HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191216Corrected Tariff Sheets.pdfP*t r t't- rr ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER a otvlstoN ol iAcrFrcoiP I.P.U.C. No. I RECEIVED ;0l9DtC l6 PH 3:32 ' ., .. r' . :i,r',-iil s€€eo+I'hird Revisidn ;df:SLeb, NdJ lfiflrN Canceling FirsrSggg4{Revision of Sheet No. 12R.2 l.CONDITIONS AND DEt'lNIl'IONS (continue d) (c) Engineering Costs - (continued) If the Applicant or Customer requests changes that require additional estimates, they must advance the Company's estimated Engineering Costs, but not less than the minimum specified in Schedule 300 for each additional estimate. The Company will not refund or credit this payment. (d)Extension -- A branch from, or a continuation of, a Company owned transmission or distribution linq where a line has not been removed, at customer request, within the last five (5) years. An extension may be single-phase, three-phase, a conversion of a single-phase line to a three-phase line, er{he provision ofadditional capacity in existing lines,subslalipls or other facilities. or addition of new . The Company will own, operate and maintain all Extensions made under this regulation. (e)Extenslon Allowance -- The Extension Allowance is the portion of the Extension that the Company provides or allows without cost to the Applicant. The portion will vary with the class of service that the Applicant requests and is the lesser of: the maximum potential extension allowance; or the Extension Cost. The Extension Allowance does not include costs resulting from: additional voltages; duplicate facilities; additional points of delivery; or any other Applicant requested facilities that add to, or substitute for, the Company's standard construction methods or preferred route. An Extension Allowance will be provided only if the Company has reasonable assurance as to the permanent continuation of required revenue. The Extension Allowance is not available to customers receiving electric service under special pricing contracts. (0 Extension Limits - The provisions of this regulation apply to Line Extensions that require standard construction and will produce sufficient revenues to cover the ongoing costs associated with them. The Company will construct Line Extensions with special requirements or limited revenues under the terms of special contracts. Examples of special requiremerts include, but are not limited to, unusual costs incurred for obtaining rights-of-way, overtime wages, use of special equipment and facilities, accelerated work schedules to meet the applicant's request, or non-standard construction requirements. (e) ISSUED:@9 (Continued) EFFECTIVE: February 2€5+0gl LZQ2Q Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16_I3| 9- I 9 Extension Costs -- Extension Costs are the Company's total costs for constructing an Extension using the Company's standard construction methods, including services, transformers and meters, labor, materials and overheads. I.P.U.C. No. I Fi+sl@lRevision of Sheet No. 12R.3 Canceling Origi+r{llglRevlqjggglSheet No. 12R.3 I-CONDITIONS A.l\D DEFINITIONS (continued)4.,-(h) Facilities Charges - The Facilities Charges are those costs associated with the ownership, operation and maintenance of facilities built to provide service and are in addition to rate schedule billings. Schedule 300 specifies the Facilities Charges. (i)Mixed Use - Refers to an Extension request with both residential and non-residential loads. Shared Extension costs are allocated to residential and non-residential proportional to their respective loads to the total load on the shared facilities. The provisions for Residential Extensions will be applied to the residential share of the costs and the provisions for Nonresidential Extensions will be applied to the nonresidential share of the costs. Permanent Service -- Service to Customers where the Company is assured ofcontinued use for more than five years, unless a contract specifies otherwise. (k)Refunds - An Aapplicant who paid a refundable advance on an Extension.3gqgjlg{lg[ of-way. and/or provided labor and material on an undereround Extension. is eligible for up to four refunds during the first five (5) years. Within that five (5) year period the Applicant may waive any refund that is less than 20% ofthe Applicant's total refordabl€-advan€€frEd base amount in order to accept four (4) refunds offering greater value. An Applicant is not eligible for refunds from future Extension applications from thernselves. CI) For non-waived refunds the additional Applicants must pay the Company, prior to connection, as provided in the section for the original Applicant. The Company will refund such payments to the Applicant(s) who paid the refundable advance. acquired riqht-ol'-wav, and/or provided labor and material on bn underqround Extension. The Company will not collect from additional Applicants any portion of a waived refund. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-1619-]3lt) ISSI]ED:Novernber 22. 2019 EFFECTIVE: February 2&4A#21. 2020 ROCKY MOUNTAIN FO\A'ER A DIVISION OF FACIFICOhP The refund base amount (refirndable advance) on an Applicant's advance are those Extension costs that meet the eliqibilitv criteria of an Extension Allowance. This occurs when the eligible Extension costs exceed the maximum rotential allowance. The refund base amount for Applicant acquired risht-of-wav will be determined by using the Companv's standard risht-of-wav costinq. For Drivate propertv this is a percentaqe of the right-of-way land value as determined from the countv assessor's prooertv land value. Where there are multiole riqht-of-way seements. the refund will be determined using an average ofthe costs. The refund base amount for Applicant lrovided labor and material on an undersround Extension will be determined bv aoolvine the Comoanv's averaqe costs for standard trenchinq. conduits and vaults (equipment foundations) with footaees and sizes as oer the Companv's desien. Advances. right-of-wav. labor. and material are not refundable if there is an allocation based on Aoolicant demand. The Applicant pavs and provides their share and the Comoanv oavs and provides the remainder. Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICOiP Sir*tlSSgn-d_Revision of Sheet No. 12R.3 LP.U.C. No. I Canceling Origi*e}!15.1!3yis1i94_qlsheet No. 12R.3 continucd . resu€st{ffi lurint war or €*ter e bsion-€r E*tonsion in eeop€rat is;=er €entinuea) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-+€ I 9-{+ I 9 ISSUED: ()e+eber-},4e+6November 22 20t9 EFFECTIVE: February 2&'4e}72 !-2424 ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOvt/ER aorvtsroN oa PActrcoFP I.P.U.C. No. I Thkd l ourth Revision of Sheet No. 12R.4 Canceling Sceea*!.!!4!_Revision of Sheet No. 12R.4 l. CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) AnA b unable to locate, has 24 months from the conneclion of the additional Applicant to request their relund alr Restrictions -- The ColltnAD s Extension of facilities is subiect to restrictions imDosed durins war or other emersencies. bv th laws of United States, the State of ldaho. by executive and administrative proclamations. bv orders or regulations of the Commission or by any lawful requirement ofa qovemmenlal body. (m) Routes. Eascments and Rishts-of-Wrv -- The Comoanv will select the route of an Extension in cooperation with the Applicant. l'he Aoplicant must Dav all costs. includins renewal costs. of obtainins comDlete. unencumbered. rishts-of-wa y, easements, or licenses to use land. and for anv oreoaration or clearin the ComDANV tna reouire. Anv reouired easements will be oreoared on Comoanv-orovided forms. If reouested bv the Aonlicant, the Company will assist in obtainins rishts-of-wav. easements or licenses as described above at the ADDlicant's exDense. (n)Regulation Prevlously in Effect -- Regulation changes do not modify existing Extension contracts. If a Customer advanced funds for an Extension under a regulation or a contract previously in effect, the Company will make refunds for additional Customers as specified in the previous regulation or contract. (o)Service Conductors -- The secondary-voltage conductors extending fiom the pole line, the underground secondary-voltage main, a secondary-voltage transformer, or a secondary- voltage switch cabinet to the Point of Delivery. ,RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS (a) StandardResidential (l)Extenslon Allowsnceg The Extension Allowance for a permanent residential application in a planned development where secondary voltage service has been provided to the lot line by the developer, and only a service and meter is required, is $550 oer residence. -The Extension Allowance for all other permanent residential applications_rineluding uffrad€"{n€-te-add€d-Iea+is $1550 per residence. The Extension Allowanse for upqrades necessitated bv addiliola! load is $550 if iust the service requires an upqrade, and $1550 if secondarv or the transformer require upsradine, if the Customer is resoonsible for the upqrade as givcn in section 2(d) Translbrmation F-acilities. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-131 9- l 9 ISSUED: @ EFFECTIVE: February ?&,-301721. 2020 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN FO\A/ER a otustoN oF PAcrFrcoiP l.P.U.C. No. I Thir*l'og4LRevision of Sheet No. 12R.4 Canceling Seee**!hi4lRevision of Sheet No. l2R-4 The Applieant must advanee the eests exeeedht the Extensien Allervgflee prier so +h+starloi€€a€eu€+i€re, iv€ feur (l) rtpplieants utilizing aay pertien ef the initial extensien; fer whieh a refoad -------{b}---- m ie€ $------+xtca+ien-*Ue*a R€siC€ntiel CEstoEr€ Pxteneien nllewsneo €e++muea) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-]319-19 ISSUED: tletobe+- .+.-+Sf6 November 22. 2019 EFFECTIVE: February 2l 2020 ROCKY MOUNTAIN trOWER a otvtstoN oF PActFlcoRP Canceli '}hkd F'qu![h Revision of Sheet No. 12R.5 tieeonrlThird Revision of Sheet No. 12R.5 2 RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS(a) StandardResidentisl(oontinued) 2 Additional Custom A n and Refun A Customer that pays for a portion of the construction of an Extension, acquires right-of-way, and/or provides labor and material on an underground Extension, may receive refunds if additional Applicants connect to the Extension. The Customer is elieible for refunds durins the first five (5) years followins construction of an !11ension for up to four (4) additional Applicants as given in section l(k) Refunds ts utilizi which a refund was not waived, must pay the Company, prior to connect. 200% of the refund base amount of shared facilities. The Companv will refund such pqyrncnts to the initial Customer. (b) Remote Service(l) ExtensionAllowances Residential Customers defined as Remote Service Customers either at a sinsle locali0n()ra qrouo of locations_as in Unimproved Subdivisions. have the same Extension Allowance as Standard Residential Customers e€n+inu€d) (2) The Contract Minimum Billing will not include Facilities Charges on the first one- half mile of line from the Company's existing distribution facilities. Where there are groups of remote facilities only the first one-half mile is exempt from Facilities Charges. After the initial five (5) year contract period, Remote service Contract Minimum Billings also end upon termination of electric serve to the Customer's premises and Customer payment ofall removal costs for inactive facilities. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-1319- 1 9 ISSUED: eetober3=40+6 Novernber 22 2019 EFFECTIVE: February 2&,-2OI72L2020 I.P.U,C, No. I Contract$ The Company will make Extensions for residential Remote Service Applicaots according to the terms ofa written conkact. The contract will require the Applicant to advance the estimated cost of facilities in excess ofthe Extension Allowance. As long as the Applicant meets the definition of Remote Service they shall also pay a Contract Minimum Billing. Primary residences with revenues equal to or greater than average residential revenues will no longer be considered Remote when the density of such residences exceeds one residence per one-half mile of line. Facilities Charges will cease when Customers are no longer considered Remote. Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER A OMSION OF PACIFICOiP I.P.U.C. No. I Ahir*@4llRevision of Sheet No. 12R.5 Cancelinq Sccsn*'I'hird Revision of Sheet No. 12R.5 (continued) The initial €uslorn€r thet pays an advanee fer e pertier ef the €onstruetien ef an ien iv€n-in @ i€€ +a,A(bX:)abev6. (C€*inr€d) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-1€-l3l9- I9 ISSUED:@ EFFECTIVE: February ?8.-?t}172\2020 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PO/I/ER a DrvrsroN of PActFcoRP I.P.U.C. No. I Seeea*{hl4lRevision of Sheet No. l2R.l3 Canceling ltirs$9994!_Revision of Sheet No. 12R.13 5. trXTENSION EXCE PTIONS (continued)(b) Duolicate Service Facilities The Company will fumish Duolicate Service Facilities if the Customer advances the estimated costs for facilities in excess of those which the ComDany would otherwise provide. T[e elslomer also must pay Facilities Charees for the Durlicate Facilities for as lon as service is taken but in than (c) Emergency Service The Company will grant Applicants requesting Emergency Service an Extension Allowance equal to the nine times the estimated average monthly revenue the Applicant will pay the Company. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. The Applicant must also pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five (5) years. (d)Highly Fluctuating Loads The Company will fumish facilities for Highly Fluctuating Loads as defined in Regulation 2 of this tariff, provided that the Applicant agrees to advatrce to the Company the estimated installed cost of such facilities over the cost of facilities which the Company, in its sole discretion, would otherwise provide. The Applicant shall also pay a Contract Minimum Billing as long as service is taken but in no case less than five (5) years. The Company reserves the right, should the effect of load fluctuations become in the Company's sole judgment a detriment to service to other Customers, to provide or require the Customer to provide corrective facilities. Where the Company provides such facilities the Customer shall pay the cost ofall such facilities plus the associated Contract Minimum Billing. (eL Nonresidentisl Remote Loads in Isolated Locations (e0 Temporary Service (l) For Temporary Service requests requiring only a service loop connection and where there are 120/240 volt facilities ofadequate capacity available, the Customer shall pay the connect and disconnect charge specified in Schedule 300. (2)For all other Temporary Service requests the Customer shall pay a. the estimated installation cost, plus b. the estimated removal cost, plus c. the estimated cost for rearranging any existing facilities, less (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-1319- 19 I tssunn: e€{el,erj'+g+6Noveiaber 22, 2019 The Company will fumish facilities for Remote Service. as defined in Reeulation No. 2. for nonresidential loads under the terms of this tariff. However ifthe cost to provide service to the ooint ofdeliverv is more than five times the estimated annual revenue from the remote nonresidential Customer. the Contract Minimum Billine will continue lbr as lone as service continues unless and until the load is no loneer distant nor isolated. An isolated location is one where additional development is unlikelv due to qeosraphical constraints. EFFECTIVE: F€bfliarr4++el+Februarv 2 l. 2020 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION OF PACIiCORP I.P.U.C. No. I Seeon+f!!{Revision of Sheet No. l2R.l3 Canceling Si+st-!9g94!_Revision of Sheet No. 12R.13 d.the estimated salvage value of the facilities required to provide Temporary Service. ing+, a€t r€eBd+€+aeiti+i6o€ha€€e, €€flttnu€d) (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-1919:!9 ISSUED:@ EFFECTIVE:@ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIVIStON OF PAC!FTCOiP I.P.U.C. No. I Seeen*Si4lRevision of Sheet No. 300.3 Canceling Fi+etsSgcon{Revision of Sheet No. 300,3 Municipalitv City of Rexburg City of Rigby City of Ririe City of St. Anthony City of Shelley City of Spencer City of Sugar City Sheet No. Description 12R.1 12R.3 l2R.l5 25R.1 Customer Guarantee Credit l: Restoring Supply After an Outage For each additional l2 hours 25R.2 Customer Guarantee Credit 2: Appointments 25R.2 Customer Guarant€e Credit 3 Switching on Power 25R.2 Customer Guarantee Credit 4 Estimates for New Supply ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 300 - Continued Type of Amount of Date Ordinance Tax or Fee Ordinance No. Tax or Fee AdoptedFranchise No. 929 6.00 December 8,2004Franchise No. 453 3.Oo/o May 21,1996 Franchise No. 104 3.0% December 31, 1990 Franchise No. 20011-10 1.0o/o September 22, 201 I Franchise No.375 3.Oo/o October l, 1995Franchise No.2008-l 2.0% June 20,2008 Franchise No.2M 3.0o/o June 13, 1996 Minimum Engineering Costs Charee s200 Facilities Charges on Facilities less than 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense 0.6e15% per month Facilities Installed at Company's Expense l.3e!!% per month Facilities Charges on Facilities at and above 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense 0.2e!!% per month Facilities Installed at Company's Expense 0.9e!Q% per month Single phase: $ 85.00 Three phase: $l 15.00 s2s0 s50.00 s25.00 s50.00 s50.00 s50.00 l2R. 13 -Temporary Service Charge: Service Drop and Meter only (Charge is for conoection and disconnection) Contract Administration Allowance (continued) EFFECTIVE: February 2$4014!!,lQfQ Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{6-t3l!- !! ISSUED:@ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER a DrvrsroN oF PAcrfrcoRP I.P.U.C. No. I Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R2 Canceling Second Revision ofSheet No. 12R.2 1.CONDITTONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) (c)Engineering Costs - (continued) If the Applicant or Customer requests chaDges that require additional estimates, they must advance the Company's estimated Engineering Costs, but not less than the minimum specified in Schedule 300 for each additional estimate. The Company will not refund or credit this payment. (d)Extension - A branch fiom, or a conti.nuation of, a Company owred transmission or distribution line where a line has not been removed, at customer request, within the last five (5) years. An extension may be single-phase, three-phase, a conversion of a single-phase line to a three-phase line, the provision ofadditional capacity in existing lines, substations or other facilities, or addition ofnew distribution or transmission facilities. The Company will own, operate and maintain all Extensions made under this regulation. (e) (0 Extension Costs -- Extension Costs ar€ the Company's total costs for constructing an Extension using the Company's standard construction methods, including services, transformers and meters, labor, materials and overheads. Extension Limits - The provisions of this regulation apply to Line Extensions that require standard construction and will produce sufficient revenues to cover the ongoing costs associated with them. The Company will construct Line Extensions with special requirements or limited revenues under the terms of special contracts. Examples of special requirements include, but are not limited to, unusual costs incurred for obtaining rights-of-way, overtime wages, use of special equipment and facilities, accelerated work schedules to meet the applicant's request, or non-standard construction requirements. (Continued) G) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-19-19 ISSUED: November 22, 201 9 EFFECTIVE: February 21, 2020 Extension Allowance -- The Extension Allowance is the portion of the Extension that the Company provides or allows without cost to the Applicant. The portion will vary with the class of service that the Applicant requests and is the lesser of: the maximum potential extension allowance; or the Extension Cost. The Extension Allowance does not include costs resulting from: additional voltages; duplicate facilities; additional points of delivery; or any other Applicant requested facilities that add to, or substitute for, the Company's standard construction methods or preferred route. An Extension Allowance will be provided only if the Company has reasonable assurance as to the permanent continuation of required revenue. The Extension Allowance is not available to customers receiving electric service under special pricing contracts. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER a o v sroN oF PAc flcoRP I.P.U.C. No. I Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.3 Canceling First Revision of Sheet No. 12R.3 1 CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) (h) Facilities Charges - The Facilities Charges are those costs associated with the ownership, operation and maintenance of facilities built to provide service and are in addition to rate schedule billings. Schedule 300 specifies the Facilities Charges. (i)Mixed Use - Refers to an Extension request with both residential and non-residential loads. Shared Extension costs are allocated to residential and non-residential proportional to their respective loads to the tolal load on the shared facilities. The provisions for Residential Extensions will be applied to the residential share of the costs and the provisions for Nonresidential Extensions will be applied to the nonresidential share ofthe costs. 0)Permanent Service -- Service to Customers where the Company is assured ofcontinued use for more than five years, unless a contract specifies otherwise. (k)Refunds - An Applicant who paid a refundable advance on an Extension, acquired right-of- way, and/or provided labor and material on an underground Extension, is eligible for up to four refunds during the first five (5) years. Within that five (5) year period the Applicant may waive any refund that is less than 20Vo of the Applicant's total fund base amount in order to accept four (4) refunds offering greater value. Al Applicant is not eligible for refunds from future Extension applications fiom themselves. The refund base amount (refundable advance) on an Applicant's advance are those Extension costs that meet the eligibility criteria ofan Extension Allowance. This occurs when the eligible Extension costs exceed the maximum potential allowance. The refund base amount for Applicant acquired right-of-way will be determined by using the Company's standard right-of-way costing. For private property this is a percentage ofthe right-of-way land value as determined from the county assessor's property land value. Where there are multiple right-of-way segments, the refund will be determined using an average ofthe costs. The refund base amount for Applicant provided labor and material on an underground Extension will be determined by applying the Company's average costs for standard trenching, conduits and vaults (equipment foundations) with footages and sizes as per the Company's design. Advances, right-of-way, labor, and material are not refundable ifthere is an allocation based on Applicant demand. The Applicant pays and provides their share and the Company pays and provides the remainder. For non-waived refunds the additional Applicants must pay the Company, prior to connection, as provided in the section for the original Applicant. The Company will refund such payments to the Applicant(s) who paid the refundable advance, acquired right-of-way, and/or provided labor and material on an underground Extension. The Company will not collect fiom additional Applicants any portion of a waived refund. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-19-19 ISSUED: November 22, 2019 EFFECTIVE: February 2l , 2020 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIV SION OF PACIFICORP |.P.U.C. No. I Fourth Revision of Sheet No. 12R.4 Canceling Third Revision ofSheet No. 12R.4 I CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS (continued) An Applicant to whom a refund is due, but who the Company has failed to identifu or has been unable to locate, has 24 months from the connection of the additional Applicant to request their refund- 0) Restrictions - The Company's Extension of facilities is subject to restrictions imposed during war or oth€r emergencies, by the laws of the United States, the State of ldaho, by executive and administrative proclamations, by orders or regulations of the Commission or by any lawful requirement ofa govemmental body. (m) Routes, Easements rnd Rights-of-Way - The Company will select the route of an Extension in cooperation with the Applicant. The Applicant must pay all costs, including renewal costs, of obtaining complete, unencumbered, rights-of-way, easements, or licenses to use land, and for any preparation or clearing the Company may requte. Any required easements will be prepared on Company-provided forms. If requested by the Applicant, the Company will assist in obtaining rights-of-way, easements or licenses as described above at the Applicant's expense. (n) Regulation Previously in Effect - Regulation changes do not modiry existing Extension contracts. If a Customer advanced funds for an Extension under a regulation or a contract previously in effect, the Company will make refunds for additional Customers as specified in the previous regulation or conhact. (o)Service Conductors -- The secondary-voltage conductors extending from the pole line, the underground secondary-voltage main, a secondary-voltage transformer, or a secondary- voltage switch cabinet to the Point of Delivery. 2. RESIDENTIAI, EXTENSIONS (a) StandardResidential (l)Extension Allowances The Extension Allowance for a permanent residential application in a planned development where secondary voltage service has been provided to the lot line by the developer, and only a service and meter is required, is $550 per residence. The Extension Allowance for all other permanent residential applications is $1550 per residence. The Extension Allowance for upgrades necessitated by additional load is $550 if just the service requires an upgrade, and $1550 if secondary or the transformer require upgrading, if the Customer is responsible for l}le upgrade as given in section 2(d) Transformation Facilities. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-19-19 ISSUED: November 22, 2019 EFFECTIVE: February 21, 2020 ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER a orvrsroN oF PAcrFrcoRP I.P.U.C. No. I Fourth Revision of Sheet No, 12R.5 Canceling Third Revision of Sheet No. 12R.5 2 RESIDENTIAL EXTENSIONS(a) StandardResidential(continued)(2') Additional Customers, Advances and Refunds A Customer that pays for a portion of the construction of an Extension, acquires right-of-way, and/or provides labor and material on an underground Extension, may receive refunds if additional Applicants connect to the Extension. The Customer is eligible for refunds during the first five (5) years following construction of an Extension for up to four (4) additional Applicants as given in section l(k) Refunds. Each of these four (4) Applicants utilizing any portion of the initial extension, for which a refund was not waived, must pay the Company, prior to connect, 20% of the refund base amount of shared facilities. The Company will refund such payments to the initial Customer. (b)Remote Service(l) ExtensiotrAllowances Residential Customers defined as Remote Service Customers either at a single location or a group of locations, as in Unimproved Subdivisions, have the same Extension Allowance as Standard Residential Customers. (2)Contracts The Company will make Extensions for residential Remote Service Applicants according to the terms ofa written contract. The confact will require the Applicant to advance the estimated cost offacilities in excess of the Extension Allowance. As long as the Applicant meets the definition of Remote Service they shall also pay a Contract Minimum Billing. Primary residences with revenues equal to or greater than average residential revenues will no longer be considered Remote when the density of such residences exceeds one residence per one-half mile of line. Facilities Charges will cease when Customers are no longer considered Remote. The Contract Minimum Billing will not include Facilities Charges on the first one- half mile of Iine from the Company's existing distribution facilities. Where there are groups of remote facilities only the first one-half mile is exempt from Facilities Charges. After the initial five (5) year contract period, Remote service Contract Minimum Billings also end upon termination of electric serve to the Customer's premises and Customer payment of all removal costs for inactive f'acilities. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-19-19 ISSUED: November 22, 2019 EFFECTIVE: February 21, 2020 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER a DlvrstoN oF PActFtcoiP I.P.U.C. No. I Cancelin Third Revision of Sheet No. l2R.l3 Second Revision of Sheet No. 12R.13 5. EXTENSIONEXCEPTIONS (continued) (b) Duplicate Service Facilities The Company will fumish Duplicate Service Facilities if the Customer advances the estimated costs for facilities in excess of those which the Company would otherwise provide. The Customer also must pay Faciliti€s Charges for the Duplicate Facilities for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five (5) years. (c)Emergency Service The Company will grant Applicants requesting Emergency Service an Extension Allowance equal to the nine times the estimated average monthly revenue the Applicant will pay the Company. The Applicant must advance the costs exceeding the Extension Allowance prior to the start of construction. The Applicant must also pay a Contract Minimum Billing for as long as service is taken, but in no case less than five (5) years. (d)Illghly Fluctustlng Loads The Company will fumish facilities for Highly Fluctuating Loads as defined in Regulation 2 of this tariff, provided that the Applicant agrees to advance to the Company the estimated installed cost of such facilities over the cost of facilities which the Company, in its sole discretion, would otherwise provide. The Applicant shall also pay a Contract Minimum Billing as long as service is taken but in no case less than five (5) years. The Company reserves the right, should the effect of load fluctuations become in the Company's sole judgment a detriment to service to other Customers, to provide or require the Customer to provide corrective facilities. Where the Company provides such facilities the Customer shall pay the cost ofall such facilities plus the associated Contract Minimum Billing. (e)Nonresidential Remote Loads in Isolated Locations The Company will fumish facilities for Remote Service, as defined in Regulation No. 2, for nonresidential loads under the terms of this tariff However if the cost to provide service to the point ofdelivery is more than five times the estimated annual revenue from the remote nonresidential Customer, the Contract Minimum Billing will continue for as long as service continues unless and until the load is no longer distant nor isolated. An isolated location is one where additional development is unlikely due to geographical constraints. (0 Temporary Service (l) For Temporary Service requests requiring only a service loop connection and where there are 120/240 volt facilities ofadequate capacity available, the Customer shall pay the connect and disconnect charge specified in Schedule 300. (2)For all other Temporary Service requests the Customer shall pay a. the estimated installation cost, plus b. the estimated removal cost, plus c. the estimated cost for rearranging any existing facilities, less d. the estimated salvage value of the facilities required to provide Temporary Service. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E- l9-19 ISSUED: November 22, 2019 EFFECTIVE: February 2l , 2020 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER a otvlsroN or PAclFrcoBP I.P.U,C. No. I Third Revision of Sheet No. 300.3 Canceling Second Revision of Sheet No. 300.3 ELECTRIC SERYICE SCHEDULE NO.300 - Continued Type of Amount of Date Ordinance Tax or Fee Ordinance No.'Iax or FeeMunicinalitv City of Rexburg City of Rigby City of Ririe City of St. Anthony City of Shelley City of Spencer City of Sugar City Sheet No. I2R.I Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise 929 453 104 2001l-10 375 2008-l 204 6.0o/o 3.0% 3.0o/o 1.0% 3.0% 2.0% 3.0o/o No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Adopted December 8, 2004 May 21, 1 996 December 31, 1990 September 22, 201 1 October l, 1995 June 20, 2008 June 13. 1996 12R.3 l2R. 13 Temporary Service Charge: Service Drop and M€ter only (Charge is for connection and disconnection) Facilities Charges on Facilities less than 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense 0.3570 per month Facilities Installed at Company's Expense 1.15% per month Facilities Charges on Facilities at and above 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense 0.1570 per month Facilities Installed at Company's Expense 0.80% per month Description Minimum Engineering Costs Contract Administration Allowance Customer Guarantee Credit I : Restoring Supply After an Outage For each additional l2 hours Customer Guarantee Credit 2: Appointments Customer Cuarantee Credit 3 Switching on Power Customer Guarantee Credil 4: Estimates for New Supply Charse $200 Single phase: $ 85.00 Three phase: $l 15.00 s250 $50.00 s25.00 $50.00 s50.00 $50.00 25R.2 25R.2 25R.2 ISSUED: November 22, 2019 (continued) EFF'ECTIVE: F'ebruary 2l , 2020 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-19-19 l2R. l5 25R.1