HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210326 2020 Annual Blue Sky Report.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN ngly,E#"* :_I-i:n.- L e !l;.).:: !.,._-=:--t, *jJ :;;: ii::'cl t$ &i{ li : t+5 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l6 i'#i'r March 25,2021 WA ELECTRONIC FILING Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. ChindenBlvd Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise, D 83714 Attn: JanNoriyuki Commission Secretary RE CASE NO. PAC.E.I9-I7 IDAHO 2O2O AI\NUAL BLTIE SKY PROGRAM REPORT Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Rocky Mountain Power hereby submits for filing its 2020 Annual Blue Sky Program Report, pursuant to Order No. 34545 issued in the above referenced matter. All formal correspondence and requests regarding this frling should be addressed to the following: By E-mail (preferred): datarequest@pacificorp.com By regular mail: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Blvd., Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Informal questions may be directed to me at (801) 220-4214. Sincerely, S Michael S. Snow Manager, Regulatory Affairs Enclosures 2020 Program Marketing and Conrmuni(ations Highlights2020 Blue Sky Block and Bulk Program - Sumnrary Report PrcfD H.m8.hd C6m6Ery Cu.bm.r 6unb@ilinc b inrus Fr6-F!r. PEg66 otud Mshn uPdlE U2021 b h6.$ FdciFen Eb.. Wb tu ircEo In lmd inAAdu.bh. Fh&mE, hMwm.tr tng pl.nshEkm tsrud h Bls Skypq6m in l&ho ryryM mm h.n SLUE SKY GUNT PROCESS A mws&$d .fuc pqhm M6 hn l.unchd b.n.bl. gLnt.plEbs b b a6ad FrendAl.pplhtoE.6 nd Uq E6id hrcqh b. onliro Ftul P?60re'SaaaaSqfrM'' flt&ril*w'ELUE SKY GUNT ld.b Sd@lOlffiomdd b*Ak Skytuntprejd ltr Jun. mm. sful6 in P6Bbn, D.ybn.dM.ld.ddd.3Z6 kW shr.my. A€l*ntil.EdmE mt h.ld du. b h. Fn&mic. mi&le grffi rdc6Fr.Ha& TdCmpll!'sk-u- rdl}tqmid. ld cmFrYd lna corh* AE t,ot.t7t t,8.t- lt,s 12.9rt !,ril,!t aluatq it.l% 6.lta ,1,04 ar.&l 87r2*$ td Cmry Eclsrpt.d ld|*tHawd D 7L,arl1[r 7.0* gir.0% to8.6la FEgrar E8srr.a i&rinlry q4&,Elril8l 2O20 ffiNTS AND COHHUNICATION ldrb 56@lOi# Blu. Skygilnl prcldw8tubd in o126.nnrwry pm$ Eld$ d fqud ln lhe Prerron tntr.. U BlueSlv Dr.(. C.lalor ssiqlo2uqelrg F.r to2o Forecan Newier€r 2014 N1g MO 817.14 V.rLno 2fi&1e Vuhnerdc6prhamEP..- ldl*l@3t-- &s !,*,1r at,ta,r. | 0.3%a* arra t1{! 2,70h 5.8% t0.5% i.ttffi liilgr ertlod (nEC]SarS gi*&a$ersde-Psr! kEc.iddhro8s ,al,a), ldtlc.t.tudtu20D* e\7ta - 2oltGd&dhc*tdrumXlqCtuh td'6aln, P.@Sdaddd&{hub6.c.dktr@Btu (cE) h 6. 2020 lat q& 6- a lYzdo Ec. M t5 .d. ldCroLhbryAsoortEaillcaiaaloianllr*r ,$ !0, Udlq Aedtrt Rlc lde t4 (rolt nd &10 Fffi*t) arcic ard DLso*, D- l0l0 U*!4, A4m aJ.E atu66dh-(lol.t4 ln lotl) {r,l7a ID oiq 1.51% 1.14X 3r.63% 4.*% 6.W 3_* &195 3386 1,s2,514 tr@,732 214,3?3 118,02s 586,2@.01 s55.175.81 sast432.g s2,e9,@.9 9s3,@7.A s2A-517-51 IDoi W ---9=- to ORu sro5 2p1a Ir75 $,14 51,b 5,43 &@ 2.& 2.24 19.2fl 61.U,tta l! 16 5 2020 Blue S Block and Dashboard mfi o tlm*M ErPEaBr oErAr! !I!!1!!r.(MrFc|!._fl} attep l{oqqHrtd Jl,e6 s3E.Sss.s s28.27 s273.59 3272.61 s223.83 9231.96 s227.72 s232.19 9335.20 9220.21 sgt -tataDrs Xffi3rys hffi }fuhrh.nilF t2,o2s 9!aa355.8s tE-!'3s5.Es S!.9s 399.16 910.d5$1.51 910.8s56.71 5[.qs66.71 slo.qs56.71 522.qs1$a5 s1o.qs€6.71 5&.qs235.!5 s1o.qsu.@ s10.s 9Lo.p 974.7a 374.7a 9!!!.71 ss.14 596.05 t95-0s 9u3.23 995O5 s95O5 395O5 396Os $s.15Srro€ @L/tu #r.7t i2$.s 3$-a 55.6 s253.70 sa.11ss.u SlE94 s19.s ,6,71 *6hl .dtat taas 31ouo ,!l @ 6dtd s2a7.45 949.18 s13.17 s57.37 s57.37 s57.37 357.31 s57.a7 ss37 s57.37 4s7.37 Sr3.s s21.@ 915.$ s13.$ 915.S 929.@ 9r2.s 922.@ 327.6 sv.s s25.S s2,1.@taas i769.43 s519.51 s9!2.@ s1,@.39 s14.x s74.70 5S6.$ 95Sr2 l€1.6 37E7.45 3ta7-& 357.37 ir4 t2D!7 tzrra$ J0.q$er ss6.55,+e$ lqfil.lrocmrn efl8t DSIA& !P!!!,1i!!!!l"i$f9f!!!!I!) . Ith Hrlad ffiffi q-tr!.!q!!" hhffirir tulttr.c 6Il/M $!!g!qd s31,725.$ Sa,rcr.$ 54,910.25 S9IZ.S 35,574.10 S2E/415.65 S57r.@ efia?d 5irc,rgs.rl 9a5,277.45 s77,265.71 s74e?7.ss1$,b.890,8.o lat3ra.24 tE S5.S 3E1920.2 s110,671.55 sD7,69!.51 $27,s7.* 5322@.91 56,951.e s2t61E.5' 5Bre.9, s$,14.S 325,694.8 92E,@.e 925,515.O3 927N-13 s35,59.74 J8S.S s5l11.S s10,65398 s4,573.98 s4,532.98 s5,B!J8 s4r6JE s4.5n98 s10,412.98 s2Z1@.9a SsIs+?o s4,910.25 57,053.56 s28,55.q ss,271.25 45,ia.25 s5,211.25 s8,!1.25 45,?71.25 sr2,967.16 48,22r.25 !14,S-15$allfrr 949n.9 95P21-25 55.@1.25 95,@1.25 95,@1.25 J8,ffi.6 s5,@1.25 s5,@r.25 s5,1eS 311,957.25 66,574.10 99,3a8.4 s?,736.2t 57,W.74 57,W.74 slq320.22 sl,8-74 s7,W-74 s7,s.74 szs.74 s14,352.@t@,,r.s s4,89.@ 91E@.6 $trs98.55 iEo,lr.e 38pEa9 ,2715.25 s33,1$.8! $32,U.75 J52,99.86 9s,815.6 3sa.@ s567.9 s6Z.Ssrus 9635.@ tru.@ s8C.$ 91,Or6.@ 3926.@ 58$.9 $9[@arrsiot2r,74-97tsr$t s5,021.25$71,ffi i22,694.15it$r*s sG,78r.Stt s.rr$ Projeot Standards and Evaluation Criteria Molntoii ond odiviaiB thot: Result in the production of reneweble electricity SuDDon communities thrcupfi a stronr cduotion ud oublic entalement comDonent Suooon a Blue Sky customer proiecdcommunity Provide stronc environmenal and economic benefit to lml communities and Rockv Mdnain Power/Paciffc Power custmen Take adnnalc of other fundini sources aEilable to suDport thc proiec Are owned by a non-Droft orEaniation, school, tribal rcvemment, relidous institution or other community{riented oEniation Eoch it Hlewcd with rtc contldaroaion to ahc indtuidual Docr thr Thc orc considcrcd - howcvcr ith Assist in dre cretion of new renemble electricity sources within PacifiCorD's Rocky Mounain Power/Facific Power seryice arru Stimulate renemble encrty development by incresint dE apacity of individuals, communitl troups or other or8aniations to underBke and suppoft renemble enero develooment in their resDective communities Encounie resarch and development of renemble energ, sources Promote eduotion in the communitv on new renemble enerfl genemtion md incr*e knowledqe of Blue Sky oromm Tlmefme - How quickly will the prciect move fomrdf ls the proposed insalhtion timeframe rasonablel Prclects are upected to be on line within 12 months, unless agreed to otheruise, Extensions are tmnted on a proiEt+)r-proi€ct bsis (e.t, insallations ssociated with new construmion are qpected 6 be online with 2,1 mondrs.) \Mat is the probabilit), of completion within the proposed timefamel Have potential dehy risk been identified and properly mititatedf Hr an adequate amount of pre-development work been completedl Has the appliant had preliminary conve&tions with the utilit), regardint net meterinfnterconnectionl Are drere siFifant challentes ssociated with interconnectionl Have all required pemits and appronls been accuntely id€ntifiedl Are any criti@l approEls pendint or unliket to be securedl Site - ls the prciect sponsor ready to proceed with the prciect (i.e. efforts undertaken rehted to fssibility, fimncial atreemens, permitting). Can the site effective, host a renemble energy prciect? ls pemittint required? Have rights, options tr lqses been tnnted to secure site controll \y'vlat is thc Drobrbiliff ofthe Droied beinr buihl Finilclnt - ls drere an adequate fimncial structure that will ensure it's completion within the timeframe specifiedl ls the customer or vendor a reliable business partnerl ls drere adequte financial structure that will ensure the projeds completion within the allotted timefi'ame! Does the appliant have longevit), at the site? DGs the applient apper to be financialt stable/reliable? Are there undue financial risks which would put the prciEt in ieopardyl Haye potential risk been identified and mititated? Do6 $e +plient have a financial stake in the proied tiat ensures it's completion. Prolect Chmpion/Prcicct Tem - \y'vhat is the €xp€rience of the devdoper? ls there a dediated proiect proponent with a lfit-tem sake in the prciect's success and who willwork to overcome obsacles in makint this proiect happen? What is the relennt uperience of the prciect tam? Have all required tem membeE been idertifiedl ls the ortaniation and proicct tqm cffective and rsponsivel Additiondit, - Can these funds be used to make the difference in brindnt additional renemble resources on linel Are Blue Sk), funds requir€d for the proiect to be successfull ls dre proportion of cost requested resonablel Are there other secured or pending sourc$ offunding besides Blue Skyl Fucl Sourcc - ls the renemble resourc€ elidble under the tariff- wind, solar, &othemal, ceftified low-impact hydro, pipeline or irritation ond hydrcelecric sptem, mve ener8/, low-emissions biomss b6ed on ditester medrane gas from landflls, sewa$ retment plants or animal mstc and biomass eneror bsed on solid organic fuels from wood, for€st or feld residues or dedieted crops that do not include w@d pieces that have been reated with chemial preseMtiyes such as creosote, penachlorophenol or copper chrome aBenic to help faciliate the commerchl appliation of .-^-..-ll- -^-- ?^-L^^l^d-. Technoloty - ls dre planned energy source eligiblel ls the proposed technology appropriate for the sitel ls the technolo$/ prcyen and esablirhed md is the equipment covered under mmntyl lf not, is there ressrch and development nlue to the projectl Are there undue tehnial risk puttint the projEt compl€tion in ieopardyl Have techniel risks been mitigated? ls the energr genention estimate acoate and supported by well{ocumented calcuhtions! ls the cpacit), hctor resonablel Has maintenancc of the system been properly addressed to ensure lst-term opemtions? Dos the prciect encourate new or emer$nt technologies? Anilrbility - ls the Droiect owner willini to alloete RECs rcnented by the proiec to the Blue Sky Droram! Cost - Are the total proiect costs and cost-share requesEd resonable bsed on industry standards/for the prcposed edrnolory/sizdloetionl Were multiple bids received f'om comp€titive conmctoEl Does the budtet represent the milimum nlue for the pricel Geotnphy - Propoftioml conribution to Pacifc Pow€r/Rocky Mounhin Power seryice arm: CA lD, OR, UT, WA" WY based on Blue Sky optis rustomar subscriDtidn levels Communlty Bcncfit - Can bcnefits be levereted for the community and Blue Sky customersl rWhat are the sccondarl environmenal, social and economic benefiB? Does thc prci€ct help build regional renemble energf qpenise? Does it stimulate the redonal renemble enerry marketphce? ls the community amre of and supportive of the prcied! ls it like, that there will be netative impacts f'om this proiedl How will dre hcility help eduete the community about the benefts of renemble ener&/ and the Blue Sky progmml How do$ the prciect tie into the mission of dre host organiationl Are the proiec gmls consistent widr dlose of the Blue Sky protnml riy'hat is the hvel of communitl panicipation in the Blue SkI protmm where the prclect will be loaBdl ls there a plan to recognize dre Blue Sky protnm and panicipatlng customeB for their contribution to the proiectl Does the prciect offer unique/new sposure to Blue Sky? ls the prciect highly visiblel Exhibit A Residential Customer Letter V ROCKY MOUNTAIN XPorvm BLUESI(Y RENEWABLE ENERGY *rn#sAt Tor*5-DlGlT8{002 I Tl Pl ** [ltusthw t.,lH,lqillt"J.rtlr|l!l"f .lll.ll|,l.tllllr[ilhr[.1.4f". IN 2020, YOU SUPPORTED... 1,100 k\i/h of rcnalable enerEy t,I whidr reduced pur carbon fuoqintI 3,619 pour& of @2c EI That's enough rcne^,able cncrEyto compkte i88 loads ofhundry !n 2Ol4 nron tlren 139,000 Bluc Sty prdcipems medc edifimncc: 2O2O BLUE SKY coI.tMuNtTY PROIBCTS S.h Lrllr Cltf uTI gyHop r The INN BehA,eenr Bqr and Girk Clt.6 of Grcster Salt Lala Dqnont'ffi Clty,rnd PruorrlDr ld*roSdroolDisUi<B t #.F a t i- a + 1,258,586 megawatt-hours of renewablc energy srpported lhats enough energy to pcr.."€r 126,757 homee for a yeaf lcaro morc ee roclqmo$trlryovr.rJl.t, btuc*ypofcctro Over 330 cormunltytescd rsneryablc rooSy prolectr fundeC since 2006 YOURVOICE I.IATTERS! Wc want to hear from youl Fill out a short qJrvey at mcymonkcyrom/r/R*ky8besky to tell us wlry pu participate in Blue Sky. O tu o nqddf+r d! w!.!drr Htr Last year; the Blue Sky Blcck size doubledlThat means you dcubied y,our inpact for the sanre price. This year:1or,r can make a bigger differrence by rncreasrng 1ou;' Blue Sky participaiion. Adiust ti.e numbcr of block 7ou prr:-l;; trti:rn.irq tiis foff, ca:ih.g l-80G759-3717. a'onli-e dl rockffiounteinpowcr,natlbluerky. Each200-kilo.,ratt-foUrboakisrfirdiiliona, ll.95petrao,rli.Finc60ro:r:orriatrondbout'/."urcptionsonihebaci of'.hrsl.tte'i l*'4F Signme ryfon f] u arcoC ro. $3.t0 ror crlr *lor'lh [ ] I 8lOcrc for t5.85 r< t exh rs'Jr I r rrocxstriTS] */"rc cail' . ar:- fl srcm nr ur ron _* Btocx{s) 'or 31.?5 arch p*roal.,R.mf,rHa Ensgt CUR IIIlPACT ]\] 2O2O INCREASE YOUR IMPA.CT! I 200 kwh Uck Exhibit B Non-Residential Customer Letter Y ROCKY MOUNrAfil FOU'ER BLUESI(Y RENEWABL€ ENERGY [l4rretl,wn aGr^". IN 2020, YOU SUPPORTED... !6,800 ku/h ofrenerabh cnerEy LfI whidr rdudyour carbon lbotprifi by 25,3iK pqnds d @2ol EI Thatl eno.rgh renemabh enerry to complete 5,517 lodr of bundrll !n 2020, monathan 13r,000 Bluc Skyparddprnt mdredllftrunc: 2020 BtIrEStfi coHHu{rrY PRorEcTs SrhtalcftXlJT r SpyHop I Thc INN Beturcen r Bors rnd Girk Oub of GreaterSah L& Drym&lthdClry,ud Pre ffm,lD o l&ho School Districrs Lcrn rnorsrt rod<ymounaln bhttlmrcr.ct, \ @'-,+ I,268,586 nrrgtwrtt-hour of renawable erergy supported th3tl enough ener€y to po' €| t26,757 homr: for lyeeP o Over 330 conrmunl,ty-buod rcnerrabh GrlGEy prclcctr funded since 2005 YOURVOICE MATTERS! We want to hear from you! Fill out a short survey a1 iurucfilonkcy.om/r/RockyBluasky to tell us why you participatc in BJue Sky. O Auoqdtdt ,u*rE rd. Hk M Last yearthe Blue Sky Bloci< size doubledlThat means you doubled )'our ifipact for the same price. This yean you can rnake a :igger drfference by inoeasing your Biue Sky oarticipai'on, /';3just tl.e rrur ber of Ucrlc 1'o: purcra* by rclo'!irg t:is b:rr railing l-800.769-1717. or orrlir€ at rcckymoumainpowcr.not/bluecky, Erci: 2ttQ lcloyalt-hoi.r t.cck is an additiomi $ 1.95 per nrorith. Fhd morc in.ormaaion about )Eur optionB m the ba(k ofth's lettcti ,&F Sfnrrro uplor: f] tsAIOO<S lor g2925 : .c,: carr: r cnrlr I re u-oo<s to'$58 50 nue 1'24i' rnon1tr fl rr otocrs ror'gE7.75 r,r*rr:r;h ^,;'i I scu xe rr roa - BLocx(r) ior$1.95 c:qh pe'n ;rt&.rnbh ouR il'1PACT iN 20.t0 INCREASE YOUR IMPACT! I 200tWlrHqk EnsSy Exhibit C Non-Residen tial Customer C erti fi cate Certificate of Blue Sky" Renewable Energy Support in 2020 BLUESI(Y V,,ROCKY MOI'{TA]{ xPorYERher for making a difference with Blue Slq ln 2020, your business reduced its carbon footprint by... 6 ;+aatlttltIIII--r 5,278,000 pounds ofcarbon dioxidel by suPPorting. 3,5OO,OOO kilowatt-hours of renewable energy thot's how much energy...5,306 solar panels would generate rn a year' 4l Enaffff, BlucskyprcducEreGrco.c.Encrgrccftm.dmdm.ctthcGnylrcnmenElildcoem.rprctedlonstmdardsrctbrthb/thenonprofitl* !?t' l,Y! V , Ccns 6or Rmurcc Solutlonr. Lsm mm et m.trcGFc'ort Lr,b.,, lorrpil..1 f€du(rio. b,sen dl rhe difi.,.:,t.. bstseef th. glue Sli iitl.!iLl fi,t e,,J l'/(il,Coit {uel il,, (Scilrc€: Pacf,Ccrp 2018i raplrfrFhtrt::€Fnr d tr7 b) 4I*",