HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201222Comments.pdfMATT HLINTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. 10655 r: :l i-1 I:11 / F f:l\r-ii;i Y &.t4' ;*:ii*ilt z? Ft{ 3: 2l .i { f - r tat - l'':' r, - i"-;:i.iiii#Sici* Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BVLD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A CAPACITY DEFICIENCY PERIOD TO BE USED FOR AVOIDED COST CALCULATIONS CASE NO. PAC-E-20-13 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF STAFF OF the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff'), by and through its Attomey of record, Matt Hunter, Deputy Attorney General, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On October 6,2020, Rocky Mountain Power ("Company"), a division of PacifiCorp, applied for Commission approval of a capacity deficiency period beginning July 2029, to be used in avoided cost calculations under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA";. Under PURPA, the Commission has established a surrogate avoided resource ("SAR") methodology and an integrated resource plan ("IRP") methodology to calculate avoided cost rates for qualiffing facilities ("QFs"). Under both methodologies, a QF receives capacity payments only after the applicable capacity deficit date is reached. Order No. 32697. STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER2Z,2O2O ) ) ) ) ) ) I The capacity deficiency period is determined through the IRP planning process and is submitted to the Commission in a proceeding separate from the IRP docket. The capacity deficit date determined in the IRP process is presumed to be correct as a starting point but will be subject to the outcome of the capacity deficiency case. order No. 32697. The Company filed its IRP in October 2019. The 20l9IRP showed a capacity deficiency period beginning July 2028. The Company notes that Commission Staff critiqued the Company's load and resource balance used for PURPA purposes, specifically the early retirement of several thermal resources that were included in the load and resource balance. See Case No. PAC-E-19-16, Staff Comments at 5. The Company explains in its Application that it calculated its capacity deficiency date in the present docket by removing the early retirement of the thermal resources noted by Staff in Case No. PAC-E-19-16 and updating the power purchase agreements in its load and resource balance. The Company states that these updates to the 2019 IRP result in a capacity deficiency date in JuJy 2029. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff examined the peak-load forecast and resources in the Load and Resource Balance ("L&R") filed in this case. The L&R is used to determine the proposed capacity deficiency date used in both the IRP and SAR methods.r Based on its analysis, Staff recommends the Company update the L&R and the resulting capacity deficiency date by addressing the following: (1) utilize the most recent peak-load forecast developed by the Company because the proposed load forecast does not reflect current economic conditions; (2) the Company should assume that expiring PURPA contracts are renewed after their current term is complete, unless the Company has been notified from QFs that they will not renew their contracts; (3) the Company should include any contract changes since the Application was prepared; and (a) the Company should reflect coal plant derate adjustments in the appropriate years. If Staffs recommendations are authorizedby the Commission, Staff proposes to update published rates on the Commission's website after the Company files an updated L&R and capacity deficiency date through a compliance filing. Details for each of the recommendations are contained in the following sections. I In the Company's Application, it appears the Company incorrectly references using the capacity deficiency date in the SAR method only. see Application at 6; order Nos. 33377, 33rs9,33898, and 33933. STAFF COMMENTS 2 DECEMBER 22,2020 Peak-Load Forecast The peak-load forecast in the L&R was created in September 2018. Staff is concerned that circumstances have changed since it was developed, especially given the COVID pandemic that began in early 2020 and its potential impacts on customer consumption patterns that could change the amount of load during system coincident peak. Staff believes changing economic conditions generally result in changes to both energy and peak load. The Company,s energy load forecast filed in Case No. PAC-E -20-16 when compared to the previous year,s filing reflected a small reduction in energy due to the pandemic in the first few years of the forecast. Although small, the reduction in energy indicates a change in consumption. Furthernore, an energy forecast being an average, it may not reflect a shift in hourly consumption patterns, which would be reflected in the peak load forecast. Because Staff believes the pandemic may have influenced consumption patterns affecting peak loads, Staff recommends that the Company recalculate the deficiency date using the Company's most recent peak-load forecast that incorporates all changes in the business environment if one is available. Resources in the L&R Staff reviewed the resources the Company included in the L&R for determining the capacity deficiency date. Resources can be represented either as resources serving load or reflected as a reduction to the peak-load forecast in the L&R. In this year's review, Staff performed a comparison of the different types of resources that were included in the L&R between Idaho's three regulated electric utilities to develop consistency between the utilities. Based on this analysis, Staff agrees with all resources the Company included in its L&R-except the absence of PUPRA contract renewals, the use of out-of-date contract information. and the inappropriate treatment of derate adj ustments. PURPA Renewals Staff compared the resources included in the L&R in the most recent capacity deficiency filings by PacifiCorp (current filing), Avista (AVU-E-20-03), and Idaho power (IpC-E-19-20). Staff also examined the rationale each Company used for determining what and how resources should be included in its L&R. StafPs objective in making these comparisons was to develop a common standard for what should be included in the L&R for each type of resource. In Order STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER22,2O2O., No. 29880, the Commission made it clear that consistency is important between the three regulated utilities: The Commission develops its PURPA contract standards and requirements in generic methodology, ratesetting[,] and complaint cases. ...It is reasonable for QFs to expect that the contract requirements of Idaho regulated electric utilities will be similar and that a QF will not be disadvantaged by choosing to sell to one utility rather than another. OrderNo. 29880 at 10. After identiffing differences between the utilities, Staff used the justifications and rationales obtained through production requests, meetings with utilities, and the Staff s evaluation of resources to document resources that are "available" and/or "existing" to include in the L&R.2 A summary of these common standards for each resource type are included in Attachment A. After developing common standards, Staff compared them to the resources the Company included in its L&R for establishing its proposed capacity deficiency date. Staff used the common standards as a default; if the Company's proposal deviated from the standard but the Company provided sufficient evidence, an exception could be made. The only difference between Staff s common standards and the resources included in the Company's proposed L&R was the treatment of PURPA contract renewals. Because the Company assumes that PURPA contracts, except for co-generation contracts, are not renewed at the end of the contract term, the Company excluded PURPA contract renewals from its L&R. However, Staff believes that almost all PURPA contracts will seek renewals and will be "available" to serve the Company's load for three reasons. First, utilities are mandated by PURPA to take energy produced by a facility determined to be a QF. 18 C.F.R. 5 292.303. Second, since these facilities are already "existing" and currently in operation, the roadblocks to establishing a renewal contract are minimal. Third, there were 26 projects in total that were scheduled to expire in2019 and2020. Only two of them have expired without establishing a renewal. In every case, every facility continuing operation after its contract expired has established another contract with the same utility. Therefore, Staff believes the Company should assume expiring PURPA contracts are 2 The Commission expressed its expectation for focusing on "available" and/or "existing" resources when deciding whether transmission capacity should be included in the L&R in Order No. 33425. STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER22,2O2O4 renewed after their current term is complete, unless the Company has been notified by a QF that its contract will not be renewed. Contract Changes Since Development of Application Since the preparation of the Application, there have been several contract changes. For example, the Company has entered into two non-PURPA contracts for solar resources, totaling 200 megawatts (MW) of nameplate capacity. See Attachment B (Response to Production Request No. 18 (c)). While Staff recognizes that utilities may add (or remove) resources during the comment period in capacity deficiency cases, and it would be inefficient and impractical to require utilities to update their L&R for each resource change prior to the Commission's final order, the amount of capacity added by the Company since the Application date is significant enough to impact the proposed deficiency date. Staff recommends the Company update the amount of capacity contribution in the L&R for recent resource contracts since the Application was developed. Coal Plant Retirements and Derates The Company's proposed L&R removes the early retirement of thermal resources, which includes Craig Unit Nos. I and2, Colstrip Unit Nos. 3 and 4, Naughton Unit Nos. I and2, and Jim Bridger Unit Nos. I and2, to reflect these resources' useful life. This is consistent with Staff s common standards for company-owned resources and Staff s recommendation in Case No. PAC-E-19-16. These thermal resources are currently "available" and/or "existing" resources and any early retirements may be delayed to maintain reliability. Staff s ongoing evaluations to retire coal units early are based on economic decisions and since economic retirements may be delayed it does not create deficits until commified and approved. Removing early retirement of thermal resources required the Company to also back out coal-plant derates associated with these plant closures. To accomplish this, the Company lumped the cumulative amount of coal plant derates into the deficit year. To ensure the proper amount of derates are backed out of the L&R so that accurate deficiency years and amounts can be determined, Staff recommends each derate adjustment be reflected independently in the appropriate year,regardless of the deficit year, as was done in response to Staff Production Request No. 18. 5STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER22,2O2O STAFF' RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission order the Company to file an updated L&R for both summer peak and winter peak with capacity deficiency dates and amounts through a compliance filing. If authorized, Staff recommends that the updated L&R for both summer peak and winter peak should include: 1. The most recent peak-load forecast; 2. The assumption that all current PURPA contracts will be renewed, unless the Company has information about specific contracts to the contrary; 3. All contract changes since development of the Application; and 4. The appropriate derate adjustments for each year. Respectfully submitted this Z>n4 day of December 2020. Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Yao Yin Rachelle Farnsworth i :umisc/comments/pace20. I 3hyyrf comments 6STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER22,2O2O c!9 v, f- C) €.o() N li ,oo>!€ Li-o5'=o'5Eau)tao':9H =a3.29tr >'trtro<U 0)^c) -ooho0iEao.= sD ,o! o.ry> 96o!#boH+rOE()P-co ol) ()i. Er-oo,F >)q-o$>,Q-iiE o(sLr oo l-<o ;-) tra aSao.ir E#E E H +€E T 6 EE 39=E ts EiriE biE EO- > F rr., .EE q E lo A€.8 eol $ea !d EE.= d B+EREHUrj=ho!,*U-Fi:9oY(Uo€ E: = sp j eEguES6 yd.! 6 e;6 EE i bri.€rYvyLirt <€ tr+: o.d a,,Boos€ Ec$ ra+ -aa-E.:id >vo-- C)s 3't'-!c)al)u)o(,oiIs-oEEAEE= :l(I)0)otrtr+ o.i()-0) '.=o>aboP L.; * o?alE bE lrotro U))o o (! oL li c)tr U)Po H oo I A. o os€afLLo vt? !Sd.= o. E.ETr,; \.) (a -HE=biliE 3 F5 E " E $ o.r H .22 c-9 = o,E tr L. o E" (rl (€ (s 0.).- (g(, o O ^E t o- F eEEd 3t ryE E E g E E gESEtEE E; E I iE# ->;u2'-5cd(€.i = tr >e cEEHEETBgEE l'$E EIfr d (d Oro <tl d Lio oIr .) 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H a0.g0 55 t,€) c{(t) q) lroahq)/Eo B I z Attachment A Case No. PAC-E-20-13 Staff Comments 12122120 Page2 of 2 PAC-E-20-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 4,2020 IPUC Data Request 18 IPUC Data Request 18 Please provide updated system capacity Load and Resource Balances for both summer peak and winter peak that meet the following criteria: (a) The most recent load forecast completed in June 2020 and mentioned in Response to Staffls Production Request No. 10 that reflects the COVID-19 pandemic. (b) Updated planning reserves based on the load forecast discussed above. (c) The latest contract information of both PURPA contracts and non-PURPA contracts as of filing the response to this request. In addition, please explain the difference between the latest contract information and the contract information used in the Application. (d) Cumulative coal plant derate adjustments that would be applied in each year, independently, so that the "Sufficiency/Deficiency wlo Early Retirements" are accurate for each year, instead of only providing cumulative derates for 2029. Response to IPUC Data Request 18 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 18. (a) The change in the June 2020load forecast, relative to the 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (lRP) forecast, is calculated within Confidential Auachment IPUC 18, tab "Load Forecast Update". (b) The change in the load forecast, grossed up for the impact of the 13 percent planning reserve margin (PRM), is shown in row 64 oftabs "Tbl5.l2" (for summer) and o'Tbl 5.13" (for winter). This amount is subtracted from the "SAR Sufficiency/Deficiency" calculation on row 69 of both tabs. (c) Row 68 oftab "Tbl5.12" (for summer) and tab "Tbl5.l3" (forwinter) has been updated to include signed contracts through November 30, 2020. Since the Application in this proceeding was prepared, the Company has entered into two non-qualiffing facility (QF) Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) power purchase agreements (PPA) for solar resources, totaling 200 megawatts (MW) nameplate capacity, and has extended two existing QF PURPA PPAs for Idaho small hydro resources totaling 0.8 MW. The Company has also entered or extended four non-firm (NF) QF PURPA contracts with 64 MW of nameplate capacity, which do not impact the capacity load and resource balance. (d) Please refer to row 80 of "Tbl 5. I 2" (for summer) and "Tbl 5. I 3" (for winter). Attachment B Case No. PAC-E-20- 13 Staff Comments l2l22l2o Page 1 of 2 PAC-E-20-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 4,2020 IPUC DataRequest 18 confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and31.01.01.233, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Dan MacNeil To Be Determined Attachment B Case No. PAC-E-20-13 Staff Comments 12/22/20 Page2 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 22ND DAY oF DECEMBER 2020, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. PAC-E-20-13, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: TED WESTON EMILY WEGENER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER I4O7 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 SALT LAKE CMY UT 84116 E-MAIL: ted.weston @pacificorp.com emily.wegener @pacificorp.com RON SCHEIRER PACIFICORP 825 NE MULTNOMAH STE 600 PORTLAND OR 97232 E-MAIL: ron.scheirer@pacificom.com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E-MAIL ONLY: datarequest @ paci fi corp.com SECRETAR CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE