HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191227Decision Memo.pdfTO DECISION MEMORANDUM COMMISSIONER KIELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:DAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATII: DECEMBER23,2019 SUBJECT:IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE 2O2O PACIFICORP INTER-JURISDICTIONAL ALLOCATION PROTOCOL; CASE NO. PAC-E-I9-20. On December 3,2019, Rocky Mountain Power ("Company"), a division of PacifiCorp, applied to the Commission for approval of the 2O2O PacifiCorp Inter-Jurisdictional Allocation Protocol ("2020 Protocol"). PacifiCorp provides electric service in six states. PacifiCorp operates as Rocky Mountain Power in Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming, and as Pacific Power in Oregon, Washington, and California. The Company requests the Commission approve its use of the 2020 Protocol with an effective date ofJanuary l, 2020. THEAPPLICATION The 2020 Protocol would supersede the 2017 Protocol for Califomia, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, and the West Control Area lnter-Jurisdictional Allocation Methodology for Washington, while continuing to use both allocation methodologies, with modification, during an interim period (defined below). The Company proposes four modifications to the 2017 Protocol: l) elimination of the Equalization Adjustment, 2) changes to the Embedded Cost Differential Adjustments; 3) changes to treatment of qualifying facilities; and 4) changes to the general governance sections of the 2017 Protocol. Parties have agreed that the 2020 Protocol can be used to set just and reasonable rates and agree to support its use in rate filings in all states PacifiCorp provides electric service. DECISION MEMORANDUM The 2O20 Protocol would be effective from January I , 2020 through December 31, 2023 ("Interim Period"). Besides tbe above modihcations to the 2017 Protocol, the 2020 Protocol includes these provisions: o Agreement on issues to be implemented during the Interim Period, "Implemented Issues"; o Agreement on certain issues to be implemented following the lnterim Period, subject to final resolution of all outstanding issues identified in the 2WO Protocol, "Resolved Issues"i o A process and timeframe to address and attempt to resolve all outstanding issues that the parties intend to resolve ifthe 2020 Protocol is approved by the Commission and during the Interim Period, including the implementation of a Nodal Pricing Model, Resource Planning, New Resource Assignment, Limited Realignment, Special Contracts, post- Interim Period capital additions on coal plants. Collectively these are referred to as "Framework Issuesl"; c A description of inter-jurisdictional allocation policies, procedures, or methods which, ifapplied during the lnterim Period, will provide the Company a reasonable opportunity to recover its prudently incurred cost of service; and o A description of how costs and revenues associated with all components of the Company's regulated service-including costs and revenues associated with generation, transmission, distribution, and wholesale transactions-should be assigned or allocated ,rmong the six states in which PacifiCorp provides electric services.2 Before the end of the Interim Period, assuming resolution of all Framework Issues, a new Post-Interim Period Method of cost allocation, incorporating the lmplemented Issues, Resolved Issues, and final resolution ofFramework Issues, will be presented to the Commission for approval before the end, of 2023. I The resolution of Framework Issues combined with the Implemented lssues and the Rcsolved Issues are all intended lo result in a new allocation methodology referred to as the "PosFlnterim Period Method." 2DECISION MEMORANDUM STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission issue a Notice of Application and Notice of lntervention setting a 2l-day deadline for interested persons to file to intervene. After the intervention deadline runs, another order can be issued setting further procedure as necessary. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application and set a 21-day deadline for interested persons to intervene as paflies in the case? Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General I V.g8IEI-FCTFJC\PAC E l9-Zllrods\PACEl920-irE dndocr 3DECISION MEMORANDUM