HomeMy WebLinkAbout19980202_1.docxMINUTES OF DECISION MEETING February 2, 1998 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Dennis Hansen, Ralph Nelson and Marsha H. Smith and staff members Don Howell, Brad Purdy, Carolee Hall, Tonya Clark, Joe Cusick, Weldon Stutzman, David Scott, Ron Law, Birdelle Brown and Myrna Walters. Commission President Dennis Hansen called the meeting to order and items from the published 2-2-98 Agenda were considered as recorded herein. 1. Minutes of January 27, 1998 Decision Meeting were held; they had not been reviewed by all the Commissioners. CONSENT AGENDA 2. Weldon Stutzman’s January 29, 1998 Decision Memorandum re: Joint Application of AT&T Wireless Services and Citizens Telecommunications for Approval of Interconnection Agreement. Commissioner Hansen asked if there were any comments or questions regarding this item? Commissioner Nelson said he had none and he would make a motion to approve the interconnection agreement. Motion passed unanimously. MATTERS IN PROGRESS 3. Brad Purdy’s January 28, 1998 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. M-8195-2; Staff’s Motion to Revoke Motor Carrier Permit No. 8195 Issued to Mr. Loren Troyer, dba Sea Breeze Trucking. Brad reviewed the details of the decision memo.   Commissioner Smith asked, on page 3 of the decision memo, first paragraph, it says “Mr. Troyer responded affirmatively but stated that he was too busy to complete the questionnaire and has decided to cancel his attempt to receive Idaho intrastate authority (he already has permanent Idaho authority)”, asked what that meant? Ron Law responded. Said Mr. Troyer did not understand that he already had received authority.  He did say in the process of all these happenings that he probably wasn’t going to operate in Idaho anyway. Ron clarified that what was being rescinded here was the permanent authority under Permit No. 8195. Commissioner Nelson then made a motion to approve revocation of the permit. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Nelson commented that all Mr. Troyer would have to do would be to pay $100 and reapply. Commissioner Hansen said even though the motion had carried, he did have a question. Does it normally take 2 years to go through this process if someone doesn’t comply? Does it normally take that long? Ron said normally if someone doesn’t have much experience, you will let it go 6 months until they get that experience. This has just drug on over time because of the unwillingness of this person to respond. This is not the normal time frame. 4. Carolee Hall’s January 30, 1998 Decision Memorandum re: GTE Northwest Incorporated Advice 98-01 Requesting Approval to Implement Additional Peak and Off-peak Toll Calling Times for its Residential GTE Easy Savings Plan to Become Effective February 13, 1998. Carolee reviewed the memo. Said staff suggested to GTE that they extend this offering to their business customers. They declined. Staff does recommend approval of the residential filing. Commissioner Smith asked for clarification. Asked - do you choose one of these plans but you don’t change the rate? Carolee said that was correct. Explained it is a change in what is “off peak”.   Commissioner Hansen commented that when the Commissioners were up in the GTE area on their calling plans there was a lot of confusion, asked if this was a customer-oriented request or is this a company proposal? Asked if staff had data showing that customers would like different peak times, this could be a very confusing issue to the customers, is it a company or customer-oriented request? Carolee said the company proposed it saying this is what the customers are requesting. They decided to change the program so the customer could choose their off-peak time.   Commissioner Nelson asked if they were going to be able to do the billing on all of these? Carolee said they said they “probably” could bill. Commissioner Nelson said he could support this. Made a motion to approve the filing; motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 3rd day of February, 1998. Myrna J. Walters, Commission Secretary