HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191213Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM 'I'O:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONE,R RAPER COMMISSIONE,R ANDtrRSON COMMISSION StrCRII-I'ARY COMI\{ISSION STAFF LEGAL I-ROI\{:DAYN HARDIE DEPTITY ATTORNBY GENERAL DATE: DECEN{I}ER1,3,2019 SUI}JECT:IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO MODIFY ELECTRIC Sf,RVICE REGTILATION NO. 12 FOR UNDf,RGROUND LINE EXTENSIONS AND SCHIDIILE 300; CASE NO. PAC- E-19-19. DECIS ION MEMORANDT]IVI On November 22.2019. Rocky Mountain Po\r,er ("Company"), a division of PacifiCorp, applied to the Commission for authority to revise its Electric Service Regulation No. l2-Line Extension and Electric Sen'ice Schedule 300-Regulation Charges. The Company requests changes to tariff Sheet Nos. 12R.2, 12R.3, 12R.4. 12R.5, 12R.6 12R.7, 12R.8, 12R.9, l2R.l0. l2R.ll,l2R.l2, l2R.l3, and l2R.l4. The Company requests its Application be processed by Modified Procedure and thc tariffchanges have an ell'ective date of February 21.2020. THE APPLICATION The Company states the purpose of thc changcs, gcncrally, is "to clarify thc definition ol line extensions by adding substations and distribution or transmission facilities, and proposes that the same refund process apply to customer-provided underground work as is applied to customcr line extension advances." Tariff Sheets No. 12R.4, 12R.5. and 12R.6 addrcss rcsidential extension allowances. advances, and refunds. 12R.4, section 2.a.1 , has bccn modified to provide the samc allow'ance for upgrades necessitated by added load as is availablc for new rcsidences. 'l'ariff Shect Nos. 12R.5, section 2.a.2, and 12R.6, section 2.b.3, were modified to provide for instances when refunds are due to additional customcrs and thcrc is customcr-provided underground work and customer acquired right-of-way. I\{odifications to tariflSheet 12R.7 rvill clarily that the Companl,will no longer provide items lor underground residential extensions at the customer's expense. The update to tari ff 12R.7 also claritics that if the customer's load is of a "speculative nature or questionable peffnanency" and exceeds the Company's enginecring limits tbr distribr-rtion voltage then the delivery u,ill be at transmission voltage. Additionally, under tariff 12R.7, section 3.a-Non-Residential Extension Allowances Dclivery at 46,000 Volts and Above, the Company seeks authority to clarily that non-residential customers served at 46.0001'olts and above are subject to the same extension allorvance provisions as residential customers sen'ed at less than 46,000 volts. Finally, undcr tariff 12R.7. sections 3.b.1 and 3.b.2-Non-Residential Extension Allouance Delivery, rvhich covers contract minimums for non-residential customers who are cither remote or havc loads over 1.000 kilovolt.amps (kVA"), would be updatcd to clarif-v thcse customers w'ould pay contract minimum billing for at least five years but no more than 30 years. Currently, customers could pay contract minimum billing for potentially as long as service is taken. Tarilf Sheet No. 12R.8 addresses non-residential customcr advances and refunds. The Company's proposed modification specifics that "during the five years fbllowing construction of a non-residential line extension upgrade each of the next fbur 1.000 kVA. or greater, customer applicants must pay the Company their proportionate share ofthe upgrade cos1." l'ariff Sheets 12R.9 and l2R. I 0, section 4.a rvill be expanded to deflne the treatment of unimproved planned developments. With the modification, Applicants will receive service under provisions for residential and non-residential extensions. Tariff Sheet No. l2R. I 0. sectitin 4.c rvill be modi fied to clarify that "the Company does not provide refunds on developer advances fbr lacilities inside dcvelopments . [exclusively servingl . . . a development. A dcvclopcr u,ho paid a rcfundable advance may receive refunds ra'hen an applicant outside the development receives power from . . . a primary voltage line installed to, alongside, or through the developmcnt." Tariff Shect l2R.l3 witl bc updated to provide for remote service of non-residential loads. Under the modification, the Company rvill fumish facilitics to remote, non-residential loads, but ilthe cost ol providing servicc is greater than tlve time the estimated annual revenue, thc 'lT)I]C' ISION N,IEMORANDI.J\,I Contract Minimum Billing will continue for as long as scrvice continues unless and until the load is no longer distant nor isolated.l Tariff Sheet I 2R. 14, section 6.a, u,ill specif;i that an applicant or customcr may request the Company to relocate distribution facilities on to, or adjacent to, the customer's premises, and/or, replace existing overhead distribution i'acilities *'ith comparable underground. Lastly, Schedule No. 300 will update lacilities cliarges used for line extension contract minimum billings under Tariff Sheet 300.3. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stafl recommends the Commission issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Proccdure. Staff recommends a February 5, 2020 public comment deadline, and a February 12,2020 Company reply commcnt deadline. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure. with public comments due b1,February 5, 2020 and Company reply comments due by February 12,2020? ) l.l le Deputl. Attornel' General LLesTIELECTRICIAC-E.19-l9BemosPACElels dec m.no dhdorx i This is an cxccption to chang€s to Shect Nr.r l2R.7,sections3.b.l antl 3.h.2. which limil thE (bntract Minimunr Billinqtono more than 30 years. ',!DECISION MEN{ORANDI]M