HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191101Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MENTORANDUM CONIMISSIONER KIELLANDER COMN{ISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDE,RSON COMMISSION SECRI'TARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL t'RolI:JOHN R, HANIMOND JR. DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAI, DATE: NO\'EN{BERl,2019 SUBJECI': On October 10, 2019, Rocky Mountain Power ("Rocky Mountain" or "Company") applied to the Commission for authority to modify its Electric Service Schedule No. 3l - Partial Requirements Service -High Voltage, to add an option for customers taking service at distribution voltage levels. APPLICATION In December of 2O12, the Commission approved Schedule 3l Partial Requirements Service for customers taking service at transmission voltage levels. Sce Order No. 32704. Application at 2. Rocky Mountain asserts Partial Requirements Service is designed for customers with onsite generation. Id. The Company states this service consists of Supplementary, Back-up, Maintenance, or Excess Power service. /d. Rocky Mountain states customers can contract for Partial Requirements Service for a minimum ofone year. 1d. The Company points out that Partial Requirements Service is only available to transmission customers with loads up to 15,000 kW. 1d. Despite this, the Company represents it was recently contacted by a customer who takes service at a distribution voltage level who is interested in Partial Requirements Service. /r/. at 3. Due to this customer inquiry, Rocky Mountain requests Commission authority to expand Schedule 3l to enable customers scrved at distribution voltages to take service. The Company represents this will also provide more transparency for customers to better evaluate their options as they consider self-generation. 1/. DECISION MEMORANDUM TO: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPI,ICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO N{ODIT'Y OLECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDUI,E NO. 3I PARTIAI, REQUIREMENTS SERVICE; CASE NO. PAC-FI-19-15. Thc Company requests that its Application be processed by Modified Procedure under the Commission's Rules of Procedtrre. Id. at 4. STAF}- RECOMMENDATION Staff recommcnds the Commission issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure. Staff recommends the Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure provide for written comments to be due for the Commission Staff and any other interested panies on January 15, 2020, and a reply comment deadline for the Company of January 22,2O2O. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure that establishes a written comment deadlinc of January 15,2020, for Staff and any other interested parties followed by a January 22, 2020, reply comment deadline for the Company? J Hammond Jr. Attorney General lll-rsrAl:l.!jCTRIC\PAC h le Ii\Mnnx\PAcElrllllhl doc ,]DEI]I.SION MEMORANDUM