HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201029Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN r-ir .' ;. f l al iP: f\ l+-*.-!1 Ii I ? ii u tiil *"T E$ Ft{ t?: I E 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116FOWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP October 29,2020 YIA ELECTRONIC DELIWRY Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,Idaho, 83714 Re:CASE NO. PAC.EAO-rc IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO UPDATE CONTRACTS, LOAD AND GAS FORECASTS USED IN THE INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN AVOIDED COST MODEL Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Please find for filing Rocky Mountain Power's application in the above referenced matter to update contracts and load and natural gas forecasts used as inputs to the IRP avoided cost model. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. Very truly yours, "^.*D Vice President, Regulation Emily Wegener (pro hac vice) 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 salt Lake city, utah 84116 Telephone No. (801) 220-44526 E-mail: emily.wegener@pacificorp.com Attorneyfor Roclcy Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TrrE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. PAC-E-20-16 oF ROCKY MOUNTAIN PowER TO )UPDATE CONTRACTS, LOAD AND GAS ) APPLICATION OF FORECASTS USED IN THE INTEGRATED ) RESOURCE PLAN AVOIDED COST ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERMODEL ) Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, ("Compotry"), hereby respectfully submits this Application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, ("Commission"), in compliance with Order Nos. 32697 and 32802 to update the load forecast, natural gas forecast, and long-term contract components of the Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") avoided cost model. In support of this Application, Rocky Mountain Power states as follows: l. Rocky Mountain Power provides electric service to retail customers in the states of Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state of Idaho and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction with respect to its prices and terms of electric service to retail customers pursuant to Idaho Code 61-129. Rocky Mountain Power provides retail electric service to approximately 84,000 customers in the state of Idaho. I. BACKGROUNI) 2. Order No. 32697 specified that the inputs to the IRP methodology calculation, utilized to determine the avoided cost for all new Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA") qualifying facility ("QF") projects that exceed the published rate eligibility cap, will Page I be updated every two years upon acknowledgement of the utility's IRP filing with the exception of the load and the natural gas forecasts which are to be updated annually by June I't of each year. The Commission ruled: "We find that, in order to maintain the most occurote ond up to date reJlection of a utility's true avoided cost, utilities must update fuel price forecasts and lood forecasts annually between IRP filings. For the sakc of consistency, these annual updates should occur simultaneously with SAR updates - on June I of each yean In addition, it is appropriote to consider long-term contract commitments because of the potential ffict that such commitments have on a utiltty's load and resource balance. We find it reasonoble to include longlerm contract considerations in an IkP Methodolog calculation at such time as the QF and utility have entered into a signed contract for the sale and purchase of QF power. We further find it appropriate to consider PURPA controcts thot have terminated or expired in each utility's load and resource bqlance. We find it reasonable that all other variables and ossumptions utilized within the IW Methodolog remain fixed between IW filings (every two years)."1 3. OrderNo. 32802 changed the due date ofthe annual update from June I'tto October 15ft of each year. If approved, the load forecast, natural gas forecast, and contract information presented below will be incorporated into Rocky Mountain Power's IRP avoided cost model. Consistent with the Commission's prior orders, this methodology will be utilized by the Company as the starting point for negotiation of contractual avoided cost rates as of October 15, 2020. II. LOAD FORECAST 4. The Company's June 2020 and July 20l9long-term load forecasts are summarized in Table I by annual gigawatt-hours ("GWh"). The June2020load forecast shows a slight decrease in usage for the first three years, but overall an increase in load compared to the July 2019 load forecast provided in Case No. PAC-E-19-18, which was subsequently approved by Commission Order No. 34535. I In the matter of the Commission's review of PURPA QF contract provisions including the Surrogate Avoided Resources (SAR) and Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) methodologiesfor calculating avoided cost rates. Case No. GNR-E-I l-03, Order No. 32697, p. 22. Page2 Table I PacffiCom's Annual GWh Load Forecast - June 2020 Year Catifornia Idaho Orcgon Utah Washington Wyoming FERC Total 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 203r 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 861 862 863 861 860 854 849 843 839 832 828 823 82t 815 812 808 808 802 799 796 796 3,878 3,931 3,949 3,944 3,935 3,930 3,927 3,923 3,922 3,909 3,906 3,901 3,907 3,899 3,899 3,900 3,909 3,905 3,911 3,922 3,939 14,664 15,076 1s,295 15,530 15,756 15,781 15,581 15,691 15,879 15,985 16,105 16,235 16,428 16,558 16,726 16,893 17,103 17,246 17,522 17,802 18,123 2s,703 25,943 26,478 26,999 27,329 27,630 27,840 28,092 28,492 28,713 29,077 29,399 29,833 30,159 30,601 31,066 31,630 32,069 32,573 33,091 33,675 4,444 4,434 4,474 4,487 4,488 4,456 4,435 4,422 4,430 4,420 4,425 4,427 4,454 4,457 4,477 4,496 4,532 4,545 4,574 4,605 4,649 8,993 9,072 9,342 9,580 9,728 9,662 9,723 9,725 9,757 9,752 9,815 9,838 9,884 9,881 9,915 9,948 10,01I 10,028 10,066 10,103 10,167 58,844 59,617 60,697 61,695 62,390 62,603 62,645 62,846 63,340 63,632 64,179 64,646 65,350 65,791 66,453 67,134 68,016 68,618 69,469 70,343 71,373 302 299 297 295 294 291 289 l5l 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 PacifiCom's Annual GWh Load Forecast - July 2019 Year Catifomia Idaho Oreson Utah Washington Wyoming fEBe fqtal 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 203r 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 890 882 877 873 871 865 861 855 852 845 839 833 830 823 819 816 816 810 806 803 802 3,980 3,976 3,972 3,952 3,940 3,936 3,940 3,946 3,955 3,950 3,946 3,943 3,948 3,942 3,948 3,954 3,967 3,970 3,982 3,994 4,010 15,072 15,220 15,425 15,580 15,627 15,609 15,329 15,378 15,474 15,505 15,563 15,626 15,742 15,789 15,873 15,955 16,075 16,123 16,208 16,294 16,418 26,035 26,133 26,362 26,590 26,934 27,150 27,495 27,888 28,364 28,658 28,865 29,070 29,372 29,519 29,772 30,030 30,383 30,619 30,934 31,255 3t,606 4,584 4,558 4,539 4,512 4,505 4,479 4,472 4,466 4,477 4,468 4,470 4,473 4,493 4,489 4,508 4,525 4,560 4,570 4,596 4,622 4"661 9,886 9,689 9,816 9,784 9,788 9,745 9,751 9,736 9,748 9,725 9,729 9,739 9,780 9,774 9,810 9,847 9,913 9,933 9,978 10,023 10,091 298 298 298 298 298 297 297 157 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 60,746 60,756 61,289 61,590 61,963 62,082 62,146 62,425 62,890 63,171 63,431 63,703 64,185 64,356 64,750 65,147 65,734 66,044 66,523 67,011 67,609 loads are net ofDSM Page 3 III. NATURAL GAS PRICE FORECAST 5. The Company's most recent Official Forward Price Curve ("OFPC") was prepared on September 30, 2020 ("2009 OFPC"). The official forward price curve used in Case No. PAC- E-19-18 was prepared on September 30, 2019 (*1909 OFPC"). Table 2 provides the 2009 OFPC natural gas prices summarized annually by market hub. The 1909 OFPC is also provided for reference only. Generally gas prices in the 2009 OFPC are up slightly over the next five to ten years, but down slightly thereafter compared to the 1909 OFPC. Table 2 -2009 Natural Gas Price Forecast Offcal Fomard Price Cuve ($/MMBtu) - (2009) -0980D020 Year OpalGas Irdex Surms Index Stanfield Index San Juan Index HernyHub Index SOCALBOR AECO Index Index 2020(a) 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 $3.09 s2.87 $2.49 $2.42 s2.94 s3.40 s3.s4 s3.62 s3.82 s4.09 $4.39 s4.s7 $4.61 94.72 $4.87 $4.99 ss.14 $s.ls $5.s2 $6.03 $4.31 $3.1 3 $2.63 s2.48 $2.77 $3.09 $3.24 s3.40 $3.s9 $3.88 $4. l9 s4.33 $4.40 $4.54 $4.64 $4.7s $4.94 s4.99 $s.27 $s.76 $2.84 s2.71 $2.43 $2.37 s2.80 $3. l6 $3.30 $3.37 $3.s4 $3.83 $4. l3 s4.2s s4.32 $4.44 $4.s3 s4.66 $4.82 $4.86 $s.1 5 ss.61 $2.s7 s2.61 $2.32 $2.29 $2.91 s3.46 $3.60 $3.67 $3.84 $4.09 $4.38 s4.s8 s4.60 $4.70 $4.86 s4.9s $5.1 I ss.ll $s.50 s6.01 $2.82 $2.92 $2.62 $2.s8 $3.rs $3.66 $3.80 $3.88 $4.10 s4.39 $4.76 $4.89 $4.96 ss. l0 ss.26 $s.42 s5.6s ss.68 $s.98 s6.63 $2.1 8 $2.16 $1.9s $1.90 $2.31 $2.68 $2.78 s2.8s $3.02 s3.30 s3.60 s3.70 $3.78 s3.92 s4.00 $4.1I $4.30 $4.3 r $4.58 $s.02 s3.28 $3. l2 $2.80 $2.73 $3.20 $3.64 $3.80 $3.86 s4.01 $4.27 $4.s7 $4.77 s4.78 $4.89 $s.04 $s.ls ss.3l $s.32 $s.70 $6.23 Page 4 Table 2 - 1909 Natural Gas Price Forecast IV. CONTRACT TERMINATIONS. EXPIRATIONS. AI\D ADDITIONS 6. Since filing Case No. PAC-E-19-18, the Company has signed 24 long-term contracts, including l3 long-term contracts with qualiffing facilities, for a total nameplate capacity of 916.1 megawatts. Ten long-term contracts have expired without renewal and seven long-term qualifring facility contracts were terminated, for a total nameplate capacity of 462.4 megawatts. Table 3 provides a list of signed and expired or terminated contracts since Octob er 8, 2019 . 7. Rocky Mountain Power currently has 30 non-PURPA, long-term power purchase agreements with a nameplate capacity of 2,532 megawatts, and 157 PURPA QF project contracts Offical Forwald Price Curve (S/MMBtu) --09n,0n019 Year OpalGas Irdex Swtus Index Stanfeld kdex San Juan Irdex HernyHub Index SOCALBOR AECO Index Index 2020(a) 52.23 $2.77 $2.02 $2.07 202r s2.03 $2.07 sl.90 $1.91 2022 $2.r4 92j2 $2.03 $2.042023 92.40 $2.40 s2.28 s2.3s2024 $2.69 $2.73 $2.s7 $2.68 202s $2.9s $3.0s s2.84 $2.882026 s3.12 $2.97 $3.00 $3.102027 S3.34 $3.2s s3.19 s3.312028 s3.66 s3.62 s3.50 $3.622029 $4.00 $3.92 $3.86 S3.942030 s4.27 s4.20 s4.13 s4.202031 s4.s8 $4.s0 $4.40 s4.492032 $4.8s $4.66 54.73 $4.76 2033 54.93 S4.71 S4.81 $4.822034 Ss.20 $s.06 $5.08 ss.04203s S5.41 Ss.l7 $s.30 $s.292036 55.49 $s.13 $s.37 s5.352037 S5.SS $s.sl ss.77 $s.732038 s6.17 $s.76 s6.0s $6.012039 $6.29 $s.87 s6.18 $6.13 (a\ 2020 Forecast gas prices are for November ard December only s2.s2 s2.4s s2.s4 $2.88 $3.23 $3.s2 s3.69 s3.96 s4.29 $4.s7 s4.80 $5.08 ss.36 $5.35 $5.s9 $s.80 $5.88 s6.29 $6.s8 s6.72 s1.46 s1.42 $1.s6 $1.82 $2.10 s2.40 $2.56 $2.82 $3.1 5 s3.44 s3.66 $3.91 $4.16 s4.15 $4.3s $4.42 $4.48 $4.82 $s. l0 ss.l8 $2.73 $2.38 $2.47 $2.63 s2.8s s3.10 s3.29 s3.50 $3.85 $4.17 $4.42 $4.72 s4.97 $s.0s $5.31 $s.s3 $5.60 ss.99 $6.29 s6.42 Page 5 with a nameplate capacity of 2,348 megawatts. New contracts, terminated or expired contracts, as well as new contract pricing are all updated in the IRP model on a continuous basis. Table 3 Rocky Mountain Ponrcr- Long-Term Contrrcts Long Term Contracts sisned since the October2019 Filinq No.Contract Nameplate (MW)Start Date End Date 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0ll t2 l3 t4 15 t6 t7 IE t9 20 2t 22 23 24 m irrcreasing capacity (irrcrease Reftrcry QF NorrfrrnPPA 2020 Snrcfter QF Non-frrnPPA 2020 Refuing and Marketing Co QF NorrFirm PPA 61 2020 Mobil QF PPA extensbn Oregon Irigatbn Disfbt QF PPA extersbn Sohr PPA Solar PPA Rocket Sohr PPA ConnrrrchlErrrgr Managenrcnt Irc. QF PPA extensbn SkysolSolar QF PPA Creek Hydro QF PPA (perding conrnbsion approval) Creek Rural Ebctb Co-op QF PPA (rerding comrnissbn approval) NorrFirm QF PPA extensbn Jack Sohr QF PPA Fery - QF PPA extersbn Co. Forest Products - QF PPA Extersbn Gralf PUD - 2021 Meaningfirl Prbriry 18.6 MW @WEB stnre). GrantPUD - 2021 MeaningfirlPrbrrtyl.5lo/o slbe 150 MW @AC share) Ebktron Sohr PPA I Ebktron Sohr PPA 2 Castb Sohr, Ll,C, PPA SolarI-A, Lrc, PPA SohrI-B, LLC, PPA Total MW 13.2 7.54 3 1.8 25.0 107.4 6.0 80 75 80 0.9 55.0 2.7 7.5 6.50 2.7 0.07 6.25 18.6 1s0.0 10.24 69.76 20.0 120.0 20.0 tt/30t2020 110y2020 U0U2020 t/0U2020 yot/2020 t/01D022 t2t3u202t 6t30t2022 6t30t2022 tu2Ut99t 2/28t2023 41u2022 4n/2021 7/01/2020 r0l0t/2021 7/01/2020 8t0u2020 U0U202r t/0r/2021 t2/3u2022 t2/31/2022 l2/3U2021 9130t2023 gl3o/2023 1U29t2040 12t3y2020 t2/3U2020 l2/3U2020 12t3u2020 1213U2022 t2t3t/2036 10130/2047 l0/30t2047 310y202t 2/27/2023 3/3U2042 313y2041 3/3U2022 t2/3v2041 6/30/2021 7l3l/2025 t2/3U2021 l2/31/202r t2t30t2042 12130t2047 12/30t2046 9/09t2043 9/09/2043 916.06 . Long Tem Contnacts Expirrd or Terminated since the October2019 Ftlins No.Contract Nameplate DateI 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 l7 Balhrd HogFarns QF PPA Mariah Wind, LL,C QF PPA (terrninated) OREM Wind Fanrly Wird, Lrc QF PPA (erminated) Foote Creek I Lrc QF PPA Menill Solar LLC QF PPA (terminated) Boswell Springs \Lrc,80MW Wyoming QF PPA (terminated) Boswell Springs II, Lrc, 80MW Wyoming QF PPA (terminated) Boswell Sprigs trI, LLC, 80MW WyomingQF PPA (termiuted) Boswell Sprinp IY,Lrc,80MW WyomingQF PPA (terminaed) Falls Creek QF PPA Kerurecott Refuery QF Power Puchase Agreenrrt 2019 Kernecofi Snplter QF Power Ptrchase Agreercrf2}l9 Sarflam Water Corfrol District QF PPA Tesoro Refuing ard Marketing Co QF NorrFirmPPA for 2019 Tri-State Generation and Tiansmission Assochtioq Inc. Long Term ppA BPA - Foote Creek IV Exchange Agreenrert J Bar 9 Rancb Ilrc. QF PPA 0.05 10.00 10.00 1.8 10.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 4.10 7.54 31.8 0.20 25.0 25.0 16.8 0.10 2019 t0 3t 2019 t2 06 2019 1206 2019 t2 t6 2019 t2 t6 2019 t2 t9 20t9 t2 t9 2019 t2 t9 2019 t2 t9 2019 12 3t 2019 t2 3t 20191231 2019 1231 20191231 2020 05 3t 2020 t0 0t 2020 t0 3t TotalTerminated MW 462.4 Page 6 V. COMMUNICATIONS Communications regarding this filing should be addressed to: Ted Weston Idaho RegulatoryAffairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 salt Lake city, utah 84116 Telephone : (801) 220'2963 Email: ted.weston@pacifi corp.com Emily Wegener SeniorAttorney Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 2204526 Email: emily.weeener@pacificorp.com In addition, Rocky Mountain Power requests that all data requests regarding this Application be sent in Microsoft Word to the following: By email (prefened): datarequest@pacificorp.com By regular mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 Informal questions may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager at (801) 220-2963. VI. MODIFTED PROCEDURE g. The Company believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 et seq. PageT 8 VII. REOUEST FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power hereby respectfully submits its updated load forecast, natural gas forecast, and QF contract information in compliance with the Commission's directives in Order Nos. 32697 and 32802 and requests that the Commission issue an order approving this updated information for inclusion in the Company's IRP avoided cost calculations effective October 15, 2020. DATED this 29ft day of October,2020. Respectfu lly submitted, ROCKYMOUNTAIN POWER Emily Wegener 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 salt Lake city, utah 84116 Telephone No. (801) 220-4526 E-mail: Emily.wegener@nacificorp.com Attorneyfor RoclE Mountain Power Page 8