HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201006Application.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN BP,:[YE#,., tt*:*ii.tgL* ir?ii *eT -6 &?{ ll: t+t* 'rH,lTi*tu"; tffisl#H 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 310 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 October 6,2020 ELECTRONIC DELIWRY Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8 Suite 330 Boise,lD 83714 RE: CASE NO. PAC-E-20-13 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF A CAPACITY DEFICIENCY PERIOD TO BE USED FOR AVOIDED COST CALCULATION Attention: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Please find for filing Rocky Mountain Power's Application in the above-referenced matter along with confidential work papers. Informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at (801) 220- 2963. ery truly yours, "^..D Vice President, Regulation Emily Wegener 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Telephone No. (801) 220-4526 emily.we gener@oacfi corp.com Attorneyfor Roclgt Mountain Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR APPROVAL OF A CAPACITY DEFICIENCY PERIOD TO BE USED FOR AVOIDED COST CALCULATIONS CASE NO. PAC-E-20.I3 APPLICATION Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp ("the Company"), in accordance with Idaho Code $61-502, $61-503, and RP 052, hereby respectfully submits this application ("Application") to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") in accordance with Order Nos. 32697 and 32802 in Case No. GNR-E-I 1-03, for approval of the capacity deficiency period determination to be used in avoided cost calculations using the Surrogate Avoided Resource ("SAR") methodology. As more fully described below, this update identifies Rocky Mountain Power's capacity deficiency period in the summer of 2029 and explains how the deficiency period was identified. [n support of its Application, Rocky Mountain Powcr states as follows: l. Rocky Mountain Power is authorized to do and is doing business in the state of Idaho. The Company provides retail electric service to approximately 84,000 customers in the state and is subject to the jurisdiction ofthe Commission. Rocky Mountain Power is a public utility in the state of [daho pursuant to Idaho Code $ 6l-129. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERYICE OF PLEADINGS 2 Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to: Ted Weston Emily Wegener 1407 WestNorth Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake city, utah 84116 Telephone : (801) 220-29 63 Email: ted.weston@pacifi corp.com em i ly.we qe ner @pacifrcorp.com Ron Scheirer 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97232 Telephone: (503) 8l 3-6484 Email: ron.scheirer@fracificorp.com In addition, the Company respectfully requests that all data requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By e-mail (preferred) By regular mail datarequest@pacifi corp.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 BACKGROUND 3. Commission OrderNo.32697 directed the utilities to initiate a case outside of their Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") filing to establish the capacity deficiency period to be used in the utility's SAR methodology: "We find it reasonable and fair to subject each utility's determination of capacity deficiency to further scrutiny. Therefore, when a utility submits its Integrated Resource Plan to the Commission, a case shall be initiated to determine the capacity deficiency to be utilized in the SAR Methodology. The capacity deficiency determined through the IRP planning process will be the starting point, and will be presumed to be correct subject to the outcome of the proceeding."l 1 In the Matter of the Commission's Review of PUWA QF Contract Provisions Including the Sunogate Avoided Resource (SAR) and Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Methodologies for Calculating Avoided Cost Rates, Case No. GNR-U-I l-03, Order No. 32697, p. 23. 2 4. In Order No. 32697, the Commission acknowledged that oosome determinations made within the IRP process have an impact on calculations under the SAR and IRP methodologies. Specifically, the IRP process determines when the utility will experience a need for new capacity."2 The Commission ordered that payments to qualiffing facilities ("QFs") should recognize the utility's capacity needs, stating: "In calculating a QF's ability to contribute to a utility's need for capacity, we find it reasonable for the utilities to only begin payments for capacity at such time that the utility becomes capacity deficient. If a utility is capacity surplus, then capacity is not being avoided by the purchase of QF power. By including a capacity payment only when the utility becomes capacity deficient, the utilities are paying rates that are a more accurate reflection of true avoided cost for the QF power."3 REOUEST TO ESTABLISH SAR DEFICIENCY PERIOI) 5. On October 18, 2019, Rocky Mountain Power filed its 2019 IRP with the Commission. The 2019IRP includes the results of the Company's Capacity Loads and Resources without Resource Additions in Table 5.12 on page l15. The capacity balance is calculated for summer peak loads only, with the summer peak occurring annually in July, as the Company is expected to be deficient in the summer prior to becoming deficient in the winter. The capacity balance is developed by determining firm resource capacity available at the annual system peak load hour, including the Company's firm access to imports from the wholesale market (or "Front Office Transactions"), less the system obligation and a l3 percent planning reserve margin. 6. The 2019 IRP shows that the Company's load and resource balance first becomes capacity deficient in 2028 after early coal plant retirements. A summary of the system capacity loads and resources are provided in Table No. l. 2 OrderNo. 32697,p.23 3 OrderNo. 32697,p.21 aJ Table No. 1 20t9 rRP -Loads and Resources 7. After accounting for power purchase agreements ("PPAs") with QFs signed since the preparation of the 20l9IRP and termination of QF PPAs originally included in the 2019 IRP, the first capacity deficiency still first occurs in the summer of 2028, as shown in Table No. 2. Table No.2 Loads and Resources U for PPA 8. Table No. 2 shows the first capacity deficiency of 829 megawaffs occurring in the surnmer of 2028. The updated system capacity loads and resources in Table No. 2 include the capacity contribution from four additional contracts (3 located in Utah, and I in Oregon), with a total nameplate capacity of 290 megawatts. Four QF PPAs located in Oregon were terminated, with a nameplate capacity of 38 megawatts. 1n2028 these updates contribute a net of I I megawatts to system capacity. 9. Commission Stafffiled comments on the Company's 20l9IRP stating: "The load and existing resource balance identifies resource deficiencies in the Company's system acting as a starting point for developing and evaluating future resource portfolios. A decision to close a plant early must be evaluated against other alternatives that maintain 4 Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 10,137 10,437 10,671 10,638 10,641 10,347 10,290 9,953 9,899 8,999 9,865 9,876 9,882 9,918 9,953 9,992 10,005 9,962 9,966 g,gE5 ll,l70 ll,l83 11,190 ll,23l 11,270 11,303 11,328 ll,28l 11,284 11,306 ll,32l 11,339 (1,033) (746) (sle) (sez) (630) (es6) (1,038) (1,328) (r,38s) (2,307) (2,827) Resounes 0 a9 83838512 1,468 1,468 1,468 1,46E 18 t9t2 I t7 140 SyshmPosition + Rescncs FlOTs Srupfts @eticit) I 1,45t 1,46t 1,46t 1,46t tAfi 1,46E 1,4680000000 1,468 0 8,494 8,270 9,998 10,014 Ycor 2019 2020 2021 20t2 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 435 0 0 0 838 25 (14)ll 512 25 (14)ll a9 25 (14)ll 140 25 (14)ll 83 25 (t4)ll (839) (1,359)25 25(14) (14)1l ll 435 708 934 K7 E49 523 40 151 94 876 6 (t 4) /@eficicncy) PPAs not in IRP PPAs inIRP 4 t4 25 (14 llRcsourtes Suffcicncy / 722 0 (14) 948 0 (14) system reliability and should be made as part of the portfolio development and evaluation phase of the IRP. Regardless of whether the closure decision is driven by economics or by environmental compliance, one should choose the least cost altemative that maintains system reliability, which likely requires additional replacement resource(s). The early retirement and the replacement resources should be considered as a combined resource decision and should only be included together so an accurate deficit date can be determined."a 10. In reply comments the Company indicated that this issue would better be addressed in the Company's capacrty suffrciency filing. Based on Staffs recommendation in the 2019 IRP Table No. 3 removes the early retirement of thermal resources that were included in the Load and Resource balances in Table No. 1. Table No.3 System Capacity Loads and Resources U for PPA and Thermal Retirements I l. Based on the Company's 2019 IRP, Table No. 3 summarizes the system resources updated for changes to QF PPAs since the IRP, excluding the early retirement of thermal resources compared to system loads with a thirteen percent planning reserve margin. With these updates the 2019 IRP indicates that the Company will be capacity deficient during the summer of 2029. a In the Matter of Rocly Mountain Power's 2019 Electric Integrated Resource Plan, Case No. PAC-E-I9-16, Order No.34780. 5 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025Yeu 43s 70E 9r4 t67 r49 523 440 151 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 351 0 82 o o (, 156 201 0 0 0 a2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00000 o 0 (,0 0 (,0 0 o 000 0 0 0 0 0 2 356 74 74 0 0 0 0 (Ihfcicncy) t@ttd SAR Rcsmcc Suff cicncy I (Coal EarV Retbcmnt/Convenions) thcmlttcd &rly lhcrml Rclircmtrts I (Coal Fdy Retnemnt/Conversions) 2 (Coal Early Retiremnt/Convemions) 3 (CoatEarly Retircrent/Convesions) 4 (Cial Early RetirerEnt/Convesions) I (Coal Early Rrtirerent/Convesions) 2 (Coal Fady Rotircmnt/Conv€sions) Suffcicncy/Ilfclcncyr/oDrrlyRclircmnb 4fS 70E 9r4 E67 t49 E73 19O 941 965 l9l 0 351 7903Sl Adjustmnt forDentes (Cunlativc)871 1,019 1,271 Accordingly, the Company requests the Commission find the summer of 2029 as the first capacity deficiency period when capacity payments should be made to a QF under the SAR calculation. 12. Rocky Mountain Power submits this Application to establish the capacity deficiency period as set forth in Commission Orders No. 32697 and No. 328A2, and requests that the Commission approve the capacity deficiency period to be used in its SAR calculations. MODIFIED PROCEDTIRE 13. Rocky Mountain Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure; i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 et seq. If however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to prepare and present its testimony in such hearing. CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, Rocky Mountain Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order authorizing this Application be processed under Modified Procedure and approving the capacity deficiency period beginning July 2029, to be used in the Company's avoided cost determinations under the SAR methodology, as shown in Table No. 3 above. DATED this 6ft day of October,2020. ROCKY MOI.'NTAIN POWER Emily 1407 West North Temple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 Telephone No. (801) 220-4526 emi ly.wegener@pacifi corp.com 6