing energy and capacity are legitimate expenses, all of which the Commission will allow the Company to recover in Idaho rates in the event other jurisdictions deny recovery of their proportionate share of said expenses. III. COMMUNICATIONS 15. Communications regarding this filing should be addressed to: Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 salt Lake city, utah 841l6 Telephone : (801) 220 -29 63 Email: ted.weston@pacifi corp.com IdahoDockets@pacifi corp.com Page 4 Emily Wegener Senior Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple, Suite 320 salt Lake city, utah 84116 Telephone : (801) 220 -4526 Email: emily.we gener@oac ifi corp.com In addition, Rocky Mountain Power requests that all data requests regarding this Application be sent in Microsoft Word to the following: By email (prefened): datarequest@pacifi corp.com By regular mail: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Informal questions may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager at (80r)220-2963. IV. MODINED PROCEDURE 16. The Company believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing, pursuant to RP 201. V. REQUEST FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission: (l) Issue an order authorizing that this maffer be processed by Modified Procedure; (2) Approve or reject the Amendment to the power purchase agreement between Sunny Bar Ranch and the Company without change or condition; and (3) Declare that the avoided cost prices set forth in the Amendment are just and reasonable, in the public interest, and that the Company's incurrence of such costs are Page 5 legitimate expenses, all of which the Commission will allow Rocky Mountain Power to recover in rates in Idaho in the event other jurisdictions deny recovery of their proportionate share of said expenses. DATED this 23'd day ofNovember, 2020. Respectfu lly submitted, ROCKYMOUNTAIN POWER Emily L. Attorneyfor Rocky Mountain Power Page 6 Affachment 1 AMENDMENT to POWER PURCHASE AGRf, EMf, NT between SUNI\TY BAR RANCH I,LI,P rnd PrciliCorp Ihis AMENDMENT (the "Amendment"), dated October /$_2020, amends that certain POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT between PacifiCorp, an Chegon corporation ("PacillCorp"), and Sunny Bar Ranch LLLP, as successor in interesl to Orville Nicholson doing business as Nicholson Sunny Bar Ranch ("Setler"), dated lune 27, l9E5 (as amended, supplemented and modified from time to lime, the "PPA"). Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Amendment shall have the meaning set forth in the PPA. RTCI'IALS A. The PPA was entered into prior to PacifiCorp's separation of its eneryy supply and transmission functions as required by federal law and regulations. For this reason, the PPA includes provisions that address both eneryy sales and inlerconnection requirements. B. I'he PPA is scheduled to expire by its terms on April 30,2021, and Seller has expressed a desire to conlinue to make sales from the Facility to PacifiCorp consislent with the requirements of the federal Public tftility Regulatory Policies Act ("P[IRPA"), as implemented in the State of ldaho. C. Seller has demonstrated to PacifiCorp that the Facility remains a "Qualiffing Facility" as defined by PURPA and as implemented in the State of ldaho. D. Seller and PacifiCorp are in the pR)cess of securing a new stand-alone inlerconnection agreement that, once executed and all distribution system upgrades are constructed and in-service, will replace the interconnection provisions in the PPA. E. During the period thal the necessary distribution system upgrades are being completed, Pacificorp and seller have ageed to a limited extension to the term of the ppA, with updated pricing lor energy sales during lhe exl.ended term ofthe PPA as described below. AGRTEMLNI' PacifiCorp and Seller agree as follows. L Article I of the PPA is amended and restated to read as follows: "Unless terminated earlier pursuanl to the lerms of this Agreement, lhis Agreement shall expire upon lhe earlier o/ (i) the e/fective date of a new power purchase agreement between PaciliCorp and Seller pertaining lo the Facility; or (ii) April 30, 2022." 2. Notwithstsnding any provision in the PPA to the contrary, Iirr the period beginning May l, 2021 through the end oI'the tenn of the PPA, PacifiCorp shall pay Scller as provided in Exhibit A to this Amendment for the energy output of the Facility delivered to the Point of Delivery as adjusted for l-osses. 3. Notwithstanding any provision in the PPA to the contrary, PacifiCorp shall nol tre responsible to purchase the output of the Facility during periods that the Facility is curtailed due to construction and completion of the distribution system upgrades called for in the final, new stand-alone interconnection agreement between Seller and PacifiCorp's transmission function. 4. This Amendment shall be effective once signed and delivered by both PacifiC--orp and Seller and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 5. All other terms and provisions of the PPA shall remain unchanged. Each party hereby ratifies and confirms that except as expressly amended hereby, all of the terms, conditions, covenanls, represenlations, warranlies and all other provisions ofthe PPA rcmain in full force and elfect and are binding on such party, including Seller as successor in interest under the PPA. 6. This Amendment shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho (without reference to its choice of law doctrine). 7. This Amendment may be executed in multiple counterparls, each of which when so execuled and delivered shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together shall constitute but one and the sarne instrument. Delivery of an executed counterpart of this Amendment by electnrnic transmission (in .pdf form) shall be equally as effective as delivery ofa manually executed counterpart. I s i gnat ure page fo I I ow s J IN WITNESS WHEREOI the parties below have caused this Amendment to be executed in their respective names. PaciliCorp By Bruce Griswold *llXHfifii,iff *ffi!' Name: Bruce Griswold Title: Director, Short-termOrigination Sunny Brr Rrnch LLLP 'litle:Partner tlv: Title: (ieneral Partner and l,imited Partner f,XHIBTTA Essrsvjsls Energy Purchese Prlce = Eneryy Annual Rate * Monthly peak Multiplier Table l: f,nergy Annurl Retos Ycar Encrgy Annual Rrte $/lr{wh 2021 $51.1I 2022 $5 r .5E Te ble 2 : Monthly On-Peak/Off-Peek Multipllert Month On-Pork Houm Off-Pcrk IIours Ianuary l03o/o 94o/o Feb,ruary l05o/o 97o/o March 95o/o 8@/o April 91Yo 760/o Mav 92o/o 630/o Iune 94o/o 650/o Iuly l2lo/o 92o/o August 12lo/o 1060/o Septembcr 109/o Wo Octobq llSo/o lOSo/o November ll09o 960/o Dcrrmber 1294/o l2v/o Where: "OfrPeak Hours" means all hours that are nol On-peak llours. "on'Peak I{ours" means all hourc ending 07:00:00 rhrough 22:00:00 MplMonday through Saturday, excluding NERC designated holidays.