HomeMy WebLinkAbout19980121_1.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING January 21, 1998 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Dennis Hansen, Ralph Nelson and Marsha H. Smith and staff members Stephanie Miller, Allan Killian, Keith Hessing, Carolee Hall, David Scott,  Joe Cusick, Cheri Copsey and Myrna Walters.  Also in attendance was John Souba of U S West and Cheri of Idaho Power Company. President Hansen called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Items on the Published January 21, 1998 Agenda were discussed at this time. First item listed was approval of minutes from the January 14, 1998 decision that had previously been reviewed by the Commissioners. Commissioner Hansen made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Items 2 thru 4 were on the Consent Agenda portion of the Agenda. Commissioner Hansen asked if the Commissioners had any questions or comments regarding these matters. Commissioner Nelson made a motion to approve all 3 items. Motion carried unanimously. Under Matters in Progress, the following item was considered. 5. Brad Purdy’s January 13, 1998 Decision Memorandum re: Case No. USW-T-97-18; U S West’s Tariff Advice Requesting Authority to Revise its Termination Liability assessment for Contracts, Private Line Transport Services and Advanced Communications in Northern Idaho. Brad Purdy outlined the details set out in his decision memo. He reviewed staff’s concerns with the filings. Staff indicates that it appeared to them that this tariff revision would not only affect large companies, but the revision will also apply to private line subscription and to various data services that might be used by individuals and small business customers.   Commissioner Nelson asked Brad about Point No. 5 on Page 3 of the decision memo where it states “Staff observes that some small business owners have already indicated that they find the current termination penalties to be too much to risk”.   Was wondering where staff got this indication? Were there comments filed? Brad said there were no comments filed. Birdelle Brown was the staff person who did the work on this matter but he  wondered if perhaps  Joe Cusick could respond to that. Joe indicated that there was just verbal contact. Commissioner Nelson commented with just two customers under this, he didn’t think these discounts are intended for the general residential and small business customers who are not interested in entering into a contract, indicated he was not having a big problem with the company’s request. Commissioner Hansen asked if this was approved, then in the future, would this apply to the private line subscribers, i.e., if someone subscribes to call waiting, call forwarding or some of the various promotions, would they be locked in for 6 months or a year and if they decided they didn’t want those charges, would they get this penalty? That is the question he has about this. Not so much the two customers now, but what would happen with future offerings? Joe Cusick said without looking at this specifically, it is his recollection that with any of those services, they have a 30 day period only, there is no contract. Commissioner Hansen asked Commissioner Smith about this matter. She replied that she was still of the same mind that she was in September; she would have approved the tariff advices then and she still would. Commissioner Hansen asked her if that was a motion? She said she yes, she  would move approval of these tariff advices. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting was adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 21st day of January, 1998. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary 19980121.min