HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201014Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POA'ER Er r- jt r-,r.',: t-:I\:'*:r11?s--J 3,i:$ *ilT lt+ fH 3: 3l ,.. , !1-5,' -'. ' i.r,,in' 1j . ,"-,1,-:: ii.'J;t;*$i#{ 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 salt Lake city, utah 84116 October 14,2020 VU ELECTRONIC DELIWRY Idaho Public Service Commission I l33l W. Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,Idaho 83714 Attention: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-20-15' IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO ISST]E AND SELL OR EXCHANGE NOT MORE THAN $3,000,000,000 oF DEBT, AND ENTER INTO CREDIT SUPPORT ARRANGEMENTS Please find for filing with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rocky Mountain Power's Application in the above referenced matter. Please note that the Company's Application Fee in the amount of $1,000 is being submitted under separate cover. Please contact Ted Weston directly at (801) 220-2963 if you have any further questions. "^-D Vice President, Regulation Enclosures Emily L. Wegener (pro hac vice) Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Rm 320 salt Lake city, Utah 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4526 Email : Emily.Wegener@pacifi corp.com Attorneyfor RoclE Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO ISSUE AND SELL OR EXCTIANGE NOT MORE THAN $3,OOO,OOO,OOO OF DEBT, AND ENTER INTO CREDIT SUPPORT ARRANGEMENTS APPLICATION CASENO. PAC.E.aO.I5 ) ) ) ) ) ) Pursuantto Idaho Code $61-901 -904 and the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Rule l4l, PacifiCorp, doing business as Rocky Mountain Power (the "Comp&try"), hereby files an application (the "Application") with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") requesting authorization to issue and sell or exchange, in one or more public offerings or private placements, fixed or floating rate debt ("Debt"). The aggregate principal amount of Debt not to exceed $3,000,000,000 or, if the Debt is issued at an original issue discount, such greater amount as shall result in an aggregate offering price of not more than $3,000,000,000. In addition to entering into letter of credit arrangements with one or more banks or such other agreements or alrangements as may be necessary or appropriate, from time to time, to provide additional credit support for the payment of the principal oe the interest on, and the premium of the Debt. I. REQUEST FOR RELIEF The Company respectfully requests that such authority remain in effect through September 30,2025, so long as the Company maintains a BBB- or higher senior secured debt rating, as indicated by Standard & Poor's Rating Services, and a Baa3 or higher senior secured debt rating, as indicated by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER I This Application is intended to amend and supersede OrderNo .34205 issued on December 7, 2Ol8 in Case No. PAC-E-18-10. The Application seeks authorization to issue up to $3,000,000,000 of long-term debt through September 30,2025 on the same terms and conditions contained in Order No. 34205. The Company respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order by December 15, 2020, and submits the following information in support of this Application: (a.) The offrcial name of the applicant and address of its principal business office: PacifiCorp, doing business as Rocky Mountain Power 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 (b.) The state and date of incorporation: each state in which it operates as a utilitv: The Company was incorporated under Oregon law in August 1987 for the purpose of facilitating consummation of a merger with Utah Power & Light Company, a Utah corporation, and changing the state of incorporation of PacifiCorp from Maine to Oregon. The Company currently serves customers as Rocky Mountain Power in Idaho, Utah and Wyoming and as Pacific Power in California, Oregon and Washington. II. COMMT'NICATIONS (c.) The name. address. and telephone number of persons authorized to receive notices and communications: Nikki L. Kobliha, Vice President, CFO and Treasurer PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 1900 Portland, OR 97232 Telephone: (503) 813-5645 E-mail: Nikki.Kobliha@pacificom.com Emily Wegener, Senior Attorney Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple, Rm 320 Salt Lake city, uT 84116 Telephone: (801) 220-4526 E-mail : Emily.Weeener@f'acifi corD.com APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOIJNTAIN POWER 2 Joelle Steward, Vice President Vice President, Regulation Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple, Rm 330 salt Lake city, uT 84116 Telephone: (801) 220- 4705 E-mail: Joelle.Steward@PacifiCorp.com Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Rocky Mountain Power 1407 WestNorth Temple, Rm 330 salt Lake city, uT 841t6 Telephone : (801) 220-2963 E-mail: ted.weston@f acifi corp.com It is respectfully requested that all formal correspondence and Staffrequests regarding this material be addressed to: By e-mail (preferred): datarequest@pacificorp.com By regular mail: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 By fax: (503) 813-6060 Informal questions should be directed to Nikki Kobliha at (503) 813-5645. (d.) A full description of the securities oroposed to be issued: (l) Type and nature ofsecurities: Debt to be issued in one or more transactions as conditions permit. The Debt may be secured or unsecured. (2) Amount of securities: Not more than $3,000,000,000 aggregate principal amount or, ifthe Debt is issued at an original issue discount, such greater amount as shall result in an aggregate offering price of not more than $3,000,000,000. (3) Interest Rate: If the Debt bears a fixed rate, the interest rate will be set at the time of issuance. If the Debt bears a floating-rate, the interest rate will be set periodically based upon a published or quoted index ofshort-term rates. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOI.JNTAIN POWER 3 (4)Dates of issuance and maturity: The Company expects to issue the Debt from time to time in either public offerings or private placements for cash or in exchange for its outstanding securities. Maturities will be established at the time of issuance. Institutional rating of the securities. or if not rated an explanation:(5) The Company's debt is rated, as of the date of this filing, as follows Security Moody's S&P Senior Secured Debt Al A+ Senior Unsecured Debt A,3 A (6) Stock Exchange on which listed: The Company has generally not listed its bonds, but has in the past listed certain unsecured debt on The New York Stock Exchange. If the Debt is issued publicly in an overseas market, the Debt may be listed, if appropriate, on one or more foreign exchanges. (7) Additionaldescriptiveinformation: Alternatives currently available to the Company include: (l) conventional first mortgage bonds placed publicly orprivately in the domestic or foreign markets; (2) unsecured debt securities placed publicly or privately in the domestic or foreign markets; and (3) floating-rate debt placed publicly or privately in the domestic or foreign markets. A brief description of these transactions is set forth below. i. First Mortsaee Bonds - First mortgage bonds have been the traditional debt financing vehicle utilized by utilities in the United States, and are typically offered in public offerings but may be privately placed. First mortgage bonds are secured by a mortgage on the fixed assets of the utility. The bonds are typically redeemable through a make-whole call at the Company's option at redemption prices dependent upon U.S. Treasury APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 4 yields. This type of redemption feature does not typically require the issuer to pay a higher coupon rate. The Company may determine that a call provision is appropriate to provide financial flexibility in changing interest rate environments, and the bonds may be redeemable at a premium over the principal amount, with the premium declining to zero nearthe final maturity ofthe bonds. The Company's first mortgage bonds are issued as First Mortgage Bonds under the PacifiCorp Mortgage. The Commission has previously authorized the Company to incur the lien of the PacifiCorp Mortgage in Case No. U-I046-15, Order No. 221 57. The underwriting fee for First Mortgage Bond issuances varies by the maturity of the debt but is not expected to exceed 0.875 percent of the principal amount, and issuance fees in total are not expected to exceed 1.0 percent of the principal amount. Unsecured Debt Securities - Unsecured debt securities will be subordinated to the Company's First Mortgage Bonds. These securities may be issued in one or more separate series or in a single series and placed publicly or privately in the domestic or foreign markets. Principal amount, maturity, interest rate and redemption terms are fixed at the time of sale. Compensation to the agents varies by the maturity of each tranche of securities issued, but is not expected to exceed one percent of the principal amount of securities placed. Floatine-Rate Debt - Floating-rate debt is a security with variable coupon rates that reset periodically, such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi- annually or annually at the option of the Company. Common indices used APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 5 ll. lll. for pricing floating-rate debt could be based upon U.S. Dollar LIBOR (Eurodollar rates) or successor benchmark rates, federal funds rates or U.S. Treasury rates. Refunding provisions for floating-rate debt vary from transaction to transaction depending upon the structure of the agreement. Should the Company subsequently fix the interest rate through an interest rate swap or cap, the cost of refunding would include the cost of unwinding the swap or cap. Floating-rate debt could be more advantageous than fixed-rate debt. First, it can provide the Company with an occasional source of long-term funding at attractive rates compared to the fixed-rate market. Second, it allows the Company access to the short end of the yield curve when short- term rates are attractive. Should rates begin to increase, the Company could execute an interest rate swap or cap to secure a fixed rate. The fees associated with a floating-rate debt arrangement are not expected to exceed one percent of the principal amount of the debt. Credit Support Arrangements - tn addition, the Company may find it advantageous to enter into letter of credit arrangements with one or more banks or such other agreements or arrangements as may be necessary or appropriate, from time to time, to provide additional credit support for the payment of the principal of the interest on and the premium of the Debt. Such credit support arrangements could result in a lower all-in cost of debt. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 6 lv (e.) A description of the method of issuance and sale or procedure by which any obligation as suarantor will be assumed: The Company proposes to issue the Debt from time to time in either public offerings or private placements, domestically or overseas, for cash or in exchange for its outstanding securities. The financial markets have become increasingly global and, as such, foreign sources of capital compete directly with domestic sources for investment opportunities. The Company anticipates that issuances will be primarily fixed-rate First Mortgage Bonds, but it is requesting authority for a variety of borrowing options in order to provide the financial flexibility to pursue the most attractive markets at the time of issuance and to produce the most competitive cost for the Company. Underwriters or placement agents will be selected after negotiations with a group of potential candidates. The firm or firms selected to lead an offering under this authority will be determined by the Company's assessment of their ability to assist the Company in meeting its objective of having the lowest total cost for the Debt to be issued. This assessment is based upon the level of underwriting or placement fees, their knowledge of the Company and its varied operations, the Company's parent company and its affiliates, and their ability to market the Debt to achieve the Company's financing and capital structure objectives. (f.) (1) (i) The name and address of an), person receivins a fee (other than a fee for technical services) for negotiatine. issuing. or selling the securities or for securing an underwriter. sellers. or purchasers of securities except as related to a competitive bid: Other than for technical services, the only fees payable by the Company will be fees and expenses to the underwriters and agents. The Company may also incur an annual fee for credit support which is not expected to exceed one percent on the principal amount of the Debt. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 7 (iD The fee amount: Subject to final negotiations, the fee is not expected to exceed 3.0 percent of the aggregate principal amount of the Debt if the Debt is issued overseas. If issued domestically, the fee is not expected to exceed 1.0 percent ofthe aggregate principal amount ofthe Debt. The level ofthe fee is only one factor in determining the overall cost of the Debt to be issued and, as such, is not the sole basis of the financing decision. (iii) The facts showing the reason for and reasonableness of the fee: The aforementioned compensation levels to the agents or underwriters are consistent with the usual and customary fees prevailing currently in the market. These fees are reasonable given the services provided by the agents or underwriters. The agents and the underwriters will be familiar with the Company, its parent company and affiliates and their long-term financing needs. They will be available for consultation on these matters and will assist the Company in evaluating market conditions and in formulating the exact terms of the transactions. See subsection (f) supra. (g.) The purposes of the issuance: The purposes for which the Debt is proposed to be issued in this matter are: (l) the acquisition of property; (2) the construction, completion, extension or improvement of utility facilities; (3) the improvement of service; (4) the discharge or lawful refunding of obligations which were incurred for utility pulposes; or (5) the reimbursement of the Company's treasury for funds used for the foregoing purposes. The Company keeps its accounts in a manner which enables the Commission to ascertain the amount of money expended and the purposes for which the expenditures were made. If the funds to be reimbursed were used for the discharge or refunding of obligations, APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 8 those obligations or their precedents were originally incurred in furtherance of the utility purposes listed above. To the extent that the funds to be reimbursed were used for the discharge or refunding of obligations, those obligations or their precedents were originally incurred in furtherance of utility purposes (1), (2) and (3) supra. The results of the offerings are estimated to be: (r) Total Percent of Total Gross Proceeds $ 3,000,000,000 100.000% Less: AgentsAJnderwritersCompensation(r) 26.250.000 0.875% Proceeds Payable to Company $2,973,750,000 99.125% Less: Other Issuance Expenses 3.750.000 0.125% Net Proceeds $2P7!*000J00 (l) Assumes the issuance of 30 year first mortgage bonds. Other Issuance Expenses Regulatory agency fees $ 1,000 SEC fees 327,300 Company counsel fees 560,000 Accounting fees 240,000 Printing and engraving fees 80,000 Rating agency fees 2,250,000 Trustee/Indenture fees 220,000 3909!% Miscellaneous expenses 7r.700 TOTAL s 3.750.000 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 9 (h.) Statement that applications for authority to finance are required to be filed with state governments: In addition to this Application, the Company is filing an application with the Oregon Public Utility Commission and a nptice to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in connection with each issuance pursuant to Washington law. The California Public Utilities Commission, the Utah Public Service Commission and the Wyoming Public Service Commission have exempted the Company from their respective securities statutes. (i.) A statement of the facts relied upon to show that the issuance is appropriate: As a public utility, the Company is expected to acquire, construct, improve and maintain sufficient utility facilities to serve its customers adequately and reliably at reasonable cost. The proposed issuances ofthe Debt are part ofa program to finance the Company's facilities taking into consideration prudent capital ratios, earnings coverage tests, market uncertainties and the relative merits of the various types of securities the Company could sell or other financing it could arrange. Accordingly, the proposed issuances: (1) are for lawful objects within the corporate purposes of the Company; (2) are compatible with the public interest; (3) are necessary or appropriate for or consistent with the proper performance by the Company of its service as a public utility; (4) will not impair its ability to perform that service; and (5) are reasonably necessary or appropriate for these purposes. CI.) Statement. as of the date of the balance sheet submitted with this application. showing for each class and series of capital stock: brief descriotion: the amount authorized (face value and number of shares): the amount outstandins (exclusive of an), amount held in the treasury). held amount as reacquired securities: amount pledqed by the Compan)r: amount owned by affiliated interests. and amount held in any fund. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOI.INTAIN POWER IO The capital stock as of June 30.2020 is as follows: Outstanding Shares Cumulative Preferred Stock: Serial Preferred, $100 stated value (3,500,000 shares authorized) 6.O0Yo Series 5,930 7.00% Series 18,046 The lone-term debt as of June 30.2020 is as follows: Description Authorized First Mortgage Bonds: 3.85% Series due June 15,2021 $400,000,000 2.95% Series due February 1,2022 $450,000,000 2.95% Series due June 1,2023 $300,000,000 3.60% Series due April 1,2024 $425,000,000 3.35% Series due July 1,2025 $250,000,000 3.50% Series due June t5,2029 $400,000,000 2.70% Series due September 15,2030 $400,000,000 7.70Yo Series due November 15,2031 $300,000,000 5.90% Series due August 15,2034 $200,000,000 5.25% Series due June 15,2035 $300,000,000 6.10% Series due August 1,2036 $350,000,000 5.75% Series due April 1,2037 $600,000,000 6.25% Series due October 15,2037 $600,000,000 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 11 Stated Amount $593,000 $1,804,600 57o Preferred, $100 stated value (126,5 53 shares authorized) No Par Serial Preferred (1 6,000,000 shares authorized) Total Preferred Stock 23,976 $2,397,600 Common Stock*: No Par Value (75 0,000,000 shares authorized)357,060,915 xAll shares of outstanding common stock are owned by PPW Holdings LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary oJ Berlrshire Hathaway Energt C ompany. (k.) Statement. as of the date of the balance sheet submitted with this application. showing for each class and series of long-term debt or notes: brief description (amount" interest rate and maturitv): amount authorized: amount outstanding (exclusive of anv amount held in the treasury): amouni held as reacquired securities: amount pledged by the Company: amount held by affiliated interest and amount in sinking and other funds. Outstandins $400,000,000 $450,000,000 $300,000,000 $425,000,000 $250,000,000 $400,000,000 $400,000,000 $300,000,000 $200,000,000 $300,000,000 $350,000,000 $600,000,000 $600,000,000 Description First Mortgage Bonds: 6.35% Series due July 15,2038 6.00% Series due January 15,2039 4.10% Series due February 1,2042 4.l25%o Series due January 15,2049 4.15% Series due February 15,2050 3.300 Series due March 15,2051 8.53% MTN Series C due December 16,2021 8.375% MTN Series C due December 31,2021 8.26% MTN Series C due January 7,2022 8.27% MTN Series C due January 10,2022 8.05% MTN Series E due September 1,2022 8.07% MTN Series E due September 9,2022 8.ll% MTN Series E due September 9,2022 8.12% MTN Series E due September 9,2022 8.05% MTN Series E due September 14,2022 8.08% MTN Series E due October 14,2022 8.23% MTN Series E due January 20,2023 8.23% MTN Series E due January 20,2023 7.26% MTN Series F due July 21,2023 7.23% MTN Series F due August16,2023 7.24% MTN Series F due August 16,2023 6.72% MTN Series F due September 14,2023 6.75% MTN Series F due September 14,2023 6.75% MTN Series F due October26,2023 Pollution Control Revenue Bonds: Converse County, Wyoming: Y ariable%o Series 1992 due December l, 2020 Yariable%o Series 1994 due November 1,2024 Yaiableo/o Series 1995 dueNovember 1,2025 Sweetwater County, Wyoming : YariableYo Series 1992A due December 1,2020 YariableYo Series 19928 due December 1,2020 YaiableYo Series 1994 due November I,2024 6.71% MTN Series G due January 15,2026 $100,000,000 Total First Mortgage Bonds Authorized $300,000,000 $650,000,000 $300,000,000 $600,000,000 $600,000,000 $600,000,000 $15,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $15,000,000 $8,000,000 $12,000,000 $50,000,000 $10,000,000 $51,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $38,000,000 $15,000,000 $30,000,000 $2,000,000 $7,000,000 $48,000,000 $22,485,,000 $8,190,000 $5,300,000 $9,335,000 $6,305,000 $21,260,000 Outstanding $300,000,000 $650,000,000 $300,000,000 $600,000,000 $600,000,000 $600,000,000 $15,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $15,000,000 $8,000,000 $12,000,000 $50,000,000 $10,000,000 $51,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $38,000,000 $15,000,000 $30,000,000 $2,000,000 $7,000,000 $48,000,000 $100,000,000 $8,449,000,000 $22,485,000 $8,190,000 $5,300,000 $9,335,000 $6,305,000 $21,260,000 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 12 Description First Mortgage Bonds: Lincoln County, Wyoming: YariableYo Series 1994 due November 1,2024 YariableYo Series 1995 dueNovember 1,2025 Emery County, Utah: Variableo/o Series 1994 due November 1,2024 $121,940,000 $256,250,000 $8,705,250,000 Description Third Restated Articles of Incorporation effective November 20, 1996, as amended effective November 29,1999, (available upon request) Bylaws, as amended effective May 23,2005, (available upon request) Resolutions of the Board of Directors authorizing the proposed issuances Balance Sheet, actual and pro forma, dated June 30,2020 Income Statement, actual and pro forma, for the 12 months ended June 30, 2020 SEC Registration Statement on Form S-3 Public invitation for proposal to purchase or underwrite the proposed issuance 0lql-appligable.) Copies of each proposal received for a negotiated placement of the offering, a summary tabulation, a list of prospective underwriters from whom no proposal was received, and a justification of the accepted underwriting proposal Nql_applicable) Source and Uses of Treasury Funds, actual and pro forma, dated June 30,2020 Authorized $15,060,000 $22,000,000 Outstanding $15,060,000 $22,000,000 $121,940,000 Total Pollution Control Revenue Bonds Total Long-Term Debt (1.) Anv other applicable exhibits: The following exhibits are made apart of this Application: Incorporated by reference to: Exhibit A-l Case Exhibit PAC-E. A 02-4 A-2 PAC.E. A-2 07-02 APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 13 B C D E F G H I A statement of the bond indenture or other limitations on interest and dividend coverage, and the effects of those limitations on this issuance J** Prospectus K** Underwriting Agreement or Agency Agreement ** Exhibit or supplement to the Exhibit is to be filed as soon as available. III. MODIFIED PROCEDURE Rocky Mountain Power believes that a technical hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing, in accordance with RP 201 et seq. WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order in this matter on or before December 15,2020, to be effective upon issuance, authorizing Rocky Mountain Power to issue, sell, or exchange, in one or more public offerings or private placements, fixed or floating rate Debt in the aggregate principal amount of not more than $3,000,000,000 or, if the Debt is issued at an original issue discount, such greater amount as shall result in an aggregate offering price of not more than $3,000,000,000, and enter into letter of credit affangements with one or more banks or such other agreements or arrangements as may be necessary or appropriate, from time to time, to provide additional credit support for the payment of the principal of, the interest on, and the premium (if any) on the Debt. The Company requests that such authority remain in effect until September 30, 2025, so long as the Company maintains a BBB- or higher senior secured debt rating, as indicated by Standard & Poor's Rating Services, and a Baa3 or higher senior secured debt rating, as indicated by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. The Company agrees to continue to file with the Commission on a quarterly basis debt reports including any Debt authorized by the requested order and, to the extent not otherwise an obligation of the Company pursuant to Commitment I20 approved by Order No. 29998 in Case No. PAC-E-05-8, all credit rating agency reports related to the Company issued during the quarter. APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 14 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 14th day of October 2020. ROCKY MOTINTAIN POWER By: Emily L.egener Attorney for PacifiCorp APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 15 YERIFICATION I, Nikki L. Kobliha, declare, under penalty of perjury, that I am the duly appointed Vice President, CFO and Treasurer of PacifiCorp and am authorized to make this verification. The application and the attached exhibits were prepared at my direction and were read by me. I know the contents of the application and the attached exhibits, and they are true, correct, and complete of my own knowledge except those matters stated on information or belief which I believe to be true. WITNESS my hand and the seal of PacifiCorp on this 14ft day of October 2020 N L. Kobliha (Seal) Exhibit A PROVIDED UPON REQUEST Exhibit B IINAI\IIMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT OT TIIE BOARD OT DIRBCTORS OF PACIIilCORP Resolution No. 2020-003 Pursuant to ORS $60.341, the undersigped, constituting all of the current directors of PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation (the 'Company''), hereby adopt and consent to the following resolutions as of September 15, 2020: I. tr. Searrities Attthori=ations A. First Mortgaqe. aod Collateral Trust Bonds WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of PacifiCorp (the 'Compan '), by resolutions adopted Augrrst 14, 2018 (the "Prior Resolutions') authorized the issuance and sale or excha.ge by the Company from time to time of up to $2,000,000,000 (or the equivalent thereof at the time of issuance in foreigur currencies) in agpgegate principal amormt of one ormore new series of its First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds, to be issued rmder and secured by the Company's Mortgage and Deed of Trust dated as of Jamrary 9, 1989 to the tnrstee thereunder (the "Tnrstee"), as heretofore amended and supplemented and as it may be fiuther anrended and supplemented (the "PacifiCorp Mortgage'); and WHEREAS, it is now desirable to provide for the issuance of additional bonds and restate the tmused authority of the Prior Resolutions; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Company hereby authorizes the issuance and sale or exchange by the Company, from time to time, of up to $3,000,000,000 (or the equivalent thereof at the time of issuance in foreign currencies) in aggregate principal amount of one or more new series of its First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds (the "Bonds"), to be issued under and secured by the PacifiCorp Mortgage; and further RESOLVED, that the Bonds may be sold, or may be exchanged for other outstanding securities of the Company, publicly or in private transactions, in such amounts, at such times, at such prices, may bear interest at such variable, floating, or fixed rates, may be redeemable at such redemption prices, mature at such date or dates, and have such other terms and characteristics as shall be fixed by an Authorizing Officer (as defined below); provided, however, that the issuance and sale or exchange by the Company of the Bonds shall be subject to (1) the Company's first having obtained all necessary authorizations therefor from the federal and state regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over such issuance and sale or exchange and (2) the Company's compliance with the registation requirements of all applicable federal and state securities laws in connection with such issuance and sale or exchange; and further RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 2.03 of the Pacificorp Mortgage, any of the Chief Executive Oflicer of the Company, the President of the Company, any Vice President of the Company and the Chief Financial Officer of the Company (each, an "Authorizing Officer"), acting jointly with either the Treasurer or any Assistant Treasurer of the Company, is hereby authorized and empowered, in the Company's name and on its behalf, to establish one or more series of Bonds, and to approve one or more Supplemental lndentures; and further RESOLVED, that an Authorizing Officer, acting alone, is authorized to execute (by manual or facsimile or electronic signature) and deliver Bonds in such form and containing such terms, not inconsistent with Section 2.03 of the PacifiCorp Mortgage (including, without limitation, the amounts thereof, the rate or rates of interest, which may be floating or fixed, the maturity, sinking fund and redemption or repurchase provisions, if any, and the currency denomination of any such series), as an Authoizng Officer shall approve, such approval to be conclusively evidenced by execution thereof by an Authorizing Officer or by a certificate of an Authorizing Officer or by transmittal of the terms of such series by any person designated in a certificate of an AuthoizingOfficer as having the authority to transmit such approval to the Trustee under the PacifiCorp Mortgage by computer or other electronic means; provided that each such series of Bonds shall be a) in registered form only, and b) shall have maturities at the time of issuance of not less than nine months and not more than 31 years provided further, that an Authorizing Officer shall not be authorized to approve the issuance of any series of Bonds with fixed interest rates or initial floating interest rates exceeding 10 percent per annum unless specifically authorized by the Board of Directors; and further Resolution No. 2020-003 September 2020 Page2 of7 RESOLVED, that the Authorizing Officer executing any said series of Bonds is hereby authorized and directed to deliver the Bonds to the Trustee for authentication; and that the Trustee under the PacifiCorp Mortgage is hereby requested to authenticate up to $3,000,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of Bonds (or the equivalent thereof at the time of issuance in foreign currencies), and to deliver the same upon the written order or orders of an Authorizing Officer or upon instructions given under an automated issuance system as described more fully in the PacifiCorp Mortgage or a supplement to the PacifiCorp Mortgage; and further RESOLVED, that the offrcers of the Company are hereby authorized and directed to take or cause to be taken, in the Company's name and on its behalf, any and all such further action as in their judgment may be desirable or appropriate to cause the execution, authentication and delivery of said Bonds as specified in the immediately preceding resolution; and further RESOLVED, that The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., or any successor trustee under the PacifiCorp Mortgage be and it hereby is appointed: 1) as agent ofthe Company upon whom notices, presentations and demands to or upon the Company in respect of First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bonds of each such series of Bonds, or in respect of the PacifiCorp Mortgage, may be given or made; 2) as agent of the Company in respect of the payment of the principal of, and the interest and any premium on, the Bonds of said series; and 3) as agent of the Company in respect of the registration, transfer and exchange of said Bonds; and further RESOLVED, that, in connection with the issuance and sale of any series of Bonds denominated in foreign currencies, the Company shall enter into a curency exchange, on such terms and conditions as shall be approved by any Authorizing Officer, in order to fix the obligation of the Company to repay the amount of said series and interest thereon in United States dollars; and further RESOLVED, that, each of the Authorizing Officers is hereby authorized and empowered, in the Company's name and on its behalf (i) to select one or more underwriters or agents for the placement of the Bonds, (ii) to negotiate, execute and deliver one or more underwriting, sales agency or interest rate swap agreements or amendments, in one or more counterparts, including within such agreements such terms and conditions (including terms concerning discounts, fees, or indemnification) as the officer or officers executing such agreements shall approve, his, her or their execution thereof to be conclusive evidence of such approval; and further Resolution No. 2020-003 September 2020 Page 3 of7 RESOLVED, that the Company is hereby authorized to enter into such credit support or enhancement agreements or arrangements, and any amendments thereto or renewals thereof, in connection with the issuance and sale or exchange of the Bonds as an Authorizing Officer shall approve after first determining that such agreements or alrangements are necessary or appropriate in the circumstances. B. Rezulatory Approvals for Financine RESOLVED, that the officers of the Company are hereby authorized, in the Company's name and on its behalf, to prepare and file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, California Public Utilities Commission, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the Public Utility Commission of Oregon, the Public Service Commission of Utah, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission and the Wyoming Public Service Commission and any other public service commission or federal or state regulatory authority, as may be appropriate or necessary, applications for orders of said regulatory authorities authorizing, notifying as to, or exempting, the issuance and sale or exchange by the Company of the Bonds, together with any and all amendments to such applications and with any and all exhibits, data requests or other documents pertaining to such applications or any amendments thereto, as in the judgment of such offrcers may appear desirable or appropriate; and further RESOLVED, that the acts of the officers in frling applications (and amendments and supplements to such applications) with the regulatory authorities named in the immediately preceding resolution, together with the various exhibits to such applications (and such amendments and supplements), for orders authorizing, notifuing as to, or exempting the issuance and sale or exchange of the Bonds are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed; and further RESOLVED, that the officers of the Company are hereby authorized and directed, in the Company's name and on its behalf, to make any and all such further filings with, and to take any and all such fuither action in the proceedings before, federal and state regulatory authorities as in the judgment of the officer or officers taking such action may appear desirable or appropriate for the purpose of obtaining any and all such further regulatory approvals, authorizations or consents, or making any notifications, as may be required to be obtained by the Company in connection with the consummation of the issuance and sale or exchange by it of the Bonds; and further RESOLVED, that each of the Authorizing Officers of the Company is hereby authorized, in the Company's name and on its behalf, to prepare and execute, and to file or cause to be filed, with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Resolution No. 2020-003 September 2020 Page4 ofl an appropriate Registration Statement or Statements, each including a Prospectus, for the registration of the Bonds or any exchange of Bonds under the Securities Act of 1933 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, in such form as they or any of them shall approve, together with any and all such amendments to each such Registration Statement, and with any and all such exhibits, statements or other documents pertaining to the subject maffer thereof as in the judgment of such officers may appear desirable or appropriate; and further RESOLVED, that each of the Chief Financial OfIicer, the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer(s) and the Corporate Secretary and any Assistant corporate secretary is hereby appointed as the true and lawful attorney of the Company with full power to act with or without the other and with full power of substitution, to sign each such Registration Statement for the registration of the Bonds under the Securities Act of 1933 for and on behalf of the company, that each director of the Company, and each officer of the Company who may be required to sign any such Registration Statement and any amendments thereto, is hereby authorized to appoint the Chief Financial Officer, the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer(s) and the Corporate Secretary and any Assistant Corporate Secretary, and each of them severally, as the true and lawful attorney or attorneys of each such director or officer of the Company, with full power to act with or without the other and with full power of substitution, to sign each such Registration Statement and any amendments thereto for or on behalfofeach such director or officer in his or her capacity or capacities as such, and that the President, any Vice President and each director of the company and each offrcer ofthe company who may be required to sign any such Registation Statement and any amendments thereto, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute an appropriate power of affomey to evidence such appointments as aforesaid; and further RESOLVED, that the Chief Financial Officer, the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer(s) and the Corporate Secretary and any Assistant Corporate Secretary or any other officer designated by an Authorized Officer, be and hereby is appointed as the agent for service named in each such Registration Statement with all the powers incident to that appointment; and further RESOLVED, that it is desirable and in the best interests of the Company that its securities be qualified or registered for sale in variousjurisdictions, that any officer is authorized to determine the states in which appropriate action shall be taken to quali$ or register or maintain the qualification or registration for sale of all or such part of the securities of the Company as said officers may deem advisable, that said officers are hereby authorized to perform on behalf of the Company any and all such acts as they may deem necessary or advisable in order to comply with the applicable laws of any such jurisdiction, and in connection therewith to execute and file all requisite papers and documents, including, but not limited to, applications, reports, surety bonds, irrevocable Resolution No. 2020-003 September 2020 Page 5 of7 consents, and appointments of attorneys for service of process and the execution by such officers of any such paper or document or the doing by them of any act in connection with the foregoing matters shall conclusively establish their authority therefor from the Company and the approval and ratification by the Company of the papers and documents so executed and the action so taken; and further RESOLVED, that each of the Authorizing offrcers of the company is hereby authorized, in the Company's name and on its behalf, to negotiate with agents, underwriters or other purchasers with respect of the terms of the issuance and sale or exchange of each offering of the Bonds, and to execute and deliver, in the Company's name and on its behalf, an agreement or agreements with such agents, underwriters or purchasers providing for such issuance and sale or exchange and containing such other terms and provisions (including, without limitation, provisions for compensation, discounts or indemnification of such parties) as shall be approved by the officer or officers executing such agreement or agreements, his, her or their execution thereof to be conclusive evidence of such approval. C. Effect on Prior Resolutions RESOLVED, that the foregoing resolutions shall supersede the Prior Resolutions with respect to the Bonds, but the foregoing resolutions shall not affect the validity of any actions taken in reliance on such previously adopted resolutions and shall not affect the authorization of the issuance of bonds issued prior to the date hereof issued pursuant to supplemental indentures (which shall remain authorized pursuant to applicable prior resolutions). ru. General Authorization RESOLVED, that the officers and the Board of the Company be, and hereby are, authorized, empowered and directed, in the name and on behalf of the Company, to make all such arrangements, to take all such further action, to cause to be prepared and filed any documents, to make all expenditures and incur all expenses and to execute and deliver, in the name of and on behalf of the Company, ffiy agfeements, instruments, certificates and documents (including without limitation officers' certificates) as they may deem necessary, appropriate or advisable in order to fully effectuate the purpose of each and all of the foregoing resolutions, and the execution by such officers of any such agreement, instrument, document or certificate or the payment of any such expenditures or expenses or the doing by them of any act in connection with the foregoing matters shall conclusively establish their authority therefor from the Company and the approval and ratification by the Company of the agreement, insffument, document or certificate so executed, the expenses or expenditures so paid and the action so taken; and be it further Resolution No. 2020-003 September 2020 Page 6 ofl RESOLVED, that any and all actions heretofore taken by the officers or the Board of the Company in connection with the matt,ers contemplated by the foregoing resolutions, including without limitation the actions and matters authorized herein and all related documents, insffurments and agreements, be, and hereby are, approved, confirmed and ratified in all respects. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the directors of the Company have executed this written consent as of the date written above. maghL Wittiu* J. F#rman Calvin D. Haack Stefan A. Bird Gary W. Hoogeveen Natalie L. Hocken Nikki L. Kobliha Resolution No ,2020-003 September 2020 Page 7 of7 RESOLVED, that any and all actions herctofore taken by the offrcers or the Board of the Company in connection with the matters contemplated by the foregoing resolutions, including without limitation the actions and rnatters authorized herein and all related docurnents, instuments and agrcements, be, and hereby are, approved, confirmed and ratified in all respects. IN WTINESS WHEREOF, the directors ofthe Company have executed this written consent as of the date written above. \ William J. Fehrman Calvin D. Stefan A. Bird Gary W. Hoogeveen Natalie L. Hocken Nikki L. Kobliha Resolution No. 2020-003 Septrmber 2020 Page 7 of7 RESOLVED, that any and all actions heretofore taken by the officers or the Board of the Company in connection with the matters contemplated by the foregoing resolutions, including without limitation the actions and matters authorized herein and all related documents, instruments and agreements, be, and hereby are, approved, confirmed and ratified in all respects. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the directors of the Company have executed this written consent as of the date written above. William J. Fehrman Calvin D. Haack Stefan A.GaryW.Hoogeveen Natalie L. Hocken Nikki L. Kobliha Resolution No. 2020-003 September 2020 PageT of7 RESOLVED, that any aod all ac'tions hcrctoforp taken by the offioers or the Boand of the Compury in onwtion with the mafiers @ot€mplded by the foregoing rpsolutions, including without limitation the actions ad marers authorizod b€rein rnd all related aoqnnats, insnments md eglcam€nts, bG, md her*y are, approvd oonfirmed and ratified in all rcspccts. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the directon of the Cornpany have exeq*ed tLis wrifi€o oonsmt as of thc date written above. William J. F€hrman CalvinD. Haack Stefan A. Bird Natalie L. Hockcn Nikki L. Kobliha Resolution No. 2020-003 Scpt 0bcr2020 ?agc7 of7 RESOLVED, $at any and all actions heretofore taken by the officers or theBoard of the Company in conncction with the matters contemplatcd by theforegoing resolutions, including without limitation the actions and mattersauthorizd herein and all related documents, insfiuments and agreements, be, and hereby are, approved, confirmd and ratified in all respects. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the directors of the Company have executed this written consemt as of the date written above. William J. Fehrman Calvin D. Haack Stefan A. Bird Resolution No. 2020-003 Septembo2020 Page 7 of7 GaryW.Hoogeveen Nikki L. Kobliha RESOLVED, that any and all actions hmetofore taken by the officers or the Bsard of the Company in connection with the matters contemplated by the folpgoing resolutions, including x,ithout limitation the actions and matters authorized herein and all related documents, insfium€nts and agreements, be, and hereby are, ap'proved, confirmed and ratified in all respects. IN W1INESS WHEREOF, the directors ofthe Company have executed this wlitten consent as of the date written above. William J. Fehnnan CalvinD. Haack Stefan A. Bird Gary W. Hoogween Nikki Kobl i ha ffi9ffi,?#Hfflr$. Natalie L. Hocksr Nikki L. Kobliha Resolution No. 2020-003 Scptembcr 2020 Page 7 of? Exhibit C PacifiGorp Pro Foma lreuance of 13.0 bllllon of Long-term Debt Propolcd Joum.l Entrlcs for th. l2ilonth P.dod End.d Jun. 30, 2020 Tcmporery Csh lnv.stments 131 Unamorttscd Debt Expcnse 181Bonds 22'l Pnc..t . ol lr..il tg tt O bilild h rongfim.hbl 128 t2',t6 18'l 427 I 216 131 107 432 I 216 409 I 216 109 t216 236 2,970,000,(x)0 30,qn,m0 1,000,m0 99,000,000 3l:},lo5,932 2,371,891 537.'t68 3,000,000,000 1,0m,m0 99,(xx),mo 1,937,125,m0 78,425,955.00 1.012,300,955 33,405,932 2,909,s9 Bond3 221 1'937,125,m0 Cssh 131 Pre.Jt o,boil,b.u.Mua.d'Enm6tong:tuttd(il,nairrdE(lor.chdutdnrailttLtdt taBAN ,nowh&;tu:U) Cash 131 lnteroclonLongFTcrmDebt 127 1216 Rdw.t lz.ff.rtlom nr/dilrrg bon t ,tpi,E d by nu L.ancF 78,425,955 Conltruciion wo* ln Progrrss 'lo7 cesh 131 Ramtntng pBcaarta o, bond Lauancs u.d foflNrc..ddliloill caplbt rPqdlrlg 1.012,3(x),955 Amortization of Debt Expcnsc Unamonized Dcbt Exp€nse Amrl/,,adon d a,,' area.. ror N Lauam lnt€r.st on Long.T.rm Dcbt Cash ,rrt'n'{ q t .o bll,b.n bN brunc. Construction Work ln Progrcs3 AFUOC - bono\rcd fund3 C.pt&,IE d tun,drnm htfr..d catuP lncomr TaxC3 - Fcdoral lncomc Taxca - Statc Taxe3A6rucd NJa',x dLclol abon m.nd uP.m tmout', Pro Formr A3lumptloN: l) ProcaGd3 of longFtE m debt Esuance u3od to rrpk maturing bngFtarm dGbt and to ftnanca capilal cxp.nditurrs. 2) Assumcd 30 yaar longitorm debt issuancc at 3.3006 mcr€3t rdc wlth 1.(M i$uancs cost8. 3) For purpoqca of pro forma rtatrmGnt!, thc rale ior lhc pro forma longFtom dGbl is3uancc urod to finance nrw capilalspcnding B ssumcd as thc aioranc. for bonowld fun& u3cd during comtrudion r8ta. 4) SdEduled longFtcrm debt metudtics through 6/3(y24: Annud morasl ror l2-ilo P.fird Endcd Jus3g.3QAS $182,373 Amnt RdG 9,335,(xr0 Vrrhtrlr 22,45,000 vrtht c 6,3C5,000 V.ri.Hr ,(,0,000,000 3.850% 15,000,000 8.530% 5,000,000 E.375% 5,(x10,000 8260% ,1,000,000 6.270% 450,000,000 2.950% 15,m0,000 8.050% 8,000,000 E.070% s0,000,000 8.120% 12,mO,OOo 6.110% 10,(x)0,000 8.050% 5t,mo,(xro 8.080% 9,000,000 6.230% 3qr,000,000 2.950% 38,000,m0 7.260% 15,000,000 7.2307o 30,000,000 7.2/t0% 2,000,m0 6.720% 7,000,000 5.750% 46,000,000 6.75070 425,000,000 3.600% M.tun.vD.lc Qtolno 12N1t20fn1l20 06/15/21 12J18t21 't2t31t21 01lo7li2,oltluin o2N1ti22 @n1n2 @Dgm o9n9tn @t@n2 @1111122 1U11n2 01nu23 06t01123 07121123 0E/16/23 06/16/23 @t11n3 oot14t23 10r$t23 un1t21 $43E,149 ' $123,363 ' 11s,,100,000 0'!,279,s00 ia16,750 t4r3,000 $330,800q13,27s,000 31,207,500 14t5,600 14.060,m0 t973,200 0E05,000 $/t,120,t00 $7t0,700 t8,650,000 u,758,800 $1,0E4,500 42,172,W $134,400 t472,500 8s,2,10,000 $r5,300,000 $1,937,12s,fl,0 $7E,,125,9ss *Th6 .nn[l intcrcst uplnsG for va]iabl}nt! PCRB obtg.tion is u astimt! tor thc pcriod, which u!43 thc 12-Month rndGd Drsmbcr 31. 2otg intsEct rmunb lor qlch of thc$ bond sri€s I dilclosld in lhc Companys 2019 FERC Fom'|, pagc 257.2, colum(i). 5) Efective foderal incomc tax rate of 20.0466% and €ffoc{ive state tax ratc of 4.9t0%. SEE PACINCORFS 2OI9 FERC FORM NO. I AND Q2-2020 FERC FORM 3.Q FOR TTIE NOTES TO THE TINANCIAL STATEMENTS E](}IIBIT C PAGE I OF 3 ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS IUIAL CORPORATION rKUrfr!Eu FINANCING 1\,tru PROFOR}IA UTILII- 29.038.700.836 29.038.700.836 2.446.343.695 1.(N5.706.867 3.492.050.582 31.485.044.531 't.()l[5.706.887 32.530.751.416 1 0.945.E6E.536 10 945 868.536 20 539.175_995 1.045.706.667 21.5U.882.8E2 VESTMENTS 12.335.331 12_335_331 OF 3.204.912 3.208.512 69.928 69,928 117099330 't't7.099.330 101 050 143 101.060.143 OTHER SPECIqL FUNDS (128)39.700.074 39.700.074 !I PORTION OF DERM'TIVE INSTRUMENT ASSETS (175)6.649.129 6.649.129 &273.705.O23 273.705.023 CURRENT iTs GASH (131 '15.529,581 15_52S.581 34.824 u.424 IY CASH IIWESTMENT 1135'l 693.761.361 693 761.361 NOTES REI 'l 371 492 't.371.852 _F (1.121 376.559.660 376.559.660 28.144.239 28.144.239 PROV -LECTIBLE ACCOUNTS (1/t4)CR 13,816.835 1 3.816.835 389 389 isoctATED CoMPANIES (146)638.049 638.(N9 FUEL STOCK (151-152)217.950.020 217.950.020 256.490.251 256.490.251 PREPAYMENTS {165)62 994 452 62.954.492 i/ABLE (171)31.044 31.O44 756.256 756.256 259.852.000 259.852.000 ANDACCRUED 5.260.51 0 5.260.510 PORTION : INSTRUMENT ASSETS (175)11.559,633 1 1.569.633 OF 6.649.129 6.649.r29 TOTAL AND I ASSETS 1.510.478.237 1_910_478.237 DEFERRED EXPENSE 38.962.1 62 29.000,000 67.962.142 1 130 968.647 't.130.96E.647 SURVEY &}ATION CHARGES (183)625.225 625.225 (1 3.256)(13.25e rs (186)87,823,654 87.823.654 ON iD DEBT (189)3,679,943 3.679.943 766.802.175 766.802.175 TOTAL DEFERRED DEBITS 2.028.848.550 20 000.000 2.057.848.550 TOTAL ASSETS AND rs 24.752.207.805 't.o74.706.AA7 25.826.9'.t4.652 EXHlBlrC PAC!FICORP UNCONSOLIDATED BALAI{CE SHEET JUNE 30, 2O2O SEE PACIFICOP.P'S 2OI9 FERC FORM NO. I AND Q2.2O2O FERC FORM 3.Q FOR TTIE NOTES TO T}IE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS E)GIIBIT C PAGE 2 OF 3 LIABIUTIES AND OI}IER CREDITS I9IAL CORPORANON TI{[,PIJI,EU FINANCING I(,IAL PROFORIIA CAPITAL COMMON EAUITY 3.417.945.E96 3.417.945.E96 1 102 063 956 't 'toz (]63 955 :APITAL STI 41 101 061 41 101 06i a.922.82a 4_260.018.75'l 21 6.1 63.099.327 63.O99.327 ACCUMULA .EO OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (21S}(15 523 506)t15 5?3 8.777.580.535 a_922.424 8.786.503.363 2 397 600 2.s97.600 LONG.TERM DEBT BONDS (221 8.705.275.000 1.062.875.000 9.768.'t50.000 19.483 19.4E3 1A 599 ?35 1A 599 735 TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT 8.586_695.248 1.062_875.O00 9.719.570.214 17.466.673.3E3 1.O71.797.424 18.53E.471.211 OTHER NI INCURRENT LIABILIT 24.12'1.061 24.'.t21.61 1 2.053.756 12.O53.756 15 t?1 547 15.421.537fi7 404 557 117 104 457 32.571.255 32.571.259 ?'t 141 279 21 111 279 234 ',t72 327 234'.t72327 4E6.889.776 4E6.6E9.r/6 ACCOUNTS I 657.756.0E6 657.756.086 I 36 957 S29 136 957 S29 42.972.465 42.972.465 116.547.760 2.909.059 1 19.456.E1 9 1)B ALt !41 126.W.4E1 40 475 10 175 20.191.617 20.'t91.617 MISCELLAN ,ED LIABILITIES (242 92.660.570 92_660.670 5.926.951 5.928.951 DER]VATIVE 40 14C 31 1 .10.149.31 1 2',t 141 279 21.111 279 1 214 9{l4 455 2.909.059 1.221.E17.925 113.974.294 113.974.294 12.794.721 12.794.721.196 569 363 196,569.363 OTHER REGULATORY LIABILITIES 1 479 557 526 1.879 557 526 162 165 400 162.165 400 2.913.296.743 2.913.296.743 3r)1 37-7 -733 301.377.733 TOTAL DEFERRED CREDITS 5.579.735.780 5.579.735 780 TOTAL LIA ILITIES AND OTHER C;REDITS 24.752.207.805 1.O74.706.E47 25.426.g',t4.692 EXHIBIT C PACIFICORP UNCONSOLIDATED BAI.ANCE SHEET JUNE 30, 2O2O SEE PACIFICORP'S 2OI9 FERC FORM NO. I AND Q2-2020 FERC FORM 3.Q FOR THE NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS EXHIBITC PAGE 3 OF 3 Exhibit D TOTAL CORPORATIOl{ PROPOSED FINANCING TOTAL PROFORIiA UTILIry OPERATING INCOME OPERATING 4.967.505.773 4.967.505.773 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSE 2.U8.378.072 2.W.378.072 MAINTENANCE (402)389.360.802 389.360.802 TOTAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSE 2.737.738.874 2.737.738.874 928,930,1 36 928,930,136 54,098,550 54.098.550 REGULATORY DEBITS(CREDITS) (407.3.407.4)(743.689) TA/\ES OTHER THAN 200.164.897 200.'t64.897 tNcoME TA)GS (409.1 137.510.269 2.S09.059 't40.419.328 (139.045,681)(139.M5.681) INVESTMENT TA)( CREDIT ADJUSTMENTS - NET (41 1.4)e.520.148\e.520.1481 DISPOSITION OF ALLOWANCES I 62 62 UTILITY OPERATING INCOME 't.o51.372.627 (2.909.059)1.M7_719.879 OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS INCOME FROM MERCHANDISING (41 5-416)(58.010)(58.010) Q12.8',t7\t212.817l NONOPERATING RENTAL INCOME (418)198 508 198,508 EOUITY IN EARNING 8.310.174 8.310.174 INTERESTAND DIVIDEND INCOME (419)13.614.325 13.614.325 FOR FUNDS USED DURING 86.774.430 86.774.430 M 4.',134.575 4.13/-.575 GAIN ON DISPOSITI(2j22,558 2.122.558 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 114.883.743 114.883.743 OTHER INCOME DEDUCTIONS LOSS ON DISPOSITION OF PROPERW (4 204.738 204.738 MISCELLANEOUS 't .330.613 't .330.6't 3 MISCELI.ANEOUS INCOME DEDUCTIONS I TOTAL OTHER INI 32.327,110 32.327.1'.to TA)(ES APPLIC TO OTHER INCOME & DEDUCTIONS TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME TMES (408.2)361.615 361.615 INCOME TAXES (4.800.559){4.800.55S) PROVISION FOR DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (410.2 &411.2\651.2S't 551_291 1.7U.'.132\(.7U.132\ (2.003.521)(2.003.521) NET OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 84.560.154 84.560.154 INCOME BEFORE INTEREST CHARGES 1.'t35.932.781 {2.909.059) INTEREST CHARGES INTEREST ON LONG-TERM DEBT {42N 381.802,612 20.574.045 402.376.657 DISCOUNTAND EXPENSE 4,134.519 1.000.000 5.134.519 TION OF LOSS ON 582.467 582.467 AMORTIZATION OF PREMIUM ON DEBT- CREDIT 11.026 11.026 1 INTEREST ON DEBT T(109,076 109.076 OTHER INTEREST EXPENSE (431)26.092.873 26.092.873 ALLOW FOR BORROWED 42.942.871 33.405.932 76_348.803 NET INTEREST CHARGES 369.767.6s0 (11.831.88n 357.935.763 INCOME BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY ITEMI 766,165.1 31 8.922.828 774.W.270 EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS. NET OF INCOME TN( INCOME TA)( ON CUM. EFFECT OF CHG IN ACCT. PRINC CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF CHANGE IN ACCT. PRINCIPLE NET INCOME 766.'t65.131 8.922.828 774.W.270 D 161,902 161.902 STOCK 766.003.229 8.922.828 774.182.368 EXHIBIT D PACIFICORP UilCONSOLIDATED STATEIIENT OF IIiICOiIE 12 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2O2O SEE PACIFICORPS 2OI9 FERC FORM NO. I AND Q2.2O2O FERC FORM 3.Q FOR THE NOTES TO T}IE FINANCI.AL STATEMENTS EXHtsMD PAGE 1 OF I Exhibit E As fil€d with the Securities snd Exch.nge Commission on S€pt€mber 25' 2020 Registration No.33&. UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington' D.C.20549 F'ORM S.3 RDGISTRATION STATEMENT UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933 PACIFICORP (Exact name ofregistrant as specified in its charter) Oregon (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) Jeffery B. Erb Corporate Secretary, PaciliCorp and ChiefCorporate Counsel & Corporate Secretary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company E25 N.E. Multnomah Street' Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon97232 (s03) 8r3-s372 934246090 (IRS Employer Identification Number) 825 N.E. Multnomah Street Portland, Oregon91232 888-221-7070 (Address, including zip code, md telephone nmber, including rea code, of registrilt's principal executive offices) Nikki L. Kobliha Director, Vice President, Chief Financial OIficer and Treasurer, PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomrh Street' Suite 1900 Portland, Orcgon97232 888-221-7070 (Nme, address, inctuding zip code, md telephone nmber, including aea code, of agent for seruice) Copy to: M. Christopher Hall Kffe Tetman Perkins Coie LLP 1120 N.W. Couch Street, Tenth Floor Portland, Oregon 97209 (s03) 727-2000 Approximate date of commencement of proposed sale to the public: From time to time after the ellective date of this registration statement as determined by market conditions and other factors. Ifthe only securities being registered on this Form are to be offered pursuant to dividend or interest reinvestnent plans, please check the following box: tr Ifany ofthe securities being registered on this Form are to be offered on a delayed or continuous basis pursuant to Rule 415 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "securitiesAci"), other than securities offered only in connection with dividend or interest reinvestnent plans, check the following box: E Ifthis Form is filed to register additional secwities for an offering pursuant to Rule 462(b) under the Securities Act, please check the following box and list the Securities Act registration statement number ofthe earlier effective registration statement for the trlg 6ffe1ing. EI Ifthis Form is a post-ef;Gctive amendment filed pursuant to Rule 462(c) under the Securities Act, check the following box and list the Securities Act registration statement number ofthe earlier effective registration statement for the same offering. E If this Form is a registation statement pursuant to General Instuction I.D. or a post-effective amendment thereto that shall become effective upon filing with the Commission pursuant to Rule 462(e) under the Securities Act, check the following box. El If this Form is a post-effective amendment to a registration statement filed pursuant to General Instruction I.D. filed to register additional securities or additional classes ofsecurities pursuant to Rule 413(b) ofthe Securities Act, check the following box. tr Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller reporting company or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of"large accelerated filer," "accelerated filer," "smaller reporting company" and "emerging grollth company" in Rule l2b-2 ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). Large accelerated frler E Accelerated filer El Non-accelqated filer E Smaller reporting company E Emugiag growth company E Ifan emerging grolrth company, indicate by check mark ifthe registant has elected not to use the extended tansition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 7(a)(2)(B) ofthe Securities Act. tr CALCULATION OT' REGISTRATION ['EE (l)An indeterminate amount and number of securities are being registered as may from time to time be offered at indeterminate prices. In accordance with Rules 456(b) and 457(r) under the Securities Act, the registant is deferring payment ofthe entire registation fee.(2) Title ofeach class of securities to be resistercd Amount to be registered Proposed maximum olfering price per unit Proposed mrximum eqgregate offering price Amount of registration fee First Mortgage Bonds (l)(2) PROSPECTUS PACIFICORP FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS pacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, may Aom time to time offer First Mortgage Bonds ("securities" or the "bonds") in one or more issuances or series at prices and on terms to be determined at the time of sale. We will provide specific terms of the securities, including, as applicable, the amount offered, offering prices, interest rates, maturities and redemption or repgrchase provisions, in supplements to this prospectus. The supplements may also add, update or change information contained in this prospectus. You should read this prospectus and any supplements carefirlly before you invest. We may sell the securities direcfly or through agents designated from time to time or through underwriters or dealers. The supplements to this prospectus will describe the terms ofany pa.ti.utar ptan ofdistribution, including any underwriting arrargements. The "Plan ofDistribution" section in this prospectus provides more information on this topic. This prospectus may not be used to consummate sales ofsecurities unless accompanied by a prospectus supplement relating to the securities offered. Invrsting in our securities involves risks. See the "Risk f,'actors" section beginning on page 2 of this prospectus for information on certain matters you should consider before buying our securities. Neither the Securitics and Exchange Commission nor ony strte securities commission has rpproved or disapproved of these securities or pessed upon the adequacy or accuracy of this prospectus. Any representttion to the contrary is a criminel offense. The date ofthis prospectus is September 25,2020. TABLE OTCONTENTS ABOUT THIS PROSPECTUS 1 I a 2 1 J 1 2 ll ll ll t2 FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS THE COMPANY RISK FACTORS USE OF PROCEEDS DESCRIPTION OF BONDS BOOK.ENTRY. DELIVERY AND FORM PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE LEGAL MATTERS E)(PERTS ABOUT THIS PROSPECTUS This prospectus is part of a registration statement that we have filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") using the "shelf' registration process. Under this shelfregistration ptocess, we may from time to time sell the securities described in this prospectus in one or more offerings. This prospectus provides a general description ofthe securities. Each time we sell securities, we will provide a prospectus supplement that will contain specifiC information about the terms ofthat offering. That prospectus supplement may include or incorporate by reference a detailed and current discussion of any risk factors and will discuss any special considerations applicable to those securities. The prospectus supplement may also ad4 update or change informaiion contained in this prospectus. You should read both this prospectus and any prospectus supplement together with additional information described under "Where You Can Find More Information." If there is any inconsistency between the information in this prospectus and any prospectus supplement related to offered securities, you should rely on the information contained in that prospectus supplement. Unless otherwise indicated or unless the context otherwise requires, in this prospectus, tle words "PacifiCorp," "Company," "we," "our" and'lrs" refer to PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, and its subsidiaries. For more detailed information about the securities, you can read the exhibits to the registration statement. Those exhibits have been either filed with the registration statement or incorporated by reference to earlier SEC filings listed in the registration statement. See "Where You Can Find More Information' and "Incorporation by Reference." You should rely only on the information contained in, or incorporated by reference in, this prospectus and any prospectus supplement. We have not, and any underwriters, agents or dealers have not, authorized anyone else to provide you with different information. Wc are not, and any underwriters, agents or dealirs are not, making an offer of these securities in any state where the offer or sale is not permitted. You should not assume that the information contained in this p.orp".tos and any prospectus supplement is accurate as ofany date other than the date on the Aont ofthe prospectus supplement or that the information incorporated by reference in ihis prospectus is accurate as of any date other than the date on the font ofthose documents. Our business, financial condition and results ofoperations may have changed since that date. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This prospectus, any accompanying prospectus supplement and the additional information refened to under the heading "Where You Can Find More Information" may contain "forwara-to-oting statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") and Section 2lE ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act'), which are subject to the safe harbor created by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements ofhistorical fact are "forwardJooking statements" for purposes ofthese provisions. Examples include discussions as to our expectations, beliefs, plans, goals, objectives and future financial or other performance or assumptions conceming matteis discusse4 including through incorporation by reference, in this prospectus. This infomration, by its nature, involves estimates, projections, forecasts, risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ substantially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements found in this prospectus and the documents incorporated by reference in this prospectus. Our business is influenced by many factors that are difficult to predict, involve uncertainties that may materially affect actual results and are often beyond our ability to control. We have identified a number of these factors in our lilings with the SEC, including the Form 10-K, the Forms lO-Q and the Forms 8-K incorporated by reference in this prospectus, and we refer you to those reports for further information. Any forwardJooking statement speaks only as ofthe date on which it is made, and we undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to refleit events or circumstances after the date on which it is made. The forward-looking statements in this prospectus and the documents incorporated by reference in this prospectus are qualified in their entirety by the preceding cautionary statements. THECOMPANY PacifiCorp, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Berkhire Hathaway Energy Company C'BHE), is a United States regulated electric utility company headquartered in Oregon that serves retail electric customers in portions of Utah, Oregon, Wyoming, Washington, Idaho and Califomia. We are principally engaged in the business ofgenerating, transmitting, distributing and selling electricity. Our combined service territory includes diverse regional economies across six states. No single segment of the economy dominates the combined service territory, which helps mitigate our exposure to economic fluctuations. In the eastern portion of the service territory, consisting of Utah Wyoming and southeastem Idaho, the principal industries are manufacturing, mining or extraction ofnatural resowc,es, agriculture, technology. recreation and govenrment. In the westem portion ofthe service territory, consisting ofOregon. southem Washington and northern Califomia, the principal industries are agriculture, manufacturing, forest products, food processing, technology, govemment and primary metals. In addition to retail sales, we buy and sell electricity on the wholesale market with other utilities, energy marketing companies, financial institutions and other market participants to balance and optimize the economic benefits ofelectricity generation, retail customer loads and existing wholesale transactions. Our operations are conducted under numerous franchise agreements, certificates, permits and licenses obtained from federal, state and local authorities. Several ofthese franchise agreemeDts allow the municipality the right to seek amendment to the franchise agreement at a specified time during the term. We generally have an exclusive right to serve electric customers within our sewice territories and, in tum, have an obligation to provide electric service to those customers. In return, the state utility commissions have established rates on a cost-of-service basis, which are designed to allow us an opportunity to recover our costs of providing services and to eam a reasonable return on our inveshents. We were incorporated under the laws of the state of Oregon in 1989 and our principal executive offices are located at 825 N.E. Multnomah Street, Portland, Aegon97232, our telephone number is (888)221-7070 and our intemet address is www.pacificorp.com. We deliver electricity to customers in Utah, Wyomilg and Idaho under the trade name Rocky Mountain Power and to customers in Oregoq Washington and California under the trade name Pacific Power. All shares of our common stock are indirectly owned by BHE. We also have shares of preferred stock outstanding that are subject to voting rights in certain limited circumstances. For additional information conceming our business and affairs, including our capital requirements, external financing arrangements and pending legal and regulatory proceedings, including descriptions ofthose laws and regulations to which we are subject, prospective purchasers should refer to the documents incorporated by reference into this prospectus as described in the sections entitled "Where You Can Find More Information" and "Incorporation by Reference." RISKFACTORS Investing in our securities involves risk. Before purchasing any securities we offer, you should carefirlly consider the risk factors described in our periodic reports filed with the SEC and the following risk factors related to the securities, as well as the other information contained in this prospectus, any prospecfus supplement and the information incorporated by reference herein in order to evaluate an investnent in our securities. See "Forward-Looking Statements", "Where You Can Find More lnformation" and "Incorporation by Reference" in this prospectus. Additional risks and uncertainties that are not yet identified or that we currently believe are immaterial may also materially harm our business, operating results and financial condition and could result in a loss on your investnent. We have not appraised the collalerul subjecl to lhe mortgage securlng our bonds ('Mortgage) and, if there is a default or a foreclosure sale, the value of the collsteral ma! not be sulyiclent to repay the holders of any bonds. We have not made any formal appraisal ofthe value of the collateral subject to the Mortgage, which will secure any bonds we may offer along with other bonds issued under the Mortgage. The value ofthe collateral in the event ofa liquidation or foreclosure will depend on market and economic conditions, the availability ofbuyers, the timing ofthe sale ofthe collateral and other factors. We cannot assure you that the proceeds from a sale ofall ofthe collateral would be sufficient to satis$ the iunounts outstanding under our fust mortgage bonds or that such payments would be made in a timely manner. If the proceeds were not sufficient to repay amounts outstanding under the bonds, then holders ofthe bonds, to the extent not repaid from the proceeds ofthe sale of the collateral, would only have an unsecured claim against our remaining assets. ) There is no *isting marhetfor the bonds, and we cannol assurc you thal an active trading ma*etfot the bonds will develop, We do not intend to apply for listing ofthe bonds on any securities exchange or automated quotation system. There can be no assurance as to the liquidity ofany market that miy Oevetop for the bonds. Accordingly, the ability ofholders to sell the bonds that they hold or the price at which holders will be able to se[ the bonds may be limited. Future trading prices of the bonds will depend on many factors, including, among other things, prevailing interest rates, our operating results and the market for similar securities. We do not know whether an active trading market will develop for the bonds. To the extent that an active trading market does develop, the price at which a holder may be able to sell the bonds that iiholds, if at all, may be less than the price paid for them. Consequently, a holder may not be able to liquidate its inveshent readily, and the bonds may not be readily accepted as collateral for loans. The terms of the Mortgage ond the supplemenlal indentures do not prohibit us from incurring oddllional indebtedness, which could adversely affect our financial condition. The terms of the Mortgage and the supplemental indentures do not prohibit us from incurring indebtedness in addition to the bonds we may issue. Accordingly, we could ent& tto financings, acquisitions, refinancings, iecapitalizations or other highly leveraged transactions that could significantly increase our total amoutrt ofoutstandlng indebtedness. The interest pa).ments needed to service this inoeased level ofindebtedness could have a material adverse effect on our operating resuls. A highly leveraged capital structure could also impair our overall credit quality, making it more difficult for us to finance our operations, and coluld result in a downgrade in the ratings of our indebtedness, including any bonds we may issue, by credit rating agencies. USE OF PROCEEDS Unless otherwise indicated in a prospectus supplement, the net proceeds to be received by us from the issuance and sale ofthe bonds will initially become part ofour general funds and will be used for capital expenditures or utility asset purchases, to repay all or a portion ofour short- or long-term borrowings and for general corporate purposes. DESCRIPTION OF BONDS General We may issue first mortgage bonds from time to time under our Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of January 9, 1989, as amended and supplemented (tire "Mortgage"), *it lr. Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (as successor trustee to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.) (the ..Vtortg"g" Trustee"). fhe fouowing summary is subject to the provisions of and is qualified by reference to the Mortgage, a copy of which is incorporated by reference as an exhibit to this Registration Statement. Whenever particular provisions or defined terms in the Mortgage are referred to in the following summary, those provisions or deirned terms are found in the Mortgage. Section and Article references used below are references to provisions of the Mortgage unless we otherwise note. When we refer to "bonds," we refer to all first mortgage bonds issued under the Mortgage, including any bonds that may be offered pursuant to this prospectus. We expect to issue bonds in the form of firlly registered bonds and, except as may be set forth in any prospectus supplement, in denominations of $2,000 and any integral multiples of $ 1,000 in excesi thereof. The bonds may be transferred without charge, other than for applicable taxes or other govemmental charges, at the offices of the Mortgage Trustee. See "Book-Entry, Delivery and Form." Meturity and Interest Payments The prospectus supplement relating to any bonds will set forth the date or dates on which those bonds will mature, the rate or rates per annum at which those bonds will bear interest and the times at which any interest will be payable. Those terms, as well as other terms and conditions of the bonds, including those related to redemption and purchase referred to under "Redemption or Purchase ofBonds" below, will be established by us at the time we issue the bonds. 3 Redemption or Purchase ofBonds The prospectus supplement relating to any particular series ofbonds will set forth the redemption or repurchase terms and other specific terms of those bonds. Ifwe elect or are required to redeem all or part ofthe bonds, we will provide a notice ofredemption in accordance with the Mortgage at least 30 days prior to the redemption date unless otherwise provided in a supplemental indenture to the Mortgage. A failure to duly give notice to any bondholder will not affect the validity ofthe redemption ofany other bond. A notice ofredemption may be subject to the receipt ofthe redemption amount by the Mortgage Trustee on or before the date fixed for redemption and will be of no effect unless the redemption amount is received. If the redemption amount is held by the Mortgage Trustee for redemption, on and after the redemption date the bonds subject to redemption will cease to bear interest and will cease to be entitled to the lien of the Mortgage. (Section 12.02) We may request that cash deposited under any provisions ofthe Mortgage be applied (with specific exceptions) to the redemption or repurchase of bonds ofany series. (Section 7.03, Section 12.05 and Section 13.06) There is no sinking or analogous fund in the Mortgage. Security and Priority The bonds will be issued under the Mortgage and secured by a first mortgage lien on certain utilrty property owned Aom time to time by us. Any bonds issued will be equally and ratably secured with all other bonds issued under the Mortgage. The Mortgage excepts from its lien, among others, all cash and securities (except as specifically deposited with the Mortgage Trustee in certain circumstances); equipment, materials or supplies held for sale or other disposition; any fuel and similar consumable materials and supplies; automobiles, other vehicles, aircraft, boats and vessels; timber, crops, minerals, mineral rights and royalties; receivables, general intangibles, conffacts, leases and operating agreements (except those specifically pledged); electric energy, gas, water, steam and other products for sale, distribution or other use; natural gas wells and leases; gas tansportation lines or other property used in the sale ofnatural gas to customers or to a natural gas distribution or pipeline company, up to the point of connection with any distribution systeml and our interest in the Wyodak Facility. The lien of the Mortgage is also subject to Excepted Encumbrances, including tax and construction liens, purchase money liens, certain rights ofand obligations to public authorities and others, certain easements, restrictions, exceptions or reservations related to our property and rights ofway, and other specific exceptions. (Section 1.06) We have reserved the right, without any consent or other action by holders ofbonds ofthe Ninth Series or any subsequently created series ofbonds, to amend the Mortgage in order to except from the lien of the Mortgage allowances allocated to steam-electric generating plants owned by us, or in which we have interests, pursuant to Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, as now in effect or as hereafter supplemented or amended. (See Section 3.01 of the Thirty-First Supplemental Indenture) The Mortgage subjects after-acquired property to the mortgage lien, generally subject to the exceptions discussed above. In addition, after-acquired property may be subject and subordinate to a Class "A" Mortgage, purchase money mortgages and other liens or defects in title. A Class 'A" Mortgage is a mortgage or similar indenture of a company that is merged into or consolidated with us and designated by us as a Class "A" Moftgage. (Section 1.02) The Mortgage provides that the Mortgage Trustee shall have a lien on the mortgaged property, prior to the holders of bonds, for the payment of its reasonable compensation and expenses and for indemnity against certain liabilities. (Section 19.09) Issuence ofBonds An unlimited principal amount ofbonds may be issued under the Mortgage. Bonds of any series may be issued from time to time on the basis of (l) 70% of the cost or fair value of qualified Property Additions after certain adjustments, as detemlined in accordarce with the terms of the Mortgage; (2) Class "A" Bonds (which need not bear interest) issued under a Class "A" Mortgage delivered to the Mortgage Trustee; (3) retirement ofbonds or certain prior lien bonds; and/or (4) deposits ofcash. 4 With certain exceptions in the case ofclauses (2) and (3) above, the issuance ofbonds is subject to our Adjusted Net Eamings for 12 consecutive months out ofthe preceding 15 months, before interest expense and income taxes, being at least twice the Annual Interest Requirements on all outstanding bonds issued under the Mortgage. all outstanding Class "A" Bonds not held by the Mortgage Trustee, all other indebtedness secured by a lien prior to the lien ofthe Mortgage and all bonds then applied for in pending bond issuance applications under the Mortgage. ln general, interest on variable interest bonds, if any, is calculated using the rate then in effect. (Section 1.07 and Articles IV through VII) Property Additions generally include property used in generating, transmitting, transporting, supplying and managing the use ofenergy or fuel in any form, other than, generally, property excepted from the Mortgage as described above such as fuel, rolling stock, property which is chargeable as an operating expense, and property used principally for the production or gathering ofnatural gas. (Section 1.04) Release and Substitution of Property Property subject to the Mortgage may be released generally on the basis of: (l) the release ofthat property from a Qualified Lien; (2) the deposit of cash, outstanding bonds or, to a limited extent, purchase money mortgages; (3) Property Additions, after making adjustrnents for certain prior lien bonds outstanding against Property Additions; and/or (4) a waiver ofthe right to issue bonds on the basis ofbond retirements. Funded Cash, as defined in Section 1.05 ofthe Mortgage, may be withdrawn upon the bases stated in (3) and (4) above. The Mortgage contains special provisions with respect to certain prior lien bonds deposited and disposition ofmoneys received in respect ofdeposited prior lien bonds. In addition, the Mortgage provides an alternative provision (Section 13.04) for release ofproperty that does not cottstitute Funded hoperty (generally, "Funded Property" is property that was used as the basis for bond issuances or other property releases). This altemative provision does not require any ofthe basis for release described above and instead requires, among other conditions, the amount ofoutstanding bonds to not exceed 707o ofthe fair value ofthe then Funded Property atthetime ofthe release. (Sections 1.05,7.02,9.05, 10.01 through 10.04 and 13.03 through 13.09) Merger or Consolidation We may consolidate or merge with any company carrying on a similar business as us, or convey, transfer or lease all or substantially all of our property to another company, generally provided that the action fully preserves and does not impair the lien of the Mortgage or the rights of the Mortgage lrustee and bondholders. (Section 18.01) In those circumstances, the Mortgage will not be required to become a lien upon any ofthe properties owned or thereafter acquired by the successor company. (Section 18.03) The Mortgage further provides that in the event ofthe merger or consolidation ofanother company with or into us or the conveyance or transfer to us by another company ofall or substantially all ofthat company's Foperty that is ofthe same character as Property Additions, as defined in the Mortgage, an existing mortgage constituting a frst lien on operating properties ofthat other company may be designated by us as a Class "A" Mortgage. (Section I 1.06) Bonds thereafter issued pursuant to the additional mortgage would be Class "A" Bonds and could provide the basis for the issuance ofbonds under the Mortgage. Certain Covenants The Mortgage contains a number ofcovenants by us for the benefit ofthe holders ofthe bonds, including provisions requiring us to maintain the mortgaged property as an operating system or systems capable ofengaging in all or any ofthe generating, transmission, distribution or other utility businesses described in the Mortgage. (Article IX) Dividend Restrictions The Mortgage provides that we may not declare or pay dividends (other than dividends payable solely in shares ofour common stock) on any shares ofour common stock if, after giving effect to the declaration or payment, we would not be able to pay our debts as they become due in the usual course of business. (Section 9.07) Foreign Currency Denominated Bonds The Mortgage authorizes the issuance of bonds denominated in foreign currencies, provided that we deposit with the Mortgage Trustee a currency exchange agreement with an entity having, at the time ofthe deposit, a financial rating at least as high as our financial rating tha! in the opinion ofan independent accountant, appraiser or other expert, gives us at least as much protection against currency exchange fluctuation as is usually obtained by similarly situated borrowers. (Section 2.03) We believe that this type of currency exchange agreement will provide effective protection against crurency exchange fluctuations. However, ifthe other party to the exchange agreement defaults and the foreign currency is valued higher at the date ofmaturity than at the date ofissuance ofthe relevant bonds, holders ofthose bonds would have a claim on our assets that is greater than the claim to which holders ofdollar- denominated bonds issued at the same time would be entitled. The Mortgage Trustee The Bank ofNew York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. or its affiliates may act as a lender, tustee or agent under othor agreements and indentures involving us and our affiliates. Modilication The rights ofbondholders may be modified with the consent ofholders ofat least 60% ofthe principal amount ofthe bonds outstanding, or, ifnot all series ofbonds are adversely affecteq the consent ofthe holders ofat least 60% ofthe principal amount ofthe outstanding bonds adversely affected. In general, no modiflcation of the terms ofpaymetrt of principal, premium, if any, or interest and no modification permitting the creation of a lien ranking prior to or on a parity with the lien ofthe Mortgage or reducing the perc€ntage required for modification is effective against any bondholder without the consent of the holder. (Section 21.07) Unless we are in default in the payment of the interest on any bonds then Outstanding under the Mortgage or there is a Default under the Mortgage, the Mortgage Trustee generally is required to vote Class "A" Bonds held by it with respect to any amendment of the applicable Class "A" Mortgage proportionately with the vote ofthe holders ofall Class "A" Bonds then actually voting. (Section I 1.03) Defaults and Notice Thercof "Defaults" are defined in the Mortgage as: (1) default in palment of principal; (2) default for 60 days in payment ofinterest or an installment ofany fund required to be applied to the purchase or redemption ofany bonds; (3) default in payment ofprincipal or interest with respect to certain prior lien bonds beyond any grace period; (4) certain events in bankruptcy, insolvency or reorgadzation; (5) default in other covenants for 90 days after notice; or (6) the existence ofany default under a Class 'A" Mortgage that pennits the declaration ofthe principal ofall ttre bonds secured by the Class "A" Mortgage and the interest accrued thereupon due and payable. (Section 15.01) An effective default under any Class 'A" Mortgage or under the Mortgage will result in an effective default under all those mortgages. The Mortgage Trustee may withhold notice of default (except in payment of principal, interest or funds for retirement of bonds) if it determines that it is not detrimental to the interests ofthe bondholders. (Section 15.02) 6 The Mortgage Trustee or the holders of 25% of the principal amount of the bonds outstanding may declare the principal and interest d* T9 payable on Def4ult, b-utl majority may annul the declaration if the Default has been cured. (Section 15.03) No holder of bonds may enforce the lien of the Mortgage unle ss the Mortgage Trustee is given written notice of a Default and the Mortgage Trustee fails to act after the holders of 25% of the principal amount of the bonds outstanding hure r.qr"rtid in writing the Mortgage Trustee to act, offered it reasonable opportunity to act and offered an indemnity satisfactory to it against the costs,ixpenses and liabilities thit may be inJurred when enforcing the lien. (Section 15.16) The holders ofa majority ofthe bonds may direct the tiire, method and place of conducting *y p.or.iding, for any remedy available to the Mortgage Trustee or exercising any trust or power conferred on the Mortgage Trustee, although the Morigagi trustee has the right to decline to follow the direction if it involves personal liability or would be unjustifiably p.quiiiat to nonassentin! bondholdeis,-among other reasons. (Section 15.07) The Mortgage Trustee is not required to risk its funds or incur personal liability ifthere is reasonable ground for believing that repayment is not reasonably assured. (Section 19.08) Defeasence Under the terms ofthe Mortgage, we will be discharged from any and all obligations under the Mortgage in respect of the bonds of any series if we deposit with the Mortgage Trustee, in trust, moneys or goverilnent obligations, in an amount sufficient to pay all the principal of, premium (if any) and interest on, the bonds ofthose series or portions thereo{ on the redemption date or maturity date thereoi as the case may be. The Mortgage Trustee need not accept the deposit unless it is accompanied by an opinion of counsel to the effect that (a) we have received from, or there has been published by, the Internal Revinue Service a ruling or, (b) since the daie ofthe Mortgage, there has been a change in applicable federal income tax law, in either case to the effect that, and based thereon the opinion ofcounsel shall confirm thai, the holders ofthe bonds or the right ofpayment ofinterest thereon (as the case may be) will not recognize income, gain or loss for federal income tax purposes as a result ofthe deposit, and/or ensuing discharge and will be subject to federal income tax on the same amount and in the same manner and at the same times, as would have been the case if the deposit and/or discharge had not occurred. (Section 20.02) Upon the deposit, our obligation to pay the principal of (and premium, if any) and interest on those bonds shall cease, terminate and be completely dischargedand the holders ofsuch bonds shall thereafter be entitled to receive payment solely from the funds deposited. (Section 20.02) BOOK-ENTRY, DELIVERY AND FORM Unless we indicate differenfly in a prospectus supplement, the bonds initially will be issued in book-entry form and represented by one or more global bonds without interest *rponr. fne gtotA bonds will be deposited with, or on behalf o{ The Depository Trust Company, New York, New.York, as iepositary, or DTC, and registered in the name of Cede & Co., the nominee of DTC. Unless and until it is exchanged for individual certificates evidencing bonds under the limited circumstances described below, a global bond may not be transferred except as a whole by the depositary to its nominee or by the nominee to the depositary, or by the depositary or its nominee to a successor depositary or to a nominee of the successor depositary. DTC has advised us thal it is: . a limited-purpose trust company organized under the New York Banking Law; ' a "banking organiTation" within the meaning of the New York Banking Law; . a member of the Federal Reserve System; . a "clearing corporation" within the meaning of the New York Uniform Commercial Code; and . a"clearingagency"registeredpursuanttotheprovisionsofSection lTAoftheExchangeAct. 7 DTC holds securities that its participants deposit with DTC. DTC also facilitates the settlement among its participants ofsecurities transactions, such as transfers and pledges, in deposited securities through electronic computerized book-entry changes in participanti accounts, thereby eliminating the needfor physical movement ofsecurities certificates. "Direct participants" in DTC include securities brokers and dialers, including underwriters, banti, tustcompanies, clearing corporations and other organizations. DTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Ctearing Corporation, or DTCC.DTCC is the holding company for DTC, National Securities Clearing Corporation and Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, all of-whicir are registered clearingagencies. DTCC is owned by the users of its regulated subsidiaries. Access to the DTC system is also availabie to others, which we sometimes=refer to asindirect participants that clear tfuough or maintain a custodial relationship with a direct participant, either directly or indirectly. The rules applicable to DTC and its participants are on file with the SEC. Purchases of securities under the DTC system must be made by or through direct participants, which will receive a credit for the securities on DTC'srecords. The ownership interest ofthe actual purchaser ofa security, which we sometimes refer to as a beneficial owner, is in tum recorded on the direct andindirect participants' records. Beneficial owners ofsecurities will not receive written confirmation from DTC oftheir purchases. However, beneficial ownersare expected to receive written confirmations providing details oftheir transactions, as well as periodic statements oftheir holdings, from the direct or indirectparticipants through which they purchased securities. Transfers ofownership interests in globai securities are to be accomplished-by entries made on the booksofparticipants acting on behalfofbeneficial owners. Beneficial owners will not receive certificates representing their ownership inierests in the global securities, except under the limited circumstances described below. To facilitate subsequent transfers, all global bonds deposited by direct participants with DTC will be registered in the name ofDTC's partnershipnominee, Cede & Co., or such other name as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. The deposit of global bonds with DTC and theirregistation in the name of Cede & Co. or such other nominee will not change the beneficial ownership ofthe giobal UonAs. OfC ms no knowledge oftheactual beneficial owners ofthe global bonds. DTC's records reflect only the identity ofthe direct participants to whose accounts the global bonds-are credited,which may or may not be the beneficial owners. The participants are responsible for keeping account oftheir holdings on behalfoftheir customers. So long as the bonds are in book-entry form, you will receive payments and may transfer the bonds only through the facilities ofthe depositary andits direct and indirect participants. We will maintain an office or agency in the location specified in the prospectus supplement for the applicable bonds, wherenotices and demands in respect ofthe bonds and the Mortgage may be delivered to us and where certificated securitiejmay be sunenderid for payment, registration of transfer or exchange. Conveyance ofnotices and other communications by DTC to direct participants, by direct participants to indirect participants and by direct participants and indirect participants to beneficial owners will be governed by arrangements among them,iubject to any legal requirements in effect from timeto time. Redemption notices will be sent to DTC. If less than all of the bonds of a particular series are being redeemed, DTC's practice is to determine by lotthe amount ofthe interest ofeach direct participant in the bonds of such series to be redeemed. Neither DTC nor Cede & Co. (or such other DTC nominee) will consent or vote with respect to the bonds. Under its usual procedures, DTC will mailan omnibu5 p1s1y to us as soon as possible after the record date. The omnibus proxy assigns the consenting or voting rights ofcede A Co. to those directparticipants to whose accounts the bonds ofsuch series are credited on the record date, identified in a listing attached to the omnibus proxy. So long as bonds are in book-entry form, we will make payments on those bonds to the depositary or its nominee, as the registered owner of such bonds' by wire hansfer of immediately available funds. If bonds are issued in definitive certificated form under the limited circumstances described below, wewill have the option of making payments by check mailed to the addresses of the persons entitled to payment or by wire transfer to bank accormts in theUnited States designated in writing to the applicable trustee or other designated party at least 15 dayi before the applicable payment date by the persons entitled to payment, unless a shorter period is satisfactory to the applicable tustee or other designaied party. Redemption proceeds on the bonds will be made to Cede & Co., or such other nominee as may be requested by an authorized representative of DTC. DTC,s practice is to credit direct participants' accounts upon DTC's receipt of funds and corresponding detail information from us on the payment date in accordance with their respective holdinis shown on DTCrecords. eayments by participants to beneficial owners will be govemed by standing instructions and customary practices, as ii the case with-securities held for the accouni of customirs in bearer form or registered in "sfieet name." Those payments will be the responsltility of participants and not of DTC or us, subject to any statutory or regulatory requirements in effect from time to time. Payment of redemption proceeds to ieae a co., or such other nominee as mayb. ,.qu"it d by an authorized representative ofDTC, is our responsibility, disbursement ofpayments io direct participants is the responsibility ofDTC, anddisbursement oipayments to the beneficial owners is the responsibility ofdirect and indirect participants. Neither we, the Mortgage Trusteo nor any agent of ours or of the Mortgage Trustee has or will have any responsibility or liability for: (l) any aspect ofDTC's records or any participant's or indirect participanfs records relating to, or payments made on account of, beneficial ownership interesti ln ihe bonds or for maintaining, iupervising or reviewing uny oiDTC's records or any participant's or indirect participant's records relating to the beneficial ownership interests in the bonds; or (2) any other matter relating to the actions and practices ofDTC or any ofits participants or indilect participants. Except under the limited circumstances described below, purchasers ofbonds will not be entitled to have such bonds registered in their names and will not receivi physical delivery ofsuch bonds. Accordingly, each beneficial owner must rely on the procedures ofDTC and its participants to exercise any rights under the bonds and the Mortgage. The laws of some jurisdictions may require that some purchasers of securities take physical delivery of securities in definitive form. Those laws may impair the ability to transfer or pledge beneficial interests in the bonds. DTC may discontinue providing its services as securities depositary with respect to the bonds at any time by giving reasonable notice to us Under such circumstances, in the .r.ri thut u siccessor depositary is not obiained, certificates representing the bonds are required to be printed and delivered' As noted above, beneficial owners of a particular series ofbonds generally will not receive certificates representing their ownership interests in those bonds. However, if . DTC notifies us that it is unwilling or unable to continue as a depositary for the global security or securities representing such series of bonds or ifDTC ceases to be a clJaring agency registered under the Exchange Act at a time when it is required to be registered and a successor depositary is not appointed *itiio qb diys ofthe notification to uJ or ofour becoming aware ofDTC's ceasing to be so registered, as the case maY be; . Ir. determine, in our sole discretion and subject to DTC's procedures, not to have such bonds represented by one or more global securities; . an Event ofDefault has occurred and is continuirg with respect to such series ofbonds, we will prepare and deliver certificates for such bonds in exchange for beneficial interests in the global bonds. Any beneficial interest in a global bond that is .*ch*giabl. under the circumstances described in the precedinfsentence will be exchangeable for bonds in definitive certificated form registered in the names ilat the depositary directs. It is expected that these directiins will be based upon directions received by the depositary from its participants with respect to ownership ofbeneficial interests in the global bonds We have obtained the information in this section and elsewhere in this prospectus conceming DTC and DTC's book-entry system from sources that are believed to be reliable, but we take no responsibility for the accuracy ofthis information. PLAN OF'DISTRIBUTION We may sell the securities through undervlriters, dealers or agents, or directly to one or more purchasers. The prospectus supplement with respect to the securities being offered will set fortr lhe specific terms ofthe offering ofthose securities, including the name or names of any underwriters, dealers or agents, the purchale price ofthose securities and the proceeds to us from the sale, any underwriting discounts, agency fees and other items- constituting ,ria.r*.it i., o. ug"ns' compensation, any initial pullic offering price and any discounts or concessions allowed or reallowed or paid to dealers. 9 If we use underwriters to sell securities, we will enter into an underwriting agreement with the undervvriters. Those securities will be acquired by the underwriters for their own account and may be resold from time to time in one or more tansactions, at a lxed public offering price, at market prices prevailing at the time ofsale, at prices related to such prevailing market prices or at negotiated prices. The underwriter or underwriters with respect to a particular underwritten offering ofsecurities will be named in the prosp€ctus supplement relating to that offering and, ifan underwriting syndicate is used, the managing underwriter or underwriters will be set forth on the cover page ofthe prospectus supplement. Any underwriting compensation paid by us to the underu,riters or agents in connection with an offering ofsecurities, and any discounts, concessions or commissions allowed by underwriters to dealers, will be set forth in the applicable prospectus supplement to the extent required by applicable law. Unless otherwise set forth in the prospectus supplement, the obligations ofthe underwriters to purchase the securities will be subject to specific conditions, and the underwriters will be obligated to purchase all ofthe offered securities ifany are purchased. Ifa dealer is used in the sale ofany securities, we will sell those securities to the dealer, as principal. The dealer may then resell the securities to thepublic at varying prices to be determined by the dealer at the time ofresale. The name ofany dealer involved in a particular offering ofsecurities and any discounts or concessions allowed or reallowed or paid to the dealer will be set forth in the prospectus supplement relating to that offering. The securities may be sold directly by us or through agents designated by us from time to time. We will describe the terms of any direct sales in aprospectus supplement. Any agent, who may be deemed to be an underwriter as that term is defined in the Securities Act, involved in the offer or sale of any of the securities will be named and any commissions payable by us to tle agent will be set forth, in the prospectus supplement relating to that offer or sale. Unless otherwise indicated in the prospectus supplement, any agent will be acting on a reasonable best efforts basis for the period ofits appoinhnent. In connection with a particular underwriuen offering of securities, and in compliance with applicable law, the underwriters may engage in hansactions that stabilize, maintain or otherwise affect the prices ofthe classes or series ofsecurities offered, including stabilizing transactions and syndicate covering transactions. These activities may stabilize, maintain or otherwise afilect the market price of the securities, which may be higher than the price that might otherwise prevail in the op€n mark€t, and if commenced, may be discontinued at any time. A description of these activities, if any, will be set forth in the prospectus supplement relating to that offering. Underwriters, dealers or agents and their associates may be customers of, engage in transactions with or perform services for us and our affiIiates in the ordinary course ofbusiness. We will indicate in a prospectus supplement the extent to which we anticipate that a secondary market for the securities will be available. Unless weinform you otherwise in a prospectus supplement, we do not intend to apply for the listing ofany securities on a national securities exchange. Ifthe secwities are sold to or through underwriters, the underwriters may make a market in such securities, as permitted by applicable laws and regulations. No underwriter would be obligated, however, to make a market in the securities, and any market-making could be discontinued at any time at the sole discretion of the tmderwriters. Accordingly, we cannot assure you as to the liquidity of, or trading makets for, the securities. Underwriters, dealers and agents participating in the distribution of the securities may be deemed to be 'trnderwriters" within the meaning o{ and any discounts and commissions received by them and any profit realized by them on resale ofthose securities may be deemed to be underwriting discounts and commissions under, the Securities Act. Subject to some conditions, we may agree to indemni$ the several underwriters, dealers or agents and their controlling persons against specific civil liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act, or to contribute to payments that person may be required to make in respect thereof. l0 During such time as we may be engaged in a disEibution of the securities covered by this prospectus we are required to comply with Regulation M promulgated gider the Exchange Ait. Wifti..tui, .xceptions, Regulation M precludes us, any affiliated purchasers and any broker'dealer or other. person who participates in such distrib:uting from bidding for oipurchasing, or atternpting to induce any person to bid for or purchasq any security which is the subject oftie disfiibution until the intire distribuiion is complete. Regulation M also resricts bids or purchases made in order to stabilize the price ofa r"cu.ity in connection with the distribution ofthat security. All ofthe foregoing may affect the marketability ofour securities. WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION This prospectus is part of a registation statement filed with the SEC. The registation statem€nt contains additional infomration and exhibits not included in thii prospectus and refers to documents that are fled as exhibits to other SEC filings. We file annual, quarterly and current reports 11d other information with the SEC. Our SEC filings are available to the public over the Intemet at the SEC's web site at http://www.sec.gov. Our SE€ filings cm also be accessed through our website at www.-pacificorp.com. The infonnation found on our website, other than any of our SEC filings that are incorporated by reference herein, is not part ofthis prospectus. INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE The SEC allows us to "incorporate by reference" the information we file with it, which means that we can disclose important information to you by referring you to those documents. fni informition incorporated by reference is considered to be part ofthis prospectus and later information that we file with Oe Sgiwilt automatically update or supersede this information. We incorporate by reference the documents listed below and any future filings made with the SEC under Sections t:(a), fj(c), tn or iS(q oftne Exchange Act (but only to the extcnt the information therein is filed and not frrmished), until all ofthe securities covered by this prospectus have been sold: . Annual Reoort on Form I 0-K for the vear ended December 3 l. 20 I 9: . Quartcrly Reports on Form 10Q for the quarters ended March 3 1. 2020 and June 30. 2020; and . Current Reoort on l"orm 8-K fi1ed with the SEC on Aoril 8. 2020. Upon written or oral request, we will deliver a copy ofthese filings (other than exhibits to such documents rmless such exhibits are specifically incorporated by reference therein), at no cost to you, by nriting or telephoning us at the following address: PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah Sreet Suite 1900 Portlan4 Oregon97232 Telephone: (88E) 22 l-7070 Attention: Treasury LEGALMATTERS The validity ofthe securities will be passed upon for us by Perkins Coie LLP, Portland, Oregon. Ifthe securities are being distributed in m underwritten offering, certain legal matters will be passed upon for the underwriters by cormsel identified in the related prospectus supplement. ll EXPERTS The consolidated financial statements incorporatcd in this prospectus by reference fiom PacifiCorp's Annual Reoort on Form l0-K for the vear endedDecember3l.2019havebeenauditedbyDeloitte&ToucheLLP,mindependentregisoeredpublicaccountingfirm,asstatedintheirrepo4whichis incorporated herein by reference. Such consolidated finmcial stat€ments have been so incorporated in relianccupon the rcport ofsuch fnn given upon theirauthority as experts in accounting and auditing. With respect to the unaudited intcrim consolidated financial information for the periods ended March 31, 2020 and 2019 and June 30, 2020 ,Irld20l9,which is incorporated herein by reference, Deloitte & Touche LIB m independent registered public accounting firm, havc apptied limited procedrnes in accordance with the standards ofthe Public Company Accounting Ovenight Bord (Utrited States) for a revicw of such infonnation. Howwer, as stated intheir reports included in PacifiCorp's Quarterly Repofis on Form 10-Q for the quaters ended March 3 l. 2020 and June 30. 2020 md incorporated by reference herein, they did not audit atrd they do not express an opinion on that ioterim consolidated financial inOrmatioa. eccordingty, the degree oirelimceon their reports on zuch information should be restricted in light of the limited nature of the review procedures applied" Deloitte & iouche LLF are not zubject to the liability provisions ofSection I I ofthe Securities Act for their reports on the unaudited interim consolidated financial information because those reportsare not "reports" or a '!art" of the Registration Statcment prepared or c€rtifed by an accountmt within thc meaning of Scc.tions 7 and I I of the Securities Act. t2 PART II INFORMATION NOT REQTIIREI' IN PROSPECTUS ITEM 14. OTHER EXPENSES OF ISSUANCE AND DISTRIBUTION. Costs and expenses payable by us in connection with the issuance and distribution ofthe securities being registered are set forth as follows: Registation fee Legal fees and expenses Accounting fees and exPenses Trustee fees Rating agency fees Indenture recording fees Printing and delivery ofregistation statement, prospectus, certificotes, etc. Miscellaneous expenses Total $* *+ l* tt $ by this prospectus. ** To be provided in an amendment or filing, or exhibit thereto, filed with the SEC, or reflected in the applicable prospectus supplement. These fees are calculated basid on the securities offered and the number ofissuances and accordingly cannot be estimated at this time. ITEM 15. INDEMNIFICATION OF DIRECTORS AND OFT'ICERS. The Company is incorporated under the laws of the State of Oregon and is subject to the Oregon Business Corporation Act (the "oBCA"). The company,s Third itesiated articles of Incorporation ("Restated Articles'j, and Bylaws, as amended ("Bylaws"), require the company to rndemnifr directors and officers to the fullest extent not prohibited by law. The right to and amount oi indemnification ultimately will be subject to determination by a court that indemnification in the circumstances presented ii consistent rith public policy considerations and other provisions oflaw. It is likely, however, that the Restated Articles would require indemnification at least to the extint ttrai indemnification is authorized by the oBCA. The effect of the oBCA is summarized as follows: (a) The OBCA permits the Company to grant a right ofindemnification in respect ofany pending, threatened or completed action, suit or proceeding other than an action by or in the rigtrt oftre Co.furry, against reasonable expens€s (including attorneys' fees), judgments, penaltie-s, fines and 'amo,nts piid in settlement actually incuned piovided the poron *i..-"d acted rn good faith and in a manner the person reasonably believed to be in or not opposed io the best interests ofthe Company,'and, with respect to any criminal action or proceedmg, had-no reasonable cause to believe the conduct was unlawful. Indemnification is not permitted in connection with a proceeding in which a person is adjudged liable to the company or the person.is adjudged liable on the basis that personal benefit was improped received unless indemnification is permitted by a court ulon a finding that the person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnification in vlew ofatt oithe relevant circumstances. The termination ofa proceeding byjudgment, order, settlement, conviction or plea ofiolo contendere or its equivalent is not, ofitselt determinative that the person did not meet the prescribed standard ofconduct. O) The OBCA permits the Company to gant a right of indemnification in respect of any proceeding by or in the right of the Company against the ..*onubl. "*p.nses (includinj attomeys' fees) incuieo, ifthi person concerned acted in good faith and in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the beit interesis of the 'Company, except that no indemnification may be granted if that person is adjudged to be liable to the Company unless indernnification is permitted by u.ou.t upo, finiing tlrat the person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnification in view ofall ofthe relevant circumstances. * In accordance with Rules 456(b) and457(r) under the Securities Act, the regisfant is deferring payment ofthe registration fee for the securities offered II-1 (c) Under the OBCA, the Company may not indemnifu a person in respect of a proceeding described in (a) or (b) above unless one of the following determines that indemnification is permissible because the person has met the prescribed standard of conduct: (l) the Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board"), by majority vote of a quorum consisting of directors not at the time parties to the proceeding; (2) ifaquorumofdirectorsnotpartiestotheproceedingcannotbeobtained,byamajorityvoteofacommitteeoftwoormoredirectorsnotatthe time parties to the proceeding; (3) by special legal counsel selected by the Board or the committee thereot as described in (1) and (2) above; (4) if special legal counsel cannot be selected as described in (3) above, then by special legal counsel selected by majority vote of the full Board, including directors who are parties to the proceeding; or (5) by the shareholders. Authorization ofthe indemnification and evaluation as to the reasonableDess ofexpenses are to be detennined as specifred itr atry one of(l) through (5) above, except that ifthe detennination ofthat indemnification's permissibility is made by special legal sorrnsel, then authorization ofindemnification and evaluation as to the reasonableness ofthose exp€nses is to be made by those entitled to select special legal counsel. Indemnification can also be ordered by a court ifthe court determines that indemnification is fair in view of all ofthe relevant circrrmstances. Notwithstanding the foregoing, every person who has been wholly successflrl, on the merits or otherwise, in defense ofa proceeding described in (a) or (b) above is entitled to be indemnified as a matter ofright against reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the proceeding. (d) Under the OBCA, the Company may pay for or reimburse the reasonable expenses incurred in defending a proceeding in advance of the final disposition thereofifthe director or officer receiving the advance fumishes (i) a written affirrnation ofthe director's or officer's good faith beliefthat he or she has met the prescribed standard ofconduct and (ii) a written undertaking to repay the advance ifit is ultimately determined that that person did not meet the standard ofconduct. The rights ofindemnification described above are not exclusive ofany other rights ofindemnification to which officers or directors may be entitled under any agreemert, vote ofshareholders, action ofdirectors or otherwise. Resolutions adopted by the Board require the Company to indemnifr directors and officers ofthe Company to the trllest extent permitted by law and are intended to create an obligation to indemnify to the tillest extent a court may find to be consistent with public policy considerations. In addition, under the form ofunderwriting agreement that the Company expects to enter into in connection with any issuance ofthe securities, in certain circumstances, the underwriters will agree to indemni$ the Company against certain liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act. It-z ITEM 16. EXHIBITS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULES. (a) Exhibits EXIIIBIT INDEX Exhibit No. l.l * Description Form of First Mortgage Bond Underwriting Agreement. 4l Mortsaee ard Deed of Trust dated as of Januarv 9. 1989. bet\^'een PacifiCorp and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Cornpanv. N.A.- as successor Trustee. incorporated bv reference to Exhibit 4-8. Form 8-B. File No. 1-5 I 52. as supplemented and modified bv 3 I Supplemental lndentures. each incomoraled bv reference. Exhibit No.Filc Tlpe Pcriod or File Dete File Number (4Xb)(") (aXa)(d (4xa)(u) (4Xa)(u) (aXa)(d (aXa)(d (aXald (4xa)(") 4G) 4Ib) 4&) 4G) 41b) 99(a) 4t 99 ! ! 4.2 t 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4t 4.1 4.1 SE 8-K 8-K 8-K 10-Q l0-Q 8-K l0-Q l0-Q l0-K 10-K 10-K l0-K 8-K l0-Q 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K 8-K November2, t989 January 9, 1990 September 11, t99l lannwy 7,1992 Quarter ended March 31, 1992 Quarter ended September 30, 1992 April I, 1993 Quarter cnded September 30, 1993 Ouarter ended June 30. 1994 Year ended December 3 l. 1 994 Year ended December 3 1. 1995 Year ended Decernber 3I. I996 Year ended December 3 1. 1998 November21.2001 Ouarter ended.lune 30. 2003 September 8. 2003 Aueust 24.2004 June 13.2005 Auqust 14.2006 March 14.2007 October 3. 2007 .lulv 17. 2008 Januan, 8. 2009 Mav 12. 201 I Januan' 6. 2012 June 6. 2013 March 13.2014 June 19.2015 Juh, 13.2018 March l.20l9 April 8.2020 33-3 I 86 I l-5 152 t-5152 t-5152 1-5152 l-5 152 l-5 152 t-5152 l-5152 t-5152 l-5 I 52 l-5I52 l-5152 1-5 I 52 1-5152 1-5152 1-5 I 52 t-5152 1-5 I 52 1-5152 t-5I52 1-5 I 52 l-5 l 52 l-5 152 l-5I52 t-5152 1-5152 t-5t52 l-5 I 52 l-5152 t-5 I 52 II.3 4.2*Form of Additional Bond. Opinion of Perkins Coie LLP. Awareness Letter of Deloitte & Touche LLP. Consent of Deloitte & Touche LLP. Consent of Perkins Coie LLP (included in Exhibit 5. I ). Porver of Altomev (rncluded on sie.nature oaqe hereto). Statement of Elieibilltv under the Trust Indenture Act of 1939. as amended. of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Companv. N.A.. as Trustee. under the Morteaee and Deed ofTrust. dated as ofJanuarv 9. 1989. between the Comoanv and The Bank ofNew York Mellon Trust Companv. N.A. 5l . To be filed, ifneccssary, as an cxhibit to ,n amcndm€nt hereto or as an oxhibit to , docment to be incorporated by referene hercin. (a) Not available electonically on thc SEC wcbsitc es it was filed in papcr previous to thc cleclronic system crrendy in plece. ITEM 17. UNI'ERTAKINGS, The undersigned registrant hereby undertakes: (l) To file, during any period in which offers or sales are being made, a post-effective amendment to this registation statement: (ii) To include any prospoctus required by Section l0(a)(3) ofthe Securities Act; (iii) To reflect in the prospectus any facts or ev€nts arising after the effective date ofthe registation statement (or the most recent post- effective amendurent thereof) which, individually or in the aggregate, represent a fundamental change in the information set forth in the registration statement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any increase or decrease in volume ofsecurities offered (ifthe total dollar value ofsecurities offered would not exceed that which was registered) and any deviation from the low or high end ofthe estimated maximum ofrering range may be reflected in the form ofprosp€ctus filed with the SEC pursuant to Rule 424(b) if, in the aggregate, the changes in volume and price represent no more than 20% change in the maximum aggregate offering price set forth in the "Calculation ofRegistation Fee" table in the effective registration statement; and (iv) To include any material information with respect to the plan ofdishibution not previously disclosed in the regisfration statement or any material change to such information in the registration statement; pro,rided, however, that paragraphs (aXlXi), (a)(lXii) and (aXlXiii) do not apply ifthe information required to be included in a post-effective amendment by those paragraphs is contained in reports filed with or furnished to the SEC by the registant pursuant to section 13 or section l5(d) ofthe Exchange Act that are incorporated by reference in the registration statement, or is contained in a form ofprospectus filed pursuant to Rule 424(b) that is part of the registration statement. (2) That, for the purpose of determining any liability under the Securities Ac! each such post-effective amendment shall be deemed to be a new registation statement relating to the securities offered therein, and the offcring ofsuch securities at that time shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide ofrering thereof (3) To remove from registation by means of a post-effective amendment any of the securities being registered which remain unsold at the termination ofthe offering. il4 t5.l 23.1 23.2 24 1 25.1 (4) That, for the purpose of determining liability under the Securities Act to any purchaser: (B) Each prospectus filed by the registrant pursuant to Rule 42a@)(3) shall be deemed to be part ofthe registration statement as ofthe date the filed prospectus was deemed part of and included in the registration statement; and (B) Each prospectus required to be filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)(2), (bxs), or (b)(7) as part of a registration statement in reliance on Rule 4308 relating to an offering made pursuant to Rule 415(a)(l)(i), (vii), or (x) for the purpose ofproviding the information required by section l0(a) ofthe Securities Act shall be deemed to be part ofand included in the registation statement as ofthe earlier ofthe date such form ofprospectus is first used after effectiveness or the date ofthe first contract ofsale ofsecurities in the offering described in the prospectus. As provided in Rule 430B, for liability purposes ofthe issuer and any person that is at that date an underwriter, such date shall be deemed to be a new effective date ofthe registration statement relating to the securities in the registration statement to which that prospectus relates, and the offering of such securities at that time shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide offering thereof Provided, however, that no statement made in a registation statement or prospectus that is part of the registration statement or made in a document incorporated or deemed incorporated by reference into the registration statement or prospectus that is part ofthe registration statement will, as to a purchaser with a time ofcontact ofsale prior to such effective date, supersede or modi$ any statement that was made in the registration statement or prospectus that was part of the registration statement or made in any such document immediately prior to such effective date. (5) That, for the purpose of determining liability ofthe registrant under the Securities Act to any pwchaser in the initial disribution ofthe securities: The undersigned registrant undertakes that in a primary offering ofsecurities ofthe mdersigned registrant pursuant to this registation statement, regardless ofthe underwriting method used to sell the securities to the purchaser, ifthe securities are offered or sold to such purchaser by means of any of the following communications, the undersigned registant will be a seller to the pwchaser and will be considered to offer or sell such securities to such purchaser: (i) Any preliminary prospectus or prospectus ofthe undersigned registrant relating to the offering required to be filed pursuant to Rule 424; (iD Any free writing prospectus relating to the offering prepared by or on behalfofthe undersigned registant or used or referred to by the udersigred registant; (iii) The portion ofany other free writing prospectus relating to the offering containing material information about the undersigned registrant or its securities provided by or on behalfofthe undersigned registrant; and (iv) Any other communication that is an offer in the offering made by the undersigned registrant to the purchaser (6) That, for purposes of determining any liability under the Securities Act, each filing ofthe registrant's annual report pursuant to Section l3(a) or Section l5(d) ofthe Exchange Act (and, where applicable, each filing ofan employee benefit plan's annual report pursuant to Sectiotr l5(d) ofthe Exchange Act) that is incorporated by reference in the registration statement shall be deemed to be a new registration statement relating to the securities ofered therein, and the offering ofsuch securities at that time shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide offering thereof II-5 (7) Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act may be permitted to directors, oftcers and contolling persons ofthe registant pursuant to the foregoing provisions, or otherwise, the registant has been advised that in the opinion ofthe SEC such indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act and is, therefore, unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against such liabilities (other than the payment by the registrant ofexpenses incurred or paid by a director, officer or controlling person ofthe registrant in the successful defense ofany action, suit or proceoding) is asserted by such director, officer or contolling person in connection with the securities being registered, the registrant will, unless in the opinion ofits counsel the matter has been settled by contolling precedent, submit to a court of appropriatejurisdiction the question whether such indemnification by it is against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act and will begovemed by the final adjudication ofsuch issue. II-6 SIGNATURES pursuant to the requirements ofthe Securities Act of 1933, the registrant certifies that it has reasonable grounds to believe that it meets all ofthe requirements for filing on Form S-3 and has duly caused this registration siatement to be sigred on its behalfby the undersigned thereunto duly authorized, in the City ofPortland, State ofOregon, on September 25,2020. PACIFICORP By: /s/ Nikki L. Kobliha Nikki L. Kobliha Director, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer (principal financial and accounting officer) POWEROFATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS By THESE PRESENTS, that each person whose signature appears below constitutes and appoints, jointly and severally, Nikki L. Kobliha and Jeffery B. Erb, as his or her true and laufirl attorneys-in-fact and agents, for him or her and in his or her name, place and stead, in any and all capacities, to sign any and all amendments (including post-effective amendments) to this registration statement, or any related registration statement that is to be effective upon fling pursuant to Rule i62O) und;r the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and to flle the same, with all exhibits thereto and all documents in connection thereiit, *itt tt " Securities and Exchange Commission, granting unto said attomeys-in-fact and agents full power and authority to do and perform each and every act and thing requisite and necessary to be done, as fully to all intents and purposes as he or she might or could do il person' hereby iatiffing and confirming all that said attorneys-in-fact and agents may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof pursuant to the requirements ofthe Securities Act of 1933, this registration statement has b€en duly signed by the following persons in the capacities and on the dates indicated. Sisnature /s/ William J. Fehrman Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Ofticer (principal executive officer)William J. Fehrman /s/Nilrti L. Kobliha Director, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer (principal financial and accounting ofncer)Nikki L. Kobliha /s/ Stefan A. Bird Title Director Director Director Director Date September 25, 2020 September 25, 2020 September 25, 2020 September 25, 2020 September 25, 2020 September 25, 2020 Stefan A. Bird /s/ Gary W. Hoogeveen Gary W.Hoogeveen /s/ Calvin D. Haack Calvin D. Haack /s/ Natalie L. Hocken Natalie L. Hocken fi-7 Exhibit 4.1 ICONFORMED CoPYI PACIFICORP, An Oregon Corporation TO MORGAN GUABANTY TRUST COMPAI{T OF NEWYORK, A New York Corporation Trustee fllortgrge EilD DeeU of U,tunt Doted. os of Jonuary 9, 1989 This Instrument Grauts a Security Interest By a Transmitting Utility This Instrument Contains After-Acquired Property Provisions PACIFICORP, An Oregon Corporation TO MORGAN GUABANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK A New York Corporation, Trustee Mortgage and Deed of Trust TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE PARTIES Rpcrrer,s GnANTING CLAUSES AcnrpupNr es ro AFIER-ACQUIRED PRoPERTY PRoPERTIES EXCEPTED FROM LIEN OF INDENTURE HABENDUM GneNr rN Tnusr DEFEASANCE CLAUSE CowulNr cLAUSE 1 1 1 B 3 4 t) D b Spc. 1.01 ARTICLE I Definitions Explanatory statement Construction of accounting terms Evidence of approval of signer Requests and applications to be accompanied by certificates and opinions 'Ailjusted Net Earnings" defined in Section 1.07 hereof "Annual Interest Requirements" defined in Section 1.07 hereof 6 6 6 6 6 6 Spc. 1.02 * The Table of Contents was not a part of the Mortgage and Deed of Trust as executed. 11 Sec. 1.03 'Authorized Executive OfEcer of the Company'' 'Authorized Financial OfEcer of the Company" 'Authorized Purposes" "Board of Directors" "Class "lt'' Bonds" "Class "lt" Mortgage" "Company'' "Cost'defined in Section 1.04(III) hereof "Daily Newspaper" "Defaults" defined in Section 15.01 hereof "Engineel' "Engineer's Certificate" "Excepted Encumbrances" defined in Section 1.06 hereof "Federal Bankrup tcy Act" "Fuel TYansportation Facilities" "Funded Bonds" defined in Section 1.05 hereof "Funded Cash" defined in Section 1.05 hereof "Funded Property''defined in Section 1.05 hereof "independenf,' "Independent Engineer's Certificate" "Investment Securities" "Lien hereof' and "Lien of this Indenture" "Mortgage" or "this Indenture" "Mortgaged and Pledged Property'' "Net Earning Certificate" defined in Section 1.07 hereof "Offrcers' Certificate" "Opinion of Counsel' "Original Trustee" "Outstanding" "Outstandingl' with respect to Class "ll' Bonds "Outstandingl'with respect to Qualified Lien Bonds defined in Section 1.06 hereof "Pacific Mortgage" "Proceeds of Released Property" "Property Additions" defined in Section 1.04 hereof "Qualified Lien" defined in Section 1.06 hereof "Qualified Lien Bonds" defined in Section 1.06 hereof "Resolution" "Responsible Officers" "Retired Bonds" PAGE 7 7 7 7 7 I 7 7 7 8 8 8 9I 9 9IIII 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 ll 11 11 12 12 L2 t2 t2 t2 Spc. 1.04 Src. 1.05 Snc. 1.06 Spc. 1.07 1U "Space Satellites" "Trust Indenture Act" "I!ustee" "underwriter" defrned in Section 19.12 hereof "Utah Mortgage" "Wyodak Facility'' Q "Property Additions" (II) Provisions for netting Property Additions (I[) "Cost' "Funded Property" "Funded Bonds" "Funded Cash' "Excepted Encumbrances" "Qualified Lien' "Qualified Lien Bonds" "Outstandingf' "Net Earning Certificate" Construction ofphrases relating to property retirement Interest payments in foreign coin or currency ARTICLE II Forms, Dxecution, Registration, Exchange and Other General Provisions as to lssuance ofBonds Aggregate principal amount of bonds unlimited Company free to determine price and other terms of issuance of bonds Bonds issuable in series; establishment of terms, conditions and provisions of each such series One or more series may be expressed in one or more foreign languages-English text shall prevail Kinds and denominations ofbonds Date of and interest on fully registered bonds Dates and designation of coupon bonds Legends on bonds Surrender of bonds upon exchange Authentication and issuance of new bonds Charges for exchanges and transfers of bonds Registration and transfer books PAGE L2 t2 13 13 13 13 13 15 16 t7 19 19 20 2t 2t 2t 22 26 26 Soc. Spc. Snc. Snc. Spc. Snc. Snc. Soc. 2.Ot 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 26 27 27 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32Soc. 2.Og lV PAGE Spc. Src. Soc. Spc. 2.to 2,tt 2.t2 2.L3 Execution ofbonds Matured coupons to be detached before authentication ofbonds Temporary bonds Replacement ofstolen, lost, destroyed or mutilated bonds Indemnity and charges Trustee's certificate on bonds 32 82 DO 33 33 s4 34 34 34 34 Suc. 3.01 ARTICLE III First Series ofBonds Bonds of the First Series (I) Redemption of Bonds of the First Series (I) Exchange of Bonds of the First Series(II) Delivery of Bonds of the First Series Snc. 4.01 ABTICLE TV Issuance ofBonds Upon Deposit of Class "A" Bonds With Trustee (I) Additional bonds issuable based upon deposit of Class "A" Bonds(I) No Net Earning Certificate required in certain cases 35 36 Soc. Spc. Soc. 5.01 5.02 5.03 ABTICLEV Issuance ofBonds on the Basis of Property Additions Additional bonds issuable on basis of Property Additions No bonds issuable under Article V on basis of Funded Property Bonds issuable under Article V to specified percentage of Cost or fair value of Property Additions after making certain deductions and additions Qualified Liens on Property Additions deducted from principal amount of bonds otherwise issuable-exception Bonds issuable on Property Additions subject to Qualified Lien and Qualified Lien Bonds limited to specified percentage of all bonds including Qualified Lien Bonds Net Earning requirements for issue on Property Additions Bond application papers for issue on Property Additions Determination of Cost, fair value and fair market value DT 37 37 D' 37 4t 4t 46 Spc. 5.04 Snc. Ssc. 5.05 5.06 v ARTICLE VI Issuance of Bonds Upon Retirement of Bonds Previously Outstanding Hereunder Snc. Spc. 6.01 6.02 Bond application papers for issues in refunding certain Retired Bonds Net Earning Certificate in certain cases No bonds may be issued under Section 6.01 in certain cases PAGE 46 47 48 Src. Spc. Soc. 7.Or 7.02 7.03 ARTICLE VIT lssuance of Bonds Upon Deposit of Cash With Trustee Bond application papers for issues against deposited cash Withdrawal of cash deposited under Section 7.01 Company may direct application ofcash deposit under Section 7.01 to purchase, pay or redeem bonds 48 49 49 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 EO 53 53 53 53 SBc. 8.01 ABTICLE VIII Amendments to the Trust lndenture Act Reservation of right to comply with or conform to the Trust Indenture Act Spc. 9.01 ARTICLE D( Particular Covenants of the Company Possession Maintenance of Lien Right to mortgage Payment of principal and interest Cancellation of paid coupons (a) Appointment of qualified Trustee (b) Office or agency for presentation of bonds, coupons, notices, etc. Results of failure to maintain such offices (c) Duty of paying agent other than Trustee (d) Duty of Company acting as paying agent (e) Delivery to Tlustee of sums held by other paying agent (f) All sums to be held subject to Section 22.03 Payments oftaxes, etc. Spc. Snc. 9.02 9.03 Snc. 9.04 vl Q) Insurance on property (II) Application of insurance proceeds (III) Use of money not applied to rebuilding or renewal within eighteen months(IV) Deductible provision @ Maintenance of Mortgaged and Pledged Property (II) Permanent discontinuance of operation or reduction of capacity of any plants or property QII) Independent Engineer's Certificate on maintenance ofMortgaged and Pledged Property(f$ Company objection in writing to findings of independent Engineer; arbitration fl) Grace period regarding compliance (trrl) Company shall cure deficiency; independent Engineer or arbitrators shall report to Trustee fl/II) Company deemed to have defaulted in covenants of this Section unless Trustee advised deficiency has been cured(\{II) Expenses (IX) Relief of Company from certain covenants by order or regulation of regulatory authority fr) Retirement from plant account of property no longer useful in business Covenant as to dividends Maintenance of corporate existence and franchises Recording, filing, etc. Annual Opinion of Counsel Instruments of further assurance (a) Company to furnish Trustee information as to names and addresses of bondholders (b) Preservation by Tlustee of such information (c) Trustee shall make such information available or mail communications to bondholders in certain circumstances (d) Trustee and paying agent not accountable by reason of disclosing or mailing material pursuant to subdivision (c) (1) Company agrees to file with Trustee copies of annual reports which the Company may be required to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission PAGESpc. 9.05 Spc. 9.06 54 ab 56 Dt) 56 ol 57 58 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 61 61 62 62 62 64 64 Snc. Spc. Spc. 9.07 9.08 9.09 Soc. 9.10 Snc. 9.11 Snc. Snc. 9.t2 9.13 vll (2) Company agrees to file with Trustee and Securities and Exchange Commission certain additional information with respect to compliance with certain conditions and covenants of Indenture (B) Company agrees to transmit to bondholders summaries of such information as may be required by Securities and Exchange Commission Books of record and account Faithful performance of covenants, conditions, etc' Company to advise Trustee promptly after any failure to pay principal of or interest on Qualified Lien Bonds or Class "lt''Bonds Upon cancellation of Qualified Lien Company will (a) cause Qualified Lien Bonds to be cancelled or deposited hereunder ft) deposit hereunder all Funded Cash, etc., held thereunder Not permit the amount of Qualified Lien Bonds to be increased----exceptions Disposition of cash received on discharge of prior liens Annual Certificate of No Default ARTTCLEX Concerning Bonds Secured by Lien Prior to the Lien Hereof Deposited with Trustee Requirements upon deposit ofbonds secured by lien prior hereto Disposition ofprincipal and interest on bonds secured by lien prior hereto Surrender of bonds secured by lien prior hereto Extension ofmaturity, etc., ofbond secured by lien prior hereto Trustee's rights on Default hereunder as holder of bonds secured by lien prior hereto ARTICLEXI Concerning Class "A" Bonds and Additional Class "A" Mortgages Trustee to notify trustees of Class '?' Mortgages of Default and payments to be made on held Class "A" Bonds 65 65 bD 65 bc 65 66 66 67 68 PAGE 64 72 Soc. Spc. Spc. 10.01 10.02 10.03 Soc. 9.14 Snc. 10.04 Spc. 11.01 68 69 70 7t 7l vlu ARTICLE XI Concerning Class "A" Bonds and Additional Class "^{' Mortgages Spc. Spc. tL.o2 11.03 Form ofdeposited Class "1t''Bonds Trustee to vote all Class "1t''Bonds Outstanding with respect to any amendments or modification of Class "A" Mortgage Limitation on issuance of Class "lrl' Bonds Limitation on issuance of Class "ll' Bonds under a Class "A' Mortgage (I) Designation of Additional Class "A'Mortgages (II) Status of Additional Class "ll'Mortgages and Additional Class ,,1t', Bonds PAGE Snc. Spc. Snc. 11.04 11.05 11.06 72 72 73 73 ,D'to 76 76 76 77 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 Src. Snc. 12.01 t2.02 ABTICLExIT Redemption or Purchase ofBonds Which bonds redeemable Redemption of a part only of bonds Notice of redemption Mailing notice Bonds due on redemption date ifprice deposited and notice given Redemption money held in trust until paid to holders on surrender ofbonds When bonds cease to bear interest Partial redemption of registered bonds Purchase of bonds with cash held by Tlustee Company may designate series Solicitation of offers to sell Bonds paid, purchased or redeemed hereunder to be cancelled Destruction ofbonds and coupons Snc. Suc. 12.03 t2.o4 Spc. 12.05 Soc. lz.OG Src. Spc. 13.01 13.02 ABTICLEXIII Possession, Use and Belease of Mortgaged and Pledged Property Company's possession and enjoyment What Company may do without release or consent by Trustee (1) Replacement of machinery, equipment, tools, etc. (2) Cancellation of rights of way (3) Surrender or assent to modification of franchises, etc. 80 80 80 80 80 IX Spc. 13.03 Release of property (1) Officers' Certificate (2) Engineer's Certificate iai CrJfr equal to amount by which Cost or fair value of property released exceeds the sum of: (a) Purchase money obligations received @) Cost or fair value of Property Additions made basis of release (c) Principal amount of bonds which Company waives right to issue (d; P"rchase money obligations delivered to holder of Qualified Lien (e) Principal amount of bonds delivered to Tlustee (f Taxes and expenses (4) Opinion of Counsel on Property Additions (5) Opinion of Counsel on purchase money mortgage, etc. (6) Opinion of Counsel if franchise to be released (7) Opinion of Counsel on conditions and covenants Assignment, filing and recordation ofpurchase money mortgages; Opinion ofCounsel Conditions if release based on Property Additions, etc. When Property Additions made basis of release do not become Funded Property Disposition of consideration received upon release Substituted property to become subject to Lien Belease of property which is not Funded Property (1) Officers' Certificate (2) Engineer's Certificate (3) Further Engineer's Certificate (4) Opinion of Counsel Release of real estate unimproved for Company's business Any consideration received by Company to be deposited hereunder Withdrawal or application of moneys received for releases, etc' Such moneys may be: (1) Withdrawn on basis of Property Additions (2) Withdrawn on basis of right to issue bonds (3) Applied to purchase bonds (4) Applied to redeem bonds PAGE 81 81 81 Src. 13.04 82 82 83 83 83 83 84 84 85 85 ab 85 86 86 88 88 89 89 90 90 90 91 91 91 92 92 92 Snc. Snc. 13.05 13.06 x Snc. 13.07 Requirements for withdrawal of moneys When withdrawal does not represent Funded Property Release of purchase money mortgage obligations Principal and interest on purchase money mortgage obligations Disposition ofbonds deposited under this Section Release of property or subordination to interests taken by eminent domain or purchased by governmental body Application of proceeds IfMortgaged and Pledged Property in hands ofreceiver or trustee, it may exercise powers conferred on Company Notwithstanding default, Tlustee may release Mortgaged and Pledged Property Purchaser in good faith not put on inquiry Alternative method of release of certain Mortgaged and Pledged Property Quitclaim ofproperty not subject to Lien PAGE 92 94 95 95 96 96 96 97 97 97 98 98 Snc. 13.08 Snc. Spc. 13.09 13.10 Spc. 14.01 ARTICLE )flV Discharge of Class ".f'Mortgage Discharge of Class "l(' Mortgage if no bonds are Outstanding thereunder (excluding Class "lf' Bonds held by the Trustee)99 Spc. Spc. Snc. 15.01 15.02 15.03 ARTICLEXV Remedies of Trustee and Bondholders Upon Default Defi nition of "Defaults" Trustee to give bondholders and trustees under Class "1t'' Mortgages notice of defaults Declaration of principal and accrued interest due upon Default Holders of specified percentage of bonds may annul declaration Trustee may take possession and operate Mortgaged and Pledged Property on Default When Tbustee shall surrender possession to Company Power ofTYustee to sell all the Mortgaged and Pledged Property Judicial proceedings by Trustees Remedies cumulative Delay, etc., not a waiver of rights Waiver of Default not to extend to subsequent Defaults 99 101 LO2 ro2 103 103 103 to4 104 104 104 Spc.15.04 Spc. Snc. 15.05 15.06 XI Spc. 15.07 Holders of specified percentage of bonds may direct judicial proceedings by Trustee Bonds owned by Company or affrliates not included in determining percentages for certain purposes Appointment of receiver All bonds to become due and payable upon sale ofproperty Purchase by bondholders at sale of property Receipt ofTlustee or of6cer making sale to be a discharge to purchaser Effect of sale on rights of Company Disposition ofproceeds of sale Order of application Waiver by Company of advantage of any appraisement, valuation, stay, extension or redemption laws, and of rights to marshal assets Payment ofprincipal and interest to Trustee upon occurrence ofcertain defaults Proofs of claim Judgment may be taken by Trustee Lien of Indenture not to be affected by judgment or levy of execution by Trustee Application of moneys collected by Tlustee Possession of bonds unnecessary in action by Trustee Bondholders not necessary parties to action Limitation upon right ofbondholders to institute certain legal proceedings Right of bondholders to receive and enforce payment not impaired Company may waive period of grace If enforcement proceedings abandoned, status quo ant€ restored PAGE 104 105 105 106 106 106 107 107 107 Snc. Spc. Soc. Src. 15.08 15.09 15.10 15.11 Soc. Snc. Spc. I5,L2 15.13 15.14 108 109 109 110 110 110 110 lll 111 rt2 tL2 Lt2 Suc. Sec. Spc. 15.15 15.16 15.17 Src. 16.01 ARTICLEXVI Evidence of Bights of Bondholders and Ownership ofBonds Execution of instruments by bondholders Proof of execution (a) Acknowledgment O) Certificate of trust company, bank, etc. Consent or vote binding on future holder ofbond tt2 tt2It2tt2 113 xll Spc. 16.02 Evidence of ownership of temporary or coupon bonds Evidence of ownership of registered bonds Inspection ofbonds PAGE 113 113 Lt4 Suc. 17.01 ABTICLE XVTI Immunity of Incorporators, Subscribers to the Capital Stock, Shareholders, Officers and Directors Liability of officers, etc. released and waived tt4 Snc. 18.01 ARTICLEXVIII Effect of Merger, Consolidation, Etc. Company may merge, consolidate, etc., upon certain terms Covenant against impairment of Lien thereby Assumption of obligation by successor Rights of successor corporation Execution of indenture Issuance of bonds, etc., on basis of Property Additions by successor corporation Extent of Lien of this Indenture upon property of successor corporation 115 115 115 115 116 116 t17 Src. 18.02 Spc. 18.03 Spc. 19.01 ARTICLEXD( Concerning the Trustee Qualification of Tlustee Acceptance of trust-duties in general Extent of Tlustee's liability-in general Recitals deemed made by Company Trustee not liable for debts incurred in operating property Trustee, etc., may own bonds Trustee may give notices incidental to action by it Notice by Tlustee to Company-mailing Trustee protected in relying on Certificates, etc. Trustee may consult counsel Responsibility in selection of experts Moneys deposited with Trustee to be held in trust Interest on moneys with Tlustee Compensation of Trustee-lien therefor 119 119 119 Lzl r2t L2lt2l L2t t22 t22 t22 L22 L22 t23 Snc. Spc. Spc. 19.02 19.03 19.04 Spc. Snc. Spc. 19.05 19.06 19.07 Suc. Ssc. 19.08 19.09 x11.1 PAGE Snc. Spc. Src. 19.10 19.11 L9.t2 Trustee may rely on facts established by certificate from Company Action to be taken by Trustee who becomes creditor of Company Action to be taken by Trustee acquiring conflicting interest Definition of conflicting interest Trustee to transmit certain reports to bondholders Copies ofreports to be filed with stock exchanges and Securities and Exchange Commission Resignation or removal ofTrustee Appointment of successor Trustee Appointment of additional trustees or co-trustees Conditions affecting such appointment Notice by bondholders to Trustee, notice to all trustees Contents, filing, etc. ofinstrument appointing trustee Incapacity, etc., of separate trustee or co-trustee Acceptance by successor trustee Requirements of predecessor trustee upon retiring Merger or consolidation of Trustee Delivery of bonds authenticated by predecessor Trustee Authentication by successor Trustee Appointment of successor Trustee by Company Appointment of authenticating agent t24 L24 t29 130 135 t37 t37 138 139 140t4t t4Lt4lt4t 142 L42 t42 t43 143 143 t45 Spc.19.13 Spc. Spc. Suc. 19.14 19.15 19.16 Snc. Snc. t9.L7 19.18 Snc. Soc. 19.19 t9.20 Spc. Spc. 20.01 20.02 ABTICLE )O( Discharge of Mortgage Execution of requisite deeds and instruments Bonds for payment of which money or obligations of the United States are deposited are deemed paid-provisos Discharge of obligation to comply with covenantsSrc. 20.03 t46 t47 Spc. Src. 21.01 2t.o2 ARTICLE)Oil Meetings and Consents of Bondholders Modifications of Indenture-in general Call and notice of meeting of bondholders Place when called by Trustee Written notice Publication When notice not required t47 t47 r47 148 148 14ti xlv PAGE Snc.21.03 2t.04 21.05 21.06 2L.O7 21.08 Attendance at meetings Trustee may make regulations as to deposits of bonds Certificate in lieu of production of unregistered bonds Persons entitled to vote at meetings When production of bonds and further proof necessary Prodes-Acknowledgment Temporary Chairman and Secretary Permanent Chairman and Secretary Inspectors ofVotes Quorum Notice of adjournment Vote necessary for modification, alteration, etc., of Indenture Limitations on right of modification Bonds owned, held by, or for account ofCompany not counted Record of meeting Conclusiveness of record Copy of resolution to be mailed to bondholders Proof of mailing to be filed with Trustee Effect of failure to mail Approval ofresolution by Company Effective date of resolution Notation of action taken may be made on bonds New bonds When supplemental instruments may be executed (A) Trustee may receive written consent of bondholders in lieu of holding a meeting @) Acknowledgment of written consent (C) Revocation of consent 148 148 149 150 150 150 150 150 150 151 151 t52 r52 153 153 153 153 153 153 t54 r54 154 t54 L54 .l.bl) 155 156 Snc. Snc- Spc. Snc. Snc. Snc. 21.09 Spc. 21.10 Snc. Spc. 22.01 22.O2 ARTICLE)OilT Miscellaneous Benefits restricted to parties hereto and to holders ofbonds and coupons Investment of cash by Trustee in certain securities Such securities held by Trustee as part ofMortgaged and Pledged Property Retirement ofbonds with funds in excess of specified amount held by Trustee for specified period 156 t57 t57 t57 xv PAGE Suc. 22.0g Deposits for bonds and coupons not claimed for specified period to be returned to Company on demand Spc. 22.04 Bights may be waived or surrendered by Company Company may enter into further covenants for benefit of one or more series of bonds Trustee may join with Company in execution of instruments Spc. 22.05 Formal requirements of certificates and opinions hereunder Spc. 22.06 Concerning court costs and counsel fees in certain suits hereunder Ssc. 22.07 Successors and assigns Snc. 22.08 Addresses ofthe parties hereto Snc. 22.09 In event ofconflict, Tlust Indenture Act provisions herein to control Snc. 22.L0 Reference is to Trust Indenture Act in force on the date ofexecution hereof--+xceptions Spc. 24.ll Titles ofArticles oflndenture, marginal sectional, marginalArticle references and table ofcontents not part thereof Snc. 22.12 Execution in counterparts Tpsrruounnt SrcN,lrunrs axp Spars Acxnowr,pucurNts Exursrt X ExnrnrrY ExErBrr Z 158 158 158 159 159 160 160 160 161 161 161 161 t62 t62 163 t64 167 170 INDENTURE, dated as of the ninth day of January, 1989, made and entered into by and between PACIFICORP, an Oregon corporation (the "Company"), and MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NDW YORK, a New York corporation, as trustee hereunder (the ttTrustee"); WHEREAS, the Company deems it necessary to borrow money for its corporate purposes and to issue its bonds therefor from time to time in one or more series, and to mortgage and pledge its property hereinafter described or mentioned to secure the payment of the same; and WHEREAS, all acts necessary to make this Indenture a valid, binding and legal instrument for the security of such bonds have been performed, and the issue of such bonds, subject to the terms ofthis Indenture, has been in all respects duly authorized; Now, THEREFoRE, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: THAT PACIFICoRP, an Oregon corporation, in consideration of the premises and of good and valuable consideration to it duly paid by the Trustee at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in order to secure the payment of both the principal of and interest and premium, if any, on the bonds from time to time issued hereunder, according to their tenor and effect and the performance of all provisions hereof (including any instruments supplemental hereto and any modification made as in this Indenture provided) and of such bonds, has mortgaged, pledged and granted a security interest in, and by these presents does mortgage, pledge and grant a security interest in (subject, however, to Excepted Encumbrances as defined in Section 1.06 hereofl, unto Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as Trustee, and to its successor or successors in said trust, and to said Trustee and its successors and assigns forever, those certain parcels of real property described in Exhibit Z attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, and all other properties of the Company real, personal and mixed, of the kind or nature specifically mentioned herein or of any other kind or nature (except any hereinbefore or hereinafter expressly excepted), now owned or, subject to the provisions of Section 18.03 hereof, hereafter acquired by the Company (by purchase, consolidation, merger, donation, construction, erection or in any other way) and wheresoever situated, including (without limitation) all real Parties* Recitrlg Compliance with legal requirements Grenting clauses Gcnerrl rnd rftsr-acquired prop€rty chrses *The margin notes and headings were not a part ofthe Mortgage and Deed ofTrust as executed. 2 Appurtenrncs, etc. estate, lands, easements, servitudes, licenses, permits, franchises, privileges, rights of way and other rights in or relating to real estate or the occupancy of the same; all power sites, flowage rights, water rights, water locations, water appropriations, ditches, flumes, reservoirs, reservoir sites, canals, raceways, waterways, dams, dam sites, aqueducts, and all other rights or means for appropriating, conveying, storing and supplying water; all rights of way and roads; all plants for the generation of electricity and other forms of energy (whether now known or hereafter developed) by steam, water, sunlight, chemical processes and/or (without limitation) all other sources of power (whether now known or hereafter developed); all power houses, gas plants, street lighting systems, standards and other equipment incidental thereto; all telephone, radio, television and other communications, image and data transmission systems, air-conditioning systems and equipment incidental thereto, water wheels, water works, water systems, steam and hot water plants, substations, Iines, service and supply systems, bridges, culverts, tracks, ice or refrigeration plants and equipment, offices, buildings and other structures and the equipment thereof; all machinery, engines, boilers, dynamos, turbines, electric, gas and other machines, prime movers, regulators, meters, transformers, generators (including, but not limited to, engine-driven generators and turbogenerator units), motors, electrical, gas and mechanical appliances, conduits, cables, water, steam, gas or other pipes, gas mains and pipes, service pipes, fittings, valves and connections, pole and transmission lines, towers, overhead conductors and devices, underground conduits, underground conductors and devices, wires, cables, tools, implements, apparatus, storage battery equipment, and all other fixtures and personalty; all municipal and other franchises, consents or permits; all lines for the transmission and distribution of electric current and other forms of energy, gas, steam, water or communications, images and data for any puryose including towers, poles, wires, cables, pipes, conduits, ducts and all apparatus for use in connection therewith and (except as hereinbefore or hereinafter expressly excepted) all the right, title and interest of the Company in and to all other property ofany kind or nature appertaining to and/or used and/or occupied and/or enjoyed in connection with any property herein-before described; ToGETHER WITH all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, prescriptions, servitudes and appurtenances belonging or in anywise 3 appertaining to the aforesaid property or any part thereof, with the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders and (subject to the provisions of Section 13.01 hereof) the tolls, rents, revenues, issues, earnings, income, product and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title and interest and claim whatsoever, at law as well as in equity, which the Company now has or may hereafter acquire in and to the aforesaid property and franchises and every part and parcel thereof. IT IS HEREBY AGREED by the Company that, subject to the provisions of Section 18.03 hereof, all the property, rights and franchises acquired by the Company @y purchase, consolidation, merger, donation, construction, erection or in any other way) after the date hereof, except any hereinbefore or hereinafter expressly excepted, shall be and are as fully mortgaged and pledged hereby and as fully embraced within the Lien hereof as if such property, rights and franchises were now owned by the Company and were specifically described herein and mortgaged hereby. PROVIDED THAT the following are not and are not intended to be now or hereafter mortgaged or pledged hereunder, nor is a security interest therein hereby granted or intended to be granted, and the same are hereby expressly excepted from the Lien hereofand the operation of this Indenture, namely: (l) cash, shares of stock, bonds, notes and other obligations and other securities not hereinbefore or hereafter specifically pledged, paid, deposited, delivered or held hereunder or covenanted so to be; (2) merchandise, equipment, apparatus, materials or supplies held for the purpose ofsale or other disposition in the usual course of business or for the purpose of repairing or replacing (in whole or part) any rolling stock, buses, motor coaches, automobiles or other vehicles or aircraft or boats, ships, or other vessels, and any fuel, oil and similar materials and supplies consumable in the operation of any of the properties of the Company; rolling stock, buses, motor coaches, automobiles and other vehicles and all aircraft; boats, ships and other vessels; all crops (both growing and harvested), timber @oth growing and harvested), minerals ftoth in place and severed), and mineral rights and royalties; (3) bills, notes and other instruments and accounts receivable, judgments, demands, general intangibles and choses in action, and all contracts, leases and operating agreements not specifically pledged hereunder or hereafter covenanted so to be; (4) the last day of the term of any lease or leasehold which may hereafter become subject to the Lien hereof; (5) Agreem€nt rs to rfter-ecquired prop€rty Prop€rties except€d from Lien of Indenture 4 Subordinrtion of Lien of Indenturc Habendum electric enelgy, gas, water, steam, ice, and other materials, forms of energy or products generated, manufactured, produced or purchased by the Company for sale, distribution or use in the ordinary course of its business; (6) any natural gas wells or natural gas leases or natural gas transportation lines or other works or property used primarily and principally in the production of natural gas or its transportation, primarily for the purpose of sale to natural gas customers or to a natural gas distribution or pipeline company, up to the point of connection with any distribution system; (7) the Company's franchise to be a corporation; (8) any interest (as lessee, owner or otherwise) in the Wyodak Facility, including, without limitation, any equipment, parts, improvements, substitutions, replacements or other property relating thereto; and (9) all properties that PacifiCorp, a Maine corporation, and/or Utah Power & Light Company, a Utah corporation, have contracted to dispose of and that have been released from the liens of the Pacific Mortgage and the Utah Mortgage, respectively, prior to the date hereof, but title to which properties had not passed to the grantee(s) thereof as of said date; provided, however, that the property and rights expressly excepted from the Lien and operation of this Indenture in the above subdivisions (2) and (3) shall (to the extent permitted by law) cease to be so excepted in the event and as of the date that the Trustee or a receiver for the Trustee shall enter upon and take possession of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property in the manner provided in Article XV hereof by reason ofthe occurrence ofa Default; AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that as to any property of the Company that is now or hereafber becomes subject to the lien of a Class "Il' Mortgage pursuant to the after-acquired property provisions thereof, the Lien hereof shall at all times be junior and subordinate to the lien of such Class "It'' Mortgage; To HAyE AND To HoLD all such properties, real, personal and mixed, mortgaged and pledged hereby, or in which a security interest has been granted by the Company as aforesaid, or intended so to be (subject, however, to Excepted Encumbrances as defined in Section 1.06 hereof), unto Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as Trustee, and its successors and assigns forever; 5 IN TRUST NEVERTHELESS, upon the terms and trusts herein set forth, for the equal pro rata benefit and security of all and each of the bonds and coupons issued and to be issued. hereunder, or any of them, in accordance with the terms of this Indenture, withoutpreference, priority or distinction as to the lien of any of said bonds and coupons over anyothers thereof by reason of priority in the time of the issue or negotiation thereo{ or otherwise howsoever, subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth in reference to extended, transferred or pledged coupons and claims for interest; it being intended that, subject as aforesaid, the lien and security of all of said bonds and coupons of all series issued or to beissued hereunder shall take effect from the execution and delivery of this Indenture, andthat the Lien and security of this Indenture shall take effect from the date of execution and delivery hereof as though all of the said bonds of all series were actually authenticated anddelivered and issued upon such date. PRoVIDED, HoWEVER, that these presents are upon the condition that if the Company, its successors or assigns, shall pay or cause to be paid the principal of and interest on saidbonds, together with the premium, if any, payable on such of said bond.s as may have beencalled for redemption prior to maturity, or shall provide, as permitted hereby, for thepayment of the entire amount due or to become due thereon for principal, interest andpremium, if any, and if the Company shall also pay or cause to be paid all other sumspayable hereunder by it, then this Intlenture and the lien and rights hereby created shall cease, determine and be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect. IT Is HEREBY CoVENANTED, DECLARED AND AGREED by and between the parties heretothat all such bonds and coupons are to be authenticated, delivered and issued, and that allproperty subject or to become subject hereto is to be held subject to the further covenants,conditions, uses and trusts hereinafber set forth, and the Company, for itself and its successors and assigns, does hereby covenant and agree to and with the Trustee and its successor or successors in such trust, for the benefit of those who shall hold said bonds andinterest coupons, or any of them, as follows; Grrnt in Trust Defeesrnce cleuse Covenant cleuse 6 Explanatory statement Construction of accounting term Evidence of Trustee's approval of signer Requirement for Officer's Certificate and Opinion of Counsel 'i{djusted Net Eamings" "Annual Interest Requirements" Art. I; $$1.0r, 1.02 ARTICLE I Definitions Section 1.01 The terms defined in the next six Sections hereof, numbered from 1.02 to 1.07, both inclusive, shall (except as in this Indenture or in any indenture supplemental hereto otherwise expressly provided) for all pulposes ofthis Indenture, and ofany indenture supplemental hereto, have the respective meanings in such Sections specified. Subject to Seciion 8.01 hereof, any term defined in Section 303 of the Trust Indenture Act and not defined in this Indenture shall have the meaning assigned to such term in such Section 303 as in force on the date ofthe execution ofthis Indenture. The accounting terms used in this Indenture shall be construed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices in use at the time by companies operating like properties or, at the option of the Company, from time to time, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices in use at the date of this Indenture or at the date of any Class "1t''Mortgage, as hereinafter defined, so long as such Class "/t''Mortgage is in effect. The acceptance by the Trustee of any document the signer of which is required by some provision hereofto be approved by the Trustee, shall be sufficient evidence ofits approval of the signer within the meaning of this Indenture. Every request or application by the Company for action by the Trustee under any of the provisions oflhis Indenture shall be accompanied by the Officers' Certificate and the Opinion of Counsel provided for in Section 22.05 hereof. A Resolution delivered to the Trustee shall be sufficient evidence of the Board of Director's actions set forth therein. Section 1.02 The term'Adjusted Net Earnings" is defined in Section 1.07 hereof. The term'Annual Interest Requirements" is defined in Section 1.07 hereof. 7 The term 'Authorized Purposes" shall mean the authentication and delivery of bond.s, the "Authorized purposes,, release of property and/or the withdrawal of cash under any of the provisions of this Indenture. s1.02 The term 'Authorized Executive Officer of the Company'' shall mean its Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, President or any Vice-President. The term 'Authorized Financial Officer of the Company'' shall mean its Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Offrcer, Controller, Comptroller, Treasurer or any Assistant Treasurer. The term "Board of Directors" shall mean either the board of directors of the Company or any duly constituted committee authorized by Resolution to act for said board hereunder. The term "Class "A" Bonds" shall mean bonds now or hereafter issued and outstandingunder (1) the Pacific Mortgage, (2) the Utah Mortgage and./or (B) any other Class ,,A1, Mortgage or Mortgages. The term "class "lt''Mortgage" shall mean the Pacific Mortgage, the utah Mortgage and each other mortgage or deed of trust or similar indenture entered into by any corporationthat is subsequently merged into or consolidated with the Q6mpan/ and hereafter designated an additional Class "/t'' Mortgage in a supplemental indenture to be executed and recorded as provided in Section 11.06 hereof. The term "Company" shall mean PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, and subject to theprovisions of Article X\4II hereof, shall also include its successors and assigns. For thepurposes of (i) clause (2) of subdivision (c) of Section g.03 hereof, (ii) the second paragraph of Section 15.07 hereof, (iii) the second and third paragraphs of Section 15.14 hereof, (iv) Section 19.11 hereof, (v) Section 19.12 hereof and (vi) paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 19.13 hereof, the word "Company'' shall be deemed to mean and refer to the Company and any other obligor on the bonds secured hereby. The term "Cost" with respect to Property Additions is defined in Section 1.04(IID hereof. The term "Daily Newspapey'' shall mean a newspaper of general circulation, printed in the English language and customarily published "Authorized Executive Ofliccr of th€ Compeny" "Authorizcd Finencirl Oflicer of the Compeny" "Board ofDiretors" "Class "A" Bonds" 'Cl.ss "A'Mortgrge" 'Compeny" (Cost' "Deily Newsprper" 8 "Defrults" "Engineer" (En gincer's Certilicrte" $1.02 on each business day, whether or not published on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays; or, in the alternative, shall mean such form of communication as may have come into general use for the dissemination of information of similar import. In the event that successive weekly publications in a Daily Newspaper are required hereunder they may be made (unless otherwise expressly provitlett hlrein) on the same or different days of the week and in the same or in different Daily Newspapers. In case, by reason of the suspension of publication of any Daily Newspaper, or by reason of any other cause, it shall be impractical without extraordinary expense to make publication of any notice in a Daily Newspaper as required by this Indentur", ih"r, such method of publication or notification as shall be made with the approval of the Trustee shall be deemed the equivalent of the required publication of such notice in a Daily NewsPaPer. The term "Defaults" is defined in Section 15.01 hereof. The term "Engineet'' shall mean an individual who is an engineer, or a co-partnership or a corporation engaged in an engineering business, who or which, unless required to be independent, may be employed by the Company. The term "Engineer's Certificate" shall mean a certificate signed by an Authorized Executive Offrcer of the Company and by an Engineer appointed by the Board of Directors; provided, however, if any property or securities are to be released from the Lien of this indenture, the Engineer's Certificate as to the fair value ofsuch property or securities and as to matters referred to in clause (f) of subdivision (2) of Section 13.03 and clause (y) of Section 13.0a(2)(a) hereof shall be made by an independent Engineer, appraiser, or other expert (who or *t i"t may be appointed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company), if lhe fair value of such properiy or securities and of all other property or securities released since the commencement of the then current calendar year, as set forth in the certificates required by this Indenture, is ten per centum (10%) or more of the aggregate principal amount of the bonds at the time Outstanding; but such a certificate of an independent Engineer, appraiser, or other expert shall not be required in the case of any release of property or securities, if the fair value thereof as set forth in the certificates required by this indlnture is less than Thenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) or less than one per centum (lo/o) of the aggregate amount of (x) the principal amount of the bonds at the time butstanding ""a fyl the principal amount of the Class A Bonds at the time Outstanding other than I $r.02 Class A Bonds delivered to and held by the Trustee hereunder. Each such certificate shall include the statements provided for in Section22.05 hereof. The term "Excepted Encumbrances" is defined in Section 1.06 hereof. The term "Federal Bankruptcy Act" shall mean the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, any amendments thereto, or any law substituted therefor. The term "Independent Engineer's Certifi.cate" shall mean a certifi.cate signed by an independent Engineer. Each such certifi.cate shall include the statements provided for in Section 22.05 hereof. The term "Fuel Transportation Facilities" shall mean railroad cars, conveyors, barges and "Fuel rrrnsportstion Facilities" other transportation equipment (other than trucks) used or to be used primarily for the transportation of coal, oil, nuclear fuel or other fuel. The term "Funded Bonds" is defined in Section 1.05 hereof.(Funded Bonds" The term "Funded Cash" is defined in Section 1.05 hereof."Fund€d Cssh" The term "Funded Property''is defined in Section 1.05 hereof.(Funded Property' The term "independent'', when applied to any accountant, Engineer, appraiser or .independent" other expert, shall mean such a person who (a) is in fact independent, (b) does not have any direct material financial interest in the Company or in any other obligor upon the bonds or in any affrliate ofthe Company or ofsuch other obligor and (c) is not connected with the Q6mpan/ or such other obligor as an officer, employee, promoter, underwriter, trustee, partner, director or any person performing similar functions, selected by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company and who is approved by the Tlustee in the exercise of reasonable care. "Erccpted Encumbrrnces" "Federol Bsnknptcy Act" "Independent Engineer's Certificate' The term "Investment Securities" shall mean any of the following obligations or securities 'Inveltmertsecurities" on which neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates is the obligor: (a) bonds or other obligations of the United States of America; ft) interest bearing deposit accounts (which may be represented by certificates of deposit) in national or state banks (which may include the Trustee) having a combined capital and surplus of not less than Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000), or savings and loan associations having total assets of not less than Forty Million Dollars 6l,ien hereof'rnd "Lien ofthis Indenture' "Mortgrge" or "this Indenture" "Mortgrged and Pledged Property" "N€t Earning Certiliet€" '(OfIic€rs' Certifi cate" 10 ssr.02, r.03 ($40,000,000); (c) bankers' acceptances drawn on and accepted by commercial banks (which may include the Trustee) having a combined capital and surplus of not less than Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000); (d) direct obligations of, or obligations the principal ofand interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by, any State of the United States of America, the District of Columbia or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any political subdivision of any ofthe foregoing, which are rated in any ofthe three highest rating categories without regard to modifiers by a nationally recognized rating agency; (e) bonds or other obligations of any agency or instrumentality of the United States of America; (f) commercial or finance company paper which is rated in any of the two highest rating categories without regard to modifiers by a nationally recognized rating agency; (g) corporate debt securities rated in any of the three highest rating categories without regard to modifiers by a nationally recognized rating agency; (h) repurchase agreements with banking or financial institutions having a combined capital and surplus of not less than Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) (which may include the Trustee) with respect to any ofthe foregoing obligations or securities; and (i) any other obligations or securities which may lawfully be purchased by the Trustee. The terms "Lien hereof' and "Lien of this Indenture" shall mean the lien created by these presents (including the after-acquired property clauses hereof) and the lien created by any subsequent mortgage, pledge, grant of a security interest or delivery to the Trustee that effectively constitutes any property as a part of the security held by the Trustee upon the terms and trusts and subject to the covenants, conditions and uses specified in this Indenture. The terms 'Mortgage" or "this Indenture" shall mean this instrument and all indentures supplemental hereto. Section 1.03 The term "Mortgaged and Pledged Property'' shall meau as of any particular time the property which at said time is subject to the Lien of this Indenture. The term "Net Earning Certificate" is defined in Section 1.07 hereof. The term "Officers' Certificate" shall mean a certificate signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Officer of the 11 sr.03 Company. Each such certificate shall include the statements provided for in Section 22.0b hereof. The term "Opinion of Counsel" shall mean an opinion in writing signed by counsel (who may be an employee of or of counsel to the Company) appointed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company. Each such opinion shall include the statements provided for in Section 22.05 hereof. The term "Original Trustee" shall mean Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York. The term "Outstanding", subject to the provisions of Sections 15.07 and 21.07 hereof,shall mean as of any particular time with respect to bonds issued or issuable under thisIndenture all bonds which theretofore shall have been authenticated and delivered by theTrustee under this Indenture, except (a) bonds theretofore paid, retired., redeemed, discharged or cancelled, or bonds for the purchase, payment or redemption of which money inthe necessary amount shall have been deposited with or shall then be held by the Trusteewith irrevocable direction so to apply the same, provided that, in the case of red.emption, thenotice required by Article XII hereof shall have been given or have been provided for to thesatisfaction of the Trustee, (b) bonds deposited with or held in pledge by the Trustee underany of the provisions of this Indenture, including any so held under any sinking or otherfund, and (c) bonds authenticated and delivered hereunder, upon transfer of which or in exchange or substitution for and./or in lieu of which other bonds have been authenticated and delivered under any ofthe provisions ofthis Indenture. The term "Outstanding" with respect to Class "A" Bonds shall have the same meaning asit has with respect to such Class "1t'' Bonds under the applicable Class "/t'' Mortgage. The term "Outstanding" with respect to Qualified Lien Bonds is defined in Section 1.06 hereof. The term "Proceeds ofReleased Property''shall mean the aggregate ofthe cash deposited with or received by the Trustee pursuant to the The term "Pacific Mortgage" shall mean the Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of .prciricMorrgrge, July 1, 1947, between Pacific Power & Light Company and Guaranty Trust Company of NewYork and Oliver R. Brooks, as Trustees, as heretofore or hereafter amended orsupplemented. "Opinion ofCounsel" (Originel Trurtee" '(Outstanding" "outstending' (with r$p€ct to Qualified Lien Bonds) rcuhtanding" (with r€spcct to Class'A" Bonds) "Proceeds of Rclcesed Property', t2 $1.03 "Property Additions" "QurliIi€d Lien" 6Qualified Licn Bonds" (Rcsolution" 'Responsible Officers" "Retired Bonds' "Sprce Satellit€s" "Trust Indentur€ Act" provisions of Section 13.03, Section 13.05 (except such cash as is to be paid over to the bo*pury under the provisions of Section 13.06), or Section 13.07 hereof. The term "Property Additions" is defined in Section 1.04 hereof' The term "Qualified Lien" is defined in Section 1.06 hereof' The term "Qualified Lien Bonds" is defined in Section 1.06 hereof' The term "Resolution" shall mean a resolution certified by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Company to have been duly adopted by the Board of Directors and to be in fuII force and effect on the date certifred. The term "Responsible Officers" of the Trustee shall mean any officers of the Trustee assigned by the Trustee to administer its corporate trust business; and the term "Responsible Offrcey'' shall mean and include any of said officers' The term "Retired Bonds" shall mean any bonds authenticated and delivered under this Indenture (and not having been made the basis under any ofthe provisions ofthis Indenture of one or more Authorized Purposes, subject to the provisions of Section 13.03 and Section 13.06 hereof permitting the revocation of the waiver of the right to the authentication and delivery of bonds) that shall have been purchased, paid, retired, redeemed or cancelled or surrendered to the Trustee for cancellation or for the purchase, payment or redemption of which moneys in the necessary amount shall have been deposited wiih or shall then be held by the Trustee with irrevocable direction so to apply the same (provided that any such purchase, payment, retirement, redemption, cancellation or irrrender of bonds .t "tt tr"'tn" been, or is to be, effected otherwise than with cash which, after giving effect to the provisions of Sections 1.05 and 13.06 hereof, is then deemed to be or to L"u" b""r, Funded Cash, and, in the case of redemption, the notice required therefor shall have been given or have been provided for to the satisfaction ofthe Trustee). The term "Space Satellites" shall mean any form of communications satellites, solar power satellites, space satellites, space stations and other analogous facilities whether or not in the Earth's atmosphere. The term "Trust Indenture Act' shall mean the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as amended and as in effect as ofthe date hereof, except as provided in Sections 8.01 and 21.09 hereof. 13 $sr.03, r.04 The term "Trustee" shall mean Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York and, "rrustee" subject to the provisions ofArticle XIX, shall also include its successors and assigns. The term "underwriter" is defined in Section 19.12 hereof."undcmritcr" The term "Irtah Mortgage" shall mean the Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of '(utrh Mortsrgc' December 1, 1943, between Utah Power & Light Company and Guaranty Trust Company of New York and Arthur E. Burke, as Trustees, as heretofore or hereafter amended or supplemented. The term "Wyodak Facility" shall mean that certain coal-fired, direct cycle, air-cooled 'rilyodakFacility" steam electric generating station having a name-plate rating of 330,000 kilowatts located at Wyodak, Wyoming, including the real property on which such station is located and the coal supply system, water supply facilities and related real property easements, permits and rights-of-way, as more fully described in the Lease Agreement dated as of June 8, 1978 between PacifiCorp, a Maine corporation (formerly Pacific Power & Light Company) and Black Hills Corporation (formerly Black Hills Power and Light Company), as lessees, and The Wyoming National Bank Casper (formerly The Wyoming National Bank of Casper N.A.), as owner trustee and lessor, as amended. Section 1.04 (I) The term "Property Additions" shall mean all real estate, Iands, easements, servitudes, licenses, permits, franchises, privileges, rights of way and other rights in or relating to real estate or the occupancy of the same; all power sites, flowage rights, water rights, water locations, water appropriations, ditches, flumes, reservoirs, reservoir sites, canals, raceways, waterways, dams, dam sites, aqueducts, and all other rights or means for appropriating, conveying, storing and supplying water; all rights of way and roads; all plants for the generation ofelectricity and other forms ofenergy (whether now known or hereafter developed) by steam, water, sunlight, chemical processes and/or (without limitation) all other sources of power (whether now known or hereafter developed), all distribution systems; all service systems; all supply systems; Fuel Transportation Facilities; all power houses, gas plants, Space Satellites, street lighting systems, standards and other equipment incidental thereto; all telephone, radio, television and other communication and data transmission systems, air-conditioning systems and equipment incidental thereto, water wheels, water works, water systems, steam heat and hot water plants, substations, lines, service and supply systems, bridges, culverts, tracks, ice or refrigeration plants and equipment, offices, buildings and other structures and the equipment (Property Additions" T4 sr.04 Property not included as Propcrty thereof; all machinery, engines, boilers, dynamos, turbines, electric, gas and other machines, prime movers, regulators, meters, transformers, generators (including, but not limited to, engine driven generator and turbogenerator units), motors, electrical, gas and mechanical appliances, conduits, cables, water, steam heat, gas or other pipes, and pipe lines (including, but not limited to, pipe Iines for supplying fuel to the Company's plants), gas mains and pipes, service pipes, fittings, valves and connections, pole and transmission lines, towers, overhead conductors and devices, underground conduits, underground conductors and devices, wires, cables, tools, implements, apparatus, storage battery equipment and all other fixtures and personalty; all municipal and other franchises, consents or permits; all lines for the transmission and distribution of electric current and other forms of energy, gas, steam heat, water or communications and data for any purpose including towers, poles, wires, cables, pipes, conduits, ducts and all apparatus for use in connection therewith; and other property, real or personal, and improvements, extensions, additions, renewals or replacements, acquired by the Company by purchase, consolidation, merger, donation, construction, erection or in any other way whatsoever, or in the process of construction or erection and used or usable or to be used in or in connection with the business or businesses of generating, manufacturing, exploring for and developing, producing, transmitting, transporting, distributing, supplying or managing the use of energy or fuel in any form, including, without limitation, electricity or gas for light, heat, power, refrigeration or other purposes or of generating, manufacturing, producing, transmitting, transporting, distributing or supplying water for drinking, power, heat or other purposes or steam or hot water for power, heat or other purposes. The term "Property Additions" shall not, however, include (1) any shares of stock, bonds, notes or other obligations or other securities or contracts, leases, or operating agreements, bills, notes and other instruments, accounts receivable, general intangibles or choses in action, or (2) except as herein otherwise specifically provided, going value, goodwill, franchises or governmental permits or licenses granted to or acquired by the Company, as such, separate and distinct from the property operated thereunder or in connection therewith or incident thereto, or (3) any merchandise, equipment, apparatus, materials or supplies held for the purpose of sale or other disposition in the usual course of business or for the pulpose of repairing or replacing (in whole or in part) any rolling stock, buses, motor coaches, automobiles or other Additions 15 $r.04 vehicles or aircraft, and fuel, oil and similar materials and supplies consumable in the operation of any of the properties of the Company; or rolling stock, buses, motor coaches, automobiles or other vehicles, or any aircraft (other than Fuel Transportation Facilities and Space Satellites), or (4) any natural gas wells or natural gas leases or natural gas transportation lines or other works or property used primarily and principally in the production of natural gas or its transportation, primarily for the purpose of sale to natural gas customers or to a natural gas distribution or pipeline company, up to the point of connection with any distribution system, or timber, minerals, mineral rights and royalties, or (5) any property, the cost of acquiring, making or constructing of which is chargeable to operating expenses. (I) When any Property Additions are certified to the Trustee in any certificate in any application under any of the provisions of this Indenture as the basis of one or more Authorized Purposes (except in the case of the release of property, or the withdrawal of cash representing the proceeds of insurance on damaged or destroyed property or Proceeds of Released Property or payment of or on account of obligations secured by purchase money mortgages, in each case on the basis of Property Additions acquired or constructed within ninety (90) days prior to the date of the application for such release, or to the receipt by the Trustee ofsuch cash, or subsequent to such application or receipt ofcash), (A) there shall be deducted from the Cost or fair value thereof to the Company, as the case may be (as of the date so certified), an amount equal to the Cost (or as to Property Additions of which the fair value to the Company at the time the same became Funded Property was less than the Cost as determined pursuant to this Section, then such fair value in lieu of Cost) of all Funded Property of the Company retired (other than the Funded Property, if any, in connection with the application for the release of which such certificate is filed) and not theretofore deducted from the Cost or fair value to the Company of Property Additions theretofore certified to the Trustee, and (B) there may, at the option of the Company, be added to such Cost or fair value, as the case may be, the sum of (a) the principal amount of any obligations secured by purchase money mortgages and any cash (other than proceeds Provisions for netting Property Additions "Cost' 16 $r.04 of such purchase money obligations), not theretofore so added and which the Company then elects so to add, received by the Trustee or the trustee or other holder of any Qualified Lien, in either case representing the proceeds ofinsurance on, or ofthe release or other disposition of, Funded Property retired; @) ten-sevenths (10/7ths) of the principal amount of any bond(s) or fraction of a bond, not theretofore so added and which the Company then elects so to add, the right to the authentication and delivery of which under the provisions of Section 4.01, Section 5.04 or Section 6.01 hereofshall have been waived as the basis ofthe release ofFunded Property retired; and (c) the Cost to the Company of any Property Additions (including Property Additions subject to the lien of a Class "It'' Mortgage) not theretofore so added and which the Company then elects so to add, to the extent that the same shall have been substituted for Funded Property retired (including Funded Property subject to the lien of a Class "A" Mortgage); provided, however, that the aggregate of the amounts added under clause @) above shall in no event exceed the amounts deducted under clause (A) above and provided further, that neither any reduction in the Cost or book value of property recorded in the plant account of the Company nor the transfer of any amounts appearing in such account to intangible and/or adjustment accounts otherwise than in connection with actual retirements of physical property abandoned, destroyed, released or disposed of, or retired from plant account, shall be deemed to be Funded Property retired for the purposes ofthis Section. (III) The term "Cost" with respect to Property Additions made the basis under any of the provisions of this Indenture of one or more Authorized Purposes shall mean, in the case of Property Additions subject to a Class "It'' Mortgage at the time of acquisition by the Company, and so long as such Class "ll' Mortgage is in effect, the "Cost" for similar purposes under such Class "A" Mortgage and., in the case of any other Property Additions, the sum of (i) any cash forming a part of such Cost, (ii) an amount equivalent to the fair market value in cash (as of the date of delivery) of any securities delivered in payment therefor or for the acquisition thereo{ (iii) the principal amount of any prior lien bonds secured by prior lien (other than a Class "/t'' Mortgage) upon such Property Additions, outstanding at the time of their acquisition, unless l7 $$r.04, 1.05 the Engineer's Certificate in subdivision (3) of Section 5.06 hereof provided for shall state that the required amount has theretofore been deducted in compliance with the provisions of Section 5.04 hereofwhen other Property Additions subject to such prior lien shall have been made the basis under any of the provisions of this Indenture of one or more Authorized Purposes, and (iv) the principal amount of any other indebtedness incurred or assumed as all or part of the Cost to the Company of such Property Additions; provided, however, that, notwithstanding any other provision of this Indenture, in any case where Property Additions shall have been acquired (otherwise than by construction) by the Company without any consideration consisting of cash, property or securities or the incurring or assumption of indebtedness, no determination of Cost shall be required, and wherever in this Indenture provision is made for Cost or fair value, the Cost, in such case, shall mean an amount equal to the fair value thereof. If any Property Additions are shown by the Engineer's Certificate provided for in subdivision (3) ofSection 5.06 hereofto include property which has been used or operated by others than the Company in a business similar to that in which it has been or is to be used or operated by the Company, the Cost thereof may include the amount of cash or the value of any portion of the securities paid or delivered for any rights and intangible property simultaneously acquired for which no separate or distinct consideration shall have been paid or apportioned, and in such case the term Property Additions as defined herein may include such rights and intangible property. For the purposes ofthe deductions required by this Section, the Cost and/or the fair value to the Company of Funded Property retired shall be determined as follows: (aa) in the case of property which at any time is or was Funded Property under a Class'.lt''Mortgage, the Cost thereof shall be the "Cost'' for similar pulposes under such Class "l[" Mortgage; and @b) in the case of any other Property Additions retired, the Cost or the fair value thereof to the Company shall be the Cost or the fair value thereof to the Company at the time such Property Additions became Funded Property. Section 1.05 The term "Funded Property'' shall mean: (1) all property, except property expressly excepted from the Lien of this Indenture, owned by Pacific Power & Light Company on July l, L947, or owned by Utah Power & Light Company on December 1, 1943; and any property subject to any other Class "/t'' "Funded Property" l8 $1.0s Mortgage that was funded (i.e., not available for Authorized Purposes) under such Class "A" Mortgage immediately after such Class "/t''Mortgage came into existence; (2) all Property Additions to the extent that the same shall have been made the basis of the authentication aud delivery ofbonds under this Indenture; (3) all Property Additions to the extent that the same shall have been made the basis of the release ofproperty from the Lien ofthis Indenture, subject, however, to the provisions of Section 13.03 hereof; (4) all Property Additions to the extent that the same shall have been substituted (otherwise than under the release or cash withdrawal provisions hereof) for Funded Property retired; (5) all Property Additions to the extent that the same shall have been made the basis of the withdrawal of any Funded Cash, as hereinafter defined, held by the Trustee hereunder or by the trustee or other holder ofa Qualified Lien as hereinafter defined, subject, however, to the provisions of subdivision (III) of Section 9.05 hereof and clause (a) of Section 13-06 hereof, and except to the extent that any such Property Additions shall no longer be deemed to be Funded Property in accordance with the provisions of clause ft) of Section 13.06 hereof; (6) all property to the extent that the same shall have been made the basis of the authentication and delivery of Outstanding Class "lt'' Bonds, or that shall have been made the basis of the authentication and delivery of retired Class "A" Bonds that were utilized to issue Outstanding Class "A" Bonds (e.g., as contemplated by Section 29 of the Pacific Mortgage or Section 29 of the Utah Mortgage); (? all property to the extent that the same shall have been made the basis of the release, or substituted for cash made the basis of the release, from the lien of a Class "A" Mortgage of property that had been made the basis of the authentication and delivery of Outstanding bh". "A' Bonds, or retired Class "A" Bonds that were utilized to issue Outstanding Class "1t'' Bonds, or that had been substituted for such property; and (8) all property to the extent that (a) the same shall have been made the basis of the authentication and delivery of either Class "lf' Bonds held by the Trustee hereunder as specifi.ed in an Officers' Certificate pursuant to clause (b) of Section 14.01 hereof, or retired 19 $r.05 Class "lt'' Bonds that were utilized to issue the Class "At'' Bonds specified in such an Of6.cers' Certificate, or (b) the same shall have been made the basis of the release, or substitution for cash made the basis of the release, from the lien of a Class "A" Mortgage of property that had been the basis of the authentication and delivery of Class ".41' Bonds specified in such Offrcers' Certificate, or that had been substituted for such property. In the event that in any certificate filed with the Trustee in connection with any of the transactions referred to in clauses (2), (3), (5), (6) and (7) of this Section, only a part of the Cost or fair value of the Property Additions described in such certificate shall be required for the purposes of such certificate, then such Property Additions shall be deemed to be Fund.ed. Property only to the extent so required for the purpose ofsuch certificate. All Funded Property that shall be retired on the books of the Company from plant account or abandoned, destroyed, released or otherwise disposed of shall for the purpose of Section 1.04 hereof be deemed Funded Property retired and for other purpos"s of this Indenture shall thereupon cease to be Funded Property but as in this Indenture provided may at any time thereafter again become Funded Property. The term "Funded Bonds" shall mean Class "/t''Bonds deposited hereunder. The term "Funded Cash" shall mean: (a) cash, held by the Trustee hereunder, or by the trustee or other holder of a QualifiedLien as hereinafter defined, to the extent that it represents the proceeds of insurance on orthe release of or the taking by eminent domain of property, or the proceeds of the release of obligations secured by purchase money mortgage which obligations have been delivered tothe Trustee or to the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien pursuant to Article XIII hereof and used as a credit in any application for the release of property hereund.er, or the proceeds of payment to the Trustee or to such other trustee or holder on account of theprincipal of obligations secured by purchase money mortgage which obligations have been delivered to it pursuant to Article XIII hereof and used as a credit in any application for the release of property hereunder; sfunded Bonds" "Funded Cash" "Excepted Encumbrances" 20 $$r.05, 1.06 O) any cash deposited with the Trustee under Section 7.01 and/or 9.13 hereof; and (c) any cash received by the Trustee from the purchase, redemption, or payment at maturity of Funded Bonds. Section 1.06 The term "Excepted Encumbrances" shall mean as of any particular time any of the following: (a) Iiens for taxes, assessments or governmental charges not then delinquent and liens for worker's compensation awards and similar obligations not then delinquent and undetermined liens or charges incidental to construction, and liens for taxes, assessments or governmental charges then delinquent but the validity of which is being contested at the time by the Company in good faith as provided in Section 9.04 hereof; (b) any liens securing indebtedness, neither assumed nor guaranteed by the Company nor on which it customarily pays interest, existing upon real estate or rights in or relating to real estate acquired. by the Company for substation, transmission line, transportation line, distribution line or right of way pu{poses; (c) rights reserved to or vested in any municipality or public authority by the terms of any right, power, franchise, grant, Iicense or permit, or by any provision of law, to terminate "r"h "ight, power, franchise, grant, Iicense or permit or to purchase or recapture or to designate a purchaser ofany ofthe property ofthe Company; (d) rights reserved to or vested in others to take or receive any part ofthe power, gas, oil or other minerals or timber generated, developed, manufactured or produced by, or grown on, or acquired with, any property of the Company; (e) easements, restrictions, exceptions or reservations in any property and/or rights of way of the Company for the purpose of roads, pipe lines, transmission lines, distribution lines, removal of coal or other minerals or timber, and other like purposes, or for the joint or common use of real property, rights of way, facilities and/or equipment, and defects, irregularities and deficiencies in titles of any property and/or rights ofway, whether in effect at the time the Company acquired such property or right of way or thereafter created or suffered by the Company, which do not materially impair the use of such property and/or rights of way for the purposes for which such property and/or rights of way are held by the Company; 2t $sr.06 (f) rights reserved to or vested in any municipality or public authority to control orregulate any property of the Company, or to use such property in a manner which does notmaterially impair the use of such property for the purposes for which it is held by the Company; (g) any obligations or duties, affecting the property of the Company, to any municipality or public authority with respect to any franchise, grant, license or permit; and ft) any controls, liens, restrictions, regulations, easements, exceptions or reservations of any governmental authority applying to the property or facilities of the Company, including,without limiting the generality of the foregoing, those which apply particularly to Space Satellites. The term "Qualified Lien" shall mean any mortgage or other lien (not included in theterm Class "A" Mortgage nor in the term Excepted Encumbrances) prior to the Lien of thisIndenture, existing at any particular time upon any Property Additions (so long as suchProperty Additions remain subject to the Lien hereof) then or theretofore mad.e the basisunder any ofthe provisions ofthis Indenture for one or more Authorized Purposes. The term "Qualified Lien Bonds" shall mean bonds, obligations or other principal indebtedness secured by a Qualified Lien and payable in United states dollars. The term "Outstandint'' with respect to Qualified Lien Bonds shall mean as of anyparticular time all Qualified Lien Bonds theretofore authenticated and delivered by thetrustee or other holder of the Qualified Lien securing the same and/or, if there be no suchtrustee or other holder, all Qualified Lien Bonds theretofore made and delivered by themaker (or his, her or its successor) of such Qualified Lien, except (A) Qualified Lien Bonds theretofore paid, retired, redeemed, discharged or cancelled, @) Qualified Lien Bonds heldhereunder, (C) Qualified Lien Bonds held by the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien(under conditions such that no transfer of ownership or possession of such Qualified Lien Bonds by the trustee or other holder of such Qualified Lien is permissible thereunder exceptupon a default thereunder or to the Trustee hereunder to be held subject to the provisions ofArticle X hereof or to the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien for cancellalion or to beheld 'Qualilied Lien" "Qualified Licn Bonds,' "Outstrnding" (with r$pect to Quelified Lien Bonds) 22 $$1.06, 1.07 "Net Earning Certifi cate" uncancelled under the terms of a Qualified Lien under like conditions), @) Qualified Lien Bonds for the purchase, payment or redemption of which moneys in the necessary amount shall have been depositea wittr or be held, with irrevocable direction so to apply, by the Trustee hereunder or by the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien; provided that, in the case ofredemption, tt" notice required therefor shall have been given or have been provided for, and @) Qualifiefl Lien Bonds upon transfer of which or in exchange or substitution for and/or in lieu of which other Qua1ifred Lien Bonds have been authenticated and delivered or made and delivered under any of the provisions of the Qualified Lien securing such Qualified Lien Bonds. Section 1.02 The term "Net Earning Certificate" shall mean a certificate signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company and an accountant, who unless required to be independent, may be an officer or employee of the Company, stating: (A) the Adjusted Net Earnings of the Company for a period of twelve (12) consecutive calenitar -orrth, within the fifteen (15) calendar months immediately preceding the first day of the month in which the application for the authentication and delivery under this Indenture of bonds then applied for is made, specifying: (1) its operating revenues (which may include revenues of the Company subject when collectld to possible refund at a future date) with the principal divisions thereof; (2) its operating expenses, with the principal divisions thereof, including, without limitation, ,U "*p"'t."" and accruals foi repairs and maintenance plus the lesser of (x) two per centum (2%) of the average amount for such period of twelve (12) "orr""rrtirr" calendar months in plant account representing depreciable property owned by the company or (y) all appropriations out of income for property retirement in respect of all property owned by the Company; (3) the amount remaining after deducting the amount required to be stated in such certidcate by clause (2) ofthis Section from the amount required to be stated therein by clause (1) ofthis Section; (4) its rental revenues (net) not otherwise included in such certificate; Adjusted Net Earnings 23 91.07 (5) the sum of the amounts required to be stated in such certificate by clauses(3) and (4) of this Section; (6) its other income (net); (7) the sum of the amounts required to be stated in such certificate by clauses(5) and (6) of this Section; (8) the amount, if any, by which the aggregate of (a) such other income (net) and(b) that portion of the amount required to be stated in such certificate by clause 1S; ofthis Section which, in the opinion ofthe signers, is directly derived from ihe op"*"iiorr"of property (other than paving, grading and other improvements to, under or uponpullic highways, bridges, parks or other public properties of analogous character) notsubject to the Lien of this Indenture at the date of such certificate, exceeds fifteen percentum (l5o/o) of the sum required to be stated by clause (7) of this Section; provided, however, if the amount required to be stated in such certificate by clause (i) of tnisSection includes revenues from the operation ofproperty not subjecf to the Lien ofthisIndenture, there shall be included in the calculation to be made pursuant to this clause(8) such reasonable interdepartmental or interproperty ""r"rrr". and expenses betweenthe lVlortgaged and Pledged Property and the property not subject to the Lien hereof asshall be allocated to such respective properties by the Company; and (9) the Adjusted Net Earnings of the Comrany for such period of twelve (12)consecutive calendar months (being the amount remaining after deducting in suchcertificate the amount required to be stated by clause (8) of this Section from the sumrequired to be stated by clause (7) ofthis Section); @) the Annual Interest Requirements, being the interest requirements, if any, fortwelve (12) months upon: (i) all bonds Outstanding hereunder at the date of such certificate, except any forthe payment of which the bonds applied for are to be issued; provided that, ii any suchseries of Outstanding bonds bears interest at varying rates, then the interest on suchseries of bonds shall be computed at the current rate then in effect; and if suchOutstanding bonds have been issued after the end of such twelve (12) consecutivecalendar months, then computed at the initial rate upon issuance; Annual Interest Bequirements 24 sr.07 (ii) all bonds then applied for in pending applications, including the application in connection with which such certificale is made, computed at the initial rate upon issuance; (iir) all Qualified Lien Bonds which will be outstanding immediately after the authentication of the bonds then applied for in pending applications, including the application in connection with which such certificate is made; provided that, o- 1t, qrrufin"a Lien Bonds bear interest at varying rates, then the-interest on such Qualified Lien Bonds shall be computed at the ..r"*"* rate then in effect; and if such Qualified Lien Bonds have been issued after the end of such twelve consecutive calendar months' then computed at the initial rate upon issuance; (iv) all Class "A" Bonds Outstanding under Class "/t'' Mortgages at the date of such certificate, except any held hereunder and except any for the payment ofwhich the bonds applied for are io be issued; provided that, if any Class "1t'' Bonds bear interest at varying raies, then the interest on such Class "It'' Bonds shall be computed at the current rate then in effect; and, if class "1t'' Bond.s have been issued after the end of such twelve consecutive calendar months, then computed at the initial rate upon issuance; and (v) the principal amount of all other indebtedness (except class "A'' Bonds held hereunder and except indebtedness for the payment ofwhich the bonds applied for are to be issued and indebledness for the purchase, payment or redemption of which moneys in the necessary amount shall have been deposited with or be held by the Trustee or the trustee or other holder ofa Qualified Lien or lien prior to the Lien ofthis Indenture upon property subject to the Lien of this Indenture with irrevocable direction so to apply it "^"u-"; provided that, in the case of redemption, the notice required therefor shall have u"", glr", or have been provided), outstantling in the hands of-the public on the date of such "certifrcate and secured by lien prior to the Lien of this Indenture upon property subject to the Lien of this Inhenture, if said indebtedness has been assumed by the company or if the company customarily pays the interest upon the principal thereof' 25 s1.07 In calculating such Adjusted Net Earnings, all the Company's expenses for taxes (otherthan income, profits and other taxes measured by, or dependent on, net income), assessments, rentals and insurance shall be included in its operating expenses, or otherwisededucted from its revenues and income; provided, however, that no expenses orprovisions forinterest on any of its indebtedness or for the amortization of debt discount, premium and expense, or loss on reacquired debt, amortization of property (other than depreciation orother similar provisions for property retirement), or for other amortization, o, ib. any otherextraordinary charge to income of whatever kind or nature, or for refunds of revenuespreviously collected by the Company subject to possible refund, or for any improvement orsinking fund or other device for the retirement of any indebtedness, shall be required to beincluded in operating expenses to be deducted from, or shall be otherwise required to bededucted from, its revenues or its other income and no extraordinary items of any kind ornature shall be included in calculating such Adjusted Net Earnings. If any of the property of the Company owned by it at the time of the making of any NetEarning Certificate shall have been acquired during or after any period for which AdjustedNet Earnings of the Company are to be computed, the Adjusted Net Earnings oi suchproperty (computed in the manner in this Section provided for the computation of theAdjusted Net Earnings of the Company) during such period or such part oi such period. asshall have preceded the acquisition thereo{ to the extent that the same have not otherwise been included and unless such property shall have been acquired in exchange or substitution for property the earnings of which have been included, may, at the option oflhe Company, beincluded in the Adjusted Net Earnings of the Company for all purposes of this Indenture,and shall be included ifsuch property has been operated as a separate unit or ifthe earningstherefrom are readily ascertainable. In any case where a Net Earning Certificate is required as a condition precedent to theauthentication and delivery of bonds, such certificate shall also be made and signed. by anindependent public accountant, if the aggregate principal amount of bonds then applied forplus the aggregate principal amount of bonds authenticated and delivered hereund-er sincethe commencement of the then current calendar year (other than those with respect to which a Net Earning Certificate is not required, or with respect to which a Net Earning Certificatemade and Calculation of operating expenses to be deducted Adjusted Net Earnings ofproperty acquired during orafler earnings period Requirement for independentpublic accountant 26 9r.07; Art. II, $2.0r "appropriations out of income for property retirement" Calculations ofAnnual Interest Requirements of bonds if interest PaYable solely in foreign coin or currency Amount ofbonds which maY be secured hereby signed by an independent public accountant has previously been furnished to the Trustee) is tein per centum (fbX) or more of the aggregate amount of the bonds at the time Outstanding; but no Net Earning Certificate need be made and signed by any person other than an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company and an accountant, as to dates or periods not covered by annual reports required to be filed by the Company, in the case of conditions precedeniwhich depend upon; state of facts as of a date or dates or for a period or pedods different from that required to be covered by such annual reports. Each such certificate shall include the statements required by Section 22.05 hereof. The phrase "appropriations out of income for property retirement", and other phrases of similar import .t "tt -U" deemed to include not only charges made upon a retfuement accounting theory but also charges made on any depreciation or other accounting theory intended to provide for retirement ofproperty. Unless otherwise specifically provided with respect to a series of bonds, if interest on any bonds outstanding hereunder is payable solely in the coin or currency of a foreign nation, then the Annual Interest Requirements for such bonds shall be the Company's United States dollar obligation therefor itt the applicable currency exchange agreement required by subsection -Z.OS (fA) hereof or, if such Lxchange agreement is not in effect, then the Annual Interest Requirements for such bonds shall be based upon the Federal noon buying rate (on a date within 10 days prior to the date of the application for the authentication and delivery under this Indenture of bonds in connection with which such Net Earning Certificate is delivered) of such foreign coin or currency in The city of New York, New York (or, if no such noon buying rate is, aft-eryeasonable inquiry, determinable by the signers of such certificate, then such other rate as they shall reasonably determine)' ARTICLE II Forms, Executiou, Registration, Exchange and Other General Provisions as to Issue of Bouds Section 2.01 The aggregate principal amount of bonds which may be authenticated and delivered from time to time under this Indenture is unlimited' 27 $$2.02,203 Section 2.02 Nothing in this Indenture shall limit the power of the Board of Directors(in conformity with applicable law) to fix the price at which the bonds authenticated and delivered under any of the provisions of this Indenture may be issued, exchanged., sold or disposed of, but any or all of said bonds may be issued, exchanged, sold or disposed of upon such terms and for such consideration as the Board of Directors may deem fit. Section 2.03 The bonds may be issued in one or more series pursuant to Articles IV, V,VI and VII hereof. Other than the First Series of bonds issued pursuant to Article III hereof, each such series of bonds, the form or forms thereof, the terms and conditions thereof, and the following other matters in connection therewith shall be established in or pursuant to one or more Resolutions and (to the extent not set forth in such Resolutions) detailed in an accompanying Officers' Certificate (which shall also certifu all actions taken pursuant to such Resolutions), and/or shall be established in one or more indentures supplemental hereto, prior to the initial issuance ofbonds ofsuch series: (2) any limit upon the aggregate principal amount of the bonds of that series which may be authenticated and delivered under this Indenture (except for bonds authenticated and delivered upon registration of, transfer o( or in exchange for, or in lieu of, other bonds ofthat series pursuant to Section 2.08, 2.09,2.1L,2.12, L2.04 or 21.0g hereofl; (5) the place or places where the principal of (and premium, if any) and interest, if any, on the bonds ofthat series shall be payable; (f) the title of the bonds and the series in which such bonds shall be included (which (1) ritle and series shall distinguish the bonds ofthe series from all other bonds); Board ofDirectors may fix terms and consideration for issue, etc. ofbonds Series ofbonds and establishment thereof Matters to be established: (2) Limit on aggregateprincipal amount (6) Place or places forpayment (3) the date or dates on which the principal of the bonds of that series is payable or the (3) Maturitv date or dates manner of determining the same; (a) the rate or rates at which the bonds of that series shall bear interest, if any, or the (4) Interestrate orrates,etc. manner of determining the same, the date or dates from which such interest shall accrue, orthe manner of determining the same, the date or dates on which such interest shall bepayable and the date or dates for the determination of persons to whom interest shall be payable on any such date, and the basis upon which interest shall be calculated ifother than that of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months; (6) Optional redemption or prepayment (7) MandatoryredemPtion, prepaJment or purchase (8) Denominations if not a multiple of $r,000 (9) Portion ofseries Payable upon acceleration if other than princiPal amount (10) Additional events of default (ll) Defeasance terms (12) Obligation of Company regarding payment without tax deduction and./or reimbursement; creation of sinking fund; conversion of bonds (13) Exchange privileges 28 (6) the period or periods within which, the price or prices at which and the terms and coniiiions ,rpo1 whi"h the bonds of that series may be redeemed or prepaid, in whole or in part, or the manner of determining the same, at the option of the Company; (7) the obligation, if any, of the company to ledeem, prepay or purchase bonds of that series pursuant to any mandatory redemption, sinking fund or analogous provisions or at the option of a holder thereof; and the period or periods within which, the price or prices at which and the terms and conditions upon which bonds of that series shall be redeemed, prepaid or purchased, in whole or in part, or the manner of determining the same, pursuant to such obligation; (8) if other than denominations of $1,000 and any multiple thereof, the denominations in which the bonds of that series shall be issuable; (g) if other than the principal amount thereof, the portion of the principal amount of the bond.s of that series which shall be payable upon declaration of acceleration of the maturity thereofpursuant to Section 15.03 hereof; (10) any event of default with respect to the bonds of that series if not set forth in Article XV hereof; (1 1) terms relating to the defeasance of bonds of that series, if any; (12) any obligation of the Company for the payment of the principal of the bonds of that series or the interest thereon, or both, without deduction for taxes and/or for the reimbursement of taxes in case of payment by the bondholders, it being agreed that such obligation may be limited to taxes imposed by any taxing authorities of a specified class and may- exclude from its operation or be limited to any specified tax or taxes or any portion thereof; and/or expressing any obligation of the Company for the creation of a sinking fund or other analogous device for the bonds of that series; and/or expressing an obligation of the Company to permit the conversion of bonds of that series into capital stock of the Company or ofany other corporation ofany designated class or classes; (18) any privilege ofthe bondholders ofthat series to make, at a specified place or places, any or all oftn" foio*ing exchanges, namely, exchanges ofcoupon bonds for fully registered Uonds; exchanges of fuIIy registered bonds for coupon bonds; exchanges of coupon bonds for coupon bonds of other authorized denominations; exchanges of fully registered bonds for fully registered bonds of 29 $2.03 other authorized denominations; exchanges ofbonds ofone series for bonds ofanother series;and such privilege of exchange may in any case be made subject to such cond.itions, limitations or restrictions as the Board of Directors or officers of the Company pursuant toauthority delegated by the Board of Directors may determine and the privilege of exchange may in any case be conferred upon the holders of bonds of one or more denominations andwithheld from the holders of bonds of other denominations of the same series and may in any case be conferred on the holders of fully registered bonds and withheld from the holders of coupon bonds or vice versa; (14) provisions acceptable to the Trustee for fully registered bonds of that series that may be registered as to the payment of principal to one holder and to the payment of interest to another holder, and for different rights of such holders with respect to redemption of such bonds, voting rights, remedies upon default and other matters; (15) provisions for compliance with any law or with any rules or regulations madepursuant thereto or with the rules or regulations of any stock exchange or conforming to usage; (16) the coin or currency (which need not be coin or currency of the United States of America) in which the principal of and interest on such bonds shall be paid; provided, however, and notwithstanding any provision in this Indenture to the contrary, no bond.s shall be issued hereunder which the Company shall be required to pay in a coin or currency other than that of the United States of America unless the Company shall have deposited with theTrustee, to be held as part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, a currency exchange agreement with an entity having, at the time of such deposit, at least as good financial rating as that ofthe Company that, in the opinion ofan independent accountant, appraiser or other expert as certified in writing to the Trustee, gives the Company at least as much protection against currency exchange fluctuation as is usually obtained by similarly situated borrowers; @or purposes of calculations under this Indenture (including calculations of principal amount under Articles IV, V, VI and VII), the principal amount of any bonds Outstanding hereunder payable in a foreign coin or currency shall be the Company's United States dollar obligation therefor in the applicable currency exchange agreement entered into pursuant to the foregoing subsection (16). (14) Splitting ofinterest andprincipal payrnents (15) Compliance with laws, rules, regulations or usage (16) Coin or currency in which principal and interest paid; currency exchange agreement Calculation of principal of bonds payable in foreign coin or currency 30 (17) Uncertificated system of registration (lE) Other tems Bonds ofsame series substantially identical Bonds of same series may be issued at different times; series may be reopened and aggregate PrinciPaI amount increased Bonds and coupons exPressed in one or more foreign languages Kinds and denominations of bonds Dates, interest, etc. of registered bonds s$2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.06 (17) any uncertificated system ofregistration utilized for the bonds ofthat series; and/or (18) any other terms of the bonds of that series (which terms shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Indenture)' All bonds of any one series shall be substantially identical except as otherwise established in accordance with this Section 2.03. Atl bonds of any one series need not be issued at the same time, and, unless otherwise established in accordance with this Section 2.03, a series may be reopened and the aggregate principal amount of bonds of that series which may be authenticated and delivered under this Indenture increased for issuances ofadditional bonds ofthat series. Section 2.04 The bonds and coupons of any series may be expressed in one or more foreign languages, if also expressed in the English language. The English text shall govern the construction thereofand both or all texts shall constitute but a single obligation. Section 2.0b Any series of bonds may be executed, authenticated and delivered originally as coupon bonds and/or as fully registered bonds in such denomination or denominations as established in accordance with Section 2.03 with respect to a series of bonds. Section 2.06 Unless otherwise established in accordance with Section 2.03 with respect to a series of bonds, fully registered bonds shall be dated as of the date of authentication. Unless other provisions (including, but not limited to, provisions establishing record dates for the payment of interest) are specifically provided with respect to a series of bonds, fully registered bonds shall bear interest from the beginning ofthe current interest period for that ,"1u.; provided, however, that if any fully registered bond shall be authenticated and delivered upon a transfer of, or in exchange for or in lieu of, any bond or bonds upon which interest is in default, it shall bear interest from the last preceding date to which interest shall have been paid on the bond or bonds in respect of which such fully registered bond shall have been delivered, unless otherwise specifically provided as aforesaid with respect to a series ofbonds. Coupon bonds shall be dated as of such date as may be established in accordance with Section2.03 with respect to a series of bonds and as designated in the form established for such series of coupon bonds. 3l $s2.07,2.08 Section 2.07 Any bond may have imprinted thereon or included therein any legend or Legends on bonds legends required in order to comply with any law or with any rules or regulations made pursuant thereto or with the rules or regulations of any stock exchange or to conform to usage, and the Board of Directors by Resolution may at any time amend the form of any Iegend to be used on bonds then Outstanding so as to comply with any such law, rule or regulation, or so as to conform to usage. Section 2.08 Unless otherwise established in accordance with Section 2.03 with respect to a series of bonds, in all cases in which the privilege of exchanging bonds exists and is exercised, the bonds to be exchanged shall be surrendered at such place or places as shall be designated by the Board of Directors by Resolution for that pu{pose, with all unmatured coupons appertaining thereto (in the case of coupon bonds) and the Trustee shall authenticate and the Company shall deliver in exchange therefor the bond or bonds which the bondholder making the exchange shall be entitled to receive, having attached thereto, in the case ofcoupon bonds, all unmatured coupons appertaining thereto. In case at the time of any such exchange, interest on the bonds ofsuch series is in default, all coupon bonds ofsuch series surrendered for exchange and delivered in exchange shall be accompanied by all matured coupons in default unless such coupons have heretofore been previously surrendered. All bonds go surrendered for exchange shall be in bearer form, or ifregistered, accompanied by a written instrument or instruments of transfer wherever required by the Company duly executed by the registered owner or his, her or its duly authorized attorney.All bonds so surrendered for exchange and the coupons appertaining thereto shall be cancelled by the Trustee. Upon any transfer of bonds as permitted by the next succeeding Section, and upon any exchange of bonds, the Company may make a charge therefor sufficient to reimburse it for any tax or taxes or other governmental charge and in addition may charge a sum not exceeding a sum, ifany, provided as a term ofsuch series ofbonds for each bond authenticated and delivered upon any such transfer or exchange, which sum shall be paid by the party requesting such transfer or exchange as a condition precedent to the exercise of the privilege of making such transfer or exchange. The Company shall not be required to make transfers or exchanges of bonds of any series for a period of fifteen (15) days next preceding any interest payment date ofsaid series (unless such series has a record date for the payment ofinterest), or next preceding any designation ofbonds ofsaid series to be Surrender and cancellation of bonds upon exchange Authentication and delivery ofbonds Charges Books for registration and transfer ofbonds Begistration of coupon bonds Transfer of fully registered bonds Cancellation of registered bonds Execution of bonds Execution by fomer officers Matured coupons may be detached before authentication of bonds 32 $$2.08, 2.0e, 2.r0 redeemed. The Company shall not be required to make transfers or exchanges of any bonds designated in whole or in part for redemption. Section 2.0g The Company shall keep, at such place or places as shall be designated for the purpose, books for the registration and transfer ofbonds issued hereunder, which, at all reasona-ble times, shall be open for inspection by the Trustee; and upon presentation ofbonds duly endorsed for such purpose at any such place or places, the Company will register or cause to be registered therein, and permit to be transferred thereon, under such reasonable regulations as it may prescribe, any bonds issued under this Indenture and entitled to re;istration or transfer at such offrce. Upon the registration of any coupon bond as to principal, the fact of such registration shall be noted on such bond. Upon the transfer of any iully registered bond, the Trustee shall authenticate and the Company shall issue in the name oi the transferee or transferees a new fully registered bond or new fully registered bonds of the same series for a like principal amount in authorized denominations. All fully registered bonds so surrendered for transfer shall be cancelled by the Trustee. Section 2.10 All bonds authenticated and delivered hereunder shall, from time to time, be executed on behalf of the Company by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, whose signature may be facsimile, and its corporate seal shall be thereon impressed or imprinted and attested by its Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries, whose signature may be facsimile. The coupons to be attached to coupon bonds shall bear the facsimile signature of an Authorized Financial Offrcer of the Company. In case any of the offrcers who shall have signed any bonds or attested the seal thereon, or whose facsimile signature appears on any coupon, shall cease to be such officers of the Company before the bonds so signed and/or sealed shall have been actually authenticated and delivered by the Trustee or issued by the Company, such bonds nevertheless may be authenticated, delivered and/or issued with the same force and effect as though the person or persons who signed such bonds and/or attested the seal thereon and/or whose facsimile signature appears on any coupon had not ceased to be such officer or officers of the Company. Before authenticating any coupon bonds, the Trustee shall cut off and cancel all matured coupons thereto attached (except as otherwise provided or permitted in Sections 2.08 and 2.12 hereofl. 33 $$2.rr,2.12 Section 2.11 There may be authenticated and delivered and issued from time to time inlieu of (or in exchange for) any definitive bond or bonds issued or issuable under thisIndenture one or more temporary bonds substantially ofthe tenor ofthe bonds hereinbefore established, with or without one or more coupons, and with or without the privilege ofregistration as to principal only, or as to both principal and interest, and such temporary bond or bonds may be in such denomination or denominations as the Board of Directors may determine. Until a definitive bond or bonds secured hereby are delivered. in exchangetherefor, each such temporary bond or bonds shall be entitled to the Lien and benefit ofthis Indenture. Upon the exchange by the Company of definitive coupon bonds or definitive fullyregistered bonds for temporary bonds (which exchange the Company shall make on requesto( and without charge to, the holder, when definitive bonds are ready for delivery) suchtemporary bond or bonds and any unmatured coupons appertaining thereto shall be cancelled by the Trustee. When and as interest is paid upon presentation of any unregistered. temporary bond without coupons, the fact ofsuch payment shall be noted by the Trustee or apaying agent thereon and interest due on any temporary bond which is represented by acoupon shall be paid only upon presentation and surrender of such coupon for cancellation.Unregistered temporary bonds without coupons of any series shall bear interest from the beginning of the current interest period for bonds of that series in which such unregistered temporary bonds without coupons shall be authenticated. Section2.12 Upon receipt by the Company and the Trustee of evidence satisfactory to them of the theft, loss, destruction or mutilation of any bond Outstanding hereunder and/or the coupons appertaining thereto, and of indemnity satisfactory to them, and upon payment,if the Company or the Trustee shall require it, of a reasonable charge and uponreimbursement to the Company and the Trustee of all reasonable expense incid.ent thereto,and upon surrender and cancellation of such bond, if mutilated, and the couponsappertaining thereto, if any, the Company may execute, and the Trustee shall thereupon authenticate and deliver, a new bond of lile tenor and of the same series with all unpaid coupons, ifany, appertaining thereto in lieu ofsuch stolen, lost, destroyed or mutilated bondand coupons, if any, or if any such bond or any coupon shall have matured or be about tomature, and upon the holdey's compliance with the provisions of this Section, the Company may pay the same without surrender thereof instead of issuing a substituted bond or coupon.Any indemnity bond shall name as obligees the Company, the Trustee, and, if requested by the Company, any paying agent. Temporary bonds may be issued Temporary hereby bonds are secured Cancellation of temporary bonds Palment of interest on unregistered temporary bonds Bonds issuable to replace stolen, lost, destroyed ormutilated bonds Trustee's certificate Bonds of the First Series Date of Maturity Interest Rate Date ofissue Rodemption Exchangeability 34 $2.18; Art. III, S3.0r Section 2.13 No bond shall be secured hereby unless there shall be endorsed thereon the certifrcate of the Trustee that it is one of the bonds (or temporary bonds) of the series therein designated, herein provided for; and such certificate on any such bond shall be conclusive evidence that such bond has been duly authenticated and delivered by the Trustee. ARTICLE III First Series of Bouds Section 3.01 There shall be a series of bonds in the principal amount of $500,000 designated "10.45% Seriesdue January9, 1990" (herein sometimes referred to as the "First Seriis"), each of which shall also bear the d.escriptive title "First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Bond". The form, terms and conditions thereof shall be established in or pursuant to a Resolution. Bonds of the First Series shall mature on January 9, 1990, and shall be issued as fully registered bonds; they shall bear interest at the rate of ten and forty-five hundredths p"*""".ri.r* (10.45%) per annum, payable on July9, 1989 and at maturity; the principal of and interest on each said bond to be payable at the ofEce or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, in such coin or currency of the United States of America as at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. Bonds of the First Series shall be dated as in Article II hereof provided. (I) Bonds of the First Series shall not be redeemable prior to maturity. (II) At the option of the registered owner, any bonds of the First Series, upon surrender thereof for cancellation, at the offrce or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, shall (subject to the provisions of Article II hereof) be exchangeable for a like aggregate principal amount of bonds of the same geries of other authorized denominations. (I[) Bonds of the First Series in the aggregate principal amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) shall be executed by the Company and delivered to the Trustee and shall be authenticated by the Trustee, and delivered (whether before or after the filing or record.ing hereof), in accordance with the written order or orders of the Company signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and by its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Offrcer of the Company. 35 Art. IV, $4,0r ARTICLE IV Issuance of Bonds upon Deposit of Class ".f'Bonds with Trustee Section 4.01 O The Trustee shall, from time to time, upon the written order or orders of the Company signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and by its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Offrcer of the Company, authenticate and deliver bonds hereunder of one or more series of a principal amount not exceeding the principal amount of Class "/t'' Bonds delivered to the Trustee hereunder and maturing on the maturity date of the bonds being issued hereunder on the basis of such Class "/t''Bonds, but only after the Trustee shall have received the following: (1) the Resolution provided for in subdivision (1) of Section 5.06 hereof; (6) the Class "/t'' Bonds being made the basis for the authentication and delivery of the bonds then applied for (whether then or theretofore delivered to the Trustee). (2) the Officers' Certificate provided for in subdivision (2) of Section 5.06 hereof and, in the case ofbonds being issued to refund bonds issued hereunder, in Section 11.05 hereof; (l) Besolution (2) Officers'Certifrcate (3) subject to the provisions of subdivision (I)of this Section 4.01, a Net Earning (3) NetBarningcertifrcate Certificate showing the Adjusted Net Earnings of the Company to be as required by Section 5.05 hereof; ( ) the Opinion of Counsel provided for in subdivision (8) of Section 5.06, and stating the (4) opinion of counsel signer's opinion to the effect that the Class'A' Bonds being made the basis for the authentication and delivery of the bonds then applied for are legal, valid and binding obligations of the Company enforceable in accordance with their terms, except as limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other laws affecting the enforcement of mortgagees' and other creditors' rights and by general equitable principles (regardless of whether such enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law), and such Class "lt'' Bonds are entitled to the benefit of the security afforded by the corresponding Class "A" Mortgage; (5) copies of the certificates, or other documents, if any, specified in the Opinion of (5) Further certificates, etc. Counsel provided for in subdivision (4) ofthis Section; and Bonds issuable on basis of Class '1" Bonds Requirements (6) DepositofClass"A" Bonds Conditions when no Net Earning Certifr cate required 36 $4.01 Class ".Al' Bonds delivered to the Trustee pursuant to the provisions of this Section 4.01 need not contain identical or similar terms as to interest rates, redemption rights or other terms (other than maturity dates) as the bonds being issued hereunder on the basis of such Class "1t''bonds. Class "A" Bonds delivered to the Trustee pursuant to the provisions of this Section 4.01 shall be held by the Trustee in accordance with the provisions of Article X hereof. (II) No Net Earning Certificate shall be required if an Officers' Certificate is delivered, making the statements provided for in Section 11.05 hereof relating to the authentication and delivery ofthe bonds then being requested in the written order or orders ofthe Company under this Section 4.01 and indicating that no Net Earning Certifrcate is required hereunder pursuant to this subsection 4.01(II), unless one ofthe following conditions exists: (i) an application for the authentication and delivery of bonds under any of the provisions of this Indenture, which shall have contained a Net Earning Certificate, shall have been made to the Trustee subsequent to the delivery to the trustee of a Class "A" Mortgage of an irrevocable direction to apply moneys to the purchase, payment, retirement andi/or redemption of, or subsequent to the cancellation or surrender for cancellation of, any Class "A" Bonds on the basis of which other Class "It'' Bonds are to be authenticated and delivered pursuant to the provisions of Section 29 of the Pacific Mortgage or Section 29 of the Utah Mortgage (as the case may be), as then in effect, or pursuant to the corresponding provisions of another Class "1t'' Mortgage, and in such Net Earning Certifrcate the Annual Interest Requirements on the bonds to be authenticated and delivered pursuant to the provisions ofthis Section 4.01 shall not have been included, or (il) the class "A" Bonds on the basis of which other class "It'' Bonds are to be authenticated and delivered mature by their terms at a date more than two years afber the date of authentication and delivery of the bonds applied for pursuant to this Section 4.01 and bear a lower interest rate than the bonds applied for, in either of which cases the Trustee shall receive a Net Earning Certificate showing the Adjusted Net Earnings to be as required by Section 5.05 hereof. 37 Art. V, $$5.0r, 5.02, 6.03, 6.04 ARTICLE V Issuance of Bonds on the Basis of Property Additions Section 5.01 The Trustee shall, from time to time, upon the written order or orders ofthe Company signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and by its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Officer of the Company, authenticate and deliver bonds hereunder of one or more series upon the basis of Property Additions, but only in accordance with and subject to the conditions, provisions and Iimitations set forth in this Article V. Section 5.02 No bonds shall be authenticated and delivered at any time under the provisions of this Article V, upon the basis of Funded Property. Section 5.03 Bonds of any one or more series may be authenticated and delivered under the provisions of this Article V upon the basis of Property Additions for a principal amount not exceeding seventy per centum (70%) ofthe balance ofthe Cost or ofthe fair value thereof to the Company (whichever shall be less) after making any deductions and any additions pursuant to Section 1.04 hereof. Section 5.04 In all cases in which it shall appear, from the Engineer's Certificate hereinafter in Section 5.06 hereof provided for, that Property Additions proposed to be made the basis of one or more Authorized Purposes are subject to a Qualified Lien, the principal amount of the then Outstanding Qualified Lien Bonds secured by a Qualified Lien thereon (in the case ofthe authentication and delivery ofbonds under the provisions ofthis Article Vor the withdrawal of cashunder Section7.O2 hereof) or ten-sevenths (10/7ths) of such principal amount (in the case of the release of property under any provisions hereof or the withdrawal of cash under Section 13.06 hereof) shall be deducted from the principal amount of bonds which might otherwise be authenticated or from the amount of cash which might otherwise be withdrawn or from the fair value of property which might otherwise be released or from the amount for which the Company might otherwise be entitled to a credit, unless such certificate shall also state that the required amount has theretofore been deducted pursuant to the provisions of this Section when other Property Additions subject to such Qualified Lien have theretofore been made the basis under any of the provisions of this Indenture ofone or more Authorized Purposes, and that since the date ofsuch deduction Bonds issuable on basis of Property Additions No Bonds issuable on basis of Funded Property Cost or fair value of Property Additions as limiting amount ofbonds issuable Issuance ofbonds on basis of Property Additions subject to Qualifred Lien 38 s5.04 Refunding of Qualilled Lien property subject to the Lien of this Indenture has continued to be subject to such Qualified Lien. If, at any time after an amount equal to the principal amount of any Outstanding Qualified Lien Bonds shall have been, in accordance with the provisions of this Section, deducted from the principal amount of bonds which might otherwise be authenticated and delivered. hereunder, or the required principal amount shall have been deducted in connection with the withdrawal of cash or the release of property, the Company shall either: (A) deposit with the Trustee any such principal amount of Qualified Lien Bonds to be held and dealt with by the Trustee in the manner and subject to the conditions and provisions set forth in Article X hereof; or (B) fi]e with the Trustee an Officers' Certificate to the effect that the principal amount of such Outstanding Qualified Lien Bonds to the extent of the principal amount deducted as aforesaid, (1) has been reduced, or concurrently with the action requested will be reduced, by payment, or by the irrevocable deposit with the trustee or other holder of the Qualified Lien securing the same, of moneys in the necessary amount for the purchase, payment or redemption thereof, or otherwise reduced, and that such reduction has not been, and will not be, effected by the use, by the trustee or other holder of such Qualified Lien, of cash which (after giving effect to the provisions of Sections 1.05 and 13.06 hereo0 is then deemed to be or to have been Funded Cash; provided that, in the case of redemption, the notice required therefor shall have been given or have been provided for, or (2) has been ascertained by final judicial determination or otherwise to the satisfaction of the Trustee to be in whole or in part invalid, and specifuing the amount of reduction or the extent of the invalidity, as the case may be, supported by an Opinion of Counsel; then, and in either such case, the Company shall be entitled to the authentication and delivery of further bonds up to a principal amount equivalent to and on the basis of the principal amount of the Qualified Lien Bonds so deposited with the Trustee, or (as the case may be) equivalent to and on the basis of the amount by which the principal amount of such Qualified Lien Bond.s shall be certified to have been and/or to be reduced or to have been ascertained to be invalid, but not exceeding in the aggregate a principal amount equivalent to the aggregate ofthe Bonds 39 $5.04 respective principal amounts of Qualified Lien Bonds Outstanding under each respective Qualified Lien immediately after such lien shall have become a Qualified Lien and in respect of which bonds the deductions required by the provisions of this Section shall have been made, Notwithstanding any other provisions herein contained, it shall not be necessary to comply with the provisions of Section 5.05 hereof or to furnish any Net Earning Certificate in connection with the authentication and delivery of bonds under the foregoing provisions of this Section unless the Qualified Lien Bonds on the basis of which bonds are to be so authenticated and delivered, mature by their terms at a date more than two years after the authentication and delivery ofthe bonds applied for and bear a lower interest rate than the bonds applied for. No bonds shall be authenticated and delivered under the provisions of this Section by reason of the deposit of any Qualified Lien Bonds or the payment, reduction or ascertainment of invalidity thereof to the extent that such deposit or payment, reduction or ascertainment of invalidity shall theretofore have been used as a basis, under the provisions ofthis Section, ofthe authentication and delivery ofbonds or to the extent that a waiver by the Company ofits right to the authentication and delivery ofbonds on the basis ofany such deposit, payment, reduction or ascertainment of invalidity is then in effect, or by reason of the deposit of any Qualified Lien Bonds with respect to which deposit the Company shall have certifi.ed that it elects not to have any bonds authenticated hereunder on the basis thereo{ or by reason of the deposit of any Qualified Lien Bonds with the Trustee under the provisions ofSection 9.13 hereof. Limit on bond authentication based on property subject to Qualified Lien No bonds shall be authenticated and delivered under the provisions of this Article V (nor Additio.nal limit on bond Funded Cash be withdrawn nor Fund.ed Property be released under any of the provisions of ;}j|iLf ij'5::"liX"3,li,o"u this Indenture) upon the basis of any Property Additions subject to a Qualified Lien unless it Lien shall be stated in an Engineer's Certificate accompanying the application that: (a) the principal amount of all bonds theretofore authenticated and delivered by the Trustee (including any bonds for the authentication and delivery of which application is then made) under the provisions of this Article V upon the basis of such Property Additions subject to a Qualified Lien as shall have continued to be subject to a Qualified Lien or upon the basis of a reduction in the principal amount of Outstanding Qualified Lien Bonds on such Property Additions as shall have continued to be subject to a Qualified Lien, 40 $5.04 (b) the total amount of Funded Cash deposited with the Trustee under the provisions of Section 7.01 hereof and theretofore withdrawn (including any such Funded Cash for the withdrawal of which application is then made) under any of the provisions of this Indenture upon the basis of such Property Additions subject to a Qualified Lien as shall have continued to be subject to a Qualified Lien, (c) seventy per centum (70%) ofall Funded Cash deposited with the Trustee under any of the provisions of this Indenture (other than the provisions of Section 7.01 hereof; and theretofore withdrawn (including any such Funded Cash for the withdrawal of which application is then made) under any of the provisions of this Indenture upon the basis of such Property Additions subject to a Qualified Lien as shall have continued to be subject to a Qualified Lien, (d) seventy per centum (70o/o) of. the Cost or the fair value to the Company, whichever is less (at the date of the Engineer's Certificate in which such Property Additions shall have been made the basis of the release hereinafter in this clause (d) mentioned), of such Property Additions subject to a Qualified Lien as shall have continued to be subject to a Qualified Lien, used as a basis for the release from the Lien ofthis Indenture ofFunded Property, and (e) the principal amount of all Qualified Lien Bonds to be Outstanding upon the granting of such application, do not in the aggregate exceed fifteen per centum (15%) ofthe aggregate principal amount of (1) all bonds to be Outstanding under this Indenture upon the granting of such application, including those applied for, and (2) all Qualified Lien Bonds to the extent that such Qualified Lien Bonds shall be Outstanding upon the granting of such application. Subject to the provisions of Sections 19.01 and 19.02 hereof, the Trustee may assume that any Property Additions subject to a Qualified Lien which shall have formed the basis, under any of the provisions of this Indenture, for the authentication and delivery of bonds or the withdrawal of Funded Cash or the release of Funded Property have continued to be subject to a Qualified Lien until the Trustee shall have received an Officers' Certificate (accompanied by a concurring Opinion of Counsel) to the contrary. 4t $s5.04,6.06, 6.06 If at any time and from time to time, by reason either of the discharge of any Qualifred Lien or ofany increase in the aggregate amount ofbonds authenticated and delivered under this Indenture, there shall be a change in the aggregate principal amount of bonds which may be authenticated and delivered within the limitations prescribed by this Section, then any bonds, which before such change were not permitted to have been authenticated and delivered by reason of such limitations, may be authenticated and delivered subject to such limitations as fixed by such change. No bonds shall be authenticated and delivered under the provisions ofthis Section unless the Trustee at the time of the application for such authentication and delivery shall receive a Resolution, Of6cers' Certificate and Opinion of Counsel such as are described in subdivisions (1), (2) and (8) of Section 5.06 hereof, together with copies of the officially authenticated certificates or other documents, if any, specified in such Opinion of Counsel, and, in case the bonds are to be authenticated and delivered under the provisions of the next preceding paragraphs of this Section by reason of an increase in the aggregate principal amount of bonds authenticated and delivered under this Indenture having increased the aggregate principal amount of bonds which may be authenticated and delivered within the limitations prescribed by this Section, a Net Earning Certificate showing the Adjusted Net Earnings of the Company to be as required by Section 5.05 hereof. Section 5.05 No bonds other than the bonds of the First Series (as set forth in Article III hereof) shall be authenticated and delivered upon the basis ofProperty Additions unless, as shown by a Net Earning Certificate, the Adjusted Net Earnings of the Company for the period therein referred to shall have been in the aggregate at least equivalent to twice the Annual Interest Requirements as shall be specified, pursuant to the provisions of subdivision (B) of Section 1.07 hereof, in such Net Earning Certificate. No Net Earning Certificate is required as to the authentication and delivery ofsaid bonds ofthe First Series. Section 5.06 No bonds shall be authenticated or delivered hereunder by the Trustee upon the basis of Property Additions until the Trustee shall have received the following: (1) a Resolution requesting the Trustee to authenticate and deliver bonds, (a) specifying the principal amount of bonds called for and the series thereol ft) specifuing or setting forth a method by Documents received by Trustee Requirements as to net earnings Requirements for issuance of bonds upon basis of Property Additions: (l) Resolution 42 $5.06 (1) Offi cers' Certifrcate which all other matters with respect thereto as required by this Indenture (including those terms and conditions described in Section 2.03 hereofl are to be established, and (c) specifuing the officer or officers of the Company to whom, or upon whose written order, such bonds shall be delivered; (2) an Officers' Certificate complying with the requirements of Section 22.05 hereof (a) detailing the matters required to be set forth therein as provided in Section 2.03 hereof, antt (b) stating that to the knowledge of the signers none of the events which itself or with a lapse of time would constitute a Default of the type specified in subdivisions (a) through (h) ofSection 15.01 hereofhas occurred and is continuing; (3) an Engineer's Certificate made and dated not more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of such application, (a) describing in reasonable detail the Property Additions made the basis of the application; @) stating that all the Property Additions made the basis of the application are Property Additions as defined in Section 1.04 hereof; (c) stating that such Property Additions are desirable for use in the proper conduct of the business ofthe Company; (d) stating that such Property Additions, to the extent ofthe Cost or fair value thereof (whichever is less) to the Qempanf made the basis of the application, do not consist of Funded Property; (e) stating, except as to Property Additions acquired, made or constructed wholly through the delivery of securities, that the amount of cash forming all or part of the Cost thereof was equal to or more than an amount to be stated therein; (fl briefly describing, with respect to any Property Additions acquired, made or constructed in whole or in part through the delivery of securities, the securities so delivered and stating the date of such delivery; (g) stating what part, if any, of such Property Additions includes property (other than property acquired from PacifiCorp, a Maine coryloration, and from Utah Power & Light Company, a Utah corporation, upon the merger of those corporations into (2) Engineer's Certifrcate 43 $5.06 the Company) which within six months prior to the date of acquisition thereof by the Company has been used or operated by others than the Company in a business similar to that in which it has been or is to be used or operated by the Company and showing whether or not the fair value thereof to the Company is less than Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) and whether or not the fair value thereof to the Company is less than one per centum (lo/o) of the aggregate amount of (x) the principal amount of the bonds at the time Outstanding and (y) the principal amount of the Class A Bonds at the time Outstanding other than Class A Bonds delivered to and held by the Trustee hereunder; (h) stating, except as to Property Additions with respect to the fair value to the Company of which a statement is to be made in an Independent Engineer's Certificate as provided for in subdivision (4) ofthis Section, that the fair value to the Company as ofthe date of such certificate of such Property Additions is a specified amount; (i) stating the amount required to be deducted under the provisions of subdivision (A) of Section 1.04 hereof and the amount elected to be added under the provisions of clauses (a), (b) and (c) of subdivision (B) of Section 1.04 hereof in respect of Funded Property retired of the Company; (j) stating whether or not the required amount has theretofore been deducted in compliance with the provisions of Section 5.04 hereof when other Property Additions subject to a Qualifred Lien, referred to in the Opinion of Counsel provided for in subdivision (7) of this Section, were made the basis under any of the provisions of this Indenture of one or more Authorized Purposes and, if so, when such deduction was made and whether since the date of such deduction property subject to the Lien of this Indenture has continued to be subject to such Qualified Lien; (k) making such statements, if any, as may be required to be stated in an Engineer's Certificate by the provisions ofSection 5.04 hereof; and (l) stating that the easements, restrictions, exceptions, reservations or rights, if any, of the character mentioned in clauses (e) and (f) of Section 1.06 hereof, to which any property or rights ofway included in such Property Additions are subject, 44 $5.06 and the defects, irregularities and deficiencies in titles of the character mentioned in said clauses of any property or rights of way included in such Property Additions do not materially impair the use of such property or rights of way for the purposes for which the same are held by the Company; (4)Independent Certificate Engineer's (a) in case any Property Additions are shown by the Engineer's Certificate provided for in subdivision (3) above to include property (other than property acquired from PacifiCorp, a Maine corporation, and Utah Power & Light Company, a Utah corporation, upon the merger of those corporations into the Company) which within six months prior to the date of acquisition thereofby the Company, has been used or operated by others than the Company in a business similar to that in which it has been or is to be used or operated by the Company and such certificate does not show the fair value thereof to the Company, as of the date of such certificate, to be less than Tkenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) or less than one per centum (Lo/o) of the aggregate principal amount of the bonds at the time Outstanding hereunder, a further certificate consisting of an Independent Engineers Certificate stating as to such Property Additions which have been so used or operated and (at the option ofthe Company) as to any other Property Additions included in the Engineer's Certificate provided for in subdivision (3) of this Section that the then aggregate fair value thereof to the Company, as of the date of such Independent Engineer's Certificate, in the opinion of the signer is a specified amount; and in the case ofthe authentication and delivery ofbonds, the fair value to the Company in the opinion of the signer of any property so used or operated which has been subjected to the Lien of this Indenture since the commencement of the then current calendar year as the basis for the authentication and delivery of bonds, and as to which an Independent Engineer's Certificate has not previously been furnished to the Trustee; (5) Written appraisal in (5) in case any Property Additions are shown by the Engineer's Certiflcate provided for in subdivision (3) above to have been acquired, made or constructed in whole or in part through the delivery of securities, a written appraisal of an engineer, appraiser or other expert person, firm or corporation, stating in the opinion ofthe signer the fair market value in cash of such securities at the time of delivery thereof in payment for or for the acquisition of such Property Additions; certain cases 45 s5.06 (6) except in the case of the authentication of the bonds of the First Series, a Net Earning (6) Net Earning certificate Certificate showing the Adjusted Net Earnings of the Company to be as required by Section 5.05 hereof; (7) an Opinion of Counsel stating the signer's opinion:(7) Opinion ofCounsel (a) to the effect that (except as to paving, grading and other improvements to, under or upon public highways, bridges, parks or other public property of analogous character) this Indenture is, or upon the delivery of, and/or the filing and./or recording in the proper places and manner of, the instruments of conveyance, assignment or transfer, if any, specified in said opinion, will be, a lien on all the Property Additions made the basis of such application, subject to no lien thereon prior or equal to the Lien of this Indenture except Qualified Liens and Excepted Encumbrances and that the Company has the right to remove any such Property Additions which are located on any leasehold or which are on property as to which the Company has an easement, prior to or upon the termination of such leasehold or easement, without compensation or other remuneration and free of any lien prior or equal to the Lien ofthis Indenture, except Qualified Liens and Excepted Encumbrances; (b) to the effect that the Company has corporate authority to operate the Property Additions with respect to which such application is made; and (c) as to the general nature and extent of any Qualified Liens existing upon any of such Property Additions, and the principal amount of the then Outstanding Qualified Lien Bonds secured thereby, ifany; (8) an Opinion of Counsel complying with the requirements of Section 22.05 hereof and stating the signer's opinion to the effect that: (8) Further Opinion of Counsel (a) the issue of the bonds has been duly authorir,ed. by the Company and has been established in accordance with Section 2.03 hereof; @) the issue of the bonds has been duly authorized by any and all governmental authorities the consent of which is requisite to the legal issue of such bonds, specifring any offrcially authenticated certificates, or other documents, by which such consent is or may be evidenced, or that no consent ofany governmental authorities is requisite; and 46 $5,06; Art. VI, $6.0r (c) the Company has contracted to pledge such bonds to secure other indebtedness of a principal amount not less than seventy-five per centum (75o/o) of.t}ne principal amount of such bonds or has sold or contracted to sell or to issue for value such bonds; (9) Instruments of conveyance (9) copies of the instruments of conveyance, assignment and transfer, if any, specified in the Opinion of Counsel provided for in subdivision (7) above; and (10) Further certillcates, etc.(10) copies of the certificates, or other documents, if any, specified in the Opinion of Counsel provided for in subdivision (8) above. If, in order to render the Opinion ofCounsel provided for in subdivision (7) or subdivisron (8) above, the signer thereof shall deem it necessary that additional facts or matters be stated in the Engineer's Certificate provided for in subdivision (3) above, then in such event the Engineer's Certificate may state all such additional facts or matters as the signer of such Opinion of Counsel may request. The amount of the Cost of any Property Additions and the fair value thereof to the Company and the fair market value in cash of any securities so delivered in payment therefor or for the acquisition thereof and the amount of any deductions and any additions made pursuant to Section 1.04 hereof shall be determined for the purposes of this Article V by the appropriate certificate provided for in this Section. In the case of Property Additions subject to a Qualified Lien, the fair value of such Property Additions shall be determined as if such Property Additions were free of such Qualified Lien. ARTICLE VI Issuance of Bonds upon Retirement of Bonds Previously Outstanding Hereunder Bonds Issuable on basis of retirement ofbonds previously outstanding Section 6.01 Subject to the provisions of Section 6.02 hereol the Trustee shall, from time to time, upon the written order or orders of the Company signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and by its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Offrcer of the Company, authenticate and deliver bonds hereunder of one or more series of a principal amount equal to and on the basis of the 47 s6.0r principal amount of any Retired Bonds, but only after the Trustee shall have received the Requirements: following: (a) the Opinion of Counsel provided for in subdivision (8) of Section 5.06 hereof; and (4) opinion or counsel (5) copies of the certificates, or other documents, if any, specified in the Opinion of (s) Further certiffcates, etc' Counsel provided for in subdivision (4) of this Section. (1) the Resolution provided for in subdivision (1) of Section 5.06 hereof; (2) the Officers' Certificate provided for in subdivision (2) of Section 5.06 hereof; (3) an Officers' Certificate stating that Retired Bonds, specified by series (in an aggregate principal amount not less than the aggregate principal amount of bonds in respect of which such written order or orders for authentication and delivery is or are made under this Section 6.01) have theretofore been pledged to secure indebtedness of a principal amount not less than seventy-five per centum (75o/o) of the principal amount of such Retired Bonds or sold or issued for value and are the basis for such written order or orders; In case (i) an application for the authentication and delivery of bonds under any of the provisions of this Indenture, which shall have contained a Net Earning Certificate, shall have been made to the Trustee subsequent to the delivery to the Trustee of an irrevocable direction to apply moneys to any such purchase, payment, retirement and/or redemption of, or subsequent to the cancellation or surrender for cancellation o{ any bonds on the basis of which other bonds are to be authenticated and delivered pursuant to the provisions of this Article VI, and in such Net Earning Certificate the Annual Interest Requirements on any such bonds to be authenticated and delivered shall not have been included, or (ii) the Bonds on the basis of which other bonds are to be so authenticated and delivered mature by their terms at a date more than one year after the date of authentication and delivery of the bonds applied for and bear a lower interest rate than the bonds applied for, then the Trustee shall in either such case also receive a Net Earning Certificate showing the Adjusted Net Earnings to be as required by Section 5.05 hereof. (l) Resolution (2) Officers' Certificate (3) Further Officers' Certificate Net Earning Certiffcate in certain cases Requirement as to discharge of Class "A" Mortgage Bonds issuable on basis of cash deposited with the Trustee Requirements: (l) Resolution (2) Offi cers' Certifrcate (3) Net Earning Certificate (4) Opinion of Counsel (5) Further certificates, etc. 48 $$6.01, 6.02; Art. !'II, S7.0r Any and all coupon bonds delivered to the Trustee pursuant to this Article shall be accompanied by all unmatured coupons appertaining thereto. Section 6.02 No bonds shall be authenticated or delivered hereunder pursuant to the provisions of Section 6.01 hereof on the basis of the principal amount of any Retired Bonds theretofore authenticated and delivered under Section 4.01 hereof until the Class "lt'' Mortgage under which the Class "A" Bonds made the basis for the authentication and delivery of the Retired Bonds has been discharged pursuant to the provisions of Section 106 of the Pacific Mortgage, or of Section 116 of the Utah Mortgage, or of a comparable section of another Class "1t'' Mortgage (as the case may be), as then in effect. Issuauce of Bonds "itrl""i:JJlor c."n with rrustee Section 7.01 The Trustee shall, from time to time, upon the written order or orders of the Company signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and by its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Offrcer of the Company, authenticate and deliver bonds hereunder of one or more series upon deposit with the Trustee by the Company of cash equal to the aggregate principal amount of the bonds so requested to be authenticated and delivered but only after the Trustee shall have received: (1) the Resolution provided for in subdivision (1) of Section 5.06 hereof; (2) the Offrcers'Certificate provided for in subdivision (2) ofSection 5.06 hereof; (3) a Net Earning Certificate showing the Adjusted Net Earnings of the Company to be as required by Section 5.05 hereof; (4) the Opinion ofCounsel provided for in subdivision (8) ofSection 5.06 hereof; and (5) copies of the certificates, or other documents, if any, specified in the Opinion of Counsel provided for in subdivision (4) ofthis Section. 49 $$7.02,7.03 Section 7.02 All cash deposited with the Trustee under the provisions of the next preceding Section hereofshall be held by the Trustee as a part ofthe Mortgaged and Pledged Property, and may be withdrawn from time to time by the Company, upon application of the Company to the Trustee evidenced by a Resolution, in an amount equal to the aggregate principal amount of bonds to the authentication and delivery of which ths Qqmpany shall be entitled under any of the provisions of this Indenture by virtue of compliance with all applicable provisions of this Indenture (except as hereinafter in this Section otherwise provided). Upon any such application for withdrawal the Company shall comply with all applicable provisions of this Indenture relating to the authentication and delivery of such bonds except that the Company shall not be required to comply with any earning requirement or to deliver to the Trustee any Resolution, Net Earning Certificate or Opinion of Counsel such as is described in subdivisions (l), (6) and (8) ofSection 5.06 hereof. Any withdrawal of cash under this Section shall operate as a waiver by the Company of its right to the authentication and delivery ofthe bonds on which it is based and such bonds may not thereafter be authenticated and delivered hereunder, and any Property Additions which have been made the basis of any such right to the authentication and delivery of bonds so waived shall have the status of Funded Property and shall be deemed to have been made the basis of the withdrawal of such cash, and any bonds or Qualifred Lien Bonds which have been made the basis of any such right to the authentication and delivery of bonds so waived shall be deemed to have been made the basis of the withdrawal of such cash and any Class "Al' Bonds which have been made the basis of any such right to the authentication and delivery of bonds shall be deemed to have been made the basis of the withdrawal of such cash. Section 7.03 If at any time the Company shall so direct, any sums deposited with the Trustee under the provisions of Section 7.01 hereof may be used or applied to the purchase, payment or redemption of bonds in the manner and subject to the conditions provided in subdivisions (3) and (4) of Section 13.06 hereof; provided, however, that, none of such cash shall be applied to the payment of more than the principal amount of any Withdrawal of cash in lieu of bonds Compliance with provisions oflndenture Effect of cash withdrawal on right to issue bonds Application of cash to retire bonds 50 $7.03; Art. VIII, $8.01 bonds so purchased, paid or redeemed, except to the extent that the aggregate principal amount of all bonds theretofore, and of all bonds then to be, purchased, paid and/or redeemed with cash deposited under Section 7.01 hereof shall have exceeded the aggregate cost for principal, interest, brokerage and premium, if any, on aII bonds theretofore, and on all bonds then to be, purchased, paid and-/or redeemed with cash so deposited. ARTICLE VIII Amendments to the Trust Indenture Act Reservation of right to amend Indenture as necessary or desireable based on amendments to Trust Indenture Act Section 8.01 The Company reserves the right, without any consent or other action by holders of bonds, to make such amendments to this Indenture (a) as shall be necessary from time to time in order to quali& this Indenture under the Trust Indenture Act as in force on the date of the making of any such amendment, and/or @) as may in the judgment of the Company (as set forth in a Resolution) from time to time be desirable and as may hereafter become permitted by virtue of amendments to the Trust Indenture Act in force on the date of such amendment to this Indenture; provided that no such amendment shall, without the consent of the holder of any bond issued under this Indenture affected thereby, impair or affect the right of such holder to receive payment of the principal of (and premium, if any) and interest on such bond, on or after the respective due dates expressed in such bond, or to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment on or after such respective dates, or permit the creation of any lien ranking prior to, or on a parity with, the Lien of this Indenture with respect to any of the property mortgaged and pledged thereunder or permit the deprivation of such bondholder of a lien upon the Mortgaged and Pledged Property for the security ofhis, her or its bonds (subject only to the lien oftaxes for the then current year, the lien of taxes, assessments or governmental charges not then due and delinquent and to any mortgage or other liens existing upon said property which are prior to this Indenture at the time of such amendment), and holders of any bonds Outstanding under this Indenture by acceptance ofsuch bonds, agree and consent to the making ofany such amendments. 51 Art. D( S$9.0r, 9.02, 9.03 ARTICLE D( Particular Covenants of the Company Section 9.01 The Company hereby covenants that on the day hereof it is Iawfully possessed of all the Mortgaged and Pledged Property; that it will maintain and preserve the Lien of this Indenture so long as any of the bonds issued hereunder are Outstanding; that (subject to the provisions of Section 18.03 hereof) all property of the Company hereafter acquired, made or constructed and wheresoever situated, except any hereinbefore or hereinafter expressly excepted, shall be subject to the Lien of this Indenture just as though said property was now owned by the Company and described herein; and that it has good right and Iawful authority to mortgage and pledge the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, as provided in and by this Indenture. Section 9.02 The Company hereby covenants that it will duly and punctually pay the principal of and interest and premium, if any, on all bonds Outstanding hereunder, according to the terms thereof; and that as the coupons appertaining to said bonds are paid they will be cancelled. Section 9.03 (a) The Company hereby covenants that, whenever necessary to avoid orfill a vacancy in the office of Trustee, the Company will in the manner provided in Section 19.15 hereof appoint a Trustee so that there shall be at all times a Trustee hereunder which shall at all times be a bank or trust company having its principal office and place of business in the United States of America, if there be such a bank or trust company willing and able to accept the trust upon reasonable or customary terms, and which shall at all times be a corporation organized and doing business under the laws of the United States or of any State or Territory or of the District of Columbia (provided, however, that if Section 310(a) of the Trust Indenture Act or the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Trust Indenture Act at any time permit a coryloration organized and doing business under the laws of any other jurisdiction to serve as trustee of an indenture qualified under the Trust Indenture Act, this Section 9.03 shall be automatically amended to permit a corporation organized and doing business under the laws of any such other jurisdiction to serve as Trustee hereunder), with a combined capital and surplus of at least Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) or the foreign currency equivalency thereof, and authorized under such laws to exercise corporate trust powers and Possession; maintenance of Lien; Lien extends to all property unless expressly excepted Palment of principal and interesti cancellation of coupons Appointment ofTrustee Automatic amendment 52 Company to maintain office or agency Results of failure to maintain such office or agency Duty of paying agent other than Trustee !9.08 subject to supervision or examination by a supervisoly or examining authority. (b) The Company hereby covenants that it wiII keep an office or agency, while any of the bonds issued hereunder are Outstanding, at any and all places at which the principal of or interest on any ofsaid bonds and coupons appurtenant thereto shall be payable, where bonds entitled to be registered, transferred, exchanged or converted may be presented or surrendered for registration, transfer, exchange or conversion, where notices, presentations and demands to or upon the Company in respect ofsuch bonds or coupons as may be payable at such places or in respect of this Indenture may be given or made, and for the payment of the principal thereof and interest and premium, if any, thereon. The Company will from time to time give the Trustee written notice of the location of such ofEce or offices or agency or agencies, and in case the Company shall fail to maintain such office or offices or agency or agencies or to give the Trustee written notice ofthe location thereof, then in addition to any other remedy or right arising as a result of the violation of the covenants contained in this Section, the Company agrees that any such notice, presentation or demand in respect ofsaid bonds or coupons or of this Indenture may be given or made, unless other provision is expressly made herein, to or upon the Trustee at its corporate trust offrce, and the Company hereby authorizes such presentation and demand to be made to and such notice to be served on the Trustee in either of such events and the principal of and interest and premium, if any, on said bonds shall in such event be payable at said offrce ofthe Trustee. (c) The Company hereby covenants that, ifit shall appoint a paying agent other than the Trustee, it will cause such paying agent to execute and deliver to the Trustee an instrument in which it shall agree with the Trustee, subject to the provisions of this Section, (1) that such paying agent shall hold in trust for the benefit of the bondholders or the Trustee all sums held by such paying agent for the payment of the principal of or interest on the bonds (and premium, if any); and (2) that such paying agent shall give the Trustee notice of any default by the Company in the making of any deposit with it for the payment of the principal of or interest on the bonds (and premium, if any), and of any default by the Company in the making of any such payment. Such paying agent shall not be obligated to segregate such sums from other funds of such paying agent except to the extent required by law. 53 $se.03, e.04 (d) The Company hereby covenants that, if the Company acts as its own paying agent, it will, on or before each due date ofeach installment ofprincipal or interest on the bonds, set aside and segregate and hold in trust for the benefit ofthe bondholders or the Trustee a sum suffrcient to pay such principal or interest so becoming due on the bonds (and premium, if any) and wiII notifu the Trustee ofsuch action, or ofany failure to take such action. (e) Anything in this Section to the contrary notwithstanding, the Company may at any time, for the purpose of obtaining a release or satisfaction of this Indenture or for any other reason, pay or cause to be paid to the Trustee all sums held in trust by it or any paying agent as required by this Section, such sums to be held by the Trustee upon the trusts in this Indenture contained. (f) Anything in this Section to the contrary notwithstanding, the holding of sums in trust as provided in this Section is subject to the provisions ofSection 22.03 hereof. Section 9.04 The Company hereby covenants that it will pay all taxes and assessments and other governmental charges lawfully levied or assessed upon the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, or upon any part thereof, or upon the interest ofthe Trustee in the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, before the same shall become delinquent, and will duly observe and conform to all valid requirements of any governmental authority relative to any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, and all covenants, terms and conditions upon or under which any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property is held; that it will not suffer any lien to be hereafter created upon the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, or any part thereof, or the income therefrom, prior or equal to the Lien hereof, other than Excepted Encumbrances, and other than, in the case of property hereafter acquired, vendors'liens, purchase money mortgages and any lien thereon at the time of the acquisition thereof (including but not limited to a Class "lt'' Mortgage), and within four months after any lawful claim or demand for labor, materials, supplies or other objects has become delinquent which if unpaid would or might by law be given precedence over the Lien ofthis Indenture as a lien or charge upon any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, or the income therefrom, it will pay or cause to be discharged or make adequate provisions to satisfu or discharge the same; provided, however, that nothing in this Section contained shall require the Company to observe or conform to any Duty ofCompany acting as paying agent Delivery to Trustee of sums held by other paying agent All sums to be held subject to Section 22.03 PaSrment of taxes, etc., discharge ofliens Insurance on property Other method or plan ofprotection against loss by frre 54 $s9.04,9.05 requirement of governmental authority or to cause to be paid or discharged, or to make provision for, any such lien or charge, or to pay any such tax, assessment or governmental charge so long as the validity thereof shall be contested in good faith and by appropriate legal proceedings; and provided that nothing in this Section contained shall require the Company to pay, discharge or make provisions for any tax, assessment or other governmental charge, the validity ofwhich shall not be so contested ifadequate security for the payment of such tax, assessment or other governmental charge and for any damages which may reasonably be anticipated from failure to pay the same shall be given to the Trustee; and that, save as aforesaid, it will not suffer any matter or thing whereby the Lien hereof might or could be impaired in contravention of the provisions hereof. Section 9.05 (I) The Company hereby covenants that it will keep or cause to be kept all the property subject to the Lien hereof insured against fire, to the extent that property of similar character is usually so insured by companies similarly situated and operating like properties, to a reasonable amount, by reputable insurance companies, any loss, except as to materials and supplies and except as to any particular loss less than the greater of Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000) or two per centum (2%) of the bonds Outstanding hereunder on the date of such particular loss, to be made payable to the Trustee as the interest of the Trustee may appear, to the trustee of a Class "/t'' Mortgage, or to the trustee or other holder of any mortgage or other lien constituting a Qualified Lien or any other lien prior hereto upon property subject to the Lien hereof, if the terms thereof require losses so to be made payable or that it will, in lieu of or supplementing such insurance in whole or in part, adopt some other method or plan ofprotection against loss by fire at least equal in protection to the method or plan of protection against loss by fire of companies similarly situated and operating properties subject to similar fire hazards or properties on which an equal primary fire insurance rate has been set by reputable insurance companies, and that ifit shall adopt such other method or plan, it will, except as to materials and supplies and except as to any particular loss less than the greater of Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000) or two per centum (2%) ofthe bonds Outstanding hereunder on the date of such particular loss, pay to the Trustee on account of any loss sustained by reason of the destruction or damage of such property by fire, an amount of cash equal to such loss less any amounts otherwise paid to the Trustee, to the trustee ofa Class 55 S9.05 "/t'' Mortgage, or to the trustee or other holder of any mortgage or other lien constituting a Qualified Lien or any other lien prior hereto upon property subject to the Lien hereof, if the terms thereof require losses so to be paid. Any amounts of cash so required to be paid by the Company pursuant to any such method or plan shall for the purposes of this Indenture be deemed to be proceeds of insurance. In case of the adoption of such other method or plan of protection, the Company shall also furnish to the Trustee a certificate of an actuary or other qualified person appointed by the Company with respect to the adequacy of such method or plan. (II) AII moneys paid to the Trustee by the Company in accordance with this Section or received by the Trustee as proceeds of any insurance against loss by fire shall, subject to the requirements of a Class "/t'' Mortgage, any mortgage constituting a Qualified Lien or any other lien prior hereto upon property subject to the Lien hereof, be held by the Trustee and, subject as aforesaid, shall be paid by it to the Company to reimburse the Company for an equal amount expended or committed for expenditure in the rebuilding or renewal of the property destroyed or damaged, upon receipt by the Trustee of (1) an Offrcers' Certificate requesting such reimbursement, (2) an Engineer's Certificate stating the amounts so e:rpended or committed for expenditure and the nature of such rebuilding or renewal and the fair value to the Company of the property rebuilt or renewed or to be rebuilt or renewed and if (A) within six months prior to the date of acquisition thereof by the Company, such property has been used or operated, by a person or persons other than the Company, in a business similar to that in which it has been or is to be used or operated by the Company, and (B) the fair value to the Company of such property as set forth in such Engineer's Certificate is not less than TVenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) and not less than one per centum (lo/o) of the aggregate principal amount of the bonds at the time Outstanding under this Indenture, the Engineer making such certificate shall be an independent Engineer, and (3) an Opinion of Counsel that the property so rebuilt or renewed or to be rebuilt or renewed is or will be subject to the Lien hereof to the same extent as was the property so destroyed or damaged, provided, however, that to the extent that moneys paid by the Trustee to the Application of insurance proceeds Use ofmoney not applied to rebuilding or renewal within eighteen months Fire insurance policies; provision for maximum deductible amount and,/or cr insurance or self insurance provisions with maximum dollar amount Maintenance of Mortgaged and Pledged Property 56 s$9.05,9.06 Company for reimbursement, as aforesaid, shall represent the proceeds of property that was not Funded Property destroyed or damaged by fire, the property so rebuilt or renewed (for which reimbursement is so made), shall not be deemed to be Funded Property. (II) Any such money not so applied within eighteen (18) months after its receipt by the Trustee, or in respect of which notice in writing of intention to apply the same to the work of rebuilding or renewal then in progress and uncompleted shall not have been given to the Trustee by the Company within such eighteen (18) months, or which the Company shall at any time notifu the Trustee is not to be so applied, shall thereafter be withdrawn, used or applied in the manner, to the extent and for the purposes and subject to the conditions provided in Section 13.06 hereof. (IV) Anything in this Indenture to the contrary notwithstanding, the Company may have fire insurance policies with (a) a deductible provision in a dollar amount per occurrence not exceeding the greater of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) or three per centum (3%) of the bonds Outstanding hereunder on the date such policy goes into effect and/or @) co-insurance or self insurance provisions with a dollar amount per occurrence not exceeding 30% of the loss proceeds otherwise payable; provided, however, the dollar amount described in clause (a) above may be exceeded to the extent such dollar amount per occurrence is below the deductible amount in effect as to frre insurance (x) on property of similar character insured by companies similarly situated and operating like property or (y) on property as to which an equal primary fire insurance rate has been set by reputable insurance companies. Section 9.06 (I) The Company will not, except as herein permitted, do or suffer any act or thing whereby the Mortgaged and Pledged Property might or could be materially impaired, and it will at all times maintain, preserve and keep the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, as an operating system or systems capable of engaging in all or any of the businesses described in the first sentence of subdivision O of Section 1.04 hereof, in good repair, working order and condition. The Company will from time to time make all needful and proper repairs, replacements, additions, betterments and improvements, so that the operations and business of and pertaining to the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, as an operating system or systems, shall at all times be conducted properly and advantageously; and whenever any portion of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property shall have been worn out or destroyed 57 s9.06 or shall have become obsolete or otherwise unfit for use, the Company will procure substitutes of at least equal utility and effrciency, so that at all times the effrciency of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, as an operating system or systems, shall be fully maintained. (I) Nothing herein contained, however, shall be held to prevent the Company from permanently discontinuing the operation of or reducing the capacity of any of its plants or properties, il in the judgment of the Company, any such action which affects the Mortgaged and Pledged Property is necessary or desirable in the conduct of the business of the Company, or if the Company is ordered so to do by regulatory authority having jurisdiction in the premises, or if the Company intends to sell or dispose of the same and within a reasonable time shall endeavor to effectuate such sale; nor shall anything herein contained be construed to prevent the Company from taking such action with respect to the use of its plants and properties as is proper under the circumstances; including the cessation or omission to exercise rights, permits, licenses, privileges or franchises which, in the judgment of the Company, can no longer be profitably exercised or availed of; provided, however, the Company covenants that it wiII, within sixty (60) days after its determination permanently to discontinue the operation of any of its plants or properties subject to the Lien of this Indenture ofa Cost, determined as provided in Section 1.04 hereof, in any one case in excess of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) or in the aggregate in any period of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months in excess of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000), furnish the Trustee for information purposes with an Officers' Certificate setting forth the Cost, as so determined, to the Company of the plants, or properties, the operation of which the Company shall have determined so to discontinue. (II) Whenever (but not more often than once in any period of five (5) years) the holders of at least twenty-five per centum (25%) in principal amount of the bonds Outstanding hereunder shall deliver to the Trustee and to the Company a written statement that they have reasonable grounds to believe that the Mortgaged and Pledged Property has not been adequately maintained, as an operating system or systems, in good repair, working order and condition and request the Company to furnish to the Trustee an Independent Engineer's Certificate stating whether or not the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, as an operating system or systems, has been maintained in good repair, working order and condition, and whether or not there is any property subject to the Lien ofthis Indenture Permanent discontinuance of operation or reduction of capacity of any plants or property Independent Engineer's Certificate on maintenance of Mortgaged and Pledged Property Company objection in writing to frndings of independent Engineer; artibration 58 $9.06 which should be retired on the books of the Company as having ceased permanently to be used or usefuI in the business of the Company and which has not been so retired, the Company shall cause such Independent Engineey's Certificate to be furnished to the Trustee within a reasonable time after such request. If such independent Engineer shall report that the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, as an operating system or systems, has not been maintained in good repair, working order and condition, he or she shall state clearly in his or her report the character and extent of, and, if longer than one year, the time reasonably necessary to make good such deficiency and, if he or she shall report that there is property subject to the Lien ofthis Indenture which should be retired on the books ofthe Company as having ceased permanently to be used or useful in the business of the Company and which has not been so retired, his or her report shall briefly describe such property. Said report shall be placed on file by the Trustee and shall be open to inspection by any bondholder at any reasonable time. (ID If the Company, within thirty (30) days after the fiIing of the report of such independent Engineer, objects in a writing delivered to the Trustee to the findings of such independent Engineer as to the character and extent of such maintenance deficiency and/or to the property which should be retired upon the books of the Company, then the character and extent ofsuch maintenance deficiency, ifany, and/or the property, ifany, so to be retired upon the books of the Company shall be forthwith referred to three arbitrators selected in the following manner: The Trustee, within ten (10) days after the expiration of said period of thirty (30) days, shall name one arbitrator and give notice of such selection to the Company. Within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice, the Company shall name one arbitrator and give notice of such selection to the Trustee, and failure so to do shall entitle the Trustee to name an arbitrator to represent the ComFany. The two thus selected shall, within ten (10) days after the appointment of the arbitrator representing the Company, select a third arbitrator, but if said arbitrators are unable, within said ten (10) days, to agree upon such third arbitrator, then, upon the election of either the Company or the Trustee, any District Judge of the United States of America for the District in which the Trustee has its principal place of business may appoint such third arbitrator, upon application to said District Judge by either party after five (5) days' notice thereofto the other party. The written decision of a majority of such arbitrators shall be filed as soon as practicable with the Trustee and a copy thereof 59 $e.06 delivered to the Company, and shall be binding upon the Trustee, the Company and the bondholders. fltr) Within one year from the date of the report of such independent Engineer or the date of such decision of arbitrators, whichever is later, or such longer period as may be reported by such independent Engineer or the arbitrators, as the case may be, to be reasonably necessary to cure any such deficiency, no statement contained in any report of any independent Engineer filed with the Trustee, as hereinbefore in this Section provided, shall be deemed to be in any way evidence or proof of a failure to comply with the provisions of this Section. (VI) The Company shall, with all reasonable speed, do or cause to be done such maintenance work as may be necessary to cure any such maintenance deficiency as shall have been determined to exist as hereinabove provided at the time of the report of such independent Engineer or at the time of such decision of arbitrators, as the case may be, whereupon such independent Engineer or such arbitrators, as the case may be (or, in case of his or her or their refusal or inability to act, some other independent Engineer), shall report in writing to the Trustee whether such deficiency has been cured. (IX) In the event that any regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Company shall determine that the expenditures for repairs and maintenance necessary to cure any such maintenance deficiency as shall have been so determined would be excessive or shall, by order or regulation, prohibit, in whole or in part, such expenditures for repairs and maintenance, then, upon filing with the Trustee a certified copy of (VII) Unless the Trustee shall be so advised in writing by such independent Engineer or arbitrators, as the case may be, within one year from the date of the report of such independent Engineer or the date ofsuch decision ofarbitrators, as the case may be, or such longer period as may be reported by such independent Engineer or the arbitrators, as the case may be, to be reasonably necessary for the purpose, that such deficiency has in all material respects been cured, the Company shall be deemed to have defaulted in the due performance of the covenants of this Section, so far as concerns the maintenance of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property. (VIII) All expenses incurred pursuant to this Section shall be borne by the Company. Expenses Grace period regarding compliance Company shall cure deficiency; independent Engineer or arbitrators shall report to Trustee Company deemed to have defaulted in covenants of this Section unless Trustee advised defrciency has been cured Relief of Company from certain covenants by order or regulation of regulatory authority Retirement from plant account of property no longer useful in business Covenant as to common dividends. Maintenance of corporate existence and franchises. Recording, filing, etc. 60 $!9.06, 9.07, 9.0E, 9.09 such order or a copy of such regulation, as the case may be, the Company shall, so long as such order or such regulation remains in effect, be relieved from compliance with the covenants contained in this Section, in regard to the maintenance of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, to the extent that such expenditures for repairs and maintenance shall have been held excessive or shall be prohibited. (X) The Company covenants that it will promptly retire on its books of account any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property included in plant account (except real estate held for the purpose of sale or resale) that has, in the opinion of the Company, ceased permanently to be used or useful in its business or which pursuant to the provisions of this Section any independent Engineer has reported to the Company more than thirty (30) days prior thereto (without written objection thereto having been delivered to the Trustee by the Company), or any arbitrators have determined, should be retired on the books of the Company as having ceased permanently to be used or useful in the business of the Company. Section 9.07 Other than dividends payable solely in shares of its common stock, the Company shall not declare and pay dividends in cash or property on any shares of its common stock if, after giving effect to such declaration or payment, the Company would not be able to pay its debts as they become due in the usual course ofbusiness. Section 9.08 The Company hereby covenants that it will, subject to the provisions of Article XVIII hereof, at all times maintain its corporate existence and right to carry on business, and duly procure all renewals and extensions thereof, if and when any shall be necessary and, subject to the provisions of this Indenture, will use its best efforts to maintain, preserve and renew all the rights, powers, privileges and franchises owned by it, affecting the Mortgaged and Pledged Property. Section 9.09 The Company hereby covenants that it will cause this Indenture and all indentures and instruments supplemental hereto (or notices, memoranda or financing statements as may be recorded or filed to place third parties on notice thereof) to be promptly recorded and filed and re-recorded and re-filed in such manner and in such places, as may be required by law in order fully to preserve and protect the security ofthe bondholders and all rights of the Trustee, and will furnish to the Trustee: 61 s9.oe (a) Promptly after the execution and delivery of this Indenture and of each supplemental indenture, an Opinion of Counsel either stating that in the opinion of such counsel this Indenture or such supplemental indenture (or notice or memorandum thereof or financing statement in connection therewith) has been properly recorded and filed, so as to make effective the lien intended to be created hereby or thereby, and reciting the details of such action, or stating that in the opinion of such counsel no such action is necessary to make such lien effective. The Company shall be deemed to be in compliance with this subdivision (a) if (1) the Opinion of Counsel herein required to be delivered to the Trustee shall state that this Indenture or such supplemental indenture (or financing statement or notice or memorandum thereof) has been received for record or filing in eachjurisdiction in which it is required to be recorded or filed and that, in the opinion of counsel (if such is the case), such receipt for record or filing makes effective the lien intended to be created by this Indenture or such supplemental indenture, and (2) such opinion is delivered to the Trustee within such time, following the date of the execution and delivery of this Indenture or such supplemental indenture, as shall be practicable having due regard to the number and distance of the jurisdictions in which this Indenture or such supplemental indenture is required to be recorded or filed. (b) On or before October 1 of each year, beginning October 1, 1989, an Opinion of Counsel either stating that in the opinion of such counsel such action has been taken, since the date of the most recent Opinion of Counsel furnished pursuant to this subdivision (b) or the first Opinion of Counsel furnished pursuant to subdivision (a) of this Section, with respect to the recording, filing, rerecording, and re-filing of this instrument and of each indenture supplemental to this instrument (or financing statement or notice or memorandum thereof), as is necessary to maintain the Lien hereof, and reciting the details of such action, or stating that in the opinion of such counsel no such action is necessary to maintain such lien. The Company hereby covenants that it will execute and deliver such supplemental indenture or indentures and such further instruments and do such further acts as may be necessaly or proper to carry out more effectually the purposes of this Indenture and to make subject to the Lien hereofany property hereafter acquired, made or constructed, intended Opinion of Counsel on recording and filing Annual Opinion of Counsel on maintenance ofLien Instruments offurther assistance. Company to furnish Trustee list of bondholders semi- annually unless Trustee also registrar and transfer agent. Preservation of bondholders list Bondholders list to be available to bondholders 62 ssg,09, 9.10 to be subject to the Lien hereof, and to transfer to any new trustee or trustees or co-trustee or co-trustees, the estate, powers, instruments or funds held in trust hereunder. Section 9.10 (a) The Company covenants and agrees that it will furnish or cause to be furnished to the Trustee between February 15 and March 1 and between August 15 and September 1, in each year after the calendar year 1988, and at such other times as the Trustee may request in writing, a list in such form as the Trustee may reasonably require containing all the information in the possession or control of the Company or of its paying agents, as to the names and addresses of the holders of bonds obtaiued since the date as of which the next previous list, if any, was furnished. Any such list may be dated as of a date not more than fifteen (15) days prior to the time such information is furnished or caused to be furnished, and need not include information received after such date; and, provided, that the Company need not furnish or cause to be furnished any such list with respect to bonds with respect to which the Trustee maintains the books for the registration and transfer of bonds as provided for in Section 2.09 hereof. (b) The Trustee shall preserve, in as current a form as is reasonably practicable, all information as to the names and addresses of the holders of bonds (1) contained in the most recent list, if any, furnished to it as provided in subdivision (a) of this Section, (2) received by it in the capacity of paying agent hereunder, and (3) filed with it within two preceding years pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of Section 19.13 hereof. The Trustee may (1) destroy any list furnished to it as provided in subdivision (a) of this Section upon receipt of a new list so furnished; (2) destroy any information received by it as paying agent upon delivery to itselfas Trustee, not earlier than forty-five (45) days afber an interest payment date of the bonds, of a list containing the names and addresses of the holders ofbonds obtained from such information since the delivery ofthe next previous list, if any; (3) destroy any list delivered to itself as Trustee which was compiled from information received by it as paying agent upon the receipt of a new list so delivered; and (4) destroy any information received by it pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of subd.ivision (c) of Section 19.13 hereof, but not until two years after such information has been filed with it. (c) In case three or more holders of bonds (hereinafter referred to as 'Applicants") apply in writing to the Trustee, and furnish to the 63 $9.10 Trustee reasonable proof that each such Applicant has owned a bond for a period of at least six months preceding the date of such application, and such application states that the Applicants desire to communicate with other holders of bonds with respect to their rights under this Indenture or under the bonds, and is accompanied by a copy ofthe form ofproxy or other communication which such Applicants propose to transmit, then the Trustee shall, within five (5) business days after the receipt of such application, at its election either (1) afford to such Applicants access to the information preserved at the time by the Trustee in accordance with the provisions of subdivision @) of this Section; or (2) inform such Applicants as to the approximate number of holders of bonds whose names and addresses appear in the information preserved at the time by the Trustee, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision @) of this Section, and as to the approximate cost of mailing to such bondholders the form of proxy or other communication, if any, specified in such application. If the Trustee shall elect not to afford to such Applicants access to such information, the Trustee shall, upon the written request of such Applicants, mail to each bondholder whose name and address appears in the information preserved at the time by the Trustee in accordance with the provisions ofsubdivision @) ofthis Section, a copy ofthe form ofproxy or other communication which is specified in such request, with reasonable promptness after a tender to the Trustee of the material to be mailed and of payment or provision for the payment of the reasonable expenses of mailing, unless within five days afber such tender the Trustee shall mail to such Applicants and fiIe with the Securities and Exchange Commission together with a copy of the material to be mailed a written statement to the effect that, in the opinion of the Trustee, such mailing would be contrary to the best interests of the holders of bonds, or would be in violation of applicable law. Such written statement shall speciS the basis of such opinion. If said Commission, after opportunity for a hearing upon the objections specified in the written statement so filed, shall enter an order refusing to sustain any of such objections, or if said Commission shall find, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, that all the objections so sustained have been met and shall enter an order so declaring, the Trustee shall mail copies of such material to all such bondholders with reasonable promptness afber the entry of such order Trustee to mail communications to bondholders. Filings with Trustee 64 $$9.r0,9.u and the renewal of such tender; otherwise the Trustee shall be relieved of any obligation or duty to such Applicants respecting their application. (d) Neither the Trustee nor any paying agent shall be held account-able by reason ofthe disclosure of information as to names and addresses or the mailing of any material pursuant to any request made under subdivision (c) of this Section. Section 9.11 The Company covenants and agrees: (1) to file with the Trustee within ftflteen (15) days after the Company is required to file the same with the Securities and Exchange Commission, copies of the annual reports and of the information, documents, and other reports (or copies of such portions of any of the foregoing as such Commission may from time to time by rules and regulations prescribe) which the Company may be required to file with such Commission pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; or, ifthe Company is not required to file information, documents, or reports pursuant to either of such sections, then to file with the Trustee and the Securities and Exchange Commission, in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed from time to time by said Commission, such of the supplementary and periodic information, documents, and reports which may be required pursuant to Section 13 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1g34, as amended, in respect of a security listed and registered on a national securities exchange as may be prescribed from time to time in such rules and regulations; (2) to file with the Trustee and the Securities and Exchange Commission, in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed from time to time by said Commission, such additional information, documents and reports with respect to compliance by the Company with the conditions and covenants provided for in this Indenture as may be required from time to time by such rules and regulations, including, in the case of annual reports, if required by such rules and regulations, certificates or opinions of independent public accountants, conforming to the requirements of Section 22.05 hereof, as to compliance with conditions or covenants, compliance with which is subject to verification by accountants, but no such certificate or opinion shall be required as to (A) dates or periods not covered by annual reports required to be filed by the Company, in the case ofconditions precedent which depend upon a state offacts as of a date 65 $$9.1r, 9.12, 9.r3 or dates or for a period or periods different from that required to be covered by such annual reports, or @) the amount and value of Property Additions, except as provided in Section 5.06 hereof, or (C) the adequacy ofdepreciation, maintenance, or repairs; and (3) to transmit to the holders of bonds, in the manner and to the extent provided in sumaries to bondholders subdivision (c) of Section 19.13 hereof with respect to reports pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 19.13 hereof, such summaries of any information, documents and reports required to be filed by the Company pursuant to subdivisions (1) and (2) of this Section as may be required by the rules and regulations prescribed from time to time by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Section 9.12 The Company hereby covenants that books of record and account will be kept in which full, true and correct entries wiII be made of all dealings of or transactions of, or in relation to, the plants, properties, business and affairs ofthe Company. The Company hereby covenants that it will not issue, or permit to be issued, any bonds hereunder in any manner other than in accordance with the provisions ofthis Indenture and that it will faithfully observe and perform all the conditions, covenants and requirements of this Indenture and ofall indentures supplemental hereto and ofthe bonds issued hereunder. Section 9.13 The Company hereby covenants that it will promptly advise the Trustee in writing of any failure to pay interest upon or principal (whether at maturity as therein expressed or by declaration, or otherwise) of any Outstanding Qualified Lien Bonds or Class "/t'' Bonds continuing beyond the period of grace, if any, specified in the Qualified Lien or Class'A" Mortgage securing the same. The Company hereby covenants that upon the cancellation and discharge ofany Qualified Lien securing Qualified Lien Bonds it will (unless the Qualified Lien Bonds, cash, proceeds and other property mentioned in subdivisions (a) and (b) below are thereupon otherwise disposed of as required by another Qualified Lien) cause (a) any Qualified Lien Bonds deposited with and then held by the trustee or other holder of such Qualified Lien cancelled and discharged, to be cancelled and notification thereofto be given to the Trustee, or, at the option ofthe Company, to be delivered to and deposited with the Trustee hereunder; and True and correct entries to books ofrecord and acount, Company to advise Trustee of certain defaults on Qualified Lien or Class "A" Bonds Upon discharge of QualifiedLien Company will cause: (a) Such Qualified Lien Bonds to be cancelled, etc. (b) Transfer of deposits Company will not pemit the amount of Qualified Lien Bonds to be increasedi exceptions: 66 $9.r3 &) all cash which (after giving effect to the provisions of Section 13.06 hereoD is then deemed to be Funded Cash and aU obligations secured by purchase money mortgages and all proceeds of insurance on, or of the release of, or the taking by eminent domain of, or the purchase by a governmental authority or its designee of, Funded Property, deposited with and then held by the trustee or other holder of such Qualified Lien cancelled and discharged (including as to all of the foregoing all proceeds of or substitutes for any thereof then held as aforesaid), to be paid and/or delivered to and/or deposited with the Trustee hereunder, to be held as part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property; any such Qualified Lien Bonds constituting a part thereof to be held and disposed of under the provisions of Article X hereof; any such cash and./or obligations secured by purchase money mortgages on property released (including any proceeds or substitutes therefor) constituting a part thereof to be paid over, withdrawn, used or applied, in the manner, to the extent, and for the purposes and subject to the conditions provided in Section 13.06 hereof and with respect to cash and obligations secured by purchase money mortgages deposited under the provisions of Section 13.03 hereof; any bonds issued hereunder deposited with and then held by the trustee or other holder of such Qualified Lien cancelled and discharged, to be cancelled by the Trustee; and any other property constituting a part thereof to be subject to use and release as provided with respect to such property in Article XIII hereof. The Company hereby covenants that it will not permit the amount of Qualified Lien Bonds to be increased by the issue of additional Qualified Lien Bonds unless (1) the Qualified Lien Bonds representing such increase shall be issued upon transfer of, or in exchange for, or in lieu of Outstanding Qualified Lien Bonds on the exercise by a holder or holders of such Outstanding Qualified Lien Bonds of the right granted by the Qualified Lien securing such Qualified Lien Bonds to have such bonds issued or (2) the Qualified Lien Bonds representing such increase shall be deposited with the Trustee to be held under the provisions of Article X hereof and/or unless such Qualified Lien Bonds representing such increase shall be deposited with the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien (under conditions such that no transfer of ownership or possession of such Qualified Lien Bonds representing such increase by the trustee or other holder of such Qualified Lien is permissible except upon a default 67 s9.ra thereunder, or except to the Trustee hereunder to be held subject to the provisions of Article X hereof, or to the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien for cancellation, or to be held uncancelled under the terms of a Qualified Lien under like conditions); that it will not apply under any provision ofthis Indenture for the authentication and delivery ofany bonds or the withdrawal ofcash or the release ofproperty by reason ofthe deposit with the Trustee of such Qualified Lien Bonds representing such increase; and that it will not apply under any provision of any Qualified Lien (i) for the withdrawal of cash (which, after giving effect to the provisions of Section 13.06 hereof, is then deemed to be Funded Cash) held by the trustee or other holder of such Qualified Lien on the basis of Funded Property, unless such cash so withdrawn shall be deposited with the Trustee hereunder, to be held as part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, and to be withdrawn, used or applied in the manner, to the extent, and for the purposes and subject to the conditions provided in Section 13.06 hereof with respect to cash deposited under the provisions of Section 13.03 hereof, or (ii) for the release of obligations secured by purchase money mortgage (the proceeds of which, after giving effect to the provisions of Section 13.06 hereof, would then be deemed to be Funded Cash) held by the trustee or other holder of such Qualified Lien on the basis of Funded Property, unless such obligations so released shall be delivered to the Trustee hereunder, to be held as part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, and to be released and otherwise dealt with, in the manner, to the extent, and for the purposes and subject to the conditions provided in Section 13.06 hereof with respect to obligations secured by purchase money mortgage received by the Trustee in consideration ofthe release ofproperty. The Company hereby covenants that, upon the cancellation and discharge of any other lien prior hereto (upon property subject to the Lien hereof), securing indebtedness, other than Qualified Lien Bonds, the Company will cause all cash, purchase money obligations and other property then held by the trustee or other holder of such lien, which were received by such trustee or other holder by reason of the release of, or the purchase by a governmental authority or its designee of, or which represents the proceeds of the taking by eminent domain of, or insurance on, any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property (including all proceeds of or substitution for any thereof) to be paid and/or delivered to and/or deposited with the Trustee hereunder, to be held as part ofthe Mortgaged and Pledged Property, any such cash and./or purchase money obligations Conditions on withdrawal of cash or release of obligations held under Qualified Lien Deposit with Trustee of certain property upon discharge of prior lien. Annual Certificate ofNo Default Requirements upon deposit of prior lien bonds. 68 $$9.r3, 9.14; Art. X S10.0r constituting a part thereof to be paid over, withdrawn, used or applied in the manner, to the extent, and for the purposes and subject to the conditions provided in Section 13.06 hereof with respect to cash and purchase money obligations deposited under the provisions of Section 13.03 hereof, and any other property constituting a part thereofto be subject to use and release as provided with respect to such property in Article XIII hereof. Nothing in this Indenture contained shall be deemed to limit the right of any successor to the Company under the provisions of Article XVIII hereof which shall not have caused this Indenture or any indenture executed as in Section 18.02 hereof provided to become a lien upon any of the properties or franchises of the successor corporation except as contemplated by clauses (a), @) and (c) ofSection 18.03 hereofto increase the indebtedness secured by lien upon any of its properties or franchises not subject to the Lien of this Indenture or ofany such indenture executed as in Section 18.02 hereofprovided. Section9.14 The Company hereby covenants that it will deliver tothe Trustee, on or before October 1, 1989 and each October 1 thereafter, a written statement (which need not comply with Section22.05 hereof) signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and by its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Offrcer ofthe Company, stating, as to each signer thereof, that, to the best ofhis or her knowledge, the Company has fulfilled all its obligations under this Indenture throughout the preceding calendar year, or, if there has been a default in the fulfillment of any such obligation, specifuing each such default known to him or her and the nature and status thereof. ARTICLE X Concerning Bonds Secured by Lien Prior to the Lien Hereof Deposited with Trustee Section 10.01 Each bond secured by lien prior hereto, upon property subject to the Lien hereof, in coupon form deposited with the Trustee shall be accompanied by all unmatured coupons when so deposited, or shall be accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the Trustee (which may be a certificate of the mortgagee or trustee under the lien prior hereto securing the same) that the discharge ofthe lien securing such bond may be obtained without the production of any coupon or 69 $$r0.01, 10.02 coupons that may be missing; and each bond secured by any such lien prior hereto so deposited shall be uncancelled. Each bond secured by any such lien prior hereto deposited hereunder shall be in bearer form or accompanied by appropriate instruments of transfer; and the Trustee may cause any or all registered bonds deposited under this Article X to be registered in its name as Trustee, or otherwise, or in the name or names of its nominee or nomineeg. Section 10.02 A11 bonds secured by lien prior hereto, upon property subject to the Lien hereof, received by the Trustee for the purpose ofthis Article X shall be held by the Trustee, as part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property and without impairment of the lien thereof, for the protection and further security of the bonds issued hereunder. Except during the continuance of a Default, no payment by way of principal, interest or otherwise on any of the bonds secured by any such lien prior hereto held by the Trustee shall be made or demanded and the coupons (if any) thereto appertaining as they mature shall be cancelled by the Trustee and delivered so cancelled to the Company, unless the Company shall, by an instrument in writing, signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and by its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial OfEcer ofthe Company, and delivered to the Trustee, elect with respect to any of such bonds, to have such payments made and demanded, in which event the Company shall, subject to the provisions hereinafter in this Section contained, be entitled to receive all such payments. In any event, except during the continuance of a Default as aforesaid, all cash received by the Trustee (a) on account of the principal of or interest or premium on said bonds, or (o) by reason of the sale or delivery of any of said bonds to the sinking fund or other similar device for the retirement of bonds provided for in any lien securing the same (as to both (a) and @) above, to the extent that an Offrcers' Certificate delivered to the Trustee shall state that such cash is not cash which, after giving effect to the provisions of Section 13.06 hereof, is then deemed to be Funded Cash), shall be paid over by the Trustee to or upon the order of the Company; provided that, in the absence of such statement, the same shall be retained by the Trustee and held as part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, to be withdrawn, used or applied, in the manner, to the extent, and for the purposes, and subject to the conditions provided in Section 13.06 hereof with respect to cash deposited under the provisions of Section 13.03 hereof. Prior Iien bonds deposited with Trustee part of Mortgaged and Pledged Property. No payment ofprincipal or interest except in Default Conditions on cancellation or sale of prior lien bonds by Trustee 70 s10,03 Section 10.03 Except during the continuance of a Default, the Trustee, on the written request of the Company, signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and by its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Officer of the Company, shall cause any bonds secured by lien prior hereto, upon property subject to the Lien hereof, held by it under this Article X to be cancelled, and the obligation thereby evidenced to be satisfied and discharged; provided, however, that it shall have received notice from the trustee or other holder of the lien securing the same that such trustee or other holder, on receipt of the bonds so held by the Trustee, will cause the lien securing the same to be satisfied and discharged of record; and provided, further, that the Trustee shall not be required to cause any bonds so held by it to be cancelled or to be surrendered for cancellation pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Section, unless and until the Trustee shall have received an Opinion of Counsel to the effect that there is no outstanding Iien (other than Excepted Encumbrances) covering any part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property upon which such lien exists junior to such lien and senior to the Lien hereof. Upon similar request the Trustee shall sell (on such terms as the Company shall designate) or surrender any bonds held by it subject to this Article X to the trustee or other holder of the lien securing the same to be held uncancelled for the purposes of any improvement or sinking fund or other similar device for the retirement of bonds for which provision may have been made in the lien securing the bonds so sold or surrendered, or for cancellation, provided, however, that no such bonds shall be sold or surrendered except for cancellation as aforesaid until the Trustee shall have received an Opinion of Counsel to the effect (a) that the provisions of the lien securing the bonds so to be sold or surrendered are such that no transfer of ownership or possession of such bonds by the trustee or other holder of such lien is permissible thereunder except upon default thereunder or except to the Trustee hereunder, to be held subject to the provisions of this Article X, or to the trustee or other holder of any such lien prior hereto, for cancellation or to be held uncancelled under the terms ofa lien prior hereto, upon property subject to the Lien hereof, under like conditions, or @) that all of the property subject to the lien, with respect to which such bonds have been deposited with the Trustee, has been released from the Lien of this Indenture, which shall be stated in any event if such be the fact; and provided further that if all of the property subject to any lien securing bonds deposited under this Article X shall have been released from the Lien ofthis Indenture, such bonds as shall thereupon 7t $$r0.08, r0.04 cease to be bonds secured by property subject to the Lien of this Indenture shall be surrendered forthwith by the Trustee to the Company upon its written request signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and by its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Officer of the Company. Prior to any sale or surrender of bonds by the Trustee in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Section, there shall be delivered to the Trustee an Engineer's Certificate, made and dated not more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of the Company's request for such sale or surrender, stating the fair value, in the opinion ofthe signers, ofthe bonds to be sold or surrendered, and stating that, in the opinion ofthe signers, the release thereofwill not impair the security under this Indenture in contravention ofthe provisions hereof. On the request of the Company evidenced by an Officers' Certificate, the Trustee shall permit the extension of the maturity of and"/or any other modification of any bonds (other than Class "1t'' Bonds or any other bonds of which the Company is the obligor) held by the Trustee subject to the provisions of this Article X and/or any modification of a lien prior to the Lien hereof. Modification of terms of prior lien bonds Section 10.04 Upon the occurrence of any Default, the Trustee may exercise any and all rights of a bondholder with respect to the bonds then held by it under this Article X (other than the right to sell or otherwise alienate Class "lf' Bonds or other bonds of which the Company is the obligor so as to increase the aggregate of the Company's debt) or may take any other action which shall in its judgment be desirable or necessary to avail itself of the security created for such bonds by the liens securing the same. Rights of Trustee upon Default Concerning payments on Class "A" Bonds Conceming deposit of Class "A" Bonds Voting of Class "A" Bonds held by Trustee 72 Art. )il, $$[.0r, r1,02, 11.03 ARTICLE XI Concerning Class "A,'Bonds and Additional Class ttA" Mortgages Section 11.01 The Trustee shall notify the trustees of the Class "lt'' Mortgages securing Class "A" Bonds held hereunder that no payments are to be made on such held Class "A" Bonds unless a Default hereunder has occurred and is continuing and that the Trustee will notify such trustees of any such Default. Section 11.02 Each Class "1t'' Bond deposited with the Trustee pursuant to Section 4.01 hereof shall be (l) in bearer form, (2) registered in the name of the Trustee or its nominee or (3) accompanied by appropriate instruments of transfer. Each such Class "It'' Bond in coupon form so deposited shall be accompanied by all unmatured coupons when so deposited and each such Class "A" Bond so deposited shall be uncancelled. The Trustee may cause any or all registered Class "/t''Bonds to be registered in the name ofthe Trustee, or in the name or names of its nominee or nominees. Section 11.03 Unless the Company is in default in the payment of the interest on any bonds then Outstanding hereunder or one or more Defaults shall have occurred and be continuing: (a) the Trustee shall vote all bonds issued under the Pacific Mortgage then held by it, or consent with respect thereto, in favor of any or all amendments or modifications of the Pacific Mortgage of substantially the same tenor and effect as any or all of those set forth in Exhibit X to this Indenture; (b) the Trustee shall vote all bonds issued under the Utah Mortgage then held by it, or consent with respect thereto, in favor of any or all amendments or modifications of the Utah Mortgage of substantially the same tenor and effect as any or all of those set forth in Exhibit Y to this Indenture; and (c) with respect to any other amendments or modifications of a Class "It'' Mortgage, the Trustee shall vote all Class "It'' Bonds Outstanding under said Mortgage and then held by it, or consent with respect thereto, proportionately with the vote or consent ofthe holders of all other Class "It'' Bonds then voting in person or by proxy or consenting in writing under the Class "A" Mortgage (other than 73 $$11.03, r1.04, 1r.05, 11.06 Class "It'' Bonds similarly either deposited or pledged); provided, however, if the Class "/t'' Bonds held by the Trustee are more adversely affected than any Class "lf' Bonds not so held, then the Trustee need not so vote without the consent in writing ofthe holders ofa majority in principal amount of the bonds Outstanding hereunder. Section 11.04 The Company covenants that it will not issue any additional Class "lt'' Bonds except to the Trustee hereunder or, as permitted by the provisions of the applicable Class "1t'' Mortgage, to replace Class "It''Bonds at the time Outstanding. Section 11.05 The Company covenants that it will not issue any additional Class "lf' Bonds under any provision of any Class "A" Mortgage that permits the issuance of new first mortgage bonds on the basis of first mortgage bonds retired (e.9., Section 29 of the Pacific Mortgage or Section 29 of the Utah Mortgage), except for delivery to the Trustee pursuant to the provisions ofSection 4.01 hereofas the basis for the authentication and delivery ofbonds hereunder in connection with which an Officers' Certificate is delivered to the Trustee stating that such bonds are to be issued to refund bonds issued hereunder on the basis of such Class "/t'' Bonds retired, or to refund Class "ll'Bonds issued by PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, or by its predecessors, PacifiCor?, a Maine corporation (earlier known as Pacific Power & Light Company), or Utah Power & Light Company, a Utah corporation, or its predecessor, Utah Power & Light Company, a Maine corporation, prior to the merger of those corporations into the Company, or to refund bonds hereinafter designated as Class "/t''Bonds issued by any coryoration prior to its merger into or consolidation with the Company hereafter. Section 11.06 (I) In the event that a corporation which was the mortgagor under a mortgage or deed of trust or similar indenture qualified under the Trust Indenture Act is hereafter merged into or consolidated with the Company, such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture may be designated an additional Class "lt'' Mortgage hereunder, upon delivery to the Trustee of the following: Concerning issue of additional Class "A" Bonds Conditions for issuance of additional Class "A" Bonds Designation of additional Class "A" Mortgages Requirements: (a) a Resolution authorizing the designation of such mortgage, deed of trust or similar (a) Resolution indenture as an additional Class "1t''Mortgage hereunder; 74 $rr.06 (b) Offi cers' Certifi cate (c) Opinion ofCounsel (b) an Officers' Certificate complying with the requfuements of Section 22.05 hereof, (i) stating that the Company is not in default under such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture, (ii) reciting the aggregate principal amount of bonds theretofore issued under such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture and the aggregate principal amount of bonds then outstanding thereunder, and (iii) either (x) stating that aII bonds outstanding under such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture that were issued on the basis of property additions were issued in principal amounts that did not exceed seventy per centum (70%) ofthe balance ofthe cost or fair value ofsuch property additions to the issuer of such bonds (whichever was less) after making deductions and additions similar to those provided for in Section 1.04 hereof or in Section 4 of the Pacific Mortgage or in Section 4 of the Utah Mortgage, or (y) in the event that the foregoing clause (x) is not the case, stating that the Company has @y the certification of the requisite amounts of previously unfunded property additions as set forth in an Engineer's Certificate in the form prescribed by subsection 28(3) of the Pacific Mortgage or subsection 28(3) of the Utah Mortgage or the comparable section of such other mortgage, deed or trust or similar indenture) irrevocably waived its right to the authentication and delivery of further bonds under such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture in a principal amount equal to the difference between the aggregate dollar amount ofproperty additions certified to the trustee under such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture as the basis for all bonds outstanding thereunder that were issued on the basis ofproperty additions (and outstanding bonds issued on the basis of retirements of bonds issued on the basis of property additions) and ten-sevenths (10/7ths) ofthe aggregate principal amount of all such outstanding bonds; and (c) an Opinion of Counsel complying with the requirements of Section 22.05 hereof, stating the signer's opinion to the effect that: (i) the corporation that was the mortgagor under such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture has been duly and lawfully merged into or consolidated with the Company; (ii) such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture is qualified under the Trust Indenture Act; (iii) the Company has duly assumed and agreed to perform and pay the obligations of the mortgagor under such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture; (iv) such mortgage, deed of trust or similar 75 $1r.06 indenture, when designated a Class "A" Mortgage pursuant to the provisions of this Section 11.06, will constitute a lien upon the property described therein prior to the Lien hereof; (v) the Lien hereof will constitute a lien on the property described in such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture subject to no lien thereon prior or equal to the Lien of this Indenture except Qualified Liens, Excepted Encumbrances and the lien of such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture; (vi) the terms of such mortgage, deed oftrust or similar indenture as then in effect do not permit the further issuance of bonds thereunder except on the basis of cash, property additions of a character substantially similar to those described in Section 1.04 hereof or in Section 4 of the Pacific Mortgage or in Section 4 of the Utah Mortgage, or the retirement of outstanding bonds; (vii) the terms of such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture as then in effect do not permit the further issuance of bonds thereunder upon the basis of property additions in a principal amount exceeding seventy per centum (70o/o) of the balance of the cost or the fair value thereof to the issuer thereunder (whichever shall be less) after making deductions and additions similar to those provided for in Section 1.04 hereof or in Section 4 of the Pacific Mortgage or Section 4 of the Utah Mortgage; and (viii) that the indenture supplemental hereto referred to in subdivision (II) of this Section 11.06 complies with the requirements of clauses (r), (ii) and (iii) of said subdivision (II). (II) At such time as the Company and the Trustee have executed, and the Company has caused to be recorded, an indenture supplemental hereto (i) in which such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture has been designated as an additional Class "lf' Mortgage, (ii) by which the Company has imposed the Lien of this Indenture upon properties (ofthe character defined in Section 1.04 hereofas Property Additions) acquired by the Company from such corporation by virtue of the merger or consolidation (and later improvements, extensions and additions thereto and renewals and replacements thereof) as contemplated by Section 18.03 hereo{ and (iii) by which such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture has been amended to provide that a default thereunder shall include the existence of any 'Default," as defined under the Pacific Mortgage, or the existence of any "Default," as defined under the Utah Mortgage, or the existence of any default under another Class "/t'' Status of additional Class "A" Mortgages and additional CIass "A'n Bonds What bonds redeemable Redemption of part of any series; selection Notice 76 $11.06; Art. )ilI. $$r2.01' 12.02 Mortgage, which then permits the declaration of the principal of all of the bonds secured by such Class "/t''Mortgage and the interest accrued thereupon due and payable (provided that if such default or Default under such Class "1t'' Mortgage shall be remedied or cured by the Company or waived by the holders of such indebtedness, then the default under such mortlage, deed of trust or similar indenture by reason thereof shall be deemed likewise to have b"en thereupon remedied, cured or waived without further action upon the part of any party), then such mortgage, deed of trust or similar indenture and all bonds issued and outslanding thereunder shall for all purposes hereof be treated as a Class "A" Mortgage and as Class "A" Bonds to the full and same extent as if specifically identified in Section 1.02 hereof. ARTICLEXII Redemption or Purchase of Bonds Section 12.01 Such ofthe bonds of any series issued hereunder as are, by their terms, redeemable before maturity, may, at the option of the Company oI pursuant to the requirements of this Indenture be redeemed at such times, in such amounts and at such prices as may be specified therein and in accordance with the provisions of the three next succeeding Sections numbered from 12.02 to 12.04, both inclusive. Section 12.02 If less than all the Outstanding bonds of any series are to be redeemed, the particular bonds to be redeemed shall be selected by the Trustee from the Outstanding bonds of such series which have not previously been called for redemption by such method as the Trustee shall deem fair and appropriate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, special provisions for the selection of the particular bonds to be redeemed within a particular series may be provided by a supplemental indenture to this Indenture. Unless otherwise established in accordance with Section 2.03 with respect to a particular series of bonds, notice of redemption to owners and/or holders of any bonds which are not registered as to both principal and interest or as to only principal shall be given, by or on behalf of the Company, by publication in one Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, and in one Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the City of Portland, Oregon, once before the date fixed for redemption, the publication to be at least thirty Failure duly to give such notice by publication and./or by mailing to the owner or holder of Failure to sive notice does not any bond designated for redemption in whole or in part shall not affect the validity of the errectvardrtv proceedings for the redemption of any other bond. 77 $r2.02 (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption. Ifless than all bonds ofany particular series are to be redeemed, unless otherwise provided as to a particular series of bonds, the numbers of any bonds to be redeemed which are not so registered shall be included in such notice and may be stated: individually; in groups from one number to another number, both inclusive, except such as shall have been previously called for redemption or otherwise retired; or in any other way satisfactory to the Trustee. Unless otherwise so provided as to a particular series of bonds, notice of redemption to the registered owner of any bond registered as to principal and interest or as to principal only which is to be redeemed in whole or part shall be mailed by or on behalf of the Company, not less than thirty (30) days before the date fixed for redemption, to him, her orit, at his, her or its last address appearing upon the registry books. Unless otherwise so provided as to a particular series of bonds, if at the time of publication or mailing of any notice of redemption the Company shall not have deposited with the Trustee and/or irrevocably directed the Trustee to apply, from money held by it available to be used for the redemption of bonds, an amount in cash sufficient to redeem allof the bonds called for redemption, including accrued interest to such date fixed for redemption, such notice shall state that it is subject to the receipt of the redemption moneys by the Trustee before the date fixed for redemption (unless such redemption is mandatory) and such notice shall be ofno effect unless such moneys are so received before such date. The Trustee, upon the request ofthe Company evidenced by a Resolution delivered to the Trustee at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date on which notice of redemption must first be published or mailed (unless a shorter notice shall be accepted by the Trustee as sufficient) shall, for and on behalf of and in the name of the Company, call for redemption bonds secured hereby (whether or not the Trustee shall hold at the time of such call cash sufficient for such redemption) provided that, if cash sufficient for such puryose is not so held and such redemption is not mandatory, the notice shall state that it is subject to the receipt of the redemption moneys by the Trustee before the date fixed for Notice to be mailed at least thirty days before redemption Redemption may be conditional on deposit of moneys Deposit of redemption priee with Trustee Moneys to be paid to respective holders upon surrender ofbonds and unmatured coupons Bonds cease to bear interest Redemption of portion of registered bond Purchase of bonds by Trustee 78 $$12.02, 12,03, 12.04, 12.05 redemption and such notice shall be of no effect unless such moneys are so received before such date. Section 12.03 Publication of the notice of redemption, if required, having been completed. as above provided, or if mailing is required, notice of redemption having been mailed, as in Section 12.02 hereof provided, and the Company having before the redemption date specified in the notice of redemption deposited with the Trustee (and/or having irrevocably directed the Trustee to apply, from money held by it available to be used for the redemption of bonds) an amount in cash suffrcient to redeem all of the bonds called for redemption, including accrued interest, the bonds called for redemption shall become due and payable on such redemption date. Section 12.04 AII moneys held by the Trustee for the redemption of bonds shall, subject to the provisions of Section22.03 hereof, be held in trust for account of the holders of the bonds so to be redeemed, and shall be paid to them, respectively, upon presentation and surrender of said bonds, with (if required by the Company) all unmatured coupons, if any, appertaining thereto. Coupons maturing on or prior to the date fixed for redemption shall remain payable in accordance with their terms. On and after such date fixed for redemption, if the moneys for the redemption of the bonds to be redeemed shall be held by the Trustee for the pu{pose, such bonds shall cease to bear interest and shall cease to be entitled to the Lien ofthis Indenture and the coupons for interest, ifany, maturing subsequent to the date fixed for redemption shall be void. If any fully registered bond shall be called for redemption in part only, the notice of redemption shall specify the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, and such fully registered bond shall be presented for cancellation properly endorsed for transfer (if required by the Company) at or after the date fixed for the redemption of said bonds so called for redemption, and thereupon the payment with respect to said bond shall be made upon surrender of said bond so endorsed (if required), and coupon bonds or fully registered bonds for the unpaid balance of the principal amount of the fully registered bond so presented and surrendered shall to the extent authorized be executed by the Company and authenticated and delivered by the Trustee without charge therefor to the holder thereof. Section 12.05 At any time, upon the request of the Company, expressed by an Officers' Certificate, the Trustee shall, to the extent that 79 $$r2.06, 12.06 such bonds are available for such purchase, apply all or any part ofthe cash held by it under any provision ofthis Indenture, subject to the provisions ofSections 7.03 and 12.04 hereof, or any cash deposited with it by the Company for the purpose, to the purchase (including a purchase from the Company) of bonds then Outstanding hereunder of such series as the Company may designate. Before making any such purchase the Trustee may, and upon request of the Company shall, by notice mailed in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (c) of Section 19.13 hereof if all of the bonds then Outstanding hereunder of such series are registered or the addresses of the holders thereof are on fi.Ie, otherwise published once in one Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, and in one Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the City of Portland, Oregon, advertise for written proposals (to be received by it on or before a specified date) to sell to it on or before a subsequent specified date bonds of the series designated by the Company then Outstanding hereunder; and the Trustee, to the extent, as nearly as is possible, of such funds then in its hands and requested by the Company to be so applied, shall purchase the bonds so offered at the price or prices most favorable to the Company, and reasonable notice shall be mailed by the Trustee to the holder or holders of the bonds whose proposals shall have been accepted. The Trustee sha1l, upon request of the Company, invite offers of bonds for sale to it in any other usual manner. The Trustee in its discretion may reject any or all proposals in whole or in part, and shall reject any or all proposals in whole or in part if on the same day after opening said proposals it has actual knowledge that it can purchase the requisite amount ofsuch bonds or any part thereofat a price more favorable to the Company than it could by accepting said proposals. All offers by holders shall be subject to acceptance of a portion thereof unless otherwise expressed in the offers and all advertisements for written proposals shall so state. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit the Company from purchasing or otherwise acquiring Outstanding bonds in any manner it may deem appropriate. Notice Section 12.06 All bonds issued hereunder paid, retired or redeemed under any of the Retired bonds to be cancelled provisions ofthis Indenture or purchased by the Trustee as provided in Section 12.05 hereof and all appurtenant coupons, if any, shall forthwith be cancelled by the Trustee. Unless the Company otherwise directs in writing, the Trustee shall periodically destroy any such cancelled coupon bonds and deliver to the Company a certificate of such destruction, and shall deliver any such cancelled fully registered bonds to the Company. Company's possession and enjoyment What Company may do without release or consent by Trustee (1) Sale ofmachinery equipment, tools, etc. (2) Cancellation, etc. of right of way grants (3) Surrender or modification of franchises 80 Art. )ilII, $$18.01, 13.02 ARTICLE XIII Possession, Use and Release of Mortgaged and Pledged Property Section 13.01 Un1ess one or more Defaults shall have occurred and be continuing, the Company shall be suffered and permitted to possess, use and enjoy the Mortgaged and Pledged Property (except such cash as is expressly required to be deposited with the Trustee and except, to the extent not herein otherwise provided, such securities as are expressly required to be deposited with the Trustee), and to receive, use and dispose ofthe tolls, rents, revenues, issues, earnings, income, products and profits thereof, with power in the ordinary course of business, freely and without let or hindrance on the part of the Trustee or of the bondholders, except as herein otherwise expressly provided to the contrary, to exercise any and all rights under choses in action, contracts, franchises and claims. Section 13.02 Unless the Company is in default in the payment of the interest on any of the bonds then Outstanding hereunder or one or more Defaults shall have occurred and be continuing, the Company may at any time and from time to time, without any release or consent by, or report to, the Trustee: (1) se[ or otherwise dispose of, free from the Lien of this Indenture, any machinery, apparatus, equipment, frames, towers, poles, wire, pipe, tools, implements, or furniture, or any other fixtures or personalty, then subject to the Lien hereof, which shall have become old, inadequate, obsolete, worn out, unfit, unadapted, unserviceable, undesirable or unnecessary for use in the operations ofthe Company upon replacing the same by, or substituting for the same, machinery, apparatus, equipment, flames, towers, poles, wire, pipe, tools, implements, or furniture, or any other fixtures or personalty, of at least equal value to that of the property sold or otherwise disposed of and subject to the Lien hereof, subject to no liens prior hereto except liens to which the property sold or otherwise disposed of was subject; (2) cancel or make changes or alterations in or substitutions of any and all right of way grants; and (3) surrender or assent to the modification of any right, power, franchise, license, governmental consent or permit under which it may be operating, provided that, in the opinion of the Board of 81 $$r3.02, r3.03 Directors (such opinion to be stated in a Resolution to be filed with the Trustee), any such surrender or modification which affects the Mortgaged and Pledged Property is necessary or desirable in the conduct ofthe business ofthe Company. Section 13.03 Unless the Company is in default in the payment of the interest on any bonds then Outstanding hereunder or one or more Defaults shall have occurred and be continuing, the Company may obtain the release of any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, except cash then held by the Trustee (provided, however, that Qualified Lien Bonds deposited with the Trustee shall not be released except as provided in Article X hereof and Class "A" Bonds deposited with the Trustee shall not be released except as provided in Article XIV hereof and obligations secured by purchase money mortgage deposited with the Trustee shall not be released except as provided in Section 13.06 hereof), and the Trustee shall release all its right, title and interest in and to the same from the Lien hereof upon the application of the Company and receipt by the Trustee of the following: Release ofproperty by Trustee Requirements: (1) an Offrcers' Certificate complying with the requirements of Section 22.05 hercof (1) offrcers'Certifrcate and describing in reasonable detail the property to be released and requesting such release, and stating that the Company is not in default in the payment of the interest on any bonds then Outstanding hereunder and that no Default has occurred and is continuing; (2) an Engineer's Certificate, made and dated not more than ninety (90) days prior to (2) Engineer's certifrcate the date ofsuch application, stating: (a) that the Company has sold, Ieased, granted an interest in, exchanged, dedicated or disposed of, or intends or has agreed to sell, lease, grant an interest in, exchange, dedicate or dispose of, or that a governmental body or agency has lawfully ordered the Company to divest itselfof, the property to be released; @) the fair value and the Cost (or as to Property Additions constituting Funded Property of which the fair value to the Company at the time the same became Funded Property was less than the Cost as determined pursuant to Section 1.04 hereof, then such fair value in lieu of Cost), in the opinion of the signers, of the property (or securities) to be released; (c) the Cost (or as to Property Additions of which the fair value to the Company at the time the same became Funded (3) Consid€ration 82 $13.03 Property was less than the Cost as determined pursuant to Section 1.04 hereof, then such fair value in lieu ofCost), in the opinion ofthe signers, ofany portion thereof(which shall be specified) that is Funded Property; (d) that (except in any case where a governmental body or agency has lawfuIly ordered the Company to divest itself of such property) such release is in the opinion of the signers desirable in the conduct ofthe business ofthe Company; (e) the amount of cash and,/or principal amount of obligations secured by purchase money mortgage received or to be received for any portion of said property sold to any Federal, State, County, Municipal or other governmental bodies or agencies or public corporations, districts or authorities; and (f) that in the opinion of the signers such release will not impair the security under this Indenture in contravention ofthe provisions hereof; (3) an amount in cash to be held by the Trustee as part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, equivalent to the amount, if any, by which the Cost (or as to Property Additions constituting Funded Property of which the fair value to the Company at the time the same became Funded Property was less than the Cost as determined pursuant to Section 1.04 hereof, then such fair value in lieu of Cost) of the property to be released, as specified in the Engineer's Certificate provided for in subdivision (2) above, exceeds the aggregate of the following items: (a) the principal amount, subject to the limitations stated below in this subdivision (3), of any obligations delivered to the Trustee, to be held as part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, consisting of obligations secured by purchase money mortgage upon the property released; G) the Cost or fair value to the Company (whichever is less) of any Property Additions made the basis of the application which are not then Funded Property (after making any deductions and any additions pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.04 hereof) as shown by a further Engineer's Certificate (made and dated no more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of such application) delivered to the Trustee; provided, however, that Property Additions acquired, made or constructed within ninety 83 $r3.08 (90) days prior to the date of such application for release, or subsequently thereto, may, at the option of the Company, not have deducted therefrom the deductions nor added thereto the additions pursuant to Section 1.04 hereof; (c) the aggregate principal amount of bonds to the authentication and delivery of which the Company shall be entitled under the provisions of Sections 5.04 or 6.01 hereof, by virtue of compliance with all applicable provisions of said Sections 5.04 or 6.01, as the case may be (except as hereinafter in this Section otherwise provided); provided, however, that (except as hereinafter in this Section otherwise provided) the application for such release shall operate as a waiver by the Company of such right to the authentication and delivery of such bonds on the basis of which right such property is released and to such extent no such bonds may thereafter be authenticated and delivered hereunder, and any bonds or Qualified Lien Bonds which have been made the basis of any such right to the authentication and delivery of bonds so waived shall be deemed to have been made the basis of the release of such property; (d) the principal amount, subject to the limitations stated below in this subdivision (3), of any obligations secured by purchase money mortgage upon the property to be released and/or any amount in cash, that is evidenced to the Trustee by a certificate of the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien or a lien (other than a Class "ll' Mortgage) prior hereto, as the case may be, to have been received by it in accordance with the provisions of such QualifiedLien or lien prior hereto in consideration for the release of such property or any part thereof from such Qualified Lien or lien prior hereto; (e) the aggregate principal amount of any bonds Outstanding under this Indenture delivered to the Trustee; and (0 any taxes and expenses incidental to such sale, exchange, dedication or disposal; provided, however, that (i) no obligations secured by purchase money mortgage upon any property being released from the Lien hereof 84 (4) Opinion ofCounsel otr Property Additions $r3.03 shall be used as a credit in any application for such release unless all obligations secured by such purchase money mortgage shall be delivered to the Trustee or to the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien or lien prior hereto; (ii) in case the total principal amount of obligations secured by purchase money mortgage upon property being released shall exceed seventy-five per centum (75o/o) of. the fair value of such property, as specified in the Engineer's Certificate provided for in subdivision (2) above, the aggregate credit which may be used pursuant to clause (a) and clause (d) of this subdivision (3) in respect of such obligations shall not exceed seventy-five per centum (75o/o) of ttre fair value of the property to be released, as specified in such Engineer's Certificate; and (iii) no obligations secured by purchase money mortgage shall be used as a credit in any application for the release of property hereunder, if the aggregate credit in respect of such obligations to be used by the Co*pury pursuant to clause (a) and clause (d) of this subdivision (3) plus the aggregate credits ,."d by the Company pursuant to said clause (a) and clause (d) in all applications for the release of property theretofore released from the Lien hereof on the basis of purchase money obligations theretofore delivered to and then held by the Trustee or the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien or lien prior hereto shall, immediately after the release then being applied for, exceed fifteen per centum (15%) ofthe aggregate principal amount ofbonds at such time Outstanding under this Indenture; (a) in the case where the release is on the basis of Property Additions, an Opinion of Counsel as required by Section 5.06(7) hereof; (5) in case any obligations secured by purchase money mortgage upon the property to be released are included in the consideration for such release and are delivered to the Trustee or to the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien or a lien prior hereto in connection with any release of such property, an Opinion of Counsel stating that, in his or her or their opinion, such obligations are valid obligations enforceable in accordance with their terms, except as limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other laws affecting the enforcement of mortgagees' and other creditors' rights and by general equitable principles (regardless of whether such enforceability is considered in a proceedini in equity or at law), and that the purchase money mortgage securing the same is suffrcient (5) Opinion ofCounsel on purchase money mortgsgg €tc. 85 $r3.03 to afford a valid purchase money lien upon the property to be released, subject to no lien prior thereto except Excepted Encumbrances and such liens, if any, as shall have existed thereon just prior to such release as Qualified Liens or liens prior to the Lien of this Indenture; (6) in case the Trustee is requested to release any franchise, an Opinion of Counsel stating that in his or her or their opinion such release will not impair to any material extent the right of the Company to operate any of its remaining properties; and (7) an Opinion of Counsel semplying with the requirements of Section 22.05 hereof. (6) Opinion of Counsel if franchise to be r€lssed (7) Opinion ofCounsel on All purchase money obligations and the mortgages securing the same delivered to the Trustee pursuant to this Section shall be duly assigned to the Trustee. The Company shall cause any such purchase money mortgage and the assignment thereof to be promptly recorded and filed in such place or places as shall be required by law in order fuIly to preserve and protect the security afforded thereby and shall furnish to the Trustee an Opinion of Counsel stating that in the opinion of such counsel such purchase money mortgage and the assignment thereof have been properly recorded and filed so as to make effective the lien intended to be created thereby. Should any re-recording or re-filing be necessary at any time or from time to time, the Company shall litewise cause the same to be duly effected and sha1l, in each case, furnish to the Trustee an Opinion of Counsel similar to the foregoing. The Trustee shall deliver to the Company any purchase money mortgage and-/or assignment thereof whenever required for the purpose of recording or filing or re- recording or re-filing, as evidenced by an Opinion of Counsel, and the same shall be promptly returned to the Trustee when such purposes shall have been accomplished. In case the release ofproperty is, in whole or in part, based upon Property Additions (as permitted under the provisions of clause (b) of subdivision (3) of thie Section), the Company shall, subject to the provisions of said clause @), comply with all applicable provisions of this Indenture (including but not limited to the furnishing of the Engineer's Certificate provided for in subdivision (3) of Section 5.06 hereof and, in case the provisions of subdivision (4) of Section 5.06 hereof are applicable, the Independent Engineey's Certificate provided for in said subdivision (4) of Section 5.06 hereof) as if such Property Additions were made the Conditions if relesse based on Property Additionsi bonds retired hereundcr, €tc. 86 $13.08 Vdurtion of property subject to Qualificd Lien or prior lien basis of an application for the authentication and delivery of bonds thereon (equivalent in principal amount to seventy per centum (70%) ofthe fair value ofthat portion ofthe property to be released which is to be released on the basis of such Property Additions, as shown by the Engineer's Certificate in subdivision (2) of this Section provided for), and in case the release of property is in whole or in part based upon the right to the authentication and delivery of bonds (as permitted under the provisions of clause (c) of subdivision (3) of this Section) the Company shall comply with all applicable provisions of Section 5.04 or Section 6.01 hereof, as the case may be, relating to such authentication and delivery, except that in no such case shall the Company be required to comply with any earnings requirement or to deliver to the Trustee any Resolution, Offrcers' Certificate, Net Earning Certificate or Opinion of Counsel provided for in subdivisions (1), (2), (6) and (8) of Section 5.06 hereof; provided, however, that the Cost of any Property Additions received or to be received by the Company in whole or in part as consideration in exchange for the property to be released shall for all purposes of this Indenture be deemed to be the amount stated in the Engineer's Certificate provided for in subdivision (2) of this Section to be the fair value of the property to be released (a) plus the amount of any cash and the fair value of any other consideration, further to be stated in such Engineer's Certificate, paid and/or delivered or to be paid and/or delivered by, and the amount of any obtigations assumed or to be assumed by, the Company in connection with such exchange as additional consideration for such Property Additions or (b) less the amount of any cash and the fair value to the Company of any other consideration, which shall also be stated in such Engineer's Certificate, received or to be received by the Company in connection with such exchange in addition to such Property Additions. For all purposes of this Article XIII, the fair value of property subject to a Qualifred Lien shall be determined as if such property were free of such Qualified Lien and the fair value of property subject to a lien prior to the Lien hereof, which has not theretofore or is not then to become a Qualified Lien shall be the fair value thereof less the principal amount of any obligations secured by such lien thereon ifit will thereafter cease to be a lien on any property subject to the Lien hereof. Notwithstanding any of the other provisions of this Indenture, (A) to the extent that any property to be released is not Funded Property and the Property Additions made the basis of such release Property Additions made brsis of releese of unfunded property do not become Funded Property 87 $r3.08 shall (as evidenced by a statement to such effect in an Engineer's Certificate) neverpreviously have been used as the basis of the release of property under the provisions of clause (b) of subdivision (3) of this Section or as the basis of the withdrawal of cash under subdivision (l) of Section 13.06 or under a Qualified Lien, said Property Additions shall not have the status of Funded Property except to the extent of any amount which shall, at the time such Property Additions were made the basis of such release, have been deducted foom the Cost or fair value of such Property Additions pursuant to the provisions of clause (A) of Section 1.04 hereof less any amount which shall then have been added thereto pursuant to the provisions of clause @) of said Section 1.04, and except to the extent of any amount which shall then have been deducted in respect of Qualified Liens on such Property Additions pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.04 hereof, and @) to the extent that any property released shall not have been Funded Property just prior to its release, (i) any Property Additions made the basis of such release of property shall not be deemed to be Funded Property except to the extent of any amount which shall, at the time such Property Additions were made the basis of such release, have been deducted from the Cost or fair value of such Property Additions pursuant to the provisions of clause (A) of Section 1.04 hereof less any amount which shall then have been added thereto pursuant to the provisions of clause (B) of said Section 1.04, and except to the extent of any amount which shall then have been deducted in respect of Qualified Liens on such Property Additions pursuant to the provisions ofSection 5.04 hereof, and (ii) any waiver of the right to the authentication and delivery of bonds made the basis ofsuch release ofproperty shall be revoked and cease to be effective and shall no longer be deemed to have been made, if the Company shall within two years after the release of suchproperty frle with the Trustee such Officers' Certificates, Engineer's Certificates, Independent Engineer's Certificates, Opinions of Counsel and other papers (other than any Resolution, Net Earning Certificate or Opinion of Counsel such as is described in subdivisions (1), (6) and (8) of Section 5.06 hereof) as under the provisions of Article V hereof Provisions re release ofcertrin property which is not Fund€d Prop€rty Substituted property to become subject to Lien h€reof Rclcase of property which is not Funded Property 88 $$13.03, r3.04 would entitle the Company, on the basis of Property Additions acquired, made or constructed subsequent to the application for the release of such property, to the authentication and delivery ofbonds (equal in principal amount to seventy per centum (70%) of. the fair value of such property so released), and the inclusion of such subsequently acquired Property Additions in any such Officers' Certificate, Engineer's Certifrcate, Independent Engineer's Certificate, Opinion of Counsel or other papers shall not make such subsequently acquired Property Additions Funded Property. Any bonds Outstanding under this Indenture deposited with the Trustee pursuant to the provisions of subdivision (3)(e) of this Section shall forthwith be cancelled by the Trustee, and any Qualified Lien Bonds deposited with the Trustee pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall be held by the Trustee subject to the provisions of Article X hereof and any moneys and./or obligations secured by purchase money mortgage and./or other property and/or the proceeds of any thereof and/or substitutes therefor received by the Trustee under this Section shall be held as part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property and such moneys and/or obligations secured by purchase money mortgage shall be paid over, withdrawn, used or "ppii"d, in the manner, to the extent, and for the purposes and subject to the conditions provided in Section 13.06 hereof' Any property acquired by the Company by exchange or purchase to take the place of any property released under any provisions of this Article shall forthwith and without further "o*yurr"" become subject to the Lien of and be covered by this Indenture as a part of the Mortjaged and Pledged Property, subject to no lien except Class "It'' Mortgages, Qualified Liens and Excepted Encumbrances and any liens existing thereon just prior to the acquisition thereof. Section 13.04 Unless the Company is in default in the payment of the interest on any bonds then Outstand.ing hereunder or one or more Defaults shall have occurred and be continuing, the Company may obtain the release of any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property tutrl"f, is nol Funded Property, except cash then held by the Trustee (provided, however, that Qualified Lien Bonds deposited with the Trustee shall not be released except as provided in Article X hereof and Class "A" Bonds deposited with the Trustee shall not be released except as provided in 89 s13.04 Article XIV hereof and obligations secured by purchase money mortgage deposited with Requircments: Trustee shall not be released except as provided in Section 13.06 hereof), and the Trustee shall release aII its right, title and interest in and to the same from the Lien hereof upon application of the Company and receipt by the Trustee of the following (in lieu of complying with the requirements of Section 13.03 hereof): (f) An Offrcers' Certificate stating that the Company has sold, leased, granted an interest in, exchanged, dedicated or disposed of, or intends to sell, lease, grant an interest in, exchange, dedicate, or dispose of, or that governmental body or agency has lawfully ordered the Company to divest itself of, certain property (which property shall be described in such certificate in reasonable detail) that is not Funded Property and stating the consideration, if any, received or to be received therefor, and requesting the release thereof from the Lien of this Indenture; and stating that such property has not theretofore been funded; that such release is in the opinion ofthe signers desirable in the conduct of the business of the Company; and that the Company is not, to the knowledge of the signers, in default in the performance of any of the terms or covenants of this Indenture; and that in the opinion ofthe signers all conditions precedent provided for in this Indenture relating to the release of the property in question have been semplied with; (1) Officero'Certifiote (2) (a) An Engineer's Certificate, made and dated not more than ninety (90) days (2)Etrginecr'scertificrt€ prior to the date of such application, (x) stating, in the opinion of the signers, the then fair value of the property to be released (which property shall be described in such certificate in reasonable detail) without deduction for any liens on such property; and (y) stating that, in the opinion of the signers, such release will not impair the security under this Indenture in contravention ofthe provisions ofthis Indenture; (b) In the case the fair value of such property to be released and of all other property released from the Lien of this Indenture since the commencement of the then current calendar year, as shown by certificates filed pursuant to Article XIII hereof, is ten per centum (10%) or more of the aggregate principal amount of bonds Outstanding at the time of the application then being made, an Independent Engineer's Certificate stating in substance, the then fair value, in the opinion ofthe signers, ofthe property to be released, without deduction for any lien on such property; and that such release, in the (3) Further Engineer's Certificate (4) Opinion ofCounsel Relcrs€ ofc€rtain unimprovcd real estrte upon requ€st of ComPrny Requirements: (l) Engineer's Certificate 90 ssls.04, 13.06 opinion of the signers, will not impair the security under this Indenture in contravention of the terms of this Indenture; provided, however, that no Independent Engineer's Certificate need be d.elivered to the Trustee in the case of any release of property if the fair value thereof, as shown by the certificate filed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision (2), is less than Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) or less than one per centum (1%) of the aggregate principal amount of bonds at the time Outstanding; (3) A further Engineer's Certificate, made and dated not more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of such application, stating, in the opinion of the signers, that the aggregate principal amount of bonds to be Outstanding under this Indenture immediately after such release shall not exceed seventy per centum (70o/o) of. the aggregate fair value ofthe then Funded Property ofthe Company; and (a) An Opinion of Counsel to the effect that all conditions precedent provided for in this Indenture relating to the release of the property in question have been complied with and, in case the Trustee is requested to release any franchise, that such release will not impair to any material extent the right of the Company to operate any of its remaining properties. Section 13.05 Unless the Company is in default in the payment of the interest on any bonds then Outstanding hereunder or one or more Defaults shall have occurred and be continuing, the Trustee shall whenever from time to time requested by the Company (such request to be evidenced by an Offrcers' Certificate) and without requiring compliance with any of the provisions of Section 13.03 hereof, release from the Lien hereof all the right, title and interest ofthe Trustee in and to any real estate unimproved for use in the conduct ofthe business ofthe Company, provided the Company has sold, exchanged, dedicated or disposed ofsuch real estate, or has agreed to sell, exchange, dedicate or dispose ofsuch real estate, or, as evidenced by such Offrcers' Certificate, has authorized its officers to endeavor to sell such real estate, and provided the aggregate fair value ofthe interest ofthe Company in such real estate so reieased without such compliance in any calendar year shall not exceed the greater of Five Million DoIIars ($5,000,000) or three per centum (3%) of the bonds Outstanding hereunder on the date of such release. Prior to the granting of any such release, there shall be delivered to the Trustee an Engineer's 91 $$r8.06, r3.06 Certificate stating the fair value of the property to be released and that in the opinion of the signers the release thereofwill not impair the security under this Indenture in contravention ofthe provisions hereof and setting forth any other facts required to be known by the Trustee as a condition precedent to any act by the Trustee under this Section. The Company covenants that on or before March lst of each year it will deposit with the Trustee, to be dealt with in the manner provided in Section 13.06 hereof, the net consideration, if any, received by it upon the sale or other disposition of all such real estate so released during the previous calendar year (to the extent that the same shall not have been paid or delivered to the trustee or other holder of a Class "/t'' Mortgage or a Qualified Lien or another lien prior to the Lien of this Indenture in accordance with the provisions thereof and an Offrcers' Certifrcate to that effect shall have been furnished to the Trustee), or if no consideration be received therefor or results therefrom the Company will so deposit the fair value thereof. Any cash paid over to the Trustee hereunder may thereafter be withdrawn, used or applied in the manner, to the extent and for the purposes and subject to the conditions provided in Section 13.06 hereof. For the purposes hereof the term "unimproved for use in the conduct of the business of the Company'' shall include not only vacant lands but parcels of real estate (and all buildings, fixtures and other improvements thereon) that are not used or usable in the Company's operations or are surplus to its needs. Section 13.06 Unless the Company is in default in the payment of the interest on any bonds then Outstanding hereunder or one or more Defaults shall have occurred and be continuing, any Funded Cash received by the Trustee shall be held by the Trustee and such cash and any cash which may be applied as in this Section provided, (1) may be withdrawn from time to time by the Company to the extent of the Cost or the fair value to the Company (whichever is less) of Property Additions not then Funded Property (after making any deductions and additions pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.04 hereof); provided, however, that no such withdrawal ofcash representing the proceeds of insurance on or the release of property or securities or payment of or on account of obligations secured by purchase money mortgages may be based in whole or in part upon Property Additions acquired, made or constructed more than five years prior to the last day of the calendar month immediately (2) Deposit of considerrtion (unimproved for use in the conduct ofthe business ofthe Company" Withdrawal, use or application of money r€c€iv€d by Trustee for reletses (1) Withdrrwrl on brsis of Property Additions (2) Withdrawrl on bssis of right to issu€ bonds (3) Applied to purchase bonds (4) Applied to retirc or red€em bonds Conditions upon which moncys will be prid out 92 s13.0,6 preceding the receipt by the Trustee of such cash, and provided further, that Property Additions acquired, made or constructed within ninety (90) days prior to the date of the receipt by the Trustee of such cash representing the proceeds of insurance on or the release of property (including securities and other personal property, if any), or payment of or on account of obligations secured by purchase money mortgages, or subsequent to such receipt ofcash, may, at the option ofthe Company, not have deducted therefrom the deductions nor added thereto the additions pursuant to Section 1.04 hereof; (2) may be withdrawn from time to time by the Company in an amount equal to the principal amount of each bond or fraction of a bond to the authentication and delivery of which the Company shall be entitled under the provisions of Section 5.04 or Section 6.01 hereof, by virtue of compliance with all applicable provisions of said Section 5.04 or Section 6.01, as the case may be (except as hereinafter in this Section otherwise provided); provided, however, that (except as hereinafter in this Section otherwise provided) the application for such withdrawal of cash shall operate as a waiver by the bo11tp"rry of such right to the authentication and delivery of each such bond or fraction thereof, on the basis of which right such cash is withdrawn, and any bonds or Qualified Lien Bonds which have been made the basis of any such right to the authentication and delivery of bond(s) or fraction of a bond so waived shall be deemed to have been made the basis of the withdrawal of such cash; (B) may, upon the request ofthe Company, be used by the Trustee for the purchase of bonds issued hereunder in accordance with the provisions ofSection 12.05; or (4) may, upon the request of the Company, be applied by the Trustee to the payment at maturiiy oi ,rry bonds issued hereunder or to the redemption of any bonds issued hereunder which are, by their terms, redeemable, of such series as may be designated by the Company, such redemption to be in the manner and as provided in Article XII hereof- Such moneys shall, from time to time, be paid out or used or applied by the Trustee, as aforesaid, upon the request of the Company evidenced by a Resolution, and upon receipt by the Trustee of an Officers' Certificate stating that the Company is not in default in the payment ofthe interest on any bonds then Outstanding hereunder and that no Default has 93 sr3.06 occurred and is continuing. In case the withdrawal of cash is, in whole or in part, based upon Property Additions (as permitted under the provisions of clause (1) of this Section), the Company shall, subject to the provisions of said clause (1), comply with all applicable provisions of this Indenture (including but not limited to the furnishing of the Engineer's Certificate provided for in subdivision (3) of Section 5.06 hereof and, in case the provisions of subdivision (4) of Section 5.06 hereof are applicable, the Independent Engineer's Certificate provided for in said subdivision (4) of Section 5.06 hereof) as if such Property Additions were made the basis of an application for the authentication and delivery of bonds thereon equivalent in principal amount to seventy per centum (70%) of. the cash to be withdrawn on such basis; or in case the withdrawal of cash is, in whole or in part, based upon the right to the authentication and delivery of bonds (as permitted under the provisions of clause (2) of this Section) the Company shall comply with all applicable provisions of Section 5.04 or 6.01 hereo( as the case may be, relating to such authentication and delivery; except that in no such case shall the Company be required to comply with any earnings requirement or to deliver to the Trustee any Resolution, Offrcers' Certificate, Net Earning Certificate or Opinion of Counsel such as is described in subdivisions (l), (2), (6) and (8) of Section 5.06 hereof. Notwithstanding any of the other provisions of this Indenture, (a) to the extent that any cash to be withdrawn under the provisions ofthis Section or of a Qualified Lien represents the proceeds of property that was not Funded Property released, taken by eminent domain or damaged or destroyed by fire or represents payment on account ofprincipal of, or consideration for the release of, obligations secured by purchase money mortgage which shall have been deposited with the Trustee or with the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien as the basis ofthe release ofproperty that was not Funded Property, and the application for the withdrawal of such cash is based upon Property Additions (which shall never previously have been used as the basis of the withdrawal of cash under subdivision (1) of this Section or under a Qualified Lien or as the basis of the release of property under the provisions of clause &) of subdivision (3) of Section 13.03 hereo( as evidenced by a statement to such effect in an Engineer's Certificate), then such Property Additions shall not have the status ofFunded Property, Whcn Property Additions mide bffis ofrithdrawel do not becom€ Funded Property When cssh withdrswn docs not reprcsent trund€d Property 94 $13.06 except to the extent of any amount which shall, at the time such Property Additions were made the basis of such withdrawal of cash, have been deducted from the Cost or fair value of such Property Additions pursuant to the provisions of clause (A) of Section 1.04 hereof less any amount which shall then have been added thereto pursuant to the provisions of clause (B) of said Section 1.04, and except to the extent of any amount which shall then have been deducted in respect of Qualified Liens on such Property Additions pursuant to Section 5.04 hereof, and @) to the extent that any cash withdrawn, used or applied under the provisions of this Section or of a Qualified Lien shall have represented the proceeds of property that was not Funded Property released, taken by eminent domain or damaged or destroyed by fire or shall have represented payment on account of principal of, or consideration for the release of, obligations secured by purchase money mortgage which shall have been deposited with the Trustee or the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien as the basis of the release of property that was not Funded Property, (i) such cash shall no longer be deemed to be, or to have been at the time of such withdrawal, use or application, Funded Cash; (ii) any Property Additions made the basis of such withdrawal of cash shall not be deemed to be Funded Property except to the extent of any amount which shall, at the time such Property Additions were made the basis of such withdrawal of cash, have been deducted from the Cost or fair value of such Property Additions pursuant to the provisions of clause (A) of Section 1.04 hereof less any amount which shall then have been added thereto pursuant to the provisions of clause (B) of said Section I".04, except to the extent of any amount which shall then have been deducted in respect of Qualified Liens on such Property Additions pursuant to Section 5.04 hereof; and (iii) any waiver of the right to the authentication and delivery of bonds, made the basis of such withdrawal of cash, shall be revoked and cease to be effective and shall no longer be deemed to have been made, if the Company shall, within two years after the withdrawal, use or application of such cash, file with the Trustee such Officers' Certificates, Engineer's Certificates, Independent Engineer's Certificates, Opinions of Counsel and other papers (other than any 95 $r8.06 Resolution, Net Earning Certificate or Opinion of Counsel such as is described in subdivisions (1), (6) and (8) of Section 5.06 hereof) as, under the provisions of Article V hereof, would entitle the Company, on the basis of Property Additions acquired, made or constructed subsequent to the receipt by the Trustee or the trustee or other holder of a Qualified Lien ofsuch cash, to the authentication and delivery ofbonds equal in principal amount to seventy per centum (70%) of such cash so withdrawn, used or applied, and the inclusion of such subsequently acquired Property Additions in any such OfEcers' Certificate, Engineer's Certificate,Independent Engineer's Certificate, Opinion of Counsel or other papers shall not make such subsequently acquired Property Additions Funded Property. Any obligation secured by purchase money mortgage received or to be received by the Trustee under any of the provisions of this Indenture in consideration of the release of any property may be released at any time upon payment by the Company to the Trustee of all or the unpaid portion of the principal of such obligation; provided, however, at any time after the Trustee shall have received on account of the principal of any obligations secured by purchase money mortgage on a specified property (from the Company, the obligor or otherwise), an amount in cash equal to the aggregate principal amount of such obligations to the extent made the basis of a credit in the application for the release from the Lien hereof of such property, the Trustee shall deliver to the Company on the written request of an Authorized Executive Oflicer of the Company, and the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Officer of the Company, the purchase money mortgage on such property and all obligations secured thereby then held by the Trustee including, but not limited to, any such obligations delivered to the Trustee as required by subdivision (3) of Section 13.03 hereofbut not used as a credit thereunder. The principal of and interest on any such obligations secured by purchase money mortgage held by the Trustee shall be collected by the Trustee as and when the same become payable. Unless the Company is in default in the payment of the interest on any of the bonds then Outstanding hereunder or one or more Defaults shall have occurred and be continuing, the interest received by the Trustee on any such obligations shall be paid over to the Company, and any payments received by the Trustee on account ofthe principal ofany such obligations in excess of the amount of credit used by the Company in respect of such Rclease of purchase money mortgag€ obligationr Trustee shall collect purchase money mortgage obligations Cencellation or retention by Trustee of c€rtdn bondg Release ofproperty taken y eminent domain or purchased by governmental body Opinion ofCounsel Officer's Certifrcate Applicetion of proceeds 96 $$13.06, r3.07 obligations upon the release of any property from the Lien hereof shall also be paid over to the Company. The Trustee shall have and may exercise all the rights and powers of an owner of such obligations and of all substitutions therefor and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, may collect and receive all insurance moneys payable to it under any of the provlsions thereof and apply the same in accordance with the provisions thereof, may consent to extensions thereof at a higher or lower rate of interest, may join in any plan or plans of voluntary or involuntary reorganization or readjustment or rearrangement and may accept and hold hereunder new obligations, stocks or other securities issued in exchange therefor und.er any such plan. Any discretionary action which the Trustee may be entitled to take in connection with any such obligations or substitutions therefor shall be taken, so long as no Default shall exist, in accordance with the request of the Company, evidenced by a Resolution, and during the existence of a Default in its own discretion. Any bonds issued und.er this Indenture received by the Trustee pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall forthwith be cancelled by the Trustee and any Qualified Lien-Bonds deposited with the Trustee, pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall be held by the Trustee subject to the provisions ofArticle X hereof. Section 13.0? Should any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property (or any interest therein) be taken by exercise of the power of eminent domain or be sold to an entity possessing the power of eminent domain under a threat to exercise the same, and should the Co*puny not elect to obtain the release of such property or interest pursuant to other provisions of this Article XIII, the Trustee shall, upon request of the Company evidenced by an Officers' Certificate, release from the Lien hereof all its right, title and interest in and to the property so taken or sold, or subordinate the Lien hereofto the interest so taken or sold, upon being furnished with an Opinion of Counsel to the effect that such property or interest has been taken by exercise of the power of eminent domain or has been sold under threat of an exercise of such power. Such Opinion of Counset shall be accompanied by an Officers' Certificate stating the amount of net proceeds received or to be received for such property or interest so taken or sold and the amount so stated shall be deemed to be the fair value of such property or interest for the purpose of subdivision (b) of Section 19.13 hereof. On or before March lst of each 97 s$13.07, 18.0E year, an amount equal to the net proceeds ofall property so taken or sold during the previous calendar year (which proceeds shall, in either event, be required to be entirely in the form of cash) shall be paid over to the Trustee (unless the same shall have been paid or delivered to the trustee or other holder of a Class "1t'' Mortgage or a Qualified Lien or lien prior hereto, in accordance with the provisions thereof and a certificate of such trustee or other holder to that effect shall have been furnished to the Trustee), and (if paid over to the Trustee hereunder) may thereafter be withdrawn, used or applied in the manner, to the extent and for the purposes and subject to the conditions provided in Section 13.06 hereof. Section 13.08 In case the Mortgaged and Pledged Property shall be in the possession of a receiver or trustee, lawfully appointed, the powers hereinbefore conferred upon the Company with respect to the sale or other disposition of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property or the withdrawal of cash may be exercised, with the approval of the Trustee, by such receiver or trustee, notwithstanding the Company may be in default and any request, certificate, appointment or approval made or signed by such receiver or trustee for such purposes shall be as effective as if made by the Company or its Board of Directors or any of its ofEcers or appointees in the manner herein provided; and if the Trustee shall be in possession of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property under any provision of this Indenture, then such powers may be exercised by the Trustee in its discretion notwithstanding that the Company may be in default. Notwithstanding the existence of a default in the payment of interest on any bonds Outstanding hereunder or the existence of a Default, the Trustee, in its discretion, may release from the Lien hereof any part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property or permit the withdrawal of cash, upon compliance with the other conditions specified in this Article in respect thereof. No purchaser in good faith of property purporting to have been released hereunder shall be bound to ascertain the authority of the Trustee to execute the release, or to inquire as to any facts required by the provisions hereof for the exercise of this authority; nor shall any purchaser or grantee of any property or rights permitted by this Article to be sold, granted, exchanged, dedicated or otherwise disposed of, be under obligation to ascertain or inquire into the authority of the Company to make any such sale, grant, exchange, dedication or other disposition. If property is hrnds of receiver or trustce Release of property or withdrawel of cruh in the discr€tion ofTruste Purcheser in good frith not put on inquiry 98 s$18.09, 13.10 Chss "A'Mortgrgc Section 13.09 In lieu of the other provisions for the release of Mortgaged and Pledged Property provided in this Indenture, unless the Company is in default in the payment of the interest on any bonds then Outstanding hereunder or one or more Defaults shall have occurred and be continuing, the Company may in the alternative obtain the release of any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property which is subject to the lien of a Class "lt'' Mortgage (except cash, Qualified Lien Bonds, Class "/t'' Bonds or obligations secured by purchase money mortgage) by delivery to the Trustee of the Officers' Certificate provided for in subdivision (1) of Section 13.03 hereof, the Engineer's Certificate provided for in subparagraphs (a), @), (d) and (f) of subdivision (2) of Section 13.03 hereof, the Opinion of Counsel provided for in subdivision (7) ofSection 13.03 hereofand a copy ofa release ofsuch Mortgaged and Pledged Property from the lien of a Class "lt'' Mortgage executed by the trustee of such Class "/t'' Mortgage. Quitclaim of prop€rty not iubject to Section 13.10 In case the Company has sold, exchanged, dedicated or disposed of, or intends or has agreed to sell, exchange, dedicate or dispose ol or a governmental body or agency has lawfully ordered the Company to divest itself of, any property of a character excepted from the Lien hereof, or the Company desires to disclaim or quitclaim title to property to which the Company does not purport to have title, the Trustee shall, from time to time, execute such instruments of disclaimer or quitclaim as may be appropriate upon receipt by the Trustee of the following: Lien (l) an Officers' Certificate complying with the requirements of Section 22.05 hereof and describing in reasonable detail the property to be disclaimed or quitclaimed; and (2) an Opinion of Counsel complying with the requirements of Section 22.05 hereof and stating the signer's opinion that such property is not subject to the Lien hereof or required to be subject thereto by any of the provisions hereof; and stating that the execution of such disclaimer or quitclaim is appropriate. 99 Arr XIV, $14.01; Art. XV, $15.01 ARTICLE Xry Discharge of Class "A" Mortgage Section 14.01 At the option of the Company as evidenced by a written request signed by an Authorized Executive Ofhcer of the Company, and by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Officer of the Company, and accompanied (a) by an Opinion of Counsel to the effect that upon satisfaction of the Class "1t'' Mortgage the Lien of this Indenture will constitute a lien on substantially all of the property formerly subject to the lien of such Class "ll' Mortgage (except such property as is excepted from the Lien hereof) subject to no lien prior or equal to the Lien of this Indenture except Qualified Liens and Excepted Encumbrances and @) by an Officers' Certificate to the effect that no Class "A" Bonds are Outstanding under such Class "lt''Mortgage other than the Class "lt'' Bonds held hereunder and that promptly upon such surrender the Class "A" Mortgage will be satisfied pursuant to the terms thereof, the Trustee shall surrender for cancellation to the trustee under such Class "A" Mortgage all Class "/t'' Bonds issued under said Class "/t'' Mortgage then held by the Trustee. Dischrrg€ of Clsss "A'Mortgrge ARTICLE XV Remedies of Trustee and Bondholders Upon Default Section 15.01 The following events are hereby defined for all purposes ofthis Indenture (except where the term is otherwise defined for specific purposes) as "Defaults": (Defeults' (a) Failure to pay the principal of any bond hereby secured when the same shall become due and payable, whether at maturity, as therein expressed, or by declaration or otherwise; (b) Failure to pay interest upon any bond hereby secured for a period of sixty (60) days after such interest shall have become due and payable; (c) Failure to pay interest upon or principal (whether at maturity, as therein expressed, or by declaration, or otherwise) of any Outstanding Qualified Lien Bonds continued beyond the period of grace, if any, specified in the Qualified Lien securing the same; (d) Failure to pay any installment of any fund required to be applied to the purchase or redemption of any of the bonds hereby 100 $r6.01 secured for a period ofsixty (60) days after the same shall have become overdue and payable; (e) The expiration of a period of ninety (90) days following the entry of a decree or order by a court having jurisdiction in the premises for relief in respect of the Company under the Federal Bankruptcy Act or any other applicable Federal or State law of a similar nature, or appointing a custodian, receiver, liquidator, assignee, trustee, sequestrator (or other similar official) of or for the Company or for all or substantially all of its property, or ordering the winding up or liquidation of its affairs unless during such period such decree, order or appointment of a custodian, receiver, liquidator, assignee, trustee, sequestrator or other similar official shall be vacated or shall be stayed on appeal or otherwise or shall have otherwise ceased to continue in effect; (fl The commencement by the Company of a voluntary case, or the institution by it of proceedings to be adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent, or the consent by it to the institution of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings against it, or the filing by it ofa petition or answer or consent seeking reorganization, arrangement or relief under the Federal Bankruptcy Act or any other applicable Federal or State law ofa similar nature, or the consent or acquiescence by it to the filing of any such petition or to the appointment of or taking possession by a custodian, receiver, liquidator, assignee, trustee, sequestrator (or other similar offrcial) ofthe Company or for all or substantially all of its property, or the making by it of an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the admission by it in writing of its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, or the taking of corporate action by the Company in furtherance of any such action; (g) The expiration of a period of ninety (90) days after the receipt by the Company of a written demand (citing this provision) from the Trustee or (with copy to the Trustee) from the holders of fifteen per centum (15%) in principal amount of the bonds at the time Outstanding hereunder (determined as provided in Section 15.07 hereof) that the Company perform a specified covenant or agreement contained herein or in any indenture supplemental hereto or in any bond secured hereby, which specified covenant or agreement the Company shall have failed to perform prior to the mailing of such notice, unless 101 $sr6,01, 15.02 the Company during such period shall have performed such specified covenant or agreement or, if such covenant or agreement cannot reasonably have been performed during such period, then the Company shall have commenced and be diligently pursuing such performance. The Trustee may, and, if requested in writing so to do by the holders of a majority in principal amount of the bonds then Outstanding, shall, make such demand; (h) The existence of any "Default", as defined under the Pacific Mortgage, or the existence of any 'Default", as defined under the Utah Mortgage, or the existence of any default under another Class "lt'' Mortgage, which then permits the declaration of the principal of all of the bonds secured by such Class "A" Mortgage and the interest accrued thereupon due and payable; provided that with respect to subdivisions (c) and (h) of this Section 15.01, if such default or Default, as the case may be, under such Qualified Lien or Class "lt'' Mortgage shall be remedied or cured by the Company or waived by the holders of such indebtedness, then the Default hereunder by reason thereof shall be deemed likewise to have been thereupon remedied, cured or waived without further action upon the part of either the Trustee or any of the holders; and provided, further, that, subject to the provisions of Sections 19.01 and 19.02 hereof, the Trustee shall not be charged with knowledge of any such default or Default, as the case may be, unless written notice thereof shall have been given to the Trustee by the Company, by a holder or an agent of the holder of any such indebtedness, by a trustee then acting under any Qualified Lien or Class "lt''Mortgage under which such default or Default, as the case may be, shall have occurred, or by the holders of not less than twenty-five per centum (25o/o) in aggregate principal amount of all the bonds then outstanding. Section 15.02 The Trustee shall, within ninety (90) days after the occurrence thereof, give to the bondholders and any trustee under a Class "A" Mortgage, in the manner and to the extent provided in subdivision (c) of Section 19.13 hereof, notice of all defaults known to the Trustee, unless such defaults shall have been cured before the giving of such notice (the term "defaults" for the purposes of this Section being hereby defined to be the events specified in subdivisions (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (0, (g) and (h) of Section 15.01 hereof not including any periods of grace provided for in said subdivisions) but in the case of any default as specified Notice to defrults Declaration of principal and accrued interest due upon Default. Holders of majority of bonds may annul declaration t02 s$r6.02, r5.03 in subdivision (g) of Section 15.01 hereof, no such notice shall be given until at least sixty (60) days after the occurrence thereof; provided that, except in the case of default in the payment ofthe principal ofor interest on any ofthe bonds hereby secured, or in the payment of any installment of any fund required to be applied to the purchase or redemption of any of the bonds hereby secured, the Trustee shall be protected in withholding such notice ifand so Iong as the board of directors, executive committee, or a trust committee of directors and/or Responsible Officers, of the Trustee in good faith determine that the withholding of such notice is not detrimental to the interests ofthe bondholders. Section 15.03 Upon the occurrence of a Default, the Trustee may, and upon the written request of the holders of a majority in principal amount of the bonds then Outstanding (determined as provided in Section 15.07 hereof) shall, and the holders of twenty-five per centum (25o/o) in principal amount of the bonds at the time Outstanding hereunder may, by notice in writing given to the Company (and to the Trustee if such notice be given by the bondholders), unless prior to such declaration all covenants with respect to which Default shall have occurred, shall have been fully performed or cured and all indebtedness secured hereby (other than expenses and charges of the Trustee), except the principal of any bonds not then due by their terms (other than by such declaration) and except interest accrued on such bonds since the last interest payment date, shall be paid, or the amount thereofshall be paid to the Trustee for the benefit of those entitled thereto, declare the principal of all of the bonds hereby secured and the interest accrued thereon immediately due and payable, and such principal and interest shall thereupon become and be immediately due and payable; subject, however, to the right of the holders of a majority in principal amount of all Outstanding bonds, by written notice to the Company and to the Trustee, thereafter to annul such declaration and destroy its effect at any time before any sale hereunder, if, before any such sale, all covenants with respect to which a Default shall have occurred shall be fully performed or cured, and all other indebtedness secured hereby except the principal of any bonds not then due by their terms (other than by such declaration) and except interest accrued on such bonds since the last interest payment date, shall be paid, or the amount thereofshall be paid to the Trustee for the benefit ofthose entitled thereto. 103 $$16.04, 15.06 Section 15.04 Upon the occurrence of one or more Defaults, the Company upon demand of the Trustee, shall (if at the time such action shall be lawful) forthwith surrender to the Trustee the actual possession of, and (if at the time such action shall be lawful) the Trustee, by such offlrcer or agent as it may appoint, may take possession of, all the Mortgaged and Pledged Property (with the books, papers and accounts of the Company) and hold, operate and manage the same, and from time to time make all needful repairs and such extensions, additions and improvements as to the Trustee shall seem wise; and receive the tolls, rents, revenues, issues, earnings, income, products and profits thereof, and out ofthe same pay all proper costs and expenses of so taking, holding, managing and operating the same, including reasonable compensation to and expenses of the Trustee, its agents and counsel, and any charges ofthe Trustee hereunder, and any taxes and assessments and other charges prior to the Lien of this Indenture which the Trustee may deem it wise to pay, and all expenses of such repairs, extensions, additions and improvements, and apply the remainder of the moneys so received by the Trustee, subject to the provisions of Section 15.12 hereof with respect to extended, transferred or pledged coupons or claims for interest, first to the payment of the installments of interest which are due and unpaid, in order of their maturity, and next, if the principal of any of said bonds is due, to the payment of the principal and accrued interest thereon pro rata without any preference or priority whatever, except as aforesaid. Whenever all that is due upon such bonds and installments of interest and under any of the terms of this Indenture shall have been paid and all Defaults cured, the Trustee shall surrender possession to the Company, its successors or assigns; the same right of entry, however, to exist upon any subsequent Default. Section 15.05 Upon the occurrence of one or more Defaults, the Trustee, by such offrcer or agent as it may appoint, with or without entry, may, if at the time such action shall be Iawful, sell all the Mortgaged and Pledged Property as an entirety, or in such parcels as the holders of a majority in principal amount of the bonds Outstanding hereunder (determined as provided in Section 15.07 hereof) shall in writing request, or in the absence of such request, as the Trustee may determine, at public auction, at some convenient place in the City of Portland, Oregon, or such other place or places as may be required by law, having first given notice of such sale by publication in at least one Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the City of Portland, Oregon (if there be such a Daily Trustee may take possession of and operate property. Application of income When Trustee shall surrender possession to Company Power to sell all Mortgaged and Pledged Property Notice by publications Judicial proceedings Bemedies cumulative Delay, etc, no waiver of rights Waiver of Default not to extend to subsequent Default. Bondholders may direct proceedings to4 s$r6.06, r6.06, r5.07 Newspaper), once preceding such sale, to be made not less than twenty (20) days prior to the date of such sale, and by like publication in at least one Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, the City of New York, New York, and any other notice which may be required by law, and from time to time may (to the extent permitted by Iaw) adjourn such sale in their discretion by announcement at the time and place fixed for such sale without further notice, and upon such sale may make and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers a good and suffrcient instrument or instruments ofconveyance, assignment or transfer for the same, which sale shall, to the extent then permitted by law, be a perpetual bar, both at law and in equity, against the Company and all persons, firms and corporations Iawfully claiming or who may claim by, through or under it. Section 15.06 In case of the breach of any of the covenants or conditions of this Indenture, the Trustee shall have the right and power to take appropriate judicial proceedings for the enforcement ofits rights and the rights ofthe bondholders hereunder. In case of a Default, the Trustee may either after ently, or without ently, proceed by suit or suits at law or in equity to enforce payment of the bonds then Outstanding hereunder and to foreclose this Indenture and to sell the Mortgaged and Pledged Property under the judgment or decree ofa court or courts ofcompetent jurisdiction. No remedy by the terms of this Indenture conferred upon or reserved to the Trustee (or to the bondholders), is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to any other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any Default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such Default or acquiescence therein; and every such right and power may be exercised foom time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. No waiver of any Defau1t, whether by the Trustee or by the bondholders, shall extend to or shall affect any subsequent Default or shall impair any rights or remedies consequent thereon. Section 15.07 The holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the bonds at the time Outstanding hereunder may direct the 105 $$16.07, 15.08 time, method, and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the Trustee, or exercising any trust or power conferred upon the Trustee, provided, however, that such direction shall not be otherwise than in accordance with the provisions oflaw and this Indenture and that, subject to the provisions of Section 19.01 and 19.02 hereof, the Trustee shall have the right to decline to follow any such direction if the Trustee in good faith shall by Responsible Officers determine that the action or proceeding so directed would involve the Trustee in personal liability or be unjustifrably prejudicial to nonassenting bondholders or that it will not be sufficiently indemnified for any expenditures in any action or proceeding so directed. For the purposes of this Sectionand of Sections 9.06, 15.01, 15.03, 15.05, L9.02, 19.14, 19.15, 21.02, 21.06, 21.10 and 22.06 hereof, and for the purpose of waiving, in accordance with any of the provisions of Section 21.07 hercof" any past Default of the Company and the consequences thereof, in determining whether the holders of the required percentage of the principal amount of bonds have concurred or participated in any direction or consent, (a) bonds for the purchase of which money in the necessaly amount shall have been deposited with or shall then be held by the Trustee with irrevocable direction to apply the same to the purchase thereof shall be deemed Outstanding and (b) bonds owned by the Company, or by any person directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by or under direct or indirect common control with the Company (unless all bonds at the time Outstanding hereunder are then so owned), shall be disregarded, except that for the purpose of determining whether the Trustee shall be protected in relying on any such direction or consent, only bonds which the Trustee knows are so owned shall be so disregarded. Bonds so owned which have been pledged in good faith may be regarded as Outstanding for the purposes of this paragraph, if the pledgee shall establish to the satisfaction of the Trustee the pledgee's right to vote such bonds and that the pledgee is not a person directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by or under direct or indirect common control with the Company. In case of a dispute as to such right, any decision by the Trustee taken upon the advice ofcounsel shall be full protection to the Trustee. Section 15.08 In case of a Default, and upon the filing of a bill in equity or other commencement of judicial proceedings to enforce the rights of the Trustee and of the bondholders under this Indenture, the Trustee shall be entitled, as a matter of right (to the extent that such Situations when bonds owned by Company and certain other bonds to be disregarded Appointment of receiver All bonds to become due and payable upon sale of property Purchase by bondholder at sale ofproperty Bonds as part of purchase price Receipt of Trustee or sale officer as discharge to purchaser 106 $$r5.0E, 15.09, 15.10, l5.ll right is enforceable under applicable law), to the appointment ofa receiver or receivers ofthe Mortgaged and Pledged Property, and of the tolls, rents, revenues, issues, earnings, income, products and profits thereof, pending such proceedings, with such powers as the court making such appointment shall confer, whether or not the Mortgaged and Pledged Property shall be adequate to satisfu the bonds then outstanding. Section 15.09 Upon any sale being made either under the power of sale hereby given or under judgment or decree in any judicial proceedings, for the foreclosure or otherwise for the enforcement of this indenture, the principal of all bonds then secured hereby, if not previously due, shall become and be immediately due and payable. Section 15.10 Upon any sale made either under the power ofsale hereby given or under judgment or decree in any judicial proceedings for foreclosure or otherwise for the enforcement ofthis Indenture, any bondholder or bondholders may bid for and purchase the Mortgaged and Pledged Property or any part thereof and upon compliance with the terms of sale may hold, retain and possess and dispose of such property in his, her, their or its own absolute right without further accountability, and any purchasers at any such sale may, in paying the purchase money, turn in any ofthe bonds Outstanding hereunder and coupons or claims for interest outstanding hereunder in lieu of cash to the amount which shall, upon distribution of the net proceeds of such sale, be payable thereon, subject, however, to the provisions of Section 15.12 hereofwith respect to extended, transferred or pledged coupons or claims for interest. Said bonds and coupons, in case the amounts so payable thereon shall be Iess than the amount due thereon, shall be returned to the holders thereof after being appropriately stamped to show partial payment. Section 15.11 Upon any sale made either under the power of sale hereby given or under judgment or decree in any judicial proceedings for the foreclosure or otherwise for the enforcement of this Indenture, the receipt of the Trustee or of the officer making such sale shall be a suffrcient discharge to the purchaser or purchasers at any sale for his, her, its or their purchase money and such purchaser or purchasers, his, her, its or their assigns or personal representatives, shall not, after paying such purchase money and receiving such receipt of the Trustee or of such officer therefor, be obliged to see to the application of such purchase 107 $$r6.r1, r6.rz money, or be in anywise answerable for any loss, misapplication or non-application thereof. Any sale made either under the power of sale hereby given or under judgment or decree in any judicial proceedings for the foreclosure or otherwise for the enforcement of this Indenture shall, if and to the extent then permitted by law, operate to divest all right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever, either at law or in equity, of the Company of, in and to the property so sold, and be a perpetual bar both at law and in equity against the Company, its successors and assigns and against any and all persons, firms or corporations claiming or who may claim the property sold; or any part thereof, from, through or under the Company, its successors or assigns. Section 15.12 The proceeds of any sale made either under the power of sale hereby given, or under judgment or decree in any judicial proceedings for the foreclosure or otherwise for the enforcement of this Indenture, together with any other amounts of cash which may then be held by the Trustee, as part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, shall be applied, as follows: First.-To the payment of all taxes, assessments, governmental charges, Qualified Liens and liens prior to the Lien ofthis Indenture, except those subject to which such sale shall have been made, and ofall the costs and expenses ofsuch sale, including reasonable compensation to and expenses ofthe Trustee, its agents and its attorneys, and ofall other sums payable to the Trustee hereunder (and any predecessor Trustee) by reason of any expenses or liability incurred (in good faith and without negligence by the Trustee) or advances made in connection with the management or administration of the trusts hereby created in accordance with Section 19.09 hereof; Effect of sale on rights of Company Disposition of proceeds of sale Order of application: (l) Taxes, etc., compensation of Trustee Second.---To the payment in full of the amounts then due and unpaid for principal, (2) Principal and interest premium and interest upon the bonds then secured hereby; and in case such proceeds shall be insufficient to pay in full the amounts so due and unpaid, then to the payment thereof ratably, without preference or priority as to principal, premium or interest, or of any installment of interest over any other installment of interest; provided, however, that if the time for the payment of any coupon or claim for interest upon any of the bonds secured hereby shall have been extended (except pursuant to action taken (3) Surplus to Company Waiver of advantage of any appraisement, valuation, 6tay, extension or redemption laws and rights to marshal assets 108 $$r5.12, r5.18 under Article XXI hereofl by or with the consent of the Company, or if any thereof at or after maturity shall have been transferred or pledged separate from the bond to which they relate, such coupons or claims for interest shall not be entitled in case of Default hereunder to the benefit or security of this Indenture except after the prior payment in fulI of the principal and premium, if any, of all bonds issued hereunder and then secured hereby and of all coupons and claims for interest on such bonds the payment of which has not been so extended, or not so transferred or pledged; but the foregoing provisions ofthis paragraph Second shall not be applicable to any coupon or claim for interest the time for the payment of which shall have been extended, if such extension be pursuant to a plan proposed by the Company to all holders of any one or more series of bonds then Outstanding and accepted by and binding upon the holder of such coupon or claim for interest; and Third.-Any surplus thereof remaining to the Company, its successors or assigns or to, him, her, them or it whosoever may be lawfully entitled to receive the same. Section 15.13 In case of a Default, to the extent that such rights may then lawfully be waived, neither the Company nor anyone claiming through or under it shall or will set up, claim, or seek to take advantage of any appraisement, valuation, stay, extension or redemption laws now or hereafter in force in any locality where any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property may be situated, in order to prevent or hinder the enforcement or foreclosure ofthis Indenture, or the absolute sale ofthe Mortgaged and Pledged Property, or the final and absolute putting into possession thereof, immediately after such sale, of the purchaser or purchasers thereat, but the Company, for itself and all who may claim through or under it, hereby waives, to the extent that it lawfuIly may so do, the benefrt of all such Iaws and all right of appraisement and redemption to which it may be entitled under the laws of any State where any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property may be situated. The Company, for itself and all who may claim through or under it, waives, to the extent that it lawfully may do so, any and all right to have the estates comprised in the security intended to be created hereby marshalled upon any foreclosure ofthe Lien hereof, and agrees that any court having jurisdiction to foreclose such Lien may sell the Mortgaged and Pledged Property as an entirety. 109 $r5.14 Section 15.14 The Company covenants that if default shall be made in the payment of the principal of any bond hereby secured when the same shall become payable, whether by the maturity of said bond or otherwise or in the case of a default in the payment of the interest on any bond for a period of sixty (60) days after such interest shall have become due and payable, then upon demand of the Trustee, the Company will pay to the Trustee, for the benefit of the holders of the bonds and coupons then secured hereby, the whole amount due and payable on all such bonds and coupons for principal, premium, if any, and interest, with interest, upon the overdue principal at the same rate borne by the bonds which are overdue. In the case of a default in payment of the principal of any bond, when the same shall become due and payable, or in the case of a default in the payment of the interest on any bond for a period of sixty (60) days after such interest shall have become due and payable, the Trustee may recover judgment, in its own name and as trustee of an express trust, against the Company for the whole amount of such principal, interest and any premium remaining unpaid together with interest upon the overdue principal at the same rate borne by the bonds which are overdue. The Trustee may fiIe such proofs of claim and other papers or documents as may be necessaly or advisable in order to have the claims of the Trustee and of the bondholders allowed in any judicial proceedings relative to the Company or its creditors, or its property. In case of any receivership, insolvency, bankruptcy, reorganization or other similar proceedings affecting the Company or its property, the Trustee, irrespective of whether the principal ofthe bonds shall then be due and payable and irrespective ofwhether the Trustee shall have made any demand for such payment, shall be entitled and empowered either in its own name or as trustee of an express trust or as attorney-in-fact for the holders of the bonds and coupons, or in any one or more of such capacities, to fiIe a proof of claim for the whole amount of principal and interest (with interest upon such overdue principal at the same rate borne by the bonds which are overdue) which may be or become owing and unpaid in respect of the bonds and for any additional amount which may be or become payable by the Company hereunder, without regard to or deduction for any amount which may have been or which may thereafter be received, collected or realized by the Trustee from or out of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property or any part thereofor from or out ofthe proceeds thereofor any part thereof; but nothing in this Indenture contained shall Payment of principal and interest by Company Trustee may recover judgment Proofs of claim Judgment may be taken by Trustee Lien of Indenture not to be affected by judgement or levy ofexecution thereon Application ofmoneys collected by Trustee Possession ofbonds unnecessary in action by Trustee 110 $$r5.r4, r5.r6 authorize the Trustee to accept or consent to any composition or plan of reorganization on behalf of any bondholder. The Trustee, to the extent permitted by law, shall be entitled to sue and recover judgment and/or to fiIe and prove such claim as aforesaid either before or after or during the pendency of any proceedings for the enforcement of the Lien of this Indenture upon the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, and in case of a sale of any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property and of the application of the proceeds of sale to the payment of the debt hereby secured, the Trustee in its own name and as trustee of an express trust, shall be entitled to enforce payment of and to receive all amounts then remaining due and unpaid upon any and all the bonds and coupons then Outstanding hereunder, for the benefit ofthe holders thereo{ and the Trustee shall be entitled to recover judgment for any portion of the debt remaining unpaid, with interest. No recovery of any such judgment by the Trustee and no levy of any execution upon any such judgment upon any ofthe Mortgaged and Pledged Property or upon any other property shall in any manner or to any extent affect the Lien of this Indenture upon the Mortgaged and Pledged Property or any part thereo{ or any rights, powers or remedies of the Trustee hereunder, or any lien, rights, powers or remedies of the holders of said bonds, but such lien, rights, powers and remedies ofthe Trustee and ofthe bondholders shall continue unimpaired as before. Any moneys thus collected or received by the Trustee under this Section shall be applied by it first, to the payment of its expenses, disbursements and compensation and the expenses, disbursements and compensation of its agents and attorneys, and, second, toward payment of the amounts then due and unpaid upon such bonds and coupons in respect of which such moneys shall have been collected, ratably and without preference or priority of any kind (subject to the provisions of Section 15.12 hereof with respect to extended, transferred or pledged coupons and claims for interest), according to the amounts due and payable upon such bonds and coupons, respectively, at the date fixed by the Trustee for the distribution of such moneys, with interest upon overdue principal at the same rate borne by the bonds which are overdue, upon presentation ofthe several bonds and coupons and upon stamping such payment thereon, if partly paid, and upon surrender thereof, if fuIly paid. Section 15.15 All rights of action (including the right to file proofs of claim) under this Indenture or under any ofthe bonds or coupons may 111 $$16.16, r5.16 be enforced by the Trustee without the possession of any of the bonds or coupons or the production thereof in any trial or other proceeding relating thereto and any such suit or proceeding instituted by the Trustee shall be brought in its name as Trustee, and any recovery of judgment shall be for the equal benefit of the holders of the Outstanding bonds and coupons, subject to the provisions of Section 15.12 hereof with respect to extended, transferred or pledged coupons and claims for interest. In any proceeding brought by the Trustee (including also any proceeding involving the interpretation ofany provision ofthis Indenture to which the Trustee shall be a party), such Trustee shall be held to represent all the holders of the bonds and coupons secured by this Indenture and it shall not be necessary to make such holders of the bonds and coupons parties to any such proceedings. Section 15.16 No holder of any bond or coupon shall have any right to institute any suit, action or proceeding in equity or at law for the foreclosure of this Indenture or for the execution of any trust hereof or for the appointment of a receiver or any other remedy hereunder unless such holder shall have previously given to the Trustee written notice of a Default, nor unless also the holders of twenty-five per centum (25%) in principal amount of the bonds then Outstanding hereunder shall have made written request to the Trustee and shall have offered it reasonable opportunity either to proceed to exercise the powers hereinbefore granted or to institute such suit, action or proceeding in its own name and shall have offered to the Trustee security and indemnity satisfactory to the Trustee against the costs, expenses and liabilities to be incurred thereby without negligence or bad faith, and the Trustee shall have declined to take euch action or shall have failed so to do within sixty (60) days thereafter; it being understood and intended that no one or more holders ofthe bonds or coupons shall have any right in any manner whatsoever to affect, disturb or prejudice the Lien ofthis Indenture by his, her, its or their action to enforce any right hereunder except in the manner herein provided, and that all proceedings at law or in equity shall be instituted, had and maintained in the manner herein provided and for the equal benefit of all holders of Outstanding bonds and coupons. Such notification, request and offer ofindemnity are hereby declared, at the option of the Trustee, but subject to the provisions of Sections 19.01 and 19.02 hereof, to be conditions precedent to the execution by it ofthe powers and trusts ofthis Indenture and to the exercise by it ofany action or cause ofaction or remedy hereunder. Bondholders not necessary parties to action Right of bondholders to institute legal proceedinEs Right of bondholders to enforce pa;rment not to be impaired Waiver of periods of grace If proeeedings abandoned, Trustee and Company restored to fomer position and rights Execution of instruments by bondholders Proof of execution (a) Notary's certificate (b) Certificate oftrust company, bank, etc. tt2 $$r5.16, 15.r7; Art. XVI, $16.01 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Indenture, the right of any holder of any bond to receive payment of the principal of and interest on such bond, on or after the respective due dates expressed in such bond, or to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment on or after such respective dates, shall not be impaired or affected without the consent of such holder. Section 15.17 The Company may waive any period of grace provided for in this Article. In case the Trustee shall have proceeded to enforee any right under this Indenture by foreclosure, ently or otherwise, and such proceedings shall have been discontinued or abandoned for any reason, or shall have been determined adversely to the Trustee, then and in every such case the Company and the Trustee shall be restored to their former positions and rights hereunder with respect to the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, and all rights, remedies and powers ofthe Trustee shall continue as if no such proceedings had been taken. ARTICLE XVI Evidence of Rights of Bondholders and Ownership of Bonds Section 16.01 Any request, declaration or other instrument, which this Indenture may require or permit to be signed and executed by the bondholders, may be in any number of concurrent instruments ofsimilar tenor, and shall be signed or executed by such bondholders in person or by an attorney appointed in writing. Proof of the execution of any such request or other instrument, or of a writing appointing any such attorney, or of the holding by any person of the bonds or coupons appertaining thereto, shall be suffrcient (subject, in so far as the Trustee is concerned, to the provisions of Section 19.01 and Section 19.02 hereof) for any purpose of this Indenture (except as otherwise herein expressly provided) if made in the following manner: (a) The fact and date of the execution by any person of such request or other instrument or writing may be proved by a witness or by a certificate acknowledged before a Notary Public or other officer authorized to take acknowledgments; (b) The amount of bonds transferable by delivery held by any person executing such request or other instrument as a bondholder, 113 0s16.0r, r6.02 and the series and serial numbers thereof, held by such person, and the date ofhis, her or its holding the same, may be proved by a certificate executed by any trust company, bank, banker or other depositary wherever situated, if such certificate shall be deemed by the Trustee to be satisfactory, showing that at the date therein mentioned such person had on deposit with such depositary the bonds described in such certificate. The Trustee may nevertheless in its discretion require further proof in cases where it deems further proof desirable. The ownership ofregistered bonds shall be proved by the registry books. Any request, consent or vote of the owner of any bond shall bind all future holders and owners of said bond or any bond issued in exchange or substitution for said bond in respect of anything done or suffered by the Company or the Trustee in pursuance thereof. Section 16.02 The Company and the Trustee (or any agent of the Company or the Trustee) may deem and treat the bearer of any temporary or coupon bond Outstanding hereunder, which shall not at the time be registered as to principal as hereinbefore authorized, and the bearer of any coupon for interest on any such bond, whether such bond shall be registered or not, as the absolute olvner of such bond or coupon, as the case may be, whether or not such bond or coupon shall be overdue, for the pulpose of receiving payment thereof or on account thereof and for all other pu{poses, and neither the Company nor the Trustee shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. The Company and the Trustee (and their agents) may, subject to the provisions of this Indenture providing for the use of a record date in certain cases, deem and treat the person in whose name any fuIly registered bond Outstanding hereunder shall be registered upon the books of the Company, as herein authorized, as the absolute owner of such bond for the purpose of receiving payment of or on account of the principal of and interest on such bond and for all other purposes, and they may deem and treat the person in whose name any coupon bond shall be so registered as to principal as the absolute owner thereof for the purlose of receiving payment of or on account of the principal thereof and for all other purposes, except to receive payment of interest represented by outstanding coupons; and all such payments so made to any such registered owner, or upon his, her or its order, shall be valid and effectual to satisfu and discharge the liability upon such bond to the Consent or vote binding on future bondholder Ownership of temporary or coupon bonds 0wnership of registered bonds Inspection ofbonds No recourse clause tL4 $r6.02; Art. XVII, $17.01 extent of the sum or sums so paid, and neither the Company nor the Trustee shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. Neither the Company nor the Trustee (or their agents) shall be bound to recognize any person as the holder of a bond Outstanding under this Indenture unless and until his, her or its bond is submitted for inspection, if required, except as may otherwise be provided by regulations made under Section 21.03 hereof, and his, her or its title thereto satisfactorily established, if disputed. ABTICLE XVII Immunity of Incorporators, Subscribers to the Capital Stock, Shareholders, Officers and Directors Section 17.01 No recourse under or upon any obligation, covenant or agreement contained in this Indenture (including any indenture supplemental hereto) or in any bond or coupon hereby secured, or because of the creation of any indebtedness hereby secured, shall be had against any incorporator or any past, present or future subscriber to the capital stock, shareholder, ofEcer or director of the Company or of any predecessor or successor corporation, as such, either directly or through the Company or any predecessor or successor corporation, under any rule of law, statute or constitution or by the enforcement of any assessment or by any legal or equitable proceeding or otherwise; it being expressly agreed and understood that this Indenture and the obligations hereby secured are solely coraorate obligations, and that no such personal liability shall attach to, or be incurred by, such incorporators, subscribers to the capital stock, shareholders, officers or directors of the Company or of any predecessor or successor corporation, or any of them, as such, because of the incurring of the indebtedness hereby authorized, or under or by reason of any of the obligations, covenants or agreements contained in this Indenture or in any of the bonds or coupons hereby secured, e1 lmflied therefrom, and that any and all such personal liability of evely name and nature, and any and all such rights and claims against every such incorporator, subscriber to the capital stock, shareholder, offrcer or director, as such, whether arising at common law or in equity, or created by rule of law, statute, constitution or otherwise, are expressly released and waived as a condition of, and as part of the consideration for, the execution of this Indenture and the issue of the bonds and interest obligations secured hereby. 115 Art. Xr/III, $$r8.01, 18.02 ARTICLE XVIII Effect of Merger, Consolidation, Etc. Section 18.01 Nothing in this Indenture shall prevent any consolidation of the Company with, or merger of the Company into, any corporation having corporate authority to carry on any of the businesses mentioned in the first sentence of Section 1.04 hereof, or any conveyance, transfer or lease, subject to the Lien of this Indenture, of all or substantially all of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property as an entirety to any corporation lawfully entitled to acquire or lease or operate the same; provided, however, and the Company covenants and agrees, that such consolidation, merger, conveyance, transfer or lease shall be upon such terms as fully to preserve and in no respect to impair the Lien or security of this Indenture, or any of the rights or powers of the Trustee or the bondholders hereunder; and provided, further, that any such lease shall be made expressly subject to immediate termination by the Company or by the Trustee at any time during the continuance of a Default, and also by the purchaser of the property so leased at any sale thereof hereunder, whether such sale be made under the power of sale hereby conferred or under judicial proceedings; and provided, further, that, upon any such consolidation, merger, conveyance or transfer, or upon any such Iease the term of which extends beyond the date of maturity of any of the bonds secured hereby, the due and punctual payment of the principal and interest of all said bonds according to their tenor and the due and punctual performance and observance of all the covenants and conditions ofthis Indenture to be kept or performed by the Company shall be expressly assumed by an instrument in writing executed and delivered to the Trustee by the corporation formed by such consolidation or into which such merger shall have been made, or acquiring all or substantially all the Mortgaged and Pledged Property as an entirety, as aforesaid, or by the lessee under any such lease the term ofwhich extends beyond the date of maturity of any of the bonds secured hereby. Section 18.02 In case the Company, as permitted by Section 18.01 hereof, shall be consolidated with or merged into any other corporation or shall convey or transfer, subject to the Lien of this Indenture, all or substantially all the Mortgaged and Pledged Property as an entirety, the successor corporation formed by such consolidation, or into which the Company shall have been merged, or which shall have received a Company may merge, consolidate, etc., upon certain tems No impairment of Lien Assmption of obligation Rights ofsuccessor corporation Execution of indenture Execution of bonds, etc.' on basis of Property Additions 116 $rE.02 conveyance or transfer as aforesaid-upon executing with the Trustee and causing to be recorded an indenture whereby such successor colToration shall assume and agree to pay, duly and punctually, the principal of and interest on the bonds issued hereunder in accordance with the provisions ofsaid bonds and coupons and this Indenture, and shall agree to perform and fuIfilI all the covenants and conditions of this Indenture to be kept or performed by the Company-shall succeed to and be substituted for the Company with the same effect as if it had been named herein, and shall have and may exercise under this Indenture the same powers and rights as the Company, and (without in anywise limiting or impairing by the enumeration of the same the scope and intent of the foregoing general powers and rights) such successor corporation thereafter may cause to be executed, authenticated and delivered, either in its own name or in the name of PacifiCorp, as its name is now or shall then exist, in respect of property of the character defined in Section 1.04 hereof as Property Additions, such bonds as could or might have been executed, issued and delivered by the Company had it acquired such property ofsuch character by purchase on or after the date of such consolidation, merger, conveyance or transfer, and had such consolidation, merger, conveyance or transfer not occurred, and upon the order of such successor corporation in lieu of the Company, and subject to all the terms, conditions and restrictions in this Indenture prescribed, concerning the authentication and delivery of bonds, the Trustee shall authenticate and deliver any bonds delivered to it for authentication which shall have been previously signed by the proper officers of the Company, and such bonds as the successor co4roration shall thereafter, in accordance with the provisions ofthis Indenture, cause to be executed and delivered to the Trustee for such purpose, and such successor corporation shall also have and may exercise in respect of the property of such character, and subject to all the terms, conditions and restrictions in this Indenture prescribed applicable thereto, whether as to withdrawal of cash, release of property, or otherwise, the same powers and rights which the Company might or could exercise had it acquired the property of such character by purchase on or after the date of such consolidation, merger, conveyance or transfer, and had such consolidation, merger, conveyance or transfer not occurred. A11 the bonds so issued or delivered by the Company shall in all respects have the same legal right and security as the bonds theretofore issued or d.elivered in accordance with the terms of this Indenture as though all of said bonds had been authenticated and delivered at the date ofthe tt7 $$18.02, 1E.03 execution hereof. As a condition precedent to the execution of such successor corporation and the authentication and delivery by the Trustee of any such additional bonds or the withdrawal of cash or release of property, under any of the provisions of this Indenture, on the basis of property of the character defined in this Indenture as Property Additions acquired, made or constructed by the successor corporation or by any corporation with which the Company or any successor corporation may be so consolidated or into which the Company or any successor corporation may be so merged or to which the Company or any successor corporation may make any such conveyance, the indenture with the Trustee to be executed and caused to be recorded by the successor corporation as in this Section provided, or a subsequent indenture, shall contain a conveyance or transfer and mortgage in terms sufficient to subject such property to the Lien hereof; and provided further that the lien created thereby and the lien thereon shall have similar force, effect and standing as the Lien of this Indenture would have if the Company should not be consolidated with or merged into such other corporation or should not convey or transfer, subject to this Indenture, all or substantially all the Mortgaged and Pledged Property as an entirety, as aforesaid, to such successor corporation, and should itself on or afler the date of such consolidation, merger, conveyance or transfer, acquire or construct such property, and in respect thereof should request the authentication and delivery ofbonds or the withdrawal ofcash or the release of property under the provisions ofthis Indenture. Section 18.03 In case the Company, as permitted by Section 18.01 hereof, shall be consolidated with or merged into any other corporation, or shall convey or transfer, subject to the Lien of this Indenture, all or substantially all the Mortgaged and Pledged Property as an entirety as aforesaid, neither this Indenture nor the indenture with the Trustee to be executed and caused to be recorded by the successor corporation as in Section 18.02 hereof provided, shall, unless such indenture shall otherwise provide, become or be or be required to become or be a lien upon any of the properties or franchises then owned or thereafter acquired by the successor corporation @y purchase, consolidation, merger, donation, construction, erection or in any other way) except (a) those acquired by it from the Company, and improvements, extensions and additions thereto and renewals and replacements thereof, &) the property made and used by the successor corporation as the basis under Proviso Extent oflien in case of consolidation. etc.; Company consolidated or merged into other corporation Other corporation consolidated or merged into Company 118 $r8.03 any of the provisions of this Indenture for one or more Authorized Purposes, and (c) such franchises, repairs and additional property as may be acquired, made or constructed by the successor colporation (1) to maintain, renew and preserve the franchises covered by this Indenture, or (2) to maintain the property mortgaged and intended to be mortgaged hereunder as an operating system or systems in good repair, working order and condition, or (3) in rebuilding or renewal ofproperty subject to the Lien hereof damaged or destroyed, or (4) in replacement of or substitution for machinery, apparatus, equipment, frames, towers, poles, wire, pipe, tools, implements or furniture, or any other fixtures or personalty, subject to the Lien hereof, which shall have become old, inadequate, obsolete, worn out, unfit, unadapted, unserviceable, undesirable or unnecessary for use in the operation of the property mortgaged and intended to be mortgaged hereunder. In case any other corporation shall be merged or consolidated into the Company with the result that the Company shall be the surviving corporation, this Indenture shall not (unless an indenture supplemental hereto shall otherwise provide) become or be required to become or be a Iien upon any of the properties or franchises owned by such other corporation at the time of the merger or consolidation, or later improvements, extensions or additions thereto or renewals or replacements thereof, except (a) property made and used by the Company as the basis under any of the provisions of this Indenture for one or more Authorized Purposes, and @) such franchises, repairs and additional property as may be acquired, made or constructed by the Company (1) to maintain, renew and preserve the franchises covered by this Indenture, or (2) to maintain the property mortgaged and intended to be mortgaged hereunder as an operating system or systems in good repair, working order and condition, or (3) in rebuilding or renewal of property subject to the Lien hereof damaged or destroyed, or (4) in replacement of or substitution for machinery, apparatus, equipment, frames, towers, poles, wire, pipe, tools, implements or furniture, or any other fixtures or personalty, subject to the Lien hereof, which shall have become old, inadequate, obsolete, worn out, unfit, unadapted, unserviceable, undesirable or unnecessary for use in the operation of the property mortgaged and intended to be mortgaged hereunder. 119 Art. )(IX, S$19.0r, 19.02 ARTICLEXD( Concerning the Trustee Section 19.01 The Trustee shall at all times be a bank or trust company eligible under Qualificetion orrmstee Section 9.03 hereof and have a combined capital and surplus of not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) or the foreign currency equivalent thereof. If the Trustee publishes reports of condition at least annually, pursuant to law or to the requirement of any supervising or examining authority referred to in Section 9.03 hereof, then for the purposes of this Section the combined capital and surplus of the Trustee shall be deemed to be its combined capital and surplus as set forth in its most recent report ofcondition so published. The Trustee hereby accepts the trust hereby created. The Trustee undertakes, prior to Acceptrnceorrrust Default, and after the curing of all such Defaults which may have occurred, to perform such duties and only such duties as are specifically set forth in this Indenture, and in case ofsuch Default (which has not been cured) to exercise such of the rights and powers vested in it by this Indenture, and to use the same degree of care and skill in their exercise, as a prudent person would exercise or use under the circumstances in the conduct of his or her own affairs. For the purposes of this Section 19.01 and of Section 19.02 hereof a Default shall be deemed cured when the act or omission or other event giving rise to such Default shall have been cured, remedied, terminated or waived. The Trustee, upon receipt of evidence furnished to it by or on behalf of the Company pursuant to any provision of this Indenture, will examine the same to determine whether or not such evidence conforms to the requirements of this Indenture. Section 19.02 No provision of this Indenture shall be construed to relieve the Trustee Trustee's liabilitv generallv from liability for its own negligent action, its own negligent failure to act, or its own willful misconduct, except that (a) prior to Default, and after the curing of all such Defaults which may have occurred, the Trustee shall not be liable except for the performance of such duties as are specifically set forth in this Indenture, and no implied covenants or obligations shall be read into this Indenture against the Trustee but the duties and obligations of the Trustee, prior to Default, and after the curing of all such Defaults which may have occurred, shall be determined solely by the express provisions ofthis Indenture; and Trustee may act through agents, etc. 120 $s1e.02 @) prior to Default, and after the curing of all such Defaults which may have occurred, and in the absence of bad faith on the part of the Trustee, the Trustee may conclusively rely as to the truth of the statements and the correctness of the opinions expressed therein, upon certificates or opinions conforming to the requirements of this Indenture; and (c) no Trustee which is a corporation shall be personally liable for any error of judgment made in good faith by a Responsible Officer or Responsible Officers of such Trustee unless it shall be proved that such Trustee was negligent in ascertaining the pertinent facts and no Trustee who is an individual shall be personally liable for any error of judgment made in good faith by him or her unless it shall be proved that he or she was negligent in ascertaining the pertinent facts; and (d) the Trustee shall not be personally liable with respect to any action suffered, taken or omitted to be taken by it in good faith in accordance with the direction of the holders of not less than a majority in principal amount of the bonds at the time Outstanding (determined as provided in Section 15.07 hereof) relating to the time, method and place of conducting any proceeding for any remedy available to the Trustee, or exercising any trust or power conferred upon the Trustee under this Indenture; and (e) the Trustee may execute any of the trusts or powers hereunder or perform any duties hereunder either directly or by or through agents or attorneys and the Trustee shall not be responsible for any misconduct or negligence on the part of any agent or attorney, who is not, in either case, an employee of the Trustee, appointed with due care by it hereunder; and (f) the Trustee shall be under no obligation to exercise any of the rights or powers vested in it by this Indenture at the request or direction of any of the holders of bonds of any series pursuant to this Indenture, unless such holders shall have offered to the Trustee reasonable security or indemnity against the costs, expenses and liabilities which might be incurred by it in compliance with such request or direction. The provisions of this Section, which have been made specifically applicable to the Trustee, shall apply to the Trustee and, if a separate or co-trustee is appointed pursuant to Section 19.16 hereof, to any separate or co-trustee. t2l ssl9.03, r9.04, r9.06, 19.06 Section 19.03 The recitals contained herein and in the bonds shall be taken as the statements of the Company and the Trustee assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the same. The Trustee makes no representations as to the condition, genuineness, validity or value of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property or any part thereof, or as to the title of the Company thereto, or as to the validity or adequacy of the security afforded thereby and hereby, or as to the validity of this Indenture or of the bonds or coupons issued hereunder. The Trustee shall be under no responsibility or duty with respect to the disposition of any bonds authenticated and delivered hereunder or the application of the proceeds thereof or the application of any moneys paid to the Company under any of the provisions hereof. Section 19.04 The Trustee and any separate or co-trustee shall not be personally liable in case of entry by it upon the Mortgaged and Pledged Property for debts contracted or Iiability or damages incurred in the management or operation of said property. The Trustee, any paying agent, bond registrar, or authenticating agent, in its individual or any other capacity, may become the holder, owner or pledgee ofbonds or coupons gecured hereby and, subject to Sections 19.11 and 19.12 hereof, may otherwise deal with the Company with the same rights it would have if it were not Trustee, paying agent, bond registrar or authenticating agent. Section 19.05 Whenever it is provided in this Indenture that the Trustee shall take any action upon the happening of a specified event or upon the fulfillment of any condition or upon the request of the Company or of bondholders, the Trustee taking such action shall have full power to give any and all notices and to do any and all acts and things incidental to such action. Recitals herein and in bonds those of Company Trustee not personally liable in case of entry Trustee, etc. may own bonds and coupons Trustee's power to give notice Section 1g.06 Any notice or demand which by any provision of this Indenture is Notice bv Trustee to companv required or permitted to be given or served by the Trustee on the Company shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given or served, for all purposes, by being deposited postage prepaid in a post offrce letter box addressed (until another address is filed by the Company with the Trustee for the purpose ofthis Section) to the Company at the address given in Section 22.08 hereof. 122 s$r9.07, 19.08 Section 19.07 To the extent permitted by Sections 19.01 and 19.02 hereof: Trustee protected (1) The Trustee may rely and shall be protected in acting upon any Resolution, Officers' Certificate, Engineer's Certificate, Inde- pendent Engineer's Certificate, Net Earning Certificate, Opinion of Counsel, resolution, certificate, opinion, notice, request, consent, order, appraisal, report, bond or other paper or document believed by it to be genuine and to have been signed or presented by the proper party or parties; and any request or direction of the Company mentioned herein shall be sufficiently evidenced by an Officers' Certifrcate, Resolution or written order given as required by any provision hereof; and Trustee may consult with counsel (2) The Trustee may consult with counsel, who may be of counsel to the Company, and the opinion of such counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protection in respect of any action taken or omitted or suffered by it hereunder in good faith and in accordance with the opinion of such counsel. The Trustee shall not be under any responsibility for the selection, appointment or approval of any expert for any of the purposes expressed in this Indenture, except that nothing in this Section contained shall relieve the Trustee of its obligation to exercise reasonable care with respect to such selection, appointment or approval of independent experts who may furnish opinions or certificates to the Trustee pursuant to any provision of this Indenture. Nothing contained in this Section shall be deemed to modifr the obligation of the Trustee to exercise during the continuance of a Default, the rights and powers vested in it by this Indenture with the degree ofcare and skill specified in Section 19.01 hereof. Trustee need not segTegate funds Interest on funds with Trustee Section 19.08 Subject to the provisions of Section 22.03 hereof, all moneys received by the Trustee whether as Trustee or paying agent shall, until used or applied as herein provided, be held in trust for the purposes for which they were paid, but need not be segregated from other funds except to the extent required by law. The Trustee may allow and credit to the Company interest on any moneys received by it hereunder at such rate, if any, as may be agreed upon with the Company from time to time and as may be permitted by law. L23 $$19.0E, r9.09 None ofthe provisions contained in this Indenture shall require the Trustee to expend or risk its own funds or otherwise incur personal financial liability in the performance of any of its duties or in the exercise of any of its rights or powers, if there is reasonable ground for believing that the repayment of such funds or liability is not reasonably assured to it. Section 19.09 The Company covenants and agrees to pay to the Trustee from time to time, and the TYustee shall be entitled to, reasonable compensation for aII services rendered by it in the execution of the trusts hereby created and in the exercise and performance of any of the powers and duties hereunder of the Trustee, which compensation shall not be limited by any provision of law in regard to the compensation of a trustee of an express trust, and the Company will reimburse the Trustee for all appropriate advances made by the Trustee and will pay to the Trustee from time to timeits expenses and disbursements (including the reasonable compensation and the expenses and disbursements of its agents and all other persons not regularly in its employ and of its counsel), except to the extent that any such expense or disbursement results from the Trustee's negligence or bad faith. The Company also covenants to indemnify the Trustee for, and to hold it harmless against, any loss, [abitity or expense arising out of or in connection with the acceptance or administration of this Indenture or performance of its duties hereunder, including the costs and expenses of defending against any claim of liability in the premises, except to the extent that any such expense, loss, liability or disbursement results from the Trustee's negligence or bad faith. The obligations of the Company under this Section shall survive the resignation or discharge of the Trustee and the satisfaction and discharge of this Indenture, and to secure such obligations the Trustee shall have (in addition to any other rights under this Indenture) a lien prior to that of the bonds upon the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, including all property and funds held or collected by the Trustee. If, and to the extent that, the Trustee and its counsel and other persons not regularly in its employ do not receive compensation for services rendered, reimbursement of its or their advances, expenses and disbursements, or indemnity, as herein provided, as the result of allowances made in any reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, liquidation or other proceeding or by any plan ofreorganization or readjustment COMPENSATIoN oT TRUSTEE "Trustee" Trustee may request proof by certificate signed by certain oflicers Action to be taken by Trustee who becomes creditor of Company t24 $$19.09, 19.10, 19.11 of obligations of the Company, the Trustee shall be entitled, in priority to the holders of the bonds, to receive any distribution of any securities, dividends or other disbursements which would otherwise be made to the holders ofbonds in any such proceeding or proceedings and the Trustee is hereby constituted and appointed, irrevocably, the attorney'in'fact for the holders ofthe bonds and each ofthem to collect and receive, in their name, place and stead, such distributions, dividends or other disbursements, to deduct therefrom the amounts due to the Trustee, its counsel and other persons not regularly in its employ on account of services rendered, advances, expenses, and disbursements made or incurred, or indemnity, and to pay and distribute the balance, pro rata, to the holders ofthe bonds. The Trustee shall have a lien upon any securities or other considerations to which the holders of bonds may become entitled pursuant to any such plan of reorganization or readjustment of obligations, or in any such proceeding or proceedings; and the court or judge in any such proceeding or proceedings may determine the terms and conditions under which any such lien shall exist and be enforced. The term "Trustee" used in this Section includes any predecessor Trustee, provided that the negligence and bad faith of any Trustee shall not affect the rights of any other Trustee under this Section 19.09. Section 19.10 Whenever in the administration of the trusts of this Indenture, prior to a Default, and after the curing of any such Default, the Trustee shall deem it necessary or desirable that a matter be proved or established prior to taking or omitting or suffering any action hereunder, such matter (unless other evidence in respect thereofbe herein specifically prescribed) may to the extent permitted by Sections 19.01 and 19.02 hereof be deemed to be conclusively proved and established by a certificate signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or an Authorized Financial Offrcer of the Company and delivered to the Trustee, and such certificate shall be full warrant to the Trustee for any action taken, omitted or suffered by it under the provisions ofthis Indenture upon the faith thereof. Section 19.11 (a) Subject to the provisions of subdivision @) of this Section, if the Trustee shall be or shall become a creditor, directly or indirectly, secured or unsecured, ofthe Company within four months prior to a default (as defined in the last paragraph of this subdivision), or subsequent to such a default, then, unless and until such default shall be cured, the Trustee shall set apart and hold in a special account for the t25 $19.1r benefit of the Trustee individually, the holders of the bonds, and the holders of other indenture securities (as defined in the last paragraph ofthis subdivision (a)) (1) an amount equal to any and all reductions in the amount due and owing upon any claim as such creditor in respect of principal or interest effected after the beginning of such four months period and valid as against the Company and its other creditors, except any such reduction resulting from the receipt or disposition of any property described in paragraph (2) of this subdivision (a) or from the exercise of any right of setoffwhich the Trustee could have exercised if a petition in bankruptcy had been fiIed by or against the Company upon the date ofsuch default; and (2) alt property received in respect of any claim as such creditor, either as security therefor, or in satisfaction or composition thereof, or otherwise, after the beginning of such four months period, or an amount equal to the proceeds of any such property, if disposed of, subject, however, to the rights, ifany, ofthe Company and its other creditors in such property or such proceeds. Nothing herein contained, however, shall affect the right ofthe Trustee Certain rights of Trustee unaffected (A) to retain for its own account (i) payments made on account of any such claim by any person (other than the Company) who is liable thereon, and (ii) the proceeds of the bona fide sale of any such claim by the Trustee to a third person, and (iii) distributions made in cash, securities, or other property in respect of claims filed against the Company in bankruptcy or receivership or in proceedings for reorganization pursuant to the Federal Bankruptcy Act or applicable State law; (B) to realize for its own account, upon any property held by it as security for any such claim, if such property were so held prior to the beginning of such four months period; (C) to realize, for its own account, but only to the extent of the claim hereinafter mentioned, upon any property held by it as security for any such claim, if such claim was created after the beginning of such four months period and such property was received as security therefor simultaneously with the creation thereof, and if the Trustee shall sustain the burden ofproving that at the time such property L26 $r9.rr was so received the Trustee had no reasonable cause to believe that a default as defined in the last paragraph of this subdivision (a) would occur within four months; or @) to receive payment on any claim referred to in paragraph @) or (C), against the release of any property held as security for such claim as provided in paragraph @) or (C), as the case may be, to the extent ofthe fair value ofsuch property. For the purposes of paragraphs (B), (C) and @), property substituted after the beginning of such four months period for property held as security at the time of such substitution shall, to the extent of the fair value of the property released, have the same status as the property released, and, to the extent that any claim referred to in any ofsuch paragraphs is created in renewal of or in substitution for or for the purpose of repaying or refunding any pre-existing claim of the Trustee as such creditor, such claim shall have the same status as such pre- existing claim. Apportionment of proceeds among Trustee, bondholders, etc. If the Trustee shall be required to account, the funds and property held in such special account and the proceeds thereof shall be apportioned between the Trustee, the bondholders, and the holders of other indenture securities in such manner that the Trustee, the bondholders, and the holders of other indenture securities realize, as a result of payments from such special account and payments of dividends on claims filed against the Company in bankruptcy or receivership or in proceedings for reorganization pursuant to the Federal Bankruptcy Act or applicable State law, the same percentage of their respective claims, figured before crediting to the claim of the Trustee anything on account of the receipt by it from the Company ofthe funds and property in such special account and before crediting to the respective claims of the Trustee, the bondholders, and the holders of other indenture securities dividends on claims filed against the Company in bankruptcy or receivership or in proceedings for reorganization pursuant to the Federal Bankruptcy Act or applicable State law, but after crediting thereon receipts on account of the indebtedness represented by their respective claims from all sources other than from such dividends and from the funds and property so held in such special account. As used in this paragraph, with respect to any claim, the term "dividends" shall include any distribution with respect to such claim, in bankruptcy or receivership or in proceedings for reorganization pursuant to the Federal Bankruptcy Act or applicable r27 $r9.u State law, whether such distribution is made in cash, securities, or other property, but shall not include any such distribution with respect to the secured portion, ifany, ofsuch claim. The court in which such bankruptcy, receivership or proceeding for reorganization is pending shall have jurisdiction (i) to apportion between the Trustee, the bondholders, and the holders of other indenture securities, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, the funds and property held in such special account and the proceeds thereof, or (ii) in Iieu of such apportionment, in whole or in part, to give to the provisions of this paragraph due consideration in determining the fairness of the distributions to be made to the Trustee, the bondholders, and the holders of other indenture securities, with respect to their respective claims, in which event it shall not be necessary to liquidate or to appraise the value of any securities or other property held in such special account or as security for any such claim, or to make a specific allocation of such distributions as between the secured and unsecured portions of such claims, or otherwise to apply the provisions of this paragraph as a mathematical formula. Any Trustee who has resigned or been removed after the beginning of such four Resisned or removed rrustee months period shall be subject to the provisions of this subdivision (a) as though such resignation or removal had not occurred. If any Trustee has resigned or been removed prior to the beginning of such four months period, it shall be subject to the provisions of this subdivision (a) if and only if the following conditions exist- (i) the receipt of property or reduction of claim which would have given rise to the obligation to account, if such Tlustee had continued as Trustee, occurred after the beginning of such four months period; and (ii) such receipt of property or reduction of claim occurred within four months after such resignation or removal. As used in this Section, the term "default" means any failure to make payment in full "default" ofthe principal ofor interest upon the bonds or upon the other indenture securities when and as such principal or interest becomes due and payable; and the term "other indenture securities" means securities upon which the Company is an obligor (as defined in the Trust Indenture Act) outstanding under any other indenture (a) under which the Trustee is also trustee, (b) which contains provisions substantially similar to the provisions of this subdivision (a), and (c) under which a default exists at the time of the apportionment of the funds and property held in said special account. r28 $19.u Certain creditor relationships (b) There shall be excluded from the operation of subdivision (a) of this Section a creditor relationship arising from- (1) the ownership or acquisition of securities issued under any indenture, or any security or securities having a maturity of one (1) year or more at the time of acquisition by the Trustee; (2) advances authorized by a receivership or bankruptcy court of competent jurisdiction or by this Indenture for the purpose of preserving the property subject to the Lien of this Indenture or of discharging tax liens or other prior liens or encumbrances on the trust estate, if notice of such advance and of the circumstances surrounding the making thereof is given to the bondholders as provided in subdivisions (a), O) an{ (c) ofSection 19.13 hereofwith respect to advances by the Trustee as such; (3) disbursements made in the ordinary course of business in the capacity of trustee under an indenture, transfer agent, registrar, custodian, paying agent, fiscal agent or depositary, or other similar capacity; (4) an indebtedness created as a result of services rendered or premises rented; or an indebtedness created as a result of goods or securities sold in a cash transaction as defined in the last paragraph of this subdivision @); (5) the ownership of stock or of other securities of a corporation organized under the provisions of Section 25(a) of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, which is directly or indirectly a creditor of the Company; or (6) the acquisition, ownership, acceptance or negotiation of any drafts, bills of exchange, acceptances or obligations which fall within the classification of self- liquidating paper as defined in the last paragraph ofthis subdivision @). As used in this Section, the term "security'' shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and in force on the date of the execution of this Indenture; the term "cash transaction" shall mean any transaction in which full payment for goods or securities sold is made within seven days after delivery of the goods or securities in currency or in checks or other orders drawn upon banks or bankers and payable upon demand; the term "self-Iiquidating papey'' shall mean any draft, bill of exchange, acceptance or obligation which is made, drawn, negotiated or incurred by the Company for the pury)ose excluded "security" "cash transaction" "self- liquidating paper" t29 $sr9.u, r9.12 offinancing the purchase, processing, manufacture, shipment, storage or sale ofgoods, wares or merchandise and which is secured by documents evidencing title to, possession of, or a lien upon, the goods, wares or merchandise or the receivables or proceeds arising from the sale of the goods, wares or merchandise previously constituting the security, provided the security is received by the Trustee simultaneously with the creation of the creditor relationship with the Company arising from the making, drawing, negotiating or incurring of the draft, bill of exchange, acceptance or obligation; and the term "Trustee" shall include the Trustee, and any separate trustee or co-trustee appointed pursuant to Section 19.16 hereof. Section 19.12 (a) If the Trustee has or acquires any conflicting interest, as defined by subdivision (d) of this Section, the Trustee shall within ninety (90) days after ascertaining that it has such conflicting interest, either eliminate such conflicting interest or resign by giving written notice to the Company, but such resignation shall not become effective until the appointment of a successor trustee and such successor's acceptance of such appointment. The Company covenants to take prompt steps to have a successor appointed in the manner hereinafter provided in Section 19.15 hereof. Upon giving such notice of resignation, the resigning Trustee shall publish notice thereof in a Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, and in a Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the City of Portland, Oregon, once, provided, however, that if all bonds then Outstanding shall be registered, no notice need be given except by mail in accordance with subdivision (c) of Section 19.13 hereof. If the resigning Trustee fails to give such notice within ten (10) days after giving written notice of resignation to the Company, the Company shall give such notice. O) In the event that the Trustee shall fail to comply with the provisions of the preceding subdivision (a) of this Section, the Trustee shall within ten (10) days after the expiration of such ninety (90) day period transmit notice of such failure to the bondholders in the manner and to the extent provided in subdivision (c) of Section 19.13 hereof with respect to reports pursuant to subdivision (a) ofSection 19.13 hereof. (c) Subject to the provisions of Section 22.06 hereof, any bondholder who has been a bona fide holder of a bond or bonds for at least six months may, on behalf of himself, herself or itself and all others similarly situated, petition any court ef qempetent jurisdiction for the removal of Trustee Effect of confl icting interest on part ofTrustee Notice of conflict to bond- holders Bondholder petition to remove Trustee Conflicting Interest: (1) Trusteeship under another indenture of Company (2) Obligor on bonds or under-writer of Company (3) Direct, indirect orcomon control (4) Certain employees in comon; exceptions 130 $19.12 the Trustee and the appointment of a successor if the Trustee fails, after written request therefor by such holder, to comply with the provisions of subdivision (a) of this Section. (d) The Trustee shall be deemed to have a conflicting interest if- (1) such Trustee is trustee under another indenture under which any other securities, or certificates of interest or participation in any other securities, of the Company, are outstanding unless such other indenture is a collateral trust indenture under which the only collateral consists ofbonds issued under this Indenture; provided that there shall be excluded from the operation of this paragraph (1) another indenture or indentures under which other securities, or certificates ofinterest or participation in other securities, ofthe Company are outstanding, ifthe Company shall have sustained the burden ofproving, on application to the Securities and Exchange Commission and after opportunity for hearing thereon, that trusteeship under this Indenture and such other indenture is not so likely to involve a material conflict of interest as to make it necessary in the public interest or for the protection of investors to disqualifu the Trustee from acting as such under one of such indentures; (2) the Trustee or any ofits directors or executive officers is an obligor upon the bonds or an underwriter for the Company; (3) the Trustee directly or indirectly controls or is directly or indirectly controlled by or is under direct or indirect common control with the Company or an underwriter for the Company; (4) the Trustee or any of its directors or executive offrcers is a director, officer, partner, employee, appointee or representative of the Company, or of an underwriter (other than the Trustee itself) for the Company who is currently engaged in the business of underwriting, except that (A) one individual may be a director and/or an executive officer of the Trustee and a director and"/or an executive officer of the Company, but may not be at the same time an executive offrcer of both the Trustee and the Company; @) if and so long as the number of directors of the Trustee in office is more than nine, one additional individual may be a director and./or an executive officer of the Trustee and a director of the Company; and (C) the Trustee may be designated by the Company or by any underwriter for the Company to act in the capacity oftransfer agent, registrar, 131 s19.12 custodian, paying agent, fiscal agent, escrow agent or depositary or in any other similar capacity or, subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subdivision (d), to act as trustee, whether under an indenture or otherwise; (5) ten per centum (10%) or more of the voting securities of the Trustee is beneficially owned either by the Company or by any director, partner or executive officer thereof or twenty per centum (20o/o) ot more of such voting securities is beneficially owned, collectively, by any two or more of such persons; or ten per centum (10%) or more of the voting securities of the Trustee is beneficially owned either by an underwriter for the Company or by any director, partner or executive officer thereof, or is beneficially owned, collectively, by any two or more such persons; (6) Ownership ofvoting securities of Trustee (6) the Trustee is the beneficial owner ofor holds as collateral security for an obligation which is in default, (A) five per centum (5%) ot more of the voting securities or ten per centum (10%) or more of any other class of security of the Company, not including the bonds issued under this Indenture and securities issued under any other indenture under which the Trustee is also trustee, or @) ten per centum (10%) or more of any class of security of an underwriter for the Company; (6) Ownership of securities of Company or underwriter of Company (7) the Trustee is the beneficial owner of, or holds as collateral security for an obligation which is in default, five per centum (5o/o) ot more of the voting securities of any person who, to the knowledge of the Trustee, owns ten per centum (10%) or more of the voting securities of, or controls directly or indirectly or is under direct or indirect common control with, the Company; (7) Ownership ofvoting securities of person affiIiated with Company (8) the Trustee is the beneficial owner ofor holds as collateral security for an obligation which is in default, ten per centum (10%) or more of any class of security of any person who, to the knowledge of the Trustee, owns fifty per centum (50%) or more of the voting securities of the Company; or (8) Ownership ofany securities of person affiliated with Company (9) the Trustee owns on May 15 in any calendar year in the capacity of executor, administrator, testamentary or inter vivos trustee, guardian, committee or conservator, or in any other similar capacity, an aggregate of twenty-five per centum (25o/o) or more of the voting securities or of any class of security, of any person, the beneficial ownership of a specified percentage of which would have (9) Ownership as executor, etc., of securities of certain persons specified above t32 s19.12 constituted a conflicting interest under paragraph (6), (7) or (8) ofthis subdivision (d). As to any such securities of which such Trustee acquired ownership through becoming executor, administrator or testamentary trustee of an estate which included them, the provisions of the preceding sentence shall not apply for a period of two years from the date of such acquisition, to the extent that such securities included in such estate do not exceed twenty-five per centum (25o/o) of such voting securities or twenty-five per centum (25%) of. any such class of security. Promptly after May 15 in each calendar year, the Trustee shall review its holdings of such securities in any of the above-mentioned capacities as of May 15. If the Company fails to make payment in full of principal or interest upon the bonds when and as the same becomes due and payable, and such failure continues for thirty (30) days thereafter, the Trustee shall promptly review its holdings of such securities in any ofthe above-mentioned capacities as ofthe date ofthe expiration of such thirty (30) day period and after such date, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions ofthis paragraph, all such securities so held by the Trustee with sole or joint control over such securities vested in it, shall, but only so long as such failure shall continue, be considered as though beneficially owned by the Trustee for the puryoses of paragraphs (6), (7) and (8) ofthis subdivision (d). The specifications of percentages in paragraphs (5) to (9), inclusive, of this subdivision (d) shall not be construed as indicating that the ownership of such percentages of the securities ofa person is or is not necessary or suffrcient to constitute direct or indirect control for the purposes ofparagraph (3) or (7) ofthis subdivision (d). "security" "securities" For the purposes of paragraphs (6), (7), (S) and (9) of this subdivision (d) only, (A) the terms "security" and "securities" shall include only such securities as are generally known as corporate securities, but shall not include any note or other evidence of indebtedness issued to evidence an obligation to repay moneys lent to a person by one or more banks, trust companies or banking firms or any certificate of interest or participation in any such note or evidence of indebtedness; (B) an obligation shall be deemed to be in default when a default in payment of principal shall have continued for thirty (30) days or more and shall not have been cured; and (C) the Trustee shall not be deemed to be the owner or holder of (i) any security which it holds as collateral security (as trustee or otherwise) for an obligation which is not in default as above defined, or (ii) any security 133 $r9.r2 which it holds as collateral security under this Indenture, irrespective of any default hereunder, or (iii) any security which it holds as agent for collection, or as custodian, escrow agent or depositary, or in any similarly representative capacity. The percentages ofvoting securities and other securities specified in this Section shall be calculated in accordance with the following provisions: (aa) A specified percentage ofthe voting securities ofthe Trustee, the Company or any other person referred to in this Section (each ofwhom is referred to as a "person" in this paragraph) means such amount of the outstanding voting securities of such person as entitles the holder or holders thereof to cast such specified percentage of the aggregate votes which the holders ofall the outstanding voting securities ofsuch person are entitled to cast in the direction or management of the affairs of such person. Calculation of percentage of securities "person" Ob) A specified percentage of a class of securities of a person means such percentage ofthe aggregate amount ofsecurities ofthe class outstanding. (cc) The term "amount", when used in regard to securities, means the principal "amount" amount if relating to evidences of indebtedness, the number of shares if relating to capital shares, and the number ofunits ifrelating to any other kind ofsecurity. (dd) The term "outstanding" means issued and not held by or for the account of the "outstanding" issuer. The following securities shall not be deemed outstanding within the meaning of this definition: (1) Securities ofan issuer held in a sinking fund relating to securities ofthe issuer of the same class; (2) Securities of an issuer held in a sinking fund relating to another class of securities of the issuer, if the obligation evidenced by such other class of securities is not in default as to principal or interest or otherwise; (3) Securities pledged by the issuer thereof as security for any obligation of the issuer not in default as to principal or interest or otherwise; (4) Securities held in escrow if placed in escrow by the issuer thereof; Application of Section to Trustee and separate or co- trustee "underwriter" Amendment ofSection at Company's option based on amendment ofTrust Indenture Act t34 $19.12 provided, however, that any voting securities of an issuer shall be deemed outstanding if any person other than the issuer is entitled to exercise the voting rights thereof. (ee) A security shall be deemed to be of the same class as another security if both securities confer upon the holder or holders thereof substantially the same rights and privileges; provided, however, that, in the case ofsecured evidences ofindebtedness, all of which are issued under a single indenture, differences in the interest rates or maturity dates of various series thereof shall not be deemed suffrcient to constitute such series of different classes, and provided, further, that, in the case of unsecured evidences of indebtedness, differences in the interest rates or maturity dates thereof shall not be deemed sufficient to constitute the securities of different classes, whether or not they are issued under a single indenture. The provisions of this Section which have been made specifically applicable to the Trustee shall apply to the Trustee, and, if a separate or co-trustee is appointed pursuant to Section 19.16 hereof, to any separate or co-trustee, except that in case of the resignation of a separate or co-trustee such resignation and the appointment of a successor shall (subject to the provisions of subdivision (c) of this Section) be governed by the provisions of Section 19.15 and paragraph (3) ofSection 19.16 hereof. The term "underwriter" when used with reference to the Company means every person who, within three years prior to the time as of which the determination is made, has purchased from the Company with a view to, or has offered or sold for the Company in connection with, the distribution of any security of the Company outstanding at such time, or has participated or has had a direct or indirect participation in any such undertaking, or has participated or has had a participation in the direct or indirect underwriting of any such undertaking, but such term shall not include a person whose interest was limited to a commission from an underwriter or dealer not in excess of the usual and customary distributors' or sellers' commission. If the Trust Indenture Act is amended at any time after the date of this Indenture to change the circumstances under which a Trustee shall be deemed to have a conflicting interest with respect to this Indenture or the bonds of any series or to change any of the definitions in connection therewith, this Section 19.12 may at the Company's option be amended by an indenture supplemental hereto to incorporate such changes. 135 $19.13 Section 19.13 (a) The Trustee shall transmit within sixty (60) days after May 3l in eachyear, beginning with the year 1989, to the bondholders as hereinafter in this Section provided, a brief report dated as of such May 31 with respect to (1) its eligibility and its qualifications under Sections 9.03, 19.01 and 19.12 hereof, or in lieu thereof, if to the best of its knowledge the Trustee has continued to be eligible and qualified under such Sections, a written statement to such effect; (2) the character and amount of any advances (and if such Trustee elects so to state, the circumstances surrounding the making thereof) made by such Trustee as such which remain unpaid on the date of such report, and for the reimbursement of which such Trustee claims or may claim a lien or charge, prior to that of the bonds on the trust estate or on property or funds held or collected by it as Trustee, provided that such Trustee shall not be required (but may elect) to state such advances, if such advances so remaining unpaid aggregate not more than one-half of one per centum (Ll2 of Lo/o) of the principal amount ofthe bonds Outstanding on the date ofsuch report; (3) the amount, interest rate, and maturity date of all other indebtedness owing by the Company to such Trustee in its individual capacity on the date of such report, with abrief description of any property held as collateral security therefor, except an indebtedness based upon a creditor relationship arising in any manner described in paragraph (2), (3), (a) or (6) ofsubdivision (b) ofSection 19.11 hereof; (4) the property and funds physically in the possession of such Trustee on the date of such report; (5) any release, or release and substitution, of property subject to the Lien of this Indenture (and the consideration therefor, ifany) which has not been previously reported; provided, however, that to the extent that the aggregate value as shown by the release papers of any or all of such released properties does not exceed an amount equal to one per centum (1%) ofthe principal amount ofbonds then Outstanding, the report need only indicate the number ofsuch releases, the total value ofproperty released as shown by the release papers, the aggregate amount of cash received and the aggregate value of property received in substitution therefor as shown by the release papers; Trustee to transmit certain reports to bondholders Reports to be transmitted by mail 136 (6) any additional issue of bonds which has not been previously reported; and (7) any action taken by the Trustee in the performance of its duties under this Indenture which it has not previously reported and which in its opinion materially affects the bonds or the trust estate, except in respect of a Default, notice of which has not been or is to be withheld in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.02 hereof. (b) The Trustee shall transmit to the bondholders as hereinafter provided a brief report with respect to- (1) the release, or release and substitution, of property subject to the Lien of this Indenture (and the consideration therefor, if any) unless the fair value of such property, as set forth in the certificate or opinion required by Sections 9.05, 10.03, 13.03, 13.04, 13.05, 13.06 or 13.07 hereof, is less than ten per centum (10%) of the principal amount of bonds Outstanding at the time of such release, or such release and substitution, such report to be so transmitted within ninety (90) days after such time; and (2) the character and amount of any advances (and if the Trustee elects so to state, the circumstances surrounding the making thereof; made by the Trustee as such since the date ofthe last report transmitted pursuant to the provisions ofsubdivision (a) ofthis Section (or if no such report has yet been so transmitted, since the date of execution of this Indenture), for the reimbursement of which it claims or may claim a lien or charge prior to that of the bond.s on the trust estate or on property or funds held or collected by it as Trustee, and which it has not previously reported pursuant to this paragraph, provided that the Trustee shall not be required (but may elect) to state such advances, if such advances remaining unpaid at any time aggregate not more than ten per centum (10%) of the principal amount of bonds Outstanding at such time, such report to be transmitted within ninety (90) days after such time. (c) Reports pursuant to this Section shall be transmitted by mail- (1) to all registered holders of bonds, as the names and addresses of such holders appear upon the registration books ofthe Company; t37 s$r9.18, r9.r4 (2) to such holders of bonds as have, within two years preceding such transmission, flled their names and addresses with the Trustee for that purpose; and (3) except in the case of reports pursuant to subdivision @) of this Section, to each bondholder whose name and address is preserved at the time by the Trustee, as provided in subdivision @) of Section 9.10 hereof. (d) A copy of each such report shall, at the time of such trangmission to bondholders, be filed by the Trustee with each stock exchange upon which the bonds are listed and also with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company will notifu the Trustee ofthe name and address of each stock exchange on which the bonds are listed. (e) The provisions of this Section which have been made specifically applicable to the Trustee shall apply to the Trustee and, if a separate or co-trustee is appointed pursuant to Section 19.16 hereof, to any separate or co-trustee. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Section which require any separate or co-trustee, appointed pursuant to Section 19.16 hereof, to transmit reports to the bondholders and to file such reports with each stock exchange upon which the bonds are listed and also with the Securities and Exchange Commission, such separate or co-trustee may, if he, she or it so elects, furnish to the Trustee all information concerning such separate or co- trustee which such separate or co-trustee is required to report, and the Trustee shall transmit and file such information, in accordance with the provisions of this Section, on behalfofsuch separate or co-trustee. Section 19.14 The Trustee may at any time resign and be discharged of the trusts hereby created by giving written notice to the Company specifying the day upon which such resignation shall take effect and thereafter publishing notice thereof, in one Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, and in one Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the City of Portland, Oregon, once, and such resignation shall take effect upon the day specified in such notice unless previously a successor trustee shall have been appointed by the bondholders or the Company in the manner hereinafter provided in Section 19.15 and in such event such resignation shall take effect immediately on the appointment of such successor trustee; provided, however, that if all bonds then Outstanding shall be registered, no notice need be given except by mail in accordance with Filiug with stock exchange and Securities and Exchange Comission Application of Section to Trustee and separate or co-trustee Resignation ofTrustee Removal of Trustee Resignation of Trustee upon ineligibility Appointment of successor trustee 138 $$1e.14, 19.r5 subdivision (c) of Section 19.13 hereof. This Section shall not be applicable to resignatrons pursuant to Section 19.12 hereof. Any Trustee may be removed at any time by an instrument or concurrent instruments in writing fiIed with such Trustee and signed and acknowledged by the holders of a majority in principal amount of the bonds then Outstanding hereunder (determined as provided in Section 15.07 hereofl or by their attorneys-in-fact duly authorized. In case at any time the Trustee shall cease to be eligible in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.03 or Section 19.01 hereof, then the Trustee so ceasing to be eligible shall resign immediately in the manner and with the effect in this Section provided; and, in the event that it does not resign immediately in such case, then it may be removed forthwith by an instrument or concurrent instruments in writing filed with the Trustee so ceasing to be eligible and either (a) signed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company with its corporate seal attested by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Company or (b) signed and acknowledged by the holders of a majority in principal amount of the bonds then Outstanding hereunder (determined as provided in Section 15.07 hereofl or by their attorneys-in-fact duly authorized. Section 19.15 In case at any time the Trustee shall resign or shall be removed (unless such Trustee shall be removed as provided in subdivision (c) of Section 19.12 hereof in which event the vacancy shall be filled as provided in said subdivision) or shall become incapable of acting, or shall be adjudged a bankrupt or insolvent, or if a receiver of the Trustee or of its property shall be appointed, or if any public officer shall take charge or control of the Trustee, or of its property or affairs for the purpose of rehabilitation, conservation or liquidation, a vacancy shall be deemed to exist in the office ofthe Trustee, and a successor or successors may be appointed by the holders of a majority in principal amount of the bonds then Outstanding hereunder (determined as provided in Section 15.07 hereof) by an instrument or concurrent instruments in writing signed and acknowledged by such bondholders or by their attorneys-in-fact duly authorized, and delivered to such new Trustee, notification thereof being given to the Company and the retiring Trustee; provided, nevertheless, that until a new Trustee shall be appointed by the bondholders as aforesaid, the Company, by instrument executed by order of its Board of Directors and duly acknowledged by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, may appoint a Trustee 139 $sl9.16, r9.r6 to fill such vacancy until a new Trustee shall be appointed by the bondholders as herein authorized. The Company shall give notice of any such appointment made by it in the manner provided in Section 19.14 hereof. Any new Trustee appointed by the Company shall, immediately and without further act, be superseded by a Trustee appointed by the bondholders as above provided, ifsuch appointment by the bondholders be made prior to the expiration of one year after the first giving of notice of the appointment of the new Trustee by the Company. If in a proper case no appointment of a successor Trustee shall be made pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Section within six months after a vacancy shall have occurred in the office of Trustee, the holder of any bond Outstanding hereunder or any retiring Trustee may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction to appoint a successor Trustee. Said court may thereupon after such notice, if any, as such court may deem proper and prescribe, appoint a successor Trustee. If any Trustee resigns because of a conflict of interest as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 19.12 hereof and a successor has not been appointed by the Company or the bondholders or, if appointed, has not accepted the appointment, within thirty (30) days after the date of such resignation, the resigning Trustee may apply to any court of competentjurisdiction for the appointment ofa successor Trustee. Any Trustee appointed under the provisions of this Section in succession to the Original Trustee (or in succession to any successor thereof) shall be a bank or trust company etigible under Sections 9.03 and 19.01 hereof and qualif.ed under Section 19.12 hereof. Any Trustee which has resigned or been removed shall nevertheless retain the lien afforded to it by Section 19.09 hereof upon the trust estate, including all property or funds held or collected by such Trustee, as such, to secure the amounts due to such Trustee as compensation, reimbursement, expenses and indemnity, and shall retain the rights afforded to it by said Section 19.09 hereof. Section 19.16 At any time or times, for the purpose of conforming to any legal requirements, restrictions or conditions in any State or jurisdiction in which any part of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property then or to become subject to the Lien of this Indenture may be located, the Company and the Trustee shall have the power to appoint, and, upon the request of the Trustee, the Company shall for such purpose join with Bondholder application for appointment of successor trustee Application of resigned Trustee for appointment of successor Qualifi cations for successor trustee Lien ofresigned or removed Trustee Appointment of separate trustee or co-trustee Conditions: (1) Exercise of powers (2) Authentication, etc. of bonds (3) ResigDation or removal of separate trustee or co- trustee 140 $r9.16 the Trustee in the execution, delivery and performance of all instruments and agreements necessary or proper to appoint, another corporation or one or more persons approved by the Trustee, either to act as separate trustee or trustees, or co-trustee or co'trustees jointly with the Trustee, of all or any of the property subject to the Lien hereof. In the event that the Company shall not have joined in such appointment within fifteen (15) days after the receipt by it of a request so to do, the Trustee alone shall have power to make such appointment. Every separate trustee, every co-trustee and every successor trustee, other than any trustee which may be appointed as successor to the Original Trustee, shall, to the extent permitted by law, but to such extent only, be appointed subject to the following provisions and conditions, namely: (1) The rights, powers, duties and obligations conferred or imposed upon trustees hereunder or any of them shall be conferred or imposed upon and exercised or performed by the Trustee and such separate trustee or separate trustees or co-trustee or co-trustees jointty, as shall be provided in the instruments and agreements appointing such separate trustee or separate trustees or co-trustee or co-trustees, except to the extent that under any law of any jurisdiction in which any particular act or acts are to be performed the Trustee shall be incompetent or unqualified to perform such act or acts, in which event such rights, powers, duties and obligations shall be exercised and performed by such separate trustee or separate trustees or co-trustee or co-trustees; (2) The bonds secured hereby shall be authenticated and delivered, and all powers, duties, obligations and rights, conferred upon the Trustee in respect of the custody of all bonds and other securities and of all cash pledged or deposited hereunder, shall be exercised solely by the Original Trustee or its successors in the trust hereunder; and (B) The Company and the Trustee, at any time by an instrument in writing executed by them jointly, may accept the resignation of or remove any separate trustee or co- trustee appointed under this Section or otherwise, and, upon the request of the Trustee, the Company shall, for such purpose, join with the Trustee and in the execution, delivery and performance of all instruments and agreements necessary or proper to make effective such resignation or t4L $$r9.16, 19.r7 removal. In the event that the Company shall not have joined in such action within fifteen (15) days after the receipt by it of a request so to do, the Trustee alone shall have power to accept such resignation or to remove any such separate trustee or co-trustee. A successor to a separate trustee or co-trustee so resigned or removed may be appointed in the manner provided in this Section. No trustee hereunder shall be personally liable by reason of any act or omission of any other trustee hereunder. Any notice, request or other writing, by or on behalfofthe holders ofthe bonds delivered to the Original Trustee, or its successor in the trust hereunder, shall be deemed to have been delivered to all of the then trustees or co-trustees as effectually as if delivered to each of them. Every instrument appointing any trustee or trustees other than a successor to the Original Trustee shall refer to this Indenture and the conditions in this Article expressed, and upon the acceptance in writing by such trustee or trustees or co-trustee or co-trustees, he, she, they or it shall be vested with the estates or property specified in such instrument, either jointly with the Original Trustee, or its successor, or separately, as may be provided therein, subject to all the trusts, conditions and provisions ofthis Indenture; and every such instrument shall be filed with the Original Trustee or its successor in the trust hereunder. At the written direction ofthe Company or the Trustee, any separate trustee or trustees, or any co-trustee or co-trustees, shall by an instrument in writing constitute the Original Trustee or its successor in the trust hereunder his, her, their or its agent or attorney-in-fact, with full power and authority, to the extent which may be permitted by law, to do any and all acts and things and exercise any and all discretion authorized or permitted by him, her, them or it, for and in behalf of him, her, them or it, and in his, her, their or its name. In case any separate trustee or trustees or co-trustee or co-trustees, or a successor to any of them, shall die, become incapable of acting, resign or be removed, all the estates, property, rights, powers, trusts, duties and obligations of said separate trustee or co-trustee, so far as permitted by law, shall vest in and be exercised by the Original Trustee or its successor in the trust hereunder, without the appointment ofa new trustee as successor to such separate trustee or co-trustee. Section 19.17 Any successor trustee appointed hereunder shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to his, her or its predecessor trustee, Notice by bondholders to Trustee, notice to all trustees Contents, frling, etc., of instrument appointing trustee Appointment of agent, otc. by 6eparate trustee or cGtrustee Incapacity, etc. of separate trustee or con-trustee Acceptance of successor trustee RGquirements of Predecessor upon retiring Merger or consolidation of Trustee Issuance of bonds authenticated by predecessor trustee t42 $$re.17, r9.rE and also to the Company, an instrument accepting such appointment hereunder, and thereupon such successor trustee, without any further act, deed or conveyance, shall become fully vested with all the estates, properties, rights, powers, trusts, duties and obligations of his, her or its predecessor in trust hereunder, with like effect as if originally named as trustee herein; but the trustee ceasing to act shall nevertheless, on the written request ofthe Company, or of the successor trustee, or of the holders of ten per centum (10%) in principal amount of the bonds then Outstanding hereunder, execute, acknowledge and deliver such instruments of conveyance and further assurance and do such other things as may reasonably be required for more fully and certainly vesting and confirming in such successor trustee all the right, title and interest ofthe trustee to which he, she or it succeeds, in and to the Mortgaged and Pledged Property and such rights, powers, trusts, duties and obligations, and the trustee ceasing to act shall also, upon like request, pay over, assign and deliver to the successor trustee any money or other property subject to the Lien of this Indenture, including any pledged securities which may then be in his, her or its possession. Should any deed, conveyance or instrument in writing from the Company be required by the new trustee for more fully and certainly vesting in and confirming to such new trustee such estates, properties, rights, powers, trusts and duties, any and all such deeds, conveyances and instruments in writing shall, on request, be executed, acknowledged and delivered by the Company. Section 19.18 Any corporation into which the Trustee may be merged or converted, or with which it may be consolidated, or any corporation resulting from any merger, conversion or consolidation in which the Trustee shall be a party or any corporation to which substantially all the corporate trust business ofthe Trustee may be transferred, provided such corporation shall be eligible under the provisions of Sections 9.03 and 19.01 hereof and qualified under Section 19.12 hereof, shall be the successor trustee under this Indenture, without the execution or filing ofany paper or the performance ofany further act on the part ofany other parties hereto, anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding. In case any of the bonds contemplated to be issued hereunder shall have been authenticated but not delivered, any such successor to the Trustee may, subject to the same terms and conditions as though such successor had itself authenticated such bonds, adopt the certificate of authentication of the Original Trustee or ofany successor t43 $sr9.rE, r9.r9, r9.20 to it, as trustee hereunder, and deliver said bonds so authenticated; and in case any of said bonds shall not have been authenticated, any successor to the Trustee may authenticate such bonds either in the name of any predecessor hereunder or in the name of the successor trustee, and in all such cases such certificate shall have the full force which it is anywhere in said bonds or in this Indenture provided that the certificate of the Trustee shall have; provided, however, that the right to authenticate bonds in the name ofthe Original Trustee shall apply only to its successor or successors by merger, conversion or consolidation or sale as aforesaid. Section 19.19 Notwithstanding any other provisions hereof, the Company, by instrument executed by order of its Board of Directors and duly acknowledged by its proper offrcers, may, within the period beginning January 1, 1999 and ending December 31, 1999, and the comparable period in each succeeding decade, appoint any corporation eligible under the provisions of Section 19.15 hereot and doing business in the United States of America, as Trustee in succession to the Trustee as of the date of such appointment and the corporation so appointed Trustee shall thereupon become successor Trustee hereunder until a new Trustee shall be appointed by the bondholders as authorized herein. Section 19.20 The Trustee may, from time to time, appoint an authenticating agent or agents to act on its behalfand subject to its direction in connection with the authentication of bonds of any series as fully to all intents and purposes as though such authenticating agent had been expressly authorized in this Indenture to authenticate bonds; and such bonds so authenticated shall be entitled to the benefits of this Indenture and shall be valid and obligatory for all purposes as though authenticated by the Trustee hereunder. For all pu{poses the authentication ofbonds by an authenticating agent pursuant to this Indenture shall be deemed to be the authentication of such bonds 'by the Trustee" and whenever this Indenture provides that "the Trustee shall authenticate" bonds such authentication by an authenticating agent hereunder shall be deemed to be authentication by the Trustee. Any such authenticating agent shall be a bank or trust company and a corporation organized and doing business under the laws of the United States or of any State or Territory or of the District of Columbia, with a combined capital and surplus of at least Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000), Further authentication by successor Appointment of successor Trustee Appointment of authenticating agent t44 sr9.20 and be authorized under such laws to act as an authenticating agent and duly registered to act as such, if and to the extent required by applicable laws and regulations, and be subject to supervision or examination by Federal, State, Territorial, or District of Columbia authority. If such corporation publishes reports of condition at least annually, pursuant to Iaw or to the requirements of the aforesaid supervising or examining authority, then for the purposes ofthis Section 19.20 the combined capital and surplus of such corporation shall be deemed to be its combined capital and surplus as set forth in its most recent report of condition so published. If at any time an authenticating agent hereunder shall cease to be eligible in accordance with the provisions hereof or to be duly registered to the extent required by applicable laws and regulations, it shall resign immediately in the manner and with the effect herein specified. Any corporation into which any authenticating agent may be merged or converted or with which it may be consolidated, or any corporation resulting from any merger, conversion or consolidation to which any authenticating agent shall be a party, or any corporation succeeding to the authenticating agency business of any authenticating agent, shall be the successor of the authenticating agent hereunder, if otherwise eligible under the provisions hereof, and continue to be an authenticating agent without the execution or filing of any paper or any further act on the part ofthe Trustee or the predecessor authenticating agent. Any authenticating agent may at any time resign by giving written notice of resignation to the Trustee and to the Company. The Trustee may at any time terminate the agency of any authenticating agent by giving written notice of termination to such authenticating agent and to the Company. Upon receiving such a notice of resignation or upon such a termination, or in case at any time any authenticating agent shall cease to be eligible hereunder or to be duly registered to the extent required by applicable laws and regulations, the Trustee may appoint a successor authenticating agent. Any successor authenticating agent upon acceptance of its appointment hereunder shall become vested with all the rights, powers, duties and responsibilities of its predecessor hereunder, with like effect as if originally named as an authenticating agent pursuant to the terms hereof. No successor authenticating agent shall be appointed unless eligible under the provisions hereof. The Company agrees to pay to any authenticating agent from time to time reasonable compensation for its services, and the Trustee shall have no liability for such payments. The Trustee shall not be responsible 145 !19.20; Art. )O( $20.01 for any misconduct, bad faith or negligence on the part of any authenticating agent appointed with due care by it hereunder. Any authenticating agent by the acceptance of its appointment shall be deemed to have agreed with and warranted to the Trustee that: it will perform and carry out the duties of an authenticating agent as herein set forth, including among other things the duties to authenticate bonds when presented to it; it will keep and maintain and will furnish from time to time as requested by the Trustee appropriate records of all transactions carried out by it as authenticating agent and will furnish the Trustee such other information and reports as the Trustee may reasonably require; it is eligible for appointment as authenticating agent hereunder and will notify the Trustee promptly if it shall cease to be so qualified; and it will indemnifu the Trustee against any loss, liability or expense incurred by the Trustee and will defend any claim asserted against the Trustee by reason of any acts or failures to act of the authenticating agent, but it shall have no liability for any action taken by it at the specific direction of the Trustee. The provisions of Sections 16.01, 16.02, L9.02, 19.03, 19.04, 19.09 and 22.07 of this Indenture shall bind and inure to the benefit of each authenticating agent hereunder to the same extent that they bind and inure to the benefit ofthe Trustee. ARTICLE )O( Discharge of Mortgage Section20,01 The Trustee (and any separate trustee or trustees or co-trustee or co- Dischargeofthelienhereof trustees appointed pursuant to the provisions of this Indenture) may, and upon request of the Company shall, cancel and discharge the Lien hereof, and execute and deliver to the Company such deeds and instruments as shall be requisite to satisfu the Lien hereof and reconvey and transfer to the Company the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, whenever all indebtedness secured hereby, including all proper charges of the Trustee hereunder, shall have been paid or shall have been duly provided for as set forth in Section 20.02 hereof. Notwithstanding the satisfaction and discharge ofthis Indenture, the Trustee shall have an unsecured right to charge and be reimbursed for any expenditures and liabilities (incurred in good faith and without negligence by the Trustee) which it may thereafter incur. Trustee's unsecured right to reimbursement Bonds for payment ofwhich money or obligations of the United States are deposited are deemed paid; provisos t46 s20.02 Section 20.02 The Company may provide for the payment or redemption of Outstanding bonds and interest thereon by depositing with the Trustee either (i) moneys in the necessary amount or (ii) obligations of the United States of America which shall not contain provisions permitting the redemption thereof at the option of the issuer, the principal of and the interest on which when due, and without any regard to reinvestment thereof, will, in the opinion of an independent accountant or other independent financial expert delivered to the Trustee, provide moneys which, together with the moneys, if any, deposited with or held by the Trustee, shall be sufficient to pay when due the principal of, premium (if any) and interest due and to become due on such bonds or portions thereof on the redemption date or maturity date thereof, as the case may be. When such sufEcient moneys and/or obligations shall have been set apart by or deposited with the Trustee, with irrevocable direction so to apply the same, subject to the provisions of Section 22.03 hereof (with or without any additional right given to the holders to surrender their bonds or obtain therefrom payment therefor prior to the redemption date) such bonds and interest thereon shall for all purposes under this Indenture including satisfuing the Lien of this Indenture be deemed to have been paid; provided that in case of redemption the notice requisite to the validity of such redemption shall have been given or arrangements shall have been made insuring to the satisfaction of the Trustee that the same will be given; and provided further that the Trustee need not accept such deposit unless it is accompanied by an Opinion of Counsel to the effect that (a) the Company has received from, or there has been published by, the Internal Revenue Service a ruling, or @) since the date ofthis Indenture there has been a change in applicable federal income tax law, in either case to the effect that, and based thereon such Opinion of Counsel shall confirm that, the holders of such bonds or the right of payment of interest thereon (as the case may be) will not recognize income, gain or loss for federal income tax purposes as a result of such deposit and/or the ensuing discharge of this Indenture and will be subject to federal income tax on the same amount and in the same manner and at the same times, as would have been the case if such deposit, and/or discharge had not occurred. Upon such deposit, the obligation of the Company to duly and punctually pay or cause to be paid the principal of (and premium, if any) and interest on such bonds shall cease, terminate and be completely discharged and the holders thereof shall thereafter be entitled to receive payment solely from the funds deposited with the Trustee as set forth above. ARTICLE)Oil Meetings and Consents of Bondholders SECTION 21.01 Modifications and alterations of this Indenture and./or of any indenture Modification of Indenture supplemental hereto and/or of the rights and obligations of the Company and./or of the rightsof the holders of bonds and coupons issued hereunder may be made as provided in this Article XXI. t47 $20.03; Art. )O(I, $$21.0r, 2r.02 SECTION 20.03 In the event that the Opinion of Counsel delivered in accordance with Section 20.02 hereof states in effect that such income tax liability to the bondholders would arise foom discharge of this Indenture but not from the deposit of such moneys and/or obligations without an ensuing discharge, then in such case this Indenture shall not be discharged until such Outstanding bonds and interest thereon have (subject to the provisionsof Section 22.03 hereof) been actually paid (or the unqualified Opinion of Counsel contemplated by Section 20.02 hereof can be delivered); provided however that thereafter the Company shall be relieved of its obligations to comply with the covenants of Article IX hereof. SECTIoN 21.02 The Trustee may at any time call a meeting of the bondholders and it shall call such a meeting on written request of the holders of not less than a majority inprincipal amount of the bonds Outstanding hereunder at the time of such request. The Company, pursuant to a Resolution, may also call a meeting of the bondholders at any time.In each such case the purpose or pu{poses of such meeting shall be set forth in reasonable detail. In the event of the Trustee's failing for thirty (30) days to call a meeting after being thereunto requested by the bondholders as above set forth, holders of Outstanding bonds in the amount above specified in this Section or the Company, pursuant to a Resolution, may call such meeting. Every such meeting called by and at the instance of the Trustee shall be held in the City of Portland, oregon, or the Borough of Manhattan, The' City of New york, New York, or with the written approval of the Company, at any other place in the United States of America, and notice thereof, stating the place and time thereof and in general terms the business to be submitted, shall be mailed by the Trustee not less than thirty (30) days before such meeting (a) to all holders of bonds the names and addresses of whom are then preserved as Tax liability arising from discharge; when Indenture discharged Call and notice ofmeeting Place, when called by Trustee Mailing, publication requirements Place, when called by Company or bondholders When notice not required Attendance at meetings Trustee may make regulations as to deposits ofbonds t48 s$2r.02, 21.03 required by Section 9.10 hereof, and @) to the Company addressed to it at the address given in Section 22.08 of this Indenture (or at such other address as may be designated by the Company from time to time), and, unless all bonds Outstanding hereunder are at the time registered as to principal, shall be published by the Trustee once preceding the meeting, in a Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, the publication to be not less than twenty (20) days prior to the date of such meeting; provided, however, that the mailing of such notice to any bondholders shall in no case be a condition precedent to the validity of any action taken at such meeting, and provided further, however, that if all bonds then Outstanding shall be registered, no notice need be given except by mail in accordance with subdivision (c) of Section 19.13 hereof. If such meeting is called by or at the instance either of the Company or of the bondholders, it shall be held at such place in the United States of America as may be specified in the notice calling such meeting and notice thereof shall be sufficient for all purposes hereof if given as aforesaid, stating the place and time of the meeting and in general terms the business to be submitted. Any meeting of bondholders shall be valid without notice if the holders of all bonds then Outstanding hereunder are present in person or by proxy and if the Company and the Trustee are present by duly authorized representatives, or if notice is waived in writing before or after the meeting by the Company, the holders of all bonds Outstanding hereunder and by the Trustee, or by such ofthem as are not present in person or by proxy. Section 21.03 Officers and nominees of the Trustee and of the Company or their or its nominees may attend such meeting, but shall not as such be entitled to vote thereat. Attendance by bondholders may be in person or by proxy and, unless specifically prohibited by 1aw, any such proxy shall remain in effect unless specifically revoked and shall be binding on any future holder of the bonds represented by such proxy, unless specifically revoked by any such future holder before being voted. In order that the holder of any bond payable to bearer and his, her or its proxy may attend and vote without producing his, her or its bond, the Trustee, with respect to any such meeting, may make and from time to time vary such regulations as it shall think fit for deposit of bonds with, or the stamping of bonds by, (i) any banks, bankers or trust or insurance companies having a capital of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) or (ii) any trustee of any pension, welfare, hospitalization or similar fund or funds having an aggregate corpus in excess of L49 $$2r.03 Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000), or (iii) the United States of America, any Territory thereof, the District of Columbia, any State of the United States, any municipality in any State of the United States or any public instrumentality of the United States, any State or Territory, or (iv) by any other person or corporation satisfactory to the Trustee, and for the issue to the persons depositing the same of certificates by such depositaries entitling the holders thereof to be present and vote at any such meeting and to appoint proxies to represent them and vote for them at any such meeting as ifthe persons so present and voting, either personally or by proxy, were the actual bearers of the bonds in respect of which such certificates shall have been issued and any regulations so made shall be binding and effective. A bondholder in any of the foregoing categories may sign such certificate in his, her or its own behalf. In lieu of or in addition to providing for such deposit, the Trustee may, in its discretion, permit such institutions to issue certificates stating that bonds were exhibited to them, which certificates shall entitle the holders thereof to vote at any meeting only if the bonds with respect to which they are issued are not produced at the meeting by any other person and are not at the time of the meeting registered in the name of any other person. Each such certificate shall state the date on which the bond or bonds in respect ofwhich such certificate shall have been issued were deposited with or submitted to such institution and the series, maturities and serial numbers of such bonds. In the event that two or more such certificates shall be issued with respect to any bond or bonds, the certificate bearing the latest date shall be recognized and be deemed to supersede any certificate or certificates previously issued with respect to such bond or bonds. If any such meeting shall have been called under the provisions ofSection 21.02 hereof, by bondholders or by the Company, and the Trustee shall fail to make regulations as above authorized, then regulations to like effect for such deposit, stamping or exhibition ofbonds and the issue of certificates by (i) any bank, banker or trust or insurance company organized under the laws of the United States of America or of any State thereof, having a capital of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000), or (ii) any trustee of any pension, welfare, hospitalization, or similar fund or funds having an aggregate coq)us in excess of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000), or (iii) by the United States of America, any Territory thereof, the District of Columbia, any State of the United States, any municipality in any State of the United States or any public instrumentality of the United States, any State or Territory Certificate in lieu of production bonds of unregistered Persons entitled to vote at meetings When production of bonds and further proof necessary Proxies Temporary Chaiman and Secretary Pemanent Chaiman and Secretary Inspectors ofVotes 150 s$21.03, 21.04,21,05 shall be similarly binding and effective for all purposes hereof if adopted or approved by the bondholders calling such meeting or by the Board of Directors, if such meeting shall have been called by the Company, provided that in either such case copies of such regulations shall be frled with the Trustee. A bondholder in any of the foregoing categories may sign such a certificate in his, her or its own behalf. Section 21.04 Subject to the restrictions specified in Sections 21.03 and 21.07 hereof, any registered holder of bonds Outstanding hereunder and any holder of a certificate (not superseded) provided for in Section 21.03 hereof, shall be entitled in person or by proxy to attend and vote at such meeting as holder ofthe bonds registered or certified in the name of such holder without producing such bonds. All others seeking to attend or vote at such meeting in person or by proxy must, if required by an authorized representative of the Trustee or the Company or by any other bondholder, produce the bearer bonds claimed to be owned or represented at such meeting, and everyone seeking to attend or vote shall, if required as aforesaid, produce such further proof of bond ownership or personal identity as shall be satisfactory to the authorized representative of the Trustee, or if none be present then to the Inspectors ofVotes hereinafter provided for. Proxies shall be witnessed or in the alternative may (a) have the signature guaranteed by a bank or trust company or a registered dealer in securities, &) be acknowledged before a Notary Public or other officer authorized to take acknowledgments, or (c) have their genuineness otherwise established to the satisfaction of the Inspectors of Votes. AII proxies and certificates presented at any meeting shall be delivered to said Inspectors of Votes and filed with the Trustee. Section 21.05 Persons named by the Trustee, if it is represented at the meeting, shall act as temporary Chairman and Secretary, respectively, of the meeting, but if the Trustee shall not be represented or shall fail to nominate such persons or if any person so nominated shall not be present, the bondholders and proxies present shall by a majority vote, irrespective ofthe amount oftheir holdings, elect another person or other persons from those present to act as temporary Chairman and/or Secretary. A permanent Chairman and a permanent Secretary of such meeting shall be elected from those present by the bondholders and proxies present by a majority vote of bonds represented. The Trustee, if represented at the meeting, shall appoint two Inspectors of Votes who 151 $s2r.06, 2r.06 shall decide as to the right of anyone to vote and shall count aII votes cast at such meeting, except votes on the election of a Chairman and Secretary, both temporary and permanent, as aforesaid and who shall make and file with the permanent Secretary of the meeting their verified written report in duplicate of all such votes so cast at said meeting. If the Trustee shall not be represented at the meeting or shall fail to nominate such Inspectors of Votes or if either Inspector of Votes fails to attend the meeting, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the permanent Chairman of the meeting. Section 21.06 The holders of: (a) not less than sixty per centum (60%) in principal amount of the bonds Outstanding hereunder when such meeting is held, all voting as a single class, or (b) if the action proposed at said meeting solely adversely affects the rights of the holders ofone or more, but less than all, series ofbonds then Outstanding, then at least sixty per centum (60%) in principal amount of those bonds then Outstanding so to be adversely affected, all voting as a single class, (excluding in any case bonds disqualifred from voting by reason of the Company's interest therein) must be present at such meeting in person or by proxy in order to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, less than a quorum, however, having power to adjourn; provided, however, that if such meeting is adjourned by less than a quorum for more than thirty (30) days, notice thereof shall be given as soon as practicable by the Trustee if such meeting shall have been called by the Trustee (a) to the Company addressed to it at the address given in Section 22.08 hereof (or at such other address as may be designated by the Company in writing from time to time), and (b) to all holders of bonds then Outstanding hereunder, the names and addresses of whom are then preserved by the Trustee as required by the provisions ofSection 9.10 hereof, and, unless all bonds Outstanding hereunder are at the time of such mailing registered as to principal, shall be published at least once in each thirty (30) day period of such adjournment in a Daily Newspaper of general circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, New York, provided, however, that if all bonds then Outstanding shall be registered, no notice need be given except by mail in accordance with subdivision (c)of Section 19.13 hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a meeting is first adjourned by less than a quorum for less Quorum Notice ofadjournment Vote necessary for modification or alteration, etc., of Indenture Limitations t52 $$21.06, 2r.07 than thirty (30) days and is again adjourned, no such notice need be given during the period ofthe first adjournment but such notice shall be given as soon as practicable by the Trustee after the second adjournment and any subsequent adjournments. The failure to mail such notice to any such bondholder as aforesaid shall in no case affect the validity of any action taken at any meeting held pursuant to such adjournment. If such meeting shall have been called, under the provisions of Section 21.02 hereof, by bondholders or by the Company, notice of such adjournment shall be given by the permanent Chairman and permanent Secretary of the meeting as above specified in this Section and shall be suf&cient if so given. Section 21.07 Subject to the provisions of Section 15.16 hereof, any modification or alteration of this Indenture (including any indenture supplemental hereto) and/or of the rights and obligations of the Company and/or the rights of the holders of bonds and/or coupons issued hereunder in any particular may be made at a meeting of bondholders duly convened and held in accordance with the provisions of this Article, but only by resolution duly adopted by the affrrmative vote of the holders of sixty per centum (60%) or more in principal amount of the bonds Outstanding hereunder, all voting as a single class, or, if the rights ofone or more, but less than all, series ofbonds then Outstanding are to be adversely affected by action taken at such meeting, then by affirmative vote of the holders of at least sixty per centum (60%) in principal amount of those bonds so to be adversely affected and Outstanding hereunder, all voting as a single class, when such meeting is held, and in every case approved by a Resolution as specified in Section 21.08 hereof; provided, however, that no such modification or alteration shall, without the consent of the holder of any bond issued hereunder affected thereby, (A) (1) impair or affect the right of such holder to receive payment of the principal of (and premium, if any) and interest on such bond, on or after the respective due dates expressed in such bond, or to institute suit for the enforcement of any such payment on or afber such respective dates, or (2) permit the creation ofany lien ranking prior to, or on a parity with, the Lien of this Indenture with respect to any of the Mortgaged and Pledged Property, or (3) permit the deprivation of any nonassenting bondholder of the benefit of a lien upon the Mortgaged and Pledged Property for the security of his, her or its bonds (subject only to the lien of taxes, assessments or governmental charges not then delinquent and to any mortgage or other liens existing upon such property which are prior 153 $$21.07, 2r.0E hereto at the date of the calling of any such bondholders' meeting), or (4) permit the reduction of the percentage required by the provisions of this Section for the taking of any action under this Section with respect to any bond Outstanding hereunder or @) impair or affect the right to receive payment of interest on such bond on or afber the respective due dates expressed therein, without the consent ofthe holder ofthe right to such interest. Except for the purpose ofwaiving any past Default ofthe Company and the consequences thereof, in which event the provisions of Section 15.07 hereof shall be applicable, bonds owned and/or held by and/or for account ofand/or for the benefit or interest ofthe Company, or any corporation of which the Company shall own twenty-five per centum (25%) or more of the outstanding voting stock, shall not be deemed Outstanding for the purpose of any vote or of any calculation ofbonds Outstanding in this Article XXI provided for, except that, subject to the provisions of Sections 19.01 and 19.02 hereof, for the purpose of determining whether the Trustee shall be protected in relying on any such vote or calculation, only bonds which the Trustee knows are so owned and/or held, shall be so excluded. Section 21.08 A record in duplicate of the proceedings of each meeting of bondholders shall be prepared by the permanent Secretary ofthe meeting and shall have attached thereto the original reports ofthe Inspectors ofVotes, and affidavits by one or more persons having knowledge of the facts showing a copy of the notice of the meeting and a copy of the notice of adjournment thereof, if required under the provisions of Section 21.06 hereof, and showing that said notices were mailed and published as provided in Section?l.O2 hereof and, in a proper case, as provided in Section 21.06 hereof. Such record shall be signed and verified by the affrdavits of the permanent Chairman and the permanent Secretary of the meeting, and shall be delivered to the Company and to the Trustee. Any record so signed and verified shall be proof of the matters therein stated, and such meeting shall be deemed conclusively to have been duly convened and held and such record shall be conclusive, and any resolution or proceeding stated in such record to have been adopted or taken, shall be deemed conclusively to have been duly adopted or taken by such meeting. A true copy of any resolution adopted by such meeting shall be mailed by the Trustee to all holders of bonds Outstanding hereunder, the names and addresses ofwhom are then preserved by the Trustee pursuant to the provisions ofSection 9.10 Bonds owned, held by' or for account ofCompany not deemed outstanding Record of meeting Conclusiveness of record Copy of resolution to be mailed to bondholders; proof of mailing; effect of failure to mail Approval of resolution by Company When Company, Trustee and bond-holders bound Notation ofaction taken may be made on bonds New bonds When supplemental instruments may be executed 154 s$2r.08, 21.09 hereo{ and proof of such mailing by the affrdavit of some person having knowledge of the fact shall be filed with the Trustee, but failure to mail copies of such resolution as aforesaid shall not affect the validity thereof. No such resolution shall be binding until and unless such resolution is approved by Resolution. It shall be the duty of the Company to frle a copy of any such Resolution of approval with the Trustee, but if such Resolution is adopted and a certified copy thereof is filed with the Trustee, the resolution so adopted by such meeting shall (to the extent permitted by law) be deemed conclusively to be binding upon the Company, the Trustee and the holders of all bonds and coupons issued hereunder, at the expiration ofsixty (60) days after such filing, except in the event ofa final decree ofa court of competent jurisdiction setting aside such resolution, or annulling the action taken thereby in a legal action or equitable proceeding for such pu{poses commenced within such sixty (60) day period; provided, however, that no such resolution of the bondholders, or Resolution, shall in any manner change or modifu or be so construed as to change or modifu any of the rights, immunities or obligations of the Trustee without its written assent thereto. SECTION 21.09 Bonds authenticated and delivered after the date of any bondholders' meeting may bear a notation in form approved by the Trustee as to the action taken at meetings of bondholders theretofore held. If the Company or the Trustee shall so determine, new bonds so modified as in the opinion of the Trustee and the Company to conform to such bondholders'resolution shall be prepared, authenticated and delivered, and upon demand of the holder of any bond then Outstanding and affected thereby shall be exchanged without cost to such bondholders for bonds then Outstanding hereunder upon surrender of such bonds with all unmatured coupons, if any, appertaining thereto. The Company or the Trustee may require bonds Outstanding to be presented for notation or exchange as aforesaid if either shall see fit to do so. Instruments supplemental to this Indenture embodying any modification or alteration of this Indenture (including any indenture supplemental hereto) made at any bondholders' meeting and approved, by a Resolution, as aforesaid, may be executed by the Trustee and the Company and upon demand of the Trustee, or ifso specified in any resolution adopted by any such bondholders'meeting, shall be executed by the Company and the Trustee. 155 $$2r.09,2r.10 Any instrument supplemental to this Indenture executed pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Trust Indenture Act, as amended and in force on the date ofthe execution ofsuch supplemental indenture. SECTT9N 21.10 (A) Anything contained in this Article to the contrary notwithstanding, the Trustee shall receive the written consent (in any number of instruments of similar tenor executed by bondholders or by their attorneys appointed in writing) of the holders of sixty per centum (60%) or more in principal amount of the bonds Outstanding hereunder all voting as a single class (or if the rights of one or more, but less than all, series of bonds then Outstanding are to be adversely affected by action taken pursuant to such consent, then by consent of the holders of at least sixty per centum (60%) in principal amount of those bonds so to be adversely affected and Outstanding hereunder all voting as a single class) (in all cases, at the time the last such needed consent is delivered to the Trustee) in lieu of the hotding of a meeting pursuant to this Article and in lieu of all action at such a meeting and with the same force and effect as a resolution duly adopted in accordance with the provisions of Section 21.07 hereof. @) Such instruments of consent shall have their genuineness established to the satisfaction of the Trustee. The amount ofbonds payable to bearer, and the series and serial numbers thereof, held by a person executing an instrument of consent (or whose attorney has executed an instrument of consent in his, her or its behalfl, and the date of his, her or its holding the same, may be proved either by exhibiting the bonds themselves to the Trustee or by a certificate executed by any person or corporation satisfactory to the Trustee. A bondholder in any of the foregoing categories may sign a certificate in his, her or its own behalf. Each such certificate shall be dated and shall state in effect that as ofthe date thereof, a coupon bond or bonds bearing a specified serial number or numbers was deposited with or exhibited to the signer of such certificate. The holding by the person named in any such certificate of any bond specified therein shall be presumed to continue unless (1) any certificate bearing a later date issued in respect ofthe same bond shall be produced, (2) the bond specified in such certificate (or any bond or bonds issued in exchange or substitution for such bond) shall be produced by Written consent of bondholders in lieu of meeting Genuineness of con*ent to be established 156 $21.10; Art. )OilI, $22.0r another holder, or (3) the bond specified in such certificate shall be registered as to principal in the name of another holder or shall have been surrendered in exchange for a fuIly registered bond registered in the name of another holder. The Trustee may, in its discretion, require further proof in cases where it deems further proof desirable. The ownership of registered bonds shall be proved by the registry books. Revocation of consent (C) Until such time as the Trustee shall receive the written consent of the necessaly per centum in principal amount of the bonds required by the provisions of subsection (A) above for action contemplated by such consent, any holder ofany bond, the serial number ofwhich is shown by the evidence to be included in the bonds the holders ofwhich have consented to such action, may, by filing written notice with the Trustee at its corporate trust office and upon proof of holding as provided in subsection @) above, revoke such consent so far as it concerns such bond. Except as aforesaid, any such consent shall be conclusive and binding upon such holder and upon all future holders of such bond (and any bond issued in lieu thereof or exchanged therefor), irrespective of whether or not any notation of such consent is made upon such bond, and in any event any action taken by the holders ofthe percentage in aggregate principal amount of the bonds specified in subsection (A) above in connection with such action shall, subject to the provisions of the last sentence of Section 21.08 hereof, be conclusively binding upon the Company, the Trustee and holders ofall the bonds. ARTICLE )OilI Miscellaneous Limitation of rights under Indenture Section 22.01 Nothing in this Indenture, expressed or implied, is intended, or shall be construed, to confer upon, or to give to, any person, firm or corporation, other than the parties hereto and the holders of the bonds and coupons Outstanding hereunder, any right, remedy, or claim under or by reason ofthis Indenture or any covenant, condition, stipulation, promise or agreement hereof, and all the covenants, conditions, stipulations, promises and agreements in this Indenture contained by and on behalf of the Company shall be for the sole and exclusive benefit ofthe parties hereto, and ofthe holders ofthe bonds and ofthe coupons Outstanding hereunder. r57 s$22.02 Section 22.02 Any money which is held by the Trustee (other than money which is held by it for the purpose of effecting the purchase, payment or redemption of any bonds issued hereunder or the payment of any coupons or interest claims appertaining to bonds issued hereunder or which it has been directed to apply to any such purchase, payment or redemption which may only be invested in any bonds or other obligations of the United States of America designated by the Company) shall, at the request of the Company, evidenced by an Officers' Certificate, be invested or reinvested by the Trustee in any Investment Securities designated by the Company, and, unless ths Qempany is in default in the payment of interest on any of the bonds then Outstanding hereunder or one or more Defaults shall have occurred and be continuing, any interest on such bonds or other obligations which may be received by the Trustee shall be forthwith paid to the Company. Such bonds or other obligations shall be held by the Trustee as a part ofthe Mortgaged and Pledged Property and subject to the same provisions hereof as the cash used to purchase the same, but upon a like request of the Company, the Trustee shall sell all or any designated part of the same and the proceeds of such sale shall be held by the Trustee subject to the same provisions hereof as the cash used by it to purchase the bonds or other obligations so sold. Ifsuch sale shall produce a net sum less than the cost ofthe bonds or other obligations so sold, the Company covenants that it will pay promptly to the Trustee such amount of cash as with the net proceeds from such sale will equal the costs of the bonds or other obligations so sold, and ifsuch sale shall produce a net sum greater than the costs ofthe bonds or other obligations so sold, the Trustee shall promptly pay to the Company an amount in cash equal to such excess. Unless the Company is in Default, any money in excess of the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) which shall have been held by the Trustee for a period of five years, invested or uninvested (other than money which is held by it for the purpose of effecting the purchase, payment or redemption of any bonds issued hereunder or the payment of any coupons or interest claims appertaining to bonds issued hereunder or which it has been directed to apply to any such purchase, payment or redemption), shall be applied by the Trustee to the redemption of bonds to the extent any bonds then Outstanding are, by their terms, redeemable, selected as provided in Section L2.02 hereof from the bonds of those series then redeemable, designated by the Company. Any moneys not so applied Investment of cash by Trustee in certain securities Such securities held by Trustee as part ofMortgaged and Pledged Property Disposition ofcertain cash in excess of $60,000 held over five years Bonds or coupons not presented when due When Trustee to pay over to Company amount unclaimed Rights may be waived or surrendered by Company Company may enter into further covenants for benefit of one or more series of bonds 158 $$22.02, 22.03,22.04 to redemption of bonds shall be held, applied or withdrawn in accordance with the other provisions of this Indenture. In the case of any such redemption, the Trustee shall have power to give any and all redemption notices for or on behalf of the Company. SECTI6N 22.03 In the event that any bond issued hereunder shall not be presented for payment when the principal thereof becomes due, either at maturity or otherwise, or at the date fixed for the redemption thereof, or in the event that any coupon shall not be presented for payment at the due date thereof and the Company shall have deposited with the Trustee or any paying agent for the purpose or left with either of them if previously so deposited, money sufficient to pay the principal of such bond (and premium, if any), together with all interest due thereon to the date of the maturity of such bond or to the date fixed for the redemption thereof, or to pay such coupon, as the case may be, for the use and benefit ofthe holder thereof, the Trustee or such paying agent shall, in case the holder of any such bond or coupon shall not, within two years after the maturity of any such bond or coupon or the date fixed for the redemption of any such bond, claim the amount deposited as above stated for the payment thereof, pay over to the Company such amount so deposited, if to the knowledge of the Trustee the Company is not at the time in default hereunder; and the Trustee or such paying agent shall thereupon be relieved from all responsibility to the holder thereof, and in the event of such payment to the Company the holder of any such bond or coupon shall (subject to any applicable statute of limitations) be deemed to be an unsecured creditor of the Company for an amount equivalent to the amount deposited as above stated for the payment thereofand so paid over to the Company. SECTI6N 22.04 Any power, privilege or right expressly or impliedly reserved to or in any way conferred upon the Company by any provision of this Indenture, whether such power, privilege or right is in any way restricted or is unrestricted, may be in whole or in part waived or surrendered or subjected to any restriction if at the time unrestricted or to additional restriction if already restricted, and the Company may enter into any further covenants, limitations, restrictions or provisions for the benefit of any one or more series of bonds issued hereunder and provide that a breach thereof shall be equivalent to a Default under this Indenture, or the Company may cure any ambiguity contained herein, or in any supplemental indenture, or may (in lieu of establishment in 159 $$22.04,22.06 accordance with Section 2.03 hereofl establish the forms, terms and provisions of any series of bonds other than the First Series, by an instrument in writing executed by the Company. Alternative provisions relating to redemption of a particular series may be provided for in the relevant supplemental indenture, in lieu of the provisions of Article XII hereof. The Trustee is hereby authorized to join with the Company in the execution of any such instrument or instruments. Such instrument shall be delivered to the Trustee and thereupon any modification of the provisions of these presents therein set forth, authorized by this Section, shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns, and the holders ofthe bonds and coupons hereby secured. Anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, this Section 22.04 shall not be construed to permit any act, waiver, surrender or restriction adversely affecting in any material respect any bonds then Outstanding hereunder or imposing upon the Trustee any duty or obligation that it reasonably deems to be unduly burdensome. SECTION 22.05 Each certificate or opinion which is specifically required by the provisions of this Indenture to be delivered to the Trustee with respect to compliance with a condition or covenant herein contained shall include (1) a statement that the person making such certificate or opinion has read such covenant or condition; (2) a briefstatement as to the nature and scope of the examination or investigation upon which the statements or opinions contained in such certificate or opinion are based; (3) a statement that, in the opinion ofsuch person, he or she has made such examination or investigation as is necessary to enable him or her to express an informed opinion as to whether or not such covenant or condition has been complied with; and (4) a statement as to whether or not in the opinion of such person such condition or covenant has been complied with. Every request or application by the Company for action by the Trustee shall be accompanied by an Officers' Certificate and an Opinion of Counsel stating in each case that in the opinion of the person making such certificate or opinion the conditions precedent, if any, to such action, provided for in this Indenture (including any covenants compliance with which constitutes a condition precedent), have been complied with. Trustee may join with Company in execution of instrlments Fomal requirements of certifrcates or opinions Requirements for request for action by Tlustee Successors and assigns PaS,ment of court costs and attorney's fees in certain suits Successors and assigns Company's and Trustee's mailing addresses 160 $$22.05, 22.06, 22.07, 22.0E The same of6cer or offtcers of the Company, or the same engineer or cousel or other person, as the case may be, need not certifu to all the matters required to be certified under the provisions of any Article, Section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph or clause hereof, but different officers, engineers, counsel or other persons may certi& to different facts respectively. SECTISN 22.06 All parties to this Indenture agree, and each holder or owner of any bond by his, her or its acceptance thereofshall be deemed to have agreed, that any court may in its discretion require in any suit for the enforcement of any right or remedy under this Indenture, or in any suit against the Trustee for any action suffered, taken or omitted by it as Trustee, the fiting by any party litigant in such suit ofan undertaking to pay the costs of such suit, and that such court may in its discretion assess reasonable costs, including reasonable attorney's fees (including attorney's fees for trial, any appeal and any petition for review), against any party litigant in such suit, having due regard to the merits and good faith of the claims or defenses made by such party litigant; but the provisions of this Section shall not apply to any suit instituted by the Trustee, to any suit instituted by any bondholder, or group of bondholders, holding in the aggregate more than ten per centum (10%) in principal amount of the bonds Outstanding (determined as provided in Section 15.07 hereofl, or to any suit instituted by any bondholder for the enforcement ofthe payment of the principal of or interest on any bond, on or after the respective due dates expressed in such bond. SECTToN 22.07 Subject to the provisions of Article XVIII and Article XIX hereof, whenever in this Indenture any of the parties hereto is named or referred to (except in subdivision (1) of Section 1.05 hereof) this shall be deemed to include the successors or assigns of such party, and all the covenants and agreements in this Indenture contained by or on behalf of the Company or by or on behalf of the Trustee shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of such parties whether so expressed or not. SECTION 22.08 For purposes of all notices to be given to the parties hereunder, and until further changed by notice in writing, the Company's mailing address is 851 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204; and the Trustee's mailing address is 30 West Broadway, New York, New York 10015, attention: Corporate Trust Department. 161 $$22.09, 22.10, 22.1t, 22.12 SECTIoN 22.09 If any provision of this Indenture limits, qualifies, or conflicts with another provision of this Indenture which has been required to be included pursuant to any requirements of Sections 310 to 317, inclusive, of the Trust Indenture Act, such required provision shall control. SECTIoN 22.10 Wherever reference is made in this Indenture to the Trust Indenture Act (except as may be errident by the context in Section 8.01 hereof and except in Section 21.09 hereof), reference is made to such Act as it was in force on the date of the execution of this Indenture. SECTIoN 22.11 The titles of the several Articles of this Indenture, the marginal Section and marginal Article references and the table of contents shall not be deemed to be any part hereof. Trust Indenture Act to control Trust Indenture Act as in force when Indenture executed Titles ofArticles, etc., not part of Indenture SECTIoN 22.12 This Indenture may be executed in several counterparts, each of which Execution in counterparts shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. r62 Testimonim IN WITNESS WHEREoF, PACIFICoRP, an Oregon corporation, has caused its corporate name to be hereunto afExed, and this instrument to be signed and sealed by an Authorized Executive Officer of the Company, and its corporate seal to be attested by its Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries for and in its behaH, and Morgan Guaranty Trust Company ofNew York, in token ofits acceptance ofthe trust hereby created, has caused its corporate name to be hereunto affixed, and this instrument to be signed and sealed by one of its Vice Presidents and its corporate seal to be attested by one of its Assistant Secretaries, all as of the day and year first above written. Signatures and seals PacifiCorp By: RoBERTF.LANZ Title: Vice hesident ICoRPoRATE Soar,I Arrnsr: JoHN M. SCHWEITZER Assistant Secretary MoRGAN GuEnENry TRUST CovpaNy oF NEw YoRK By: R. E. SPARRow Tilte: Vice Presid,ent ICoRPoRATE Spall Art:rsr: W. A. SPooNER Assistant Secretary 163 STATE oF OREGoN COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH ss. On this ninth day of January, 1989, before me, LEONARD W. SURRY, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, personally appeared RoBERT F. LANZ and JoHN M. SCHWEITZER, known to me to be a Vice President and an Assistant Secretary, respectively, of PaciliCorp, an Oregon corporation, who being duly sworn, stated that the seal affrxed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and acknowledged this instrument to be the free, voluntary and in all respects duly and properly authorized act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREoF, I have hereunto set my hand and offrcial seal the day and year first above written. LEONARD W. SURRY My Commission expires: October 27, 1989 Residing at: Gresham, Oregon tsEALI STATE oF NEw YoRK COUI{TY OF NEW YORK ) On this fourth day of January, 1989, before me, STEPHEN D. RYAN, III, a Notary Public in and for the State of New York, personally appeared R. E. SPARRoW and W. A. SPooNER, known to me to be a Vice President and an Assistant Secretary, respectively, of Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, a New York trust company, who being duly sworn, stated that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said company and acknowledged this instrument to be the free, voluntary and in all respects duly and properly authorized act and deed of said company. IN WITNESS WHEREoF, I have hereunto set my hand and offrcial seal the day and year first above written. STEPHEN D. RYAN,III Stephen D. Ryan, III Notary Public, State ofNew York No. 31-4?00229 Qualified in New York County Commission expires January 31, 1990 Residing at Pound Bidge, New York tsEALI t64 EXHIBIT X Exhibits (1) To amend Section 37 of the Pacific Mortgage to read as follows: Section 37. (I) The Company hereby covenants that it will keep or cause to be kept all the property subject to the Lien hereof insured against fire, to the extent that property of similar character is usually so insured by companies similarly situated and operating Iike properties, to a reasonable amount, by reputable insurance companies, any loss, except as to materials and supplies and except as to any particular loss less than the greater of Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000) or two per centum (2%) of the bonds Outstanding hereunder on the date of such particular loss, to be made payable to the Trustee as the interest of the Tlustee may appear, or to the trustee or other holder ofany mortgage or other lien constituting a Qualified Lien or any other lien prior hereto upon property subject to the Lien hereof, if the terms thereof require losses so to be made payable or that it will, in lieu of or supplementing such insurance in whole or in part, adopt some other method or plan of protection against loss by fire at Ieast equal in protection to the method or plan of protection against loss by fire of companies similarly situated and operating properties subject to similar fire hazards or properties on which an equal primary fire insurance rate has been set by reputable insurance companies, and that if it shall adopt such other method or plan, it will, except as to materials and supplies and except as to any particular loss less than the gxeater of Four Million DoIIars ($4,000,000) or two per centum (2%) of. the bonds Outstanding hereunder on the date of such particular loss, pay to the Trustee on account of any loss sustained by reason of the destruction or damage of such property by fire, an amount of cash equal to such loss less any amounts otherwise paid to the Trustee, or to the trustee or other holder of any mortgage or other lien constituting a Qualified Lien or any other lien prior hereto upon property subject to the Lien hereof, if the terms thereof require losses so to be paid. Any amounts of cash so required to be paid by the Company pursuant to any such method or plan shall for the purposes of this Indenture be deemed to be proceeds of insurance. In case of the adoption of such other method or plan of protection, the Company shall also furnish to the Trustee a certificate of an actuary or other qualified person appointed by the Company with respect to the adequacy of such method or plan. 165 (II) AII moneys paid to the Trustee by the Company in accordance with this Section or received by the Trustee as proceeds of any insurance against loss by fire shall, subject to the requirements of any mortgage constituting a Qualified Lien or any other lien prior hereto upon property subject to the Lien hereof, be held by the Trustee and, subject as aforesaid, shall be paid by it to the Company to reimburse the Company for an equal amount expended or committed for expenditure in the rebuilding or renewal of the property destroyed or damaged, upon receipt by the Trustee of (1) an Offrcers' Certificate requesting such reimbursement, (2) an Engineer's Certificate stating the amounts so expended or committed for expenditure and the nature of such rebuilding or renewal and the fair value to the Company of the property rebuilt or renewed or to be rebuilt or renewed and if (A) within six months prior to the date of acquisition thereof by the Company, such property has been used or operated, by a person or persons other than the Company, in a business similar to that in which it has been or is to be used or operated by the Company, and (B) the fair value to the Company of such property as set forth in such Engineer's Certfficate is not less than Twenty-five Thousand DoIIars ($25,000) and not Iess than one per centum (L%) of the aggregate principal amount of the bonds at the time Outstanding under this Indenture, the Engineer making such certificate shall be an independent Engineer, and (3) an Opinion of Counsel that the property so rebuilt or renewed or to be rebuilt or renewed is or will be subject to the Lien hereof to the same extent as was the property so destroyed or damaged; provided, however, that to the extent that moneys paid by the Trustee to the Company for reimbursement, as aforesaid, shall represent the proceeds ofproperty that was not Funded Property destroyed or damaged by fire, the property so rebuilt or renewed (for which reimbursement is so made), shall not be deemed to be Funded Property. (IID AnV such money not so applied within eighteen (18) months after its receipt by the Trustee, or in respect of which notice in writing of intention to apply the same to the work of rebuilding or renewal then in progress and uncompleted shall not have been given 166 to the Trustee by the Company within such eighteen (18) months, or which trhs Qsmpan! shall at any time notify the Tlustee is not to be so applied, shall thereafber be withdrawn, used or applied in the manner, to the extent and for the purposes and subject to the conditions provided in Section 61 hereof. (IV) Anything in this Indenture to the contrary notwithstanding, the Company may have fire insurance policies with (a) a deductible provision in a dollar amount per occurrence not exceeding the greater of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) or three per centum (3%) of. the bonds Outstanding hereunder on the date such policy goes into effect and/or (b) co-insurance or self insurance provisions with a dollar amount per occurrence not exceeding 30o/o of the loss proceeds otherwise payable; provided, however, the dollar amount described in clause (a) above may be exceeded to the extent such dollar amount per occurrence is below the deductible amount in effect as to fire insurance (x) on property of similar character insured by companies similarly situated and operating like property or (y) on property as to which an equal primary fire insurance rate has been set by reputable insurance companies. (2) To eliminate the provisions of (and the references to) Section 39 of the Pacific Mortgage, as amended as stated in Section 1 of the Nineteenth Supplemental Indenture, and to eliminate the references to said Section 39 from clause (II) of Section 4 of the Pacific Mortgage, from clause (e) of Section 5 of the Pacific Mortgage, from Section 29 of the Pacific Mortgage, and to eliminate all other references to said Section 39 wherever they may appear in the Pacific Mortgage, as supplemented. (3) To except from the Lien of the Pacific Mortgage all interest of the Company, as owner, lessee or otherwise, in the Wyodak Facility (as the same is defrned herein) including, without Iimitation, any equipment, parts, improvements, substitutions, replacements or other property relating thereto. 167 D(HIBIT Y (1) To amend Section 37 of the Utah Mortgage to read as follows SrcttoN 37. (I) The Company hereby covenants that it will keep or cause to be kept all the property subject to the Lien hereof insured against fire, to the extent that property of similar character is usually so insured by companies similarly situated and operating Iike properties, to a reasonable amount, by reputable insurance companies, any loss, except as to materials and supplies and except as to any particular loss less than the greater of Fow Million DoIIars ($4,000,000) or two per centum (2%) of the bonds Outstanding hereunder on the date of such particular loss, to be made payable to the Trustee as the interest ofthe Trustee may appear, or to the trustee or other holder ofany mortgage or other Iien constituting a Qualified Lien or any other lien prior hereto upon property subject to the Lien hereof, if the terms thereof require losses so to be made payable or that it will, in lieu of or supplementing such insurance in whole or in part, adopt some other method or plan of protection against loss by fire at least equal in protection to the method or plan of protection against loss by fire of companies similarly situated and operating properties subject to similar fire hazards or properties on which an equal primary fire insurance rate has been set by reputable insurance companies, and that if it shall adopt such other method or plan, it will, except as to materials and supplies and except as to any particular loss less than the greater of Four Million DoIIars ($4,000,000) or two per centum (2%) of the bonds Outstanding hereunder on the date of such particular loss, pay to the Tlustee on account of any loss sustained by reason of the destruction or damage ofsuch property by fire, an amount ofcash equal to such loss less any amounts otherwise paid to the Tlustee, or to the trustee or other holder of any mortgage or other lien constituting a Qualified Lien or any other lien prior hereto upon property subject to the Lien hereof, if the terms thereof require losses so to be paid. Any amounts of cash so required to be paid by the Company pursuant to any such method or plan shall for the purposes of this Indenture be deemed to be proceeds of insurance. In case of the adoption of such other method or plan of protection, the Company shall also furnish to the Trustee a certificate of an actuary or other qualified person appointed by the Company with respect to the adequacy of such method or plan. 168 (ID All moneys paid to the Trustee by the Company in accordance with this Section or received by the Trustee as proceeds of any insurance against loss by fire shall, subject to the requirements of any mortgage constituting a Qualified Lien or any other lien prior hereto upon property subject to the Lien hereof, be held by the Trustee and, subject as aforesaid, shall be paid by it to the Company to reimburse the Company for an equal amount expended or committed for expenditure in the rebuilding or renewal of the property destroyed or damaged, upon receipt by the Trustee of (1) an Officers' Certificate requesting such reimbursement, (2) an Engineer's Certificate stating the amounts so expended or committed for expenditure and the nature of such rebuilding or renewal and the fair value to the Company of the property rebuilt or renewed or to be rebuilt or renewed and if (A) within six months prior to the date of acquisition thereof by the Company, such property has been used or operated, by a person or persons other than the Company, in a business similar to that in which it has been or is to be used or operated by the Company, and (B) the fair value to the Company of such property as set forth in such Engineer's Certificate is not less than Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) and not Iess than one per centum (L%) of the aggregate principal amount of the bonds at the time Outstanding under this Indenture, the Engineer making such certificate shall be an independent Engineer, and (3) an Opinion of Counsel that the property so rebuilt or renewed or to be rebuilt or renewed is or will be subject to the Lien hereof to the same extent as was the property so destroyed or damaged; provided, however, that to the extent that moneys paid by the TYustee to the Company for reimbursement, as aforesaid, shall represent the proceeds of property that was not Funded Property destroyed or damaged by fire, the property so rebuilt or renewed (for which reimbursement is so made), shall not be deemed to be Funded Property. (III) Any such money not so applied within eighteen (18) months after its receipt by the Tlustee, or in respect of which notice in writing of intention to apply the same to the work of rebuilding or renewal then in progress and uncompleted shall not have been given 169 to the Trustee by the Company within such eighteen (18) months, or which the Company shall at any time notifr the T?ustee is not to be so applied, shall thereafter be withdrawn, used or applied in the manner, to the extent and for the purposes and subject to the conditions provided in Section 71 hereof. (ID Anything in this Indenture to the contrary notwithstanding, the Company may have fire insurance policies with (a) a deductible provision in a dollar amount per occurrence not exceeding the greater of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) or three per centum (3%) ofthe bonds Outstanding hereunder on the date such policy goes into effect and/or (b) co-insurance or selfinsurance provisions with a dollar amount per occurrence not exceeding 30% of the loss proceeds otherwise payable; provided, however, the dollar amount described in clause (a) above may be exceeded to the extent such dollar amount per occurrence is below the deductible amount in effect as to frre insurance (x) on property of similar character insured by companies similarly situated and operating like property or (y) on property as to which an equal primary fire insurance rate has been set by reputable insurance companies. (2) To eliminate the provisions of (and the references to) Section 39 of the Utah Mortgage, the amendment to said Section 39 contained in Section 3 of the Twenty- second Supplemental Indenture, Section 4 of the Twenty-second Supplemental Indenture, as amended, and to eliminate the references to said Section 39 from clause(I) of Section 4 of the Utah Mortgage, from clause (c) of Section 5 of the Utah Mortgage, from Section 29 of the Utah Mortgage, and to eliminate all other references to said Section 39 wherever they may appear in the Utah Mortgage, as supplemented. t70 EXHTBIT Z A tract of land in Klamath County, Oregon, more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1: Lots 71 through 92, inclusive, in Block 3, First Addition to Buena Vista, according to the official plat thereof on file in the records of Klamath County, and PARCEL 2: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 92 in Block 3, First Addition to Buena Vista; thence South 14" 27' East along the westerly line of Front Street a distance of 496.7 feet to a point; thence continuing along the southwesterly line of Front Street South 58o 41' East a distance of 63.4 feet to the most northerly corner of tract conveyed by Deed recorded at Volume 200, page 9, Deed at Records of Klamath County; thence South 31o 19'West to the shore line of Upper Klamath Lake; thence northwesterly along said shore line to the southwest corner of Lot 92, Block 3, First Addition to Buena Vista; thence North 75o 33'East along the southerly line ofsaid Lot 92, a distance of 135 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. LESS AND EXCEPTING a parcel of land 25 feet x 35 feet heretofore conveyed to the City of Klamath Falls by Deed dated March 10, 1961, recorded March 31, 1961 in Volume 328, page 277, Deed Records of Klamath County. EXHIBIT 5.1 September 25, 2020 PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah Sheet Portlan4 Oregon97232 Re: Registration Statement on Form S-3 Ladies and Gentlemen: We have acted as special counsel to PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation (the "Company"), in connection with the preparation and filing of a registration statement on Form S-3 (the "Registration Statemenf') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder (the "Rules"), for the registration ofthe sale from time to time by the Company of debt securities of the Company in the form of First Mortgage Bonds (the "securities"). We understand that the Securities will be sold or delivered Aom time to time as set forth in the Registration Statement the applicable prospectus contained therein (the "Prospectus") and supplements to the Prosp€ctus (the "Prospectus Supplements"). The Securities will be issued in one or more series pursuant to the Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of January 9, 1989, between the Company and The Bank ofNew York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (the "Trustee"), as successor trustee, as amended and supplanented (the "Mortgage"). The Mortgage is in the form filed as an exhibit to the Registration Statement. In ow capacity as counsel to the Company we have examined such documents, agreements and instruments as we have deemed necessary for the opinions expressed below. As to matters of fact material to the opinions expressed herein, we have relied on (a) information in public authority documents and (b) information provided in certificates of offtcers of the Company. We have not independently verified the facts so relied on. In our examinatioq we have assumed the following without investigation: (a) the authenticity of original documents and the genuineness of all signatures, (b) the conformlty to fte originals of all documents submitted to us as copies, and (c) the truth, accuracy and completeness ofthe information, representations and warranties contained in the records, documents, agreements, instruments and certificates we have reviewed. For purposes of the opinions expressed below, we also assume that (a) the Registration Statement, and any amendments or supplements thereto (including any necessary post-effective amendments), shall have become effective under the Securities Act, (b) the Company and the Trustee shall have complied with the terms and conditions of the Mortgage regarding the creation, authentication and delivery of any supplemental indenture to the Mortgage, (c) a Prospectus Supplement shall have been prepared and filed with the Commission describing the Securities offered thereby, (d) all Securities shall be issued and sold in compliance with applicable federal, state and foreign securities laws and in the manner stated in the Registation Statement and the appropriate Prospectus Supplement and (e) the Mortgage has been duly authorized executed and delivered by the Company and the Trustee. Based on and subject to the foregoing and the other assumptions, exclusions and qualifications in this letter, we are ofthe opinion that when (a) the Securities have been duly authorized @) the final terms ofthe Securities have been duly established and approved, and (c) the Securities have been duly executed by the Company and authenticated by the Trustee in accordance with the Mortgage and delivered to and paid for by the purchasers thereofas contemplated by the Registration Statement and the appropriate Prospectus Supplement, the Securities will constitute valid and legally binding obligations of the Company. The opinions expressed above are subject to the following exclusions and qualifications: a. Our opinions are as ofthe date hereofand we have no responsibility to update this opinion for events and circumstances occurring after the date hereofor as to facts relating to prior events that are subsequently brought to our attention. This opinion is limited to the laws, including the mles and regulations, as in effect on the date hereof. and we disavow any undertaking to advise you ofany changes in law. b. We express no opinion as to enforceability ofany right or obligation to the extent such right or obligation is subject to and limited by (i) the effect ofbankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, receivership, conservatorship, arrangement, moratorium, Aaudulent transfer or other laws affecting or relating to the rights ofcreditors generally, (ii) rules goveming the availability ofspecific performance, injunctive reliefor other equitable remedies and general principles ofequity, regardless ofwhether arising prior to, or after, the date hereofor considered in a proceeding in equity or at law, or (iii) the effect offederal and state securities laws and principles ofpublic policy on the rights ofindemnity and contibution. c. We do not express any opinions herein concerning any laws other than the laws in their current forms of the State of Oregon, the State ofNew York and the federal securities laws ofthe United States of Americ4 and we express no opinion with respect to the laws of any other jurisdiction and expressly disclaim responsibility for advising you as to the effect, if any, that the laws of any other jurisdiction may have on the opinions set forth herein. We consent to the filing of this opinion as an exhibit to the Registation Statement and any amendments thereto, including any and all post-effective amendments, and to the reference to our firm in the Prospectus under the caption "Legal Matters." In giving such consent, we do not thereby admit that we are in the category ofpersons whose consent is required under Section 7 ofthe Securities Act or related Rules. Very tuly yours, /s/ PERKINS COIE LLP PERKINS COIE LLP EXHIBIT 15.I September 25, 2020 To the Board ofDirectors and Shareholders of PacifiCorp Portland, Oregon We are aware that our reports dated May l, 2020 and August 7,2020, on our review of interim financial infonnation of PacifiCorp appearing in PacifiCorp's Quarterly Reports on Fonn l0-Q for the quarters ended March 31,2020 and June 30, 2020, respectively, are incorporated by reference in rhis Registation Statement. /s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP Portland Oregon EXHIBIT 23.1 CONSENT OF INDEPENITENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING T'IRM We consent to the incorporation by reference in this Registation Statement on Form S-3 ofour report dated February 21, 2020, relating to the consolidated financial statements of iacifiCory and subsidiaries appearing in the Annual Report on Form I 0-K of PacifiCorp for the year ended December 3 I , 2020 . W e also consent to the reference to us under the heading "Experts" in such Registation Statemeot. /s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP Septernber 25, 2020 EXHIBIT 25.1 UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C.20549 FORMT-I STATEMENT OF ELIGIBILITY UNDER TTIE TRUST INDENTURE ACT OF 1939 OF A CORPORATION DESIGNATED TO ACT AS TRUSTEE CTMCKIF AN APPLICATION TO DETERMINE ELIGIBILITY OF A TRUSTEE PURSUANT TO sECrroN 3os(bx2) l___l TIIE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. (Exact name of trustee as specified in its charter) (Jurisdiction of incorporation if not a U.S. national bank) 95-3571 558 (I.R.S. employer identification no.) 400 South Hope Street Suite 500 Los Angeles, California (Address of principal executive offices) 90071 (Zip code) PACIFICORP (Exact name of obligor as specified in its charter) Oregon (State or otherjurisdiction of incorporation or organization) 93-0246090 (I.R.S. employer identification no.) 825 N.E. Multnomah Street Portland, Oregon (Address of principal executive offices) 97232 (Zip code) First Mortgage Bonds (Title of the indenture securities) I General information. F'urnish the following information as to the trustee: (a) Name and address of each examining or supervising authority to which it is subject. Name Address Comptroller of the Currency United States Department of the Treasury Washington, DC202l9 Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco, CA 94105 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Washington, DC20429 2. (b) Whether it is authorized to exercise corporate trust powers. Yes, Affiliations with Obligor. Ifthe obligor is an afliliate ofthe trustee, describe each such affiliation. None. List of Exhibits.16. Exhibits identified in parentheses below, on lile with the Commission, are incorporated herein by reference as an exhibit hereto, pursuant to Rule 7a-29 under the Trust Indenture Act of1939 (the "Act"). A copy of the articles of association of The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., formerly known as The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. (Exhibit I to Form T-1 filed with Registration Statement No. 333- 121948 and Exhibit I to Form T-l filed with Registration Statement No. 333-152875). 2 A copy of certificate of authority of the trustee to commence business. (Exhibit 2 to Form T-1 filed with Regishation Statement No . 333-121948). J A copy of the authorization of the trustee to exercise corporate trust powers (Exhibit 3 to Form T-1 filed with Registration Statement No . 333-1 5287 5). 4. 6. 7. A copy of the existing by-laws of the trustee (Exhibit 4 to Form T-l filed with Registration Statement No. 333- 229762). The consent of the trustee required by Section 321(b) of the Act (Exhibit 6 to Form T-l filed with Registration Statement No . 333 -l 5287 5). A copy of the latest report of condition of the Trustee published pursuant to law or to the requirements of its supervising or examining authority. SIGNATT'RE Pursuant to the requirements of the Act, the trustee, The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Companyo N.A., a banking association organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America, has duly caused this statement of eligibility to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, all in the City of Los Angeles, and State of Californi4 on the I 8th day of September, 2020. TI{E BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A, By:/s/ Maniari PurkavasthaName: ManjariPurkayasthaTitle: Vice President -4- EXHIBIT 7 Consolidated Report of Condition of THE BANK OF NEW YORKMELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. of400 South Hope Street, Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90071 At the close ofbusiness June 30, 2020, published in accordance with Federal regulatory authority instructions. Dollar amounts in thousands ASSETS Cash and balances due from depository institutions : Noninterest-bearing balances and currency and coin Interest-bearing balances Securities: Held-to-maturity securities Available-for-sale securities Equity securities with readily determinable fair values not held for trading Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell: Federal funds sold in domestic offtces Securities purchased under agreements to resell Loans and lease financing receivables: Loans and leases held for sale Loans and leases, held for investment 0 LESS: Allowance for loan and lease losses 0 Loans and leases held for investrnent, net of allowance 0 Trading assets Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) Other real estate owned Invesfinents in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies Direct and indirect investrnents in real estate ventures Intangible assets Other assets t,667 325,776 0 148,395 0 0 0 0 0 20,997 856,3 0 0 0 l3 100.715 Total assets $1.453.863 LIABILITIES Deposits: In domestic offices Noninterest-bearing Interest-bearing Not applicable Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase: Federal funds purchased Securities sold under agreements to repurchase Trading liabilities Other borrowed money: (includes mortgage indebtedness and obligations under capitalized leases) Not applicable Not applicable Subordinated notes and debentures Other liabilities Total liabilities Not applicable r,659 1,659 0 0 0 0 0 0 258,356 260,015 EOUITY CAPITAL Perpetual preferred stock and related surplus Common stock Surplus (exclude all surplus related to prefened stock) Not available Retained eamings Accumulated other comprehensive income Other equity capital components Not available Total bank equity capital Noncontrolling (minority) interests in consolidated subsidiaries Total equity capital Total liabilities and equity capital 0 1,000 324,174 866,668 2,006 0 r,193,848 0 1.193.848 1.453.863 I, Matthew J. McNulty, CFO of the above-named bank do hereby declare that the Reports of Condition and Income (including the supporting schedules) for this report date have been prepared in conformance with the instructions issued by the appropriate Federal regulatory authority and are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Matthew J. McNulty ) CFO We, the undersigned directors (trustees), attest to the correctness ofthe Report ofCondition (including the supporting schedules) for this report date and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and beliefhas been prepared in conformance with the instructions issued by the appropriate Federal regulatory authority and is true and correct. Antonio I. Portuondo, President ) Michael P. Scott, Managing Director ) Kevin P. Caffrey, Managing Director ) Directors (Trustees) 2 NOT APPLICABLE Exhibit H TOTAL GORPORAT!ON PROPOSED FINAI{CING TOTAL PROFOR}IA RETAINED EARNINGS Q1 5. 2'I 5.1. 216. 216,'II BALANCEAT BEGINNING OF PERIOD 3.432.150.719 3.432.150.719 NET INCOME 765.165.131 8.922.62E 775.0E7.959 EXCLUDE EOUITY IN EARNINGS OF SUBSID]ARIES (8.310.174)(E,310,174) ADJUSTMENTTO RETAINED EARNINGS -TRANSFERS FROM 216.1 61.252.'.t49 6'.1.252,149 SUBTOTAL 8.922.828 DIVIDENDS DECIIRED PREFERRED STOCK 161,902 161.902 COMMON STOCK BATANCEAT END OF PERIOD 8.922.E28 4.260.018,751 EXHIB]T H PACIFICORP PRO FORUA UNGONSOLIDATED STATETIENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS I2 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2O2O SEE PACIFICORP'S 2019 FERC FORM NO. 1 AND Q2.2O2O FERC FORM }Q FOR THE NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS EXHIBIT H PAGE 1 OF 1 Exhibit I Exhibit I Limitations on Issuance of First Mortgage Bonds and Preferred Stock June 30,2020 Morteaee Bonds may be issued under the Company's Mortgage on the basis of: (l) Class "A" Bonds delivered to the Trustee under the Mortgage; (2) 70Yo of qtalified Property Additions after adjustnents to offset retirements; (3) retirement of Bonds or certain prior lien bonds; and/or (4) deposits of cash. With certain exceptions in the case of (1) and (3) above, the issuance of Bonds under the Mortgage is subject to adjusted net earnings of the Company for twelve out of the preceding fifteen months, before income taxes, being at least twice the annual interest requirements on all Bonds at the time outstanding, including any new issue, all outstanding Class "A" Bonds held other than by the Trustee or by the Company, and any other indebtedness secured by a lien prior to the Lien of the Mortgage. Under above mortgage coverage tests, the Company estimates that it could have issued an additional $10.3 billion principal amount of Bonds under the Mortgage as of June 30,2020. Preferred Stock Not applicable to proposed issuance. EXHIBIT I